1888 Diary - [PDF Document] (2024)

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Sun. Jan 1, 1888

    Snowed a little in morn but a very driving rain stormmost allday & is to night at 10 PM. Have been athome all day. Burned myright h& very bad with

    pie juice in AM. Nettie done it up in Linseed oil &whitelead.

    Monday 2

    Very stormy last night & part of AM. Very muddybut pleasant& cooler this eve. Cleaned outchimney at cottage. Chored abouthouse some.Worked fixing ice house some, fixed up back ofprivey& c & c. A. Miller fixed his boats this eveup here.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Tues. Jan. 3, 1888

    Pleasant & cool most the day. Chored about.Worked on icehouse, fixing door & end & c & c.

    Wednesday 4

    Cloudy most the day & snowed a little this PM.Chored about.Sorted & put up 5 bus. apples. Tookthe Whiting farm wagon to__?__. Talked traidwith AJ. Gilmore & M.M. Daniels.

    Thurs. Jan. 5, 1888

    Pleasant & cold. Sorted some & carried 5 Bus.apples toWoonsocket. Got 8 bus grain & 200 lbsfeed & c & c. Inmorn went with M.M. Daniels to

    Badgers to see some heifers. Came home throughUnionville.

    Friday 6

    Pleasant part the day & cloudy part. Stormed hail &cthis eve. Sorted & carried 5 bus apples toFranklin. 3 to Wight& 2 to G. Getchell. Carried6 gal cider to Woodman.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Sat. Jan. 7, 1888

    Cloudy & rained a little thawed some. Choredabout. Split& cut up some old ties & finishedsawing up Uncle Nathanslot of old ties & c & c.

    Sunday 8

    Cloudy & stormed a little most the day, thawy. Athome allday.

    Mon. Jan. 9, 1888

    Very pleasant morn but cloudy part the day chilly.Mr. Woodmancame & worked for me 6 hs. Mixedpaint for the cottage &this PM painted part of the L

    front & end. Took dinner with me. He came &went on cars,I helped some.

    Tuesday 10

    Snowed a little most the day cool. Chored about.Cut some wood& c. Gave E.D. Cook new note.*Wrote to Alvah this eve.

    *In back of 1888 Diary, George lists address ofA. (Alvah) C.Wadsworth, Care L.P. Crane, Esenada(via San Diego) Mexico S (?)Cal

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Wed. Jan. 11, 1888

    Pleasant but very windy & cold, snow blowing.Emma helped mebake 5 pies & cut the apples & c,2 mince & 3 apple. Icut some wood, got the cider

    apples into the cellar from horse barn. Uncle *Rhad horse inbarn, he & Bell down stairs. Biggs &wife up here thiseve.


    Thursday, 12, 1888

    0/2. Very pleasant & cold. Chored about. Cutsome wood &c & c. *Wrote to Elmer this eve.

    *In back of 1888 diary, under addresses, Georgelists Elmersaddress as E. (Elmer) M. Wadsworth,41 North Daly, East Los Angeles,Cal.

    Fri. Jan. 13, 1888

    Snowed & rained all day, warm. Chored about. Cutwood in thewood house & c & c. Put up 1 bus. ofpotatoes for N.McGrory.

    Saturday 14

    Very pleasant & warm, very icy but thawed some.Mr. Woodmancame & painted 7 hs on the cottage.I helped get ladders, fixclapboards shingles & c &c. He took dinner with me.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Sun. Jan. 15, 1888

    Stormed a little mist all day rain. At home all daycarried PhilRiley as far as Mike Sullivans. This eveit is very slipperty, goodwheeling but horse slips.

    Monday 16

    Very cold & windy. Chored about home. Sawed upsome wood& old ties & c & c. Very slippery.

    Tues. Jan 17, 1888

    Cloudy & beginning to snow. This eve is snowingquite fast.Chored about. Got in some wood.Cleared up some in house. Got inwagon sled &

    tried the ice, it is almost a foot thick.

    Wednesday 18

    Cloudy most the day cool cleared off the snow frompond & cut& helped load for M. M. Daniels, 20cakes ice 22x44 inches.Daniel Biggs helped from10:20 to 4:10 - 3/4 = 5+ hours. I have 5cakes nowcut. I broke tongs & carried H.B.M. to mend.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Thurs. Jan. 19, 1888

    Very pleasant but windy & cold. Sawed & helpedload forM. M. Daniels, 38 cakes ice 22 x 44 x 11.Took old horse up toHermons & had her shod, new

    & sharp. Mr. D. Briggs went after her & workedsome atice house hour. I fixed sled & worked inice house some. Emmamade 3 pies this eve for me.

    Friday 20

    Very pleasant but cold & windy. Went for 60 cakesice withold horse. Mr. Briggs helped 5 hours & Mr.M. Daniels man helped4 hours. Sold old jersycow to Ben Guild for 20 to be help for nextspring.Willie drove after me. I led her down to _?_

    Sat. Jan. 21, 1888

    Very cold & very windy but clear. Worked on theice A.A.Adams (M.M.Ds man) helped 4 hours. D.Biggs helped ___ hours. We gotup 50 cakes 15 x

    30 x 13. I worked till 11:30 pm packing & helpingEmma cutapples for pies. She made 8 & mixedbread.

    Sunday 220/4 at 8 A.M. & 0/11 in _?_Very cold & verypleasant. Carried Abbie & Ellato S.S. School & Nettie tomeeting & went afterthem again. I baked the bread & Deans& 3 pies.Went got some milk at J. Cannerys to night.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Mon., Jan. 23, 1888

    0/12 - 0/14 - 0/19 this mornVery cold & very pleasant A.M.hazy P.M. & some

    warmer 20/0 at 10 P.M. this eve. I packed the ice

    & this P.M. Mr. Biggs helped saw 3 hours & Idrawed &packed up 25 cakes this eve 15 x 30 x 15thick. Traded for a heiforof M.M. Daniels.

    Tuesday 24

    0/?Very clear cold & windy. Snowed little in night.M.M. Dsent the heifor this morning. I filed the icesaw some & choredabout home. Have a bad cold &so cold & windy didnt getice.

    Wed. Jan. 25, 1888

    08 Very cold & pleasant morning but hazy & beganto snow& began to rain about 2:30. Chored about.

    Began to cut ice about 10:00 A.M. Mr. Biggshelped 6 hours. Icarted it to night, 53 cakes &packed most of it tonight workedtill past 2 OclockWalter Daniels here this eve.

    Thursday 26

    400 Storm morn & snow. Sun came out before noon& isgrowing colder 18/0 at 8 this eve. Choredabout. Worked in Ice housesome. The water hasstopped coming in the horse barn & tub didntholdit at cow barn.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Fri. Jan. 27, 1888

    Very pleasant. Very cold & very windy. Choredabout some.Sorted a few apples & 1 bus potatoes& finished packing theice tonight. Went & got the

    horse sharped.

    Saturday 28

    Very cold & very pleasant afternoon. Chored about.Sortedapples & carried Isabel 1 bus & Mr. Staples 3bus. It isgood sleighing. Cut pumpkins this eve.

    Sun. Jan. 29, 1888

    Very pleasant & cold. Carried Abbie & Emma tomeeting& went after them. I had to wait as theRev. was very lengthy.Carried M. M. Daniels


    Monday 30

    Pleasant & warmer but cold. Chored about. Got the__?__ outwent & got a load of saw dust at steammill by Deaver Pond.Willie & Emma & otherswent to Franklin with my horse &sleigh tonight.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Sat. Feb. 4, 1888

    Warmer pleasant part of the day began to snow alittle afternoon& turned to rain this eve. Choredabout. Sawed a little wood.Brought wood in house

    & c & c.

    Sunday 5

    Very pleasant & warm thawy. Helped Emma makeme four applepies & c. Carried Mrs. Tilton tomeeting & started after herbut she came with Jos.

    Mon. Feb. 6, 1888

    Very pleasant & warm thawed some. Chored about.Dug &thawed out the hay scales. M. M. Danielssent & got 2 loads ofhay towards heifor I had of

    him. 1320 lbs. of meadow & 1025 of good hay.Sorted &carried one bus. of potatoes to N.McGrory.

    Tuesday 7

    Pleasant part of the day & cloudy part of the day.Snowed alittle this eve cool but thawed some. M.M. Daniels sent & got aload of 990 lbs. hay. Ihelped & chored about, split & cutup some old ties& c & c.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Wed. Feb. 8, 1888

    Cloudy & thawy began to rain about 2:00 P.M.Cleared offbefore eight this eve. Chored about.Fixed fork & c & c. Gotready to cart a load of hay

    to Mr. Sears, but rained so did not, but picked & goticefrom tub in cow yard & c & c. Supped at churchthis eve.

    Thursday 914/0Very pleasant & very cold. Chored about.Loaded& carried Mr. Sears 680 lbs. meadow hay & c &cthis eve. Carried the folks over to the entertainmentat thechurch. Then stopped with Uncle Nathan &went & got Mrs. T.& Mrs. B. about 10:00 P.M.

    Fri. Feb. 10, 1888

    0/2 about 8:00 A.M. Very cold & pleasant morningbut cloudedup & began to storm before night, snow.Chored about sawed somewood. Picked over &

    carried Isabel bus. of apples. Went after Mrs.D.T. Briggs forMrs. Whiting. Didnt get her. Sawsome of D. T. B. curiosities &c.

    Saturday 11

    Very stormy all day snowed & hail. Chored aboutsome butgoing for Mrs. Dea. Whiting most the day.Lydia died about 10:45. Iwent to Franklin & aboutfor them. Carried Elmer & Estellaover tonight.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Sun. Feb. 12, 1888

    Very pleasant & thawed some. Carried Mrs. Tiltonto meeting& went after her & _?_.

    Monday 13HorseVery pleasant & thawy. Chored about. SoldtheDea. Whiting horse & heifor to A.J. Gilmore for$35.00 BoughtLanterns. Bought a lot of hay in theSargeant barn for $15.00 &I am to move her goods& c. McGory has horse this eve. to go toWeddingat Franklin.

    Tues. Feb. 14, 1888

    Very pleasant & warm thawy. Chored about. Wentto the funeralof Miss Lydia Whiting at 1 P.M. Rev.Moore attended it.

