The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

THE UNION, SPRINGFIELD, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1, 1942 21 "There's No Place Like Ads Will Buy, Sell or Furnish Your Home BUSINESS SERVICES Moving-Trucking-Storage REFRIGERATORS-RANGE MOVING HUCK'S. TRANSFER, INC. 1880. Dial 3-5147. STORAGE MOVING PACKING J.

J. SULLIVAN, "THE MOVERS, INC." DIAL 2-2168. 385 LIBERTY ST. Professional Services SUPERFLUOUS HAIR--When other methods fall Electrolysis will always remove Fuperfluous Hair permanently. Sadie Bohling.

1331 Maln St. Rm. 303. 3-1070. EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted--Female A rare capable of child, 3-0286 for or light 3-8214.

housework, A capable girl, general housework, cooking, very good pay. 4-6739. A HAIRDRESSER with at leant mod, shop, Forest Park district, Box 353, U'nlon for positiona, college other positions, 74 A WOMAN house boma nights, Sat. Afternoon Sunday Gond nAy. Call Ina lured part time.

opp, pay, No canvassing, 4-2983. A week to start (20-33 single, private office in corporation, able to meet paccutives, near city. llanley', 74 BEAUTY week start, steady position. Ing. Room 312, 1653 Main 8t Young Building.

exper. Good galAry and permanent position. Call for appointment. CAPARLE alteration womAn wanted once. Must be familiar with fitting cloth coats and suita.

Apply Scott Furriers, 1421 Main St. DYE house workers wanted. W. Warren Thread Works, Westfield. DISHWASHER and kitchen helper.

Apply At. once. Student Prince Cafe, Fort EXPERIENCED girl. or. woman for.

gen. hawk. $15. Hef. Req.

Rox 666, Union Off. EXPERIENCED power machine sewers dresses, Holyoke Dress 33 Lyman, EXP. hairdresser beauty operator for dept. store. Write Box 667, I'nion Office.

EXPERIENCED operators on sewing machines. Bliss U'ndergarment 165 Front Chicopee. EXPERIENCED Kiri woman. gen. housework.

Live in. Call T'ville. 5206. EXPERIENCED shirt folders, good pay. Apply Mrs.

Wallace, 246 Chestnut St. EXPERIENCED waltress wanted. Apply Alfonse's Restaurant, 323 Dwight St. EXPERIENCED operators on ladies dresses. Apply Victoria Dress New Dwight St.

"EXPERIENCED Jaw stenographer. Established firm. Good salary. Give particulars references. Box 568.

U'nion Off. EXPERIENCED woman for gen. housework. References, $50 Inonth. Pleasant room.

4-6239. EXCELLENT positions for stenographers, bookkeepers. Apply Wednesday, O' Keefe Employment Service, 31 Elm St. EXPERIENCED girl for spcond work, Adults in family. Call Wed.

afternoons or After 8 p.m. evenings. 111 Maple St. Tel. EXPERIENCED operators on seW.

mach. Girls working on or have applied for defense work need not apply. Chicopee girls preferred. Box 038. Union Office.

GIRLS and married women can earn $25 to $50 weekly. Nice clean work--no long hours, Apply 11 Lyman 8.30 to 9.30 a. m. GIRL for general housework, no washing or Ironing. children.

Tel. 3-4689. GIRL wanted for ice cream store. Apply At the Igion, 881 Carew St. GIRL OR BOY fur soda fountaiu, experienced preferred.

Auply Sadler's Drug; 1134 Main St. GIRL, or woman, gen. housework, able to conk, small home, 2-years-old child, good wages, Box 674. Union Office. GIRL OR WOMAN- General housework, in apt.

2. adulta. StAy nighta. 4-7096. GIRL.

(white), 14 to 17, housework. Mrs. Field, 68 Temple St. GIRLS for light work in woodworking plant. Apply Office.

Dana H. Courtney Chicopee St. Chicopee. HILT, DISTRICT wanted, 1.30- 4.30. 127 Marlborough St.

Tel. 4-1879. MAID for Ken. housework, 3 adults in good pay, Reference required. Tel, 2-8324.

MAID WANTED. APPLY CHARTY HOTEL, 2000 MAIN ST. SALES GIRLS for outside work. Can earn $25.00 per week at start. Room 211, 1563 Main St.

TWO experienced shirt girls, one bosom operator, 1 all around shirt girl. Must he fast, Good pay. Apply Colonial Laundry. 180 New Bridge West Spfld. TWO GIRLS for assorting.

also Inexperienced girls for laundry work. Apply National Laundry, 79 Bay St. WAITRESS and commissary woman. Hull Dobba House, 273 State St. WAITRESS WANTED.

HAPPYLAND RESTAURANT. 630 PAGE BLVD. WAITRESS, counter- girl. Apply Forest Park Restaurant at the Park resident preferred. Experienced, extra work, Faturdaya holidays.

$2, meals. Call Wayside, 2-7478. WAITRESS, refined girl for refined atmosphere. 335 Dwight St. WAITRESS WANTED AI'PLY AT WONDER BAR, LYMAN ST.

WAITRESSES, experienco not' necessary, will train, over 21. Howard Johnson, West Spild. Phone or call hostess after 5. WANTED houseworker, no washing. only little cooking.

excellent I'ay $15 Reek. Very good position for right per- son. Box 2310, Union Office. WANTED experienced sprayer. Applicant must be able to mix enamels lacquers, blend colors do antique finial.

Call at Hampden Novelty Co. 656 Main, ITolyoke. WANTED bakery salesgirl, also helper, Sumner Pastry Shop, 71 Sumner Ave. WANTED salesladies for ladles wearing apparel. Apply Dunhill's, 1214 Main St.

WE will employ 2 canvassers to sell coffee in Springfield and surrounding territory. Guar. $3 dally earnings, trans. furn, See Mr. Greene, 34 Taylor St.

WOMAN for kitchen. Good pay. Apply 386 Bridge St. WOMEN (2) canvassers, full or part -time work, ran earn very good income. Apply between 9-11 m.

93 State St. GIRL, for housework, and assist with. children, no washing or cooking. Good home. Call Thompsonville 4256 between 5-6 p.

m. YOUNG LADIES -Some of our girls save $500 a season walting on tables at our nationally famous shore restaurant near New London which opens April 25th. Here's real opportunity for several ambitious girls. Ample time for water sporta, recreation and church. Day and st halt off weekly for visiting home.

Room and board free. Write or phone for appointment. S. C. Wood, Conn.

