's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (2024)

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by Ann H. Gabhart

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This review was written for LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

loved this book from the first page. Would suggest it to everyone ( 's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (6) )

's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (7) 's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (8)

dmcoco | May 18, 2024 |

I really enjoy novels set in Kentucky mountainsides, and this was another great historical read based in that area. Mira is happy being a teacher and living in the small rental room, but she is starting to feel the longing for a family of her own. But that would mean a husband, and giving up her teaching career and she hasn't really met anyone meeting her fancy and the two kind of go hand in hand. When a classmate from her past offers her just what she has been thinking about. She cannot believe how presumptuous this is of him! It has been years since they were in school and are different people now. But when it seems doors are closing and giving her no other options, she realizes that just maybe his offer was God's way of giving her what she has wanted. I really loved this storyline as well as the characters. I also enjoyed the other stories wound through out and especially loved little miss Ada June! This was a great heartfelt novel about trusting in the Lord in putting us where we are needed. Thank you to the author and the Revell blogger program for the complementary novel. This review is of my own opinion and accord. ( 's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (11) )

's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (12) 's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (13)

Chelz286 | May 17, 2024 |

I absolutely loved this story. Set in the early 1900s, partially in Louisville, Kentucky, and largely in the Appalachian community of Sourwood, Kentucky, the story is filled with memorable, believable characters that readers will, for the most part, come to love and respect. Of course, there are a few more cantankerous ones to keep the story lively. Readers will share in the characters' joys and sorrows, and may come to see how the two can coincide in their own lives. They may also come to see that they, like some of the people of Sourwood, have more love to give and more backbone to support themselves than they ever realized. As with her other books set in Appalachia, Gabhart shows and understanding of, and a high regard for, the people there, honoring their ways and avoiding caricatures. The colloquial language she incorporates enhances the tale.

I give The Song of Sourwood Mountain five stars and am very grateful to have received a complimentary copy from Revell via NetGalley without obligation. All opinions expressed here are my own. ( 's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (16) )

's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (17) 's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (18)

claudia.castenir | May 13, 2024 |

I didn’t want to put this book down as I quickly fell into Mira’s life that she had relegated herself to since the death of her fiancée. But….God has different plans and as doors close God opens one to a life completely different than what she envisioned. I immediately fell in love with Ada June and in my opinion she carried the story to new heights. In the midst of all the changes in her life Mira also finds the blessings and as she grows and learns the ways of the Appalachian people she finds they have become a part of herself. I loved the characters and the storytelling as it’s like sitting on your porch listening as a storyteller immerses you in what they have to say which is part of Appalachian history. I love that this author has that ability and I am always satisfied when I turn the last page. From the beautiful cover to the ending you will find you can’t devour it fast enough but that you want to slow down so you can savor the words. I highly recommend as you won’t want to miss meeting characters that stay with you.
I received a complimentary copy from the publisher/author. The honest review and opinions are my own and were not required. ( 's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (21) )

's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (22) 's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (23)

Lucy_M_Reynolds | May 13, 2024 |

I loved this story of hope and romance and starting over. I loved Gordon and Mira and Ada June. I enjoyed all the descriptions of the mountains and hollers of Kentucky. I laughed and cried. I could not put the book down. I received a copy of the book from the publisher for a fair and honest opinion that I gave of my own free will. ( 's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (26) )

's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (27) 's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (28)

Virginia51 | May 8, 2024 |

In this unusual marriage of convenience story, Mira is also encountering a lifestyle that she knows nothing about. But when God blocks her way of life in the city, she follows the lead He provides. “You don’t have a problem, my dear. You have an opportunity.” She marries Preacher Gordon and travels to a backwoods community to become a teacher to children in Sourwood, Kentucky.
Ms. Gabhart is an extraordinary storyteller. She is an artist with words and paints a realistic picture of existence in the hollers of Appalachia in 1910. The little expressions and mountain traditions bring the story to life, the characters are likable, authentic and drew me into the story.
The portrayal of Mira as she dealt with the unknown and as she connected with the mountain folk was well written. You can tell the author has dogs by the way she depicts their behavior. A favorite character was Ada June, a lonely orphan girl who is passed from family to family because she can help with children and chores. After her mother dies, she chooses to speak to a select few. But the tender heart of Mira shows Ada June love and pulls her out of her shell.
This was a memorable story that touched on many emotions and was a very satisfying read.
*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Revell on behalf of the author. I was nit required to post a favorable review. All opinions are mine alone.* ( 's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (31) )

