Moberly Monitor-Index and Moberly Evening Democrat from Moberly, Missouri (2024)

RENT- SWAP'HIRE BUY SELL-RENT SWAP-HI RE BUY SWAP-HIRE CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS I SELL-RENT SWAP HI BUY- SELL-RENT SWAP HIRE BUY SELL-RENT Meberly Monitor-Index ft Evening Democrat Page 19 May II, 1966 LOCAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING KATI NO. WORDS MO OP TIMES to to to It 1.80 wk. 1 me, me 7.50 e.SO 7.50 I.S* 7.H 1.50 UO 2.50 MS 3.00 1.75 125 3.00 3.:5 1.50 1.00 2.50 3.00 345 4.00 1.50 9. So 1.50 Over 30 words, lOc per word per day ERKORS II ad contains mlstakt pteett notify second insertion, the Monitor-Index will not be responsible for more than the first incorrect iniertior. BLIND ADS are charged it rejulir rete plus 50c It replies ere called it office.

$1.00 churge mailed to edvertistr, READER! NOTICES Minimum $1.00. CARD "IP THANKS IN MEMORIAM OBITUARIES 4 cent' each word, heading 20c. Cash with order. Pltese mell or bring counter. Nil occepted by telephone, THE MONITOR.INUEX reserves the right tt, or revise et lt tlor any edvertliement which It deems oblectionsblo.

NOTE All Clasilned Adi must be placed the afternoon proceeding day of publication DISPLAY RATES $1.12 per column inch. 1 1 month per column Inch. Cell AM 3-4123 to place classified ed. CARD OF THANKS CARD OF THANKS We wish to take this method to thank each one who helped lo make ihe HIGBEE VARIETY STORE sale a big success. Also lo remind you that we still.

a a lot of good BARGAINS! DOROTHY'S ANTIQUES--Buy and sell. Hy. 24, Huntsville Mo. Ph. 277-3379.

Announcement Barnes Furniture Company CARD OF THANKS garbage and purchased pickup route o) Mr. and Mrs. Groyer Shoemak- ir, who have run it for a great number of years. 1 will try to We want lo express our sin- core gratitude and appreciation on" the same basis as to the friends, neighbors, church ilr. and Mrs.

Shoemaker. Help Wanted 5 WANTED TO BUY 14 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MEDICAL CENTER CAMPUS intervtowini in MOBERf Opportunity awaits qualified applicants. The job openings insure secure, perminent employment in a growing University iystem. We offer vacation, life and health insurance, paid retirement, and other University staff benefits. LOW-COST, ROUND TRIP TRANSPORTATION AVAILABLE NURSING ATTENDANTS Receive pay while you learn nursing care techniques.

A new class will start June 6th. TECHNICIANS WANTED Used Furniture. One piece or bousefull. Also piu and antiques. See us for lew furniture.

Easy terms. NAGEL FURNITURE, phone Salisbury. Mo. WANTED TO BUY Used fur- alrure In food condition. Call AM 3-2920.

WANTED TO BUY-Used divan nd chair, in good condition. AM 3-3511. Experienced loutines. in Nursing Care WANTED TO RENT 15 FURNISHED HOME WANTED 2 or 3 bedroom, furnished, modern home needed by transferred executive and wife. Write Box D-98 In care of Monitor-Index, Moberly, Mo.

WANTED TO RENT Pasture near Moberly for 10 stock cows. Phone AM 3-4576. FOR SALE Chevrolet Impala Convertible, V-8, automatic. Real sharp. $550.

Phone AM 3-3447. EXPERT RADIATOR REPAIR See Marufielo with of experience. FENNEL AUTO BODY WORKS 201 W. Coafes St. Phone AM 34321 TRAILERS 29 FOR SALE --Mobile Homes.

Repossessed, just take over payments. Open 7 days per week. SIPE'S TRAILER SALES, Knob Noster, Mo. AUTC REPAIR 30 APTS. FOR RENT 17 FOR TENT Very nice large unfurnished, 3 apartment, downstairs.

Heat and water furnished. Call AM 3-2559. members and relatives for the help and coniforl they have given us in our hour of sorrow, rhe food, floral offerings, cards, rayers and a other acts jf kindness shown us at this ime of the sudden loss of our jeloved and grand- nother, Rose Hallowell were truly a blessing. Mso a special thanks to Rev. Ml old and new customers will greatly appreciated.