Help Wanted 33 AN EXPERIENCED UPHOLSTERERApply Labrecque, 546 Main St. ALL AROUND machine, steady Work And good pay. American Elec. Service Maint. 6 Parainnunt St.

AN exp. sales clerk, steady employment, good salary. call at: Gordon's Army Navy Store. 1747 Main St. AN OFFORTUNITY for 1st class machinit and tool maker for immediate work At to top wages.

Orchard. Hampden 8-1243. Machine Tool Indian APPLY NOW for Walking route. Permanent earnings. Whole or part time.

83-87 Taylor St. AT HANLEY'S-A refined young man' (hotel work), no exp. needed. 74 lillman. BAKER'S HELPER- -Must have at least 1 year's experlence.

Steady position with good Jackson's, 1478 Main St. BELL BOYS, over 18 yrs. Apply Charty Hotel. 2000 Main St. WANTED to drive sAlesman.

around, $1.50 per day. Call 7-9189. BOT over 18 years of age to work in office. Apply Manager, Park Square lIotel, Weatfield, Masa, BOT over 16, clean and of good habits on dairy farm help on small milk. route.

430 Eart Longmeadow. Good home board, good wages. to Tel. BOYS (2) over (18) willing to work (6) hours per day. Can earn ($1.00) per hour.

Rm. 213, lIftchrock Bldg. CHAUFFEUR--Experienced, private fam11y. Assiat with housework and gardening. Permanent.

References. P. O. Box 601. Spring held, COOK for short order work.

Apply ManAger Park Square Hotel, Weetfield. DISHWASHER and kitchen helper apply at once. Student Prince Cafe, Fort st. EXPERIENCED tool makers to qualify AR assistant to foreman in production dept. Salary pay for men qualifying.

Apply to Brown, J. Steven Arms River Plant, Chicopee Falls, Mass. 31 EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted--Male 33 EXPERIENCED barber, steady job, union wages. Apply 1163 Dwight st. EXPERT TREEMAN.

STATE AGE P. O. BOX 261, NORTHAMPTON, MASS. EXPERIENCE man to do pasteurizing. State references compensation wanted.

Box 4037. Union Office. Ilolyoke. EXPERIENCED electric motor winders: Apply American Elec. Service Maint.

5 Paramount St. EXP. SHONMAKER wanted for steady job. Good pay. Champion Shoe Repair, Elin Tel.

1654, EA maker at I'oole's. Inquire Shoo Ropair, basem*nt. EXT. Aiding mechante. It you did not make At least $60 Inut week, Write lox GON, T'mion office, EXPERIENCED cord strippers and fenders on woolen ring cards wanted.

Good pay, Mirady work. Good lodgings and hoard obtainable at reasonable ratra. Apply Hartford Spinning, ville, Conn. FINE CLANN CARPENTERS- Report 1. TAIL with refer.

Mr. 34 Bummer MAKERS 1141 tout makers. Top to top Varsity MIx. 133 HOUSE inion or MAN-Aapply call 4-8720, Charty ilotel, 2000 Main St. LEATHER CUTTER: wanted, experienced on clicker, state experience salary wanted to Box 3300, Union Office: MAN wanted on spray truck.

Good WAgON, Curtis, Thompsonville 3403. MANAGER for men women's shoe dept. Experienced salesman only apply. Inquiries confidential. Box 554, Union Off.

MARRIED MEN or single men can earn $25 to $50 weekly. Nice clean workno long hours. Apply 41 Lyman 8.30-9.30 A. m. MECHANICS NEEDED FOR NATIONAL DEFENSE JOBS General machinists, jig die makers, large.

lathe and boring mill hands State experlence, age and draft classification Vicinity of Boston Box 2297, Union Office. MECHANIC Experie on T. W. S. Brinton Circular Machines.

Splendid onportunity, Apply Box 2309, Union Off. MEN'S CLOTHING SALESMAN Reliable store, wk. Box 635, Union Office. MUT.E spinners A wanted on Davis Ferber and Johnson Bassett mules. Good pay.

Good room and board accommodations, No labor trouble. Jobs open day and night shift. Apply Hartford Spinning Unionville, Conn. NATIONALLY known manufacturing company needs ambitious man to take over 800 family route in Hampden County. No capital or experience.

Write Mr. Bradford, Box Newark, N. Dept. Il197-1, NEW ENGLAND'S largest fur establishment can use fur estimators immediately, sales ability and car. principle requirements, Training provided to right type men.

Attractive offer can be made an the neld provides opportunitles, Reply Box G61, Union Office. NIGHT MAN garage. Experlenced, Jocal, with references. J. C.

Byrnes, 34 Sumner Ave. PAINTERS WANTED, spray men, inside Re outside men. 1st class only. Call 3-6547 between 6 8 p. m.


HOGAN 28 TAYLOR SPRINGFIELD, MASS. SALESMAN. with car, must, have good record. Salary and commission to start. R.

I. Lemoine, 360 Worthington St. SCREEN printers wanted at once flourly rate and bonus. Must be experienced. Post Office Box 383, Middletown, Conn.


Hartford Dispatch Warehouse, 214 Birnie Ave. TRAILER DRIVER with at least 2. vears exp. state age, qual. Henry O.

Rivest Trucking 671 Grattan. Chic. Falls. WANTED -Man to. run dishwashing machine: also houseman to work in boys' school, 9 miles from Springfield.

Call North Wilbraham 8128. WANT once. Exper, machinists, at Orange factory. Good pay and steady work. defense.

Apply to Box 2306 Union Office. WANTED middle-aged man to make city deliveries and assist in stockkeeping 'by local branch of national organization. Must be in good physical condition and right man. Call Mr. Nessel, 2-8905.

furnish references, Good opportunity for hand. 137 Norman WANTED cylindrical grinder and So lathe West Springfield, envelope die cutter for Box 2307. Union Offire. WANTED MAN on golf course, with some experience. Tel.

7-0511. WANTED gage and Axture makers; grinders, gage and lathe tors. Apply in person. I'recialon Enxineering North Feeding ITills. WAS excellent working makers up to Top date shop, condition.

pay to qualified men. City Tool Die Taylor St. WE will employ 2 canvassers to sell fee 11. Springfield and surrounding territory. Guar.

$3 dally earnings, trans. furn. See Mr. Greene, -34 Taylor St. YOUNG MAN to assist In care of office building.

Steady work. Give draft status. Box 647, Union Office. YOUNG MAN with clerical. experience to take charge of receiving and shipping dept.

Apply Floc. Maint. 3 P'aramount St. Male Help--Salesmen 33-A ESTABLISHED Koppers co*ke to territory with large Springfield fuel firm open to responsible, ambitious man. Permanent position, salary, commission.

