What Is a Data Scientist? Salary, Skills, and How to Become One (2024)

Written by Coursera Staff • Updated on

A data scientist uses data to understand and explain the phenomena around them, and help organizations make better decisions.

What Is a Data Scientist? Salary, Skills, and How to Become One (1)

Working as a data scientist can be intellectually challenging, analytically satisfying, and put you at the forefront of new technological advances. Data scientists have become more common and in demand, as big data continues to be increasingly important to the way organizations make decisions. Here’s a closer look at what they are and do—and how to become one.

Ready to become a data scientist?

Enroll in a course risk-free with a 7-day trial of Coursera Plus. The subscription gives you access to hundreds of courses—including the IBM Data Science Professional Certificate. Start exploring and building skills to see if it's the right career fit for you.

What Is a Data Scientist? Salary, Skills, and How to Become One (2)

What does a data scientist do?

Data scientists determine the questions their team should be asking and figure out how to answer those questions using data. They often develop predictive models for theorizing and forecasting.

A data scientist might do the following tasks on a day-to-day basis:

Data analyst vs data scientist: What’s the difference?

The work of data analysts and data scientists can seem similar—both find trends or patterns in data to reveal new ways for organizations to make better decisions about operations. But data scientists tend to have more responsibility and are generally considered more senior than data analysts.

Data scientists are often expected to form their own questions about the data, while data analysts might support teams that already have set goals in mind. A data scientist might also spend more time developing models, using machine learning, or incorporating advanced programming to find and analyze data.

Read more: Data Analyst vs. Data Scientist: What’s the Difference?

Dip your toe into data analytics

Many data scientists can begin their careers as data analysts or statisticians. You might want to start by exploring the popular Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate to learn how to prepare, clean, process, and analyze data. Enroll today with a 7-day trial of Coursera Plus to try it out.

What Is a Data Scientist? Salary, Skills, and How to Become One (3)

Data scientist salary and job growth

A data scientist earns an average salary of $108,659 in the United States, according to Lightcast™ [1].

Demand is high for data professionals—data scientists occupations are expected to grow by 36 percent in the next 10 years (much faster than average), according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) [2].

The high demand has been linked to the rise of big data and its increasing importance to businesses and other organizations.

How to become a data scientist

Becoming a data scientist generally requires some formal training. Here are some steps to consider.

1. Earn a data science degree.

Employers generally like to see some academic credentials to ensure you have the know-how to tackle a data science job, though it’s not always required. That said, a related bachelor’s degree can certainly help—try studying data science, statistics, or computer science to get a leg up in the field.

Already have a bachelor's degree?

Consider getting a master’s in data science. At a master’s degree program, you can dive deeper into your understanding of statistics, machine learning, algorithms, modeling, and forecasting, and potentially conduct your own research on a topic you care about. Several data science master’s degrees are available online.

What Is a Data Scientist? Salary, Skills, and How to Become One (4)

2. Sharpen relevant skills.

If you feel like you can polish some of your hard data skills, think about taking an online course or enrolling in a relevant bootcamp. Here are some of the skills you’ll want to have under your belt.

  • Programming languages: Data scientists can expect to spend time using programming languages to sort through, analyze, and otherwise manage large chunks of data. Popular programming languages for data science include:

    • Python

    • R

    • SQL

    • SAS

  • Data visualization: Being able to create charts and graphs is a significant part of being a data scientist. Familiarity with the following tools should prepare you to do the work:

    • Tableau

    • PowerBI

    • Excel

  • Machine learning: Incorporating machine learning and deep learning into your work as a data scientist means continuously improving the quality of the data you gather and potentially being able to predict the outcomes of future datasets. A course in machine learning can get you started with the basics.

  • Big data: Some employers may want to see that you have some familiarity in grappling with big data. Some of the software frameworks used to process big data include Hadoop and Apache Spark.

  • Communication: The most brilliant data scientists won’t be able to affect any change if they aren’t able to communicate their findings well. The ability to share ideas and results verbally and in written language is an often-sought skill for data scientists.

Watch this video for a preview of IBM's data science course:

3. Get an entry-level data analytics job.

Though there are many paths to becoming a data scientist, starting in a related entry-level job can be an excellent first step. Seek positions that work heavily with data, such as data analyst, business intelligence analyst, statistician, or data engineer. From there, you can work your way up to becoming a scientist as you expand your knowledge and skills.

4. Prepare for data science interviews.

With a few years of experience working with data analytics, you might feel ready to move into data science. Once you’ve scored an interview, prepare answers to likely interview questions.

Data scientist positions can be highly technical, so you may encounter technical and behavioral questions. Anticipate both, and practice by speaking your answer aloud. Preparing examples from your past work or academic experiences can help you appear confident and knowledgeable to interviewers.

Here are a few questions you might encounter:

  • What are the pros and cons of a linear model?

  • What is a random forest?

  • How would you use SQL to find all duplicates in a data set?

  • Describe your experience with machine learning.

  • Give an example of a time you encountered a problem you didn’t know how to solve. What did you do?

Read more: SQL Interview Questions: A Guide for Data Analysts

As with the other courses I took on Coursera, this program strengthened my portfolio and helped me in my career.

Mo R., on taking the IBM Data Science Professional Certificate

Learn data science with IBM

With IBM's Data Science Professional Certificate, build the skills and knowledge you need to become a data scientist. This comprehensive course can lay down a strong foundation for your career. You might also be interested in starting out as a data analyst and starting your journey with the Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate. Explore for free with a 7-day trial of Coursera Plus.

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This content has been made available for informational purposes only. Learners are advised to conduct additional research to ensure that courses and other credentials pursued meet their personal, professional, and financial goals.

What Is a Data Scientist? Salary, Skills, and How to Become One (2024)
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