Five Nights At Freddy's Security Breach Re-energize - Chapter 1 - kirbymon15 (2024)

Chapter Text

content warning: blood. violence.

1. It was a rainy evening tonight as I walked towards the soon to be closing Mega Pizza Plex. It was a populair huge mall-like building based around its animatronic stars. Robots like animals who perform for parties and play games. It sounded silly. but when you see them up close you couldn't help but be amazed at how human like they act. I only went there once or twice. I had a blast with the games there. But the things that really stuck to me were the advanced anthropomorphic animatronic stars. They were Glamrock Freddy. A bear. Montgomery Gator. An alligator. Glamrock chica. A chicken. And Roxanne wolf. A wolf. They were all dressed like eighties stars. They even performed on a big stage once they didn't walk around and interacted with the other customers. It was around 10:55 pm and I didn't want to be too late or go at a time that might have been busy. Thanks to an incident that happened in the Mega Pizza Plex. it had been closed for quite some time. However once it reopened it was as popular as it was before. Maybe even more now. There was on the news a report of a woman that used to work there. A night guard named Vanessa. Arrested for attempted murder. kidnapping. Tempering with company property and more. I was just glad such an awful person was gone and locked up. I thought to myself as I closed my umbrella and went through the double doors. Because my family and I were pretty poor. I could almost never come but once or twice a friend invited me for his birthday. Though I was already happy to have a roof still above my head. And to keep it that way I'd decided to see if the night guard job is still open. I was more of the stranger side of people. Weird. Autistic. and a bit caring for others even if I can't speak well or remember specific words sometimes. Even then I'd still want to make sure I can support myself or my friends online that I talk to. I finally feel my nervousness go fully inside. The music in the background sometimes echoing. The shining neon lights as well as the overall aesthetic of the pizza plex was as cozy as ever. Seeing only a mother or father with their child walking around or past me to go home. I kept on walking as I saw another worker still at the entrance and exit counter. With a smile on my face and as best as I can. I greeted him. "hello. I saw the poster and advertisem*nt about you needing a new night guard? I was wondering if the position was still open?" I ask as he lets out a sigh before he rests his head on his hand. "yeah. What about it? You wanting the job?" I gave a simple nod. He grabbed his phone as he started to call someone. "Hey boss. good. got a new one here. yes nightguard. okay? okay." Talking for a bit before nodding and hanging up . "Called the boss up and said that i should see if you're qualified so I'll ask you some questions first". I nodded again as I see him type in the pc

"Name and age?"

"Arthur". "28."

"Any past Criminal record? Or drinking problems?"

"None. I don't even drink coffee. So I'm clean."

"How thoroughly are you when looking for something?"

"I'd say above average. I pay a lot of attention to details or things that look out of place."

"Describe your personality."

"Well I'm mostly quiet. autistic and timid person. but I'm not afraid to talk to people. I like to help others out, may they be customers or colleague's. I always keep my promises and i am rarely sick sinds I don't have much of a social life besides online."

"I see. Alright. let's say. a child is crying cause he lost his parents, what do you do?" I thought more about this question. sinds I did not know the in and outs of the pizza plex or how they operate. So it was hard to give a good answer.

"Hm. I'd try to calm him down a bit and ask for his name. Then ask him where he was before coming here to see if we can find his parents then. otherwise go back to here. and look in the system if his parents number is noted down to contact them. if they are unreachable. I'd stay with the child and look for his parents together. asking where they went before getting lost. if they have a meet up point. or otherwise listen to him describing them to find them."

He nodded as he kept on typing.

"Can you stay calm against more rough children and or parents?"