Private car preferred. Unusual opportunity, Apply Koppers co*ke, 1214 Main St. Female Help 35 REGISTER now for 10 weeks course. Evenings 'Tuesday-Thuraday, Silarco School of Dental Assistants. Room 12, 1029 Main lortford.

next Strand Theater. Situations -36 COMPETENT and honest colored girl desires store work or part time work afternoons, Box 660, Union Office, Nitnations Wanted -Male LINTOYPE operator, 20 years experience wants permanent job. Good references. Box 4034, Holyoke ('nion Office. MACHINE TOOL Supervisor, age 36, U.S.

citizen, now working in Boston, have wide range of mecbanical production. tooling and Inspection, also trainIng and working women, Desire position ax master machinic, chief inspector or plant superintendent In or adjacent to Springfield. Will be available April 10. Rox T'nion Office. FINANCIAL Business Opportunities 38 BOWLING Alley, 4 alleys 12 pool tables.

Sacrifice for $2000, 7-9252. 4-3307. DINER- -Cost $8500. sacrifice for $1500. Terms.

Don't miss this chance. 7-9252, B. 11 mon. netted $11,000. Price $12.000.

Terms. Box 670. Union. FOR SALE--Excellent Bakery Route, Mill not $50 weekly. Apply Box 669.

Union. FOR QUICK SALE Jewelry repair shop. fully equipped; at lolyoke, proprietor died. Box 5 Lation. GENUINE OPPORTUNITY ITere 13 the opportunity you have been looking for.

Business for yourself in Springfield. A successfully operating ness in Avallable for the right party, Excellent income, amall investment required to take over current active inventory. Box 676 Union Office. GROCERY STORE for sale, Gond business good location. bullt business, Box 673, Luion Office.

I MAIL ROUTE LONG CONTRACT.I TELEPHONE 3-7550. Bus. Opportunities Wanted 38-A ARE YOU GOING OUT OF BUSINESS? We pay cash for entire stocks, surplus merchandise, machinery, Anywhere in N. E. Out-right or percentage basis.

Confidential service. Write, wire or call AMERICAN AUCTION LIQUIDATING COMPANY LIQUIDATERS 1069 Main St. Maas, 4-5136--6-1083 P'ersonal Financing 39 ABANDON ALL P'ersonal Bankers, Inc. "On Court 21 At. License 232.

Tel. 2-4158. AUTO LOANS low Owner's signature only. Springfeld Finance 1400 Main At, License 17. 4-3198.

LOANS YOUR PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 1618 Nt. loom 209, Jowles Bid r. 73. Tel.

4-1191 LOAN FOR TAXON, Old Fic. NEW METHOD PINANCE CORI', 1502 Snin Nt, LIPPING Tel, 4-2127. LOANS UP TO 300. Hignature only. Prompt Ounranty Loan T'ian.

1337 Main st. Idrenmo 212, Tel. 2-1260, Money to Loan 40 AUTO LOANS $300 to $1000 510 Main At. Tel. 8-9294.

MOTOR ACCEPTANCE CASII PAID on watches, diamonds, jewelry. Court Square Jewelers. New address. 170 Worthington st. MORTGAGE LOANS--If you need money 10, buy, bulld or refinance your present home.

See Lamas 23 Elm 4-3637 MORTGAGE MONEY for refinancing homes or new home construction. Mortgage Service 115 State. 6-5467. INSTRUCTION Ballroom Dancing, Dramatic 41 BALLROOM DANCING -Accordian, piano, Voice guitars. Jime.

Beauregard's School of Music. 1634 Main 2-6317. Private Instructions 45 STENOGRAPITIC, Secretarial, Bookkeeping courses open now. Catalog free, Bay Path Institute, 100 Chestnut St. 6-2704.

LIVESTOCK Dogs, Cats, Pets A BEAUT. litter high class gun dog. Eng. setter puppies. Novel Faster gift.

Blaine Kennels, 78 lomestead Ave. Indian Or. BLUE CROSS--A good home Is wanted for a female cat. Tel. 4-5787.

ENGLISII bull dog puppies (fawn color. reg. A. K. C.

for sale. Tel. 2-6580. WILL buy a whole litter of cheap pups. Any breed.

Also rabbits. 2-0972. Horses. Cattle, Vehicles 48 FOR SACK--Good atock and horse hay, 1 pair light work horses, 5 6 yrs. old.

Also A few. saddle horses, Sunnyvale. Tel. Southwick 924 FOR SALE 3 and 5-galted saddle horses, direct from Kentucky. Call Patenaude, corner Westwood and North Main Fast Longmeadow.

FRESI and used horses. WIll sell or trade for livestock. F. O. Grapes, Warren.

Tel. 146-2. PAIR HORSES-2500 lbs, single or double. Reasonable. J.

Mr. ITaley, Brimfeld. Tel. 0-11. Poultry and Suppiles 49 A BETTER price: for your.

live poultry. Harry Solomon, 294 Fountain St. 4-1774. ALL LIVE POULTRY wanted. Good prices.

I. Kaplan, 134 Knollwood 3-5403. ALWAYS beat prices paid for poultry. Superman, 993 Memorial W. 8.

3-2371. to 14c. (Slate Ped. stock used. Cash or credit.

Booklet. MicMurdy's, Bernardston 3431, Spfld. 2-6134. EGG PRODUCERS Sell your eggs to Rood Mr. Swift.

Woodbury 1924 Alain Market, prices Springfeld. paid. See KERR'S LIVELY CITICKS Since 1908. Leghorn co*ckerels $2 per 100. Kerr Chickeries, West 2-7317.

clean chicks. Best for layers sexed pullets co*ckerels, reda, rocks, crosses 6PX linked. now. Calendar free. 4-0162.

Wanted--Livestock 50 HIGHEST cash prices paid for cows, calfs, hogs. Maspo. Agawam. 6-7848. MERCHANDISE Articles for Sale 51 KELVINATOR Sturge Milker, good farm horses.

B. J. Roberts, Granville, Mass. Phone 2861. 1938 DELUXE cub airplane, relicensed in November.

Call 3-5682 between 6-7 p.m. Cameras and Equipment 61-A A GOOD outdoor movie film 100 feet. 1G min. $3.35. Double 8 mm.

$1.35. John 1. Deely (with Cheney's) 301 Bridge. 6-2739 A SERIES Graflex with 6-inch. 11.3 Zeiss Tessar lens, $108.

Terms trades will be accepted. United Camera Luggage Shop. 1688 Main Paramount Theater Bldg. FOTH DERHY 13.5 with case $16.75. Kodak 620 14.5 ..16.50.