's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (32) 's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (33)

paulashreckhise | May 6, 2024 |

This review was written for LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

This was such an amazing read. I finished it about 10 days ago and have read at least 4 other books since then and still - just starting to write this review gives me all the feels again.
I just LOVED the characters. Loved them so much. Mira was so modest and kind, so brave. Gordon was, he was amazing. I loved him more and more every time I read about him. Reading about how he treated Mira, the kids of Sourwood and all the other people there, but especially how he pursued the things he felt God told him to without hesitating just made me smile. I also enjoyed their love story a lot. It was a real marriage of convenience but in contrast to most modern romances with that trope it wasn’t a fake marriage where the main characters fall for each other without wanting to, but a real marriage, a real commitment where especially Mira tries her best to love Gordon - with God’s help. I loved how real that was and how God blessed their marriage because of their faithfulness to Him and to each other.
“But I love the Lord. You love the Lord. I believe he will honor that love, and with a common mission in both our hearts, the Lord will grow love between us as he did so many of those he brought together in the Bible.”
“She pulled in a breath and pushed out the necessary words. “I do.”Nothing more was expected, but before Reverend Haskell went on with the ceremony, she added, “With the Lord’s help.” Gordon took her hand in his then. “And I say the same.” “Not a bad addition to the vows,” Reverend Haskell said.”
I also enjoyed most side characters. Like Joseph, Bo (yes, this dog is definitely a character!) or Miss Ophelia who made me laugh quite a few times. I wished she would have moved to Sourwood with Mira so we could have read about her even more.
But Ada June is the real treasure of this book. This girl immediately had my heart and I cried so much for her and the hardships she went through.For me it would have been a great book without her, but it was an absolutely amazing read with her in it and I loved reading about how she slowly healed, started to trust more and more people and found friends and a family again.
“”Can I call you Mama?” Miss Mira looked surprised but pleased. “Please do, daughter mine.” [...] Her new mama reached to smooth Ada June’s hair away from her face. She picked out a twig and smiled. “But I have to say you smell more like dirt than starlight this time.””
Trusting in God is probably the major theme of the book and I loved watching the different character’s learning to trust God more and especially appreciated the scenes when Joseph or Ada June started to have questions and how Mira and Gordon talked to them about God, faith and prayer.
“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”(Mira quotes from Proverbs 3: 5-6)
There is a lot of heartache in this book, but also a lot of love and hope and even though I have a lump in my throat just remembering the grief I’ve read about, I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It was the first book by the author that I’ve read, but I will definitely pick up another book of her’s!* I received a copy of this book from LibraryThing (Early Reviewers) via NetGalley. I leave this review voluntarily and the expressed opinions are my own. ( 's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (37) )

Ann H. Gabhart is the best at weaving together life in the Appalachian Mountains, faith, and love. The Song of Sourwood Mountain, a fictional historical Christian novel, is the love story of brought-in preacher Gordon Covington and teacher Mira Dean, surrounded by the phenomenal folk of Sourwood. This enthralling story’s theme is to trust God no matter what happens.

Gabhart’s picturesque prose takes her readers back to 1910 Sourwood, Kentucky, luring them to immerse themselves in life in the holler. Imagine the only method of cooking being in a fireplace. Even Mira was shocked. The wonderful women of the holler embraced Mira, offering their wisdom and help. They taught her the art of cooking over an open fire. Even little Ada June pitched in, teaching Mira how to cook cornbread in exchange for book learning before school started.

This heartwarming, heart-wrenching, gripping story will forever remain in my heart. I enjoyed living amongst the mountain folk of Sourwood and was sorry to leave when the story ended.

For readers who fancy historical Christian fiction, I highly recommend The Song of Sourwood Mountain by the phenomenal author Ann H. Gabhart.