I nodded.
"I'd like to think so. I do have autism but I always try to be civilized and resolve it peacefully first. But can be rough when needed. and I'll always try to de-escalate the situation as best as I can." He gave a nod as he typed on his pc. "Alright. We would test you out first. But sinds you're the only one who applied in the last 2 months. and sinds I'm not being paid enough to care. We are desperately in need of one. Welcome aboard. Your night shift starts at 11:45 pm. Till 6 am. Do you Think you can start tonight? We are short on staff and I had to fall in for the night shift but. yawn. I can use a good night sleep. he said as I nodded. "Ofcorce. leave it to me." giving him a sly smile as he looks at me satisfied. "good. If you follow me to the back of the employee only room for your new guard uniform and equipment like a flashlight and such." I nodded as that would be handy to have. getting from behind the counter as he holds out his hand towards me. "I'm Mike by the way. you can see me as the vice manager." he said as I shake it. "the pleasure is all mine and even more to help you out tonight." I say as I was led to the employee only area. Getting a white shirt with the Security logo on the back. A badge with the Freddy Fazbear logo on it. black long pants and matching shoes. It seemed odd at first but it looks like these shoes were specially made for long walks while also leaving no imprint on the floor. even when scraping across it. I also got a flashlight. a security guard access card as well as a freddy themed watch. "this is a freddy fazwatch. Here you can access the many cameras and other options you'd need throughout the pizza plex. Take good care of it." he says as I put it on tight to make sure it doesn't slip off. but still is comfortable to wear.
I look at the clock sinds it's only two hours before the shift would start. I looked back at Mike. " hey. Is it okay if I stay here till my shift starts?" He shrugged. "suit yourself." and went back to his post. I started to play and test a bit with the fazwatch just to get a hang of the thing. Looking around the place to get a mental note of what would needed to be cleaned up. No lost children or angry parents were anywhere to be seen luckly. Though I was surprised at how many cameras there were. even throughout the attractions themselves. After a while I hear my phone buzz. Seems the alarm for my work I put on worked nicely. but I gotta change that ring tone sometimes. I take a deep sigh as I put away my phone and go to my first night shift. I saw and waved Mike goodbye as I see him leave to go home. I think of where to start at as I Try to remember the times I did go here when I was younger. Sadly I can't remember much of this place. besides of course the main animatronics. i was never able to meet them in person. So I might as well start there. i made my way towards the back of the Pizza Plex. To Rockstar row where all of them are located in their personal rooms. usually known as their green rooms. There people can visit them and take photos and talk to them privately with a photo pass. Hearing the clips of my shoes on the clean floor as I see staff bots here and there cleaning up or mopping the floor. These robots looked simpler. Having thick bottom parts with wheels as they are mostly white with black eyes. having a torso with slim Arms and neck that held up his head. I try to not get in the way of them as I try to make it to Rockstar row. The soft background music is still there as before. putting my nerves slightly at ease. as I walk towards that area. I can see Rockstar row. all the rooms that the animatronic stay in are positioned at my left. having the outside themed with colors and faces of their respective animatronics. In the main room you see all sorts of things in display cases. like an old animatronic part or instrument from a bygone age. There were also aligned with their private rooms a golden statue in front of each of them. resembling the animatronic closest to there green room. holding objects like a Mike stand. or a racing helmet and the likes. in front of each animatronics room there was a glass wall. so you could see if one of them was inside. unless the curtains were closed of course. all of them had it. well all but one room. in which it seemed to be closed down. Several boards around it saying it's under construction. I paid it not much mind as I started at the room in the far back. sinds i was there anyway from looking at the statues and the display cases already. Starting with Chica's Green room who was shredding it on her guitar. Slightly rocking my head to the sound as I was still impressed by the movements of the animatronics as well as their behavior. Making them feel more human than even other humans sometimes, or so it felt to me. I stayed close to the door as I didn't want to interrupt her. When I hear the final sort of end cord that's usually at the end of metal songs I'd knock on the door. Hearing a small "baka?" Like a robotic chicken would. figures. I likely startled her sinds it's after closing time. I put my guard pass against the door's card reader as it flickers green and the door opens up as I step inside. Chica turns to Me as I try to stay calm. Standing there were one of the bipedal animatronics.
A white Chicken with Her body being slightly curvy. Her chest, waist, hip and shoulder pieces are dark pink. meant to resemble a sleeved leotard. Her arms, thighs, neck and head as well as her fingers were white. With her palms being colored green as if she wore fingerless gloves. matching her triangle green earrings. Her lower legs are painted to resemble leg warmers, with her left leg a green leopard print and her right leg a purple tiger print. Kinda like old school aerobic dancers would wear in videos or on TV. Her beak and talons are orange with even plastic dark pink lipstick on her beak. Having 2 small pink stripes on her cheeks. She has three stray "feathers'' that stick out from the top of her head. as she wears a purple hair bow around them. Her shoulder pads and belly were dark pink. She wears a black studded bracelet on each arm. Her body is segmented at the joints, with ball-jointed arms and legs. Small panels can be found all over her body, mainly on her waist and upper arms. And last but not least. Her purple eyes. dark pink eyelids and black eyebrows. As she Stared directly at me. She puts her star shaped guitar away so it leaned against the wall. I can see her eyes move as she looked all over me. "Greetings Chica. sorry for bothering you. But I'm the new security guard. And I was just gonna come by and say hi. wondering if i can get you anything?" Yeah really smooth Arthur. I thought to myself. I thought I was already messing it up but my worries were washed away when I saw her give a robotic smile back. Even if she was still an animatronic. Her expressions with the limited beak movements and eyes were still impressive. Most people would find it unnerving. but I found it more comfortable. Especially with my past experiences with quote on quote. normal people. "HI! It's so nice to meet you!" She said in excitement as she walked closer to me. Her metal feet stomping on the ground slightly as she moved and embraced me in a hug. Though it was my first time hugging an animatronic. I did on instinct