You can contact me by calling AM 33539. Also I do extra hauling by appointment. HELP WANTED-Femole 3 WANTED Nurses aide; part iVllklnson, Dr. Huber, Jerry Ume urBes 1(le mc Cater, Woodland Hospital staff, ook APP' person to Frank luanita Fuhrman, Deloris and Snell, Maple Lawn Lodge, 415 and the pallbear- Woodland Ave. Say Farris WAITRESSES KITCHEN your kindness and thoughtful-(HELP Apply in person at less can never be forgotten.

CROSSROADS. The family of Rote Hallowell ANNOUNCEMENTS 2 Moberly Asphalt Paving Company Hot Mix end Seal Coating Ph. AM 3-C833 Div. of Rock Hill Asphalt Const. Co.

VANTED Nurses Aide: no necessary, will each. Pleasant View Nursing a Fish, Adm. Huntsville. Mo. WANTED Nurses aides Apply In person to Villa de Silva.

WANTED Waitress i Cook. Apply Coffee Cup Cafe. Hy. West, Moberly, Mo. What To Do With Winter Clothing? Shor of Storage Spice? Let Us Store It In Our MOTH-PROOF, I BANK TYPE VAULT Plentj of Storage space al home? Let us clean and moth proof it first.

Our moth proofing is FREE and contains a Mildew netardent. Free pins- tic storage bag for any order of or more. Ask for it. PURITAN CLEANERS AND LAUNDERERS Across from the Telephone Co. Dial AM 3-4500 I Moved To New Location Hendren Motor? Corner Route Hy.

(Showboat Road) Far Your Convenience" Open Phone AM 3-1228 Vacation Safety Special We'll Get your or reedy to travel. Jimmy's Citgo Service Carner af A Merely St, Register Far Print 24 HELP WANTED-MaU Help Wanted Male Steady Apply Employment. in person. MACHETTA TREE SERVICE 401 E. Rollins St.

YOUNG MAN Steady work in Mohcrly for automotive warehouse receiving shipping clerk. Write giving experience, age, schooling, marital and draft etc. P. O. BOX 1M Moberly, Mo.

LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSES Several openings with varying degrees of responsibility. REGISTERED NURSES Staff" positions available for diploma or degreed Watch yourself "grow" in an academic CLERICAL WARD CLERKS Hospital record keeping, would consider beginners with basic clerical aptitude. ACCOUNTING CLERK basic mathematical ability CLERK-TYPIST Basic typing skills are needed. SECRETARY STENOGRAPHERS Able typist are needed, shorthand not essential. We offen un- i mi ted possibilities and an exciting enviroment.

HOUSEKEEPING CUSTODIANS MAIDS Two shifts, 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. ind 5 p.m. to 1 a.m. for qualified applicants.

OTHER RELATED HOSPITAL POSITIONS RESEARCH AND LABORATORY TECHNICIANS Varied openings for applicant with basic high school science or bachelor's or master's degree. These positions offer a real challenge with possibilities of advancement. CLINIC COORDINATOR Applicant with extensive clinic experience or a college degree. MAIL CLERK OR PHARMACY HELPER A high school graduate desiring to learn a different area of work. We are interviewing the experienced applicant, or the approaching high school or junior college graduate.

You may qualify for the job of your choice. THREE ROOM Modern furnished apartment. Adults, no pets. Phone AM 3-025G. HOUSES FOR RENT FOR RENT 3 bedroom mod- rn home.

Close in. Available ow. Call AM 3-5986. WANTED Counterman or Salesman for Vholeiele Automotive a i Write BOX D-100 In ore of Monitor-Index ving qualifications A resume Situation. Wanfed-Male 7 WANTED TO DO Farm work of all types.

Have 2 new diesels and 4 small ones Available any time. Call 362-2455, Centralia, Mo. WANTED Gardens to plow Have Cub tractor. Joel Collins. 928 Bond St.