A complimentary copy of this book was provided by Revell via NetGalley through Interviews & Reviews. I was not obligated to write a favorable review, and all opinions are my own. ( 's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (42) )

's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (43) 's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (44)

ladyharris | May 4, 2024 |

I loved this book from the very start. When that happens I read fast, wanting to see how things develop in the book. I loved the Christian aspects in the book which is very heart-warming to me. I love this type of book, so much! It kind of reminds me of my husband's grandmother whose husband settled in Hawaii and sent for what was called a "picture bride" who he married after 3 days of their meeting. Well Mira wants to be a wife and mother, but when she is surprised to be told by preacher Gordon Covington that he was called by God to preach and that he should marry Mira, she was not happy about this turn in her life. She was a schoolteacher with a good job and a place to live. But does God also have plans for her and causing a little redirection in her life?
Such a good read. I am so glad I was able to read this book and I wouldn't have wanted to miss it. This author has definitely become a favorite of mine and I don't want to pass by any of her books!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. ( 's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (47) )

's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (48) 's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (49)

Sonja.Hoeke.Nish7358 | May 4, 2024 |

This review was written for LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

Name of book:The Song of Sourwood MountainAuthor: Ann GabhartPublisher: Revell
I have been anticipating Song of Sourwood Mountain since I saw the beautiful. I love choosing a book because of its cover, and this was a winner. As the book begins, Mira's life seems to be coming apart by its threads. Her teaching job has been eliminated, on the heels of hearing that her landlady wants her room for a family member. And what's more important is, she is given a marriage of convenience proposal. Is this for real?
This book reminded me of Christy by Catherine Marshal. So, if you enjoyed this, you will enjoy Song of Sourwood Mountain. I love the characters, all of them, but I am a bit partial to Mira and Gordon. I love how they communicate with each other, and how they are so humble in wanting to help. The setting is in the Appalachian mountains, and any book set in these mountains is a super hit for me. Author Ann Gabhart does a phenomenal job with developing her characters, and having them develop just the right times. I love Gabhart's book and would highly recommend them all but especially this one. I'm giving Song of Sourwood Mountain Five Stars!! A special thanks to the author/publisher for a copy of this book. I am not required to write a positive review, the opinions here are mine alone. I am disclosing this with my review in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255. ( 's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (53) )

's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (54) 's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (55)

ibjoy1953 | Apr 25, 2024 |

Listen closely, and you'll hear the gentle melody of The Song of Sourwood Mountain, a captivating tale that resonates with the spirit of Appalachia. This 5+ star book, in my opinion, is a priceless treasure, weaving together the threads of faith, love, and the rugged beauty of the mountains.

This heartwarming and sometimes heart-wrenching story gripped me, each page a melody echoing throughout the hollows of my heart. Ann H. Gabhart has a gift for crafting characters who feel like old friends, their lives intricately woven into the very fabric of the mountains they call home.

In the heart of these ancient hills, we meet Mira Dean, a woman faced with an unexpected proposal from Gordon Covington, a preacher with a vision for a mission school in the mountains. At first, Gordon's persistence may seem overbearing, but as we explore the depths into his character, we see a man led by faith, trusting in God's plan.

The Appalachian setting comes alive with every word, painting a vivid picture of the rugged beauty and the resilient spirit of the people who call it home. As Mira and Gordon navigate the twists and turns of their new life together, we see their love story unfold with genuine tenderness, mirroring the sweet melody of a bluebird's song.

But it's not just Mira and Gordon who steal the show. Ada June and her loyal four-legged companion, Bo, capture our hearts with their courage and resilience in the face of soul-shaking adversity. Their presence in Mira and Gordon's lives adds exquisite, eternal depth and warmth to the story, reminding us of the found family that can emerge in unexpected places.

Throughout the novel, the theme of trusting in Almighty God and His plan shines brightly. I absolutely loved the Christian faith content! Here is a quote that I have memorized: “Fear has a way of paralyzing us, coloring our thoughts, making us want to believe we know more than God.”

Each character's journey, filled with joys and sorrows alike, unfolds in harmony with the Appalachian landscape, creating a symphony of faith, hope, trust, and love.

As I read, I found myself savoring every sentence, not wanting the book to end yet unable to resist the pull of the next chapter. Gabhart's masterful storytelling drew me into a world where the bluebird's melody intertwined with the whispers of the mountains.

The Song of Sourwood Mountain continues to linger in my heart long, leaving me with a deeper appreciation for the symphony of life's joys and sorrows.

For anyone seeking a soul-stirring journey through the heart of Appalachia, The Song of Sourwood Mountain is an absolute must-read. It's a bluebird's melody that will echo in your heart, reminding you of the beauty and resilience found in the heart of the mountains.