hug back or try to at least. I wanted to make sure I didn't stay silent as I didn't want to make things awkward for both of us. "why thank you. Talk about a warm welcome. And I really liked your guitar playing. Rocking it like the Rockstar you are!" I said with genuine enthusiasm as her smile got more clear. "Thank you! I've been practicing a lot to make sure I don't miss a cord when it's show time! and aww. how sweet of you." I could only smile brightly and nod as I agreed. I just stared at her as she did the same to me. almost out of nowhere. she spoke up. "Oh! Have you met the others yet? They are so wonderful! you'd have To! '' I shook my head. "The others? No, I haven't met them yet. You're the first one I visited. Although maybe I should visit the others before it gets too late. I don't want to take up each of your evenings." Chica gave a smile and a nod as I made my way back to the door. I could hear and feel her following me closely. Before I left. Chica asked. "oh! Next time can you bring some pizza? That would be wonderful!" She said as I gave her a smile. "Of course I can Chica. I'll bring 2 so we both can have one. Or you can have half of mine too." I said with a smile before I left and closed the door. "Huh. That went better than expected. She did feel slightly intimidating. But she is as nice as I heard about." I thought to myself as I kept on walking. But my thoughts were interrupted as I jumped scared at a hard crashing noise. Freezing up before hearing it coming from Monty's room. The trashing and crashing of furniture that is being thrown around. I always heard about his destructive tendencies, even though it had been a recent occurrence. but i wasn't sure of the cause or even how to handle it. Maybe actions speak louder than words. I waited til I heard a large object crashing before knocking on Monty's door. Hearing nothing but silence as everything went quiet. I can hear some annoyed grunting as well as scrambling of pieces. Of course this mess he would not be able to hide. Coming in as I open his door. His room was a complete mess. The floor was covered in Monty merchandise as well as a dented in locker. and in a half broken table. and shards of glass all over the floor. likely coming from the now broken star shaped mirror. The only thing that was still in one piece or as much as possible was the couch. But even that had lots of scratch marks dug into it. And there stood. Montgomery Gator. an alligator like animatronic. Having a top bulky body with a seam on the front of his torso. having Green colored parts for his body. The side and back of his torso as well as his arms. Having black spots on his arms and cheeks. His legs also had a crocodile darker green skin pattern on it. Green scale-textured pants. He has a long tail that runs in five green and yellow segments with each segment having spots and bumps resembling an alligator's scutes. His torso had a light yellow color for the chest and belly. as the rest of his body was just green. He had green fingers with black claws on his hands and feet. His hands, excluding the fingers. His shoulder pads and feet were purple. Having also 3 roundish toes on each foot with said black claws. The upper part of his face was green while his lower jaw was also a lightning-yellow color. His mouth filled with sharp teeth as he had of course an alligator shaped head and muzzle. Having a green neck. Wearing black studded arm bracelets around both his arms. but also wearing a studded black belt around his waist. He had a red mohawk and wore purple glasses with yellow star-shaped sunglasses. Behind it were his eyes. He had red eyes with purple eyelets. And black eyebrows. Still seeming to recoil from the destruction and throwing everything around I bet. There was an awkward silence in the room as we stood there for a moment. Weirdly he breaks the silence by surprise. "so. Let's get this over with. go ahead. Tell the big bad gator what he did wrong today. Teach me a lesson so I would not do it again." he said in a condescending tone. He must often get berated by staff or others when they find his room in this state. He stands there with his arms crossed as I just gave a smile. Not that he could see anyway. Instead of berating him or even talking to him. I decided to do a thing that not even the gator himself expected. I grabbed the big dented in cabinet and started to lift it back up. as well as picking up broken pieces of the mirror and table that laid around. cleaning up patches of stuffing. likely from a plushy. as I clean up more orange cloth parts. I'm trying to be as careful as possible as I can see the gator's gaze glare at me from the side of his glasses as I continue to clean up. salvaging what I could do in the room. even putting the only one slightly torn left over Monty plushy back on his makeup desk. It took quite a while but eventually I managed to make the room look. passable. I would need to look for any new replacements for the furniture as well as the mirror. I grabbed the leftover scraps and took them out of his room so I could throw them away later. I gave a small smile as I looked at Monty. He still had his back turned to me. "I'll. I'll try to get the broken mirror and other merchandise repaired and or replaced. If you need anything else, don't be afraid to call for me. I'll gladly do what I can." I said as the gator looked a bit unsure. Not sure if it's unease. or uncertainty. He scoffs as he sits back on his scratched sofa and I walk out of the room. Half way through the door I could hear him say. "Hey kid. What's your name?" I stopped as I looked back with a soft smile and said. "Arthur. I'm the new security guard. Nice to meet you Monty." before I went through and closed the door. Snagging the metal scraps. plates. and all into different trash bags that I'll throw out later. "Two down. a few more to meet." I say to myself as I walk towards the next room of Rockstar row. Roxanne wolf's room. I was pretty nervous about this one. but not in the way you might think. she was always my favorite. Her personality was almost the opposite of me. Where she was pretty. confident. co*cky. competitive and the best. I was pretty ugly. self conscious. more quiet and not so competitive. I took a deep breath as I listened closely to the door. I could hear the muffed talking. "Your hair is beautiful. Your tail is beautiful. Everyone was watching you. Everyone loves you. Everyone wants to be you. you. are. the best!" After that I decided to knock on the door. getting a "who's there?" In return. I then open the door as I give a smile to Roxanne. She was one beautiful animatronic. A Grey wolf. Her body was an hourglass shape. But being more top heavy then Chica. with the front of her torso being Silver as were her fingers, muzzle, neck as well as her inner-ears. wearing one purple earring on her right ear and a black one on her left. as well as a black nub type of earring behind each one. Her long flowing tail and her waist long hair were a beautiful flowing silver with green bangs on the front. As for the part around her belly as well as her arms. Thighs. Palms. Face and feet were all silver. She wore a red bikini like top and bottom. With a black star-like shape on them. As her red shoulder pads had them as well. Her forearms and lower legs were purple with a black