Five Nights At Freddy's Security Breach Re-energize - kirbymon15 (2024)

Chapter 1

Chapter Text

content warning: blood. violence.

1. It was a rainy evening tonight as I walked towards the soon to be closing Mega Pizza Plex. It was a populair huge mall-like building based around its animatronic stars. Robots like animals who perform for parties and play games. It sounded silly. but when you see them up close you couldn't help but be amazed at how human like they act. I only went there once or twice. I had a blast with the games there. But the things that really stuck to me were the advanced anthropomorphic animatronic stars. They were Glamrock Freddy. A bear. Montgomery Gator. An alligator. Glamrock chica. A chicken. And Roxanne wolf. A wolf. They were all dressed like eighties stars. They even performed on a big stage once they didn't walk around and interacted with the other customers. It was around 10:55 pm and I didn't want to be too late or go at a time that might have been busy. Thanks to an incident that happened in the Mega Pizza Plex. it had been closed for quite some time. However once it reopened it was as popular as it was before. Maybe even more now. There was on the news a report of a woman that used to work there. A night guard named Vanessa. Arrested for attempted murder. kidnapping. Tempering with company property and more. I was just glad such an awful person was gone and locked up. I thought to myself as I closed my umbrella and went through the double doors. Because my family and I were pretty poor. I could almost never come but once or twice a friend invited me for his birthday. Though I was already happy to have a roof still above my head. And to keep it that way I'd decided to see if the night guard job is still open. I was more of the stranger side of people. Weird. Autistic. and a bit caring for others even if I can't speak well or remember specific words sometimes. Even then I'd still want to make sure I can support myself or my friends online that I talk to. I finally feel my nervousness go fully inside. The music in the background sometimes echoing. The shining neon lights as well as the overall aesthetic of the pizza plex was as cozy as ever. Seeing only a mother or father with their child walking around or past me to go home. I kept on walking as I saw another worker still at the entrance and exit counter. With a smile on my face and as best as I can. I greeted him. "hello. I saw the poster and advertisem*nt about you needing a new night guard? I was wondering if the position was still open?" I ask as he lets out a sigh before he rests his head on his hand. "yeah. What about it? You wanting the job?" I gave a simple nod. He grabbed his phone as he started to call someone. "Hey boss. good. got a new one here. yes nightguard. okay? okay." Talking for a bit before nodding and hanging up . "Called the boss up and said that i should see if you're qualified so I'll ask you some questions first". I nodded again as I see him type in the pc

"Name and age?"

"Arthur". "28."

"Any past Criminal record? Or drinking problems?"

"None. I don't even drink coffee. So I'm clean."

"How thoroughly are you when looking for something?"

"I'd say above average. I pay a lot of attention to details or things that look out of place."

"Describe your personality."

"Well I'm mostly quiet. autistic and timid person. but I'm not afraid to talk to people. I like to help others out, may they be customers or colleague's. I always keep my promises and i am rarely sick sinds I don't have much of a social life besides online."

"I see. Alright. let's say. a child is crying cause he lost his parents, what do you do?" I thought more about this question. sinds I did not know the in and outs of the pizza plex or how they operate. So it was hard to give a good answer.

"Hm. I'd try to calm him down a bit and ask for his name. Then ask him where he was before coming here to see if we can find his parents then. otherwise go back to here. and look in the system if his parents number is noted down to contact them. if they are unreachable. I'd stay with the child and look for his parents together. asking where they went before getting lost. if they have a meet up point. or otherwise listen to him describing them to find them."

He nodded as he kept on typing.

"Can you stay calm against more rough children and or parents?"

I nodded.
"I'd like to think so. I do have autism but I always try to be civilized and resolve it peacefully first. But can be rough when needed. and I'll always try to de-escalate the situation as best as I can." He gave a nod as he typed on his pc. "Alright. We would test you out first. But sinds you're the only one who applied in the last 2 months. and sinds I'm not being paid enough to care. We are desperately in need of one. Welcome aboard. Your night shift starts at 11:45 pm. Till 6 am. Do you Think you can start tonight? We are short on staff and I had to fall in for the night shift but. yawn. I can use a good night sleep. he said as I nodded. "Ofcorce. leave it to me." giving him a sly smile as he looks at me satisfied. "good. If you follow me to the back of the employee only room for your new guard uniform and equipment like a flashlight and such." I nodded as that would be handy to have. getting from behind the counter as he holds out his hand towards me. "I'm Mike by the way. you can see me as the vice manager." he said as I shake it. "the pleasure is all mine and even more to help you out tonight." I say as I was led to the employee only area. Getting a white shirt with the Security logo on the back. A badge with the Freddy Fazbear logo on it. black long pants and matching shoes. It seemed odd at first but it looks like these shoes were specially made for long walks while also leaving no imprint on the floor. even when scraping across it. I also got a flashlight. a security guard access card as well as a freddy themed watch. "this is a freddy fazwatch. Here you can access the many cameras and other options you'd need throughout the pizza plex. Take good care of it." he says as I put it on tight to make sure it doesn't slip off. but still is comfortable to wear.
I look at the clock sinds it's only two hours before the shift would start. I looked back at Mike. " hey. Is it okay if I stay here till my shift starts?" He shrugged. "suit yourself." and went back to his post. I started to play and test a bit with the fazwatch just to get a hang of the thing. Looking around the place to get a mental note of what would needed to be cleaned up. No lost children or angry parents were anywhere to be seen luckly. Though I was surprised at how many cameras there were. even throughout the attractions themselves. After a while I hear my phone buzz. Seems the alarm for my work I put on worked nicely. but I gotta change that ring tone sometimes. I take a deep sigh as I put away my phone and go to my first night shift. I saw and waved Mike goodbye as I see him leave to go home. I think of where to start at as I Try to remember the times I did go here when I was younger. Sadly I can't remember much of this place. besides of course the main animatronics. i was never able to meet them in person. So I might as well start there. i made my way towards the back of the Pizza Plex. To Rockstar row where all of them are located in their personal rooms. usually known as their green rooms. There people can visit them and take photos and talk to them privately with a photo pass. Hearing the clips of my shoes on the clean floor as I see staff bots here and there cleaning up or mopping the floor. These robots looked simpler. Having thick bottom parts with wheels as they are mostly white with black eyes. having a torso with slim Arms and neck that held up his head. I try to not get in the way of them as I try to make it to Rockstar row. The soft background music is still there as before. putting my nerves slightly at ease. as I walk towards that area. I can see Rockstar row. all the rooms that the animatronic stay in are positioned at my left. having the outside themed with colors and faces of their respective animatronics. In the main room you see all sorts of things in display cases. like an old animatronic part or instrument from a bygone age. There were also aligned with their private rooms a golden statue in front of each of them. resembling the animatronic closest to there green room. holding objects like a Mike stand. or a racing helmet and the likes. in front of each animatronics room there was a glass wall. so you could see if one of them was inside. unless the curtains were closed of course. all of them had it. well all but one room. in which it seemed to be closed down. Several boards around it saying it's under construction. I paid it not much mind as I started at the room in the far back. sinds i was there anyway from looking at the statues and the display cases already. Starting with Chica's Green room who was shredding it on her guitar. Slightly rocking my head to the sound as I was still impressed by the movements of the animatronics as well as their behavior. Making them feel more human than even other humans sometimes, or so it felt to me. I stayed close to the door as I didn't want to interrupt her. When I hear the final sort of end cord that's usually at the end of metal songs I'd knock on the door. Hearing a small "baka?" Like a robotic chicken would. figures. I likely startled her sinds it's after closing time. I put my guard pass against the door's card reader as it flickers green and the door opens up as I step inside. Chica turns to Me as I try to stay calm. Standing there were one of the bipedal animatronics.
A white Chicken with Her body being slightly curvy. Her chest, waist, hip and shoulder pieces are dark pink. meant to resemble a sleeved leotard. Her arms, thighs, neck and head as well as her fingers were white. With her palms being colored green as if she wore fingerless gloves. matching her triangle green earrings. Her lower legs are painted to resemble leg warmers, with her left leg a green leopard print and her right leg a purple tiger print. Kinda like old school aerobic dancers would wear in videos or on TV. Her beak and talons are orange with even plastic dark pink lipstick on her beak. Having 2 small pink stripes on her cheeks. She has three stray "feathers'' that stick out from the top of her head. as she wears a purple hair bow around them. Her shoulder pads and belly were dark pink. She wears a black studded bracelet on each arm. Her body is segmented at the joints, with ball-jointed arms and legs. Small panels can be found all over her body, mainly on her waist and upper arms. And last but not least. Her purple eyes. dark pink eyelids and black eyebrows. As she Stared directly at me. She puts her star shaped guitar away so it leaned against the wall. I can see her eyes move as she looked all over me. "Greetings Chica. sorry for bothering you. But I'm the new security guard. And I was just gonna come by and say hi. wondering if i can get you anything?" Yeah really smooth Arthur. I thought to myself. I thought I was already messing it up but my worries were washed away when I saw her give a robotic smile back. Even if she was still an animatronic. Her expressions with the limited beak movements and eyes were still impressive. Most people would find it unnerving. but I found it more comfortable. Especially with my past experiences with quote on quote. normal people. "HI! It's so nice to meet you!" She said in excitement as she walked closer to me. Her metal feet stomping on the ground slightly as she moved and embraced me in a hug. Though it was my first time hugging an animatronic. I did on instinct hug back or try to at least. I wanted to make sure I didn't stay silent as I didn't want to make things awkward for both of us. "why thank you. Talk about a warm welcome. And I really liked your guitar playing. Rocking it like the Rockstar you are!" I said with genuine enthusiasm as her smile got more clear. "Thank you! I've been practicing a lot to make sure I don't miss a cord when it's show time! and aww. how sweet of you." I could only smile brightly and nod as I agreed. I just stared at her as she did the same to me. almost out of nowhere. she spoke up. "Oh! Have you met the others yet? They are so wonderful! you'd have To! '' I shook my head. "The others? No, I haven't met them yet. You're the first one I visited. Although maybe I should visit the others before it gets too late. I don't want to take up each of your evenings." Chica gave a smile and a nod as I made my way back to the door. I could hear and feel her following me closely. Before I left. Chica asked. "oh! Next time can you bring some pizza? That would be wonderful!" She said as I gave her a smile. "Of course I can Chica. I'll bring 2 so we both can have one. Or you can have half of mine too." I said with a smile before I left and closed the door. "Huh. That went better than expected. She did feel slightly intimidating. But she is as nice as I heard about." I thought to myself as I kept on walking. But my thoughts were interrupted as I jumped scared at a hard crashing noise. Freezing up before hearing it coming from Monty's room. The trashing and crashing of furniture that is being thrown around. I always heard about his destructive tendencies, even though it had been a recent occurrence. but i wasn't sure of the cause or even how to handle it. Maybe actions speak louder than words. I waited til I heard a large object crashing before knocking on Monty's door. Hearing nothing but silence as everything went quiet. I can hear some annoyed grunting as well as scrambling of pieces. Of course this mess he would not be able to hide. Coming in as I open his door. His room was a complete mess. The floor was covered in Monty merchandise as well as a dented in locker. and in a half broken table. and shards of glass all over the floor. likely coming from the now broken star shaped mirror. The only thing that was still in one piece or as much as possible was the couch. But even that had lots of scratch marks dug into it. And there stood. Montgomery Gator. an alligator like animatronic. Having a top bulky body with a seam on the front of his torso. having Green colored parts for his body. The side and back of his torso as well as his arms. Having black spots on his arms and cheeks. His legs also had a crocodile darker green skin pattern on it. Green scale-textured pants. He has a long tail that runs in five green and yellow segments with each segment having spots and bumps resembling an alligator's scutes. His torso had a light yellow color for the chest and belly. as the rest of his body was just green. He had green fingers with black claws on his hands and feet. His hands, excluding the fingers. His shoulder pads and feet were purple. Having also 3 roundish toes on each foot with said black claws. The upper part of his face was green while his lower jaw was also a lightning-yellow color. His mouth filled with sharp teeth as he had of course an alligator shaped head and muzzle. Having a green neck. Wearing black studded arm bracelets around both his arms. but also wearing a studded black belt around his waist. He had a red mohawk and wore purple glasses with yellow star-shaped sunglasses. Behind it were his eyes. He had red eyes with purple eyelets. And black eyebrows. Still seeming to recoil from the destruction and throwing everything around I bet. There was an awkward silence in the room as we stood there for a moment. Weirdly he breaks the silence by surprise. "so. Let's get this over with. go ahead. Tell the big bad gator what he did wrong today. Teach me a lesson so I would not do it again." he said in a condescending tone. He must often get berated by staff or others when they find his room in this state. He stands there with his arms crossed as I just gave a smile. Not that he could see anyway. Instead of berating him or even talking to him. I decided to do a thing that not even the gator himself expected. I grabbed the big dented in cabinet and started to lift it back up. as well as picking up broken pieces of the mirror and table that laid around. cleaning up patches of stuffing. likely from a plushy. as I clean up more orange cloth parts. I'm trying to be as careful as possible as I can see the gator's gaze glare at me from the side of his glasses as I continue to clean up. salvaging what I could do in the room. even putting the only one slightly torn left over Monty plushy back on his makeup desk. It took quite a while but eventually I managed to make the room look. passable. I would need to look for any new replacements for the furniture as well as the mirror. I grabbed the leftover scraps and took them out of his room so I could throw them away later. I gave a small smile as I looked at Monty. He still had his back turned to me. "I'll. I'll try to get the broken mirror and other merchandise repaired and or replaced. If you need anything else, don't be afraid to call for me. I'll gladly do what I can." I said as the gator looked a bit unsure. Not sure if it's unease. or uncertainty. He scoffs as he sits back on his scratched sofa and I walk out of the room. Half way through the door I could hear him say. "Hey kid. What's your name?" I stopped as I looked back with a soft smile and said. "Arthur. I'm the new security guard. Nice to meet you Monty." before I went through and closed the door. Snagging the metal scraps. plates. and all into different trash bags that I'll throw out later. "Two down. a few more to meet." I say to myself as I walk towards the next room of Rockstar row. Roxanne wolf's room. I was pretty nervous about this one. but not in the way you might think. she was always my favorite. Her personality was almost the opposite of me. Where she was pretty. confident. co*cky. competitive and the best. I was pretty ugly. self conscious. more quiet and not so competitive. I took a deep breath as I listened closely to the door. I could hear the muffed talking. "Your hair is beautiful. Your tail is beautiful. Everyone was watching you. Everyone loves you. Everyone wants to be you. you. are. the best!" After that I decided to knock on the door. getting a "who's there?" In return. I then open the door as I give a smile to Roxanne. She was one beautiful animatronic. A Grey wolf. Her body was an hourglass shape. But being more top heavy then Chica. with the front of her torso being Silver as were her fingers, muzzle, neck as well as her inner-ears. wearing one purple earring on her right ear and a black one on her left. as well as a black nub type of earring behind each one. Her long flowing tail and her waist long hair were a beautiful flowing silver with green bangs on the front. As for the part around her belly as well as her arms. Thighs. Palms. Face and feet were all silver. She wore a red bikini like top and bottom. With a black star-like shape on them. As her red shoulder pads had them as well. Her forearms and lower legs were purple with a black striped tiger print on them. Resembling arm and leg warmers. She wore black studded wristbands on each of her arms as well as a studded collar and belt around her neck and waist. She also had green claws on her fingers. But purple once on her pawed feet. She had a wolven head. With a black nose and two small stripes on each of her cheeks resembling whiskers. Her muzzle had an almost oval shape with sharp white teeth. Both her eyes were a golden yellow with purple eyelids and black mascara and black eyebrows. Her body is segmented at the joints, with ball-jointed arms, hands and legs. Small, rectangular panels are found on her upper-arms, torso and thighs. I can see her instrument stand in one of the far corners. A guitar of some kind. but the strings were replaced with the keys of a keyboard. It was green and had here and there a splash of purple on it. She looked at me with her piercing yellow eyes. I try to stay calm as I take a deep breath and introduce myself. "Greetings Roxanne. I'm Arthur the new security guard. I thought it be a good idea to meet with the Stars of this place. So I just had to come here sinds you're the best for sure." I say as I pointed a finger at her. Her gaze seemed to soften a bit as she stood more relaxed and confident. "Of course you'd want to visit me. And truly I AM the best. Thank you." She said gloating a bit but I was just happy to see her happy. And luckily I wasn't lying either. So it made things all the easier to say to her. "I truly mean it to. From your amazing styled hair and makeup. to your rocking performance on your keytar. to even your matching green colors from your green hair bang that matches with your claws on your hands and your instrument. to the black marks on your cheeks matching the black parts of your awesome outfit. Your stunning!" That last one kinda slipped out, but it wasn't a lie. She truly was. After I finished I waited a bit worried that I might have gone overboard and make it sound insincere. But I hoped that would not be the case sinds I added specific details about her what i liked. She tilted her head a bit as she put her hand on her hip. "a security guard and a real fan huh? I think we will get along just fine." I smiled brightly at that. rubbing the back of my head as she crossed her arms. "Well Arthur. Want an autograph? Do you have any shirts? Hats? or Stuffed animals you'd want signed?" I got a smile on my face before it disappeared as I rub my arm and slightly look down. "I. I'm sorry. I sadly don't. I was never able to. Afford anything the two times I went here as a kid." which was true. Usually these two times I did go. I didn't have my own allowance. so the money would usually go to the presents of the birthday kid. I had to rely on others to buy stuff for me. With no success. Roxy's expression changed almost like a switch. from annoyance or disappointment. to wide eyed shock with a slightly opened mouth. She seemed deep in thought before speaking up again. "Hm. Wait here." She asked as I nodded. She walked over to her star shaped mirror. Looking over the makeup desk that was under it and pulling out a small poster. On it was Roxy herself. Posing in a rocking motion while she holds her keytar and stands on stage. She grabs a pen which is a lot bigger and thicker to accommodate the bigger and stronger animatronic hands. She put it down and walked back. holding out the signed poster in front of me. "Here." I looked at the poster and back at her. Slowly reaching out and holding it. She let go as I smiled brightly. "T-thank you so much Roxanne! You're the best!" She lets out an amused chuckle. "I know. And no worries. I got to give my new fan something special." I happily held it but not too hard so it wouldn't crumple. Roxy took a quick glance into her own mirror before she looked back at me. "when will be the next time you will come back?" I quickly replied. "just tomorrow I hope. I'm not sure what my schedule is for my work week yet." She nodded as her tail slightly swayed. I was surprised that the tail even had moving parts in them as well. "Good. I'll make sure you get the best time you can have here Arthur." She said confidently as I nodded happily. Then checking my watch as I looked at the time. Letting out a sad sigh. "I will sadly need to go back to work. Or else I might be in more trouble then I want to be in. Hm. Is there anything I can do for you or get you?" She shook her head. "No. That will be all. I'll go to my charging station. But come back soon. My fans are always welcome." She says as I nodded rapidly and happily. "I gladly will. Oh! And you can always come to me. or contact me if you need anything else." I said with a smile as she flicks her hair with her claw and slightly posed. "just remember who is the best." I giggled a bit. "after today I'll never forget who is the best here. It's you Roxanne." I say that last part in a not so quiet whisper before waving her goodbye. The door opened and closed behind me. Then i took a deep shaky breath. "that went better than expected. A job well done. Speaking of my job. maybe it would be a smart idea to check up on the cameras just in case before going to Freddy." Looking through the faz watch cameras I can see many parts of the pizza plex in different sectors. like the main performance stage in the Atrium. to the entrance to even some of the employee only rooms. All sections had multiple cameras from different angles. leaving almost no blind spot open. I even looked in some of the cameras I missed before. There was the Fazcade. a place filled with arcade machines. where a giant animatronic seemed to be surrounded by yellow construction tape. As parts of it were laying down next to it on pellets. It must be huge to have the need to move it part by part instead of fully. I wondered where he was going. I then looked at a camera that was just aimed at a door labeled Super Star Daycare .I thought for a bit and did hear a rumor of there being an animatronic there too. Maybe I should visit that place as well. After looking through the rest of the cameras and seeing everything was as it should be. I stood in front of the last door. to freddy fazbear's room. The main star and mascot of this Mega Pizza Plex place. I knock as usual before opening it up and walking inside as I see the star of the Glamrock band stand there. His body is primarily colored a bright orange or lighter yellow as well as his arms. Thighs. palms. Crotch. Neck. And most of his head and the lower parts of his fingers. While his front torso. Belly. Inner-ears. feet. Finger tips. Muzzle and jaw were beige. His lower jaw was also equipped with a pair of fangs. His nose was black as he had light blue claws on his hands and feet. He had a light blue lightning bolt on his beige belly. as well as light-blue claws on his hands and feet and red shins. Having a painted on mask in the same color. It also had a red colored outline on the outside of it. The same color red were also his shoulder pads and lower legs. He had one red ear ring in his left ear and wore a small top hat on his head. It had a blue stripe on the base. He also wore the same studded bracelets as the others on each arm. He wore a black bow tie. Making him look dapper with the hat. His torso has a distinctive seam across the front where his chest compartment opens up. And last but not least. His blue eyes and black eyebrows. I watched him as he was waving at me. Walking closer as I held out my hand. "Hello there. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Arthur. the new security guard. but don't let that title fool you. I gladly help you or the others in anyway i can." I said as Freddy held his larger hand out and shaked mine. "it's nice to meet you officer Arthur." He said as I rubbed the back of my head. "The pleasure is all mine, Freddy. But you can just call me Arthur. I just came around and introduced myself to you and the others. They are all so nice in one way or another. you got quite the family fazbear." he smiled at that. "Of course. I care deeply about all of them. They keep this place open and keep the smiles on the children and adults alike. which always makes me the most happy to see." I agreed happily with that. The overall reactions besides the mad parent or bratty kid here and there were quite positive. Still a welcoming surprise that so many people get to enjoy it here. "Well by the sounds of what I've heard you're exactly correct. So keep up the good work Super Star." I said as I heard him calling others that. so i jokingly called him that back. Getting a small chuckle in return. I did forget to ask something to him. "Oh! Is there anything i can help or assist you with?" Freddy looked up as he nodded. "indeed. There seems to be something wrong with my stomach hatch. it won't properly open and close. Could you take a look to see what's wrong?" He asked as he pointed at his belly. Freddy had an unique option to open up his belly and torso with 2 plates. In that empty spot inside of him usually kids would sit in there or oversized birthday cakes and piñatas would be stored for parties. I grabbed my flashlight from my pocket as I smiled. "Ofcorce. Let's see here. Can you start by attempting to open your stomach hatch? "I ask as I watch him try to open it. The bottom plate works fine as it went down without any trouble. but the top plate seems to be stuck half way and clanking each time it tries to open up. lucky for ones. I was short enough to match in height with Freddy's lower torso. so I can easily peek inside with my flashlight. shining it around as i saw one of those opened up prize boxes inside of him. It was a box in the shape of a real present. But with the crank on the side. Just crank it as a tune played and a spring would pop up with the present attached to it. Though it seems that the spring that usually pops out. Now had wedged and coiled itself around one of the metal bars that pushes the top plate up. "Found it. There seems to be a leftover spring of a gift box that's pulling on your inside mechanism. I'll see if I can get it off." I say as I put my hand into the small opening and try to pull on it. Then grab it. Then jiggle it a bit. Getting annoyed slightly before trying to get a side of the gear and twist it. Like unscrewing a screw. not fully getting loose but it did lessen the pressure on the spring. After around 3 minutes I finally managed to pull out the bent spring from the metal bar. "got it! Mind opening fully up for me? Then I can get the box out while I'm at it." Freddy nodded as his stomach hatch opened without any effort or hindrance. I pulled the opened gift box out of him. "Way to go Super Star! Thank you for your help." I rub the back of my head and smile. getting a small blush from the appreciation. "Aww you're too kind Freddy. I'm always happy to help. I'll take this box away with some other trash I still need to take out. But it's always my pleasure to help." I say as I give a small bow. Going to the door to leave as Freddy waves me bye. ``see you soon officer. I mean. Arthur." he corrected himself as I left his room. I put the used gift box with the other broken stuff I had cleaned up from Monty's room. I took both things back to the employee only area so I can throw it away later after my shift. Though there was still one place I needed to visit. as I made my way through the cleaning staff bots towards the daycare center. It was a big white castle with a brown wooden door with lots of rainbows and clouds at the sides of the doorway. I check the handle and yep, it's open. After going in and checking the cameras just in case. yet again nothing new. I decided to go in. The place was like a giant play place. A tube leading into the main area of ball pits. rope bridges and slides. Even the music sounded silly. like something from a cartoon while hearing the occasional funny spring sound effect or bird tweeting in between. The entrance had your usual shoe storage cabinet. A giant golden statue or 2 from what looks like the daycare animatronics. One of a golden jester with the head of a sun. and the other one behind that one wore a night cap and had the head of a moon. There also stood a big table in the room with a lot of chairs. Likely for parents to sit on and relax while the kids play in the daycare. There was also a set of rules on display on the wall. It was the usual playplace rules. no shoes, no running, no climbing, no fighting, no making a mess and the likes,. tho the last one did caught me off guard. Keep the lights on. I had no idea if this place had a tendency to go dark. but I might as well keep it in mind. Just so I abide by the rules. I took off my work shoes and went through the pipe slide straight into the play place ball pit. It brought me all sorts of good memories and less pleasant ones. But I kept on moving forward and looking for anything out of the ordinary. When I went through the ball pit I could hear the jingle of bells as well as a voice. "HO HO HO!" I heard a voice say as I looked towards the direction where I thought it was coming from. Looking up as I see a yellow and beige striped colored jester outfit wearing slim animatronic. with triangles across his head like the sun rays of a. well. sun. Bells were covering his outfit. as well as on the tip of his elf-like shoes. Watching him jump down from such a height as he lands in the ball pit himself. Almost disappearing under it. I looked a bit to the sides to see any movements, not knowing if he is okay or not. I step closer as the balls from the ball pit rustle around. before he jumped out and put his hands on my shoulders. making me gasp. "HELLO!! Who are you? Where are your friends?! We don't get many grown ups around here?" He asked as he looked at me with his oddly blank eyes. Holding me by my shoulders as I was bombarded by the assault of questions. Slowly walking back out of the ball pit and onto the normal daycare padded floor. "I. uhh. well." I stammer out before trying to compose myself. "My name is Arthur. I'm the new security guard here. and I was just exploring around to meet all of the other animatronic stars. So I thought I'd give you a visit. and ask if you are in need of anything. I've never been to the daycare before. would you mind it if I took a look around while we talked?. That way you can keep an eye on me for any funny business." I say as I smile more as he lets me go. Now knowing that I was at least an employee here. "Splendid! How wonderful! It's always nice to meet someone new. And you're the first one to come and visit old me. Tho." he gave a stern look if his face could do so. "did you read the rules? it's very very very Important!" He asked almost in an intimidating tone. "Sure !" And I'd like to keep it that way. I'm not much of a rule breaker." I said honestly as I was just new and not too familiar with this place. I looked at the colorful ground. But I stopped as I saw a black stripe going over it. I bent down to it as it looked a bit out of place. grabbing it and looking it over. I see that it's a wire? A thick black wire that went throughout the play place and all around. I looked back at Sun. "um. Why are there exposed wires here?" With a skip and a hop he walked in front of me. "Oh! Those are for the generators! If power were to go out here at the daycare. We can activate them to restore it! Handy right?" I kept looking as I saw the generator or at least one of them sitting in one of the play places' crossings. Which didn't seem all that safe. "Hm. Maybe I could try and hide these long cables more around the padded walls or pipes. depending if they are hollow or not. Heck with some left over iron plates I could even make some boxes to cover them up in. Or at least put them in a closed off area like a dead end with just one plate. hm." I keep thinking as I noted it down With the replacements for Monty's room and the likes. I'm not sure if the boss be comfortable with a new hired worker messing around in the daycare. a place for small children to stay and play. so I'll have to ask permission later just to be sure." Sun looks a bit unsure as I was as well. I wasn't sure what to talk about. Sinds I never have bin to the daycare in my life. So I don't have much conversation topics. "So.. I hope handling the children isn't to hard on you sun?" he jumped up almost like he's snapped out of a daydream. "Oh of course! They are such a delight to be around! play games with. and even making arts and crafts together! I still got some glitter glue and googly eyes with me!" I smiled as googly eyes where the bomb when I was younger. "Tho they can get a bit rowdy at times and need me to clean up. But most come! And leave. with a bright smile!" I nodded as I looked around. wondering if the other animatronic from that golden statue is here to. "Are you alone here then? What about the other guy on the statue? The one with the nightcap? I don't see him anywhere." Sun shivers a bit like a cold wave ran up his spine. "W-well he's Here! Just that he comes out more at night and I during the day! He handles nap times as well as any intruders manually while I warn the other Co workers outside." I looked happy and surprised. "That's quite impressive. Talk about teamwork makes the dream work." He twirled around as he jumped a bit. His bells jingle as he bounced. "you said it well! But to come back on your question at the start. I don't think I need anything." I nodded as I started to walk back towards the exit. "Alright. Then I'll be off to do the rest of my job. If you need anything. Don't be afraid to come or contact me. alright sun?" He opened the exit door for me. "Of course! Of course! Now have a pleasant night~." as he closes the door behind me. I felt something was off tho. Something. unusual. unnerving. it makes me shiver. and then I realize. I'm still standing on my socks. I Walk around back to the entrance as I grab my shoes and put them back on. Then taking a deep breath and started to explore the rest of the pizza plex. I couldn't see much sinds most attractions seemed to be closed off with a shudder door. I sigh before i checked my fazwatch for the time. "wow. it was already 5:45?! Time flies by fast." I quickly jogged back so I can store the scrapped furniture and now broken giftbox away to the back of the employee area. Soon before I knew it my phone alarm went off. 6 am. I stretched as I go back to the main entrance and waved back at Mike who came in yawning. "HI Mike. had a good rest?" He waved his hand loosely as he nodded. " yeah. how did the night go?"I smiled with a proud smile. "no worries! Cleaned up some trash bags. I talked to the animatronics. and checked the cameras around the pizzaplex. I've only been there sinds the other parts and attractions were closed off with the shutter doors." He kinda face palmed but seemed too tired to do it fully. "Oh yeah. I forgot about those. Here, give me your fazwatch for a moment." I nodded as I hand over my watch and he does a view things on it before handing it back. "sinds you didn't break any of the props. Didn't harass the cleaning staff bots and didn't run away screaming. He thinks you're ready to have control over the shutter doors as well. Usually not all attractions are closed off each day but we needed to take some. Safety precautions. From our last night guard." I nodded. "Of course. New guard. history of the older one. Just making sure I don't steal any merchandise. am i right?" I say in a half joking manner as he seemed to relax a bit at me not being offended. "Exactly. Now go home and rest. Tomorrow is a new day. or night. See ya." He said as he walked past me and I walked out of the door. Biking home as I plop on my bed. taking my sleeping pills and snoozing off to dreamland. or for as long as I could before my alarm went off again. I spend most of the day sleeping. chatting online and eating dinner. The usual stuff before getting ready for work night. hoping to make the second one as good as the first. tho this time prepared as I went off. Taking some tools like a wrench. drill. and metal plates for the daycare. as well as The replacements for Monty's room. As I walked through I greeted Mike again. "Hey Mike. Had a good day shift?" He yawned out again. must have been a rough day. "Yeah it was alright. Had almost 3 birthday parties here. Glad you weren't here to see the aftermath." I looked curiously. "oh? Does something need to be cleaned up? I won't mind helping if need be." Mike thought for a bit. "Hm. Maybe you can. Most of it is the tables and the big trash pieces that people scatter around. The staff bots can handle the rest." I nodded. "great! Oh! And I got a view ideas for the pizza plex. Nothing major. just some safety precautions." I said as I got a sigh from Mike. "Ugh. Go ahead." He said in an uninterested tone. I explained to him what I wanted to do in the daycare. He was deeper in thought this time. "Hm. okay but I do need to report these changes to the boss. Gotta make sure he doesn't get any surprises. He's bad at handling them. As for the stuff for Monty's room. Check the loading docks in the back of the building. That is where all the stuff is stored." I nodded as I was internally happy. "thank you Mike. Now why don't you go home? You seem tired enough already." He nodded as he grabs his bag from behind the counter. "Don't mind if I do. Have a good night." I waved Mike back as he left and went straight towards the gift shop. Getting some merchandise to replace the ones in Monty's room. I then went to the outside of the building towards the garage like loading docks. It was easy to find replacement furniture. They were at the front of all the stored stuff there. Likely in advance from having to replace them so often. I took all parts on a big trolley as I went back inside through the front entrance. I used the elevator to get back on the right floor and made my way to Rockstar Row. I entered Monty's room as he wasn't inside. so I started to work right away. Luckly sinds I cleaned up yesterday already. There wasn't much to clean up. Just a fallen over trash can. I could see some scraps of something. It looked like a freddy poster. Torn and clawed to shreds. not a big fan I guess. I collected the pieces as I took the trash bag out and replaced it with a clean one. Putting it on my card as I continued to move the furniture from the trolley cart back into his room. It took some effort but I got them in. Eventually. I went back out as I took a stop by the kitchen. Throwing in one of the frozen cheese pizzas into the big oven there. Luckily the timer was already on at the correct time for basic cheese pizza. After a few minutes it was hot and ready. Literally. I almost burned my hands trying to put it in the pizza box. I put it with my tools on the cart and started to make my way towards Rockstar Row again. When I arrived I looked through the front glass wall of Chica's Green room. But she wasn't anywhere inside. That's odd. I looked at the others as they were missing too. I went inside Monty's room sinds the glass wall was still covered. But he was still nowhere to be found either. I came back out of Monty's room as in my panic I almost forgot I had the cameras. I looked around the cameras seeing that indeed the shutter doors were gone. Monty Golf. Fazer blast. Roxy Raceway. El chip of course and much more finally open. After searching for a while I spotted Freddy heading to Monty golf. "That's strange. I wonder if something happened." I think to myself as I grab the pizza box from the cart and started to make my way towards Monty golf. I looked threw the doors window as i see everyone there at the entrance desk. Chica. Roxy. Monty. and Freddy. They seem to be. picking up golf clubs? Are they gonna play? For some reason I knocked on the door before opening it. Then realizing how weird that must be in this place. When I came in I heard a message playing from the speakers in the attraction. It even sounded like Monty. "Welcome to Monty's Gator Golf. Home of the Hurricane Hole in One! Come on and be ready for a party time!" I almost dropped the pizza box but managed to catch it. Grabbing the attention of Freddy and the others there as Freddy waved at me. "Greetings officer. I mean. Arthur. Sorry. I'm still getting used to that." I walked closer as i give a small bow. hearing the other animatronics greet me as well. "sub?" Monty said. "Nice to see me again. isn't it?" Roxy said. And before I could reply I heard a loud "PIZZA!" comming from Chica. I handed the pizza box over to her with a bright smile. "I wasn't sure what flavor you like. So I got you a cheese pizza to be safe." I say as Chica munches on the pizza. At this rate there won't be any left for me. but I didn't mind. I was a bit curious though. "So. Why are you all here anyway?" I asked as Freddy spoke up. "We are testing the attractions. It's a good way to make sure none of the other employees or children get hurt. Even if it's something as. unusual. as testing out a golf course." Chica held the empty pizza box as she handed it to me. Then she cheered a bit. "So we made it a game night! First gator golf. then fazer blast. then Roxy Raceway. then bon. oh. sorry." She said as she rubbed her arm a bit. Making everyone go dead silent before Monty steps up. "Yeah yeah. Now come on! I wanna see how many of you I can beat here." Roxy gave a growl. "in your dreams gator boy!" Roxy replied. "Hm. " Hey Arthur. You up to join? The more people I beat the better the victory." Roxy asked as I jumped up a bit in surprise and joy. "me? you want me to join? sure! I Just gotta warn you. I am a professional idiot when it comes to golf." I jokingly said as I grabbed a set of balls for all of us. In different colors to keep us apart. Green for monty. orange For Freddy. Red for Roxy. Pink for Chica and i took a blue one. As well as a smaller golf club for myself. Compared to the bigger clubs they use to accommodate their animatronic sizes. The golf clubs were putters. The ones these sorts of places usually used for mini golf. "Then come on! It's party time!" Monty said cheerfully. I quickly put the pizza box away In the closest trash can that there was as I followed the rest. Oddly enough I wasn't even uncomfortable in the slightest around them. Must just be me sinds I'm weird. feeling more comfortable around robots then actual people. When it comes to golf I showed my skills as ever. if I had any. The first hole had a simple straight line to the hole. Monty expertly hitting the ball as it rolled over the green fake ground and bounced off of the edge. Then rolling slowly back into the hole. "Hurricane Hole in one!" That's how it's done!" Monty said As he posed a bit. I clapped slightly for him. "Great job Monty." I said as one after another we went through. I try to mimic Monty's technique. but I still had to take at least 3 more hits to get it in there. "Not too bad. Am I right~?" I said smirking as if I got a hole in one. Making Chica giggle a bit. Roxy was next. She hit the ball as it rolled and bounced off of the back wall. But it stops shortly close to the hole. She growled as she stomped towards the ball and put it in with one more hit. "Great job Roxy. uh. Roxy?" I said and then asked as she turned around and went to the next hole. Making me a bit worried. I looked back at the others. "Will. Will she be okay?" I asked as Chica replied. "Roxy has a bit of a problem with losing." She said as I could kinda understand it. Losing is not fun after all. I waited til everyone had gone through. Chica got it in two hits. Freddy took 3 hits before getting the ball in. Then we all followed Roxy to the next hole. The other holes weren't too difficult but not easy either. With Monty in first place with the most hole in one's. then freddy in second place. Chica in third. and Roxy and I tied for fourth. I tried sometimes to get her attention to see if she is doing okay or if we need to take a small break. But I was mostly being ignored and got more irritated back the later we got into the game. We kept going as I sometimes checked the cameras from time to time. I still had a job that I wanted to keep. The courses were varied but still mini golf. A loop here. A spinning obstacle there. Even one where you can take aim at a small hole as a risk and reward for an automatic hole in one. Which I got by dumb luck. Some of them were quite large even for mini golf. When we come into the final hole. one where you need to hit the ball in an opening and closing Monty gator mouth. I was more nervous. It Seemed that Chica and Roxy had switched places. with me in last place. But I didn't mind it. I will admit I sometimes hit the ball a bit on purpose too hard or too soft. but other times I just sucked.Monty took a stance and waited. He hit it and it went inside of the mouth and the hole with ease. "Woo-hoo! Now that's how it's done! Oh yeah!" Monty said as I went next. Sucking hard as I could not get the timing down and stroked out. "Oh well. Better luck next time." I said Sinds I was in last place anyway. However, What did worry me was when it was Roxy's turn. And sadly she followed suit. Stroking out after she just managed to get it through the gator mouth. She just didn't respond to anything for a bit. So Chica and Freddy went after her as they got it only after a view hit.

as Monty won the match he lets out a triumphant laugh. Freddy addressed everyone afterwards. "Great job everyone. The course seems to work as intended as well as the clubs and the rest of the courses." Chica rubbed her arm as she looked to the side. "yeah. great job." She said a bit down. Maybe because of being in second to last place. I just gave a thumbs up before I heard a bit of creaking. Looking around I can see it's Roxy who has her back turn to the others. Holding her golfclub in both her hands. "Um. Roxy? is everything." I wanted to ask. But I was cut off by her yelling. "NGHA!" and holding the golf club at the hilt. Making an overhead swing and cracking it down on the ground. Breaking it in two from the impact. I and Chica wanted to try to comfort her. "don't worry roxy! You still beat me and Arthur." "y -yeah. To us you are the best." but it fell on deaf ears. she already started to walk away towards the entrance again. I check the cameras as I see her go back to her own room. Freddy walking up to me. "I'm. Sorry you had to see that. She isn't like this when she is around the children or at parties." I nodded. "Don't worry freddy. I just hope she's alright." I said as I then picked up the broken golf club. "Hey freddy? Can I ask for a favor?" I asked as he looked at me curiously. "In the report. Can you leave out the part where Roxy broke the club? You can just put in that I broke it instead. And will replace it as well." He looked surprised as did Monty and Chica. "Huh? Why should you? The darn mutt broke it herself." Monty said as Chica chimed in. "Y-yeah, you don't have to take the blame Arthur." I looked a bit down. "I know but. I just. I don't want Any of you to get into trouble. We all do stuff we didn't mean too when we are angry. Right?" i said as Freddy's ears drooped a bit. "I'm sorry Arthur. But even if I did. the recordings of the camera's will show otherwise. I can however put in it that you offer to replace it." I smiled at that. "Thank you Freddy. and thank you all for the fun game night. I think I should go and check on Roxy before I start to clean up just in case." They all nodded and waved me bye. I put the broken club to the side of the other still whole clubs. After that I jogged my way over to Roxy's room. Leaving the cart as I went to her door. but I stopped and listened carefully when I heard a mix of sobbing and groans of anger coming from inside her room. "I am not a loser. He cheated. He had to. No one can beat me. I am the best. I have to be the best. I can't lose." She said in a depressed tone. I waited a view seconds before I opened the door with my guard pass. "Um. Roxy? Are you okay?" I asked as I came closer to her.she stopped sobbing almost instantly. "W-who's there?" She looked at me with the use of her mirror. I waved a bit. "It's just me. Arthur." She kept looking through the mirror at me. "I'm. fine." She replied back. I came closer. "Are you sure? You don't look fine." I ask again as she replied in an annoyed tone. "It's nothing. You can't understand it. just. get out." She said sternly. I know i was playing with fire. but I could not just leave her in this state. "But if something is troubling you I can help. Or at least listen. And if I don't understand it. Then try to explain it to me so i can." I said as i put my hand on her shoulder pad. But it seems like that didn't help at all. More of the opposite as I see her body slightly freeze and jitter a bit. oh no. that ain't good. I let go right away as I see her standing back up. Turning to face me with the most angry looking eyes her eyelets could make. Almost in a flash. She bends down a bit with her knees before she jumps at me. grabbing my shoulders in a lunch as she slams me into the wall of her room. Her claws digging into my shoulders. "I don't need your or anyone else's help! You know nothing! You wouldn't understand. You couldn't understand! What would a loser like you know that I don't? Feel what I feel! You think your better then me?!" I was frozen in fear. which usually happened when I was scared. I did not scream. nor struggle. I just let out some tears as I stared at her and groaned a bit as I felt her sharp nails dig into my shoulders more. Her grip tightening by the second. "I am the best! I'm supposed to be the best. better than anyone. better than you! Go bother someone else! But I bet you don't even have friends! You are Nothing! Now get out of my room!" She yelled that last part as she let go of my right shoulder. Pulling me towards the still open door by my left shoulder. Feeling the claws dig into it as it gets more painful by the second. She pulled back hard and shoved me out. Making me gasp as I felt her claws cutting my shoulder. holding it with my right hand as I fell on the floor. I see the door close back up again as I was now outside of the room. Back into Rockstar row. I wanted to get back up but I was shaking too much. My shoulder hurt like hell as I held it. I try not to cry or let myself get mad. But I was more depressed at her words. They hurted almost as much as my shoulder did. I felt blood trickling down my hand and arm as I held the wound closed with my hand. I crawled further from Roxy's room with my good arm and more on the opposing side of Rockstar Row. Towards the glass display cases. I leaned near one of these as I was taking deep breaths. trying to stop the bleeding. But the shirt part there was all torn off. so i only had my hand to try and cover it. I kept saying to myself. "Don't cry. Don't get mad. Don't freak out. Don't cry. Don't cry dang it. you can take this." I whisper as I try to stay calm. But it was useless. I was in too much pain. Literally and mentally. sitting there as I cried in silence. After what felt like forever. I felt something. vibrations. more and more as something or someone came closer and closer. I look to my left and right as I see a green and white figure coming closer from my left. It was hard to see as I wiped my tears away with my good arm. Looking again as I see Monty and Chica coming my way. sh*t. Chica first gave me a smile and wave. I wanted to wave back but quickly pulled my arm back to stall the bleeding. Chica looked confused more than anything. as she walked closer and closer. her normal expressions turned into wide eyed shock. She started to go from walking to running towards me. Monty followed her as he likely didn't see what was wrong. Until he focused on me and with a wide opened mouth. started to run as well. Chica reaches me first as she kneels down. "oh no! Arthur what happened?" She asked more worried than ever. Looking over me as Monty reached me soon after. To my surprise, even he sounded worried when he saw me. "what the! Hey. little guy. Are you Alright?" Monty asked me as he stared at me. I try to keep in my emotions but I sadly could not stop my voice from sounding raspy with the frog in my throat. "I. I'm f-fine. I. ngh. p-pushed Roxanne's patience t-to much. hehe. ouch." I try to say jokingly but the sheer pain on my shoulder and mind didn't help. mixed with the horror on Chica's face and even an somewhat angry look on Monty's face. making it clear that it wasn't working. Chica closed her eyes. before opening them 5 seconds later. A blue like light started to glow softly. running over my body. I stayed quiet as I saw the blue light from Chica move over me. when she was done. She blinked. "Oh no! your shoulder is badly hurt. We got to get you to a first aid station quickly! can you stand?" She asked as I could hear Monty grunt in frustration. "darn it Roxy. This isn't good. of all the worst things she could do. Attacking staff is too much." He said as it made Chica freeze up a bit and look to the side. I try my best to stand. But the pain made me sit back down. Groaning as that seemed to snap chica out of whatever she was thinking about. Chica saw my struggles as she put her arms around my legs and back. With a sort of sound like that of a piston clicking into place. She stood up and lifted me up with her. Quite easily which I was surprised by. She turned to face Monty. "Monty. Can you try and get some staff bots here to clean up the blood trail? I'll get Arthur to the first aid station." Monty gave a look at me and then back at Chica. He silently nodded as he started to dash off to the atrium. it had the most staff bots around and was the closest to Rockstar Row. I quickly did my best to put more of my shirt over my wound. Before leaning against Chica. I didn't want to stain her with my blood. Her steps slightly echoing as I see her look back at Roxy's room. The muffled sobbing was still audible from her room. She looked back at me before going through a set of double doors at the end of Rockstar row. "Don't worry. You're gonna be okay." she said in a comforting way. Opening them up as they lead to a less colorful section of the building. with a lot of stairs that went downwards. Her eyes illuminated up the way like 2 big flashlights. "W-where are we?" I asked meekly. Chica looked worried at me. "Well. We are in the Maintenance Tunnels under the Pizza Plex. Employees usually use these to get quickly from place to place instead of using the stairs and elevators." She said as we kept going down.

Chapter 2

Chapter Text

2. We continue to walk down the stairs as we next went through several tunnel-like hallways. Making it to a doorway that had a curtain in place of a normal door. It had a small sign on the side that resembled a plus. The same one's you'd see on medical kits. We went in as Chica puts me down carefully on a soft looking bench. She then started to grab some stuff from the shelfs. Bandages. a cloth. and a bottle of disinfecting alcohol. She puts some on the cloth as she puts her hand on top of mine. The one that I held on my wound. "This might. Will. sting a bit. but it will feel better afterwards. "I promise." She said as I nodded. Letting her move my hand out of the way. showing the open wound. Chica still got a slight stunned expression as she saw it. Slowly putting some of the alcohol on the cloth and putting it close as she started to clean around the wound and soon over it as well. I gasped and let out some tears. but stayed quiet as she continued to clean it. removing all the blood before she started to wrap the bandages around my shoulder and arm. I gave a small smile as she finished up. "Wow. Call me impressed. Thanks to you, I feel as good as new. You got quite the skill Chica." I say in an honest tone. she smiled a bit. "thank you. When you teach a fitness class it may happen that someone trips or gets injured. so I had the knowledge and info stored in my memory just in case." She said as she looked over my wrapped up shoulder. "How are you feeling?" She asked as I checked my shoulder. I could bend and twirl it easily. but putting strain on it did hurt. "Thank you. my shoulder feels a lot better. but I have to ask. what was that blue light from earlier?" I asked curiously. "Oh that? well. We can scan customers to identify them or establish their condition and injuries. with that we'd either. treat the wounded here when it's less severe. and call for an ambulance when it's too severe.'' I nodded as I thought that it was quite incredible. Chica held my hand as she looked directly at me. "are you sure you are alright? no other damaged parts or injuries?" she asked as i shook my head slowly. "no chica. you did well by patching up my shoulder. Now i only feel hurted emotionally. I just need to take it easy for a bit." I said as I gave a small smile. but Chica looked down in a worried way. "Chica? What's wrong?" I asked as she jolted a small bit and still looked sad up at me. "what. will. what will you do now? Are you gonna. tell anyone about what happened?" I kinda blanked out at that question. sinds I didn't even think about any of that. But oddly. i could feel how nervous Chica was about the answer. But i needed more context. "I'm sorry Chica. But I'm not sure I follow." I said as she lets out a sigh and seemed to almost talk in a fearful tone. "When one of us would malfunction or screw up a. lot. we get. Taught a lesson." I looked at Chica with wide eyes. It didn't give me much more context. But Whatever it may be. by her tone it can't be anything good. "A lesson?" I repeated questioningly. She gave a nod. "Adjusted. Taught a lesson. Punished. Usually we are operational again a day after it. and if you make too many mistakes. you. will be replaced." I was almost scared to ask if it was from recovery or if that took that long to execute. but the words replaced echoed threw my mind. "replaced?" I asked almost in a somewhat mad tone. Chica leaning back a bit. "yes. they remove our outer shell parts. and put them on an new endo skeleton. and then. you become used for spare parts." it sounded horrifying. To be honest. was I mad at Roxy? yes. Not for what she did. But for what she said. even if most of these things were true. but did i wanted her to go threw something like that? Hell no! also it wasn't fully her fault. I could have backed off like she told me to. And I didn't blame her for what happened. Chica looked at me still sad as I stayed quiet. I slowly try to get up. "Arthur! take it easy. you're still." She stammers out. But before Chica could finish her sentence. I grabbed a bottle of alcohol and a bigger cloth. Handing them to Chica. She looked surprised and confused. Holding it as I smiled. "When we go back up to Roxstar Row. I want you to go to Roxy. Check on her to see if she is doing okay. Then try to clean her claws. She still has my blood all over them. So this would be the best way to remove it. Tell her that I won't tell anyone what happened. That I'm sorry for pushing her too much. and hope she can have a decent night." She looked at me almost with astonishment. Like she could not believe what she was hearing. I gave a warm smile. "Don't worry about me. I'll be checking on Monty and see if he managed to clean the blood trail I left near her room and door up. alright?" I said happily as I stopped talking. Watching Chica as she could only stand there. Mouth gaped open as I stood near the door and waited. Holding out my hand. "Are you coming to Chica? You make it way easier to go threw these tunnels with your flashlight like eyes lighting up the way." She nodded as she held my arm for support as we started to walk. Leaving the medical station and go back into the maintenance tunnels. I held myself steady with Chica's support just in case I fell or if I needed help. luckily she didn't seem to mind as she just held my arm tighter. Taking careful steps and supporting me when we went up the stairs. Eventually we make it out of the underground tunnels and back to Rockstar Row. I check my fazwatch and the camera's for anything that would be out of place or in need of cleaning up. nothing. I didn't need to look into Roxy's room to know she was still sulking at her desk. I put my hand on Chica's arm. Sinds her shoulder was too high up when she stood for me to reach. "Go ahead Chica. I'll be around still. But most likely busy at the daycare. I still got a job to do." I said as she nodded. I did come with her besides the door entrance so I could open it up for her. She went inside as the door closed behind her. I took a deep sigh as I walked back to the main area of Roxstar row. By the looks of it. It Seems like Monty was able to clean up the bloody trail. I looked at the entrance of Roxstar Row. seeing Freddy and Monty talking to each other. Tho by the sounds of it. It was more like arguing. Monty pointed at me as Freddy turned to look towards my direction. I gave a smile and wave as I realized I still wore the torn and blood covered white shirt. So I could not even hide the bandages nor the dried up blood stains on it. He jogged quickly towards me as Monty followed him with a grunt. "Arthur! Are you alright?" He asked worriedly. I nodded. "yeah. I'm fine. I just have to take it a bit easy on my left shoulder. Nothing much." I tried to smile through the pain slightly as Freddy's ears drooped a bit. his eyes looked sad. "Lissen Arthur. I'm so sorry for what happened. Monty just filled me in on what was going on. I swear Roxy isn't always like that. And I don't. well. you see." he kept trying to ramble on as I saw even Monty getting an annoyed look at him. "What Freddy is trying to say. Is that it won't happen again? Right?" Monty said almost in a demanding tone as he looked at Freddy. He lets out a sigh. "Yes. It won't happen again. I swear." I remembered what Chica said about the punishment that Roxy would get if I did tell on her. Were they protecting her? because that would make three of us who wanted to. I smiled as I made my intentions loud and clear. "It's okay Freddy. I don't blame her for what happened. I already sent Chica to her room with a cloth and alcohol to get my blood off of her claws. I won't be reporting this to management. so you don't need to worry about that. I heard from Chica what happens if I do. And I don't want that for any of you. Even if it wasn't Roxy. But one of you. i still would not have said anything." I said almost with a proud smile for myself. Freddy's expression jumps up in a mix of joy and surprise. as Monty gives a questioning side eye. "Really kid? Well. I didn't see that coming." Monty said as Freddy gave a bright smile. "Thank you Arthur. If there is anything we can do for you in return. Don't be afraid to ask." Freddy said as Monty looked at him. "Hey. Don't bring me into this mess fazbear." I got a small laugh from it. "Don't worry guys. I'm just gonna take a look around the Daycare. You two just do your own thing. I'll be seeing you guys later." I said as they nodded. "I'll see you later Super Star." Freddy said. "See you later, Alligator." Monty said as I replied. "In a while, crocodile." Before I waved them goodbye. and made my way to the changing rooms for employee's. I still Remember where the new t-shirts were stored and grabbed a new one. Putting it on after I felt the blood of my wound was fully dried up. I Then walked back to the cart that I left behind at Gator Golf and went to the daycare. I still had an hour left before my shift would be over. so I'd make sure to make it swift. or so I thought before I was almost jumpscared by Sun. "Hello! Good to see you again!" I smiled as I took off my shoes again. Grabbing some materials from my cart as well as tools and going inside the playplace. sun following me of course. "And it's great to see you as well! How was your day with the children today?" I asked as I started to work on the cables. Opening up the velcro as I traced the cables along the side and closed it back up. "Oh! It was Splendid! All the children played along. It was all fun and games. We made paper figures and played tag. and had lots of fun!" He said in a happy tone. as i started to put the generators in a dead end or below one of the end crossings. where usually no child could go anyway. I'd put a metal plate in front of it to block off the area. I managed to finish it around 45 minutes. "Phew. Glad that's done. Now it should be safer for the kids." I say as I Clean up my tools. "God I'm tired. if I could I'd take a nap and fall asleep right here and now." I said jokingly. but Sun looked and sounded worried. "Oh no no no! Keep the light on. lights on!" He said as he held onto my Arm. making my shoulder hurt a bit. "okay! okay! I got it. Last rule. do not turn off the light! But. Why is it so important anyway?" I asked him as I was genuinely curious. He rubbed the back of his head. "well. When the lights go out. Moon comes out." I gave a head tilt. "uhh. moon? The other guy from the statue? He comes only out at night?" I asked curiously as he got a bit less bouncy. "Well yes. He takes care of naptime. But also usually with intruders and rule breaking children. So he might be quite. dangerous for adults. you may rest here this one time! But once the daycare is open. you will have to leave." I gave a smile as I sat down. "Thank you sun. I appreciate it." I said as i Layed down. Luckily, I soon fell asleep. Hearing the bells of sun getting farther and farther away as he leaves to go somewhere else. My dream was. Strange. I was somewhere dark. I could barely see anything at all. But I did feel that I could only go forward or backwards. Having a wall on my left and right side as i blindly started to move forward. Almost like I was following a path that I could not see. a way resembling a tunnel with twists and turns. as well as something clunking in the dark. Something is making me want to walk forward. almost guiding me. Though I could not choose a direction when I did have a choice. No matter what way I took. I'd always end up at another fork in the road. If I tried to move backwards. I'd be washed over with and unknown fear. I needed to move forward. no matter what I will move on forward! My determination pushed forward. But when I rushed forward going from tunnel to tunnel rapidly without thinking. I could swear I felt something. Or somethings. Each one pulling me towards another way. But before I could take in what it was. I snap awake. I did feel well rested with the short power nap. however I froze a bit as Sun stood above me while staring down at me. His face upside down. "It's almost time! I gotta ask you to leave." I got up quickly as sun said that. Rushing to put my shoes back on and towards the main entrance. Back to my cart as i started to jog out. "Thanks sun, See you later, Bye!" I said quickly as I took the card back to the back of the employee room. before going back to the main entrance. But before I could leave. I got a call on my phone. "Hello?" I answered. "Hey Arthur. are you still there at the pizza plex? I sadly will be unable to come to work. and I was wondering if you can take over for me on the days shift." I sigh at the back to back shift. But wanted to leave a good impression on him sinds i'm still rather new. "Sure. Leave it to me boss. Is there anything specific I need to know or keep in mind for the dayshift?" I asked sinds I had no experience at the dayshift. "Nah. just walk around. help parents find their lost kids. Toys. Or just in general for directions. it might be easier with your faz cams and just trying to clean up or handle the more rude customers on a whim. If you need a map then just walk around. Believe me. they. will find you." He said in an ominous tone as I nodded. "Got it boss. Have a good rest". Mike laughed at the other side meekly. "Yes I will." Have a good day and night." he said before hanging up. I sigh as I hated to work more unexpectedly. I looked at the main desk behind the reception. Relaxing and watching things on my phone before it got late for opening time. Just throughout the day I'd have to make sure everyone is having a grand old time and walk around. Plus being there fiscally made it easier to help anyone in need. I did the usual clean up from paper balls, plastic wrappers and the likes. Collecting any lost toys I see. I'd look for a name tag or something first before looking around and see if anyone has lost it. I only found a Monty plushy laying on the ground. I checked it for a name as it indeed had one. "Hm. kludd. I see."
I look into the fazwatch to see if I can find any person with that name. This watch was more handy then I thought. Like a mini pocket computer sinds it could connect to the main network of this place. This way I can check for people's identity and other notifications. But I also received all the other complaint emails that were sent to it. I checked if anyone by that name had checked in. and to what attractions they were going to. Luckily I did find him. They were in the Fazcade. a dedicated arcade section. I jogged my way towards it as I got to the entrance. Looking around for the kid threw the many arcade machines. After a minute i Finally found him. playing on an arcade machine with Chicas pizza adventure labeled on the side. I waited for a bit til he was finished before grabbing his attention. "Hey. kludd? I think this is yours." I say showing off the Monty plushy. He smiled brightly as I gave the plushy back. "T-Thanks" He said softly as it made me smile. "No problem. make sure to take good care of him. One day. you're gonna be a rocking rockstar too. and I bet Monty would love it if you still had that with you when he performs or meets you." his eyes flared up with wonder as he nodded quickly. "I will try " he says before he scampers away. Back to what looks like his mother to show the plushy off to. She looked at me as I gave a wave and left. Walking around the pizza plex as i look for more people to help or stuff to clean up. I tried to stay as much as possible out of the view of the animatronics so I would not be a bother to them Throughout my day shift. though I could not stop thinking about the dream I had. Not only that but when I explored the other places. I wondered where the other animatronics where stationed at. specifically for the attractions where i saw none at all. like the posters and stuff in kids cove or Bonnie Bowl. I decided to look into that later. The rest of the day went out smoothly. Besides the occasional parent looking for their kid. Which I could easily do with the camera's. I even watched the main stage as Freddy. Chica. Monty. and Roxy performed. Their songs were quite a bop to say the least. I was humming it later again as it sounded like the music that played throughout the pizza plex. It was also good to see that Chica managed to clean Roxy's claws fully. No spot of blood anywhere. I smiled at that as I went further with my work. The rest of the day was quite quiet. until it started to get late again. People leaving and making sure to pick up there kids from daycare or just go out the front door. After a busy time of checking people out and leaving. I was finally able to get a rest moment. checking the camera's just in case I saw anyone left roaming the Pizza Plex. No one was in the entire building. Guess the news made people want to stay away from this place at night. Soon it was time to start my night shift again. Before I could go anywhere in the pizza plex. I felt the heavy footsteps of an animatronic coming closer. Looking around i was approached by Chica. "Oh! Hi Chica! Great job today as well as a wonderful performance. You Rocked like the rockstars you all are." I smiled as she looked slightly surprised. "You saw that? Did you stay here all day today?" I understood the confusion. so i'd make sure to explain myself. "Yeah. Mike could not come for the day shift. so I fell in for him. And now my own night shift. But enough about me. How was your day?" She gave a smile and a cute pose. "It was wonderful! We got to perform on stage. I did some exercise lessons with some of the parents at my mazersize attraction. and without anything bad happening! so i called it a great day! I saw you walking around as you'd helped people and children around the place. but i didn't know you were gonna be here all day. or even working." I smiled. "Just doing my job Chica and making sure they have a great time as I have here. As well as picking up some trash Here and there." I say happily. Chica nodded. "I'm so happy to hear you like it here at the pizza plex. We don't get to hear that often from people who work Here." She said as I just shook my head. "Don't worry about these party poopers Chica. It just means that there is more fun for us." I say as she agreed. "That is true. How. How is your shoulder doing?" She asked in a slight worried tone. I gave a small shrug. "Eh. It's fine." It hurts sometimes. But the adrenaline of working helps me ignore it." I replied honestly. It stayed a bit quiet til Chica's eyes go wide. like she remembered something. "Baka! That reminds me. I was asked if you could visit Roxy in her green room later. It sounded like she has something she needed your help with." I looked surprised. wondering why Roxy would want me anywhere near her after what happened. I nodded slightly. "Alright. I'll go there as soon as i can. Hm. also. Are you okay Chica? You smell a bit. Off." I ask as she perked up and looked away a bit. "Me? Nope! Not that I think off! I'm all fine! but I do need to go. I'll see you later and Don't forget to visit Roxy!" She said quickly before jogging away. It was odd to say the least but I'd make sure to look into that another time. Maybe I can give her one of these car perfume things. They looked almost exactly like her ear rings anyway. or maybe not. I wouldn't do that to Chica. But now it was time to visit the Wolfness herself again. I was more than nervous from the previous experience. But i won't let it stop me either. I take a deep breath as i walked up to her room door and knocked twice. "Roxy? is me. Arthur. You wanted to see me?" I waited a bit. Wanting to give her as long as she needed as I waited for a response. It was quiet almost for a full minute before I heard a muffed Roxy say. "Come in." coming from inside. I put my card to the door card reader and open it. Walking in nervous for sure as it closes itself behind me. Roxanne was standing in the middle of the room. Ears drooped and one hand on her arm. it just stayed silent as we both stood there. so I thought I'd say something at least. "So. How did your day go? i see you were still the brightest. star of the show. am I right?" I asked as I tried to lesser the tension a bit. But decided to just wait after not getting an answer. She looked a bit to the side. "I. Just. Why? " were the first words she told me. I blinked for a bit as I was confused. "Um. Why what?" I asked as she kept looking away from me. "After. what had happened. And what I did. I expected to be stuck in parts and service already. I was waiting all day. For one of these dorks to come to my room and order me to go down there to be taught a lesson. or worst. But. After waiting and waiting. They never came. Even when i got told by Chica what you said. I didn't believe it. After she asked me why. I told her what happened as well. I thought it was just a trick. There was no way it could be true after all that I said and did. And i thought i was right. when I saw you walk outside my Raceway." I looked confused as I never saw Roxy myself. But maybe I missed her. I kept on listening as she continued. "Now. here we are. The whole day without something as much as a complaint from staff or management about. What happened. about what i did. And even when you got treated by Chica at the first aid station. You send her here to help me clean up. just. why? Don't you hate me? Don't you want to teach me a lesson for what i did? for what I said? I just need to know why." She managed to look back up to me as she asked it. even tho she was an animatronic. She looked like she was close to bursting into tears. The sad expression with her eyes burn into my heart and soul. I take a deep breath and just told the truth. "well it wasn't fully your fault. And just because I wanted to help didn't make it any better. as you see by the aftermath." She cringes a bit still looking over her now clean claw. "To be honest Roxanne. I. care about you. a lot. like a lot a lot. Of course I care about Monty. Chica. and Freddy to. but I might care about you even more. i don't know how to put it without sounding weird. But Even when I compliment you on your looks. Or on how your the best. You truly are to me. And even after what happened. I could only worry on how distraught and stressed you'd be. so. that's why I send Chica to help out. Seeing someone who I care so deeply for in such a state is torture to my heart." her sad expression changed to surprise. She took it all in as she thought deeply about it. Her eyes darted a bit around the room as she tried to make sense of it. Sinds she didn't say anything I continued. "I quite admire your confident personality. To be so strong. so talented and yet so beautiful all in one. it's incredible. Truly proof that you are. The best." I got a frog in my throat as I wanted to talk more but heard her now speak up. "I. I Have to be that strong." now I looked shocked to hear that. "A long time ago. I made a promise. A promise to be the best. to stay the best. The most beautiful. adored. and brightest star of them all. I don't want to let them down. I won't let them down. No matter the cost. But sometimes it's. Difficult. To control myself. I can easily handle the shows and fans. but When I get insulted. I can't help but get mad at these losers. Or when kids cry and run away at the sight of me. It just. Hurts. again and again. it gets Harder to handle. I can't handle it. I can't be a loser. I am not. a loser!" With one hand over her eye's she started to sob and cry. Even though she didn't shed any tears. The sobs and cries were more real than I could imagine. making my heart ache more. I stepped closer as I softly and carefully grabbed her free hand and held it. "come. let's sit down Roxy." I said sinds I could not pull a giant animatronic with me. With some heavy stomps. she came and sat down on her purple star shaped couch. Still sobbing as I did not let go of her hand. I stayed by her side as she cried. Rubbing her back and holding her hand. I wasn't sure if it helped at all. but I wanted to do as much as I could. she managed to look up at me again. Slowly pulling her hand off of her face slightly. Her lower jaw is still quivering. "Roxanne. You're not weak. You're not a loser. You aren't even mildly unpleasant. You are strong. You're courageous. The only one I could look up to. Even when I was unsure. I always wished you were around to have a rocking time. Because you are the true Rockstar. the only one that after all these years. you were the one who I still thought about til this day. All those years ago. You were the one I liked the most. Felt most comfortable around. and that feeling grew only more and more with time. even more then just simply liking you." I said with a slight blush. "I know that may sound weird. And you likely have heard it a thousand times all over. But. I do mean it." I said with a somber smile. " Like hell. I'm already honored you'd even talk to me." Now I put a hand towards my own face. "I mean. look at me. I am 28 years old. Born from a poor home. having a scarred face that looks like someone forgot to put dough with raisins everywhere back into the oven." I said in a joking but sad way. "I've hated my whole half life for how I looked. and still do. no matter what I did or do. it just would not stop. So even when i searched for comfort or something to make me. Forget about myself. About everything. I always wished I was more like you. someone so beautiful and talented. In both looks and personality. So to hear how you feel always under pressure of becoming a loser and letting others down. Just breaks my heart. You don't deserve to feel like that. Not out of petty. but out of love. You always stay so strong. May it be for the kids. To uphold your image. Or now that I know. For your promise. And by the sounds of the other guards and how they treated you. I bet you had no one to actually talk to about it. or tried to listen to you. Was there?"I asked as she slowly shook her head no. Making me more shocked and sad at the sheer thought of what not only her. But the others must have been threw as well. "seriously? I just. I'm sorry. so so sorry." I started to cry and sob myself. Unable to hold it back in. Nor see Roxy's shocked expression as her own sobbing had died down. More deep in thought now as she processes every word I said carefully. She pulled her hand away from mine before she put it on my thigh. slowly rubbing it as I try to hold back my tears. "I'm. R-Roxanne. I'm so-sorry." I just stammer out before I try to slowly calm down. i slowly did and looked back at her. She seems to have more of a sad or concerned expression on her face. Asking me. "Did. Did you really mean that? All of that?" I nodded slowly. Still with a slight somber expression. Her eyes going wide. As if everything just fell into place. It goes quiet as I fully calmed down. But after hearing not a word from Roxy. I was starting to worry. "Roxy? are you. alright?" She Still did not reply. but did something way more unexpected. she wrapped her arms around me slowly and carefully. Giving me a soft. hug. I never seen Roxy give anyone a hug. Even when i try to think back. besides sometimes in photos for the children. But this was different. I slowly and carefully put my arms around her. Making sure she knew where i was putting them on her body. Hugging her before i hear her speak up. "Thank you. for being worried about me. for being here for me. For not being mad for what i did. And. I forgive you as well. I can't be the best if i let something like this get the better of me. Right?" Hearing that Made me hug her more. Putting a big smile on my face. "Now that sounds like the words of a winner Roxy." This went on for a bit as we just hugged in each other's embrace. Eventually we did both release our holds. looking each other in the eye's. With Roxy getting a curious look. "Arthur. Could you tell me something? Just so I'm not misunderstanding anything." She asked me as I happily nodded. "Do. Do you .really. love me?" I froze a bit at the question. I was so deep in our feelings that I didN't even remember saying that. But I did truly mean it. It may be weird but still. I couldn't deny it. and now that it was out in the open. I just felt like. f*ck it. might as well go threw with this. I take a deep breath as I nodded. "yes! I did!" I said in a proud tone. The surprised look was still on Roxy's face. But soon she looked at me with her beautiful yellow eyes. "Thank you. For telling it to me. And being honest with me. i know you said you have feelings for me. But I'm gonna need time to think about it all. Nothing like this had ever happened before." She said as I was surprised to hear that. tho I nodded rapidly. "oh yes! Please take as long as you need! I could never expect you to answer anything about that now! But. thank you for everything." We both smiled satisfied as I turn back to the door. But I felt her hand grab onto my good shoulder. I froze a bit at the sudden memory spike. But decided to ignore it as best as I could. "Yes Roxy?" I asked as I turned back around. "Hold on. There is still something I need to give you." She said as I stood still and looked curiously at her. I watched her grab something from under the couch dusting it off. There wasn't any dust on it. So it was likely a just in case kinda dust off. Then she walked back to me as she held it in front of me. "I know you didn't have anything from Here when you were younger. And I know I gave you that poster. But that didn't felt like enough. so. I wanted to give you this. signed and all by the best." What she was holding was a. Roxanne wolf plushie. It looked of course like Roxy. wearing a red and black bikini outfit. shoulder pads. arm and leg warmers. the green hair pluck that stuck out. you name it. it even had a plush version of her keytar on her right hand. it looked like one you could get at glamrock gifts. a gift shop that's at the beginning of the Pizza Plex. She held it out towards me. I slowly reached out and grabbed it. Looking it over as I indeed see the autograph on the little label that sticks out from her back. I smile brightly before hugging it and cuddling it. "Thank you so much Roxy! Your the best!" I said with the brightest smile yet. Giving Roxy a satisfied smile. "I know. And It's no problem." I know you will take good care of it." She said as I nodded. I did look over my fazwatch. Seeing some trash scattered around the entrance of Gator Golf. Seems like someone had kicked over a trash can before they left for closing time. I let out a sigh. "Ugh. Seems like I still got things to clean up. But. Thank you. For everything." I said happily as she smiled. "Thank you. And I understand. You got your own job to do. And i'd like to keep my fans around." She said as I gave a small bow. "Then I'll see you later. I'm always reachable if you need anything." I said as I moved to the door. Then looked back as i see Roxy stand there and wave at me. "Come back soon." and I'd reply with a. "Gladly." before going threw the door and letting it close back up behind me. Taking a deep sigh as I started to relax my body again. I kept the Roxanne plushy close to me The whole time as I went threw the pizza plex. doing my normal runs as i Put it down everytime i needed to clean something up. But when I came by Bonnie bowl. I saw Freddy standing in front of it. Staring. I better take a closer look to make sure everything is alright. "Freddy?" I called out as I walked closer. but i did not get a response. "Freddy? Are you alright?" I asked again as he seemed to jolt a bit. like being pulled out of a daydream. "Hm? Oh! Hello Arthur. Don't worry about me. I'm fine. just. thinking a bit." He said as we now both stared at the Bonnie bowl sighn above the attraction entrance. Seeing a picture of a blue cartoon bunny. Holding up a bowling ball as the words. "Bonnie Bowl." Where in black letters beside it. each letter surrounded by a diffrent colored. Curiosity got the better of me as i asked. "How was Bonnie like? I see posters. this attraction and more about him. but did not get to meet him in person yet. Did. did something happen?" I know it may be a touchy subject by Freddy's reaction. but like with Roxy I could not let it be. "He was. a good friend. The first bass player of the Glamrock Band. A lot of people really liked him. He was one of my closest friends. And. To others. As well. But. now he's gone. and no one knows where he went." He said as his ears drooped and eyes looked sad. Obviously struggling to talk about it. "Nothing was recovered. No parts. No Shells. And not his main chip. all that we do know is that he was last spotted in Gator Golf. So." I looked supriced To hear that. "oh. i'm. so sorry Freddy. Do you Think Monty had." I wanted to ask but he already knew what i was gonna say. "I. Do not know. The information about Bonnie's whereabouts where leaked to the public. And Monty. Was the most devastated out of all of us. Everyone believed he did it. That he's the reason for Bonnie being gone. But. I do not know." He said as if he didn't want to beliefe it. But his eye's told a diffrent story. I try to give a reassuring smile. "really? you don't say." I said a bit sceptical. Freddy gave me a small rub on my back. "don't worry Arthur. It hasn't bin the first time someone went missing. its just. Difficult to remember." he said as I'd understand that. It be the same as if I'd look back at a photo of my mother. But one detail caught my interest. "Not the first? So. there where other animatronics that disappeared as well?" I asked curiously. "Yes. But their decorations have already been removed." He said only looking more somber. "my apologies Arthur. but I'd prefer not to talk about it. If that's okay." Freddy said as I gave rapid nods. "Oh! Ofcorce! I'll be around if you need me Freddy. I'll see you later." I said as i watched him walk away slowly. Giving a glance back at the Bonnie signs. Before he started to walk away fully. I was more deep in thought at Freddy's explanation. but something did not feel right. If Monty really was the cause of their friends scrapping. As the rumors lead people to believe. Then why wasn't there anything recovered? No scraps? No Parts? Not even an arm. or a leg? It's understandable people would think it's because of him that Bonnie is gone. sinds it's the last place he went. but still, there should have been something found if that was the case. Something felt off about this. I will have to look into this myself later sinds not 1 let alone multiple giant colorful animatronics disappear without a trace. I sigh as I went back to work. Still thinking about it. Sinds that moment everything was pretty usual. Working around picking up trash. helping some staff bots and keeping the Roxy plushy close to me. before I knew it. It was already 6 am. Thank God. sinds I was tired as hell from the day and night shifts. I went to the door with a heavy sigh as I biked home. before plopping my face on my bed. Cuddling the Roxanne wolf plushie as well. as I'm surrounded by my other plushies. I slept as a Brick. but woke up as I heard the loud alarm of my phone ring. Making me want to turn around and sleep. but i also knew that meant I slept the whole midday and evening away. I get out of bed as i put on my uniform and make some breakfast dinner before going out again to work.

Chapter 3

Chapter Text

Content warning: Violence

3. When I come back to the entrance. I can see Mike sitting at the main reception desk. I greeted him as he was smiling. Ever so slightly. "Good evening Mike. How are you doing?" I Asked as he rested his head on his hand. "Today was a breeze luckly. Thanks for taking care of my shift yesterday." I give a smile back. "It's my pleasure." Just hope to help out anywhere I can. So. Anything els new that happened? I asked as He thinks for a moment. "actually yes. Some of the animatronics have bin behaving. strangely. Monty and Roxy to be exsact. You wouldn't happen to know why?" I looked supriced as I hoped nothing bad. "Oh? Not that i know off. They didn't cause any trouble as far as i know." I lied as His smile grew. "Well it doesn't matter. The point is. is that Roxy seems more energetic then usual. Even Monty showed up to the show and golf parties for a change." He said as i nodded. "that's amazing to hear. And did you hear anything about the Daycare? I'm curios Sinds the work i put in it from yesterday." I asked. Hoping my cover up of the generators and cables where done fine enough. His expression looked more tired. "Don't worry. It's fine. No complaints yet so we will have to see. I nodded understandingly. "Speaking of the Daycare. I met Sun now twice but heard some stories about the other guy. Moon was it? And is he as dangerous as sun said? He nodded. "Yes. His name is moon. And he is for sure. Altho. he kinda had to be. to make sure parents could leave there kids in the daycare. he doesn't seen less caring about the children then the sun part". I sigh in releave. Maby. "That's good atleast" I say in a nutural tone. "Yeah but be carefull none the less. we don't want to get into any lawsuits." He said as I rubbed the back of my head. "Don't worry boss. I'm not planning on it." I said in a joking manner. "Well I'm glad. But anyway. I'm going home. Good luck on your night shift." He said as I waved him off. "Have a Good night." As he left I went back to Rockstar Row. to meet up with the animatronics and see if I could do anything for them. I walked by as I saw that they all were missing from their rooms again. I checked the camera's as I think that they must be at one of the attractions. It has been a day in between so it would be time to test one out. Checking the cameras again I see the Fazzer blast attraction. a space themed Laser tag arena game opened and got slightly excited. sinds that has to be one of my favorite attractions here. I jog my way towards the entrance of the place. The entrance had a big entry sign. Glowing above the door as at the side of the doorway were 2 pillars with green neon lighted stripes around them. In big red letters. "Fazer Blast " was above the entrance in red letters. Going inside. I jumped a bit. but lesser this time at hearing what sounded like Freddy's voice coming from the entrance speakers. "Calling all recruits! Fazer Blast is a high-intensity, space combat simulation! Suit up and save the universe, as you blast everyone and everything with high-tech laser effects! Blast strangers, blast your friends! Beat the Super Star score! And get a free Fazer Blaster gun! Enlist now!" I laughed a bit at that before I went further into the attraction. Seeing an entry desk where there was another "Fazer Blast" sign above it. As well as all the animatronic characters behind the reception desk. All wearing space helmets and wielding lazer guns. Looking around more i can see TV screens were all around. displaying the characters in the same outfit as the ones behind the reception desk. Slightly moving with a space background and also the fazer blast logo on it. at the left there was a small space ship ride. One you saw back in the days at grocery stores. But this one was a little blue Rocket. On the far left there was a small gift shop. Selling shirts. Small globes. and spaceships. And standing there talking is Freddy. Chica. Monty. and Roxy. I waved at them as I saw them wave back. Besides Monty. Only getting a stare and a nod from him. That's Still better then I expected. "Hiya everyone!" I said with a bright smile. Joining their little talking circle. "Hiiii Arthur!" Chica said. "great to see you." Freddy said. "Heya Rock Star!" Roxy said. And a simple. "Sub." from Monty. "I see you're all in good spirits! By the looks of it I'm already excited for this one!" I said excited. "Oh? Are you a big fan of fazer blast?" Chica asked cheerfully. "Sure am! I always love lazer tag. So this will be right up my alley. How about all of you?" I asked the others. "It's nice to beat some bots I guess." Monty said. "I'm the best at this game. So good I'm supriced it hasn't bin renamed to Roxy Blast." Roxy said. "It is always a delight when I play it with the children. So this will be great to." Freddy said. Chica did not reply at first. But after noticing us all looking at her she spoke up. "Oh! Yes! It's great. Let's play." She said. I stood ready and walked towards the door with "entry" written above it in neon lights. "Great. Well if everyone is ready. Then Let's get this show on the road!" I say as we stepped inside. The door opening up like a garage door but faster. Going threw some hallways that where filled with neon lights and made to look like the inside of a futuristic space ship hallway. After going threw another door. we where in a more open room. Seeing a small podium where we where greeted by a staffbot. Wearing a small vest as they talked. I lissened with the others as this was a mandatory thing in every Lazer tag place I knew. "You must be the new Fazzer Blast recruits, and from the looks of you, the Orange slash Blue Team hasn't got a chance. Soon, you will be fighting for your lives on a hostile alien planet. But first, I am here to tell you how to play Fazer Blast." I lissen carefully so i can take some mental notes just in case. "Aim for the glowing targets on your opponent's vest and pull the trigger. Successfully shooting your opponent will deactivate your opponent's weapons for five seconds. Based on the color of the target, you will receive one to one hundred points." Seems alright. Though I'm unsure if these rules will apply to us. Sinds we have such a small group. "There are two rules you must follow at all times. Rule number one: No running, no climbing, no jumping, no hitting, kicking, pushing, shoving, no shooting Fazblasters in, near or close to other player's eyes. Being flashed in the eyes may induce seizures, blindness or semi-permanent paralysis. If you are flashed in the eyes, immediately flush your eyes with soap and water and blink repeatedly until vision is restored." It sounded quite terrible. I'd make sure to keep that in mind. Though I'm not sure what I could do about it. "Rule number two: have fun." Figures. I wanted to keep going but it seems they weren't done yet.