    Wednesday 15

    34/0 this morning 2/0 this eve. Warm & pleasant &mornbut clouded up & very windy & growing coldfast. Choredabout. Sorted apples, carried 3 bus. toWight, 1 to W. Woodman. 1 of_?_ to Mrs. C.Briggs & to Staples & got 4 bus. meal. 2 c.corn& 100 lbs. feed.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Thurs. Feb. 16, 1888

    0/4 Very cold & pleasant. Chored about some.Went & gotMrs. Sears goods, 2 loads & put in a carhere from A.D. Sargentplace. Took most of the

    day Danl Brown & another fellow are here to nighttostay.

    Friday 17

    Pleasant & cool but a little warmer. Chored about.Split& cut up some old ties. Hooped a keg & c &c. Biggs& wife up here this eve. E.D. Cook diedthis eve about 9:00oclock. Have been to help layhim out. Just got home 2 oclock.

    Sat. Feb. 18, 1888

    Snowed a little in morning but pleasant most the day& warm.Wrote to Alvah last night & this morning.Went Dea. Whitingsplace fixed their sink pipe & c

    & c. Went to M. M. Daniels & this P.M.. Havebeen tonotify E.D. Cooks funeral & c. Mrs. Tiltonwent with me.

    Sunday 19

    Very pleasant & warm, spring like thawy. Went tothe funeralof E. Darwin Cook at the church at 1:30p.m. Rev. Moor attended it.N. Hawes, J. Canney,H.B. Miller & H. C. Peck were Dearers. Itwas aquite full house.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Mon. Feb. 20, 1888

    Cloudy & rained part the day & this eve, thawy.Choredabout some. Went to F. Rays to see a cowwith M. M. Daniels. Sortedsome apples & c & c.

    Tuesday 21

    Very pleasant & warm. Chored about some. Sortedsome apples& cleared Ice out of cow yard tub &around it.

    Wed. Feb. 22, 1888CalfVery pleasant & warm, spring likethawy. Choredabout. Cleared & fixed place for calf. Cut alittlewood & c. The brindle cow had a calf this

    morning. McGrory taped a pair of boots this eve. &the other2 were here.

    Thursday 23

    Pleasant part & cloudy part the day, warm &thawy. Choredabout. Sorted some apples & trimed2 bus. turnips. Carried 2bus. apples to Wright &Clark 3 to Mrs. C. Briggs.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Fri. Feb. 24, 1888

    Pleasant & warm thawy. Chored about sorted a fewapples.Fixed & got the cider mill down cellar.Sold & put up 1bushel turnips to M. M. D. & c.

    Saturday 25

    Cloudy & began to snow about noon & to rain about3 p.m.Chored about sawed some wood & c & c.Worked about, carriedMary Hawkins home. Lotrock & stone came down in ledgetonight.

    Sun. Feb. 26, 1888

    Pleasant part & cloudy part the day, spring like. Athome allday. Emma helped me make 9 pies & 3cups custard.

    Monday 27

    Pleasant most of the day but had little snow squall,cool butthawed some. Mr. Woodman painted oncottage 6 hours, I fixed door& c on water closet& helped about some. He was here fordinner. Imade biscuits.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Tues. Feb. 28, 1888

    8/0 Very cold & pleasant. Chored about cut upsome old ties& c & c. This eve played _?_ _?_ atLasures

    Wednesday 298/0 at 7 A.M.Cold & pleasant. Went to Wrenthamcenter & gotFrank Bennetts goods & moved to theAgustusJilson place. Left here about 8 a.m. & got backabout 5p.m. Played cards at Lesures this eve.

    Thurs. Mar. 1, 1888

    Very pleasant most the day & cool, but clouded upbeforenight & began to snow this eve. Mr.Woodman painted on cottage 6& finished first

    coat. I shingled & put shingle boards on privey.

    Friday 2

    Very pleasant most the day but clouded up & rainedsome thiseve. Chored about some. Loaded a loadof 890 lbs. hay & carriedto Dr. Nolen. Abbie roadto Franklin on the load. I Bt home a loadof grain.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Sat. Mar. 3, 1888

    Cloudy A.M. & suny P.M. & grew cold beforenight. Done mychores & started for Medway about9 a.m. to move Martha Whitesgoods. Leasure road

    over with me & Martha from __?__. Moved themin Dr. Nolan.Didnt get home till 9 p.m., had topack them & to wait forher.

    Sunday 4

    Pleasant & cold. At home all day Tim Haley camehere.

    Mon. Mar. 5, 1888

    Very pleasant & cold. Sorted a few apples &carried 1bushel to A. Staples & bushel to C.Briggs. Went to townmeeting. Got some border.

    Called & see Mr. & Mrs. Gale.

    Tuesday 6

    Very cold & pleasant. At home. Chored about,sold & fixedup 1 bushel turnips & 1 of potatoes.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Wed. Mar. 7, 1888

    14/0 Very cold & windy but pleasant. Choredabout, sortedsome apples. Made some cider. Cutsome wood & c & c.

    Thursday 8

    20/0 Pleasant & cold. Chored about. Sorted someapples &c & c. Went to M. M. Daniels & traded3333 1/3 lbs. of hayfor a heifor to come in May.

    Fri. Mar. 9, 1888

    Pleasant most & cloudy part the day. Sorted &carried 5bushel apples to Wight, 1 to Woodman, 1to C. Briggs, to J.W. Clark.Got load, 10

    bushel, grain. Bt _?_ flour & c for N. McGrory.Woodmanpainted on cottage 6 hours.

    Saturday 10

    Very pleasant morning & night but cloudy someparts of theday. Chored about, carted 3 loads ofhay to M. M. Daniels from theSargeant place.108 lbs. due M. M. Daniels cow traid. Mr.Woodmanpainted on the house 8 hrs guess. Itook tea with Mrs. M. M. D.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Sun. Mar. 11, 1888

    Cloudy most the day, warmer. Went to meeting inP.M. carried Mrs.Tilton, Rev. Mandell. Wrote toAlvah this eve.

    Monday 12

    *Very driving snow storm all day & tonight. Theworst thisyear. 5:14 P.M. train not come yet at10:45. Chored about filedUncle Nathans saw. Isawed some wood & c & c.

    * See newspaper article next page

    Tues. Mar. 13, 1888

    Has been a very, very driving snow storm all day.Road & R.R.blocked up, no cars as yet from NewYork way since yesterday &no mail today or trains

    either way. Telegraph men stayed in store all lastnight. Iskimed the milk & chored about carriedwater & c &c.

    Wednesday 14

    Stormed most the day, driving snow storm. Nomail got through yetbut an engine & car went downabout 4 p.m. I churned 6 lbs. ofbutter. Choredabout.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Thurs. Mar. 15, 1888

    Very pleasant & thawy & warm. Carried MissHawes to P.B.Clarks from 8:45 train. Choredabout, shoveled snow cleared ice outof tubs & c &

    c. Moved & got out 2 cider Bbls from cellar,caught 2roosters tonight. Mail came at 4:35 p.m.first since Monday.

    Friday 16

    Cloudy most the day sun out short time. Choredabout sorted someapples & c & c.

    Sat. Mar. 17, 1888

    Very pleasant & cool but thawed some. Sortedsome apples& carried 1 bushel to Isabel & 2 toMrs. C. Briggs. Got 2bus meal & molasses & c &

    c. Bt meal, feed & flour to Cotter.

    Sunday 18

    16/0 at 8 A.M.Very pleasant & cold but thawed some. At homeallday choring about. Cooked chicken.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Mon. Mar. 19, 1888

    Very pleasant & cool but thawy in middle the day.See to mail& c. Cleared some of the corn & c. outof the chamber &c. Briggs & wife went today. N.

    McGrory got through today. Mr. Cornell took hisplace this noon.Jos & Willie went to town meeting.

    Tuesday 20

    Cloudy & thawy, stormed, rained a little & stormedsomethis eve. Cleared the corn out of the southfront room. Took beddown & cleared it up.Cleared out ditch of snow by old barn& c & c.Wrote to Elmer this eve.

    Wed. Mar. 21, 188845/0Very stormy most the day rain, warm. Ihave beenclearing up Elmers work room. Taped N. Hawesesrubber boots& c & c. Great deal of waters running.

    Thursday 22

    Pleasant & thawy. Chored about, carried show caseout &stored in upper woodroom & cleared up theroom some. Sorted 4bushel apples. Went up &gave Hermon a Herbal Swet tonight. CookfromVermont down today.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Fri. Mar. 23, 1888

    Very windy & cold pleasant. Chored about carried1 bushelapples to T. Haley, 3 bushels to Wight, 1bushel spect to Mrs.Briggs, to Isabel, 12 lbs.

    corn to C.W. Stewart, 2 lbs. honey to Mr. Gale.Got paint, grain& c & c. Took supper at Isabels.

    Saturday 24

    12/0Pleasant but very cold & windy. Chored about cutup 3 or4 old ties. Traded corn with F. Ray & tookmy cow & calf tohis barn & took back a Jersey$32.00. Called & see J.Smith.

    Sun. Mar. 25, 1888

    Very pleasant & cold. At home all day. Emmacame & mademe a Washington pie & some cupcustards, about 1 hour. Mr.Summon & Mr. Turrell

    called & see me today about 4 p.m. Wrote toAlvah.

    Monday 26

    Cloudy & stormed part of the day ,snowed & hail.Wm.Woodman came & painted & c. here in house,8 hours or so. Icleared out things, cleaned paint& c & c, besides chores& cleared out stuff in eve &wrote to Alvah some more.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Tues. Mar. 27, 1888

    Stormy rain & mist most the day. Wm. Woodmanworked onpainting, whitewashing & papering 8 hours. I cleaned up. Fixedplastering sink

    cupboard & c & c. Helped Hermon set 5 tires 2 hrs.

    Wednesday 28

    Stormy rain warm. Wm Woodman worked 8 hours painting &papering front stairway & S. E.chamber & cupboard &sink. I cleared up &cleaned paint & c & c. Wrote toArthur Metcalf.

