The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, MONDAY, APRIL 6, 1942 13 An Inexpensive Want Ad Will Find a Tenant for Your Spare Room and- Provide You With Extra Cash for Unexpected Bills CLASSIFIED BUSINESS SERVICES EMPLOYMENT FINANCIAL MERCHANDISE STARTS HERE ANDERSON RENSON 2-8166. FIRST CLASS Help tool makers. Wanted--Male planer hands, 33 ARANDON Personal ALL Financing -First Personal 39 RUGS- -Bigelow, Household Roxbury Goods and all Furniture piano moving, local long lathe hands radial drill hands. Baush Bankers, Inc. "On Court Square," 21 makes.

Harold G. Moore, 555 Enfield distance. Storage. 157-159 Lebanon St. Machine and Tool.

136 Ave. Elm St. Licensa 222. Tel. 2-4158.

Thompaonville 4396. Open eves. ANNOUNCEMENTS MOVING 3-3147. GAUGE to MAKERS and tool makers. Top AUTO LOANS--New low rates.

Owner's RUGS- -Great savings, Wiltons, Axminsters, Huck's Transfer, Inc. Since 1860. Dial pay top men. Varsity Mfg. 133 signature only.

Springheld Finance 'looms. Hunt Shea, Weavers for STORAGE MOVING PACKING U'nion or call 4-8720. 1490 Main 8t. License 77. 4-3193.

Years. 810 Enfleld. Ville 4571. Business Announcements J. J.

SULLIVAN, "THE MOVERS, INC." HIGH SCHOOL BOY FOR PART TIME LOANS FOR Taxes, Fuel, Old Bills. Etc. until 9. ALL. BURNS, moth holes, tears, rewoven.


RUGS--Big sayings, wkly, payments. Cloth. hosiery, invisible mending. Textile BOX 746. UNION OFFICE.

PREFERRED. 1562 Main St. License 60. Tel. 4-2127.

tons, Axminsters. Main Reweaving. 175 State. 4-7041. Est.

1899. Professional Services LOANS UP TO $300. Signature only. 923 Main Spild. 4-3086.

BURNS, no moth holes, tears, rewoven, Weave- SUPERFLUOUS HAIR--Permanently re- JANITOR- Experienced. Part-time. Prompt service. Guaranty InAn l'lan. evenings, Formerly Orchard Rug Co.

0-Mend, 18 Vernon St. 1-1346. moved in a source of pleasure and satis- zen. Apply Mr. Hill.

180 Worthington. 1537 Main St. License 212. Tel. 2-7350.

TWO 8-hole ice cream cabinet frigidaire. CLOGGED DRAINS-'Razor Kleened" or link. faction 1331 to Main many St. women. Rm.

603. Sadie Tel. E. 3-4070. Boh- ply LATHE 109 -Experienced wanted.

Ap- Cash or terms. no charge. No digxing. Rooter Dwight 9t. Money to Loan VACUUM cleaners, new Eureka, full HAWAP.

Serv. Anv hour. any dav. 4-3754. LICENSED pharmacist, Conn, license not AUTO LOANS on display.

C. J. Roberts 48 Dwight EMPLOYMENT necessary. Excellent opportunity. Good to $1000 8t.

Tel. 7-4741. Open eves. Florists WAgON. Maxwell Drug 1286 Albany $10 Malh St.

Tel. 6-9294. WESTINGHOUSE. Electric Washer, Electric BOUQUET SPECIALS, $1.30 to Help Wanted -Female 32 Hartford, Conn. MOTOR ACCEPTANCE Dryer, Call 7-1200.

Mixed spring Nawers. Wenk's Florists, LUNCHEONETTE and fountain mnen. CASII PAID on watches, diamonds, jewel128 Hanco*ck 2-1197. Greenhouses, 1028 ARC Employment, 360 Worthington, bonk- Good salary. Maxwell Drug 1286 ry.

Court Square Jewelers. New address. Jewelry and Watches Allen 3-5718. keeper waitresses, cooks, cham- Hartford, Conn. FREEMAN'S.

170 Worthington St. CHANGE old watches for new: cash Personals 9 A capable woman for light housework, LUNCHEONETTE and fountain manager, to MORTGAGE buy, build LOANS or refinance you need present money old gold, silver, diamonds, antique jewel. T. A preferably one with chain store exper. your Watches, clocks, jewel.

rep. G. RIDE wanted to Pratt Whitney's, frat care of child. 3-0286 or Good salary. Maxwell Drug 1:86 home.

See Lomas 23 Elon 6-3637. GRIMES. 20 fir. Rookstore Bldg. 2-0118.

shift Falls, from Northampton, South Hadley A CAPABLE girl for general housework. Albany Hartford, t'onn. MORTGAGE MONEY for refinancing 4 599, hetween Chicopee 6 or And Holyoke. p. m.

Call Antherst, Good pay. 3-9602. MAN 10 work in Springfield Wash Tray homes or new home construction. Machinery and COMPETENT maid, general housework, Works, 20 Fisk Ave. Mortgage Service 115.

State. 6-5467, 10x15 Golding. Good condition. grAms. free to adult Sound groups movie 4-6661.

or and wife. 2 adults, no laundry, MAN for gen. repairs on real estate, car P. O. ENTERTAINMENTgood wages, live in.

nec. Box 733, Union Office. LIVESTOCK Springfield. Box 462, Lost and Found 10 GIRl. a or woman for Ken.

housework, MAN for general farming. No liquor. H. 8. Magnolia Terrace.

4-7402. ATTRACTIVE front room in a real home: CHILD'S orchid frame, tan leather home nights, 318 Franklin st. l'otter, Ware, Masa. Tel. Ware 398-M1.

Dogs, Cats, Pets 47 case, lost Winchester Sq. 3-5781. Call WOMAN to clean office 2 days a week. MULE spinners wanted on Davis Ferber BLUE CROSS -A good home is wanted cinnati miller, Smith Millg 13-in. shapBROWN SHARPE cutter grinder, LADY'S Rulova wrist watch lost near mornings Valentine between 10 12 o'clock.

and Johnson Bassett mules. Good pay. for a female cat. Tel. 4-5787.

er, Cincinnati 24-in, shaper, quick-change SpAd. postoffice or Growers' Outlet and 102 Apply Albany St. Lumber Supply Good room and board accommodations. lathe, drill preases, metal equipment, A. P.

Valued as keepsake. Tel. 2-6052. No labor trouble. Jobs open day and SIAMESE KITTENS--Very reasonable 1f Amp.

arc welder, woodworking equipment. LOST- Monday or Tuesday, man's yellow part time. Experience Fermanent, unnecessary. full Write or NIGHT MAN FOR April. Griffin, Toggenburg 91 Prospect Westfield.

St. 4-8896. Dwight Reward. AMBITIOUS Maisonette housewives. He Take orders for night shift.

Apply Hartford Spinning YOUNG In tools. Logan Springfield precision lathe, Auction motors and taken at once. 4-6338. dresses. Unionville, Conn.

Goats to freshen 760 gold Hamilton wrist watch with link Mr M. Smith, The Ward-Stilson An- GARAGE bracelet. Reward. Call 4-5107. derson, Indiana.

Experlenced local man wanted, Horses. Cattle, Vehicles 48 EQUIPPED machine shop. wants partner Must have references. with defense work, or will sell LOST -Ladies' gold watch marked "Mimo" AT MANLEY'S-Woman for hospital. 22- See Ar Byrnes, 34 Sumner Ave.

BIG auction sale, 7 cArloads of Mid- chinery, 6-0562. fare. Reward. 50. no experience needed, also college OPENING available for die sinkers, trim- western horses, draft horses, farm FOR SALE-(1) 5 h.

p. motor, 110-220 LOST -Sat. woman's diamond ring, employes, 74 1fillman. mer die makers, die finishers, incidental hands, and 1 carload of saddle horses. volts combination wood working with 3-4036.

sapphires diamonds. Reward. AVON PRODUCTS, INC. die-room workers and drop forge hammer J. lots C.

of Keith lid and Stable, trucked 136 in Kendrick horses at chinery. Box 2319, Union. HAs dignified part-time position for mA- men. Men dislocated due to curtailment ture lacking business of peacetime activities are of particular Brighton District, Boston, All FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES perience. yet capable.