striped tiger print on them. Resembling arm and leg warmers. She wore black studded wristbands on each of her arms as well as a studded collar and belt around her neck and waist. She also had green claws on her fingers. But purple once on her pawed feet. She had a wolven head. With a black nose and two small stripes on each of her cheeks resembling whiskers. Her muzzle had an almost oval shape with sharp white teeth. Both her eyes were a golden yellow with purple eyelids and black mascara and black eyebrows. Her body is segmented at the joints, with ball-jointed arms, hands and legs. Small, rectangular panels are found on her upper-arms, torso and thighs. I can see her instrument stand in one of the far corners. A guitar of some kind. but the strings were replaced with the keys of a keyboard. It was green and had here and there a splash of purple on it. She looked at me with her piercing yellow eyes. I try to stay calm as I take a deep breath and introduce myself. "Greetings Roxanne. I'm Arthur the new security guard. I thought it be a good idea to meet with the Stars of this place. So I just had to come here sinds you're the best for sure." I say as I pointed a finger at her. Her gaze seemed to soften a bit as she stood more relaxed and confident. "Of course you'd want to visit me. And truly I AM the best. Thank you." She said gloating a bit but I was just happy to see her happy. And luckily I wasn't lying either. So it made things all the easier to say to her. "I truly mean it to. From your amazing styled hair and makeup. to your rocking performance on your keytar. to even your matching green colors from your green hair bang that matches with your claws on your hands and your instrument. to the black marks on your cheeks matching the black parts of your awesome outfit. Your stunning!" That last one kinda slipped out, but it wasn't a lie. She truly was. After I finished I waited a bit worried that I might have gone overboard and make it sound insincere. But I hoped that would not be the case sinds I added specific details about her what i liked. She tilted her head a bit as she put her hand on her hip. "a security guard and a real fan huh? I think we will get along just fine." I smiled brightly at that. rubbing the back of my head as she crossed her arms. "Well Arthur. Want an autograph? Do you have any shirts? Hats? or Stuffed animals you'd want signed?" I got a smile on my face before it disappeared as I rub my arm and slightly look down. "I. I'm sorry. I sadly don't. I was never able to. Afford anything the two times I went here as a kid." which was true. Usually these two times I did go. I didn't have my own allowance. so the money would usually go to the presents of the birthday kid. I had to rely on others to buy stuff for me. With no success. Roxy's expression changed almost like a switch. from annoyance or disappointment. to wide eyed shock with a slightly opened mouth. She seemed deep in thought before speaking up again. "Hm. Wait here." She asked as I nodded. She walked over to her star shaped mirror. Looking over the makeup desk that was under it and pulling out a small poster. On it was Roxy herself. Posing in a rocking motion while she holds her keytar and stands on stage. She grabs a pen which is a lot bigger and thicker to accommodate the bigger and stronger animatronic hands. She put it down and walked back. holding out the signed poster in front of me. "Here." I looked at the poster and back at her. Slowly reaching out and holding it. She let go as I smiled brightly. "T-thank you so much Roxanne! You're the best!" She lets out an amused chuckle. "I know. And no worries. I got to give my new fan something special." I happily held it but not too hard so it wouldn't crumple. Roxy took a quick glance into her own mirror before she looked back at me. "when will be the next time you will come back?" I quickly replied. "just tomorrow I hope. I'm not sure what my schedule is for my work week yet." She nodded as her tail slightly swayed. I was surprised that the tail even had moving parts in them as well. "Good. I'll make sure you get the best time you can have here Arthur." She said confidently as I nodded happily. Then checking my watch as I looked at the time. Letting out a sad sigh. "I will sadly need to go back to work. Or else I might be in more trouble then I want to be in. Hm. Is there anything I can do for you or get you?" She shook her head. "No. That will be all. I'll go to my charging station. But come back soon. My fans are always welcome." She says as I nodded rapidly and happily. "I gladly will. Oh! And you can always come to me. or contact me if you need anything else." I said with a smile as she flicks her hair with her claw and slightly posed. "just remember who is the best." I giggled a bit. "after today I'll never forget who is the best here. It's you Roxanne." I say that last part in a not so quiet whisper before waving her goodbye. The door opened and closed behind me. Then i took a deep shaky breath. "that went better than expected. A job well done. Speaking of my job. maybe it would be a smart idea to check up on the cameras just in case before going to Freddy." Looking through the faz watch cameras I can see many parts of the pizza plex in different sectors. like the main performance stage in the Atrium. to the entrance to even some of the employee only rooms. All sections had multiple cameras from different angles. leaving almost no blind spot open. I even looked in some of the cameras I missed before. There was the Fazcade. a place filled with arcade machines. where a giant animatronic seemed to be surrounded by yellow construction tape. As parts of it were laying down next to it on pellets. It must be huge to have the need to move it part by part instead of fully. I wondered where he was going. I then looked at a camera that was just aimed at a door labeled Super Star Daycare .I thought for a bit and did hear a rumor of there being an animatronic there too. Maybe I should visit that place as well. After looking through the rest of the cameras and seeing everything was as it should be. I stood in front of the last door. to freddy fazbear's room. The main star and mascot of this Mega Pizza Plex place. I knock as usual before opening it up and walking inside as I see the star of the Glamrock band stand there. His body is primarily colored a bright orange or lighter yellow as well as his arms. Thighs. palms. Crotch. Neck. And most of his head and the lower parts of his fingers. While his front torso. Belly. Inner-ears. feet. Finger tips. Muzzle and jaw were beige. His lower jaw was also equipped with a pair of fangs. His nose was black as he had light blue claws on his hands and feet. He had a light blue lightning bolt on his beige belly. as well as light-blue claws on his hands and feet and red shins. Having a painted on mask in the same color. It also had a red colored outline on the outside of it. The same color red were also his shoulder pads and lower legs. He had one red ear ring in his left ear and wore a small top hat on his head. It had a blue stripe on the base. He also wore the same studded bracelets as the others on each arm. He wore a black bow tie. Making him look dapper with the hat. His torso has a distinctive seam across the front where his chest compartment opens up. And last but not least. His blue eyes and black eyebrows. I watched him as he was waving at me. Walking closer as I held out my hand. "Hello there. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Arthur. the new security guard. but don't let that title fool you. I gladly help you or the others in anyway i can." I said as Freddy held his larger hand out and shaked mine. "it's nice to meet you officer Arthur." He said as I rubbed the back of my head. "The pleasure is all mine, Freddy. But you can just call me Arthur. I just came around and introduced myself to you and the others. They are all so nice in one way or another. you got quite the family fazbear." he smiled at that. "Of course. I care deeply about all of them. They keep this place open and keep the smiles on the children and adults alike. which always makes me the most happy to see." I agreed happily with that. The overall reactions besides the mad parent or bratty kid here and there were quite positive. Still a welcoming surprise that so many people get to enjoy it here. "Well by the sounds of what I've heard you're exactly correct. So keep up the good work Super Star." I said as I heard him calling others that. so i jokingly called him that back. Getting a small chuckle in return. I did forget to ask something to him. "Oh! Is there anything i can help or assist you with?" Freddy looked up as he nodded. "indeed. There seems to be something wrong with my stomach hatch. it won't properly open and close. Could you take a look to see what's wrong?" He asked as he pointed at his belly. Freddy had an unique option to open up his belly and torso with 2 plates. In that empty spot inside of him usually kids would sit in there or oversized birthday cakes and piñatas would be stored for parties. I grabbed my flashlight from my pocket as I smiled. "Ofcorce. Let's see here. Can you start by attempting to open your stomach hatch? "I ask as I watch him try to open it. The bottom plate works fine as it went down without any trouble. but the top plate seems to be stuck half way and clanking each time it tries to open up. lucky for ones. I was short enough to match in height with Freddy's lower torso. so I can easily peek inside with my flashlight. shining it around as i saw one of those opened up prize boxes inside of him. It was a box in the shape of a real present. But with the crank on the side. Just crank it as a tune played and a spring would pop up with the present attached to it. Though it seems that the spring that usually pops out. Now had wedged and coiled itself around one of the metal bars that pushes the top plate up. "Found it. There seems to be a leftover spring of a gift box that's pulling on your inside mechanism. I'll see if I can get it off." I say as I put my hand into the small opening and try to pull on it. Then grab it. Then jiggle it a bit. Getting annoyed slightly before trying to get a side of the gear and twist it. Like unscrewing a screw. not fully getting loose but it did lessen the pressure on the spring. After around 3 minutes I finally managed to pull out the bent spring from the metal bar. "got it! Mind opening fully up for me? Then I can get the box out while I'm at it." Freddy nodded as his stomach hatch opened without any effort or hindrance. I pulled the opened gift box out of him. "Way to go Super Star! Thank you for your help." I rub the back of my head and smile. getting a small blush from the appreciation. "Aww you're too kind Freddy. I'm always happy to help. I'll take this box away with some other trash I still need to take out. But it's always my pleasure to help." I say as I give a small bow. Going to the door to leave as Freddy waves me bye. ``see you soon officer. I mean. Arthur." he corrected himself as I left his room. I put the used gift box with the other broken stuff I had cleaned up from Monty's room. I took both things back to the employee only area so I can throw it away later after my shift. Though there was still one place I needed to visit. as I made my way through the cleaning staff bots towards the daycare center. It was a big white castle with a brown wooden door with lots of rainbows and clouds at the sides of the doorway. I check the handle and yep, it's open. After going in and checking the cameras just in case. yet again nothing new. I decided to go in. The place was like a giant play place. A tube leading into the main area of ball pits. rope bridges and slides. Even the music sounded silly. like something from a cartoon while hearing the occasional funny spring sound effect or bird tweeting in between. The entrance had your usual shoe storage cabinet. A giant golden statue or 2 from what looks like the daycare animatronics. One of a golden jester with the head of a sun. and the other one behind that one wore a night cap and had the head of a moon. There also stood a big table in the room with a lot of chairs. Likely for parents to sit on and relax while the kids play in the daycare. There was also a set of rules on display on the wall. It was the usual playplace rules. no shoes, no running, no climbing, no fighting, no making a mess and the likes,. tho the last one did caught me off guard. Keep the lights on. I had no idea if this place had a tendency to go dark. but I might as well keep it in mind. Just so I abide by the rules. I took off my work shoes and went through the pipe slide straight into the play place ball pit. It brought me all sorts of good memories and less pleasant ones. But I kept on moving forward and looking for anything out of the ordinary. When I went through the ball pit I could hear the jingle of bells as well as a voice. "HO HO HO!" I heard a voice say as I looked towards the direction where I thought it was coming from. Looking up as I see a yellow and beige striped colored jester outfit wearing slim animatronic. with triangles across his head like the sun rays of a. well. sun. Bells were covering his outfit. as well as on the tip of his elf-like shoes. Watching him jump down from such a height as he lands in the ball pit himself. Almost disappearing under it. I looked a bit to the sides to see any movements, not knowing if he is okay or not. I step closer as the balls from the ball pit rustle around. before he jumped out and put his hands on my shoulders. making me gasp. "HELLO!! Who are you? Where are your friends?! We don't get many grown ups around here?" He asked as he looked at me with his oddly blank eyes. Holding me by my shoulders as I was bombarded by the assault of questions. Slowly walking back out of the ball pit and onto the normal daycare padded floor. "I. uhh. well." I stammer out before trying to compose myself. "My name is Arthur. I'm the new security guard here. and I was just exploring around to meet all of the other animatronic stars. So I thought I'd give you a visit. and ask if you are in need of anything. I've never been to the daycare before. would you mind it if I took a look around while we talked?. That way you can keep an eye on me for any funny business." I say as I smile more as he lets me go. Now knowing that I was at least an employee here. "Splendid! How wonderful! It's always nice to meet someone new. And you're the first one to come and visit old me. Tho." he gave a stern look if his face could do so. "did you read the rules? it's very very very