The Troy Record from Troy, New York (2024)

II THI TROY RICORt), CRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 2, IN! ooooooooooooooooo Barbwolf Wins Featured Test Stakes Hirsch Succeeds 'Fitz'As Dean By Dan McCoubrey There is nothing like a track. Especially if you're winning. By JACK McCRATH Press box regulars at Saratoga may regret the retirement jot Sunny Jim Fitasimmons, 89, as the dean of American train- iers but they can rejoice that a'n- i other press favorite- has sue- reporter, as are most of the other area sportswriters, is spend- in! a good part of his daylight hours (we're Night People) at the Irresistible Oval. Luckily, with some success. We had a losing day thus far, but hope we're not stretching our luck when we spend next week (vacation-time) at a mold within tote-card pitching distance of the track.

At any rale, starling with the 810,000 Centennial Trot at the Saratoga Raceway tonight, continuing with the Whitney Slakes at Ihe thoroughbred plant tomorrow, next week's yearling sales, nationwide-television fight between Emile Griffith and Holly and the golf exhibition between Arnold Palmer, who is just shy of 5100,000 In money winnings for Ihe year, and Gary Player, it promises to be an eliciting week at Saratoga. It's a lively crew which inhabits the press box at the track. New York Racing Association public relations men Bill Johnson of Troy, Bill Passea, Pat O'Brien and Sam Karichuger are probably the hardest workers. But our Quinn, bent over the forms, notes and typewriter from noon until sixish takes a back seat to Jew. -Tips From Peerless There's Art Hoefs, sports editor of the Amsterdam paper, who is not afraid to go in with the writer on a bet; Peerless McGrath of our sister paper, always ready with the quip, tht friendly word and the winning tip; jovial Pat Lynch New York Journal American, who with the Daily News' "Squirrel" 'forms the box's comedy team, and Albany's Dick Lewis and Bill Hogan, looking for winners and celebrities, respectively, in every nook and corner.

"Squirrel," incidentally, is one hanrticapper whose selections can be consumed by the bettor with some I 'confidence. His five-slar choice Wednesday, Cupid, won easily and he was one of the first in line to collect on the horse and it wasn't for a two-dollar bet. Another veteran 'capper who demands respect from a novice like this writer is Don Fair, better known Trackman in the Morning Telegraph. Don, whose include making the chart calls for.his paper, Ml over the finish.line Wednesday afternoon when two horses crossed the line together. "How's it" look?" asked one writer.

"It could be either one," Don an- filtered. "It was really close." "That means it'll be a dead Ihe writer nut-. ti me said. "Don never fails to catch' the' winner." Sure enough, Ihe showed a dead.heat. Out i far as Ihe els' in the press box were concerned, all the pholo did was verify what they already knew.

Fail's was proof enough. travel through'the clubhouse, grandstand and paddock lifts, one day with aspiring lawyer Terry Curley and another fellow staffer Tom Haggerty. Bachelors all, we spend asjnuch time examining the fair'sex-as we do the tout information With Saratoga now into its centennial racing season, thisj cee( i e( to the crown. Max Hisrch, who celebrated his 83rd birthday Tuesday, is the newj dean of racing conditioners. Breakfast on the backstretch si the Hirsch barn has become the goal of every racing writer.

Here the genial if gruff veteran trainer for the King Ranch is at his best-surrounded by horses and those who love horses. Born Maximillian i Hirsch in Fredericksburg, Texas, Max was only 10 when he started riding at fairs near his as a trainer. Beau Claire, his first stakes victor was named after Kathryn Claire, whom Ilirsch married in 1903. The victory was scored in the Wash ington Handicap. Max has had both happiness and sadness in his family life.

He has had ihe pleasure of seeing his oldest son, Buddy Hirsch, become a successful West Coast trainer while his daughter, became the first woman trainer ever to receive a license. Among the sad notes were the deaths of sons Max Jr. and Harold. The former died in ah automobile accident and the latter was killed in World War II. Trained Assault Hirsch has trained many great horses, most of them for King Ranch.

His Assault won the-Triple Crown in 1946. He also had Kentucky Derby win- home town. Bitten with the ners jiiddleground and Bold horse fever so was only Venture. Grey Lag, Vito, Sara- natural that at the age of 12 he stowed away aboard a horse car headed lor Baltimore. Four days later he was pulled from zen.