Apply R311, 143 Interest. Others employed on defense work FOR SALE -Load, 3 and 5-gaited saddle ment the of the Surplus former Machinery Boston and Duck Equip- ComState afternoons, 1 to 5. need not apply. Location in New York horses, direct from Kentucky. Call PaAutomobiles for Sale BOOKKEEPER Experienced wanted.

state. Box 2325, U'nion Office. tenaude, corner Westwood and North chine shop pany, Bondsville, Including equipment, office equipment, AT AUTO SALES next to Ry. Apply 179 State St. ORDERLY- Hospital, for care of male Main East Longmeadow.

motors, electrical supplies, trucks, scales, 93 Liberty St. Complete line of used BRIGHT GIRL FOR COUNTER WORK IN Good wages with full mainten- GUERNSEY HEIFER-Calves; also bull shaftings, pulleys, belting. etc. Can care and trucks, all types, $75 to $750. HIGH CLASS RESTAURANT.

EXP'ERI- Perm. position. Rox 695. Union. calf: dam undefeated champion; Lang- seen at the plant in Bondsville, ECICK 1941 'Sedanette, Tu00 miles.

No deal- ENCED PREFERRED. BOX 745, UNION. PAINTERS -1st clasy, all-around men. water Foremost breeding. L.

Haluch, four miles from Palmer. ers. 3-2340. EXPERIENCED girl or woman for gen. 3-0788 after 6 p.m.

Ludlow. MAPLE 133-Five min. walk downtown; '12 Sedan Delivery, excellent con- hawk. $15. Ref.

Req. Box 666. Union Off. PAINTERS carpenters wanted. J.

Pro- HORSES--Just arrived with another load dec. twin beds, beautiful newly home, choice In dition, good tires. $150, Phone Windsor EXP. counter girl. Work half days.

Inter- Son, 13 Highland Park, of Ohio horses. Singles and pairs at exchanged. Mra Anderson. next to baths: refs. 562, ring 12.

view mornings. Arcade Cleaners, 186 State Thompsonville, Conn. reasonable prices. F. F.

Shumway, CHEV. 1339 2-Dr. Sedan, private, Call Street. PHARMACIST- -To manage large Volume Belchertown, Tel. 3193.

MAPLE next baths; 137-6 refs. min. Mrs downtown, Anderson. all after 5 p. 6 Northampton Ave.

EXP. woman, cooking downstairs work. store, salary $2500 to $3000 a year. Max- KELVINATOR Sturge Milker, 8 good farm CHEVROLET Sedan, 1933. 4 new tires and No laundry.

$65 mo. Ref. Rox 569. Union. well Drug 1286 Albany, Hartford.

Phone horses. 2861. R. J. Roberta, MIEIILE Lining 28x10 Machine, Clyinder THOMPSON Press, PERRY Granville, Mass.

one $140. Tel. 6-8649 or 4-3680. EXPERIENCED clerical worker, good typ- Regis. or or with 14x22.

ist, drug exp. Good pay. Box 722, Union Off. PAIR HORSES-2800 lbs, single or double. Good condition.

No reasonable offer CHEVROLET 1936 Deluxe 4-Door Sedan, machines no heipful. shorthand. Knowledge of office PORTER--For Reasonable. J. Mr.

Haley, Brimfeld. fumed. P. O. Box 1885, Springfield.

heater. condition. excel. Reas. tires, Tel.

new 6-9396 paint, or 7-0356. perfect EXPERIENCED Office. alleys. Tel. 4-9243.

Bickford Bowling Tel. 6-11. ONE AMERICAN No. 40 straight line Box Union cleaning and also wax demonstrator in house- Center. 503 State St.

TRUCKLOAD Horses arrived April 3. Sev- saw, table 70x48; one 15 h. p. motor with CHEVROLET 1941 4-Dr. Demonstrator.

to-house lines, can earn $6 per day. RELIABLE MAN, pral well mated teams and single horses. 5 h. p. feed, 3-phase 440.

H. F. Lynch Louis Chevrolet, Thompsonville, 4425. 212, Hitchco*ck Ridg. from not over 45.

steady work, Young and sound. Also one five gaited Lumber Weat Sprld. Tel. CHEVROLET 1937 2-Dr. Coach, 5 excel- girls.

EXPERIENCED steam table and sandwich Able and willing to do general work in saddle horse, has been ridden by lady. ONE 50 IT. P. electric motor, 2 phase 440 9 a. m.

to 1 D. m. daily or full day, lent tires, good shape Inside out. $350. Apply Mr.

Daenzer, Neisner's. amali store, including cleaning driving. Hicks Holyoke. volt, with compensator, IT. F.

Lynch Tel. 6-0646. EXPERIENCED waitress, over 21. Apply Moderate wages to start. Give age, experi- WILL Arrive Saturday another load of Lumber 729 Memorial West FORD 1941 Sedan, Deluxe Model, 4-Door In person.

1791 Main St. ence Wages expected. Box 126, Union Ohio horses, matched pairs, singles, no 6-2775. Fedan, gray finish. Has radio and heater.

EXPERIENCED girl to assist on pay Offire. distemper in the four years I have Perfect inside and out. Tires are like new. roll and general office work. State ROOFING and sidewall applicators.

We have shipped. C. J. Thayer, Cummington. Musical Instruments A one attention -owner former car that owner shows this the care and 167 qualifications.

Bliss Undergarment an oughly opening for 2 more men. Must be thor- Poultry and Supplies 49 SEVERAL good used uprights $20 and up. price, $805. gave car. Our Front Chicopee.

the experienced. Goud proposition to F. O. B. store.

Cleaner, tuned and polYOUNG MOTOR EXPERIENCED operators on ladies Ance right man. Steady work. Full insur- A BETTER price for your live poultry. ished. Steinert's, 1231 Main St.

CO. dresses. Apply Victoria Dress 36 protection, Barnack Roofing Co. Harry Solomon, 294 Fountain St. 4-1774.

510 Main St. Tel. 6-9204 New Dwight St. 4-1700. SMALL BABY Grand Piano, mahogany, FORD 1041-Tudor original Cogswell EXPERIENCED COOK, SPRINGERS TRIMMERS wanted, ALL LIVE POULTRY wanted.

Good 3-5403. prices. nearly new. Refinished and guaranteed. gray finish, without blemish, fully de tions, hours pay.

Vail's Sanitari- work. Chicopee Upholstering 68 I. Kaplan, Price low. Steinert's, 1231 Main St. good living condi- 134 Knollwood luxe, low equipped mileage with car with radio practically gas heater, new um, Thompsonville, Conn.

Tel. 5060. SERVICE Springfield Street, Chicopee. ALWAYS Superman, best 913 prices Memorial paid for W. poultry.

S. Radios 62-A tires, a buy at $893. Moran-Hudson EXPERIENCED power machine operators and electrical appliances. Salary plus auto- 3-2371. ZENITH.

Philco, RCA. GE, portables, MAN on electric refrigerators 27-34 Pearl St. Tel. 3-5137. on dresses.

Holyoke Dress 33 Lyman mobile expense. Carlisle Hardware CHICKS-9c to 14c. (Slate clean.) Ped. to $8. 33 Church St.

Rm. 8. Open to 9.30. 4P- b. FORD heater, 1941 Super Del.

unusually 4-Dr. good radio, tires, EXPERIENCED operators on sewing ma- SHOE 1548 Main REPAIR St. Mr Clark. 4th floor. stock Murdy'a, used.

Cash Bernardston or credit. 3431, Spud. Booklet. 2-6134. Seeds, Plants, Fertilizers City, Arthur F.

t'enter, "Spri's shines. Bliss Undergarment 165 pay. Eastern Shoe Repair. 306 Bridge. good EGG your eggs to Rood A-1 SERVICE plowing.

harrowing, ferman. Steady work, Ford Dealer." 500 Columbus 3-1115. Front Chicopee. STOKES Woodbury Market, prices paid. See tillzing Victory gardens, tractor gradFORD SEDAN, 1939, $336.