Freedman Radio 1225 Main 6-1861. MOVIES for sale, also to rent, war, sports, comedies, Westerns. Bloom's Luggage Camera Shop, 1657 Main St. Business Equipmont DESK and Swivel Chair. 31 Elm Room 242.

Phone 6-0060. ELEC. paint shaker, large fluorescent light, mounted fox, elec. clock, metal display stands, andirons, restaurant ranges, gag griddles, pie ovens, steam table. coffee urns, etc.

HOLYOKE AUCTION Iolyoke. STORE FIXTURES for every business. New and used. Pava Store Equipment Liberty and Ileywood Sts. $1200 new store equipment.

$415 cash takes it. 3-0240, Box 673 Union Office. 500 THEATER chairs with leather seats. Park Wrecking Center Chicopee, Tel. 1203.

Boats and Accessories 53 SWAP now for an ELIO. Laurence King, West Feeding Hills. 4-6236. USED MOTORS, $24.70 up. Used boats, $42.50.

Supplies. Beique's, 134 Iligh Holyoke. Building 54 A NICE LOT of 2x11, 24 ft. 1.: 3x10, 15 ft. 1., Iron beams, fire doors, one 8-sec.

boiler, radiators, pipes, plumbing fixtures, asbestos wall board, battleship linoleum, doors, and windows. Park Wrecking Center Chic. Tel. 1203. LARGE quantity of 4-inch used piank 24 ft.

long. H. F. Lynch Lumber 729 Memorial West Springfield. 6-2775.

Fuel and Feed 56 ALL DRY fireplace, furnace slab wood from $6.00 up. Chicopee 188. HOPPER low A Vaintile steam coal and track. Phone Balch, 6-8010. Good Things to Eat 37 APPLES-200 bushels, all good eating and rooking variety in cold storage.

Baldwin, Greenings, McIntosh and Pewaukees, Wright A. Root, Hendrick Easthampton 132-M. Household Goods A-1 BANNER BARGAINS 20. RO. yds.

Gold Seal Cong. $6.93 9x13 HEAVY PELT RUG $3.39 GO 8q. yds. FELT BASE 28c yd. FREE DELIVERY OPEN EVENINGS FURN.

OUTLET, 1049 Main, cor. Park -Mattresses $3.95 up; 5-piece porcelain breakfast set, $19.95: 3-piere bet outfit $14.95. Okun 1913 Main St. BEST CASH PRICE FURNITURE. RUGS, STOVES.

BEDROOM DINING SETS. FURNITURE OUTLET. INC. beautiful new living room aulto, bargain! Tel. 3-9078.

A CLOSEOUT-10 high-grade living room sets, Remarkably low prices. 15 Hampden. A GRAND OPENING SPECIAL 3-Piece Modern Parlor Suit $69 UNION FURN. 1054 Main. Open Eves.

WINCHENDON 3-pc. solid mahogany bedroom suite, $98. Edward's Furniture, 890. State St. Open eves.

Tel. 6-3261. AI OIL burners, oil heaters, oil combination ranges, at cost prices. Buy today or be without for duration. Miller 1935 Main.

Open. eves. 3-4755. BALLOON CHAIRS $22.75, barrel chairg $26.75, Wing chairs $29.85, studiola solas $39.50. These are all Springfield Upholstery Awning 33-37 Dwight near State.

BARGAINS -Florence stores other famous maker, heaters of all kinds, from $4.95 up. Max. Okun. 1313 Main St. COIL BED spring and innerspring mattress.

Good condition, $20. Call mornings. 201 Wilbraham 2d floor, FINANCIAL MERCHANDISE Honsehold Goods- 59 BEDS-1 double, singles, suitable for family use or 3-1106. DINING ROOM SET-10-piece, $10. Easy wASher $10.

Range oil burner. Cacti, good Easter gifts, fireplace grate, mah. cabinets. Bed, old -fashioned dresser. rugs, occasional a leather chair.

Puppy kennel. Roll wire. Plant pots, Lady's riding boots. and other articles. Phone 6-0392 after 5 p.m, ELECTROLUX Vacuum.

Perfect. All attachmenta Cost $77. Sell $35. 4-5511, NEW deluxe innerspring mattress. Reg.

ur to $39.95, (1 wl only) $14.95, 15 llampden. OAK DINING TABLE--Buffet, chairra $10, 8-5732. Roxhury and All good maker. Harold G. Moore, 555 Enfleld Thompsonville 4396.

Open IG8--Great savings, Wiltons, Junt Shen, Weavers for Years, 810 Enfleld. 4371, Open until 9. minsters, broadlooms. White Orientals, Wiltons, 1123 Open evenings. wkly.

payment, tons, Axminatore, Main 929 Main Hp 4-8084, Open Formerly Orchard Co. sOLID dining rovin sot. Ileas. price. Tel, 6-3340.

Apinner Type Washing Machine. A-1 condition. Trice $50. Call 6-1915 after 6 p.m. WHITE.

GARLAND gas alove, quick sale. Apply 2-6 p.m. 143 Newbury, Chicopee. ROOMS on FURNITURE Everything Furnished Complete Easy Terms Free Delivery 548. A Main WAREHOUSE Blocks Below OUTLET State 1095 A NEW treat in comfort.

Studio style innerspring mattresses, new maple furniture. The Westmor, 52 Iligh St. ATTRAC. rooms and bath, private floor, private home. Near Armory.

4-4729. ATTRACTIVE ROOMS, quiet, refined home, modern convenlences. Board ontional, 4-3353. Jewelry and Watches for. Diamonds.

Old Gold. Silver, P'latinum, Mr. J. KITTREDGE, 1334 Main St. Tel.

6-0373. CITANGE old watches for new; cash old gold, silver, diamonds, antique jewel. Watches, clocks, jewel. rep. G.

C. GRIMES, 2d fir. Bookstore Bldg. 2-0118 Machinery and Tools A 10x15 Golding. condition.

$150. P. O. Box 462, Springfield. BROWN.

SHARPE cutter grinder, Cincinnail miller, Smith Mills 13-in. shaper. Cincinnati 24-in. shaper, quick-change lathe, drill presses, metal equipment, 200-ump. arc.

weider, woodworking equipment. Logan precision lathe, motors and small tools. Springfield Auction 769 Dwight St. 4-8801. FOR SALE All the Surplus Machinery Equipment of the former Boston Duck Company, Rondsville, including machine shop equipment, office equipment, motors, electrical supplies, trucks, scales, shaftings, pulleys, belting.

etc. Can be seen at the plant in Bondsville, four miles from Palmer. ONE Whitcomb metal planer, 4 It. One John Steptoe milling machine, for sale. 2-7273, lIolyoke.