    Thurs. Mar. 29, 1888

    Stormy & warm but pleasant this eve & froze some.Wm.Woodman painted & papered stairs. I clearedout the kitchen,cleared up, cleaned paint & c & c is

    now 12 hours.

    Friday 30

    Very pleasant & cool thawy. I chored about somewent toFranklin & got more paper & c & c. HelpWoodman put onsome in hall. He worked 9 hourspainting & papering & c.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Sat. Mar. 31, 1888

    Very pleasant & warm & very muddy. Woodmanpapered &painted here 8 hs in hall & kitchen. Ichored about, made shelf& backboard to new sink

    & c & c. I went & put in the ciston pump atDeaWhiting place in eve. Went & took down pictures&curtains & fixture for Mrs. Gale.

    Sunday, April 1

    Pleasant most of the day but clouded up before night& thiseve rain & snow. I have been at home allday. McGrory had thehorse to go to Franklin.Snowing fast at 10:00 this eve.

    Mon. April 2, 1888

    Ground white with snow but has rained a little mostof the day sothe snow has left except the banks. Ihave been at home all daychoring about & in house

    fixing plaster & stairway & c & c. Woodman came&worked 9 hs. He papered the kitchen drawed afew sash & painted& part papered back stairway.

    Tuesday 3

    Pleasant & cool morning & night, ground froze.Choredabout carted 1 bus apples to Mrs. C.Briggs & went & moved 3loads of goods for Mr.O. Gale. Danl. McFarland helped 7 hs.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Wed. April 4, 1888

    Very pleasant cold morning. Mr. W. Woodmandrawed sash for me.Danl McFarland worked forme 8 hours. He sawed wood for Uncle Nathan&

    helped me move Mr. Gale. Got them all moved.

    Thursday 5

    Pleasant morning but began to rain before night. N.McGrorymoved. I carried the folks down & wentagain & carried hishens & carried 1 bus apples toC. Biggs. It rained hard. Fixedwindow shades & cfor Mrs. Gale.

    Fri. April 6, 1888

    Pleasant & cool chored about swept the cottage &clearedup some. Then carried trunk to D.Mahoneys & bt back Bbl & c& c. Worked about

    home, put up 1 bus turnips & carried to C. Briggs &puthorse up at Cunninghams & went to Dr.Nolans birthday party.

    Saturday 7

    Very pleasant but windy & cool morning & this eve.Ichored about home. Mended plastering & washedsome at thecottage, getting it ready to paint &paper.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Sun. April 8, 1888

    Pleasant & cold, ground was froze & hard thismorning& is froze tonight. Have been at house allday choring about.Shaved Uncle Nathan.

    Monday 9

    Very pleasant & cold. Wm. Woodman worked forme painting inthe cottage, 9 hours. Cleaned house& c, then carried Ad Darlingto Nancys tonight.Emma made me a *Was pie.

    *Short for Washington

    Tues. April 10, 1888

    Pleasant part the day but began to snow beforenight. Wm. Woodmanworked for me in & oncottage 8 hs, drawed sash, painted someinside &

    papered kitchen. I went to Franklin & got paper &carriedsome apples bus to Woodman. Mrs.Tilton went to _?_ & Isa camehome with me.

    Wednesday 11

    Stormy part the day. Wm. Woodman worked 4 hs in cottage, paperedbedroom & painted some.He went to Hunts in P.M.& I carrieda load of woodto Isabela & got 1 bus meal & 500 lbs coalforUncle Nathan & c & c. Cleaned Harness where cow_?_.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Thurs. April 12, 1888

    Pleasant most the day, clouded up & rained verylittle. Wm.Woodman worked in cottage, 9 hs. Hepapered & painted front room& some more. I

    cleaned the house. McCarty moved in to Jos. housetonight. Wroteto Elmer.

    Friday 13

    Very pleasant but cold morning, ground froze hard.Moved P.Cornell goods into my cottage this A.M..Cleared up some there &helped set up some of thethings. Went & got a load of 10 Bblsawdust.Carried up a load of McCarty.

    Sat. April 14, 1888

    Cloudy & stormed in P.M., rain. I put sawdust incellar atthe cottage & put 7 or 8 lbs in horse barn.Sorted apples &carried 1 bus to _?_ Newell & 1 of

    s to C. Briggs & 1 of turnips & 2 bus to Barrett.Went totown meeting.

    Sunday 15

    Cloudy most the day & cool. At home all daychoring about& c & c.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Mon. April 16, 1888

    Cloudy most the day cold, ground froze quite hardthis morning.Chored about. New leathered thepump at the cottage.

    Tuesday 17

    Cloudy part of the day, cold & windy. FixedHopkins wagon.Chored about, cut a little wood,sorted some apples, carried 2 busto Wight & busspect ones to C. Briggs. Fixed up windowshades,pictures & c., 3 hs at Mr. Gales.

    Wed. April 18, 1888

    Cloudy & rained & hailed a little. Chored abouthousesome. * Helped Mrs. Tilton move things inUncle Nathans room &put Mantel bed in there,

    2 or 3 hs. Fixed clock in my kitchen took waterfaucet out downstairs. Cleaned out my stove pipe &c & c.

    Thursday 19

    Pleasant & warm but cold morning, ground froze.Chored about.Got down & put up bed stead forMrs. Tilton. Cleared out piggs_?_ & put in a newone. Got in some chips & c & c. Wroteto Alvah.

    *Uncle Nathan and Mrs. Tilton move into thedownstairs of Georgeshouse and will live there

    until Uncle Nathan dies on March 29, 1889 at theage of 90.UncleNathan will marry Mrs. Tilton on January 8,1889.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Fri. April 20, 1888

    Cloudy & began to rain this P.M.. Wm. Woodmanworked for me 8hs. He finished drawing the sashhere at home & finished theoutside of the cottage &

    then we fixed the _?_ & he painted them.

    Saturday 21

    A little snow & rain most the day, ground white thismorn.Have not felt very well today. Chored aboutsome, fixed step atcottage.

    Saturday, April 22, 1888

    Pleasant most the day cool. At home all day.Emma helped me bakepies. I shaved Uncle Nathan& helped down there some.

    Monday 23

    Cloudy most the day & cold, ground froze thismorn. Choredabout some, sorted some apples.Sold S. Cook 1 bus, A.J. Gilmore ,Turner & co. 3& C. Briggs spect. Got grain. Williemilk.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Tues. April 24, 1888

    Cloudy part & pleasant part the day. Cold, somesnowsqualled, ground froze in morn. Carted 2 loadsof wood for DeaWhitings folks, 3 hs. Chored

    about home. Got in few -?-. Carried sleigh to oldbarn & c& c.

    Wednesday 25

    Very pleasant, cold morning & night. Ground frozein morning.Chored about, sorted apples. Carried 2bus to Barrett & 2 toTurner, 1 bus to Mrs. C.Briggs. Emma & Abbie have took tea withMrs.Briggs.

    Thurs. April 26, 1888

    Pleasant & warm but cold morning, ground froze.Chored aboutsome sorted apples & c & c. Sold 2bus to -?- Cook.

    Friday 27

    Very pleasant & warm, spring like. Chored about,cleared upsome in the cellar. Made some cider,fixed cellar window. Sold fatcow to Geo Wales for$25.00. Wrote to Elmer.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Sat. April 28, 1888

    Very pleasant & warm. Chored about dug out &carried tothe wood pile old cherry tree. Hoed over part of the Asparagus bedGot in 10 bus wood

    chips & c & c. Alvah, Metcalf, Miss. Knowltoncametonight.

    Sunday 29

    Pleasant & very warm. Went to meeting thisevening withAlvah, Metcalf & Miss Knowlton &drove his horse. Rev. Moorepreached.

    Mon. April 30, 1888

    Cloudy part of the day & cooler. I helped movekitchen stovedown stairs. I got in some chipschopped over & raked off theasparagus bed & c &


    Tuesday, May 1

    Cloudy & cold rained a little. Chored about sortedsomeapples, put up some vinegar apples & carriedto Franklin Turner& Co., 4 bus to Mrs. Briggs, 1bus spect & 2 gallons vinegarto Dr. Nolan. 10gallons & A. Busher 1 gal, bt hay seed.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Wed. May 2, 1888

    Cloudy & snowed & rained very little, cold. Choredabouthome.

    Thursday 3

    Very pleasant but cold morning & tonight. Choredabout home.Took up grape vine for Mrs. Tilton -?-off some sods, raked up gotin some chips. Work infield some. Pig got out.

    Fri. May 4, 1888

    Cloudy & cool. F. Bennet helped me 9 hs. We puteve troughson cottage & began digging up the ledepipe that used to go totank house. I, in P.M.,went

    to McFarlands & carried 1 load of his goods to K.Metcalfplace 3 hs.

    Saturday 5

    Rain in morning & cloudy & pleasant & warminevening. Chored about painted & put up 1 bus ofturnips thiseve. I carried a load of goods for F.McFarland 4 hs to R.. Metcalfplace.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Sun. May 6, 1888

    Very pleasant & warm. Chored about home. Staidwith UncleNathan this eve. He is better, he sits upmost of the day. CarriedMrs. Tilton to Uncle

    Richardsons & stayed awhile.

    Monday 7

    Very pleasant & cool. Carted 2 loads of goods forMcFarland,9 hs, to R. Metcalf place. Bt a heiforoff McFarland for 25.00 &some old tin & _?_ .50580 lbs wt of the heifer.

    Tues. May 8, 1888

    Pleasant most the day & warm. Rained this eve. F.Bennettworked for me of the day. We fixed thefence around the pasture& let the cows in Plowed a

    little in lumber yard by R.R. Trimmed some ties byroad.

    Wednesday 9

    Stormed some in morning, warm. Carted a load ofhay & c. forMcFarland & carried 1 bus turnips toA. Busher. Got some grain,traded 650 lbs. of hayfor a covered carriage & have sold it.Traded 700lbs hay for a horse cart.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Thurs. May 10, 1888

    Pleasant part of the day & cloudy part of the day,Had ashower a little while, very warm. Choredabout & went to F.Bennetts on the Jilson place &

    bought a lot of truck iron, windows & c. Went toMcFarlandsplace & got my carts & Jos. sleigh.Wrote to Alvah.