84 othera. EXPERIENCED operators on sew. mach, AMITIL -up man, and ad. Mr. Swift, 1934 Main Spring ing for new homes.

Merrill, 982 Allen St, 683 Columbus Girls working or have applied for juster, wanted. Box 682, Union office. Pullorumn Clean Chicks, beat for FOR manure. Fred w. near York St.

defense work nerd not apply, Chicopee TAILOR JASPIN and broilers, sexed pullets and Sanford, Munsinx Ludlow, Masa, FORD COUPE 1040-Original bin finial, girls preferred. Box 658, Union and and GARDEN cow also wAll BOX TOT, UNION OFFICE like new, A low mileage car In wonder- for Tood housework, Live to Machine Gnuke and Tool wanted. Apply Jinked, Order now. Calendar free. rotted cow manure, bu.

or lond, 6-7351. ful mechanical condition. All nearly 10, Union omire, Works, Three RED days old older RICH FARM LOAM FOR MALE firestone tires: Tel, OVER for wok. Apply fu, No other chicka until April 6-3387 Chev. 40 Beach Club Convertible Club Honeymoon Hamburger, to 124 Brondway, Warehouse, 214 I Gth, Me Chiropre Kinatry Tel.

299. Wearing Apparel 65 ('it Walk, Hartford 135 Me Kinstry Coupe, Nowak iron. Service Hiation, 318 Field. Temple 14 HI, Mira. wanted.

Call Sunday. LAIN spring conte $3.76 Meadow GIRTH for work 111 woodworking or turk. WA any more, W. J. 3-2310.

Fur cont Jackets bE FOnD Tudor, excellent ready plant. Apply Dana M. Courtney WANTED- for newspaper, mag- Wanted--Livestock 50 $100. Children' a clothing. 38 Now Dwicht.

for Ing. 66 Edgemont Nt. Chicopee Chicopee. 49 delivery, job, Samuel MEN'S SUITS, FORDA, FORDA, HOUSEKEEPER: wanted. Good pay.

Call Hampden st. HIGHEST cash prices paid for cows, calls. $16. Tuxedos $8 sulta, up, All models. CARY terms.

D. 1. After 111. Tel. 2-6841.

WANTED ('het's helper, and kitchen Maspo, Agawain. 6-7848. Sport up, Pants to match coals Ackerman, 48 Willow 8t. man to work in boys' school. 9 miles 8: up.

LADIES SPRING COATS AND HUDSON-1937 Terraplane Coach. $315. perienced onty, MANAGER, Give complete thoroughly details from WANTED Spfl. ('all No. Wilbraham 8128, 42 SUITS New Dwight.

up. Open evenings. Schaffer's, LUNCHEON MERCHANDISE Ralph Distributors, D. Jones, 721 Worthington Chrysler St. -Plymouth 6-6301.

enclone small picture in first letter. Sal- ders, gage inspectors and lathe makers; grin- Articles for Sale 51 gage and fixture ArY is desirable and Box 658, tors. Apply In person. Precision En- Wanted to Buy 66 01dA. Plym.

1937 1936 4-Dr. 4-Dr. Sedan Sedan $195 $435 I'nion Office. gineering North Feeding Illis. FOR immediately SALE --100 to make room for to new ones.

A-1 TOP PRICES PAID FOR ENAMEL. church pews be sold Main. 6-7100. MAID wanted for general housework. WANTED--Gauge makers up to date shop, Call 8861.

STOVES. ELECTRIC WASHING MADUNN MOTOR SALES, Tel. East Longmeadow 480. excellent working condition. Top pay TIRES for truck and pleasure car, used, for CHINES.

ELECTRIC FRIGIDAIRES, PLYMOUTH. condition. $95. 1934 Tel. Coach.

4-4414. New paint. Good to MOTHERS- earn -You money, can too. use Dial your 2-3935. extra hours Taylor qualified St.

men. City Tool Die 4 4 Pale. 110-gal. Acid crock with spigot. St.

Sim- ECONOMY FURNITURE. RUGS. FURNITURE ANTIQUES. 2-0145. mons Hunt, 484 Worthington PLYMOUTH '39 4-Dr.

new tires, $630. OPENING in office of department store for WANTED-2 ice delivery salesmen. Good A BETTER P'RICE FOR ALL KINDS 130 Warriner-Pontiac 883 girl experienced on Monroe Calculator and wages, good hours. Tel. 4-0770.

Cameras and Equipment 61-A USED FURNITURE. STOVES. WE BUY Main St: 2-6201. typewriter, Must have knowledge of short- WINDOW CLEANERS, 100 feet. 16 EVERYTHING.

ESSEX 3-7473. FLYMOUTH 1939-Sedan, radio, heater. hand and good penmanship. A good op- feld Window Cleaning Phone 2-2812 mm. $3.35.

Double 8 mm. $1.35. John W. ANTIQUE and modern furniture, glass, excellent pay. Spring- A GOOD outdoor movie film Must sell immediately.

$475. 7-9149. portunity for the right person. Give full for appointment. Deely (with Cheney's) 301 Bridge.

6-2739. china, objects of Art. Tel. 2-6146. 1939 Commander Sedan.

details salary, regarding Box capabilities, I'nion Office. references, YOUNG MAN, draft exempt, to work CLEARANCE SALE ON USED CASH for men's used suits. Other clothing, Good tires. Call Chicopee 599. Price etc.

718, auto accessory, radio and sporting goods in SHOP WORN ENLARGERS ladies' fur coats. 4-4017. STUDEBAKER 1940 Commander 4-Doo for shirt press, Tel. air-driven. store.

Good pay, steady work. State de- Regular Our Price OFERATORS Sedan. Excellent condition. Can arrange 4 tails and experience. Write Box 2323, Leitz-Valoy $59.50 $29.50 ANTIQUES FURNITURE Longmeadow Laundry, 4-5036.

ENTIRE ESTATES finance. 7-1822 evening or week- (all POLISH 3-9618. woman for general housework. Union office. Minature Salon $10.95 7.95 GORDON N.

REID, 2-3271 end appointment, SALES GIRLS for dry in YOUNG MAN over 18. for counter work Praxodos Praxodos 4x4 6x6, F6.3 17.95 IF YOU HAVE any old antique buttons F4.5.... WILLYS. 1939 Sedan. $300 ('ash.

Tel. cleaning stores. Ap- sandwich shop. 124 Broadway. Univex $32.50 17.95 will buy any quantity for cash.

Box Westfield 1317. ply Howard Cleaners, 412 Riverdale YOUNG MAN to assist care of office Mercury $69.50 29.50 4035. Holyoke Union Office. SpAd. building.

Steady work. Give draft status. S.S. Photrex 300 USED cars, 100 1941 models. All have Reduced Pricea JOHNSON'S BOOKSTORE PAYS CASH Rood See 113 for your next car.

Olds- WAITRESS wanted, steady work, good Box 697, Union Office. UNITED CAMERA LUGGAGE SHOP for Used Books, Antique Furniture and mobile dealer. Young Motor 510 Main WARPS 960 Re Main tips. St. Apply mornings.

Venice Male Help--Salesmen 33-A Main Paramount Theater RIdg. Antiques. 13:9 Main St. Dial 2-4921. St.

Tel. G-9294. EASY TO SELL CRAIG 16 min Editor-Viemer new, wAs HIGHEST PRICES paid for used furniE Buick 1941 Sedan 51 $1250 WAITRESSES wanted, good pay. Falls made-to-order shirts, ties, $37.50, our price $27.50. Bloom's Luggage ture.

rugs. ranges, heaters. 4-3929. Buick 1941 Club Sedan 1170 20 Church Chic. Falls.

tional new outfit. direct to wearer with sensa- Camera Shop, 1657 Main opp. Hamphose, Pontiac 1911 Sedan (Custom) 1130 WAITRESS wanted. Nights, no per sale. Low prices Cash profits up to $3 den St.

Swappers 66-A Pontiac 1941 Sedan (Streamline) 1095 Rainbow Diner, 2107 Columbus Avenue. line or full time. Experience from fartory. Side- FOTH DERBY F3.5 with case. Ko- 2 SILENT GLOW oil burners, for poultry 1941 Sedan (Hydromatic) 1350 WAITRESS WANTED.