ONE 50 I. P. electric motor, 2 phase 440 volt, with compensator. F. Lynch Lumber 729 Memorial West Springfield, 6-2775.

Musical Instruments 63 SEVEKAL good used uprights $20 and up. F. 0. B. store.

Cleaned, tuned and polished. Steinert's, 1231 Main St. SMALL BABY Grand Piano, mahogany, nearly new. Refinished and guaranteed. Price low.

Steinert'e, 1231 Main St. Radios 62-A ZENITH, Philco, RCA, GE, portables, $3 to 33 Church St. Rm. 8. Open to 9.30.

Seeds, Plants, Fertilizers 63 A-1 SERVICE plowing, harrowing, fer tilizing Victory gardens, tractor grading for new homes. Merrill, 952 Allen St. GARDEN cow manure. also clean, well rotted cow manure, bu, or load. 6-7351.

SEEDS--Field garden seeds prepared by Frank the Seedman. Fancy fruits and vegetables. Strictly fresh eggs. Mason's Farm Market, 42 Vernon St. Tel.

Wearing Apparel 65 BRAND NEW MEN'S SUITS TOPCOATS, 3000 slightly used ones, Tuxedos $8 up. Sport coats, $4 up. Boy's suits, Open evenings. SCHAFFERS, 42 New Dwight, near State GIRL'S navy coat, pink 'taffeta dress, aqua skirt, Size 10. Boy Scout suit Size 12.

3-1994, mornings. LADIES' spring coats suits, $3.75 $5 up. Fur coats jackets 'to $100. Children's clothing. 38 New Dwight.

Wanted to Buy 66 A Banner Bargain--Free Installation 20 Yds. Genuine G. S. Congoleum $9.75 UNION FURN. 1054 Main.



ENTIRE ESTATES ANTIQUES FURNITURE GORDON N. REID, 2-3271 IP YOU HAVE any old antique buttons will buy A 11 quantity for cash. Box 4035, Union Office. JOHNSON'S BOOKSTORE PAYS CASH for Used Books, Antique Furniture and Antiques. 1379 Main St.

Dial 2-6221. ROOMS AND BOARD Rooms With Board Armory, nice front room, 1 or 2 private family, Board. 4-8527. Rooms Without Board 68 A-1 10OM next to bath with shower, gar. or parking.

344 St. James, 3-9247. A CLEAN ROOM -Very central. 68 Temple St. Mrs.

Field. Tel. 2-0331. A NEW treat in comfort. Studio style innerspring mattresses, new maple AVAILABLE 7,000 8Q.

ft. of highly desirable space modern 6 story fireproof building. In downtown district near Hotel Kimball, suitable' for offices, or mfg. Ruilding contains own light, heat And power plant, elevator service, Box 675 Union Office, BARNES HOTEL-837 Main running water, shower, Tel. 6-9607.

BRIDGE 89--3-room steam heated $22.50. Inquire manager, Broadway Theater. Tel. 3-0414. BRIGHTWOOD-Room in priv.

home; near defense plants. Call eves. Moore, 3-6871. CHARTY per week. Private bath, $4 per week, running water, guest personal laundry free.

2000 Main St. CHESTNUT 95, W. or 3-room ruin. or garage, priv. fam, 2-0787.

COR. WILBRAITAM Northampton furnished room, walking distance to Armory. FOREST PARK- next bath, cont. h. priv.

gent. pref: Ref. 6-6617. mILL SECTION--Newly renovated front room, parking. 107 Northampton Ave.

ILL-156 Northampton Ave. Pleasant front rm. for one. Nr. bus.

Inq. upstairs. HOTEL HAWKINS. 13:40 Main St. run.

$4. $7: bath $7: other $3. MAPLE Exclusive large room to lady, some kitchen privileges, ST. JAMES 192-Large room. beds, suit.

for 2 men. Close 10 Armory, ST. JAMES A -loom in private fam. 1 or 2, excel, heat h.w. Tel.

7-2473. STATE 786-Attractive desirable locationa. Reasonable. Call 7-0277. TEMPLE 36--Large room, run'g hot water and A small room.

Tel. 7-0024. Rooms for Ronsekeeping 69 A CLEAN ROOM--Very central. 68 Temple St. Mrs.

Field. Tel. 2-0331. FLORIDA 117--2 rooms and kitchenette, everything lat floor. 6-2240.

THOMAS 15-2 rooms for light housekeeping. gas. and electricity furn. Adults, UNION 180-Near. Maple, 1 or 2 rms.

for It. housekeeping. Also sleeping rms. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Apartments and Flats ADULT Christian family. 3 bedrooms, oil heat.

hot water aquastat, large screen porch. garage. newly decorated, Rent $76. Tel. 6-1903.

ALL ELECTRIC BEAUMNIER APTS. Federal Heights, 5 Rooms 855 Office-32 Belmont Ave. Tel 6-1640 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT and Flats Apartments, APARTMENTS Colonnade Apartments-4 rooms, Tel. 7-0781 or 7-0640 H. E.

ANGERS BROS, INC. D. F. Morin 1570 Main St. 6-4591 ATTRACT.

mod. 4 rIn. 4th adults only. Ft. Pleasant AVP.

2-5658. HOLLAND 13--3-rm. ant. steam, hot water. Janitor serv, $32.

7-5481 or 4-8112 MAPLE 169-Modern 6-room apartmnent at $100 per month. Tel. 3-4501. PEARL 72-5-rm. apt.

on the fourth floor, $47.50. MacMillan Son, 154 Broadway. 6-8338 or 4-6335. SUMNER 149-5-rm. tion.

Tel, 3-4814. Furnished Apts. and Houses 744 COMPLETELY YURN. 6 151 FLOOR. TEL.

1-8911. Business Places for Rent 75 BAY CATHARINE ATA, stores Tor rent at low rental. Tel. 4-7388. DESIRABLE ATONES AVAILABLE 1348 Dwight At, $20 919 Dwight 15xho 320 0-8381 FOR cent.

located with faclilt, for repair wk. Inalde lube, good proposit. Call at 410 Worthington. INDUSTRIAL MERCANTILE And about Springfield, Particulars in upon Prom 1600 to 100,000 located in application. EDWARD J.

CO. 1537 Main St. REALTORS Tel. 3-3147 MAIN 1660-Large light office. 14x30.

easily partitioned, $35. Tel. 6-8394. REASONARLY PRICED STORES 67 Ferry 10x38 $12 20 Hanco*ck 12x24, heated $23 THE ELLIS CORPORATION. Tel.