Important!" He asked almost in an intimidating tone. "Sure !" And I'd like to keep it that way. I'm not much of a rule breaker." I said honestly as I was just new and not too familiar with this place. I looked at the colorful ground. But I stopped as I saw a black stripe going over it. I bent down to it as it looked a bit out of place. grabbing it and looking it over. I see that it's a wire? A thick black wire that went throughout the play place and all around. I looked back at Sun. "um. Why are there exposed wires here?" With a skip and a hop he walked in front of me. "Oh! Those are for the generators! If power were to go out here at the daycare. We can activate them to restore it! Handy right?" I kept looking as I saw the generator or at least one of them sitting in one of the play places' crossings. Which didn't seem all that safe. "Hm. Maybe I could try and hide these long cables more around the padded walls or pipes. depending if they are hollow or not. Heck with some left over iron plates I could even make some boxes to cover them up in. Or at least put them in a closed off area like a dead end with just one plate. hm." I keep thinking as I noted it down With the replacements for Monty's room and the likes. I'm not sure if the boss be comfortable with a new hired worker messing around in the daycare. a place for small children to stay and play. so I'll have to ask permission later just to be sure." Sun looks a bit unsure as I was as well. I wasn't sure what to talk about. Sinds I never have bin to the daycare in my life. So I don't have much conversation topics. "So.. I hope handling the children isn't to hard on you sun?" he jumped up almost like he's snapped out of a daydream. "Oh of course! They are such a delight to be around! play games with. and even making arts and crafts together! I still got some glitter glue and googly eyes with me!" I smiled as googly eyes where the bomb when I was younger. "Tho they can get a bit rowdy at times and need me to clean up. But most come! And leave. with a bright smile!" I nodded as I looked around. wondering if the other animatronic from that golden statue is here to. "Are you alone here then? What about the other guy on the statue? The one with the nightcap? I don't see him anywhere." Sun shivers a bit like a cold wave ran up his spine. "W-well he's Here! Just that he comes out more at night and I during the day! He handles nap times as well as any intruders manually while I warn the other Co workers outside." I looked happy and surprised. "That's quite impressive. Talk about teamwork makes the dream work." He twirled around as he jumped a bit. His bells jingle as he bounced. "you said it well! But to come back on your question at the start. I don't think I need anything." I nodded as I started to walk back towards the exit. "Alright. Then I'll be off to do the rest of my job. If you need anything. Don't be afraid to come or contact me. alright sun?" He opened the exit door for me. "Of course! Of course! Now have a pleasant night~." as he closes the door behind me. I felt something was off tho. Something. unusual. unnerving. it makes me shiver. and then I realize. I'm still standing on my socks. I Walk around back to the entrance as I grab my shoes and put them back on. Then taking a deep breath and started to explore the rest of the pizza plex. I couldn't see much sinds most attractions seemed to be closed off with a shudder door. I sigh before i checked my fazwatch for the time. "wow. it was already 5:45?! Time flies by fast." I quickly jogged back so I can store the scrapped furniture and now broken giftbox away to the back of the employee area. Soon before I knew it my phone alarm went off. 6 am. I stretched as I go back to the main entrance and waved back at Mike who came in yawning. "HI Mike. had a good rest?" He waved his hand loosely as he nodded. " yeah. how did the night go?"I smiled with a proud smile. "no worries! Cleaned up some trash bags. I talked to the animatronics. and checked the cameras around the pizzaplex. I've only been there sinds the other parts and attractions were closed off with the shutter doors." He kinda face palmed but seemed too tired to do it fully. "Oh yeah. I forgot about those. Here, give me your fazwatch for a moment." I nodded as I hand over my watch and he does a view things on it before handing it back. "sinds you didn't break any of the props. Didn't harass the cleaning staff bots and didn't run away screaming. He thinks you're ready to have control over the shutter doors as well. Usually not all attractions are closed off each day but we needed to take some. Safety precautions. From our last night guard." I nodded. "Of course. New guard. history of the older one. Just making sure I don't steal any merchandise. am i right?" I say in a half joking manner as he seemed to relax a bit at me not being offended. "Exactly. Now go home and rest. Tomorrow is a new day. or night. See ya." He said as he walked past me and I walked out of the door. Biking home as I plop on my bed. taking my sleeping pills and snoozing off to dreamland. or for as long as I could before my alarm went off again. I spend most of the day sleeping. chatting online and eating dinner. The usual stuff before getting ready for work night. hoping to make the second one as good as the first. tho this time prepared as I went off. Taking some tools like a wrench. drill. and metal plates for the daycare. as well as The replacements for Monty's room. As I walked through I greeted Mike again. "Hey Mike. Had a good day shift?" He yawned out again. must have been a rough day. "Yeah it was alright. Had almost 3 birthday parties here. Glad you weren't here to see the aftermath." I looked curiously. "oh? Does something need to be cleaned up? I won't mind helping if need be." Mike thought for a bit. "Hm. Maybe you can. Most of it is the tables and the big trash pieces that people scatter around. The staff bots can handle the rest." I nodded. "great! Oh! And I got a view ideas for the pizza plex. Nothing major. just some safety precautions." I said as I got a sigh from Mike. "Ugh. Go ahead." He said in an uninterested tone. I explained to him what I wanted to do in the daycare. He was deeper in thought this time. "Hm. okay but I do need to report these changes to the boss. Gotta make sure he doesn't get any surprises. He's bad at handling them. As for the stuff for Monty's room. Check the loading docks in the back of the building. That is where all the stuff is stored." I nodded as I was internally happy. "thank you Mike. Now why don't you go home? You seem tired enough already." He nodded as he grabs his bag from behind the counter. "Don't mind if I do. Have a good night." I waved Mike back as he left and went straight towards the gift shop. Getting some merchandise to replace the ones in Monty's room. I then went to the outside of the building towards the garage like loading docks. It was easy to find replacement furniture. They were at the front of all the stored stuff there. Likely in advance from having to replace them so often. I took all parts on a big trolley as I went back inside through the front entrance. I used the elevator to get back on the right floor and made my way to Rockstar Row. I entered Monty's room as he wasn't inside. so I started to work right away. Luckly sinds