Bridal Flower and High Gun were other good ones saddled by Max. Nowhere is Hirsch's ability as a horseman better illustrated Saratoga Chart tf TltaMh (IM Tnck stern: f. 3-year-olds and upward. maidens. cl.t-l7.6W-W.SM, S3 500 H10.

S1W Mutui) pool (32.2$! KO Suami Cum Jaffa by Fattretlne. Trainer R. B. Murtay. Start good.

Won-driving X--5. xsx--10 Ibs. AAC. Horse Wt. PP 61.

Etr. Tin. PI. Blue Murder MVeld Acct. B'i'ne'd War Lord Ah-Wee Eelle Isle I-H-ppy FVItr Rapidan Mr H'dy Andy ix -f-F'rmd'le Goose Step s-Bee Billy 11 6'rt'ino KM 11.20 . 9 113 11 117 113 13 lit 1 112 2 13 IIS 113 I 12 12' 113 12 10 107 1 14 Gust.ntl Olah Sellers is.

4 Milton Roland 40.80 15 65 3.53 20.25 fi-85 12.45 580 63.95 J5.43 5.S8 SECOND 5H f. SLOW. S-year-oMs, el. I12.WO-510.50I). Purse Jl.OOO.

f2.600; $SOO, JiOO, J200. MuUlMjW. JM.Q10. Double pool LT 2 Our Love 2nd- Play Liezlt tv Playboy. Trainer G.

P. Odom. Start Won handily. Unity Double Horse Fin. Jockey PJ.

Sh, Local Gojsio Air Voyate True Sue Deterrent c.v-Polari* Jnion Bridge Control Point. Gtrsttve Cohajren 112 I 2 in IM 111 5 1 2' 117 3 3" 4 IIS 2 3 51 117 3 1 Si IIS 7 7 7" 115- 1 SH 113 9 10 10 S'4 Gueria 16. Rote Cotnbe.l Tcaja Sellers SortentJno Bseza Gllllsan Boland Viscry 7.50 5,50 7.0-3 4.JO 4.50 3.30 9.10 13.75 3.55 4.SO 11.20 9.50 13.15 5.15 4-5. hurdles. 3-year-olds and upward, slw.

Purs. 84.500. 52.025, S900, 4450. S225. Mmuel pool 519,213.

DK 4 HMIz-Darlin! Brook 6y BrookHdd. Trainer J. S. Nash. Start good from tape.

Won driving. XX--7 IDS. AAC. Fin. Jockey St.

PI. the railroad car half frozen.and than in his ability to train was put to work exercising young riders. The only two aji- horses for A. H. and D.

SlorrJs. why I'm a winner with the horses. Braves Switched Milwaukee (AP)--Ellis Burton became the fifth in National League history, to hit home runs batting right and left-; handeu in the same game Chicago Cubs bombed theftliiwauk'ee Braves, 10-2, last night Steve Boros and i Schaffer also hit homers while scattered eight hits for. his victory Tivin Points Set Tonight Diinnsville--Double NASCAR points will be at stake tonight inSthe 25-lap sportsman feature race; at Victoria Speedway; Bill Wimble-of with six checkered flags at flie'Route 207.ilodc-csr 'oval this season, still' trails four-feature winner Lou' Lazzaro of Utica by two points in the locate. Wimble can move ahead by-twinning tonight's' 35-lapper'.

or Lazzaro can protect his lead scoring his fifth win. Jim Sterritt of Athens, in the hobby division, now has dron- ped'two straight to little George Proctor: of Crescent. Sterritt; after winning nine straight, has found: his Waterloo whb'won by jiist a radiator two weeks ago, and-grabbed an easy victory last week. The race program, with heats andi for both hobby and sportsman cars, get under way: at 8:30 with a Jiobby heat; The switch-hitting Burton, Braves farm hand "last" year at Toronto and Louisville, hit hU first home ru'h Denny LeMaster in the first inning and his second off right- hander Ron Piche-in the sev enth. Brock rf Burton cf Williams Santo 3b SorosIh Bubbs 2b If 5 0 1 Majecf 2.3 E.M't'ws Sb 4 1 1 Aaron rf 6 0:0 Torre 3 2 1 Kllmc'klb 1 2 1 Oliver 11 1 2 3 Menke es 3 11 Boiling 2h 4 0 1 IjcMaster Funk Plcht.p bLarker Raymond Rode 121 Winners In five years as a jockey Max rode 123 winners out of 1,117 mounts but the weight problem forced him to switch to training.