    Friday 11

    Foggy & cloudy most the day & warm rain this eve.Choredabout, set out 4 grape vines by wall frontswale, front old barn.Cleared off piggs nest & gavethem a bed. Cut theasparagrass.

    Sat. May 12, 1888

    Rained most of the morning & pleasant. Choredabout home.Picked over some apples. Carried 2bus to Staples & bus to Mrs.C. Briggs. bus to

    -?- Newell. Got 10 gallons oil, bag flour & c &c.Carried 10 gallons cider to J. Caslow. Called at R.Metcalfsauction.

    Sunday 13

    Cloudy & warm at home all day. I chored aboutpicked &dressed chicken. The cars run over 2 hs. G.W. Foster killed pig forme.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Mon. May 14, 1888

    Cloudy most the day cold tonight. F. Bennetthelped me of theday. He churned an hour ormore & gave it up. I chored abouthouse some &

    we trimmed trees side the road by the old barn. Hetook dinnerwith me. (wood for Dea W. Place)

    Tuesday 15Set 2 hensStormy morning & cloudy & damp thiseve.Chored about churned some but did no good. Sortedapples &pressed out some cider. Set out someasparagras & some currants& some trees & c & c.Set 2 hens this eve.

    Wed. May 16, 1888

    Frost in morning, pleasant most the day but rainedsome after4:30 pm & cleared off this evening.Chored about, cut 2 lbsasparagras, got up some bark

    & chips. Harrowed & furrowed lumber yard by oldshop& c & c.

    Thursday 17

    Pleasant most the day & cool. Chored about tookdown pigpenat cottage & carted it off. Loaded aload hay, 1125 lbs Williehelped 1 hr. Carted it toR. -?- this eve.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Fri. May 18, 1888

    Pleasant morning & cloudy this evening began torain about 4PM. Chored about churned & c & c inA.M. Geo Miller helpedin P.M. We laid out load

    of manure & planted some potatoes, peas, Deans,corn &trimed on tree some.

    Saturday 19

    Cloudy & stormed a little most the day. Geo Millerworked forme. He throwed over the manure in cowyard & help me fix theshed some & trimed trees. Iwent to D. Mahoneys & helped setup a stove 2 or 3hs, he is sick. Went to -?- & got pipe, hehelped.

    Sun. May 20, 1888

    Pleasant & cool. At home all day. Went to seeUncle Nathanthis evening for Mrs. Tilton to go tochurch. See to -?- this eve.Wrote to Alvah.

    Monday 21

    Very pleasant & cool. Geo Miller worked for me.We trimedtrees some. Loaded a load of hay 920lbs.I carried it to Barrett forMcFarland. Traded off mywatch for overcoat & 4.00 to have insix months.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Tues. May 22, 1888

    Very pleasant & warm but cold tonight. Geo Millerworked forme. He trimed trees & helped pick ourapples. I carried 4 bus toTurner & 1 to Carson & 1

    to Mrs. Briggs. Got grain & c.

    Wednesday 23

    Pleasant & warm. Geo Miller worked for me hs& F. Bennettin P.M. Trimmed trees & burnedbrush & dug to iron pipe inJos lot. F. Bennett gotN. Haweses cart & we drawed out manurethis P.M.I traided cows with S. Mahoney today.

    Thurs. May 24, 1888

    Pleasant most the day & warm, rained a little about5 pm& after. Geo Miller worked for me & F.Bennett 9 hs. We gotmanure & dug & laid some of

    the lead pipe. I went to a entertainment at thechurch thiseve.

    Friday 25

    Cloudy & damp morning but pleasant in theevening. J. Canneyplowed for me 8 hs. F. Bennettworked 9 hs & Geo Miller worked10 hs, carted &spread manure & c & c. Had the horseshod. F.Bennett helped Leasure with horse 25 -?-.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Sat. May 26, 1888

    Cloudy most the day rained a little tonight. Canneyplowed for mein A.M. F. Bennett worked 9 hs &Geo Miller worked 10 hs. Wecarted apple tree

    wood & plowed some on Leland & Combs garden.

    Sunday 27

    Pleasant part & cloudy part the day, warm. Athome all day.Chored about. See Uncle Nathanthis P.M. Pig is lame. Wrote to Alvahthis eve.

    Mon. May 28, 1888

    Stormed part of the day. Chored about home.Churned 4 lbs butter.I made some cider & c & c.

    Tuesday 29

    Cloudy part & pleasant part the day & very warm.Choredabout & sorted some apples & made somecider & c &c. Bierdsley got his hens, 10 roosterstonight.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Sun. June 3, 1888

    Very pleasant & warm. At home all day. Isabelhere at work.Had lots of callars. Wrote again towrite to Alvah this eve.

    Monday 4

    Hermons horse died this P.M.Very pleasant & warm, cooltonight. Mr. Balonworked for me today to pay for wheelbarrow.Cutwood at door & planted sweet corn & c & c. Icarrieda load of 1120 lbs hay to M. M. Daniels &took N. Haweses carthome & rooll over there.

    Tues. June 5, 1888

    Very pleasant & warm. Mr. Balon worked for me.Cut wood &planted some Deans, corn & potatoes.Geo Miller worked 6 hs. Wemade a bush &

    bushed in the grass seed & c & c. I carted a load ofhayto L.R. Whiteker of Josephs for Trobridge.

    Wednesday 6

    Very pleasant & warm. Geo Miller worked for me,laid outmanure. Harrowed & planted some, rolledin the grass seed &c & c. Albert Newell harrowed& plowed.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Mon. June 11, 1888

    Cloudy A.M. & pleasant P.M. Chored about.Brought water forIsabel to wash with. Drawed 1load of manure & planted corn onit, last of the corn.

    Mrs. Tilton & Mrs. Norton went to Franklin with myhorse some5 or 6 hs. Uncle Nathan gave me a $100note or paper today.

    Tuesday 12 13ththis shouldCalf have been

    Pleasant & warm most the day.. Chored about.Took car ofblack cow & calf she had this morn.Geo Miller worked 3 hs thisP.M. harrowing & c.I sowed hungerian & hay seed beyond theswale.Isabel at home most the day.

    This should have been the 12 th

    Wed. June 13, 1888

    Pleasant most the day & warm. Chored about.Drawed out &covered a load of privey manure &

    some phosperate covered for cabbage & plantedsome potatoes.Geo & Arthur had my horse to plowfor turnips. Isabel at homemost the day. Wrote toAlvah.

    Thursday 14

    Cloudy & began to rain about 10 am. Geo Millerworked for meharrowed bushed & began the rollthe piece beyond & theswale. We loaded a loadof hay. Worked in the cellar. This eve wentto seeUncle Nathan. Mrs. Tilton went to Franklin&Pawtucket.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Fri. June 15, 1888

    Foggy morn & showers & very warm. Carried Mrs.Tilton& Mrs. Norton to Franklin to 7 am train.Called & got milk,got hoe, mollasses & coffee &

    c. Sold Lime back heifer to F. McFarland for$26.50. Traded cow& calf to Stockbridge for 2cows & 5.00 drawed -?- pull down-?- carted load of1185 lbs hay to M.M. Daniels.

    Saturday 16

    Cloudy part & pleasant part the day, very warm.Chored about.Set out the tomatoes 27.

    Sun. June 17, 1888Bees SwarmedVery pleasant & very warm.Took tub up at cowyard. Chored about. Went to meeting this eve.Mrs.Tilton went with me. We went to see Hermon

    after meeting Bees Swarmed. Wrote to Elmer &sent inEllas.

    Monday 18

    Pleasant most the & very warm, had a shower about4 pm,rained hard. Geo & Arthur Miller came withtheir horse & putside of mine & plowed the piecefront of old barn in am.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Tues. June 19, 1888

    Very pleasant & warm but cooler. Chored about.Loaded a loadof 935 lbs hay & carried to C. J. Dean& Toy Dean poles toMrs. C. F. Briggs.

    Wednesday 20

    Pleasant part & raining part the day. Churnedworked &plowed ground some. Went to Hermons& got bolts to fix waterpipes & c & c. Got a box ofcabbage plants, set out tofew.

    Thurs. June 21, 1888

    Very warm, pleasant part & stormed or showeredsome. Choredabout. Set out a lot of cabbageplants, crows had pulled a lot ofcorn.

    Friday 22

    Foggy morn but pleasant & very warm day. GeoMiller workedhere 9 hs. Planted the turnips,horse hoed some the potatoes,cabbage, corn & c &c. Ashed them, horse hoed the road, 3rowsFurrowed, laid out a load manure & set outcabbage, 242.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Sat. June 23, 1888

    Very warm & pleasant. Geo Miller hoed & c forme & Ihelped some. Carted a load of wood forMrs. Dea Whiting & got in2 loads of rye for them.

    Sunday 24

    Very warm morn & pleasant but clouded up &cooler, beganto rain about 11 this eve. At home allday.

    Mon. June 25, 1888

    Damp & cloudy morn but cleared off, very pleasant& warm.Chored about, but worked fixing waterpipe to cow yard most of theday. Mowed a little by

    cottage door yard.

    Tuesday 26

    Cloudy most the day & stormed most of P.M.Mowed for clothesline & on R.R. some & c & c.Brought water for Isabel towash with. Carried AdDarling to Nancies. Traded for buggie bodywithAllen Newell.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Wed. June 27, 1888

    Very pleasant & cooler. Chored about. Spread thehay & c.Went to Woonsocket got clippers & c & c.Mrs. Tilton startedfor vineyard tonight.

    Thursday 28

    Cloudy & cold rained a little about 5 pm. GeoMiller workedfor me 8 hs. We horse hoed corn,potatoes, & c & c. Horsehoed Cornellas garden &some the piece side of it & harrowedit. Isabel donehere & gone home. Meritt here tonight.

    Fri. June 29, 1888

    Cloudy A.M. & pleasant & warm P.M., cold night.Geo 4 hs& Arthur Miller (3 hs) worked for mehoeing till their mowingmachine came at 11 am. I

    chored about. Hoed some, mowed a little withmachine. F. Bennetthelped 1 hour. *This eve wentto the graduation at the Operahouse.