"Warning: Fazer Blast is a high-energy space combat simulation. People with medical conditions are allowed to participate. My medical software makes me a qualified doctor and I approve this message." I wasn't so sure about that. "By listening to these instructions, you have waived all rights and ability to make any claims against Fazbear Entertainment. Any accidents or injuries are your sole responsibility or shared responsibility between you and any associated party involved in said incident." Typical company protection. "Now get in there and fight, fight, fight!" The others finally start to move through the door on the other side. "I swear. They keep on yapping and yapping." Monty said. "It's important to explain all of the rules here to any newcomers." Freddy said to Monty as he crossed his arms and looked away. The next room was a preparation room. where you can grab a fazer blaster and vest. some Helmets for different teams. And more. I looked over the different sizes of vest. With a cough which I finally heard over the space like music that was playing in the background. Looking back as I see the others looking at me expectantly. "Um. Did I do something wrong?" I asked. Monty grinned. "nah kid. Just need you to attach the Laser sensor parts to our bodies." I looked over as Monty pointed at one of the corners. There was a row of metal plates with bulbs on them. that were stacked ontop of eachother. I grabbed the bunch and put them on the nearby table. "Alright. How do I put these on you? Or where for that matter?" I asked as I held a plate. It was like a laser tag fest was torn into pieces. Or the sensor parts at least. I walked up and put each part on them. As I listened to the instructions from them. More like pointing at a spot and placing it there. 2 sensors on their shoulder plates. one on the stomach. and one on the back. These ones felt a bit heavier as they stuck like magnets to the animatronics. I Mimic the positions so I'd put them in the same spots. Freddy, Chica and Roxy were easy to put on. But with Monty I made sure to be very careful. Feeling his gaze or lack there of from the sunglasses, Pierce threw me as I finished putting each part on him. "There. all done." I said as they started to poke and pull on the sensors. they didn't budge an inch. "Alright. is everyone ready?" Freddy asked. "Eyep!" "I was Born ready." "oh yeah!" Monty, Chica and Roxy replied. Then they looked over at me. "oh! Y-yes!" I said unsure if I was missing anything. but by the look of Freddy's expression. I was. He walked over to a table and grabbed some sort of brown helmet with little freddy bear ears on them. handing it to me. "Here. People are required to wear these for safety. " I almost face palmed before nodding and putting it on. Luckily it was the right fit. I Gave a thumbs up as I walked close to the group. From a separate table we all grabbed a laser gun or here known as a Fazerblaster. But we were stopped by a. "Hey!" From Monty. "don't forget your shades everyone." He said as he was already wearing his star shaped glasses. I looked intrigued as they all put on a set of star shaped glasses. "Do I need to wear a pair as well?" I questioned as Freddy looked at me. "Hm. You might be right Arthur. We wear them so we can protect our eyes." He said as he thought about where to get another pair. "I can help. Here." Roxy said as we both looked at her. From out of her hair. She pulled out another set of star shaped glasses. Handing it to me. I smiled brightly as I put them on. A bit less of them fully open so it fits on my face. "Thank you Roxy! This rocks~! but why do all of you need to wear these glasses anyway?" I asked as Freddy started to explain it. "It's to protect our advanced eyes. They may allow us to see. Scan. or sometimes use special functions. But They are really sensitive to bright lights. so a fazcam or these laser guns would stun us if it hits us In the eyes. Chica added to his sentence. "It's no fun at all! you feel all scrambled and dizzy before around 10 seconds later we are back to normal." I made sure to take a note of this just in case. any jerk could try and mess with them. A flash from a camera or a blaster shot could ruin a performance or worse. A birthday party if they stun them all of a sudden. Freddy stands in front of the door As he addresses the group. "Today we will be testing the Super Star team up mode. This is different from the explanation you heard at the start. Testing out the course as well as the performance of the staff bots." I gave a questioning look. "What's that?" I asked as Chica said. "It's for when the birthday kid wants to play together with their favorite animatronic. Or if they don't have enough friends for teams. They play against waves of staff bots together with us." I nodded as I listened more to the rest of Freddy's explanation. "It's simple. We need to capture a flag by pressing the button near it. Trying to shoot any staff bots that come towards the point. when it's captured you score a Point. At 3 points captured. we win." I nodded as I understood the roles. Everyone gave a nod as we went through the door in a group. We get into the arena with the final door and it's quite beautiful. The walls were black with green lighting that changes color depending on what part of the arena you're in. shining from the outside of the black walls with green stars on them resembling space. Ones that also change color as well. A nice video game like minigame music was playing softly in the background. We moved along with Freddy. As a kid I used to love Laser Tag and as an adult. that didn't change. Though I did start to think of how lucky I was. Here I am. an adult who is playing with all 4 of the Glamrock animatronics. It's like a perfect birthday party. I smiled as we soon arrived at the first flag point. I held my blaster through one of the star shaped holes. With a simple press of a button that was on the flag itself. An announcer could be heard in the background. "point A is being captured." before we knew it. We heard the wheels of the staff bots moving through the arena. When I saw one turn a corner. I try to shoot right away at them. But thanks to my shoulder pain I was a bit sluggish. It took a few shots before i hit the target on the staff bot. as it threw its hands up and rolled away from the point. likely to go back to the base checkpoint. "Ha. got one!" I said in a cheerful tone. Once my flank was quiet I looked at the others.
seeing them aim and blast away at the staff bots. who wore green helmets with small green balls on springs as they flop around. It was kinda amusing actually. "Gotya!" "Bingo, Got 'em!" "Yes! I am the best!" I hear Monty. Chica. and Roxy say as they take out another 3 staff bots. Smiling as it sounded like they were having fun. I then got my attention snapped back as more staff bots started to appear. Blasting as best as I could. me and Chica were hit by one of the staff bots blasters. showing a bar on the top of the front chest piece with 2 out of 3 bars filled up. i Guess we all have 3 lives. Before long, we heard the announcer again. "Point captured!" I smiled as I saw the others in high spirits. "Way to go Super Stars! Now let's get onto the next flag point." Freddy said as we walked and I jogged slightly to the next point. Chica did stop once or twice from accidently bumping her foot too close to a wall and trembling slightly. We reached the second point now with the flag in the middle and instead of just 2 paths they could come from. it seemed to be more spread out. The walls did little for cover. We all got into a position as Freddy pressed the button again. "Point B is being captured." the announcer said. The staff bots came in quicker this time. Seems like their difficulty increases with each flag. Luckily this time I was more prepared. stationing behind a small pillar so I could hide and shoot behind it easely. "On your right chica. and you to Arthur." Freddy warned us as 2 staff bots flanked us. as I try to shoot I see chica hesitate for a bit. Almost like she was frozen in place. before snapping back and what looked like dumb luck. managed to hit one of them while I took out the other. "Take that!" She said more fiercely as we continued to play. The sounds of 2 extra hits could be heard as Freddy and Monty lost Both a life as well. with only Roxy still having all her lives. able to snipe them almost as soon as they got into view. It was Quite impressive. "Point captured!" Is what I heard as I jumped up slightly from the sudden scare. "Now that's how it's done." Monty said as Roxy took an almost victorious pose. "They are nothing!" One more to go. We went through the arena now to a higher point as I walked at the back of the group again. though I could notice that Chica was walking a little weird. Instead of upright like the others. She walked slightly hunched forward with her hand on her belly. "Um. Chica? Are you alright?" I asked as she didn't seem to respond. "Chica?" I asked again as she froze a bit like she was polled out of a daydream. "I'm fine! really! One more post to go. Yay." She said as we reached the final point. this one on a sort of hill top. there was barely any cover. I crouched down slightly to try and get any advantage I could as the rest did the same. After Freddy pressed the button. the announcer talked again. "point C being captured!" We got ready as we started blasting right away. trying to dodge out of the way of the lasers as there were a LOT of staff bots coming our way. So many that I could barely keep up. "They just keep on coming!" Monty said as he shot a staff bot. but 2 more took its place. Chica. Freddy. and Monty where being overwhelmed and lost another life. as the real star was Roxy. Blasting all the staff bots that came her way. Tho one managed to slip past Freddy and Monty. I aimed my blaster and shot him before he could shoot Roxy in the back. As she looks back at the now fleeting staff bot that was behind her. and then back at me. I give a thumbs up as the onslaught continues. Until. "Point captured! You win!" I breathed heavily but happily. Luckily I didn't feel more pain in my shoulder. But I still needed to take it easy. I Looked back at the group as Roxanne was posing with her hand on her hip and blaster in the air. "yes! I am the best!" She exclaimed as I clapped for her. "you sure are Roxy!" She flicks her hair a bit. "Thank you." She replied. As Freddy spoke up. "Great job everyone. The course as well as the equipment and staff bots all seem to be in order. I'll be sending the report as soon as I can." I took deep breaths as I was hella tired. " wow. that. Was. Huff. so much fun! phew.'' I said exhausted. "It was alright." Monty said with a slight smirk. I bet he had fun too. Roxy walked over to Chica. she was still slumped down a bit. Freddy noticed it too. ''Is everything alright Chica?" he asked out of concern. She tilted her head up as she nodded. "yes. I'm fine really. I think my power drained much faster than I had hoped for. I'm gonna take some time to recharge. But it was all fun and thank you all." She said with a smile before starting to walk away sluggishly. In the far corner as she turned I could hear her steps speeding up slightly. I was curious if something was the matter. but decided she needed some privacy from time to time as well. Turning towards the others. "I'd say that that was one accomplished game night. What do you usually do after it?" I asked as this was my first successful Game night till now. "Whatever it is. I'll be going back to my room." Monty said as he didn't wait for anyone else's response. Walking away as that just leaves Freddy. Roxanne and me. "I'd likely have to go do my rounds around the pizza plex. But I did enjoy this time a lot. You all did so well, especially you Roxy." I said as it made her smile. "Of course~. nothing less is expected from the best! tho. you did alright as well." she said as I blushed a bit. "Aww thank you. but I kinda sucked! I almost lost all my lives." I said in a joking manner. Freddy chiming in. "You both did great." and I replied with. "as did you Freddy." After some more moving around the fazer blast arena. We went back to the exit. I helped everyone detach their magnetic sensor lazer plates. Placing them back in the corner where I found them. As well as a set of sensor plates that were lying on the table. likely Chica's and Monty's. I'm surprised sinds I could understand Monty. But Chica to? I ignored that thought as i finished putting everything away. After that I take a look at Freddy and Roxy as I helped them with there's as well. soo we all Leaved fazer blast as i went on my way into the pizza plex. not forgetting that i had a job to do as well. Checking the cameras as I didn't see anything strange or all too dirty. so I decided to look in the areas myself. Mostly outside the attractions. I Checked the entrance again. the main hall. Atrium with the main stage. the kitchen. it seemed all in order. Or so I thought. I froze up slightly as I heard the faint sound of clanking of what sounded like a empty soda can fall on the floor. I focused my attention towards the direction the noise came from. I grab my flashlight and started to look around. I was close to the bathrooms that were near the atrium. sinds it had connecting paths to all the other attractions. of course it would have bathrooms. I took quiet steps closer and closer to where I heard the sound coming from. slowly shining my light all over the place. I could hear more rustling the back. From rustling to stuff clanking and falling on the floor to. chewing? I kept going as I went inside the bathroom fully. It's here I heard the sound the loudest. I go around the corner before turning off my flashlight. so I can make sure I don't alert anyone who may be there. There was a second door at the end of the bathroom. for employees to access one of the offices in the back. Or what cleaning equipment that's in the hallways before the back office. When i'm in the middle of the room I turned on my flashlight. Shining it into the middle of the room. "who's there!?" I exclaimed a bit more confidently then I thought. What was revealed to me was. Supricing. there stood Chica. Hunched over near a trash can. as trash pieces fell on the bathroom floor. she seemed to be chewing on a piece of old pizza. and the paper bag it was in. "Wait? C-Chica?" I said softly as I stand normally again. Looking her over. She was covered in trash and had dirt patches all over her body. But something was off. Chica's head turned towards me as I spoke up. she stared at me for a second like she's frozen. Her head was jittering a bit. Dropping the paper bag from her mouth as her mouth was held open. After a few seconds of silence her body stood up. her eyes going from wide to an angry expression. She took 2 struggling steps. before bolting towards me. Scattering pieces of trash around as I gasped and dodged out of the way. "Chica! What are you doing?" I yelled as she just turned to me. "Don't worry. You're safe with me. I could just eat. You. Up." She said threateningly as it made me stiffen up. Before she could charge at me again. I ran myself through the other door of the bathroom. Going back into the employee only areas. "Let's play a game. Tag! You're it." She said in the same creepy jittering way as before. Which only made me want to run faster. I ran through the orange colored hallways. I swear I went into a circle. Without looking out where I went. I tripped over some stuff. Seems like someone forgot to clean up a big mop and bucket on wheels. as well as some boxes that used to stand on the metal trolley there. Grunting as I clutched my hurted shoulder before I went through the other hallways. Going through a door as it led to. An office? Looking around I can see a desk with 2 PC screens on it. As well as 2 buttons on each side of these doors. I can hear the running steps from Chica coming closer and closer. I wanted to run again as I pushed myself off of the wall to make a run for it. But when I did. A metal door descended from above. and blocked the way. It seemed that I pressed the button when I pushed myself off. I heard Chica bash against the door. Taking a breath as I felt safe. "Who wants candy? Come out, come out wherever you are!" She said as that didn't help my nerves.i looked back at the door and noticed something in the side of it. A meter of some sort. It was going down.and quickly for that matter. I knew I didn't have much time. So I decided to look through the cameras for a way out. I could barely outrun the animatronic in this state. Only keeping phase with her. I decided to try a very dangerous plan. I opened the door just in case it failed. Chica stumbles forward at the sudden disappearance of the door. Looking at me running away around the corner back into the hallways. I went back to the hallway with the fallen over cleaning bucket and boxes. Grabbing the now empty Trolley Part. an iron plate with 4 small wheels on them. I put it into place as I hid behind the corner and looked if I saw Chica. I could hear her and feel her steps getting closer and closer. "Where are you?" She said before coming around the corner. When I let out a cough. Her head snapped towards my direction. "Found you! No more games!" She said in a creepy tone. I went around the corner as I heard her move quickly. I placed it on the ground. On Top of another cleaning tool. A water puller broom. Instead of a single stick with a cleaning head like a mop. This one had a metal flat staff on the end. With a rubber line at the bottom. Chica dashed for me forward as she walked towards the trolley plate. Taking large steps before she stepped over it. Or atleast. She expected to. I grabbed the hilt of the water puller and pulled it towards me before dropping it. With a single "baka!" Coming from Chica. She stepped onto it. Making it roll backwards as her momentum moves her forward. Sinds i let go of the water puller as It easily rolled over it. I ducked quickly out of the way as she crashed into the wall. Hearing a crack and a small crunch as her face planted into the wall. I took a step back as I catch my breath. I couldn't believe I made Chica crash into a wall. Then I remembered. Crap! I made Chica crash into a wall. I got scared out of my mind as I heard Chica turn around and now sat with her back against the wall. Her face was full of cracks as her lower beak was dislocated. Hanging open loosely as she sat there. I can see her eyes flicker a bit. Before they become fully lit up again. Looking around. Seeming more. scared and confused. Softly feeling her loose hanging beak before her eyes focus on me. "Did. Did I. Oh no. No no no." She kept on staring at me with wide eyes as she crawled more back into the corner. holding a hand out in defense. As well as one arm over her face. Covering her eyes. now acting terrified as even the arm she held up was shaking violently. Almost like she wanted to push me away instead of getting me. "Chica?" I asked her as I stood up again. By the sound of Her sobbing. I thought she was back to her normal self. I Think. I tried to come closer but stopped as she continued to sob more as she stammered out. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I couldn't help it. I. please. Dont hurt me. I was so. please. I'll be good. I will. I don't wanna go. I'll be good. please." She kept mumbling as she pulled her legs closer to herself as she tried the best to hide her face. Her beak flopping a bit about as she talked. the movements not matching up at all with her speech. Her face was Partly covered in sticky gum. some black tape and her whole face and beak were dirty from all the trash and some old pizza. I didn't know how to handle this the best way. But I knew I had to do something. She may Have tried to attack me. But she was still part of the other's family. I walked over to the fallen cleaning supplies as I grabbed a cleaning cloth and used a spray bottle to make it wet. Each sound made Chica sob again which hit me in my heart a bit. Remembering my past and how terrified I used to be. And still am in these kinds of scenarios. I didn't want to leave her like this. Plus it felt like it wasn't even her fault. I softly moved it over as I grabbed at a sticky banana peel from her leg and pulled it off. Then i softly put the cloth on her leg. Chica froze up as she shivered. I didn't say a word as I continued to clean her up. "Please. Stay away." She said softly almost in a whisper. I pulled back for a second. Wondering why she would say that. "You. You will only get hurt. Please." She said in concern. Concern for my well being? I stayed quiet as I continued cleaning again. Moving from the legs to her thighs and then on her arms that covered her face. Slowly she seemed to stop shaking. Still sobbing but it was a good start. Looking slightly up from her arms as I held out my hand. wanting to take it as I held the cloth with my other hand. She pulled herself back into her tight embrace. So I gave a small smile. "Are you alright Chica?" I asked her that question. After all that happened. I asked that?! it Surprised her the most. Slowly looking back up. "What?" She mutters softly. I gave a warm smile. "Are you alright? I'm sorry for making you fall." I said as She slowly and shakingly pulled one of her arms out and stretched it towards me. more and more as i could feel her fear almost. I was surprised as she slowly rubbed the side of my face. "Are. Are you?" She asked as that gave me more of a smile. "I'm. I'm fine, Chica." I said as I then softly grabbed her hand. By her expression I could feel she feared the worst to happen. but all I started to do was clean it softly til it got its old shine back. She looked at it almost in a state of disbelief. As if she expected a horror and saw a miracle instead. Blinking as I let go of her now clean hand. moving onto the other one. cleaning it as Chica became more and more calmer. I started to pluck the gum from her cheek and black taped trash that stuck to her face. before slowly cleaning it up as well as her beak. Being careful with her broken lower beak. Chica's eyes followed my cloth hand with every movement I made. When I finally cleaned her cracked face as well. I put the cloth away and looked at her. "Are you gonna be okay Chica?" I asked softly. Chica looked to the sides as she talked. "I. was so hungry." I looked up curiously. "hungry?" She nodded. "Some time ago. Someone. Messed with our systems. We actually can eat stuff like pizza. Or drink our Fizzy drinks . thanks to our bodies and eating Programming. It would be stored in an internal trash can so they can be removed later with ease. But after that time. Mine is different." She said as she talked slowly and more carefully. "I got a. Programming bug. I get hungry. My systems and body start to malfunction when it activates. Without eating anything. I start to glitch. almost like it hurts. So I try to eat. Anything to make the pain stop. It. It even made me attack employees. Just to get to the food. We tried to remove the bug. But. Whatever they did. It Left an. Impact on me. On all of us. And this. This is mine." I nodded as it did make sense why Chica was so out of it during Fazer Blast. Now that she mentioned it. Was THAT the reason why she wasn't like this on the day we did Monty golf? I did give her a pizza that evening . Chica tries to continue. "I'm too scared of the staff. Or anyone to find out. So I try to find something to eat. Sometimes I even break apart Staff bots holding food trays. Usually in the kitchen. But now. Now that I tried to attack you. It's all over. What if they decided to scrap me? What if they take me out and replace me?" she asked as she grabbed a hold of my arm. feeling her grip tightening slowly. "I'm so scared. I don't want to leave. I don't wanna go. I'm not ready to leave. I don't want to say goodbye. But. who would want to keep a defective animatronic anyway?" She said as she shivered again. Scared of the mere thought of it. I put my hand on her arm as I softly pet it. "Hehe. It might sound odd. But I know more than you think how it feels to be replaced. How do you think I got this job?" I say somberly. Chica's eyes widened as she looked at me in a state of shock and surprise. "I'm a bit different from other people. I'm more emotionally sensitive. have something called autism. I talk really awkwardly. even sometimes forgetting words or what to call even basic things. I always want to help people no matter what. But to others I'm a detriment. I don't go to parties and don't drink. I don't smoke. I don't fit in anywhere even though I'm just me. But to the outside world I'm more than defective. a liability. A mistake' I've been called. And treated as one too. No one treats me like normal. Talk to me like normal. No one. Besides all of you. Even now I have been the most comfortable around you guys instead of actual people. You don't treat me differently. You all are just yourselves. Your wonderful, wonderful selves. So. In a way. I know how it feels to be thought of being defective." I said as Chica was listening intensely. "But Chica. You are NOT. defective. You are beautiful. So many people love and care about you. They want to see you and be around you. Children want their entire birthdays to be spent just to meet you. And play together with you. To hear you perform on stage. Even to share pizza with you. You make people's day by just existing. people need you. Your family needs you. even I need you." I said as I took a breath to steady myself as chica looked deep in thought. but with her blank stare as she tried to speak. "you. You really mean it?" She said In the most sad but hopeful way. I nodded gladly. "Tell you what. I can get you 1 pizza a day. I wanna see if that will help with the hunger glitch. And anytime you feel hungry or even after you eat that pizza. go and eat. eat till you're ready to blow. But after you're finished. Please contact me so I can clean you out. No troubles with the smell and no worries about eating trash. No complaints from customers or staff. And I'll keep it between us. Just Make sure to Contact me on my Fazwatch. Just like with Roxy. I won't report this. And I won't even tell the others if you'd want." I said as I finished with a smile. Chica with her broken beak open as her jaw drops. as the saying goes. I held my hand out as I stood back up. "Shall we go? I won't let you stay like this. And I promise to do anything I can to help. After all, I made you crash didn't i?" I say with a slight smile. Chica took a minute or two before slowly moving her now clean hand up and grabbed mine. slowly Holding tighter as I pull her up or atleast i try to. I wanted to let her go once she was upright again. But Before I could. I was embraced by Chica in a tight hug. Scaring me for a second before calming down as she said. "Thank you. thank you Sport Star." It brought a small tear to my eye. as after a few minutes she released me from the hug. But I held onto her hand. "We should get your face plate and beak repaired. I want you to look like and be the best you can be. Is there Any place where we can do that?" I asked as I looked up at her bright smiling face. "Oh! We can go to parts and service below the main stage." I nodded. I haven't been there myself. But if it would help. Then I'll gladly do so. "sweet. But I've never been there. Can you lead the way?" I asked as she nodded. "Of course. Follow me. Sport Star." She said as I quickly put all the fallen over cleaning stuff a bit neat. Then I took the cloth and spray bottle with me just in case. I started to walk with Chica out of the back employee hallways. back in and out the bathroom and head into the Atrium again. I looked around first to see if anyone was there but the coast was clear enough to make it seem like a ghost town. "Alright Chica. The coast is clear. How do we get to parts and service?" I ask Chica as she follows behind me. "We can take the main stage elevator. Usually the lift goes down after each performance. But there is an employee only switch for emergency cases. The other way requires us to go to the Maintenance tunnels or back to my green room in Rockstar Row. And. I don't want anyone to see me and get the wrong idea." She said as I was grateful for that and understanding. "Main stage it is!" I said in a determined way as Chica giggled a small bit. Making me happy to see her in high spirits even after what happened. Following up past the chairs and long tables as well as the photo booths that were in the center of the main area. before we eventually make it to the main stage. It was a big stage like a circle. It had 4 oval platforms on the outside. One white. Orange. Purple. And a green one. Each one corresponds to one of the animatronic stars. And behind them on The stage. where giant pink holograms of them. Slowly playing their instruments almost like it was in slow motion. I looked at the back wall on and around the back of the stage. Looking for anything that might trigger the lift to work. Luckily, I found the employee only emergency lever for the elevator. I pulled the lever and went back on stage. Soon after a minute I felt the stage starting to descend downwards with me and Chica on it.

Chapter 4

Chapter Text

Content warning: Child Cruelty, Violence, Kidnapping and abduction

4. We went down the elevator stage platform. After a minute or 2 we reached the bottom of the lift.
as we went through another tunnel-like area and then threw a steel door with "parts and service" labeled on it. Chica held it open for me as we went inside. There were lots of things around the dark room. a table with what looked like some robotic loose parts on them. An arm and a leg. Even one head with one eye missing. some other doors with the animatronic labeled on them. Likely the one's that lead to their green rooms in Rockstar Row. And in the middle was a big second mini room surrounded by some sort of steel cylinder. A small pc was set up on the outside of it. Chica started to walk towards it and I followed. "So this is parts and service huh? Any idea where I can get you a new beak and face plate?" I asked as I had no idea what I was doing. "Oh. It's mostly done automatically. All you need to do is go to the little computer over there. select the parts that needed to be replaced. Then go into the protective cylinder and use the console there to make the robotic repair arms do the rest." She said as if it was as easy as pie. I nodded as I saw her walk through the cylinder door. There was a laying stool on there where she sat and slowly layed down. I went to the little pc on the outside as I turned it on. There were many options. shell repair. endoskeleton repair. and names of each animatronic for specific parts. Chica's Voice box. Freddy's chest compartment. Roxy's eyes. and Monty's claws. guess each part is unique to each of them. I go down til it's on the shell repair and click on the chica one. I then select the "face and beak" options. Then I remembered the trash inside of Chica. I look around the options to see if I can do something specifically to remove the torso part. but not replace it. Luckily I could find one called. "Temporary removal shell." Bingo. I thought as I pressed that option as well as a voice said. "Now enter the protective cylinder to start repairs." I looked around for where the voice came from. but could not see anything in the dark lighted room. Likely from some hidden speakers. I went inside of the protective cylinder as there was indeed another console with a more simple looking design. I gave it a look over and it seemed like a simple color coded keyboard. I pressed the blinking button's in order as if it was Simon says. I saw mechanical hands like tools decent as it started to undo Chica's face. torso and beak locks. Then it grabbed onto it and removed the unlocked Beak. Face and torso shell. It was weird to see Chica's insides. But I was also curious what was actually inside of these animatronic stars. I started by Inspecting the metal looking skeleton she had. It was likely called an Endo skeleton by the name the pc gave it. It looked almost like a human skeleton. But it was made out of metal. Slightly you could see some exposed wires on the torso. around the arms and thighs. Thick yellow cables as they coursed through the body. You could even see the coiled springs around their thighs to see how they would be able to crouch and stand back up. The face had of course the eyes which were still attached on it as well. There are some metal circles around the body. Almost making a frame that Likely keeps the outer shell parts nice and snug on them. There were also some weak points to stay aware of. Like any of the ball joints for the shoulders. Arms. Legs. Hands. Feet. Neck. Fingers and the likes. as well as the round glass like looking eyes. only the back of her face plate was still on. and her eyes were the only colorful part that was still up front. It looked more unsettling. Imagine if she chased me looking like that. I'd already have sh*tted my pants. I put the broken parts and the still intact torso shell on the side as I looked inside of Chica's endoskeleton. Grabbing every bit of trash out of her body. After looking her fully over and removing all the trash pieces that were inside of her. As well as changing and cleaning up her internal trash can storage. I grabbed the cleaning cloth I used from before as I started to clean her insides. Trying my best to use the wrapped out slightly wet cloth to get even the slightest bit of pizza Greece. Cookie crumbles. Sticky Nachos. And crumpled up fries out. Even an old pizza slice I found. After that I finished it up. It was a lot easier with the internal trash can. I just needed to empty it and then clean it out. I Did remember seeing something like this when I looked inside of Freddy's chest compartment. But his one was way smaller. more Shaped like a metal shoe box than a trash can. Likely so children would still fit inside of him and not bonk their heads against it. But with the large amount of food and trash Chica ate. Hers had overflown. Food. Greece. and trash landing on her endo skeleton. Which I thoroughly cleaned up. I then carry the still intact torso slash breast plates back on top of Chica's endo skeleton. After that the mechanical hands retracted back into an unknown area in the ceiling. soon coming back down with a new face plate as well as a new beak for Chica. as I lowered and placed them on the right spot of her head to make sure it's secure. As well as putting each part of Chica's beak on her endo-like mouth. Luckily it was a click system. Just put the lined holes on top of the endoskeleton top and bottom pieces of her mouth and with a click. They were locked in place. I then pressed the shining buttons in order as the hooks and arms worked in tandem. moving onto the new face plate. beak. and body to lock them into place. I rubbed and pushed slightly on the face. beak. and body to make sure they are locked properly. Luckly. They were. I got a bit jump scared by the announcer talking again. "Good job. The procedure is complete. You may now exit the protective cylinder". the voice said again as the door to this contained room opened back up. I went to the chair Chica was laying on. "Are you alright Chica? That didn't hurt, did it?" I asked worriedly. And unknowing if it did at all. She sat up right and shook her head. Now while talking. Her beak would move properly again with her voice. "Don't worry about me. I'm fine Arthur. It doesn't hurt for any of us luckly. But it still could hurt if we get damaged on our endoskeleton or any of our circuits cables get cut or broken." She said as that made sense. "I see. I'm just glad i was able to fix the damage i did to you. I'm still so sorry." She shook her head. "No. I should be sorry. Sorry for chasing you down and almost attacking you. But don't worry about me. I can be repaired. You Can't." She said slightly down but also made a very good point. "Thank you Chica. And my apologies. But worrying about people i care about Is kinda my thing." I say with a slight chuckle as she did to. "That makes two of us." She said happily back. I looked at my fazwatch. "Oh. That late already? It's almost 5:45 am. I guess we better get back up. so how do we go back from here?" I asked Chica as she walked over to a metal door with a faint pink image of her silhouette on it. "Just this way. If we go through this door. we can go straight to the back of my green room." I walked besides her as the big sliding door opened when Chica got close to it. Together we went threw. It took a few minutes to walk through at our phase. But we eventually showed up at a smaller elevator-like platform. We both stand on top of it as Chica presses a button and we start to slowly Raised up. Higher and higher til we come into what looks like a back storage room. There was a charging station close to the back. a metal eks phone booth like round chamber. They were used by the animatronics to recharge their power. Some old empty boxes layed around as in the far back or front of the room. the door to the green room was spotted. We walked threw as it slide up like the other door did. Entering Chica's green room. It was quite pleasant. It had the same as the other rooms when it comes to decorations, an arcade machines. A mirror and desk combo stand. Which was likely her make-up stand sinds it looked like the others. A big Fully white couch. a table with a neon lighted ring around it. A Chica themed trash can with a trail of balloons hanging from it. The walls were decorated with a giant Chica image. Rocking her guitar as well as some posters. On the far right there is a big Neon pink and yellow sign with ."Glamrock Chica." below it in matching neon letters. The floor was green. Covered in pink hearts and chicas faces. There were also some pizza boxes around. I can't tell if these were just props. or if they really used to have pizza in them. Chica turned to me as she gave me one more big hug. "Thank you. for today and for everything Sport Star." She said in her embrace as I hugged her back. "It's a pleasure. and I'll make sure that it stays this way. You just be careful with your amazing self Chica." I complimented back as I went towards the normal green room door that leads back to Rockstar Row. but was halted by a sound of stumbling coming from Chica. "Oh! Wait! I need to give you something!" She said as she walked off for a second. Throwing some of the stacks of pizza boxes away and grabbing something from behind them. she then jogged back to me holding a glamrock chica plushie. wearing the same pink bathing suit outfit and having the same colored stripes on her cheeks. having plush arm bands as well as the chicken talons she had. On the face of the plushy. big blue eyes stared back at me. which was strange sinds her normal animatronic eyes were purple. But they got the beak right with the plush purple lipstick parts at least. for the rest. It looked quite like her. With the only difference being that her hair was a bit longer and more flat because of the material it's made out of. This one held her star shaped guitar as well. I look at the table as it was Also signed by her to me. "for all the troubles I caused. and for a fun day of course!" She said from somber to joyful. I held it as I smiled and hugged it. "Thank you so much Chica. You made my day and evening Exciting. Helpful and a delight." I said happily. She gave a spin in joy as she heard that. Waving me goodbye as I go towards the door. "Have a wonderful day Sport Star!" She said and waved back with that joyfull look of her. I still quickly cleaned up the trashcan in the bathroom that Chica was eating out of. After all that. I take a deep breath and go back to the main entrance. But Just before I could get Out of the front door. My phone rang again. I pick it up and try to put my best friendly voice on. "Greetings. you're calling to Freddy's Fazbears Mega Pizza Plex! How can we help you today?" It took a few seconds before I heard a response. " Arthur. It's Mike. I got an update from the big boss. Asking if you could take over the dayshift in between a two day basis in the week. So one day the night shift and the next the dayshift with nightshift. With breaks and rests to accommodate of course. It's only temporary though. and you get a free pizza yada yada yada." He said almost in a slightly annoyed tone. I let out a sigh and wanted to object. But I really wanted to keep my job. Plus this would be a great way to see the other animatronics act during the day. "Sure Mike. Sinds it's temporary I won't mind. I am enjoying this place more than anyone. so leave it to me boss.'' I can hear a relieving sigh from the other side. "Thanks Arthur. It's nice to know we atleast have someone that feels that way here at the Pizza Plex. I updated the website so you will start at 11:00 am. So get some rest. And have a good day." He said as he hung up. I groaned as I turned around and went back to the desk of the reception. I thought I'd really wanted to go to sleep. But I then thought about it for a moment and never actually checked out the files on the main network. Checking my fazwatch as i look at the sended in emails and notifications. Sinds I wanted to do my own research anyway. I wanted to make sure I could find anything if possible. Maybe related to Bonnie or the other animatronic disappearances. Any strange other happenings or even old coworker messages or complaints. There was a bit here and there. the starting tab was on Glamrock Chica's section. A warning message about Chica attacking staff members and Staff botts In the kitchen. i Wished i knew that earlier. A complaint about her smell. An addiction to something called Monty Mystery Mix. Apparently it had a pizza taste to it. She couldn't get enough of it. the Mystery mix was discontinued. and she had to be. Taught a lesson. To make her stop with that addiction. However. The after effects were not helpful and seemed to worsen her mental state Even more. Even having to take it easy for a bit during the day. Poor poor Chica. i looked more as I saw an odd message. Chica has bin spotted more often assisting clean up staff botts by cleaning up left over untouched pizzas. fries. and cookies in boxes at parties. This Behavior was disregarded for some time. Until one of the outside cameras picked up movement at the back of the pizza plex. A group of rough looking people surrounded Chica as she handed out the left over food boxes to them. she was scheduled to be. taught a lesson. but this was eventually canceled when word came around. It turned out that these people where from a nearby homeless shelter that was understaffed and underpaid. It made me read it again a few times. Now imagining she would give them the food and let herself eat garbage. "I can be repaired. you Can't." the words of Chica echoed threw my mind. I'd make sure she gets rewarded for this. I moved on to the next list. The one's for Roxy. An programming edit. Seems like Roxy used to be forced to slow down at her raceway. So any kid could win instead of her. man that sounds like it sucks. It had bin later removed after an incident from a sick birthday kid who really wanted to have Roxy win. It was a big wish from him. But sinds she was forced to slow down and loose. She wouldn't have been able to fulfill that wish. even when they raced and she neared the finish line. she was still forced to slowed down. the birthday kid did the same out of curiosity. eventually to a stop. however. the kid seemed to stop as well. after asking what's wrong. and Roxy unable to make up an excuse. she just told him that she can't win. that she wasn't allowed to win. but I couldn't tell him why. a
Apologizing as she begrudgingly asked him to move past her. He seemed to understand it slightly. but this kid was something else. Instead of passing her. he backed up in reverse and used his cart to press against Roxy's cart. By the sudden surprise of movement. Roxy was unable to push on the brakes soon enough. The kid pushing her cart at full speed as she slowly moved her forward and for the first time ever. over the finish line. sinds then the program seemed to have bin bugged out. So far they can't even restore it or install it without getting corrupted. but it seemed like a win -win scenario in my book. imagine having to lose over and over again. no matter how hard you try. Sounds like the story of my life. I'd get sick of it after the first time around. when I read further. I see that the kid even gave the racing trophy to Roxy. Giving it a special place in her room. How sweet of him. I don't remember seeing it. But then again. The times I went into her room I was too occupied with focusing on the best herself. But I found that story very endearing. by the end of the message. It said that his name was Arthur. huh. small world. if he comes again. I'll be sure to give him a free prize from the giftshop. or atleast buy one for him. there sadly weren't many of these good message notices. unless it involved any complaints or need of repairs. however. There was one more request made. a new program add-on. seems like Roxy was scheduled to appear at a little girl's birthday party. But nobody showed up. And sadly. This wasn't the exaggerated version of it. However. thanks to Roxy being there. She tried her best to cheer her up. Too still have a great time. doing each other's makeup. eating carrot cake. and more. It sounded so sweet. maybe even more after my own experience of that happening. but I'm glad Roxy was there for her. At the end of the message was the request to add a sort of cheer up function for such lonely kids. giving a feeling that if they are alone. you'd always have a friend to show up on your birthday here. apparently the little girl's name was. cassie. I'll make sure that if I see her. I'll notify Roxy so they can meet up. Other than that she had some minor complaints about being too rude or harsh towards customers. And that she had bin. Taught a lesson For it. Now that. That gave me the chills. If I find out who does that. Then I'll make them pay. I won't let anyone hurt any of the band anymore. Next up I move onto Monty's list. It was. Horrible to read them. Not because of what was in them. But how they all ended. Ever sinds Bonnie left. He had been not showing up on stage or at parties. Deciding to be on the catwalk on Monty golf instead. Monty was taught a lesson. Another one about his new rage filled episodes. It seemed like this behavior occurred also after Bonnie went missing. Breaking a view staff botts and thrashing his room. He was taught a lesson. I know about that one. I cleaned it up after all. This one too ended in him being taught a lesson. Is. Is that why he asked me to teach him a lesson when I saw his green room all messed up? I shiver at the thought of it. I kept on reading threw. Monty snapped at a group of people. It seems like they kept on taunting him and insulting him. Even blaming him for Bonnie's disappearance. But he managed to hold in his rage. Muttering something about Bonnie. Just telling them that they can think what they want. And walked away. This time he just got a stern talking to. Do. Do people really blame him for that? I just can't imagine him doing such a thing. Especially if he started to skip shows. And was having the anger problems only recently. There were more messages as well as an upgrade request. It said Monty's claws needed a sharper and stronger set. so he could play the base better. So. Did that mean he got his stronger claws before or after Bonnie disappeared? Strange. The more I read. The more doubts I get. I kept on reading as there was a safety request. it says the safety bars and platforms need some new bolts and nuts for the catwalk. there was an incident note attached to it. one of the gator carts that lead up to the discontinued attraction was left on by a previous employee. a boy around the teenage years assumed it was just open. And got into one. Going up onto the catwalk. walking over it as the platform creaked in protest. while leaning over one of the safety bars to get a better look down below. the bar snapped as the teen was dangling from the catwalk. slowly slipping as before he could fall. He was grabbed by something. or someone. Monty had seen the teen climb up to the catwalk and followed him suit. getting up to the catwalk by using another gator cart and went after him. pulling him up and rescued him. it took at least 10 minutes for the kid to let go of Monty afterwards. seems this one had bin pushed under the rug sinds the parents didn’t press any charges. thank Monty for that. I'll keep an eye out for him. I wanna send away any bullies that would bother him. Now for the main man of the gang. the list of Freddy. When it came to Freddy. I could barely find any complaints luckly. Nor anything about him being taught a lesson. There was only one complaint and one notice. the complaint there was, was an incident on the main stage at show time. Seems like Freddy had glitched out and shut down during a performance. the show had to be canceled early. The other was something about an information leak that happened. But not much else is mentioned about what was actually leaked. that was pretty much it. It Seems like he even protected a kid that was stuck here at night. Not much details where given about this event sadly. Then I move on to Sun and Moon's messages. The first one catching my interests already. Seemed like a message to reprogram him to suit the daycare. Apparently he used to be a star in the Fazbear Theater. Hm. That made sense with his jester like appearance. There weren't much complains about Sun. But there was a wash list about Moon with complaints. From children being afraid of the dark and blaming him. to just being overall creepy and scaring kids during naptime. Guess that's what happens when you cut corners and reprogram an animatronic with a darker alter ego for a caretaker of a daycare. Or at least that's how I thought about it. Looking over to the next tab I saw the name I was looking for. Bonnie. But when I tap on it. It was empty. I curse a bit as i hoped that it wasn't cleaned out yet. But it seems like it had been a while ago. I sigh but move onto the next tap. Seeing a section called DJ Music man. This one had only one message. A replacement request for one of the other Pizza Plex establishment. Apparently this guy from the Fazcade is being relocated to another Mega Pizza Plex location. As a replacement for the broken one there. Makes sense. That explains why the one giant animatronic in the Fazcade was being taken apart. And moved. Looking to the next tab. There wasn't any. Just a more summary for attractions or parts that don't rely on a specific animatronic. Like new wall paint for Roxy's Raceway. New golf clubs for Gator golf. Updating the staff bots software. Complaints about the trash lying about. But besides that. Nothing. Nothing was there about Bonnie. Or where he may even have gone off to. Not even about the other animatronics. I gave a sigh before I turned the fazwatch back to its camera mode and went into the employee only room to see if I could find a safe comvy place to rest. Luckly I was too tired to need my sleeping pills and fell asleep in the changing room. I used some old pillows and my jacket as a makeshift blanket. i layed down with the Chica plushie I got from her. I snuggled up with it and fell right asleep. While I am in dream land. I hoped I could rest easy. But it seemed my mind had other plans. It seemed I was back into The old cave dream again. It still had the 3 way fork in the road constantly. But now I could swear I'd see a small puddle of pink. Blue. and red liquid coming from each cave entrance. But I could not only see more. But hear something too. I froze as I heard heavy splashes from the puddle of colors that formed into the single tunnel I came from. Then another. And then another. The sound echoed from in front of me to behind me. Making it sound all the more unsettling. I tried to take another step to continue forward but I stopped as I could hear the crashing down and metal scraping on rocks getting rapidly closer and closer. I turned around as I wanted to see what was chasing me. but before I could see what it was. my eyes shot open as I sat upright. I breathed heavily as I realized it was just another nightmare. It wasn't unusual for me to have dreams about the same things or scenarios as before. but this was getting annoying. I looked at my phone for the time. It was 10:28 am. I better get ready for the busy time that will be when this place opens. I got up and went to the main desk after I cleaned up the pillows and my jacked. I put my Chica plushie with my Roxy one I used to sleep with. I go back to the entrance and unlock the door for any early birds. The parents and children go through as the children cheer. scream. and run past the reception desk. I gave an understanding look at the parents as I helped them to Check in and adjust for any unexpected guests to register them in the system. The day went by well as I patrolled around the building. Smiling as I looked around
and sometimes wave at the other animatronics. if they are not busy with another child or group of kids for a party. I got a notification on my fazwatch from one of the staff bots. I didn't know I could get real time notifications from them. It must be because I am still connected with the main network. It Seems like one spotted a child vomiting on the floor in the EL Chip restaurant. I make my way to El chip as I grab a mop and a bucket from the back of the restaurant's storage closet and start to clean up. After doing so I wanted to put one of these small wet floor signs there. but all the ones that are there were little robotic versions. Just a small wet floor sign with threat tires and a little rectangle head. It even had small bear ears which made it so adorable. But then I remember I had no idea how to get this little guy towards EL CHIP. I checked my fazwatch again to see if I could find anything useful. Looking at the camera feed I saw a set of little bars in the top left corner. like where options would usually be on website pages. I pressed it and saw different icons that resemble animatronics. Like the ones you could see on their doors in parts and service. Some for staff bots. some for these smaller caution wet floor robots. and of course. the main animatronics. I pressed on the wet floor sign icon as it indeed started to move. I went all the way back to El chip as I pressed it while standing on the clean floor. After 30 seconds I could see it arrive at the restaurant. Standing on the wet floor as it stood in the middle of it. I was surprised by how versatile the fazwatch still was before I went back on my way to explore the pizza plex. I kept walking around and sometimes checking the cameras. Mostly the ones in attractions. Looking back as I see two men jogging about. I thought they were just late for an attraction. until they jogged their way towards me. They looked uncomfortable. "Excuse me. but can you point us to where the security guard is? We need his help urgently." One of them asked as I gave a sarcastic look before giving a smile. Any smart-ass would correct them by showing off the security logo on the back of my shirt. Or my badge for that matter of fact. but I didn't feel like pissing off customers. "Ofcorce. Arthur is my name and helping people is my game. How can I help you today?" I said to them as they relaxed a bit. "You see. We are looking for our son. He wasn't on any of our meeting points and we lost sight of him." I nodded. Just some concerned parents. At Least these ones are concerned unlike others I used to know. "Ofcorce. And what might your son's name be?" I asked as I checked my fazwatch. "His name is Soren. And I'm Mister Noctus. This is my husband Marella." He said. I checked the guest profiles for anyone by that name. Indeed he was here for a casual visit. "And from what attraction did you last come back from?" I asked as they were fully calm now. "We just returned from El chip. That one restaurant with the big beaver statue with the Sombrero." I nodded as I already started to flip through the cameras. There was luckly a photo of the kid to his name in the system. But I better make sure to ask more details that I could look out for. "Hm. he is indeed in the system. Any color or specific clothes he's wearing? I wanna make Sure i identify the right kid and not waste any time." I asked as I scanned through the cameras throughout the pizza plex. "Y-yes. He has a green shirt with that gator on it. Red pants and purple croc shoes. He's a big fan of that gator." I was actually happy to hear that for a change. the other man nodded to agree with him. I kept looking around the camera's in the Pizza Plex. But I could find Nothing. Then I checked the cameras in the employee only areas just in case he got lost. Surprisingly, I found him. Standing still as someone seemed to crouch and talk to him. Wearing Sweatpants. and A hoodie. I could only make out her black hair out from the back of her head. "I think I found him. He's in an employee only section with a weird woman. She had Black semi long hair. wearing a Hoodie. and seems almost as tall as you two. Is she from your family?" I asked as mister Noctus answered my question with a question. "Can you see anything in particular about her? Jewelry? Any specific hair style?" I looked threw the other camera to see a more frontal view. She seemed to have a necklace with some red gems on it. Blue earrings. But her face looked normal. "Not much. Blue earrings. Red necklace. Clean face. How so?" I asked as the colors drained from there faces. "T-thats. No. You gotta get him out of there! Please!" I looked surprised at their harsh and worried reactions. I kept my eyes on the camera view to see if they would move or not. They seemed to stay still for the time being. talking. "What's wrong?" Who is that person?" I asked as I got worried at there worried tones. "That's my crazy Ex! I have a restraining order against her!" He almost yelled out as the other man recoiled a bit. I acted quickly as I checked if there was anything about that in the system. I couldn't find anything about it. Tho I wasn't gonna ignore this either. So I thought of a good middle ground. "Oh sh*t. A-alright. You two head to the reception desk and stay near the entrance. I'll be going after her." They looked unsure. But they had to agree. As I see them walk away. I started to jog towards the area that they where at. I also made sure to send out a warning to be on the lookout for that person and that kid. I go threw the doors to the employee only area. Luckly I see then stand there. Slowly walking up as I was always a type of person that scared others by how quietly I walked normally. Hearing a slight bit of the conversation. "And that's why it's important to stay by my side. Understood?" Before i coughed. "Ahem! What are you doing here? This area is off limits." I said as she turned around. Luckly she wasn't much taller than me. "Oh! Really? I didn't noticed that!" She said as I retorted. "Then what about the employee only sign on the door?" She didn't reply at first before she looked back at the kid. He was indeed wearing a Monty T shirt. Purple crocs. He was Soren for sure. The woman quickly replied. "I. I was just following my son here! He got lost and I was just giving him a stern talking to." I gave a look at her and then the kid. "Hey kid. You got lost?" He shook his head no. I bow down a bit. Thinking about how I should deal with this situation. "Alright. First things first. I got to escort you out of this room. I don't want to get in trouble and neither will you I bet. I will also have to register both of you in the system. After seeing you and with who you Checked in with. I Can send you back to your attractions." I said as this made the woman stop for a bit. I look back with a side eye. "Is something the matter miss?" I asked as the woman shook her head. "No no no! We are fine! There's no need for that. I can assure you that I'm his mother." She said, This behavior only affirms the story of the 2 fathers. "Miss. It isn't an offer. We need to make sure that every child is with their right parent. If you're his mother. then we can see it in the system where you're registered." This seemed to put the woman on edge. I had to play it smart as i should have known that that put her in such a mood. "My apologies. I should not have assumed. It's been a long day for me." I said as I crouched down and looked at the kid. "Don't worry. We can leave your child in the daycare so that I can help you with a free photo pass for my troubles. Then you can pick him up." I said as I stood in the now opened door of the employee only area as I heard her mutter a bit. "Like hell he's going anywhere." Too bad for her I had keen hearing. I used my fazwatch and sent a kidnapping and harmful threat alert to all available staff bots and animatronics. "He's not going." She said as she held a strong grip on his arm. "Miss. Calm down. you're hurting the child." Sadly she wasn't as stupid as i'd hoped. tipping off her suspicions as she wrapped one arm around the kid and tried to charge past me. I dodged out of instinct and grabbed onto her shirt to stop her. But I didn't grab enough of it to get a strong hold onto it. I tried to run after her as best as I could. It wasn't too busy in the pizza plex as she ran back past el chip and quickly went down an escalator as I tried to follow suit. She wanted to go right. But by the sound of a loud voice. "There you are! Come here!" She bolted the other way. It seems like Monty had blocked her way and was now chasing her towards Monty Golf. Going past it as Monty ran after her. "don't worry kid. I'll get you!" he yelled as He was quite fast. It forced her to take another escalator down towards the ground floor and ran from Monty Golf towards the main stage. Crossing it as staff bots point at her and let out some sort of alarm. She knocked some of them over as they were in her way. Running towards the Roxy Raceway entrance. The kid was held tightly as she saw Monty and me chasing her. As she wanted to go inside the attraction. She was stopped in her tracks as she heard a loud sound. "There's nowhere to hide! loser!" Seeing Roxy blocking the way. she bends down as she launches forward. The same way she did to me some time ago. The woman ran for dear life to the left as Roxy stood back up and joined us in the chase. "You can't outrun me! let him go!" She said as we followed her deeper into the pizza plex. She kept on running as she started to throw food carts over and trying to get us to slow down. I had to go around them. Monty is shoving them out of the way. And Roxy stayed up front as she almost parkour over all the obstacles. "Is that the best you can do? You are nothing!" Roxy taunted. When she wanted to keep on running. Her path was blocked yet again. "Stop her! She must not get away!" Freddy said as she was forced back to the nearby escalator. Running up it as she goes to the first floor. "She's up there!" Roxy said as she pointed up at the first floor at her. Running at the front. Followed by Monty. Then Freddy. and then me. Sinds they were animatronics they were much quicker. They all chased her as she wanted to head towards the main entrance. The kid was crying as she was soon halted as someone else was blocking the doorway. "No more games! His parents are looking for him! give him back!" Chica said as she blocked the exit. The other animatronics ran around her to block the doorway with her. She looked around for any way to escape with the crying child. She seemed to get desperate. As she looked at each of the animatronics as they took slow and careful steps closer. I hide myself around one of the big Pizza Plex maps that stood near the entrance. close to the door but out of sight. The woman quivered as she spoke. "out of my way! don't get any closer. I mean it, you robotic freaks!" Freddy tried to talk to her. Rather worried about the child. "Please. Let the child go. The authorities have already been informed. It won't be long til they arrive. It is in your best interest to cooperate." She kept her worried look and searched around for an exit or a place to flee to. Holding onto the crying kid in her arms better. But there was no way to go. Roxy took a step forward. "Give up. You can't hide. so let him go. Now!" Even they could see the anger in her eye's. Her fear turned into fury as she reached for her hoodie pocket. pulling out something no one was expecting. Nor wanted to see. A handgun. A Hi-Point C9. The animatronics and I went wide eyed as we saw her holding it against the head of the crying child. Some people that were in there Screamed and gasped. Monty and Roxy wanted to charge in. But held back at the sudden danger for the Child. Even more now as the gun was pulled out. The woman took a few steps backwards. "I've been. with that asshole. All his life! And then he dumped me for that. that f*cker! He ruined everything for me. and now I will ruin him. And take everything he loves! So get out of the way! "Or else!" She threatened as the child's face was in tears and snot. Screaming that he just wants his daddy. Freddy's ears drooped as he was conflicted. He wanted to protect the child. but letting her threw would not protect him either. He tried to talk in his calm tone. "I'm. sorry what has happened to you. It must have been very hard on you. But please do not harm the child. He has done nothing wrong to deserve this." Freddy pleaded with the woman. She seems to contemplate it a bit. Seeming to slowly pull the gun off of the kids head. Making Freddy have a look of slight relieved. he hoped he could reason with her. But that thought was washed away instantly. as she pointed the gun to her right and pulled the trigger twice. Shooting into the wall. Damaging a nearby wire box. Before she pointed it close to the kid again. The few People around quickly ducking behind any cover they could to protect themselves or their children. The woman with an even madder look talked back to Freddy. "Last warning! MOVE! Or the kid dies!" She demanded as Chica had a face of pure horror. "oh no. not again. please." Monty and Roxy had more fury in their eyes at this woman wanting to hurt a child at all. "If you hurt him then I'll. I'll." Monty struggled to say. "get away from him! or else I'll make sure you regret it!" Roxy threatened. Freddy was more concerned. He didn't know what to do or how to help in this situation. I held my breath as I clutched my chest. even though I was terrified. I knew I had to do something. I used my adrenaline to take a deep breath and started to sneak from the corner closer and closer behind her. Freddy looked wide eyed at me. I gave a signal to slowly get out of the way. and that I'd try and grab her. He wasn't sure about this idea. But with no other options. He had no choice but to trust in me. "Okay. Don't hurt him. We will get out of your way. slowly." He says as he puts his hands on the shoulders of the others. Wanting them to move to the sides slowly. They looked in surprise and slight shock as Freddy said that. until they looked at the figure behind her that was creeping up to her. me. Chica slightly shakes as she starts to walk to the side with Monty. As Roxy and Freddy slowly stepped away to the other side. Making slow and stomping steps. Not to try and intimidate her. But to mask my steps or any sounds I would have made. I was able to get closer and closer as they moved fully away from the door. But before she could even take a step. I jumped up and quickly grabbed her arm with the gun in it. Pulling it back into the air as this made her panic. wildly firing it into the air til the clip was fully emptied out. I then put all my weight on her arm as I managed to pull her down onto the ground. She tries her best to make me release her arm. But I wrapped my legs around her arm and tried my best to twist her wrist so she would release the gun. As soon as I held her pinned down as well as the gun. Roxy and Monty charged into the struggle. Getting a fearful scream from the women as a distorted scream-like sound came from the animatronics. Monty yanked at the arm off of the crying child. Roxy pulled the child away from the crazed woman. I get off of her arm as I see chica rush towards my side. Holding the woman's arm in place of me as she restrains her. I grabbed the cleaning cloth from before out of my pocket as Freddy bowed down. grabbing a hold of the top of the gun as i wrap the cloth around the gun and hand it to him to keep it safe. I sat on the ground. shaking immensely. Scared. Amazed and so happy no one got hurt. as I had never done this before. After Monty kept her fully restrained. Chica released her so Monty could hold her better. She then came up jogging towards me as the others were busy with calming down the customers. "Are you alright Arthur?" She asked as she carefully pulled me up by my middle. to make sure she did not hurt my damaged shoulder. "I-I am. F-fine C-Chica. How are you? Did. did anyone get damaged?! How about the child?" I asked as Chica looked surprised that I ask about there safety first. "We are fine. No one got hurt. not even from the gun fire. Thank you." She says with a smile. I heard the parents from earlier run by. "Soren!" "Daddies!" I heard the fathers and child say as they embraced each other. After that I heard more steps coming closer. I see Roxy rushing over to me. "The kid is alright. Only a scratch wound from the running and a burn from the weapon. But he will be fine otherwise. How are you? You didn't get hurt did you?" She asked as I smiled back. "I'm fine. really. But Thank you for asking. I'm a bit weak on my knees. Can one of you help me to the reception desk. I need to make an announcement." I asked with a small shaky smile as Roxy helped me up. Soon Chica did also. The struggling from the woman had finally died down in Monty's grip. I grabbed the intercom microphone and pressed the speaker button as my voice sounded throughout the whole Pizza Plex. "Attention all Customers. Thanks to Roxy. Monty. Chica. and Freddy. The perpetrator has been caught and the weapon removed. I repeat. The perpetrator has been caught and the weapon removed. You can now relax and continue with your activities." I Said as I finished talking. Giving a thumbs up to Roxy and Chica as I smiled in relief. Now it's only waiting for the police to come. Or so I thought. I looked at the wire box that was shot at as I saw small sparks coming from there. "Hey. could one of you help me get to that box on the wall?" I asked as they looked where I was pointing. together they helped me towards the sparking wire box. Luckly I could walk on my own a small bit again. so I needed less support from them. But it still felt. Nice. To have someone to support me for a change. I opened the now busted box as I saw a loose cable hanging there. Slightly giving off sparks as it was separated by the bullet. "Darn it. That isn't good. Where does this one lead to?" I asked myself as I didn't expect an answer but still got one from Chica. "That one leads to the daycare. oh no." I had the same feeling as I remembered Sun's insistence on the lights. And the many many warnings about it. I also remembered the generators. "Roxy. Chica. Can you two handle it here? I need to go to the daycare and turn the generators on." Chica and Roxy seemed to hesitate. "But that place isn't safe for Any adults in this state. I don't want you to get hurt more than you already are." I put my hand on her arm as I smiled. "don't worry. If I don't, who will? Plus. I'm the only one who knows where they are. sinds i put them away with the cables last time. So I'll have to do it." Roxy's ears dropped as she looked at me worried. This Brought me worry. yet also a bit of calmness too. She put her claws on my arm gently. "Come back safe and sound. Rock Star." That made me smile as I nodded. Then after she let's me go. I rush towards the daycare.

Chapter 5

Chapter Text

5. I arrived at the daycare entrance as the windows were as dark as ever. I could hear no voices or sounds from the outside of the building. I tried to open the door. But it seemed to be locked. "That's strange." Is this some sort of emergency lock?" I asked myself as I used my guard pass to open the lock from the doors. pulling at the door as it opened with creaks and groans without power. I went inside as it was as dark as ever. Making me grab my flashlight as I shined it at the floor. I went further inside as I out of instinct pulled off my shoes. Then walking inside the entrance slide. Sliding down as I walk threw the ball pit and into the main area. "Hello? Is Anyone there? The bad guy has been caught. You don't need to be afraid. Is everyone here okay?" I called out. But I didn't get a response. As I went further into the play place. I could hear sniffling and light sobbing. I aimed my flashlight at the floor under one of the entrance ways. Seeing a little girl sit there crying. I bent down to address her. She gasped as she looked at me. Trying to retreat back into the playplace. I crouched down as I try to seem as harmless as I can be. "Hey hey. Don't worry. I'm the security guard here. You're safe. I'm here to turn on the lights. Are you hurt?" I asked as she seemed a bit calm at my explanation. To make sure she believed me. I shined my light onto my security badge. her eyes go wide at the sight of it. walking and soon stumbling towards me. Latching onto my leg. I try to comfort the distressed girl. "I. I Was so scared. The loud sounds. The light went out. and we all. I. I." She tries her best to talk in between sobs. I felt for the little girl. Saying calmly to her. "Don't worry. I was scared too. But now I'll make sure everything will be fixed. All I need to do is turn on some generators. And then everything will be fine. Alright?" I said as The little girl nodded and let go of my leg. She motioned for me to get close. I did so as she whispered. "Watch out for mister Moon. He seems mad." She said as she hid back under the playplace. I was determined but careful as I moved forward. finding the closest generator first. It was hard to get to the lever sinds. I needed to enter the play place itself to get close enough. But I managed to find the lever and pull it as it started to work. "1 down. 3 more to go". I said happily as I went out of the playplace section. but I froze up as I heard. something. It sounded like The chime of bells. I shined my light around to see where it could be coming from. But I couldn't see anything. i Soon heard a raspy voice speak up from nearby. "Naughty boy. Naughty boy. You don't belong here. You must be punished. Nighty night~." I heard him say as I shined my light directly behind me. He was suspended in the air by a cable on his back. Giving the illusion of him flying. It was the Sun animatronic. But he looked different. His yellow colors were replaced with dark blue. Wearing a night cap as he had red eyes and his moon face was more visible than the Sun part. even his sunlight triangles around his head were gone. Giving it a full moon view. He recoiled a bit as I flashed his face with the light. "Ngha! Lights off! lights off!" He demanded grunting as this was my chance to move. I ran towards one of the other Play places. Crawling it as fast as I can. Looking around for any sight of the moon. So that was Moon? He acted way differently then Sun. "God that gave me the creeps." I said to myself as I kept on crawling. Reaching the next generator as I reached around the net wall and into the other side. With some effort I managed to pull the lever. The generator rumbles as it activates. As I wanted to pull my arm back. I felt it being grabbed by something. Seeing a metal arm holding onto my own in quite the strong grip. "Knock knock! Gotya!" I heard Moon say as he grabbed me. I gasped as I tried to pull away in panic. Trying to do my best to get free. I put my foot against one of the support beams of the play place and pulled as hard as I could. managing to pull myself free as Moon tried to chace right after me. but the net was preventing him from entering. His arm sticks through as it helplessly grasps at the air. I rub my arm as it luckly wasn't hurt. I stammer a bit before I continued crawling threw the playplace. Trying to find a roundabout way to go to the other generators without having to run into the open. As I kept on crawling through the play place I heard Moon's bells jingle closely. I took a moment to listen as i held my breath. Before I could see a metal hand jabbed itself from the roof downwards. trying to either catch me or jab into me like a spike shooting out of a wall. I looked up with my flashlight as I saw that the roof of this part was also made of the rope material. Making him able to fit his hand threw as he kept on jabbing and struggling to grab onto me. I panicked as I kept on crawling quicker. Trying to go faster then he can get his arms out of the entangled holes he jabs them into. I managed to crawl to a closed off section as I took a rest near a sea threw plastic bubble. I looked threw it to see if I could spot Moon anywhere in the darkness. But I saw nothing. I looked back and forth a view times slowly to see if he followed me. before i got jumpscared by his red eyes and face as it pressed against the see threw bubble. He was laughing like a crazy person. but kept in a low growling tone. In my stress to get away. I rushed through the area as I bumped into something. Rubbing my head as I looked at it and see it was a metal plate. Seems like I accidently ran into another generator. Just My luck! I reached around the top of the plate and managed to reach the handle as I pulled the third lever. The generator rumbling as I only needed one more. But I needed to go outside for it. I looked left and right as I didn't see anyone around. I heard no bells and no voice closeby. Eventually I mustered my strength as I went down the nearby slide. grunting as I climbed out of the bottom of the slide and made a break for it. Running as I hear the bells of moon getting closer and closer again. in a dash. I saw the generator as well as the handle. I rushed as hard as I could towards it as I was almost there. But I wasn't fast enough. So close yet so far as I reached my arm forward towards the last generator handle. The bells were closing in as I heard Moon yelling behind me in distress with a loud "NOOOO! I WON'T LET YOU HURT THEM!" Thinking moon would finally catch me and I'd be doomed to whatever happens to those who do get caught by the jester animatronic. I braced myself. Holding my hand on the handle as I finally reached it and waited for the impact. But it never came. I looked around with my flashlight as this didn't make sense. He was right behind me. But when i checked. He wasn't even close to me.
I could still see his red eyes in the far corner. close to one of the walls of the Daycare. He just stood there in place. Staring at me. It was odd to say the least. I shined my flashlight near the floor and mostly around him. Not wanting to agitate him. When I looked at what was behind him I saw. children. They must be the ones that were staying in the daycare. Scared and shivering. I took a step closer as Moon stomped his jester-like shoe on the padded floor. Making his bells jingle as he said. "Don't get closer! Or else you will regret it." He said in his low growing threatening tone. He kept standing in front of the group of children as he held his arms as wide and out as much as possible to protect them. Almost like a real guardian angel. I tried to move away from the generator. Pulling my hand free as I looked at moon. He took slow steps towards me instead. "Didn't you hear me? Bad people get punished. I'll make you go nighty night." He continued to taunt me as he walked closer to me around a view meters away. I can see his Long arms and fingers stretch almost ready to strike. I smile as I turn off my flashlight. Now only his piercing eyes were visible. "You really do care for the children. Don't you?" I asked as his movements stopped. Almost in mid attack as he spun his face around a bit like an owl would. Hearing him growl back. "I do. And I'll keep them safe from you." I smiled dumb like that. "I can see why Sun thought so highly of you. If someone could protect these children like you do. Anyone can sleep safely and sound here." He kept looking at me a bit skeptical. I get on my knees as I put my flashlight down. "I don't think I properly introduced myself. I'm Arthur. The security night guard and now also part time day guard at the pizza plex." I said with a smile. Holding out a hand for a shake. Of course it only made him jerk back as he looked at it and back at me. We were quiet til one of the kids talked from behind him. "H. Hi? " One of the kids said as I smiled. "Oh? Oh! you're the boy from the Arcade. Kludd. right? with the gator plushy. Do you still have it with you?" I asked as he nodded rapidly and even showed it off. Making me smile and making moon look intrigued. "That's what I like to see. You're on your way to be the brightest Super Star yourself." I said with a smile. Moon still looked worried about me. I slowly stood back up as I looked at him. "You. Don't get to play often with the kids. Do you?" I asked honestly. "no. when the lights are out. I protect the children from nightmares. rule breakers. Intruders. Criminals." He said as he wanted to make that extremely clear. It made sense on paper. Though it wasn't fair that Sun got to play with all the kids and Moon didn't. He must get lonely often. "Maybe we should put in more nightly activities. Like glow in the dark tag. night time story telling by led light campfire or other activities we might think of. Would you want that?" I asked as he got closer. "You're lying." I understood his concern. But I just waved a bit with my hand. "Believe me. I've already done a lot more than that. So that should be a piece of cake." I said as Moon looked around and then back at the children. "what. What do you all think?" He asked then as some of them jumped and cheered. "Yes! Sounds like fun! Can we please?" They all asked cheering and hopefully. He gave them a long group hug. his eyes flickered a slight bit. "He he. Alright alright. Thank you. For being such good children. I'll promise I'll be more Here for you. To scare the bad dreams and bad people away while asleep. And awake. Dream Stars." He said as he looked at me. The children cheered happily. but one kid seemed to look sad as I went back to the generator and grabbed the handle again. "Mister moon? Do you need to go?" He asked So innocently that it could melt my heart. Moon looked at me as I held the lever. "yes. Soon I'll go to sleep. I will have Sun here to help you all out throughout the day." They all gave a collective "Awww." As they didn't
I want to let go of him. "We will miss you mister moon. Please come back soon. Thank you for saving us". He was bombarded with compliments as he looked stunned for a moment. As if this was the first time that this happened. Soon he jumped out of his trance as he looked back Into my direction. And gave a slow nod. "I'll always be there for you. To have a place where you feel safer. So peaceful even the night light would get in the way. Rest assured my little Dream Stars. I'll always be there for you." After he finished that sentence. I pulled the switch of the generator. all of them worked in tandem as the room slowly started to flicker and glow with lights and colors as they turned back on again. Lightning the place up as the silly background music started to come back online as well. I look at Moon as I watch him hug the children before letting them go. taking a step back for safety. I almost could not believe my eyes. but I watched his head spin. Sun Ray triangle plastic parts pop out of his face and see his outfit get inverted as the dark blue is replaced by yellow bright colors. The red eyes turn off to their more clear ones as he speaks up. "Good morning my little Shine Stars! Oh! How are you all doing? Why are you all huddled in a corner?" Sun asked the children as they just hugged him. "Good to see you back, Sun." I said happily as his head spun around to face me. "Oh! Arthur! Welcome, welcome! What are you doing here?" He asked as he walked past the children and closer to me. I gave a shrug with a smile. "Just had to turn on some generators. There was an incident at the main entrance and it cut off a power cable. So I came here to turn the generators on." I said that as Sun seemed to jolt back a bit. "But. but that means the lights were off and you were here! On no! Did you get hurt?" I was happy about his concern. "No, I'm fine. I did get to meet Moon though. He's quite. Pleasant." I say kinda awkwardly. "Oh no I'm so sorry! He can be a bit rough with our older guests." He said awkwardly. "He is quite terrifying. But he also seems to be caring a lot. Even when I ran towards the last generator. He jumped past me and stood in front of the children. Protecting them. One thing is for sure. He's good at his job. Just like you are." Sun hopped in place a bit from excitement sinds his facial expression was stuck in a smile. "Tho he doesn't get to play often with the other children. Does he?" I asked Sun as he rubs his thin metal neck. "no. not really. He usually looks over the children for naptime. Why do you ask?" He said as he looked closely at me. "well. I was thinking that maybe we can introduce some sort of games for when it's dark. Like glow in the dark tag. or telling campfire stories around a fake fire. sing songs and the likes. I'm not fully sure about the ideas yet. but maybe it would be something refreshing to get to play in the dark or even get to take a nap in the light. Like a small bit that's covered like the playplace area with blankets. Pillows and the likes. so no lights can come through for the really tired children." Sun almost did a flip as he grabbed my arms and spinned me as we twirl around. "That's a wonderful idea! And Moon can for sure use the playtime with the children!" He said excited as I got dizzy from it all. Wobbling and stumbling a bit as I hold my shoulder from the pain. "Oh? What's wrong?" Son asked innocently as I smiled through the pain. Now missing the adrenaline that must have held it back from earlier. "I'm fine, sun. I just. Need to go. after all. I broke the rules and ran through the daycare." I said with a half smile. Sun seemed a bit quiet in thought. Then nodded. "True true. But do take care. I let you go this one time! alright?" Sun said as he wiggled his finger. "Of course Sun. Thank you so much. And I'll see you around." I say as I start to walk back towards the exit. Hearing him returning to the children As they cheered with joy. I exited the daycare after picking up my shoes from the front and went back to the front desk. Seeing some police lights flashing from the outside as the woman was taken away. An officer walked over to Me as I tried to forcefully smile as he came my way. I greeted him and told him what happened as I handed over the wrapped up gun in the cloth. After giving over my personal info and access to the camera video evidence against her. Then they finally left. I take a deep sigh of relief as I see that the other animatronics already have gone back into the pizza plex. Seeing Chica near the restaurant as she motions people up from under the table. Roxy was back at her racetrack as she guided everyone who were hiding in the garage door back to the main area. Freddy helps the people in the Atrium and stage to calm down and guide them to their seats or attractions. Even Monty I could see wandering off to gator golf. Having slight success to help people stand back up from the desk and corners where they were hiding. The rest of the day went without a breeze. When it was around the evening. I felt a buzzing In my pants. I grabbed my phone as I picked it up. "Yellow?" I said as I heard a panicked Mike on the other side. "Arthur! What the f*ck happened?! I got a call from The manager that there was police at the Pizza plex!" I held the phone away from my ear til he was done shouting. "yeah. About that." I eventually was able to explain everything. The kidnapping. the gun. the daycare
and the broken cables. "Hm. I see. I will schedule a technician to fix the cable. And good job on handling the situation. If you want to, you can take the day off. I'd understand." He said in an almost depressed tone. I picked up the hint and happily replied. "No worries. I'll work tonight as well. Better look around the whole place now that this has happened, am I right? The whole commotion must have caused a lot of cleaning up to do. So leave it to me." I could hear him sigh in relief at that. Though I was still curious about something. "Hey Mike? How did the manager know that the cops came?" I asked as it sounded suspicious. "Oh. He gets a notification each time Freddy sends a call to the police through the main network. Just for safety reasons. to make sure he can explain any false calls. Tho they have to still happen yet." I nodded at that. even though he could not see me. "Makes sense. Alright. anything else you'd wanted to ask?" I asked Mike. "No, that will be it. Good luck on your nightshift." Mike said. before I could reply back. He hung up. I sat at the front desk as I waited and maybe sneaked in a pizza for myself to eat. As I waited til the last guest was gone. I locked the door and checked the cameras on the fazwatch. Nothing was out of the ordinary as I still see the mess from the carts that were thrown over during the chace. I decided to take the stairs to the second level and walked past the cleaning staff bots. picking up the popcorn and other snack stands and putting them back right up. With a smile I decided to leave the rest to the Staffbots as I started to check the other attractions for any more trash or anything out of place. Cleaning up some leftover golf clubs in Monty golf. Putting back some weights in Chica's mazersize. Used helmets and vests back in their places in fazer blast. And last but not least. pick up any trash and push back any used carts. Helmets. and jackets. at Roxy's raceway. After putting them back and entering further into the raceway attraction. my phone rang. I picked it up. "Hello?" I asked but I could not hear anything but static. "Hello?" I asked again. but I got no response. Only more static as it got a little louder when I turned around. I noticed it as I slowly turned clockwise in a circle to see if I could hear where the static is the loudest again. Shortly enough I faced the direction where the static was the loudest. It seemed to come from deeper into the raceway. I check around the whole raceway area. Going from the wall to each corner of the place. As I reached the spectator stands. I heard the sound the loudest. I go past the seats as I see a door at the far back with "closed off." written on a board. Sinds I was security I thought I was allowed inside anyway. Luckly with my guard pass I was able to enter. Opening it up and seeing that it was a side door leading to a storage space. old broken or taken apart go carts and half bodied staff bots laying around. Different sizes of racing jackets. Loose tires in a pile. and much more. I can see a small sign that red. "Roxy Party Garage." As I Go deeper into the place. I could hear the static sound louder. Eventually reaching one of the far end walls. It looked weird as I wondered why it would come from a wall? Taking a closer look at it as I could see that something was off. feeling it as I knocked on it. The sound wasn't concrete. But wood. Painted over and put in front of whatever is behind it. I could even feel the line where the edges of the wood were placed. For a moment I could have sworn I heard something coming from my phone besides the usual static. It sounded like something really distorted. "hell-o?" I was kinda creeped out as I held my phone up. "Hello?" I heard a reply. I only got that response back each time I asked. "Hello? Who is there?". I said getting annoyed. "He-llo. There." I finally got a reply that wasn't just Hello. "Are you okay? Do you need any help? Hello?". I talked to them. "You. need. Help. Soon." I heard it say before the call ended. I brushed it off as a simple dumb prank. I kept feeling around the wood as it felt like the wall was much thinner than I thought. A few millie meters only. I could pry it off easily if I got a knife or something else to get in between the wall and the wooden cover. But I decided to leave it for now sinds i didn't want to get into any trouble if I were to break it off. Even when I walk back towards the main race way. i Still thought about that haunting phone call. But I try to shake it off my mind. Today was a pretty fearful day. I had to admit. With everything that has happened today. I likely was just a bit out of it. I can't help but wonder as I walk back out towards Rockstar Row. I looked at Monty's room as it was still taped off. Thinking that if I wanted to start my investigation somewhere. it might as well be there. He may not be the talkative gator. but maybe he could tell me more or atleast about Bonnie. Maybe he even knows something about the others that got lost as well. Unlike the last time I visited the room. this time I didn't hear any crashing or thrashing. I did hear a scratching noise of some sort as I knocked on the door. "Hello? Monty? Do you have a moment to talk?" I asked threw the door as I heard no response. Just to make sure everything was alright. I opened it up with my guard pass. The room seemed to be fine. The couch had some more scratch marks in it. With a sigh he leaned against a wall as he replied. "What do you want? If you want to talk, go ask Chica or any of the others." He asked, annoyed. I rubbed the back of my head. "I don't think anyone else can help me. Or is willing to talk about it. I want to ask you more questions about Bonnie." The question only made him growl at being asked about him. "I don't want to talk about it." He said sternly as I knew I was pushing the mad gator a bit. It was a dumb idea but I couldn't help it. "But I've been doing some research about Bonnie and." But I got cut off. "Oh boy. stop the presses. the security guard softy did some snooping around. Big deal." I got slightly annoyed at that. "But I wanna help." I stated clearly. But Monty wasn't having any of it. "And who asked you to do that? You just think you can waltz in here and fix all the problems that are around here." He said angrily. "You don't know us. you don't know What we have been threw. So stop thinking you can fix everything. Cause you can't." I know in a way he was right. But my stubborn mind could not help itself before I blurted out. "At Least i'm trying." It was a quick and swift reply. But I could feel the fury from Monty. Not needing to see his eyes as I see his body tense up. Taking stomping steps towards me. I backed up a bit before he form's his hand into a fist. And with a yell. He punched the wall next to my head. Putting a fist sized dent into the wall. I stared at it as I looked slowly back. "listen up you little brat. I'm only gonna say it one time so you and all the others get it through your thick skulls. I didn't do anything to Bonnie. I don't know where Bonnie is and I don't know what happened to him! Why do they keep asking about the stupid bunny!?" He used his other fist to bash against the other side near my head. "M. Monty I." I wanted to say. But before I could ask he continued. cutting me off again. "I can't help what happened to him! You think I wouldn't have stopped him if I could? I never wanted his spotlight! I never wanted him to be gone! I was fine where I was! If I hear one more person ask me what happened to Bonnie or what I did to Bonnie. I'll tear them apart!" He yelled as he dug his claws against the wall. Slowly scraping them down sideways as they slide towards my neck. Making me already terrified from his immense rage and strength. I can't think straight with the mini panic attack I was having myself. But Monty didn't stop there. "So go on! You heard the rumors! Everyone takes them as fact anyway! Where's Bonnie Monty? He was last seen at your attraction Monty. you will never replace bonnie Monty. you will never be as loved as Bonnie. Tell me! Tell me that it's my fault that Bonnie is gone! Everyone is thinking it and they aren't even hiding it! Well? Come on already! Say it!" He agitated me to say it. But even if I wanted to say something, The frog in my throat was blocking me from spurting out a word. "You think I didn't care about him? Do you think I didn't even have the guts to do it? I'll say it one last time. I don't know where Bonnie is or what happened to him!" Sparks slightly flew off of the wall as his claws were inches away from my neck. I couldn't move even if I wanted to. I could only listen to his rageful outburst. It may be out of fear or out of too much stress. But I managed to blurt out. "I believe you!" Waiting for the impact or for his claws to touch my neck. But it never came. "What?" He asked after a long pause. I take a gulp and a deep breath. "I-i believe you. I believe you didn't do it. I really wasn't here to accuse you of all these horrible rumors. I'm sorry I didn't say anything Before. I just don't believe it. I may not know what has happened or about the past. but I know you won't do anything like that. I. Just wanted to know who Bonnie and the others were. Freddy doesn't seem ready to talk about him the last time I tried. So I was wondering what you'd know about him." I asked as I slowly calmed down a slight bit. as i felt Monty not punching or clawing closer to me. But also not removing them. "Why? Why bother looking into this? Do you want proof to show I did it? Is that it?". He said in anger as I quickly responded. "No no no! I want To proof that you didn't do it!" It was silent for a bit As Monty didn't reply. So I repeated. "I want to prove you didn't do it. I want everyone to really accept you as a member of the rockstar band. I know about the rumors and such. But I never thought of you with them in mind. I never thought of you as The one to destroy him. I was always worried about you being blamed for it all. I want you to be known Not as Bonnie's replacement or the reason he's gone. But be Montgomery Gator. The awesome alligator with his own golf course and the most awesome and best bass player of the band!" I finished saying as I sighed a bit. the silence saying it all before it was broken by Monty. "And why should I believe a punk like you? Why would you want to do all that for an old unloved animatronic gator like me? I don't need your petty. And what do you hope to do?! Want everyone to be hunky dory with me? To join the band on stage more? What do you get out of this?" I got a smirk on my face as I answered. "I get to see you happy. Even if it's for a little bit." I heard a growl from the gator. Mostly sounding annoyed. "Still on that goody two shoe stick are you? Hm. And why even talk now? aren't you afraid of me hurting you? Breaking you as well? You saw what we can do." He asked as I softly and carefully shook my head. "You wouldn't. You confirmed it when you were shocked at Roxy hurting me. You're a smart Gator. Even if no one can see it." I said as I got a small sigh from monty. "Hehe. Fine. But only because you'd otherwise won't shut up about it." He says as I see him slowly pull back his fist and claws. Letting me fully go as I sigh in relief. "Hey kid. You alright?" He asked me as I slowly scraped along the wall before I sat on the floor. My legs are too weak to keep me standing. "Yes I'm fine. That was. An experience. How are you?" I could hear him almost facepalm. "You're a really weird kid aren't you?" I gave an awkward giggle. "Sorry. Force of habit." But now that I have free rain to ask about Bonnie. I won't let that chance slip by. "Tell me. Who was Bonnie to you?" I face palmed a bit as I sounded like a therapist. And out of experience I can tell they didn't work. With another small growl from him. He started to finally talk. "Bonnie was the base player here before I was. You can say he was a sort of mentor to me. I'd always watched him when the show was on. Back when I just stood a bit by almost motionless. Until one day. I was upgraded to join the band. When I could freely move and even talk more than just my scripted lines. It felt amazing. Like being free. I was more than nervous to meet the glamrock band. Especially Bonnie. but he was kind. showing me around the pizza plex. As well as taught me the performance songs and how to play them on the bass. Some people were skeptical of me. Guess playing the same instrument as Bonnie didn't help either. I was never really that populair. But Bonnie always tried to cheer me up. Saying that I will make it big someday." I was surprised how close he was with Bonnie. Now understanding he'd destroy so much in rage from being accused as the one putting Bonnie out of commission. I can hear him rest his back against the wall as well as he slowly scrapes down as he sits next to me. I got a slightly scared jolt. But I needed to stay calm. "Monty I. I'm Sorry. I had no idea Bonnie meant that much to you." I said as he shrugged. "No one does. No one asks. nor does anyone take the time to listen. The only ones who were there for me were the others. Or so I thought. The others were nice I guess. Even Roxy helped me with my makeover for the glamrock look. I'd never left Bonnie's side as even the staff started to get annoyed. He was an idol to me. I wanted to be just like him. Populair. Loved. And share the stage with him. But then. He disappeared without a trace. And Everything changed. The information that he was last seen at my attraction didn't help either. Of course Roxy and Chica were the first to ask me if I knew what happened to Bonnie. After I explained that I didn't know. They apologized and dropped the subject. I hoped Freddy would have reacted the same way. But. He wasn't. I heard he was always the calm and nice guy of the group. But He cared a lot about Bonnie too." He grunted as he hit the floor. "But he kept on Asking over and over again. What I did to Bonnie. Where I left bonnie. and what happened to him. When I answered the same as I did the others. He told me that I shouldn't lie like this. No matter what i said. he didn't listen. He didn't believe me. I still see his mad expression burned into my memory. Even when Roxy and chica wanted him to back off. And I thought he did when he walked away without saying another word. Until. We got on the show stage. And I was met by a hating crowd. Most fans of Bonnie of course. Throwing pizza and shakes at me. Cursing in all kinds of ways. Demanding for me to be scrapped. To have Bonnie be brought back. The show had to be canceled. And i. I just ran to my green room. I couldn't take it. it. Wasn't a pretty sight. Only after that I heard that management had a security breach. Someone had leaked the e-mail message with Bonnie's last known locations to the outside. I was still crying in my room. When I found out, that old fazbrat leaked it. I started to trash my room. And each time I saw that stupid bear in a poster or empty statue. I couldn't help myself. He. He betrayed me. '' I was stunned as I yelled. "He what?!" I am shocked at what kind of torment Monty must have gone through this entire time. And then listened to him carefully again. Only getting a simple nod back. "Thanks to that, I was. And Still am. the most hated animatronic of this place. Heck. I got pelted with pizza and drinks so many times the staff was getting sick of cleaning me up. even in my green room. Darn photo passes. Then I started to get rejected for booked parties. And it only got worse and worse. Nobody wanted to do anything with a bad gator." At the sound of that. I got pissed off. I knew how bad it can be to be accused of something you didn't do. And to be treated this way thanks to it. let alone thinking that Freddy could have been a part of this all Unintentionally or not. understanding his rage Just made me all the madder. "Do. Do you remember their faces? Of the people who threw stuff at you?" I asked as Monty let out a laugh. "hahaha. That's a good one kid. What are you gonna do? Teach them a lesson?" But his laugh disappeared quite quickly as I looked mad at him. "they wished it be that easy." I replied , It may be the first time Monty felt unnerved by me. "Nah. They were thrown out anyway for that." He replied as my face softened a bit. Waiting for him to continue. "Eventually. I just got used to it. Once people see you as the bad guy. And treat you like the bad guy. You slowly become the bad guy. But each time I heard the others accuse me. Boo at me. Throw stuff at me or hear the children complain and taunt me for wanting Bonnie over me. It Just makes me more angry and angry. I'm trying my best here darn it!" He lets out a sigh. "but it's never good enough. I've been taught a lesson more times than I can count insults thrown at me." He said in a slightly mocking manner. Though it didn't sit well with Me. "Monty. What exactly is being taught a lesson?" I asked as I still didn't know what it was. Besides something bad from each one's reaction to it. "Oh. That. Well. Our programming doesn't allow us to talk about it. Sadly. They don't want us to bring it up at parties or the wrong person." I looked down in displeasure. The fact that he couldn't tell me only made me more worried at what it could be or worse what would happen. "I'm. I'm sorry for asking Monty. About Bonnie and about this. It must be hard on you." I said as I felt likely as down as he did. "It's alright kid. It's good to get it out once in a while. Sinds I don't often get to talk about it. But in the end they're right. I can't replace Bonnie. even though I didn't want to. No people like me even a bit like they do him." I jerked up a bit getting a slight smile. "Well you'd be supriced Monty. I can already remember 3 people I saw with some Monty merchandise. The one you helped rescue from that crazy woman and one I found at the fazcade. They where so happy ones I brought in there Monty Plushy." I say as it felt like a check mate moment. Sort of. he let's out a chuckle. "really? and what about number 3?" he asked a bit snarkly. "well. i like you." i said as he took a double take. "you. you do? even after what just happened?" he asked as i nodded. "guess i just know you more on a personal level now. and even before this i liked your design. so yeah. you rock." i said as Monty shook his head. "your a strange kid i swear." he said. But I was just happy to tell Monty that there are still people who liked him around. This got a small chuckle from him. "Well well. Guess I am doing something right atleast." I chuckled with him as I did wonder something. "Hey Monty? Did you also know the other animatronics besides Bonnie tha were around?" I asked as his laughing died down. "Barely. I could only remember that there where 2. Chica and Roxy where close to each one of them. Better ask them sometimes for more details". I nodded. "Thank you Monty. And. I dont known what i can do. But. I'll make sure you dont have to go threw anything like that again. Or the lessons." I said slightly. "I. I got ya kid. And Don't mention it. Besides you still got a lot of cleaning up work to do. Depending on how much i scared you." Monty said as i laughed. "Don't mention it. And dont worry. My pants are still clean. Supricingly". I said as I looked back at him. "Yeah. Sorry about that". Monty said. "Don't worry Monty. I'll see if I can get you anything like a beat up dummy or boxing training sack if you'd like." I got another chuckle from Monty. "Hehe, sounds nice kid. Do whatever you want and we will see." I smiled as i looked back at the door. "Hm. Would you care to join me on my rounds walking around?" I asked as I stood back up slowly. Using the wall to make me stand up easier as he stood up as well. "Well usually I don't think I would. But if it's for the security guard. Then I guess I'll have to listen, won't I?" He said with no malice whatsoever. "Sweet. Let's head to the Atrium first then. Would you care to follow me?" I say as I wait for Monty. He gave a nod as we both walked out of that green room. Feeling a little bit better and more determined to find Bonnie and the others. Especially now more than ever. But most of all. I want to prove Monty's innocence and make this fazbear family of animatronics as happy as the joy they give everyone around them.