Only 20 years old he re-' ccived his trainer's license and almost'immediately saddled his first winner, 'Guatama, at the Fair Grounds in New Orleans. H. prentice jockeys ever to win the Kentucky Derby--Bill Bolanc and Ira Hanfordl were.broughl into racing by Max Hirsch. Hanford rode Bold Venture and Bolan'd was" astride Middleground. While Hirsch may lack any of the outstanding big names in racing in his barns at this meeting it is a safe bet any horsei the wily trainer sends to the starting gate will be ready for There was a sentimental touch a good effort.

Hirsch horses in Hirsch's first stakes success always are. Altman Homer Decides Cards Nip Reds St. (AP) George Alt- manVfifth inning home run settled "a 'pitching duel 'and gave Curt Simmons and the St. Louis Cardinals a 3-2 victory over the Cincinnati Reds in the rubber a a three-game series yesterday. Joey Jay was the hard-luck losers The triumph moved the Card- inals into a second-place tie with'San Francisco, game: Behind Los Ahgelei.

Uie eighth after giving up two runs- CIXCBfXATl Rose 2b Harper rf S1Y 1ODIS ao 4 1 1 Flood cf ,3 1 0 4 1 2 a 3 0 1 vi 4 0 0 -Altman 4 1 3 Roofnson It 4 0 1 White Ib 1 1 0 S'O 0 Eoj-er 3b 4 0 1 0 0 0 I 3 0 1 3 0 1 Kolb 0 0 0 0 0 0. bJames 1 0 1 0 0 eShannori.rf 0 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 Maxvill 2b' 3 0 0 2 0 1. 2b" 0 0 0 1- Simmons 3 0 0 0 0 0 Taylor 0 0 0 0 0 0 Freese 3b ilColeman acarcieni iry BoldCdnwrt 115 7 -4 414 "'r'd'na NVsta 112 fi 71 Charspiv 115 4 2 Frolic 112 5 8 Sally Stop 124 3 3 51 Gav Serenade 111 Ra Ro The Cards had to put down a i CINCINNATI 'nth ninth' irining- uprising before Simmons'could gain credit for his 10th victory of.the season. Trie veteran left-hander needed relief help from Ron Taylor and, Bobby Shanti in that inning. The Cardinals held a 3-1 lead going into the ninth when 32 2 7 -Totals 27 3 7 ror.Jay for Kolo In Sth: James in Sth; d--Hit sacrifice fly for Freew in Pavletich In 9th: f---Flied out for Skinner in Sth.

10(1 own 001--2 0 0 1 (llfl Olx--3 WhUe, McCarver. B--None. Dp--Maxvill Groat and White; Rose, and Pavletich. St. Louis--7.

2B-- HR---Altrnan. SF-. IP 7 6 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 0 U) runn Parke Start good Won dri- Ing. stable-o. at.

Phipps entry. 4, Pavletich, Groat White, McCan'er, Coleman. Slmm'ns (W, 10-5) S'a T-- ,2:21. A-- 10.300. 0 0 .0 0 8 0 .0 Flicd Piche in th.

fiolt 100 Totals 37 1012 Totals 31 2 7' a--struck cut for Funli in 5th; out- fr- CHICAGO MILWAUKEE RBI--'Burton 2. Boroj. Htibi 2.. Aaron. Eorbfi.T-'Hubbs.

Rodsers. DP--Rodpers, HubbVand Klihichpcft' unassist- eii 6. 2B --Hubbs. Jackson. Schaffer.

HR --Burton 2, Bbros; 1 rgchaffer. SF-- Reds suddenly found the range 4 i against Simmons. Tommy 11 per- led; oft with a' single and after Vada Pinson popped out, Frank Robinson singled; Taylor relieved Simmons and got Gene Freese on a fly. Shahtz then came on to, get pinch hitter Charlie on a 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 i 131--10 001-- 2 Schaf- long fly to Broke 1-1 Tie Altaian's fifth inning homer against Jay broke a -1-1 tie- Sacrifice'jflles: off'Jay; iir (he. third and'reliever 'Bill Henry'in the' eighth 'gave the Cardinals: their LeMaster (L.

