The Ultimate Guide to Writing Attention-Grabbing Headlines That Get You Millions of Views (2024)

The Ultimate Guide to Writing Attention-Grabbing Headlines That Get You Millions of Views (2)

How much content are we creating and publishing? Facebook users post 1.7 million pieces of content in 60 seconds, Instagram users share 95 million photos in 24 hours and Youtubers upload 720,000 hours of video.
That’s a lot of noise!

Because there is so much noise (content), capturing attention and holding reader engagement is a tough gig. And the importance of a great headline to capture eyeballs and clicks is more important than ever.

In a world of AI-driven content generation, the attention bar is going to get higher and harder and the content creation growth will be exponential.

It’s simple.

The job of the headline is to get people to read the first line. The job of the second line is to get people to read the third line. And so on.

It’s all about holding engagement to realize the goals of the content and article.

The other reasons a headline is vital include the following:

  • Building brand awareness
  • Educating
  • To convert attention into a lead (a name and email address)
  • Or it could be to create trust and credibility
  • To start the journey to sell a product or a service
  • Or maybe just to entertain

Attention first and everything flows from that.

Next, you need to understand the power of using human emotions. Tap into the latest neuroscience and the psychology behind the art and science of headline writing.

There are many emotions you need to use and experiment with when writing great headlines. Also, you need to understand that it is an imperfect science and you will need to have some fun and test and experiment.

As a writer, it is always satisfying to see the headline you write go viral. It is almost addictive and can lead to an almost obsessive attention-seeking behavior.

Writing a great headline often involves tapping into fundamental emotional triggers that resonate with readers.

These triggers can spark curiosity, evoke emotions, and drive engagement.

Writing a great headline involves tapping into the following fundamental emotional triggers that resonate with readers:

  1. Curiosity: Curiosity is a powerful emotion that compels readers to click and learn more. Headlines that pose intriguing questions, tease a surprising revelation or offer a hint of the unknown can trigger curiosity and entice readers to engage further.
  2. Fear or Concern: Headlines that address readers’ fears or concerns can grab attention by tapping into their emotions. Highlighting potential risks, warning of common mistakes, or offering solutions to pressing problems can elicit a sense of urgency and prompt readers to seek answers.
  3. Desire for Improvement: People are constantly seeking ways to improve their lives, whether it’s achieving success, personal growth, or better relationships. Headlines that promise solutions, tips, or strategies for self-improvement appeal to the desire for progress and can attract readers who are actively seeking ways to enhance their lives.
  4. Emotional Appeal: Emotional triggers such as joy, awe, inspiration, or empathy can be highly effective in engaging readers. Headlines that evoke strong emotions by sharing heartwarming stories, inspirational achievements, or relatable experiences have a greater chance of capturing attention and resonating with readers on an emotional level.
  5. Exclusivity and FOMO (Fear of Missing Out): People have a natural inclination to be a part of exclusive or limited opportunities. Headlines that convey a sense of exclusivity, scarcity, or urgency can generate interest and create a fear of missing out. This trigger prompts readers to take action to avoid feeling left out.
  6. Surprise or Shock: Headlines that promise unexpected or shocking information have the potential to capture attention. By defying expectations or challenging common beliefs, these headlines pique curiosity and compel readers to explore further.
  7. Social Validation: Humans are social beings who seek validation and affirmation from others. Headlines that leverage social proof, testimonials, or expert endorsem*nts can attract attention by tapping into readers’ desire for validation and credibility.

It’s important to use emotional triggers ethically and responsibly, ensuring that the content aligns with the promise made in the headline. Balancing emotional appeal with authenticity and value is key to creating compelling headlines that resonate with readers.

So how do you start crafting these attention-grabbing headlines?

Well, we have already listed 7 emotional triggers. Now you need to find some words to help you create a strong hook to grab atttention.

The words you need to have on your list for inspiration are called “Power Words”. You tap the emotional evoking powers that they elicit to get that initial attention.

In writing, the term “Power words” refers to words and phrases that carry strong emotional, persuasive, or attention-grabbing impact. These are words that evoke specific emotions, create vivid imagery, or convey a sense of urgency or importance.

Power words are carefully chosen to elicit a desired response from the reader and make the writing more compelling and engaging.

Here are 10 Power words to get you inspired:

  1. Exclusive
  2. Sensational
  3. Revealing
  4. Proven
  5. Unveiled
  6. Unforgettable
  7. Ultimate
  8. Essential
  9. Surprising
  10. Revolutionary
The Ultimate Guide to Writing Attention-Grabbing Headlines That Get You Millions of Views (3)

We all love an instant hit of pleasure, and when headlines go viral that drives a ton of traffic in a short time.