Chapter 6

Chapter Text

6. I walked towards the Atrium as Monty followed suit. Monty looks a bit around the empty pizza plex. "So. What now? What do you usually do on these errands?" Monty asked as I rubbed the back of my head. "Just look around and clean up any trash that may be laying around. Of Course you don't have to do that." I said as I didn't want to bring Monty along just to clean up. Even if I did. I'd rather order a staff bot to clean it up then waste his time here. We went through the pizza plex finding nothing out of the ordinary. Seeing Monty looking around and sometimes stopping a bit as he stared at the now quiet Attractions. Tho when we went past Gator Golf. Monty stopped. Once I noticed that he had stopped I turned back around. "Hey Monty. Is something the matter?". I asked as he looked at the entrance. "Maybe." You know. We did the midget golf part. But. We never tried out the cannons up the top row. Wanna check it out?" Monty asks as I look intrigued. "Oh? That actually sounds kinda fun. But should we do that without the others?" I asked Monty as he gave a shrug and started to walk towards the attraction already. "It isn't as long as the game of golf. Just 30 minutes tops. Now come on!". He said as he went in before I could reply. I followed suit as I didn't want to get left behind. we entered as nothing was out of the ordinary. Still the golf booth for the clubs and the start of the course were at their usual spots. Tho Monty started to stray from that path as he led us to what looked like a set of big alligator themed carts. Once you would see at little amusem*nt parks. With a Monty themed cartoon gator head up front. And the tail going back and up as it was connected to a thick steel beam where it would travel along. The middle of the cart was empty with seats in them. Kinda like a roller coaster. Monty gets on top of one and I mean literally as he stands on the side of the cart and holds the tail to keep himself steady. "Time to ride! Go over to that panel over there and turn on the first 2 carts. Would ya?" Monty said to me as I went up to a control panel that was a bit at the side of the track. turning the first and second cart on. Giving them power as Monty rides his one into a dark tunnel ahead. I sat down in the second carts seat as i waited. Soon after a view seconds the gator cart started to move on it's own. going threw the same dark tunnel. Seeing some of the lights that where put in the cave before the cart starts to go up more and more. Eventually getting out of that tunnel as I arrive above the golf course. I never knew that this area existed. Nor would I ever had looked up to notice it. The cart stopped at a thick steel platform as i stepped out. The rest of the platforms seem to be more of a catwalk. Metal frames with squares in them. I can see the whole golf course from up here. Inspecting the catwalk more. I can see lots of metal safety rails where also present everywhere. On some of the safety rails there seem to be some sort of water like toy gun. Mounted onto the Catwalk Railings. But on closer Inspection. it seems to be an air cannon. These usually showed up in play places if they were big enough. You put a ball In the top hole. Aim it and pulled the trigger to fire it with air pressure. I was approached by Monty as his steps made the ground slightly shake. "Welcome to the catwalk! Gator hunt! This was an attraction that was closed off due to. previous events. But it should be as safe as ever. Maybe." He said as he stomps on the creaking catwalk floor. Around me i could see Monty like targets in the air as well as the mounted cannons on the guard railings. Each filled with a set of 10 balls. "It's pretty impressive. I'm sad that this attraction never got anywhere tho. Is it still functional?" I asked curiously as he smirked. "Sure is. Get to one of these cannons and see for yourself". He said as i go over to one of the air cannon turrets. Grabbing a hold of it. Aiming towards one of the front facing Monty targets and fired it towards it. With a thump the cannon fires a small ball as it strikes the target and a little high noise is heard. I went towards the next one as I aimed and fired. But I atleast needed 3 shots til I managed to hit the main target. hearing the little sound again. "Got em." I said with a slight smile as I hit the target and even slightly jogged to the next one. I wanted to look at Monty to see if he was going to one too. But all he was doing was just walking around. Looking around the place a bit. Is he checking for any faulty cables or so? I think to myself. The ground was creaking a bit with each of our steps. I could have sworn I heard a creak here or there. But it's hard to hear it over the music. Monty kept on looking around as he took slow and careful steps. Not missing an inch around the place. Eventually he reached all the way back to me as I could hear him mumble. "Come on. Where are you? I know I heard you before. Please." He said as I spoke up before he would walk all over me as I stood by the last cannon. "Um. Monty? Are you alright?" I asked as he almost bumped into me. "Hm? Oh. It's nothing. Just. Deep In thought." I gave a nod as I backed off of the final cannon. "Do you want a turn? I don't think you have shot a single cannon yet." I asked as I offered the last cannon up to him. He takes a last moment to look around before he grabs the turret and aims at the target. With a ball or 2 hitting the target square on. He posed a bit smiling. Then calming down as he realized he got a bit too excited. "Heh. Not bad. Not bad at all." I wanted to give him a high five. But I tripped and fell down. Face planting on the floor. Monty looking down at me. "Uh. You okay kid?" He asked as I slowly tried to get up. my nose bled a bit. "Good job Monty." You really showed me." I said with a genuine smile. Making him chuckle a bit. He pointed out my nose wound. "You. You wanna go take care of that?" I felt my nose as I saw the red blood spots on my fingers. reaching into my pocket as I grab a pack of bandages. Ripping one off and opening it up. Putting it on my nose and smiling. "Tada! All fixed!" I said with an oversized smile. Monty scoffs a bit in amusem*nt. "Smart move. If I took you back bleeding. Roxy would be livid". He said as I looked slightly supriced. "oh? Really? How come?" I asked as I did not know that she was so protective of me. "You bet ya. She was quite worried about you getting hurt. Go figure." He said as I was more amazed to hear that. getting a slight warm feeling of care from it. "I'm. I'm happy to hear that. Thank you Monty." I said smiling brightly. But did wonder. "So. What happends when you get all the targets?" I asked him curiously. "Heh. Well Sinds it never got finished. nothing. But I'll think of something." He said with a laugh. "Don't worry Monty. It was nice to play a solo game with you. Even if it was just at the end." I say smiling as he let out a huff. "Well. I'll make sure the next game you get. will be more of a real party time". I nodded as I walked over to him. "Thats a promis i will make sure youd keep." I'd say as I put my arm up in a fist. He bumped it with his own as he mimicked the sign. "Hahaha. I'd like to see you try. But let's get back for now." He says as we both started to walk back to the gator carts where we came here into. Or atleast we would have If we didn't hear a familiar sound. Creaking. Cracking. And then. A snapping of something. "Uhh. Monty? Did you hear that?" I asked in a slight worried tone. Monty started to quickly look around the place. After not finding anything. we heard it instead. a small metal clang from below the catwalk platform. Looking over it I saw a snapped rusty bold and nut lay on the floor below. "Oh no. That ain't good." He said as he looked back at me. The catwalk must be over it's weight limits with both me and Monty standing ontop of it. I hold onto the safety railing next to me as the creaking slightly lessened. "Okay. okay. Um Monty?" Can you try to slowly walk towards the more stable thicker platform near the gator carts?" I asked as he looked at the direction I was pointing at. He seemed slightly hesitant to go to safety first. But he knew the platform wouldn't hold on for much longer if he stayed on it. He gave a nod as he slowly walked along. the heavy steps making the catwalk creak more in protest. It didn't matter much as even with Monty's careful steps. There were still 2 bolts that snapped and clanged onto the floor below. He did manage to get to the more sturdy platform. But the catwalk was now more unstable. Creaking with me just standing on it. "Phew. That was too close. Alright. Now come on kid." He said as he looked back at me. But instead of moving I just. I froze. I was scared and every time I was scared I froze up. "Uh. Kid? "You coming?" Monty asked as I slightly shivered in place and my eyes darted around the steel beams and the floor. each creaking sound made me snap my attention to that spot. They creaked as they had to carry more weight from the catwalk now. I tried to take slight shuffling steps forward as the catwalk started to wobble from my steps. This time I was missing the adrenaline to make me push forward like I did earlier. By Monty's changing expression I could see he knew what was going on. "Oh that ain't good. Uh. Alright kid. Come this way. That's right. Towards me. Slow and steady like a beat. And. Uh." He tried to guide me forward or tried to make me move faster. Making slight progress at the creaking. I heard another bolt snap behind me. "Alright. Look. uh. Kid. It's gonna be fine. Just follow the safety railing nice and slowly. Don't worry. I don't bite." He said as I took very slow and shaking steps. The platform shook more as the bolts were pushed beyond their limits. I looked down through the catwalk floor. It's Still quite a height from up here as that didn't fill me with any confidence. I Followed the guard rails like it was my life line as they started to creak as well. making me freeze up again as another bolt snap. The platform now shaking more as I try to steady myself. Hearing Monty still talking to me. "That's it. Not much further. just. Keep going. Alright?" Monty said as I slowly got closer and closer. Taking more larger steps as I grabbed the guard rails at the sound of more creaking and snapping. one faster then the other as My heart sank. I slowly turned back as I felt the platform starting to tilt as It triggered my fight or flight response. panicking as I pulled on the guard railing and bolted towards Monty. The safety bars creaked as I still used it to pull me forward and faster. Trying to use as much of me as a counter weight before here and there another set of snaps and clings off bolts falling down were heard. When I was almost back to Monty's side. the guard rails broke down and made me trip. It landed and slid slowly off of the platform. falling off as it landed on the floor with a loud clunk. Monty seemed worried as he wanted to step back on the catwalk. But knew that The leftover bolts would snap instantly if he did. so instead. he got on one knee as he grabs the catwalk and tries to hold it down as much as possible. but it was just too heavy. when it started to tilt too high up. He grabbed onto the platform and pulled it downwards as hard as he could. Even wedging his tail around one of the safety bars on his more stable platform. I try to get up as fast as I can. "Come on! Not too far now! A little bit more!" Monty yelled as loud creaks and groans of the metal were heard all around. I ran as I stumble forward. until. the platform gave away. the last bolts snapped as the platform bends and falls. With my last chance with some footing. I jumped from the platform as it fell and crashed down towards the floor below. Making an even louder crashing sound echo throughout the attraction. I try to stretch my arms out as far as I could. But I Was too short. I wasn't gonna make it. As I started to fall down. closing my eyes as I gritted my teeth. Until I felt myself stop. dangling as I slowly look up with one eye. with a wide swipe. Monty managed to grab onto my arms. "Gotya!" He said as I dangled there. Soon he pulled me up to safety on top of the more stable steel platform. I held a tight grip onto Monty's chest as I cried. Feeling too scared to let go. Breathing quickly as I take in the aftermath of what just happened. Monty lets out a slight laugh. " hahaha! That was too close. Right kid? Uhh. kid?" Monty asked me. But I didn't respond. I was still in panic mode as I shivered from that and held onto Monty for dear life. He looked a bit to the side. Mostly unsure. He slowly grabbed a hold of my body and lifted me up. Reminding me of when Chica lifted me up a while ago. "It's okay, Party Star. You're safe now. No one's gonna hurt ya. Don't ya worry." I listened as Monty tried to comfort me. Then my eyes shoot wide open. Monty. Is trying to. Comfort me? The shock was almost enough to make my shivering lesser but my hands still had a tight grip on the gator. pressing tightly around his body as I refused to let go. Monty started to sigh and walk back to the edge of the steel platform. using his tail to press the Control panel. Slowly a single gator cart rolled in. For once. Monty sat down in the seat as he also didn't let go of me.
He just stared at me. Even putting his star shaped glasses up as I got more and more calmer in the gators grasp. We slowly moved in the cart around as it seemed to have turned into a slow ride throughout the golf course. Like it was a small tour around the place. my nerves slow down and eventually stop. Monty noticed it as well as I slowly let my grip on him go. He put me down in the seat beside us as I grabbed a tissue from my pocket and blew my nose. Monty puts one arm on the side of the gator cart as he asks. "So. You Uh. Feeling. Alright?" Monty asked as I gave a small smile back. "I'm fine now Monty. Thank you. Just. A bit bothered I ruined the catwalk. I'm sorry." His eyes widened a bit. "Wait. That's what you're on about? Worried that you took out part of the abandoned attraction? Not almost from falling to your death?" He asked almost in shock as I nodded. "yeah. I know how much that place and the alone time meant to you. Sinds, you seem to come here often. so I'm just. I'm sorry". Monty looked deep in thought. For a minute It was fully silent. besides the gator sounds coming from one of the obstacles on the golf course. "So. You usually freeze up when you're scared?" Monty asked as he broke the silence. I giggled sadly. "sometimes. Though it's not often I get to almost fall to my death. hehe. There's a lot more that I fear than that tho." I said as he kept on looking at me. "Monty. Is there something. You are really scared off?" I asked as I caught him by surprise. He faces forward as he says. "Ha! Not much can scare me! But. If I heard I got scrapped or needed another lesson. It would rustle my endo-skeleton a bit. What about you?" He asked me as I leaned my shoulder on the side of the gator cart. "I'm. I'm afraid to let others down. To let everyone down. To disappoint them. And to lose hope. Even when it comes to you guys. My biggest fear is that I let you all down." I said as Monty put his hand to his chin. "Huh. You really are a weird kid ain't ya?" He said as i gave a small nod. Though I could see that more was bothering him. "hey. Tell me. from what we talked about back at my green room. Why did you believe that i Didn't do it?" He asked as I bet he wanted to know sinds I did say I did some research. "I Found all of you guy's messages and mails in the main network. Once I connected my fazwatch to it. One of them was a request for you to get stronger and better claws for more precise bass play. And another one that told me these rageful moments you have were only after Bonnie went missing. Not to mention that there were no messages at all in Bonnie's tab. Nor were there any parts recovered anywhere from Bonnie. So It just doesn't make any sense. Plus. I know how it feels to be blamed for things you didn't do. It's awful and I just. Wanted to. And I still want to help. Help you. Help the others and even help the missing animatronics." I said as I gave a somewhat wider smile back. It fills me with some hope as Monty fidgets a bit. "Oh. I guess that makes sense. Hehe. Tho I gotta know. Why care so much about some weird robots at a pizza place? Especially when they can. Well. You know. hurt you?" He asked as my smile faded a bit. "Cause you guys bring so much joy to everyone. Making kids and adults happy. On birthdays or normally on the show stage. It is beautiful in a way. And I feel most comfortable around all of you. Unlike everyone else I interact with. you don't treat me differently. But honestly. Maybe you'd be more weirded out if you knew more about my preverted interests. but that's besides the point. And I hope you all will be there too. to Bring a smile to not only the customer's faces. But your own as well. That. That matters the most to me. especially you. the gator face of party time!'' I say with a small giggle as I added. "Don't worry. You're allowed to make fun of the weirdo nightguard lover of animatronics that wants to treat you like people. Go ahead. I don't mind it." I said but I didn't get a response back. Making me sigh. "Tell me Monty. You didn't want to go to the catwalk to have fun with me. Did you?" I asked as he looked a bit surprised. "Well. Uh. Maybe?" He stammers out. I wave my hand a bit. "You don't have to lie to me. It wasn't hard to see as you walked around instead of playing games. But could you atleast tell me what you were doing up there?" I asked as he seemed disappointed. "I was. Looking for something. Anything from a sign or such. For Bonnie." He said as I nodded and then looked up. "Right. I'd figure as. Hold on a minute? Bonnie?" I asked as he nodded. "Yes. You know the rumors. only one part is true about them. He was last seen here. And one time. I could swear I noticed something. I don't know what it was. It Was just. Something. I thought I could find it out if I stayed there long enough. But You know." I gave a slow nod as now the message about him not showing up on stage or for parties to walk on the catwalk made sense now. Has. Has he been looking for Bonnie this entire time? "Oh God. I'm so sorry. And now that the platform is down. It will even be harder for you to look for what you were looking for." I started to feel guilty as I think I made it even harder for Monty. He shrugs it off. "Nah." You're fine. To be fair. If there was something there. I would have found it by now. Plus now I have more time to go on stage and party." He said a bit mockingly. But he sees my sad expression. "It's okay. Really. You can make it up by keeping an eye out in the pizza plex for me. Sounds good?" He said as he fist bumps my shoulder. I held it as he packs quite a punch. Literally. But it did make me slightly happy to help out in any way I could. "Ngh. Yes Monty. Leave it to me." I said as I rubbed my shoulder. Giving us both a small chuckle. Brightening the mood a bit as we sat and stayed quiet til we reached the end of the ride. stopping back at the same place as we came in. Seeing a row of gator carts standing in front of us. Monty gets out first with me following afterwards. We first went to the fallen over platform and railing. Amazed that the platform didn't make a dent on the floor. Even though both crashes were echoed throughout the golf course. I tried to lift up the railing. Barely able to drag it over to the side. But when it came to the giant platform. I was more than useless. Monty sighs a bit before he picks up the other end. Which caught me off guard as I did not expect his help. I put my back into it now and together we managed to lift it up slightly and put it behind a wooden cutout of Monty. Roxy. and Chica hitting balls with their golf clubs. Together with the broken off railing. There was a freddy cut out too. But He seemed to be more off to the side. Slightly in the dark as the light didn't illuminate that area. After that we exit Gator Golf and walk through the building back to Rockstar Row. The trip was silent besides the usual delightfull background music. as We reached his door again. I grabbed my guard pass and opened the door to Monty's room. Looking around, it was as clean as ever. besides some stuff that used to be on the nearby table. I looked over to the still blocked off window wall. "Hey Monty? Think we can open the place up again? I bet people would love to see you hang out in your green room. Or at least knowing you're here." I asked as he rubbed the back of his head. "Maybe? I don't know. It is becoming quite the mess here Often. It's not a good look for me. Then again it can't get any worse." He said with a bigger smile. I smiled back. "Then making you more populair won't be too hard for me." I said as he looked surprised. "You. You want to make me more populair? You're joking right?" He asked as I shook my head. "Nope! I'm gonna make sure you get all the praise and love you deserve! I'm not sure how or where to start. But I promise you I will! After all, Arthur is my name. And helping awesome animatronics is my new game! I know it doesn't roll off the tongue all to well. But I'll still keep my word." I say while striking a pose sideways as I look at him. My legs crossed and slightly bend. my left hand on my right elbow as I hold my right arm towards me as well as the right hand close to my face. This gave Monty a laughing fit. Making me slightly embarrassed myself in the pose. "Hahahaha! Well. I've got nothing more to lose. So go ahead. Tho you may need to come back later. I. Have a tendency to trash this room." He said as I still remember the first time we met. I'd understood his worry and thought about what else I could use to help with the rage and stress relief. Then I remembered something back at home that might help here. "Hey Monty? I got an old heavy boxing bag that i got from my last job. Do you think you can use it here?" I asked as He ponders over it a bit. "Hm. Maby. Let's see if you can get it here first." He said a bit snarky but I just happily nodded. I started to grab from the floor the present boxes. Papers. and a Monty plushy as i put it back on his small table. Even Monty grabbed a slightly turn and cut pillow and placed it on the couch With the more intact parts upfront. I smiled at that. "Thanks for helping me clean up Monty. "I'm thankful". I said as Monty scoffs a bit. "Don't mention it. And don't go thinking this becomes a regular thing. But uh. Might as well clean up part of the mess. I don't want to get scolded at by the other employee brats again." He said as we finished cleaning up. Taking a deep breath and a small stretch. "Well don't worry Monty. You will always be good in my book." I say as i held my fist up for a fist bump. but also forgot half way that he's a giant animatronic gator. Expecting at least a hard punch back. I awaited the impact. but instead i got a soft fist bump back. "It's nothing. But I better recharge before the night is over. So be on your way." He said as he waved me off and walked further into his room. I bowed and nodded. "Of course Monty sir. Have a great night~" I said as I turned around to leave. Monty kicks the floor a bit before I hear something fall over again. Turning back around with a sigh as I see his tail threw some stuff off of his table. Walking back as I picked it up and put back a green closed gift box as well as picking up the. Monty plushy? I looked back up as I saw the one that I put away was still sitting there. This one had stretch marks all over its body and even his face. You could see the cotton pushing through the cuts. But the rest was still intact. The plush mohawk as well as his plush star shaped glasses. with his cute purple shoulder pads. and award winning smile on his green and yellow face as well as a slight shiny material on his legs. likely to mimic the dark green crocodile patterns on Monty's legs. and in his right hand. he held a plush version of his yellow and black base. How did this get knocked over? Let alone on the table in the first place? I thought as I looked back at Monty. "Uh. Monty? Where did this come from?" I asked as I held up the broken plushy. He side eyed it before looking away again. "Oh that? Just some stupid junk. It's broken anyway so take it with you. sinds you were gonna go anyway." He said as I looked at the plushy and back at him. First I was a bit confused. but then i see the label on the plushy. Signed by a certain gator. Making me realize what he was likely doing. I got a happy smile. The damage wasn't too bad. I could fix it easily with a needle and string. I stand up as I happily hug it carefully. "Oh? Well sinds you'd want it gone. I hope you don't mind it if I keep it?" I asked smugly as He lets out a sigh. but his tail said otherwise. "Heh. Fine. Keep the junk. Just. Get out of here before it gets too late." I smiled as I hugged the broken plushy and walked out the room door. But before I was about to close it. I hear Monty speak up. "Hey." I stopped as I turned back around. "Thanks for today. Party Star." He called me as I felt a spark of joy from that. "Thank you for the amazing day Monty. I won't let you or any of the others down." I said And left. Going back threw Rockstar row as I saw that everyone was relaxing and recharging in their rooms. I smile happily as I go back to the employee only room to put the Monty plushy with the others in my backpack. I wrapped a small cloth around it. to try to make no more stuffing fall out. I did forget to visit Sun in the daycare. I might as well now sinds i didn’t want to leave him out. As I walk through the daycare. Taking off my shoes of course as I went inside. I look around waiting for the typical catchphrase of. "Ho Ho Ho!" Or hearing his bells ring. But I didn't hear anything. "Sun? Are You there?" I called out as I looked around for him. Looking from the ball pit to the playplace and even on his balcony where he'd jump off usually. "That's weird. Where did he go?" I asked myself. I kept looking around as I also kept calling out for him. Till I heard a small jingle from one of his bells. I followed the sound as I got close to the Playplace. Looking under one of the big ramps that lead into it. And there I see Moon laying on the ground. Turning his head towards me with his red eyes in a snap. I slightly gasped from the quick scare it gave me. But then calmed down. "Moon? What are you doing here? I didn't expect to see you out in the daytime." I asked worried as I got under the ramp with him to match Moon's lying position. "Sun. Was not feeling well." He said slowly. "I see. I can imagine the stress sometimes getting to him and you." I say as Moon shivers a bit as he tries to get closer. but backed off to stay in the shade. "He couldn't handle today too well. So I let him sleep. And took over for him. But. I can't leave. If it gets too light. Sun will be forced out." He said as he stayed hidden in the dark corner of the ramp. I thought for a moment as I'd understood the problem. Standing back up as I looked around for something I could use to make it more dark for Moon. I look about as I see the spot where the pillows and blankets as well as sleeping bags for the kids were piled up. Most likely for naptime. I grabbed some of the blankets and sleeping bags as I walked back to Moon's little hiding spot. Getting a curious look from him. "What did you bring these for? I watch over the children when they sleep. I don't sleep myself. Well. Besides when Sun is out." He said in an almost snarky tone. Instead of telling him I'd rather show him. I started to put the blankets and zipped open sleeping bags in between the padded floor and the sides of the playplace. Covering the place with makeshift curtains. I kept on going till it was fully dark under that little hiding spot. Giving Moon way more room to move as I get in myself. His red eyes are the only thing that makes any light appear now. "There. That should help a little bit. I'm sorry I could not be there for you or Sun when he was in distress. But I promise I'll make it up to both of you. Somehow." I say as I look at Moon's rotating head. It was able to turn in full circles surprisingly enough. Though it made sense sinds his head did the same thing after he transformed the first time. "I'm sorry. I still have to ask for naptime activities. I was a bit busy with. Well. Other stuff." I say awkwardly as I rub the back of my head. Moon gave a slow nod. "Yes. I remember the warning message." Moon said. I perked up as it's Good to know that if I send a message to Sun. Moon would know it automatically too. "Thanks for understanding. “Is. There anything I can do for you or Sun?" I asked as He shook his head no. Staying silent. I hummed a bit as I wasn't sure what else to do or talk about. So I stood up and walked towards the makeshift curtain. "You may Stay in here for as long as you want Moon. there's no rush. I'll be heading out. Seeing if I could still get a good night sleep somewhere." I said as I suddenly stop at a feeling like I'm being pulled by something. Looking back as I see Moon had grabbed my shirt. Looking back as I tilted my head curiosly. "Moon? are you alright?" I asked as he looked down. "No. Don't leave yet. You can rest here. I promis." He said as I crouch down and put my hand on his arm. "Are. Are you alright Moon? I don't want to be a bother." I asked as he slowly let's me go. "I. I don't want to be alone. Just yet." He said as i felt some sympathy. Sinds it must get really lonely if all the kids are asleep and now being worried about sun. "I understand Moon. I'll gladly stay here. if you want to take a rest. I'll gladly be your guardian moon for tonight. or sun. or maby something inbetween. like an eclipse." i said happely as I sat next to Moon. He shook his head. "No. I'll be fine." He answered short and simple. "It's kinda funny. One moment we are chacing after one another. And the next. here we are. It's quite a nice change of phase." I say as I let out another awkward laugh. he didn't seem to respond. Just staring infront of him. "Sorry Moon. I'm not sure what els to talk about." I said honestly as I let out a yawn. "Maby you shood rest." He said as I gave a grumpy look. "What? Nah! I'm fine I swear. I don't need no sleep. sleep is for the weak!" I said exasperated. But I dropped the act as I still got no reaction from moon. "Alright. Maby I shood. To bad I left my plushies back at the changing area." I say as I lay back down. Moon perked up a bit. "Still sleeping with plushies?" He asked as i gave a side eye. "Yes? it's Much more comfortable especially while surrounded by fluffy friends. Am I right?" I said as Moon let's out a low growl. "Right." I layed back in a more comfortable position. But when I finally closed my eye's to rest. I jump awake at the sound of a clink of some sort. "Huh?" I said as i looked outside. And see that it all had gone dark. "Darn it. The power must be out again. Alright I'll go get the generators. You. Well. Do whatever you want, Moon." I said as I almost forgot about the broken power cable. I Started to stumble out of our little makeshift fort and started walking. I moved into the play places and turned the generators back on. It was way easier when Moon Wasn't trying to chase and catch you.
This time He's not even close to me as I hear his bells jingle from far away. I Heard a click each time I flip a generator switch. But Before I could pull the last one. I heard the bells jingle louder as Moon got closer. "Wait. Not yet." Moon said as I pulled my hand off of the last switch. He was hanging in the air by his cable. Almost making swimming motions. He held something close to him as he landed back onto the ground. With the red light of his eyes looking at me as he held it forward. I saw that it was a Moon plushy. I remembered seeing 2 kinds of them. One for each Sun and Moon form. Likely to sell more plushies. This was the Moon version of course. having his little night cap. half his face covered in darkness as the white visible crescent moon stood out. his little jester-like neck and skirt piece. ribbons on his wrists. long jester like shoes with small bells on them. and his eye's. one being the normal blue colored eye and the other a dark red dot. But it seemed a bit more on the old side by the scratch marks on the button eyes and some cloth torn from the fuzzy hat and dark colored clothes it wore. "Is. That for me?" I asked as I saw him hold out the Moon plushy towards me. He nodded as I held it. "Often children leave them. They are scared. they don't want them. They don't want me." He said in a sad tone as I felt for him. Being the more scary looking and sounding version he must get a lot of hate from the kids and parents. I still remember the complaint list from the main network about Moon. if only they could see him the same way they did last time. "I'm sorry. That they don't see you for the guardian that you are. You deserve more credit. Deserve to be more popular. Someone to get cheers and smiles like Sun did or like the first time you protected the children when the power went out. You are wonderful and don't let anyone else say otherwise Moon. I know I feel this way." I say with a smile as I hold my arms open for a hug. After a moment the chime of bells and clicking of limbs where heard as Moon came slowly closer to me. wrapping his arms around me. More gently and softer then expected. Then again last time he tried to catch me. so it wasn't to hard to improve upon. "I promise you. that I'll make sure you get the respect and recognition you deserve for your work Moon. Just as sad as the kids where to see you leave that day. They will have such a big smile when you return." I say happy as I feel his grip on me tighten. We stayed like that for a minute or so. my eyes shoot open as I heard a sort of beeping sound. I let go of moon as I looked around and saw that it came from my fazwatch. a picture of Chica was on display. Kinda how you'd see a picture of someone if you called them on your phone. I press the button to take up the call. "Chica? Are you alright?" I asked as I hear her talk in a slight worried tone. "C-could. You come over. I. Had to eat today. I'm so sorry." She said as I face palmed. "Yes of course! I'll be there in a Flash! And no it isn't your fault. It's mine for not bringing you the pizza i promised daily Chica. Where are you?" I asked as i could hear her walk back and forth. "I'm currently in my room." She said nervously. "Alright. Can you go to parts and service?" I asked her as it be the safest and easiest place to clean her out. "Yes i can." She replied as I hear her stand still. "Alright. I'll meet you there Chica. I'll Be there in a few minutes." I say before she hung up first and I turn to Moon. "I'm sorry. I know you don't want to be alone. But I got to help Chica." Moon nodded as he let's out a growling laugh. "Running around to help others I see?" I smiled as I nodded. "Indeed. This Fazbear family deserves only the best! And I'll do anything to make all of you happy. Even if it's just a little bit." I said proudly as Moon puts a hand on the last generator lever. "Just. Don't forget about yourself to. Alright?" I smiled at that. "Daww thank you. I promise I will. Maby." I whisper that last part as Moon nodded. Turning the last lever down as the daycare started to become bright and colorful again.

Chapter 7

Chapter Text

content warning: blood

7. I jogged my way back to the entrance of the daycare as I heard Moon's gears switch and transform back into Sun. Going outside of the daycare as I still remember the cleaning equipment behind the bathroom. I went there as I grabbed the usual cloth and cleaning spray bottle. I went towards the double doors and down the stairs towards the underground tunnels. After some searching I came back to parts and service. Seeing Chica sitting on the laying chair. looking down as she rubs her belly. I went to the control pc and pressed the temporary shell removal for the beak. face. and chest again so I can clean it fully again. I enter the protective cylinder and go straight to Chica as I bowed apologetically. "I'm so so sorry Chica! I should have brought you the pizzas as promised!" I say as I truly was sorry for failing Chica. She gave a sad smile back. "Don't worry Arthur. To be honest I was more worried about you being mad at me." She said as I gave her a reassuring smile and rubbed the side of her arm. "Mad? I made a promise, didn't I? It was my fault for not keeping it consistently. I'm glad you contacted me." She gave a small nod. "Maby. But that doesn't mean it's all your fault." She argued. But I shook my head. "And all I had to do was bring you a pizza. I'd say that's my fault alright. you got nothing to worry about Chica. Truly." I said as she gave a more honest smile. "Thank you Sport Star." I gave a small bow again before grabbing the cloth and spray bottle and going over to the control panel. "It's my pleasure. Now let's get you cleaned up." I say with a smile as the metal arms started to remove her face and chest shells. Removing the trash and cleaning up her inside again. Then putting the shell parts back into place. Finishing up in a new personal record time as I put her parts back on and closed her up. "There! Done and done!" I said with a happy smile. As I get a smile back from Chica. "Thank you Arthur. You're a real Sport Star." I blushed a bit at that. "Not as great as you are Chica." I replied back. Chica was sitting back up. But before she could get off of the table fully. There was something that I wanted to ask her about. "Hey Chica? Can I ask you something? Personal?" I asked as she turned to face me. "Oh? sure. What would you like to know? Favorite color? Pink! Favorite flavor of pizza? All of them!" She answered happily which made me laugh a bit. I rubbed my arm as this may be hard for her to talk about as well. "I heard that you were close friends with one of the. Disappeared animatronics. Could you tell me about them?" I asked as I saw her expression Turning sadder. she stayed sitting down on the laying chair as she looked at me. "I. remember her Well. Her name was. Glamrock Mangle. She had a similar design to Roxy. almost being a more white and pink copy of her. But she had ice cream like white hair with a bit of pink in it. A Small yellow skirt And a pink bathing suit outfit covering her body. her arms. Thighs. and head besides her cheeks and lips were all white. while on her claws. Lower legs. Wrist and hands as well as her lower claws and nails were pink. it made her stand out from the rest. She was all about sweets. Candy. And ice cream. She even had her own cart-like stall where she'd sell candy and ice cream. Her cart was Ofcorce way bigger than the normal food stalls you see around the pizza plex. but it was still manageable to roll around and move on its wheels. It was great! It had a big basket on the side to make fresh candy floss to. And on the front were all sorts of candies. like the ones straight out of a factory. Juicy and all. Of course in plastic see thru cases. and at the back of the cart was where the ice cream flavors and cones were stored in a mini fridge as well as some scooping ice cream for the cones. They even had ordered or made ice creams that looked like our faces. Each with their own flavor! It was great." She said as she looked genuinely happy. But she slowly looked more depressed as she continued. "But she wasn't absent from being abused Either. Having her tail pulled. thrown insults at her. They even bought ice cream from her. only to throw it at her face and laugh. She be hiding and crying behind the food stand til one of us came by to calm her down or cheer her up again." She said as she looked back up at me. She got a wide eyed expression as she saw my face. Giving a serious Stare with anger in my eyes as I heard that. "Those bastards. If I get my hands on them. If they try anything with any of you. Then I'll make them pay. with interest." Chica wasn't sure how to respond as she never saw me mad like that before. So she decided to continue to try and distract me from it. "She was as sweet as the candy she served. The most kind. Adorable and the most curious of us all. But she was good with people and easy to talk to. Always wanting to meet new people and their interests. Some adults even stood up for her against these bullies When they messed with her." Chica said as I was surprised to hear that. Also thinking about how Glamrock Mangle acted. "So she was kinda like you?" I asked as that gave Chica a big smile. "Hehe. I guess so. That's likely why we were such good friends. I still miss her". She said as she slightly sobbed. I sit next to her and wrap my arm around her middle. "I'm sorry for bringing this up to Chica. But could you tell me how she. well. disappeared?" I asked as she slowly stopped her sobbing to look up at me. "No one knows. She went off to a recharge station in the back pizza plex. sinds the recharge pod in her room was broken. But. She Never came back. We even all made a search party together with the other employees to look for her. Looking everywhere we could. with no results. But one day. all the employees just stopped looking. And even when we asked why they stopped or if they found anything about her. They would tell us nothing." I nodded as it did sound strange. Why stop looking all of the sudden with no clue to where she is? Maybe something happened to her along the way? This case stinks. "Thank you for telling me Chica. This must have been hard on you. If there is something I can do for you. I'll gladly help." I offer comfort. Chica wraps an arm around my middle. I did the same to her as She leaned more against me. "Could. Could we stay here for a while?" She asked as I nodded. "Of course Chica." I said as I tried to comfort her. We both sit there in silence. After 15 minutes. she lets go of me. I did the same before standing back up. Stretching a bit together as I almost forgot we were still in parts and service. "Chica? would you mind it if i come along to your room? It's way faster than taking the tunnels and stairs back upstairs then going with you to Rockstar Row." I asked as she nodded. She seemed a bit better now after the talk and being back to her clean self. "Sure thing! Follow me Sport Star!" She said in a more cheerful way. I was happy to see that. as we went into her doorway and tunnel. Back up the small elevator platform to her back room. Then threw the door back into her green room. I gave a bow and bid goodbye to Chica as I went past the other Green Rooms in Rockstar Row. Giving Freddy a wave as I walked past his see threw wall. I stopped by Roxy's room as I looked at her. seeing her brush her hair at her makeup desk with the big star shaped mirror. She was as elegant as she was beautiful. In her mirror I can see her look at me with her big beautiful slightly glowing yellow eyes. motioning me in with her finger. I gave a big smile as I opened the door room with my guard pass and entered. Thinking that this will be the best chance, ask her as well about the last lost animatronic. seeing her turn to me as she puts down her brush as I said. "Hello there Roxy! You look like the best as ever! I hope I'm not bothering you?" I asked as I did not want to be a bother. Especially when she's doing her hair and or make up. She flicked her hair. "Not at all Rockstar. You are always welcome in my greenroom." She replied back as I was more than happy to hear that. getting a small blush again as she called me that. "Aww. But you're the real Rockstar here Roxanne. And the best. And the greatest." I rambled on as Roxanne stood up and came closer to me. putting her hand on my not hurted shoulder. "Hey. Are you okay?" She asked so genuinely as I looked into her beautiful eyes. "Yes. I am. I'm just. Really happy to see you again Roxy." I say as I open my arms up for a hug. But I remembered she just finished brushing her hair and I didn't want to mess it up again. But to my surprise, she jumped at the opportunity to hug me. I'm almost being lifted up by the taller animatronics embrace. Trying not to rub through her soft yet stylish hair as I enjoyed this before she let me go as I say. "But you're more important to me. So how are you doing? Can I do anything for you?" I asked. She put her hand on her hip as she pointed a clawed finger at me. "You can tell me what else is on your mind. Besides the best of course." She said proudly as she knew she meant herself. I took a deep breath as I sigh. "Okay. I've been asking Around about the missing animatronics. I already got the information From Chica and Monty. And now I would like to ask you some questions about the one you were close with." I asked as she got a surprise look. But also of curiosity. "Oh? and why would you want to know that?" She asked. I rub the back of my head. "Well i was already told about Mangle from Chica and Bonnie from Monty. i was told your the only one with the information about the last missing animatronic i didn't know about." Roxy blinked a bit as she looked away and back at me. "I'm. Surprised. I understand Chica but Monty? Seriously?" She asked curiously as I gave a nod happily. "Really. Though it started off as a misunderstanding. He can be quite talkative once he's out of his rage. Even a life saver later on." I say as I rub the back of my head. She looked down a bit and whispers. "Good on you Monty." Before she started to walk to her couch and pets the seat next to her. I sat down as I looked up to her. Maybe a bit closer. "His name was. Glamrock Foxy. He had Red fur. Black with golden starlight painted pants as well as matching shoulder pads. A golden hook for a right hand. Golden nails and claws. Long red hair and an eye patch in the form of a star. With spiked bands along his wrist and a collar. He used to be quite populair. Even having his own water log ride. But when the parents wanted to relax. or take a break from the busy pizza plex. They would go to Kids Cove to sit down. Letting the Kids play in the sand and the Light tower slide as well. Sadly the water log ride was broken down once he disappeared. You could say he. Was. The best before me." I listened as best as I could. Not wanting to miss any details. "He is. Was. Very energetic. He Played the keytaur before me. He was so much into the pirate role that even after hours he'd still talk like that. Once I was built and introduced to the rest of the band. He didn't see me as his replacement nor competition. But instead he welcomed me with open arms. Calling me his Little lassie. He even invited me to join his spotlight on stage. He Helped me perform with the keytaur as a duet instead of him Alone. Helping him fill in the tunes that he couldn't play thanks to his hook hand. He even used an old cable disguised as a rope to swing onto stage. that always got the crowd going." She says as I think back and did remember seeing a giant statue and wooden cut out of a cartoon fox swinging with a sword while he held onto his rope. i Never expected it to be based on a real event. "He was there in good and bad times too. Even when I got my tail pulled or had empty cups thrown at my face by some children. He would stand up for me. Scaring the pants right off then. But when I broke down crying. From thinking I was not loved. Nothing more than a loser. He would be there for me. Telling me How I could not please everyone. Just like he couldn't as well. It surprised me as I thought he was loved by everyone. But thanks to some old camera footage I saw just how much abuse he had to endure. I wanted to apologize. But he stopped me. Telling me that the only thing I could do. Was my best. To be the best for myself. To be the best. I promised him I'd be the best. And that's one promise I never forgot." Roxy looked at me as her ears drooped a bit. Staring at my face filled with rage as I got some worried looks from Roxy. "Rockstar? Are you okay?" She asked as I clutched my hands into fists. "If I find the ones that did that to you and him. I'll make sure they regret it for the rest of their miserable insignificant lives. For however long they still have them." I said as Roxy put her hand on top of mine. "Its okay Rockstar. I'm gonna be okay. Thank you." She said, trying to reassure me. Making me slowly calm down thanks to her. I put my hand on her claw as I looked up at her. "Roxy i. I promise I'll make sure your promise will continue to flourish. I'll show everyone just who the greatest keytaur player here is. And that you and only you. Will be the best. I already believe it. Now I just have to show it to everyone else.
Roxy. Then we won't have anything to worry about." I said as I saw her eyes flicker a bit. almost like she was at the edge of shedding a tear. " If you want I can salvage some of the old Foxy wooden cutout pictures and bring them to the back of your room. As a sort of keepsake if you'd like. To remember him by." I offered her as her tail wagged from side to side. Having the biggest happiest look on her face as I've ever seen. I give a smile back before letting out a gasp as she embraces me. "Thank you again Arthur. This means more to me than you can imagine. I may be the best. but You'd make a good second." I smile as I hug the beautiful animatronic back. "And you will always stay the best. No matter what happens Roxy." We stayed in that hug for another minute. Me rubbing Roxanne back as she rubbed her claws softly over mine. Slowly and carefully releasing each other's embrace. "Thank you Roxy. For telling me this. And for the kind words as well. It must not be easy on you." She closed her eyes as she slowly nodded. "It really isn't easy to talk about it. But. Thank you for listening. Listening to my worries." I stand back up with her. "It was my pleasure. I do need to go sinds. I still want some rest. And I want you to recharge for tomorrow. Tho don't worry. I'll be on the dayshift again so I can't wait to see you. Contact me anytime you need anything. Alright?". I said happily as she smiled brightly at that. "Well. There aren't any good places to lay down. My couch is the best comfortable spot you can think of in this whole pizza plex. So if you want to rest here. You may do so Rockstar." She said in a smirking tone. I only blushed more as I went back onto the couch. I blushed more as she petted her thighs. Making me look up at her. She smiles as she pets her hand onto the spot. "Come on Rockstar. I don't have any pillows. So this is the best I can do as a replacement. Besides, they are the best thighs." She said as I slowly and softly put my head on her thighs. They were as hard as plastic. But not uncomfortable. More than that. Laying down comfortably as I close my eyes as I mutter out. "Thank you Roxy. You're the best." I Say as i fall asleep. She rubbed my head with her claws gently. Making me more happy and relaxing at her gentle touch. Her soft claws rubbing over my head as well as her thighs made my worries flush all away. "Goodnight. Rockstar." She said to me before I slowly fell asleep. I didn't have any dreams today as I had a quiet but enjoyable night rest. Feeling safe when I am this close to Roxy. I slowly awaken. looking around but unable to see Roxy anywhere. She must be in the charging station in the back of her room. I Slowly get up as i check the time. 10:25 am. I got a half hour before the day shift starts. I Take a quick look through the cameras as I don't see anything wrong luckly. I do see the other animatronics already parading around the pizza plex. So i decided to get as awake as i could before I go outside of Roxy's room. and walk towards the front door. Opening it as I let in the costumers. It was pretty rough as I could barely keep up with me guiding people to their locations. But it went better once they got their map. Thank you mapbot for that. Luckly with the help of some staff bots I was able to keep it up pretty decently. Though I did get a notification that someone had been pushing some of the staff bots over. So I came by to lift them back up right away. I do hope it wouldn't become a common occurrence. I don't want to get into any trouble if one of these broke. I keep on going as I take a small break. Sitting on one of the chairs in the atrium as I checked my fazwatch to look around. I see Monty showing off his golf skills in Monty Golf. Even a view kids stand near him to watch. With the group of parents standing far away from the gator. Chica was exercising with a group of parents too. Even the occasional child joined in as well as they took steps and lifted weights. Freddy was guiding a group of kids to Fazer Blast. One sitting in his open chest compartment. Wearing a party crown. They Must be the birthday boy. As I kept on going as I looked around for Roxy. I couldn't find her right away. But I did see her standing in a hallway when I switched enough cameras on my fazwatch. Hands on their hips as she seems to be talking to some teenagers that were blocking her path. I could see that there were 3 in front of her and 2 behind her. I had a bad feeling about this as I started to jog towards that hallway. I kept my gaze somewhat on the cameras for anything to happen. I slightly gasped as I see the 2 back kids grabbed and pulled on Roxy's tail. Getting a yelp and a growl from the animatronic wolf as she tries to pull back her tail. hearing their voices threw the camera audio. "Hey! Get lost you little twerps! Don't do that again!" Roxy said as she turned around and hugged her tail. The teenagers laughing a bit in mockery. "Why? we are just playing. I didn't expect that reaction. Kinda lame to install pain into them." Roxy tries her best to stay composed. "Listen. If you want to play games. Go to one of the attractions. But don't pull on my tail." She says as she tries to stay calm. That was until another one commented. "I never liked this one. Always to ugly." This comment clearly hits a nerve of Roxy. "What?!". She gasped as the other teens started to talk amongst themselves. "Yeah! Freddy is way better. At least I could ride inside of him. This one does nothing. Why would anyone wanna hang out with this thing?" Her anger grew as she seemed conflicted. Her systems clearly not allowing to hurt the teenagers. But she wanted to tell them that they are wrong to. She tries her best to sound confident. "That's not true." Everyone loves me. Everyone loves the best. I am the best! Right?" She couldn't help but say softly that doubting part as well. almost as quiet as a whisper. The teenagers laughed as they started to mock her. "The best? More like the best at being the worst! What a loser! She has the worst attraction. Looser! loser! loser!". They chanted as Roxy was clearly getting distressed. Panicking as one of the kids walked up to her. holding a drinking cup. "Well at least she looks pretty." They said as they walked closer to Roxy. She was more than surprised by that compliment. Bending down a bit as she looked at them with hopeful eyes. "Thank. Thank you." She said, seeming to slightly get her confidence back. But the wicket smile on the teen had other plans in mind. As they get close to her. they threw their big cup filled with fizzy fazz right into Roxy's face. In a flash or now a splash. any hope or joy she felt ever so slightly in that moment was ripped away in an instant. Making her stumble a bit back in shock as the teen laughed. "Pretty stupid!" He said as another kid commented. "I can't believe it felt for that! How dumb is it?" She just held her claws against her face. Covered partly in Fizzy Drink as it drips down her hair. Face. Muzzle. Cheeks and even her eyes. Rapidly blinking them as they got splashed as well. "My face. My beautiful face. MY FACE!" She said grunting and then yelled as she could not believe what just happened. Her anger boiling over as she looked furious at the 3 teens in front of her. "you snot nosed brats!" Is the worst her system was allowing her to say after she lets out a scream of rage. Wanting to charge forward to grab the teenager. But the two people behind her jumped in. They grabbed onto her tail hard as it made Roxy stumble backwards. Putting a skateboard under her lifted up foot as she steps on it and loses balance. She fell backwards with a heavy crash as her body collided with the ground. Making a slight echo throughout the hallway. She tried to slowly get up. Managing to get on her arms but felt her legs staying down. As she slowly started to sob and cry from this treatment and from mentally and literally falling. The teenagers were thrilled as they heard her sobbing and trying to get up. Stumbling a view times as she sat on her hands and knees now. "Haha!" Nice one! Timber! What a loser! She can't even walk normally. Is she crying? Oh God hahaha she's crying! Who programs their robots to cry?" They kept berating her as they stood around her. She kept on sobbing as she put a claw to her face as her other one splashes in the pool of fizzy drink that's now below her. "I'm. I. I'm not a. Loser. I'll. I'll show you. I'll show everyone. I won't let them down .I can't let them down." She kept on repeating softly. The teenagers only laugh more until they die down. but continue their mockery. "Go back to the scrap yard you came from. Once a loser, always a loser. Aw, is the little robot wolf sad? go back to the barn with the other animals." The teen who was still holding his empty cup held it up. "All you miss is a little dunce cap so everyone knows you're a big fat loser." They reared back. Ready to throw it at her. Roxy braced for the impact. But. Nothing happened. As seconds passed and Roxy was still sobbing to herself. She stopped chanting that she isn't a loser. Slowly raising her wet drink covered face up at the teen. She went wide eyed as she saw Him frozen still as he looked back. He still held the cup in the air as if he was gonna throw it like a baseball. But what made all of them shut up. Was the figure standing behind them? Having a hold of the arm of the teen that wanted to throw the cup at Roxy. And when she looked up and saw my face. She too fell silent. Almost in shock. It was me. Standing there with a death stare of fury. Looking down at the teen as I grabbed his arm tighter. If looks could kill then my face is a serial killer. I let out a small groan and threw clenched teeth as I only said one word. "Apologize." To The Teen. They were taken back at the strange demand I made. "W-what? Let go of me You creep!" But I did not budge. My hold only got tighter as he dropped the empty cup on the ground. He tries to get out by any means necessary. But I held my grasp on it like a spring lock. Eventually he stopped trying to get free as he looked up at me. I just stared down at him. "I said. Apologize. Now." I said it in a dark tone. Familiar to Roxy as it was the same i used when we talked about the abuse she and Foxy used to get. She just stared at me as her sobbing had died down too. Trying to get up as she got on one knee. The kid protested my statement. "F-for what?! I didn't do anything wrong!" He said as their other friends tried to barge into the conversation. "Yeah we were just playing. She started it. We are the victims here! you creep!" I snapped my face around as I gave them the same death threat stare as I gave him. Only making me madder and more angry at the constant lies they spout out. Shutting them up quickly. Trying to save their own hides as I turn back to the teen I was holding onto. "I hate brats like you and liars even more. But most of all. I hate people messing with the Best Star of this place. Roxanne." The teen looked with confusion as Roxy looked in surprise. I keep the same look as I continue to talk. "She is The True star of the show. Even Freddy can't match her talent. From her beautiful locks of Grey and green hair to her red and black outfit. Not to mention her beautiful yellow eyes. Her confident smile as well as making sure everyone knows that she's the best. And that anyone can become the second best if they tried hard enough. Always giving up her time to make children and even adults smile to be here. may it be at parties or racing the time of their lives. And I for one could not be more proud of how she is. What she is now and how she became the best!" the teen just made a fake vomiting motion. "So what? You got a crush on her? Of course only a robot could look at a face like yours." He said as that did sting a bit. But I Had a better idea. pulled in his arm closer as I stared him directly in his eyes. "Not as crushing as your parents will be after I send the repair bill for damaging our biggest star. Face. Eyes. Hair and Outer shell. not to mention her emotional distress and messing up her schedule for attractions and birthdays. So If I were you. I'd start apologizing to her unless you want your next 5 years worth of holiday presents to be spent on these repairs." I said as I knew a teens brats worst nightmare was about informing their parents and taking away their presents. At this they got a terrified look as he started to look towards Roxy. Looking at her as she stared at him. Still shocked. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry, okay! I shouldn't have done that! You're not a loser! I swear!" He yelled out as I stood back Soon. seeing Monty arrive behind the teenagers. "You called for me Arthur?". He asked as I messaged him to come over when I was running this way. "Yes Monty. These teenagers have bullied and harassed Roxy. Would you kindly guide them to the exit? I'll contact their parents through the system for what happened. and for the repair bill's." His eyes went wide as he looked at the teenagers. Who seemed to be a lot more scared of Monty than Roxy. "Really? It would be my pleasure to throw them out of the main entrance. that is. If they make it that far." He said with an evil chuckle as I simply nodded. letting go of the teen as they all already started to run towards the entrance anyway. Monty laughed mockingly as he followed them. Making sure that they actually get out the front door. It's what they deserved. I thought to myself as I then focused my attention back on Roxy. I bend down as I hold my hands out in front of her. "Are you alright? Did you get hurt? Do you need to go to parts and service?" I asked straight away as she looked at me for a moment. Not sure if it was in shock or bewilderment from my reaction and questions. Soon she puts her hands on mine as I help her back up. I then grabbed a clean cleaning cloth from my pocket and started to wipe her face clean from the fizzy drink. I also checked her arms and legs as I cleaned them. Looking for any scrapes or cracks in her outer shell. Grunting angrily as I look them over. "f*ck. That fall did more damage than I thought. The back of your legs and arms have cracks in them as well as some scraped off paint. Your hair is drenched in Fizzy drink and your eyes got hit as well. You're coming with me to parts and service right away." I said in an almost demanding way. But she didn't move yet. Only seeming to stare and shiver slowly. I hoped that I didn't overwhelm her with everything that had happened in the last half hour. I slowly pushed her green hair that hung limply from the Fizzy drink drooping from it as I pushed it softly away from her eyes. "Roxy?" I asked again as I started to worry that something may indeed be wrong. But before my mind could think of any worst scenarios. she started to sniffle again. And wrapped her arms around me. I hug her back as I rub her hair and back. "Don't listen to what these teenagers are saying. You're amazing. You bring so much joy to everyone around you. You are the best. More than you can imagine to everyone else here." With each sentence I complimented her. She held onto me tighter and tighter. Crying more and more as I held her for as long as I could. I slowly let go of her as I still held onto her arm as I started to guide her back to parts and service. Taking a route where no one would see her in this state. The cameras made it all the more easy as we got to the double doors and eventually walked down into parts and service. Along the way. Roxy's crying started to soften and die down. Now looking at her as she just had a sad expression in her eyes. It was weird to see her puffy and styled hair now droopy and as flat as my own. I needed to wear my long hair in a ponytail to make sure it didn't get in the way. Guess that's what you get when you have hair that's so long it comes to your ass. I take her into the protective cylinder as I still remember how this worked from last time with Chica. Pressing the options to replace the outer shell for her arms. Legs. and her face. as well as her hands and feet just in case. But after thinking about it. I Just decided to cancel it all and do a full on shell replacement with the eye's option. I came back in as she laid down on the laying chair and all hands started to undo her face and body plates. But This time front and back. Leaving only her endo skeleton behind. I started to clean her endo skeleton from the Fizzy drink that leaked through the gaps in her outer shells. Soon seeing 2 hands with 4 fingers on it slowly descending. The fingers of the robotic arms were covered in a soft rubber padding. Likely to not damage the eye's. Made sense sinds it looked like the most expensive part. Slowly they were taken away as I started to clean her face and head up. after a bit of stumbling and other sounds coming from the roof. A new set of yellow eyes were slowly descending down on her. With the same yellow irises as well as the purple eyelids and mascara. Clicking into place as they looked just as pretty as before. Slowly the other parts were lowered down as well. putting them into place as I adjusted them to fit correctly. The hand shells on her hands with her green claws. The arms. Legs and torso as well. Which was a slight bit embarrassing to hold her chest parts as well as her crotch parts. I try to focus as I put her shoulder pads back on. But The most difficult part was actually her tail as I had to put in the new fluffy cover on it manually. Having to hold the metal endo skeleton tail part steady as well as putting the new tail part on it. kinda like putting on a arm glove. With some difficulty I managed to get it on. Feeling her oddly near the soft tail as it was fluffy but soft. It was so thick that you could put your fingers in it and not even touch the base of the endo skeleton tail. Then I moved on to her thighs and arms. As these parts were the easiest. And last but not least. Was her face. Looking at the parts It seemed that the back of her faceplate held her beautifully and also as fluffy as her tail hair. As her front face plate held her green hair bang. Not rougher than her normal hair and tail. But styled that it would stay its own separate part. Soon as the robotic arms came down to lock up her parts. Completing the full repair. I watched as the chair would come back from a lying position to a sitting one. I looked her over before i see her move her replacement eyes and rubbed over her body. I rubbed the back of my head a bit. "I hope you don't mind it that I replaced your whole outer shell. I just wanted to make sure you could be as perfect as ever. And didn't have to smell like Fizzy fazz. Are. Are you feeling okay?" I asked as she slowly stood up. Inspecting every part of her body. Making sure it was functioning and perfect. Slowly looking back at me. Walking closer to me before wrapping her arms around me. "Thank you. My Rock Star." She said to me as I not only blushed hard. but also hugged her back tighter. "It's my pleasure Roxy. But let's be real. Your the real Rock Star of us here dear." She put her hand on her hip and with the other. Flicked her hair. " I feel as great as ever. Like the best even. And. I'm sorry for what happened." She said as she held her arms. "I'm sorry as well. For not coming sooner or faster. I should have been there for you way earlier. I should have never let this happen. And I'm still. so so sorry Roxy." I say as I looked down. Thinking that it was partly my fault. for not being fast enough and or preventing it. But she just puts a hand on my shoulder. "It's not your fault. You didn't do this. you fixed me. And I am grateful for that." Making me only smile more at hearing her praise as well. " Thank you Roxy. But we should get back upstairs before management can complain about our absence." She would nod in agreement. But before I could walk away. I stopped as I felt Roxy hold onto my arm. "Would. You mind it if I stayed with you for a bit? I don't have any birthdays planned for at least a few hours. And i think it be best for you if your accompanied by the best." She asked as I held her hand and looked back into her yellow glowing eyes. "Of course. I'd be honored. Even delighted if you did Roxy." I say as I held her hand and happily started to get back up from Parts and Service back to the main Pizza Plex. We walked around past customers and groups of people. "Oh! ROXY! Your the best! can we have a photo? I want to be just like you when i grow up!" The group of children surrounding us that wanted a photo and an autograph from Roxy. This brought a big smile to my face as i can see how happy she was looking. To be adored and loved as she should be here. "Of course! You get it all. All from the best! my little Rockstars!" She said as the group cheered on. I stand by the side so she and them can enjoy their company without me standing awkwardly by. I did still stand in view of Roxy so she knew I wasn't going anywhere. The smile. Tone of her voice and even her poses and show offs made her look truly happy. Which I was satisfied to see. I also got a message from Monty that the teenagers had ran out and fled the building. Making me laugh as I replied that there is plenty of food in the sea to tear to shreds. But if he sees them again. I might look the other way when they get caught. In all seriousness. He escorted them out of the building and the staff bots have been alerted to report them if they try to enter or sneak in. After all the crowds dispersed around Roxy. I decided to go towards Monty golf. as i wanted to check in on Monty. Roxy did come with me. But she stood near the entrance and exit door so she wouldn't cause any commotion. I thought it was sweet of her to let him have his own spotlight. Especially sinds this is his place. I looked around the golf club entry hut and storage to make sure it's stocked full of golf clubs and golf balls. Luckly they were easy to find as I could hear and see a small crowd that was gathered around Monty. I went out of the hut as I stood by the side a bit. Listening in as I was too curious not to eavesdrop. A few children standing next to Monty as he tried to golf. Maybe showing an example to these kids on how to golf? Or was he training? Whatever it was, he seemed frustrated. Like he couldn't get something just right. "Um. M-Monty?". A small kid asked as Monty turned towards him. Not used to be approached by anyone. Let alone a kid. His annoyed look starts to soften a bit. "Uh. Yes? What's up?" Monty replied. Looking down at the nervous kid. Holding his golf club close to himself. "How. How do I golf as well as you?" The kid asked as he held his club close to his chest. Monty smiled a bit as he lifted up his star shaped glasses and started to show off how he plays mini golf. The kid imitates his movements as it took Monty a view more swings before hitting the ball. Rolling along as it took a view hit to get into the hole. He sighs but still tries to act like it was a great shot. The kid Cheered as he smiled at Monty. “okay kid. Now it's your turn.” Monty said as he got out of the way so the kid could stand ready. Trying to mimic Monty's swings. but getting it in the hole after way too many hits. Making him look down a bit. “not as good as you.” He said slightly looking down. Monty getting on one knee as he pets the head of the kid. "Eh. Don't sweat it kid. I took a while too before I was good. You can get it eventually.” He says as he reassures the kid. I smiled at the sight as I also heard the 2 mothers standing at the back talking. eavesdropping on them as the weird looks they gave Monty peaked my interests. It wasn't hard sinds they weren't even whispering at all. "Are you sure it's safe to leave him so close to that thing? I mean. Wasn't he the dangerous one?" She murmured as the other replied. "I wouldn't have done it either. But it's his favorite. I don't see what he sees in that thing. I wish I could get him to that bunny from a long time ago. He was much saver around kids." She said a bit as Monty slightly froze into place at hearing that. Slowly the conversation got around the group. "What was its name? Bonnie wright? What happened to that one Anyway?" Low growls of annoyance came from Monty. "Shut. up." He whispers as he tries to ignore them. but the frustration of being able to hit the ball correctly and their talking wasn't helping. the boy next to him looked slightly worried At Monty. But a small group continued the women's conversation. "Wasn't he supposed to be Bonnie's replacement? Some replacement he is. I thought he took him out. It has the temper for it. He seems like he can tear anything apart." I heard them continually say as Monty did his hardest to let it not get to him. But I wouldn't be able to let it go if they just threw accusation after accusation at me. What broke my own last straw was that even the small kid he was talking to. also asked Monty sadly. "What. happen to Bonnie mister Monty?" Even I could feel it sting as he said it. Not meaning it in a bad way. But it only made the gator more angry. Breaking the golf club hilt he was holding. Looking at the crowd of people in anger. "You wanna know what i think? You all wanna know what happened to Bonnie? Where i trashed his body? where I tore him apart? Come on! Ask me again." He said as he stomped on the floor. Making the kid back up a slight bit. Unlike everyone else who had a worried and on edge expression. I can feel how painful this must be for him. Even hearing his voice Crack at the end. He clutches his claws into fists as he starts to shake slightly. Standing there alone. Being abused and berated. But I. I'd make sure. That he wasn't alone. "Maybe I can answer that." Monty froze a bit as he looked around. Seeing Me walk up. still having his mad expression in his eyes. I just gave a nod as I stood by Monty's side. Almost like a brother in arms. Not alone anymore. Monty looked unsure as I said I could answer it. But I know exactly what I wanted to say. "To make things clear. Monty isn't Bonnie's replacement. Nor the reason for his disappearance.
These 2 were like brothers. Doing everything together as they stayed side by side on and off stage. And even now. That hasn't changed a bit." I got cut off as one of the people interrupted. "But he's gone now. And he's still here. We aren't stupid you know. He was last seen here! Who else could it be?" Monty's expression dropped. But I only stayed proud and up right by his side. "Just because he was last seen here doesn't mean Monty did anything to Bonnie. If anything he's the one wanting Bonnie back the most. You know why Monty sometimes doesn't show up to parties or the main stage?" I asked the crowd as they likely never thought about that. And of course one had to say. "Because he's lazy?" Monty and I have the same annoyed look on each other's face. "No way! He's back here. Looking for Bonnie! Cause he cares about him!
So much so that he even skipped shows sometimes. Just to look for him. And even now. He still deals with the constant harassment and accusations for something he didn't even do." I say as I take a deep sigh. "Look. Bonnie has far more faith in Monty than anyone else. Especially now sinds he has taken up the role as the new main bass player of the band. Even though he never wanted to. I say as I look at Monty. "If there is someone he trusts in. someone to keep all of us company and entertained till he comes back. It would be his best friend. Montgumry gator." I say as I look at Monty as he stares at me in bewilderment. Having a small bit of a softer expression as I continued. "He's Always there for any party time so no kid or adult has to be alone or sad. He is just doing his best to play for 2 bass players. But he is the rockstar who wants to help him out the most. And I have proof!" I said as They perked up as well as Monty did . "You may have seen that Bonnie Bowl still has his signature sign above it as well as the other posters on the walls in some of the restaurants. Why are they still there if Bonnie was replaced? Because it's his place. Like Monty's Here at the Golf Course. Roxy at her Raceway. Chica at her Mazersize and Freddy in Fazer Blast. And most important of all. All of them on stage! Bonnie will come back. I promise that to you all. So that both he and Monty can play together again. Caring about each other as well as about all of you. The only question I have is: After waiting for so long. Can you wait for a little bit longer?" I asked the crowd as I looked back at Monty. His jaw was gaped open wide. The little boy next to him came closer again and put his hand on Monty's leg as he started to cry. "I. I'm sorry Monty. I didn't know." He said as more murmurs of slight apologies and worries sounded from the crowd. As others had already left the group. Tired of some weird guy like me giving a useless speech. But it didn't matter. As the speech wasn't for them. But for Monty. Monty bends down as he put his hands on the kids shoulder softly. "It's okay kid. I. Miss him to. It isn't your fault." He says as the kid hugged his leg. He rubbed his eyes as he looked at Monty. "I'm. I'm gonna be so good at golf with you til he comes back. And make you both happy." He said as I smirk and mouth softly. "Yes he will." Then Monty seems to cheer a bit up as he put his sunglasses back up. "Then let's make it great. It's Party Time!" He said happily as I grabbed a new golf club and replaced it. Getting a nod as I put the other golf club away. The crowd advanced as I stopped Monty before he could walk away with them. He looked back as I got a small tired look on my face as I held onto his arm. Monty looked at me curiously. "Is. Something the matter?" he asked as i nodded. "Pull free." I said simply but sternly. Making Monty give a side eye. "Come on. We can't keep the kids waiting." But I didn't budge. "Then pull away. And join them." I said as he tried to pull his strong animatronic arms away. It should have been a breeze. But he stopped and grunted. "I. I can't." He said as I nodded. I thought he was golfing weirdly. And it turns out my hunch was right. "Monty. Sinds you catched me at the catwalk incident. Have your arms bin. Damaged?" I asked as I see him perk up. Only grunting. Feeling more sorry as this was likely cause he tried to help me by holding onto the platform. I gave a small nod. "Don't worry." I got you. You're coming to parts and service with me. Okay?" I slightly asked as I took him by his hand now carefully. Knowing that it is damaged. I didn't even get any protest from Monty as he followed me out of Gator Golf. Roxy gave me a nod as she followed us. Going back to the maintenance tunnels and into parts and service. I go to the consol as I press the arm endoskeleton repair. The door opening to the protective cylinder as Monty lays down in the laying chair. The mechanical arms were lowered as they undid Monty's arms. Shoulder pads. and hand shells. Exposing the metal endoskeleton arms. Looking at them I could see that his endo skeleton arms were bent out of shape. Pulled a bit longer than should have been possible. Some of the metal rings that were on his upper arms were twisted as they were forcefully stretched. I can't imagine it being from me or from holding that heavy catwalk platform down. I started to press onto the consol button as I watched 2 small robotic arms descending down. But instead of hands or hooks. They seem to have giant bolt cutters on them. I quickly pulled out the wires attached to the arms as each of them were placed on his shoulders under the base side of his big ball joints. with a slightly sickening creak. Snap! it Cuts off the arms. They fall off and onto the ground. It was quite horrifying as Roxy wasn't even looking. Turning away as a new set of arms were lowered by some claws. I align them as well as attach the wires to the correct ones before 2 more claws descended downwards. Having metal plates at each hand as they go in between the torso and the shoulder ball joints. With a quick hissing sound and a zap of electricity. They were melted to the endo skeleton. I made sure they were secured and tight before I started to put on his shell parts again. His green arms. Purple palms. Green fingers and purple shoulder pads back in place. Seeing the metal hands locking the parts back into place. Monty slowly stood up as he tested out his arm. Swinging it and punching the air a bit. "How does that feel?" I asked Monty as he laughed a bit. "Hahaha! Back to my old self. Maybe even better. Thanks Party Star." He said as I smiled brightly. Roxanne gave a small smirk. "Careful Monty. I could swear I heard you be grateful." I laughed a bit at that as Monty sarcastically replies. "Har har. I. Hm. Yeah." I looked up as he wanted to reply. But looking at Roxy made him think otherwise. After what happened to her. I don't blame him. Both of them had gone through enough. "Let's. Let's get back up to your attraction Monty. Are you also coming too Roxy?" I asked as i hold out my hand for her. She looked at it and me as she nodded. Taking it as we 3 walked back through the tunnels and up to the pizza plex. Returning to Monty Golf. There was a surprise waiting for us though. The little kid from Before stood there. Waiting as he looked at Monty right away. "I. I thought I'd lost you." Man could this kid get any more sweeter? I thought to myself as Monty walked up to the sad looking kid. "So you have been waiting for me here?" Monty asked as he nodded. Monty crouched down to his height. "Thank's kid. You're a real Party Star." He said as it made him get a bright smile. I went to the counter as I grabbed Monty's replacement golf club and handed it to him. "Then it's time to make up for some lost time. What do you say? Want a one on one match with me?" He said as the kid jumped up in joy. Monty looked back at me and gave me a nod of understanding. Putting his star shaped glasses back on before walking off with the kid to go and play golf. Hearing happily. "It's party time!" From Monty. I walk back as I see Roxy leaning against the door of the Monty golf entrance as she gives a wink and a nod. Making me blush at her approval. I honestly was glad I wasn't the only one to witness that. I exited with Roxy out of Monty Golf as we looked and searched more around. I Picked up the usual trash here and there. Cleaning it up and having Roxy interact with customers. But soon I got a call notification from Chica. Picking it up as i talked in the fazwatch. "Chica. Is everything alright?". I asked as I heard her voice threw the fazwatch. "Arthur. I am in need of some medical assistance. A child has twisted his ankle and I'm in need of a cast. Can you go to the first aid station and get a Walker Leg before meeting me up at mazersize?". She asked as I replied. "Ofcorce. I'll go there right away Chica." I say as I knew I wanted to ask more details from why to what happened. But I better act fast if someone needs help. Especially if it's Chica or any of the other animatronics. I hung up as I looked over to Roxy. Wanting to explain myself but she already put a hand on my arm. "I heard it. Go ahead. I'll check out my Raceway for a bit. Then I'll join you back at Chica's Mazersize." She said as I gave a thankful nod. Starting to jog and then run to the closest double doors that lead to the underground tunnels. Still knowing the way to the first aid station for the cast. After rumbling around I finally found a box of various sizes of them. I took one of the kid sizes as I could always make it smaller if it's too large. Going back up the tunnel and heading towards Chica's Mazersize Attraction. As I arrived at the entrance. I can see a kid crying as he sat down on a nearby bench. Chica tented to his foot as one angry looking woman was standing near her with her bag in her hand. I jogged towards Chica as she looked at me. I held out the special cast out for her. "Here you go Chica." Chica nodded as she took the cast and put the kids leg in it. "Don't worry. It will feel better in this." She said as she carefully locked his leg and foot in place for the kid. Tending to him as i was happy that the kid wasn't too hurt. "There. Does it hurt?" Chica asks as the kid shook his head no. Giving me some relief. But I did want to know more about what happened here. "So. How did this happen Chica?" I asked her. But before she could talk. The woman next to us interrupted her. "What happened? I'll tell you what happened! This idiotic robot broke my child's leg!" She said in anger as I eyed her up a bit before focusing back on Chica. She recoiled at the accusation. But that's all it was. An accusation. I wanted to know Chica's side of the story as well. "Well Chica? What about your side of the story? With some details if possible." I asked her as That made the woman only more mad as I wanted to hear Chica out. "Her side?! It's a freaking robot! Of course it will lie to protect the company! I swear I'll get my lawyer and I'll sue your ass! And get that stupid duck Scrapped!" She didn't hold back on her booming voice volume and rage as Chica shook a bit at that. as well as being threatened like that. "I. I." Chica couldn't speak as I looked up at the woman. "Miss. Can you be quiet for a second? I'm trying to listen to Chica. And your accusations as well as your tone are making her stressed out." I said still in a friendly tone even if it was barely. as I rubbed Chica's back a bit to try and calm her down. "You're not getting scrapped. You're not in any trouble. Alright chica? Just tell me what happened and I'll make sure everything is gonna be okay." I said to her as I reassured her that she's in no trouble and that she can speak freely. In the meantime I checked the fazcameras as well. Seeing if I could play back some of the footage of the security cameras. Chica slowly and carefully started to talk. "I just finished one of my exercise routines. putting away some of the weights I used that time into the weight racks as well as the ones that people did not put away themselves. Then there was this kid playing around me. I tried to make him stop before they could get hurt. But even then he. He refused to listen to me. Taunting me as he ran around and climbed on the weight racks that held the weighted dumbbells. But before I could catch him. He fell as one of the weighted dumbbells fell off and landed on his leg. Luckly it was the lightest weight. but It was an accident." She said looking sorry and down. But the woman didn't look any more satisfied with her explanation. "you dare to shove the blame onto my little sweetheart. You're a metal monster. Despicable!" She said as Chica started to slowly shake more and lightly sobs. But she Did her best to hold it in. Even though her voice betrayed her. "I'm not. I Didn't. I'M not a. Monster. i. I couldn't hurt a child!" She weeped a bit as I got angry. "You will refrain from treating Chica like that. or else you will be directly escorted out of the building. Understood?!" I said sternly as Chica was taken back a bit. I also looked at the kid who was smirking at the sight of Chica's misery. I hated that kid already. I played back the camera feed as I took a deep sigh as I watched the exercise room camera video. Seeing Chica putting away the weighted dumbbells. Seeing the kid run in and bother Chica. Then making her chase him. He made faces and was mocking her. Then he climbed on top of the dumbbell rack. Then wanting to jump but slipping as he fell and kicked a dumbbell off. falling down as the dumbbell hitted his leg. Chica looks scared and lifts him up as she takes him outside of the Mazersize attraction and applies medical aid to him. Then seeing the woman approaching her as she seems to scream to Chica. She tries to focus on taking care of the child. But then. She swung her purse over her head and slammed it down on the back of Chica's head. Making her bend forward from the impact of the jagged metal pieces that the bag had on each corner. I looked back wide eyed as I looked at the back of Chica's head. I can see the dent and spot the metal piece pierced on the back of her head. My shock turned to anger as I slowly rose up. The woman looked more irritated then and now. Until she looked unsure as I gave her the same death stare at her as I gave the teenagers before. "How. dare you." She tended back up as she scoffed. "What are you blabbering about?" I bend down to rub Chica's head. "I said. how. dare. you. How dare you hurt one of our most kind and caring stars here. Not only are you threatening her by demanding her to be scrapped. Berating her for something she didn't do. Even After she took care of what I presume is your kid. And you dare to strike her!?" I said as I looked furious at her as I walked towards her. "I'm going to escort you out of this building now!." I said as calmly as I could. Which wasn't much. But when I reached my hand out to grab her arm. She was livid as hell as she held her bag back and swung it. bashing it against my face. The sharp metal parts of the bag cut a dot into my cheek as blood trickled down from it. Chica put her hands on her beak and gasped. Eyes wide open at my new wound. The people who walked around us looked in shared shock as they just stared. I stood still as I slowly put a finger to my bloody cheek as I held it in front of me. Almost like an example for the woman that she. She f*cked up. We both were surprised as we heard Chica yell. "Leave him alone!" She said as she stood up and stepped towards the woman. Her having a mad expression on. I only ever saw Chica so angry in our incident. The woman panicked as she reared back and wanted to swing her purse again at Chica. But before it could impact her. I managed to block it with my arms. Them having a slowly bleeding dot on them as well. I see Chica take a step back as she still looks mad at the woman. I gave the same expression as I slowly stood regularly again. Looking at her as I loudly said. "You may hurt me as much as you want. Yell. scream. beat and bash. And now as you can see. Even bloody as well. But you stay with your dirty. Nasty hands off of Chica!" Chica looked shocked at that as the woman was just confused. I still stood in between her and Chica. Not daring her to even attempt to lay another finger on Chica. "When there are people like you. trying to lie. Hurt and ruin it for everyone else around you. There are people like Chica. trying her best to give as much joy to the people around her. from kids to adults and make sure everyone has a smile on their faces from the moment they arrive til the moment they leave. You even struck at her head. And what did she do? Nothing! she didn't put a finger on you in return. She even still took care of your kid. Even after he caused the accident. As long as we have shining beacons of hope like Chica. I and everyone else here can go through the day with a big smile. And nothing can change that. Not even you. Now leave." I said as I escorted her out myself this time. Chica carried the kid herself. As we walked towards the door. I let the woman out as Chica carefully sets the boy down. "It will be in your best interest to leave. And don't worry. We will send the repair bill for Chica's head as soon as possible. Have a faztastic day." I said smugly as the woman grunted. Quickly starting to walk away with her kid. I turned to Chica and slightly bowed my head. Chica rubbed her arm as she looked up at me. "I. I'm sorry. I didn't know what to do. I just. I. '' She stuttered. But I just stepped closer as I wrapped her in a hug. "I'm. So sorry Chica. I'm so sorry that Wench told those horrible lies. I'm sorry she hit you. I should have been there sooner. To be there for you sooner. It won't happen again. I won't let it happen again." I said as I was truly sorry. She hugged me back slowly as she put her hands on my back. "It's okay, Sport Star. Thank you for protecting me." She said as I smiled brightly. Slowly letting her go as I held my hand out. "Would you like to join me in parts and service again Chica? I want to replace the damage you got on the back of your head." I asked as i didn't want to let her go back like this. It may be minor. But even the little suffering or embarrassment it would have given. She doesn't deserve it. She felt the dent on the back of her head and nodded. "That. That may be for the best." She said smiling as she took my hand. together we started to walk back to parts and service. She laid down on the laying chair as I pressed the replace head Backshell option on the PC. The robotic hands unlock the back of Chica's head shell. I pull it off and replace it with the replacement part that was also brought in. Putting it in place as the robotic hands locked it again. I Pulled and pushed slightly to make sure it will stay on. This was by far the easiest repair I had to do. "There. Done and as good as new." I said happily as Chica gave me a nod but still looked down. "What's wrong Chica?" She smiled as she stretched a bit. "As good as new. But now it is your turn Arthur." She said as I looked curious. "My turn? But chica. You do know I'm not an animatronic. I don't think this thing can help me. besides giving me a better looking face." I joked as she shook her head no. "Of course I do. but you got injured as well. so it's time to bring you to the first aid station!" She said as I had already forgotten about my face and arm wounds." Are you sure that it is necessary? I don't want to keep you away from more parties or events scheduled." I said as I just didn't want to be a bother. But before I could protest. She puts a hand on my shoulder. "Please?" She said simply but slightly sad too. Making me realize I was making her sad If I said no. "Alright alright. Lead the way Chica." I said as she smirked happily. Walking with one hand on my back as we walk from parts and service threw the tunnels straight to the First aid station. I sit down as Chica grabs a cloth as well as some antibiotics to disinfect and clean up the wounds. putting just some bandaids on my arms and face. I rub em as i made sure they won't fall off. "Looking good Chica. you made me look as good as new!" I said smiling at Chica. But she only looked still down at my arm that she still held on one of her hands. "Is. Is something wrong Chica?" I asked her as she looks away and then back at my arms again. "Why. why did you take these hits for me?" She asked as I easily replied. "Because I wasn't gonna let you get hurt anymore then you already were." I said as I also looked a bit down. "But. Thank you as well. I saw you charging at that bitc-woman i mean. And i'm sorry for getting in the way. But now. Now you won't get into trouble with management." I said as her eyes go wide. "Is that why you took these hits? Because you didn't want me to get into trouble?" She asked as I nodded. "Yes. I would never forgive myself if I could have saved any of you for from being taught a lesson." She gave a slow nod at hearing that. "Then I'm more glad you are still with us. Even more after all that has happened." She said as I gave a thumbs up. "You know it. You're stuck with this ugly guard. you guys are way too amazing for me to want to leave here. Believe me." She gave a soft smile. "I'm sure of it. But don't sell yourself short. You're always welcome in my mazersize Arthur." She said as I stood up and gave a bow. "I'd be honored Chica. I'll keep you to that offer." I said as she let out a more honest laugh. "Glad to hear. But we should go back upstairs. It's almost time for my next mazersize lesson. I don't think anyone will come. But even if it's just one. I want to be there for them." I agreed as I walked towards the door with her. "quite honorable of you. That one kid or parent will be blessed with your kindness." I said as I and Chica went back through the tunnels. Up the stairs and back to the main area of the pizza plex. Soon arriving back at the Mazersize attraction. When we arrive back we see that there was almost no one there. Making me kind of sad. I knew her attraction wasn't populair. But I wish there was someone here for Chica. "I. I'm sorry Chica." I said as she put a hand on my shoulder. "it's okay Arthur. I'm already glad you came here." She said as that warms my heart a bit. That was until a rather large round fat woman. Wearing a blue and pink striped outfit walked up to us. As well as A boy and a girl next to each side of her. We perked up as the kids say. "Mommy! Mommy! Look! It's Chica!" The boy said as the girl added. "yay Chica!" She yelled happily as Chica went down on one knee and hugged both children. Surprisingly. The woman walked up to myself. She looked rather pretty and good in that outfit with her round size. having a big golden belt like necklace with a red jewel in it. wearing makeup and a ring on each hand. "Excuse me. But are we too late for the mazersize session?" She asked as both me and Chica perked up. "Actually. You just came Right on time. miss?" I said in a questioning manner. "Miss puffy. These little cuties here are Claris and Elliot." She introduced herself and her 2 kids. Chica seemed excited as the woman asked about her attraction. "Indeed! I was just about to start one. Do you want to join in?" Chica offered as the woman smiled and laughed a bit like a diva. "Of course dear. This place has the best combination to stay in shape. In both ways! ." She laughed as Chica seemed to sparkle at that. Not often getting positive comments about her attraction. The kids speaking up to. "Oh! Can we join? Pleaaase!" They asked excitedly as the mother nodded. "Only if you behave. and If Miss Chica here allows it." She said as Chica looked up. "Everyone is welcome here. And I'd be even more happy to have you all join in." She said happily as they cheered. "Ha. glad to hear that darling. What do we say kids?" She said as both kids said. "Thank you miss Chica!" They said as i smiled. Chica hugging the kids tighter before she lets them go. And with a pose and a smile. Chica says. "who's ready for a fun time at Mazersize?!" She said in a cheery like tone. Watching them leave towards mazersize as I see chica look back at me and give a smile and a nod. I nodded back as I saw them go inside. Thinking this hectic day was worth it all in the end.

Chapter 8

Chapter Text

8. I stood by the Mazersize entrance as I saw Roxy jogging towards me from a distance. Waving at her as she waved back before getting closer to me. "Hey Rock Star. Hold on." She said as she slowly looked at the new bandaids on my face and arms. Her ears drooped as her expression sours. Uttering a single word as she gently rubbed my cheek. "Who?" Is all she asked. I looked surprised as I replied. "Uhh. Who what?" I try to ask. Her sad expression turned to anger as she held my arms and looked mad into my eyes. "who did this? Who hurted you? You didn't have these when you left from gator golf." I could almost feel the intensity of her question. I quickly stutter out. "oh! It was just a woman that hurted Chica. But I already escorted them out and repaired The damage. Chica carried the child with her and set him down once we reached the exit. She even still waved at him. Even though he was being a brat. I swear she's too nice sometimes. But now Chica is in her mazersize attraction and helping a small family with her Workout and feeding routine." I said as Roxy nodded as she couldn't agree more with that. I rubbed off some of the dried up blood from my arms and cheek. "At least Now it can heal up better. tho having part of this face covered up isn't so bad." I say jokingly as Roxy tilts her head a bit. Looking sad at me. "Do. Do you really hate your face that much?" She asked, concerned. "I'm not the biggest fan of it. Or my voice." I added to it as Roxy thought for a bit. "You know. I could always give you a Glamrock make-over. Then you'd really look like the second best. Beautiful. Presentable. And socially acceptable." She said as she put her hands in a heart shape. Which almost made me die of cuteness. "You know what? If you can work with this face and body. I'd say go for it. Heck if you got a better outfit. I'd gladly wear that to." I said with a bright smile. She flicks her hair as she strikes a pose and points at me. "Alright. I'll take that challenge! You will look like the best! From the best. To the best!." She said proudly as I clapped for her. Before getting a softer smile. "Thank you Roxy. That makes me happy." I say as she puts a hand on my shoulder. "I'll promise you. No matter what happens." She said as it made me smile more. Always happy with more reassurance. As we continued to walk we went back to the main entrance. seeing a man with a big bulky case stand at the front desk. I walked up to him as I greeted him. "Greetings. Can I help you?" I asked as the man nodded. "Eyep. I'm Larry. I'm here to fix a snapped power cable?" He said as I almost forgot Mike would get an electrician to work that out. "Ah of course. This way." I say as I lead him to the power box. Opening it up as it still had the bullet holes on the front plate from the incident. "So. Think you can fix it?" I asked as he nodded. "Give me 15 minutes and the Cable should be all in order." He said as I nodded and went back to Roxy. "I'll be here for some time. and then I'll look around the pizza plex some more. So if you wanna walk around in the meantime. I'd understand." I say as she thought for a moment. Seeming hesitant but then answered as she remembered something. "I'll be hanging around my Raceway if you need me. I need to make some preparations anyway." She said as I nodded. "Alright Rock Star. Take care and stay awesome." I say as I wave her bye and watch her walk away. I stay by the mechanic Just so no funny business can happen. I am the security guard after all. After he fixed it and packed up his bags. I closed the wire box and wished him a good day. After that I continue to explore the rest of the pizza plex. Taking a stop at a nearby fountain as I sit on the stone side of it. Checking the fazcams as everything seems to be in order. taking a moment to sit down and enjoy the flowing water splashing behind me with the fountain as well as the still nice background music. But I was snapped out of my daydreaming as I heard heavy footsteps. Looking at the source of the sound. I see Freddy walk over. The children's party was likely over as he seems to have a slight bit of dirt on his body. "Oh! Greetings Arthur. How are you doing?" He said in that fatherly kind way. "I'm doing well. Had a less than stellar day but it was good. How about you Freddy?" I asked genuinely as Freddy gave a happy look back for a moment. "I'm doing well. Maybe a bit less than stellar too." He said as his happy expression drooped a bit. I looked up curiously as I petted the spot next to me. "You wanna talk about it? Not as star and guard. But just me and you?" I asked, wondering if he wanted to take a seat. He waited as he took a moment. as he let out a small beep. "Hm. There seem to be no further parties scheduled at this time." He Said as he walked over and sat down next to me. it stayed quiet for a bit as I said. "So. What happened to the Super Star?" I asked as Freddy gave out a small laugh at that. "I was attending a birthday party. Everything went well. The oversized birthday cake and the activities were enjoyable to the birthday girl. But when it came to the presents. it didn't seem the little girl got what she wanted. She got quite rowdy as I tried to calm her down. Offering her another ride in my chest compartment and playing more games in the arcade. I wanted her to still have a spectacular birthday. But. she refused. Yelling out that this was her worst birthday yet. No matter what I offered or did. I couldn't do anything to help. Seeing their parents apologize to me. and trying to talk her into taking up my offer didn't work either. Eventually when I tried to get close and extend my hand out for her. she just. kicked at my leg before running away. It wasn't a pleasant feeling." He said with drooped ears in a sad expression. that Such a greedy brat would ruin the whole day. and even be such a jerk against Freddy. Made me all the more angry. It must have hurted Freddy's feelings quite a bit. An entertainment animatronic who couldn't give a person the best birthday they could but leave with a frown. when you're built for that purpose. It must be heart ripping. Even now he's likely more sad he could not give the child brat a smile at the end of the day. I looked at his leg as I saw the muddy footprint of a shoe on his leg. "I don't know what else I could have done. Or should have done. But I can't stop thinking about it. Be reminded of it or worse. Is There something wrong with me?" I was surprised at that. The first thing he did wasn't complain about how greedy that kid was or how else it could have gone. But he asked if he was the problem or did something wrong. I shook my head no as I then got up And down on my knees so I could reach his leg better. Grabbing my cleaning cloth as I started to rub it away and cleaned it off til it was as good as new. "Freddy. it wasn't even your fault. And There is nothing wrong with you. You did everything right. The kid was just. Not that grateful. I'm sorry you weren't able to meet her impossible standards. Even the parents knew that if they apologized to you. you handled the situation as perfectly as you could. always doing so much to help everyone and make them have a fantastic day. It's admirable. Even when you are off of work hours. you still tried to keep the gang friendly enough towards each other. You're like the father figure to everyone. The big papa bear." I said as I leaned back. Freddy gets a smile at that. "Thank you. Though I may not be as highly as you think of me. I'm still grateful to hear that. But now I was not alone. It seems like You've been taking care of them quite well. At Least from what I could hear from Chica. Roxy. and Monty. Or the lack of complaints that is." I smile as I rub the back of my head. "Aww it's a pleasure. I just wish for everyone to be alright. But don't sell yourself short Freddy. they all need you. I know I don't talk much to you. But just like the others I got to give it to ya. you keep up with the pressure and stress of being the main star of the whole building. always having to be the voice of reason. And be the one to keep them all safe. I can understand it if it gets too much for you sometimes." I say as Freddy looks around the place. Still ears dropped as it seems he can't deny it. "It. can be quite a handful. But it's the least I can do to help everyone stay safe. I've made the mistake of abandoning them before. I would not do it again." He said as I got a worried look. Wondering what happened. I put my hand on his as I looked at him. Hoping as he continued. "Do you know about an accident at night that happened here?" I shook my head. "Maby. But not much. I saw an incident report about it in the main network. But it was vague at best." I replied as Freddy nodded." There. Was an incident here at the Pizza Plex. Involving a young boy that got stuck here after closing time. I. Tried to help him as best as I could. But the previous security guard corrupted my friends. They were not themselves. turned against their original programming. It got so bad that The others were destroyed beyond recognition. just to try and catch him." I went wide-eyed at that.
"I Let them down. everyone. Broken and battered and unable to help them. Chica lured into the trash compactor. broken and Losing her voice box. Roxy crashed into a go-kart. breaking her face and losing her eye's. And. Monty. Broken in half from falling off the catwalk and His claws taken away. Worst of all was. he gave me these parts to upgrade me. It was. necessary. But one of my many regrets." I cringed with each accident that happened. Wondering how one kid can cause so much damage to the animatronics or one night guard to corrupt them all. as I could imagine after something that traumatic for him. Not to mention the aftermath. I wanted to get raging mad at the kid. But I was more confused as Freddy seemed to. Perk up a bit. "But. It wasn't their fault. They were used by that night guard. And the little boy knew that. He had the choice to leave. to let this all behind and get out of danger. yet. He stayed. And wasn't gonna let it go. He knew that they were my family. And wanted to take the night guard down." He said as I looked more tense as well. Interested in this story more and more. "We first went back to Roxy Raceway. Having to calm her down was not easy. With her being unable to see. She would launch and charge at any sound she heard. but we managed to calm her down ever so slightly by complimenting her. luckly we found an old Roxy talky in the Beauty salon. with lots of recorded compliments on it. so we used that to lure her towards me if she got too close to him. eventually we managed to get her to crash into a pile of old tires. restraining her in the few she got stuck in. We did our best to calm her down and convincing her to let us take her towards parts and service. There we were able to repair her damaged body. We also found the virus that was making her attack him. I was worried. but I trusted him. But luckly. we could use a Antivirus program that fazbear entertainment had made just for these sorts of occasions. altho. each mistake we made would make her lash out. I held her back as much as I could. and in the end. Getting rid of the virus wasn't pleasant. But eventually. He succeeded. after that she seemed to react strangely. almost like she snapped out of a trance. Panicking at her lack of vision and asking what was going on and what happened. After reassuring her where we are and what was going on. we managed to restore her eyes and outer shell fully. After that. When She was back to normal. She Apologized for her actions and offered her help with capturing Monty. Which was the most difficult part while he was in this. Dangerous state. going back to Gator Golf as we saw him threw the cameras there. The scraping of his dragging torso over the floor was quite loud. making it easy to keep track of him. but he was still dangerous. growling and chasing the boy down like a wild animal. thanks to one of the last holes of gator golf. the opening and closing gator maw that was there growling
jumpscared the child. Making him slip and fall as he thought it was the real Monty. to his dread. the actual Monty was approaching him fast. not giving him any time to get up. as he tried to bite down on him. the boy quickly held him back by grabbing a left over golf club that laid around. pushing it into Monty's mouth as they struggled. with growls and creaks Monty managed to bite down and snap the club in two. but before he could bite down again. the kid shoved the now two pieces into Monty’s mouth. altho the golf club alone wasn't strong enough to stop Monty. The now two pieces together were thick enough to hold Monty's broken maw open. making him unable to bite down on the boy. but then he tried to crush him with the weight of his broken torso. The jagged edges of his broken shell almost piercing him. but before it could. Roxy came to his rescue. she launched herself towards Monty and crashed into him. getting him off of the boy. I jumped as well towards the two of them. struggling as Roxy held him down and he tried to get up. together we managed to hold onto Monty. but no matter what we said. we couldn't get through to him. He must have damaged his body's sensors. we couldn't get him to parts and service in this state. so we got the suggestion to throw him in the nearby trash container. when we both carried him and threw him in. He was already clawing at the walls and breaking whatever was inside already. After that we did manage to get him to parts and service. Roxy was sitting on top of the trash container lid so he couldn't escape. when we arrived there. We had to use some tie downs to keep him laying on the laying chair for the repairs. jolting and thrashing still as his virus was being worked on. but when he did manage to get rid of the virus. he just went. still. not offline. but just. layed there. We could even remove the tie downs so the repairs could be executed easier. We repaired his jaw and gave him his legs and claws back. He kept quiet for a while. even after the repairs were done. making us worried something was wrong. but all he said was that he wasn't good with words. and just was glad everyone was okay, before standing up and offering to help. Only leaving us with Chica. She was rather unusual. The damage to her body made her the least fiscally capable of putting in resistance.but she also seemed to be the most in her own mind. We didn't have a specific plan for her. sinds we outnumbered her and with Monty's help. we thought we could take her head on. We searched for her at most food stands and even the restaurant. but the kid pointed out he could see her on the cameras in her mazersize. one's we got there. We all stood around the boy to keep him safe. she spotted us as she started to move towards us. her endo skeleton joints were broken. so she was stumbling more than walking. Both Monty and Roxy were ready to hold her back. As she scattered trash about. reaching out with her right hand as her left one hung limp by her side. Missing all its shell parts. But when both Monty and Roxy were ready for the impact. It never came. When she was close to Roxy. she just held onto her. crying in the quite horrifying glitchy tone she had with out her voice box. holding onto Roxy's middle as her face was resting against her chest. her shattered voice scratched as she tried to talk. begging for help. we looked unsure at first. but the child convinced us to go to parts and service with her straight away. It went without trouble. Mostly. Sometimes she would get these small berserk moments where she would reach for the boy. trying to catch him. being held back by Roxy and if necessary Monty. before pulling back and crying into Roxy's hold again. even when we started her repairs. we had to use the tie downs again. just to be safe. her trashing asn shattered screams from when we removed the virus was the worst. she was restored to her normal self. we could install her voice box and beak again. repair her endo skeleton and her shell parts. she was the most apologizing of us. especially towards the child. but. to my surprise. He forgave them. saying that they were even. Sinds he broke and repaired them all. after a brief explanation of the situation. We banded together all 5 of us to take down the Nightguard. It wasn't easy. She used a special bunny suit to hide from our vision. and had a whole army of staff bots under her control as well. but . she didn't expect us all to be repaired. together with the help of Chica's voice stunning the staff bots.. Monty's strength shoving them aside. and Roxy's vision seeing where she truly is. We were able to get through them and reached the nightguard. She tried to make a break for it. But before she even had a chance to escape from us. Roxy managed to pin her to the ground. capturing her." I sigh in relief almost like I was on the edge of my seat. which I was. "That's incredible Freddy! I'm just happy that everyone was okay in the end. What happened to the kid?" I asked. "He went home. The police were called and the Nightguard taken away. It was quite an eventful night. Yet. I still feel guilty for what happened to them. I wish I could have reacted sooner. Able to stop it from happening. To not let everyone down. I'm already grateful that none of us got replaced. But i'm afraid next time we won't be so lucky." He said as I rubbed his back. "I'll do my best to help in any way I can. Hm. What was the name of the kid? I wanna make sure he's able to see you anytime." I said as he looked up. "His name was Gregory.'" I repeated it. "Gregory. Ey? Noted. And Don't worry Freddy. In the time I have worked here. I've never heard a single complaint about you. No dirty looks. Not even a peep. Not even from the others. So I don't think anyone holds any contempt towards you. well. maby some. but even then. I'm kinda proud of you." I say as I lean back forward as Freddy looks surprised. I continued to give more context. "A real jerk would not be looking at themselves to make things better or improve upon. But you do. you take responsibility for your own actions and regret. Not many people can do that. Which basically makes you already better than most people." He seemed to relax a bit at that. Feeling a bit relieved. His surprised look turned into a smile. "Thank you Arthur. It means a lot to hear you say that." I smiled with a soft laugh.``no problem Freddy. it's the truth so it's easy to say. Plus I'd do anything to make your family stay happy. You all deserve it." I said as Freddy looked up curiously. "My family?" I nodded. "Yes. Chica. Monty. Roxy. Sun. Moon. and You. It's such a beautifully big family. You deserve it after all your hard work performing here. Just like everyone else. You deserve to be happy. To feel satisfied and enjoy your lives. You all deserve these happy times." He smiled more brightly at that. "As do you Arthur. You and your family." My smile disappeared as I lowered my head a bit. "I. Don't have one. Not anymore. Sorry." I say apologetically as Freddy seemed a bit shocked to hear that news. Freddy puts an arm around me. I look back at him in a somewhat sad but hopeful look. "Don't worry Super Star. You got us. I know it may not feel like a real family. But your always welcome here by us." I looked at Freddy. My fake smile disappears as it turns into a more sad one as I let out a tear. He looked worried. Thinking he may have said something terribly wrong. "Oh no! I'm so sorry Arthur. I didn't mean to." But he got cut off as I hugged him. muttering out. "Thank you Freddy." I say as he wraps his arms around me and hugs me back. Getting his warm smile back. "It's alright Super Star. You'd be worth it. And i bet the others think so as well." His kind words only make me more happy to cry out slightly. Laughing a bit as I replied. "Well Roxy already offered me a makeover. I don't mind that at all. So at least I'd look more presentable. Hahahaha!" I laughed in happiness as after a few minutes I calmed down and let Freddy go. Grabbing a tissue and blowing my nose. "Thank you Freddy. I wanted to cheer you up. And Yet it seems like you did that for me. Your the real Super Star here." He smiled at that as he stands back up and I do as well. "It's no problem Arthur. Will you be coming to tonight's night shift as well?" I nodded as I make a semi proud pose. "Sure am!" I said as he smiled. "Glad to hear. I'll look around in case there is anyone in need of assistance or a photograph." I nodded as I gave a sort of rocking pose. "Go get them Fazbear. I'll be going back to the front desk sinds it's close to closing time anyway. If you need me. contact me on my fazwatch." We both nodded. "Will do Super Star." He said before we left each other and went opposite ways. I helped people to check out at the entrance as well as checking for any lost children. with help of the staff bots to spot anyone they might see still in the building before closing time. I rest at the main reception desk as I let out a satisfied groan. Also a few annoyed ones at the wounds on my face. Finally starting to sting a bit. Before getting a call again. Seems it was Mike. seems like he likes to check up on me. "Ello? Welcome to Freddy's Pizza plex. The best place for kids and grown-ups alike on earth. How can you be helped today?" I asked who it was. "Oh har har har." It's me, Mike. I was calling to see how the dayshift went." I let out a loud sigh as I explained it all. Roxy and the teenagers. Monty and the questioning crowd as well as the catwalk incident slipping in. But lying and saying it fell on its own. There were no cameras up there. So he could not disprove it. And the crazy woman and chica incident. Mike laughed a bit. Which annoyed me especially towards the misery of the others. "Oh we get all of them around here. But don't worry. you handled it well again. I'll send the bills to the families for the repairs. You might be a keeper here at the pizza plex." He said as I smiled and agreed. "I hope so. I love working here." That got a chuckle from him. "I'm glad you do. Just take it easy on your night shift. eat a pizza. and take some sleep. alright?" He said as I nodded. Not that he could see it. "Of course sir. Thank you and have a good night too." He hummed a yes before hanging up. I went over to the kitchen and baked 2 pizza's. one for me and one for Chica. I didn't want to forget my promise this time. So I'd make sure to deliver it to her. I put it by the door and knocked on it. Hearing a cheer as the door opened and closed again and seeing her threw the see threw glass front eat and enjoy. I do the same as I eat my own pizza and eat it in content joy. I take another rest as I fall asleep til my next alarm goes off for my night shift. It was quite the boring night as I didn't even dream of anything. I gruntingly get up as I grab a bottle of lemonade and drink it like it was my morning coffee. sinds I don't drink coffee. Getting my bearings before I got up and wanted to make my way towards Rock Star Row. But I was halted as I heard some metal jogging steps come closer and closer to me. It was Roxy. Slowing down a bit before standing next to me. "Hey Rock Star! Are you ready for tonight?" She asked with a slight joyful tone. I gave a big smile as I nodded. "Oh? I always am when you're around. But you seem extra happy today. What's the occasion?" I asked as she flicked her hair back a bit. "Only the most high speed racing event of your life. We are going to MY Raceway!" She said with excitement almost like she was in a commercial. I try to match her enthusiasm. "That's awesome! I can't wait to race with you!" I say as Roxy grabbed my hand and started to run again. "Then come on! Let's not keep the others waiting!" She said as she grabbed onto my arm and dragged me along. I did my best to keep up with the animatronics speed. I did try to stutter out. "Roxy, hold on! I need to get something first!" I say as we eventually stopped near the El Chip restaurant. I go inside quickly as I put in a pizza. After it's finished. I'd put it in the box and go back to Roxy. "Ready". I gave a thumbs up as she rolled her eyes and grabbed my hand and continued to run. We Eventually reached the hallway towards Roxy Raceway. It had a big garage door with a Roxy Raceway nameplate in red and yellow letters above it. Some small food stands stood in the hallway as well as a few party balloons on the right side of the main garage door. At the far right and left stood the same purple neon lighted pillars as seen by other attractions before. As the big garage door slowly opened up. Roxy looked at me with pride. "Welcome! To Roxy Raceway!" She said as we stepped inside. Looking around. We hear a message play from the speakers in the attraction. The voice of Roxy herself can be heard through the speakers. "Hey, I'm Roxann wolf. If you're looking for high speed motor mayhem, Roxy Raceway is the place to be. Sign up today and be a winner! Nobody likes a loser." I look Roxy as she looked at her nails and back at me. "Not bad huh?" I nodded as I started to Look around. The first thing that caught my eye was a golden Roxanne wolf statue in front of me a few meters away. Holding a racing flag in her right hand and a helmet in her left under her arm. I admire the craftsmanship of the statue before we go around it. I can see the whole racing course from over here. It was built at a lower base floor so you can see the whole attraction all from up here. two tribunes of seats stand a bit further as well. Around the place where also giant screens up in the air like you'd see in arena's for sports games or the likes. advertising several drinks and snacks from the pizza plex. There was also one mounted on the left most wall. as it displayed on the biggest screen. Was an animated Roxy with a helmet under her arm. Standing Next to a rocking bike as she stood in the desert. Her hair flowing in the wind as The words say above her. "Take what's yours. Limited edition Fizzy Fazz." Likely an advertisem*nt for her special Fizzy drink. On the left of the screen area was a simple empty Registered section. Disguised as a big rock. At the right of that was the actual race way as well as some stairs to go to an upper level. There were several foot stalls standing there as well. We could also see a logo of Roxy herself that was further on the far end of the wall. holding 2 race flags up and wearing sunglasses as well as a matching black racing jacket. She looked pretty badass. On the right of the attraction. Something big caught my eye. A big neon glowing building .A neon board shaped like scissors. Next to a sign that said. "The Famous Glamrock Beauty Salon." Which made me slightly excited to see. Still remembering Roxy's makeover offer. "Wow Roxanne. This place rocks! It has your style and everything!" I complimented her as I looked over the whole attraction from the base floor. Roxy posing a bit with joy and smirking. "Thank you Rock Star. It's my Pride and joy. And I'll show you who the best racer here is! We went down the stairs to the raceway on the lower floor. Roxy walked behind me as I could see the others standing there as well. The raceway course was huge. it went straight. Til you needed to take half circles. Turning from right to left. then another one to the right and going up while going left. Then coming to the above section. Needing to take 3 zig zags. Ending in a downwards straight road leading into a cave. And taking a left whole circle turn around before going straight and taking another zig zag. Going straight as you take a slight bend but rather a straight road further. then taking only a slightly wobbly path before taking a last right turn and reaching the finish line. I waved at everyone as I and Roxy ran towards them. I breathed heavy as I was already tired from the earlier fast running to the raceway. "HI. Huff. everyone. I hope you are. ready. Phew." Chica rubbed my back as I managed to catch my breath. "Thanks Chica. Also, this time I didn't forget." I say as I hand over the pizza box. "Fresh out of the oven." I said as I handed over the pizza box as she happily digs in. Before Freddy could say the usual attraction introduction. Roxy puts a hand on Freddy's shoulder. Freddy nodded as he caught the meaning. Stepping away as Roxy stepped forward. Freddy joins our party standing around Roxy now as we look back at her. she struck a slight pose. "Right! Welcome to my Raceway! here you get to test your skills to beat the best of the best! And show that you are a real winner! grab a cart without an assistance staff bot. and drive to the starting line. We are doing 2 laps around the raceway. You know the drill. Keep your seat belts on at all times. and no exiting your cart until the race is over. I'd rather get Scrapped than let someone get hurt on my raceway." She said as I was a bit surprised but impressed as she said that. all of us nodded as we understood the rules. "Then it's time to race on!" She said in excitement as I clapped for her. Even Chica jumped a bit as Freddy and Monty nodded before we went over to the go carts. They stood at the side when not in use. as most of them had Roxy's outfit colors of red and black on it. There were one's who were empty. And some of them with half bodied staff bots that were in the back of the carts. "Hey Roxy? What are these staff bots for in the go carts?" I asked as she looked over. "These are assistance staff bots for the younger kids. For if They are too young to ride without an adult. they get assigned a staff bot to help them drive." I nodded. Thinking it would be a smart way to let kids still enjoy the racing. My attention was brought back as I saw Freddy. Monty. and Chica follow Roxy. walking towards a sort of garage at the left side Of the track. When she opens it. I could barely see as it was all dark inside. But I can hear them all walk around. Then the reffing of a motor. Before Roxy and the others came back as they each drove a costume cart. They seem to be a bit bigger to accommodate their larger bodies. But had totally different paint jobs. Chica's cart was pink with red hearts. Her cart number was 2. Monty's was green with a yellow middle section and black stars on it. His cart number was 3. Freddy's cart was mainly orange with a blue lightning bolt on the front. His cart number is 4. And last but not least. Roxy's Cart. Hers was red in the middle and green on the outside. Purple stars covering it. Her cart Number was 1. Roxy set's her cart at the starting line first before she steps out and walks up to me. I see she was wearing a set of black sunglasses as well as a racing jacket. Black to match her glasses with some other colors as well. Now looking like her giant image that was on the wall of her with that outfit. And she's rocking it. She Grabbed some stuff she had on the back of her cart. Holding it out in front of me as she shows off a thick black racing jacket with red parts for the wrists. Shoulders and neck as well as some blue and yellow logos on the jacket. I could only see one clearly. and that was a badge that looked like the huge Roxy picture on the wall of the attraction. But gold like my security badge. Sunglasses. racing jacket. and flags. Besides the jacket itself was a bit smaller. It was the exact same as Roxy's. She also handed me a set of glove's. Thick protective one's with the Roxanne wolf logo that was on the wall on top of them. On the other hand she held out a helmet. But it was no ordinary helmet. This helmet was slightly Gray with a green stripe in the middle of the helmet. Likely to resemble her hair sinds she also had Grey hair and a green hair bang. It also had some black stripes on the side of the helmet that were the same as Roxy had on her cheeks. They were on a much more Gray part of the helmet. And at the top right and left of the helmet. It had little Grey and purple Roxy ears. As well as having the plastic earrings on them. It had a small purple visor attached to it. My expression of surprise goes to a big smile. "This is so awesome!" She held up the jacket for me. I slowly reach out for it. "For me?" I asked as if It was a present. "Of Course Rock Star. Everyone deserves to race with style and safety. Just dont think you can beat me. I'll go all out when I race. so you better give it your all as well. Plus. The helmet. jacket. And gloves would suit you." She said as that made me blush. excited as I put on the helmet and then put on the glove's. they fitted perfectly. "Thank you Roxy! The racing jacket and the glasses look awesome on you too! And don't worry. I will give my all for the best that you are." I said as she walked back to her cart. I look around the race track as I indeed see a few carts stored behind one another to the side. I go towards them as I sit in the first one upfront. Looking around the controls as if they were the standard one's. Button for forward. Hold the button back for backward's. Break and gas paddle on your left and right. I click one of the big buttons on the front. After some rumbling. It turns on. I slowly drove with my smaller cart to the starting line as I was behind everyone. We were all set and ready. Monty seemed ready to race. Chica seemed slightly nervous. Freddy seemed to just be happy to be here. Roxy was in her element. and I. I was ready and scared as hell. We waited til the blinking light went from red. To orange. and green. Most of us stepped on the Gas as we went forward. The speed and movement of the cart was quite impressive. But not too fast or hard to be disorienting. Even when I try to get a hand on it. Roxy speeded in front of everyone with massive control skills. Going around the turns and twists like it was nothing. I even tried to match her speed and driving route. but I didn't have a good enough handle on my cart to match. slightly slowing down against the side of the wall. So I slowed down a bit before going around the zig zags and half circle's. It made sense that Roxy had the experience and skill of her own raceway course to know when to turn and the quickest way to. But I wasn't gonna let her beat me so easily. I started to make quicker turns as i speeded past Chica and Freddy. now driving behind Monty. Chica in last. Freddy in forth. Me in third. Monty in second. and Roxy in first place. We zoomed around the course as we crossed the finish line for the first time. Monty, Freddy and Chica kept switching racing places as I did my best to try and stay ahead. while not getting pushed aside by the bigger carts that they drove. Having a hard time getting past Monty. But thanks to the more spiral turns. I could keep up the speed as he had to slow down to make the same turns. Allowing me to go past him. For once I started to catch up with Roxy. Tho I still stayed behind her when it came to the twist and turns. Giving a small wave every once in a while when I catch up to her. This time I wasn't gonna hold back. She wanted a fair race and I'd give her exactly that. It went on for a bit as we reached the second lap. Now it was time for the last race around the course. I managed to stay besides Roxy's side as she still managed to keep up with the more sharper turning points. Even when we come around the makeshift funnel with its quick swirls and turns. we were almost neck to neck with each other. Racing as concentrated and determined as possible. in the final moment when we went over the finish line. We both slowed down a bit further up. Making sure the others have enough room as well to not crash into us. On the big screen on the wall. The owner's of the go carts would be displayed on it. I see the placing order from bottom to top. Chica was in last place. Freddy was in fourth. Monty was in third. I was second. Which means. Roxy was The winner. Roxy stood atop of her cart as she posed. As if she got a standing ovation of a crowd cheering for her. "Yes! YES! I. AM. THE BEST!" She said loudly as I and Chica clapped for her. Monty gave some small claps and Freddy clapped regularly. I jog towards Roxy as I congratulate her. "Great job Roxy! You did amazingly!" Chica said. "Now that's how a real Rock Star does it! You're the Racing champion!" I said. "Great job Roxy. You raced very well." Freddy said. "It wasn't too bad. But next time I'll win. Just you wait." Monty said as that sounded like a compliment? Better than expected. Roxy of course gloated happily. "Thank you. I. am. the best! I. am. the best." She said before she calmed down slightly. Freddy. Chica and Monty started to drive their cars back into the side garage as I started to grab my own cart by the seat and put it back with the other's. Giving a smile as I look back at the gang. Roxy walked up to me. I am always so happy to see her this happy after she won. Putting a hand on her hip as she asked. "So? How was your first time racing? You were so close. but you can't beat the best!" I rub the back of my head as I smile. "It was scary at first. but then I got the hang of the cart control's! I had so much fun during this go cart ride. And thanks to all of you. I did even more. It was a delight to race with all of you. And of course with the best Roxy~." I say as she puts her hand on my shoulder. "Thank you. But you weren't bad yourself. Who knows? Maybe one day if you've practiced enough. You could even make it to be the best." She said as I looked hopeful. I smiled back as I put my other hand on Roxy's hand that was on my arm. "I don't think I'll come anywhere close to your skills Roxy. to me. No one can beat you. So I'm sorry, Roxy. but you will always stay the best. No matter what." I say as her eyes looked half open and tail swayed a bit. Turning around as we hear chica ask. "Hey! Can I get some help over here? My cart seems to be stuck." Both me and Roxy went to the garage section as with Freddy's and Monty's help too. We placed the carts back where they were. after putting the carts away. Freddy spoke up. "Alright. Everything from the course to the carts as well as the safety performance looks to be in order. I'll send the report as soon as i-." But he got cut off as my phone rang. I sigh as I grunted in annoyance. "Ugh. Talk about awful timing." I say as Chica giggled a bit at the situation. I picked up my phone. "Hello? Arthur here." I said. but when I held it up to my ear. I only heard static. Quickly pulling it away from my ear. "What the!? Again? What's wrong with this thing!?" I asked as the others looked at me surprised. "Oh? Is something the matter Arthur?" I grunted as I nodded and put my phone on speaker. All there ears and expressions perked up as they heard the static as well. " What's. What's that sound?" Chica asked as Monty added. "That doesn't sound right. What's wrong with it?" He asked as i looked at my phone. "I don't know but this isn't the first time this happened." I thought to myself as I looked at the direction back to the storage again. Only filling my mind with more questions. "Does. Does any of you know. What's in that storage place?" I asked as I pointed in that direction. they looked at it as most shook their heads. "not besides the go kart parts or old racing outfits in the Roxy Party Garage." Roxy replied. I held my phone out as I thought I could check it out now. Sinds i was close to the area anyway. As I started to walk around the Raceway. Roxy .Monty . Freddy. and Chica followed me. Curios and unnerving looks on there faces as we all looked around at the strange sound. getting louder and louder near the end of the wall. "That's unusual . And you said you heard it before?" Freddy asked as I nodded. "Yes. I was here one time for cleaning up some go carts and jackets. it was the loudest in the storage room. Near the. Wall." I said as I lead them back around. Entering one by one as I guide them to the loudest point again. Close to the strange wall. "Here it was." I say as i pointed at the spot. They looked at it curiously. "Hm. I wonder what that could be." Freddy said as Monty and Chica where deep in thought as well. Then Roxy pipes up. "There is something behind it." Monty laughed a bit. "like what? More wall?" He said sarcastically. Roxy grunted as she looked back. "Gr. No. Like something else behind that wall. I can see it clearly with my eyes." She said as I gave a look of confusion. Chica saw it and explained. "R-roxy has special eyes that allow her to see through walls. It's to make sure she finds any hiding or lost children or people around the attractions." My eyes went wide as I thought about it. but I was snapped back to reality as Chica walked up to the wall. Rubbing and knocking on it. "I don't think it's a wall. Just to. Hollow." I looked around the edges and felt the small gap between the 2 Wall parts. I put the end of the wrench handle in and started to pull. Some splintering was heard at every pull. I couldn't quite get it. But Monty came as he dug his claws into the other side of the wall crevices and pulled. After a view, hard snaps and cracks. the walls gave away as it slowly fell off. Apparently it was just a simple plank. painted in the same texture as the wall. And when we looked back we saw only one thing. Inside of the small space was a steel platform. At the furthest part in the middle was a console with some buttons. An elevator platform. "I. Didn't know that that was here." Roxy said surprised. Having known her raceway forever. Yet she has never seen this before. I look through my fazwatch. But no matter what. This spot wasn't on the poorly white outlined map. "I don't see anything about this on the map either." I commented as well as I looked inside. Using my flashlight as I see at the side some steel beams on each side where old gears are locked into. The static on My phone got slightly louder. But I could also hear a weird voice. "Help. Need. More. Down. here." The others heard it too and perked up. "Is. Is someone down there?" Chica asked worriedly as she pointed below the elevator. I fasten my jacket and tap my helmet as I look back at the group. Then back to the lift. Having an uneasy feeling of dread. but wanting to help anyone that may be down there. "Well if they need help. Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Monty said as he walked toward the platform. but when he tried to go onto the platform. He stopped. "Monty? What's wrong?" Chica asked. "Grr. I. can't. Go in. Something is not allowing me to enter." Monty looked annoyed as Freddy looked Down. "This. is likely part of our new safety protocol. We can't enter spaces that aren't mapped out in our internal map. To avoid any of us to go to a place we aren't allowed to. Or can't be found." They all look a bit dejected. "Stupid map. Stupid protocol." Monty muttered as he walked back to the group. "Should we inform the main network?" Chica asked as Freddy nodded. taking a moment but then looking surprised. "Huh. connection error. I cannot connect to the main network." He said as Monty scoffed. "Ofcorce not. They likely put the bloody wall there. I wouldn't be surprised if they also put in something to jam our signals." He said as Roxy shook her head. "If that's the case.Then I want it out of my raceway This Instant!" They argued as I kept on looking into the lift itself as I did see the Control panel lights blink. Meaning it had power. I look back at my phone and back at the group. "M-Maybe I should check it out then." They all looked surprised at me as Freddy wanted to question me but Roxy barged in. "Absolutely not! We don't know what's down there or if it's even safe. What if you get hurt and we aren't able to reach you?" Roxy says in honest concern as she did have a point. "You may be right. But if there is someone down there. I need to get them. may it be the jammer to remove and destroy it. Or whoever is down there. I would rather not go down by myself too. but If that place got boarded up. Then it's unlikely management will do anything about it. Plus. It Will only be a small look around. I promise I'll go back to the elevator if something goes wrong." I say as the others look down. worried but understanding. "Then you better get safely back Rock Star." Roxy demanded as she poked my chest. "Please be careful and come back if it gets too much." Chica said. "This may be a stupid idea. but you are made for sterner stuff. Don't forget that." Monty commented. "I understand your need to go. We shall all keep in contact with you on your fazwatch. But you should be very careful. Return safely at any cost." Freddy said as I nodded. "I promise everyone. Plus it won't be too harsh. I'll just go down. Take a look and come back up within 10 minutes tops. I'm already wearing protection anyway." I said as I tapped the Roxy helmet that I was still wearing. slightly comforting to the others. I myself however was nervous as hell. Tho my want to help outweighed my fear of the unknown. I get into the lift and straighten my jacket. Pulled on my gloves. And tapped my helmet as I gave them a nod. with a press of the button I waited. When nothing happened. I saw that I pressed the up button. and not the down button. Slightly giving an awkward laugh before pressing the other button and then going down slowly. Saluting at the other animatronic friends as I descend downwards into the unknown.

