Indemnity (2024)

Protection against a financial liability

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What is Indemnity?

The word indemnity means security or protection against a financial liability. It typically occurs in the form of a contractual agreement made between parties in which one party agrees to pay for losses or damages suffered by the other party. In corporate law, an indemnity agreement serves to hold Board Directors and company executives free from personal liability if the company becomes sued or suffers damages.

Indemnity (1)

A typical example is an insurance company wherein the insurer or indemnitor agrees to compensate the insured or indemnitee for any damages or losses he/she may incur during a period of time. Premium payments made by the insured are required to bind the agreement, so the insurer can return or compensate for the damages or losses.

Indemnification may be compensated in the form of cash, by way of repairs or replacement, or by other means which the parties have agreed upon.

Indemnity Agreements for Board Directors

In order to attract high-quality professionals to serve as members of a Board of Directors, it is commonplace to have anindemnification agreement. The indemnification agreement protects the Board Directors against liabilities, losses, and lawsuits that may result from serving on the board of the company.

Essentially, the way it works is that the company agrees to indemnify the directors and hold them harmless from liabilities that may result from the business being sued or held responsible for a major loss.

It is common for company bylaws to contain provisions such as indemnification, but many Directors may wish to go one step further and have a specific agreement that cannot be changed or removed for any reason. The Agreement is a bilateral contract directly between the Director and the Corporation.

Learn about the Directors’ indemnification provisions in the Companies Act of 2006 here.

Example of Indemnity in Business

The owner of a commercial property has been paying an insurance premium to an insurance company so that she can recover the costs for any loss or damage if a future bad event were to happen to the establishment. If the building sustains significant structural damages from fire, then the insurance company will indemnify the owner for the costs to repair by way of reimbursing the owner or by reconstructing the damaged areas using its own authorized contractors.

What are the Types of Indemnity?

#1 Express indemnity

This is a written agreement to indemnify, where the terms and conditions by which the concerned parties must abide are usually indicated. These include insurance indemnity contracts, construction contracts, agency contracts, etc.

#2 Implied indemnity

This is an obligation to indemnify that arises, not from a written agreement, but more from circ*mstances or the conduct of parties involved. One practical example is an agent-principal business relationship. When the principal refuses to accept the goods that the agent supplies him, the agent can sell them to others; however, if the agent sustains a loss while selling, the principal is obligated to pay for it.

What is the Importance of Indemnity in Business?

Indemnity is prevalent in most agreements that involve an individual and a business; however, it also applies to businesses and governments, or between governments of different countries. This provides financial protection to cover costs in the event of negligence, mistakes, accidents, or some unavoidable circ*mstances that could highly impact the flow of the business.

Indemnity insurance is one way to be protected against claims or lawsuits. This insurance protects the holder from paying the full amount of a settlement, even if it is his fault. Many businesses require indemnity for their directors and executives because lawsuits are common. It covers court costs, lawyer’s fees, and settlements.

Typical examples of indemnity insurance are:

  1. Malpractice insurance
  2. Errors and Omissions (E&O) insurance
  3. Directors or Officers (D&O) insurance

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Indemnity (2024)


What do you mean by indemnity? ›

The word 'indemnity' finds its roots in the Latin word 'indemnis', which stands for 'unhurt' or 'free from loss'. Hence, indemnities are also referred to as 'hold harmless' agreements. Indemnities are contractual agreements that provide compensation for losses, damages, or liabilities sustained by another party.

What is the best example of indemnity? ›

For example, in the case of home insurance, the homeowner pays insurance premiums to the insurance company in exchange for the assurance that the homeowner will be indemnified if the house sustains damage from fire, natural disasters, or other perils specified in the insurance agreement.

What does full indemnity mean? ›

The word indemnity means security or protection against a financial liability. It typically occurs in the form of a contractual agreement made between parties in which one party agrees to pay for losses or damages suffered by the other party.

What best describes indemnity? ›

Indemnity is a comprehensive form of insurance compensation for damages or loss. In a legal sense, it may also refer to an exemption from liability for damages. The insurer promises to make the insured party whole again for any covered loss in exchange for premiums the policyholder pays.

Is indemnity good or bad? ›

There's nothing inherently wrong with having an indemnity that can apply to claims between the parties—if that's what the parties intend. But if the parties want the indemnity to apply only to third-party claims, they can say so in the contract.

What is right to indemnity in simple words? ›

2. Right to Indemnity: As per section 145, in every contract of guarantee there is an implied promise by the principal debtor to indemnify the surety; and the surety is entitled to recover from the the principal debtor whatever sum he has rightfully paid under the guarantee but no sums which he has paid wrong fully.

What is indemnity in a sentence? ›

The government paid the family an indemnity for the missing pictures. In case of loss of the vessel, the ship owner receives no indemnity for loss, but acquires immunity from payment of the loan.

What is indemnity in terms of use? ›

In legal terms, indemnity requires a nondelivering entity to compensate the aggrieved party for losses it incurred or expects to as a result of the nonperformance.

What are the two types of indemnity? ›

There are three main types of indemnity, any one of which can provide indemnification.
  • Express Indemnity. ...
  • Indemnity Implied-in-Fact. ...
  • Indemnity Implied-in-Law.
May 4, 2023

What is appropriate indemnity? ›

Appropriate cover is an indemnity arrangement which is appropriate to your role and scope of practice. It must take into account the nature and extent of the risks of practising in your role. Below we set out the likely arrangements depending on where you work.

What does it mean to indemnify someone? ›

To indemnify, also known as indemnity or indemnification, means compensating a person for damages or losses they have incurred or will incur related to a specified accident, incident, or event.

Why is indemnity important? ›

To indemnify someone is to absorb the losses caused to that party. The real significance of an indemnity clause is to protect the indemnified party against the third party lawsuits.

What happens when you indemnify someone? ›

To indemnify, also known as indemnity or indemnification, means compensating a person for damages or losses they have incurred or will incur related to a specified accident, incident, or event.

What does indemnity cover? ›

Indemnity insurance is a protective shield against financial loss due to liabilities or damages. Whether for an individual professional, a business, or specific situations like healthcare or property rental, it's an essential part of risk management.

What does it mean to claim indemnity? ›

Frequently Asked Questions. What is an Indemnity Claim? Indemnity Claims are the method by which a payer can claim their payment back under the Direct Debit Guarantee. The bank is obliged to offer an immediate refund in the event that a Direct Debit has been taken in error or without authority.

What is an indemnity payment? ›

Indemnity payments are (1) losses paid or expected to be paid directly to an insured by an insurer for first-party (e.g., property) coverages or on behalf of an insured for third-party (e.g., liability) coverages, or (2) payments made by the indemnitor under a hold harmless clause on behalf of the indemnitee.

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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.