But that is a short game.

If you can write an irresistible headline that is also optimized for search engines you can get traffic for years.

That’s the patience of a long game.

So…if you were wanting to follow just the logical and data-driven science of search engine optimization so that Google can find a keyword — then your headline could be very boring and lacking emotional triggers.

What is also needed is some spice to add to the science. That’s emotion.

To kick this off the answer is simple. You include the keyword in the headline and then wrap it in emotional triggers that tap human emotional drives, wants, and fears.

Let’s say we want to use the key search engine phrase “email marketing software” in a headline that still ticks the SEO technical requirements.

Here are some headlines that you could use that use emotion and the key phrase.

  • Unlock Success with Powerful Email Marketing Software Solutions
  • The Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing Software
  • The 10 Best Email Marketing Software Solutions to Boost Your Lead Generation

When conducting a search on Google the #1 ranked piece of content that came up in the first position was “The 6 Best Email Marketing Software of 2023

Something to keep in mind is that as well as being emotional Google does like “recency” and including an up-to-date piece of content is also a good SEO tactic that caters to Google’s algorithms.

The Ultimate Guide to Writing Attention-Grabbing Headlines That Get You Millions of Views (4)

There are a few ways and it could be as simple as using ChatGPT to give you a good start and if you want to get more technical then platforms like SEMRush and AhRefs are two great tools that you could use.

Headlines are one of the easiest marketing tactics to test. Over the decades they have been used in direct marketing, email marketing, viral headlines, YouTube videos, and on social media.

  1. How-to Headline:
  • “How to [Achieve Desired Outcome] in [Specific Timeframe/Steps]”
  1. Listicle Headline:
  • “X [Benefit/Tip/Idea] to [Achieve Desired Outcome]”
  1. Question Headline:
  • “Are You [Desirable Outcome]? Here’s What You Need to Know”
  1. Problem-Solution Headline:
  • “Struggling with [Problem]? Discover the [Solution/Method] that Works”
  1. Secret/Revelation Headline:
  • “The Secret to [Desirable Outcome]: [Reveal/Discover] the [Method/Strategy]”
  1. Comparison Headline:
  • “[Option A] vs. [Option B]: Which is the Best for [Specific Outcome]?”
  1. Testimonial Headline:
  • “[Person/Brand] Shares How [Product/Service/Method] Transformed Their [Outcome]”
  1. Controversial Headline:
  • “The Shocking Truth About [Topic/Issue] Revealed”
  1. Curiosity Headline:
  • “Discover the [Number] Secrets to [Achieve Desired Outcome]”
  1. Command Headline:
  • “[Action Verb] Your Way to [Desirable Outcome]”

Formula: It is a How-to Headline + Achievement + Specific Timeframe/Steps

Nothing like a headline combines the curiosity factor of a significant financial accomplishment (“$100,000”) with the promise of a detailed guide.

It appeals to readers looking for a specific outcome (“making money”) and provides a clear structure by offering a step-by-step approach.

Formula: Listicle Headline + Benefit/Idea + Desired Outcome

The power of a numbered list (“20 Secrets”) is always a link clicker.

It promises a positive emotional outcome (“happier life”) and taps into the desire for self-improvement. The headline format offers a clear structure and signals easy-to-digest content.

Formula: Controversial Headline + Topic/Issue + Revealing/Debunking

Grabbing attention by challenging common beliefs (“The Truth About Weight Loss”) is a headline that should be used often.

It appeals to readers interested in weight loss and offers a promise of debunking myths. By creating controversy around a popular topic, this headline generates curiosity and prompts readers to engage.

Formula: Case Study/Testimonial Headline + Achievement + Product/Method

Leveraging the power of social proof and success by showcasing a specific achievement is a headline winner that taps emotional triggers.

It incorporates a real-life example to inspire readers and positions the featured product/method as the solution to achieving similar results.

Formula: Curiosity Headline + Surprising Link/Connection + Benefit/Outcome

This headline piques curiosity by highlighting a surprising connection between two seemingly unrelated topics (“Sleep and Productivity”). It suggests a valuable insight that can potentially improve readers’ lives and offers a compelling reason to explore further.

These case studies demonstrate how different headline formulas can be applied effectively to grab attention, generate curiosity, and provide value to the target audience.