Chapter 9

Chapter Text

content warning: blood. violence.

9. I checked my pockets for anything useful. Holding my flashlight out. Glad that I didn't forget to bring these and ready them. When I go more down on the elevator platform. I could smell the stench of something nasty down here. But I've smelled worse. So it wasn't too much of a bother. I went down for at least a minute before I reached the end. Which meant I was deep underground. As the door opens I see total darkness as the original smell was the worst. Walking forward as I step out of the lift and look around with my flashlight. It seemed to be some sort of. Tunnel. System. This made my stomach turn a slight bit and my spirit dropping for a moment. It seemed so familiar. I feel the walls of the place as I wasn't sure it was a stable cave system. But all I felt were sharp edges and marks on the walls. Luckly I didn't cut myself thanks to my racing gloves. I jumped a bit as I heard a voice. "Arthur. Are you there?" It was Freddy. I pull up my fazwatch as I reply. "I-I am fine Freddy. I reached the bottom and it appears to be some Tunnels. It's dark and has a bad smell to it. But I'll keep you updated if anything changes." I said as I could hear the others talk as well. "Be careful there. Alright?" Chica said as Roxy added. "The moment something goes wrong. Run back to the elevator. You got that?" I nodded. "Understood." Before I shined my flashlight through as I started to walk forward. My boots splashing in some sort of liquid that filled the middle of the road. The sound of the tunnel as well as the wet ground was echoing throughout it. But I kept walking forward. Trying to stay by the side of the wall so I didn't step in the constant puddles on the ground. I kept on walking as I came to a fork in the road. more passage ways came through. Some lead to other pathways. And most of them led to a bigger clearer area where multiple tunnels connected together. I kept on going just from tunnel to tunnel. Every hole was connected in some way. It was pretty creepy. I was pulled out of my thoughts as I stepped on something hard. And metal. I bent down on the floor and picked it up. Seeing with my flashlight that it was an animatronic hand. Specifically one from a staff bot. "What the." I mutter as I slowly put it down as I can see deeper In. There were even more parts I could see scattered about. Torso's. head's. Limb's. broken and turned to bits. Claw marks were on the most visible parts. As well as limbs torn off. I stop tho as I see a small blue light flash. I pull my fazwatch close to my face. "Hold on. I see a blue flickering light. It might be some machine part. I'm gonna check it out." I said as I heard Freddy's voice come through. "Alright. Just be careful, Super Star." I turned my light off as I don't want to alert whatever is making these flickers of lights. Slowly walking into the tunnel. Sometimes I'd step here and there on a staff bott part that was broken down. When I got close, I could see the small flashes slightly illuminating the hallway. It was a dead end for sure by the rocks blocking the end of the lights. I saw the source of the light. It seems to be. Sparks. I can see a silhouette from the quick flashes here and there. But I couldn't get a clear view. I grabbed my flashlight as I slowly shined it on the object. I almost didn't believe what I saw. From below I can see some endo skeleton legs. Aiming higher up I see a broken up blue torso. It had huge claw marks through it. Like someone tried to cut it open with multiple chain saw slashes. Seeing parts of its slightly hollow insides. Filled with a piece of its shell that was broken off. One of its shoulder pads was broken as the other one was still intact but dirty. One of its arms was exposing its endo skeleton as the other one was still covered in plastic shell parts. But the parts were broken and cracked all around. Almost every part that was still on it was as dirty as the wall it laid against. I was nervous as I shined my light higher up. To look at the top part of this supposed animatronic. Seeing the head part as I gasped. The spark was coming from one of his eyes and the exposed ball joints on his body. Slightly giving a soft glow sometimes as if it was struggling. It had the face of a blue bunny. The face was cracked. Dirty and broken. The jaw dislocated as one of its ears was also broken and hanging on by the wires. Also missing its outer shell. I rubbed some of the dirt away from its face. Claw marks covering parts here and there. After clearing up the end of the dirt. I see it all. Scrapped blue face paint. Black nose. Whiskers with some missing. From all the posters I saw around. I recognized who it was. My heart rating spiked as I whispered. "No way. What is he doing down here?!" I said as I heard Monty's voice call out to me from the fazwatch. "Found who? Spill the beans already kid." I softly said into the watch. "B. B. Bonnie." I was stunned as they were as well. At me seeing and then hearing about him here. But I was scared as I heard Freddy's stunned voice. "Arthur. Is. Is that truly? True?" I fell down in a puddle of what I might think is oil. I turned to the Fazwatch. "Bunny ears. Blue face. Red torso. Does that ring any bells?" I asked him as it was quiet. But the others weren't. Especially Monty. "Where in the heck did you find him! How did he get down there? Is he functioning?" He asked in rapid succession as I tried to answer them. "I found him in a dead end tunnel. Broken Staff bots and parts are everywhere. He seems to be offline. But his eyes. Or. Eye. Is slightly flickering. But so are the sparks as well." It was silent for a moment. "We gotta get him out of there! Come on fazbear! uh. Fazbear?" Monty said as everyone was still in semi shock. but Freddy had it the worst. Looking at Monty in shock and horror. "All this time. He was down here. And I treated you like you did it." He stammers out as Monty puts his hands on Freddy's shoulder plates. "That can wait til later. We gotta get him back first." I agreed with that . But before I could think of how to get him out. I suddenly froze into place by another sound. I put my hand on my Fazwatch as I listened carefully. Looking around as I heard the sound. I went carefully out of the dead end so I would not get trapped if I needed to go anywhere. Swearing that I'd come back for Bonnie. As I get to the edge of the hallway corner. I could only hear an echo of something hitting the ground and wet floor. Clank. splash. clank. splash. It kept on going slowly. Making me more than on edge as I stayed close to the wall. The clanking sounded almost like footsteps at the phase they were going. I gasped again as I heard my phone go off. I grabbed it as its ring tone was loudly echoing through the cave ways. I answered it and held it to my ear. The static was all gone as a voice sounded. "I am here. You will be. Scrapped." Before they hung up. I put it away as I started to breathe fast. Looking to my left. Nothing. Then looking to my right. And i can see. A set of dark red eyes are piercing the darkness. I slowly pulled my flash light out and shined it over it. Seeing the reflection of something terrible. An endo skeleton stood there. But this one was different. It was taller. Looked more awful as well as seeming to have some wires and old parts sticking out of it. It had huge metal claws on both of his twisted hands. Easily able to tear through anything or anyone. And his voice. Almost sounding like a jagged impersonator of the other animatronics. with a bad a.i. voice over. "Here. You. Are. You can hide. But you can't Hide!" He said before he started to rush at me. My fight and flight instinct kicks in as I get on my feet and start to run. His heavy metal steps almost shake the stone ground as he chased after me right away. I go through tunnel after tunnel as I try to shake him off. He might be big and scary. But he doesn't seem to be fast compared to me. Or for as long as I had stamina. I managed to get some distance apart from it as I didn't even stop. Pushing myself off the walls to turn corners to get even more distance between us. It was hard sinds I stumbled over some of the metal staff bot parts as I went threw. I didn't bother with them as even if I threw one. it would likely just bounce off the giant animatronic. I finally seemed to lose him a bit as I kept on going through. inspecting the area around me as I didn't even remember where I ran off to. I first wanted to start running again. But after I saw something in one of the side tunnels. It made me halt and look towards it. A flash of blue light. I went into the tunnel as curiosity got the better of me. as I see again more staff bots parts broken and scattered around. I See the same dark silhouette. like how Bonnie looked in the dark. I shined my light to the figure of the flickering blue light. I see another animatronic body lying there. Missing an arm and a leg that laid in front of the animatronic. The shells of both parts were punctured and cut as well. With a half broken torso of black stains and marks with a hint of. Pink? It was difficult to see through all the dirt that covered the animatronic head to toe. The belly had the same claw marks like wounds as Bonnie had. With a half torn skirt on her hips. Shining more up to her face. I could see some real damage. Her head shell was missing an entire chunk of its shell. exposing one eye socket and half of her endoskeleton head. as her left eye was cracked and broken like a popped light bulb. The still dirty but intact unlike the other eye. Where the blue lights and sparks came from. She had almost a drooping glop of dirty hair as it covered the chunk of shell that was missing. as i could see on the underside close to the base of the head that it was a mix of white and pink. Getting more and more dread as well as a slight bit of surprise. By the revelation of who this was as well as my fazwatch. "Rock Star. Talk to us. What's going on down there?" I heard Roxy ask as I slowly replied after gulping. "Sorry. I had to run. There is some sort of giant endoskeleton down here. It has huge claws and red eye's. And it talked like you guys. Saying one of Monty's voice lines. I managed to lose it for now. Blindly turning through the caves. But I. Ran into someone else." I explained. "Who did you find?" I heard Chica ask worriedly. I softly say. "Great timing Chica. I found Mangle." I said as chica almost yelled out. "BAKA! Mangle. You really found her?" She asked in disbelief as the others perked up as well. I confirmed it. "Pink body. White face. White with slight pink hair. Mini skirt. Ring any bells Chica?" I asked as Chica froze. "That's her!" She said quickly as Monty looked shocked. "Wait. Both Bonnie and Mangle are down there? But how?" He asked as I heard the metal footsteps again. "I'm sorry. but I need to keep moving. The thing is nearby." I said as I hung up and went out of the hallway. Listening to the steps as it suddenly stops. Going dead quiet besides the splashing or moving of the ground oil. Listening closely as I can hear soft cracking and clicking. With a flash of red light behind me I dashed forward as I felt something slash at me from behind. Luckly my Raceway jacket caught the blow of it. But it was torn apart at that spot as the claw of the metal monster crashed against the wall. It went in fully like hot knives into butter. I gasped at seeing its killing potential. As it made me all the more panicked. I kept on running away. Hearing the stone being not just pulled but torn through as the monster pulled out his claws and went back on his running spree after me. I desperately try to find a way out. Even if all the cave ways looked the same . I did see certain parts that seemed somewhat different. Trying to find my way to The elevator platform that I used to get here. It may be my way out. But it was also my worry. After seeing what it did to the others. I would not want it to escape. Thinking of that thing tearing apart the others made me more scared than anything. I need to lose him before I try to make my way back to the elevator platform. I grab some of the old staff bot parts laying about. throwing them on the opposite side of me to distract him. I soon stopped and rested for a bit against the wall as I tried to catch my stamina with heavy breaths. Hearing no footsteps anymore. I try to look around into the darkness as I did not dare to use my flashlight in case he may spot me. I heard a new sound. Something was more shuffling than walking. I looked carefully around me. Gasping as I was grabbed into a bear hug by something from behind me. I struggled with my arms as his claws closed and managed to cut into my arms. The padding of my jacket was slightly helping. but his claws scrape over my arms. I quickly put my arms straight up as I make myself as slim as possible. letting myself drop and crawl away before it chased after me with heavy footsteps. The darkness slightly illuminated by his red eyes. Trying desperately to swipe his metal claws at me. catching my cheek and partly the helmet I wore. leaving 3 claw marked wounds on my cheek as I backed off more and ran. " How did it get there so quietly? Was it sneaking up on me?! What the hell!" I thought to myself as I just kept on going. I hold my arms and face from being slightly slashed and bleeding. After some time and some way too close calls. I finally see the lift light in one of the corners. Almost like a beacon of hope. I wanted to run towards the lift. But my look of hope disappeared once I saw something into the tunnel on my left. Another small flashing light. flickering in and out. With the track record of this happening, could it be another animatronic? I looked back at the light of the lift and then back at the hallway leading to the faint blue light. Stuck to choose between knowing and leaving. After some time and hearing the metal steps coming closer. Simply said. "sh*t." As I hear Roxy threw the watch . "What are you still doing down there Arthur? Get out of there! Run!" She said as I replied. "Ngh. Not yet Roxy. Not Yet." I finally decided to go towards the flickering light. Dashing through the cave way as it doesn't take long to get to the end. The steps getting softer and softer as it makes me hope he didn't follow me. As I entered this new dead end of the cave. I can see the expected staff bot parts laying around. Seeing a pattern. It took some effort to get there sinds there where more parts then in the previous two cave ways. in this hallway I reached the end. Grabbing my flashlight and shining it over the figure that sat there. It was a broken endoskeleton or what was barely left of it. His limbs were all torn off. The arms and legs were twisted and bent by the metal bars instead of by the now half broken ball joints. The dirty shell parts were still on his upper arm and around the wrist that laid on the ground. The shell parts on them being broken. cutted. or shattered into pieces. His chest was covered in claw marks. But most of the damage was on its endo skeleton. With a Cutted main yellow thick wire as it hung loosely by. His tail was missing half of it as it was looking like a short glob of hair. His head had lost all its shell. as i can only see a dirty star shaped eyepatch on one of his shattered eyes. The scattered head shell and dirty black teeth laid on the ground. Taking a closer look. I can see that all the ball joints were broken. in his legs. wrists. Arms. Feet. neck. and more. rendering it immobile. I held the fazwatch up again. "Hey. Roxy?" I asked as she interrupted me. "Are you still there? I told you to get out of there!" She said as I felt so tired. too tired to argue. Waiting for her to go silent before I reply. "Does. An animatronic with a star shaped eye patch and a bit of red on its body sound familiar? There isn't much detail left on it. Besides some red shell scraps. Ring any bells?" I asked. Even though I think I knew the answer already. We both answered at the same time. "Foxy." They were here. They were all here. I finally found them down here. But how? when? and I can guess by who. I felt slightly satisfied knowing that they were all here as I made a mental note on where all the animatronics were down here. I wanted to get back and out of the dead end cave. Back to the normal cave ways. I listened carefully for the monster. But I didn't hear anything. Slowly walking out as I walked in carefully forward. But then stopped. Something was not right. It may have been quiet for far too long. I used to hear the footsteps of the metal monster but even now I heard nothing. Making me worry as I went back the way I came. or try to at least. Luckly it was a slight straight road as I just needed to keep going til I would see the lift light to my left again. Eventually I reached the hallway where I saw the elevator light reaching from. I dashed towards it. but before I could make it halfway. a huge set of metal claws slammed down from one of the side cave entrances. I gasped as it hit my helmet. Cracking it as I stumble back. I was scared, shocked and terrified. Struggling to run back as I try to go through more cave ways around to make a half circle. I got scared to death as I thought that he almost had me. If it wasn't for my helmet. And I was more terrified he knew how to hide and ambush me. I managed to get around but he was hot on my tail. Seeing the straight path back to the elevator platform. I dashed as fast as I could. My steps splashing and the monster crashing close behind me as we both ran for our goal. My body almost gave out as it went into overdrive. I managed to fall onto the elevator platform and scramble to press the up button on the control panel. The mini like gate closes as the animatronic scratches and bashes against the bars. Unable to get in as I look at it. it's red eyes staring at me as it talked in Roxy's voice. "You are nothing! You're just a loser." Before the platform went up out of sight of it. I blink a bit as something was trickling down into my eye. Feeling it I could see some red. It seemed like the helmet couldn't protect me fully as some blood streamed down my face. I finally let my tears leak out as I sobbed. Here I was. Arms scraped with bleeding claw marks. face bleeding with more marks on my cheek. Helmet broken and threatening to fall off. Luckly no cuts were deep. They were only bleeding a lot. My back was unscathed thanks to the torn jacket. My head was mostly intact thanks to the now broken helmet. My mind was blurred. My breath was all gone. But even now. With all the fear and pain in my mind. I think of my biggest regrets. I cried as I saw them. Freddie's. Roxy's. Monty's. and Chica's friends. Broken and torn apart. And I could do nothing about it. Soon the platform would reach the top again. I sit back up as the light illuminates me slightly. Slowly stumbling forward off of the platform as I collapse on the ground. I could not hear clearly as I heard the muffled words of the animatronics. looking at me in shock. Yet the first one to launch themselves towards me to get close. was Roxy. She got on one knee as she held my shoulders. I slowly looked up at her. "Roxy?" I mutter out as I put a hand on her shoulder. "Don't get too close. I don't w-want to get you dirty." i said jokingly. But it didn't stop me from bawling my eyes out right afterwards. I feel myself being lifted up by Roxy as the others follow me somewhere. My senses weren't right. Distorted and blurred. making me see things in fragments. Being carried away. Going to Roxstar Row. Freddy standing outside as Chica and Roxy and Monty stayed by me to take care of me. Chica helping me medically and Roxy refusing to let my dazed body go. Even Monty was supporting my body. Moving it around as need be. Roxy Rubbing her claws on my back as she tries to keep me awake. I was muttering something as not even I could hear what I said. I felt sleepy. So so sleepy as I leaned into Roxy's embrace. Slowly falling asleep. My dreams were filled with nightmares. Piles upon piles of broken staff bots both parts laying around. Scraps of the animatronic bodies of those left behind. The monster and people who had no faces standing there. judging around me. People from my past. present. loved shaped ones. all like an army in front of me. Calling me out for my cowering self. I could just stare at them as i freeze on the spot. Falling onto my knees as they surrounded me. Getting closer and closer. Feeling the ground shake as animatronic broken limbs dig up from the ground. Crawling out as I see shattered versions of the main animatronics. There was Freddy. With his head missing. His torso was broken in a way that it resembled a mouth with jagged teeth. The rest of his shell body was broken. There was Chica. Her beak and mouth were torn off as cracks formed along her face. Walking in a limb-like motion as she lets out distorted sounds. There was Monty. His jaw was broken. His Hands missing its shell. and his entire lower body missing as he crawls around with his hands like a wild animal. And most terrifying was Roxy. Standing there with burned hair. shell missing on different parts of her body. And her eyes are missing. Empty eye sockets looking down at me. Dread filling me. My mind rushed with the worst thoughts it could. I let them down. I didn't deserve them. They were better without me. I belong nowhere. The shattered eyeless form of Roxy loomed over me. A distorted voice like hers sounding off of it. "Hopeless. Useless. Coward. loser. you Could not save us. Could never save anyone. You're broken. Scrap. We were better off without your ugly mug anywhere near us. You always let everyone down. What made you think you could do better? Everyone will forget about you. No one will miss you. Now. get out of our lives." The voice was cold and harsh. Slightly cracking as every one of them hitting me into my insecurities and heart. I held my head as I started to cry. I felt so alone. I didn't want to be alone. I didn't want this to happen to them. The image of the broken Roxy walked close to me as she rears back her exposed sharp claws. Ready to strike. But when I waited for her to slash down at me. I heard more voices from behind me. The shattered Roxy stopped in place. like they were frozen in time for the moment. I stare at the broken animatronics. "Arthur." I heard someone say as I looked around. "Arthur? What's wrong?" I heard it again as I kept looking around. But I wasn't sure where the voice was coming from. Eventually I feel a certain clawed hand slowly resting on my shoulder. I was terrified for a second. before I saw it out of the corner of my eye. It didn't give me a feeling of dread. But. relieve? The hand shell was whole. Not Broken or shattered. It was shiny. new and felt comforting. I looked back as I saw a normal Roxy standing there. "Roxanne?" I said in a soft tone. She looked back at me. "Are you coming? The others are waiting for you." I looked shocked. "Others?" I asked. Looking behind her as I saw that she was not alone. Behind her were the others. Freddy. Monty. Chica. Sun. And Moon as 2 separate entities stood there for either of them. Their voices sounded clearer like their normal robotic voices. "It's not your bedtime yet. Keep the nightmares away like how you kept our dreams awake. Dream Star." Moon said. "You have so much fun to enjoy! Come on! Let's make some arts and crafts together. Shine Star!" Sun said. "We have so much pizza to eat together! Lets exercise til we drop and eat until we pop. Sport Star." Chica said. "You're one of the only ones that believed me. Do you think I'd let you go just like that? No Way. We can't rock without your roll. Party star." Monty said. "You've been nothing but helpful when you arrived here. You've never let us down. And neither will we let you down. Super Star." Freddy said as I turned to look at all of them. Feeling happier and more touched each time they talked. Roxy let's go of my shoulder and held up her hand in front of me. Characters slowly started to appear behind them. All the ones I recognized. My mother's who raised and took care of me. images of my friends online that help me through tough times and characters I had a crush on. They all stood behind them. Holding out a hand as well. Roxy speaks up. "You belong with us. We don't want to lose you. I don't want to lose you. Will you come with us? With me? My Rock Star?" She said as I teared up a bit. But this time they were tears of joy. I reached forward for Roxy's hand as I heard from behind the distorted shattered Roxy speak in anger. "No! Stop this! You can't do this! You are nothing! Stop this! Stop!" She yells as the rest of the nightmare robots and shattered animatronics all charged at me. Like a Sea of darkness trying to spear right threw me. Roxy lets out a mocking laugh. "You don't know him. He's much more than that. He. is. the. best." with these last kind words. I managed to reach out fully and grab her hand. My smile grew wider as the dark animatronics behind me seemed to stop mid jump. Cracks like in broken glass were starting to appear all behind me. As if it was all just a mirror. More and more til pieces started to break and fall off. The pile of shards falling to the ground. Like the ones on this nightmarish mirror that had finally broken. Taking Roxanne's hand with a tight grasp. She pulled me closer and embraced me in a hug. The other animatronics and crushes come in and join into the group hug. It only gave me the hope that I needed. I gave a nod to her. To everyone. as i let out a soft. "Thank you. Thank you all." I stayed in their embrace as I knew exactly what I wanted to do. The world is growing darker before I wake up.

Chapter 10

Chapter Text

10. I slowly wake up. Feeling still tired and slightly dizzy from yesterday as I see that I was fully patched up. My arms wrapped in bandages as well as a bandaid on my head. The jacket. Helmet and gloves have been removed. I slowly got more up as I looked where I was. laying against something or someone. After my eyes got adjusted a bit. I can clearly make out the black and gray arms with green claws wrapped around my body. which could only be one person. Roxy. On the other side I could see Monty lean against the wall. He looked full of worry as he wasn't wearing his star-shaped glasses correctly. On the side I saw Chica. lifting up a slice of pizza from a still full pizza box. but she puts it back down. and Freddy. sitting on the chair of the make-up desk as he held his hands over his face. I can feel Roxy rub the back of my head. "Roxy?"" I asked softly as her eyes shot open and towards me. "Rock Star?" She asked questioningly but in a soft tone. Almost like seeing if I was awake or still deep asleep. I smiled as I slowly put my hand up to her cheek and rubbed it softly. "Roxanne." I say happily as her expression quickly brightens up. "Rock Star! You're alright!" She said as she hugged me tighter and I hugged her back. Seeing Chica. Monty. and Freddy all jog towards me. "Arthur! You're awake! How are you feeling? Need any pizza?" Chica asked worriedly. Monty sounded concerned as he said. "Thank the stars that you're alright. You had us more than worried there." I gave a soft smile. "Well I was made out of sturdier stuff am I right?" I said jokingly as I let out a soft laugh.
Freddy wanted to reach out to hold me. but pulled back as he didn't wish to hurt me. "Be careful Arthur. You should take it easy with your injuries." He mentioned as I chuckled. "oh? but where is the fun in that?" I said as I laughed a bit. But then went into a coughing fit. Roxy rubs my back to help. "we were all so worried.I couldn't even take a bite of pizza with how nervous we were." She said as Monty Chimed in. "Darn right. even fazbear here didn't dare to look at us or anything for that matter. so I made sure to check up on him." I was a bit surprised but happy as Chica and Roxy nod approvingly. I wanted to ask them more questions. But I felt the dreaded vibration of my pocket . Getting a phone call. I slowly pick it up. "Hello? Welcome to Freddy's Pizza plex. What can I do for you today?" I said in a depressed tone. Hearing a pretty mad Mike on the other side. "Arthur. Come to the main entrance. Now." He said before he hung up. I sigh as I let go of Roxy and fully stood up. Addressing them all. "Try to stay safe. I care more about all of your safety than anything. Oh. And keep your ears open." I pointed at my fazwatch as they picked up what i was putting down. I started to walk out of Roxy's room as the others go towards and into Freddy's room. I went back to the main entrance and see Mike sit behind the front desk. Taking a deep breath as I was ready for his complaints or whatever. However His furious expression started to switch to one of shock. Likely from all the bandages that were on me. "Arthur? What in the hell happened to you?!" He asked as I let out a small laugh. "I fell down some stairs." I replied before his angry look returned. "Alright. Sorry. Well. We were just testing out the Roxy Raceway attraction. The Raceway and equipment works excellently. And all was fine until I got a call." I said as i slowly reached for my fazwatch and turned the communication on. "It was static and distorted. Long story short. We. I mean I. removed a wooden wall and found a hidden elevator platform there. after the static phone call sounded like a person. I had to check it out to see if anyone was down there. So I went down. There is an entire cave system of tunnels down there Mike. Twists and turns all over the place. And that thing. That monster. A giant endo skeleton like animatronic was there to." His expressions source a bit. Almost in disappointment. "Dang it. That place was supposed to stay boarded up." He said with contempt as I looked in shock. "Wait. You knew?!" I asked as he looked around. Seeing if anyone else was around. "Yes. That area is off limits to anyone. And I did not expect it to be found again so easily. We even painted the f*cking wall for f*ck sake. How did you find it anyway?" He asked as I pulled my phone out. "threw the call he made to me. It was all static. But the closer I came to that wall. The more clearly I heard the voice of someone. I thought that if someone was down there. I'd need to get them out. But all I found was. That thing. That Monster that almost killed me." I say as I keep it hidden that it happened before already. He looked down a bit. "I see. That monster down there is an old model scrap bot. It's called the Mimic. It was designed to take care of any unwanted animatronics that weren't of any use anymore. And be scrapped." He said as I looked even more in shock. "Old model? It was huge compared to the others! Not to mention dangerous! He even knew how to lie in wait to ambush me!" I said as he grunted. "Arthur, I can't stress this enough. That thing is very dangerous. Even the Injuries you suffered now are a scratch compared to what it could do to you. We have been trying to get rid of it for ages. But we had no success. And only became more dangerous with each attempt." He said as images of the broken animatronics flash in my memory. "It's even more dangerous. Not just from its sheer size and strength. But from its a.i. . did you wonder why it's called the Mimic? That's because it learns. It sees something. And mimics that action. May it be a punch. A swipe or even a voice. When there were no more animatronics to destroy. It went over to people. You have no idea how much blood was shed down there. It lured so many co-workers to their deaths that we had to build even more Staff botts to replace them. It even managed to get up through that lift by watching a past deceased co-worker operate it. Causing more trouble up here. We changed the lift operation mechanics just so he wouldn't be able to get back up. Not only that. But it emits out a jammer. Meant to scramble any animatronic to make it easier to be destroyed. But it worked on other electronics as well. Including cameras . Phones and other electronics. After the first incident we improved the fazwatch to still be able to bypass that and still function normally." As he said that I got a spark of realization. Bonnie . Mangle. And Foxy who had gone missing. They were all lured away and destroyed by the Mimic down there. Signals jammed. unable to reach out or make any contact to the main office. Unable to call for help. Making me more madder by the second as Mike continued. "So take my advice and stay away from there. I'll get someone to board up the wall or better yet. smash one of the gears on the platform. They are rusted and old enough anyway to break apart with a good hit." He said as I kept all these details in mind. Terrified that thanks to that thing. already so many lives have been taken by it. But I finally shot up as my mind caught up. "Wait! You can't close it up yet!" I said quickly as he looked at me with a skeptical look. "And why in the hell would I not? That thing now knows a way out. And it will do anything it can to get out of there. Even Mimic employees voices for God sake." He said that may be true. But I wasn't gonna back down. "But they are there. Down there. Still mostly in one piece." He looked almost annoyed at me. "Who ? Who's down there?" I leaned forward a bit. "Mangle. Bonnie. and Foxy. They are all down there. I saw them. Yes they were broken. But intact! " He got a surprise look before looking more annoyed. "What does it matter If some old animatronics are down there?" He asked in contempt. "But they are Freddy's and the other family. We can't just leave them there." He got a slight smile as Mike started to giggle. "Hm. Family? The animatronics? Are you for real? Hehe. Hahahaha!" I looked more mad as he laughed at me. Before looking serious again. " leave the old bots there to rot. We have already replaced Bonnie with Monty anyway. Plus who in there suicidal mind would want to do a rescue attempt for some old animatronics?!" It stayed quiet for a bit as I stood up. Fists clenched. "I would." I said as he looked at me with a mocking smile. "Yes. I bet someone like you would." He said before he pulled out from under the desk a paper. "Here sign this." I looked it over as to what it was. It was a contract. An N.D.A. to be exact. "A non-disclosure agreement? Why?"
Mike lets out a groan. "This is so that anything you have seen within that cave and the Mimic animatronic stays shut. You aren't allowed to mention it nor even think about it. It's to protect the company." I looked it over and back at him. He looked more annoyed by the second. "Look. If you want to keep your job and hang out with these stupid robots then sign it and forget about it. It's better to let it all go." He said as he laid a pencil down for me. I grabbed it and looked at the paper. But I stopped. Slowly putting it down to Mike's dismay. "Well I guess it was nice to have you here then. But I'll have to." But before he could answer I interrupted him in a serious tone. "I wanna make a deal." He gave a surprised look. "A deal?" I gulped a bit as I nodded. "Yes. I need that area open for 1 more day. Just 1. You can lock it up. brick it up. Throw away the key. I don't care. But." I got close as I almost said in a whisper. "I will go down there again. This time prepared. And I will get these animatronics back. I'll even sign whatever blasphemy contract that I need to give my life in case sh*t happens. I'll sign it. But I will get them back. for the others sake." I was dead serious as the room felt quiet before Mike laughed a small bit. and then laughing harder. "That's the most stupid thing I've heard in a long time. Come on man! Even if you got the permission. Why throw your life away into a death trap for some robots? No, don't answer that. Here! I'll call the boss up and see how he thinks about your little deal~." he said as he grabbed his phone and called his boss. I thought by his mocking tone and expressions that he was faking it. but no. I can hear the phone receiver go off on the other end. "Hey boss guess what?! We got ourselves a little situation here~." the anger inside of me might blow at his obvious dumb tone. He should be less worried about that mimic. and more about me attacking him right here and now. "The new security guard found the underground scrapyard! The Mimic is still there. And guess what?! He wants a contract to go and save the broken Glamrock animatronics that are down there! Ha! Isn't that." He said until he was caught off guard by something. My anger subsided as his mocking expression went to confusion. "What? Are you serious? Okay." Mike handed the phone to me. "It's for you." I slowly took the phone as I put it to my ear. "Hello? Arthur here." A deep voice sounded from the other side. The voice sounded intimidating like a mob boss. "Ah sir Arthur. Our newest security guard. I've been watching some of the security footage for quite some time. You have done quite well. And I see you come along with the other animatronics. You became quite caring for our stars. Didn't you?" I nodded. "yes. I do. I'm sorry if it sounded weird." A laugh came from the other side. But it wasn't one of mockery. But interests. "And now you are willing to sacrifice it all up to help these broken animatronics. Tell me. Why? Why do you risk so much just for them?" I take a gulp as I steady myself. "Because they miss them. The others. Freddy. Chica. Monty. and Roxy. They miss them all. I already had to leave them behind when I tried to flee. And I still have regrets about it. And at least half of my crying was for them. I know it's crazy but all I ask is for one night! This time I will be prepared and if I don't come back. Then it's all on me." All I got was a simple reply. "Oh? Is that all?" Before I continued to talk. "I'd rather try one more time then live and regret it for the rest of my life. I don't know if there is a legal contract that allows you and the company to take no blame for my life. In case something goes wrong. But." I gulped a bit. Wanting to try something dangerous. "I. If I do make it. I'd want some things to happen." It was silent for a bit. I was trailing his patience. "Go ahead." he said as he even sounded intimidating from each word. "If I manage to save them all and bring them back up here. I want them all to be repaired. Reinstated. And have them and the other animatronics to be protected from scrapping or replacement. I'll continue to work here. And act like nothing has ever happened." I said as these were my final demands. I was cut off by him. " Hm. You are an Unique kind of person. Aren't you Arthur? You remind me of some of the others." I looked confused. "Others? Like other employees?" He laughed muffed a bit. "No. Like the other animatronics. Bringing joy like they are made to everyone around them. No matter the cost to themselves." I got a slight bit of joy from hearing that. "Hand me back to Mike. I've heard enough." He said as I did so. After a few minutes and shocked facial expressions he hung up and looked at me. In a soft spoken and serious tone he says. "He. Ordered me to make the contract. It will still have the N.D.A. in it. And some other changes. But. You got the green light. He. Actually gives you a chance. Bastard." My eyes go wide as I smile. "Look around the pizza plex and take anything you can use. Not that you will find anything at all in this dump. But it's your job to look out for them. Come back in the evening for the signing of the final contract. That will be all. You can stay here or go home. Do what you must." He almost said in a disappointed tone. Most likely from being astonished at the whole situation. I walked away from the reception desk back into the pizza plex. after some time walking and being far enough from Mike. I finally turned the volume of my fazwatch up. Hearing the animatronics talk over one another. Before I finally got a bit of clarity. "You can't seriously think of going down there again?! You barely made it out as is!" I heard Monty shout out in concern. as well as hearing Freddy's voice after it. "Super Star! Please! It's much too dangerous down there." He said as well. Chica getting a say in it. "Please don't go! What if you get hurt? What if we can't get you? We've all seen what it can do to you!" As an almost depressing soft voice came from Roxy. "Please. Rock Star. Don't go. We can't lose you. I can't lose you." She said as that one hit my heart the most. I slowly took a deep breath. " I'm sorry. But nothing any of you can do or say will change my mind. I promised that I'd do anything to keep you all safe. To make you all happy. And what kind of guard would I be if I didn't give it my all? You all brought me so much joy. So much to feel. And even so much love. Now it's time for me to return the favor. Go around and do your usual activities. I'll be around here or the back looking for anything to help me. Contact me if you need anything." I said as it was silent for a moment. Til Freddy spoke up. "We". "We will try." Making me smirk. "That's all I ask for." I hung up the call and started to go around the pizza plex. the employee only rooms. parts and service. anywhere for anything I could use. I wasn't sure If I could find anything in the way of weapons. But no luck. Though it wasn't all a lost cause. I found several big trolleys. They were metal and sturdy but mostly hollow. allowing them to be carried easier than the full plank ones as well as some tie downs. A special thick rope that can be fastened with a metal crank. To keep anything secure on them. Maybe they used it when an animatronic would power down while not being near a charging station. I packed these up in a corner of useful stuff as I kept on searching. Even some of the stuff I thought would be useful as the rest was mostly junk. I went further in the back where most highly electrical parts were stashed. Seeing shell less endo skeletons. boxes of materials. And more laying about. I can see parts for Freddy. Roxy. Monty. Chica. and staff bott parts. My eye caught onto something as I went by. It was something long and had a hook. Inspecting it I could see 2 rows of 3 of these machines that looked like rolled up electrical cords. Taking a closer look around I saw very slim endoskeleton parts as well as some yellow triangle parts. Night caps. Clothes and bells. This must be Sun’s and Moon's sections. But if this was their stuff then what was this? I thought about it as it then hit me in the face. The cable. The cable he uses to lift himself up into the air and make it look like he flies around. I felt the material and it was as strong as expected. I grabbed a small fork lift cart. One you need to use manually for pellets usually and put the big cable pullers on them to carry them. as well as the other stuff. they were heavy as hell as I also took a blow torch as well as the standard fire ax to add to the pile. Now I needed to find out more ways to actually hold off that monster. I mean the Mimic. "Come on Arthur, think. He's big, mean, strong but still an animatronic. It can learn and adjust to its situations. It can likely see in the dark. See. With his eyes. Animatronic eyes." I got almost a flashback like moment as I got a brain blast of a realization. Eyes, fazer blast, the glasses. I can blind him! It won't do much. but should stun him for 10 seconds. If I can get my hand on a fazer blaster. I should be able to use it. But not often. That thing can learn and if it covers its eyes it will be useless." I am happy to find something at least but sad that I'd have to use most of these as a last resort. I go back upstairs as I can see the pizza plex full of people going around there day. I wanted to go to one of the attractions. but I gasped at the sudden sound of a "Hi!" grasping my chest as I almost stumble backwards. I look forward as I see one of the staff bots stand there. This one seemed to have a basket in the middle with some papers in it. He held one of them out. "Hi. please take this map. take a map." They insisted. I slowly reached out and took the map. Which was kinda handy to have. he stood back up right and said. "Thank you." Before driving off. guess that that was the. "They". Mike told me about it. I made my way towards Fazer Blast. Going past the group of people as I luckily could go by using my guard pass. I went into the laser tag and jackets preparation room. Trying to see if I could use one of the fazer blasters from there. I tried to use one of them. But it wouldn't budge. Pulling the trigger didn't do anything either. It seems to be auto disabled while not in the arena. Darn it. There goes my plan. I leave it be as I walk out of fazer blast sad. Sometimes my attention is grabbed by some screens of tv's that display different commercials or camera feed for the animatronic performers. I took another look at them as they appeared on separate screens. Roxy, Monty, Chica, and Freddy. Some images of Sun and Moon too. They all look so happy. I was more than glad that they still performed as well even threw the situation at hand. I made my way back to my bike as I biked home while I grabbed one of the metal trolleys and took it for a test drive. From an old job I had , I actually got an old large boxing bag. It was solid and sturdy as long as Monty kept his claws away from it. I dusted it off and cleaned it a bit before I rolled it on top of the trolley. It was sturdy enough as it carried it well. I rolled it near my bike as I connected a rope to one side of the trolley and to the back of my bike. making sure it's secured to my bike as well as on the cart with the straps. I go back inside as I make something to eat. Even though I could barely take a bite from my nervousness. I also took some painkillers as well. I didn't find anything more useful than the stuff I had at the Pizza plex. so I decided to go back there. I Biked while I carried the trolley behind me as I went back to the PizzaPlex. The trolley easily held it up which made me happy to see it. I put my bike away as I started to cart it in. I got a side eye from Mike at the desk before I shrug and say. "It's for Monty's room. Oh! And could we get some new activities for the night time in the Daycare? Like glow in the dark tag with glow sticks. storytelling around a fake campfire and the likes?" Mike just sighs and a nod as if it didn't matter anyway as he went back to look at his pc. I smiled as I walked off with an over the top smile as I went towards Monty's room. Opening up his room as I roll in the boxing bag and I put it in a corner. I then smile satisfied as I leave it there and go back to the main area. Looking around the place for any last things to do. Almost reminding me that this could be the last time I'd be able to do it. Making me super depressed again. So I thought I'd do one thing for sure. and watch the show on stage one more time. I purposely stayed beside a wall so the animatronics would see me. Seeing Chica rocking her guitar. Freddy sings as he holds his mic stand and of course the microphone. Monty was playing his bass. Bouncing and spinning sometimes. and Roxy. rocking it on her keytaur as her hair flows in the wind. the spotlights reflects off of her body. Making her shine more than she already was. They truly all were amazing. I waited til the performance was over as I continued to explore through the pizza plex. Thinking of visiting sun and moon sinds it's been a while. Plus i wanted to tell the good news to moon as well. Going to the Daycare was as easy as ever. It was quiet around as i go in. The lights were off as it seemed to be nap time. Looking into the darkness as I whisper. "Moon? Are you there? I got some news for you?" After a view seconds I could see the red eyes light up and hear the soft bells slightly chime as he starts to move closer and closer to me. Going through the entering tube and slightly jumping towards me. "It's been a while. Have you been behaving? What?" He asked but stopped suddenly at all my bandaged up body. I gave a soft smile. "Don't worry." I'm fine. How's naptime going?" I asked as he made a small twirl in the air sinds he's still attached to his cable. "As smooth as their dreams. Not a single tear or rule breaker to be punished. I'd almost say I was getting bored if it wasn't for knowing they'd sleep well and calm." I nodded as it stayed a bit quiet. "Sun is worried about you." Moon said as I looked surprised. "He is?" I asked back. He nodded. "We both are." Moon said as he rubbed his arms and looked slightly down. "We heard the conversation as well from your watch. Sun was for the first time ever quiet throughout it all. I was impressed and disheartened. He begged me to find a way to make you not go. Make you not go. But." I looked at the side as I finished his thought. "You knew I would not be convinced otherwise." He nodded. After everything that happened. "I could not run away and leave this be. If it was any of you down there. I'd do the same." I said as I looked to his side. Seeing the cable he was hanging on. Coming from the entrance slide. "Hey moon? How strong is the cable that you're attached to? I saw some spare ones on the back. Do they break often?" I asked as Moon looked up at his own pulley cable. "No. They are sturdy enough to lift one of the other animatronics up. But it isn't recommended.They are connected to our systems and the main network. So you could even control them using your fazwatch." He said as I nodded. Giving me a slight sigh of relief to know they can handle that kind of weight. It Stayed a bit quiet before I spoke up. "Em. I did manage to get the green light for the night time activities. So you will be able to hang out with the children more." I said as he jolted a bit. "Are. Are You serious?" He said surprised as I smiled. "Yes of course." I felt a bit more happy as I saw him put his hands on my shoulders. "Do you realize what's going on?! You're gonna go down there. to that dangerous place not knowing if you come back unharmed. and yet you asked for that?!" He said almost offended at the thought of it. I nodded. "Yes. I am already prepared as best as I can be. And you gave me the confirmation needed for the cables. So I just want to do as much for all of you before I go. I don't want to regret it if I don't come back." Moon looked at me as his face spun around fully before he let my shoulders go. "I. I understand. Thanks. Thank you. Dream Star. But it's hard to understand with everything that's going on. And I don't have much time left." He says as he likely knew when naptime would start and end. I nodded as I saw the lights slowly flickering on. "Don't worry Moon. i'll come back. And then we both can sleep soundly and well." I said as he waved at me before the light would hit his body and he transformed back into sun. "Sun? Are you alright?" I asked as he jolted back into life and wrapped his arms around me. "No! It's not alright! If I keep you like this then you won't get hurt!" He said as he held on to me and I gave a smile and sigh. Slowly hugging him back. "It's okay Sun. It's something I have to do. Like how every child needs to leave the daycare sometime. But don't worry. They will come back to have more fun with you soon. As will I. With their biggest smiles they can have on our faces." I say as I Try to comfort him. Rubbing his back after a few minutes, he lets go of me. "Don't worry Sun." No matter what happens, at least you and the others will be here to keep the kids safe and a smile on their face. And that's easy when you're the brightest star in the daycare. Don't you agree?" I say as I smirk a bit with the pun there. "Oh! Speaking of smiled." Sun said as he jumped back into the daycare slide and into the ball pit. I waited a bit as soon the jingles of his bells were heard as he arrived. Holding a plushie. It was kinda like the Moon one. duh. but this one was based on the Sun version of himself with Sun's face and bright orange. beige. and yellow colors. Having the same pattern and big smiling face on its face as it had little sun cotton triangles instead of the nightcap on its head. "Here! This way you can rest your worries on my shoulders. even when i'm not here. Plus you did a lot for me and Moon to. So see it as a little thank you. Ho ho ho!" He said as he struck an extravagant pose. I smiled brighter as I hugged the Sun plushy. " Thank you, both of you." where the only words I could say in gratitude. I put the plushy in my bag as I looked back towards the main door. "I." I wanted to say something. But Sun just gave me a nod as he put a hand on my shoulder. "I understand Arthur. Good luck and come back soon. I mean it. Sun Star." He said in his cheery tone as I nodded and walked back out of the daycare. Hearing Sun go back to the children as he disappeared once I closed the big double doors behind me. I went back to parts and served as I started to grab the cables, trolleys, fire axe, and more as I started to bring it to Roxy Raceway. Making sure I come into as little view as possible for the others. Making my way to the lift. I would not go down yet. But I wanted to see what the warnings were that Mike gave me. The elevator platform itself was as clean as can be. On the sides I see the chains the platform was held onto as well as the rusted gear on each side. I already knew it was operational. But it wouldn't last much longer. The gears looked rusted and chipped here and there. I nodded to myself as I grabbed a set of safety goggles and started to use some tools to torch some hooks where some spare tie downs could be attached to the trolleys and onto the heavy pulling boxes. Other than that I closed the place off and went back to the restaurant. Grabbing a pizza and putting it in the oven. Sinds I deserved at least one more. Or maybe I convinced myself that so I would not see it as a last meal. I sigh as I get it out and eat it when it has cooled down. Darn I'm gonna miss this taste. Soon I finished it as I cleaned up and went along my way through the pizza plex. When I made it back to the reception desk I saw Mike still standing there. But now with some papers before he sticks them together with a tag. Waving me over as I knew what that was. "You're just in time. Here's the contract the boss ordered me to write. Take a look before you sign it." He said as I read it through. Everything seems to be in place. The non disclosure agreement was there. My demands for the repairs and protection from scrapping and even replacement. The company is not liable for any death or dismemberment of my body. Staying as the night guard and. personal caretaker for the animatronics? All of it. I read it threw so there were no loopholes but there were none surprisingly. "Um. What's this personal caretaker of the animatronics?" I asked as he nodded. "Eyep. If you make it you'd be permanently assigned the night guard job and handle all their emotional episodes." He said weirded out but I only saw it with surprise and joy. "So. Just keep on doing what I have been doing?" He nodded. "Pretty much yeah." I nodded as I finished reading it. Mike handed me a pen. "There. this is your last chance to back out now if you want to." He said it not with a hit of mockery this time. I held the pen close to it as I got nervous. Could I really do this? Facing that thing again and risking it all? Fear struck me as I froze for a second. hearing my heartbeat loudly before I remembered what I was fighting for. For all of their happiness as well as my own. With a now determined look I write down my signature and put the pen down. "There. It's done." I said almost as if I just faced the biggest obstacle I could. Mike nodded as he put the contract away and I started to walk back off into the pizza plex. As it got later and quiet as more customers left.

I could not help but to think back on all the happy times I had here. with the animatronics as well as back at home. As Well as the bad times I had. If my mind tried to cheer me up it was doing a pretty bad job. Luckily I was snapped out of it by a voice coming from my fazwatch. "Arthur. Are you there?" I answered it as I heard Freddy's voice. "Yes I am. Is something the matter?" I asked slightly worried that something may have happened. "Ah excellent. Could you come to the main stage for a moment? It's not urgent but we like to see you there." Freddy says as I looked In that direction. "Alright. I'll be there in a flash." I replied back as I started to jog towards the atrium and in turn to the main stage. As I approached it I could see Freddy. Monty. Chica. And Roxy standing there. waving at me as I come closer. "Heya everyone. How's it going? I see you all did wonderfully today again." I say with a smile. "It's going well. Glad you could come. We were wanting to ask if you want to take a photo with us." I was surprised but happy as I gave a smile. "With the best band in the world? I'd say gladly! But what about the flash from the camera? I thought those and a Fazerblasters where a problem for you all?" I asked as Monty stepped forward as he held a slightly damaged fazcam. "Not this one. this one was already partly broken. no flash but it still takes pictures. It's instant so just press the button and a photo will come out. Seconds later". Monty said as Roxy chimed in. "We wanted to keep it to remind you off." Roxy says as Monty chimed in. "It was Roxy's idea." He said before gulping as he saw a death stare from Roxy. She sighs but nodded. "And yours too! But yes. Plus I only got to give you one autograph from that plushy. So it be the best way to give you even more Rock Star." She said with a co*cky look and I smiled back. Going on the stage slowly as I climbed up and joined them. "Should i take a photo of all of you first? cause if I'm there. Then who will take the photo?" Chica jumped in between Monty and Roxy. "Oh! We can let one of the staff bots take it." All our ears twitch a bit as Freddy says. "Good idea Chica!" Freddy looked at me as I nodded and used my fazwatch to call over a staff bot to my location. I didn't see any before I got jumpscared by the sudden appearance of a staff bot. As I calm down. I can see that he was holding some sort of map. Looking at me as he says. "Hi. Please take a map. Take a map." I took the map. "Thank you." Could you take a photo of us?" I asked as it nodded. Holding the camera up as he took it. I quickly stand next on stage besides the animatronics. moving up into their own positions. Surprisingly around me. Roxy and Monty went to both my left and right. Wrapping an arm around me as Freddy and Chica stand besides them. All striking a cool pose as I smile as brightly as i could. Before the staff bott took a few photos. No flash from the camera. so it allowed us to easily use it. The staff bot came closer to me as I got off stage. handing the camera back to me before rolling away. Also picking up the photos that came out of the faz camera. "Well would you look at that. They all came out so good. And thank you all for that. I really needed it." I said as they all smiled. "It's no problem. We needed it to." Chica said. "It's nothing. Just don't get too attached to them. We are gonna take a lot more later." Monty said. " It's the least we can do." Freddy said. "Now even if you don't think you look like the best. You can look at that picture and see it for yourself." Roxy said. I looked at the camera more closely. "Hey, do any of you know if I can get one of these? I tried to look for a fazer blaster. But they don't work outside of the arena." I asked as Roxy's eyes widen for a bit as the rest were in thought. "Hm. Sadly not that I know of. The fazcam has to be recharged as it becomes useless without a small charging station nearby." Freddy said. I understood as the flash would likely blind me as well anyway. "It's alright. I am already glad with the photos. Gives me a reminder of what I am fighting for." Some of their ears drooped a bit. But we all know that there is no way to convince me not to go. I looked at the time as it was quite late already. "Alright. It's getting late. I'm gonna make my last preparations and then I'll meet you all back at Roxy's Raceway. If you'd want that is." I asked asThey nodded and seemed to go their separate ways. Tho Roxy jogged off more quickly. I took a last minute look around as I looked everywhere I could. The lost items cases. stores and even the giftshop to see anything I could use. But besides the usual plushies. Shirts. or stickers. There wasn't anything good to find. I sigh as I started to make my way back towards Roxy raceway. I still can hear the Roxy voice lines I heard when we were here the first time. Walking to the back with the rest of the stuff I got from parts and service as I put it near the side of the elevator platform. Then pushing the pulling cables in there as well as the trolleys. I heard footsteps coming from behind me as I saw the whole gang. Even Sun/moon were standing there. I turned around and smiled. "How sweet. Here to send me off? Don't worry. I'll be back before you know it." I say slightly joking as their sad expressions said it all. Taking a sigh as I took a serious tone. "I know this is difficult. heck I'm nervous as hell as well. But if I don't do it. I will regret it forever. You all mean so much to me. As does your Happiness. So you better be prepared to have an even bigger family again." I said as Roxy walked forward. She seems to hold 2 things. One was a racing jacket, a set of gloves and a roxy race helmet from Roxy Raceway. And the other was a present box. She first hands me a folded up racing jacket. Gloves and the Roxy helmet as well. The same outfit I wore last time. Smiling at the extra protection. I put it on. "Thank you Roxy. This will help a lot." I say as she nodded. "And it looks stylish on you." She said as I blushed a bit. "It does? Guess you just have the best fashion knowledge Roxy." I said as I posed a small bit. She then holds out the Present box towards me. "Go ahead. Open it." She said as I looked at it and back at her. Slowly putting my hand on the crank as I turned it like one of these old music boxes. Turning and turning until. Ta da! The box sprung open and at the end of the spring was. A golden fazer blaster. I took it as I looked over it. It had limited shots but was fully functional. "A fazer blaster?" But how?! None of the ones in fazer blast worked outside the arena." I was surprised but also really happy. Roxy laughs a small bit. "In fazer blast they are given to the winning team. I already won so many times I might have earned one here and there. Some children even forget to take them with them if they don't want them. So I kept the ones I earned. And now. Now is the best use for it for you. These ones are special sinds they work outside of the arena as well." Roxy says as she rubs the back of her head. "And one more thing." She said as she put the box down. She put her hands on my shoulders. Looking as serious as possible. "Arthur. I've been thinking a lot. What you said from our first emotional conversation. And all that happened in between. May it be our time spent together or even you helping everyone here out in some way or another. To see you even now risks it all to just make us happy. You have proven it again and again that this is the true you." I blushed hard as my heart rate spikes a bit. Okay a lot. Clearing my throat as I happily said back. "Roxy. From the first time I saw you sinds so long ago. I finally met you face to face. I admired your beauty as well as skill on stage performing or in the night enjoying. Any time I was able to spend with you was more than an utter delight. And there is nothing that can or would change my mind about it. You and the others have more than proven that time and time again as well. And now everyone knows who the true best wolf there is here. You Roxy." Seeing the animatronic wolf looking over me. Slightly down on me because of her height. I looked at her beautiful yellow glowing eyes. "Thank you. Arthur and. Well." She said as I felt her hands slightly trembling as they held me. "Arthur i." She stammered out as I smiled. "Yes?" I asked really nervous. She slowly came closer to my face before slowly closing her eyes. But not moving in all the way. Almost like if she was waiting for me to accept or decline whatever came next. I wrapped my arms around her waist as I slowly leaned in. And kissed her on her plastic lips. I've had kisses before but it wasn't that good. But this. This felt even more incredible than I could have imagined. I even leaned in and held the kiss for as long as I could before I slowly let go. Opening my eyes again to look into Roxy's opening one's. I could only say one thing. "Wow. You truly are the best at everything ain't you?" She laughed a small bit as she rested her forehead against mine. Resting in each other's embrace as she wraps her arms around my upper and lower back. I mirrored her position with my own arms and hands. I look back at Roxy as we back off a bit and let our backs go. but still hold out hands together as she and we both want to say the same thing. But like the best she was. Roxy was first. "I love you Arthur." I let the tears of joy stream past my cheeks and I happily followed up with my own. "I love you Roxy." We stare a bit and hold our hands tighter before Roxy speaks up. "I want you to make it back. Proof that you're the True Rock Star that I know you are to everyone here. Get back so we can be the best. together." I sniffed a bit as I repeated as well. " together." I can hear an audible "Aw~. that was beautiful~" coming from Chica. Monty giving a small grunt. "Well. At least they will be happy. Just be careful I don't steal him from you." He said with a slight smirk. "I'm just so happy. This deserves a celebration!" Freddy chimed in. We let go of each other as Roxy pokes my chest with her nail. "Right! So you better make it back. Cause this will be the best party you will ever experience!" I with an even brighter fire in my eyes nodded and struck a pose. "I would not want to miss that for anything in the world. No. I WILL not miss that! It's set in stone." I Said as I got a small laugh from Roxy. "You will be my Rock Star." She backed off as Chica came closer. "I wasn't sure how to repay you for everything you did. And even more sinds I can't help you. So I thought I'd bring you this." She said as she held up a small metal box. It looked strange sinds a small battery pack had been tied to the sort of metal box. It seems strange but familiar. "Oh? What is it Chica?" I asked as I took the box off of her hands. inspected it.closely. There was a big red button on the side that was also added with the charging pack. As I look around I see that almost everyone gasps with surprised looks. "Ey Chica? Isn't that. Your old voice box?" Monty asked, slightly worried as I looked at it and now recognized it. It missed some parts to stick out like wires for the animatronic mouthpiece or parts where it would be held in place. But other than that it was indeed a voice box. I gave Chica and the others a questioning look. "A voice box?" I asked questioning. Chica holds her arms with her hands. "A long time ago I had a faulty voice box. Often if I'd use it to sing better or even Mimic people's voices for happy birthday songs. But it would often glitch when I sang too high. it would let out a disruptive frequency that stunned almost everyone else around me. It was eventually replaced so that it would not happen again. This was that old voice box." I look at it in amazement a bit. "So. I can stun the Mimic with this?" I asked as Chica nodded. "Yes. But sinds it has a small battery pack. It can only be used once. So be careful alright?" She said as I nodded as she stepped forward and hugged me tightly. I put the box slowly down a bit awkwardly as I then hugged Chica back. "Thank you for all you did. You weren't like the other employee's. You were nice. Caring. and If you come back I promise I'll never eat garbage again okay? And you get unlimited pizza at my mazesize! I'll stuff you myself!" She said almost pleadingly as I rubbed the back of her head. "It's okay Chica. You are gonna be okay. You did wonderfully. And you even tried to protect me as well. I can't thank you enough for our time. You're truly the most beautiful chicken. And one to look up to. So brave and beautiful. And don't worry. I always keep my promises. so i'll come back. clean you out and make sure i'll have an extra large pizza to celebrate." I say comforting as Chica slowly lets me go. "O-okay. J-just." She said as she went quiet. Then put a quick kiss on me. Making me startle a bit. "take care. Sport Star." She says as she lets me go. But I quickly gave a big few seconds deep kiss back on her beak. Making her freeze up for a bit. I gave a slight smile. "Too can play it that game darling~. plus you do really taste like chicken. or was that left over pizza~?" I asked, giggling a bit mischievous. Chica laughs as well as let's out an adorable. "baka!. in-between the laughs. "guess we gotta try it again when I cleaned my beak properly." she said as I smirked brightly. "I wouldn't mind that at all." I said as Chica backs off flustered. back to the others as surprisingly. Monty starts to walk up to me next. One hand on the back of his head as the other was on his hip. "So. This is it ey?" He asked awkwardly. "Eyep. Until I come back. I hope." I didn't say that last part out loud. Momty looked directly at me now. "So. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that new boxing bag I found in my room now would you?" He asked as i laughed a bit. "Eyep. That was me. I didn't want to leave any loose ends. You know. Just in case." I said with a half smile as Monty actually looked sad. Also putting a hand on my shoulder as he goes on one knee so he could be face to face with me. "Lissen Party Star. I mean. Arthur. I don't have anything useful to give or meaningful to say. I'm not good at these. But. I'm glad you believed me. About Bonnie and all. And by the sounds of it you seemed to rock everyone's world here a bit. Especially mine, surprisingly. But after all this time. I know that there won't be an animatronic here that can take you down. You already rock. Now it's time to roll. Rock and roll Party Star!" He said as I happily mimicked him. "Rock and roll from the best gator in the world!" I say as Monty laughs. "As long as you think that. I don't need anyone else to think the same way. And. Well." He trails off mumbling before I roll my eyes. Holding his gator muzzle and giving it a kiss as well. Surprising everyone. "What? I swing all ways. So no one is leaving without a goodbye kiss. And otherwise i can be happy I did after all. You always were the best gator ever. I said as Monty got a grin as he grabbed my face and kissed me deeply on the lips. "Ha! How's that for a goodbye kiss? Hahahaha!" He laughed as i wobble a bit. "Wow. That's one aggressive gator. Feisty! you got me good Monty." I say as I shake my head a bit and hold out my fist. He smirks and fist bumps it. "Good luck Party Star." He said as i smiled. "You too Monty." As we both smiled before he walked back. Almost Instantly. Sun jumps on top of me. "Please don't go down the scary lift with the beasts! W-what do I do if we can't get you? What if we can't get you up?" He said worried as my will started to drop a bit. The others noticed it as Monty grabbed onto Sun and pulled him off of me. I waved at him as I laughed awkwardly. "Don't worry Sun. I'll be back in a bit, don't worry. And thanks Monty." I can still hear Sun in the background throwing a temper as Freddy walks up as last. The same sad expression as the others. "Super Star. I want you to promise me. That if it gets too dangerous or too risky. I want you to go back to the lift. I know you want to save everyone. But that doesn't diminish your worth as well. Just like them. You're still part of us. I just wish for you to be safe." I gave him a reassuring nod and a soft quick kiss on his nose. But I jumped a bit as I heard a squeak. "Oh. Oh my God. No way! Your nose squeaks!" I say as I got into a laughing fit. Looking at Roxy. chica and even Monty. As they too started to laugh from it. I slowly stop before I get serious again. "It's okay, Freddy. I promise I'll bring the band back together. To make everyone happy. And I'll make sure I'll be back to enjoy it with all of you. After all, I still want to hold my birthday party here." I say smiling as I let him go. He backed off as he stood by the rest of the gang. "Good luck Arthur." "Go get em Arthur." "You can do it Arthur!" "Go get Sunshine!" "Show them who is the best!" Freddy. Monty. Chica. Sun and Roxy say as I take a deep breath and go onto the elevator platform. Giving a final pose before I press the down button and slowly descend downwards back into the tunnel.

Chapter 11

Chapter Text

Content warning: blood. violence.

11. As the lift descended back down into the darkness. I was all overwhelmed by emotions. Fear. sadness. nervousness. but most of all. Determination. The lift slowly comes to a stop as the metal gate opens and the way is cleared back into the cave. I look back at the materials as I curse myself for forgetting the fire axe back upstairs. Oh well. it might not even be useful against a giant robot who tears others apart. I held up my fazwatch. "Alright. I'm down here. I'll leave my fazwatch on just in case. And just so you know. You're all the greatest stars in my life. I'll see you all in a bit." I Say as freddy spoke up afterwards. "Understood Super Star. Tread carefully. You can do this." Chica saying. "This will be a piece of cake for you." Monty adding. "It's going down. And your storming threw like a hurricane!" As Roxy ended it with. "No one can beat you. Your the best! Show it who the real winner is!" I grabbed one of the hollow trolleys as I wore it like a backpack. "I got this!" I leave the heavy cable pulling box in the elevator. Sinds I firstly need to scout out the other animatronics. As last time i happen to run into them by accident. I think fully of what I needed to do. First i need to find them. Then I need to secure them all on a trolley cart. Then go back to the elevator platform. bring one of the pulling cables to one of them. Use my fazwatch to activate it and let it pull them back into the elevator platform. Now here comes the problem. I could not take the cable with me right away in case I need to flee from the Mimic. And worst of all. I need to keep the Mimic occupied on me ones the cable starts to pull. Otherwise I know that that thing would go after the cable or the animatronic on the cart instead. And that's the last thing I wanted to happen. Even worse is that he knows all the tricks from last time. I may have my new ones in the fazer blaster and voice box. but that doesn't mean he forgot about last time. I would not be surprised if he was even now. waiting around a corner or crossing to ambush me. Even my first shaking steps made me shiver slightly. But thinking back about the others does calm my nerves a bit. replacing it with a burning sensation of anger and determination. I started to walk again as my footsteps slightly echoed through the cave ways. There was only one way I could recognize where the mimic is. and that's by something he can't hide. His eyes. The red burning lights of his eyes will always pierce the darkness no matter what way he looks at it. I was snapped out of my thoughts as I heard an echo of something heavy clanking against the ground. It seemed like the Mimic was on the move. I leaned against the wall as I looked through every tunnel carefully. Looking for any signs I can recognize. Louder noises. Red eyes. or anything at all. I grab my pocket light as I turn it on. It's on a very low light as I forgot to charge it. Dumbass. The low light is just enough to make me see the floor so I don't miss step and low enough so it would likely not alert anyone to my position. But with an animatronic in the mix I hoped it would be atleast. I try to stay near the edge of the walls as I traverse the tunnels. Trying to follow the same route I took last time. The echoing of metal was getting more quiet as I was relieved that the monster wasn't close to me. Eventually I did manage to recognize the scattered and broken staff bott parts on the ground when I entered the next tunnel. I managed to find the blue sparking light from last time as I went further in. It was fainter than it was last time. so that will be a bit harder to search for when I look for the others. I went in deeper, almost soundless as I only heard some Gravel from under my boots scraping against the floor. as well as splashes from the wet floor. Eventually I managed to find Bonnie again. Relieved to see him still in one piece. or still as broken as he was before. but not more damaged. I look at the animatronic with a smile as I put down the trolley from my back. "I Told you I'd come back for you." I muttered to myself as I grabbed onto Bonnie's body carefully. I knew that it would make quite the loud noise if I let him fall on top of the trolley. let alone fall over it. With a heavy Clank I managed to get him on top of it. some more scrapes and clanking sounds echoed throughout the caves as his arms and legs fell besides him on the ground. Making me curse under my breath. "sh*t, sh*t, sh*t!" I worked quickly as I put on Bonnie's torso. Arms. And legs. Properly onto the trolley. Then I'd grab the 3 tie downs and wrap them around the bottom of the trolley and over Bonnie's body. Making sure they aren't too tight but also not to lose on his already broken shell and body. "Bonnie is secured on a trolley. I'm hopping on to the next one." I say into the fazwatch as I could hear Monty reply. "Rocking job Party star. it won't be long now. blow them all down." I heard the footsteps getting closer as I quickly dove out of the cave that Bonnie was in. as I didn't want to give his position away to the Mimic. This time I ran faster as i was lighter without the trolley on my back. The scraping from claws on dirt was also echoed as I heard something slightly crash and more steps. Like it turned around suddenly by pushing off the wall as I heard the footsteps get near me. I ran a bit around before I went back towards the same way I came into the elevator platform. Getting close enough to grab the second trolley and put it on my back. With a soft motion I grabbed a broken head of a staff bott that laid nearby. just in case I needed another distraction. The parts seem to be more spread out throughout the tunnels. I think the Mimic has been busy sinds last time. This works both in my favor and against me as I could easily grab a part here and there. but also accidentally stepped on one of them to likely make me trip. I kinda shudder at the thought of it preparing for my "visit" as well. I hugged the most right wall of me as I still remember the closest animatronic that was near the elevator platform. Going another right as I threw the staff bot head into one of the opposite cave ways as a distraction while I kept going. Further and further as like last time. I saw the barely flickering lighted up and still broken down Foxy. I put the trolley down again and tried to move his torso on top of it. Getting a loud Clunk sound as he landed. I sigh as I then gasp as I hear a lot more clanks from his torn off limbs falling on the ground. I quickly grabbed his arms and legs. They were as heavy as they looked as I put them onto the trolley. fastened the tie downs around his torso. Legs. and arms. As I make sure the half torn tail didn't get stuck either. Pressing the fazwatch again. "Foxy is secured on a trolley. Heading to the last one." I say as I hear Roxanne say. Hearing her reply back. "Yes! That's how the best does it! You can do it, Rock Star! You're in first place! But the race isn't over yet. Get ready. set. GO!" She yells out as I start to move right away. I heard the steps getting closer and closer towards me as I pulled out the golden Fazer Blaster I got from Roxy. Looking around the cave ways as I see a set of red glowing eyes wobble a bit closer and closer towards me. I gasped a bit in surprise. but I aimed the Laser gun at the red glowing dots and pulled the trigger. A beam of red light shoots from it as I see the eyes stumble back a bit as it tries to cover its eyes. I make a break for it into the other direction. Making enough sound as possible to make it Chace me instead of risking him going after Foxy. I was ecstatic to know the blaster worked on him but also a bit worried as I saw on the side of it some sort of bar. And I was only 5 out of 6 full. Seems like this only has 5 shots left in it. I better make them count. I was snapped out of my thoughts as I heard the heavy clanking footsteps continue. Thinking he's back from being stunned already as I continue to make my splashing way through the cave. Hearing something scrape close by. As a metal claw swings at me almost like a bear trap from one side of the corner into the wall. Meters away as I stopped beforehand and almost fell back from it. but I managed to steady myself. Seeing his head coming around the corner and swiping with his other claw. Both hitting the wall as they pierced in it easely. I tried to make some distance. Putting my running steps into it. I needed to lose him if I wanted to return to the elevator platform without him. I needed to grab the other trolley. So I used my Fazer Blaster and hit him square in the face. Stunning him as I went deeper into the cave. Waiting at a crossing til he wasn't stunned anymore. It turned to me as I gave a childish tongue raspberry. "pfffffft!" Before going around a corner. Hearing it chasing me as it yelled out. "Come back you little brat! I bet you don't even have any friends! Tag! Your it!" He said as he started to play or talk like different characters throughout his sentences. But he followed me and that was exactly what I was hoping for. I made a roundabout way as I almost tripped over some staff bots parts. but i managed to keep myself from falling over. I saw the light of the elevator but I also saw the Mimic's eyes coming from the darkness. I preemptively shot at the Mimic as it stunned him luckly. Giving me enough time to run towards the elevator platform and grab the last trolley. Kinda hastily but I managed to jog back past the Mimic and into the tunnels. He wasn't stunned anymore and resumed chasing me. I grab the broken torso of a staff bott before I throw it. Seeing it land as I saw the Mimic jump out of the darkness and now fully come crashing down on the broken torso. Ripping and tearing off pieces apart as I was more and more scared at his more ferocious killing attempts.
I went around a corner as the trolley I was carrying hitted a part of the wall. Making me trip and fall from it. Falling onto my back as I see that the animatronic crashed against the jagged stone on the corner as he chased me. He tried less and fell after crushing it. Landing on the ground as well. He was trying to get close to me. Throwing a claw up and slamming it down towards me as he crawled forward. I kicked my legs off of the ground as I tried to get up. But the trolley was both a blessing and a curse now. I was able to move back using the trolley's wheels. but it also made it harder to get up. After seeing that I made quite a distance before I got up. With the Mimic still trying to crawl and get up. But For how sharp and strong his claws are here. it was difficult to get a hold onto something to lift his metal body up. Even when using his claws to dig into the cave walls for support. He would mostly break through it or his claws slowly descended down from its weight. Giving me the perfect opportunity to high tail it out of there. Smiling a bit as I start to make it deeper into the cave. Finding Mangle's cave way was the hardest sinds it was the furthest away of them all. Not to mention the staff bot parts that are now scattered everywhere instead of close to the animatronics. But that didn't stop me. Looking through every cave for any sign. any clue. And then it hits me. I turned off my flashlight. Even though it was only a little light it gave off. I still needed it to see in the total darkness. I stand in the middle of a bunch of cave entrances as I Try to look for anything. Just when I thought I wouldn't get a clue. I got one. From one of the cave ways ends. there was a small flickering blue light. It was faint like the others. so that only meant one thing. There is an animatronic there. I went towards that cave way before I entered closer and closer to the light source. Getting a bit brighter before I finally find Mangle's body. I sigh in relief as I can finally take off the trolley and put it down. Grabbing her metal body and putting her on the trolley. Then putting an arm and a leg that broke off of her body as well under her tie downs. Breathing heavy from the long run and knowing I got them all ready. Holding my fazwatch up to my face. "Mangle is Secured on a Trolley. Time to move on to phase 2. Got almost caught one time. But I managed to escape." Hearing Chica's voice coming through. "Really? You're gonna get an all you can eat pizza buffet once your backup Sport Star! Show him that your condition hasn't dropped no matter what!" She said as Freddy's voice followed up. "Great job Super Star. But be careful. you're not out of this yet. And remember to return if things get too dangerous." He said as it slightly saddened the rest of the animatronics. But they knew Freddy was Right. "Understood. But I'm not leaving without a full house. No one gets left behind. No one." I said sternly as I hung up. Now that phase 1 is finished. It's time for the most dangerous phase. Phase 2. I went back to the elevator as I saw no sight of the Mimic anywhere. A blessing and a curse as I grabbed one of the cables and started to take the quickest route I could remember towards Mangle. Finally knowing the way slightly. The fact that I didn't have anything on my back made me get there rather quickly. Throwing here and there a staff bot part to throw off the mimic. Even though I'm unsure that he would fall for it. When I finally arrived back at Mangle's Trolley. I pushed her glomp of a hair up and hooked the cable onto the metal trolley. Locking it In place. Now that it's attached to it. I grabbed my Fazwatch and made a connection to all the puller boxes. on this one. The third one I got was the cable from Mangle. I turned on the switch as the cable started to be pulled in. Seeing the Trolley move as it was pulled towards the Elevator platform. The sound of the wheels rolling or the trolley scratching against the ground and walls did make some noise. And sadly. It would attract the Mimic in no time. I saw the red eyes of the animatronic as he was walking towards Mangle's Trolley. I took a deep breath as I screamed out. "Hey! Bucket of bolts! You're looking for me? Come and get me!" I yelled as the animatronic turned around and with a almost wicket laugh started to run after me. "There you are! No more games! Your family is looking for you. I will keep you save." It said in Monty's tone. Then Chica's and then Freddy's words. Making me still creeped out as he talked like them. I started to run as well as my plan was In motion. Luring the Mimic away from the Trolley with the animatronic on it and keep him on a close Chace to me. making sure he doesn't damage the cable. trolley. or the animatronic. It was risky sinds I need to keep him close enough to me. Making sure he'd chased me. Bur far enough so I could not risk getting caught. crushed. cutted. or torn apart by the metal bastard. I tried to take the furthest away cave ways as Mangle's trolley rolled through the stone tunnels. they still made some noise. but not as much as my taunting did. "Must be pretty sad to fail at a purpose you're built for! Hahaha!" I taunted it as I went around a corner. But I immediately ate my own words as I tripped over something. Stammering as I fell face first on my. well. Face. I looked back with my flashlight as I saw a lot of staff bots heads and torsos stacked up around like a little wall. "Clever bastard." I say as I try to get back up as soon as possible. But the Mimic was right on top of me. He starts to kick and stomp at My recovering body. Crushing staff bots heads and torsos under his weight. making me more panicked with each piece he crushed. I fumble a bit with my Fazerblaster as I couldn't aim while trying to dodge. I managed to eventually crawl up against the side of the cave wall.Getting a steady grip finally on my fazer blaster as I aimed it at the Mimic. He however was ready to strike with his heavy foot. Crashing into the wall as I rolled out of the way and panic fired at him. Managing to actually hit him. Making him stagger backwards. Or so I thought. Cause when i looked. I saw that he learned from his past mistakes. Covering his face with one of his claws. I was unlucky that he covered his eyes. but he still tried to swipe his free claws at me wildly. Sending sparks flying from the walls as I got up and tried to step back. I needed to get away from him. But Each time I'd take a step back. He would take a bigger step forward before swiping at me again. The last time I was too late. He was too close to me and managed to swipe at my left arm. I grabbed onto it as the claw swipe went clean through the raceway jacket this time and made a big cut across my arm. It started to gush blood again as the old wound reopened. Cursing under my breath as I could swear I'd hear him laugh in a wicket distorted way. "Gotya! I am the best! I am. the. Super Star!" He said in different voices one after the other. I continued to run as I held my arm. Trying to use part of the jacket To lessen the bleeding. No amount of bandaids is gonna fix a wound like this. I tried to look for the cable or any sign of the trolley. After that unlucky encounter. I did hear a small rumble and a click. Like something just locked up. I looked at my fazwatch as I see the cable has fully retracted. Excited and optimistic I went to the elevator platform as I saw the light from it from afar throughout one of the tunnels. when I got closer as well as the loaded trolley with Mangle on it. Smiling brightly as I held my fazwatch up. "Mangle is secured on the elevator platform! She's coming home sweet home very soon." I said excitedly as I heard now a soft spoken Chica talk. "Mangle. She's coming back. She is really coming back. Thank you Sport Star. Thank you for saving her." It hits my heart with joy when she said it. Making me smile and get my spirit back a bit. "I'm going after the next one right away. Don't worry guys. I'm bringing them all back." I said as I moved on. 1 down. 2 to go. I grabbed the second cable as I started to run towards my right again. Wanting to make it to Foxy next. It was difficult sinds I had to go slower now that I know he can set up such traps for me to trip over. It was hard as my flashlight was getting dimmer and dimmer as it hits its battery limits. Making it harder to see the floor around me. I ran and sometimes stumble as I reached around the cave way more. I was slightly relieved as I could hear the Mimic being somewhat further away from me. Which allowed me to take the shortest way to Foxy as possible. I found his tunnel again as I dragged the cable along. Attaching the hook to Foxy's trolley. I pressed on my fazwatch as i Turned the pulling system on as the cable started to pull in Foxy's cart. I follow it as I look around for the Mimic as the cord strained and is being pulled on. I even had to push the back of the trolley sometimes cause it gets stuck on the walls edges a lot. I didn't however see the monster around. His heavy steps were clearly heard. But they were nowhere near me. It caused some relief. But then dread. If the robot wasn't after the cable or Foxy. Then where could it be heading? "Oh. Oh no." I grunted out in realization as I started to follow the cable back to the Elevator platform. Sadly my dreadful thought was correct. The Mimic seemed to ignore the Cable or the trolley. And seemed to go after the elevator platform and the Animatronics there. "Oh no. Oh nononono. Not them you monster. I can't lose them. I. I won't lose them. I won't let the others fall in despair because I couldn't save them all. I'll save them all!" I thought to myself as I saw on the ground a staff bot heads. With my anger and rage at the thought of what would happen if he got his claws on mangle in there. I grabbed the staff bot head. And like a pitcher. I reared back with my body and good arm. And hurl the head towards him. Hitting him straight on the head with a loud clang! The sound echoing throughout the tunnel As It bounces off of his head. His head tilted a bit forward from the hit as the staff bott head fell beside him. He turned around almost in an instant with a loud scream. It was unclear what static words he said as he turned and charged after me. I was glad I had his attention again. Though I was scared to death. I turned around and ran away from the lift and the cable of Foxy as well as the Trolley as it continued to pull him in. As I kept on running I thought to myself. That was the stupidest thing I could have done. And yet. I can't believe that I actually got a head shot. I expected a ding sound like the one I'd heard at the upper gator attractions with the air cannons. I did get a rush of almost madman-like joy at that. Guess with being so tired I resort to laughing instead. Running through the parts and heads I tripped over earlier. Sadly the Mimic just stomped on top of the parts I stumbled upon as it didn't have any effect. I managed to scrape by and grabbed a metal endoskeleton arm and tried to swing it. Aiming for one of the leg ball joints or where they would be. But all it did was break the arm in two. not even leave a scratch. Right. Killer robots made to destroy other robots. I Should have expected that. I didn't stand there to regret my choices as I kept on bolting it out of there. I see the Mimic however walking into another direction. Thinking I'd lost him as I took a small break. Hearing the clank again as I see that the second cable was done pulling in foxy. I turned to the fazwatch as I said happily. "Foxy is secured in the elevator platform and ready for the trip home. It may be a bit wonky but he should be used to rougher seas." I slightly joked at the end as I smiled brightly at my own dumb pirate reference. Hearing Roxy's voice coming in softly. "Foxy. I. I. I'll show you. That I kept my promise. Rock Star. Come back soon." She said as I nodded. "On my way. Right after the final one." I hung up as I kept on moving. to the side and back towards the lift. But when I went around a corner. I was smacked into my belly by something hard and metal. The jacket softened the blow. But not by much. Sending me tumbling a bit back as I clutch my Belly as I looked up with one eye closed. The red eyes of the Mimic stared at me as he was holding a staff bot endo skeleton arm. It Seems like he pulled the same stunt on me as I tried on him. But this time it worked. "Hole in one! You are broken. Tag! Your it." He said as I kept on grunting and clutching my stomach as I tried to kick the floor and slide back. His distorted voice repeating voice lines from the other animatronics in his distorted way. Taking heavy steps as it loomed over me. Looking down before it started to rear back its claw. I open my other eye as I stare at his red eyes. But before he could strike I pulled out whatever I was holding near my chest. Aiming it at his eyes as I fire my Fazer blaster at him. Hitting him and making him stumble back. It screeched and backed off as I stood up and ran past him. eventually walking back to the elevator itself before grabbing the last cable and making my way towards Bonnie. I do anything I can to stay safe. Grabbing parts and pieces of staff bots as I throw. roll. And Kick them around. I bash them against the walls and into the cave tunnels to create as much noise as possible all around. Hoping to catch it off guard with how quiet and precise we have bin in our hide and seek game to overwhelming his senses or sensors with all these sounds and movements happening. I was getting desperate. Light headed a bit from the bloodloss and the bashing I took. And Worst of all. That last fazer blaster shot was my last one. Now it's useless as I just held it close to me. as if it would still protect me. My flashlight battery finally died as it turned off. Making me be surrounded in darkness. It made me take more jumping-like steps as I slowly adjusted my eyes to the darkness and I didn't want to trip over any leftover parts. "Come on. Just one more. Just Bonnie and then I can get out of here. You can do it. They are all counting on you. Make everyone proud." I said as I started to peptalk myself. i went threw and around the cave ways and tunnels as i kept on going and going. Unsure where i even was. Cursing myself for losing the way. But even in my tired state. I still kept on pushing through. I almost missed the blue flickering light that was coming through one of the cave ways. Making me stop and backtrack as I run towards it. I almost jumped inside as I stumble forward til I hit the body of Bonnie. Still stuck strapped to its trolley. I quickly attached the hook to the trolley before grabbing my fazwatch and turning on the puller cable box. The Mimic seeming too occupied to find me from all the commotion i caused. I stayed by Bonnie's side so I just in case traced back the cable to Bonnie's trolley and stayed by his side. Walking along as I rest my right arm against the wall. taking deep breaths from running this marathon of tasks and chaces. I keep on going as my movement's get sluggish and rough. But I wasn't done yet as the raging steps of the Mimic came closer again. I had to protect Bonnie. So i stayed by him til I could see where the monster was. Grabbing a staff bott wheel part this time off of the ground as I waited in anticipation. When I saw the red lights getting closer and closer as it shined through the cave way tunnel. I also saw the Mimic was trying to grapple onto the cable itself. "Over my dead body." I said in anger and gridded teeth. I rear back as I swing my body around. chugging the wheel like a disk thrower as it bounced off the wall and straight against him. Maybe it wasn't the best thing to throw at him to try and do damage. But it did what I wanted as it stared at me. Letting go of the cable before it rushed towards me. Almost stepping on Bonnie as he was carried threw. But luckly missing him just by a few millie meters as he came after me. Seems like someone held a grudge. I started to run into the dark halls as I had no light source and no idea where to go even. But I knew that if I just hugged one side of the wall. I knew I could reach around like going in a big circle. However, it seemed the Mimic knew what I was attempting to do. as it went through a side tunnel to cut me off. Making me scrape back as I try and not repeat the same mistake I made earlier. He tried to swipe at me with his big claws and step forward again. But when he did. I decided to take that small window of opportunity to go past him. Doing a short acceleration dash as he couldn't pull his swiped claw back as I bolted past him. My heart was racing. my vision was blurred. And I could swear my body was almost sh*tting itself. I could hear the heavy footsteps as he turned around and continued the chase. scraping against walls and bashing against them as I try to make quick twists and turns. From far into the cave I could hear a another Click. The pulling system was finished. Getting a new spark of determination. Huffing as I say in the fazwatch again. "Bonnie is secured on the elevator platform. ready to hop back home. This is it guys. I'm coming back." I said as I heard Monty's voice come through. "Bonnie. Please Arthur. Bring Bonnie back. Bring yourself back. Keep on storming through like the hurricane you are! Party Star! Oh Bonnie, please come back." He said almost crying as I smiled at his reaction. I heard Freddy as well. "Super Star. I can't thank you enough. Bonnie. Foxy. And Mangle. Are all on the elevator platform. Everyone is almost home. Almost everyone. Please hurry and get out of there Super Star! Get out and come home with us!" He said determined as I used every emotion I still had left as energy to power myself up. to keep me running through. The anger of the pain from my now reopened up wounds. The fact that he tore apart all these animatronic friends of the gang. The sadness they felt after their losses. and for what would have happened if I didn't return with them. The panic of being killed by this monster. All pumping me into overdrive to keep my heart pumping and my legs running. Faster and faster as I still clutch my Belly from that earlier hit. I might have worn the jacket and helmet. But these hits he got off on me made my wounds reopen. My legs were covered in oil as each step I took splatters some more over my shoes and legs. I see the light as I get confused for a second. But then I almost woke up as I realized it was the entrance of the elevator platform. Getting a small smile out of me as I kept on rushing and running threw. Slipping and regaining my footing to run more here and there. The Mimic was as close near me as I could feel his claws swipe at my body. More claw marks appeared in the back of my jacket as well as on my helmet as he went all out. I was so close as I saw the 3 animatronics lay there. There trolleys on the elevator platform. Making a last ditch effort as I jumped into the elevator. Quickly staggering to the control panel as I pressed the up button on it. Breathing heavy as i thought it was finally over as the metal door started to close. I also unlocked the cable boxes and put them on each one's specific Trolley. Hoping that the metal door would keep me safe. But unlike last time. The metal door didn't close. Instead it was slowly being pulled back open. the Mimic having one of his hands stuck between the doorway. It creaks as it breaks and bends from being forcefully pulled open by the Mimic. His red eyed gaze shined over me as The lift started to slowly ascend and creak from the weight of the other animatronics. as the Mimic managed to break through. He held onto the bottom of the lift as I panicked. I can feel bashes. creaks. And scratches below the platform. Soon seeing to my horror that metal pieces were bent and pierced threw the platform floor. Metal claws started to jab like spikes up as I crawled back from the middle of the floor. creating more of an opening with each jab, cut and bash. He was trying To get through to me. To the others. I desperately looked around for anything to help me now. But nothing. even my fazer blaster was all out of shots. I was so close. So darn close. I can't fail now. Not after everything that happened. I thought to myself before I looked around. seeing the bodies of Bonnie. Mangle. and Foxy. lay on their trolleys with the cable boxes. I look to the other side as I see sitting there still. The box. Chica's voice box. I forgot I left it on the elevator platform sinds the box was too big to hold onto while I ran. I crawl towards it as quickly as I could as I see the entire Mimic's hand crash through the floor. Grabbing onto a part of the platform as he held onto it. Using his claws to cut more into the floor and make the hole bigger. Tearing chunks out and pieces apart. He started to get a hold onto the floor. pushing his head and his torso threw the hole. Pulling his claw out as he tried to desperately reach me or any of the animatronics as he said. "Don't worry. You're safe with me. Su. Super Star. Come. Here. Now!" Rearing back his claw to strike. But before he could. I reared my arm back and slammed it down on top of the red button on the voice box. A weird sounding noise that didn't sound like static. but sounded like someone was scraping over a chalkboard. Was blasted out. I put my hands on my ears as I looked at the Mimic. It was glitching and stuttering. almost like a sprinkler. Making quick shaking motions as his head looked around to the left and right over and over again. All until the lift stopped moving. I looked back as I saw light. I've finally reached the top back to Roxy Raceway. Seeing everyone still stand there and saying all at once. "ARTHUR!" They all ran towards me. I could only smile as I saw them. Then looking back at the Mimic that was still stunned. But not for long. "Get them out of here!" Is what I yelled to the others as I started to grab and shove Mangle's. Bonnie's. and Foxy's trolleys out of the elevator platform. That way they could reach them as they pulled the carts away from the mimic. I tried to press the button to make the elevator platform go back down. But when it slightly did. it stopped again. Something or someone was jamming it. The Mimic got back to his senses as he tore more of the floor open. Soon half of his skeletal torso sticks out. "What is that thing?" Chica asked and Monty easily replied. "It doesn't matter! We gotta help him!" Grabbing onto Bonnie's cart with Freddy and Sun grabbed onto Foxy's cart. "Come on, Super Star! ." freddy said as Chica grabbed onto Mangle's trolley. "You're here! We are here! Sport Star!" Roxy went straight for me on a sprint. Wanting to do anything possible to help me. "Rock Star!" Was what she yelled. After I got them all out. I crawled out and back up standing thanks to Roxy. My blood dripped on the floor as I stared back at the Mimic. i look back at the side of the elevator entrance as I see the fire axe sit there on the side. Then looking around as I saw the exposed rusted old gear that held the elevator platform up. "Rock Star?" Roxy asked as I walk away from her and stumble towards it. Grabbing the handle as I dragged it across the floor and went back to the elevator entrance. Looking one more time at this bastard as I shook in place. Beaten and broken. Clothes ripped and helmets cracked. Dripping blood as I can only imagine the pain and horror he made Freddy. Roxy. Monty. Chica. Mangle. Bonnie. Sun. Moon. and Foxy. Go through. It sickens me to my very core. Even more ones I imagine what it would do more if left alive. Who he would hurt more. Tear apart and destroy. Friends. Family. loved ones. Remembering all the kind things the Glamrock gang did for me. Making me feel welcome and Loved. Having a place where I felt I belonged. To call home. My emotions flared up as I wanted that to continue. To give them the happiness they gave me. And protect them with all my might. I lift up the huge fire ax above my head. I only said this to the creature of destruction. "Get dunked on." before with both hands I smashed the Axe down on top of one of the rusted gears. It shattered into a few pieces as it gave a few Klang's before it landed onto the floor. The Mimic went quiet as we could hear a slow sound. Creaking as well as jittering of the platform. Shaking as it started to ever so slightly tilted down towards one side. It knew what was coming as it tried to claw all over the ground to break free. But he only managed to get a few scrapes out of the floor. With a final view cracks and a snap of metal. The platform dropped downwards. Sparks flying from either side of it as the Mimic screamed in his distorted tone. Slowly getting more distant as he fell harder and further down. A loud crash was heard as it and the lift on top of it crashed down at the bottom. Hearing the faint screaming sound slowing down til it was no more. I took heavy breaths and sluggishly stepped away as I threw the fire axe to the side. Before I turned around. I Faced the animatronics as I take a Shaking step forward. I was shivering from the sickness. Blood loss. Tiredness and more. With a final forced smile I put on my face I'd give a thumbs up to all the other animatronics. Before my vision got blurry and I started to slowly fall and faint. Seeing the image of Freddy. Chica. Monty. Sun. and Roxy. sprinting towards me. Monty and Roxanne Catching me together as I still see the strapped Down Mangle. Foxy. and Bonnie. With a genuine smile I closed my eyes. Letting the tears stream down as they held me tight. "You did it, Rock Star. Welcome home." I heard Roxy say. "Your save now Party Star." Monty said. "We are Here for you, Super Star." Freddy said. "It's over. You did it. you really won. Sport Star." Chica said as I only cried louder. Unable to hold in my emotions. Comforting more in Roxanne's and Monty's holds. Slowly till I fell asleep in their embrace.