HAPPYLAND Complete outfit free. Write. unnecessary. Packard dak 620 F4.5, $16.50. Freedman Radio supplies.

599 Tinkham (16 Acres. Oldsmobile 1011 Club Sedan 1130 RESTAURANT. 630 PAGE BLVD. 'Terre Haute, Ind. 1326 Main St.

6-1861. Chevrolet 1941 1011 Sedan WAITRESSES, experience not necessary, 52 ROOMS AND BOARD Plymouth Piymouth 12 1941 41 Coupe Sedan 805 West Spild. Phone or call hostess after 5. EXTRA INCOME! ELEC. paint shaker, large fluorescent Rooms With Board 67 Chevrolet Club Coupe 923 will train, over 21.

Howard Re Johnson, Business Equipment YOUNG MOTOR CO. WANTED A-1 hairdressers and operators. Profitable sideline sella to every merchant. light, mounted fox, elec. clock.

restaurant metal AMARON 40 (Cor. Wilbraham Main St. Tel. 6-9204 Come really to work. Armand's Beauty Proven advertising apecialty quick sellers.

display stands, andirons, griddles, pie ovens, LArge, sunny room: private home. Salon. 1423 Main St. Liberal commission paid weekly. No cAr steam ranges, table.

gAS coffee urns, etc. HOLYOKE BELMONT 347-Unfurnished room Trucks for Sale 11A WANTED -Young ladies to register now for rating. necessary. Write No Box deposit. 51 Eatab, Norwood AA-1 AUCTION Holyoke.

for elderly lady or couple. Board optional. DODGE. 1038, truck. Good Rubber, Call ten weeks course Tuesday and Thursday Cincinnati, 0.0 MEAT RON-A-1 cond.

counter style 12 DOUBLE ROOM. 2 closets. Parking. Near Branch, 4-ASOR. evening.

Silarco School of Dental Assist- ft. long. new motor, original cost $1800. Armory. 367 St James Ave.

4-1496. FOR SA tires (6). tires, tubes and Ants, Room 12. 1049 Main Hartford, Sacrifice At $350. See it at 26 High- LARGE cheery room for or with rims Good condition.

Box 549. Union Off. Conn. Next Strand Theater. SALESMEN land Park, Thompsonville, Conn.

If small congenial fam. Board opt. 4-5540. FORD TRUCK, VA. 1938, new tires and WE PAY yOu $25 for selling Atty $1 No matter what you have mold it you are interested call Sapsuzian, T'ville 6429.

tubes. Completely overhauled. Cheap. Birthday, All -Occasion cards, accustomed to making $50 to $75 week. STORE FIXTURES for every businesa.

New Rooms Without Board 68 3-0956 or 3-9516. Tremendous demand. Write samples. Come in and let me explain our proposi- and used. PAVa Store Equipment A LARGE room, twin beds, busineas ONE Reo Truck, tires almost new.

It coats nothing to try. Cheerful Card tion to you. Let me Introduce you to our Liberty and Heywood Sts. couple. Walk.

Dis. to down town. 2-1840. Simmons Hunt, 484 Worthington St. Plains.

N. Y. men who are making that much more. Boats and Accessories 53 A-1 ROOM next to bath with shower, gar, 28F While WHO SAYS there's A shortage in Auto WOMAN WITH good educational back- Our Men hired business will is not be affected trained by by priorities. or parking.

344 St. James. 3-9247. Main Parts? We Morgan have them. Genden training.

Interested Box in parning A Office. secretarial representative and paid while learning. CANOE, Bendix $10 $37.50. -Boats Beique's, $42.50: 154 High, Johnson Holyoke. AN exceptional furn.

room adjoining bath. ground factory Sta. Tel. 6-5481. Excellent opportunity for advancement to priv.

home. McKnight gar. 6-1372. House Trallers work, LADY 18 or over. General house- the right men.

Car an asset. Apply Mr. CUSTOM cabin cruiser, 30 foot toilet and ATTRAC. rooms and bath, priv. floor, YOUNG no washing.

ironing or cooking. Zarchen, factory branch, Tilo Rooling foot beam. Sleepa five, large The Better Trailer Sales Service Short hours. Go home nights, Davis, 16t 32 Patton Springfield, wash room. Fine mAhogany interior private home, near Armory, 4-4729.

15 Boston Road. Rt. 20. Mass. l'earl.

finish. alcohol stove, All in perfect cond. ATTRACT. sunny room, twin beds, shower, Open Evenings and Sundays YOUNG LADY for soda and lunchennette Coat $7000 to build. Sacrifice for $1000.

Parking. Also single rooms. 3-9110. Auto Accessories 14 dept. perinanent Must be position.

at least Liggett's, 21 years 1411 'of Main. age, established manufac- SWAP now for An Elto, Laurence King, Innerspring mattresses, new maple Phone 4-4861 or 4-1511. A NEW treat In comfort. Studio style BATTERIES -Spark plugs. tire turer gelling direct to business officer West Feeding 4-6236.

furniture. The Westmor, 52 ligh St. patches, accessories of All kinds. Chas. YOUNG $500 LADIES -Some of our girls save opening for one man in exclusive pro- A CLEAN ROOM- -Very central.

68 Temple not affected by priorities has excellent Broad Tire 77 Dwight near 8 APARON waiting on tables at our tected local territory. Initiative and Bullding Materials St. Mrs. Field. Tel.

2-0331. State St. New London which opena April 25th. willingness to work most essential. U'n- PINE BEAMS, 3x10, 13 ft.

1., matched BARNES JIOTEL-837 Main running nationally famous shore restaurant near Wanted- -Automobiles Here's A real opportunity for several usual briet outline opportunity of for past experience. Advancement. Give Box like board new. flooring, good 5 windows, panel fire doors doors, and jam water, shower. Tel.

6-9607. CARS -Immediate cash paid for sports, ambitious recreation girls. and Ample church. time for Day water and 2326. Union Office.

Jolly columns, 1 8-sPC. boiler. radiators, front BELMONT rooms. AV. $4 367-Cor.

and up. Oakland ring hell St. 5. late models, open evenings.

Louis Cohen, half off weekly for visiting home. pipes. elec. and plumbing supplies. New 595 Jain St.

4-8804. Room and board free. Write Help- Male or Female conduit pipe and switches, 5X) theater CHESTNUT 106-Single twin bed Cash For Late Model Used Cara for appointment. C. Wood, or phone COUPLE -Man for houseman duties, care chairs.

Park Wrecking Center shower, gents. Tel. 7-0166. KELLEHER MIXER. INC.

Conn. S. laundry work, 1 Chicopee 1203. of rooms, corridors, COR. WILBRAHAM Northampton 464 ST.

JAMES AVE. TEI. 3-3116. day A week; WIFE dining room wait- Fuei and Freea furnished room, walking distance FUEL OIL, TRUCK WANTED- 600 to Help Wanted--Male 33 ress work, also assist husband. Year to Armory.

1000 gallon capacity. Northeast Fuel ARC Employment, 360 Worthington, short around position to right parties, gond ALL wond DRY from $6.00 fireplace, furnace And Blab EDWARDS 30-Exceptionally pleasant Corp. Tel. 8-1170. order cooks, bus hoya, dishwashers, monthly salary.

Board and room, etc. up. Chicopee 188. room. Privileges.

Tel. HIGHEST PRICES for clean, low mileage, housem*n, bar tender, Colored porter, Home for Aged numher. Rox 2324, Union. Good Things to Eat FOREST attrac. next bath.

cont. in Worcester county. State used cars, F. L. Sanford 648 State.

dairy man, janitor, AgPS, phone HONEYMOON HAMBURGS h. priv. gent. pref. ref.

6-6617. BELLING your car? See us for best prices. ASSISTANT SHIPPING CLERK COUPLE, position, town. chambermaid-butler, Cook-butler couples. fine cooks, year You'll Like 'Em 124 Broadway FURN.

rm. on bus line. Near Armory, Center's, 500 Columbus Ave. live Ability to typewrite reasonably well must general and second maida, waltresses, ALWAYS OPEN -SEE AND HEAR Gent. preferred.