Call AM 3-3839 noon or after 5 p.m. TREE TRIMMING And removal. Free trucking and estimates, also water delivery. Phone AM 3-1086, Joe Baker at noon or after 4 p.m. WANTED -and removal.

hauling. Free Conklln fc Song Tree Service. Ph. AM 3-2835. A I 22 1LECTRQLUX SERVICE Also service on Hover and all other makes of accum cleaners, and small ppllapces Franklin Skinner, MOWER Tune up with FREE spark plug.

Call WARDS REPAIR SERVICE or details. Phone AM 3-1300. EXPERT CUck end Jewtlry Repair BECRAFT JEWELRY S03 W. Reed See our representative Mrs. Connie Gourley at the Missouri State F.mploymcnt Service Moberly May 9 through 12 Monday through Thursday 8 a.m.

to 5 p.m. "Assured Quality In Employment" "An equal opportunity- employer" Tree trimming ALSO genera! estimates. Bill SALES HELP WANTED International Organization doing over 100 million annual vol ume--has opportunity for man 21, hondable. Service established account! In 7 county area. DUTSTANDING EARNINGS GROUP HOSPITALIZATION PENSION SAVINGS TREE TRIMMING Tree and slump removal.

Free estimates. Insured. MachetU Tree Service. Abo Tree Spraying. Ph AM 3-4209 or All 3-flS3J.

Oil Rogular $10 Permanent $5.00 MODERNISTIC Beauty Salon Rood AM JERRY'S TERMITE CONTROL Waterbugs, Roaches, Silverfish, Etc. All work guaranteed. Free Inspection. Gerald Henne, 107 Collins Ave. Phone All 1825 or AM 3-0943.


814 to My. DER, DIGGING WANTED By machine back hot. Septie tanks water lines sewer lines. Contact: Gilbert UacbctU, 401 XoUfaM. Pk.

Panonol 13 LOSE WEIGHT leftly wit Dex-A-Dlet Tablets. Only 98 al Koester's Dnifj, 400 W. Ree WANTED Ride to Callforni eoupk. Leave by June 1 JNFURNISHED HOUSE 3 ooms and bath, modern: Close town. Call AM 3-121G after p.m.

SLEEPING ROOMS 'RONT SLEEPING ROOM or gentleman. Phone AM 3 105. 427 So. Clark St. 134, Mnberly.

Ho 3-3962. Phone COMPLETE CAR PAINTING SPECIAL only $49.95 BODY REPAIR EXTRA Contact: Dick Potucek or Merle Nea Moberly Motor Co. 1520 N. Morley MORERLY MO PH. AM 3-6000 Miniature Golf Course FOR RENT CALL: ALBERT PATRICK AM Moberly, Mo.

HOUSEHOLD GOODS 53 SINGER SEWING MACHINE Automatic zigzagger and attachments. Reliable party assume 5 payments of $5.00. Fully guar antecd. Write C. C.

Wheeler, Box 176, Macon, Mo. KEEP Your carpets beau- iful despite constant footsteps 3f a busy family. Got Blue Lustre. Rent electric shanipooer SI per a THOMPSON HOUSE OF COLOR. UPHOLSTERING Custom furniture Draperies and drap hardware.

Quality work manship Mulkev's. 1107 North Morley Street. CARPETING No down pay ment. Three years to pay Fur nature 10 per cent down and three years to pay. Mulkev's Uf'i North Morley FOR SALE--Metal boat, piano, antique boat whistle, glass case, large and small button machine, sew- ng machine, hem stitching, rhrockmorlon, 525 S.

Fifth St SPORTING GOODS 34 FOR SALE Outboard motor, 5 h.p. Buccaneer model 5 D13B. $50. Call AM 3-4314 or see at 620 Taylor St. Moberly, Mo JAYTAG For prompt, effic- ent sales and service, phone AM 3-3870.

Schemmer Appllan Co 113 Williams St. FOR SALE Honda 90. 1965 model. Lots of extras. Used only three months.

Perfect condition. Call Tom Leach Ph. A M3-0549 after 5:30 p.m^_ FOR SALE Mini Bike and Ludwig Gold Sparkle Drum set with stage. Call AM 3-5420. OR SALE Ore new 72 cu.

in. U. S. Divers air tank with 2 stage double hose regulator LOST Bright carpet color. restore them with Blui Lustre.