I received a digital copy of The Song of Sourwood Mountain from Revell. I am not required to write a positive review in any way or for any reason. My honest and unbiased opinions expressed in this book review are my own. My review focuses on the writing style, the pacing, and the story’s content, ensuring transparency and reliability. ( 's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (58) )

's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (59) 's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (60)

DevotedToHope | Apr 14, 2024 |

This review was written for LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

I enjoy reading about the Appalachian Mountain people and I thoroughly became engrossed in reading The Song Of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart, which was a very heartwarming saga of Mira and Gordon going to Sourwood, Kentucky and running a mission school. The mountain people have a hard life, but this book shows how the people stick together through thick and thin, and though poor are so rich in very Godly ways . What a very inspirational book well worth a readers time. All of Ann H. Gabhart's books that I've read are amazing! ( 's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (64) )

's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (65) 's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (66)

rbooth43 | Apr 8, 2024 |

"When Mira Dean left her rooms for church on Sunday morning, she had no idea that she would hear a proposal of marriage before she returned for her midday meal."

Fans of Christy will love this heart tugging story! Set in 1910, the life of Mira takes a sudden turn as she accepts a post as a schoolteacher in the mountains of eastern Kentucky.

Full of interesting characters whose local speech colors in the picture of mountain life with both joys and sorrows. Mira and Gordon are a wonderful pair to watch as their marriage of convenience grows into something more. Ada June steals the show as she and Bo quickly work their way into Mira's heart. The story has plenty of spiritual elements gently added as they struggle through difficulties, growing their faith and learning to love each other. It was a wonderful story from start to finish. I wish it had been a bit longer, but there is room for a sequel perhaps.
Recommend! 4.5 stars

(An ebook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley. All opinions expressed are my own.) ( 's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (69) )

's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (70) 's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (71)

WildflowerMom | Apr 4, 2024 |

This review was written for LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

I love stories set in Appalachia, and Ann Gabhart is a master at spinning an Appalachian tale with her authentic and thoughtful portrayal of the hardworking, caring Kentucky mountain people and their culture. Set in 1910, This heartwarming and sometimes heart-wrenching story kept me engaged from beginning to end. Beautifully crafted characters who you come to care for drive the story. I love Mira and Gordon and the way their marriage of convenience develops into a solid relationship built on love. I actually enjoyed ten-year-old Ada June’s touching storyline most of all. As always in Ms. Gabhart’s books, I greatly appreciate the strong faith element that permeates the story. I totally enjoyed this book and highly recommend it!
I received a copy of this book from LibraryThing via NetGalley with no obligation to write a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my own. ( 's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (75) )

's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (76) 's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (77)

Joycar_1 | Mar 29, 2024 |

This review was written for LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

Mira learns the meaning of closed and open doors when God leads her to accept Gordon's proposal and offer of a teaching job in the Kentucky mountains. Christian faith plays an important part of this story, but it is no way preachy. All the main characters were well-developed, though I had trouble keeping track of the supporting cast. This might make a good movie.
I received this book from LibraryThing in exchange for a fair review. ( 's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (81) )

's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (82) 's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (83)

eliorajoy | Mar 20, 2024 |

This review was written for LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

This book was so refreshing! I loved the character of Gordon, he is a strong and well grounded man with principle and courage. The story of Mira was enchanting, the way this author created the world these two characters lived inside was magical and inspiring. The courage of both Gordon and Mira was something to ponder. I loved how God's touch is highlighted throughout this story, the way He masterfully creates our perfect path so we may have a fulfilling life. Each character in this book is masterfully written, from the very beginning to the very end. So many different personalities, so many different worlds that are all connected and the way God has woven them together is so beautifully detailed in this wonderful book. The Song of Sourwood Mountain has given me new inspiration to look for God and His will in my life. I would love to see a sequel to this story! ( 's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (87) )

's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (88) 's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (89)

klsypam28 | Mar 16, 2024 |

This review was written for LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

I enjoyed this book set in the mountains of Kentucky. Mira reluctantly agrees to become the schoolteacher and Gordon’s wife. The hill people are colorful. It doesn’t take Mira long to become attached to a young girl longing to learn. Ada June has her own story (I liked her dog).