Tel. 2-5643. SPOT CASH for good used cars, highest When in replying Bancroft. $18 Draft per week to Classification. start.

child nurses. Barton Emp. Bureau, Great "Jimmy Roosevelt's Panoram-Soundies. HILL SECTION- -Private home, 2 rooms, prices paid. C.

K. BESWICK. 833 White. Rox 2320, Union Office. Barrington, Mass.

Household Goods 69 gentleman. Write Box 724. Union Office. TOP PRICES- -For late models, Pine Point AT ONCE- Young man to work in order GIRL OR BOY for soda fountain, ex- HILL SECTION--Newly renovated front Motor. 1356 State St, Dial 7-4335, dept, Car allowance ($8) per week.

Rm. perienced preferred. Apply Sadler's A Banner Bargain Free Installation room, parking. 107 Northampton Ave. WE PAY Rood prices for old CAr'S trucks 212.

1562 Main st. Drug. 1134 Main St. 20 Union sq. yds.

Furn. Genulne 1054 G. S. Main. Congoleum Open $9.75 HOTEL HAWKINS.

1:40 Main comf. regardless of condition. 293 Park AUTOMOBILE mechanic wanted. Wan- SODA FOUNTAIN help, experience not Eves. run.

Bath $7. Other $33. W. S. 6-0450.

ner': Automotive Service. 83 Magazine. Howard Johnson, West Spfid. A BARGAIN -Elec. Singer sewing a SINGLE room bath.

Magazine St. InSERVICES BAKER in making quality Call after 5 p. m. 1913 chines, MA almost St. new.

Max Okum quire evenings. Apt. 12, 127 Magazine St. pAstries, 30-45 yrs. Excep.

good salary, Situations Wanted-Female-36 A SCHOOL. 127-Large. pleasant room. BUSINESS steady position. Apply in person Jack.

porcelain BARGAIN- breakfast -Mattresses set, $3.95 $19.95: up; 3-plece 5-plece Handy to downtown business woman. 18 son's, 1478 Main st. BOOKKEEPING-20 yra, 693, Union would Office. like bed outfit $14.95. Max Okun STATE 539-Bell 5.

3 min. to Armory, Exterminators BIRCHARD SYSTEM, INC. BOOKKEEPER wanted to work from 4.30 work evenings. Box 1913 Main 8t gentleman, After 5.30 and Sunday. Service and EXTERMINATORS- Materials.

FUMIGATORS or 5 D. 2 or 3 hours, 4 or 5 nights per LOCAT, young lady, experienced secretary to A CLOSEOUT-10 high -grade living room STATE 786-Attractive desirable 1891 Main Room 218 Est. 1900 Call executive, seeks position In sets. Remarkably low prices. 15 Ilamp- locations.

Reasonable. Call 7-0277. Tel. 3-4921 BO over 18 years of Age to work in of- city only. Conscientious, excellent referfice.

Apply Manager, Park Square Iotel, Ances. Peraonal Interview desired. Rox den. Rooms for Housekeeping 69 ALL now. Westfield, Maas, 681, Union Office.

3-piece A GRAND Modern OPENING J'arlor Sult SPECIAL $69 A CLEAN ROOM -Very central. 68 TemBuilding--Contracting 19 ing. repairs, carpentry, Nor- CLOTHING SALESMAN--I full time, FINANCIAL Union Furn. 3054 Main. Open eves.

ple at. MrA. Field. Tel. 2-0331.

ceiling, garage, screena. Estimates. 6-8922. 00 part time, good pay, Box 739, Union on. A 3 PIECE sofa bed outfit.

19. SARGEANT 34-Large front roomn for COOK for short order work. Apply manager, Business Opportunities 38 EAsy terms, naple. Edward's Furniture, 890 2: also small rooms. Tel.

7-1017. Reupholstering 21-A Park Aquare Hotel, West Aeld. restaurant, Alpha Lunch, mon- State St. Open eves. Tel.

6-3261. UNION 180-Near Maple. 1. or 2 rms. reupholater your COST ACCOUNTANT--Capable man with ey COMPLETE making, opp.

YMCA. Must sell. A FINE SAROUK RUG. Reveral scatter for It housekeeping. Also sleeping beautifully, expertly, pronominally, experience 11 woolen mill preferred.

NANA. Cash or terma. Call 3-4862-6-6445 Orientals, Make me An offer. R-8501, hudget terms. Burton's, 13 l'ark St.

Warren Fabrics West Warren, YOU. 150 AI OIL burners, oil oll REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Dial 3-1163. Mass, CAN HELP listings. Every heaters, EXPERT UPHOLSTERING DRIVER for lumber truck. Muat know or kind of write J.

M. Prices Newell, $200 971 and High up. Call St. dAy bination or he ranges, without at for cost prices. duration.

Buy Miller Apartments and Flats Your LOWEST old PRICES -BUDGET TERMS city. Apply mornings between 6-5158. 1935 Main. Open 3-4735. ALL ELECTRIC REAUMNIER APTS.

living room set Valentine Lumber Supply RESTAURANT- -Complete equipment, Main BALLOON CHAIRS $22.15. barrel' hark Federal Heights. 5 Rooms $66 ods. led--recovered by expert factory meth- 103 Albany St. Ware.

Estahlished 35 years. chairs chairs $29.85, Office-32 Belmont Ave. Tel. 6-1640 Largest choice coverings, Ave-year EXP. COOK cafeteria work.

Apply at Wing guarantee. For free estimate dial 6-3836. for, price owner has other business. Write studiola solas $39.50. These are all new- ANGERS APARTMENTS Crown Upholstering Factory.

30 Taylor. Westinghouse, p. Monday. P. 0.

Pox 216, Ware, Mass. ly mfr. Springfield Upholstery Colonnade Apartments- rooms, EXP. SPRAYER- Applicant must be able to UNION block, all A pta. ing 33-37 Dwight near State.

Tel. 7-0781 or 7-0640 Repairing 22 mix enamels lacquers, blend colors and rented. Reas. Gond investment. Tel.

6-2336. COMBINATION oil and gas stove, ice box, H. E. ANGERS BROS. INC.

LIVING ROOM SUITES UPHOLSTERED, do Call al antique Hampden Anishing. Novelty Steady Mfg. employment. 686 washing machine, bed, spring, mattress. APARTMENTS rebuilt, recovered, refinished, reAlled.

Main Holyoke. Bus. Opportunities Wanted A 6-4879. D. F.

Morin 1570 Main St. 6-4591 Free estimates. Guar. work, 3 pes. for COMPLETE Line of ateel cab- BRIDGE ST.

89-3-room steam heated $39.50. $1 weekly, Mr. Shatz. 7-3533. EXPERIENCED drug and stock clerk, ARE YOU GOING OUT OF.

BUSINESS? and sinks, C. J. Roberts Eng. $22.50. Inquire manager, Broadway Fond salary.

Maxwell Drug 1286 48 Dwight St. Tel. 7-4741. Open eves. Theater.

Tel. 3-0414. Painting- -Papering 23 Albany Hartford, Conn. We pay cash for entire stocks, surplus FRIGIDAIRE-McCray. walk-in box, 6-8 MAPLE 163-Modern 6-room apartA-1 painting, papering and Interior de- EXPERIENCED tool makers to qualify merchandise, machinery, stores, 4-in.

cork. sacrifice. 3-4862-6-6445. ment at $100 per month. Tel.

3-4501. corating A. Aslan 6-0970. Salary pay for men qualifying. Apply dept.

shops, factories, Anywhere in N. E. GREY enamel Sterling comb. range, silent MAPLE ST. 169--7 room, modern.

Call assistant to foreman in production CALL GILL 6-8100-Painting, papering to Mr. L. L. Brown, J. Steven Arms Outright or percentage basis.

Confi- glow oil burner $35. 3-2709. 49 Orleans. 2-5454. texture.

33 Davidson St. dential service. Write. wire or call PAINTING and paperhanging. Floor sand- River, St.

AMERICAN wire AUCTION or cAll LIQUIDATING un to $30.95 (1 wk. only) $14.35, Rex. 15 Spano. 187 apartment. William St.