7-6) 6 6 6 1 3 0 0 0 2 1 1 1-0 2 3 HBP-- By Raymond (P.odfers). tllaster. 223. A-- Loinbartli's JRolls By Fourth Street, 7-1- Lom.bardi's, behind Ed Bend. home run, topped Fourth Street list', night, in the; Rensselaer Night a League.

The winning pitcher was Ron had blanked the a first inning run. Sinlmons Reds after Pete Rose'led off' with a single, took third on Harper's base hit and scored when pinson hit -into a double, The Cards scored what- turned out to be the deciding run, in the eighth. Bill White- walked and pinch -hitter Charlie James singled-him to third from where he scored on Tjm Mc'Carver's sacrifice fly. The 'loss was charged 1 to Jay, Vooris, the loser was JHarry -Livr his against four victories. Jay, a 20-game on each of the previous ingston.

Tonight at 8:30. Dave's will meet gave, i to pinch hitter in THEY'RE OFF SARATOGA New Air-Ride, Air-Conditioned Coaches MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY DIRECT TO TRACK LV. QUINN'S STORE, LATHAM LV. 19fh STREET, WATERVtlET 11:35 A.M. LV.


PHONE FR 4-9444 FARE $2.50 Cahelery Quick Pitch Tom cat Hard Nose Arrebatado Ko Reprieve Animation 2nd NATIONAL LEAGUE Yesterday's Results St. Louis. 3, Cincinnati 2. 10, Milwaukee 2, games scheduled. team Standings 'Pet." GB Los Angeles ....64 42 ..604...

St. Louis Chicago Cincinnati Philadelphia Milwaukee Pittsburgh Houston New York, San Francisco 60 47 .561 4'A 60. 47. .561 57 48' .543 6W S'A 56 51 .523 SVt 5t 54 .500 11 52 53 41 67 .380 24 33 73 31 Today's probable Pitchers New York 6-13 and Cisco 6-9) at Milwaukee (Spahn 13-5 and Sadowski 1-4), '2. twi night.

Philadelphia (Bennett 3-0) at St. Louis' (Sadecki. 6-7), Los: Angeles (Drysdale 13-11) at Houston (Farrell 8-8), night. San Francisco (Sanford- 10-11) at Chicago (Ellsworth Pittsburgh '(Cardwcll 7-11)- at Cincinnati (M a I e-y rJ6-3) night. 'AMERICAN LEAGUE Yesterday's Results at Baltimore, rain 0nly game scheduled- Team Standings Pet.

68 37 .641 -59 "46 .562 8 60 49 9 57 49 .538 10'A 53 51 .510 13 V4 S3: 55 .491 15V4 '53 58 48 57 .457 19 43 37 G8 .352 30 New York phicago Baltimore Minnesota Boston Cleveland. Lof Angeles Kansas City Detrmt Washington Today'i Probable Pitchers 'Chicago, dPetefj''10-5) Angeles it KiniiSi City (Pcna '843); Ttight (Grant 7-9) at Detroit (iBunning.7-1.1), night (Roberts. 9-8)'Vit ''Bosidh (Morihouquelte 14-7 'at 3-6 Ridiik 1-2), 3, xx-Zab Tom ifoore R'msh'rn Creek Peace John Prince Bective Doblon Dead Center Curtain Fall 139 2 us i 14S 3 151 8 135 5 IIS 7 154 4 H'km'n 33.50 12.CO 7.20 15.75 Murphv Walsh JacKson McDonald Shorn Foo: Aitche.on 5.20 53.55 Trick FOURTH--SH t. 2-year-olds cl. 57.500-SS.500.

Purse $3200. $2.050. SS40. 5160. Mnluel pool 2 Hill Prince-Smart Devil by Devil Diver.

W. C. Freeman. Start food. Won drivlns.

Howe Wt. PP St. Str. Jockey St. Pi.

eh. Oddi Hades Hill On The Lint Satu Mat Ahab Sharp Eye Phil Crystal 122 2 .2 122 11 9 IIS 1 1 110 4 8 120 5 115 7 4 122 3-10 Dee Civic Crown 122 10 12 10' 118 6 7 Shoppinf 118 9 3 Praiseworthy 118 5 11 12 Ycaza Guftine xWard Ruue Adanu Eoland Olah GllliSiUl Combest Anderson 11.00" 6.50 1S.SO 11.SO S.93 2-5. i. jo-iear-olds and upward, ahv. Purje $4.500.