Mira and Gordon get to know each other as Mira begins teaching and learning about the community. This was a refreshing book about finding out where the Lord can lead us. ( 's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (93) )

's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (94) 's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (95)

Joy62 | Mar 15, 2024 |

This review was written for LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

I truly enjoyed reading this book. It kept my interest throughout. The main characters were very well developed. The storyline flowed well. It fit the customs and activities of the era.
There were one or two things left unfinished. I'm not sure there will be a second book or not, but I'd enjoy an extension.
I requested and received an ARC of this book through LibraryThing. This review is freely given and my own, personal thoughts.
If you enjoy historic, Christian fiction, I am sure you will enjoy this book. ( 's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (99) )

's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (100) 's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (101)

grammy57 | Mar 15, 2024 |

This review was written for LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

Living in Louisville, Mira attends church one Sunday and hears a visiting preacher talk about his mountain mission in Eastern Kentucky and realizes the man in the pulpit is a schoolmate from her childhood. Gordon approaches her after the service with a startling proposal. Come to Sourwood, Kentucky to teach in the soon-completed schoolhouse as his wife.

Thinking she would never marry after her intended died about five years ago, Mira wonders if Sourwood is where the Lord wants her to live and work and possibly raise a family of her own with a willing, godly husband. She doubts whether she would accept Gordon's proposal, both to teach and to marry him.

The plot felt during the proposal scene like St. John asking Jane Eyre to become his wife before going to the missionary fields of India, and portions of the novel when Mira arrives in Sourwood are similar to the novel Christy, about another young city woman teaching in a mountain school.

From a Christian perspective, some might not enjoy the confusion of God and Jesus Christ or references to a couple's toddlers dying as heaven needing more angels. I lasted about 50% through the Kindle copy I was given to review via NetGalley. I cross-posted these personal opinions of mine on Goodreads and NetGalley. ( 's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (105) )

's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (106) 's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (107)

marianthelibrarian23 | Mar 13, 2024 |

What a great story to become immersed in, and once I was I never wanted to leave.

Ann Gabhart is a master story teller, and this one sure didn't disappoint.

This is a faith based fictional read, and I loved how even though we don't want to do something, God has other plans, and oh how rich our lives become because of him.

We become totally involved in the lives of these mountain people, their language and customs. Some were a bit difficult, but they give a lot when sometimes they have very little!

I loved how they came on the Preacher's wedding night and the very different welcome they give the couple! The children are so hungry for learning, and we are there when the school opens!

Now I hope for more by this author!

I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Revel, and was not required to give a positive review. ( 's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (110) )

's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (111) 's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (112)

alekee | Mar 12, 2024 |

This review was written for LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

I received this book as part of the LibraryThing Early Reviewers Program which in no way influenced my review of the book.
I have to admit that I love a good mountain story from around the turn of the twentieth century, and this book qualifies. It also helps if the book has some humorous moments, which this book does. Here we have the delightful story of a single woman school teacher who will soon qualify as an "old maid", Mira Dean. Mira goes to church one Sunday, and before she leaves, mountain pastor Gordon Covington has proposed marriage to her. Although they attended the same school as children, they never really knew each other. Nonetheless, Gordon has prayed for a wife and a school teacher for the soon to be completed school constructed next to his church. Mira would answer this prayer perfectly, Naturally, Mira finds his proposal shocking and immediately turns him down although she does promise to pray that he will find the person he seeks. She returns home to eat her lunch alone and then, surprisingly to her, wonders if he might knock on her door that very afternoon. She still has no intention of marrying him, however. To go any further with the plot would give too much away.
Suffice it to say that Ann Gabhart has done an excellent job of portraying mountain life as it was then and also mountain people and their resentment of people from "outside". The book has heartbreaking moments and also sweet ones. I think that both men and women would enjoy reading the book and give it a two thumbs up recommendation. ( 's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (116) )

1 's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (117) 's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (118) 's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (119)

khiemstra631 | Mar 10, 2024 |

This review was written for LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

This story takes place in the earl 1900's. Mira Dean has decided to remain a spinster for life after her fiance passed away from tuberculosis. However, God has other plans for her. Will she decide to follow His plan rather than her own?

's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (123) 's review of The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H. Gabhart (124)

starbritejan | Mar 9, 2024 |

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