What’s Wrong With This Picture? Five Questions to Ask for Improving Contractual Indemnification Provisions | Barnes & Thornburg (2024)

You know those puzzles where you look at a picture and you’re supposed to find all the little things that are wrong, like a bear driving a car or a pedestrian with two different colored shoes? Let’s play the same game and see how many problems you can find with this contract provision:

Section 4. Indemnification.
To the fullest extent allowed by law, Vendor agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Customer harmless from all claims, losses, liabilities, damages and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs) resulting from negligence or more culpable conduct.

Before we start parsing Section 4, let’s make clear that indemnification is a valuable opportunity for contracting parties to specify who bears what risk, to what extent and in what manner. Far from boilerplate to be plugged into a contract without thought, indemnification provisions can and should help advance the business purposes of the contract by specifying how the parties will manage certain problems that may arise. Thus, these risk allocation sections can help the parties avoid litigation between themselves and continue working together under the contract.

Keeping in mind the risk allocation purpose of indemnification provisions, let’s ask ourselves five questions to identify some of the ways we might improve our hypothetical Section 4.

1. Does the indemnity cover claims between the parties or only claims by third parties?

Many people think of indemnity as applying to third-party claims. But Section 4 includes nothing that specifically limits it to third-party claims. Indeed, some courts hold that indemnity can apply to claims solely between the parties. See, e.g., Bainbridge St. Elmo Bethesda Apts., LLC v. White Flint Express Realty Group LP, 164 A.3d 978 (Md. 2017); Hot Rods, LLC v. Northrup Grumman Sys. Corp., 242 Cal. App. 4th 1166 (Cal. Ct. App. 2015). There’s nothing inherently wrong with having an indemnity that can apply to claims between the parties—if that’s what the parties intend. But if the parties want the indemnity to apply only to third-party claims, they can say so in the contract. For example: “… from all third-party claims, losses…”

2. Will the indemnitee be indemnified for its own negligence?

Section 4 ties the indemnity to “negligence or more culpable conduct,” but it doesn’t specify whose negligence or more culpable conduct can trigger the indemnity. If the parties intend to refer only to the Vendor’s conduct, they can easily write “Vendor’s negligence or more culpable conduct.”

If the parties intend that the customer would be indemnified for its own negligence, they should so specify. Indeed, a party can be legally limited or prohibited from being indemnified for its own negligence. Further, gross negligence, recklessness, and willful misconduct cannot be indemnified under the law of many states.

In light of such limitations, there is a tendency to read the introductory phrase “…to the fullest extent allowed by law…” as ensuring that the rest of Section 4 must be good and does not need to be reviewed. Try to resist that temptation. If anything else in Section 4 is unenforceable under applicable law, the opening phrase will not cure the illegality. Nor will the phrase remedy ambiguity. At most, the phrase is an aid to construction of the contract language, and that aid will be used only in close cases to indicate that the parties intend to give the indemnitee the broadest rights that can be found in the indemnity, right up to but not exceeding the legal limit.

3. What if the indemnitor isn’t at fault?

One case involved a provision indemnifying a contractor for anything “arising out of or in connection with Subcontractor's work performed for Contractor.” The court held that the subcontractor had to indemnify the general contractor, regardless of whether the subcontractor was negligent or did anything to cause the damage. See Amberwood Dev., Inc. v. Swann’s Grading, Inc., 2017 WL 712269 (Ariz. App. 2/23/17).

In Section 4, the words “defend” and “claims” might signal that mere allegations of negligence could be enough to trigger the Vendor’s obligations. Also, Section 4 uses the phrase “resulting from.” It doesn’t specify proximate cause or even “but for” causation.

4. What does “defend” mean?

Any new third-party claim subject to an indemnity implicates several questions about how the claim will be handled, including who controls the defense and what happens if some but not all aspects of the third-party claim are indemnifiable.

In Section 4, the word “defend” implies that the indemnitor will take full control of the indemnitee’s defense, including choice of counsel and the decision to settle. The parties could insert additional language modifying or detailing how the indemnitor will defend. For example, the contract can allow the indemnitor to choose defense counsel, subject to the indemnitee’s consent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. The contract also could give the indemnitor power to settle, as long as the indemnitee is fully released and pays nothing.

A potentially thorny issue is how to handle a third-party claim where, for example, only one of four counts falls within the scope of the indemnity. In some states, the indemnitor generally has to defend only the covered count. See, e.g., 933 Van Buren Condo. Ass’n v. West Van Buren, LLC, 2016 IL App (1st) 143490. Thus, the indemnitee would have to defend itself against the three non-indemnifiable claims. In other states, the indemnitor may be required to defend the uncovered as well as the covered counts, but the indemnitee may have to reimburse the costs of defending the non-indemnifiable counts. See, e.g., Crawford v. Weather Shield Mfg., Inc., 44 Cal. 4th 541 (2008). If the parties to the contract would rather avoid default rules like these, they can address this situation in the indemnity provision. Perhaps they might specify that the indemnitor has the option to defend the non-indemnifiable counts, having no right to reimbursem*nt of the defense costs, with the indemnitee financially responsible only for its actual liability to the third-party claimant on the non-indemnifiable counts.