Rent electric shampo aer $1 per day. WESTLAKE' ACE HARDWARE. HOOVER CLEANERS SALES lENUINE SERVICE HOOVER PARTS SWARTHOUT'S Phone AM 34810 GUARANTEED -WASHER and DRYER Repair Al! Makes Don Hestir, AM 3-5865 AUTOS ACCESSORIES 27 ''OR SELL--1963 Super Sport Chevrolet Impala V-S Equipped, must sell. Telephone Mo5-5425 Kirksville. Mo.

TAKE OVER Small monthly aymenfs on 1962 Ford Fair- ane, 2 door sedan, automatic ransmiasion. Call AM 3-3325. OR SALE 1961 Chevrolet lardtop, 4 speed, 348 motor, jositive traction. See at 522 Johnson Huntsville, Mo. ind several accessories.

3-1427 after 5 p.m. Call MACHINERY 35 FOll SALE--Trailer type sprayer with regular R-jet Boom. Phone AM 3-3076 or see Guy Cottingham, Renick, Mo. BUSINESS SERVICE KFYS LOCKS SAFES DOOR CLOSERS SOLD and SERVICED Don't Wait Call AM 3-1419 546 W. Courts CH AT--G AV EL--S driveway or concrete For work.

Phone AM 3-2732 for prompt delivery DON HANNAH 318 Chandler DRIVEWAY GRAVEL And hat sand. Buford Hannah 'hone AM 3-2911. 512 Franklin BROCKMAN'S USED CARS FORD 2 stick, radio, heater, white wall tires. Extra clem $395 J7 CHEVROLET 4 210, radio, white, Inish. Reel nice.

$450 BANK FINANCING Hy. 24 East, 3 miles Jet. Open after 5:30 to 10:00 P.M. "OR SALE 1958 Ford. Good ishing car.

See at Coffee Cup Station or call AM 3-2552. I Don't Have A "Hat" Just A Big Deal! CHEVROLET Convertffale, power steering, power brakes, automatic transmission. $1995 '64 CHEVROLET Impala 4 door sedan, power steering brakes, automatic transmission, extra nice. $1745 'U PONTIAC Mens Convertible, 3 speed, V-S, $1295 FALCON Sport Coupe, cylinder, standard transmission. $7M JIM'S ABC AUTO SALES Hy, 24 West Coates A Morley Meberly, Mo.

Ph. AM 3-1211 FOR SALE Recently rebuilt 1957 Oldsmoblle motor. 371 cu. In. 1-2 barrel wrbureton.

Ph iM S4TM. CHOOSE YOUR NAME BRAND APPLIANCE PROM SCHEMMER'S APPLIANCE Maytag, Kelvinator, Kitchenald, Eureka Hardwirk Ph. AM 3-3870 MISCELLANEOUS 55 FOR SALE Part, for al electric shavers. STROTHER'S JEWELRY STORE, 314 Reed Moberly. Mo.

FEED SEED 58 PIONEER SEED CORN Mil and Grain Sorghum Paul Bom leny. Route 1, Cairo. Mo. Ph AM LIVESTOCK 59 DAILY MARKET FOR ALL KINDS OF LIVESTOCK. BUY end SEL BULLS FOR SALE QUENT1N OVERFELT Phone AM 3-4348 AM 3-1765 MOTHERS DAY ould have been a good day show her this extra nice 3 home at 708 Monroe, ots of built-ins, gas heat, fen- ed back yard and priced to ell.

financing with cry little down, if you qualify pay only $72.00 monthly. EYEBALL tis quality new 3 bedroom inch-style home at 605 Shu- ate, in new sub-division. Lots closets, built-ins, 1'A baths, ull basem*nt with rec. room, orncr lot. Priced with low own payment a.nd monthly lymonts less than rent.

COMPACT ut very livable, is this nice, bedroom, fully modern 4 room ome. Heat and air included, 2 ar garage. Owner says sell! ONE ACRE ground, plus a nice U. story room, 2 bedroom home at 539 Jnion Ave. Wall to wall carpe'- R.

fully modern. Potential inkling lots on rear of site. 'riced under $12,500. have some building lots for ale in SW. Come in and see our PHOTO TASTINGS" of other nd 3 bedroom homes for sale.