I cleaned up yesterday already. There wasn't much to clean up. Just a fallen over trash can. I could see some scraps of something. It looked like a freddy poster. Torn and clawed to shreds. not a big fan I guess. I collected the pieces as I took the trash bag out and replaced it with a clean one. Putting it on my card as I continued to move the furniture from the trolley cart back into his room. It took some effort but I got them in. Eventually. I went back out as I took a stop by the kitchen. Throwing in one of the frozen cheese pizzas into the big oven there. Luckily the timer was already on at the correct time for basic cheese pizza. After a few minutes it was hot and ready. Literally. I almost burned my hands trying to put it in the pizza box. I put it with my tools on the cart and started to make my way towards Rockstar Row again. When I arrived I looked through the front glass wall of Chica's Green room. But she wasn't anywhere inside. That's odd. I looked at the others as they were missing too. I went inside Monty's room sinds the glass wall was still covered. But he was still nowhere to be found either. I came back out of Monty's room as in my panic I almost forgot I had the cameras. I looked around the cameras seeing that indeed the shutter doors were gone. Monty Golf. Fazer blast. Roxy Raceway. El chip of course and much more finally open. After searching for a while I spotted Freddy heading to Monty golf. "That's strange. I wonder if something happened." I think to myself as I grab the pizza box from the cart and started to make my way towards Monty golf. I looked threw the doors window as i see everyone there at the entrance desk. Chica. Roxy. Monty. and Freddy. They seem to be. picking up golf clubs? Are they gonna play? For some reason I knocked on the door before opening it. Then realizing how weird that must be in this place. When I came in I heard a message playing from the speakers in the attraction. It even sounded like Monty. "Welcome to Monty's Gator Golf. Home of the Hurricane Hole in One! Come on and be ready for a party time!" I almost dropped the pizza box but managed to catch it. Grabbing the attention of Freddy and the others there as Freddy waved at me. "Greetings officer. I mean. Arthur. Sorry. I'm still getting used to that." I walked closer as i give a small bow. hearing the other animatronics greet me as well. "sub?" Monty said. "Nice to see me again. isn't it?" Roxy said. And before I could reply I heard a loud "PIZZA!" comming from Chica. I handed the pizza box over to her with a bright smile. "I wasn't sure what flavor you like. So I got you a cheese pizza to be safe." I say as Chica munches on the pizza. At this rate there won't be any left for me. but I didn't mind. I was a bit curious though. "So. Why are you all here anyway?" I asked as Freddy spoke up. "We are testing the attractions. It's a good way to make sure none of the other employees or children get hurt. Even if it's something as. unusual. as testing out a golf course." Chica held the empty pizza box as she handed it to me. Then she cheered a bit. "So we made it a game night! First gator golf. then fazer blast. then Roxy Raceway. then bon. oh. sorry." She said as she rubbed her arm a bit. Making everyone go dead silent before Monty steps up. "Yeah yeah. Now come on! I wanna see how many of you I can beat here." Roxy gave a growl. "in your dreams gator boy!" Roxy replied. "Hm. " Hey Arthur. You up to join? The more people I beat the better the victory." Roxy asked as I jumped up a bit in surprise and joy. "me? you want me to join? sure! I Just gotta warn you. I am a professional idiot when it comes to golf." I jokingly said as I grabbed a set of balls for all of us. In different colors to keep us apart. Green for monty. orange For Freddy. Red for Roxy. Pink for Chica and i took a blue one. As well as a smaller golf club for myself. Compared to the bigger clubs they use to accommodate their animatronic sizes. The golf clubs were putters. The ones these sorts of places usually used for mini golf. "Then come on! It's party time!" Monty said cheerfully. I quickly put the pizza box away In the closest trash can that there was as I followed the rest. Oddly enough I wasn't even uncomfortable in the slightest around them. Must just be me sinds I'm weird. feeling more comfortable around robots then actual people. When it comes to golf I showed my skills as ever. if I had any. The first hole had a simple straight line to the hole. Monty expertly hitting the ball as it rolled over the green fake ground and bounced off of the edge. Then rolling slowly back into the hole. "Hurricane Hole in one!" That's how it's done!" Monty said As he posed a bit. I clapped slightly for him. "Great job Monty." I said as one after another we went through. I try to mimic Monty's technique. but I still had to take at least 3 more hits to get it in there. "Not too bad. Am I right~?" I said smirking as if I got a hole in one. Making Chica giggle a bit. Roxy was next. She hit the ball as it rolled and bounced off of the back wall. But it stops shortly close to the hole. She growled as she stomped towards the ball and put it in with one more hit. "Great job Roxy. uh. Roxy?" I said and then asked as she turned around and went to the next hole. Making me a bit worried. I looked back at the others. "Will. Will she be okay?" I asked as Chica replied. "Roxy has a bit of a problem with losing." She said as I could kinda understand it. Losing is not fun after all. I waited til everyone had gone through. Chica got it in two hits. Freddy took 3 hits before getting the ball in. Then we all followed Roxy to the next hole. The other holes weren't too difficult but not easy either. With Monty in first place with the most hole in one's. then freddy in second place. Chica in third. and Roxy and I tied for fourth. I tried sometimes to get her attention to see if she is doing okay or if we need to take a small break. But I was mostly being ignored and got more irritated back the later we got into the game. We kept going as I sometimes checked the cameras from time to time. I still had a job that I wanted to keep. The courses were varied but still mini golf. A loop here. A spinning obstacle there. Even one where you can take aim at a small hole as a risk and reward for an automatic hole in one. Which I got by dumb luck. Some of them were quite large even for mini golf. When we come into the final hole. one where you need to hit the ball in an opening and closing Monty gator mouth. I was more nervous. It Seemed that Chica and Roxy had switched places. with me in last place. But I didn't mind it. I will admit I sometimes hit the ball a bit on purpose too hard or too soft. but other times I just sucked.Monty took a stance and waited. He hit it and it went inside of the mouth and the hole with ease. "Woo-hoo! Now that's how it's done! Oh yeah!" Monty said as I went next. Sucking hard as I could not get the timing down and stroked out. "Oh well. Better luck next time." I said Sinds I was in last place anyway. However, What did worry me was when it was Roxy's turn. And sadly she followed suit. Stroking out after she just managed to get it through the gator mouth. She just didn't respond to anything for a bit. So Chica and Freddy went after her as they got it only after a view hit.