Plant. Chiconee Falls, Mass. NEW deluxe innerspring mattresses. ROOM shower, bath, Sarah 24 Ing finishing. Reasonable.

John Resan. 4-0732. lubrication EXPERIENCED man gas for station SpAd's. attendant Anest and and AUCTIONEERS--APPRAISERS COMPANY Hampden. RUGS-American Orientals.

Wiltons, Furnished Apts. and Houses 74-A PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING. most modern station. Apply Hedges-Sat- LIQUIDATERS minsters. broadlooms.

White Rug AX- MAIN 2295-5-rm. furnished apartA. CRANDALL, TEL. 3-7009. tier, 683 Columbus Ave.

1069 Main St. Mass. 4-5136-6-1083 1123 State. Open evenings. 2-8038.

ment. $16 8 week. Tel. 6-6253, 4 Y. 59 Business Places for Rent good AVAILABLE-7000 ft.

of highly able space, in modern 6-story fireproof building. In downtown district, near tel Kimball. Suitable for offices 18 Building contains own light, heat' Open power plant, elevator service, etc. 673. Union Office.

Wil- BARN- Call For 6-2336. storage, for rent on Rifle Rug Open 1348 Dwight DESIRABLE St. 12x33 STORES AYAILABLE 919 Dwight 15x50 Call 6-8381 line FOR RENT--Gas station. cent. located with facilit.

for repair wk. Inside Rood proposit. Call at 440 Worthington. MAIN 1660-Large light office. 14x30.

easily partitioned, $35. Tel. 6-8394. MAPLE 34-Store, or office, heat, 60 water, 50x10. Tel.

3-4727. for suitable for any business, John F. Tehan, ORANGE store. low Realtor, 9-10 Court House I'lare. 3-4217.

C. REASONABLY PRICED STORES 67 Ferry 10x38 61 20 12x24, heated TIE ELLIS CORPORATION. Tel. 6-8381 $150. STATE 425-Near Armory.

Nice small business. 6-1640. STORE-73 Sumner Ave. Available once. Reasonable rent.

suitable for Cin- business. Tel. 3-1742 or inq. 0. K.

Candy Store, 17 Sumner Are. WORTHINGTON 22-For rent, 2d 80x100; also 59 Fort St. Tel. 4-1388. small WORTHINGTON 484-Garage, floor.

50x125. Tel. 4-7388. Houses to Rent ma- AGAIVAM, 1125 River Road, 2 room, 2-car stm heat, modern, condition. Rent $50.

John J. Fish. 3-4849. ma- AUDURON modern cottage garage, 7 $55. A.

G. Taylor 3-9818. HALF HOUSE to rent, furn. or unfurn. heat and garden.

403 Dewey W. S. ma- SOUTH END 5-rm. mod. tenement.

No jertion to col. people. Newly dee. 4-1025. be UNION 143-6 rooms, 4th floor, Ready May 8.

Tel. 6-2336. Offices and Desk Koom re- ATTRAC. OFFICES- -Light. airy, modern, elevator, fireproof.

$15 to MARKARIAN 113 State, 3-0815. re- TOURAINE State St. office space $15 up. Elevator and janitor service. Tel.

6-8381. re- Suburban for Rent NORTH rm. perf. cond. rip For further details call Hartford 2-7482.

Summer Places for Rent BELCHERTOWN-3-rm, furnished summer cottage, 10 mod. conveniences. Tel. Belchertown 2535 or Spild. Wanted--To Rent 62 WANTED--Small -furn.

apt. in T'ville or Enfield. Couple. Box 694, Union off. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Business Property BUILDING at 22 Franklin St.

15,000 80. ft. of manufacturing space, basem*nt, first and second floor. Inquire. 2-5451.

$3 LOT on Chestnut Holyoke. Centrally located, aultable for store, office building 63 or garage. Box 4038. Holyoke Unlion Off. LYMAN wholesale district.

Large frontage, R.R. siding. Good, fair buildingR, I'rice very low. A. G.

Taylor 3-9818 or 6-1381, Real Estate Agents 82-BI MURPHY, EW J. (:0., EST. Na property WA ReInent, leasing, appraising, 10 buying and artling. Main HI. Farms and Land for Sale land, on elty bu to line, $25 down, $10 tor month, J.

E. Craft, 3-8976. FARM yet nearby, G. I. Colleater, 1004 Main St.

TOUT THY FARM -A-1 bus line. ACTOR, $4,400. I. Collester, 1494 Main. Houses for Sale 84 A BRAND NEW home, 4-rm.

Cape garage. Forest Park. Low price, 3-4555. GOOD 7-rin. house, 2 screened porch, 2-vAr fruit, bus, good trout brook and swimming near by.

Wrentham Spfld. A 6-ROOM cottage, 2-c. Jarge lot, located at 106 Westmoreland near achools. churches and stores, $5500; down. bal.

monthly. Shown by appt. only. J. Quinn.

4-3922 or 4-4447. AGAIN CREAM OF ALL THE BARGAINS SINGLES 192 Maple, 12 oil. Investigate $6,00 80 Cornell, 12 beautiful 6400 271 Line, 8 remodel 4400 30 Beech wond, like new 6700 4 Alhambra Agawam, 6 rms, 5700 new brick, 9 miles out 7400 61 Hanco*ck, 6 3 2100 TIVO FAMILIES 426 Sumner 5-5-4, nice 6900 418 Belmont 6-6-4 BA 6700 57-53 Draper, 6-6. like new 5700 137-39 Bristol. 5-6-2.

CAr. st 5400 18 Bristol, 12 gar. 4900 61-63 Groveland, 7-7, steam. gar. 6400 49-61 S' worth, today's value $12.000 8250 61-63 Crystal Ave.

5-5-4, remodel ..4400 35-37 Buchholz, nice 4600 86.88 Belmont, 6-6-4, 6400 42 Cliftwood, 6-6, steam, nice 59001 38-40 Biltmore, steam, car. 5300 Inq. Hector Lucier, 416 Sumner, 4-1918 ALLEN 963-- Nearly new gar: $5000. Ready to move in now. Marcus C.

Myers, Realtor, 12 Ct. House PI. T-0374. ANDREW 16-14-rm. single house with 14 garages, within a stones throw of Indian Motocycle.

Excellent for rooming house. steam heat, modern Price, 3-4848. cash. John J. Fish, APPLEWOOD PLACE, Park, 6 gar.

Needs repairs. $2600. $500 down. A. G.

Taylor 3-9818 or 5-1381. ATTRACTIVE 5-room COTTAGE, steam, gar. A FINE HOME At LOW PRICE. TODAT. $4200.

King Real Katate, 3-5488. BALDWIN W. lot. near school. $3200.

Thomas Petrick, 4-8766. 4-1707. BRIGHAM ST. cottage, A-1 condition. Tel.

8-2336. CHESTER 15 rooms. Telephone 6-2336. CITY PROPOSITION-17 Acres of land. room house, 3-Car large refreshment.

stand, all goods bought large profit. See 115 today. F. I. Trombly.

Real Estate Agency, 156 Main I. Mass. DO NOT WHAT THOUSANDS OF OTHERS wILl, WISH THEY HAD DONE BUY HOME A FROM THIS LIST OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES SINGLES 51 Avon Place 4,500 325 Central Street 4.800 330 Central Street 3,500 29 Chapel Street 2,400 33 Chapel 'Street 2.100 72 Dartmouth Street 4,800 11 Dickinson Street 7.000 312 Dickinson Street 4.800 134 Forest Park Avenue 8,300 63 Kenyon Street 3,800 39: Maple Street 14,000 Northampion Avenue 4.000 Pearl Street Street 10,000 7,500 122 176 Pearl Street 5,000 234 38 Union Warner Street Street 4,300 5 Westford Circle 4,200 TWO FAMILIES 33-33 Cambridge Street 3.200 142 Cedar Street 4,200 31-80 Eastern Avenue 5,000 48 Keith Street 4.300 37-39 Windsor Street 3.800 838-840 Worthington Street 3.000 61-66 Division Street 3,800 WEST SPRINGFIELD 183-181 New Bridze 2-family 3,000 Westfield St. And Sibley Avenue, 23 acres, single 5,500 SPRINGFIELD INSTITUTION FOR SAVINGS TEL. 4-6411 OR YOUR BROKER DEXTER near Maple, good single home to responsible party for a new hundred dollars over present mortrage.

