Is It Safe To Travel To Cabo In 2024? | Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection (2024)

With Mexican travel safety always a popular topic, more American travelers are looking at Cabo San Lucas -a resort city on the southern tip of Mexico’s Baja California peninsula -and asking whether it’s safe to travel there.

Like so many other places south of the border, this popular resort (2 million U.S. visitors in 2022, per Travel Analytics) can be an extremely safe destination for anyone looking for a sun-and-fun getaway –if you’re prudent and exercise some common sense.


Crime is still a concern in Cabo and elsewhere in Mexico.

The State Department notes that“violent crime is common and widespread in Mexico,” though there are no travel restrictions for Cabo San Lucas.

However, the State Department recommends that travelers reconsider travel to Baja California because of crime and kidnapping. On the flip side,Mexican tourism experts are confident that the country is safe for vacationers and travelers.

They stress that regardless of what you may have read in the headlines, incidents in Mexico involving tourists are extremely few and far-between.

Is It Safe To Travel To Cabo In 2024? | Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection (1)Photo by Victor Hughes on Unsplash

“There has been a little misinformation [regarding travel safety in Mexico],” said Ana Sofia Lanczyner, a former official with theMexico Tourism Board.

“Stuff can happen in tourist destinations in Mexico,” adds Rich Biswell, marketing director forJourney Mexico, a Mexico-based tour operator specializing in experiential trips and tours, “but when it does, tourists generally aren’t involved.”

Specifically regarding Cabo San Lucas and its state of Baja California Sur, theState Departmentnotes that “criminal activity and violence may occur throughout the state,” but adds that “there are no restrictions on travel.”

Just to be on the safe side, do your touristy wandering during the day, watch out for pickpockets and scams, and choose your transportation carefully. Use an app likebSafeto let others know where you are.

Is It Safe To Travel To Cabo In 2024? | Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection (2)Photo by Lux Productions on Unsplash


Here are some other great tips to improve your chances of a safe vacation in Cabo:

Ask someone who knows the area

Know – or ask – about the safe parts of the area, the safest ways of getting around, and which clubs are okay.

“Have someone you can trust – whether it’s a concierge at the hotel or a guide from Journey Mexico or another reputable operator – give you that advice,” Biswell said. “They’re not going to send you someplace bad.”

Don’t walk alone at night

Use common sense when wandering on your own hook. If a neighborhood looks dangerous, it may well be. TheGeoSureapp provides neighborhood-by-neighborhood ratings for Cabo, but conditions change.

Be especially careful when visiting bars, nightclubs, and casinos.

Leave the bling home

Flashy jewelry attracts the wrong kind of attention.

Is It Safe To Travel To Cabo In 2024? | Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection (3)Photo by Valeriia Bugaiova on Unsplash

Don’t take chances with valuables in your hotel room

Hide your valuables and lock your doors. Don’t always trust the hotel safe; instead, put valuables in a portable, packable safe like the ones made byPacsafe.

Trust your instincts

Never take your eyes off your personal belongings –especially at public areas like one of Cabo’s beaches, where people tend to let their guard down.

If a situation or place makes you nervous, exit stage right by the safest means possible.

Be careful around ATMs

Be aware of the people and circ*mstances around you when you use an ATM.

Muggings can happen around ATMs; if you’re a victim of mugging or theft at an ATM, don’t resist; give up the money and live to fight another day.

Be on guard for pickpockets

Pickpockets like to victimize tourists in Cabo. To keep valuables safe:

  • Be extra-careful on public transport –or don’t take public transport
  • Split up your money and valuables
  • Minimize your cash on hand
  • Keep copies of important documents in a safe place at your hotel

Is It Safe To Travel To Cabo In 2024? | Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection (4)Photo by Maxwell Ridgeway on Unsplash

Use transportation that you know is safe

When out and about:

  • Use your hotel’s transportation or Uber. If you use Uber:
    • Confirm the vehicle and license plate
    • Sit in the back seat
  • Don’t hail a cab off the street in Cabo
    • If you do use a taxi, negotiate the fee in advance
  • Avoid driving in Cabo. If you must drive:
    • Drive during the day
    • Stick to well-traveled roads in the city and toll roads in the country
    • Keep your gas tank full

Lenczyner also recommends that you “make sure you have a map – and make sure you’ll have cell service throughout [your trip].”

Be beach- and water-smart

The ocean around Cabo is alluring, but riptides are common, jellyfish are plentiful, and lifeguards are scarce.

To stay safe around the water in Cabo:

  • Heed all posted signs, warnings and flags regarding water status and safety.
    • Flags follow the red-yellow-green traffic-light pattern, with the addition of a black flag to indicate extreme danger.
  • Avoid the water during a storm.
  • Your best bet is to do your swimming at the hotel pool, wade in the ocean, and stick to theopen, popular beaches on the Baja Peninsula’s east side.