as Monty won the match he lets out a triumphant laugh. Freddy addressed everyone afterwards. "Great job everyone. The course seems to work as intended as well as the clubs and the rest of the courses." Chica rubbed her arm as she looked to the side. "yeah. great job." She said a bit down. Maybe because of being in second to last place. I just gave a thumbs up before I heard a bit of creaking. Looking around I can see it's Roxy who has her back turn to the others. Holding her golfclub in both her hands. "Um. Roxy? is everything." I wanted to ask. But I was cut off by her yelling. "NGHA!" and holding the golf club at the hilt. Making an overhead swing and cracking it down on the ground. Breaking it in two from the impact. I and Chica wanted to try to comfort her. "don't worry roxy! You still beat me and Arthur." "y -yeah. To us you are the best." but it fell on deaf ears. she already started to walk away towards the entrance again. I check the cameras as I see her go back to her own room. Freddy walking up to me. "I'm. Sorry you had to see that. She isn't like this when she is around the children or at parties." I nodded. "Don't worry freddy. I just hope she's alright." I said as I then picked up the broken golf club. "Hey freddy? Can I ask for a favor?" I asked as he looked at me curiously. "In the report. Can you leave out the part where Roxy broke the club? You can just put in that I broke it instead. And will replace it as well." He looked surprised as did Monty and Chica. "Huh? Why should you? The darn mutt broke it herself." Monty said as Chica chimed in. "Y-yeah, you don't have to take the blame Arthur." I looked a bit down. "I know but. I just. I don't want Any of you to get into trouble. We all do stuff we didn't mean too when we are angry. Right?" i said as Freddy's ears drooped a bit. "I'm sorry Arthur. But even if I did. the recordings of the camera's will show otherwise. I can however put in it that you offer to replace it." I smiled at that. "Thank you Freddy. and thank you all for the fun game night. I think I should go and check on Roxy before I start to clean up just in case." They all nodded and waved me bye. I put the broken club to the side of the other still whole clubs. After that I jogged my way over to Roxy's room. Leaving the cart as I went to her door. but I stopped and listened carefully when I heard a mix of sobbing and groans of anger coming from inside her room. "I am not a loser. He cheated. He had to. No one can beat me. I am the best. I have to be the best. I can't lose." She said in a depressed tone. I waited a view seconds before I opened the door with my guard pass. "Um. Roxy? Are you okay?" I asked as I came closer to her.she stopped sobbing almost instantly. "W-who's there?" She looked at me with the use of her mirror. I waved a bit. "It's just me. Arthur." She kept looking through the mirror at me. "I'm. fine." She replied back. I came closer. "Are you sure? You don't look fine." I ask again as she replied in an annoyed tone. "It's nothing. You can't understand it. just. get out." She said sternly. I know i was playing with fire. but I could not just leave her in this state. "But if something is troubling you I can help. Or at least listen. And if I don't understand it. Then try to explain it to me so i can." I said as i put my hand on her shoulder pad. But it seems like that didn't help at all. More of the opposite as I see her body slightly freeze and jitter a bit. oh no. that ain't good. I let go right away as I see her standing back up. Turning to face me with the most angry looking eyes her eyelets could make. Almost in a flash. She bends down a bit with her knees before she jumps at me. grabbing my shoulders in a lunch as she slams me into the wall of her room. Her claws digging into my shoulders. "I don't need your or anyone else's help! You know nothing! You wouldn't understand. You couldn't understand! What would a loser like you know that I don't? Feel what I feel! You think your better then me?!" I was frozen in fear. which usually happened when I was scared. I did not scream. nor struggle. I just let out some tears as I stared at her and groaned a bit as I felt her sharp nails dig into my shoulders more. Her grip tightening by the second. "I am the best! I'm supposed to be the best. better than anyone. better than you! Go bother someone else! But I bet you don't even have friends! You are Nothing! Now get out of my room!" She yelled that last part as she let go of my right shoulder. Pulling me towards the still open door by my left shoulder. Feeling the claws dig into it as it gets more painful by the second. She pulled back hard and shoved me out. Making me gasp as I felt her claws cutting my shoulder. holding it with my right hand as I fell on the floor. I see the door close back up again as I was now outside of the room. Back into Rockstar row. I wanted to get back up but I was shaking too much. My shoulder hurt like hell as I held it. I try not to cry or let myself get mad. But I was more depressed at her words. They hurted almost as much as my shoulder did. I felt blood trickling down my hand and arm as I held the wound closed with my hand. I crawled further from Roxy's room with my good arm and more on the opposing side of Rockstar Row. Towards the glass display cases. I leaned near one of these as I was taking deep breaths. trying to stop the bleeding. But the shirt part there was all torn off. so i only had my hand to try and cover it. I kept saying to myself. "Don't cry. Don't get mad. Don't freak out. Don't cry. Don't cry dang it. you can take this." I whisper as I try to stay calm. But it was useless. I was in too much pain. Literally and mentally. sitting there as I cried in silence. After what felt like forever. I felt something. vibrations. more and more as something or someone came closer and closer. I look to my left and right as I see a green and white figure coming closer from my left. It was hard to see as I wiped my tears away with my good arm. Looking again as I see Monty and Chica coming my way. sh*t. Chica first gave me a smile and wave. I wanted to wave back but quickly pulled my arm back to stall the bleeding. Chica looked confused more than anything. as she walked closer and closer. her normal expressions turned into wide eyed shock. She started to go from walking to running towards me. Monty followed her as he likely didn't see what was wrong. Until he focused on me and with a wide opened mouth. started to run as well. Chica reaches me first as she kneels down. "oh no! Arthur what happened?" She asked more worried than ever. Looking over me as Monty reached me soon after. To my surprise, even he sounded worried when he saw me. "what the! Hey. little guy. Are you Alright?" Monty asked me as he stared at me. I try to keep in my emotions but I sadly could not stop my voice from sounding raspy with the frog in my throat. "I. I'm f-fine. I. ngh. p-pushed Roxanne's patience t-to much. hehe. ouch." I try to say jokingly but the sheer pain on my shoulder and mind didn't help. mixed with the horror on Chica's face and even an somewhat angry look on Monty's face. making it clear that it wasn't working. Chica closed her eyes. before opening them 5 seconds later. A blue like light started to glow softly. running over my body. I stayed quiet as I saw the blue light from Chica move over me. when she was done. She blinked. "Oh no! your shoulder is badly hurt. We got to get you to a first aid station quickly! can you stand?" She asked as I could hear Monty grunt in frustration. "darn it Roxy. This isn't good. of all the worst things she could do. Attacking staff is too much." He said as it made Chica freeze up a bit and look to the side. I try my best to stand. But the pain made me sit back down. Groaning as that seemed to snap chica out of whatever she was thinking about. Chica saw my struggles as she put her arms around my legs and back. With a sort of sound like that of a piston clicking into place. She stood up and lifted me up with her. Quite easily which I was surprised by. She turned to face Monty. "Monty. Can you try and get some staff bots here to clean up the blood trail? I'll get Arthur to the first aid station." Monty gave a look at me and then back at Chica. He silently nodded as he started to dash off to the atrium. it had the most staff bots around and was the closest to Rockstar Row. I quickly did my best to put more of my shirt over my wound. Before leaning against Chica. I didn't want to stain her with my blood. Her steps slightly echoing as I see her look back at Roxy's room. The muffled sobbing was still audible from her room. She looked back at me before going through a set of double doors at the end of Rockstar row. "Don't worry. You're gonna be okay." she said in a comforting way. Opening them up as they lead to a less colorful section of the building. with a lot of stairs that went downwards. Her eyes illuminated up the way like 2 big flashlights. "W-where are we?" I asked meekly. Chica looked worried at me. "Well. We are in the Maintenance Tunnels under the Pizza Plex. Employees usually use these to get quickly from place to place instead of using the stairs and elevators." She said as we kept going down.

Five Nights At Freddy's Security Breach Re-energize - Chapter 1 - kirbymon15 (2024)
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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Author information

Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.