925 Mutuel pool $84,395. DK 3 Turn-To-Lucky 01 tnpia Trainer Ward Start pood Won driving. Horse. Fin. Jockey St.

PI. Lucky Minn Jack Kind Thoucnt Seek and Fiad Chronicle D'ble Warrant -112 Rare Pet -112 Carillon 2nd 117 119 4 114 5 112 3 112 119 1 Tcaza. Rotz 3M4 Adamfl 4' Boland 4.M 3.00 2.70 3.90 3.30 6.00 1.30 21.SO 23.25 5.50 3.S5 o.SO 1:13. Weather cloudy. Track sloppy.

SLVTH--I chute. 3-year-old niliei. The Test Stakei. -Sth running nominations. 1st Dnision.

Purse $17.950, 511,667 50 590 51 9 W87.50 Mutue! poo! J74.565. B. 3 Bold Ruler-Misty Morn by Prince qultlo Trainer Start rood. Won driving. Hone Wt.

PPEt; sir: Fin. Jockey St. Pi Sh Odda i n' re Exchange 112 1 3 3" SH WUBafcfi '113 fi 1 Wdh'se 5.50 3 -0 Rotz 5 00 3 0 Usury 360 4 Boland Ycaza 6i Guerin Gilligan S- Gustinej 1 SEVEKTH--7 chute 3-jear-old filliei. The Test Stakes, "nd Dlvi on SU1 running. 3S nominations.

417,750. 53,550. 11 5 SSS 50 utuel pool 487,236. DK Double Jay-Tuna 2nd by Big Garnt Triinu arke Start good Won dri- inp. Horse Wt.

PP St. Str. Fin. Jockey St. PI.

Sh. Odds Barbwolf Lamb Chop a-No Ruining Lady Karachi Wise Nurse a-AIedici Vut Panu Esa 115 4. 5 2i 124 7 3 1 2 1 2 6 7 115 5 2 1'Vi 118 3 8 115 i 1 51 112 4 3M I Ussery 15.50 4 SO 4 no 6 -2 Tcaza 5 SO 2 -0 1 0 3'i Seller. 3 10 6 SO 4Hi Ruane 1 30 5s; Boland Oo 6' Adama 6 SO "i Rotz 8 Combest 16.70 ElGHTH--Mile. chute, (oripnally scheduled to be run at 1 1 16 mile on and upward, Pun.

(3,000. 53.230 Jl 000 $2oO. Mutuel pool JS2.3S3. BLK 3 Second. Avenue-Jackie Lee Bull Brlir iner W.

Freeman Start good for all but Hard Kose. Won dr np Wt. PP St. Fin. Jockey St.

Pi. St. 112 7 2 112 3 1 114 6 fi 112 5 7 115 2 4 112 4 6 117 1 3 Rotz 11.70 7.30 3.50 4.65 2 1 7 ''O 4 10 4 90 3 Usiery 2 0 1 1 4 Gustinea 19 60 5'i5 Olah 1-9 Woodhouii 10 05 7 Ycaxa 4.60 3-5. XIXTH--Ui milea. 3-jear-olds and upward, fillies and 1,000 Purse J2 27o, 350, Mutnel pool S72.45J JUin by Easy.

'Trainer 'gchneidirTM art good Wt. PP St. Str. Fin. Jockey St.

PI. Sh. Odda Kitty Seal- ran Dunstan let IT'Fret 114 1. 3 1 1 5 5 4 I 115 3 1 3 i 114 4 2 2S 5' 6 P.OU Glllirsn 4 0 oO 3 SO 4.60 4.20 3.35 4.30 5.75 I 2.50 ly JAMES T. Harbor View Farm't Birb- volf, in receipt of nine pounds', itood off William Hajjin Ferry's Lamb Chop through the ii- nal eilhth to win the featured division of The Test Stake: for thret-year-old fillies on a sloppy track yesterday at- Saratoga Race Track before 8,142.

yj The attendance was dontn 1,272 is compared to last year's fourth diy of 9,414. The handle Has 5682,303. Last year it was $786,376. Barbwolf, with "'115 pounds, including Bob Ussery, did the seven furlongs in 1:25. She paid $15.50.

Lamb Chop, burdened with 124, was iixth in i field'of eight coming off the quickly passed all but Barbwolf. The latter refused to quit and Lamb Chop, who had to circle her interference on the turn wasn't up to the task of nailing the top one. Harbor View Farm of Loiiis E. Wblfson Flash Stakes Monday with Ir'v- kup. 6-1, a length before Lamb Chop, the 3-2 choice.