    Saturday 30

    Pleasant & cool had a shower this eve. Geo Millerhelped mesprout potatoes 3 hs this eve. I churnedtoday, spread, trimmed& raked up the hay & c &c.

    *See newspaper article next page

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Sun. July 1, 1888

    Rained a little, cloudy & cold. At home all day.Choredabout. Read to Uncle Nathan some. Wrotefor him to Madame. Hailstorm at Norfolk last

    night. Wrote Alvah. Wrote to Mrs. Tilton for UncleNathan.

    Monday 2

    Cloudy part the day. Chored about. Sprouted a fewpotatoes.Carried 5 bus to Woonsocket. CarriedNettie, we went to *4 PawsCircus & side show.

    *see newspaper ad next page

    Tues. July 3, 1888

    Very pleasant. Chored about house some. Openedturned & gotin the hay & c & c.

    Wednesday 4

    Very pleasant & warm. Chored about house some& out some.Worked on the old mowing machinethis PM. Mowed some in the orchardsby the house.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Thurs. July 5, 1888

    Very warm cloudy most the day. Went to Boston &bt a mowingmachine & c & c. Raked my hay upafter got home.

    Friday 6

    Very pleasant & warm. Geo Miller worked for mehaying, mowedorchard by house & the piece byWhitings lot & side R.R.& road. I mowed withnew machine. It came about 10 am & weput ittogether & got 1 load in to horse barn.

    Sat. July 7, 1888

    Pleasant & warm but windy. Mr. Allen worked forme, opened& got in hay 1 load to horse barn, 1 toold barn from beyond theplanting ground. We

    horse hoed some & he hoed some.

    Sunday 8

    Pleasant & warm. At home all day. Chored about.Washed lotpans & the churn. Wrote to Madam forUncle Nathan this eve.Isabel, Hannah Miller &Bertha called here this P.M.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Mon. July 9, 1888

    Cloudy & rained some, warm. Geo Miller workedfor me most theday, hoed some, harrowed bushed &rolled in the Hungarian frontof the old barn. I

    sawed it, pitched off a load of hay & c & c.

    Tuesday 10

    Pleasant most the day & warm. Geo Miller workedfor me. Wemowed the orchard & hen yard &further side of Race meadow& raked it up. HadN.B. Arnolds horse rake to rake meadow with.Mr.Allen hoed for me.

    Wed. July 11, 1888

    Very pleasant & warm. Geo Miller worked for me& Mr.Allen 11 hs each. Mowed the piece backof old horse barn. Got in 4loads from hen yard,

    orchard & race meadow put it in the bay in old barn.

    Thursday 12

    Very pleasant & very windy. Geo Miller worked forme &Leasure helped get in 3 loads of hay 2 hrsto old barn. The mostwind ever had getting in hay.I mowed the piece by Dea W. , _?_& the side,raked it with N.B. Arnolds horse rake.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Fri. July 13, 1888

    Very pleasant morning but clouded up & rained alittle in pm.Geo Miller worked for me. I mowedthe piece back of cottage &side R.R. in race

    meadow. I got 2 loads in horse barn & 2 in old barnLeasurehelped me 3 hrs.

    Saturday 14

    Very pleasant & very warm. Geo Miller worked forme, mowedside the R.R. & trimed out aber machineon top mine hill. Imowed it in 2 hrs. We got 1load from race meadow in to horse barn& 1 loadfrom back of cottage into old barn. Mr. Allenworked forme 9 hrs.

    Sun. July 15, 1888

    Very pleasant & warm but cool tonight. At home alldaychoring about & c & c.

    Monday 16

    Very pleasant & warm cool nights. Chored about.Mowed a piecefor Leasure with machine 1 hour.Opened by hay & mowed a littlein race meadow.got in 1 load to old barn & 1 small one from uphillto horse barn. Willie helped & I helped them get 1load.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Tues. July 17, 1888

    Very pleasant & warm but cool morning & eve.Chored 8 hrsor more. Mowed hours for Leasurewith machine. Helped him get in hrs& he helped

    me rake 1 hrs. I mowed the piece among thepines.

    Wednesday 18

    Pleasant & warm. Mowed some in the swale frontof old barnwith machine. Got in 1 large load to oldbarn from among the pines.Leasure helped me 1hour & I helped him hour with horse, got inasmall load for him.

    Thurs. July 19, 1888

    Cloudy & stormed a little. Mr. Allen worked forMahoney &5 hrs. Chored about house some,worked on buggy some, pitched off aload of hay.

    Friday 20

    Cloudy most the day & warm. Carted lot of old tiesup sidethe road from R.R. & by cottage. Went toFranklin this PM.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Sat. July 21, 1888

    Pleasant & warm most the day. Mowed in the swalefront of oldbarn with machine. Made & got up 1load to old barn, amalone.

    Sunday 22

    Stormy most the day. Chored & worked about mostthe day.Helped move Josephs cow down side hisbarn. Wrote to Alvah.

    Mon. July 23, 1888

    Pleasant most the day & warm, had hard showerabout 4 pm.Took care they hay & got in 2 smallloads, just as the showercame.

    Tuesday 24

    Very warm & pleasant most the day but showers,went round butmore here. Finished mowing theswale front of old barn & rakedit up. Pickedpotatoes & c & c. Frank & Earnest Metcalfare heretonight.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Wed. July 25, 1888

    Very pleasant & warm. Chored about house some.Nettie made me2 pies & gingerbread. I opened thehay & got in 1 load toold barn. Mowed some in

    race meadow, this side the ditch with machine & byhand. 11bundles.

    Thursday 26

    Very pleasant & warm. Chored about spread thehay & mostthe remainder of this side of the ditch inrace meadow tonight. Gotit all in 1 large load toold barn. Joseph helped. Mrs. Tilton camehome.

    Fri. July 27, 1888

    Clouded & began to rain about 8 am. Stormymost the day. GeoMiller mowed a while in racemeadow. Worked 2 hrs mixed paris green& c &

    c. I worked in house some, unloaded hay & c & c.

    Saturday 28

    Cloudy & stormed some. Chored about. Rakedsome in racemeadow. Weed turnips, put parisgreen & lime & athas onpotatoes & picked part thebugs & c & c. Churnedtonight.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Sun. July 29, 1888

    Very pleasant & cool tonight. At home all day,chored abouthome most the time. Shawed UncleNathan.

    Monday 30

    Very pleasant & warm. Geo Miller worked for me.We finishedmowing & getting race meadow, 2loads, to old barn. We mowed alittle in brookmeadow. I helped Leasure get up his hay hrs &hehelped me get up part of mine 1 hrs.

    Tues. July 31, 1888

    Pleasant part & cloudy part the day, windy & rainysomethis eve. Geo Miller worked for me 11 hrs.We mowed brook meadow& spread it. Got in 1

    load & stack & put it up this eve. Willie helped megetup a load on their wagon.

    Wednesday, Aug. 1

    Cloudy morn but pleasant most the day & warm.Geo Millerhelped me 6 hrs take care & get in thehay last of the haying,4400 of brook meadow, putin in old barn.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Thurs. Aug. 2, 1888

    Warm & pleasant. Chored about. Worked in pigpen fixing thenest platform & c & c, where theybrake through.

    Friday 3

    Very warm & pleasant. Chored about house part ofA.M. Fixedfence around trees in race meadow & c& c.

    Sat. Aug. 4, 1888

    Very warm & pleasant but had a shower about 5 pm.Geo Millerworked for me 9 hrs. We wed & trimedout the turnips & horsehoed the potatoes, corn &

    cabbage & c & c.

    Sunday 5

    Very warm & pleasant part & cloudy part the day.At hometill about 6 pm, than carried MiltonHarding to Woonsocket to takethe 7:30 pm train forProvidence.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Mon. Aug. 6, 1888

    Stormy most the day & cool, rained hard part theday. I havefelt most sick today, a bile or sore in myear.

    Tuesday 7

    Stormed a little cloudy all day on most cool.Chored about housecleaned out pantry & c & c. P.Gilmore came & bought 2of my cows for $35.00.Jersey, 5.00 & Stockbridge cow, 30.00, tobe paid ina short time.

    Wed. Aug. 8, 1888

    Cloudy & warm but not much storm. Chored aboutgot ready& went to Franklin got grain, oil stove & c& c. Isabelwent with me.

    Thursday 9

    Cloudy A.M. pleasant P.M. Very warm a showerwent round towardsnight. Chored about house mostof A.M. Geo Miller helped me this pm,broke thepipe off in the spring & hoed cabbage & c.Pickedpotatoes, bugs & c.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Fri. Aug. 10, 1888

    Very pleasant & warm. Isabel worked for me,washed & c.& Geo Miller worked in am hoeing &c. I helped about hoeingsome, churned rug, clothes

    & c & c.

    Saturday 11

    Very pleasant am but began to cloud up in pm,warm. Chored abouthome, fixed in hog pen, whichtook quite a while. Went to see M.M.Danielstonight.

    Sun. Aug. 12, 1888

    Pleasant part & cloudy part the day a little sprinkle.Athome all day chored about house some. GeoGetchell called here.Wrote to Alvah.

    Monday 13

    Very stormy A.M. cleared off tonight, rained veryhard. Traded apiece of Hungarian to MMD for acow & 2 pigs. Fixed a pig penunder old barn &went & got the pigs this eve. Went to DeaWhitesplace to see them.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Tues. Aug. 14, 1888

    Very pleasant & cool. Carried Mr. Potter & AmyBennett& children to West Wrentham in morning& went after themtonight. Geo Miller worked for

    me, we mowed the Hungarian & turned it. Set tireon Deachwagon, worked on the buggy a while & c& c.

    Wednesday 15

    Pleasant part & cloudy part the day. Geo Millerworked 9 hrsfixed concored buggy. Got out thenew farm wagon body & workedon it. Raked thehungarian into beds & c & c. H. Allen wenttoWoonsocket & went to lawn party this eve.

    Thurs. Aug. 16, 1888

    Pleasant most the day very warm. Geo Millerworked for me on farmwagon & on Hungarian.Turned, raked & tumbled it up.