THOMAS PETRICK, 4-8166-8-1023. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT ESTATE FOR Houses for Sale 84 desir- EIGHT- ROOM HOUSE, two baths. On lovely terrace, Owner. 4-7402. Ho- ELM West Spfld.

-2 0-5, mig. asking Terms. THOMAS l'ETAud RICK, 4-8766, 4-1703. Lox FEEDING single, 2 baths, Areplace, garage, $6.000. HILLS Beautiful new 6-room St.

Inquire Fred Fruwirth, 003 Springfield St. (2nd floor), Feeding FISKE -2-family, 6 rooms, 8-car rage, new paint. 6-2336. $20 FLORIDA 102-2 family, 6-6, new sinks, lot 190 deep; $3700. E.

D. Johnson Company. 6-7294, 2-9024. lube. br.

PLEASANT 203-Destrable room single. all modern. fireplace. baths, steam heat, Jixceptionally large lot. $6700 terms.

Call 6-8381. hot J. Cottage, gar. Lot 110x1 Yerrall Yerrall, 44 Vernon. rent, Tel.

2-9714. fam. 12 no gar. $3600. $600 cash.

Balance monthly. A. G. Taylor Co. 2-9818 or 6-1381.

$12 SECTION COTTAGE- In A fine street, $23 8 rOomS, modern. steam, large lot. Terms. James M. Sheehan, for MILL SECTION -Nice Jocation, 2-family, 14 rooms, steam, in price at to $4,700.

James "I'. Sheehan. 4-8209. AMHERST 7 rooma, brass plumbing throughout. fireplace.

very good garage. OPEN TO OFFER. FRED A. VOGEL, REALTOR, 1252 Main 2-3167. 2d HOUSE-11 Feeding Hills, cor.

Room 407. 113 State St. Afternoons only. LONG HILI, 161-See and make offer! 77 F. D.

Johnson 2-9024. sun- -Owner leaving town and A-1 says sell 7-room residence, oil heat, 2-car garage. Extra well built. For Appointand ment consult Wm. It.

Feltham, Son. Co. Tel. 3-8641. LONGMEADOW -Single, 8 rms.

(4 bedOil rooms), oil heat, 2-car garage, near bus line, beautiful yard, see this oh- buy. price $9800. Call 2-2733. LONGMEADOW 190 Laurel. Near Converse St.

School. 7 min. Ct. Sq. Lot Tix 150.

Mtg. LONGNEADOW 78 Unusually fine homes for sale from $9500 up. Call for appointment. Scott Stearns, Realtor, 4-7083. SECTION-8-rm.

cottage, 2-car garage, steam heat. $3500. Call 2-2530. MIDDLESEN, near W'estford 6-6, 2-car fireplaces, large lot, new roof and paint job. For price and terms, call 3-0693.

79 NEAR Westford Circle-One of the best 2 fam. houses on the market. A-1 cond. 16 rooms, 3 garage. $7200.

A. G. Taylor 3-9818' or 6-1381. 80 MIDDLESEX 207-Mod. single, part brick.

6 oil heat. 2-CAr gar. Large lot. $6500. Terms.

All financed. 6-8381. MILL James modern T. 2-family, Sneehan, $3200. Easy tern.

81 1653 Main St. 4-8209. NEW 5-room brick cottage. Congamond heights on Congamond Lake, Southwick. For sale or rent.

Tel. 6-9570. NORFOLK ST. -fi. sim.

$3000. Terms. THOMAS PETRICK, 4-1703. 82 NOTTINGHAM 90 6-room single, attached garage. steam heat, modern, good condition, $3800.

Terms to suit. Tel. 6-8381. OAK GROVE AVE. 190--12 2 modern.

stm. heat, large lot. $5500. Terms, Call 6-8381. P'ALMYRA 47-New 6-rm.

house, Attached garage. Air-conditioned. Beat buy in Springfield. Tel. 3-7207 or 4-6427.

PARK Continental Stu, 7. ol! heat, good cond, Terms. 6-8381. PARK cash secure to 6-rm, A gArage, 24 How at. Inquire 18 At.

RI, 6 ring, and sun! nice living robin, at garage, In lot, Bungalow, 4 Are. blare, large living 10001, PR NO, Buckingham Alate roof, 011. tile hath. nice floors, 2-car lot, only $3730. Shown appointment only, 1.

11. Wilcox, 21 ColSt. Tel. 2-4821. 13 At PAm, oll, $5400.

R. 11. FLAGG, ROOSEVENT 949-6-room cottage, Realtor, 19 Elm St. Tel. 6-8394.

SEVENTH 2-family house. Good condition, $3700. Tel. 3-2040. RIFLE cottage, large barn, 2 lots.

Wonderful for parking cars. Near Watershops. -6-2330. RIFLE FAMILY, 16 ROOMS. TEL.

6-2336. SUMNER -Large 2 12 gAr. $6500. $700 cash. A.

G. Taylor 3-9818 or 6-1381. VAN HORN West Mod. 6-rm. home, oil.

firepl. Priced for quick sale. 4-8760. 4-1707. S.

MAIN ST. (off), 14 good 2-car $3.400. 3-8337. WEST SPRINGFIELD, 312 Elm outstanding "Dutch Colonial," lArge lot, 2-car nil heat. Shown by appointment.

HARRY R. WHYTE 7-0374 TILRRATIAM AVE. cor. lot. Will sacrifice.

Bailey, 31 Elm St. Tel. 3-3183. FAMILY. redecorated recently, 1.00.

Good condition and returns. TO York upstairs. Lots for Sale 85 con. ST. JAMES AVE.

Cuff lots. 100 ft. on St. James $600. J.

F. Quinn, 4-6922 or 4-4447. Summer Property for Sale 86 BECKET or CENTER LAKE, 1700 ft. above SPA level. Buy NOW: build your cabin for family summer vacations.

FRED A. VOGEL, REALTOR, 1232 Main St. Suburban for Sale COMFORTABLE E. LONG. HOMES 6-room, steam, garage $3750 nom and gun room $5660 8-room.

2-car garage $4800 I. C. Davis, Real Estate, F. Longm. EAST LONG.

-Cottage. ex. lot, water. near school: $2.00: terms, HUBBARD Ludlow-? family, 10 rooms. 6 cAr gArage.

Spfid. LYONS I. 0-2-family. 12-room. 2-car garage.

newly dec. in and out. 6-2336. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Suburban for Sale 87 MODERN 2-family, 2 level acres, $4000. G.

I. Collester, 1964 Main St. NORTH -5 rm. bung. perf.

cond. For further details call 482. center of town, 6-rm. cottage And about 5 Acres of land. A reAl bargain.

Price $3700. Terms. Call for appointment. HENRY M. CLARK CO.

REALTORS 7-0231 100 Broadway 7-0232 Wanted -Real Estate 89 HAVE CLIENTS with considerable cash. List your property with GIESCHI, 29 Spring St. 3-7532. 1. YOU want to sell your farm or any kind of country real estate mail a card and I will call W.

J. Griswold, Elm Hast Longmeadow. It you wish to sell your home CALL MARCUS C. MYERS, REALTOR 12 Court louse Place, Tel. 7-0374 LIST YOUR hone for sale or rent with THOMAS PETRICK, 1242 Main St.

or 8-1023. Personal service OUT OF TOWN buyers want local property. See G. I. Collester, 1694 Main SELLING house? Why not list with hustler.

Harvey Realty, 115 State, 4-5279. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Automobile Instruction Driving Lessons. We call for you. Courso $10. Forest Park Auto School.

Tel. Anto Driving Instruction Courso 610. Laporte Auto School, 86 Broadway. 3-1411 DRIVING course, $10. Splaine's Auto School, Call 6-9866, 6-5866.