6-8381 STATE 425-Near Armory. Nice for small business. 6-1640, Stores of Various Locationg and Sizes 1925 Main St. 20x60 87 511 Main St. Small heated store 614 4 4 4 4 Main St.

Double store Call REAL ESTATE DEPT. 7-4321 Houses for Rene CHIATIIAM 62-Longmeadow. 6 oil heat, 2-car gar. Avail. April 2.

6-7405. GARFIELD 42-SINGLE HOUSE. TED. 3-0120. MOUSE for lease Stratford single 8 redecorated, new and modern kitchen, oll beat, ready for occupancy.

6-6030. LAFAYETTE 21-Upper 5 new. ly decorated, hot water furnished. Available April 15th, $45 mo. Tel.

2-3806. SINGLE room bath. Magazine St. Inquire evenings. Apt.

12, 127 Magazine St. WILBRAHAM 6 steam. Adults. $30 mo. A G.

Taylor 3-9813. Offices and Desk Koom ATTRAC. Light, airy, modern, elevator, fireproof, $15 to $25. MARKARIAN 173 State, 3-0815. DESIRABLE offices, single or connecting units.

Your Inspection invIted. 66 Vernon. TOURAINE State St. Mod. office space $15 up.

Elevator and janitor service. Tel. 6-8381. Wanted--To Rent 81 A 4-ROOM apartment furnished or unfurnished. Adults.

Box 609 Union Off. COUPLE- -No children. Desires cottage. or lower tenement, May 1. Park Sec.

Best of references. 4-3812. WANTED--A sinall farm to rent within 10 mile radius of Springfield. Write C. Kennett, Rood Ludlow.

WANTED--Tenement of 5 3 in family. Phone 7-0011. OR 6-RM. or upper in 2-fam, house. 1111I adults, Reas.

rent. 2-3365. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Real Estate Agents 82B MURPIIY, EDWARD J. EST. 1892.

Sales, mortgages, property management, leasing, appraising, insurance, consultants In buying and gelling. 1537 Main St. 3-3147. Farms and Land for Sale 83 CITICKEN FARM for sale, 7-room house, 2-car garage. barn and 18 acres of land, the south Angelo Ruggierio, Tel.

3554, Thompsonville. Close by mod. 8 acre, home, brook, woods, $3800. G. L.

Colleater, 1694 Main St. IN SPRINGFIELD on Parker near Cor. of Allen E. Long. line.

Very fine tract of land containing about 15 acres. Large frontage on new hard road. city water, lights. Fine location to build a home. Sell whole or part.

Very easy terms. W. IT. Baldwin, 105 Columbus ITolyoke. Tel.

Houses for Sale 84 AGAIN CREAM OF ALL TIE BARGAINS SINGLES 80 Cornell, beautiful 6400 193 Maple, 13 oil. Investigate $6700 271 Pine, 8 remodel 4400 30 Beechwood, like new 6700 Albambra Agawam. 6 rms. 5700 6 new brick, 9 miles out 7400 61 Hanco*ck, 6 3 2100 TWO FAMILIES 426 Sumner 5-5-4. nice 6900 418 Belmont 6-6-4 BA 6700 57-59 Draper, 6-6, like new 5700 137-39 Bristol, 5-5-2, gar.

5400 '18 Bristol, 12 gar. 4900 61-63 Groveland. 7-7, steam, gar. 6400 49-51 S'worth, today's value $12.000 8230 61-63 Crystal 5-5-4, remodel ..4400 33-37 Ruchholz, nice 4600 86-88 Belmont, 6-6-4, 6400 42 Cliftwood, 6-6, steam, nice 5900 88-40 Biltmore, steam, gar. 5900 Inq.

lector Lucier, 415 Sumner, 4-1918 ANDREW 16-14-rm. single house with 14 garages, within a stones throw of Indian Motocycle. Excellent for rooming house, steam heat, modern price cash. Jchn J. Fish, 3-4848.

AN UNUSUALLY nne double house near Sumner Ave. and White St. Two six-room steam, 2-CAr All interior In excellent condition, $700 pays all over lat mort. Bal. 16 years.

Owner's rent $28.84 per month. J. F. Quinn, 4-5922 or 4-4447. BARGAIN-8-rms.

modern cottage. North End. G. E. heating.

Make offer. 3-4872. FEW PROPERTIES SUCH AS THESE ARE ON THE MARKET TODAYI $4800 313 DICKINSON SINGLE Schools and churches close by. $3800 63 KENTON ST. SINGLE good home for the working man.

Two -car garage. Just painted, pleasantly situated. WESTFORD CIRCLE ty SINGLE $1200 Two-car garage. $4500 48 KEITH ST. 2 FAMILY Park section doubles, like this are hard find.

$3800 64-66 DIVISON 6T. 3 FAMILY Present income $62. Handy to the industrial section. SPRINGFIELD INSTITUTION FOR SAVINGS da TEL, 4-6411 4 a 4 FT. PLEASANT 207-Desirable room single.

modern. fireplace. baths, steam beat. Exceptionally large lot. $6700 terms.

Call ANNOUNCEMENTS Houses for Sale' 84 ATTRACTIVE 6-room Phoenix Ter. Steam, 2-CAr $4450. Make offer. King Real Estate, 3-5488. BARGAIN IN BANK PROPERTIES 2 families in Park Glenwood, H111 and East Spild.

Small down payments. John J. Fish, 3-4848. CAMBRIDGE ST. $5000.

A. G. Taylor 3-9818 or 6-1381, COTTAGE Section, on A fine street, rooms, modern, steam, large lot, Terms, James T. Sheehan, 4-8209. DAVISTON Price AT.

-6-room single, $46.87 A month. $4800, T. Shechan, 1663 Afaln 4-8209 or 4-0255. DA DAVENPORT ST. CHICOPEE An excellent home And Investment in Chicopee's beat remidential area, Two large 6 room with alean: heat and two Car.

EAraKO, All in excellent You can own, live In one tenement, and DAY for this property for $27 per month. plus the Income from; the other tenement with down payment of $1000. HENRY M. CLARK CO, REALTORS 7-0231 7-0233 100 Broadway Or Your Own Broker, HOMES and home sites. Forest Park and E.

S. Thyberg, 4-4180. Chapin Terrace, rooms each, steam, modern, 2-car $7500. H. FLAGG, Realtor, 19 Elm 6-8394.

LEAVING TOWN -2-family house. 189 Leyfred Ter. LEE 14, steam, 2- car garage, $4700. John F. Tehan, Realtor, 9-10 Courthouse Place.