Remember to adapt these formulas to your specific content and audience, and always ensure the headline accurately represents the underlying content.

In the world before online video (pre-YouTube) and images (pre-Instagram) all we had to worry about was writing headlines for articles. Now we need to create headlines for different media.

This includes books, blog posts, and social media.

Here are five examples of potential great headlines for different types of content:

  1. Book Headline: “Unleashing the Power Within: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Personal Transformation”. This headline evokes curiosity and promises a transformative experience, enticing readers to explore the book’s contents.
  2. Blog Post Headline: “10 Proven Strategies to Boost Your Productivity and Conquer Your To-Do List”. This headline offers a clear benefit to the reader by promising practical strategies to enhance productivity, making it highly clickable.
  3. Social Media Content Headline: “Discover the Secrets of Mindful Living: Embrace Balance and Find Inner Peace” This headline appeals to the desire for personal growth and introduces the concept of mindfulness, generating interest and engagement on social media platforms.
  4. YouTube Video Headline: “Epic Travel Adventure: Exploring the Hidden Gems of [Destination]” This headline sparks excitement and curiosity, promising viewers an extraordinary travel experience while highlighting the specific destination.
  5. Another YouTube Video Headline: “Master the Art of Photography: Essential Tips for Capturing Breathtaking Moments” This headline offers valuable expertise and promises to enhance viewers’ photography skills, making it appealing to photography enthusiasts.

Remember, great headlines are tailored to the target audience, highlight a benefit or promise, and evoke emotions or curiosity.

ChatGPT uses Artificial intelligence and it is a good tool for writing headlines but it tends to be a bit too formulaic and predictable. It can be used but use it mainly for inspiration rather than as your “go-to” tool.

So…when I started writing headlines I kept a range of headline tools and resources at my fingertips to inspire me and sharpen my skills. It might seem overwhelming at first, but as you practice and learn they will start to become part of your writing fabric and skillset.

The Ultimate Guide to Writing Attention-Grabbing Headlines That Get You Millions of Views (5)

CoSchedule Headline Analyzer: This tool analyzes your headline and provides feedback on its quality, word balance, length, and emotional appeal. It offers suggestions for improvement.

Portent’s Content Idea Generator: Generate some catchy and creative headline ideas based on a keyword or topic. It helps spark inspiration and offers unique headline suggestions.

BuzzSumo: BuzzSumo allows you to research popular headlines in your niche or industry. By analyzing the most shared content, you can gain insights into headline trends and find inspiration for your own headlines.

Headline Smasher: Headline Smasher generates variations of your original headline, providing different phrasings and word choices to enhance its impact and effectiveness.

Emotional Marketing Value Headline Analyzer: This tool evaluates your headline’s emotional appeal and rates it based on the Emotional Marketing Value (EMV) score. It helps gauge how likely your headline is to resonate with readers on an emotional level.

HubSpot Blog Topic Generator: While primarily focused on generating blog post ideas, this tool can also provide headline suggestions. Just input a few relevant keywords, and it will generate topic ideas and headline prompts.

Copyblogger’s Magnetic Headlines: This resource provides a comprehensive guide to headline writing. It covers various headline formulas, techniques, and examples to help you craft compelling headlines.

Remember to use these tools and resources as aids in your headline creation process, but also rely on your own creativity and understanding of your target audience to develop unique and engaging headlines.

Headlines are your biggest source of attention whether you are posting on social media, creating Youtube videos, launching a book, or trying to get some leads and build your email list.

Use the headline formulas, take some of the examples, and have some fun experimenting and testing headlines.

So, keep creating, publishing, and sharing your headlines. But most importantly, have some fun!

The Ultimate Guide to Writing Attention-Grabbing Headlines That Get You Millions of Views (2024)


The Ultimate Guide to Writing Attention-Grabbing Headlines That Get You Millions of Views? ›

A good headline is clear, concise, and informative, and it summarizes the main idea of the article. It goes without saying that you should also make it interesting and engaging, and encourage the reader to want to learn more. Remember: You don't have to get it right the first time.

What is a good attention grabbing headline? ›

A good headline is clear, concise, and informative, and it summarizes the main idea of the article. It goes without saying that you should also make it interesting and engaging, and encourage the reader to want to learn more. Remember: You don't have to get it right the first time.