Chapter 12

Chapter Text

12. Fainted sounds were all I heard. Even in my dreams when I was surrounded by darkness. But it wasn't the bad kind of darkness. More of the kind you want when trying to sleep. I was content. I felt at peace. But that didn't mean I was gonna give up now. My eyes shooting open wide in my dream as I started to walk forward. Walking turns into jogging. Then into stumbling before running. I just ran and ran like I did before. Seeing a slight light further away from me. Coming closer and closer as I did. Till I almost shoulder bashed into it. The darkness is now replaced by light as I slowly awaken. Opening my eyes as I felt sore all over. My body hurted. I was thirsty and I was laying on something soft. A very comfortable something at that. One such as when I put my hand on it. I could feel the softness being familiar. My eyes were still not fully adjusting to the colors in the room. But I did feel something over me. It seemed to be some sort of blanket. It was soft and comvy. but stained in my blood. As I get it off of me and slowly try to right myself up. I fell back down as my arms gave out. Looking at my arms I can see that they are all patched up. The bandages were put on tighter and more professionally. Making sure the whole wound was covered up. Either someone was sick of them opening up again. Or took a long time to do this so precisely. I try to use them to swing myself up. Which I managed too. After rubbing my eyes and looking about. I could see that I was in a purple and black kinda room. Go kart in the corner. Plushies all over. This could only be one place. I was in Roxy's room. But why? What happened after I passed out? I wondered as I got on my knees. Biting threw the muscle pain from running so much that I started to walk out slowly. I looked at the rest of Roxstar Row. but didn't see anyone in their respective green rooms. So I decided to start and slowly explore. Making my way threw the pizza plex as I went to the main desk first to see if anyone was there. It seems to be dark outside as the date in the pc was the same as before. So I wasn't out for long luckly. I decided to go to the atrium first as I still saw the staff bots working around. They just cleaned up and paid me no mind like usual. but when i looked at the main stage. I indeed see all of them sitting there. Monty kicking the ground a bit frustrated. Chica looking worried as she sat on the edge of the stage. her head resting in her hands. Freddy sat down as he rubs Monty's back to comfort him. Roxy was walking from side to side with a sad expression on her face. I smiled at seeing them All here. As well as still in one piece. They must have wanted to go to me. But let me rest so I could recover better. With a smile in my face i started to make my way towards the stage. Roxy stopping in her walking as she did a double take and looked at me. i Slowly walked up towards the stage. Soon Chica gasps as she looks at me. Then Freddy turned around before he poked Monty on his back. A view times with only grunts before he almost snapped at Freddy. But then looked behind him as he pointed at me. his whole expression and demeanor changed. Standing up with freddy to face me. I stand a few meters away from them as I give a thumbs up. "Hi everyone. Arthur here." I say with a wide smile. I can see Roxy's mouth move but I could not hear what she was muttering. The second louder time I heard it as she looked at me and said. "Rockstar." She took a slow step almost like she was scared to hurt me. But the closer she came the faster she moved towards me. Going from a shaky step to walking to running. Charging at me before she wraps her arms around me. Being surprisingly gentle with my bandaged up body. "Arthur." She said as I slowly hugged her back. "My beautiful Roxanne. The best of the best." I happily replied back as I heard her sobbing in our embrace. Holding her tightly as i soon hear more footsteps jogging closer. Hugging us both was Chica. "You're awake!" We were so worried about you, Sport Star!" Soon followed up by a hug from Monty. "Glad to see you up and about Party star." With as last freddy as he hugs us as well. "It's so good to see you save. Super Star." We stayed like that for a few seconds before I released them from my huggy hold. "I'm glad to see you all here. I was so worried about all of you. what happened once I passed out?" I asked as I pointed towards the floor. Freddy was the first one to chime in. "We stayed by your side until we rushed you as carefully as we could to the first aid station. You clutched onto anyone that had a hold onto you. It was kind of adorable." I looked surprised and slightly embarrassed. "Really? I hope I wasn't too bad. Was i?" I say with a slight smirk as Monty said. "It was nothing, kid. I never got to hold someone for so long." He said laughing as chica smirked too. "and i never knew Monty could be so gentle." Getting a quick stammering. "You're one to talk Chica!". Which only made us laugh more. Before I got a bit serious. Rubbing my arm before stopping at the bandages. "I'm sorry." I'm so sorry that I almost got caught. I should have been more careful. But I just couldn't leave anyone behind. But still. I'm sorry for almost failing you. And I can't be thankful enough for all your help." I said as they looked surprised at me saying that. Roxy looking sadly as she rubs my head softly. "Rock Star. You got nothing to apologize for." Chica agreed. "Yeah! We are just happy to have you back." She said as Monty added. "It's fine, kid. I would have done the same." He said as I agreed. "True. But You were searching for Bonnie way before me. Not only that. But you had to bear the brunt of being blamed for his disappearance." The others look a bit down as I say that. "It's nothing, kid. You can't imagine how much Freddy and Chica were apologizing. I even got an honest apology from Roxy there. But. I don't hold it against them. It was more satisfying to know what happened then anything else." He said as chica looked up. "I'm just so sorry that we blamed you for all of this. It wasn't your fault. and yet. you had to live with it through the customers and us. We are so sorry Monty." Chica said as Freddy put a hand on top of Monty's shoulder. "I. still don't feel right about it. Especially after i. What i did. I don't know how i can make it up for all the times you had to endure this. "But I will try." Freddy said apologetically as Monty looked at Freddy directly. Almost for the first time. "It's okay Freddy. And I'm sorry for messing up some of the freddy props I had in my attractions." He said as he slowly put an arm around Freddy. Surprising him. "Thanks monty. An i. Wait what?" Freddy asked as Monty just looked away. "Nothing. nothing to worry about Freddy." I laughed a bit at that. Often seeing the stationary Freddy statues being placed out of the spotlight view or other merchandise thrown into the trash all together. "Plus it's not any of your faults either. If anything it's the darn employees fault for not telling any of us what happened. Hm. And don't you dare think I'm talking about you Arthur!" He said pointing a finger at me. Making me a bit glad as he wasn't talking about me. "I'm just glad you are all alright. But. What happened to the others?" I asked as I looked around. Not knowing what even happened to Bonnie. Mangle. and Foxy. Freddy spoke up. "They are down in parts and service. We aren't sure what specific repairs they would need. But their bodies are ready to be repaired." I let out a sigh in relief."I'm glad to hear that. It must have hurted a lot to see them in these states." Most of them gave a nod in agreement as Chica said. "It. It really did. I still get shivers from having to look at any of them like that. Broken and torn apart. But. it was slightly relieving to know that they were here. and still be able to be repaired." She said as Roxy gave her a reassuring back rub. Comforting Chica the best she can. Chica nuzzles a bit on her chest and in her hair. Letting go as Roxy smiled at me. Rubbing her hand threw my long hair. "You've gone through quite the course here Rock Star. How are you feeling now that you've reached the finish line?" She asked as I smiled and leaned forward into her. Letting my head rest on her stomach. "Like a winner. A Tired one. Light headed. Sick and yet." I put one arm carefully around her. "I'd do it all over again. So i feel great" I could only say with a smile as she carefully wraps her hands around me. Making sure to avoid places where I was injured. She eventually let go of me though. "Lissen. If you're gonna perform like the best. then it's time you deserve the best rest. Go to my room and go to sleep. If I'm correct, tomorrow isn't your day shift. So you can go home after it." I nodded as I gave Roxy's muzzle a quick kiss. "I will. But first I'm gonna wash some worries away. I'll be there in a bit. After that, I visit parts and service." I said as I wanted to make sure the others were still in there. Chica came from behind Roxy as she hugged her and me slightly. "I'm so glad the band will be back together. Have a nice rest Arthur." She says in her cheery tone as monty and freddy walk up to us as well. Joining into the hug. Even Monty as he hugs Freddy and me. "You got your work cut out for you little guy. You might be a good gator someday." Monty said with a laugh and a smile. "Someday I hope I will be. But now. Now I want this moment to never end." Freddy said somberly as Monty put a hand on his head. avoiding his hat. "Aww come on freddy. It doesn't have to be. See it as just a pause. a rest til the next big show." He smiled at that as he and the others let eachother go. "You are right Monty. The best thing we can do now is wait and prepare for our next event." He said in a cheerful tone. I looked intrigued. "Oh? Are you planning a birthday party? I forgot if there was one planned or not." He shook his head. "Some sort. Just preparations for future events. But until then. You should take your rest Arthur." "Hope you have wonderful dreams!"" You make us proud little gator." "Dream about the best. And now dream about us being the best." Freddy. Chica. Monty. and Roxy. said as I nodded. Waving them goodbye for now. "See you all later." They waved back as I started to walk away towards the nearest double doors that would lead to the maintenance tunnels. I thought how satisfying that was that all of them could finally be a true family. I kept on going before I finally reached parts and service. Seeing in the corner indeed 3 broken animatronics laying on their respective trolleys. I let out a sigh of relief at seeing them. A part of my mind wanted to just leave. But there was a burning feeling. A burning feeling I can't describe. A burning feeling that won't let me rest. I thought of doing one more thing before I'd go and rest. With a smile I started to grab onto Bonnie's trolley and pulled him towards the entrance of the protective cylinder. I started to walk to the computer at the side. They missed him the most. So it was time to bring him back first. I pressed the full repair option as the front door opened up. Rolling him inside as I undid the tie downs from the trolley. Grabbing onto his body. Using all my might and painful body as I lifted him up and laid him down into the laying chair. Putting his hands and legs correctly on it. Sinds some of them were hanging over the sides. I take some deep breaths before the door closed. The console came down and I started with the repairs. The metal hands came down as they removed the left over broken shell parts of his body. I wasn't sure if they had any replacements. but even if not. I'd still want to repair his endo skeleton. The hands and small arms took care of the broken endo skeleton. I checked if the whole endo needed to be replaced or only parts of it. I started to repair the cutted or torn off wires and cleaned the endo skeleton up. Then placing the wires into their correct place for the repairs or replacements. It was hard to look at sometimes. but each time another part was cleaned up and repaired. The less horrible it made me feel. I kept on replacing small parts of the endo skeleton that were beyond repair. Replacing some ball joints with a new one here or there. as well as looking for any punctured parts. I kept the ones that had only some scratch marks on them. sinds It didn't matter much. Now there were No more light sparks coming from his body or eye socket anymore. And thanks to the machine. I even managed to repair Bonnie's ears too. Now being upright again instead of hanging loosely around. I watched as 2 hooks go up into the roof and come Slowly down. Seeing rubber covered fingers hold onto what looked like a new set of white eyes with red eye irises. carefully inserting them into his sockets. I also helped with some effort to disconnect and pull out his Voice Box so that there can be a new one placed inside instead. I of course adjusted them and did the color coded wiring too. I was just so glad I could do this with the help of the machine. making it way easier to repair them. To my surprise, I saw the metal repair hands going back up. Before I saw his outer shell parts being brought down. I was more than happy to see that there was still a set left. Or were they new? Questions for later. I asked myself as they looked as clean and new as if just out of the store. I put the parts onto him. Starting with his blue bunny feet. Having black claws on them. Then His blue arms and his fingers. Which had the same black claws on them as his feet did. They reminded me of Monty's claws. Likely for better bass play. I put on the blue ears as the inner-ears were white. His right ear has a dark blue earring on it. as i did his dark blue palm's and legs as well right after it. Then getting a set of red thigh parts. with a blue stripe on the side. as well as some matching torso parts. Witch had the blue stripe as well. but with a yellow star on his chest and a blue upper part almost as if it looked like he wears a rose-red jumpsuit and a purple high neck collar. He has the same seam on the front of his torso like Freddy and Monty did. And he was as bulky as them too. I'd grab the blue neck shell and put it on his neck as I'd next put on a set of dark blue shoulder pads as the body was finished. Now for the head. I looked at the face shell as it was in the shape of a blue bunny. a round white muzzle With black whiskers. A black nose and having the rest of his head colored blue. He had dark blue matching hair on top of his head. The last accessories were some studded wrist bracelets like the others wore. It looked stylish on him. I take a look at him as he looks back to his original self. I've never seen him before in person. But it was quite satisfying to see him all back into one piece. Giving his hair a small pet. It was soft and almost the same quality as Roxy's. Almost~. I see the metal arms click everything in place as I pressed the consol buttons more to calibrate the voice box. Arms movement. Finger and claw movements. Head movements. and leg movements. As well as the eyes and even the ears movements just in case. After all that was finally finished. The chair was put straight up slowly as there he was. Bonnie as good as new. With his eyes closed looking so peacefully. However I wondered after a few moments why he wasn't moving. Did his main chip get damaged?! Did I mess up? Where the repairs for nothing?! I was starting to worry that i did something wrong. But then I realized. He's out of power. After realizing that. I'd put him carefully back onto the trolley. Slowly moving him away out of the protective cylinder. He felt way heavier as I tried to push him. Or was it because I felt so tired again? Luckly sinds most of the time animatronics get repaired here. There was a charging station in the corner. I rolled him towards it as I opened the sliding door and rolled the feet of the cart inside. I then grabbed his torso and used all my remaining strength to push him up so he'd stand inside of it. I almost got smacked by the trolley before I got him back up. Turning him till he faced the door. So I was able to see his face through the small glass window. As I close the door back up. I see a meter on it starting to flash. A battery like icon that was on the outside as one out of 4 bars was blinking. Making me relieved that he was charging. It might take a while. But I didn't want to leave him here alone. So I decided to rest here. I made my way over to the underground tunnels again as I went back upstairs and grabbed my overstuffed backpack of plushies. the old pillows And my jacket. Luckly it was all where I left it before. I go back down to parts and service unseen as I sit against a wall opposed to the charging station. That way I face directly towards Bonnie. I Put everything down as I put all my plushies around me. Sun, Moon, Monty, Chica, and Roxy's ones around me are almost like a makeshift bed. Taking a single sleeping pill with some bottled water as I slowly lay down and fall asleep. Not even the light from the charging station is a bother at all. I slept like a brick as I slowly awakened. I look at the time as I see it's around 2 in the afternoon. Slowly rubbing my eyes. The faint sound of the music upstairs in the pizza plex was echoing through the hallway. But unless you're in it or roughly in the opening of the doorway. you could not hear it. I look back at the charging station as I slowly get up. All the bars are filled up besides the last one. Still blinking. I put my jacket on almost like a makeshift cape as it rested on my shoulders as I just sat down and waited. Looking a bit down as I grabbed an old small bottle of an unopened drink. Unscrewing off the cap and drinking it to get my sugar level up. Before a half hour or so I see the last bar stopped blinking as it was fully done. the charging light started to faint in the charging station as it turned slowly off. The door opened ever so slightly. Looking at the animatronic. I see him slowly open his red eyes. Shining slightly as he looked forward. Falling on one knee before standing back up. A bit sluggishly as he held his head with his hand. Almost like he's recovering from a headache. A soft voice came through after some grunting. Almost like the voicebox was being adjusted to him. "Hm. What. What happened? Where am I?" He asked as he looked around. "Parts and Service? how did i get here?" He asked himself before focusing his eyes straight on me. I gave a slight smile as his jaw dropped. I bet it must be after seeing a person surrounded by plushies. A pillow. And now leaning against a wall with wounds and bandages around my face and body. I would have likely Given the same reaction. "Welcome back Bonnie." Is the first thing I'd say to him. He takes some quick steps closer. Now walking normally like the others would. "Back? what happened? and who are you?." he asked before his eyes go wide. "Oh my Carrots! What happened to you?! Are you alright? Did you need to be brought to the first aid station?" He asked like a concerned parent almost. He looked me over as he closed his eyes. After a few seconds. the same blue light shined and scanned over me. "Don't worry Bonnie. I’m fine. Just a bit roughed up. But please be careful. Sinds You just got repaired. you should take it easy." I said as he closed his mouth and tilted his head a bit. "Repaired? Then. Are you the one who Fixed me up." I nodded happily. "Sure did. Arthur is my name and helping people is my game. I'm the new security guard here." I said as he looked around more. But his eyes fell on top of the 2 other still broken animatronics on their trolleys. "Mangle!? Foxy?! How? Where? When?" He stammered as he reached out a hand towards them. but pulled back as he was Afraid he might hurt them if he did. I walked next to him as I answered. "Don’t worry. Your save now. They are all safe now. I'll explain everything later. But now. I bet the others want to see you." I said as his eyes go wide. "The others? Are they alright?! What about Monty? freddy? Chica? and Roxy?" He asked worried. Giving me a slight heart warming feeling from asking for Monty first. "They are fine. A lot of time has passed sinds you where gone." I said as I laughed a bit. "But. I think I got a good idea to impress them as well as seeing them. Wanna hear me out?" I said as he looked curiously at me. I had a plan. Meanwhile upstairs on the upper floor, Freddy. Chica. Monty. and Roxy. started to make themselves ready for the next show performance. near the lower lift entrance on the main stage. Chica jogged back to the rest as Roxy asked. "Well? Any sign of him?" Chica shook her head. "No. Sorry Roxy. I didn't see him anywhere upstairs in the crowd." She grunted in frustration as Freddy put his hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry Roxy. We can always give him a private performance later. He must still be tired from everything that happened." She could not deny it. but she was still frustrated. she grabbed her keytar as she walked towards the stage lift platform. "Alright then. Let's rock." She said as the others grabbed their instruments as well and joined Roxy onto the stage platform. Riding higher and higher til it reached the actual stage. The crowd cheering as the spotlights shine on top of each of them as they get on the stage. Getting all in positions before they were ready to rock. But at the start of the show. All of a sudden. The lights went out from the stage. The big platform behind them had gone down too. Only the spotlights are still shining on the animatronics. They looked around confused. "What's this now?" Monty asked. "did the power go out?" Chica asked. "Darn it. Off all the worst times." Roxy exclaimed." Freddy looked around a bit. Hoping to see any cause or what this possibly could be. That was. Till in the background of the stage. They could see a small green Laser projector shining more and more slowly. Getting bigger and brighter as it makes a shape. a shape of a bunny. A voice sounded in from the intercoms almost as it was heard from everywhere. "Now this is one rocking performance. But hopefully you won't mind it if I hopped in now. would you?" All of the animatronics froze up. Almost like it was yesterday that they heard that certain voice speak up. "no way. could it be?" Chica asked. "Is it really you? Old sport?" Monty asked as he looked around with Chica. "I can't believe it. it must be him." Roxy said with her jaw dropped. Freddy was starstrucked. But then snapping out of it. "Is it really you? Truly?" Freddy asked almost in a hopeful and begging tone. "He he. You didn't think I'd leave you all here to dry now. Would you? It's been too long sinds I showed up on stage. But now it's time for my comeback. ready to hop on the beat with the best Band in the world!" He said as A single spotlight shined back onto the stage’s center. Towards the middle of the stage as from below. The elevator platform rises as it shows. Bonnie. Holding his black and yellow bass guitar. Cheers erupt from the crowd as Bonnie was put on the spotlight. All of the other animatronics Jaws dropped as none of them saw this coming. Monty was the first to speak up. "Bonnie?! Is. Is that you?!" There was a spark of joy mixed in with that as Bonnie walked up to Monty and put a hand on his shoulder plate. "Hey there Montgomery. It's Been a while. Have you been well sinds last time? I'm glad to see you still performing on stage with the others. Party Gator." With a heart warming smile. he wrapped his arms around Monty and gave him a big hug. Monty slowly and a bit shakinly, returned the hug carefully. Almost like Bonnie was made out of glass. "I'm. I'm So glad you're here. you mad bunny!" Monty said happily. Even in a slightly sobbing tone at seeing him back and operational. "It is more than good to see you. old friend." Freddy said calmly. Almost like the biggest weight was lifted off of his shoulders. "Hooray! Bonnie is back!" Chica cheered happily as she jumped in for a big hug. "It's good that you're here. But how? When were you repaired?" Roxy asks as the others were curious too. Bonnie gives a soft smile. "Well it seems someone didn't want to rest til I was back in action. And by the look of the crowd you all gathered. I think they couldn't wait either." He says as he looked a bit above the crowd towards the second floor. When they all looked in that direction. they could see my bandaged up face and body there. Smiling and slowly waving as I still wore my jacket as a makeshift cape. Monty let out a small sniff. "Party Star. Rock on." He muttered to himself in a soft tone. After another group hug for Bonnie. They all let go as he faced the crowd. "Alright! Are you all ready for one awesome performance?! Cause freddy, chica, Roxy, and my buddy Monty here. are gonna rock your world!" He says as he starts to play on his base. His base play was different from Monty's. Almost like he could do a solo part in the performance. But he still matched the main Glamrock music. Sharing notes with Monty as he and the others play alongside him. Everyone nodded as they got back to their spots on the stage and rocked on. I smiled satisfied as I leaned on the railing. "So. A little surprise from you I see?" Someone said as I looked to my left. I see Mike coming towards me holding 2 Fizzy Fazz cans as he hands me a roxy flavored one. "Yeah. Sorry about that. But I thought it was a good way to give the crowd something to remember tonight. And more publicity as well. And look at the animatronics. They are shining on stage. I've never seen them so happy. This is their best performance yet." I say as I take a sip of my drink. Mike laughed a bit as he leaned on the railing. " yeah yeah. I bet they are. So. Are you planning to do this with the other 2 as well?" He asked as I nodded. "If it's possible. Yes. I am not sure if we have all their outer shell parts in stocks. I was Surprised we had Bonnie's at all. But if so, Then I'll make sure they all get back into action as soon as possible." Mike gave a small laugh. "Yes. New ones have been ordered for them as well. Seems like that thing did quite a number on you though. You look even more terrible than usual." He said as he pointed at my wounds and bandages. I gave a shrug and said in a mocking tone. "My dear Mike. I have no idea what you're on about. I just got clumsy and got hurt. I happen to have found him in the far back of parts and service. I swear nothing else happened." He laughed a bit at my sarcastic tone. "Hehe your alright Arthur. You may talk about it with me and the boss. But it's good to know you're already trying to keep your contract. Just give us a heads up next time when you repaired one of the animatronics and let them on stage like tonight. alright?" I calmed down as I nodded and drank more. "It's a pleasure Mike. And I promise I will. By the way, he doesn't have his own green room. Where will they stay? Not in parts and service I hope?" I asked slightly worried. Mike brushed me off. "Nah. They can just walk around. And rest in one of the charging stations. Otherwise he can stay in any room he wants. But I think I gotta go back. This Music is hurting my ears." He said as he held his head with one hand. I carefully touched his cup with mine. "a toast to a new age for the pizza plex." He gave a tired laugh. "Hehe, sure. Whatever." Before he left. I continued to watch the stellar performance til the end. The stage lift went back down after the show as I could hear some murmurs down below. "Did you see that? That was Bonnie! He's back! But how? Did you see him hug Monty? I guess he didn't destroy him after all. I wonder if he is still good at bowling." I smiled satisfied as I drank my can empty and threw it into the trash can. Then I started to grab all my plushies from parts and service. I could not see the other animatronics so they must already be walking towards their rooms shortcuts. I walked back to the outside to my trusty bike as I patted the seat. Slowly unlocking it as I went home. When I was back home. I finally ate some proper dinner. Okay it was soup but it was delicious. At midday and evening I started to grab a needle and yarn from one of my cabinets. Choosing the same colors as the torn parts of the Monty plushies ripped open parts. I slowly started to fix him up. Pushing back in cotton and sealing up every hole till it's fully repaired. Satisfied with my work. Now I could finally relax as I played some games and talked to my friends online. Today was a good day.

Chapter 13

Chapter Text

13. I managed easily throughout the day before I put my Monty plushy back into my bag and I locked the place up. Soon I would bike my way back to work. I was surprised that it was so busy even this late. There were so many people still around the Mega Pizza Plex. I guess Bonnie's return made it all the more exciting for people to stay. they would soon flow out of the building as it got later and later. I see Mike almost dead on the counter from tiredness. "Mike? Are you okay?" I asked as I approached him. He slowly got up. "So. Many. Parties. Just throw me down a hole. I'd rather do that then letting me stay here and hear about one more f*cking party." I gave an awkward smile. "why don't you go and get some rest? I'll fill in for you for the last 3 hours that are left. Just. go home Mike." I said as he gave a thumbs up and sluggishly walked away. "Thanks. See ya. Oh. Just make sure that you put away some packages in parts and service. Alright? It's the new shell parts for the other animatronics." He said as he walked away. I can understand it sinds he doesn't have much to do with this place. Unlike me and the other animatronics. I put my bag away as I went back to the desk. I was a bit excited to hear the other parts would come in so soon. I stayed at the desk to actually take over the spot of Mike and help people check out. Fill out lost items reports. Search for children. Mostly the usual. Eventually I did see a large truck coming near the outside of the doors to the pizza plex. A man with 2 big boxes on a small trolley walks in. "Here's ya parts. Can I get a signature sir?" The bearded man said as he held out a clipboard. I signed it as he gave a nod and went off. I'd start to push these boxes towards the stage. now that almost everyone was away anyway. Sinds there is no way I could bring these ones down stairs while using the stairs. I just use the stage lift platform instead. Pressing the button And letting the stage descend into parts and service. I rolled them one by one in. before sending the stage back up and placing each next to Mangle and Foxy. I went back upstairs as I should wait a day before trying to fix another one. Letting them get adjusted to Bonnie being back firstly. I feel my alarm vibrate. Midnight. Time for my shift to start. I get out of parts and service as I take the stairs back to the tunnels and towards the Atrium. When I stepped out and looked at my fazwatch I could see that there was no living person in sight besides myself. I of course didn't see the Animatronics in their rooms as they likely would want to spend their off time with Bonnie. I kept on doing my rounds as I cleaned up. There were a lot of signs that it was so busy. But I was eventually approached by Freddy. who saw me from a distance. "There you are. How is your day going Arthur? " He asked in a cheery tone. I faced him as I put the last trash stuff away and smiled. "Pretty good. I would ask you the same. but I bet after the looks and show performance I saw today. I already know the answer." He smiled a bit as he thought back on that. "I can imagine so." But I did not expect you to work even after repairing him so soon. I'm. Not sure what to say. Not sure how to thank you." I gave a reassuring look. "You don't have to say anything Freddy. You and the others have suffered enough. And you don't have to thank me. I never did this to get something out of it. I just wanted you all to be happy. Make life a bit easier on you all. And make sure this place stays nice and open." I said happily as he gave a nod and then jolted a bit. "Thank you Super Star. Oh! I almost forgot. Will you be joining us at Bonnie Bowl? The others refused to start without you." I looked surprised when I heard that. "Really? I almost forgot it was game night tonight. And I guess it would be the perfect place to start with Bonnie being back. How was he anyway?" I asked as I started to walk with Freddy towards Bonnie Bowl. "He was more than delighted! As so were we. After the show we got a lot of questions from kids and adults alike. Most pleased to ask how he was. What happened? Asking if he is back for good. And if he will show around the Pizza Plex to his bowling attraction." I let out a small laugh. "I'm so glad to hear they accepted his return so well." He looked a bit down. "Others were less pleasant. Asking how he'd survive Monty's beatings. If he will put Monty out of commission. Even some insulting him for a washed up animatronic. " I scoffed at that. "Those half cut onions. I won't let them be so disrespectful to any of you. Even after all the sh*t Monty had to go through. Maybe next time I should stay by his side. To make sure people like that learn some manners against real stars." I said a bit grunting as Freddy looked up. A bit surprised at my reaction. But then gave a warm smile at my harsh protection of them. "It's alright Arthur. After these questions were asked. Bonnie hopped to his defense straight away. Every Time he heard such accusations or insults. He'd retort that it wasn't true and how amazing Monty was to him and how much he meant to him. Even though they didn't listen at all to Monty. I'm Glad some did to Bonnie. I wanted to go and help out too. But the crowd made passing threw impossible. It was a good start to restore Monty's reputation. And it's clear to see in his fan mail." I looked at him strangely. "Fanmail? Oh! Duh! Your stars. Of course you would get fan mail from the customers." I said only now remembering what Roxy said a while back. Freddy continued. "Yes. Usually Monty only gets. Well. Hate mail. There wasn't a single letter with anything positive in it or a dark twist at the end to insult him. He'd rip apart most letters like it. But. When I was getting him from his green room today. I saw from the corner of my eye. a single sheet of paper lying on his desk by his mirror. I will admit that I could not hold my curiosity back. sinds it laid open already. "So I read it." I tilted my head. "Oh? What did it say?" He closed his eyes almost like he was deep in thought. "It read. Thank you mister Monty sir. For bringing Bonnie back. for taking such good care of all of us while he was gone. And even though he may be back. I hope that you stay here with us all. I don't want you to leave. You rock. And you're the best gator there is. with much stars. Soren." Freddy said as he finished. and added. "That wasn't a long letter. But I bet it meant more than anything to him." He looked back at me as I just had tears streaming down my face and sniffed a bit. Grabbing a clean tissue and blowing my nose. "Yeah. It sounds beautiful." I added as Freddy's smile brightly too. Putting his hand on my back and rubbing it as I leaned against Freddy as we walked. Soon we arrived at Bonnie Bowl. as the big bunny wave was still plastered on the front. I'm glad it will also stay that way. Looking back at Freddy as I see him stare up at the sign. "Freddy? Is everything alright?" I asked as he let out a sigh. "I. Would never have imagined I would come in here without feeling sad. It's. Relieving." He said as he closed his eyes a bit before opening them. Looking back up and getting his smile back. "Let's go inside shall we?" I nodded as we went inside. The doorway seemed a simple light blue square around the circle like a door. Some Light bulbs around the inside of the circle entrance. Above it was a big sign that looks like it's from a cartoon intro. Bonnie in black letters with a white background and a star here and there around it. And then Bowl in rectangles in different colors. B in pink. O in red. W in orange. And L in blue. At the right of it there was a huge image of Bonnie's body on the wall. Looking like the real one of course. but in drawn form. Holding up one arm with a finger pointing up. A bowling ball held on top of it. As we went through the main entrance. I heard the intercoms play the welcome message again. "Welcome to Bonnie Bowl. Hop in a lane and play along. See if you can hit a bunny hop pair or a backup bash strike. Come and get some ice cream at the icecream bar and watch me perform. Come along and hop into fun!" It said as I could see Freddy slightly beaming at hearing that. The inside was rather surprising. Covered in arcade machines at the start. Going further in and past them we arrive at the actual Bowling lanes. Seats. Bowling ball lanes. and Bathrooms at the right. But on the left most side. I could see a white neon lighted up ice cream bar. I never thought I'd see one of these nowadays. In the far back of it I saw a single stage with closed curtains. Likely for Bonnie to perform for the people there. Near one of the Bowling lanes I could see. Roxy. Chica. Monty. and Bonnie. stand there as they wave at us. Me and Freddy walked closer to join them. "Hello everyone. I hope you're having a fantastic day and night." They all did their usual greetings. But I was surprised by Bonnie as he came closer to me first. Looking a slight bit worried. "Oh my carrots! Are you okay? You haven't been hurt, have you? Going to such a dangerous place. And all alone at that." It was kinda like a mother worried about their child as It gave me the strangest feeling of dejavu. I gave a side eye to the others behind him. Monty speaking up. "We just filled him in on what happened while he was gone. Including everything that happened with his rescue and your underground visit." Bonnie turned around and now walked towards Monty. "And I know better now! I can't believe they thought you replaced me! Let alone thinking you'd scrapped me! It's ludicrous!" He said as he looked at Freddy. "I can't even believe you blamed Monty all this time. I thought better of you." Freddy looked a bit down with drooped ears. Likely still feeling sorry from it. "You're right. It wasn't." He said. But Monty of all people held up his hands in slight defense. "Hey calm down Bonnie. It's okay." Monty said but Bonnie wasn't having any of it. "No. It's not okay. It's not okay to be treated the way you have bin. To be blamed and hated for something you didn't do! How can they blame you for that?! If only I hadn't listened to these stupid voices. I would have. I'm just. So so sorry Monty." He said as Monty gave hin a hug. Chica and Roxy stand besides him as they lead him to one of the benches. I looked in thought a bit as I could expect that worried reaction after all that happened. I would not even be surprised if he held up some trauma from the event. "Listened to these voices? Bonnie?" I asked as he sat down. "When. I was wandering around the pizza plex. Having heard of Mangle And Foxy's disappearances. I was more than worried that we couldn't find them. But. Then I heard. Voices. The ones from Mangle and Foxy. I wanted to inform the main Network and the others right away. But. I couldn't. I was cut off. I knew something wasn't right. But if I didn't act then and there. I'd regret it if I lost them. I went all around the pizza plex to look for them. Sometimes my head felt so scrambled. I didn't even know where I was going. Until I arrived at Monty golf. I still remember getting up the catwalk. Hearing the voices loudly. And even ones up close. I couldn't see him clearly. It was as if my vision was glitching. But I was too late when I saw it clearly. It was. Was. That thing. I can only remember it attacked me. And then. I went offline." He looked more remorseful as he retells the story. "I know it was stupid to do so. But What if they were damaged? What if they had no way out? But by the things i've been told. It was the worst thing I could have done. I got dragged off too. Somewhere. And That's the last thing I remember. I'm just a stupid bunny." He said as he looked quite depressed. Almost on the verge of crying as he held his hands over his face. Monty gets on one knee beside him as he puts his hand on his thigh. "Hey now. You're not a dumb bunny. I would have done the same thing if i were you. So don't you dare say you're dumb. You rock." He said as Freddy as well as the others came right afterwards to stand by his side. "It's true Bonnie. That monster could Mimic other people's and animatronics voices. As well as glitch any electric device that it could get close to. It wasn't your fault and no one could see it coming." Freddy says as I get closer to him as well. "it's okay bonnie. You're safe here. You can let it all out. And we shall be here too. You did nothing wrong. I swear. And we will be by your side for as long as you want or need. No matter what. What was it you said? Hop Star." I said as I saw Chica and Roxy come as well. they put a hand on each of his shoulder pads. "If you need a moment we can just sit here for a while." Chica said as Roxy added. "Don't be scared." We are only trying to help. And you got the best of the best behind you all the way." He already looked less distraught than before. We stay like that for a view minutes in silence before Bonnie takes a deep breath. "Thank you. Thank you all Hop Stars. And I'm sorry. I guess I'm not fully back in the right mind yet." We all nodded. "It's okay Bonnie. You've been through a lot. We don't expect you to act like nothing happened. But we will be there for you to lighten this load." Monty said with a genuine smile. "And don't forget. You got the best of the best at your back! and we will never let you down or back down!" Roxy said pridefully. "They are right! You don't have to go through that ever again. And if you ever feel down again. We will be here to cheer you up. I'll bring you anything you want to help. pizza, fries, cookies. you name it." Chica said. Bonnie looked around hopefully as he smiled. Getting up slowly as he stretched his arms a bit. "Thank you. Thank you all Hop Stars. I see the band is still as great as I remembered. Or even better then before." He said as he walked over to one of the middle bowling lanes. grabbing a Light blue bowling ball. "Now who's ready to bowl?" He asks in excitement. I went to the main desk where the bowling shoes were kept. I often bowled as a child. so I already knew i needed to wear special Bowling shoes. I go to the main desk to grab a pair. They were light blue with a red strip and a yellow star on the top and sides. Clearly Bonnie themed. I grabbed a pair in my size and changed into them. Going back to the gang as I did a small pose. "Time for a strike! Or to get a nice pair of wins. maybe." I say with the bowling puns intended. Getting an amusing laugh from Bonnie as we all gathered around the Bowling lane. Some sat down as we waited for our turn. Bonnie was up first. Taking a blue Bowling ball as he held it with his claws into the finger holes. He takes a moment almost like taking a deep breath. He Then raised his arm and rolled the ball towards the pins. Easely earning a Strike. We all clapped for Bonnie as he managed to get it. "Woo! A back up bash! Great job Bonnie!" Monty cheered him on as I joined in. The Bowling goes well as thanks to Monty's rage at chugging the Bowling ball more like a cannonball towards the pins. as well as Roxy who managed to expertly and perfectly throw the Bowling ball to both earn a strike. Of course us all clapped as they both got em. I managed to get a bonnie hop pair by dumb luck as Freddy and Chica got a lower score. Makes sense with their more gentle personalities. It went on for some time as Bonnie. Monty. and Roxy. managed to tie all as first place. "Oh yeah! Bowling down like a hurricane!" Monty said. "Ha! Winning like the best!" Roxy exclaimed. "I'm glad I didn't lose my touch." Bonnie said humble like. "You all did amazingly. These pins didn't stand a chance!" I say with a smile as most of the others agreed. "Great job super Stars. The course as well as the Bowling balls and other mechanics are in order. I'll send the report right away." Freddy said as everyone started to go their own separate ways. Monty and Freddy stayed close to Bonnie. Likely still afraid he might disappear as soon as they let their eyes off of him. I put my Bowling shoes away and put on my usual work shoes instead before I join the rest as well. When I come back It seems like Bonnie. Chica. Monty. and Freddy. have already left. As Roxy was the only one there waiting for me. I joined her side happely. "Hey Rock Star. You got a moment to walk and talk?" I nodded as we walked together out and just wonder a bit. "Sure. Is there anything wrong?" I asked as Roxy flicked her hair. "Dont worry. nothing is wrong with me. But I am curios if you don't mind me asking some stuff." I put my hands behind my back. "Ofcorce! Just be carefull what questions you ask. I'll answered them honestly no matter how personal." I say with a smile. "Don't worry Rock Star. It will just be regular questions. Like your favoret colors?" I thought as that was easy. "Oh easy. My main one being black. blue and yellow." I say with a smile as Roxy nodded. "Can you play any instruments?" She asks as I shake my head. "Sadly not. I can try and sing. But i want the costumers to actually stay." I say jokingly. She thought about it. "Hm. alright. And your favorite animal?" I'd say with a smile. "I’m too indecisive. Depending on my mood it can switch often. like a horse or a hippo.” she nodded as she gave a small pose. “interesting. How about your favorite animatronic here?” I gave a smile as I posed with her. "Oh, that's easy! my favorite animatronic is you." I say with a bright smile. "Of course. I can imagine it's hard to think of anyone els Rock Star." She said happily as we walked back to Roxy's room. "Well here we are. Is there anything els you'd like to know?" She thought for a bit. "Hm. Maby accessories?" I looked in deep thought. "Uh. I don't usually wear anything like necklaces or such. but I think your studded bands and collar look nice." I replied honestly. "Good. Hm. If you ever got the chance to change something about me. would you?" I looked surprised. "Not at all! Well. Maybe some parts added to you, but these are more for adult fun then anything els. Your hair is beautiful. your tail is beautiful. Everyone loves you. everyone wants to be you. You are perfect just the way you are Roxy!" I say like the pep talk speech she would Give herself sometimes as I blushed hard. "And if you could change anything about yourself. Would you?" She asked as I nodded. "Oh for sure! My face, my voice, My body. the whole shabang
The more it covers me up. The better. I also love to cosplay a lot. It's also a reason why I usually love wearing masks more often. It makes me more confident when all of me is hidden and covered up. I even use a voice changer back at home when I play with friends online. just for fun." She looked surprised for a bit. "Huh. You really want to change that badly huh? But don't forget that you're still the second best no matter how you look Rock Star." She said encouraging. "Thanks Roxy. But like always. That means you're just the best of the best." I say happily back as I get a wink from her. She came closer as she rubbed my cheek a bit. Rubbing over my scarred face. Making me a bit uncomfortable that she focused on the part I hated most about myself. But she still went closer before giving me a quick kiss. Making me blush madly. "Daw~. Roxy~." She only gave a smile and a hipsway as she walked back to her room door. Opening it as she goes inside. "Good night Rock Star." Before closing it. I waved a bit dumb smiling before I went back to work around the pizza plex. When I started to look through the cameras. I could see Bonnie standing near one of the double doors towards the underground tunnels. Curious as I am, I decided to go to that part and meet up with him. "Heya Bonnie. Is everything alright?" I asked as he turned to face me. "Oh! Hiya Arthur. Yes I'm fine. Just. Making myself worried about the others." He said as he likely ment Mangle and Foxy. "You're worried about them in parts and service. aren't you?" He nodded. "I know we all have bin threw a lot. Thanks to all of you, I was able to keep my mind clear. But I'm not sure about the others." I gave a look of understanding. "You might be right. But if that is the case. I'll do anything I can to help them threw it. They are not alone. Not anymore. And believe me. If anyone has experience with trauma. It's me. " I say in a serious and then the last part in a slightly joking style. Slightly. But I also wanted to make it clear that I'd do my best. Then I realized who I was talking to. "Oh! My apologies Bonnie. it is pretty late. Do you maybe know a place you'd prefer to recharge at? Until we get you your own green room that is." He thought for a bit as he looked around. "I'm not too sure. Even if I stayed with one of the others. It just wouldn't feel right. Tho i did get an offer from Monty and Freddy to stay in there rooms. "Should I take it?" I thought I could understand that feeling. "Hm. I don't see why not. you can even switch visiting them daily. otherwise you can just hang around and go to any charging station you'd want. And just hang around the building. Or stay close to me and I'd Give you a tour around while I do my runs. You've Been alone for far too long, am I right?" I offered as he nodded. "seems good to me. I got to make sure that I know the ins and outs of this place again. And that's all too true." I gave a thumbs up as I started to walk through the pizza plex with him. Picking up trash. putting chairs into place. And showing Bonnie all the attractions. Some he'd recognized. and some he didn't know about at all. "It's nice to see some attractions are still the same as last time I was walking around here. But a lot has changed since then as well. I can see." I put my hand on his side. "But the people still Love your return. More than you could imagine. I guess people dont know how much you can miss someone until they are gone. We had Monty as an example." I said as He let out a small laugh. "Thank you kindly Arthur. You seem to have bin as kind to me as You've bin to the others." I smiled as I nodded. "I try to be. Especially with the others." I said as I looked at Bonnie. Seeing him still look down a bit. "Yeah. The others." He replied back as I stopped a bit to clean up some trash. "What's wrong Bonnie? You look a little down." I asked as he perked up. "No no, I'm fine." I'm just. In deep thought." He said as I walked back to him. "Is it about what you heard at your Bowling attraction?" He looked wide eyed and nodded. "Yes. I'm still thinking about what happened to Monty. It makes me worry more about him. And. About Freddy." I stayed silent so he could continue. " i mean Freddy is such a understanding guy. So. From what I heard happened. I'm just more confused than anything. Why He would leak the info logs to the public." He said as we thought deeply about it. "We all do stupid things when we are angry. Even Freddy. even more when we loose someone so close to them. sometimes even me. He likely didn't know about the domino effect it would have." I said as he rubbed his arm. "Still. It was horrible to hear the people ask such awful questions to him. I could almost see him wanting to get off of the stage. But luckly I got him to stay. I even managed to swat away a paper cup someone threw. I didn't care what happened. I would stay by Monty's side." I nodded. Getting a smile at the sound of that. "You really care about Monty and Freddy. Don't you?" I asked as he nodded. "Yes. I am always very close with Freddy. And soon to after Monty joined the band. But now. I don't know what to think. Or even do." He said unsure as I signed a bit. "All that I know is that Freddy is truly sorry. And sinds we found you in the underground area. He's been trying to make it up to Monty ever sinds. He even wanted to join you in defending Monty. But The crowd was too thick to get past. Freddy is not a bad bear. He made a mistake and it got out of hand. At Least he regrets it. More than most people do, I can tell you that much." I admitted somberly. He got the small sad expression back. "I know. Truth be told I'd really wish to talk it out. I care so much about both of them. Even more than you can imagine. But I wouldn't know where to start. Not even how to start it." I understood his problem. So all I could do is give semi advice. "Maybe start slow." Get them both in a room with you there and talk it out. Cut the conversation off if anything gets out of hand. And try to be there for eachother. no matter what they say or do. Monty has suffered enough. And Freddy is truly doing his best to make things right. Even before you were repaired. They are both good people. And I know they as well as you. will do what is right. Dear Hop Star." I said as I felt Bonnie's hand on my shoulder. Making me look up at him. "Maybe you're right. Maybe I should talk it out with them. Or at least give it a chance. Thank you. And I'm sorry Hop Star. By the sound of it all. You must have been through some tough times." He said as I slowly nodded. "More than you know Bonnie. More than you know." I say as Bonnie wraps his arms around me and pulls me in for a hug. I was surprised. But still hugged back. "Don't you worry Arthur. You belong here at the Mega Pizza Plex. You belong here with us. At Least. If you asked me." He said as I hugged him back. "Thank you. Bonnie. It means a lot to me." we stayed there for a bit. I could feel that he wasn't just comforting me. But also that he needed to be comforted. until a minute later. We let each other go. "That. That was nice of you. Thank you Bonnie." I Said as he strikes a small pose. "It's no problem Hop Star. everyone needs a good old bunny hug. They work well on many sad or crying customers. especially on adults. Sometimes people just need someone to hold you and tell you that everything is gonna be okay. May it be you or the others." I nodded happily as my eyes went wide at remembering something. "The others! Of course!" I said as i started to run away towards El chip. Bonnie chasing after me. "Hold on Hop Star! Slow down! What's wrong?" He asked as I kept running into the restaurant and grab a pizza. putting it in the oven and locking it up as Bonnie catched up. "a pizza? If you're that hungry you don't need to run so much." He said as i gave a head tilt. "Oh! This isn't for me. It's a promise I made to Chica. I'd promise I'd give her a pizza at least once every day. It's to help her eating glitch. Plus I made other promises to the others. Like cleaning up Monty's room or bringing all the leftover wooden cut out Foxy decorations to Roxy's room. And the likes." He looked surprised. "Glitch? huh? really? That's quite a handful. But I'm happy to know that they are in good hands. Or a good night guard for ones." I laughed a bit. "yeah I hope I'm a step up from the more abusive nightguards." I said slightly joking as his eyes went wide. "Was it really that bad?" I face palmed a bit. "Don't worry about that. That's all in the past." I say as I hear the oven ping. Getting the pizza out and putting it in a box. "There. I'll be heading back to Chica's room to deliver this. What about you?" He started to follow me. "I'll hop along. Then I can ask Monty and Freddy what they think of the dual offer. So I hope you don't mind it if I hop along til we get there." I nodded as we walked together to Rock Star Row. We Waving goodbye as he goes into Monty's room and I knock onto Chica's room. Getting a smile and hugging back as I deliver the pizza to her. With the little time I have left I decided to take a rest before the next day shift would start. Wanting to go to the back of the employee only room again. But a little knock on a glass wall from Roxy's room caught my attention. Seems like she knew what I was gonna do and made a sleeping motion while pointing at her couch. It made me turn right around and enter her room. Going inside as I gave her a happy hug and a kiss even as she gave me one on the Lips. Taking my place on the soft couch as I waited for Roxy to sit by me. But she instead gave me a pet before walking to the door on the back of her room and likely going into the charging station. I understood she needed to recharge after today's activities. So I'll make sure to make it up to her later. To everyone as I already knew what I wanted to do today. And fall slowly and soundly asleep.

Chapter 14

Chapter Text

14. When I was well rested I got up. Looking over at the time as I was happy that I didn't oversleep during the dayshift. I checked up on all the animatronics green rooms as I saw them all out. Same goes for Bonnie that I couldn't see anywhere as well. Luckly there wasn't anything to worry about as I saw them around the pizza plex. Freddy talking to Chica and Roxy. Bonnie was hanging out with Monty. Makes sense sinds they were apart for such a long time. Seeming to talk as well for the time being. I was happy to see them growing closer now that Bonnie was back. Today I decided to work as best as I can and also as Bonnie's personal bodyguard after he was done talking to Monty fully. Ofcorce helping everyone and everywhere else that I can. And by the looks of it. it's really needed to. As the people came through. Most of them were drawn to Bonnie. Even though he seemed more than overwhelmed. Almost suffocating him under the amount of people there were around. I managed to squeeze through and try to disperse the crowd a bit. "Please make way! Bonnie coming threw! He needs some space people. we don't want him to get too stressed." I say as I eventually managed to get enough room free for him to walk past the crowd. They slowly dispersed as they went to other places. attractions. or meeting other stars. Bonnie taking a deep breath. "Thanks Arthur. It felt so cramped there I just kinda. Froze up." He says looking sorry. "Don't worry Bonnie. I can imagine you can get a bit overwhelmed. Or feel claustrophobic. The last place I'd want you to be reminded off is down there. Plus you just got back. You need a slow and steady stream to finally get back into the pizza plex flow." I said happily as I let him walk by himself throughout the pizza plex. I didn't want to constantly pay attention to him only. sinds I care just about the others as well. Just because Bonnie is back doesn't mean I'd forget about the others or care less about them. Looking through the cameras just to get a hang on how everything is in the pizza plex. Luckly I didn't see anyone that harassed the animatronics. or try to cause trouble. I checked my fazwatch and the fazcams as I looked out for anything odd. Seeing that there was a trash can that fell over. Someone must have stumbled against it and didn't clean up. again. of course. I quickly go there to clean up the trash with a new trash bag as well. "Stupid people, can't believe this sh*t, don't they have any decency, I swear to God." I mutter under my breath as I cleaned up. Seeing an orange hand grabbing a piece of trash as they handed it to me. Looking up i can see its freddy. "Oh! Thank you Freddy." I say as I put it away in the trash bag and back into place. Freddy gave a warm smile. "It's no problem Arthur. I hope you have been well?" He asked as i gave 2 thumbs up. "I'm doing my best. I hope with you to?" I asked as he nodded. "I've been great!" The pizza plex was never so busy in a long time. Thanks to all the support from the kids and adult fans. Altho i'm not sure about Monty.i feel like i still need to properly apologize to him in some way." He admitted as I nodded. "I can understand. I just hope he will be alright.and I'm really happy to hear that as well. I still worry about him sometimes. Not for any problems. But because i care about him." Freddy nodded as he understood my meaning. I gave a sigh of relief. I was curious about something though. "So. How is Bonnie holding up? Must be quite the shock for him to." I ask as Freddy nodded. "It will take time for him to adjust. But it's going well Arthur." I stretched with a smile as I heard that. "Wonderfully. You all deserve no less." I said happily as we stopped for a bit. People taking pictures with Freddy and asking me for directions. A few minutes later. we continued our previous conversation . "So will Bonnie be listed for Any parties as well? Like how all of you can be asked or invited to?" I asked curiously. Freddy shook his head. "Not yet. He needs to wait at least a week to see if everything from his behavior and interactions go well. If so. he will be joining the list of animatronics to be scheduled for parties as well." He said. I nodded as I agreed before I got a call on my Fazwatch. Picking it up as I saw the small Roxy icon appear on the fazwatch. "Hello?" I asked as I heard Roxy's voice come through. "Hey Rockstar! Can you come to my Raceway? One of the assistant staff bots is broken and we need an adult to help the birthday girl with driving." She asked as I smiled. "I'll be there in 10 minutes. See ya then Roxy." I Said happily before I hung up and looked back at Freddy. "Well I'm sorry Freddy but duty calls. Or In this case Roxy. but I don't mind at all." I say with a smile at the end. He gave a nod. "That's alright Arthur. Have a faztastic day." He said as he waved me bye. I wave back as I make my way over to Roxy Raceway. Trying to not get into the way before I arrived. The raceway was as lively as ever. Finally seeing people walk around. Race around and enjoy the snacks by the food carts and stands. Going past the racing course or towards the beauty salon. Where they can get all maked up and take photos with Roxy herself. It was nice to see kids cheer and smile as they went around happily. It filled me with utter joy. Looking around as I spotted Roxy waving at me. Surrounded by children and one girl with a party crown. Likely the birthday kid as they were the closest to Roxy as well. I go closer as the children slowly make way for me to move towards Roxy. I was quite impressed by how well behaved they were. "Hello Roxy. I heard there was an assistant staff bott who was asleep. So I'm here to be of assistance instead." I say a bit happily as Roxy put her hand on her hip. "Sure is. This little rockstar needs assistance with her race cart. Mind helping her out as her assistant driver?" She asked as she pointed at the girl with the paper crown. I give a bright smile as I look at the little girl. "Ofcorce. I'd be glad to help." Making her cheer in happiness knowing that they can still drive side to side with her favorite animatronic star. "Alright! Then it's time to race on!" She said as the other kids followed her and got into their own go karts. On all but one stood a helping driver's staff bot. I sat down in the empty cart's back seat. Adjusting it so i can reach the steering wheel as well as the separate gas and stopping paddles i had in case of emergencies. Soon the birthday kid came over and climbed Into the cart as well. However she wiggled her hand in a motion to come closer. She said in a whisper. "I wanna go fast. But I want Roxy to win. She is the best and I want her to be as happy on my birthday as I am. So Can we go slower at the end? Please?" I was kinda touched by her request. "Ofcorce. And she truly is. Tho you make a good challenger to become one of the best." I say happy whispering back as she got a big smile on her face. Driving slowly towards the racetrack starting ones. Once we got the green light with the others. I helped slightly with steering as she held onto the bottom of the weel and drove off. However, The kid was quite good. Driving easely around with almost no help but a break here and there. But throughout the rest of the raceway. she kept up with Roxy. With our combined weight added to the cart. we could keep up with the fast turns like Roxy made. but not as smoothly. Going around as we went through the twists and turns. Soon reaching the final part of the race course. Neck to neck to Roxy as I started to slow down. as the kid did the same on her own. It was only a slight bit. But with a slightly wobbly steering motion. We gave a giggling smile as Roxy crossed the finish line first before we did. Our places were displayed on the big screen as Roxy was in first place. The kid and I were second. I also saw the birthday girl's name. Molly. It was a nice name. Though I thought she'd be more of an eva. Well. she'd make a great racer one day. One that will soar beyond the stars. She started to get up and cheer as she and the other kids walked towards Roxy. "Hooray! You won Roxy! You're the best! Roxy never loses!" She said as Roxy got on one knee and looked at the birthday kid. Smiling happily as she said. "Thank you. But with all the skill you have shown me today. I think you're number one. Twice." She said as the girl giggled happily. Roxy stood back up as she got all the children's attention. "Alright little racers! Next up we will visit the beauty salon! If you want to be the best. You will need to look like the best. Beautiful. presentable. And socially acceptable." She said while making a love heart sign. as the kids followed her. I got a satisfied smile before Roxy spoke to me from afar. "Hey! Come on!" I turned back as I looked at her as she motioned for me to follow her. I looked unsure. but decided to follow her and the group anyway. The inside of the beauty salon was quite nice. You had your usual tables and stools with paint for the children to paint on their faces. Most of the center seats were literally mini race cars which were adorable. As well as some more normal barber looking chairs. Mirrors. Equipment. Even a view sinks where you get your hair washed while you lay back. In the back of the glamrock beauty salon I saw a photo shoot set. As well as one at the front of the building outside. Altho the one outside had A space themed Roxy cutout in the background. Both with lights and cameras. Likely to take some professional photo with Roxy herself. The kids of course rushed towards the race car chairs to get their faces painted. Make-up and hair done or just hung around and played with each other. Roxy smiled as she tented firstly to the main birthday girl as she waited in her seat. Roxy grabbing a brush as well as a set of paint colors in small plastic cups. Painting all over her till she had a similar face that resembles Roxy's. This made me smile and laugh as i stood further back. Still not wishing to be a bother. I check my cameras in the mean time to pass the time. Chica sharing pizza with an adult costumer. I was kinda surprised but happy as well that some of the adults could join in the fun with the animatronics. Freddy with his star shaped glasses was entering Fazer Blast with a group of people. ready to play. Monty and Bonnie were still together. Seems like these two will be inseparable for a while. At least until they made Monty's reputation a bit better. They were hanging out at Bonnie Bowl. Bonnie showing off his skills to a group of kids as Monty stood by the side a bit. Leaning against the wall as one kid leaned against it as well. Seeing both just chilling as they gave each other a nod. I was pulled away from the watch as I heard a worried parent yell something. "Please don't run with that!" I looked at what was happening as a child was holding a tray entirely full of different kinds of watered down paints. Splashing it almost everywhere he ran off to. I'd better go after him sinds I don't want to clean up the mess it could cause. "Hey kid! Stop!" I said firmly. But it fell on deaf ears as the kid only laughed more and kept on running. Stumbling a bit next to Molly and Roxy as a big smudge of black paint squished over the birthday gal's cheek. "Oh no." I thought to myself as Roxy looked surprised and then in anger at the running child. But her attention was focused back on the girl. As she slowly sob at having her perfect face paint ruined. Roxy tried to comfort her right away. "Hey." Don't worry. It's all fine. We can redo that Part. Please don't worry. You're still the best here." Roxy tries to cheer up the sobbing child. This only made me want to catch the little brat even more for almost ruining her birthday. But some other kids were still running around as well. I try to dodge them as best as I could. but a pair that ran past me made me misstep and trip. Falling on the ground face first. I looked up as The running kid went under a table as it was too low. making the tray full with liquid paints bash against it as he kept on running. The tray falling off of his hands as the plastic paint cups and the tray itself toppled over and landed square on top of my head and face. Plastic now empty paint cups as well as with a hard bash the tray hits my head. Clanking on the floor. Most of my hair and face are covered in different colors from black to blue to green and yellow paint. Streaming all over my hair and face down to the floor. The rest of the room went quiet as well as Roxy and Molly did. Staring at me as I slowly got up. I looked up at Molly with the brightest smile I could. "Do I atleast look pretty?" I said with a small laugh as Molly went from sobbing to surprised and from snickering to laughing out loud. almost as hard as she could. Roxy looking at me with shock and concern. But I signaled her to focus on the child. sinds I atleast got her to laugh again. Roxy blinks a view times before grabbing a small sponge and starting to erase the small black patch on the girl's cheek before starting to redo the paint job on that spot. "There we go. Now you look just like the best Rockstar." Roxy said to her as she was overjoyed. Taking Roxy to the photo stand to take pictures. One of the other parents grabbed the running kid from before. berating him for what happened. Making him cry from misbehaving so much. I went to the back corner of the room through a storage closet door. Grabbing a mop and bucket on wheels. I then started to spend the rest of the time cleaning first my face with a towel as I then started to clean the pain spots off of the floor. Roxy tended to the other kids and adults. As well as the birthday girl giving them all more photos. Autographs. And over all words of encouragement as they return it with praise for Roxy. Every cheer from them or for Roxy was another moment I smiled throughout the cleaning. Roxy even tended to the needs of some adults as well after the kids were getting candy and gifts for the birthday girl. Of course Roxy joined them when she gave Molly a Roxy plushy as a present. And got a big hug in return. I didn't pay much attention to them as I was busy calling over a small wet floor sign robot to stay at the spot or around the spots I cleaned up. After everyone had their fun and last pictures taken. Roxy spoke up as she waved them goodbye. "Come back soon my little Rockstars!" She Said before they went towards the exit of Roxy Raceway. I let out a sigh but with a smile. "Good job Roxy. You were the best as always." I said as I heard her walk towards me in a somewhat jog. "So did you. You didn't get hurt too badly did you?" She asked as she slowly moved her claws through my hair. Still sticky with the paint as I didn't get a chance to clean that off. "It's okay Roxy. Maby a small bit. but I am more glad it didn't ruin the party for the birthday kid. And I was happy you got my signal to keep your focus on the children. You're really good with kids. Even adults." That made her smile. "Thank you. I may be the best. but. you helped out too." She said as I shook my head. "Nah. I Didn't do anything. I just cleaned up. You're the real star making the smiles last forever on their faces." I say as her ears drooped. Looking a bit apologetic. "Oh my Rockstar. Whatever will I do with you?" She thought for a bit. Taking a glance over to the chairs and carts with Make-up and beauty equipment that was still left on it. "You know. Maybe we should wash that stuff out of your hair. You can't be on your best when you look like a pizza fell on top of your head. Besides, I already was gonna give you a make-over. So are you ready for a practice round~?" She said as I blushed. "A. Are you sure? I don't want to take up your time nor make you do this. Plus it wasn't even your fault." I try to argue. but before I knew it. I felt two big hands and claws press against my back as she pushed me towards the hair washing chair. "And let my Rockstar stay like that? Ha! I don't think so! Now lay down and relax. I promise I'll be careful. I'm gonna wash it and snip off the dead hair points. Then it's ready to be styled." She said, Already having a full plan in her mind. I layed down slowly and tried to get comfortable. "I didn't know you had this kind of experience." I asked as she laughed a bit. "Oh really? Who do you think gave Monty his new look ones he joined the band?" She asked as I looked surprised. "You? You gave him the Glamrock look?" I asked as she grabbed a soap bottle from a small cabinet below the wash bucket. "Sure did. And I am proud of my work, if I may say so myself. He looked ready to impress and be part of us. It took a while to get his hair right. But nothing the best couldnt handle!" She said proudly as she started to turn on the faucet as warm water came through and she put the hair wash in my. Well. hair. "I never knew you were waterproof Roxy." I said in a questioning tone. I do remember she wasn't acting weirdly after the fizzy drink incident. "It's a beauty secret~" she said as she winked. Now it made a lot more sense. "Besides. I don't only treat kids here. Sometimes a good adult wants to be treated like the best. From. the best. Who would I be from refusing that~? And well. You deserve it more than you know." I nodded and then blushed at the last part. Laying down relaxing as I put my really long hair back for Roxy as she stood behind me. Carefully holding it as she laid everything in the sink like a basket that I rested against. My hair was really long, but it only made Roxy more excited to see what she could do with this in the future. She then started to use her hands to rub the shampoo over my head. I was surprised that not a single sharp pain or pull was felt while she was busy. Even with her claws I expected her to claw at my head or make a hair stuck between her small openings in her hand shell. But nothing at all. I Could truly relax as she washed my hair threw. Taking a closer look at it. "Your hair is beautiful~." Roxy said as I blushed and responded with. "Your tail is beautiful. Everyone loves you. Me especially~." I said as I took her by surprise by repeating her lines. but then swap out some of it with my own text. Getting a small laugh from the Robotic Wolf Beauty. "Then I'll make sure WE will look like the best. and now you'll be treated by the best." She said as I blushed more. The feeling of her washing away the soap made me only more relaxed. she was skilled but swift. Making sure she got every last spot as my hair looked as clean as ever. She held a hand out towards me as I held it. Taking me to a sort of barber chair as I sat down in front of a mirror. The sound of metal clinging was heard as she grabbed a cart with some barber equipment. Grabbing a come and a pair of sheers and started to come my hair. she was in her working element. But she noticed that I'd almost refused to look in the mirror. "Is something wrong rockstar?" She asked as I nodded a bit. "I. I don't like mirrors a lot. " She scoffed as she always loved to admire herself in one. "Really? Your scared of mirror's? Don't you want to see how you look? Making sure you got everything right?" She asked as i got a bit uncomfortable. "I don't know. There. Is not much to look at." I said back as she reiterated. "Come on. It's not that hard. just look into the mirror and say how beautiful you are. Here. I'll help you." She said pushing a bit. But I just said. "I. I can't." Which made her ears perk up. "Oh? Why not? Your not a loser remember? Your you. Tell yourself that you look great. You look beautiful." I slightly grunted as I said. "Because I can't! I can't Roxy. I'm not pretty like all of you. I am not Beautiful. I hate my face. I hate my voice. I look like an unbaked chocolate chip and raisen cookie that still needs to be put into the oven. I can't tell myself that I'm beautiful because I. am. not. I'm not. I'm sorry. I'm just a loser." I said from a slightly mad tone to a somber one. Roxy seemed to freeze up a bit. Making me slightly worried that I said something wrong. "I. I'm sorry Roxy! Woo! I shood keep that under the blankets don't you think so to?" I said in a forced cheery tone as that didn't seem to do anything. She blinks a bit before looking in the mirror herself. looking at my reflection and then back at her's. "You. Really dislike yourself that much?" She asked almost softly. Making me slightly nod. "It's. why I avoid mirrors at any chance I can. I don't want to see how I look. Each time how much worst it had gotten. i don't want to be reminded of what I look like. Like a looser." I said softly. Then seeing Roxy looking down as well. She took another look in the mirror before she looked at herself and back at me. "Not. A. Loser. no. No!" I hear her wisper softly and then yelled. I jumped at it as she started to growl angrily Digging her nails in the seat as she turned my chair around. Looking me directly into my eyes with a mad expression. "Lissen here you. You are NOT a loser! Your not ugly and you arn't the worst! You are better then this! Your not nothing. And you have proven that so. I don't care how you think you look. My eyes are very different. I. can. see. you. The real you. under all of that. You are still you. The best Rockstar I could wish for. And i wouldn't want you any other way! You got that?! Please Arthur. Don't talk about yourself like that. You're not a loser. You're my Rockstar." She said as she went from mad to concerned and sad. Slowly tearing up as I started to cry. "I'm sorry. Roxy. I'm so sorry Roxy." I feel Roxy wraps her arms around my chest in a hug. "Shh. It's okay Rockstar. I'm here for you. Just like you were here for me." She said Trying to comfort me. She could feel my frustration and panic clearly. Slowly moving her arm up and down my back. Her claws softly scraping over my shirt. I slowly wrap my arms around her for a hug. Trying to calm me down. "Don't be scared. My little Rockstar. I. I got an idea to help. But i'll need time. And if you'd allow me. You could help me with some practice. I can try to make a start." She said as she pointed at the make-up and hair equipment tools around. "I promise you. that You will look as good as new. Or even better once I'm done with you." I sniffed a bit as I grabbed a clean tissue from my pocket and blew my nose. " y. Yes. You may. Roxy." I say as she got a happy look in her eyes. She smiled as she just gave a nod and turned me around again to face the mirror. "Firstly. I got to start with your hair." She said as she started to come it and started to cut away any dead hair points at the bottom of my hair. It was easier with the hair being so wet. snipping away as she cuts all the dead hairs away. After that I could see in the mirror that she grabbed a brush and started to brush my hair. She was so gentle as I didn't feel a single sting of pain. as she then grabbed a hairdryer and started to dry my long hair off. Getting it all back smooth and puffy as ever. She looked closely at it as she grabbed a handful of hair. and kept it in front of me like a hair bang. "Your hair. Is. Truly beautiful." She said. Making me smile from the compliment. Eventually finishing the brushing as it was free of any tangles that were in it. She started to grab a sort of spray bottle. Starting to spray my hair in. i didn't question it and let the pro do her work. It was making my hair quite puffy looking. She kept on styling it and slightly pushing it in certain directions. Rubbing it here and pushing it there. I wasn't paying much attention as she held out a hand full of hair. I started to see a slight pattern. But when she started to put some Gel in that front hanging hair bang. I saw exactly what she was doing. My hair looked like a brown colored version of Roxy's own hair. With her green hair bang that sticks out also aligned with the one she was styling now with the smallest amount of hair gel possible. I looked at my hair in the mirror as I stared at Roxy's reflection. "I. I look. "I look like." But before I could finish it. She said. "Like me. And the hair suits you greatly, Rock star." she said as i inspected my new rocking hairstyle. waiting a bit before she asked. "Should we stop here? or shall I continue?" she asked as she didn't want to overstep any boundaries. I wasn't too sure. I looked at my hair in the mirror. I've Never been able to style it like this before. But I didn't hate it. It was. Kinda nice. "It does. Look pretty. " I say as Roxy perks up at that. "Go. Go ahead. You're the expert here Roxy." I said as she smiled. Pulling another small cart close to her with all sorts of hair paints and make up equipment. I slightly gulped as I just leaned against the chair. Seeing Roxy grabbing a spray bottle as she started to spray that in my hair. Soon my hair started to look more and more silver. Making sure it mixed well with the already spray layer that was in my hair. I watched as she made my brown hair into fully silver colored hair. I took a double take as I slightly moved my head. If I didn't know any better. I thought I was wearing an Animatronic wig of Roxy. But this was all real. Stylish and beautiful. She then grabbed my seat as she started to turn me around. Now facing her again as she grabbed what looked like a black spray can and started to grab the hairbang she had gelled in. "Close your eyes." She said as I did so. Hearing her Starting to spray it til it looked pure black. I wasn't sure about the look. But I also didn't protest out of curiosity. Watching her as she puts the spraycan down and moving a makeup tray closer as she grabbed a brush and held it up. "Are you ready?" I nodded as I watched her dip the brush into the same color black paint as my hair. Or at least it looked like it. "Close your eyes again." she said again as i did. Feeling her put the brush on my eyelids for a bit. "Good. you can open them." She said as I blinked a few times. I then see her hold up some lipstick. Holding my chin and cheeks with her hand. Out of instinct I started to pucker my lips as she put on the matching lipstick. Puckering it or atleast I thought that is what you're supposed to do. Seeing her smile made me smile brightly too. She grabbed the puffy brush again and put some more black on my cheeks. Putting all the tools down and putting a hand on my chair as she stood up. "are you ready to see my glamrock work~?" She said as I nodded. Turning me around as I saw myself. I couldn't believe how I looked. From the make up as well as the overall look. I looked similar to Roxy. Well. Even more now. She gave me matching make-up on my eyelids and black stripes on my cheeks. Black lipstick that matches my now full black sprayed hair bang. making it stick out like her green hairbang did. I was slightly happy at looking at her amazing work. Flicking my hair back as I say happily. "You did amazingly. I love the color that you used. I still can't believe you managed to get the hair so well. It looks exactly like you!" I am amazed at her makeup skills. Making her boast happily. "Of course! It may be practice. but I wanted to make sure you looked like the best. And thank you. This helps me a lot with some adjustments I could make." She said as I smiled and gave a thumbs up. "It's a pleasure. Plus at least I look kinda adorable. Or more so even." I say as Roxy walked closer to me. Putting a hand on my shoulder. "Want to take a photo? it will last longer. We have a photo stand in the corner. Besides, It will give me a reference for later." She asked as I nodded. "You betcha! I want to remember this moment and for sure this look." I said as we walked towards the little camera and background screen set up. Turning on a light here and there before Roxy turns the camera and presses a button. Hearing it click as it must be on a timer. "Say. "I'M THE BEST!" She said instead of cheese. I wrapped an arm around her middle as she put hers on my shoulder. i gave a small set of peace signs. "I-i am the best!" I said my best as the bright flash happened and the picture was taken. I wanted to let go of Roxy but I felt her hand get a tighter grip on me. Almost pulling me in. I looked worried as she was jittering and struggling. Almost as if she was glitching out. Then she just slumped. I looked shocked at Roxy as I held her arm that was still Over my shoulder. "R-Roxy? Roxy? A-are you okay?" I panicked as i See her body jitter and glitch all over. her arm over me was glitching and spasming. which scared me. I tried to hold her as her slumped over body put some extra weight on me. It stayed like that for a few seconds. Before I wanted to get help I saw her look up again. Slowly seeming to hold her head. "Right. The stupid workers still haven't fixed that." She said as I looked confused. And then remembering what happened. The flash must have stunned her. "Roxy! Are you okay?" I asked as she slowly came by. "I'm. I'm fine rockstar. They always forget to turn off the flash on the camera. You didn't get hurt did you?" I shook my head. "No I didn't. Just held your arm as it twitched. But it didn't hurt. I'm more worried about you." I Said as she let go of my shoulder and nodded. "Don't worry. I'm Fine. I'm fine now." I rubbed her back as she got back her confident Self. "I should still thank you for helping me with my make-up practice. Are you ready to wash it all out? Don't worry. I'll do the cleaning." She said as I nodded. Walking unenthusiastically back to the hair washing chair. I took a moment in the mirror as I looked at myself. before looking away and sitting back down. "It's a slight shame that i need to wash it out. But. Thank you. for making someone like me look pretty." I said as she stopped a bit and wrapped her arms around me. Looking in the mirror too. "If you ever need another make-over. Don't be scared to ask me. Okay? I'll promise I'll make each time the best and even better than the previous one. I might even bring some outfits later." She said as I smiled and nodded. "Thank you Roxy." I said back as I walked with her back and layed down in the seat. She started to clean out my hair again as the silver and black as well as the gel was washed out. Letting my long hair return to its smooth hanging brown. After that I just turned around and sat on my knees as I used the warm water to wash my face clean. Roxy handed me a towel as I dried it off. I sigh a bit at Seeing my normal face back in the mirror and looking away. Roxy picking up on my change of demeanor. But it still stayed silent. I got up as I smiled. "thank you Roxy. You have no idea how long ago it was that anyone did something like this for me. Even. At all." I said happily and a bit somberly. "It's nothing Rockstar~ you did enough for us. And me. So it's the least I could do. Plus this gives me enough reference to one day do your real make over. You. Did really look beautiful." She said as I bowed. "All thanks to the best." I smiled brightly as I said that. After the cleanup of the charts with the makeup stuff was done. I thanked Roxy. I hugged her goodbye and went through the pizza plex again. When I looked outside I could see it was getting pretty dark. So I decided to go back to the main reception and help people check out. There where staff bots that were taking care of it as well as the self check out spot. But doing it manually just made it easier for the handicapped or new customers to check out. After a while I managed to help the last customers as I checked the fazwatch cameras just to see what's going on. I could see some stuff I could clean up. Looking around as I see everyone back into their own green rooms. Besides Freddy. Monty. and Bonnie. Who seem to rest in Monty's green room. Sitting on Monty's couch as they seem to be talking. I better not disturb them. So instead I'll be going and cleaning the leftover trash up In the main atrium and near Roxy Raceway. I even found a pizza slice on one of the golden Freddy statue. It was annoying to clean it up but satisfying as it got its old shine back. It took at least an hour to get it all cleaned up. After that.
I went to the restaurant and made another pizza ready for Chica. as well as delivering it to her room. I made sure it's the best tasting one yet. Before I went back down to the underground tunnels towards parts and service. With only one goal to accomplish. I Take a look at Mangle's cart as I start to push it and her into the protective cylinder. Putting her in the laying chair as I look her over. Her arm was snapped in half and slightly bend. As the upper arm was still on her body. Like someone was trying to snap a twig in half by constantly twisting it up and down. The still dirty black glop of hair on her face. Her hand missing some fingers as one the broken off arm missed the entire hand. Her skirt was Torn and the part that was still on was hanging by a threat. One of Her legs was decently intact. Even though it was filthy and under the scratch marks. The other one was crushed and torn off partly as well as the arm was. Her tail was missing all together as I can still see the small spot where it's supposed to be on her body. her head shell was still missing a chunk and one eye had popped like a light bulb. I went outside the cylinder for a bit as I took the crates one by one to the back of Parts and service. the same spot where I found the other animatronic shell parts. I looked around as I saw parts of Sun. Moon. Chica. Roxy. Freddy. Monty. and then Bonnie again. And 2 empty dusted spaces next to them. I can see a lot of Dust and cobwebs everywhere. I thought for a bit as I put my shirt far enough to cover my arm. Cleaning away the cobwebs and dust from the hooks and planks. Then grab Mangle's parts from her crate and placed them on the planks and hooks. The only way I saw which one was which was from an old torn pirate flag hanging from a screw by one of the planks. Making me know that that's where Foxy's parts go. And now Mangle's at the other one. I look at the other animatronic parts placements as examples where what part needs to go where. In the back I even saw some loose endo skeletons. Seems like a view of them had fallen over. One seemed to be missing an arm and a leg. Some just an ear or tail. and some where just loose parts. Seems like this must be where the robotic repair arms retrieve the replacement parts for the repairs. But one was so intertwined with another endo skeleton. That I couldn't even move them. So I let them be. I grabbed the final endo skeleton as I put it against the wall near Mangle's parts. I wasn't sure where they needed to be placed to get new parts from them. I looked at the other animatronic stands to see if I could find any place I can put these endos on. I see only by Chica a left over torso hanging on the most left side Of her parts section. seeing it hanging on 2 metal hooks. i checked the rest as each section had these same 2 hooks. I removed the torso from Chica's spot. Lifting up some of the fallen over endo skeletons as i put each one on a set of hooks by each animatronic section. dragging two endo skeletons to the hooks by Mangle's and Foxy's sections as well. Save and secure. I then grabbed the crate with Foxy's parts as I placed them in his section. Now all the animatronics sections are full of replacement parts. From shells to hooks to voice boxes to eyes and more. I looked satisfied as I heard something creak. My mind played tricks on me as I swore I could hear a click or a scrape. Maybe both of some sort. But after listening for so long. There was nothing. The only thing I saw was that the heads of the endo skeletons were turned towards my direction. it was kinda creepy. so I just moved them to look away instead. I shook my head as I went back to the main part of parts and service. Going back to the console and putting in what parts needed to be replaced. Then entering the protective cylinder again. I feel Mangle's body as I put a hand on it. Seeing the cracks. The scars and mostly broken parts made me feel so sorry for her. Putting my hand on her face to push away her dirty glob of hair as I looked at her. "Don't worry. You're gonna be okay. I did this before. so I can do it again." I say as I hear the door close and watch the robotic hook arms descended downwards. Slowly clicking off the plastic Parts of the broken and filthy outer shell. I removed the broken shell completely. I also removed one broken eye and cleaned up the socket before cleaning the other one as it was still intact surprisingly. Not even a scratch. I guess the hair protected it. I only needed to clean it up before I also started to clean up the rest of her endo skeleton. As I undid the parts and broken cables from the broken off leg and arm half that were still on her endo skeleton. Her body is segmented at the joints, with ball-jointed arms, hands and legs. Putting them on the side as the claws move back up. Another set of robotic arms came down with a set of bolt cutter claws. positioning themselves at the upper base of the broken leg and arm ball joints on Mangle's endo skeleton. With some humming and loud creaks. They snap! And where cut off. I removed these parts before I made sure that there was no left over metal sticking out. I froze a bit as I could swear I heard something from outside. It also sounded like creaking and scraping and a sound I couldn't describe. I listened carefully. But all I heard after it was silence. I brushed it off to just being from one of the old vent ducks or something else. Maybe An endo fell over or something. I concentrated back on Mangle. A new hand was also brought down for the ceiling arm as I grabbed onto it. I Removed the colored wires in order as I pulled out the damaged hand with the missing fingers and inserted the new hand in that spot. Pressing the colored order in reverse to make it properly attached. Looking up I also saw them bringing in a new full Arm and leg endo skeleton part. I put them against the spots where the old parts were cutted off. I see 2 other metal repair arms coming down. But these ones had small metal plates on each hand. Small blue lightning was seen jolting between the plates before they were lowered down. I covered my eyes as I held the parts in place. With a quick flash of lightning they zapped the parts. now melted to the endo skeleton. When I open my eyes back up. It seemed like any other normal endo skeleton. With some work from me and the panel to connect the wires from the leg and the arm to the body and tested them by moving them in some directions. I did the same test with the normal arm and leg as a reference on how it should look and move. They seemed to match luckly. I then quickly but carefully grab the new eyes that were lowered down by the repair arms with the black protective sleeves on its fingers. Slowly but carefully inserting it into the eye sockets. A yellow eye with a dark pink eyelids. Testing the wires and movements with the console in comparison to the none damaged eye. After getting everything there ready and cleaned up. I could finally move up to the next step. Seeing the metal claws retract and bring in the parts for the outer shell. Seeing Mangle's parts all shiny and new brought a small smile to my face. Putting firstly her pink lower leg parts on. Her left leg has 2 small hollow pink hearts on them. Then putting on the Part of her palms and wrists. As well as part of her feet and toes which were the same shade of pink. Seeing her dark pink claws on her hand and feet. Then placing the white shell parts on the back of their feet as well as their thighs. Then the white arms on her. Followed up by her pink shoulder pads before I moved up towards the chest and belly parts. The body had a pink sparkly color in the form of a bathing suit that came to her chest. Leaving the small upper part being white again with a small pink bowtie around her neck. She had a dark pink belt accessory that went around her lower belly with a golden ring to keep it in place. She wore the same studded bracelets around her arms like the others had. I next grabbed the brew yellow skirt as I put it around her waist. Sliding it just under the belt as little snap buttons were below it. I pushed each button on each stud as I put it into place. Pulling the belt part back over it so it looked hidden. With her shell parts on she looked quite curvy. Reminding me of Chica. She even had outlines on the chest part as if she had breasts. Though the top on Roxy's chest was bigger. Making me laugh a bit to myself. I grabbed the white neck shell as i put it around Mangle's neck. I finished the torso as I then moved up to her head. It was quite beautiful as she had a head shape like Roxy's. but being shaped more in a way that resembled a fox-like appearance. a faint pink color was around her eyes with black eyebrows. as her whole muzzle was faintly pink too. With more dark pink cheeks as well as her plastic lips. her ears were white with the inside being the same faint pink. She wore a golden hoop earring on each white ear with a pink inner ear. where There was a big rubber bang on the front of her head as well as a huge bush of rubber hair on the back. which had a dark pink ring around it. Almost like it's in a ponytail. her hair was white with a pink streak going through it here and there. Almost like it was made out of soft ice cream. But the texture of it felt more like rubber or a very thick latex balloon. I could feel it more clearly in the tail that was being brought down as well. A thick rubbery white tail ending with a pink covered tip as it bends slightly backwards. Like one on a husky. The tail also had a robotic base. But this one was shorter. It was covered in a rubber protective layer. Making it easier to put on the tail as it just needed to be connected to her lower back. Making movement almost impossible. But unnecessary as it bounced easily like her hair. The rubber cover protected the metal tail frame from damaging the tail balloon itself. I took a moment as I finished it up. pressing the consol button as the metal arms started to descend downwards and locked the plastic shell parts in place. After it and hearing the intercom confirm that the procedure was completed. I'd relaxed. Taking a deep sigh as I slowly put her up and back onto the cart. Then rolling her to the charging station as I put her inside of it and closed the door. Seeing the charging station starting to work on charging her as I see the first battery bar light up. I sat back down on a small chair as I checked the cameras to pass the time. I wondered how Mangle will sound like. How she'd react. I just hope she can be happy after waking up from this nightmare. I myself started to slowly doze off as well. I just in case checked if my alarm was on and luckly. it was. Then I started to sleep. My dreams where haunted by nightmares. But just the usual ones luckly. Soon awoken by the alarm. Thaking it for waking me up. I grasps for my bag and drink my morning sports drink. I stand up slowly as I look at the charging pod. Seeing that it almost was fully charged. I see the last light flash as the door slowly opens. The animatronic seemed to hold onto the door as they land on one knee. After a view seconds I slowly say. "Hello? Are you alright?" I say as she jolted back and crawled further back into the charging pod. Hearing her high pitched voice scream almost in fear as she held an arm over her face and one hand extended towards me. Swiping wildly. "No! Please! Dont hurt me! Get away!" She said as she shook in place. Shaking and Rattling her body. She was terrified. I backed off so i wouldn't get slashed by her wild swiping claw. "Mangle. its okay. I'm." But she wouldn't listen. Interrupting me as I talked. "S-stay away! I don't want to leave them behind! Chica! Foxy! Monty! Someone help please! I can't get out! It's so dark! I don't wanna die. I don't wanna leave you all! I'm scared!" She cried loudly as I stood in place. Frozen and unsure of what to do. She won't listen to me. Likely having trauma from the Mimic being able to mimic voices. And her swiping so wildly like This would not be good if I went closer either. I'd get slashed at or make her only more panicked. For a moment I stayed there as I truly wasn't sure what to do. But then I got an idea. I went back to my bag as I started to grab a hold of my plushies. Starting off with my Chica plushie. Slowly throwing it as it rolled towards her. It landed near her feet outside of the charging pod. Her body tenses up as she feels it ever so slightly bounce against her body. Swiping at whatever it was as her claw scraped against the floor as she missed the plushy by a millimeter. She still kept on sobbing as I could see her move her arm over her head slightly. Needing to see what bounced off of her. Her shaking got a bit lesser as her yellow eyes focused on the now laying Chica plushie. With a light but curious and still sobbing voice I hear her mutter out. "C. Chica?" She slowly reached her hand out to the plushy. Shaking still madly as she slowly poked it. pulling back to see if it's real or not. Before grabbing a hold onto it. Slowly pulling it in. "Chica. Oh Chica." She says softly before hugging the plushy still shaking and sobbing but already a bit lesser. "I'm. I'm so sorry Chica. I don't want to be here anymore. You always helped me when I was scared or sad. I just want to come back. I want to see you again. I just want to eat pizza together. I just. I wanna. Chica." She said as her almost whispers of pleading begs hitted me right into my heart. Taking a moment before I started to roll the next plushy towards her. The Monty plushy. I wasn't sure if it would work sinds its still slightly damaged. She reacted the same way when I threw it and it bounced against her leg. Jolting back. Then slowly looking down and seeing the plushy there. reaching out and grabbing it. "Monty. You always were there when people made fun of me or bullied me. Even if it meant you being taught a lesson. You always said it was nothing when you came back. If you were here. Why? Why didn't I listen to you? I just wanted to. I just wanted to help." She said with more tears in her voice. But she did stop shivering ever so slightly. I slowly rolled the next one carefully towards her. My precious Roxy plushy. This time she didn't even flinch. Slowly reaching out for it without pulling back. "Oh Roxy. You always were the best. Helping me with makeup. Coming to me when I was crying. You always gave me a shoulder pad to cry on. I hope you still know you are the best. You always taught me to be more confident. And helped with Monty and the others against Bullies. You were like a sister to me. Please. Come back. I want to come back. To all of you." She says as she hugs all the 3 animatronic plushies. Her shaking had Fully stopped as she was just seeming to rest there. Cradling the plushies as she let her head rest on top of them. Almost like she was sleeping. I stayed there by her side. Sitting and sometimes taking a sip from my drink as I just sat there. Slowly starting to hum the pizza plex elevator music. "Hm hmm. Hm. Hm .hmhm. hm. Hm." I kept on humming as I saw her slowly turn her head a bit. Her tail slightly creaks as it moved softly. Almost like she's rocking herself slightly forward and backwards in self comfort. Her pink ice cream like rubber hair bobbing a bit around. She slowly started to let her arms and legs relax. Still hugging the plushies like they are her lifeline. slowly looking upwards from them. her bright yellow eyes looking around the room. Then her mouth hangs open all out in shock. looking at me and then around the room. Taking in her location as well as finally seeming to notice the Charging pod. Slowly before going back to me. "Where. Am I?" She asks as her eyes jolted back to me as soon as she glanced over at me. "Who? Are you?" She asked as I smiled brightly. "Hello Mangle. Welcome back. I'm Arthur. The new security guard. You're in parts and service." I said in a calm tone as her jaw dropped even more. "What. happened to you?! Oh! Are you okay?! Are you hurt?" She took a step forward but then right away pulled back again. I smile as I like how everyone seems to have that reaction when they look at my bandaged up body. I stand up as I walk closer to her. Stopping as she took a step back. I put out my hand towards her. Holding it up slowly so she can decide to take it or not on her own accord. She shakingly again tried to reach out to my hand. Pulling back as she poked it with her nail. Before slowly putting it back on top of my hand. Almost giving it a squeeze as She looked up with a hopeful gaze. "You. You are real." She said as I looked a bit curious. But I still nodded happily. "Yes. I am." I slowly stand up and try my best to help her up. She stood up with me. "Did. Did you repair me?" She asked as I nodded. "I did my best at least." I said as She then looked down at my injuries before she looked at the stuffed animals. " are. are these yours?" I rubbed the back of my head. "Sure are. But not just any plushies. These are special to me. I got them in some beautiful moments." I say as I look back Seeing her apologetic look as i stammer out. "but if you want to keep them then I'd be fine with that too!" I quickly replied as I didn't want to take her comfort away. She looked at me slightly worried as she held the plushies tighter. "What about that monster? were is it?" She asked as her eyes darted around. But I gave a smile. "He won't be doing that again. He's too busy being crushed by an elevator platform. That may or may not have been my fault." I say with a slight smirk as I didn't hide my sarcasm at all. She looked at me wide eyed. "Gone. For good?" She asked no one in particular. We stayed there for a moment as she took in all the information. Soon jolting up as she remembered something. looking around frantically. but her maw was shut as she saw and made a dash for the still broken Foxy. "Oh no. No please no. This. This is all my fault. Isn't it? I'm so sorry. Foxy." She said to herself as she reached out to touch his body. but pulled back out of fear that she'd make it even worse. I go to her side as I put my arm on hers. "Don't worry Mangle. He won't be like this for long. Just like how Bonnie and you were repaired. I shall repair him too." I said with a reassuring smile. Her eyes looked hopefully at me and sad at the same time. Looking for confirmation . Though I did not mind it one bit. "is Bonnie okay? Did he get hurt?" She asked in the most sorry tone I could imagine. Maybe thinking that it was somehow all her fault. I'd informed her. "Yes he did. But it wasn't your fault. That thing tricked him away. Tricked All of you. But you're here safe now. The Monster is gone for good. And the others will be more than happy to see you again Mangle." I said as she seemed to take a deep breath or something. Closing her eyes as she opens them again. slowly putting the plushies down on the floor as she then looked straight at me. her arms slowly opened up as she took small and careful metal steps closer to me. I did not dare to move as I saw her sad eyes looking at me as she came closer and closer. Once she was inches from my body. I looked up at her as she started to slowly wrap her arms around me. Softly and gentle like as I slowly and softly put my hands in her arms and kept tracing them along it til they also hugged her back. Then she started to cry. "Thank you Sweet Star. I was so alone. So. So scared. So. Sorry." She said as her grip tightened around me as I did the same to her. "Don't worry Mangle. I'll never let that happen ever again. That monster is gone now. and everyone is here. Everyones gonna be okay. Your gonna be okay." I said as i softly rub her hair. It really felt like a thick rubber balloon. but it wasn't unpleasant. "How. how are you feeling now?" I asked as she slowly lets go off me. "I'm. I'm fine. Are you?" She asked as i nodded. "Ofcorce. Plus the show must go on am i right?" I say as she thought about that. "Show. The others. Can I see the others?" She asked as I smiled. "For sure. Hm. Although. If you want. We could suprice them." I said as she tilted her head. "Suprice them?" She asked as I nodded. " Let me ask you this. Do you think your feeling well enough to perform?" She slightly bounced in place as I knew exactly what to do. Monty was testing his base out with Bonnie. Getting tips to tune it up or down a little. When he got it in the right tune. Monty puts down the bass and turned to face Bonnie. "So. You bin treated well Bonnie?" He asked as Bonnie smiled. "Oh! Yeah! I've bin great. Just hopping along. But it is quite exhausting. The bowling alley is as busy as can be. But i bet it will die down with time. How about you?" Monty grunted a bit. "Fine. Got less questions about you. so thats a start. There is this one kid who's obsessed with me. It's strange but. Nice. Better then the usual insults and guard chasing people for throwing stuff at me. Freddy does seem to be acting strange around me. But not necessarily in a bad way. I need to sometimes snap him out of it. Just making sure he's doing fine." He said as Bonnie smiled. "I'm glad your looking out for Freddy. Ive bin worried ever sinds for him." Monty laughs a small bit. "Ah don't worry Bonnie. There needs to happen a lot more to get that bear down. You would not beliefe." He said as Bonnie puts a hand on his shoulder. "And I'm glad to see you became an even brighter star." Monty smirks as he wraps his arm around Bonnie. "Oh come here bon bon." Monty says as he held him in a one armed hug. Bonnie hugs back before they stood back up. Seeing Freddy walking up to them. "Hi Monty. Hi Bonnie. How are you two feeling?" He asked as Bonnie and monty answered. "Doing great. But are you feeling alright?" "It's fine. But Bonnie's right. You seem a bit tense." They asked as his ears drooped a bit. "I'm fine. Just nervous." This made monty and Bonnie raise a eyebrow. Or in this case. lowered one eyelit ever so slightly. "Nervous before a show? Now that ain't like you Freadbear. I mean Freddy." Monty said as he corrected himself. "Whats wrong Super Star?" Bonnie asked with a wink and a small soft elbow bump. Freddy taking a moment. "Are. Are you Two really comfortable with being on stage with me?" This took them by suprice as they go wide eyed. "What?" Monty let's out as bonnies puts a hand on his shoulder pad. "What makes you think we wouldn't be Freddy?" He just looks more down. "I. Well. I still am not sure if i shood be up there." Bonnie finishes his sentence. "You still feel sorry for what happened?" He nodded as Monty walked closer to freddy. "Now that's a bunch of scrap if I ever heard it!" This cought Freddy and Bonnie off guard. "But Monty I. I Can’t just go out there and act like nothing happened. Especially to you." Monty crosses his arms. "And what about the kids then? Shood they also expect you to not be on stage anymore? These little runts still care about you you know." Bonnie agreed somewhat. "He's right Freddy. They will need you on stage." Freddy's expression didn't change. Maby it's better for them too." Bonnie looked wide eyed. "What? You can't be serious Freddy!" Bonnie said as they heard a groan from Monty. Walking close to Freddy as he puts both of his hands on Freddy's shoulder pads. Making Bonnie jerk his hand back. "Lissen here Freddy. Yes i did have an awful time after what happened. Being Blamed and having things thrown at me. Threats and taunts yelled at me. I. I was the most hated animatronic in the Entire pizza plex. I bet the only reason I wasn't scrapped was because I was Bonnie's replacement. And I dealt with it all. Even when i saw you in dispair at the news. I should have been happy when I saw you so hurt for everything that has happened to me. But. I wasn't. I don't feel any satisfaction. no joy. Only sadness at seeing you like that. Yes you made one mistake. Big deal. It Doesn't mean that you're a bad person now. Animatronic. Bear. Whatever! I've made my fair share of mistakes. Raging against customers. Not showing up for shows. Misplacing or destroying your images in my golf course. You name it. And even now. no one is thinking any lesser of you. Heck. Even I would have at least punched you if you were in my place. But it doesn't matter anymore. Bonnie is back and was more than happy to see you again. To see us. Lissen. You feel sorry for what you did. And I feel sorry for what I did. That was all that matters here. so Please. Freddy. Don't be like me. Don't lock yourself away from everyone. Don't shrug off our concern. Be better. Get your singing butt up that stage and show the kids who they look up to. Why you are booked for most parties? Why you are the face of the Pizza Plex. Why you are the. Super Star." Freddy and Bonnie looked in amazement. Staying silent as Freddy broke it. "Wow. I'm. not sure what to say Monty." This got a snicker from him as he got closer and wrapped an arm around Freddy. "Guess I just thought i grow up as well. Even a little. Plus you both are darn adorable." He said as Freddy gave Monty a big bear hug. Getting no struggle from Monty as he slowly hugs him back. Bonnie smiling satisfied. "Aww isn't that cute?" he said as Monty smirked and grabbed his hand. "Oh you're not avoiding this bon Bon." And pulled him in the group hug. For a moment the world seemed to be perfect. As they stay in each other's embrace. Only releasing a view seconds later. They gave each other a nod as they saw Chica and Roxy watching the whole ordeal. But didn't say a thing as they pretended to work on their instruments. The others are grabbing theirs as well before Freddy said loudly. "Alright. Is everyone Ready for show time?" Freddy asked. "Heck yeah! Rock and roll! Let's hop on the beat! Let's do this!" Roxy. Monty. Bonnie. and chica. replied as they went on the stage lift and got lifted up to the main stage. Then getting into positions for the rather large crowd. Waving at them and posing a bit to give the crowd a good view of the animatronic stars. Bonnie joined Monty on his spot on the stage as they all gave each other a nod. Ready to perform. But when they wanted to start their show. the lights started to flicker and glitch before turning off again. "What's wrong?" Did something happen?" Bonnie asked worriedly. "Again?!" Roxy said annoyed as she looked around. "Why does this keep happening?" Chica asks. "If someone tries anything on any of us. I'll beat them up so much it won't even be funny!" Monty said growling. "Stay calm everyone. I think I know what's going on." Freddy said to everyone. Hearing a new voice as the same green lazer light shined against the back of the stage again. Making the shape of a fox this time. "Now this looks like a lot of fun! The beat is sweet and here to stay. Mind if I come out to drum and play? So many stars on stage and a new one came through. If you'd allow me, I will join in too." The female voice Said as the first one to perk up was Chica. "Wait! I know that voice! No way!" She said as she looked around frantically. "Wait really? It does sound familiar." Monty said. "I thought I heard something sweet. But it smells sweeter than my fizzy Fazz." Roxy said. "Well come hop along! There's room enough for everyone to rock out! Anyone can be a star on this stage. And you too hopstars. '' Bonnie said as he pointed at the crowd. The stage lift slowly descends back as it arises. the spotlights come back up on it. Exposing Glamrock Mangle on top of it. She waved at the surprised but pleasant crowd. Standing behind what looked like a drum set. The drums were white as the edges were pink. And most of the gold stayed in the same places like a normal drum set. The spotlights followed her as she rolled her drums on wheels forward til she stood next to Chica. Putting the drums on there breaks as Chica runs up to her and hugs Mangle. Mangle of course did the same right away and hugged Chica. "Mangle! I can't believe it's you! You look so good. I was so scared. but now you're here! On stage even!" Chica exclaimed in happiness. "I can't believe I see you Chica! Is that a new outer shell or did you lose weight? Oh it is so amazingly sweet to see you again!" She said happily. They both didn't want to let go of each other's embrace. but they needed to as they remember that they had a cheering crowd to perform for. Roxy and Monty look back at the second floor as I smile and wave again. Chica and Mangle frantically waved at me as they spotted me. I stood there again with the projector below me as I waved back at them happily. Giving a nod and a rocking air gesture motion as Mangle gave Chica a quick kiss. Chica rubbed her cheek as she let out a chicken "baka?!" Again making Mangle laugh. "Some things never change. And I'm so happy they didn't." She was going back to her drumset before grabbing her drumsticks and actually playing the drums. After doing a soft test solo as She got a small cheer from the crowd. Making her confidence skyrocket. "Now who's ready for the sweetest Glamrock performance of their lives?!" She said happily as the others grabbed a hold onto their own instruments and started to play. I could hear parts of the song where the drums would mix in are much more clearer than ever. as well as the others join in to fully rock. Even though Mangle needed to stay close to her drumset. She was the most energetic of them all. Jumping and spinning from time to time. Throwing her sticks in the air before catching them and slamming them down on the drums as the beat dropped. It was quite a delight to see and listen to. Seeing the bright smile on Chica's face as they both smiled at each other. That was more than worth it. Even when the performance was finished. Mangle would unlock her drumset and roll it back to the main stage elevator platform. Seeing them all wave as they stood on it. Chica and Mangle hugged more as it descended downwards. I leaned over the railing to listen to the gossip of the retreating crowd downstairs. "Who was that? A new animatronic? No. I think I remember that one. glamrock Mangle if i'm correct. Didn't she used to run a food stand? Yeah. My dad used to take me there. Their candies were good on the go. Wasn't it ice cream? I think both. Kinda like her hair? Maybe. I had cotton candy ones. She looked nice." I listen as I smirk at the positive but quiet reception of her. I did forget all about the food cart. I wonder if it's still around somewhere. With a satisfied smile I turned around and started to walk back to rockstar row to meet up with them. and make sure they will be able to relax a bit after that concert. They deserve it.