Is It Safe To Travel To Cabo In 2024? | Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection (5)Photo by Rohan Gangopadhyay on Unsplash

Don’t drink the water

  • Don’t drink tap water; instead, drink bottled water and agua purificada – purified water.
  • Request all your drinks be made without ice and watch your drink at all times. Drink spiking is not unknown.

Practice good hygiene

It’s not just COVID you need to watch out for in Cabo. Diseases of many types can be prevented by following good hygiene practices like washing your hands frequently.

Watch out for natural hazards – insects, snakes, and scorpions

If you’re not a fan of the creepy-crawlies, Cabo gives you something to think about. Here’s what we mean:

Bark scorpionsare plentiful, and their sting can be extremely painful.They tend to be active in summer and at night, so …

    • Shake out your shoes before putting them on
    • Shut your bags tightly so scorpions can’t crawl in
    • Leave them alone as much as possible – live and let live

Rattlesnakes (18 different varieties) can be found inland.The poisonousyellow-bellied sea snakelives in the water and packs a powerful bite. This reptile is a particular danger, as the necessary antivenom may not be readily available.

Mosquitoes that carry Zika are a concern, as are poisonous spiders like the brown recluse.

    • Know your bite allergies before you leave and bring insect repellent with a high concentration of DEET.

Is It Safe To Travel To Cabo In 2024? | Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection (6)Photo by Erick Palacio on Unsplash

Watch the weather

Generally, weather on the Mexican coasts is ideal – sunny and warm, with gentle breezes custom-made for lazing by the beach. The only time to worry is hurricane season, which in Cabo runs from July through September.

Baja California Sur is generally immune from hurricanes but keep an eye on the weather if you plan to travel to Cabo in the summer. Check the long-term forecast, but don’t obsess over it.

As Biswell said, “Hurricanes are so hit-and-miss, you shouldn’t not travel to Mexico and block out those months.”

And here’s a bonus: Mexico can be cheaper during these times.

Watch out for natural disasters – earthquakes and volcanoes

Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are also a fact of life in Baja California, though they’re even less common than hurricanes.

Earthquakes strike without warning. If you find yourself in an earthquake, head for open spaces, away from potential building collapses.

Is It Safe To Travel To Cabo In 2024? | Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection (7)Photo by Jorge Aguilar on Unsplash

Know how Mexico’s medical system works

If you get sick or injured while on a Mexican vacation:

  • Make sure your provider is on the State Department’slist of providers and hospitals.
  • Bring payment. Most Mexican hospitals don’t accept U.S. domestic health insurance or Medicare/Medicaid and require payment upfront by cash, credit card, debit card, or bank transfer.
  • Pack travel health insurance from a company like Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection, and contact insurance as soon as a situation arises. They’ll work with you and providers to coordinate care and payment.

Don’t play games with your passport

If you’ve applied for a new or renewed passport lately, you know the system’s backed up. A combination of nearly unprecedented demand, staffing shortages, and postal-service slowdowns have resulted in significantly lengthier wait times.

If you’re planning a trip to Cabo and you need a new or renewed passport, get on it now. Tomorrow may be too late.

Is It Safe To Travel To Cabo In 2024? | Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection (8)Photo by Marco Samaniego on Unsplash

Other safety tips from the State Department

Basic tips when traveling to Mexico include:

In addition, the State Department reminds travelers to:

1. Pack lightly and bring appropriate clothing.

2. Be aware of the effects of:

    • Different food
    • A new climate
    • More strenuous physical activity
    • Changes in routine and schedule

3. Work with the nearest consulate or embassy if you need help:

    • Contacting relatives or friends
    • Finding medical care
    • Reporting a crime
    • Finding accommodations
    • Arranging flights home
    • Replacing a stolen or lost passport

This may seem like a lot, just to have a nice, safe vacation in Cabo … but most of this is plain old common sense. Take what you’ve learned as a traveler, add sometravel insurancefrom Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection, and you’re all set for Cabo.

Just one more thing: Pack your laid-back attitude. You’ll need it.

Is It Safe To Travel To Cabo In 2024? | Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection (2024)


Is there a travel advisory for Cabo San Lucas in 2024? ›

The U.S. Department of State issued a Mexico Travel Advisory in February 2024, urging travelers to exercise increased caution due to crime, including violent crime.

Is Cabo on the travel advisory list? ›

For Baja California Sur, where Cabo San Lucas is located, the travel advisory is listed at level 2, warning travelers to exercise increased caution. Level 2 is one of the lowest advisory levels and generally means the region is safe to travel.