    Friday 17

    Pleasant morn. But clouded up & had a hard thundershowerabout 3:30 pm. Geo Miller worked for me 7hrs. Spread the Hungarian& worked on farmwagon & helped Mancey get the Hungarian.Icarted 1 load rye & c. for Dea W. Estate.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Sat. Aug. 18, 1888

    Pleasant & very warm. Chored about some. Drawed97 old tiesfor Mr. Fulton & drawed up a load of rye& weed for them atDea Whitings place.

    Sunday 19

    Pleasant & warm. Carried Canneys & McCartysfolks toFranklin in morning & went & got themtonight. Went tomeeting this pm Rev. J. Merrillpreached.

    Mon. Aug. 20, 1888

    Very pleasant warm. Chored about, workedcleaning out old rifle.Shot a skunk in trap. Workedon Leasures wheelbarrow & c &c. Ed Tilton &

    wife went to A. Metcalfs & about with the horse &buggythis pm. He cleaned the harness some.

    Tuesday 21

    Pleasant A.M., cloudy & began to storm in P.M. &rain isvery hard this eve. Chored about fixedLeasures wheelbarrow &worked some on mine.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Wed. Aug. 22, 1888

    Pleasant & cooler. Chored about some drawed oldties 105 forMr. Fulton. A tin peddler is stoppedhere tonight.

    Thursday 23

    Very pleasant & cool. Chored about home some inA.M. &drawed 48 old ties from Mr. _?_ & 2 loadsof wood for Dea M.Whitings folks.

    Fri. Aug. 24, 1888

    Very pleasant & warm but cool morning. Choredabout home.Eddie Masier took horse & got somemilk & swill for me upthere. I went & got shoe on

    horse & drilled tire on Deach wagon. I picked upsome apples& c & c.

    Saturday 25

    Very warm & pleasant. Chored about home.Carried 3 bus.apples to Woonsocket & got somegrain & c & c. Went tothe bank & got check forElmers money & sent it to him. EdTilton wentwith me.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Sun. Aug. 26, 1888

    Warm & pleasant. Chored about home. Went in tothe brook towash me.

    Monday 27

    Cloudy & sprinkled a little part the day but pleasantmostthe day. Chored about traded for a rifle &fixed a pistol &c & c. Geo Miller took dinner withme & is stopping heretonight.

    Tues. Aug. 28, 1888

    Pleasant & cool. Chored about house & c.Churned, 2churning & worked about house.Picked a few apples. F. Bennetthad horse to go to

    Woonsocket & I carried him back home in eve.

    Wednesday 29

    Pleasant & cool. Chored about. Went to Franklin tothe millbank & about with Mrs. Tilton & Eds wife.Picked up a fewapples & c & c. Took some moneyof Elmers out of the bank.Wrote to N.B.G. this evefor E.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Mon. Sept. 3, 1888

    Very pleasant & warm. Chored about house downstairs, outdoors & around. Got some milk forBertha Sampson, Bill Metcalf& c & c. Worked on

    wheelbarrow some & c & c.

    Tuesday 4

    Cloudy most the day & rained a little. Chored abouthousesome, boiled beef & cabbage. Finishedrepairing the wheelbarrow& c & c.

    Wed. Sept. 5, 1888

    Pleasant part & cloudy part the day & warm, butcooltonight. Chored about picked pears, 11 bus &picked some apples,carried 2 b to Franklin. Nettie

    went with me.

    Thursday 6

    Pleasant most the day but cloudy hazy part. Choredabout,churned, moved Uncle Nathans stove infrom wood house & set itup again this eve. Went &got some swill at Mrs. Mosiers.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Fri. Sept. 7, 1888

    Very hard frost this morn. Pleasant & cool. Choredaboutmowed the Hungarian front of barn. Frosthurt it some, picked someapples & c & c. Wrote to

    Alvah this eve.

    Saturday 8

    Cloudy & stormed some began to rain hard about5:30 A.M..Chored about. Helped Joseph get hiscow up & raked around theHungarian & it rainedhard. Simons here tonight. Minnie BennettleftFranklin, I carried her back this eve.

    Sun. Sept. 9, 1888

    Cloudy & stormed a little most the day warm. Athome all daychoring about. Fultons folks had myDeach wagon to go to Medwaytoday. Simons here


    Monday 10

    Cloudy & damp morning, but very pleasant most theday &warm. Chored about got lot the old apples &c out the cellar& worked on the Hungarian turningraking & c. H.E. Fulertonhelped 8 hrs.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Tues. Sept. 11, 1888

    Pleasant part & cloudy part the day warm. H.Fulton helped me9 hrs, dug a few potatoes &spread, turned & got in 1 loadof the Hungarian,

    Joseph helped a few minutes, we got some dirt inunder thebarn.

    Wednesday 12

    Rained hard in the night & this am, but cleared offtonight.Chored about house. Put up some butter,washed out lot old boxes& c. Simons here tonight.

    Thurs. Sept. 13, 1888

    Pleasant & warm. H. Fulton worked for me today,dug a fewpotatoes & helped rake & get in theHungarian, sort potatoes& c. Eddie Mosier helped

    2 hrs. Fulton took dinner with me. Cool tonight.

    Friday 14

    Very pleasant & cool. Arthur Miller & H. Fultoncut &shuck my corn & mowed the weeds inpotatoes in A.M. & ArthurM. dug potatoes by thebees. 10c __?__ in pm. I mowed with machinebylouring tree.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Sat. Sept. 15, 1888

    Very pleasant & warm. Chored about, churned &turned& raked up the hay & c & c. Arthur Millerdug potatoesfor me. E. Simon here tonight.

    Sunday 16

    Very heavy fog this morn, cloudy most the day,began to rainbefore night. At home all day, choredabout, run in the potatoes,doubled up & cuped thehay.E. Simons here tonight.

    Mon. Sept. 17, 1888

    Stormed a little most the day & rained hard this eve,verywarm. Chored about went & got some swill atMrs. Masiers. Sorted& got potatoes down cellar.

    Geo Miller helped, 4 hrs. Cleared out cellar some.Arthur dugpotatoes. Wrote to Holbrook.

    Tuesday 18

    Rained hard in the night & stormy most the day.Chored about,picked a few apples & carried toFranklin & carried 4 galsof vinegar to Mrs. Briggs& got a molasses __?__ & c &c.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Sun. Sept. 23, 1888

    Storm part the day, sun out a little, stormy this eve.At homeall day chored about, stewed & put up afew tomatoes.

    Monday 24

    Pleasant, chored about home. Took care the hay,opened &raked it up. Picked & sold to GeoHopkins, 5 bus apples. EddieMasier helped 1 bsthis eve. Went to B. Tilton, Ella went withme.

    Tues. Sept. 25, 1888

    Very foggy damp & cool cloudy most the day.Chored about,went to M. M. Daniels & traded cowsfor $5.00 & went &got some swill at Mrs. Masiers.

    Sorted some potatoes, got in the hay, 1 load, E.Masier helped 1hour.

    Wednesday 26

    Very stormy most the day, but cleared off beforenight. Rainedvery hard & blew the apples offbadly. Chored about house put upa bus tomatoes,part for catsup & part in jars (10 pints) Pickedup afew apples. Kept the cows tied up.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Thus. Sept. 27, 1888

    Pleasant & warm. Chored about, picked someapples. Helpedsome on hay scales. Mr. Howe isputting in a new frame to them.Boiled down the

    catsup this eve.

    Friday 28

    Cloudy part the day. Mr. Howe worked on the hayscales. I helpedthere a little. Have been about sick.Sick headache, done but littlebeside the chores.Took 2 pills.

    Sat. Sept. 29, 1888

    Pleasant & growing cold. Chored about, helped alittle onscales. Mowed a little side RR. Carted theload of hay or rowenstuff I sold to M.M. Daniels

    for $8.00, to be taken in for trade if we makeanother in 3months. Got in the pumpkins, somecorn, Deans & c. Picked somegrapes this eve. Putup the catsup & c.

    Sunday 30

    26/0 at 6:30 very cold & frosty. Ice quite thick,thingsfroze, grapes & c. At home all day, choredabout picked thegrapes by hog pen that werecovered. Let hogs into the drive way& c & c.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Mon. Oct. 1, 188827/0Very cold morn., froze some, stormy A.M..Choredabout. A. Metcalf came with apples. Made a hogtrough, cleanedout corn & c & c.

    Tuesday 2

    Stormy A.M. & cloudy P.M. Took in some ciderapples, sortedsome potatoes & picked some apples& c & c. Geo Millerhelped 4 hrs. Isabel cametonight to help me a few days.

    Wed. Oct. 3, 1888

    Pleasant, part cloudy & had a snow squall, cold.Geo Millerworked here 9 hrs, sorted potatoes &carried into the cellar& picked up cider apples &

    put in the cart & c & c. Took in apples, finishedloadingthe 1st car & some in the 2nd. Helped Isabelsome, she washedfor me, is here now.

    Thursday 430/0Pleasant & very cold morn., ground froze. Tookinapples. Sent one car off. Geo Miller worked forme, picked apples& c. Isabel here, she & Mrs.Tilton. Olive & Ella wentto Franklin with the horse& Deach wagon. Set up a stove forMrs. T.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Fri. Oct. 5, 1888

    Pleasant most the day & windy, warmer. GeoMiller worked forme 8 hrs picking apples & c.Churned 7 lbs butter. Took inapples. I went &

    got a load of wood for Mrs. Dea. Whiting (or themthere) carriedmilk to M.M. Daniels. Isabel sicktoday.

    Saturday 6

    Stormy most the day & warmer. Geo Miller workedfor me, tookin apples, he went & got apples at DeaWhitings place. We pickedsome & cleared out thecow stable some so to __?__ up. Isabelhere.

    Sun. Oct. 7, 1888

    Stormy most all day. Have been at home all day.Isabel here.Wrote to Elmer.

    Monday 8

    Pleasant & cool. Geo Miller worked for me pickingapples& c, by brook meadow & in orchard by thehouse. Put cows inback of horse barn. Took in butfew apples.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Tues. Oct. 9, 1888

    Cloudy most the day & very cold & windy, snowedquitehard at 4:30 P.M.. Geo Miller picked apples && c for me,took in apples & c. We carried a load

    of greening down cellar. Sent horse out to feed.