Wheatley No Besisting- was four more lengths back in third. Lady Karachi, the early pacesetter, was fourth. The winner netted $11,538 of the purse. Vast Scope, the 5-2 second choice, finished seventh. Barbwolf was rated off Lady Karachi in the run down the backstretch and assumed command high in the stretch.

Manny Ycaza rode the high- weighted Lamb Chop, in with 124 Mam Swap was a late scratch. Said Usserj of Barbwolf 'This filly didn hate anj mud marks but she loves the slop She had one real good work in the sioo at Belmont You to (take the rail in thi slop to win The fillv will go on I hope I can ride her in the Held Safe Wheatley Stable's Bold Con sort wore down Marion R. Frankel's Charspiv after a hard drive and just lasted to hold safe Mrs Laudy Lawrence Prodana Neviesta in the first division of The Test The three fillies fin ishcd on a "Cnarsrpiv on the Kail, Bold Consort in the middle and Prodaha -Neviesta on the outside Bold Consort did the en furlonss in 1 2o 4 The was ridden bj Hed ley WoqdhouEC and paid $5.50. She earned 113 pounds Kmes and Batteur were scratch ed The winner netted Sll 668 of the 517,950 purse. Bold Consort nas a nose be fore Prodana with another neck back at the end after hanging on in a game effort Charspu broke alertlv and got the lead from Rojal Babs soon after the gate located at the head of the backstretch.

Rare.Exchange was also forwardly placed down the backside. Prodana Neuesta ridden by John Rotz as aw ay slowest but passed four fillie comng off the sweeping turn and was third at the eighth pole and fl ing on the outside. Bold Consort was fourth on the hackstretch and made her move on theVturn and was second'an eighth out and eating info Charspiv lead It was neck and neck from inside the eighth pole Bold Consort and Charspiv wrth Prodana.Neviesta coming on to join them inside the final sixteenth. The highweighted Sally SJifp (124) never Track sloppy. TotiJ Mnluel Fool Associated Press Spa Selections 1--Restless Native, Friendly People, Nan Tout.

2--Hilda, Bubba Jack, Comedian. 3--Sad Lady, Royal China, Third Rail. 4--One Union, Hapy punny, Bruve Wine, 5--Barnabys Bluff, Amber Diver, Beckys Ship, 6--In The Closet, Audience, Dinner Jacket. 7--Never Bend, Choker, Master Dennis. S--Bitteur, Treachery, Easter Princess.

9--Prince Grand Quhcra. Best Bet--Never Bend. Today's Saratoga Entries Mideci 3-year- Spendapenie 119 Motely 110 People 119 Calm One 119 xxHi Rider 10? wcProud Look 112 Native 119 Sea Smoke 119 Van Tout 119 Grand Bay us N'ancelle 119 Golden Bugles 119 HJ-iTen Fold 113 117 iNeit r-jr 110 Dinner Jacket 113 In Th Clo -I US IIS Jet Cllppr 113 fTaj 113 Entry. flecond Race-- 200. eBr-oldi, 0 Claiming, S- Never Bend lyird Cardigan 115 WhiU On White Choker oua 105 JI5 After 10S Nicht Final- 115 Speed Judft 115 Bubba Jack 119 Klldi Comedian 115 115 Hilly Tirata Third ClalminJ.

old M'dehs. furlonss. Allowance, yearf, 1 milt: H-nry The Eighth Water Twister 1U" 114 Flying Sniper iw 126 Tenscle in 111 Mister Dennli 114 LlttU Spider' 115 Princess 115 xxBhatlllm 112 Helpful Hint lit! Co-Efficient .119 Bob Lynns Sue Tn-lce Ai 115 Far IIS Does -Sin 115 loyal Chlnli 119 Indepenoent Third Rill 119 Love 113 Somhre Note 119 Mlti Alabaster Rare Plumace 119 119 Sid Lady Irlsd Hull I1T Trim Alrki 119 Eirlr Cialmlnf, 3- I Simtmertime Conir Lift Hook 11A 116 St. Julisn US Landlord Srd; Bold fleft ,115 C.C, Street 1 1 1 Brave Wins' i )ne Union 115 xlntfrvent IDS Happy Punny .115 Flflh Added "Sever- wyck Steeplechase 4-yean and tip, 2 mllei: Amner, Dlvtr Binubyi Slur Ot Honor Ita Land Of Thi Fr 13? Btmtllnd 131 letkyi Ship, 131 Hlxth yttri ud up, I Allowance. y-ars old.