Is Mexico safe to travel to 2024? ›

Is Mexico safe 2024? According to the spring break travel advisory, there is list of safety concerns to consider: Arrests: Drunk and disorderly behavior, public urination, and open alcohol containers in vehicles are illegal in Mexico. If you break Mexican law, you can be arrested.

What travel advisory level is Mexico? ›

Learn about your destination
AdvisoryLevelDate Updated
Mexico Travel AdvisoryOtherAugust 22, 2023
Micronesia Travel AdvisoryLevel 1: Exercise Normal PrecautionsJuly 24, 2023
Moldova Travel AdvisoryLevel 2: Exercise Increased CautionMarch 14, 2024
Morocco Travel AdvisoryLevel 2: Exercise Increased CautionJuly 13, 2023
143 more rows

What are the worst months to visit Cabo San Lucas? ›

If you're planning a trip to Cabo, be aware of the rainy or hurricane season that occurs from August to September. August marks the peak of unpleasant weather conditions, with scorching heat, continuous rainfall, and occasional hurricanes.

Is Cancun or Cabo safer? ›

That said, by and large, travel to both Cancún and Los Cabos is safe. Travelers who abide by local laws and don't go searching for trouble will have a safe vacation experience, as is true with most destinations around the world.

Where not to travel in 2024? ›

Places Americans Should Not Travel To In 2024, According To The U.S. State Department
  • Myanmar (Burma) Most Southeast Asian countries are considered safe and welcoming, but one notable exception is Myanmar, also known as Burma. ...
  • Belarus. ...
  • Russia. ...
  • Mexico. ...
  • Venezuela.
Feb 28, 2024

What countries have a level 3 travel warning? ›

Countries with a level 3 'Reconsider Travel' rating
  • Lebanon.
  • Saudi Arabia.
  • Jamaica.
  • Papua New Guinea.
  • Nicaragua.
  • Niger.
  • Colombia.
  • Uganda.
Feb 2, 2024

What are the travel threat levels? ›

The level numbers advise the following: Level 1 - Exercise Normal Precautions, Level 2 - Exercise Increased Caution, Level 3 – Reconsider Travel, Level 4 - Do Not Travel. Countries assigned a Travel Advisory level of 2 or more will also be assigned a risk indicator.

What countries have level 4 travel advisories? ›

The Travel Advisories for the following countries are Level 4 - Do Not Travel: ⛔Afghanistan ⛔Belarus ⛔Burkina Faso ⛔Burma ⛔Central African Republic ⛔Haiti ⛔Iran ⛔Iraq ⛔Libya ⛔Mali ⛔North Korea ⛔Russia ⛔Somalia ⛔South Sudan ⛔Sudan ⛔Syria ⛔Ukraine ⛔Venezuela ⛔Yemen Read the full Advisories at ...

How safe is Cabo San Lucas? ›

While media reports sometimes highlight isolated incidents, or incidents happening on the other side of the country, the reality is that Cabo is considered a safe destination for tourists.

Can Americans travel to Mexico safely? ›

The U.S. Department of State has been cautioning Americans to reconsider travel to Baja California, the region of Mexico, where four bodies were recently found. The warning is part of a travel advisory for the country that has been in effect since late August 2023.

Where should you not travel right now? ›

Level 4: Do Not Travel
  • Iraq.
  • Lebanon.
  • Russia.
  • Niger.
  • South Sudan.
  • Somalia.
  • Mali.
  • Central African Republic.
Dec 12, 2023

Are there new travel restrictions to Mexico? ›

To this day, there are no entry restrictions in Mexico and no obligation to carry a COVID test or to do quarantine. Check the current status of the pandemic in Mexico and follow the sanitary rules to prevent contagion (information only in Spanish).

How to avoid getting sick in Mexico? ›

Don't drink tap water — the tap water in Mexico is contaminated, so avoid drinking it, and make sure you don't swallow some while you take a shower. Purchase a bottled water instead. Visit “Blue Flag” beaches — as they are certified for safety and cleanliness by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Is there a hurricane season in Cabo San Lucas? ›

If you like to fish, look to come in the late summer or fall (October is the most popular period). Keep in mind: Pacific hurricane season runs from mid-May to November. Though Cabo typically only experiences tropical storms during the hurricane season, the city has seen hurricanes make landfall in the region.

What is Cabo off season? ›

High and low season in Los Cabos

High Season: October to May (temperate weather, whale watching, Christmas and spring). Low season: July to mid-September. Medium season: June and the second half of September.

Is there a hurricane warning for Cabo San Lucas? ›

No hurricanes predicted for the area at this time.

What documents do I need to travel to Cabo San Lucas? ›

All travelers wishing to visit Mexico or enter any of its cities must have a passport valid for at least six months as of the date of entry into the country. The Tourist (Air) Card will be issued free of charge to all tourists who fly with a commercial airline.

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