Chapter 15

Chapter Text

15. When I went back to Rock Star Row. I found all 6 animatronic stars walking out of their green room doors. Seeing them as I walked closer with my jacket on as a makeshift cape. It has been quite cold with the harsh rainy weather outside. Chica and Mangle walking hand in hand as I see Monty. Bonnie. and Freddy walk with each other. With Roxy at the back. I gave a slight smirk as I looked at Mangle and Chica. "I always wondered where that drum rocking part of the song was coming from. And now I can see the one responsible for it. Rocking job Mangle. As well as everyone here." I say with a small rock gesture. Before I could get another word in. I could see Chica and Mangle rush towards me and put me in between them for a three way hug. "Oh! Thank you thank you so much Arthur! I can't believe you'd repaired her so soon! I'm so happy to see her again!" Chica said happily as Mangle added. "Thank you for rescuing me. For making it possible that I can see Chica and the others again! For helping me through the start. For this second chance. I can't be more grateful!" Mangle said as well. I slowly put my hands around their waist as I had to keep myself from not being crushed by their big and heavy hug. "No P-Problem girls." I say trying my best to embrace their hug back. "Come on Chica. Mangle. I don't want you to break him. He's gone through enough of that already." Roxy said as both Mangle and Chica backed off a bit. "Haha. What's wrong Arthur? Can't handle two very dangerous candy looking animatronics? I thought you were made of sterner steel." Monty said in an exasperating way as Chica and Mangle looked at him with a smirk. "Well. We can hug you too Monty. To Even up the playing field a bit." "Yeah. we don't want to make you feel left out after all." Their devilish smirks made Monty shiver. "N-no that be alright. I don't need hugs from anyone. Just hug each other okay?" Bonnie laughed a bit as he pet's Monty's shoulder pad. "You sure you don't take it from anyone?" Monty crosses his arms as he grunts. "You're an exception to that Bonnie. But don't push your luck." He said fake madly as we all just laughed. "Oh ha ha. well little guard. Aren't you supposed to go home soon? I'm surprised you're still here so late. or early. '' Monty said as he wanted to divert the attention to anything this case back to me. "Hehe yes I do. But I could not leave without checking on you all and seeing if everything was alright." I said as I had some stuff still in mind. " I'll just hang around a bit more before I go. if that is alright?" I asked as freddy nodded. "Of course. You don't have to stay here only for work. You can come by as an actual customer as well. and have a faztastic day here at the pizza plex." Chica jumping in. "Oh yeah! And even more now! And sweeter than ever." She said as she looked at Mangle. I gave a happy nod as I went a bit to the side and bowed. letting them go forward without the worry of being in the way. But i did grab Roxy's hand as she stopped. "Roxy? Are you alright?" I asked honestly as she looked a bit to the side. "I'm fine. Just. It's nothing." She said. but I didn't let go of her. "Are you sure? You seem a bit distant from the group. I may have been busy a lot. but don't think I'd forget about my number one Rock Star." I said with a reassuring smile as she looked back at me. Slowly putting her other hand on mine as she held me. "Thank you. I'm just. Not used to all the attention they are getting." I nodded as it must be hard for her to not be as popular as Bonnie and Mangle for the time being. "Don't worry Roxy. As soon as the surprise dies down. They will know who the best is here to stay. You. And hey. Soon I'll make sure Foxy will be fixed up as well. then you can show everyone who is the best." I said as her head drooped a bit. "That's. What I'm worried about." She said as I looked confused. "Your. Worried about me repairing Foxy?" She shuddered a small bit. "What. If I'm not good enough. What if I'm not the best after all? What if they want him more than me? What if I don't meet up to my promised expectations? I got to be the best. I want to be the best. I Need to be the best. For his sake. and my own. And you." The grip on her hands tightened around mine. I held her other hand too as I looked seriously at her. "Roxy. With everything you do and did for the children. There is nothing anyone can be but proud of you. I know I am with how much you've grown even brighter as the star you are." This seemed to only slightly comfort her as I thought more about it. "You think. He'd be bothered about us. You know?" I was unsure. Roxy's eyes went wide as she realized how she likely came over. "Oh! No no no! It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks of my little Rock Star. Nothing's gonna change how I feel about you. no animatronic. No manager. and most definitely no scrap bot anymore thanks to you." She Said as she hugged me. "T. thank you Roxy. I must admit I'm always worried about it. About not being the best like you. to be at your side. or even being good enough for you. You are the best, greatest and most fantastic Rock Star that there is and will be in this place. But I always doubt myself to be at your side. I'm sorry." I said as I let out some small tears as I held Roxy in her embrace. Her hands rubbing on my back. "Y-you just deserve the best. You are the best. I know people will agree with me on that no matter what. You're the Rock Star that truly matters." I said before falling quiet again. Roxy Comforting me. "Just like you are my best. It's funny you can think you're not. Risking your life's for others. helping everyone around here. After all you have been threw. You are a true Rock Star." She said simply but effectively to me as I held her tighter. After a few minutes she let go of me. i Grabbed a tissue and blew my nose. "Thank you as well. I needed that. And you're one to talk. You were performing and dealing with the stress of this place even before I came here. And I could not be more happy with the best at my side. The real rock and roll Rock Star that you are. Roxanne Wolf." I said in a small exasperated tone as it seemed to cheer her mood a bit up. She posed with her hands on her hips. "Then you'd better be ready to join me on stage one day! I'll. No. We! will show them who are the best around here!" I jumped in delight and posed as well in my own pose. "Yes we wil!" We both laughed before she petted my head. "Now come along and go home my little Rock Star. You need to recharge as well." I sigh as I didn't want to leave. but I had to agree with her. "I know, i know. I don't want to go. but I know that only makes me want to see you again more. Take care my dear Roxy. You are the best!" She flicked her hair as she turned around. "I know~. Take good care of yourself. Rockstar." before she walked off as well. I went back to my bike as I went home. Waving Mike bye along the way as I see him sit at the counter. As tired as ever. Biking home satisfied and plopping my stuff down and making some delicious pasta for myself. Sitting down and playing some games and talking to my friends online before I went to bed. When I woke up. Nothing was out of the ordinary. I had my evening breakfast. changed clothes and went straight to work. Listening to my music along the way to relax. I downloaded some of the songs that played during the concert of the pizza plex. They were nice to listen to and to get me in the mood as well. I put my bike on its lock and went inside of the pizza plex. Greeting Mike at the desk. "Well hello there Mike. How was your day?" He gave a lazy thumbs up. "Was alright. We tried out some of Moon's night time activities. Some children were too scared of the dark to do it. but a small group did not run away screaming. So i Think it was Alright." I smiled as I could understand such young children would be scared of it and Moon's previous incidents in the dark. After all, I was scared of the dark when i was younger. before I preferred the dark later in my life. "Makes sense. I'll try and get him more stuff and materials to use at night. alrighty. Well. Anything else news?" I asked as he shook his head. "Not much. It wasn't as Hella busy as the time Bonnie was repaired. But some dedicated Mangle fans did show up. Gave her a big card with. happy to see you better. And welcome back to the pizza plex. and the likes. like one would give a sick teacher. I swear I have no idea what everyone sees in these animatronics." He said grunting as I smiled more. "Oh? So it wasn't too busy nor too quiet? Delightfull. And don't worry. I'm here to lighten the load Mike." I said as he nodded. "Good. I could use an early shift end anyway." He said as he wanted to leave. but I stopped him for a second. "Oh! You would not happen to know if we still have Mangle's food cart somewhere, do we?" I asked as he huffed. "That old thing? If you really must know. It's in the back of parts and service. There should be something big covering it. Like a big tarp. It's easy to miss. Just before you go right to the spare animatronic parts. But Just be careful. Those bugged out endo skeletons creep me out." I looked surprised. "Bugged out? I did see some of them stand there. What's wrong with them?" I asked as I was worried I might have used faulty parts in the repairs. "We just use them for spare parts. There is nothing wrong with the body itself. Just the a.i. chips of them are so messed up. It can't function. We could not even salvage it as they were too aggressive. You already survived one killer animatronic. I don't want you to mess with any more." He said seriously as I nodded. "Got it. Robotic monsters, cart, tarp, Be careful. Thanks Mike!" I say as I then left and started to jog towards Rock Star Row. When I arrived and saw no one there. Seems like I forgot that it was game night again. I face palmed before I checked the camera's and looked if I saw anything that needed a clean up or where the animatronics were at. I managed to see most of them at Chica's Mazersize attraction. Before I could go there. I hear heavy footsteps coming closer. Looking up from my Fazwatch as I see Mangle of all people walk towards me. "Hello there! Arthur was it? Yes! Arthur!" I smiled happily. "Indeed. How are you Mangle? What got you in such a joy?" I asked as she did a cute pose with two fingers in front of one eye and having the other one closed. "I'm great! Thank you! And I came to find you. for our mazersize try out!" She said as I looked curiously. "Really? But isn't that just for exercise? What use is it to test that out?" Mangle gave a fists on her hips pose. "Well it's to test the equipment as well as the program itself. We got to make sure it doesn't strain the body. You'd be even better sinds you would be a human example. Then we know if the exercises are too straining or not on your body. We don't wanna make someone twist their ankle from an awkward position in the training. And afterwards we can taste test the food." She said as I thought that would make sense. "True true. Can't really argue with that. And I can always go for a snack. Alright. Lead the way lollipop lady." She giggled a bit before grabbing my hand as she started to walk with me towards Chica's mazersize. "S-so mangle. How have you been holding out? Are there any problems that need to be fixed? I hope there weren't any trouble makers. If there where. I'd get them for you." I asked with a smirk as we jogged along. Making her slow down a bit. "Oh it's been wonderful! I got to see Chica a lot! Share a pizza. See Roxy race and win for the first time! See Monty do his golf thingy too. I. I did get insulted for my hair. B-but one stomp and teeth grinning look from Monty ones he came over. Made them apologize quickly then Cotton candy dipped in water. Then I watched Freddy have a lot of fun with the children at a party. They even asked me to come along for some pictures when they saw me! It was super adorable. Really much nicer children. Lastly I visited Bonnie at his bowling Alley. It was hard to get through with the amount of people that were around him. But he showed me some tricks. I always love to learn new stuff. I even got to meet a small fanclub of mine! Got this beautiful. "get well and stay swell." card from them! That was the best moment of the day! And I made sure that they had the best time of their life here!" She Said as she jumped in the air a bit and landed with a thud. "That. Sounds like quite the hectic day. But glad to hear you got the attention and joy you deserve. As for the other jerks. You wouldn't know who the people were that insulted you?" It was like a light switch as I said the first part with my usual delighted tone and the second one in an almost dead serious tone. It even made mangle do a double take. "N-no. My systems weren't up to Date yet with the main network. So I didn't know who they were. B-But if it's any consolation. Monty already gave them a good scare. So don't worry about it." I was still unsure but nodded. I could not have Anyone do something wrong to either Bonnie or Mangle. after what they experienced and went threw especially. So the best thing I could do was make sure no one treats them wrongly. "Good. I hate it when that happens and not being there to help. I'm sorry." That made Mangle look surprised a bit. "Oh! D-Dont worry Sweet Star. It's nice of you. A-and if it happens again. I'll come To you right away. I know we are gonna be great friends already!" She said happily as we soon arrived at Chica's Mazersize attraction. I remember going there once or twice. but never paid any attention to the attraction itself. We went inside as we went through a sort of hallway.hearing the intercom speak up as I heard Chica's voice say. "Welcome to Mazercise! Work off the calories or keep them up while you eat! Sign up for a membership pass today! Super cool perks include discounts on pizza. nachos. fries. and cookies! Now that's the smell of fitness!" We both listened to it as I hadn't heard it before. And I can imagine it being a nostalgic moment for Mangle. Soon following her as she opens the door for me to the first room on the right. Going inside I took a look around. I see a dark padded floor with yellow music notes as well as smaller blue stars on the ground. A small stage in the front were dumbbells. beach balls and big exercise balls. and also view sets of these exercise benches on there as well as on the normal padded floor. Before that were some tables and chairs as well as a snackbar to the left with some games and soda vending machines for Chica's fizzy fazz drink. Pink lemonade flavor. It almost seemed like a combo of a restaurant and exercise room. But it was more pleasant than I thought it would be. There is also a door that leads to the back. But instead of a storage room it led to a sort of small maze. Likely for the kids to get their energy out by running around. Seeing where they could reach the end. I couldn't see one from this angle. but i thought that there would be something. Bringing my attention back to Seeing Freddy and the others standing there. giving me a big smile. Walking up as I was glad to see them again. "Hey everyone. Are You ready for some Mazersize?" I say as best as I could with a smile. "Sure am! I'll make sure it's good and fun! Exercise and dine twice! Just make sure you put any sharp objects away from your pockets. Just put them on one of the tables." Chica said cheerfully as Roxy walked closer in for a hug. "Good to see you Rock Star." She said as I rubbed the back of my head. "It's good to see you too Roxy. I know it has only been half a day but it felt longer for me til I could see you and the others." I said embarrassed as she shook her head. "No worries. I Had the same feeling too." She said as it made me blush. Bonnie comes closer as he pets me on the back. "Good to see ya Hop Star. Hope you're ready for this." He said as I smiled. "For exercise and fun? I've yet to meet the combo. but I bet this will be my first time." I said as Mangle jumped in. "Don't worry!" This is Chica we are talking about! It's the best way to stay in shape. Or for those who want it. the opposite with enough pizza." She said with a giggle. And making Chica blush a bit. "Aww Mangle. You're too sweet. And true. All shapes and sizes are welcome here." She said as Monty walked close with Freddy. "Alright. Let's just do this. Better now then later anyway. Let's do some Mazersize." Monty said as he tried to sound enthusiastic. Likely to not hurt Chica's feelings. As Bonnie petted his shoulders. "Don't worry Monty. It won't be too bad. Maybe it will be good to see how flexible our ball joints are. As well as yourse Freddy." Monty grunted as Freddy laughed a bit. "Alright. But if something breaks you carry me to part's and service Bonnie." Monty said. Freddy only smiled and agreed. "It has been a while since I joined a proper exercise routine. And it might be good to see if your joints are working properly too Bonnie." I put off my guard gear so it wouldn't get in the way. Putting my things like flashlights. Keys. And the rest away for a bit on the table Chica pointed out to me. I don't want them to poke into my sides while I work out. But I do keep my fazwatch on just in case. Going to one of the many lower exercise benches as the others stand by one as well. Chica stood on the podium as we could see her and our reflections in a big mirror that was behind her stretching. Almost reaching the length of the entire room. It did make me able to see my own reflection. But I put on my best smile as I see Chica with an even brighter smile walking up on the stage like platform. "Alright! Is everyone ready for Mazersize?!" She asked as I and Mangle said. "Oh yeah!" The rest gave a nod before Chica spoke up again. "Alright! Then let's start off with some simple stretches!" She says as she starts to stretch her arms. Legs. Torso and more. I just mimicked the movements as best as I could. Getting a happy smile back from Chica at me paying attention. We keep this up as we stretch until we move on to the first step. One out of many ironically. "Good. now grab a step bench and put it in front of you." She said as she motioned to the piled up step benches to the side. each one of us grabbing one before going back to our places. "Start off by taking steps! Right foot first and then left foot second. and in the same way back off. 1,2,1,2." She said as we had to simply step on and off of the small benches. On and off. It wasn't too bad actually. So I kept up easily. Stopping when I saw Chica stop as well. Going to the weights as she would grab a set of small dumbells and hand them out for us to grab. It was the lightest amount of weight. "Great job! Next up.hold your weight in your left hand and stretch it as far out back as you can. Then hold it there for as long as you can. after that you switch to your other arm and weight to do the same. " She said as I did hate this kind of training. But I nonetheless did so. Managing to barely hold steady as we switched arms afterwards to do the other one. Slowly moving it back and forth next with the left arm and then the right again. When we were done with that. I grabbed my arm from the strain a bit. Chica and the others grabbed their benches as they move them to the side. I did so as well as she spoke up. "Great job! Feel the calories burn. Now we will do some on spot jogging. Come on now. You can do it." She said as she started to jog without actually walking forward. As the rest did so too. I just followed Chicas example as we all walked in place. She stepped off of the platform and pulled out some huge exercise balls. The big one's. And threw carefully one at each animatronic and me. They had to be careful with their claws to not pop them. Freddy an orange one. roxy a silver one. Monty a green one. Chica a white one. Bonnie a light blue one and Mangle a pink one. And I got a dark blue one. Kinda like a giant blueberry. We all sat down as I was surprised they could handle the weight of the animatronics. Looking back at Chica. "Are we nice and comfortable? Good! Keep your body still and stretch her torso from side to side. 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3." She says as we do as she motions. We did more of them like the decline plank. Arm and leg lift. And the Reverse hip raise and back extension. Which were a bit difficult to perform.
For. Reasons. but I managed. Eventually standing back up and doing some jumping Jacks. It was hard not to stumble from the animatronics shaking the ground slightly. Making me trip. But the exercise ball broke my fall. Making Chica jump a bit. "Oh no! Arthur! Are you okay?" She asks as I give a thumbs up. "I'm okay! I'm okay! The ball broke my fall. Maybe I should take that shape as an example. Haha!" I said laughing a bit as I stood back up. "Do be careful. If you get hurt. I can always give you first aid or bring you to the first aid station. Remember. Exercise is important. But your safety is even more!" She said as we continued the workout. Overall the rest of the workout routine wasn't too bad. But after it I still felt really tired. I keep on standing as we finish the exercise program. Chica spoke up. "Great job everyone! Now that all those calories are all burned up! You can visit the bar for a discount on pizza. nachos. Fries. and cookies! Thank you for attending Mazersize! I'll see ya soon!" We all clapped as I breathed heavily. "huff. Well. That is one great way to exercise. You did. Huff. Great Chica." I say exhausted as Roxy rubs my Back before I get my bearings again. "Yeah. it ain't too bad. Was kinda easy piecey." Monty said as I huffed. "Maybe if you got gears and metal. But I'm plain jello." I said in a joking tone. "Well you all do have a battery so you guys may just be great at this." I said acknowledging that fact. Freddy happily spoke up. "Great job everyone. Especially Chica. You did the exercise routine excellently." He said as that made Chica happier as she jumped a bit. "Thank you! You all did great too. Even you Arthur. You kept up well." I rubbed the back of my head. "Aw you're too kind Chica. Your fault for being such a good instructor." Chica wiggles in place. "Aw thank you! Then I and all of you deserve something to eat. It's the best way to Get your energy back!" She said as she walked over to the foodstand and vending machines that stood at the side of the room. I wanted to get behind the counter to help. but chica stopped me. "Nah ah! You're gonna sit down with the others. I'll get you the food. Would you like a pizza slice and some fries?" She asked. I nodded. I was glad she wanted to mix it up a bit with the fries. "Yes please. Thank you Chica." I said as I sat down at one of the tables where the others were sitting. Being waved over by Roxy as she had a seat free next to her and Monty. as Freddy and Bonnie as well as soon Chica sat in front of me. I got a flashback to a family sitting at a dinner table. Before shaking my head and getting back to my senses. Seeing soon Chica walking back as she brought all of us our food. Most of them took only a single slice of pizza. Unlike Chica who got a whole pizza. Nachos. Fries. and a cookie to finish it off. I waited as the others already started to eat. Chica looks at me as she talks while chewing on a pizza slice. "Hm?" Arthur. Are you okay? Are you Not hungry?" She asked as I jolted awake a bit. "Hm? oh! Don't worry Chica. This just reminds me of. something." I said as I started to eat. The pizza slice wasn't too bad. As the fries were better then I had usually tasted by other places. Chica was happily eating her portion. I was also happy to see her eat without a problem or being unsure. Bonnie looked at me questioning. "Really?what did this remind you off?" He asked as I gave a small smile. Rubbing my arm. "Nothing special. Just. a family sitting down for dinner. Bin ages sinds i did anything like that." I say a bit sadly. That gave a small smile to everyone. But also a small curious look as I didn't smile. But I didn't notice it too much. Freddy remembers as he slightly drooped his ears a bit. Roxy rubbing my back. "I'm. I'm sorry Rock Star." She said as the rest got the gist of it and Freddy's expression. Chica speaking up. "Well. You're always welcome with us. I can't remember the last time we did this either." She said as Monty added. "True. Besides, You already hang out almost all the time with us. You're basically already part of us." Making me smile more as Bonnie said. "They are right, Hop Star. Just think about it okay? And take as long as you need." I just stared straight forward. Looking at something or for something to look at. "I'd. I want to. But. i'm not sure if I am good enough Too. Yet. Maybe. I don't know. You all deserve Better." I said as I started to mumble more and more quietly. Noticing them staring at me as I was dragging the mood down. I Tried to divert the conversation. "B. but I have lots of fun here! So don't worry about me. The show must go on. No matter what happens. Am I right? Hahaha. Ha. Heh." But this didn't seem to help anything. Darn my coping joke mechanism. Freezing a bit as I feel a hand on my back. Seeing it was Roxy. "We are glad to have you here." As well as one from Monty. "They're right little guy. You're a keeper. Are You gonna be okay?" Giving finally an honest smile. "Y. Yes. Thank you guys." I said as I slowly started to get my hunger back from their kind words. Continuing to eat as the others finished their pizzas as well. I Soon finished my fries and pizza as I looked at chica. "As delicious as always! Thanks Chica." I said happily as she smiled. "No problem. Just make sure to work it off next time. Or else you'd be replacing one of the exercise balls here." She said laughing as I laughed along. "I'll keep you to it. But sadly. for now I do need to go. I still got my errands to run and lots of trash to clean up. Will you all be alright here?" I asked as most nodded. "Me, Roxy and Chica will check out the raceway and then the beauty Salon later. I gotta make sure we all look in top shape and look for the morning." Mangle said happily as she wrapped her arms around both Chica and Roxy's necks. "I'll just be exploring a bit more. Gotta make sure the whole place is mapped out properly in my system." Bonnie said. "I'm gonna make sure nothing can happen to Bonnie here." Monty said in a slightly mocking tone. "You really are afraid of something like that happening to me?" Bonnie asked Monty. "Oh you can handle yourself alright. Hey Freddy. You wanna come along?" He asked as Freddy looked surprised. "Really? Are you sure Monty?" He said as he nodded. "Yeah. Plus you want to hang out with Bonnie wright?" Freddy nodded as he walked to Monty and Bonnie. Bonnie gets in between them as he wraps an arm around each of them. Bonnie having the biggest smile on his face. "Then let's get this party started!" He said as I gave a confirmed nod. "Good. Have fun you all. And of course stay safe." I said happily as I waved them bye and started to walk around. Cleaning up trash bag after plastic cup after even the occasional pizza piece that dropped on the floor. scooping it up and cleaning the spot with a mop. After one and a half hours of that I was finally finished. Looking at the cameras to make sure I didn't miss a spot. Luckly I didn't as everything seemed quiet. Bonnie. Monty. And Freddy. where at Bonnie Bowl. Chica and Roxy. were still at the Beauty Salon. It made me happy to see it. But I was missing Mangle. Unable to see her on any camera before I jumped almost at a. "Heya! Coming from near me. Jumping as I turned around and saw Mangle stand there. "Mangle? What are you doing here? Weren't you gonna join Chica and Roxy?" I asked as she rubbed the back of her head."I will! I just. I needed a moment. It was getting a bit too busy for me. But. I also don't want to be alone. So. Can I. stay with you for a bit?" I gave a warm smile. "Of Course you may. I can imagine it would be quite a lot to take in all at once. And believe me. So you can just walk with me if you'd like.i was just gonna look around the pizza plex for anything to clean up." I said as she gave an odd and started to follow me. As we walked through she stayed pretty quiet. I didn't say much. I wanted to give her this rest moment to relax and unwind a bit and by her demeanor change. It seemed to work. Walking as Mangle looks around at all the attractions and neon lights. Almost like she was a little kid in a candy store. "This Place has changed quite a bit. Didn't it?" She said, breaking the silence. "Has it? I sadly don't work here for that long. So I'm unsure how it would look before. But I bet the people and the others will be as happy to see you as before. You've already have proven so." She nodded as she rubbed her arms. "I hope so. It feels. weird. In some way. i. I don't know. I feel. Kinda like it's my fault." She said as I stopped for a second. "Your fault?" I questioned as she nodded. "I was the first one to get caught." She said somberly. I didn't want to be insensitive and ask what happened. But she continued on her own. "It. Wasn't even on purpose. I just walked around the pizza plex. I heard this loud crash and decided to look if anyone got hurt. I saw that one of the food carts had fallen over. So I wanted to clean it up. Seeing a trail of food going into Roxy Raceway. Wondering if someone was sneaking around. I followed the breadcrumb trail as the lights started to act up. I wanted to report it to the main office. But all I got was a connection error. I could swear I was near the tribune stands as my vision started to act up. glitching and disorienting as it was hard to see anything. Something was wrong. I wanted to go. But my legs could barely take the step backwards I took. I heard some muffed steps. Thinking if it was one of the others. I called out to them. Asking for help. To go to parts and service for my glitches. But when it came close to me. I saw. "I saw." I see her shake a small bit putting my hand on her hips and skirt. She stared at it for a moment. "I saw that weird endo skeleton. But before I could do anything. I got hit by something. Hard. Hard enough to knock me down. Hearing myself and the part that was missing clatter on the floor." I still remembered the chunk from mangle that was missing from her head shell. Now I know how that happened. well. In more detail anyway. "I tried to get back up. But then he grabbed my arm. My chest. pulling as I. i just. I went offline." She said struggling to talk. She put her hand on my arm as she clutched onto it. I stayed silent. But not removing my hand or arm. Wanting to reassure that I'm here for her. "That moment is burned into my memory. I Try to forget about it. Just to be my happy Old self. But it's hard. And thanks to all that happened. Everyone got hurt. Foxy. Bonnie. Even the others when we where gone. If i just didn't clean up. If I didn't go inside Roxy raceway. Everyone would still be. They'd all be." I cutted her off before she can finish that. Slightly giving a shake to her waist. "They would be sad because someone else would have been the victim. You weren't at fault. It would have happened thanks to that thing. sooner or later. You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Believe me I know. But that doesn't matter. What matters now is that your back. Repaired. and that everyone was more than happy to see you again. These smiles on the stage and at the mazersize attraction were real. they where Happy that you're back." I said as she stopped a bit. Pulling more on my arm as I stood in front of her. Slowly wrapping my arms around her in a hug. She looked a bit surprised. Almost of she didn't realize that she was pulling on me. But she slowly returned the hug as I could feel her arms tighter around me. Sometimes all you need is a hug and reassurance. We stayed like that for a while. Her shaking stopped as she slowly let go of me. So I did the same. "T-thanks. Sweet Star. I really needed that." She said as I nodded. "It's a pleasure. After everything you went through. It's the least I can do for you." She wipes her none existing tears away with her arm before she takes a deep breath. " So! I do need to go. Chica and Roxy are waiting for me. So it's time to join the fun! You stay safe alright? Sweet Star." She said as she rubbed my head. making me smile brightly as she called me that. "Alright I promise. Now go have your fun." She nodded and waved as she started to jog away. I thought about how many hardships Mangle and the others must have gone threw. Maybe I can cheer her up a bit with. Something substantial. Something. Like. Hm. Oh! Of course! Her food cart! Maybe I can fix it up as a little gift. Plus what else would she do during the day? So this might help. I thought as I went down to parts and service again to see if I could find and or see what repairs and replacements Mangle's Food cart will need. As I go down to parts and service. I decided to look for the covered stand. Going to the back again as I grab my flashlight and shine it into the darkness. Seeing the now cobwebbed and dusty walls. Even some spots of damaged walls here and there. as I walk further into the hallway. I could eventually spot the blue tarp covering something big. Just before the right turn to where the repair parts for the animatronic shells and such would be stored at. I looked at the bottom of the tarp and indeed saw the cart wheels under it. It wasn't even put on the brakes. I grabbed a hold of it as I slowly pulled. I heard scraping of metal as I looked to my right down the hallway. Wondering if it was anything there or just the cart scraping along the wall. But after a few moments. and hearing something fall behind the cart. I was scared out of my concentration by the sound. I continued to pull on the cart as the noise likely came from this. at least I hoped so. I pulled harder til I pulled the cart fully back threw the hallway back into parts and service. Coughing a bit as I cleaned off and removed the dusty tarp. revealing the big stand food cart. At first it looked like a standard metal food cart. It had a cotton candy drum at the side. like the ones you see at amusem*nt parks. Inside as well what I presume was the icecream holding baskets. It even had a smaller cooling section below it. And a cooler at the front. Maybe that's for any of the fizzy drinks or the animatronic themed ice cream i saw here and there in some trash bags. In the front you can see these through plastic cases you see in candy stores. Making it an amalgamation of different parts installed into this one cart. Like one miniature candy factory of sweets and goodness. Luckly from what I could see. nothing was broken or missing. Just dusty. It looked quite advanced for being so old. having inside a separate section for all the wires and motors. It seemed Fully electrical as well as having 2 power banks just in case there was no outlet nearby. I dusted off more parts of it as I grabbed a cleaning cloth and got to work. Starting with the base cleaning before I'd look at the top of the big cart. There were 2 small beams that held up a sort of billboard on top of it. Seeing Mangle on one side of it. Smiling widely with her arms stretched open for a huge hug as the pink and white billboard had a name above her. "Mangle's Glamrock candy factory." I'd imagine she'd be so happy like how she is now on the sign. I continue to clean and dust it off as I bring a whole new shine to the signs as well. I just checked the machinery again. Seeing if anything was out of place and if they need to be checked up on or not. By the labels on them with the last checked dates. It seems like these have been checked recently. So no replacing was needed. I look satisfied as I look at the other side of the cart. The the cotton candy drum was on that side. I see near the bottom a power socket. I saw the same one on the main cart. One for what i assumed was for the cooler for the icecream of the cart and one for the candy floss drum to make that work. I started to turn back towards the cart. Grabbing two power cables and plugging them into the cart sockets. The machines came to life as I see it work. I tested out the candy floss drum first. Seems operational. I then felt the cool box on top and mini freezer as they both started to turn colder and colder. I unplugged them again as I saw them work. Going to the front as I check the plastic see thru boxes. empty metal curved hand shovels with a small chain to the handles end to keep it from being stolen. sat by each box. I looked at the cart fully. But something was off. missing almost. It seemed to be a bit plain. Too plane. Yeah we got the sign on the top but the base seemed baren enough to be used in an old people home. Believe me. I know. But maybe I can add something to it. I went back into the back room and threw the hallway back where the cart was stored before. Maybe I missed something. Maybe that stuff that I heard fall from earlier belonged to the cart. I asked myself as I soon came back to that spot. grabbing my pocket light and shining it Towards the section where the cart used to stand. Without the cart there or the tarp there. I could see some stuff. Besides a few planks and weirdly shaped ones. Until I look at the other side. There are 2 big wooden lollipops. like the huge swirly ones from back in the day. As well as another sort of plank and poster combination. But this one was smaller depicting Mangle with legs in the air jumping almost out of a sea of pink liquid. Likely her fizzy faz drink. winking as she held her arms above her head with open hands. Blueberries as well as cherries. Pink orbs. likely bubblegum or some other fruits with candy canes and all kinds of jelly beans bursting around her. cotton candy was around the outer ends of the image like a border. This likely goes on the front of the cart. I take it and bring it to the front as I need to be careful of the added hooks that were on the planks. I double checked to see if I could find anything else. The last thing I see are 2 plastic placeholders and some fake candy props. I took them as I left some empty gas canisters standing there. I got No use for them anyway. The rest I take with me just in case as I go back from the backroom. Looking to my right again or now my left as I could swear I'd hear the same scraping sounds again. but when I try to listen in. It was quiet. Dead quiet. I slowly backed out of the room with the rest of the props. Letting out a sigh in relief as I close the door. Going back to the cart as I start to look which piece goes where. I put the plastic placeholder cups on the top. one on each corner top of the cart. I then look at the big image plank as I see hooks coming from it. Checking the front of the cart I could see little holes that matched perfectly with them. Putting it in front of the cart and sliding it in. locking it in place. I put the lollipop ones on each side at the front sign of the cart as I make sure to give all of these the same cleaning and dusting off treatment as I gave the rest of the cart. When I was finally finished. I looked it all over. I was pretty satisfied with the result. I just hoped I could make Mangle as happy with it as I had in mind. I rolled the cart with some effort towards the main stage elevator platform as I pressed a button to make the lift go back up. When I got back on stage I carefully rolled it off the stage to the normal ground. Seeing that it didn't leave any trails on the floor or in the carpet parts of the pizza plex. Which made me happy for less clean up work. I put the cart behind a corner so I could make it into a little surprise. Now all I needed to do was find Mangle. but it didn't have to be a big hurry. I look threw the cameras as I went threw the Atrium. Thinking to myself. Daycare. gotta visit there again. Cut out-AH! I say internally as I see the Foxy wooden cutout images that where in the side of some storage room. Remembering my promise to Roxy. I go back again To parts and service as I grabbed an empty trolley and bring it back up threw the stairs this time. I remember where the cutouts were located luckly. They were near the daycare at an attraction that was called "The Fazbear Theater." in the basem*nt down there should be some spare one's. Luckily that meant that I could visit Sun and Moon along the way as well. I just hope that they are okay. It's been quite a while sinds I talked to them. I've Been so busy repairing the animatronics. I kinda forgot about them. I started to make my way towards the daycare. Hoping even though it may be Sun or Moon. that I still could get some rest from the hard work day. At Least he'd be fun to talk to either way. I thought to myself as I opened the doors and went inside. hearing the usual cheerful music made me happy already. Taking off my shoes as I enter in this time my the side entrance. sinds I didn't feel like going through the ball pit again. I go on as I look around. It's still as light as day. So likely Sun would be out. Almost as if on cue I heard a voice say. "Helloo~!" As Sun slowly descends from his lifting cable. Landing infront if me with a pose and a bow. "Arthur! It's bin too long. How are you doing? You feeling any better?" He asks as I get the usual bombardment of questions. "I've been fine Sun. Sorry for not visiting often. I was wondering how you and Moon are doing. as well as seeing if I could help with any other clean up jobs if need be." I asked happily as Sun started to slow down his frantic movements. But still sounded as happy as before. Making me impressed that he can be cheery. but also calm. And then facepalm as i remembered he worked with kids. "Oh no no no! Everything is fine and clean. And you sure you should be here? You look tired." I nodded as I gave a smile. "Yes. I'm sure. Altho i will always give some time up for you. You said you had some glitter glue and googly eyes right?" I asked with a smirk as sun jolted up. "Sure do! I Even got some papers and pencils just in case. Do You Like to draw?" He asked as I smiled. "Sometimes. And thanks for thinking of less intense things to do sun." He twirled around. "Ofcorce! Sometimes some kids need Some time to themselves if they don't want to do the activities at the time." I nodded in understanding as I walked with him to an open part of the daycare. Seeing a view logs.mostly fake ones. paper shaped fire as well as some red and orange lights around it. Looking like a real fake campfire. "Hey sun. what's that for?" I asked as I pointed at the fake campfire set. I may had an idea but I just wanted to confirm it. "Oh! These were for the night time activities. We didn't have much materials to work with. So I decided it be even more satisfying if they made there own campfire. Some drawings. safety scissors. and themed lights later. and ta da! We made our own campfire. Moon had never had so much time to spend with the children before. But he's really improving in his moods. and he even smiled a view times. genuinely!" He said as I wondered if he ment internally. sinds their faces were always stuck in a smile. "I'm so grateful to hear that Sun. He and you more the deserve it." I say as we both walk to a small child heighted table. Putting the papers and pencils as well as glitter glue and googly eyes down on it. I grabbed a paper and started to draw a bit. Sun did the same as we actually sit there in silence. Enjoying my time doodling here and being able to unwind a bit. I even see Sun grab a pencil and start to draw. "Sun. you draw?" I asked surprised sinds I just did not expect him to. "Hm? Oh! Yes! It's always a delight to draw for the kids as well! Here look!" He said as he showed off a rough drawing of himself. Moon. and 2 children. One at each side with both the sun and moon sitting in the sky on opposite sides. "Hehe. Not bad Sun. I bet the kids would love to see that." I said happily as I started to continue to draw my picture. It wasn't much better than sun's ones and I took quite the time to work on it before I showed it off. Or at least part of it. "Here's mine." It was a drawing of all the animatronics holding hands with moon and sun in the far left and right. Then Chica and Freddy. followed up by Mangle and Bonnie. then an empty space. And then Roxyand Monty in between another empty spot. "Oh! How wonderful! You even drew me and moon too. How delightful! Of Course the others too. But what about these two empty spots?" He asked as I let the drawing down on the table. "Just for future edit. And well. It's supposed to be me in the middle. but. I don't like drawing myself. Then again it's better than looking in a mirror." I said with a half smile. But Sun stayed quiet as he turned his paper around and looked at me. Then started to draw. I looked curiously at him before he showed it to me. "Your way easier to draw!" He said as I looked at it. He drew a simple smiley face as it made me laugh a bit. "Hehe. I guess that is accurate. Simple but effective." I said as He shook his head. "It's because all you do is give everyone a smile. So no matter what your face is like. You are always as bright as the sun. Or as the moon in the night sky." He said as my laughing died down and I looked at the picture. Now I'm getting a genuine smile on my face. "Sometimes sun. I forgot how wise you can be. Thank you." He twirled his hands around the place happily. "It's no problem! Anything to turn that frown upside down!" He said as I nodded and stood up. "Thanks for the cheer up Sun. And happy to hear the night time activity went so well. I hope to see you more often. And I promise to visit more. But for now I have to go and get some stuff from the theater." Sun drooped a bit but hugged me. "Aww. okay. Thank you for visiting though. And come back soon!" He said as he waved me goodbye. I went out of the daycare for the short but sweet visit as I went towards the theater. I knew that there was one in Foxy's original attraction at kids cove. But that one I wanna leave it be sinds it was too large. But the one on the storage space of the theater ones wouldn't be used anyway. So they can miss that one. Threw some turns I entered a big door leading to the theater. It was almost like a big movie room. With Rows and rows of chairs as well as a movie screen and a stage below it. Oddly enough. there wasn't anything that stood out about this place. The only thing that was themed where the star shaped floor pattern the rest of the place had. There was also a small play space close to the stage of the theater where it seemed like children could sit for a front row seat. with a small low set of guardrails around the stage just in case. A single staff bot stood on stage as it talked. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I just rolled in here. And boy are my wheels tired." I chuckle a bit. Puns and jokes like these were actually amazing to me. I leaned against the railing at the middle ground of the seats as I listened more. "As you might have noticed. I am a robot. Do you know what the difference between humans and robots is? Humans are like: "Whaaah! I am going to get old and die." Robots are like: "I will outlive you all." It wasn't reqlly a joke. "Heh. Tell that to Monty." I muttered as I lissened on. "What a great audience. Next joke loading. Is anyone here from out of town?" There was just silence. "Is anyone here?" He asked as I sigh and just said. "Sure am!" With a more happy tone as the staff bot looks up. "So, where are you from? How interesting. I've never been there. I am confined to this building. Tell me; where you come from, do they call it pop or soda? Well. here we call it half off at our concession stand for the next fifteen minutes. And that is no joke." I still chuckled even tho it was more of an advertisem*nt then a joke. still I clapped for them. "But seriously. what is the deal with hot dogs? Turns out. it's 2 for 1 at the concession stand. That is a pretty good deal." He said next as i nodded. "Yes that is a good deal." I said as if i was reacting along. "So, where are all my single dads? Any single dads tonight? How about my single moms? Any single moms tonight? - There is no punchline. This collected data will be shared or sold to Fazbear Entertainment's marketing and business affiliates." He really needed to work on his joking program. I wouldn't mind writing up some horrible puns and jokes in there myself. "Aren't parents the worst? Any of you kids have parents? Don't you hate it when your parents act like. : "I guess if I forget about little Arthur and almost end him and his mother. That makes me a good parent." I. I didn't laugh. That. That one hurts. It was so out of left field that I blinked a view seconds before muttering. "That's. That's not funny. That's not. Funny." I say as I moved on. a bit in the sober mood but I keep on moving. Continuing on the path i was already on. Leading me to 3 sets of stairs going downwards. But when I do reach the bottom. I finally come to the storage place. Going threw a big garage door as I could see wooden cutouts of all the animatronics. Chica with a golf club. Monty with a golf club. Some big pawn duck's. Mostly ones from gator golf. One where everyone stands there in each other's embrace. I recognize that one from Rockstar Row. And then I see it. 2 Foxy cutouts. One of him as a jacket pirate hat wearing eye patched well. pirate. looking threw a pirate binocular. Looking with his good eye as he stands on a rock. The second one was in the back further. Of him engulfed in smoke as his head and arms as well as part of his torso is still visible. Holding a gun and Saber sword in hands as he had his arms crossed. It looked Kinda badass gotta admit. I started to grab onto them one at a time as i carried them upstairs. Luckly they weren't too heavy but still a hassle to get up. So I decided to take a detour and get the empty trolley to put them on. Still remembering where I left it. I could easily grab one as I placed the wooden cutout foxies on it and started to move to Rockstar row. I smiled as I walked with the cart to Roxy's door. knocking on it before I opened it. I see Roxy sitting at her desk as she brushes her hair in front of her star-shaped make-up mirror. I walked in as I get behind her and I hold my hand out. "Would you like some assistance?" I said as she looked at me through the mirror. Smiling as she holds up the brush. "Just make sure you do your best, for the best and of course, from the best." She said as I got a bright smile and carefully started to brush her hair. Trying to stay on track as I could feel her soft hair threw my fingers. I Enjoyed it as I managed to be gentle enough to brush it and almost got no hair in the brush. I handed the brush back over as Roxy stood up and took it. Then putting it back on her desk as she puts a hand on her hip. "Thanks, Rock Star. What brought you here besides me?" She asked as I nodded. "Oh! Right! I got 2 Foxy cutouts with your name on it~" I say as I strike a pose as well. Opening the door as I pull the cart in with the Foxy cutouts. She looked ecstatic when I rolled them in! "Perfect! Thank you Arthur. It's nice to still have something from him. Can you roll them to the back room near my charging station? I would get in trouble if they were just out in the open." I nodded as I opened the backdoor of the room and rolled the cart right in. I then put them both down as they faced their image upfront. "There. Glad I could help." I said with a smile as Roxy gave me a hug. "Thank you Rock Star. if you need anything in return. then don't be afraid to call me." I nodded as I gave a hug back. "You know it, Roxy. Umm Roxy?" I asked as she looked at the Foxy cutouts. "I can't believe I'll be seeing him again soon. I wonder. what would he want to know about first. The new attractions. The new performances and songs. Us all? Hehe. likely what happened to the attractions and what he missed while he was gone." She said as she softly stroked over the wood with her claw. I put a hand on her arm. "You care a lot about him. Don't you?" I asked as she nodded slowly. "I don't blame you. If anything, The first thing he needs to see is you. And with how far you have come in that time. how much you have grown. You can show everything off. Your spot on stage. Your star spot in your attraction. And so much more. Then he can have someone to be truly proud off. You." She looked at me as she put her other hand on mine. "And. about us. So he knows who the real best are around here. We are." I smile as i pose with her. "We are!" I said also as if to confirm it. Both posing with a Rock Star sign while using our fingers and then laughing a bit. I blushed as I grabbed my phone. "Would. would you mind it if I take a picture? I know I have the one with all of us. but this would make a great screen saver. Just the two of us. I'll make sure to turn off the flash. If there is any." I ask as she nodded. "Sure. I'm down for that." We pose again in the same pose. But I a bit differently sinds I was holding the phone. Taking a picture as I smiled and put it as my screensaver. "thanks Roxy. Your the greatest." She flicked her hair. "Of course. Only the best for the best. But are you feeling alright? You seem a bit down." I nodded a bit. " Well yes and no. Just came by the joke bot in the theater. It was fun but then It just hit something a bit too close to home. But it's okay. You always make it all better. No matter what happens. You always cheer me up when I'm close to you." I said with an honest smile. Roxy grunted a bit. "That outdated piece of scrap needs an update. Or be taught a lesson. Maybe I'll ask Monty to introduce him to the trash can. He's free to visit it anytime." She said as she extended one of her claws and crushed something imaginary. This made me smile. "Then I will be joining you. I may have an experience in dropping elevator platforms on robots. It might not be a piano but it will suit his final performance~" I say smirking evil like as I hold up one of my own hands like a villain would. Making both me and Roxy burst out laughing. Looking at the time. I did not want to leave but I knew I had to. "I. sadly got to go. I gotta give Mangle her surprise. And then get ready for the dayshift." She put her hand on her hip and one on my shoulder. "Just don't overwork yourself. The best stars need the best rest as well to shine for their best performance." I smiled as I tip my security hat. "I wouldn't want to disappoint the best star around. So don't worry. I'll take care as long as you do too Roxy." I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before I started to walk out. Looking back with a wink as I Got a wave back. "Come back soon Rock Star." She said as I smiled and looked through my cameras to see if I could find Mangle. It's time to soon make 2 foxes happy. and I will not rest till I give everyone a happy ending.

Chapter 16

Chapter Text

Content warning: blood. violence.

16. I'd look threw the cameras as I Try to look for Mangle anywhere. Luckly I could find her in the El Chip restaurant. She was sharing a pizza with Chica. sinds It was almost 6 am. I decided to jog towards that place. Soon reaching the restaurant before I stopped at hearing them talk. I didn't want to interrupt them as I listened in. Hearing them both chew on pizza as they talked. "I don't know Chica. It just wouldn't feel right. I mean it's your place after all." Mangle said as Chica gulps her pizza slice down. "But you have no other attractions. Where else are you supposed to go? I don't mind sharing Mazersize with you. Plus I wouldn't feel good either if I just didn't give you a place to stay. Even Bonnie has his bowling alley." They discussed as I let out a smug laugh before coming across the corner into view. "I might be of assistance with that." They looked both surprised. "A-Arthur?" Mangle said as Chica followed up with. "When did you get here?" I smiled as I slightly tip up my cap. "I was looking for Mangle for a surprise. But it seems you two had a conversation. I didn't want to interrupt. Tho it seems you have a problem. One I can fix. Or atleast a temporary solution until I find a better one." I made an exasperated bow. "Would you two kindly follow me?" I asked as I started to walk away. They looked at each other before Mangle and then Chica started to follow me. Leading them towards the fixed up food stand cart. "Okay stay here." I asked for Mangle and Chica as I went around the corner and then with lots of effort. I pushed it into view. Making both of their Jaws drop as they stare at it. After a view seconds of silence I started to rub the back of my head. "Hehe. Is everything alright? I hope I didn't mess anything up." I say before getting more and more unsure. But Soon i got jumped as I hear an excited shriek from Mangle. "Eeek! My old cart! It looks brand new!" She said as she dashed towards it and looked it all over. Chica walking besides me as she helped me back up. "When. How. How did you find it and fixed it?!" She asked as I got back up a bit. "I asked Mike if we still had the thing. I found it hidden in the back of Parts and service. So i grabbed it. Dusted it off and put it back together. I checked the electronics as well. So everything works. It was supposed to be a surprise. but after hearing your conversation. I thought I'd show it to you before the evening ends. I still have to actually get candy and ice cream to put in the cart. But that can easily be fixed. I'm thinking of grabbing some of these packed up like jelly beans and others stuff for the plastic cases. And the icecream as well as maybe some fizzy drinks for the fridge would be nice as well. So all we need to do is put it somewhere. plug it in and ta da! There we go! Also Don't worry. I only arrived moments before you mentioned your Mazersize offer." I said happily as I heard heavy footsteps again before I felt a big tight hug from Mangle. taking me by surprise. "Thank you thank you thank you! It looks so pretty! I couldn't remember the last time i saw it this spotless." She said happily as I tried my best to hug back. "I-its a pleasure Mangle. I just wish for you to have a place to call your own. And I will look into it. But for now. Even if it's just a big cart. I hope you can slightly enjoy it." I said hopefully sinds she deserved to have an attraction for herself as well. As I try to escape the hug. I feel another heavy body press to my front. Locking me in place. As Chica hugged me from the front as they both also hugged each other. "Yay hugs! Thank you Sport Star." Chica said simply but effective. I try now to hug em both back and not get crushed in between 2 giant candy colored animatronic chests. Luckly they let me go after a view seconds. "I-Its no problem! Now why don't you guys go to a charging station. It's almost 6am and I want you all to be ready for the new day. I'll make sure the cart is in order." I said as Chica looked around a bit. "Baka? Already? I forgot about the time. Come on Mangle. I'll show you one of the closest charging stations that you can use near Rockstar Row. If Bonnie isn't using it at least." Chica said as she guided the excited Mangle towards one of the charging pods. I decided to go to the back of the kitchen and see if I could find anything for the cart. I did find a box of cotton candy mixture as well as took some candy off of the normal shop stands. Of course, ones that wouldn't melt or be bothered if they were kept in plastic cases like gummy worms. Lollipops. Jelly beans. Jawbreakers and the likes. Then filling it up the see thru cases of the cart as well as some ice cream sticks and fizzy drinks that were in the back of the storage. Grabbing a bit of everyone's flavors as I put them in the cold freezer of the stand. As well as some loose ice cream and empty cones as well for the top of the cart. Putting it all together made me proud as I was getting really tired from the many boxes I carried and time walking back and forth. But it was worth it. I moved the cart until I got close to Chica's Mazersize. That way they could easily find it. Imagining that both Mangle and Chica would hang out together when they start the day. But I wasn't done yet. Tired but determined I went down to parts and service. There was one last fox waiting for his repairs. I reach parts and service as I take a look over at Foxy. Still on his trolley. Compared to everyone else. He was the worst off. Missing his entire outer shell. His arms and legs bend and torn off. His shattered eyes. Broken tail. It Was a horrible sight to behold. I pushed him carefully on his trolley into the protective cylinder. I then went to the consol as i selected the repair options into it as I started to go in myself. Putting each part of him on the laying chair. Even if the parts were disconnected. Standing over his broken body as I shake myself awake. Ready to work. I grabbed onto the color control panel and saw the robotic arms come down as they started to work on detaching the broken shell. Almost all of them were just sitting in the air as the shell was already gone. Then this time. 5 of these robotic arms with thick metal clippers come down. Going to his arms and His legs and one on his tail. It made me the slightest bit uncomfortable. Hearing the long creaks and crushing of metal as they snapped off. Making me cringe a bit. The arms retracted back into the ceiling as I grabbed my classic slightly wet cloth and started to clean up the other parts of the endo skeleton. It didn't take long as I was careful with the still present claw marks or Any exposed wires. Especially around his damaged eyes. Thinking that the scar on his torso would make for some pretty cool battle scars for Foxy. After some time being done with cleaning and waiting about. I swore I could hear something crashing down. Wondering what that was. The arms took longer than the last time to come back. I looked around the windows of the protective cylinder a bit. But of course I saw nothing. Just the usual empty parts and service room. Soon I heard it died down before I snapped back at the arrival of the new arms and legs parts. being brought down as i Put them into the right places as I pushed them as close to the endo skeleton as I could. As I held them there. 4 more clawed arms with metal electric plates came down onto them. The same as with Mangle when she had her Arm and leg replaced. I first held both legs steady as they Zapped it. And then the arms as they Zapped them next. melting them all to the endo skeleton. I started to use the color panel to attach the limb wires to the limbs. Moving them a bit to calibrate them . It looked almost like new. I even put cloth over the newly placed parts to get all of the dust off of them. I saw a new arm coming down. It looked like a small metal tip with 2 tiny hooks on its side. Almost like an insect would have with a tongue sticking out. I watched as it went towards Foxy's neck and tail. Getting slightly worried before I had to shut my eyes and put my arm over them for extra protection. Hearing the hissing as the thing started to cut out at something. When I was able to look again. I can see it had cutted out and removed his neck ball joint and tail piece. Turning them into a small red pieces of molten metal in the grasp of the two smaller claws that were on the sides of it. It went back up after a few seconds. It Descended down again. This time with a brand new ball joint and metal tail frame. Looking a lot bigger too. Placing it into the same spot as I preemptively put my arm back over my eyes to cover them. Seeing the flashes of lights and sizzling as it was welded back into place. I was just glad the head didn't need to be fully removed from the body. The robotic hand went up as it descended with a thick looking orange cable. I recognize it as one of the main cables that were cutted on the right side of Foxy's body. I felt about the broken cable to see if there was a switch or lock that I needed to hold to pull it out. And luckly there was. There Is a small piece that you need to pull back on the cable to remove it on both ends. I did so as I put away the broken cables and put in the new one. Hearing a clicking sound with each end that went in. Likely that mechanism is what clicked it into place. Making sure it doesn't fall out with frantic movements. I slowly removed his eye patch as I carefully grabbed onto the bottom of his shattered eye's. Seeing them pop out of there sockets as i almost cut myself. Putting them away as from above a new set of yellow eyes came down. I was surprised that I got two even though he wears an eye patch over the right socket. But I didn't let it bother me. I grabbed the new set of yellow eyes with black eyelids from the rubber tipped metal fingers. Slowly putting them into place. Calibrating them as they looked around here and there. Working perfectly. I looked over to his replacement tail. It seems to be the same metal frame like Roxy had. But less protected. I shook my head a bit as i Finished up all the internal repairs As i moved on to the next part. The outer shell. They are brought in part by part. Starting from the bottom as I put the heel parts of his feet on. Being black As the other parts of his feet were pink. The claws on them were gold. Not just yellow but like gold-yellow. His legs were gold-yellow too. With 2 black lines on each side of his lower legs. Next are his thighs. The knee parts seem to be red as the upper thighs are the same black as the heels were. But it was covered in a gold-yellow star pattern. Making it look like he was wearing a set of torn shorts. I put both of them on as the same colors and stars were on his crotch part as well. Next I see a big bush of red long hair coming down. Holding It I could only assume this was his tail by the soft sleeve like opening It had. It was big, fluffy and red haired. And this one was big. Almost like Roxy's if it was longer and had more hair flowing from it. The tail hair felt more smoother but still soft. Putting it on wasn't easy. But I'd manage to get it in and click it into place. Next up were his hands. Putting his left one on first as it had the same black ish brown for the palm and lower half of his fingers. With his upper half being pink also with the yellow-golden claws. I wanted to move on to his right one. But I looked confused as there were none. Instead I see a different kind of part coming down. A golden-yellow shining Hook. A pirate classic. It had a spiky bracelet on the wrist Part that would go around the base of the hook. I disconnected the wires for the hand and pulled it out. Then putting the base of the hook into the opening. Luckly they both had the same ball joint like connector. So After some pushing and clicking I get it to stick with the arm. I twirl and pull a bit on the hook to make sure it's nice and secure. I was impressed that the hook could move all the way around. Like 360 degrees. After that I move onto the arms. They were red with the same spiked bracelets as the hook had. his shoulder pads were also black with a golden trim around the bottom. And the underside. Matching the inside colors as well. After that I wanted to put on the torso. But the shoulder pads were in the way. Reluctantly. I pull them off as I then work on the torso. It had a pink belly and chest color. as the sides and back of his body were red like the arms. But at the top sides it was yellow with a black outlines with also gold that went around him. Almost like he was wearing a short jacket. Then I could finally put back the shoulder pads on him. I Then put on some casing on the neck as the top part of the torso as well as the neck matches the red of the arms. Moving onto the last part. His head. His face and head casing was brought forward. This one was different from Mangle's and Roxy's. The snout was pink with a thinner and sharper shape instead of the more rounded ones. some sharp gold And white teeth filled his mouth. the rest of the head was red. The cheeks were more in a fur pattern modeled. Akin to Mangle or Roxy. Sticking out with a golden-yellow lightning bolt on each cheek. He also wore a yellow eye patch in the shape of a star over his right eye. With a black slim star on it engraved. His ears were pierced with 3 golden earrings on his left and 2 on his right ear. He wore a black headband with yellow lines here and there on it. In the middle of the head band was the fazbear logo in white. With on his head the same style of shoulder long hair as his tail. Red hair. Smooth. Bushy. Yet full and flowing. It was quite pretty. And that's coming from a guy who's long hair comes to below his ass. I put it on him rightly so the mouth aligns with the jaw as well as the eye holes with his eyes. After making sure everything else is in the correct place. I press the buttons and the robotic arms descended downwards to lock everything into place. Looking at a fully suited up Foxy. Giving a sigh as he seemed way cooler now. i Never thought he'd rock the pirate Rock Star look. But it looks awesome on him. I let him back down on the trolley as I was as careful as I could be. before I brought him into the charging station. As I put him in. I remove the trolley and closed the door. seeing the first battery light flicker. I sit back at a job well done. Resting against a wall on the other side of the room. Which became my usual spot as I started to take a nap for the time being. Luckily, I was so tired from the day working that I managed to Snooze off easily with no pills needed. It felt like it only took a few seconds as I was abruptly awoken by something clanking. Jolting awake as I rub the sleep out of my eyes. Looking around a bit as I get back up. I thought I heard something fall. I even looked inside of the charging pod. But Foxy just stood in place. I could hear more clanking coming here and there from the back room. I eyed the door as I checked the charging pods battery meter. The last battery is flickering. Meaning it was almost done. I decided to check it out later as I cared more about Foxy than whatever that was. And I wasn't too eager to find out either way. As the final battery lights up. I smiled as I went back to my original spot against the wall. Leaning against it as I waited. The final battery fully lit up as the door of the charging pod opened slowly. as Foxy would go down on one knee. Holding the door opening with his normal hand as he tries to get up. It took a bit of jolting and struggling as he slowly managed to. His single yellow eye glowed slightly as it focused straight onto me. Soon he started to stand up. walking towards me. Then more like jogging. Huh. he's picking up quite the speed as he went into a sprint. I looked confused for a second as I saw his golden hook being held up and coming down towards me. I jumped out of the way of the strike. Hearing his hook scrape against the stone wall. Stumbling to get back up as I saw it created a clean cut in the wall as the hook had no visible damage. I gasped more as I got back on my feet close to one of the nearby tables. "F-foxy! What are you doing?!" I asked in a panicked tone. Did I screw up the repairs? Did something go wrong? I questioned myself internally before I heard him speak. "You can't fool me, you old bucket of bolts! I'll make ye walk the plank for what you did to me Crew!" I tried to process what he even meant by that. But I had little to no time as he charged at me again. Rushing and even jumping as he was fast. He slams his hook down from above into the metal table. Piercing it as I dodged out of the way. He hardly, with some effort, pulled his hook free. Cutting a whole gash in the table. "Come and fight like a real man! You can't hide from old Foxy! I'll avenge my Crewmate by keelhauling ya!" He said as I tried to explain myself. "Foxy! But I'm not!" But he wouldn't listen. I kept on running as I used the protective cylinder to make as much distance as I could. But he was just too fast. Each time he jumped I could hear his hook scrape against the protective cylinder. Sending sparks flying from it. I started to run out of corners to run to as he came right at me. Swiping his hook from left to right. I back stepped and tried to dodge. but got caught on both my chest and face. Leaving some red and bloody cuts as they leaked blood. "See that? That be ya ticket to Davy Jones locker! I thought you where made of sterner steel! This captain won't make the same mistake twice!" He then swings at me with a right hook with his normal hand. Clenched into a fist as he tried to punch my face. I managed to block it with my arms. Hurting like hell as I took a step backwards before he tried to claw at me. Only grazing my left arm but enough to cut through the shirt and make it bleed again. I stumbled on the floor as I felt my back hit a wall. But it didn't feel like one. Looking back I saw it was the door to the back area. With no other options I try to open it up. Seeing Foxy slowly coming closer to me. "Ya running you metal sea cow?! I'll show ye no mercy just like you did my crew member. And I'll. I'll. What?" Foxy said as I could see him slowly stare at his hook and claw. They were covered in blood As well as the small drops that I left on the ground. His eye closed for a brief moment. Soon before a blue light shines over it. I didn't pay any attention as I tried to force the door handle to open up. He didn't move as I thought this would be my chance. I went through the back room door and started to run through. Hearing the door get bashed in one's before a second later. it broke open. Hearing the muffed sound of the Animatronic fox saying something surprised. But I was too panicked to listen. I went through the long hallway and around the corner where Mangle's cart used to stand. towards the other animatronic parts and endo skeletons. But when I kept on running. I froze in my tracks. I could see a set of 2 close together red eyes stare at me in the end of that hallway. I knew I didn't imagine it this time but just in case I fumbled as I grabbed my flashlight and turned it towards the eyes. What I saw was making my stomach drop. There stood an amalgamation of an endoskeleton. Made out of 2 torsos intertwined. having 4 arms with only 3 having hands. Around 4 legs like a crab would have. His body has a hand, arm or leg part sticking out here and there. It had a second head that hung more loosely near the other one. But still sharing one neck. The main eyes that glowed red focused on me. As it started to let out a scream before it dashed towards me. It's parts clanking as well as some loose parts falling off of him as he charged. While others bashed against the ground or against the walls. Knocking or shoving furniture away. as if it was a beast desperately trying to get a grasp on something to rip it to shreds. I bolted it back towards the hallway. But stopped Remembering that Foxy would be blocking my way out. I Was trapped. Without thinking I went right into the dead end section where Mangle's food cart used to stand. I try to make myself as small as possible in the corner. I could hear his heavy footsteps coming closer and closer. I face palmed internally thinking I couldn't just run willy nilly around the place. This isn't like the tunnels down below. So I did the only thing I could do. I try to find anything I could to use as a weapon to defend myself. But I'm unsure if I could do any damage. it doesn't seem as strong or as durable as the Mimic. But the double layered torso and arms did seem to pack a punch. even if it was just jumbled up and stuck together. Some parts seemed more sturdy than others. I also cursed myself for not investigating these endo's more thoroughly. Maybe if I did. I wouldn't be in this mess. Maybe I would be caught anyway. It didn't matter. My attention was snapped back as I heard the stomping clanks come to a stop. It was quiet. Dead quiet. for a second. I try to slowly and softly move my leg to position myself better. But I slide over the tarp I left there from Mangle's cart. Making me bump my shoe against an empty gas canister that was still in one of the corners. Making a clunking sound as I put my hand on top of it to make it stop emitting sound. But I don't think it helped much as I slowly saw the big endo abomination eyes on the sidewall as he got closer. I quickly grabbed the tarp and pulled it as best as I could over me. His red eyes shown from his heads as they looked around. Almost as if it was scanning the hallways for me. I try to stay under the tarp and out of its view. Seeing the red light under the tarp as I stay as quietly as possible. His heavy steps continued as he came fully around the corner. Seeing his hands touching the walls as his feet were spread out. Almost making a moving barrier with no way to get past him. The metal hands scraped sparks from the walls as his eyes looked like 4 red piercing dots over the room. I slowly peaked from the tarp carefully. scraping my back against the wall as I look for a way to make a break for it. But I could barely move back with the taller foe. Moving ever so slightly as I try to pull the tarp with me. But the darn tarp had to get stuck on the side of the gas canister i held still earlier. Making the tank fall and clatter and the tarp slip from my sweaty hand. The sound of the tank and being exposed made his eyes locked onto me. My jaw drops as I see his head glitch and jitter. before it lets out a terrifying scream. The ever growing sounds of heavy steps were muffed in the background as 2 of its right arms reared back. Ready to strike me at full force. I put my arms in front of my face to somehow block it. And when it came forward halfway. it stopped. I peaked from between my arms. I still see the fist stretched out towards me. But the animatronic seemed to jitter with it's torso. Almost like it's stuck and could not turn properly. as I looked at what's wrong with it. I could only catch a glimmer of what might be the cause. A golden hook was stuck inside the ribcage and tugging on one of the spine parts as well as the thick yellow wire that was close to it as well. Looking behind him as I could see one yellow eye lighted up from behind that thing. hearing him say. "You should have kept your eye on the Scourge of the 7 Seas!" before ripping his hook back out of the endo. Pulling as a snap and cracks of a wire and joints got cut off. The metal beast screamed in distortion as his right side arms felt limp. But the rest was still operational. It turned around instantly as it faced the animatronic behind him. Foxy. Spotting him with his red eyes as he lets out another scream and starts to charge at him. Swiping with his left arms in front of him and back. Foxy easely avoids it like a real swashbuckler. "Is that all yee got? I thought you were tougher than that, you scurvy dog!" He taunted as he grabbed the metal abominations hand with one of his own. Wanting to strike high. but the second left hand seemed to have caught his hook arm. Unable to reach the beast as they sit there in struggle. The 4 feet scraping against the ground as Foxy seems to be slowly pushed back. Both of them crashed against the walls of the hallway in their struggle. I got back on my feet as I held my hand over my still blood covered chest wound. Watching the struggling animatronics. Getting a new fire in me as this was a perfect opportunity to take out at least one of them. I would not let that chance slip by. I grabbed the blasted empty gas canister with one hand as I used all my anger to lift it up behind me. Taking a huge step forward as I then swung my arm in an overhead smash. It collided against the still functioning arm of the metal beast. The impact didn’t only make it stagger. but sparks erupted from the arms and wrists of the 2 arms. Slowly but steadily losing power as he gets more and more pushed back by Foxy now. Able to pull his hand free as he gives a nasty punch to the already sparking arms. Followed up by a clawed uppercut to the second head. Bashing and tearing it clean off as it lands on the ground. But he was not done yet. He used his up high hand to aim with his claws and swipe downward. Slashing and crashing into the eyes of the head that was still attached to it. Blinding it. rearing back as he lifts up his foot and pushes it against the thing. Crashing against the wall as his body sparks more and loses power in more places. Making his limb struggling to get himself back up. Foxy walked closer as he put his hook sideways. Rearing back before he cuts his hook across the still functioning but glitching head of the animatronic. The hook stays in place as it struggles to get through the thicker endo skeleton. He stared into the shattered eyes of the amalgamation. "Dead men tell no tales. And neither will ya!" As he said before he pulled the hook threw with all his metal might. With a loud creak he tore through the wires and metal of his neck. The head started to glitch before falling still as the body followed. His head softly creaked before it fell off and crashed against its torso and foot before landing in the ground. Echoing throughout. Foxy pulls his foot back and kicks the torso's as they fell down. The body fell still as did the sparks. I huffed as I let go of the empty Gas canister. It rolled a bit before coming to a stop near the wall. I push back on my chest wound as I sit back down. Trying to force my own gaze at Foxy's as he looked directly at me. his yellow piercing eye was most visible as the rest of him was only slightly in the dark. We were almost at a stare down as he took a step closer and reached his hook out. Making me back off more. He looked at it before his ears drooped and corrected his mistake. holding up his normal hand instead. It looked a bit scratched from the fight as well as a bit bloody here and there. He got on one knee as he held his hand out for me to take. I looked at it for a moment and back at him. Almost as if I'm waiting for a trap to spring at any moment. Foxy seemed to look down as he kept his hand in the same pose. "You. Are ya okay lad? Big old Foxy and that scrap pile didn't do too much to ye?''He asked as I slowly nodded as I looked him up. Then back to my chest and arm wound as they sting slightly. I grab from my pocket my pack of band-aids as I put it over the arms cuts and a roll of actual bandage around my chest and the horizontal wound. Before I could fully start to put it on. Foxy's eyes lit up and a blue light scanned over my body. I recognized it from when Chica and Roxy did it that he was scanning me. His expression goes from shocked to defeated. His Ears drooped and eye looked down half closed. "I-I am sorry bucko. I do not wish to harm ye. I swear it on my hidden treasure. Please." He said as I looked back at his held out hand. If he really wanted to kill me by now. he would have already done so. I slowly reached my hand out in a quicker motion. I grabbed onto Foxy's hand as he helped me back up to my feet. "T
-Thanks." I said as he turned around. walking through the hallway as he looked back At me. "Are you coming lad?" I gave a slow nod as I walked behind him back to parts and service. "So. You don't want to kill me?" I asked in a bit of a shaky voice. but it stopped Foxy for a moment. "Kill ye? Nah. I could never kill a member of my own crew. Not even a new one. Even though I almost foolishly did." I could feel the regretful tone in his voice. Even though it just happened. I wanted to lighten his burden a bit. I pointed at my chest with the cut shirt. "W-well at least this will become a nice scar. Could even make a cool backstory behind it. Foolish long-haired rookie challenged Pirate captain Foxy. Lost the battle and became scarred. before becoming a new crew member. Best thing I could do is raise the jolly roger." I say a bit jolly. Getting a small chuckle out of Foxy. "It's nice to see you have a high spirit. But. I still hurted ya. And I'm still regretful." I rubbed my shoulder. "It's okay, I had worse." I said as Foxy let's out a chuckle. "You got some tales to tell then I suppose?" He asked as I gave a soft smile. "You have no idea." As we arrive back. I sat on the cut table. I was Now able to properly apply my bandages over my arm and chest. Foxy kept an intense gaze on me as much as he could. Almost like he's waiting for a mistake so he could jump in if needed. I finish wrapping myself up properly as I look back up at Foxy. "I'm glad to see you fully operational again. And with so much energy too. This is wonderful." I say as Foxy's eye goes wide. "Are. Are ye the one who fixed me up?" I nodded happily as he looked around. Seeing the room of parts and service as well as the empty trolleys that stood at the side. Looking back at me. "Blimey! Matey! You have to help me! A crewmember is lost and broken down somewhere underground. A shabby sea bass so hideous I could not even stop it is down there to. I failed to rescue them. But we might still have more time! Please laddy!" He said in a pleading tone. It brought me a spark of joy to see him care so much about the others. "Foxy! It's okay! They are okay! They are safe! Don't worry Foxy. Mangle is already repaired." I say as he slowly starts to calm down. "She. She is?" I nodded as i reassured him. "And Bonnie to." This supriced him even more. "Bonnie? He was damaged? What happened to him?" He asked as i took a deep breath. If he knew Mangle was down there. He likely was the second one that went missing. "You. You weren't the last one that went down there. And was destroyed. Although you where the worst off." I say as he slunps back more. "Then. I have failed even worst then i thought. I couldn't save the lass. And only brought others in danger." I shook my head. "I don't think so. That thing was dangerous. Tricky. And a pain in the ass. I mean. Booty. It wasn't your fault. And that. Thing. won't be able to harm you or anyone anymore." I said with a smile as he perked up. "Really? How are you so sure?" He asked as i smirked. He tried to catch me. but it seemd he crashed and burned~ with an elevator platform ontop of it." I said with his eye wide open. "Shiver me Timbers. Is that true?" He asked as i nodded. "A lot has happened while you where offline." He seemed perplexed. As he couldn't beliefe it. "What happened While I was gone?" He asked in a sort of sad tone. Likely still feeling sorry for what he did earlier. I started to fill him in about what happened. How I started to work here. My incidents with Roxy. Chica. And Monty. How I found the underground cave ways and in what state they all where. Then how I saved them and destroyed the Mimic. He was particularly focused on that part. Then the recovery and repairs. "And now. Here we are. You where the last animatronic to be repaired. Sorry for the long story." I said as Foxy was in deep thought. "Ay. It's. a lot to take in at ones. And to think that I almost gutted you like a fish. It doesn't make things any better." He said dejected. "That doesn't matter now. But more importantly. How are you feeling?" He looked up in suprice as I asked that. "You. Wanna know how I'll be?" He asked slightly confused and not used to being asked it. Especially after everything that happened. I gave a warm smile back. "Yeah. You must have had it rough. Especially to come out of the charging pod all battle ready and swinging. How did you get down there anyway?" I asked as that made him go silent for a moment. "Ay. I remember hearing of Mangle's disappearance. she and Chica where always so close to me. I couldn't rest ever sinds that happened. How could I let one of my closest crew members go missing? Let alone my second mate." I perked up. "Second mate?" He nodded. "She would join me at my pirate parties sometimes with Chica as my Third mate. She always kept the mood up and gave the little buckos a smile. So I called her my second mate." I rubbed my chin. "Second? then who was your first mate?" I asked as he chuckled. "A little lassie called Roxy. I saw her for the daughter I never had. But still got by some miracle. We played together. Went to parties together. I remember her treasure of a smile when she got to hear about the racetrack attraction blueprints. I helped and watched her grow into a real treasure. She. Was. Happy." It was quite sweet to hear that. Nodding in agreement. "That makes sense. She did talk a lot about you." I said as he perked up. "She did? Likely not a lot of good things i assume?" Now I looked confused. "Why would you think that?" I asked as he fidgeted with his hook a bit. "After everything we went through. I promised to be there for her. To keep her safe and be at her side. No matter if it was at parties. At closing time or in her room. Talking about her days. Her worries. Her sorrows. And I just. up and disappeared. Without a word. without a trace. Not even a goodbye. I must have caused her and the others so much grief. And not even knowing the how or why. I guess that's something I can never forgive myself for. Is letting them all down." I stared a bit as I heard these words echo in my mind. Almost as if I could feel his pain. Or worse. "Letting them all down." I repeated somberly. Slowly putting my hand on top of Foxy's open one. Even tho I was slightly shaking. Before He softly closed his fingers around it and looked at me. "I. I know that feeling." He held it in my hand while he continued to talk. "Ay. Even when I finally found Mangle. I looked for a way to help her out. I went down that accursed lift as it led me to a system of tunnels." I was curious how he could enter that area. But it's likely that the restricted area limiter must have been installed after Bonnie had disappeared. "I called out for the lass as I searched. Going through twists and turns to find her. And then I did. But all I found was a horrifying scene. A mess of shell scraps and endo parts. On a closer look. I saw it. The red eyed monster. Tearing a leg off of poor Mangle. I couldn't stop myself. I tried to fight it. Charge at it. Hack and slash til he couldn't move no more. But even when I got my bloody hook in it. I couldn't make a dent. I was beaten and broken. Seeing as he would catch any punch or kick I'd throw at him. And bend my arm backwards. As if it was a child's toy. Even when I fell and crawled towards mangles body. I only felt a hardened crash on top of my head. And went offline. When I got back online. I Saw you. I thought it was still alive. That he used his disguise like that bloody voice to trick me. I couldn't let the same mistake happen twice. I had to save them. Save the others from a monster like that." I nodded as I'd be pretty traumatized if that happened to me. I was curious though. "And when did you change your mind?" I asked as he looked down. "It was when I saw the blood on my hook and claws. At First, I thought it was an old trick. But after seeing the trail and the stains on me. I scanned it. Finding out. it was real. And too late to realize what I had done. Imagine that. A few seconds of me back on the main ship. and I already attacked one of the new crewmates. I Might as well be thrown into Davy Jones locker." He said dejectedly as I put a hand on his arm. "I-I won't tell anyone." He looked shocked at that. "You won't?" He asked as I nodded. "I have been threw a bit more than you'd think." I said as I removed my cut shirt and showed off the other healed scars I had on my face and body. Making him shocked again at my state. Making me look confused as I then realized that it looked pretty bad out of context. In my defense. It's bad In context. But i better explain it clearly. "It's okay. I had way more before this." I said as I pointed at my scars. "This one I got on the second evening. This one I already had from shaving so that's just my ugly self. Oh! And all of these I got from the monster you faced. It took a lot of running, I tell you." I said almost with a prideful look to my battle scars. Before I heard a reply. I saw Foxy's eye light up and the same blue light scanning over my body. When he was done. He'd softly and ever so slightly put his hand on top of one of the scars on my arm. Feeling it almost. Confirming that they were real. "That monster. What happened to it?" I smiled happily. "Let's just say that that mimicking bastard is now resting at the bottom of that cave. With an elevator platform dropped on top of it." Foxy's face looked surprised and shocked. But he still asked right away. "And what about my crew? Are they still down there in the bellows? Or are they replaced? Like hollow shells?" He asked as I was happy to see he was still worried about them. "All up and back on track! No replacement endos. no Chip removal. All as they were before. You aren't the first one I repaired, Rock Star." I said with a smug expression. I could see his face twisted with lots of emotion. "They. They are here? They are all here." He asked as I pointed to the ceiling. "All up there. Performing for all the kids and adults alike. And missing you." Foxy stared at the floor. His hand seems to be shaking? "I. I want to see them. To see my crew all in one piece. I want to see their eyes. hear there laughs and cries. There restored forms. I just wanna see then smile." He said as it tugged on my heartstrings. Nodding as I slowly stood up. Foxy holding my hand as he supports me. "And they would love to see you back. All of them. especially Roxy. But before we do anything. I need to discuss something with you. Captain.'' I said with a smirk. Back on top. Chica and Mangle were getting ready on the elevator stage platform. Chica with her guitar and Mangle with her drum set. "How did it go today with your stand Mangle?" Chica asked as Mangle smiled. "It was rough. Most people didn't even give it a second look. B-but I did get one or 2 customers here and there. I even gave out an autograph. The little boy looked so happy. But his sister seemed sad. And before even I could do anything. He gave it to her. Which made both of them happy. It made my day for sure!" She said as Chica smiled back. "That's great to hear. Don't worry. I know your stand will be the most popular one yet! At Least. I believe so." Chica said reassuringly. She was disappointed that the stand wasn't attracting more people. Thinking that,she does deserve more attention. she would do anything in her power to help Mangle. Even if it meant advertising her cart on her own mazersize. There wasn't any footage left or any old ads. And even if so. the candy would be outdated compared to the commercial. But she would find a way. She had to find a way. Roxy was standing in the middle of the group as Monty. Bonnie. and Freddy. stood together. Bonnie looks over a bit as Roxy lets out another annoyed groan. Bonnie out of curiosity. He excused himself for a moment as he was concerned. And decided to check up on her. "Hey Roxy! Is everything alright?" He asked in his usual cheering tone. She didn't look up at him. pressing some keys on her keytar as they sounded normal. Besides one. "Darn it. Out of tune again. Blasted thing." She muttered to herself as Bonnie put a hand on her shoulder pad. "Are you okay Roxy?" He asked as She wanted to swipe his hand away. But she seemed to stop herself mid motion. Putting her hand on his instead. "I'm. I'm Fine Bonnie. Just frustrated. This stupid thing won't stay in tune. One of the keys is broken." She said as Bonnie looks over her keytar. It looked fine to him. "Maybe it's something inside of it? Try looking threw it." He said as Roxy face palmed internally for forgetting she had that from all the stress. She looked into the case with her special eyes. seeing that one of the keys didn't line up properly to the connecting button below it. Roxy mashed that key a lot of times. Eventually hearing a clicking sound as the key fell into place. She Pressed it as it worked normally now. Roxy let out a sigh as she got it to work. "Thanks Bonnie. Sorry I've been worried lately." Bonnie sat down next to her. "Worried?" She looks down a bit. "Just. Everything. It's all moving so fast. The repairs. The changes. It's a lot to take in. I'm worried about it. And I didn't do anything to help. I feel frustrated that I'm doing nothing. Each time I see all of you. Working hard to keep up or get back in the swing of it. And what am I doing? Nothing! It doesn't feel right. It's not something the best would do." She said as she crossed her arms and growled. Bonnie giving a passionate smile. "And who has been performing for the kids?" getting a grunt from Roxy. "What does that have to do with anything?" He just gave a half lidded look. "Come on~. Who is the ones performing for the kids and taking the biggest groups on so we all can take it easy?" She looked surprised. "I am?" He smiled. "And who is giving the kids as well as guests the best birthday and rocking time here?" He asked as she replied with a chuckle. "I am." Making Bonnie now fully smile. "and who is the best Rock Star in the whole pizza plex?" she now said passionately. "i am! i am the best!" She said before calming down a bit. "You may not have noticed it. But you're doing much more than you think. I'm sorry that we didn't show it enough or thanked you for it." Roxy's eyes go wide as she fully turned to him. "What? You got nothing to apologize for. You've been struggling as much as anyone to get your bearings here. and you're already working at Bonnie Bowl again so soon. Let alone here on stage when you were just back." He gives her a warm smile. "Thank you Roxy. I needed that." He said as he held his arms open for a hug. Roxy rolls her eyes but does hug Bonnie. They stayed like that for a bit before Bonnie's ears twitched and he let go of her. "Oh! I forgot! We are about to put on the show! Get ready Hop Star." He said as he stood up and picked up his bass guitar as he jogged towards the stage. Roxy grabbed her keytar as she followed suit. Mangle rolling her drums on as Bonnie. Chica. Monty. and Freddy. were ready with their instruments as well. Giving each other a nod as they all stood onto the stage platform as it rises up. The crowd was still sizable as ever today. all of them got into their positions as they Waved and greeted the crowd. Posing and showing off a bit to get them all hyped up. "Alright! It's time to rock and roll!" Monty said as the others got ready to start their first song. But As if almost on cue. The music stopped and the lights went off. All felt more uncertain as the crowd slowly Boo's which was here and there a joke of some adults. But slowly growing into a real mad crowd. "W-whats going on? Okay nobody panic, nobody panic! Don't worry. We will do better." Mangle said shakingly. "Right now? This isn't good. We gotta fix it before we get into any more trouble. ngh. shut up shut up." Roxy grunted and mumbles at the crowd. "Is everyone still okay? D-don't worry everyone! It's just a technical difficulty. It will be fixed as soon as possible." Chica said worried as she didn't seem able to get the crowd under control. "Just stay put. If anything happens. just blame it on me." Monty said. Ready to take on any lessons the staff would give him if things did go wrong. "How often does this happen again? No matter. I'll try to keep the crowd calm with Chica. Hey everyone! Don't worry. it will only take a moment!" Bonnie said as he tried to soften the crowd a bit. "No. Not again. Not now. Everything went so well. Please. Just stop booing." Freddy pleaded as he held his mic stand tighter and tighter. Although something got his attention. The crowd went from angry to pointing at something behind them. The same green Laser projector was shining on the back wall curtain again. slowly turning into the image of a flag with a big skull and bones on it. Gasps were heard from the audience who went somewhat quiet. Without anyone else noticing. The stage platform had already descended back down. Then they hear a familiar voice saying. "Well blow me down! This will be a show worth more than a real treasure! Hope all ya bucko's won't mind it if the captain came in and plunder this booty. It's time to set sail. Fly the jolly roger. And turn this party to Super Star board! Yo ho ho!" They all looked around as the stage ascended again. Getting a spotlight on it. But to everyone's surprise and confusion. no one was on it. The stage was empty as not even the people themselves could make heads or tails off of it. Until the voice called out again. "Haha! In the crows nest landlubbers! A real captain always comes in with style!" The spotlight turned up higher til it was at the top of the stage. Settling on Foxy as he stood on top of the stages back wall. Standing on one knee as he held his own keytar with a rope around his middle. Holding an actual rope in his good hand as he gives a wink to the crowd and jumps off. Holding the rope which was a disguised pulling cable and making a big swing above the crowd before landing on the stage lift platform with a sounding thud. Then standing back up before putting his arm in the air and giving a rock sign. Cheers erupt from the crowd as he walks towards the others. "So, the legends were true. Ya are all here and fixed up. And looking more mighty than ever. You all make ya captain proud lads." Foxy said happily as Mangle jumped behind her drum set. "Hooray! Foxy your back! "We are all back!" She said. "Good to see you old pirate pal. Hope your ready to take these angry waters." Bonnie said. "Your gonna perform with us? Awesome! It feels like the good old days again! With all of you!" Chica said. "Well I'll be. Talk about making an entrance. You came just in time. Are you ready to rock? ." Monty said. "It's so good to have you back Foxy. I hope you're good enough to perform. You just got back." Freddy said as Foxy laughed. "Don't ya worry Freddy. I've been on rougher waters. And it was high time for me to set sail." Roxy was stunned as she stared at Foxy. Almost in disbelief of seeing him again. Foxy looked back at her as he walked closer. "Well if it isn't the star siren herself. You've seem to have grown quite the crowd sinds last time. You made your old captain. I mean. me proud. Rock Star." She didn't say anything back as she gets a sad look on her face. Foxy looked side eyed and a bit worried. "Are you okay lass? I didn't hurt ya feelings did i? I know I was gone for a long time. And I wasn't there for ya. I won't ask for forgiveness. But I will make it up to ye. Or at least I'll try to." But before he knew it. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly. Saying. "Don't ever leave again. I. I missed you so much." He softly hugged her back. Keeping the end of his hook facing away from her as to not make any scratches or risk doing it by accident. "ay Lassy. I'm as glad to see ya as well. I was worried you might hate me for disappearing like that. Or worst. Got hurted. But I'm glad to see you Here on the stage. Shining brighter than the northern star." She looked happy as she flicks her hair. "I got to keep up my perfect performance. Am I right? But. I did have some help. from another Rock Star." She said as she turned towards the crowd. pointing above them to the second floor. Foxy looked in that direction as he could see me there. waving softly as he and Roxy look my way. I Leaned on the railing at my usual spot. "Clever boy. Looks like I got a candidate for a forth mate. Well in that case. let's show them all how the song of sirens are played!" He Said as Roxy and Foxy put their hands and hook on their keytars. Foxy showed off a small solo on his keytar. Playing more of a mix of higher and lower notes. "We will show them who is the best!" She said as she played with Foxy into a duet. Putting on a rocking show as ever. The rest joined in the performance as the combined music of Freddy. Monty. Chica. Roxy. Bonnie. Mangle.and Foxy. Was incredible. Chica giving a guitar rip followed by a drum solo of mangle or more of a duet together. Monty and Bonnie both finish each other's base notes to make a full base as Freddy joins in between them with the singing. Sharing in the music as well as into the magical rhythm. And Roxy and Foxy keep outperforming each other.getting better as they eventually end in the best duet together i've heard yet. I could feel them all putting everything they got into it. I could see genuine smiles on their faces. Their pure joy gave me a big smile as well. Taking a deep breath in satisfaction at all the hard work that is finally paying off. I knew I wasn't done yet. But I could take a small break at seeing all of them like that. But that would not stop me from rocking myself to the music. Putting my hand up in a rocking pose as I bop my head to the music like I'm a huge fan at a concert. Which is exactly what i was. Cheering for them all the way through. But not loud enough to be distracting to them or bother the other people below me. At the end of the performance. The animatronics cheered and hugged each other before posing on stage. waving goodbye as they went down the elevator platform. After the performance I was sweating bullets. But I still had a big smile plastered on my face. Then slightly Grunting a bit as I should have taken it easier with my injuries. but I was too hyped up to care. Sitting down as I listen to the murmurs down below me of the customers. "Did you see that?! That animatronic swinging from all the way over there! It was a bit refreshing to see them come in like that instead of the same thing for a third time. He had a cool design. Didn't think I'd like the pirate voice so much. The pirate theme was okay. But his keytar play was a whole nother thing. Especially with Roxy. Can I ask for an autograph already?" They kept on talking as It slowly got muffed. With a happy smile I went to the place they would most likely be at after a show performance. Rockstar row. And I could not be more happy to meet up with all of them there.