1 mile. 114 Bachssnt 1U Driver IH Treachery Querns River 118 Batleur 114 Easter Serenadd Menow Prlnceai -121 ill Ninth Claimlnf. years old and up, miles. Sun Enerxy. Iniiliitor Tornaaol xsGnzpacho McCkMkey; -3; x-5; 120 Grind Qulverk 114 118 lift Prince 107- -7; XXX-10 Ibs, AAC, JVaples' 2-Hitter Bekts Skiers, 7-0 Naples; tired Iwo-hit shutout Ust nigh tas'the Fifth Tavern scored a victory over the Troy: Ski In the American' Division nt the City Softball League at'Knick arbacker Field.

Jim Hart took lie low (or tie Ski Woodhousc of Bold, jort, very out of it but the took a lot ol slop, 1 had a hard time jetting by mount' (Uswry on Charspiv) in Ihe stretch' and then when my filly did take lead she war, ill out to hold off fcoti (Prodana outside. The track was probably a bit better out farther. jame filly and proved it today." An allowance race, Desolation, for three-year-oldi preparing for the "Tfaveri Stakes Aug. 17, will share thi spotlight with the featured 64lh running of the Beverwyckt Steeplechase Handicap today at Saratoga. Cain Hoy Stable'! crack Never Bend rules a 3-5 choice to repulse six others iii the 57,500 allowance event at one mile.

Ycaza will ride'him. Never Bend finished second Chateaugay in the Kentucky Derby, and was third behind Candy Spots and Chateaugay it the Preakrtess. The Pre'akhesi was his last race. Opposing Never Bend Louis Haggin's Choker, third in the Belmont Stakes; La'-Cima Stable's Tcnacle, sec-, ond to Outing Class in thi Dwyer; Christiana Stable's'Wa- ter Twister, Ogden Phipps 1 Henry the Eighth, Harbor View Farm's Master Dennis, and Jtisi Eleanofa Scars' Flying Sniper. Never Bend will; carry 124 pounds, others 114.

Never i Bend, who has had history ofle'g ailments, was two-year-old champion; Harry Guggenheim-owned and Woody Stephens-trained colt has responded to! rest and treatment and has been turning in some corking workouts Hi could still wrest the: three-year- old title as Chateaugay -and Candj Spots anuhmf but wonder horses. Seven Starterf The S17250 5 Steeplechase, has seven starters, and the winner will net $11,213 if there are no scratches. The distance is 2 miles. G. H.

Bostwick's Barnaby's Bluff will shoulder 164 pounds, the others from three to 32 pounds Tommy Walsh will ride and he is 2 1 overnight Airs. Stephen C. Clark's Amber Diver, in with three pounds less is 5 2 second choice James Murphy is up Barnabj Bluff waj the best of the infielders last year. Amber Diver, decisioried Bluff in the Indian Hiver Steeplechase at Delaware Park July 5 Amber Dner had 11 pounds the better of it that time Completing the'field nil! bi Rokebj Stables "Land of thi Free Eugene Dixon's Badgi of Honor Patricia Teneri Beckjs Ship Mrs Georgi Greenhalgh Bimeland and Mrs Knapps Brannagh Badge of Honor won thi Meadow Brook- Steeplechase -at Aqueduct June 13 in start. The Steeplechase lineup in post position order: Amber 161 Murpir 51 Badge of Honor 1-13 4 1 Brannarh 132 SJahoney 1 1 meland I3S Suras 6 1 Barnabys Bluff 164 Walsh 1 Land 01 the Free 114 Jackroa Beckys Ship 139 SmlthivlCH: fl 1 The Lake Desolation Lin-up in post position Henr the Eighth Hi 15 1 Bend Ycaza.

ChpXer 114 Potz Water Twister'. 114 SorfenUr.8 Flying Sniper 114 Tenacle 114 Huane Master Dennis 114 Baeza 5-1 jn i I 8-1 4-1 You pay sio more A I 1 mums And you SAVE the installation cost! MIDAS. MIDLAND CHARGE PLAN FRST Tjt ROUTE I UTHMI Vi Milt STOf 2S OOLOIHE.

The Troy Record from Troy, New York (2024)
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