We call for you. Driving Course, Est. 1909, Fairbanks Auto School, .41 New Dwight' Miscellaneous Flat and Gloss White l'alnt 98c Gal. FRANKLIN HARDWARE CORP. 1943 Main St.

Near Franklin 3-1015 MATTRESSES MADE $3.00 Tel. 4-3313. SPRINGFIELD MATTRESS CO. SATe Money! New Shades WOOLENS for Spring Suits Coats. Mill End-, yd.

$1 up Hampden Woolen Co. 42 Harrison Are. Cameras, Binoculars, Shotguns, 688 PEOPLE'S Machinists' LOAN, Tools and 1873 Jewelry. MAIN. 9x12 Tapestry Dust Cleaned and RUGS Steam sterilized $1.50.

Crescent Carpet 96 State. 2-6039 CASH For Did Sterling Gold Silver Gold Filled OLD GOLD SHOPPE, 200 WORTHINGTON LOANS WATCHES CASH DIAMONDS JEWELRY SPRINGFIELD JEWELRY LOAN CO. Est. 1912-1618 Main Bowles Midg. Bought and Sold.

Free OLD COINS 83 Appraisals. Oakland Tatha St. Wanted to Buy CASH OLD GOLD DIAMONDS PLATINUM FOR -SILVER M. J. KITTREDGE, Inc.

1354 MAIN ST. 6-0373 Money to Loan YOU CAN BORROW FOR LESS AT THE MORRIS PLAN BANKING COMPANY 50 VERNON ST. DIAL 4-5661 LOANS $50 for $4.48 (Total Cost) $100 for $8.90 (Total Cost) if repaid in 6 monthly payments See other loans and payments plans in table. You can got pa loan quickly on. your note, car or furniture.

No endorsers. No credit inquiries of friends or relatives. Cash Choose a monthly payment plan Loan You 3 6 9 12 15 Gel Dermis paymis paymis paymts 25 8.75 4.54 3.14 2.44 50 17.51 9.08 6.27 4.87 100 35.01 18.15 12.55 9.75 8.08 150 52.43 37.16 18.75 14.56 12.05 200 69.80 36.13 34.92 19.33 15.98 300 104.53 54.02 37.21 28.82 23.80 Payments include charges at the rate of per month on that part of balance not exceeding $100 and per month on that part of a balance in exceas of $100.. HOUSEHOLD FINANCE Corporation 9th Floor, 3rd National Bank Building 1387 Main, Springfield, Mass. Lic.

139 R. H. Fuss, Mgr. Springfield 6-0351 4p Simple to apply, simple to qualLOANS ify. Large loans Outsiders made not as readily involved.

as small ones. If you want to get to pay bills A loan "on your phone or 'come in Personal: makes loans of $25 to $250 other or more purposes. for We the make above loans and Personal quickly, privately--on furniture just your FINANCE: CO. signature, or on or auto. 'employed A loan person's plan needs to fit whether every 1618 Main Bowles Bldg.

on an old or a new job. 4 Rea- Rm. 209--4-1191 sonable monthly License 73 Step Ahead LOANS PERSONAL Loans from $100 to $1000 to meet unexpected expenses, pay taxes, finance dental or medical care or other needs. $6 per $100 per year, 12 months to pay. Cosigners generally not required.

Come in or phone 2-2141 Personal Loan Dept. SPRINGFIELD NATIONAL BANK MAIN BRIDGE STREETS BRANCHES. MAIN ST. 1 0. Member STATE On Your Name Only IN $25 TO $300 IN 1 DAY PHONE THEN COME IN FOR YOUR MONEY Room 304, 3rd Nat'l Bank 1387 Main St.

Telephone 3-6607 License No. 163 DAY.WE MAKE OUT-OF-TOWN LOANS Public Loan.

The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


Why did West Springfield break away from Springfield in 1774? ›

Independence from Springfield

Given the continuing need to cross the Connecticut River to attend town meetings, and east–west tension over resource allocation, the west side residents petitioned the Massachusetts General Court to be incorporated as a separate town in 1756.

What was Springfield, MA originally called? ›

The history of Springfield, Massachusetts dates back to the colonial period, when it was founded in 1636 as Agawam Plantation, named after a nearby village of Algonkian-speaking Native Americans.

Why is Springfield so famous? ›

Springfield has several nicknames—"The City of Firsts", due to the many innovations developed there, such as the first American dictionary, the first American gas-powered automobile, and the first machining lathe for interchangeable parts; "The City of Homes", due to its Victorian residential architecture; and "Hoop ...

What weapon such as the Springfield named after the Massachusetts city? ›

In 1795, the Springfield Armory produced the new nation's first musket - the Model 1795 Musket which was largely patterned after the French Charleville musket which had armed the French army during the American Revolution.

What was the outcome of the event outside the Arsenal of Springfield Massachusetts? ›

Shays led a force of about 1,200 men in an attack (January 1787) on the federal arsenal at Springfield, which was repulsed. Pursued by the militia, on February 4 he was decisively defeated at Petersham and fled to Vermont.

What language do they speak in Springfield MA? ›

While about two-thirds of Springfield's population primarily speaks English at home, it is an important reality that 23.9 percent of Springfield's population speaks Spanish at home and another 7.5 percent speak another language at home.

What is Springfield best known for? ›

The lore and reputation of Abraham Lincoln has made Springfield a global destination because of the story of his life and the location in Springfield of his home and the Abraham Presidential Library and Museum.

What was invented in Springfield? ›

The Birthplace of Basketball

Basketball is built into the fabric of Springfield College. The game was invented by Springfield College instructor and graduate student James Naismith in 1891, and has grown into the worldwide athletic phenomenon we know it to be today.

What is the racial makeup of Springfield, Massachusetts? ›

Springfield, the third largest city in Massachusetts, has 69,301 Latinos according to the 2015-2019 American Community Survey. They represent 45% of the city's population. Whites are the second largest ethno-racial group (31%), while Blacks (19%) and Asians (3%) are the other ethno-racial group with a sizable presence.

What is a fun fact about Springfield? ›

Springfield is the capital of the U.S. state of Illinois. The city lies on the Sangamon River. Abraham Lincoln lived in Springfield for more than 20 years before he became the president of the United States. Many people in Springfield work for the government.

What was the capital of Massachusetts before Boston? ›

Boston, however, wasn't always the capital of all Massachusetts. For 70 years, Plymouth was the capital of Plymouth Colony, which included Cape Cod, Scituate, Marshfield and Duxbury, Bridgewater, Taunton, what is now New Bedford and Fall River, Dartmouth and Freetown.

Who owns Springfield? ›

Springfield Armory is owned by the Reese family.

Why did the Springfield Armory shut down? ›

In 1968, citing budgetary concerns, the U.S. Government closed Springfield Armory. Now the walls of Springfield Armory would house historians, paying homage to the past rather than those with an eye to the future.

When did Springfield stop making rifles? ›

Springfield Armory was closed by the U.S. government in 1968 as a cost-cutting measure.

What rebellion happened against the armory in Springfield Massachusetts? ›

SPRINGFIELD, MA: Springfield Armory National Historic Site commemorates the anniversary of the failed January 1787 attempt by armed rebels to seize the Springfield Arsenal during Shays's Rebellion, one of the most significant and tragic moments in the history of the United States.

What happened when the protestors from Shays Rebellion attacked the Springfield Armory? ›

Lincoln's forces anticipated that the Regulators would storm the federal armory at Springfield, Massachusetts, and were waiting when Shays approached the armory with approximately 1,500 men on January 25, 1787. The army fired warning shots followed by artillery fire, killing four of the insurgents and wounding twenty.

Why was the Battle of Springfield significant? ›

The Battles of Connecticut Farms and Springfield, though small, were significant in the sense that it revealed how Continental troops and local militia could work together against a British inland invasion.

How many people died in the battle of Springfield? ›

What were the Casualties? Of the 2099 Union forces engaged, 19 were killed or missing and 146 were wounded for a total loss of 165 men (7.9 Percent). Of the 1870 Confederates engaged at Springfield, 45 were killed or missing and 105 were wounded for a total loss of 150 men (8.0 percent).

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.