Chapter 17

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17. It was luckly easy to get back to Rockstar Row. I saw they were surrounded by a small Meeting crowd as they handed out some autographs. took photos. And talk to them. I saw one of the cameras flash slightly before I quickly put my hand in front of it for the big flash of the camera. Getting an annoyed look from the guy holding it. "S-sorry. The animatronics can't handle flashing lights. Mind turning the flash off?" I asked as they gave a sigh and turned it off. Taking photos as I went out of there way. I kept standing by as I looked at all of them. Chica having a kid on her knee for a photo. Bonnie and Freddy giving autographs. Mangle took more photos as she stood by. Roxy was posing with multiple kids. But I looked at Monty. standing alone a bit at the side. I smiled as I walked close to him. Grabbing my phone and turned on the camera. Checking that the flash is off of my phone. Monty turned to me. "Hm? Yes Party Star?" He asked as I smiled and pointed to my phone and then back at the both of us. He chuckled a bit. "I don't need any petty. better join the rest in the party there. I see Roxy can use the assistance." He tried to entice me. But I didn't budge. I knew that he knew what I was doing but I did it anyway. "No petty here. Just a photo to change my phone screen too from time to time. Plus I don't have any photos of you all separate. So this is a good start. And who better to ask then the rock and rolling gator himself?" I asked as He rolled his eyes behind his glasses. "Alright. Fine then Party Star." I walked by him as he gets on one knee. Putting an arm on my shoulder and smiled. We both held up a rock sign as I take the picture. In my excitement I jumped a bit. Then regretting it right away as one of my wounds still hurt. Monty perked up a bit. "Whoa there. You alright kid?" I nodded. "Yes. Don't worry about me. It turned out fine. The picture I mean." I said with a smile as I showed it off. Monty looking it over. "Hm. Not bad kid. And Thanks. I guess." He said as I smiled and giggled a bit. The others soon came closer to us as the other visitors leave with their photos and autographs. I turn back as I see Foxy looking around and all over the others. One by one to check them out. He's likely checking if the repairs and their other friends aren't damaged. A poke here and a bump of the back of his hook there. Inspecting them all as he looked at Chica and Mangle the longest. Before snapping back to me as I talked a bit loudly. "That was awesome! With all of you there on stage. I was totally rocking out more than I could have ever imagined!" I say with a bright smile. Winking and making one hand in a rocking gesture. Foxy laughed with a good old yar har har. "Ah! They were all fantastic bucko! But don't cut yourself short. You'd be a great forth mate for me crew." He said excitedly as I smiled. Leaning in myself into the pirate persona. "Ay captain! It was the least I could do for ye best crew in the whole seven Seas! Worth more then even The lost treasure of Whydah Galley." This got another laugh from Foxy. Guess doing some pirate research helped to sell the act. "Ya right there mate! No treasures can come close in comparison to this crew." He said as the rest got a smile at hearing that. Roxy walked forward as she put a hand on my shoulder. "He may be your Forth mate. But here by me. He is the best. next to me of course. Foxy. I'd like you to meet the second best around here. Arthur. My special Rock Star." She said as I blushed a bit at that. "Aww I don't deserve such a kind title." I said humbly. Foxy's eye went wide before he looked at me again. a bit curiously. "Really? So you're my first mate's lubbers lust ey? And a better choice I couldn't have made myself." I blushed a bit as I kissed Roxy on her arm. Almost like a pure example of her word. " Ay captain! I mean yes Foxy. He he. Sorry I was still in the pirate flow. But yes. After some hardship. Trust and true feelings. as well as enough time to give them a place and figure them all out. we decided to become the best together! Though she is still a little bit better than me." I said with a smirk as she rolled her eyes. "There's no winning with you, is there Rock Star?" She asked as I gave a dumb smile back. "Nope! You will always stay the best for me~. so deal with it!" I said smiling as Chica and Mangle let out an adorable "aw~." making Monty grunt. "Get a room you two or better yet. Go to parts and service in advance." He said jokingly. Bonnie came closer to him in response. "Then why don't we even it out~?" Making Monty stammer a bit but not pull away. "C-can it Bon bon!" He said embarrassed. But his tail couldn't lie. Freddy did come forward. "So Super Star. What's next for you now?" He asked as he looked at me. I smiled brightly back. "Now I just have to enjoy the ride. I'm still the night guard and part day guard over here. So I'll do my best to help all of you in any way I can." I say as they all agreed. "So I guess. Go ahead and do your own thing everyone. Go around. Take pictures, join parties or attractions. Have fun now that the band is back together." I said happily as they all started to walk and wander off. Even though I really didn't want to. I had to leave sinds it was my day off. Getting back to my bike as I take a look back. Seeing Foxy happily laugh around a bunch of excited children. Guess they really like pirates. Well besides the ones who liked samurais. Or was it ninjas? Questions for later. It made me happy to see him already getting along with the customers and kids. Leaving them to do their own thing. I Started to get out of the pizza plex and got on my bike and biked home. I decided to make a pitstop by the local grocery store as I bought some big cheap candy bags. Not the best stuff but huge in quantity. Hoping Mangle would like these for her cart. A little bit of familiarity and difference in the candy's i took. When I went back home, I took a shower beforehand. Then I started to clean my wounds and replace any bandages that I got torn or were old as I replaced them of course. Getting all dressed up as I chilled. Happily Watching some videos as I relaxed and talked to my friends online. I kept on talking til I went to bed and got ready for my best work day yet. At Least i hoped so. With One plate of pasta eaten up and back on my bike I was off to work. I parked my bike as I went back inside. Greeting Mike as he waved me over. "Morning Mike. How are you doing today? You seem awfully cheery." I asked as Mike smirked as he pulled out 2 envelopes. "Oh yes I am. Because of this!" He hands me one as I open it. Slightly worried. But at seeing what's inside. i perked up. there was money inside. Not a lot. but still better then nothing. "Mike? What's this?" I asked as I pointed at my envelope. "A bonus~ seems like the amount of customers that got in was a little more than we bargained for. And thanks to your little stunts with the animatronic repairs. We saved quite a lot of money. So it's a bonus. Thank the boss for that." He said smiling as he put away his own envelope as I put mine away in my bag. "Thanks. So did anything happen while I was gone?" He sighs as he leaned back on his desk. "I bet you mean to the animatronics? Not much. It was a boring day as well as an evening. Surprisingly. The kids cove attraction got a lot more popular with the Fox one back. But sadly kids can't keep to themselves. Throwing a fake treasure chest full of fake coins all over the sand covered floor. It's a total mess now. " He said as he pointed towards the attraction. "Could you clean them up? There should be a nearby rake to fish them out." I nodded and saluted him. "I'll get right on it boss!" I said as he sighs. "Yeah yeah, go and have fun with the creepy robots." He waved me off dismissively. I still smiled as I put away my stuff and grabbed the rake near Kids Cove. Looking around as I never had been here before. I see a giant orange and white striped lighthouse with a slide coiling around it. At the opposite side of the room. I could see cardboard cutouts of water. Sharks. Ships. tentacles. Even a Chica mermaid as well. All around the place. I could see a coin here and there sticking out in the sand. As well as the fallen treasure chest. I started to walk over and put the chest right up. I then started to take the coins out of the sand. Starting from around the lighthouse as I could hear the little clicks of the plastic coins against each other as I rake them up. I got around halfway done as I heard a voice calling out. "So my forth mate has come to explore the captain's quarters?" He said as I saw Foxy slide down from the slide of the lighthouse and stand up. I give a salute. "Ahoy captain Foxy! Just collecting the scattered Doubloons and returning them to your booty. Captains, I mean other captains orders." I said as Foxy gave a nod. "Ahoy matey! Good. as long as you know who the real captain is. Then I won't mind you dealing with these landlubber fakers." I smiled at that as I continued to talk along. "Speaking of which. How did your first day go? I hope no one was giving you any trouble. or els I'll keelhaul them for disrespecting you captain." I asked and threatened as Foxy showed off his golden hook a bit. "Twas fantastic laddy! no time before did I get such praise from these little lads and lassies running and cheering around the place. Asking questions and for more of my pirate stories. Though it is tough to get used to it again. The children and this place. It feels like yesterday I visited it." He says as he looks around the kids ' cove. "Yeah I'm sorry Foxy. Sadly this was the only place pirate themed that we had. I'll make sure to see if I can at least add some more fun stuff here." Foxy walked past me and towards the light tower as he put his hand on it. "It's. Fine lad. It's good to be here. I almost couldn't escape the gallows down there." His ears drooped a bit As he looked up the tower. I was of course worried about him. "You. Okay Foxy?" I asked as he just let out a sigh. "Just thinking about everything that happened. The good. The bad. The ugly mistakes I made." He said as I quickly replied. "You mean From what happened to you and the other's? it wasn't your fault. Not even what happened in parts and service. And I don't blame you or hold it against you.
If anything. You saved me from that horrible amalgamation of an endo fusion back then." He put his hand into a fist and bashed it against the tower. "But I couldn't save them. What kind of captain can't take care of his own crew. His friends. His. Family." He said as he slowly let his fist scrape against the tower before letting it drop to his side. I walk up to his side as I put my hand on his arm. I see him retract his hook arm and move it slightly. but stopping halfway. "Tell me lad. How do you deal with it? the regret. How do you not let it consume your life?" That was quite the loaded question. I thought deeply as it was hard to answer. "You did everything you could Foxy. And sometimes no matter how hard you hit a wall. You can't break through. I still even. Have regrets. Like. the first time I found all of you." I sat with a sigh of my own as he turned to face me. "Found us all? First time?" I cringed a bit at the memory. "Yes. When I found you all the first time. I had no idea you all were down there. I found you by accident when I ran from the mimic. I found all of you. saw you broken. And from my injuries. left you behind. There was nothing I could do as I was bleeding out and headed back crying up the lift." Foxy lessened with a wide eye. "I begged to go down there by management. To prepare properly and get you all back. I got the green light to go back into that death trap prepared. But even if I didn't have permission. I. I would still have done it. No matter the cost." I said as I looked a bit at the somewhat healed and still bandaged up injuries I got. Foxy taking a double take. "So. That's how ye got us." I nodded. "I never stopped regretting that time. So. I'll try to do better now. I came back. Got ya all back. And it was more than worth it. It won't erase what I did before. But I'll make sure to do better. They all deserve better. You deserve better. I. I don't think I even deserve to be around all of you." I said as I fell silent. Thinking back about the broken state's they were in back down there. The screams and fear of the Mimic. Not realizing what's around me. I jumped almost awake. Pulled from my almost flash back as I looked. Feeling Foxy's hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him and quickly put on a smile. "I-i'm sorry. I Didn't mean to put us in a bad mood. Uh, captain." I said as he looked at me with a sad expression. And after taking what looked like a deep breath. He said. "I. I forgive ya matey." I looked a bit shocked. "W-what?" I asked as I looked up at him. "I forgive you. For what happened. And more so after ya got us all back from that nasty sea cow. You have no worries. You will always be part of my crew. I regret that i couldn't beat that thing myself. And I always see it as my greatest failure. But Like ye said. I'll make sure to never let them sink again. And that includes my forth mate. You belong on this crew now. And with my first mate. I could not be more proud as a captain. Brave star." He said as I wipe away some small tears of sadness and joy when he called me that. Seeing him lean in closer to me. "So wipe these tears away and get ready to set sail with your new crew! Your lass and your captain orders it to be so! Yar har har!" He let out a triumphant pirate laugh as I smiled and saluted him. "Ay Ay Captain! I won't let you nor Roxy or the others down! I'll make sure to bring a smile to everyone here!" I said with new determination as I grabbed my rake and started to work quicker. Grabbing the coins as I put them back in the chest. I try not to make it too noticeable that I stared at him from time to time. But only with a smile as I knew he'd be just fine. After I was done putting the many coins back in the chest. I waved at Foxy as I went on to do different tasks. I checked the camera's to see if there was anything out of place or unusual. Luckly there was Not much. No stuff that needed to be cleaned up. No trash or such and if so. then the cleaning staff bots had it covered. I also looked in the green rooms of the animatronics. Nothing much was in Roxy's. Freddy's. or Chica's rooms. I did see Bonnie. Freddy. and Monty. sitting all together in Monty's room next to each other on Monty's couch. By the sounds of it. They must have had quite the emotional conversation. But now it was just quiet. Them all hugging it out. For quite a while actually. They looked at each other before they got closer. Their eyes closed as I saw Bonnie and Monty kiss. My eyes went wide as I watched this. "Well. didn't see that coming. Guess love is in the air for everyone. Eh. I ship it." After they break the kiss. I keep watching Bonnie and Freddy kiss next. Getting a surprised smiley. "Well I'll be. I ship that to~." I mumble to myself. They broke their kiss as Bonnie leaned back against the couch. They seemed to wait a moment before Freddy rubbed the back of his head. Leaning back in as Monty chuckles and puts his hand on Freddy's cheek. He leaned over and. Kissed Freddy. Smiling and all 3 laughing after it together. Making me squeal In excitement. "Aw~ aren't they cute? That's super adorable! I should get something to celebrate. A pizza maybe? I know it's usually Chica's thing. but still. Hm." I think as I take one last look at them talking and telling stories to each other. Monty mimicking his golf techniques as Bonnie does the same with his bowling afterwards. Freddy was just happy to be there. I switched the camera to another one. Making a mental note not to watch that one specifically In such a passionate moment. I might be curious. but I also know when to give people their privacy. After all, I would want the same in that scenario. But I couldn't help but smile at seeing them all so happy. Anyway that's a secret I will now keep to myself as I continue my stroll throughout the pizza plex. Checking more of the other camera's as well. Roxy was hanging out at her RaceWay. Working on her own cart it seemed like. Chica and Mangle were eating pizza at El Chip again. Seems like someone took over my job of bringing pizza to Chica. They sit together as I see them each put a pizza in the others mouth and beak. And. Eat it together? Lady and the tramp style. Before kissing each other. Making me smile. "Aw~ and it's not even Valentine's Day yet. Altho it explains the kiss on stage." I commented as I then saw Foxy walk in. Stopping as he sees the kissing sight too. But instead of being surprised or nervous. They wave him over to sit down and eat some pizza as well. sitting in between them as they seemed to talk for a bit. likely from what he just saw. he wrapped an arm around both of them as he seemed more then happy for them. until Chica and Mangle both nodded at each other and then leaned in. both kissing Foxy. I'd Never imagined Foxy could become more redder then he already was. flustered and stammering a bit. making both girls burst out laughing. After that Chica held his hand as Mangle held his hook. Seeming to talk some personal things over. With all of them getting a bright smile at the end. Foxy pulling them in as he smooch them both back. now making both of them flustered. He stood up to bring in more pizza's from the kitchen to them. and was met with more hugs and kisses from the animatronic gals. and for each other to. They all grabbed a pizza slice. And Toasted to this on there pizza party. With drinks to. After that they just talked and laughed. It was sweetly wholesome. I switched back to the empty kids cove attraction now. I'll make sure that place gets something more to play with. Something like a swing or a seesaw. Oh God that pun would be perfect! I giggled to myself a bit as I walked through the pizza plex. while I walked threw the pizza plex to clean up some posters and trash cans. I came close to the stage as I saw Mangle and Chica wave at each other and going in different directions. I bet Foxy had already left them by the restaurant. Mangle saw me as she came towards me. "Hi Arthur. How's your evening going?" She asked excitedly. "Better now that you're here. How about you? Did you have fun with Chica and Foxy?" I said as she giggled a bit. "aww you're so sweet! Well it's always nice to see you. She was a treat! I enjoyed seeing her enjoy her pizza~. Foxy showed up later. joining into the fun too. He told us a lot of new stories and ate some pizza with us!" she said as I laughed with her. "That's adorable." I hope it tasted good. And the pizza too~." I said a bit, giggling. "Haha yes they did. I Mean. uh. what? I have no idea what your talking about." She tried to lie as she put her hands behind her back. I put a hand on her arm. "Mangle. dear. Darling. You do know I'm the night guard and janitor. With Access to the security cameras." She stopped as she stared with an almost twitching eye. "How. How much did you see?" She asked as I gulped. worried I overstepped her boundaries. "Um. well. just the start. You smooching Chica. and both of you smooching Foxy. I'm sorry for spying. I should have switched camera's sooner." I admitted embarrassed. thinking I may have invaded her privacy. But instead she just looked a bit shy. "Um. Mangle? Are you alright?" I asked as she stayed quiet for a bit. "I. Never really had a place to myself. Even with a food cart. I just felt. Lost sometimes. So I would try to join in on the other's parties. Ofcorce with lesser success. Maybe they didn't want me there or the birthday kid wanted the main star for themselves. I don't blame them. However, There were two places I always was welcome to join in. That was at Foxy and Chica's parties. I always had fun going to parties with Foxy. Joining in as his second mate. Wearing a pirate hat and eye patch. The kids would usually flock to him. But some would even stick with me. Playing treasure hunts and keeping me company. Always asking the group if I may join ones he sees me stand a bit by the side. It. Helped a lot. Chica was just as sweet. Being the star of exercise made her sadly not as popular by the kids as the others. If there was no one at her Mazersize attraction. She'd still had to do the routine every hour. And doing it alone in an empty room. Feels lonely and down. So I would always check on her at these times. Seeing her smile each time when I asked to join in the mazersize routine If the room was empty. She introduced me to the different kinds of pizzas as well as which one to serve at what events. Plane cheese for newcomers. Mushrooms for adults. Mix halfs and halfs differently. As well as teaching me some first aid too. Which came in handy for sure. I always imagined she was as happy to have me there as Foxy was to me when I got to join his party." I kept on listening intensely. Nodding to letting her know that I was listening. "We started to hang out after hours. Doing the game night attractions with the others. To add our own games and ideas to do in the pizza plex. and all of it made us just come closer to each other. We saw how you and Roxy were treating each other. And when I asked Chica if she ever felt that way. She nodded. I was curious to know who it was. But I never expected it to be me. Yet I could not lie and say I didn't feel something as well. So. We tried out the kiss. And well. We didn't stop. Pizza and all. When Foxy came in. We explained everything clearly to him. I hate misconceptions. And wanted to prevent it from happening. So After he listened. He was really supportive. Saying that. " You have chosen the brightest white dove to be on your shoulders lassy." It was refreshing. I wanted to ask if he had someone special as well. Or an eye on them. He said yes. But I didn't want to ruin what we just got. Admitting that he liked both of us a lot too. But it wouldn't stop me from being happy. I wasn't sure what to say or how to respond. But surprisingly, Chica came in with an idea. She liked me and also admitted she liked him a lot too. So. She suggested the 3 of us to just like each other." She said as I gave a smile. "So she suggested to be a throuple? And everyone was fine with it?" I asked as she let's out an excited nod. "You bet ya Sweet Star. So when Foxy was more than ecstatic by the idea. we just made it a double double date. And enjoyed our celebration pizza party." I chuckled a bit. "Must have bin one hell of a party. I am really happy for all of you. You more then deserve it. and you got my vote." I said with a thumbs up. Making Mangle give me a quick hug. "Aw thats even sweeter of you Sweet Star." i try to wiggle myself in to a comfortable position. "Your too kind Mangle. Oh! By the way. So how is business going with your food cart? I hope I brought enough snacks just to make it a bit attractive. Also i got some from the store. They aren't that great. But they where cheap and familiar." I offered as She walked besides me. "It's going fine. Not too busy so that's always a good point. Gives me more time to help the others. But. Sometimes I wish it was. ya know? More bigger or like me. I know it has my posters and candy theme on it. But it feels a bit. Small." She said as she rubbed the back of her head a bit. "And it feels a bit. Hard." She said as I perked up. "Hard? What do you mean Mangle?" She looks a bit away sadly as she crosses her arms. "Just. Hard to adjust. To move around. Not really be settled in a place of my own. B-but I'm not complaining tho! You did a great job on my cart. And i didn't mean to sounds ungrateful. It just has bin something I've bin thinking about a lot. With some. Other things." I looked curiosly. "Other things? Like what?" I asked as her ears drooped. "I. still think about being down there. Underground. Beaten and Broken. Torn apart. No escape. No hope." She puts her hands over her face slowly. "Tortured by that monster. Breaking parts of me. Glitching my vision and senses. broken as I begged it to stop. I Begged it to finally stop. Stop it. Stop it now! Please!" She said as she stopped in place and shivered. Having a huge panic attack. I hold onto Mangle's arms as she tries to pull away. "No!" Don't do it! Please! Just let me go. Go back to my family! I wanna go back to my lover's. Please just. let. go." Her desperate cries made my heart ache as I tried and mostly failed to hold onto her. "Mangle. Mangle! Look at me. You're not down there. You're up here. With us. Freddy. Monty. Chica. Foxy. and Bonnie. All of us are here with you. You're in the atrium. We were at mazersize together. You're safe. Hold onto me. I'm real. This all is real. Sweet Star. We are here for you." I said softly and clearly. Not wanting to panic her more than she already was. Her struggling seemed to slow down a bit as she started to cry. She then looked at me. staring a bit at me before she wraps her arms around me. Still crying as I guide her to one of the nearby walls. She slid down it as I followed suit. Making sure she doesn't scrape her back against it. I sit next to her For comfort and from being dragged down by the heavy animatronic. I rubbed her back as I held one of her hands with my own. We sat there for a few minutes. I comforted her as she was quiet. Her face covered in her arms. Slowly it became lesser and lesser as did her shaking. I hummed the pizza plex music tune again like i did the first time. Having the soft background music at the same time to help me out. All the while sitting there till she was fully calm. "Thank you Arthur. Ive. Bin stressed a bit. Sinds i don't have my own place to recharge at." She said as I thought for a bit. Then I remembered. Yeah. She didn't have a place for herself. It kinda made me sad as I know how she feels. I for a long time didn't even have my own room to speak off. And I didn't like the sound of it. No one has to go through that. I leaned against her. Even now she just sat there with her arms around her legs and her head and ears down. I'm sad that I had no way to properly cheer her up. "I'm sorry. I'm not sure what I can do to help." I say in a depressed tone. Mangle reached one of her claws out and held my arm. "Can you stay? Here. For a while?" She asked hopefully. I smiled as I got comfortable. "Of Course we can Mangle." I said with a big smile as we just sat there. Comforting each other as We both heard heavy foot steps coming closer. Watching Freddy walk towards us. "Greetings Arthur and Mangle. Is everything okay?" He asked as I nodded. "Yes Freddy. I just became the Mega Pizza Plex emotional support buddy. Though I am not complaining." I said with a wink and a giggle. Mangle slowly let herself relax a bit as she stood up. Helping me up as well. "Yes Freddy. We are doing alright. I just. Had some stuff on my mind." She said as Freddy gave an understanding nod. I looked at him. "How about you Freddy? You seem to be in a Super Star mood today." Freddy smiles as brightly as the sun almost. "Oh yes, I'm doing wonderfully! But if I can be of assistance I'd gladly help." He offers as he looks at us. Thinking for a bit. "Hm. well maybe one thing. Are there any attractions here at the Pizza Plex that don't have any specific animatronic assigned to them?" Freddy thought about it a bit as Mangle looked surprised. Freddy was deep in thought as he pondered. "Hm. The only ones that I know of are the Theater and the arcade. There used to be an animatronic in the arcades. DJ Music man. But he has been relocated to a different pizza plex establishment." He said as I knew it would be perfect for her. "Of course! Arcade! sweets!'Candy! and stuff on the go. It's perfect. What do you think Mangle?" I asked her excitedly. Freddy tilted his head confused as Mangle looked at me with a slight bit of shock. Her mouth was gaping open. "Hm? What do you mean Arthur?" Freddy asked asI smirked. I make a big bow before pointing with both fingers at Mangle. "Then how about we make Mangle the new face of the Fazcade? Like how you have the Fazer Blast arena and Roxy her Raceway. Monty with his golf course. Even Bonnie and Foxy has Kids cove and Bonnie Bowl. So I want Mangle to have a place for relax and recharge on her own. And I don't think the theater would be best suited for her candy theme." I said as Freddy held his hand to his chin. "Hm. You may be right. It wouldn't be fair if she didn't get a place for herself. It might even be more possible sinds it would bring in new customers there. I will notify the main office." Mangle's gaze was one of hope as she smiled brightly. Quickly running up to him and hugged freddy. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you Freddy! Oh this is amazing! I sell my candy there. Play games. Oh! And all of you are welcome to visit of course! You're gonna love it as much as I do!" She said excitedly as he hugged her back. "Haha. It's no problem Mangle. I'm happy to help. And I must apologize for not thinking about it. I should have known you'd want a place for yourself. I should have made arrangements sooner." Freddy said happily as they hugged. Mangle talking into his chest. "It's okay freddy. I just hope I get the place." She said as I gave a satisfying nod. "One more thing Freddy. Could you send a message to the front desk about adding more stuff like slides. see saws. spinners. or more playground equipment for kids? I want to add some to Kids Cove. I asked as Freddy took a moment. Closed his eyes and nodded. "Done. The report has been sent." I smiled as I wanted to give him a hug too. But Mangle seems to have it covered. "Thank you Freddy. I'll be looking around some more. Be sure to contact me when you're in need of me." They both nodded and smiled. Mangle finally lets Freddy go before both waving me bye as well. I listened to the ambient music of the pizza plex as I felt a slight bit weird. But I try to ignore and shake the feeling off of me. I continued to walk as I saw Roxy a bit further up. Making me smile a bit as I waved at her. She waved back as she walked closer. "Hey there Rock Star. How are you doing? this. Night? Is everything alright?" She asked as I was caught a bit off guard by the changed tone in the question. "I guess? How come?" I asked as she lifted her finger slowly to one of my eyes and wiped something off. "Because you're crying." She said as I looked surprised as I did a double take and wiped my eyes. To my surprise, I felt something wet. I felt it again and just noticed I was crying indeed. Maybe the tiredness and stress is getting to me. "Huh. That's weird. I felt fine just a moment ago." I said as Roxy's surprised look turned to concern. Taking a moment to think as she reached out for my hand. "Would you like to join me in my Green room for a moment Arthur?" She said as I jolted awake almost and nodded. I Wanted to say yes but it felt like I had a frog in my throat. We walked together and through the pizza plex as she held my hand. It was slightly comforting. but also worried that we didn't say a single thing the whole way through. She only looked at me from time to time with that concerned look. All the way until we arrived at her green room door. I open it up as I let us in and she closes the curtains to the see through glass wall for some privacy. "There. Now no one can bother us." She said in a co*cky tone as she turned back to me. I was shivering and feeling strange. But not in a sick way. Roxy grabbed the old blanket that was still in the corner of her room and put it around me. By the smell of it. And the lack of blood. it seemed to be cleaned nicely. She kept walking around As she grabbed a can of Roxy's fizzy fazz drink and handed it over to me. She put the blanket around me as the tears still streamed down my cheeks. But the shivering became slightly lesser as I took a sip. It tasted like grapes as I felt Roxy put her hand on my back. "It's okay RockStar. I am here for you." She said as she placed her other hand on my open hand that I rested on my knee. Holding each other as I leaned Into her. My tears were slowly followed up by sobbing as I became sad and unsure. Neither i nor Roxy knew why I was crying. But it felt just. Too much. As if I was carrying a load with me that i didn't know I had. I rested my head against her chest. My emotions are getting harder and harder to hold back. Especially in her comforting embrace. "You're here with me, Rock Star. I will protect you. Don't forget. We are the best." She said softly as I held her hand tighter. "I. I'm sorry R-Roxy. I don't. I don't know what's gotten into me." I said with a shaky smile. Sometimes taking a shaking hand to my pocket for a tissue and blowing my nose. I've never imagined I'd be so comfortable resting against Roxy. After a few moments I heard a soft humming. I listened or tried to between my own sobs. It sounded like she was humming the main ambience song of Rockstar Row. Even in her robotic tune it was ever so slightly calming. I got a small smile as someone did that for me now instead. I calmed down as I stopped crying and sobbing. Her hand moved to my head to rub it. Hearing her speak as softly as she could. "You. held a lot of worries inside of you. Didn't you?" She asked with her ears drooped. I nodded slowly. "Y-Yes. I-I Didn't even. Realize. I'm. I'm sorry." I said again as Roxy wrapped both arms around me slowly and hugged me. "Shh. It's okay my Rock Star. Don't be scared. I'll be here. I'm Not going anywhere till you feel at your best again." Her words ment so much to me. Roxy didn't let go no matter how long we sat there. Likely in case she didn't want too before I was ready. As soon as I slowly let her go. She let's me go as well. I see her close her beautiful yellow eyes as she opened then a view seconds later. a blue light shining over my body as it was being scanned. I thought firstly that I needed to remove the blanket and such. But then I remembered her special eyes. One that can see threw it anyway. She also puts one hand on my left most chest. "You. You have new injuries! What happened?!" She asked in shock. "J-just so you know. It isn't what it looks like!" She looked mad. "You have new cuts across your face and stomach. You better start explaining before I turn whatever did this to you into scrap myself!" She said as I rubbed the back of my head. "Well. It likely is now. You see. I got these from Foxy." I said awkwardly as Her eyes went wide. "FOXY!?" I throw my hands up. "Hold on! It was a misunderstanding!" She looked more than pissed off. "Start. talking. Now." She said intimidatingly. "When he woke up from his repairs. He thought he was still in the underground tunnels. fighting the Mimic. And when he was back online. He thought that he still was. So He attacked me and I ran. bolting it to the back of the parts and service room. But then when I tried to hide. This abomination of glitchy animatronic spare parts that build itself came after me. It wanted to get me. But Foxy saved me. I even helped a bit by clonking an empty gas canister over the arms. After that, He helped me on the way back and checked my bandages. So please don't blame him. I was pretty terrified. Thinking I'd made my last mistake and that I ruined everything again. That I'd never get to see you all again. See you again. Roxy." I said as my sadness started to creep back in. Roxy calmed down. Looking at me as She didn't get mad nor angry. She just had concern on her face. "It's fine. I'm just glad you're okay. But you do need to take it easy RockStar. Hm. Rock Star. Hold on." She said as she stood up and grabbed her keytar before she sat back down. "I will teach you how to play my Keytar! Playing it always keeps my mind off of things. So maybe it can help you to. and who better to teach you then the best?'' She said as I gave a weak smile. "Really? I. I'd like that. Thank you Roxy." I say as I looked at her play on her keytar. She started to play the main theme song she played on stage. Her part at least. And I could have sworn I heard the music in one of the elevators. It's nice to listen to. As well as slightly calming. My sadness blows away as I listened. She even closed her eyes when she was playing. Seeming to be so skilled or familiar that her fingers didn't even make a single mistake. No clicks or scrapes from her claws or fingers hitting the notes. Which impressed me even more. When she finished I clapped happily. "That was amazing! Truly like the best! You Rock! you winner!" I said happily as I saw her smile brightly. "Thank you. I am the best. But now it's your turn." I looked at her as if I wasn't sure if I even could. "I'm. I'm not sure if I could Roxy." I said as she moved closer to me. Pulling away part of the blanket so she could sit as close to me as she could. "here. I'll help you with the notes." She said as she put the keytaur on my lap. I hold it in an odd angle til she rolls her eyes and helps me adjust it in a way I can hold it properly. I Had no idea how to play this. i tried to slightly guess what notes I'd needed to press to mimic her song. But I was terrible with keeping up the phase. I looked at Roxy a bit with a weak smile as I stopped halfway. "I never could tell what key is what. Terrible, am I right?" I said with a mocking sad giggled. Roxy thought for a moment before she put a hand on her lap. "Sit." She said as I took a second. before scooting over and sitting on her lap. I let my back rest against her torso and chest. pressing up against me as i slightly blushed. She then wraps her arms around me and puts her hands on top of mine. "Here. We will play together. Slow and steady." She said as she started to give soft presses on my fingers with her own. she was so delicate when she pressed down or moved my hand that it didn't even hurt. Almost like she gave me more directions than actually playing. Slightly pulling on my hand when I needed to move up and down. Or slightly pressing only a bit on a finger if I needed to press a key. Eventually we made a slowed down version of the song she played before. Slightly going faster as we played fully together. Giving me a smile as I slightly headbanged with the music. Roxy wiggled her tail as she tapped her foot a bit on the floor. I got the rhythm as she even stopped. letting me play a part by myself. It was fun. It was catchy. Before she joined back in when I messed up a key. With the final note we held down. We smiled brightly. Looking at each other as I felt like the luckiest man alive. "That. Was. Amazing!" I said happily as Roxy laughed. "It was. You were born to rock, Rock Star!" She said as I let the keytaur lay on my lap flatly. "No way. You're the real Rock Star here Roxy. Can. We do this more often? I've never been able to play an instrument before. And this felt. Nice." I asked as she wiggled her tail. "Ofcorce Arthur. You will be learning from the best." She Said as she looked back at me with her more concerned look. "But first of all. How are you feeling?" She asked as I looked at her with a small smile. "Much. Much better. Thank you for all of this." I said as she smiled. "Your welcome, my Rock Star. Only the best for the best." That only made me smile more. "I'm. I'm so glad you were there. And now here. Thank you for staying by me." I Said as I stood back up. "Ah. Now after all that. I do feel a lot better. What wil you do for the rest of the evening?" I asked Roxy as she thought for a moment. "Just make some preparations and test out some new make up styles on a dummy head. And you?" She asked as I motioned to the door. "I'll be going around the pizza plex to explore. I didn't see much stuff that needs to be cleaned up. but I might as well Try and see if I missed anything." I said as she nodded. "Alright. But do contact me if it gets worst. okay? If I'm not available. I'd recommend you contact Chica instead. Alright? Take care Rock Star." She said as I bowed and went out of the door. I was curios as I walked past Monty's room. I wanted to knock on the door first. but it already opened itself before I knew it. Knocking on his chest instead. Before I dumbly looked up. "Uhh. what are you doing kid?" He asked as I faked a deep thinking look. "Huh, weird, there used to be a door there." Monty sighs as i got a smile. "Verry funny Arthur. But seriously. Why are you here?" He asked. "To be honest. Just checking up on you. It's bin a while sids I did that." He scoffs a bit. but still got a smirk on his face. "Dont ya worry. Nothing needs to be cleaned up. Or repaired. For ones." I was glad to hear that. But he continued. "Hey. Do you happen to know where Bonnie and Freddy are? darn Bunny forgot his base and big bear his Mic in my room." Monty said as he pointed at the instrument's standing in his room. "Hm. I'm not sure. last time i saw freddy he met with me and mangle. But that was a while ago. And I don't even know where Bonnie has gone to. I can check the cameras if you want? Maybe i can find them in there rooms." I asked as Monty nodded. "Yeah. Sure you do that and i will." But he stopped mid sentence. Slowly looking at me. "The cameras. In our rooms. Any room? Like. My room to?" He asked as i slowly nodded. Giving him a slightly tough guy embarrassed look. " Did you. see anything in mine?" He asked with narrowed eyes. I'd better be honest with him. "I just saw you. Freddy. and bonnie. sit and talk on your couch. Then I saw Bonnie hug and kiss you. After that I saw the same with Bonnie and Freddy. And. You and Freddy. I then switched camera's to give you three some privacy." I said honestly. Monty's jaw hangs open as it drops. Going from confused to concern and angry. "I. Well. You see. I Uhh. It's not what it looks like! Okay. maybe it's exactly what it looked like." I just gave a smile. "Don't worry Monty. I'm Just more than happy for you three. Altho I am curious. I can understand bonnie. But Freddy surprised me." I said as the gator glared daggers before he slumped a bit. "Well. It's a long story. I always had a good bond with Bonnie. Heck he was my idol when it came to performing. So I was more than surprised when he came to thank me. Turns out someone let it slip that I was skipping shows to search for him. It meant a lot to him that I never stopped looking for him. So he wanted to spend more time with me to make up for the lost one we missed while he was gone. I always admired his lustrous finish. The teasing was a bit more obvious to test the waters on how he felt. And when it didn't stop. We had a talk. This was at the same time Freddy wanted to talk about something important as well. So we let him join in. So first talked about everything that happened. My thrashing rages. Freddy's leaking incident. We all tried to apologize and make it up to each other. I swear these two are just giant plushies with how much they needed a hug. It was hard. But thanks to Bonnie. We eventually managed to forgive each other. Was I mad for what fazbear did? Yes. But. i would have done the same if the roles were reversed. Altho I'd be less leaking info and more bashing his faceplate in. Haha." He joked a bit as he crossed his arms. "When we were done talking. But still a bit emotional. We talked a bit about the pizza plex. The other animatronics. And even you. Just Sitting and talking. When you and Roxy came up in the conversation. I thought it was as good as any time to talk about something more personal. It was hard to say. I kept beating around the bush. But when both Bonnie and Freddy sat next to me and encouraged me. I. Well. Said I Liked Bonnie. Like. Like like I mean. I wasn't sure what I expected when I said it. but not what happened. Bonnie sat next to me and talked if I was absolutely sure and that I was speaking the truth. I just nodded. Looking at him as he put his hand on top of one of mine. I was stunned when he said he felt the same way about me. Altho I was more curious about Freddy's reaction. Freddy looked More down then I ever saw him before. And a sad bear is not a pretty sight. When we asked what was wrong. He reluctantly told us that he liked Bonnie as well. Taking us by surprise. But eh. Not really eather. I should have expected as much. These guys were great friends even before I joined the band. I still remember the darn poster Freddy had in his room from Bonnie." He mumbled as if I was Listening like a kid to a bedtime story. "Anyway. He started to talk about liking Bonnie as well. With all the previous emotional experiences they had way before he was gone. Always caring about him and how he would stand near Bonnie bowl just to see his image again. It was. Nice. Bonnie couldn't help but admit he shared these feelings as well with Freddy. So We were at an impasse when we both confessed to Bonnie. So obviously. We asked how he felt about all this. He took a moment of deep thinking before he spoke up. Admitting that he indeed shared both of our feelings in return. But he was afraid that he'd make someone sad or jealous if he picked one over the other too. Well. Date. The big Bunny just wanted to make everyone happy. And after some more. Rougher talking. I'd made sure he was telling the truth. And not be forced into this to please us. If he finds it too much. Or didn't truly share our feelings back. We would have just dropped it and moved on. But instead. He more than confirmed it. Ofcorce with a big hug. He wanted to make us both happy. So. I just had to ask the question. "Why not just. Do both of us?" They were more surprised than I expected at my suggestion. But I just said simply. "Why not?" I asked. Freddy started to worry and stammering as he talked. Some dumb stuff about "not wanting to take my happiness away. Soft bear. But I and Bonnie reassured him that that was not the case. Sitting next to him on his left as Bonnie did on his right. So to give him some reassurances. We made sure to make some things clear. Bonnie won't love one of us over the other. And We promised we wouldn't get jealous of each other's teasing. Freddy was still unsure about the me and him part. So I promised to start working on it with him. Be more open and stuff. spending more time together with Freddy. Getting a bit closer to the big bear then I ever thought I'd be. His back and forth apologizing was kinda funny. But appreciated. He and I talked for a bit as Bonnie sat there listening. And. Freddy wanted to try a kiss out as well. Just to test out if there was a spark between us too. I wasn't sure at first. But Turns out after the third try. You likely have your answer already." I wasn't sure if I wanted to laugh or facepalm. So I did both. "We looked at Bonnie right away after it. But he wasn't mad or annoyed or anything. The darn bunny was ecstatic. Jumping up as he hugged us both. Happy we didn't only make up but that the two stars he had as favorites can be happy together with him too. So now we are A throuple. After one more kiss to seal the deal. With each other of course." He said as he looked to the side. But his tail wiggles madly. "That's so adorable! I'm so proud of you Monty!" I say with stars twinkling in my eyes. Making him embarrassed. "Hey! Don't blame me! It was hard not to. With you and Roxy being all luffy duvvy with each other." I blushed a bit as he said that. "touché Monty." I said with a smirk as Monty scoffs. "So yeah. That's how it happened. So kinda in a way. This is all your fault." He said as I just got a big smile back. "I'm not sorry." I said as he looked tired. "Of Course you aren't." I stood back up as I stretched my legs. " I'm more than happy for all you three. So. When will you have your first date~?" I asked teasingly as monty stammers a bit. "D-Date? What? Where should I go? What are you? Do you know? What should I do? Hey!" I laughed devilishly as I wrapped an arm around his waist in a single handed hug. "Don't worry Monty. You're fine. And even more with your new Super Star and Hop star." I said smirkingly. Getting a growl from Monty. "Yeah yeah. Just go back to your own Rock Star as well." He said as I made a big bow. "Of course sir Monty. If I can be of more assistance. Just Call me. Oh. And Monty?" I said before I turned around. "You deserve it more than you know." I said as I heard him reply back. "Thanks. Party Star. Take. Take care of yourself. And Roxy." I gave a nod as I started to walk off as I was happy. Today was an odd day but in the end. it was all worth it. I went to the back of the employee only room as I grabbed my plushies and happily snuggled up with them. It was a cold night or morning in this case as I'd made a mental note to maybe even bring my most precious Renamon plushie with me from home. With the soft ambient music echoing of the pizza plex. I relaxed as I drifted off to sleep. Having the most pleasant dreams a RockStar here can have.

Chapter 18

Chapter Text

18. When I was rudely awoken by my alarm. I smacked it off as I knew it was time for my dayshift again. Mumbling as I get up. Begrudgingly I made my way to the restaurant as I grabbed a fizzy drink and a slice of bread with some chocolate paste on it. My personal bread and butter. Plus i gotta switch up the pizza taste every now and then. I went back to the main entrance as I wanted to let everyone in. But it seems that the staff bots already had it covered. I smiled as that worry washed away from my mind as I went and looked around a bit. I did my usual exploration around the Mega PizzaPlex. Making sure everything was ready to go. Chica was in her Mazersize with a surprisingly decent crowd of some adults and a big group of children. Likely a birthday party as she hands a big chocolate cookie to him with a single candle sticking out. Blowing it out as they cheered and sang. Chica quickly removes the candle as she hands the cookie over. Then getting back onto her sort of stage spot to continue the exercise routine. Bonnie was in Bonnie Bowl. Surprisingly. He wasn't at one of the bowling lanes. But instead performing on the stage next to the ice cream bar. Seeing people sit down and enjoy the show with there ice cream. Which made him much more happy. He wanted to walk off of the stage. But a kid was in the way. Making him misstep as the kid fell. Dropping his ice cream. Before he could cry. Bonnie picked him up as he walked over to the icecream bar and got him a new one with 2 scoops instead. Making the kid smile brightly as he hugs him. Monty was at Gator Golf. It didn't seem busy at that place. Monty walked around the entrance before leaning against the wall with a sigh. At least that was until a familiar boy ran up to him and hugged his leg. Making Monty more than surprised. But slowly hugged him back. He pointed at another kid that was a bit further away. He came closer as they all talked for a bit. After that. Monty stood up and grabbed 3 Golf clubs. Handing the kids 2 as he walked with them to the first hole. making me smile a bit. I can see Mangle's food stand in front of the arcade. But Mangle herself was inside of the arcade. Guess she wants to scout the place out. She was actually talking to some teenagers. However these ones don't look like the bad kind. Walking along as Mangle recommended different games for them to play. She even saw one kid who was sitting on one of the cart racing games carts. Going over to talk and soon after it. She got in the other one and played with him. I see Foxy in kids cove. Even with the weird situation he is in. I can see that he still tries his best to play with the little kids. Hiding treasures under the sand and doing treasure hunts with them. Play tag with them. Or even like he was doing now. Sitting around the fake campfire and telling some of his extravagant pirate stories. A kid got quite scared at some part of it. But Foxy just opened his hand and comforted the kid. Continue to tell it as they all snuggle up to him. Freddy was excited and ready. Jogging from place to place in Fazer Blast. Likely because it's the most popular attraction. Taking groups in and out of the arena. his attention was pulled by a teen that stood off to the side of a group of kids. Seeming to be angry or sad. Standing near a pillar as they leaned on it. Freddy came close and talked with him. Seems like he didn't wanted to at first. But the longer he did. The kid seemed to open up a bit more. Freddy even let him hold one of the prized golden fazer blasters. Making the teen smile. But he was a bit too excited as he pulled the trigger and hits Freddy in his eyes. The kid was a bit frozen in panic. after a few seconds of waiting. Freddy got back online. Looking at the kid as he was scared and sorry. Dropping the fazer blaster as he feared the worst. But Freddy got on one knee and patted his head. Guess he knew it was an accident. His eyes lighted up as well as he scanned him for any injuries. After it he opened his arms for a hug. The kid altho unsure. He hugged Freddy before letting go a second later. Joining freddy as he picks up the fazer blaster and leads him back to his group. inviting him to join the next match. Roxy was in Roxy Raceway. Addressing a group of teens and kids alike on the rules and how to put on the racing gear. holding one helmet as an example. As they all nodded and went to their carts. She wanted to join them till her ears twitched. Hearing something from a nearby garage. I switched the cameras to follow suit. Soon she and i saw a crying girl sitting in the corner. Roxy approached her as she froze up. Shivering almost. Roxy talked to her. She stayed curled in the corner as she looked scared. Guess not everyone is fond of going so fast. Roxy got close enough to go on one knee and put a hand on her shoulder. Getting an idea as she talked it over with the girl. After some time she and Roxy walked towards the starting line. Going in her cart as she takes the little girl on her lap. As the race started. She didn't go fast. She didn't try to race as her attention was fully on the girl as they started to slowly drive. In comparison to the other kids with their bumping of carts. Roxy drove slow and steady. The girl looked more comfortable by the second. Even when Roxy speeded up a slight bit. The girl was smiling. Soon they reached the finish line. Of course as last. But the girl was beaming with joy. Hugging Roxy as she hugged her back and stood up. Holding on tight to carry her back out of the racing track and to the group of kids. Seems like she made her day. I should be proud of how far they came in such a short time. So I better keep up with them. Walking around the pizza plex to help customers and clean up trash when needed. Soon I came across kids cove. Sinds I was here anyway. It Wouldn’t hurt to see how Foxy is doing. I see that the kids cove was pretty empty in comparison to earlier. Maybe their group already moved on to another part of the pizza plex. Cause Only 2 or 3 children were still around. One was going down the lighthouse slide as he soon joined the other two that were sitting by Foxy. I stayed out of view and slightly listened to them and Foxy. "And there ye go. Soaring across the sky like an eagle! But the winged beast didn't hold back. As soon as it saw me. He swung by, cutting me swinging rope!" He said as it made one of the kids gasp. "I fell downwards as I continued to combat the flying menace. But it made a mistake to underestimate the captain of this crew. Trying to go in for a bite. It flew down towards me. As it flew closely I knew what to do. I ducked and hooked my hook right onto it's Wing as I rode it through the sky!" one of the kids had a neutral face as the other 2 were in awe of the story. "I pulled its Wing down as it crashed on the deck of my ship. Yelling out the signal from both masts. My first cre members. Chica and Mangle. to Swing both down with ropes as they swing below and around the beast. The ropes tied them right up! They didn't stand a chance against Captain Foxy and his loyal crew. I ask the now landlubber why he thought they could mess with me and my crew. But the roaring of its belly said enough. It seems like the big bird was just really hungry. For putting up a good fight. We shared some of our pizza and Fizzy Fazz with them. They were so overjoyed and stuffed that they wanted to tag along with me. And that's how I got a giant eagle to join my crew. They helped me and my crew in the deepest of storms. Pulling the ship to the eye of the storm for safety." One of the kids was really excited. Cheering in place for the story. "That was amazing, Captain Foxy! What happened next?" He asked as Foxy laughed a bit but shook his head. "Now now. An old captain can't let all his secrets out. But next time. i'll tell you about the time we sailed so far we reached the end of the world. Yet we did not fall off. But flew. Yar har har!" He said happily and a bit triumphant like. "Hooray for Captain Foxy!" The kids said as Foxy beamed with joy. "And soon you all will have your own tales to tell. And you'd be just like ye old captain here. Telling them to your most loyal crew. Or any new rookies that may be in for the wildest ride of their lives." The 2 kids cheered happily. But the somewhat older kid scoffs a bit. Foxy Of course picking up on it. "What's wrong matey? You feeling alright? I didn't bore you with my tales now did I?" He asked as the kid just crossed his Arms. "What does it matter? I didn't even wanna be here." He said in a slightly annoyed tone. Making Foxy's ears drop a bit. "You don't? Well. Maybe we can go on another treasure hunt. Play tag or. Or." Foxy tries to think of a way to make it a bit more amusing for him. But the kid just spoke up. "It doesn't. matter. I'm only Here because I needed to keep an eye on my little brother. He wants to be in this lame place. There's barely anything to do here. This place is just a worst daycare. Everything is just stupid." The kid said as Foxy's ears drooped. "I. Am sorry matey. I know that it ain't much. But old Foxy will try to make things a bit more exciting. I'll see to that." He tried to reassure him as the little brother stood up for him. Literally and figuratively. "It's not boring! Foxy is the best pirate in the whole world! He's cool. Brave. And has the best crew ever!" He said in Foxy's defense. Giving the pirate a tint of surprise and happiness. The older brother was unamused. "Fine. I'm only here cause mom wanted me to look after you. But I can do that just fine out of the other attractions. You wanna be here? Whatever
but I'm out." He said as he walked off. The younger kid seemed sad as he looked with his head down towards Foxy. "I'm. I'm sorry captain. H-he didn't mean it I swear. He's just. I mean. He's." The kid started to stammer as his voice got more and more quiet and on the verge of tears. Foxy softly reached his hand towards the boy's head as he pet's it. "It's okay little lad. But to thank you for sticking up for this old fox. You have my gratitude. Hm. What's ya name bucko? He asked the kid who was rubbing his right eye with his hand. "L-Louis." He said as Foxy nodded. "And you? Don't think i forgot about you either." he said as he looked at the other kid who was still sitting there on the fake log. "Yakumo." He said as well to Foxy. "Some great names for great future Captains. But I sadly can't lie. He's right. I may have only just come back to this place. But there's not much to Kids Cove yet. I sadly can't promise to make it better. But that doesn't mean I'm giving up. I'll try to make it more fun with my stories or treasure hunts. But. I'm also sorry I could not amuse your brother enough." Foxy tried to reassure him. But it didn't stop Louis from slightly crying. Yakumo stood up and came closer to him. rubbing his back as he tried to be of any help. I can see that Foxy didn't like to see the kids cry. Starting to think of anything to do to better the mood for his little crew. "Do my little laddy's need an old pirate hug?" Louis nodded as Foxy put his hook on the kids back. The flat side so he wouldn't hurt him. Then put his hand under the kid and lifted him up as he put him on his knee. He sat there as he hugged Foxy's chest. Still crying but at least he was comfortable. Yakumo stood close to his other leg. Slightly rubbing his arm as he was unsure what to do as well. Foxy reached out with his hand towards him. "Come here lad. You are part of my crew as well. And you showed that you support your fellow crewmate right." The kid beamed with a smile. Holding Foxy's hand as he used it to climb up his leg and Sat on top of the other knee of Foxy. Hugging him as well. Now Foxy was Comforting both kids as the one crying slowly calmed down. I looked at this display of kindness. I was just lucky enough that the kid who stormed off didn't give away my position. I took a deep breath and prepared myself before walking inside of Kids Cove. Foxy looking up at me. Still holding the kids so they wouldn't fall off. "oh! Ahoy matey! What brings you to my pirate cove?" I smiled as the kids stared at me too. Clinging to Foxy more. I just put on my best smile as I said. "Good day Captain Foxy! Sorry to bother you and your crew. I still had to take care of the giant squid you fought and befriended for his birthday a while ago." The kids' eyes perked up. "T-that really happened here?!" I smirked at this opportunity and would not let it slide. "Oh yes it did. Ahem. Sorry I should introduce myself. My Name is Arthur. I'm the Captain's forth mate. And part time guard for the Mega Pizza Plex . when we don't set sail yet at least." They looked wide eyed but also with a bit of hesitation. Maybe it's not so believable with how I looked. I squat down as I give a wink to Foxy. "I heard you were telling the new crew members about your stories. Right Captain?" I asked as Foxy replied unsure. "Ay lad. I just told them the time I battled with my crew against a giant eagle." I laughed a bit. "I still got feathers stuck in my clothes and had to scrub so much bird poop from the decks that time. But I think these lads here are dedicated to learning about your secret adventure. Here at the pizza plex." I leaned in close. "Could ye keep an old pirates tale a secret? This is a treasure that should never be opened. Cursed even like Pandora's box. But I got a keen eye for buckos like you who stood up for the captain. That deserves a reward." They smiled as they got comfortable on Foxy's legs and I stood in front of them. "Let me tell you the secret story of Captain Foxy's return from the beast down below." I said as I started to use as much of my body as I could to express the story out. "It was a harsh storm as our captain had gone missing. Leaving behind a message to the rest of the crew to stay at the ship. He had an important mission to do. And he wanted to do it alone so none of his crew could get hurted. He decided to fight the beast of the depths below all by his lonesome. With nothing but a dream and a hook for a hand. he went on. But I was unsure. I trusted our captain here would reach his goal. But I heard some horrible stories about the beast. It could tear entire ship's apart with its kraken like arms. It could see in the dark easily. It was known to be a pirate's worst nightmare. So bad no pirate dared to speak of it." I said in almost a whisper. "But most dangerous of all. It had a mimicking voice." The kids perked up at that as Foxy still looked unsure. Knowing what I was doing. "A voice?" Louis said as Yakumo added. "What's scary about that?" I gave a yar har har. " Oh! Dear bucko's. It's one of the most scary things just matching the rage of the Chica mermaid when someone stole her pizza. It could Mimic other people's voices. Imagine your mother calling you for pizza. But all you got where sprouts!" There faces twisted in disgust before they both nodded. "Indeed! Thinking of what he would do in this scenario. And he would be there for his crew no matter what. So I told the rest of the crew to sail this storm out as I got the old buddy and rowed after him. Luckly getting some directions from the crew and the map in the captain's quarters. I went after the captain to that very cave. The upside was dark and silent. I could not even hear the water dripping from the stalactites." Of course I got the question. "What's the difference between stalagmites and stalactites?" I stopped before I thought. "Um. stalactites hang from the ceiling like a capital T! Yes! Anyway, The Water dripped from the stalactites as I heard a voice echo through the cave. It sounded exactly like the captain here. But I then remembered the old legend of the beast. I grabbed a rock and threw it into the cave where the sound was coming from. When I did I heard a loud scream and a crash Against the walls of the cave. That thing was laying an ambush." I said as the kids tensed up and held onto Foxy. Scared that he'll disappear as soon as they let him go. "I continued my search as I used a trusty torch to lighten the way forward. It was like a maze of twists and turns. Tunnel to Tunnel. While I find scattered remains of other pirate looking glasses. Swords and hats sprung about." I said as Foxy looked a bit at the side. Likely uncomfortable with this recollection of that time. But I'd make sure to tell him something he can be proud of. "But eventually, by the tip of his hook. I found our captain. Limping from a wound that the beast made on his leg. The captain was starstruck to see me. And I helped to stumble him back to my little boat. However, The beast let out a huge roar when it felt its food was being taken away. "Where are you going?! Come and help me! You wouldn't leave ya old captain behind?" He mimicked as he tried to lure us back in. But we didn't listen. Knowing I had the real captain right by my side. But it didn't give up." I told them as they where at the edge of their seats. Tho Foxy tensed more up. "Before we could make it back to our little rescue boat. The monster bursted out of the cave wall. Determined to make us its next meal . But he should have known better than to mess with the captain or his crew. He Grabbed his trusty cutlass sword as I grabbed my axe. We faced the beats in combat. It's many tendrils like arms where trying to wrestle and grapple onto the captain. But even with his wounded body. He resisted it. Parry and hit each one that dared to come close. I wasn't so lucky. No matter how many times I swung my axe at them. the tendrils kept on coming. I was caught. And hoisted into the air. But luckly. Captain Foxy managed to cut the tentacle and freed me. Quickly recovering as we kept on fighting. It even tried Using our voices against each other to strike at tentacles that weren't even there. Almost hitting each other." Foxy seemed to slightly shake a bit. Yakumo rubbed Foxy's arm. "Captain? Are you okay?" He froze as he looked at Yakumo . "Oh? Yes laddy. It's just. Hard on my mind to recollect." He said as he continued to rub the backs of the kids "carefully and continued to listen with them. "We stood back to back. The beast was no match for our combined teamwork. But he managed to play smart. One of his tentacles crashed against the roof as A stalactite creaked and crashed down. We had to split before we could get crushed. Foxy fell on the ground with his sword and gun dropped. The beast taking this opportunity. It dashed as it laned one of its tentacles around the captain. I slowly got up from being tripped as I saw the captain's troubles. I wasn't gonna let him take us down. grabbing my ax. And with a wink of our glorious captain's good eye. I threw my ax towards the monster and hit it in the side. It screamed out before it thrashed and wanted to crush me. But its mistake was underestimating a true pirate captain." Foxy perked up now as well. "He pierced his hook into the monster. Before pulling back. Grabbing his cutlass sword as he made a single wide Slice! and made him walk the plank to Davy Jones locker! The monster fell back into the depths below. where it was never heard from again. And me and good captain Foxy. Helped each other to get back to our boat and rowed back to the ship. He's a true captain. One that cares for everyone here. And now. for you too. Little brave stars." Foxy blinked a bit before slowly letting out a chuckle and a laugh. "Yar har har! You told it better then I could even remember bucko! Ay it's true lads. That was one adventure that happened right below this building." He said as both kids looked down at the painted water floor. "Wow. Your amazing Captain Foxy! You saved your crew too! Will we be as great pirates as you someday?" They happily cheered and asked as Foxy smiled genuinely. "Ay my little future captains. You know the pirate code and have the blood of a real captain in your veins. the seven Seas have never seen pirates so great as you two before! Even more with your own tales to tell. Booty to plunder. And sails to set. Yo ho ho!" Foxy had fully calmed down and now was in full swing again. Soon letting the kids back down as they still hug Foxy's legs. "And I don't need to wish for a better crew. Cause you're already the best buckos I can wish for the seven Seas right here!" He said happily as I smiled satisfyingly. Looking back at the entrance as Foxy looked back at me. Giving a nod to me as a green light to leave and do more around the pizza plex. He waved with his hook at me before I went back out of kids cove. When I decided to go out. I felt kinda hungry. Not much but perfect for a little snack. So to check in on someone as well as get some nice candy. I decided to go to Mangle. I saw the food stand through the cameras as I saw it was stationed near the Fazcade. I happily walked my way over there as I waved at Mangle. "Hiya Mangle. How's it going?" I said happily as I walked close to the cart. Mangle jolted a bit and faced me in an instant. "Hiya Arthur! It's going fine. Just a bit nervous is all." She said as she looked at the entrance of the Arcade. "I can imagine so." But don't worry. There really isn't any reason why you shouldn't get the spot. But I'll do my best to help in any way I can." I say with a reassuring smile. Mangle rubs the back of her head. "Thanks! I'll always try to do my best too." I gave a thumbs up. "I know for sure Sweet Star. '' I called her back as she giggled a bit. But soon her ears seem to twitch a bit. Stopping as she went completely still. The faint sounds of her eyes moving was the only sound heard when she looked around. "Do. Do you hear that?" She asked as I look around and then closely listen. It sounds like the sound of. Crying? It was faint with the background music but if you listened closely it could be heard ever so slightly. I was impressed she could hear it. Looking at the food cart. "Mangle. How about we close the food stand for a few minutes? This may be important." I said as she was thinking the same thing. Pulling out a "back in 5 minutes." board and putting it on the cart counter top as Mangle stepped away from it and joined me. We look around and listen for the voice of the sobbing. Looking behind the big map that stood near it. It matched the layout of the pizza plex at least. Until we looked behind one of the pillars at the side of the entrance. There was a boy sobbing behind it. Goggles on his head . He seemed a bit older. Like a teenager. I wanted to approach him. but it seemed better if I let Mangle try her luck out first. Best case scenario. He'd feel more comfortable with a more friendly face than a security guard. I try to stay behind the other side of the thick pillar to listen in. "Hello? Are you alright?" Mangle asked as she got on one knee and asked the kid. He tensed up as he looked around a bit scared. "Who. Who's there?" He asked as his eyes fell on Mangle. "Oh. I haven't seen you around before. Are you new here?" He asked as he turned to face her properly. Seeming to almost flip a switch and now seeming fine. It surprised Mangle a bit. "Well. Yes and no. I just sort of came back. My Name is glamrock Mangle! What's your name?" She asked in her happy tone as the kid answered. "Tai." She gave an odd. "Tai. What a lovely name. But are you okay? I heard some crying. What's wrong? Are you hurt? Do you need any medical attention?" She asked again. He gave a big smile or at least tried to. "No. nothing is wrong! Please do not worry about me. I'm fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine ." He said as I and Mangle got the same confused expressions. She answered as this made her more curious. "Where are your parents?" as his smile wavered more. "They. He's not around here." Mangle got on her knees as she sat down. "Did you come with a friend group by any chance?" She asked. his smile wavered ever so slightly more. "No no I didn't. I dont have any. Just go and have fun. That's all I want." He said. But it Didn't sit well with her. No friends. No parents around. But it seemed he continued himself. "I got some Money from my dad to come here. For. For my birthday. "Wait for me there, Tai. I promise I'll come this time." He said. But. He said he couldn't make it. I have no friends who want to come here. With me." His face slowly crunching up. Covering his face with his hands. "I. I don't want to be alone on my birthday again." He said as he started to let the tears flow and now conforming he was where the sobbing sound was coming from. He tries his best to sniff up his snot and talk. "I. i'm sorry. I Don't want to be a burden. Please. Go and make someone else happy. I'd make it my birthday wish if you want. At Least make somebody else happy." He offered and almost begged for it. Mangle looked more sad with each word the kid said. Moving a bit closer as she tried to get him more comfortable. "I'm. I'm So sorry. Is there anything I can do for you? Sweet Star?" She asked as He somberly said. "No no that isn't necessary. Please, there are lots of kids around here. Younger than me who can use your help. I swear you shouldn't waste your time on me." Mangle looked down a bit as she saw his forced smiling facade slowly crumbling. He said as his voice got more horse. A tear streams down his cheek as his lips quiver. She was quiet for a moment before She tried to reach out. Putting her hand softly in front of him. Having felt like how he feels now too. Taking a deep breath and looking at him with her yellow eyes as he looked back. "You. Don't have to be alone. I can stay here with you. play some games with you. I'm. Not yet called for parties. So nothing can get in our way of having a Fantastic day Sweet Star." She offered as she held her other hand out with an open palm towards the kid. He looked at it and back at mangle. "Why? Why me?" He asked simply as Mangle smiled. "Because I know how you feel. To be lost. To not have anyone who cares about you be there. To be alone. I don't want you to be alone. Not on your birthday especially. Will you come with me? Sweet Star?" She asked softly but hopefully. He looked at her still open hand to be taken. But he looked to the side. "But. I got no money. I only got enough to buy the entry fee. so I can't do anything." He said dejectedly. Mangle blinked and darted her eyes around. Getting tensed up as she wasn't sure how to fix this problem or help the kid. I heard everything as I also knew how he felt. Darn bad fathers. Bad fathers everywhere. I swear. I'll be a good dad someday. And now I knew exactly what I had to do. Or more likely wanted to do. I was lucky I had that envelope with money in my backpack. From that bonus envelope I grabbed a 20 Euro bill. she looked back as i tapped on her shoulder plate as she stared up at me. Slowly nodded as she took it and turned back to Tai. showing off the money. "Then. Why don't you start by telling me what your favorite games are? And your favorite flavor of ice cream?" He looked back at her wide eyed as he saw the money. "R-really? B-but I can't accept any charity. It doesn't feel right." Mangle gave a reassuring smile as he looked at her fully. "It isn't charity if I want to play with the birthday Sweet Star like you!" She said happily as she pulled out a pink star shaped lollipop still in a plastic wrapping. Offering it to him as He looked at it and slowly reached to take it. A bit hesitant before he took it and also took Mangle's hand to stand back up together. Making Mangle smile as he unwraps the lollipop and puts it in his mouth. With a smile he sighs and says. "It's. Good. Thank you Mangle. This. this is good." Mangle jumps a bit in excitement. "Hooray! Let's get to playing shall we. Oh! But one more thing." She walked over to me as the kid now finally saw me behind the pillar. "Arthur. Could you. Take the stand over til I come back?" I gave a big smile as I nodded. "Go have your fun Mangle. I'll take care of the cart in the meantime. You can count on me." I said as she hugged me. "Yay! Thank you Arthur!" Before she went back to the kid and held his hand. "So? What game shall we play first? Do you like to sing? What's your favorite candy?" She asked in a barrage of questions as he got a smile on his face. "I. I liked the dancing game." I heard them say before they went inside the Fazcade and the Door closed behind them. I stood behind the food and candy stall as I watched them throw the cameras here and there from time to time . I wanted to make sure everything was alright. I saw them happily dancing on one of these dancing rhythm game machines. Then moving over to a simple whack the mole game themed with Freddy and the others. After that they played a game where you got a Lazer gun and shooted at the screen. The kid seemed to get a genuine smile. Moving over to a more private room where I had no cameras.but I could hear their muffled voices as they sang in one of the karaoke rooms. After coming out a few minutes later. They ended it with a racing game. One of these cars you get into and it moves with the person that was sitting in it. After that one he stumbled a bit out. But still with a smile on his face. I closed the camera as I kept on working the candy stand. but there weren't many customers to help. I didn't mind it too much. After some more time I hear the doors open again as I see Mangle and the boy walk through. They walked back to the candy stand. "Well hello there party animals. How was it?" I asked with a smirk. Mangle perking up. "It was so much fun! I can't even remember the last time I played these games! Especially with a Sweet Star like him!" She said as she smiled at him. He rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah. It was a lot of fun. Thank you for making my birthday so amazing Mangle." He said as he hugged Mangle's waist. She hugged him back slowly as she turned to me. "Oh! Can I get a double chocolate ice cream cone? Please? It's not for me i swear." She asked and joked as I delivered. Scooping ice cream out of the bowel. Putting it in a double headed cone and handing it to her as she handed it to him. "Here you go." He looked at her with a smile. "Thank you, mister guard. And thank you again Mangle. I'll never forget this Birthday ever!" He said as She and I got a big happy grin on our faces. He held the cone as he hugged Mangle again. "It Seems like I got a new favorite animatronic here." She shined with joy and happiness as she heard that. "Thank you too for the fun time Sweet Star!" She said as he enjoyed his ice cream. Tho soon got Interrupted by something vibrating in his pocket. Pulling out an old phone as he picked it up. "That was dad. He. Can't make it. But wished me a. Happy birthday." He said as Mangle bent down. "It's okay Sweet Star. The Fazcade isn't the only fun place to hang out at. Want to make this a fantastic birthday at more attractions?" She asked as his smile came back as fast as it disappeared. Really? You Mean it?" He asked in joy. "Of course! We can join in groups at fazer blast. have some fun with Chica at Mazersize. Race our hearts out in Roxy Raceway. I bet we'd win them all like digital champions! Or even Visit Kids Cove for a break! I heard there is a brave pirate there that can tell a story. Or even does treasure hunts." She said almost in a whisper as she smiled. Tai handed his ice cream to me for a moment. before hugging Mangle tightly. "I'd. I'd like that. Mangle. Thank you. For making this the best Birthday yet." He said as Mangle hugged him back. "I'm so happy to hear that Sweet Star. You make performing here all worth it." She said back. After a few minutes. he let's go as I'd hand him his ice cream again. I walked closer to Mangle as I put a hand on her shoulder and handed her a 50. "Here. Just in case. You did a great thing Mangle." I commented as she nodded. "I'm just glad I can give someone such a good time." I agreed. "Yeah. I wish I could give people as big of a smile as you can. you have made this a day for him to remember." She nodded and held onto the money. "Indeed. Thank you. You might be a great Sweet Star as well!" I laughed as she called me that. "It's a pleasure. Contact me anytime you need more help okay?" I say as she nodded. "For sure! How were the customers while I was gone? Gave a lot of candies out?" I shook my head as I then pointed at her cart. "None at all. I Guess a beautiful animatronic fox like you brings in all the customers." Mangle blushed a bit as she smiled. "Aww you're too kind. And don't worry. You can join us if you want?" She offered as i stretch my back. "I would. but sadly I got my own job to do. I'll be around the pizza plex. I hope that's alright?" I asked as Mangle nodded. "Of course! Have a nice day Sweet Star!" I waved her bye as she walked back. Walking towards the kid as he happily followed her. I started to walk off threw the first and second floor of the Mega Pizza Plex for cleaning up anything along the way. From a paper bag Here and a plastic sack there. To Lots and lots of gum everywhere. Was all cleaned up. Along the way I spotted the entrance to Bonnie Bowl. I better check inside just in case anyone has dropped their ice cream. I walked in and went past the arcade machines as they looked a bit dirty. Grabbing my cloth and spray bottle I wiped them all off so they looked cleaner. or atleast remove all the bacteria. Going deeper inside I could hear the clashing of bowling balls and pins echo slightly. Seeing that Bonnie just got a strike from one of the bowling lanes. There was only one lane occupied. So He likely is just practicing. I moved onto the back to go to the icecream bar and saw a smudge here and there. I started to clean it up as I also wiped off the counter and tables. I grabbed a dustpan and brush as I started to clean up some of the bigger pieces of trash.mostly left over candy wrappers and bags. Throwing it in the nearby trash can. After making sure it was all clean and ready. I walked back to the main bowling alley. Watching Bonnie bowling alone. Approaching as he turned to me. "Oh! Hello Hop Star. How are you doing today?" I chuckled a bit. "Hey, that's my line. I'm well and you? "I asked Bonnie. "I'm just swell. Sinds is so quiet. I thought I'd try to practice some of my bowling skills." I nodded as it made sense. "I don't blame you. The bowling alley is almost abandoned. I'm sorry Bonnie." I say as I did find it sad that his popularity went off so fast now that he had been back for a while. He just shrugs. "It's alright Arthur, sometimes people wanna do other things. I don't blame them. But that doesn't mean I can't enjoy the time I do spend with the people that do come here." He said optimistically. Replying with a simple. "I'm glad to hear that Bonnie." As I looked around. Even the small group from before was gone by this time. Except one man."What's up with him tho?" I asked as i pointed at the man that's sitting at one of the tables. Bonnie looked towards him. He was sitting there slumped over. Just watching the empty bowling lanes as he held A pen and paper with rainbow monkeys on the side. he was Surrounded by stacks of crumpled up papers and new ones on the table. Bonnie rubbing his Chin. "I'm not sure. He's been sitting there for quite a while. Writing a bit before crumpling up the paper and grabbing a new one. I thought he may be a writer. so I didn't want to disturb him." Bonnie said as we looked at him for a bit. Watching as He gets more and more frustrated with each paper he writes. his sad expression got worst with each crumpled up paper then before. Now sitting there with his hands on his head. Bonnie started to walk up to him. waving as he greeted the man to get his attention. "Hello there. you've been sitting there for quite a while. Is everything alright?" Bonnie asked out of concern and curiosity. The man looked a bit in shock at the sudden sound of Bonnie's voice so closely. Looking all around him before he looked up at Bonnie. "Are. Are you talking to me?" He asked as Bonnie nodded. "Ofcorce. You've been sitting there for quite a while. Is something getting you down in the dumps?" Bonnie asked as the man looked back down at his papers. "Does it really matter?" He said in a sad tone. But Bonnie kept on his happy tone. "well of course it is' old sport. I got to make sure I got the correct name for everyone on their bowling trophies." He said as the man sighs. "Look. If I'm in trouble or you want me to leave. Just ask. I won't resist. Not anymore." He mumbles out as Bonnie looks questionably. "Who said you were in trouble? If anything I'm more worried about the trouble. You've been sitting here and I haven't seen you bowl once." He said as he huffed. "Yeah just. Thinking about. stuff. heavy stuff. look it doesn't matter. Just go and do whatever animatronics do. I won't be a bother for long. Not for anyone." he said as Bonnie didn't move. Thinking a bit as he looked around the room. Then He gave a small pose. "Aw is someone shy?" He said as the man looked up. "What? "No that's not it." He said but Bonnie took a step closer and went on one knee to get onto eye height. "Well don't you worry your little ears about that. How about I show you the ropes a bit?" He asked, almost ignoring the man's reply. He stayed quiet as he looked Bonnie up and down in suspicion. Bonnie winked as he continued. "Bowling alone can get you a bit well. Lonely. And I know all too well what that can do to a Bunny like me. As you can see. Most of the Staff are busy. And there seems to be no one else around here to play a match with. So would you like to?" Bonnie asked as he held his hand open and out for him. He stared at the open hand a bit. Slowly and yet again clenching his fingers over the blank sheet of paper he held. "You. You don't want that. No one does. And it's better this way. For all of us." The man replied as he tried to look more to the side. Bonnie pushed his hand a bit forward. "Sure I do! Don't worry. It will just be for fun. I can't promise that I'll go easy on you. But I can promise to give you a little bit of a good time." He said with his innocent robotic smile. The man's eyes seemed to dart from his hand holding the pen and paper to Bonnie's open hand. Starting to sweat and Breathing heavy but quickly as his eyes darted from his hand to the paper and pen. "I. I." He tried to reply. His hand shakes as he freezes up at feeling something. He looks down and sees Bonnie's hand now resting on his leg. "It's okay. How weird it may sound. I Kinda know what you're feeling. Don't tell the staff I said that. You're more than safe here. I won't tell anyone. Just. Have a bowling match with me. And I'll leave you be. No if's, and, or buts. I Promise." Bonnie asked softly. Making the man tremble again as he stared up at Bonnie in slight shock and looked back at his blank sheet. Seeing he already crumpled up the sheet. Giving a sigh as with a click he puts the pencil and paper on the table. Slowly starting to calm down a bit as he stood up. Making Bonnie put his hand in the offering gesture again for the man to take. he puts his hand on Bonnie's as he slowly feels his hold. Hearing him reply meekly. "O. Okay. I'll .I'll play." He said before slowly reaching out to Bonnie's hand. Holding a pause in the air Before he took Bonnie's offering hand and stood up. Being helped up on his feet by Bonnie himself. holding his hand firmly. Then Bonnie walked up to me at the bar as I greeted him. "Hiya Bonnie. What's up?" I asked as he smiled. "Hello Hop Star. Is there a bowling lane free for a while by any chance?" He asked as I went to the pc and looked at the schedule and occupied lanes. "Yes. lane 2 in the back and 4 should be free For a while." I said as Bonnie nodded. "Thank you. I'll be going to lane 2 then. Could you activate it for us?" I nodded as I went to the reception desk and put it in the system. I activated that lane as being occupied by two players. bowling balls started to roll in from the side machine and the bowling pins were put into place. giving a thumbs up. "Got it. Have fun you two." I say as Bonnie nodded and walked back to the man and into the second bowling lane. It was easy to hear their conversation as they talked aloud. Bonnie pulled up a bowling ball as he held it. Twirling it a bit around as the man grabbed one too. Bonnie smiled contentedly. "Are you ready for a bowling match with me here?" the man replied uncertainly. "I-i think so." He answered. Bonnie was up first. Rearing back his arm with the bowling ball and rolling it easely. Going straight as it hitted the middle for a strike. "Alright! Backup bash Strike! Now it's your turn." He said as he stepped aside and let the man step up. The man looked down at the bowling ball. "I'm. Not sure about this." He said as Bonnie put his hand on his shoulder. "It's okay. Just throw it like this and you should be golden." He said as he did the bowling motion he did before again. but without a bowling ball of course. For a second he seemed to zone out a bit. Tensing up as if he was trying to crush the bowling ball like a watermelon in his grasp. With a swing he reared back and copied Bonnie's motions before it rolled across the lane. With a loud clash it hitted the other pins. Then it showed up on the screen above the lane. "Backup bash Strike! You rock Hop Star." The score board displayed as a little animation of the bowling pins being flattened by an oversized bass guitar played. The man looked a bit dumbfounded. Bonnie walked closer as he held up his hand for a high five. "Great job Hop Star! You got 'em all in one go!" He stared at the lane and then back at his hands. "Huh. I. I did? I did." He repeated as he looked at Bonnie and high five him. The pins were resetted and Bonnie went back on the board to bowl. Continuing for a while. A backup bash strikes more here and a Bonnie hop pair there. both of them giving it all. Even the man lets a smile or smirk slip here and there. He was getting more into the motions he made when hurling the ball. I just kinda sat by one of the other tables. pretending to clean it as I watched them play. when it came down to the final throes. Bonnie got a Bonnie hop pair. "Alright. a new personal record. Are you ready for the last round Hop Star?" He asked as the man seemed to get more and more comfortable with that nickname as the game went on. Nodding as he walked up to the lane. Took a deep breath with his Monty themed bowling ball and rolled it forward. He got a backup bash strike. Bonnie cheered him on. "Congratulations Hop Star! You beat the bowling champion! And let me tell ya. I wasn't going easy on you either." The man let out a weak smile. "Hehe. Yeah. I guess I did." He says in the same way as before. But with a hint of happiness in his voice. "That was fun! But don't think you've bested me yet. This means we gotta have a rematch someday. What do you say? Hop Star." Bonnie said with a smile as he offered that to the man. he rubbed his arm a bit as he gave a slow nod. "Yeah. yeah maybe. I'll. I'll see what I can do." The man looked up to him as he looked unsure. But a lot more relaxed than before. However as he puts his hands in his jacket pocket. The Crumbling of paper can be heard as He kept on groping and slightly tearing into the paper. Biting his lip as he went quiet. Bonnie looked a bit sad. stepping closer to him. slowly putting a hand around him in a soft hug. giving enough time to stop at anytime the man wanted to. But He never objected. no complained. nor anything. He was pulled into the hug. "It's okay, Hop Star. You're okay. You're gonna be okay. I may not know much. But I know and have seen enough that I want to be there for you." Bonnie said as he reassured the man as he slowly reached his hand towards Bonnie shakingly. Wrapping his arms around him to return the hug. I started to quickly dash off a bit as They stayed like that for a moment as I came back with a vanilla ice cream cone as I stood by. The man eventually calmed down. "You. You can let go." He said almost in a whisper. Bonnie released him. "You too Hop Star." He said as the man pulled back as well. he started to take slow steps towards the table he sat on earlier. grabbing the pieces of paper off of the table. Then he started to walk towards one of the nearby Bonnie themed trash cans. He stood next to it as he held the hand full of crumpled up papers and a few blank one's in his grasp. He looked at it and at the trash can. His arm started to shake again as his body shook slightly while sweating. He held it closer to him almost like he was cradling a necklace. With one last shiver. He shoved his hand down the trash can and slowly pulled it out. Empty. His shaking stops as his shoulders seemed to relax a bit. He took slow steps as he turned around and gave a smile to Bonnie. Bonnie smiled back as I handed the icecream cone to Bonnie. Holding it as he walked towards the man and held it out. "Great job Hop Star. I'm so proud of you. Here. You earned it." Bonnie said as he took the ice cream. "Thanks. But. I do need to go. I got a lot of stuff to work out." Bonnie gave a simple nod. "Will you come back?" He said simply. The man took some time to think. "I'd love that. Bonnie. And. It's Nigel. from next door. My name I mean. " He said before he started to walk off. Licking his ice cream. Bonnie walked up to me. "I Hope he Will be alright. I did not like what I saw on these notes." He said as I looked at Bonnie. "Really? What did you see?" I asked as Bonnie shook his head. "I'm sorry Arthur. But it's not something I feel right to talk about." Bonnie said with a sad look at me. I got the hint and nodded. "Alright. Thanks Bonnie. As well as for giving him a good day. You did great." I said as he put a hand on my shoulder. "Thank you to Arthur. I just wanna make sure I'll be there for everyone. Even in times like these." I smile. "Well you're successful at that Bonnie. More than you know." I say as he let go as I stretched a bit. "I hope you don't mind if I bounce back. I am almost done with my dayshift and I want to make sure everything is nice and clean for tonight." I said as Bonnie nodded. "That's Alright Hop Star. Just stay safe and take care of yourself. Not many remember to do that. If you ever need any help or want to have some company. You know where to contact me." I nodded as I started to walk away. "Will do. Best Bunny ever." I say as I started to walk off. Feeling my phone vibrate as I sigh. What will it be this time? I wondered. But when I saw the message on my phone, It wasn't a message. But one of these advertisem*nts for birthday deals. Birthday deals? I thought. I checked the date. June 7. Huh. One day before my birthday. That's weird. Guess I just forgot about it from all that had happened. I don't usually do anything on my birthday. Never had friends to celebrate it with. besides the ones online here and there. So I'll just leave it be. I go back to the back employee only room and took up my usual spot. Sitting down as I got a call from Mike. I picked it up with my usual cheery tone. "Yellow?'' I say as I hear Mike on the other side. "Hey Arthur. Just calling in to check how everything is going." He said as I sigh. "Don't worry. Everything is fine and dandy. The day went great. and Foxy. Mangle. and Bonnie did amazingly too. Though we really Have to get some more equipment for kids cove. Kinda turning it into an indoor playground." I mentioned as Mike sighs. "I'll see what we have in the back to add to it. Or get anything for cheap we can fix up. And also. Will you be on time tonight?" He asked as I gave the obvious and confused reply. "I hope so. I got a job to do." Mike laughed a bit at that. "Good. good. In that case. have a pleasant evening Arthur." He said as I smiled back. "You too Mike." And hung up. That was weird. I Rested in the employee only room for a bit as I reflected on the good day for everyone. And hope they will have a great evening too. After the lesser then stellar rest I got. I went to El Chip to get a slice of pizza along the road and biked my way back home