    Wednesday 10

    Pleasant part & cloudy part the day & cold, snow&ice this morning. Geo Miller worked for me pickingapples &c, took in some.

    Thurs. Oct. 11, 1888

    Cold morn, ground froze. Ice thick, but pleasantmost the day.Took in apples, picked some & c & c.Geo Miller worked 9 hrsfinished Baldwins &

    Northern Spy..

    Friday 12

    Cloudy & stormed a little most the day. Geo Millerworked inAM picking apples, russets 3+ bbl. Tookin a few apples & sentoff 1 car, put on a piece ofpipe to Uncle Ns stove & c &c.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Sat. Oct. 13, 1888

    Stormy AM, pleasant PM & stormy this eve.Chored about &c &c. Picked some apples, kalebbls & c & c. Took insome apples. Isabel & Mrs.

    Tilton went to Hermons with the horse.

    Sunday 14

    Stormed a little most all day. At home, choringabout. This eve,Mrs. Leasure came after me tocome over there as Frank B. was tryingto get in& get Mimies baby. She has left him. WrotetoAlvah.

    Mon. Oct. 15, 1888

    Very pleasant, but cold morning. Geo Millerworked for me pickingapples 6 or 7 lbs. I pickedsome, took in a few apples, helpedIsabel about the

    washing & c & c.

    Tuesday 16

    Cold & pleasant morning, but clouded up & beganto stormbefore night. Chored about. Took inapples, picked some apples,churned & c & c.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Wed. Oct. 17, 1888

    Very damp & foggy, warm & rained hard beforenight.Chored about. 1 load of apples came intoday. Worked in barn some& c & c.

    Thursday 18PiggsVery pleasant. Chored about. Took in someciderapples. Sold 2 pigs to H.C. Peck for $15.00 & 1 bblapples.My sow had pigs tonight, some gotdrowned & eat up, have 4 inthe house tonight.

    Fri. Oct. 19, 1888

    Cloudy part the day & stored some tonight. GeoMiller pickedapples for me & chored about.Helped move or drive the sow toold barn. I carted a

    load of wood to Dea Whiting place for them.

    Saturday 20

    Pleasant part the day. Geo Miller helped pick theapples.Finished them, put some in the car & somein cellar. Sold piggsto E. Mosier. Carted load ofwood to Dea Whiting place. Sawed __?__in two &c & c.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Thurs. Oct. 25, 1888

    Pleasant & warm, but very cool & frost tonight.Took inquite a lot of cider apples. Cut & put up 3or 400 lbs.cabbage.

    Went to entertainment at church this eve. withIsabel.

    Friday 26

    Very pleasant most of the AM, but clouded up inPM, cool. Choredabout. Took in apples, got upsome cabbage. Sorted some apples &c & c.

    Sat. Oct. 27, 1888

    Stormy most the day, but took in quite a lot ofapples &chored about some.

    Sunday 28

    Cloudy & stormed, part the day warm. At home allday. Isabelhere. Bertha Rinkins called. GeoGetchell called & lot othershere. Marony cow gotchocked tonight. Writing to Elmer this eve.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Mon. Oct. 29, 1888

    Very windy & cloudy part the day, cooler. Took insomeapples. Helped Isabel about the washing. Gotup some cabbage &carried McCaty 100 lbs &

    Cornell 100 lbs. Tried to get apple out of cowsthroat, but couldnot.

    Tuesday 30

    Pleasant & windy. Took in some apples & c & c.GeoMiller helped pull & trim the turnips & get upthe cabbage& c, 6 hrs. Moved the stove in thiseve. Simons heretonight.

    Written on side: for Piggs Piggs shake for 2nd time Hogs

    Wed. Oct. 31, 1888

    Pleasant, but windy. Took in a few apples. Choredabout. Carriedpart the turnips down cellar & c & c.E. Simons here today& night.

    Thursday, Nov. 1

    Very pleasant & warm. Chored about. Fixed binfor UncleNathans coal & helped about it. A fewapples came today. Trimmed& carried 100 lbs.cabbage to Ann Bennett. Went to seeA.C.Stockbridge. Mrs. Tilton went with me.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Fri. Nov. 2, 1888

    Very pleasant & warm part. 1 load of apples in car& sentit. The last car to send this season. Choredabout. This PM., GeoMiller helped dig the pipe up

    in the hen yard & got in the fine coal Woodman letme have& c & c. Isabel gone home.

    Saturday 3

    Cloudy AM, stormy PM, but cleared off before dark.Geo Millerhelped me in AM. Dug & took pipe inthe hen yard. Trimmed atree. Got in the corn. Itrimmed & put up cabbage & c &c.

    Sun. Nov. 4, 1888

    Pleasant & warm, but frosty morning. At home allday. Mr.Smith carried here this PM & went toconcert at church thiseve.

    Monday 5

    Pleasant part & cloudy part the day, warm butwindy. Choredabout house & outdoors. Went &got some swill of Mrs.Mosier. Carried 200 lbs.cabbage to D. Mahony & c & c.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Sat. Nov. 10, 1888

    Stormy most the day, rained very hard part the time.Went to S.Sherborn to see __?__ with Holbrook &sons for cider apples& c. Went via Walpole.

    Sunday 11

    Pleasant but very windy, cooler. At home all daychoring about,reading & c.

    Mon. Nov. 12, 1888

    Very pleasant, but cold & windy. Chored about.Picked up& carried bus apples to Reed Newell & bus turnips to MikeSullivan. Subscribed for

    Sentinal. Called to see Guss but didnt see himabout water pipe.Got check for Elmer at bank & c& c.

    Tuesday 13

    Very pleasant & cold morning, ground froze quitehard. Choredabout. Trimmed & put up somecabbages __?__ pork. Husked somecorn & c & c.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Wed. Nov. 14, 1888

    Very pleasant & warm. Chored about. Dug upsome of the oldwater pipe & some the branch tocow yard & c. This eve cutthe quinces & some


    Thursday 15

    Stormy all day & warm. Chored about. Made myQuince sauce.Took lead pipe apart by the wall,husked some & c.

    Fri. Nov. 16, 1888

    Warm, very pleasant AM cloudy PM & began torain about 4:30PM. Chored about. Husked some,traded little Iron wheeled wagon toFulerton for

    work. He finished husking the corn. I set a hoop onthe brokenwheel & c. Put up staths & c & c.

    Saturday 17

    Wrote to Elmer & to Holbrook. Pleasant & cool&growing cold. Geo Miller helped me 7 hrs & Arthur3 hrs.Took pipe apart in cellar way & cleared it outsome in PM. Wedug & laid lead pipe across theTown road by old barn & c& c.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Sun. Nov. 18, 1888

    Very cloudy, but pleasant. At home all day. Choredabout. Mrs.Tilton took supper with me. Wrote toAlvah.

    Monday 19Horse barn PiggWarmer & stormy all day, rain.Chored about.Went to the funeral of Chs T. Hanco*ck. AnnBennett wentwith me. Went & got medicine forUncle N. from Dr. Nolan &c.

    Tues. Nov. 20, 1888Uncle Nathan crazy last nightVery pleasantbut windy & cold or growing so.Chored about. Worked in ditchfor pipe & c.Carried 150 lbs cabbage to Wright. Got __?__ &c

    & c for church. Went after man to fix water pipe, isto comein morn. Geo Miller helped, 4 hrs in PM,on ditch & c. Had horseto go to Franklin to churchthis eve to entertainment.

    Wednesday 2114/0Very cold but very pleasant & still . Spencecame& worked on the water pipes,7 hrs or so, & solderedthem& c. Geo Miller worked 7 hrs helping &filling our pipewater, dont come but little. Thiseve went to Mahoneys & gotcider for __?__.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Thurs. Nov. 22, 188814/0Very pleasant & cold. Geo Millerhelped for 7 hrs cut & split wood & helped __?__ & c.on waterpipe & c. We set the tub in cow yard & dug&

    covered pipe part way for the other under shed.Arthur Millerworked 3 hrs with my horse for AM__?__ Mrs. Whiting.

    Friday 2312/0 8/0 at HermonsVery cold & pleasant. Worked onthe cow yardwater pipe & tub most the day. Geo Miller helped 7hrs. He dug trench laid pipe to the well drilled__?__ over it &soldered __?__ pipe & set ironhoops on tubs. Carted 2 loaddirt.

    Sat. Nov. 24, 1888

    Cloudy cold & chilly. Feels like snow. Geo Millerhelped me 7hrs split & got is some wood & we setthe water tub undershed at old barn & bunked up

    them some. Carted dirt from hill. Put in box forshutoff & c& c.

    Sunday 25

    A very, very driving snow storm all day & this eve.Has blowna gail all day. At home all day. Wateredcows in the yard. Watercomes in both tubs. Snowdrove in to barn & all about.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Mon. Nov. 26, 1888

    Very stormy all day, driving NE rain storm. Athome all daychoring about. Shoveling snow &drain some & choring atbarn. Cut & split little

    wood in wood house. I boiled meat cabbage & c &c &Mrs. Tilton ate with me this eve. Looked outJosephs apples &carting ties & c & acct out.

    Tuesday 27

    Strong (rain) all day, thaw. Chored about housesome & barn.Looked over acct with E. McFarland.Filled in ditch over water pipesome. Helped fixdam at Lilly pond & c & c this PM.

    Wed. Nov. 28, 1888

    Very pleasant & warm. Chored about. Geo Millerhelped fill upditch over the pipe & fix in the cottagecellar to drain wateroff. Tax collector here to day

    at P.O. Nettie helped me this eve make 7 squash &4 applepies 3 __?__.

    Thursday 29

    Thanksgiving, stormy most all day warm & rainy.Chored abouthome. Took dinner with UncleNathan & Mrs. Tilton about noon& about 3:30 tookdinner (again) with Joseph & his folks& there ineve.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Fri. Nov. 30, 1888

    Cloudy most the day & warm but cool riding.Chored about.Went to Woonsocket. Nettie wentwith me. Got 8 bus grain & c& c. Rather bad

    going, muddy.

    Saturday Dec. 1

    Cloudy most the day & is freezing some this eve.Chored about& fixed on the old barn by stable,wants more fixing.