How to make an attention grabbing title? ›

14 Tips For Crafting Attention-Grabbing Headlines
  1. Make Clarity And Simplicity Top Priorities. ...
  2. Put The 'So What' In Your Headline. ...
  3. Write In A Style That Matches The Buying Audience. ...
  4. Focus On What Makes Your Story Different. ...
  5. Consider The Image As Much As The Headline. ...
  6. Choose Words That Make An Impact.
Mar 30, 2023

What's a good eye-catching headline? ›

Tips and Best Practices for a Catchy Headline
  • Keep It Concise: Aim for 6-8 words for optimal engagement.
  • Use Power Words: Power Words like “exclusive,” “secret,” or “ultimate” can add a punch.
  • A/B Test: Experiment with different headlines to see which resonates more.
Oct 31, 2023

How do you write a clever headline to attract more attention? ›

How to write catchy headlines that grab attention
  1. Use the active voice. ...
  2. Be crystal clear. ...
  3. Stay short and snappy. ...
  4. Teach people something useful. ...
  5. Appeal to your audience. ...
  6. Speak directly to your reader. ...
  7. Try trigger words. ...
  8. Use numerals.
Sep 13, 2023

What is a catchy headline example? ›

For example, “Mistakes People Make When Training Their Dog” or “10 Things To Avoid When Baking Cookies.” These headlines play off the readers' fears of making mistakes and provide solutions, so they do it right the first time.

What is the most attention grabbing word? ›

25 attention-grabbing words
  1. Immediately. The word "immediately" conveys a sense of urgency that you should do something right now. ...
  2. Sharp. The word "sharp" may create different visual images depending on the other words in the sentence. ...
  3. Renewed. ...
  4. Instantly. ...
  5. Invigorated. ...
  6. Unleashed. ...
  7. Unlimited. ...
  8. Personalized.
Mar 10, 2023

What are strong headlines? ›

It must attract interest from the target audience, give potential readers a sense of the article, and demonstrate the brand voice. It may hint at the purpose or context of the article. It needs to intrigue, grab attention, and be accurate. Finally, it needs to be concise. That's a lot of work for so few words.

What is a good example of an attention grabber? ›

A few common attention grabbers are: - A short, meaningful quote that relates to your topic. - Think of a quote that interested you during your research.

What is a good catchy title? ›

You can use action words in your title to create a sense of urgency and authority, and using descriptive adjectives can help create a picture for your reader. Be careful about the specific words you use and consider how they sound or appear when typed out, as this can affect a title's catchiness.

How to write viral headlines? ›

Your headline should give the impression that the reader or user will actually gain something from the article. We want to be informed, so use an informative headline to draw people in. Not to go too Kama Sutra, but appeal to your reader's desires and needs – what would they want to learn more about?

How do you write a killer headline? ›

Writing Killer Headlines: Tips and Tricks to Grab Your Reader's...
  1. Use Numbers and Statistics. Using numbers and statistics in your headlines is a highly effective way to grab the attention of your readers. ...
  2. Use Power Words. ...
  3. Make it Controversial. ...
  4. Keep it Short and Sweet. ...
  5. Use Questions. ...
  6. Conclusion:
Mar 15, 2023

How to make an eye-catching title? ›

  1. Keep It Short, Simple, and to the Point. ...
  2. Be Clear About Your Main Benefit. ...
  3. Announce Exciting News (News Your Audience Cares About) ...
  4. Questions in the Headline. ...
  5. Appeal to You Reader's Hunger for Knowledge. ...
  6. Tell Your Audience What to Do! ...
  7. Create the most valuable information resource.
Jan 6, 2023

What are some attention grabbing phrases? ›

Phrases that keep your viewers' attention — Listen up:
  • 1) “So you've got this great idea”
  • 2) “Here's the thing”
  • 3) “Is there some magic way around this mental roadblock? “
  • 4) “You better believe there is”
  • 1) “Great coffee at home — you need 3 things”
  • 2) “Coffee Buying Tips”
  • 3) “Slow down”
  • 4) “Umm, what now?

What is an attractive headline? ›

A headline should be simple and direct so that readers can quickly and easily understand the article. At the same time, a headline should be powerful enough to grab attention and make people want to read more. Write it in an easy way for your readers to understand and follow.

What's a good headline for a dating profile? ›

Best Dating Profile Headlines: How to write a successful title
  • “You'll never believe why I moved to…” ...
  • “Seeking someone to do … with.” ...
  • “Willing to lie about how we met.” ...
  • “I'm sweet, ambitious and thoughtful.” ...
  • “I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good.” ...
  • “Looking for my Netflix & chill.”
Sep 22, 2023

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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Views: 6095

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Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.