Chapter 19

Chapter Text

19. It wasn't too bad when I arrived home. Grabbing some food from the fridge to warm it up in the microwave and eat. I put my stuff next to my new Roxy plushy who I wanted to add to the lovers of heaven. A giant set of plushies or character's I had a crush on. With a smile I started to grab a view of the mega Pizza Plex snacks and rested a bit. Taking a rest and hopefully falling asleep as I waited for my next alarm to wake me up. Which it did as I got up and started to put my uniform on. Grabbing my bag as I bike back to the pizza plex. The biking part was easy sinds I had the wind with me. Making me arrived at the Mega Pizza Plex without breaking a sweat. I take a deep sigh as I put my bike away before going to the doors and walking inside. It was quiet. Too quiet. Dead quiet. I looked around as my footsteps echoed through the pizza plex. The lights were still on as well as the neon ones. but there was Not a staff bot in sight. I Guess by seeing how clean it already is. they may already be done. I kept on walking as I checked out the usual spots. Specifically the animatronics green rooms. I saw that they were empty. Wondering if they were gone for another game night. I checked the camera's. But. I saw nothing. Not at Bonnie Bowl. Fazer blast. Monty golf. Roxy raceway. The Fazcade. Nothing. Even no staff bots were around. Where the hell is everybody? I wondered. But when I checked Roxy's room. I saw that the curtains were pulled close. So I could not see anything inside. However, I also didn't see any lights coming from under the curtains. Maybe the light bulbs are busted? I better replace them if that was the case. I put my guard pass against the door scanner as it went open. It was still pitch black inside. the door closing behind me . "Hello? Is anyone there? Roxy?" I asked as I did not get a response. I try to squint my eyes as I swear I saw something. Wanting to reach out for my pocket flashlight. But I stopped as suddenly the lights turned on. Looking around as I see Roxy. Monty. Freddy. Chica. Mangle. Foxy and Bonnie there. All yelling at the same time. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" They all yelled as I Try to recover from my small heart attack. "O-oh my. You guys are to kind. Truly. Phew." I said as Monty laughed a bit. "Hahaha. I did not expect to scared the endo out of you." He said as I give an awkward laugh back. Chica dashing forward. "I'm so sorry Arthur! We didn't mean to scare you! Well maby SOMEONE did. Are you okay?" Chica asked concerned as I smiled and waved her a bit off. "It's okay Chica. I'm fine. Truly." I reassured her as Freddy puts a hand on Monty's shoulder pad. "Don't worry Super Star. I'll teach him later how fun it is to be scared. Right Monty?" He said with a sinister grin. Bonnie joining the other side. "Don't worry Freddy. I'll come with you. I'll show you the ropes." If he could gulp. I bet Monty would. I then Hear Foxy speak up. "Yar har! My forth mate already knows what true fear is. And threw it overboared." He said as I gave a nodd. " and you beat them to. Don't forget about that Foxy." I said back as Foxy posed a bit. "Of course. A good crew always works together. May it be survival or celebration!" I smiled as I looked around. "I've. Actually never had my birthday party here before. How does it usually go?" Roxy steps up. "Well Rock Star. First we would choose your favoret animatronic star to join you for your party. But I think we can make an exception this time and let all of us join in." I smiled brightly. "Then I must be the luckiest person in the whole world." I said happely as I looked at the animatronic family all around me. "And after that?" I asked as I was curios what would be next. Bonnie smiled as he spoke up. "Just tell what attraction you'd Like to go too together to play. Then we get you your birthday pizza and then we move over to presents. As last we end it with a private show on stage for you." He said with a smile as Mangle jumped in. "Don't worry. It can be any place you want!"They waited for an answer of mine. But I just stammered as I try to decide. " well. What. Um. Maby. I can't decide!" I said embarrassed. Freddy looked curios. "how so? Isn't there any attractions you like here at the pizza plex?" He asked as I stammer even more. "no no no! I like em all! It's just. Well. I. I don't want to choose one attraction and let the rest of you feel sad that I didn't choose your attraction." I said. They blinked for a bit. "So. You can't choose because you think you'd hurt our feelings?" Chica asked as I nodded and rubbed the back of my head. "That's basicly it." I said embarrassed. "Yar har har! It's fine matey. Ya can't hurt anyone's feelings here with that. They are all treasures here. Just like all gems are gems. You just pick your taste from this booty full place." Foxy said happely. I smiled a bit at that. "You are right Foxy. But Sadly that wouldn't make it any easier. I usually celebrate my birthday with a quiet rest day. Sinds I never had friends to celebrate it with." Most of them looked at me supriced. As if I just said something blasphemy. "You. You didn't?" Monty of all people asked firstly. His shades slightly drooped to show off his wide eyes. Mangle comming close as she hugged me. "I'm so so sorry! No one has to spend there birthday alone!" She said as she tried to comfort me. But I hugged her back trying to more comfort her instead. "Is that why you always want to be around this place and us?" Bonnie asked. I shook my head. "No. I care about all of you more then just friends. You feel more like. Like a. Well." I was cut off as Chica chimed in. "Like what Arthur?" I shook my head. "never mind that." I said as I laughed a bit. But Roxy saw my unsure look and Puts a hand on my shoulder. " don't forget. your my Rock Star Arthur. And today is your day." Freddy did speak up a bit. "Oh! That reminds me. We do have more then one thing to celebrate today." I gave a curios look. "Oh? Do tell." I ask as Mangle around me jumped in excitement. Letting me go as she striked a cute pose. "Meet the new face of the now Mangle Fazcade!" She said excitingly as Chica cheered her on. Making me smile brightly. "Really?! That's amazing mangle! Congratulations!" She was more then ecstatic. Maby even more then I was. "Thank you! And thanks to you and Freddy. I now am! Do promis that you all visit sometimes!" I smiled as I thought about it for a while. "We sure will. Well. You know. The Fazcade is the last place I haven't visited yet. How are the games and arcade machines there? Any fun?" I ask the group. Ofcorce making Mangle excited to answer. "Oh you have lots of games! Racing games. Rythm games. As well as karaoke." I did not expect to go from games to singing. But it's not unwelcome. "Sounds good. and even better with you there. Are you still selling sweets?" I asked as she nodded. "Eyep! My cart now stands on the stage. Ready to serve." She said as I gave a nod. "Alright. Then to the Fazcade we go!" I said determined. Making Mangle gasp. "Really?! Horay! Can we go? Can we?! can we?!" She asked in a child like manner to the others. "Of course we can Mangle. They do have a variety of games there. And sinds he hasn't bin there yet. It be a great place for the birthday." Freddy said as Roxy chimed in. "You bet. Just be prepare for me to challenge you to one of the racing games there!" Chica smiled as she stood back next to Mangle. "They even have some karaoke rooms there. If you feel up for singing. I always wondered if you'd like to sing with us." She said happely to. Freddy putting a hand on Mangle's shoulder pad. "Don't exhaust your voice boxes before the big performance later. alright?" They all gave a nodd as Roxy walked up to me. I looked up at her curiosly before she put her arms around my back and under my legs. Then lifting me up almost as easy as if I weight nothing. "Oh! Oh my." I say embarrassed as I wrap my arms around Roxy's waist to hold onto. Not being used to be carried like this or at all for that matter. Roxy lets out a laugh as she looks down at me. "Haha. Don't worry. You're too old and big to ride around in Freddy's chest compartment. So instead. you get carried there by the best." She said with pride. Making me only more flustered. "And I'm honored to be carried by the best." I said as we all started to walk out of Roxy's green room. Roxy carried me. Chica and Mangle walked with Foxy in the middle. arm in arm. As Monty. Freddy. and Bonnie. walked with each other the same way. We walked around the pizza plex as the smooth background music played on. Still able to listen to even threw animatronic footsteps of everyone. I swear that song will never get old. I look up at Roxy as we walk through the main atrium. "Um. Roxy? What about Sun and or moon?" I asked as she stopped in place. "You want them to come along too?" She asked as I nodded. "Yes. I don't want anyone to feel left out. Not even them. Unless he wants to stay in the daycare. I'd understand that as well." The other animatronics looked at each other as they got an unsure look. "We actually don't know if he wants to come along. He's more of a fan of children's parties than for adults. He prefers not to join the adult ones just in case the lights may go out." Freddy said as I nodded. "I understand. I do feel kinda bad though. Can we visit him after the Fazcade?" I asked as Chica replied. "Of course! Plus We can always get him for our group photo. I bet he'd love that!" I smile a bit at that. "Thank you. Alright. In that case let's. Well. Take it away, Monty!" I said with a smile as I somewhat pointed towards his direction. He jerked awake a bit as he tore his eyes off of Bonnie and Freddy. Striking a cool pose as he said. "It's Party time!" with an honest spark of joy. Getting a cheer from everyone else as well as we continued to walk and soon arrived at the doors of the Fazcade. Mangle jogged a bit forward to the group as she bowed. "Welcome to my. Mangle's Fazcade Cascade!" She said pridefully. There was a new sign hanging above the entrance where usually a blank space of metal used to be. It was the face and body of Mangle. Winking and holding her arms open. like in the banner on her food cart. But here it's a mix of candy. icecream. video game blocks. dance arrows . And more fizzy drinks bursting from below her in all directions. Below it was the entry doorway. A small tunnel of only a meter long with some neon lighting on the inside. The sides had the same pillars as the other attractions. But these ones had squiggly neon lights on them. And looked to be cut in half almost as the neon lights don't line up properly. "You look great up there Mangle. I love the video game and candy fruity combo." I said as she bounced happily. "Thank you! It looks amazing doesn't it? I'm so happy with it." She replied as I nodded. all of us walking inside. It looked way bigger than it was in the camera views. Being huge as arcade machines of games filled the whole floor. In the middle was a spiral stairway that led to a second floor. that seemed full of even more games. There was a big platform like podium where the old giant animatronic used to be standing on. But now it's replaced by Mangle's Food cart. Still as nice and surprisingly clean as I remembered. I even saw one of these mall carts ride that's usually a pony or spaceship. Like the one I saw at Fazer Blast. At the top level were rooms with color coded green. Purple. Pink and orange doors for the original 4 animatronic stars. Looking inside one of them. They likely were the Karaoke rooms. Having some seats and a big screen by a smaller podium to see the song lyrics on a monitor as a bigger screen behind it also displayed it with the usual music video. These rooms were the same besides the colors. Looking around the arcade from the top floor. I can see in the walls of the place where neon lighted holes. I wasn't sure where they led to. Somewhere smaller green ones as others were bigger pink ones. "What are these holes for?" I asked as Chica pointed at them. "They were used for DJ Musicman. He was a big animatronic. So this way He could move through them or his hands threw the smaller ones without damaging any of the arcade machines or people." I looked at the holes as even the smaller holes were quite large. At Least as big as one of the large bike tires. While the green ones were as big as an entire monster truck. As we reached the stage. Everyone turned to me. I looked at everyone back as I saw them all look at me in a. What?. Expression. "I. Well. I'd say go ahead and play some games! Have fun!" I said happily as they looked a bit curious. Making me more unsure. "Uh. Is something wrong?" I asked Freddy. "Well usually we play games with the birthday kid. Leaving them while being at their party just doesn't feel right." I could understand that. "Hm. True. But it's not like all games here are made for 8 players. Plus on my birthday it's tradition to give everyone else who showed up a present as well. I usually do this so it's exciting for everyone on my birthday instead of just for me." I said as Chica smiled at that. "That's so sweet. But I'm not sure if we even know where to start." She had a point there. "Hm. Well then see this as just another game night! yes! Just test out some games and look for each of your favorites. And test them all out." I said as Monty stepped up to the plate. Putting his hands on Freddy's and Bonnie's shoulder pads. "Sounds right to me! A good old party is just up my alley! Come along boy's. It's party time!" I silently thanked Monty for guiding both of them away to start the game night. You can count on that gator in the most needed times. I swear. Foxy stepped forward as well. "I'll be playing my Pirate Adventure game! It's been ages sinds I did that. And I wanna test out it's gears as well as mine." He said as I looked curiously. "Oh? What's that?" I asked as he turned to me. "It's the best pirate adventure game there is matey. The game is a kind of auto move game. One where ye move threw me island and wielding a stick and a gun as controllers. which were the pistol and cutlass sword in the game. You shoot and swing away as best as ya could. Even taking different kinds of fizzy drinks to get Power ups." Foxy explained as Mangle and Chica joined in happily. "Sounds like fun! I proof to you that this fox still has her inner pirate!" Mangle said. "I'll just wait for my turn. There is a Chica pizza adventure arcade machine next to it. So I'll amuse myself there while I wait." She said as Foxy wraps his hook and hand around their shoulders and leads the way. "Yar har! That's the spirit of my loyal crew! Let's get adventuring!" He said as he walked off. Leaving me and Roxy alone as she put me down. "Well sinds I'm the best. I deserve the first game with the best. There's a cool racing game around here that I just have to show you." She said excitedly as I nodded. "Lead the way best Rock Star!" I said and followed her. Watching as I see Monty and Freddy dueling it out in a guitar playing game. Making the virtual crowd cheer at their perfect score. Watching Bonnie cheer them both on. Soon we arrived at the racing game. I remember seeing it in the cameras before. but not up close yet. The concept was easy. Play a racing game and the cart will move with ya slightly. Roxy got into the right one cart as she pet's the seat of the other one. "Come on in already." I nodded as I went to the other car game. It's likely connected for multiplayer. When we started the game. I was actually surprised to see it was themed after the animatronics. It was called Rock Star Racing Rumble. Which was quite the unique name. On the start of the screen you can see the 4 main animatronics in go karts. Same ones as the ones at Roxy's Raceway. Of course Roxy picked herself as I could not decide between Monty and Chica. But looking at the other options. I even saw a playable sun and moon. As well as some side characters like a staff bot. A yellow elephant or a purple hippo. Even a crate with googly eyes and number 1 foam fingers on it. So I went with Monty sinds I bet more people would choose Chica. We choose the first normal mega pizza plex stage for starters. It seemed there are other stages based on the attractions. The main atrium. Gator golf. fazer blast. Chica's mazersize and Roxy Raceway. Even the daycare had one. When the game started it was like your usual cart racing game. Go forward. Drifts for boosts. and item boxes were all around to collect where on the road as surprise gift boxes. You had your usual obstacles and attacks like a fazer blaster shot or a weight from chica's mazersize to put down. Pizza slices or fizzy drinks for a big boost. I wasn't all too good at this as Roxy was of course in first place. But when I got my next item box I looked surprised. Instead of the usual item I expected. I got a star. It kinda confused me for a moment. But being on fifth place made me use it. Just in case it was anything useful. And good too. Once I activated it. My Monty character started to jump out of his cart and face the camera. With some added music from gator golf. With a pose he gave with his bass in hand and rocking pose. a voiceline playing from the real Monty. you can hear it said. "Oh yeah! Party time!" Before he would start to run. I was a bit faster than the usual carts.he was immune to any obstacles. And if I bounced into or got close to someone. Monty would swipe at them and they be stunned for a second. Making me go to second place easily. Then he would grab his cart out of nowhere before jumping back in. "Wow. That was awesome!" I said as Roxanne smiled. "Not bad kid. The All star item is the best. But let's see if you can keep up with the best as well." The race continued so on as we neared the finish line. I thought I was gonna keep up and even win. But it seemed Roxy had a trick up her sleeve. She pressed a button and her character junked from her cart as well. "I am the best! Rock Star!" She shouted out while holding her keytaur as her character made huge jumps forward. Crossing the finish line easily as I came in second. And then the other bots. I let out a sigh from Concentrating so much. "Phew! That was close. Good job Roxy. and smart move to keep a hold onto one of these while in first place." I said as she cheered herself on in her seat. "Yes! I am a winner! Hm? Thank you Arthur. You weren't too bad yourself. Wanna play again?" She asked as I nodded. "You betcha!" I say determined. We kept on racing through all the stages. With me usually ending up losing from bouncing against a wall or falling in an endless pit. But it didn't stop me from trying. But even in the end. I couldn't win a single one of them. Making me lean back. "Okay. I give up. You win. You live up to your name as the best." I said smilingly as Roxy flicked her hair a bit. "No one can beat me. but you did come close a few times. You should be proud of that. And don't be scared to ask me for a rematch. Always aim to be the best you can be. Rock Star." She said as I nodded gloomy. But still with a smile on my face. "Still I enjoy our time. Thank you for that." I said as She petted my head a bit. "So did i. Wanna check out how the others are doing?" She asked as I gave a nod. Getting out of the cart and walking with her throughout the arcade towards Freddy. Monty. and Bonnie. When we finally found them. We saw them dancing at one of these two person dancing machines. The name of the machine was above it. The Super Star Dance off. Catchy. By the sound of the music it seemed to have the same theme songs as the majority of the attractions. Even some of the racing games we just played. Bonnie and Monty were playing it flawlessly. It was almost as impressive as the floor buttons and platform holding their weight and quick steps too. Tho when freddie,had a turn. He seemed to miss a view steps here and there. But He was still really good. Monty standing in a rocking pose as they finished. "Ha! Good job faz butt. You too bon bon. " He said as they smiled. "You too gator boy~." Bonnie said right back. Freddy added as well. "I didn't know you could dance like that. You have to show me your moves sometimes." Which made Monty smirk. "Don't worry. I know a view moves that will impress you greatly. and Freddy can show you bun bun~" making both Bonnie and Freddy wide eyed and flustered. "Oh. seems Like the love trio will have a busy time later on." I said with a teasing wink as they turned to me and Roxy. "Heya kid. Hiya Roxy. Hope both of you are fine?" Monty asked as we nodded. "Yes. We just finished up our game of racing. so we were checking how the rest were handling themselfs." Roxy said. "And of course if you're having fun." I added as well. Monty smirked a bit. "Well then why don't you come up and see for yourself~? Come on! Just one round. I wanna see if you got some moves kid." He said as Freddy took a step off of the other platform. "I think I will sit this round out. You can take my place and join in Roxy." Freddy offered. We both took a step onto the dancing platform with the colored arrows on it. I played games like these before. So I was familiar with it as much as I could be. The only hard part was the new songs and rhythms which I was unfamiliar with. Luckly When I looked through the song options. I could see the usual. Pizza plex theme. Roxy's Raceway theme. Daycare theme. Gator golf theme and much more. I decided to choose the Roxy's Raceway one as I smiled at her. She gave an approving nod back. The background of the screen was actually an animated Roxanne wolf. Driving a bike threw a road in the desert. As the song played. I tried to match the directions with my own steps on the corresponding pressure plates below us. It was hard to keep up with as it seemed to be an advanced level. But I held strong and stayed on the beat. staying in the swing of it as Roxy stayed in the electro swing of it. We even moved out arms as well even tho it be unnecessary for the game. but we had fun. After the song was finished. I breathed heavily as I gave a small pose to match Roxy's pose at the end. The Roxy on the screen putting on a rocking pose as well. saying loud and proudly. "You are the best!" Sinds we got a high score. "Wow. You guys rock. Huff." I say as I rest a bit. "You too! This was delightful Hop Star." Bonnie says as Monty chimed in. "Oh yeah! rock and roll! And you said you couldn't dance? Ha!" Monty said that as I stretched. "Believe me. If You call my stammering on arrows dancing. Then you are all way beyond my league. plus I'd be even worst on the dance floor. " I said jokingly. "Then we can teach you sometimes. It might not be as good as mazersize. But I'm sure the 3 of us could help." Bonnie offered." Spending some time alone with the 3 handsome animatronics sounded quite nice. What could possibly go wrong? "Of course. As long as I am not a bother or a Fourth wheel on that dance floor. Huh. That example doesn't work." I said as Monty wraps his arm around me. "That just means you will fit right in. little guy~." it made me blush as I needed to get my mind out of the gutter. But with my fantasy-like dirty mind. It was more like a grand canyon. Smiling back as I wrap my arm around his waist. Or I tried to. "Then I'll gladly take you all up on that offer." I said as Monty gulps. Feeling A certain Gray hand on his shoulder pad. "No funny business. alright?" Roxy said as I gave a small smirk and leaned forward. "Funny business? Don't worry I'm the entire circus." I said as I laughed at my own joke. Making Roxy Roll her eyes. "Yeah yeah. Just maked sure you stay the entire circus and not just pitching a tent." She said as I looked at her as she was now smirking. "Touché Roxy." I just replied before we all let eachother go. Looking around for a moment as I could hear a small echo of a pirate voice yell out something. "Should we join the others? Sounds like they are putting on quite the show. I don't wanna miss that." I asked as Roxy nodded. "We can. Are you all coming?" Roxy asked to the others. "Might as well. Gotta make sure they stay out of trouble." Monty joked. "It would be nice to check on them." Freddy said. "I'll hop along. I am the one who's gotta make sure these two stay out of trouble." Bonnie said as he pointed at Freddy and Monty. Making me smirk a bit. We all went off to look for Chica. Foxy. and Mangle. After listening to the sounds of them. And asking Roxy to use her special eyes to see them. We found them soon enough. I wasn't surprised that Mangle and Foxy were playing the pirate game. But I was surprised at the pirate hat her and Foxy wore on top of their heads. Guess a true pirate is always prepared. I see Chica playing on the side of the arcade next to it. Seeming to be concentrated intensely on the screen. Making me look back at Mangle. She was holding 2 controllers. One resembling a rod and the other one that resembled a gun. For Foxy the rod was strapped to his hook so he could move it around. And the gun was of course in his Normal hand. Flailing and swiping the rods and aiming the guns to shoot on the screen. Mangle makes swiping motions as she strikes and slashes within the game. "They keep on coming, captain! On your right!" She said as Foxy shot down an in-game pirate who was swinging towards the screen on a rope. Who Looked like a basic staff bot or endo skeleton dressed up as a pirate. But it was still funny to look at. it seemed to be an auto scroller. So it gave no time to rest. "They can't beat the best captain of these seven Seas and his second mate! Eat this you shabby sea bass!" He says as he shoots down another 2 ranged enemy pirates. They fell backwards in a cartoonish way almost as we all watched them continue to play. As they reached the end of their level. I sometimes glanced over to Chica as she was still deeply in concentration with her game. Looking at the screen I can see it's some sort of a 3 D collector game. Where you run around and try to collect as many pizzas as possible before you can be caught by some of the animatronics. Like a game of cat and mouse. And she seems to have already beaten the high score. Impressive. But she didn't seem to give up anytime soon. I look back as I see both Mangle and Foxy. As they both face on the screen an evil looking version of Foxy. In full pirate gear. Having one Peg leg and riding a cannon as well as wearing a black go tea. The name said, "evil captain's twin." Seems like an evil brother of Foxy. But that's just a guess. He shoots cannon balls out of the cannon that you need to deflect. Using your cutlass sword and shoot him when he gets hit by one. "No one can imitate the good captain. You shall walk the plank!" Mangle said as Foxy let out a "Yar har har!" You said it well. Let's show this faker where the Fishes sleep! I'll make him eat those words!" He said as he swung his sword and aimed his gun. Shooting as that pattern repeats a view times. Eventually they managed to shoot him down. The cannon explodes as he sinks with his ship to the bottom of the sea. They both stood happily as they cheered. Chica looked at them cheering loudly and noticed us. Starting a bit as she was surprised for a second. But a swift game over from her game made her look back. But she wasn't even upset. It likely went on forever. like an endless mode. Both Foxy and Mangle gave a high five. "He's as good as gone!" Mangle said as Foxy smiled. "Ay lass! He's sunken and will never get back up after that defeat!" They cheered at their victory as I smiled and gave them an applause. "Wonderful job you two. You really showed him." I say as they both turn to me and the others. "Ahoy bucko! Didn't see ya there." Foxy said. "Hope you enjoyed the show. We loved playing with it." Mangle said gladly. I was more than happy to see them smiling and having some fun while playing. Chica turned to us as well. "Glad to see you, Arthur. I just got the all-time high score as well! "She cheered as I gave her a high five as well. "Great job Chica! May it be in game or real life. You are the pizza champion." I said as she hugged me. I in turn hugged her back. Foxy petting my back with his hook. "What do ya think bucko's?" Foxy asked as I responded honestly. "as well as any pirate captain could have done it!" I said as Foxy nodded. "Hm. hey laddy. Want to test these dangerous waters as well?" He asked as he pointed at the pirate game. "Sure. But. I can't decide who I'd play with." I say as Roxy wanted to step up. But she also knew that she had already spent the most time with me. And thus held Back. "I'll go. I haven't played it in ages." Bonnie said as Foxy nodded. "Yes. You both will do nicely. Do take care.These Seas have some rough and dangerous skallywags around. even at the shallow coast." He said as he undid the controllers and handed them to bonnie. I got Mangle's as we stood in the same place in front of the screen and scanners as they were before. Getting the pirate hats from Mangle and foxy as they put it on our heads. Ready to go on an adventure. Needless to say. We were awful compared to Mangle and Foxy. I could not keep up with the amount of enemies nor could Bonnie process the reaction time. And use of the controllers properly. Eventually getting a game over as we just couldn't do it. I fall to my knees in an obviously fake and dramatic way. "I'm sorry captain. I failed you!" I said before I stood up and smiled. Saying in a casual way. "But that was fun. I for sure want to try that again." Bonnie nodded as well. "It was delightful. Tho if I had my bowling ball with me. I'd strike them all down." He said as I chuckled at the thought of that. Roxy would put her hand on my shoulder and addressed everyone. I snapped back to Chica. "Do you want a turn too Chica?" I asked as she thought for a second. "Don't worry."I'm fine Sport Star. I wouldn't be much better at it then you. Plus i had fun with my own game." She said as I nodded. "Alrighty. Then. What's next." I asked as I was unsure. Chica speaking up again. "Why don't we try some karaoke? It's been a while sinds i got to sing properly. And I never heard you sing before." She asked. I rubbed the back of my head. "Well I'm not usually good at singing. So bring your earmuffs with you." I said jokingly. Soon we'd all started to walk towards the karaoke rooms. Seeing the four colored doors as before I could decide on which one to take. I saw Freddy enter the orange one. This just made it easier as I and the rest joined him inside. Most of them started to sit down on one of the chairs. In this case. Freddy. stood on the little podium and grabbed one of the nearby microphones. I expected him to sing anything from his stage performance or from the Mega Pizza Plex. But instead. He decided to start it off easy. Singing a pretty catchy happy Fazbear Birthday song. I was curious why he'd choose something that simple. You know. Being the singer of the band. But I thought about it and maybe that's the reason why he chose it. So the others wouldn't feel too bad if they performed less stellar. Clever bear. We still all clapped after the song. I noticed he'd often pointed and looked at me as he sang. I inwardly face palmed as he was obviously singing it for me. making me clap faster at his performance. "Bravo Freddy. bravo. Thank you for the kind birthday wishes Freddy." I said smiling as he returned the smile with one of his own. "I'm glad you picked up what I was doing arthur." He said as he stepped down. Bonnie coming up next. Getting the microphone from freddy as he puts in a song and starts to sing. This beat sounded familiar as well as some of the text. But I can't remember it specifically. I recognize it ever slightly from long ago. And then I realized. He's singing Hip Hop. If I face palmed anymore my face would be even flatter than a brick. But this was more funny than anything. Clapping for him at the end. "Great job. Really hopping along the beat Bonnie." I said gladly as Bonnie jumps and hops off the podium. "Aw it was nothing. But still it had been a while since I did a proper solo and felt good about it. I'll try to work on it." He said slightly down as I put a hand on his arm. "Are you okay Bonnie?" I asked as he nodded. "I'll be okay. thank you Hop Star." He said as Mangle jumped up next. "Me next! Me next!" She said as Bonnie handed the microphone over to her. When she was on stage she sang some upbeat songs. Something that you'd see on a TV show for sports or such. Altho it made me feel very lazy for a moment. But also like I could even be number 1. Before shaking the thought of seeing her slight bounce in place as she sang. Making me clap for her. "A sweet song to match the sweet fox. It was a pleasure to listen too Mangle." I commented as she posed slightly and adorably. "It was really fun. But you all make it even sweeter." She said back as Foxy was next. "Let me Take a swing at it next. I'll get to rocking ya boats." He said as Mangle handed the Mike over. He stood at the podium and sang out a good old sea shanty. Though I could have sworn I heard something about a red beard pirate. But the singing was energetic and I loved that. Giving a song to set sail to. Clapping for Foxy wasn't hard. "That was one yo ho ho of a song Foxy. I could feel that you weren't holding back." I said as he nodded confidently. "I wouldn't want to hold back on my Brave Star's birthday. And I won't stop any time soon bucko." He said as I smiled at his determination. "Alright. Let's get this done right." Monty said as he got the microphone from Foxy. Putting on quite the hard going Rock song. It Sounded Like something Dwarfs would sing in the mountains deep or in combat. I rocked my head to the Rock and roll song as I was fully enjoying myself. After it i Got a high five from Monty. "Now that's how you Rock and roll. " He said, smirking as I replied. "One rocking leather gator. Perfect as ever." Which made him all the more happy. Eventually walking close to Roxy as he handed the microphone to her. She took it as she stood on the stage. "Are you ready to Rock?!" she yelled as I responded. "Oh yeah!" And watched her sing and even dance as well. Her song felt like something from a long time ago. The song was the most rocking of them all. Listening to it felt like you could face your fears and more. that the whole world will know her name. and thats shes here. The Roxanne Wolf. I head banged to the songs and even sang along quietly to it. Roxy finished off in a stylish pose. Making me clap rapidly. "Now that was a performance! Truly one befitting of the best!" I said as she flicked her hair. "Thank you. I am the best. So i had to go all out. especially for you Rock Star." That made me blush madly. Who? Me? nah. no way! Really?" I stammered out as she just hugged me. Smiling as I hugged her back. After a second or longer. She let go and handed the microphone to Chica. "Knock 'em dead darling." Roxy said as Chica only nodded silently. Seeming quite nervous. When she did go up on stage. I expected another candy or upbeat song to play. But. I was pleasantly surprised and quite shocked at the soft slow song she played. Only hearing an instrument here or there. It was quite pleasant. A song you don't forget. So smooth you could easily search for it in the dark. I listened to it as I clapped and smiled softly. "That was beautiful Chica. I never imagined you'd sing so greatly." i said as she got a bit embarrassed. "Aww shucks Arthur. I don't sing too often. So my voice box may be a bit rusty." She said before she walked off. Going closer to me as my expression turned a bit surprised. She held out the mic towards me. "Here you go." She said as I laughed a bit awkwardly. "Thanks Chica. But I can't really sing. Heck I can barely even talk properly. Let alone sing." I said as Bonnie puts a hand on my shoulder . "Come on Hop Star. One song can't hurt." He said as Mangle joined in. "Yeah. I wanna hear how beautiful you sound!" She tries to encourage me. Monty stepped up to the plate. "Leave him be. If he doesn't want to sing then let's leave it at that." Freddy agreed to that. "Indeed. You should never feel pressured to do this Super Star." Roxanne puts a hand on my shoulder. "Remember. You're not a loser." She said as I took a deep breath and grabbed the microphone. Getting a small cheer from the others as I step up onto the podium. I look at the lower screen to see if I could pick out a song I'd know the lyrics to. I think hard as I look at the others. Waiting and sitting patiently on there seats. And then it dawned on me. Seeing them all smile. Knowing the joy they brought onto me and the others. There was only one song I could play. Their expressions grow from excited to happy and maybe surprised even. As I go for the main stage Mega Pizza Plex song. It was upbeat. It was joyful. and I tried my best to keep up with the lyrics. But i sadly did slipped up here and there. One of the animatronics would join in for a bit till I feel comfortable enough to continue on my own. Some bopping there heads. as others mimicked there instrument play to the 80's song. I appreciated that dearly. Taking a final pose as the singing ended. Huffing a bit as I put a lot more energy into that then I expected. Yet I look back up as I hear them all clap for me. Roxy said as she got closer. "Great work Rock Star." Monty jumped in from the otherside. "Oh yeah! Now that rocked and rolled!" He said as I put the microphone down and smiled while blushing. "Aww thanks guys but you all helped me more than ever throughout it. Thank you all." I said with a small bow. Freddy addressed the group. "Well it seemed like we are all played out. Are we ready to go to the party room?" He asked as I looked curiously. I knew about the party rooms from cleaning them up in the daycare. But these ones were meant to usually have only one animatronic visiting a kids party. But I wasn't sure if it was suited for me. or even that case. for all eight of us. Luckly I didn't have to say anything as monty asked. "Uh. You sure Freddy? The usual party rooms seem a bit small. Well. For all of us." He blinked a bit as he then of course realized how many animatronics there would be in such a small room. Chica had a suggestion. "Why don't we go to the atrium? There are some chairs and tables in the middle where we can sit down." I thought it was a good idea. But Monty thought otherwise. "Nah. We will go there anyway after we do the final show." We brainstormed all a bit before I snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of a chiming bell. Or bells. Coming closer rapidly. I looked around as with more clinging of the bells and a jump. Sun jumped out and wrapped his arms around me. Making me fall over under his weight. "Whoa! Hello sun. Glad to see you too here." I said smiling awkwardly. But I did mean it in a good way. Freddy perked up at seeing the daycare attendant. "Hello Sun. It's good to see you out of the daycare." He said as sun twisted his head around. "Oh! Hello there freddy! And Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, Roxy, and Monty, of course!" He greeted them all as Chica spoke up. "I'm surprised your out of the daycare. Is something wrong?" She asked as he turned towards her. "Something is wrong! You had a birthday boy here this whole time! And didn't share him with me? For shame!" He said in a exasperated tone. I rubbed his back. "Um. Sun? " Monty said as he tried to get his attention. "Not now Monty! You had your turn already." He says as Monty just walked up and picked Sun up. "Hey! What are you doing Monty?!" He chuckled a bit. "Stopping you from crushing the birthday kid." He said as i looked up and slowly gave a thumbs up. "Thanks. Monty. Ouch." I said as Roxy and Chica helped me back up. Sun crossed his arms as soon as he was released from Monty's hold. Landing with a Thud on the ground. Getting quickly up with a jumped back on his feet. "I swear you need to be more gentle. What will the children think?" Sun says as Bonnie said. "That he's a strong and cool gator?" Making Monty grunt and his tail wag. "I'll believe it one's I hear it bon bon." This made us laugh as Freddy had an idea. "Hm. You know? Maybe you can help us Sun. We don't know where to go for giving presents. Do you have any ideas of a good place where we can all join in?" He asked as sun jumped up. "Yes! Ofcorce! There is a big table and some chairs in the beginning part of my Daycare. Sinds the party rooms would be way to small. Let's go there!" He recommended as no one objected. There was no reason not to. And no one could think of anything better. "Sure. Sounds good." Mangle said as the rest slowly agreed. Making Sun jump in delight. "Ho ho ho! Then please follow me. To the daycare we flee!" He said happily as he started to scamper off. Skipping along the way as the rest followed him to the daycare as he held the door open for us. Letting us inside. On a closer look. I could see near the front entrance and exit the giant statue of him and Moon still stood tall. Luckly it was clean as well. In Front of it stood a large table with some chairs surrounding it. Likely for parents to sit down to wait as their kids play in the daycare. I sat down as did the others as well. Each one pulled up a chair. Ofcorce Monty and Roxy seated next to me left and right. We waited there for a bit. Not really saying much. getting me curious as I asked . "So. What now?" I asked before Foxy answered firstly. "Just waiting for the booty to arrive. I swear these landlubbers are slower than a turtle on treadmill weels." Before I could figure out that metaphor. I see the door to the daycare open again. some staff bots come in as they put down a pizza with lighted candles on it. As well as another one putting some wrapped up packages on the table. Looking like presents. There were 4 in total. All the same Sizes. The staff bot gave a robotic. "Thank you. And Have a faztastic day." Before they drive back out the front door. I just sit there with a dumb smile. Monty huffed a bit. "Guess these bots are at least good for something." He said as Chica yelled out almost. "Yay! Pizza!" But Bonnie and Freddy held her back before she could dig in. "Hold on there Chica. This is his pizza. He hasn't even blown out the candles yet." Bonnie said as Freddy agreed. "Indeed. Maybe he wants to get his presents first." Chica huffed in defeat as I gave a smile. "Don't worry Chica. I'll blow out the candles so you can ravage that pizza. I can always get another one later." I said as That seemed to cheer her mood up brightly. I looked at the pizza. It was a big 4 cheese pizza. Large in size needed for a big party. They didn't hold back on this one. The candles burning atop of it. Foxy motioned me forward with his hook. "Make a wish matey. And maybe it may come true. " He said as I thought deeply about it. "To be honest. I'm not sure what to wish for. I just. Wish for everyone here to stay safe and be able to enjoy being here. And even though I can't do too much. I'll do my best to make it worth living here. I promise you all that." I said before I took a deep breath and blew out the candles. Just in case they wanted to object to my wish. They started to clap before I slowly slid the pizza over to Chica so she could dig into the extra large cheese pizza. And she indeed did. "That was sweet of you." Mangle said. "Aw I'm just telling the truth." I replied honestly back. Mangle perked up as she grabbed the pink present and held it towards me. "Oh? Aw. For me? that's too kind of you. But. Now I feel bad I couldn't give you guys anything back." She shook her head no as did the others as well. "There is no need for that Arthur. The beautiful wish was already enough." Freddy mentioned. Making me smile only brighter. I looked at the package that Mangle made go around the table to get to me and waited. Mangle gave a nod. "Come on. Open it." She said as I started to open up the present. Unwrapping it showed me a nice looking Mangle plushie. I was more than surprised to see it as I didn't even know there were any still around. Even when I looked everywhere for materials and other things. I never saw this one. A Glamrock Mangle plushie. She seemed to be a reskin of the Roxy plushy. Although Her hair was way fluffier and stuffed with cotton so much. It almost felt solid. Instead of the keytar Roxy had. she had 2 drumsticks. One in each hand. "Oh! A Glamrock Mangle Plushie! But how? I never knew these even existed!" I asked as Mangle smiled. "We all have at least 1 hidden emergency plushy for all occasions. And luckly. the staff were none the wiser." She said with pride. "And sometimes the staff is just to lazy too clean em up." Chica chimed in. Well she wasn't wrong nor was Mangle. I just gave it a hug. "Thank you Mangle. Now I almost got everyone here as plushies." This made her smile happily as did the others. Bonnie passed his present next to me. "Then I'm sure you will like this one as well." He said as I nodded happily and opened it up. Getting a Glamrock Bonnie plushie. with his cute floppy ears and red body. blue headband and soft black wrist bracelets on his arms. He also had the same added plushy bass guitar as the monty plushy had. It did look a bit old. But it seems like these have been cleaned up and spotless. "Wow. Thank you Bonnie! He looks as beautiful as ever." I said happily as I hugged both Mangle's and Bonnie's plushies together. "They are so soft and comvy. Thank you so much." I Said happily before they passed on Foxy's and Freddy's presents. First opening Foxy's one. Seeing a Glamrock Foxy plushy. wearing his star shaped eyepatch. A yellow stuffed hook on his hand. and his keytar in his other. spiked bracelets on both his wrists as he had his red and pink body and his star covered pants and shirt on. i Hugged it as I looked at Foxy. "Oh! Thank ya Captain! This be me most precious Treasure!" He said as he let out a smile and a cheer. "It's my pleasure Brave Star. You can't have a crew collection without the captain." He said happily. I put the plushies down as that left only one more present there for me. Looking at Freddy as I gave a smile and a nod. Before I go and unwrap it. And as last but not least. It was a Glamrock Freddy plushie. With a big smile. Plush microphone on one hand. wearing his trusty top hat. wrist bracelets and beige body with the lightning bold ontop of it. It had it all. "Talk about a Super Star to make it all complete. Thank you so much Freddy." I said with a big smile as I hugged it and the other plushie together. "Thank you all. Thank you all so much. You already made this the best birthday ever." I said happily as they all put their own words in. "Nah it was nothing. I'm glad you stayed as a night guard even after the troubles. Party Star." Monty said. "It's wonderful. Now more than ever. You may be proud of that. Sweet Star." Mangle said. "You brought the biggest treasure with ye. Your heart and soul. Brave star." Foxy said. "You deserve nothing but the best. You are a winner. Like all of us. Rock Star." Roxy said. "with all you did for us. You truly are. The Super Star." Freddy said. "You put a smile on our faces! Even on moon's. Which is an achievement on its own. Sun Star." Sun said. "thank you for caring for us. and not replacing anyone. I can't be more grateful. Sport Star.'' Chica said. "You brought us back together. It's something we will never forget. Hop Star." I smiled brightly and teared up a bit at the positive comments. "T. Thank you. Thank you all. You're the greatest people I could have in my life. It's kinda funny. You all make me feel like a part of your big happy. Well. I. '' I wasn't sure if I should say it. Not wanting to weird anyone out here. But just felt Monty put a clawed hand on my shoulder as he finished my thought. "Family?" I looked hopefully up as I wiped away a tear. The others nodded. But I looked down a bit. "Yeah. You all are a great family. But. I'm unsure if I'm good enough. You're all such great stars. Great friends. Great. People. Super Stars. I'm just. Not. That." I say slightly quiet. The other animatronics looked at each other as I stared in silence right afterwards. Not seeing the nods they gave to each other. Hearing Mangle speak up again. "Then I think it's time for a vote!" I perked up. "a vote?" I asked curiously as she nodded. Seeing Freddy holding his hand up. "Everyone that wants to make Arthur part of the Glamrock Band. stick your hand up." He said as I was taken by shock. But slowly seeing one by one everyone's hand raising up and giving me a wink or a nod. Freddy smiling as he nodded to everyone. "Well that settles it. Arthur. Welcome to the Glamrock Band!" He said as everyone chapped and cheered for me. It Made me feel something inside of me. Was. Was this pure joy? I wondered as I grabbed a tissue from my pocket and started to sob. Unable to hold it all in. Freddy getting a concerned look. As did the others too. "Super Star? are you alright?" Freddy asked as I looked up. Giving the biggest smile with tears I could mustered to all of them. "Thank you. All of you. For having me. For accepting the weird me. You all are the best." I said as those were the only words I could say to express my happiness. I was relieved to be part of them. Part of a real family again. I slowly got my composure back as I hugged all the plushies. Picking them up as I stood up. The others did when i did. "I gotta put these somewhere safe. By the others. I don't want them to get damaged or forget to take them with me." I said as I wanted to walk out. But I was grabbed by Roxy. Holding me by my shoulder and stopping me from leaving. "Not so fast Rock Star." I looked back sheepishly. "Umm. Is something wrong?" She shook her head. "You can't leave yet. Besides, You still got a present from me as well, Rock Star." She said as I looked down at my plushies. Before I could ask how else I would put these away in a safe place. I see Sun jump up and stand next to me with open arms. "I'll take these to a safe place." He offered. I nodded as I handed him all my plushies. Watching as he walked out of the door with them. His bells are still jingling against the floor. I focused back on Roxy. Turning to her as she put her other hand on my other shoulder and gave me a big kiss. I Kissed happily back as I embraced her. After a few seconds she lets go of the kiss. "That's for being my Rock Star." I smiled brightly. Licking my lips a bit. "Thank you Roxy. You are the best. Altho I do taste something different. Got any new lipstick on?" I said jokingly but She laughed a bit as she answered back. "Blueberry pie and ice cream to be exact. But that wasn't your present. for the real one we need to go to parts and service." She said as she turned to the others. "Why don't you all get ready for the show? In the Meantime. I'll take care of Arthur." She said to me as the others gave a nod and started to walk back to the daycare entrance. "See ya in a bit Arthur. Good luck Matey. Stay safe. See you for the show!" They started to say as they walked away. Leaving me and Roxy together alone. I was pretty nervous. "So. Um. What now?" I asked before she took my hand. "Now. You follow me. For the best. Present. Ever." She said with a smirk. Making me gulp a bit. but I happily followed her with excitement and joy. Thanks to her and all the others. I could not be more grateful.

Chapter 20


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Content warning: nudity. Sexual themes.

20. We kept on walking through the Mega Pizza Plex until we oddly didn't go down the usual double doors. But Roxy took me to the main stage instead. Turning to me as she pointed towards the emergency lever. "Could you lower the lift for us?" She asked as I saluted. Quickly walking over to press the button and walk back. A few seconds later. The stage started to descend down into the underground tunnels. I wasn't sure why she wanted to go through this way specifically. But I was too nervous to ask. Eventually we reached the bottom and started to make our way towards parts and service. It seems just like usual. Besides the half torn table from the last time I was here at least. As I followed Roxy closer inside. I could see that there was a big cloth covering one of the other tables. Looking at it as we both walked closer to it. Getting me curious already as Roxy turned towards me. Taking a moment before speaking up. "My Rock Star. When I first met you. I couldn't have predicted this. Thinking you'd just be one of the many loser night guards we'd be forced to tolerate. Expecting you to have left within a week or a few days. Yet. Here we are. Yet again. With everything that has happened. Even with our first incident. You stayed true to your words. You didn’t run. You didn’t didn't scream. You didn't demanded us to be scrapped or replaced. You stayed and dealt with it all. First I thought you just put up a dumb fake act. Just like all the others did. And yet. When we talked afterwards. And comforted each other. I saw it. Your first honest smile. Altho i guess the ones you gave me earlier when we first met were honest as well." She said as I blushed a bit. "It was nothing Roxy. I'd do it all over again if I had to." I said back as she looked shocked. "Nothing? I don't think you understand how big this is. You helped Bonnie. Mangle. and Chica. You destroyed the Mimic. You helped us. How can you not see that as a big deal?" She asked almost in an offended tone. "I just did what I could. All this time. The real hero’s were all of you. You who were suffering from having to lose the Ones you care about. For having to do the same things over and over again. To be in constant fear of being tossed out. And yet. You all still survived. Plus. I never did all of this to get something in return. That's just not me." I said with a soft smile. Roxy looks sad as she puts her hand on the side of my face. Softly caressing it. "Even so. You've cared about us. Risked your life for us. To make us all happy. Myself included. You always made me feel like the best. No matter how hurted or well you felt. And now. I want to return the favor. I want to make you happy as well. we all do. You've always talked about how much you wish you were more like us. More like me. And despite the look of yourself. I and the others have Banded together to make this gift for you." She said as she grabbed the cloth that covered the table and removed it. What I saw could only be described in shock. Amazement. And stunning for sure. There on the table layed a complete set of Roxy's outer shell parts. The hands. Arms. Tail. Legs. Thighs. Feet. Torso. Belly. Ball joints. Crotch and of course. The head. Altho there is something different about this one. For one. All the parts were a slight bit smaller. Roxy herself standing Next To it to see the comparisons. Altho The chest piece seemed to be much bigger as well as the back and crotch pieces. When inspecting the parts more closely. I can see that the purple on her lips and eyelashes and as well as the green of the claws and bikini has bin changed to a pure black. The eyes of the suit had a green eye color as I grabbed one of the open arm shells as I looked at it. The inside seems to be padded with something black and shiny. Almost rubber looking even. When I rested my finger on it. It squished around my finger. And squishing back into place once I took it off. Almost as if it was adjusting to them. It felt indeed like latex but more squishy like gel. Altho not as rough nor suffocating. It felt even slightly cooling. But not in an uncomfortable cold way. I looked at each part as it had that same squishy latex gel like material that the other parts were covered in as well from the inside. Laying half open to display the insides. I slowly turn to Roxy. "Roxy? What. What is all of this?" I asked as I inspected the craftsmanship. This wasn't made to scratch in a scuffle. It was high quality. Roxy looked unsure. "It's an animatronic shell suit. One that looks like me. We had it built for you. Sinds you didn't like how you looked or sounded. We thought we'd give you a chance to be something else. A completely new you. It may be Just a costume. But we all have been working hard on it. I had been practicing my make-up skills just to help with the newly colored parts. Like this you can even walk around and feel comfortable. Feel more you. I'm. I'm sorry if you don't like it. We can just go back upstairs and." But before she could continue that sentence. I walked up to her and hugged her tightly. Taking her by surprise as I cry in her chest. "It's beautiful Roxy." I said as her worried look changed to content. Hugging me back as she held onto me. Staying like that for a moment before I slowly let go. Looking with a huge smile at her. "I don't know what to say. Do you really think I'd be good enough to wear it? To hang out with you and the other's even like that?" I asked unsure as she just gave some simple words. "Rockstar. We are the best. You deserve it." She said softly. It was so simple but comforting. I gave a small nod as I let go of her. Looking back at the suit as Roxy followed me. "I like the colors a lot. Almost like a goth version of you. But I gotta ask. What's the black rubbery shiny stuff inside of the parts?" I asked as Roxy pointed a finger at it. "It's a special kind of gel that this place is testing out. We used to have a spring lock system. But that was from a bygone time. And very dangerous too. They wanted to test out something less. Lethal. for future suits. It squishes around your body while not pulling on the skin. And keeping the inside cool and breathable for long term wear." She explained as I rubbed my Chin. "So in a way. I'm a test dummy for this one? I'm not sure if I should be honored or disappointed." I said jokingly. Roxy nodded. "The gel in its interior is easy to mold. So if you want some bigger parts. We can just remove the gel-like layer and put it in that part instead." I nodded as that was a pretty smart move. Getting me excited for the bigger parts as well. "So. How do I wear it?" I asked as Roxy perks up." Before anything. I'd recommend going to the bathroom first. You can still use it while in the suit. But it's better to not have to use the bathrooms here." She said with a wink. I nodded as I quickly ran back through the tunnels and up to the bathrooms. Before a view minutes later running back downstairs. Taking Roxy by surprise. "I. Did not expect you to go right away. You must be really excited." She said as i blushed and nodded. "Gotta make sure I wash my hands if I'm gonna be in something as beautiful as this." I replied simply. Seeming a bit calmer. Roxy Continues her explanation. "It may take a bit. But we are gonna put part by part on your body. After each part is fitted snugly. We use the repair arms in the protective cylinder and lock it all up like any normal animatronic shell. Once you're finished up. We can come back here to unlock the suit and pull it all off again." It excited me greatly. But also made a bit nervous at the thought of being locked into it. but happy that we can unlock it as well. Rubbing the suit parts a bit. Giving a small smile from the tiresome but exciting day. "When do we start?" I asked as Roxy looked a bit sheepishly. "Yeah. About that. I have to confirm one thing." I looked curious and nodded. "Go on." I motioned her to continue. "You need to understand that we are two respectable adults here. Alright?" I gave a questioning look. But slowly nodded. Giving Roxy a determined look again. "Right! First and foremost. You have to take off your clothes." I stared at her for a second. Before my face went hot red. "I. I what?" I asked as she simply nodded. Like she said nothing wrong. "The gel is chill and protective. But only when it is in contact with your skin. If you'd wear any clothes under it. You sweat yourself like a sauna. However, We don't need to do it all at once. We can start with your lower body. Then you're upper. And finally the head. If it be more comfortable for you." I nodded but couldn't push away the blush I had gained. So I just gave a thumbs up. "Eyep. Sounds good to me Rockstar." She put a hand on my shoulder as she looked at me with her bright yellow eyes. "It's okay Rockstar. Here it's just you and me. No one else. You don't have to worry about being seen. Or have to worry about how you look. It will all be okay. " She said as I slowly nodded. "O-Okay. Okay. I trust you." I took a deep breath before nodding. Getting my normal smile back. "I'm ready to begin." I said as Roxy nodded. Grabbing the table as she moves it closer to the entrance of the protective cylinder. I tried to help lift it a bit. But it was really heavy with all the other parts on it. We put it down as Roxy walked to the little pc on the side of the cylinder. Pressing some options I couldn't see as the door opened up. I walked as I started to take off My Shoes. my shirt. Hope I still get service here. As well as my pants. Showing off my quite hairy and chubby body. It had dots all over it. Making me embarrassed as Roxy stood still and looked me over. Her eyes lightened up as she scanned all over my body. Seeming to stare a bit longer to my crotch. "This is a little embarrassing." I said as she shrugged. "It's not like this is the first time i see it. i can always see threw things with my perfect eyes. this is just the first time i don't need to use that function. besides. how many times have you seen and rubbed all over our endo skeletons all exposed when you cleaned us up?" I wanted to object. but I couldn't. "Touché." I say as I get only a harder blush at realizing what she just explained. soon becoming fully naked. Roxy guided me to sit in the laying chair. It felt quite cold .But I can bear it as she grabbed the animatronic shell feet firstly. Walking towards me as she asked. "Are you ready? Rock star?" I nodded. stuttering in my excitement. "i-i'm ready Roxy." i said as she held out the parts. They were split into two half parts. The claws and toes. and then the heels and ankle parts. She lifted my foot up a bit as I helped by pushing it into the black gel insides. Like putting on a shoe. As the other half was put over my own toes and front foot. The two parts pushed together to make it whole again as we did the same for the other foot. She then grabbed 2 ball shaped parts that were split in 2 halfs as well. Putting it around my ankles a bit before pushing it down and sliding it into the foot part. I wiggle them a bit as it felt strange. They didn't feel too tight. Nor too loose. I could bend my foot as the top parts bent comfortably. Whatever these black balls were that she put around my ankles. They were not just to cover up more skin. But also allow me to still move freely and smoothly with the parts on. looking at Roxy. I can see that they resembled her ball joints. protecting her parts as are mine that protected any shell part that would have scraped along my body. i didn't feel any more warmth or cold either as they were on. only a slight cooling sensation. like putting on a new T-shirt. Roxy puts a hand on my leg. "How does it feel Rockstar? Comfortable? These ball joint like parts are to make sure the shell parts stay into place and don't scrape or clash against one another. If anything is off or wrong. We will take them off right away." She asked, concerned. Making me a bit more relaxed as she was so worried for me. "Don't worry Roxy." It fits oddly well. Thank you. Plus I always hated how feet looked. So This sure is one hell of an improvement." I confirmed as she smiled a bit. "Thank you. Are you ready for the next parts?" She asked as I gave a firm nod. "I was born ready!" I sais determined as she grabbed the leg parts and walked back to me. It really felt like being rebuilt from the ground up. Being pure black a she and I myself lifted up my leg so the first half could be laid below my leg. And the second part can be put on top of it. Fitting in snuggly and comfortably. Next up grabbing another set of these ball joints as she puts them on my knees this time. Pulling them down as they click into place. It Fitted so well that you can't even see any part of me that wasn't covered by the animatronic shell or the ball joints. Making it look like a real animatronic leg. She repeated the process as I moved my leg a bit. The insides didn't pull on my leg hair. Nor gave me any uncomfortable feelings. I gave a thumbs up as she nodded. Using it for an easier way to understand if I was ready for the next part. The silver thighs. These ones were split the same as the leg parts. Split in two pieces. Altho the upper back of these seems to be a lot bigger than I expected. She puts the Grey colored thighs under my own as I helped by adjusting my legs and hips to make it easier to put the part under me and lay my leg on it. It was a bit uncomfortable at first. With the bigger upper thigh size. My butt wasn't touching the seat. But thanks to sitting in the laying chair. It wasn't too bad. I moved my leg around to keep testing if it was uncomfortable or if I was in any way unable to bend it a certain way. But no. It was still able to move as freely as before. The most strange part was that the animatronic shell and gel didn't feel heavy. Which was a relief. Soon getting the same done with my other leg too. both my legs now looked like Roxy's. It was a strange feeling. but not unpleasant.
I gave a small smile as I held up one of my legs. "Who needs arms with legs like these?" I said jokingly as Roxy nodded. "They suit you well. I hope they aren't too uncomfortable." She asked as I shook my head. "I'm fine actually. They fit and feel nicely on my body. It's strange to think about being inside of it. But it's nice. Altho the upper parts are a bit big. Gets uncomfortable to sit on. As my butt isn't touching the chair seat." I say as I put my leg down. Seeing Roxy walking back to the table and grabbing a larger set of the two big ball shaped joints for me. putting one on each part of my upper thighs as they slide in the Thigh parts like the one for the ankles did. Making me able to easily bend and twist them around. Even more than before. Next up were the two crotch parts. With how big the butt shell was. It made sense why the upper thighs and ball joints were so huge. As she brought it over. I used the arms of the chair to lift myself up. Quite a bit so Roxy could put the big butt part under me. It was way more comfortable to sit on it as now the bigger thighs aren't in the way. Only leveling it comfortably as it squishes against and over the side of the chair. Sinds it was way bigger. I bounced a bit as if it was a new mattress. I was surprised it felt more squishy then hard plastic. more like silicone. before giving a thumbs up. "I didn't know i needed airbags. but they are a welcoming edition." i say as I Made Roxy roll her eyes at my antics. "your gonna need them to balance out the torso." She said as she Next grabbed the front crotch part. With some difficulty from all my excitement. my Excalibur was unable to stay in its sheath. I did help a bit by holding it down so Roxy could put the piece in place.
It must be even more squishy than I thought as it makes even the most sensitive parts comfortable. i always did wonder how it felt to look more like a girl. guess i just found out. and I'm not complaining. Now my crotch and hips are covered in black. Making me poke the animatronic and silicone shell. I don't know what's more amazing. The fact that it's so comvy. Or the fact that it covers me so much that it made me look like some sort of cyborg. No part of me was visible on the lower half of my body. She looks at me as she thinks. "Hm. Something is missing. Right!" She said as she went off and grabbed what looked like a tail. It was the same bushy tail as she had. I leaned forward as much as I could. With some help of the laying chair being put flat for a second. Roxy connected the tail with a click into my lower back. I looked at it and smiled. "I always wanted a tail." I said as she showed off her own. "It can get in the way sometimes. But it looks way more beautiful. Especially on you." She said as I blushed madly and layed back down. Soon she came back with the silver belly and gray back shell. This one was the easiest to put on. Leaning forward so she can put the back piece behind my seat and I held the front piece on me. Even though I was chubby. These parts made me look like a supermodel. At Least like Roxy. And I wouldn't want it any other way. Turning my torso left to right and Front to back to see how well I could move. Roxy going and coming back with the now black bikini top part for the chest of the suit. These parts were quite huge. And more defined as well. made out of silicone just like the butt part. I'm not complaining though. Roxy smirking as she sees my flustered face. i Leaned forward again as she puts the back piece for me down and then the front piece on my chest. sliding and clicking on my belly part as well. fitting nicely together. I got a smirk as I groped my now quite large chest. squishing the absurdly large sized balloons on me. being colored all in black. but not heavy. "How do I look? My eyes are down here. Well, less eye's. and more giant yoga balls. did you borrow these from Mazersize?" I joked as I groped the large orbs on my chest. covering quite a bit of my body. Roxy actually laughs a bit. "how did you know?" she asked with a smirk as i blushed. "Wait, they are?!" making Roxy laugh more at my reaction. "You look great, Rockstar. But remember. no one can beat the original. Not even at that size. I am still the best." She reminded me as I sat back down. "All too true. Because you are the best." She nodded pridefully. Going over as she grabbed some small Grey parts that fitted around the bikini top of my torso and put them on to finish up the look. Then she grabbed two rather big ball joints that were placed on top of my shoulders. I swear it was like I was being geared up in armor. But it beats having to be in a springlock suit anyday. Moving my arms in circles as it rotated smoothly. Next up were the shoulder pads that every animatronic had. mine were colored black. Sliding them on top of the ball joints with a small click sound. With a poke here and there. they were secured well. I was impressed that if I moved my arm up enough I didn't hit the shoulder pads. The ball joints on my shoulders were pushing it up and lowering it down or turning it sideways when I moved my arm back and forth. Guess that's why it's handy to have these on. next up were the 2 Grey arm parts as well as Now with the added Grey parts to my bikini top. They slipped in with a simple click on my shoulders. She lifts up one of my arms and put each part on it. I wanted to help out by moving them. But with her concentrated look. I just let her work her magic. Poking and knocking on the parts as I did the same. Fitting well. "Seems good. I'm sorry you have to make so many short walks for me, Roxy." I said apologetically. She shook her head. "Oh this? This is nothing for me. I can do it a thousand times if need be." She said co*cky as she next grabbed the lower black arms as well as the ball joints for my elbows. Putting them on as I bent my arms all around. Making me smile as this reminds me of the old bionicle sets I used to get as a kid and built together with how many ball joints I got. But not unwelcome. After that she puts the black lower arm and wrist part on me. Fitting like a charm. She went back and forth again as she grabbed the hands next. These were split into 3 pieces. The normal Grey palms. The silver finger lower and upper parts. With the upper ones being tipped with black claws. There also came many smaller ball joints with it. I wanted to question if they were all really necessary. But then remembering the shoulder pads and how they functioned around the ball joints made me stay silent. she firstly puts in the Grey palm parts on my hand. Like putting on a fingerless glove. They felt the strangest sinds I could not just bend the shell palm. But i could still bend my hand inside of it thanks to the gel. But it just won't do anything. I have to grab most things with my fingers at this rate. Soon she started to carefully put the finger parts on my hand like someone trying to defuse a bomb at how concentrated she was. They fitted nicely in between the Grey ball joints. Clicking into place attached to the finger shell parts. I waited til she moved on with the other hand. I looked at my now fully covered arm and hands. Slowly moving my fingers and turning my hand as if it was my first time I ever had these. Which was basically the case. Hearing them move softly. and tapping my own shell covered palm with them. These will be handy. Pun intended. And easier to grab stuff with. My attention shot back at Roxy as i kept my fingers straight. So it is easier to put the parts on it. Finishing up as she looks me over. "There. We are almost done. Are you still feeling good?" She asked as I nodded. "Yeah. it's strange but. More in an amazing way then anything. Kinda unbelievable still. You know what I mean?" I asked as she put a hand on my shoulder pad. "Try not to move too much. Most of these parts are still loose." I dyed my excitement down as I leaned back into the chair. Not wanting anything to fall off. She walked away. her tail swaying a bit. It was cute. But what was lesser was the next part which I was worried about. The Grey neck shell. I went uncomfortably still as Roxy put it behind my back. Holding my ponytail long hair out of the way. She put the front piece on it as well. Clicking into place. I stayed stiff for a bit. Not daring to move. Giving Roxy a head tilt. "You can move now, you know? You're not a statue." She commented. I slowly bended my neck. Knowing I'd not be able to do it much. But to my surprise, I was actually still able to. Moving it freely around as well. No pressure on my throat or neck. Which made me sigh in relief. She then held a few black bracelets. Some larger and some smaller. Matching the ones she was wearing. "Don't forget the accessories. I won't let you go without them." She said as I smiled at that. Watching as they put on the black studded bracelets. collar. and belt around my wrists. My neck. As well as on my hips. I looked at them as I inspected them. Poking the nubs as I hear a little clink at each one I poke at. "Stylishly as ever. Your taste is the best." I said as she chuckled. "They match our outfits nicely. Altho you still rock it like the real Rock Star." She scoffs a bit. "But of course. I am the best. But now it's time for the best part. Are you ready?" She asked as I slowly nodded. She walked over and grabbed the last part left. The head shell. A beautiful replica of Roxy's head. It was Just one big head piece. Looking exactly like Roxy. but with some key differences. the lips where much bigger and spread wider over the muzzle.
Also seeming to be made out of silicone. the purple lips. Eyelids. green bangs. And earrings. Were all colored black. Her yellow eyes changed as well from being yellow to green. Matching my real ones. I can tell she put a lot of detail into it. And I could not be more grateful by it. Altho i was curious about a view things. "it looks perfect~ But Um. Roxy? if I put this on. How will anyone be able to hear me without screaming? or even see for that matter?" I asked as it didn't have any looking holes like other mascot costumes would have. She turned the head around as the hair layed on my new lap. Showing me the inside of the head shell. It was also covered by a latex gel-like substance. But I also could see more inside of it. There was a hole at the back of the head. Small enough to not be noticeable but big enough to fit something slightly bigger then an empty toilet paper roll in it. There was a small but wide opening by the mouth as well. "Well the hole in the back is for your long hair. after i braid your hair. I will push it threw there. That way it doesn't get stuck inside and would be hidden by your new awesome hairstyle. As that is covering your normal hair. Like a glove on a hand. As for how you'd see and hear. this isn't any normal parts and service headshell. This head has been modified and slightly combined with a vr headset. Including eye tracking so your animatronic eyes will look and blink the same way as yours do. As well as the inside of the head itself is sound proof. using a built-in voice changer so you too can sound like the best. It's audio linked so whenever you talk. or make sounds. the mouth will move as well. it has small speakers in each ear side so you can hear everything from the outside. I didn't spare any details on it sinds I wanted it to be perfect. And well. The best it could be for you." I looked stunned as I did recognize the VR headset like glasses and frame on the inside. Rubbing my throat a bit at the chance to sound different as well. This has already bin so much to take in. With the bigger shell parts on me and more. "Perfect? it's more than perfect. It's incredible. It's exhilarating. It's magnificent. It's. All I ever wanted." I say softly as I smile a bright smile with tears of joy. "Why? Why did you go so far for me?" I was just shocked why anyone would do this all for me. So many other people that deserved it more or better than me. Especially Roxy and the others. They deserved the best. She just closed her eyes and looked directly at me. "Because. You're the best." Is all she said. But also felt like all she had to say. Holding my hands on the head piece. "Shall we be the best together?" I smiled brightly as she said that. Slowly nodding. "Yes. Let's do this." I was determined as she grabbed a hairbrush and started to brush my hair. after that she started to braid my hair. eventually finishing it up with a hair tie and pushed it through the hole on the back. Then pulling it threw as it fit perfectly inside of the head shell hair. It wasn't being pulled on. Nor in the way. Now she slowly lowered the rest of the head on top of mine. resting on my neck shell as my face gets squished by the inside latex like gel as it sits comfortably. My eyes aligned with the vr goggles as it was all dark. I can feel someone hold onto my hand. Likely Roxy as she got close to me as I heard her muffled voice talking aloud. "I'm gonna lock up the suit now. After that, You will be ready for showtime. Alright?" She asked as I nodded slowly. Feeling her hand letting go of mine as I can hear muffed steps walking to the side. It was hard to hear as this was a pretty good sound proof head. I felt the chair slowly tilt down til I was laying down. a hand on my belly from Roxy kept me from moving. I hear the sound of machinery moving about as I feel a slight bit of pressure on my shell parts. hearing a view muffed clicks all around my body. Then it releases as the same happened to my other shell parts. All of these were locked into place. I can feel the chair slowly rise back into a sitting position. Feeling at last a little press against the back of my head. Under my hair and the big bushy shell. The glasses started to slightly shine. Almost as if it was just turned on and powering up. A small screen appeared as I heard a voice coming from the speakers. "Welcome. If you're seeing this video. Then Either an animatronic is un operational. or be one of the lucky viewers to firstly test this new and improved Fazbear entertainment suit. Gone are the days of the clunky spring lock system. Lawsuits pending. And have been replaced by a more saver if experimental alternative. The inside is full of a newly developed rubber gel that allows for more free movement and cooling down of the body. The head shell is equipped with. Headphone speakers for audio. Goggles for vision threw the animatronic eyes. And a built- in voice changer to suit and sound like the animatronic you will be wearing. Make sure it's fully charged and plugged into a charger so it's fully operational when in use. In case you run out of battery. You can use one of the nearby charging pods as temporary and quick charging replacement. Due to the suit being worn. The shell parts are made of a hollow material. Making it easier to move for your convenience as well as ours for any repairs. Make sure you stay in character as best as you can while in the suit of one of the main performers. There is an opening for the mouth piece for your air breathing convenience as well as for any pizza that might find it's way in there. For emergency bathroom breaks there is a hidden tiny button on your lower back. Use one of the claw like nails to press the dented in button to temporarily detach the crotch and rear parts to go do your deeds. Make sure you click them back into position and to wash your hands. All wearable shell suits are waterproof. In case of emergencies. You may find yourself near an injured child or customer. Thanks to the ingenuity of fazbear entertainment. Your eyes come equipped with a scanning function as well. To activate your scanning function. Close your eyes and wait 5 seconds. This timer is to prevent unwanted constant scanning. This will also aid you in scanning any child or adult for either Information. Identification. As well as any damages or injuries. If an injury is detected. The quickest route to the closest first aid station will be visible In your vision. Make sure to treat them well and quietly guide them there without causing a commotion. Sometimes to add to the magic. You may be required to perform or use an instrument you have no knowledge off. Fred not. By using your scanners on an instrument. You will see indications on what keys you need to press to play the current song. Don't worry. You will get the hang of it eventually. Make sure you stay hydrated and fed. Now go out there and put a smile on kids and adult faces alike. as one of the new faces of Fazbear Entertainment." After that, The video is closed. Slowly the colors and vision came back as I looked at the inside of the protective cylinder. Roxy standing in front of me as I look up at her. Blinking as my animatronic eyes do the same. I take another look at my hand. Moving my claws around a bit. Then my legs. knees. and feet. Roxy looked at the smaller almost copy of herself. Guess she was as amazed as I was. Putting her left hand on her hip and holding her right one out towards me. "Well? come on. Try to stand." She slightly commanded me. I put my feet down on the ground as each step sounded so weird. They are the same sound as Roxy makes when she walks or moves. With a deep breath I stood up. Taking slow walking steps towards Roxy. "That's it. You'll be ready in no time to run around The Pizza Plex. Maybe I can even challenge you to a proper race at my Raceway." She half joked as she kept looking at me. "What's wrong? Cat caught your voicebox?" I shook my head no and held my arm with my hand. The expressions my eyes made must have been better then I expected. Because she looked a bit down and put a hand on my shoulder pad. "Nervous are you?" I nodded as I looked sad. Trying to look away as I feel her hand hold my chin as she guides my gaze towards hers. Making my eyes go wide a bit. "remember. You're not just Arthur. You're an all new you. And at least you're modeled after the best. All your normal fears. nervousness. doubts. will be thrown out of the window. now. This is the new you. how would they act like? Be like? Now. Speak." She said and ordered as I slowly took a deep breath. Looking up at her. Saying. "That. you. are. the best." My eyes went wide as I heard the words I just spoke out. My own voice was muffled and I could hear my new animatronic voice clearly. It Sounded almost like Roxy's. Making me gasp as I look down at my own mouth or more like my own muzzle now. "I. I am. You are. This is so awesome!" I squealed and put in excitement. "Listen to me! It's so accurate! But different!" I say excited as I took a small pose. Hand on my hip and leaning my hip to the side. "Hi. I'm Roxanne wolf. If you want to be a winner just like me. Never give up. Anyone can be a loser. Only you can be a winner!" I say before losing my composure and getting back to my excited squealing. I walked towards Roxy. My chest and rear bouncing as I hugged her tightly . "Thank you thank you thank you!" I held onto her as she first looked surprised. But then put a hand on my back as she had a more softer smile on from seeing me so happy. "You sure are. Here. Stand still." She said as Roxy grabbed an old camera. The same fazcam we used a long time ago with the broken flasher. I posed of course cutely as she aimed the camera towards us and snapped a picture. It slowly comes out of the camera as with a view seconds later it's fully visible. She held it up for me as I looked at the picture. The animatronic shell suit really did suit me. I adored my black outfit and bigger body parts. It was beautiful. "Wow. I look stunning!" I said without a second thought as I looked at the picture. Making Roxy smirk as she walks next to me. Wrapping an arm around me as she held up the camera. I wrapped my arm around her waist and looked towards it. "Say. I am the best!" I took a deep breath as i nodded. "I am the best!" I repeated right after her before she took a photo of the two of us. Putting the pictures and the fazcam on the nearby table as she walks around me. Inspecting me as she poked my arm. Held my tail. groped my chest and squeezed my ass. "Not bad. Not bad at all. But no one can beat the original." She said as I totally agreed. "You berry bet ya! No one is better than my Roxy~!" Cheering her on. "That's right! Now are you ready to show your best new self off to the others?" She asked as I got a look of uncertainty. "Are. Are you sure they won't freak out about me?" I asked worried as she shook her head. "Not at all. If Anything. You fit in even better than before. altho a lot snugger too." She said as I smiled and posed a bit. "good! I love these proportions! It makes me feel so confident. beautiful. Presentable. And with all of you. I feel Acceptable. " She said as it calmed my nerves slightly. "will you be by my side on stage? I'm still really nervous about the reactions of the others." Roxy nodded. "Of course. it isn't a show without the best." She said as she grabbed something from the side of the table. But it was all covered in wrapping paper. "Then follow me. Uh. Hm. Should I just keep calling you Arthur? or would you like a name to be called by when in your suit?" I thought about it deeply. There were several versions that could be considered decent but not perfect. Then I remember one. Form a character I cared about a lot. "You can call me Rena. pronounced Renna." I said as Roxy seemed to approve of it. "Rena? not bad Rock Star. Then let's go. They waited for too long.I wouldn't be surprised if Chica ate them all." She said jokingly. But i just followed next to her. Our animatronic steps were heard with each step we took. She guided me back towards the elevator platform. Standing on top of it as I pressed the button with my new finger and we slowly rose upwards. Upstairs near the main stage. Everyone was patiently waiting. Enjoying eachothers company as if it was a picnic without well. the picnic. Monty tapping his foot a bit. "They have been gone for quite a while. Should we check up on them?" He asked as some of the others shared his concern. But Foxy reassures him as well As the others. "Don't worry matey. If something goes down. Then he would have sended us a message already." The answer did not fully satisfy Monty. As Chica had to agree. " I think he's right. I haven't heard a single peep from them." she said. but Bonnie is pushing these worries away next. "Don't Fred about it Chica. If he's as much of a Sport Star to you as a Hop Star he was to me. He will be fine." Chica nodded begrudgingly as Mangle petted her shoulder. "Don't worry Chica. It will be fine. Heck he can come out of that elevator any minute now. Any. minute. now." She said as she looked at the elevator stage platform hole in the middle. Before she could repeat it a third time. The ground slightly shook. Feeling the elevator rising back up. They all jump to there feet as they look at Roxy standing on stage. The others walking near the podium. They looked curiously. Freddy spoke up first. "Hello Roxy. I hope everything went well. But. Where is Arthur?" He asked as he looked around the platform. Spotting nothing. Roxy lets out a light chuckle. "Sorry for the wait. I had to put the perfect touches on the present. I was thinking they could join us on stage. What do you all think?" She asked as she didn't get any objections. "That can be arranged. It wouldn't be the first time someone would want to join us for showtime. May It be for a picture. Or a small recording." Freddy mentioned as Roxy nodded. "Perfect. And to answer your question on where he is. Just right behind me. And I gave them the Glamrock make-over present. So he'd look more fitting with us on stage. Maybe even a bit over the top. literally." She mentioned as the others perked up curiously. "Well don't keep us too excited. Show us." Bonnie said to Roxy. "Then may I introduce you all to the birthday beauty. Glamrock Renna!" She said as she stepped aside. Showing off the new me. in my black outfit. huge chest. big rear and lips. adorned in my black outfit as I walked forward. slightly bouncy til I was standing next to her. letting a hand rest on my huge chest. "H-Hi everyone." I said slightly shy like. I got a elbow bump from Roxy and got my act together. "Hello you all. Are you ready to Rock? I'm sorry I made you wait for this long. but i hope I can Rock and roll along with the band. Pop Stars!" I said more clearly and confidently. Getting an approving nod from Roxy as we both walk off the stage and towards the still staring and stunned group. The first one to speak up was actually Chica. Jogging up to me as she hugs me tightly. "You look so pretty! It looks so much better on you then I imagine! and much bigger to." Her compliments made me blush as well as her pointing that out. I hugged her back. "Thank you. It's thanks to all of you that I look so incredible. I was still surprised when I heard you've all been working on it." I said as Monty eyed me up and down. "Not bad Party Star. Your looking very robust. Chica was right. Large and in charge. And yes. It was one heap of trouble to get the manager to agree to it. But after saving him 3 animatronics worth of money and a potential Willing testing guy. He agreed to it." He explained as Freddy added. "We used a bit of everyone here. Chica's special voice box. Roxy's and Mangle's body template. Monty's and Bonnie's body upgrades. Foxy and I with the design. with some added suggestions from Roxy. And a lot more. But be carefull. It doesn't have a stomach hatch. Altho with what is on you. It may be for the better." I laughed a bit at that image in my head. Foxy walked up and looked around me. inspecting my body from heavy top to heavy bottom. "Well laddy or should I say lassie. You look ripe and ready to set sail with this crew." He complimented me as I took a small pose. With my hand on the side of my chest and one on the back of my head as I sway my body a bit. "Be careful. Hang around me for long enough. and you won't be able to distinguish the port from star board~." I said with a wink before bursting out laughing. "I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself. If I got it. I gotta flaunt it a bit. showing off~ am I right?" I said as Mangle hugged me and Chica. "Hooray! You look like you could be my younger sister. Altho older sister would fit better with you looking like that." She joked as i leaned into the joke. "Maby. But You'd be the one who got the brains and the beauty of us." I complimented her as i hugged her back. Letting each other go as the rest joined in closer. Roxy stepped aside for a moment as she grabbed the attention of another animatronic. by the colors and the chimes of the bell. It was Sun. I'm glad he could still make it to the show. After talking for a bit and handing over the camera. He nodded as he skips towards the stage. staring up at me with an interesting look. Before standing ready to take a picture. Roxy walked back to our little group. "So your here to hop into the show right?" I simply nodded. "You know it. Pop Star! I'll do my best to stay all around the ample beat." I said as Monty chuckled. "Pop Star ey? Should we get you your own attraction while we are at it? make it balloon themed and with bouncy castles?" He said jokingly. But freddy looked deep in thought. "That wouldn't be a bad idea." Making Monty face palm. "I was just kidding." He explained. But Mangle was on board with the idea. "Great idea Monty! I'd want everyone to have a place for themselves. but. where can she go before that attraction is fully build and operational?." She had a point. "Are there even any empty attractions left? The Theater maybe?" Monty pointed out as I laughed a bit awkwardly. "With my stuttering ass? i mean. butt. It would be impossible. I wouldn't be able to even finish a knock knock joke with how much i'd stutter. Plus. You are all used to work with lots of people. Not me." I joked as Bonnie hummed. "So. somewhere not too busy. And where a lot of people won't come in all at ones." I nodded. Freddy going wide eyed. "Then. Why not stay at Glamrock Gifts? Temporarily until we get you your own attraction up and running." He said as i looked curiously. "Oh? What's that place again?" I asked as Roxy just plainly said. "The gift shop." Making me understand her reaction at it. "Huh. I never knew that that place had a proper name. I guess I could help out there. And don't worry about an attraction for me. If anything, Let's make one for Foxy first." I said as I pointed at Foxy. "You. You sure lass?" He asked hesitantly. As I just nod. "Of course. For starters. You live here. So it will mean a lot more to you. And Secondly. I heard you used to have a water log ride here. If it was broken down. Then it can as easily be rebuilt too. That will be a great next project for this place. That is. If you can wait a while Foxy." I asked as he looked around. The floor became quite interesting before he looked up. "Ay. I've waited so long. I can wait a little bit longer." This made me only more happy as I saw that Roxy still held something in her hand. "Oh? What's that for?" I asked as she saw me pointing at the wrapped up thing she held in her hand. Holding it up for me. "A little side gift. You can't perform with us without an instrument." She said as Monty chuckled. "You could always use your body as Casual bongos." he joked as i started to unwrap the present. There layed a beautiful Keytar. It looked like one that Roxy and Foxy had. But Mine was colored blue with black star spots here and there. I held it as I looked it all over. "My own keytar?" Wow! That rocks! But. Are you sure I won't be a bit too much? Sinds you and Foxy already play your keytar's." Roxy shook her head as Foxy stood beside her. "Ha! Not a chance. Besides, I'll be playing the lead of us. Foxy will add to my play with his own. And You. Big beauty. Sinds you have the least experience of us. Will just try to get as many good notes in as best as you can. Alright?" She laid out the plan as I held the keytar and nodded. "Yes. I promise to do my best. So we can be the best. Pop Stars." Satisfied by my answer. We all started to walk on top of the stage platform. Descending downwards firstly so the others can grab their own instruments as well. When everyone is on stage and ready. Freddy faced the group. "Alright everyone. It's time to finish off this Birthday with our showtime. However, Due to our Super Star being with us on stage. I'd like to switch positions with you Roxy." He said as she knew where he was going with this. "Alright. Leave it to me." She replied as Freddy walked to stand next to Foxy and Roxy stood in the middle of the group at front and center stage. She held her keytar as she looked back and motioned me over. "Come on Glamrock Renna. Your spot is here with me." She said as I jogged next to her. My body bouncing about as i still whispered. "Are you sure I should also be at the front and center of this?" I questioned. "yes Rock Star. Plus you'd make it easier to get you into the photo shoot." Roxy said as she pressed a few small notes on her keytar. She then looked at me as she said. "Now you." I held my keytar as it was difficult with my bust. but I eventually manages to hold it comfortably. I tried to mimic her button presses. Of course a lot slower and with faults here and there. But I managed. Getting an approving nod of Roxy. The rest cheered us on as the lift started to rise again. The music was partly playing already so we would arrive at the right moment. Looking around as I see and hear the encouragement from the other animatronics. "You got this Sweet Star." Mangle said. "Time to rock and roll. Party Star." Monty said. "Let's hop along the beat. Hop Star." Bonnie said. "Show them how to Rock throughout the Seven Seas. Brave Star." Foxy said. "You got the condition and the taste. so lets play while we jog or roll til we pop. Sport Star." Chica said. "Do not worry. We all believe in you. You can do this. Super Star." Freddy said. And last but not least. Roxy said. "Our hair is beautiful. our tails are beautiful. Our voices are beautiful. Our bodies are beautiful. everyone will love us. Everyone wants to BE us. Cause. WE. ARE. THE BEST! Rock Star!" She said encouragingly as I closed my eyes. Getting my focus back and fully calmed down. Besides the good excitement. After a few seconds. I open my eyes back up. seeing as I jumped a bit. The blue scanning light scans over my keytar. Registering it as I see indeed the keys light up. Turning blue if I needed to press them most likely. I had forgotten about that function already. My attention was snapped back as the platform reached the top. Getting us back on stage. The place was darker as it was during the usual showtime or acts. The neon lights around the stage flared up with the music as the spotlights shined slightly over each animatronic. Everyone started to move to their usual positions on stage. Bonnie joins Monty. Mangle joined Chica. And Foxy joined Freddy. Leaving a spot in the middle open for Roxy and me. I walked almost behind Roxy till she motioned me to stand next to her. I did so as there of course wasn't a crowd. Just a staff bot here and there giving a glance before moving on to their work. All besides Map bott. He stayed by the stage. Although to my surprise. The music slowly died down until it became quiet. Listening as this didn't happen in the usual performances. Then again I never had a private birthday performance before. One spotlight shining on Monty and Bonnie first. They seemed to use their bases to play part of the song. But only the same part Roxy showed me. Standing back to back together before they finished up after that. They Just kept a slow soft rhythm Going as another spotlight turns on. This one on Foxy and Freddy. They would perform the same song part as the others did. Even Monty and Bonnie stopped playing for a second as the other two had their small solo performance. Even though there wasn't much to sing in this part. Freddy made it more then up with his dance moves as Foxy spun here and there while playing on his keytar. Both finishing with a high note of Freddy and a held down high key from Foxy's Keytaur. After it they both played in the soft tone that Monty and Bonnie were playing at. As the next spotlight lit up on top of Chica and Mangle. They Both gave each other a nod before they started to play. Chica shredded it on her rocking guitar as Mangle drummed along on her drum set. Finishing up as Chica hits a final stroke over her guitar strings and Mangle hitted hard with her drumsticks on both Cymbals. Softly playing again along the others. I held my own keytar as I see Roxy getting into position to play herself as well. I had a dreadful feeling that we would be next. Which only grew at the thought of messing up at the most important moment. But I heard a slight whisper from Roxy. "Hey, you still remembered what we practiced in my room?" I thought about the time she taught me to play the keytar. Nodding as I still remembered that day. "Do that. And Everything will be alright. Rockstar." She said as the next spotlight turned on top of us. It went silent as Roxy and I both held on tight on top of our keytars. She started to play a bit as I slightly shivered in place. Closing my eyes for a second as Roxy has a worried glance back. But kept on playing. Her worry and sorrow however. Where replaced as she sees me taking a step forward to be right next to Roxy. My shaking stopped and my eyes having a mad like determined look on my face. Holding my hand up before I let it down on the keytar notes and joined Roxy in the song. The training with Roxanne as well as the scanning system helping me with what notes to press helped as well. Almost messing up a note or two here and there. before i quickly moved my hand so I'd press down on the right key instead. It made me able to keep up ever so slightly. But Roxy's and the others expressions widened from surprise. shock. And into joy as my keytar play started to match Roxy's properly. Now fully playing a duet as i got into the full swing of it. Giving eachother a quick glance of admiration as we played threw our part. I was even bopping my body to the beat and moving a bit around. Bouncing about and Wobbling from my size as I kept on playing with Roxy. Finishing our part as we held one note with one hand and flicked out hair with our other. Before putting it on our hip. I couldn't hold in my laughs of enjoyment as I could not be enjoying myself more. Getting cheers from the others as they started to play again. Roxy gave me a nod. "You are the best." She said quickly as I started to play with her and the others. Simply replying with. "We are the best!" Which could only make her smile more and play harder. The music slowly picks back up as the neon light's flicker and glow all around us. The stage lit up as our colored platform spots started to rise into the air. We all started to Dance and play. Showing off my new body as Roxy did the same. matching poses while doing some different ones as well to spice things up. A twirl here. Or a back to back press there. A jump up with a landing Thud and an awesome rocking pose before getting back up and playing along. Managing to keep up with the entire performance as I wish this moment would never end. But. Every world has its end. I know that’s kinda sad, but that’s why we gotta live life to the fullest in the time we have. At least, that’s what they all taught me. So that's why we should make the most of it. for them and for me. And I sure as hell will make it something worthy to remember by! Putting here and there a key tone of my own in to make it sound even more energetic as Roxy was bobbing her head with me. the stage platform's descended back down as i motioned to the others towards Roxy. Giving a nod as I motioned everyone to join in on center stage. slowly they al kept on playing as I knew this was near the last part of the song. I see them all smile as i moved and bounced around everyone there. starting at Bonnie as we bunny hopped around a bit. Giving each other some finger guns. moving up to Monty as we both let out a roar and gave each other a fist bump. going to Foxy as we did a small sailor's jig. matching our keytar play as he bumped the back of my hand with his hook. smiling as I moved up near Freddy as we both spun around. holding our instruments high as we clapped our hands together and end in a pose with our arms stretched out. making my way to Mangle. Her giving a drum roffel as i tried to mimic it in my keytar with the lowest notes. before jumping up as we hit the high note on our instruments with a high five. Giving a wink as i spin my way over to Chica. Standing back to back as she shredded on her guitar and i my keytar. Both of us gave a twirl as we pose by flexing a bicep. Giving eachother a wink before i moved on to Last but not least. Roxy. Standing shoulder to shoulder. head banging our heads ones before holding up her left hand and me my right hand. Showing off our claws as we gave each other the brightest smile we could give. All of us playing out the final part. Both me and Roxy held down our final key's for a view seconds. Spreading our legs a bit as Roxy put her left arm and i my right arm together into the air in a rock sign. All of us in our final poses on stage. I couldn't think of anything else but the sheer amount of happiness I felt at this moment. All my worries. My doubts. My fears. They Were all gone. And what was left. Was just. Me. The true me. Playing with the most awesome band in the whole world. And I could not be happier if I tried. Letting out my greatest "Thank you! Thank you all!" To everyone there. And of course. To my love Roxy. "You are the Best!" And they all will be the best to me. And I'll try. No. I Will! Be the best to them as well. We made it all possible. They made it all possible. And maybe. Maybe YOU. You made this all possible. So please. Never Give up. No matter how hard it gets. Cause one day. We will need you to be on that stage with us. and we all want you To be there too. Rock Star.


and there ya have it. thats all i had cooked up. hope you enjoyed reading it a bit. and thank you for sticking threwout it all the way

Five Nights At Freddy's Security Breach Re-energize - kirbymon15 (2024)


What is the secret wall code in the security breach? ›

This was done through a series of "Pigpen Cyphers," which organizes letters into a hexagonal pattern, which each letter taking up a triangular piece of the hexagon. The final, translated code reads: "Break and mend, I built the breath. They hunt now, drawn to life.

How to get past Roxy in the arcade? ›

Stand in the corner when entering the room and get Roxy to charge at you, then sprint around the animatronic and run to the vent on the opposite side of the room. Once inside, you'll be able to escape and leave Roxy sulking amongst the flames.

How to get the unmasked ending in security breach? ›

Unmasked Ending (2 Stars)

To achieve this ending, players must first reach the end of the game, choosing to stay at Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex. They must then acquire all six Golden Plush Toys scattered throughout the Pizzaplex. Doing so will require all three upgrades for Glamrock Freddy and the Faz Camera.

Why does Roxy cry? ›

Throughout the game, she taunts and insults Gregory. However, as revealed later on in the game, Roxy is shown to be somewhat insecure about herself, as her failures to catch Gregory cause her to act less confident. After being shattered, she cries inconsolably and laments that no one will love her in her current state.

Can you decommission Chica and Monty before Roxy? ›

Getting to Roxy Raceway

Before Roxy can be decommissioned the player will need to have decommissioned Monty or Chica and installed their upgrade onto Freddy.

Where is Golden Roxy Plush? ›

Golden Roxy

Head into the tunnels near the Green Rooms and, when mid-way down the first staircase, look for a fence that can be opened using Monty Gator's claws. There will be a cleaner bot on the other side of it. Open the fence and head towards the back of the small area within to find the Golden Roxy plush.

Who is Vanny under her mask? ›

Vanny's Identity

She's the only other person you see in the mall, she's always around when Vanny appears and, well, her name is literally Vannessa.

Is Gregory an afton? ›

Along with Vanessa, Gregory is the first fully-modeled human character to be seen in the franchise. Gregory is the grandson of William Afton. The Crying Child is NOT Gregory. Along with Vanessa, Gregory is the first fully-modeled human character to be seen in the franchise.

How does FNAF end? ›

Though Vanessa and Afton have a charged father-daughter confrontation (he stabs her, but she lives), it is Abby who saves the day. Communicating to the children through drawings, she reveals that it was the yellow rabbit who trapped them, and the animatronics turn on Afton and get their revenge in a satisfying ending.

What is the wall code in FNIA 3? ›

To obtain a coin in the FNaF3 portion of VR, the player must input the code "3-9-5-2-4-8" into the wall tiles to the right of the player above the vent monitor. This is a reference to the method used to unlock Stage 01 in FNaF3.

Where is the secret room in Security Breach? ›

After breaking through the chains and proceeding, there's another gate that requires Chica's voicebox to pass. From there, players can head down a set of stairs to what seems to be a dead-end, but a hidden door will open when players flash the wall with their Faz Cam.

What is the code on the sister location wall? ›

One of the walls of the the Sister Location room, there is a hidden code with triangles, which when decoded, says, "Break and mend, I built the breath. They hunt now, / drawn to life. Not real, still keen.

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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.