    Sun. Dec. 2, 1888

    Very pleasant & cold. Froze last night but thawssome today.At home all day. Chored about. Madea soup & Mrs. Tilton tookdinner with me.

    Monday 3

    Cloudy part & pleasant part the day. Looks like astormtonight. Chored about. Went & fixed GeoHopkins pump or so hecould pump about 3 hrs.Worked on old barn by stable this PM &helped fixthe dam at Lilly pond this eve.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Tues. Dec. 4, 1888

    Cloudy most the day, snowed very little. Choredabout. Workedbuttoning up the barn. Mr. Stocktoncastorated 4 of the pigs. MinnieBennett here a

    while this eve & I went home home or as far as theroad withher & Frank knocked me over twice &kicked me.

    Wednesday 5

    Cloudy part & pleasant part the day. Thawy.Chored about,worked on the old barn some in AM.This PM went with Joseph, Herman& H.C. Peckto Amos Crookses to have Elmer Crooksadminister oathfor appraisal of E.D. Cooks estate.He was gone & we went to EdMcGrory.

    Thurs. Dec. 6, 1888

    Pleasant part & cloudy part the day, chilly but thawyin AM.H.B. Miller & I apprised E.D. Cooks things$612.34 this PM.Worked on old barn & around the

    water tub under shed & c & c.

    Friday 7

    Pleasant most the day, thawy. Chored about. Wentup & got thehorse new shod & sharped. In PMonloaded the cabbage & cfrom hay rack & carted aload of Jos. Hay to Dr. Nolan 1005lbs.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Sat. Dec. 8, 1888

    Cloudy & warm most the day. Chored about.Worked at old barnfixing cover to tub & lead backof tub & cleaning up there.Put the old wheels & c

    in old shop. F. Bennett called out & see me.Fultons boy came& got the 2 pigs, they hadengaged & had the horse to carrythem home & goto W. Depot. Nettie mixed my pie meet. DrawedE.D.Cooks Aprisal & c & c.

    Sunday 9

    Stormy rain & snow, but snowed a little most allday, thawy.At home all day. Made a soup. Mrs.Tilton took supper with me.

    Mon. Dec. 10, 1888

    Cloudy & foggy most the day, cool but thawedsome. Choredabout. Helped Mrs. Tilton some.Carried 2 pigs to Arnold Jencks.Chored about & c

    & c. Took of Geo Millers acct. this eve. GeoCoffin is atJosephs this tonight.

    Tuesday 11

    Very stormy all day, driving rain, stormy. Choredabout house& barns. Trimmed 130 cabbage & c &c. Up with UncleNathan an hour or so in night,he was crazy.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Wed. Dec. 12, 1888

    Very windy & cold. Chored about. Fixed some atold barn &around. Trimmed up cabbage. H.C.Peck bought a rooster &casterated 1 of my pigs.

    Thursday 13

    Very cold & windy. Chored about. Put windows inunder oldbarn & boarded it up some & choredabout. Sold can of milkto M.M. D.

    Fri. Dec. 14, 18883/0Very cold & windy. Chored about. Splita lot ofcherry wood & c & c. Went to Franklin to bank&got grain & c & c. Settled with cotton. Mrs. T.

    gave some old pants & overalls.

    Saturday 15

    Very pleasant & cold. Chored about. Fixed pumpat the cottage& some down stairs & some on oldbarn & c & c. Sawed& split some wood.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Sun. Dec. 16, 1888

    Warmer, thawed some, very windy & cloudy partthe day. Athome all day, chored about. J. Canneyfell off the hay mow &hurt his head & ankle very


    Monday 17

    Very stormy all day, driving rain & warm ground &thawedup. Chored about. Worked in old shopmending chanes, fixing oldforge & c & c. Mrs. T.took supper with me.

    Tues. Dec. 18, 1888

    Very stormy morn & squally all day & began tofreezebefore night. Chored about. Got ready &loaded & carted aload of 905 lbs. hay to L. R.

    Whiteker. Got Cindy McGrory to help take it away.Jos. helpedload part of it. Set up stove in atic thiseve. Isabel made me 12pies today.

    Wednesday 19

    Cold & cloudy part the day, pleasant part. Choredabout. Cuta little wood & c & c. Went & got Bblswill at Mrs.Masiers Pegged M.C. Carties shoes &c.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Mon. Dec. 24, 1888

    Very pleasant & warmer, thawed some. Choredabout home.Killed & picked a rooster & choredabout. Ed Tilton &wife out today, about with him

    some. Willie & he gone to Franklin with my horse&carriage this eve after the girls.

    Tuesday 25

    Very, very pleasant day & warm, thawy Christmas.Chored abouthome. Sawed a little wood. Tookdinner with Mrs. Tilton down stairs,her son &wife was there. Uncle Nathan didnt leave hisroom. Treeat church this eve.

    Wed. Dec. 26, 1888

    Very pleasant & warm & thawy. Chored about.Filled theditch over the pipe, some where it hadsettled. Cleaned &greesed the concord buggy axes

    & c & c. Took dinner with Mrs. Tilton

    Thursday 27

    Warm & stormy rain, very muddy. Chored about.Trimmed 2bushels turnips. Fixed shed some &some in old shop & c& c.

    Wrote to Alvah this eve.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Fri. Dec. 28, 1888

    Very windy & pleasant most the day. Chored about.Went toFranklin, carried 100 lbs. cabbage & 2bushels of turnips &got grain & c & c.

    Wrote to Elmer

    Saturday 29

    Pleasant most the day & warm, thawy. Choredabout. Put up 25lbs. cabbage & 30 lbs. potatoes &carried to Reed Newell ontop a load of 1075 lbs. ofhay for S.H. Barrett. Mr. Simmons heretonight &several here this eve.

    Sun. Dec. 30, 1888

    Very pleasant & warm, thawy. At home all day.Choring about& c & c. Young man from Ohiopreached. Mrs. Simmons heretonight.

    Monday 31

    Pleasant & warm or cloudy most of the day. Choredabout.Worked at old barn some. Went up inJosephs lot & got somesticks to fix shed with. Ihave a lame back & headache.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Jan. 1, 1889

    Very pleasant & warm. I have a very lame back &headache,but chored about some. Bolted a timberon old shed to hold it up& c & c. Took pills


    Wednesday 2

    Cloudy most the day & cooler, but thawy. Have feltabout sicktoday, lame back & headache. Took pillslast night, feel bettertonight. Fixed Uncle Nathansclock & N. Haweses saw & c& c & done the chores& some on shed.

    Thursday Jan. 3, 1889CowWarm & cloudy most the day. Choredabout. Benj.Gante here & Mrs. W.C. Whiting to see me &wentto M.M. Daniels with my speckled cow. Put up a

    bushel apples & went to Woonsocket, got grain &c & cin PM. Isabel came & stopped tonight.

    Friday 4

    Very pleasant & warm. Isabel washed for me today.Arthurhelped me 2 hours or more on old barnclearing out sleigh __?__slead & c & c & fixing forpiggs. I put up 1 bushelturnips & 25 lbs. cabbagefor McCarty.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Sat. Jan. 5, 1889

    Cloudy & warm, began to rain about 10 Oclocktonight. Choredabout. Sawed split & got in somewood & c & c. Went upin woods & got poles for

    hen roost. Uncle Nathan gave me fish pole, axes,beeter & 2wedges & c & c. Milford Baker here.Isabel here.

    Sunday 6

    Very driving rain storm all day & is now at 10 PM.Have beenat home all day. Isabel here, cooked achicken, onions & c &c. Madam took dinner withus.

    Mon. Jan. 7, 1889

    Very driving rain storm most all day, warm. Choredabout home.Looked over & settled accounts withH.B. Miller. Looked &read part of this diary & c &

    c. Isabel went home this eve, been here sinceFriday.

    Tuesday 8

    Very pleasant & warm. Chored about home. Split& cut someold ties & c & c. Mrs. Tilton & Ellawent to Franklinwith the horse & Es buggy &*this eve at 5:30 Uncle Nathan& Mrs. Tilton &Lawyer Griffin were down stairs.

    *Apparently Uncle Nathan & Mrs. Tilton weremarried today,see newspaper article next page.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Wed. Jan. 9, 1889

    Cloudy most of the AM & began to rain a littleabout 11:00& very driving rain storm this PM &eve. Chored about. Wentto Dea Whitings place

    about 11 AM to see about bill & look over some mypapers& c & c.

    Thursday 10

    Very windy & pleasant, but growing colder. Choredabout &this PM went to see Jos. Smith & lookedover account & wentto Franklin at bank & paid$200 on mortgage & got some grain& c & c. A.J.Gilmore here this eve.

    Fri. Jan. 11, 1889

    Warm & very pleasant but windy, froze some.Chored about.Split & sawed some old ties & went& carried S. Adamswatches to him & went to see

    M.B. Taylor & W. Grant called & see Mrs.McCarty.

    Saturday 12

    Very pleasant & cool, but thawy. Arthur Millerhelped me 1hour. Sawed some logs at wood pile &c & c. I split &sawed quite a lot today.

    E. Simmons was here tonight.

  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


  • 8/6/2019 1888 Diary


    Thurs. Jan. 17, 1889

    Very driving rain, storm all day, warm. Choredabout. Sawed &cut some wood in wood house & c& c.

    Friday 18

    Very pleasant & warm. Chored about home. Tookbuggy top topieces & went to Franklin bank aboutthe mortgage. Engaged aload of meadow hay toTom George.

    Sat. Jan. 19, 1889

    Very windy & growing cold clear Chored about

    8/0Very cold morn & chilly all day, cloudy or hazymost ofthe day. At home choring about. CarriedMrs. Tilton & Nettie tochurch & Isabel fromcorner. Wrote to Alvah this eve. E. Simmonshere.

    Mon. Jan. 21, 1889

    Began to snow about 9 oclock last eve, but thismorning it wasraining, a driving rain storm, butcleared off about noon, thawy butcooler tonight.Chored about. Cleared up snow paths & c & c&sawed some wood. My jaw aches bad where I hadtooth pulled.Wrote to Elmer

1888 Diary - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

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Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.