Coleman Agency AM 3-6716 Lyle B. Thomas, AM 3-6126 Lloyd Coleman, AM 3-0184 DO YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR HOUSE? CALL WESSEL A ESTATE 2 BEDROOM Ideal for coup PROPERTY -2 bedroom, mod in developed area. Asking $7,950.00. SUBURBAN On 24 Hwy. rn, approx.

20 acres. 2 MODERN HOUSES I Cairo, Mo. WESSEL Real Estate 535 W. Coetes AM 3-431 Salesladies: Norma Davidson, AM 3-2998 Dorothy Morgan, AM 3-5412 FARMS FOR SALI 61 OR SALE--S room afl mod. rn house with choice of 1-20 ores.

West edge of Renick. 'hone AM 3-3075 Farm Agent Tells About Insecticides PARIS Monroe County armers still waiting to plant orn arc asking if soil insect- cities should be used on all ields where corn is planted. Glen Mulli, county agent, says he answer depends on many actors. One is the history of oi! insect problems. Another the yield potential of each ield.

If the yield is less than iO bushels per acre build up he fertility level rather than use an insecticide. Cropping history is another actor to consider. Fields that have been in continuous corn, or those in pasture, meadows or legumes for two or more years, would benefit from the jse of any insecticide. Fields in annual rotation with soy- jeans may be somewhat questionable, but depends upon several other factors. A final factor is the type of growing season.

Mutti says there is still no way of either surveying or predicting the soil insect situation prior to the time of planting. Therefore, the use of a soil insecticide must be considered an insurance program. Based upon previous years experience, this program has returned a profit at least four years out of five. Use Aldrin or Heprachlor broadcast solid and cut in with a disk or a poor second choice is to put some secticide on with a planter. Gulls are long-winged swimming birds, noted for their powers of flight.

LAFF-A-DAY Stallion Service Reg. Saddlebred Stallion Chestnut, good conformation, producing high quality colts. Fee $25.00 at gate, return privilege during 1966 or 1967 season. See or phone Bob Gaw, AM3- 4576. FOR SALE Quarter mare, broke.

Joe Schallcrt. Phone GL S-7566. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 3 bedroom home; utility and bath. Completely remodeled. Phone AM 3-1122.

INSURANCE 42 Insurance Agency 211 W. Reed AM 3-1401 Fire Auto Life Check Our Low Auto Rates Young Drivers Rated On Attitude Test 'OR SALE East Burkhart It. 2 bedroom home. Large dtchen at bath. Attached gar- ige, automatic overhead door See anytime.

Call AM 3-3G99. FMfffiTUAL SALE Modern house, our rooms, utility room and garage. 717 Farror. Call Madson, Mo. CY 1-5177.

ALL You're OK With O'Keefe KINDS OP INSURANCE Reed AM 34300 Est. 1931 FOR SALE OR RENT 2 bedroom home. Nearly new or would trade for unimproved and or 6 miles from Mobery. 1015 Russ Haven Dr. Contact Ralph Lenhart, AM MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE? Contact: Ken Williams Moberly.

Ph. AM 3-43M or Huntsville, Mo. 277-459? Business Opportunities 51 FOR SALE BEAUTY SHOP DOWNTOWN LOCATION. Write BOX In care of Monitor-Index FOR SALE TRUESDELL HARDWARE CLARK, MO. Building and contents Contact: Mrs.

Ed WMkerten Paris Me. Ph. 317-4127 after I p.m. i'OR SALE In Huntsville. Jear new, 3 bedroom home Carpeted living room, built-in 'ange and oven, utility room.

Vb baths and attached garage. 23 West Depot. Phone 277157. FOR SALE Colored Baptist Church and lot in Higbee, Mo. Down by the lake.

First $200 akes it. Call AM 3-1523. "He's learned how to operate our can PLANT GROWERS ATTENTION No. 1 BLUE TAG CERTIFIED COBBLER SEED POTATOES 5.00 TM 100 LBS. Jamieson Milling Co.

119 E. Coates AM 3-3106 Moberly, Mo. Special Tenderloin Buy 1 Reg. Price Get 2nd One For 1 May 10-11-12 Only!.

Moberly Monitor-Index and Moberly Evening Democrat from Moberly, Missouri (2024)
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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Author information

Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.