Tel. 3-0217. LEYFRED 189--2 family, 12 A-1 steam, owner leaving town. LONGMEADOW Georgian Colonial. 580 Laurel garage; English Colonial, 173 Westmoreland: garage.

FRED A. VOGEL. REALTOR. 2-3167. LONGMEADOW Unusually fine homes for sale from $9500 un.

Call for Scott Stearns, Realtor, 4-7083. LONGMEADOW Ellington 9 2 baths. New roof, oil burner. Entirely weather stripped. An outstanding purchase at $10.500.

SCOTT STEARNS, REALTOR-4-7083 LONGMEADOW $18.000, if you can atford a good house, here is one. Bank owned, English type, 10 3- baths, about 1 acre land with good view. A. G. Taylor 3-9818 or 6-1381.

McKNIGHT. SECTION-8-room cottage. 2- car garage. steam heat, $3500. Call 2-2530.

'KNIGHT all modern, single 3-car gar. $4000. Inq. Marsh, 71 Milford 6-3111. MOVE RIGHT IN -Lady of Hope 10 2 gar.

$4800. $500 cash. 7-2089 MIDDLESEX 207-Mod. single, part brick, 6 oil heat, 2-car gar. Large lot.

$6500. Terms. All financed. 6-8381. NEAR A.

I. COLLEGE-Nice location, 2 family, 14 rooms, steam, reduced in price to $4700. James T. Sheehan, 4-8209. NEAR Mass.

Mutual, 5-rm. bungalow. It'a a dandy. Oil heat, 2-car garage. Hurry and call 3-8641.

6-6461. NO PRIORITY PERMISSION NEEDED TO BUY OUR PROPERTIES 605 RIMMON AVE. IN CHICOPEE Rooms, Bath, Steam, 1-Car Garage $4500. Cash $500. Monthly 495 BERKSHIRE AVE.

(RUSHVILLE) 2-Fam. Each Rooms, Bath. Steam. Also several very desirable building lots on paved, curbed and serriced street. 381-383 LUMAUS SPRINGFIELD 3-Fam.

Each 5 Rooms And bath. $3800. Cash $400. Monthly RENTON STREET Building Inta 236x181 feet, Sidewalks, Curbing, Paved. Water, Sewer, All Betterments Paid, Frice $2500 Principal, Interest, Insurance, Water, Taxes.

MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Tel. Epringfield 8-1020 or Ludlow 641 LUDLOW SAVINGS BANK LUDLOW, MASS. NOTTINGHAM 90 6-room single, attached garage, steam heat, modern, good condition, $3800. Terms suit. Tel.

6-8381. OAK GROVE AVE. 190-12 modern, stm. heat, large $5500. Terms.

Call 6-8381. OFF Dwicht 1 -New 5 rooms, ready soon, lot 75x110. Tel. 3-7320. OFF NOTTINGITAN 5-rm.

hung. And gar, minor. repairing hut A good. huv at $3500, $500 cash. G.

Taylor 3-9814 or 6-1381. PALMYRA 47-New Best house, buy at. tached garage. Air conditioned. in Springfield.

$3000. Tel. 3-7297 or 4-6425. TAKE TOUR CHOICE SINGLE OR DOUBLE Dorset: 7-room, steam, 2-car gar. large lot $4500 28 West Alvord: 5-5, fireplaces, 2-rar 3d has finished rooms with steam and toilet $6000 Terms and Financing Easily Arranged.

PALMER SAVINGS BANK Palmer, Mass. Phone, your Palmer own 750 Collect VAN HORN West 6 oil heat. good cond. Priced 4-8766, for quirk sale. THOMAS PETRICK.

4-1705. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Auction Sale Commission Auction Sales EVERY SATURDAY R. L. Brooks Sales Pavilion Rockingham Road, Bellows Falls, Vt. 30 to 50 Fresh and.

acclimated Canadian Horses arrive every Thursday. The kind that are young, honlthy and well broke. All horses with A trial. Private sales dally, Satisfaction guaranteed. 50 to 75 head of cattle and 100 CAlves sold every week.

If you are looking for horses, be sure and visit our Stables. R. L. BROOKS Bellows Falls, Vt. Tel.

561 W. room single. modern. Federal Heights, 5 Rooms 855 baths, steam beat. Exceptionally large Tel.

4-7638 Springfield, Mass. Office-32 Belmont Ave. Tel 6-1640 lot. $6700 terms. Call AUCTION SALE Meat Market Fixtures Groceries FORMERLY RAYMOND'S MARKET Will Be Sold in Trade: Lots on the Premises 429 White Springfield, Mass.

April 1, 1942, at 2 P. M. Stock consists of nationally known canned goods, cereals, etc. Fixtures consist of: 10-ft. Frigidaire double duty meat case, Frigidaire 8-hole frosted food case with compressor (like new).

'Walk-in beer box. Frigidaire H. P. air-cooled compressor, National mahogany cash register, 1c to 99.99, Hobart comb, grinder, Dayton porc. computing slicer, meat.

block, hench. Burroughs add. machine, mei, size safe, 2. desks, counter, Mcliaskey gystem shelving. display.

racks, and many. other items too numerous to mention. 1936 International Panel TruckSet of Gond Tires. Per order Nicholas Zen, Assignee MORRIS YOUNG CO. Auctioneers Liquidators Tel.

4-7638 Springfield, Mass. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Houses tor Sale 84 PARK Continental. oil heat, garage, good cond, Terms. 6-8381, Lots for Sale 85 NORTH AGAWAM. Oak Hill adjoining lots, 60x120 ea.

Tel. 6-7447. PRATT WHITNEY employes and others who commute to work. Invest NOW in one of our large lots either in LONGMEADOW or just Around the corner In CONNECTICUT. We will BUILD FINANCE.

homes costing -VOGEL, REALTOR, 1232 Main 2-3167. Summer Lots for Sale 86 BECKET on CENTER LAKE 1100 ft. above level, BUY NOW and bulld your cabin for summer vacations for the famIly. Prices $173 and up. FRED A.

VOGEL, 2-3167. Suburban for Sale 87 A GOOD IN GOOD REPAIR C. 1c, Longm. AN suburban home. Colonial Ly pa, fireplaces, Dutch oven, soll4l brick construedon and aute lot.