5. Would a form contract be better?

Several years ago, a federal appeals court ruled in my client’s favor, based on the indemnification provision of a trade association form contract. The result was good, but it’s unfortunate that we had to litigate through appeal to accomplish the client’s desired result. Forms can be very helpful, for example, by showing some of the types of issues that can be addressed in a contract and how someone else tried to address those issues. But forms can have inherent problems, and even the best form can’t anticipate and adequately address every issue.

Even sophisticated businesspeople and experienced lawyers may look past indemnification provisions and focus almost exclusively on other parts of a contract. Doing so may mean missing an opportunity to make a rational allocation of risk and to streamline the process of managing claims that arise from those risks. Like the bear driving a car or the pedestrian with two different colored shoes, maybe the next time you’re working on a contract, you’ll be better able to find what’s wrong with the indemnification picture.

This article was originally published in the 2021 edition of Corporate Policyholder Magazine.

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What’s Wrong With This Picture? Five Questions to Ask for Improving Contractual Indemnification Provisions | Barnes & Thornburg (2024)


What is the contractual indemnification provision? ›

Learn more about our editorial standards. An indemnification provision, also known as a "hold harmless provision," is a clause used in contracts, including business agreements, to shift potential costs from one party to the other.

What are the disadvantages of the indemnity clause? ›

Aside from difficulties associated with the clarity of meaning and operation of such clauses, two common problems encountered are: the party giving the indemnity does not have the financial capacity to fund the loss; or. the party giving the indemnity is exposed to an uninsured liability.

Is indemnity good or bad? ›

There's nothing inherently wrong with having an indemnity that can apply to claims between the parties—if that's what the parties intend. But if the parties want the indemnity to apply only to third-party claims, they can say so in the contract.

Should you agree to indemnification clause? ›

The indemnification clause is a crucial element in commercial contracts as it helps mitigate the risks and consequences associated with potential breaches of contracts. This clause also ensures that the parties are fairly compensated for their losses and helps maintain a stable and predictable business relationship.

What is an example of indemnification provision? ›

Sample Intermediate Indemnification

“Consultant agrees to hold harmless and indemnify Client from any and all liability, arising out of Consultant's negligence, whether it be sole or in concert with others, in connection with performance of the services described herein.”

What is the purpose of the indemnification provision? ›

An indemnity clause is a contractual clause providing that one party is responsible for any losses or damages arising from a certain event or set of circ*mstances. In effect, the indemnity clause shifts the risk of that event occurring from the indemnified party to the indemnifying party.

What are indemnity issues? ›

Indemnity is a type of insurance compensation paid for damage or loss. When the term is used in the legal sense, it also may refer to an exemption from liability for damage. Indemnity is a contractual agreement between two parties in which one party agrees to pay for potential losses or damage caused by another party.

What is a limitation on the indemnity clause? ›

By limiting your indemnity obligation “to the extent” of damages arising from the lease or your occupancy, you disclaim responsibility for damages arising from something other than the lease, such as the owner's failure to maintain the building's parking lot.

What is a good indemnity clause? ›

Indemnity clauses can include 'hold harmless' wording under which one party agrees that the other will not be liable for any losses that the first party suffers arising from the specified events. It is always advisable that you seek independent legal advice on all contracts from a contract solicitor.

Who pays for indemnity? ›

It can be a cheaper and quicker alternative to investigating the risk further. In most cases, it will be you, as the seller of the property, who pays the insurance premium.

Do indemnity clauses hold up in court? ›

Indemnification clauses are generally enforceable, but there are important qualifications. Some courts hold that broad form or “no fault” indemnifications, which are blind to fault on the part of either party, violate public policy.

What does indemnification mean in legal terms? ›

To indemnify, also known as indemnity or indemnification, means compensating a person for damages or losses they have incurred or will incur related to a specified accident, incident, or event.

What are the risks of an indemnity clause? ›

Potential Risks
  • Ambiguity and Misinterpretation. Vague language in indemnity clauses can create confusion and potential disputes. ...
  • Unforeseen Liabilities and Expansion Beyond the Intended Scope. ...
  • Inadequate Insurance Coverage. ...
  • Failure to Address Third-Party Claims.
May 20, 2024

Does indemnification mean you can't sue? ›

Does indemnification relieve the person being indemnified by any third parties? No this is a huge misconception. Ppl think that they get an indemnification, that they are somehow shielded and third parties can't sue them, they can only sue the person indemnifying.

Who should indemnify who? ›

Most indemnification provisions require the indemnifying party to "indemnify and hold harmless" the indemnified party for specified liabilities. In practice, these terms are typically paired and interpreted as a unit to mean "indemnity."

What is an example of a contractual indemnity? ›

For example, an indemnification provision may exclude indemnification for claims or losses that result from the indemnified party's:
  • Negligence or gross negligence.
  • Improper use of the products.
  • Bad faith failure to comply with its obligations in the agreement.

What is the purpose of a contractual indemnity? ›

Indemnity clauses are often added to contracts in order to transfer risk from one party to the other in the case of a specific event. In other words, Party B agrees to keep Party A 'unharmed' from loss or damage.

What is the contractual liability clause? ›

Liability clauses are an important contractual tool designed to manage overall risk by limiting a party's potential liability for damages and they're of crucial importance in a contract.

What are the indemnification provisions in an employment agreement? ›

Under a typical indemnification provision, the employer agrees to indemnify the executive against lawsuits, claims, or demands against the employee resulting from the employee's good faith performance of his or her duties and obligations.

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