709 Slain AKA wain. Ludiow-2 family, 10 KATAgO, 6-2336. LUDLOW. Jubbard 12 rooms, 2-rar gArAge. Tel.

Chicopee 1007. MODERN 6-room house, 2 acres of land, hen houses, fruit, near center. On Sprld, bus line. Box 436, Belchertown. WILBRATAM--Nice 6-rm.

home. garage, shade, big lot. $4900. Box 664 Union Off. Wanted-Real Estate 89 HAVE CLIENTS with considerable cash.

List your property: with GIESCHI, 29 Spring 6t. LIST YOUR home for sale or rent with THOMAS PETRICK, 1242 Main St. 4-8766. or 8-1023. Personal service assured.

SELLING your house? Why not list hustler. Harvey Realty, 115 State, 4-5279. WOULD like small place in country. About 5 rooms and sone land. Pay $300 down.

6-2387. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Automobiles for Sale 1937. BUICK 8 "40" 2-Dr. Sedan. Practically Like brand new new tires.

$495 F. L. SANFORD CO. 648 State St. SPRING IS HERE BUY NOW! '35 Chev.

Coupe $195 '35 Ply. Conv. Cpe' $245 '35 Dodge Coach $245 '35 Chev. Coach $195 '35 Hudson Sedan $195 '34 Dodge Sedan '36 Ply. Sedan '37 Chev.

Town Sed. '37 Ford Coach $265 '39 Dodge Sedan '39 Ford $595 (76 6 More to Choose From) HEDGES-SATTLER Inc. 683 Columbus Ave. Near York St. SPECIALS Practically every car has good tires.

'36 Olds Trg. Sedan $275 '36 Chevrolet Coupe '38 Brougham $365 '38 Nash Sedan '38 Pack. 120 Trg. Sedan $495 '36 Pontiac Trg. $275 '35 Packard 120 '36 De Soto Coupe '35 Chevrolet Sedan 60 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM Trades and Terms PACKARD MOTOR CAR CO.


4-5681 Money to Loan IF YOU NEED MONEY FOR EASTER Or for Tractically Any Coustruetise l'urpose COME IN OR PHONE TODAY INDUSTRIAL CREDIT CORP. OF SPRING FIELD 18 VERNON N'T. TEL. 2-1453 LICENSE 156 CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Automobile Instruction Driving Lessons. We call for you, Course $10.

Forest Park Auto School. Tel. 6-1490. Auto. Driving Instruction Course $10.

Laporte Auto School, 86 Broadway. 3-1411 Driving Course, Est. 1909. Fairbanks Auto School, 41 New Dwight Miscellaneous Dusted, Shampooed Repaired RUGS 504 SPELD. Nt.

James STEAM Are. CARPET 2-8119 CO. Flat and Gloss White Paint 980 Gal. FRANKLIN HARDWARE CORP. 1913 Main St.

Near Franklin 3-1015 MATTRESSES MADE $3.00 Tel. 4-3313. SPRINGFIELD AXES MESS UR NATO Money! New Ahades WOOLENS for Npring Nulta Conte. Mill Ends, d. $1 up Hampden Woolen 42 Harrison Are Cameras, Binoculars, Shotguns, Machinists' Tools and Jewelry.

PEOPLE'S LOAN, 1873 MAIN. CASH For 016 Gold Sterling Gold Fulled OLD GOLD SHOPPE, 200 WORTHINUTON Cash paid for Postal STAMPS Tatham, Stamp 83 Oakland St. LOANS OR WATCHES CASH DIAMONDS JEWELRY SPRINGFIELD JEWELRY INAN CO. Est. 1012--1618 Main Bowles Bidg.

AUTO REPAIRING Expert Work Easy Terms STANDARD TIRE Chestnut, Cor. Worthington Houses for Sale Longmeadow, 58 Fairfield Ter. Modern 7-room single, excellent condition, 2-car gArage fireplace, steam heat. $7800 TERMS--CALL 6-8381 247 OAKLAND ST. Conveniently located, T-room single, garage steam, oil heat, $4500 EASY TERMS-CALL.

6-8381 SINGLE 68 BRYANT good Modern condition rooms, 3-car steam gar. heat, $5000 TWO FAMILIES 21-23 VIRGINIA ST. 12 2-car room, gAr. $72 desirable monthly location inc. $5200 22-24 ACORN ST.

12 monttly rooms, inc. A 2-family. real $64 buy at $4900 TERMS--ALL FINANCED CALL 6-8381 NEW I CAPE COD 86 WHITTUM AVE. OFF FLUMTREE RD. modern well-built, 5-room cottage with attached garage.

Fireplace, Air conditioned, Insulated, Basem*nt Recreation Room. Large Lot. Terms CALL 6-8381 Money to Loan YOU CAN BORROW FOR LESS AT THE MORRIS PLAN BANKING COMPANY 50 VERNON ST. DIAL 4-5661 "HOW CAN GET A LOAN FOR LESS?" To apply for a $20 to $300 loan, tell us how much you need and how you want to repay. Loans are made on furniture, i note.

No endorsers. No credit inquiries. Quick, private service. CASH Choose a monthly payment plan YOU 12 15 GET paymts paymis paymts paymis 25 4.54 3.49 2.44 50 9.08 6.97 4.87 75 13.62 10.46 7.31 6.06 100 18.15 13.95 9.75 8.08 125 22.67 17.41 12.16 10.07 150 27.16 20.85 14.56 12.05 31.65 24.29 16.95 14.02 200 36.13 27.72 19.33 15.90 2.50 45.08 34.57 24.08 19.89 300 54.02 41.41 28.82 23.80 Payments include charges at Household's rate of per month on that part of a balance not exceeding and per month on balances above $100, which less than the maximum permitted by law. HOUSEHOLD FINANCE Corporation 9th Floor, 3rd National Bank Building 1387 Main Street, Telephone 6-0351 R.

H. Fuss, Mgr. License No. 139 Loans Made in Nearby Towns On Your Name Only IN $25 TO $300 IN 1 DAY PHONE THEN COME IN FOR YOUR MONEY Room 304, 3rd Nat'l Bank 1387 Main Telephone 3-6607 License No: 163 DAY-1 WE MAKE OUT-OF-TOWN LOANS Public Loan ONE Step Ahead PERSONAL LOANS Loans from $100 to $1000 to meet unexpected expenses, pay taxes, finance dental or medical care or other needs. $6 per $100 per year, 12 months to pay.

Cosigners generally not required. Come in or phone 2-2141 Personal Loan Dept. SPRINGFIELD NATIONAL BANK STREETS 144 BRANCHES MAIN ST. 1 O. 794 Member.

STATE Federal $16 SUMNER MAIN BRIDGE A 1: 1 1. Ft:.

The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.