The Sedalia Democrat from Sedalia, Missouri (2024)

Xl Rtal Estato For Salt Real Estate for Rent Raal Estate for Rent (continued) POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS THE SEDALIA DEMOCRAT Seda1ia. Mo Mon. July It, lUj VIII Merchandise (continued) 66 Wanted to Buy XI Rtal Eitatt For Sato 84 Houses for Sale (continued) MIKE'S LATE MODEL SPECIALS 1963 BUICK ELECTRA 225 top. This rar is immaculate. Equipped wMb radio, hmt er, power steering, automatic transmission, factory air condiiioning.

mm 1963 CHEVROLET pi radio, heater, automatic I his automobile has only 6,000 miles on it and Is still covered oy new car warranty. mm 1 Open 'Til 9 p.m. 1300 South Limit, Sedalia, Mo. 4 LOT "2 71 WITVMN 84 Houses for Sale (continued) NEAR NEW HOME many extras, beautiful yard end good location. New 3 bedroom basem*nt, built in kitchen, vanity bath, new curb street, Priced to sell by owner.

190 West Avenue. I AM MOVING TO MY FARM. Will sell my 3 bedroom brick home. Family room, fireplace, electric kitchen. Howard Hillman.

2405 Dennis Road, DeJarnette Addition. i BEDROOM, brick, older home, modern, gas heat, garage. Nice location, on South Vermont, $500 down, balance like rent. Owner will finance, Imme diate possession. TA 6 5747.

MODERN 3 BEDROOM, reasonably priced, attached garage, utility room, garbage disposal, large living room, fenced In yard. 318 East 13th, TA 7 1868. DUPLEX TOR SALE, ideal for someone wanting a lovely home with income. Excellent condition. 505 507 West 7th.

TA 6 6172 or TA 6 6191. BY OWNER, 7 ROOM HOUSE 4 bedrooms, lVa bath, full basem*nt, extra lot, located 1821 East 7th. AJso two lots 12th and Monroe. TA 6 4073 3 BEDROOMS. 14 baths, large living room, large kitchen, lots of closets and storage, full basem*nt, 2023 Fairview Court, TAvlor 6 4878.

NEAR NEW 3 BEDROOM home. 5 miles south. Basem*nt, aluminum storms, ehain link fence, 4 acres, good welL TA 6 9185, reasonable. 3 BEDROOM, large living room with fireplace, separate din in room, disposal, vanity bath. Mi bath.

1613 West Uth. TA 6 6822. 3 BEDROOM HOME, modern, built ins, hardwood floors, large garage, patio, reasonable. 1502 South Warren. TA 6 1407.

OWNER TRANSFERRED lovely Southwest Village. 3 Bedroom, 2 baths, full basem*nt. Home $750 down TA 6 3208, BY OWNER, two bedroom, modern. reasonable, located close to school and church. 205 East Walnut.

Call TA 6 1174. 3 BEDROOM BRICK home. 14 baths. aqua refrigerator, range, washer and dryer. Attached garage.

TA 8 6765. 3 BEDROOM, Southwest. Double lot chain link fenced yard. 4 blocks of Horace Mann School. TA 6 5786.

1411 SOUTH SNEED. 8 rooms, modern, 45x135 lot, price $5,750. TA $191 after 5 p. m. NICE 2 BEDROOM, carport, extra garage, 90 foot frontage, owner finance.

$6,150. TA 7 1539 or TA 6083. NEW 9 BEDROOM, attached garage, storm windows, will consider anything down payment TA 6 5886. 3 BEDROOMS, large kitchen, attached garage. West Lew down payment quick possession.

TA 6 5077. NEW 1206 WEST 6th ATTACHED GARAGE, fewed yard. Hebef Hunt School Dipt. Inquire 15on West Broadway NEAT AS A PIN 2 bedroom home in Stover, close to the lake, large fenced lot, garage, enclosed porch, low taxes, cloe to business district. Price only can be financed.

Contact Mrs. Dulcie Biirk, Stover. Mo. Phone DR 7 22B0. 1 IMPALA transmission, power steering.

Monday thru Friday 11 GAC mm mm OPEN MONDAY FRIDAY EVENINGS VOLKSWAGEN Delivered Price In Sedalia M720 Standard equipment Includes: all vinyl Interior, heater, directional signals, electric windshield wipers, automatic windshield washer, gas gauge, automatic choke and safety belt anchors. Fitzwilliam aq Motors, Inc. TA 6 0400 620 W. Main Authorized Dealer ABSTRACTS OF TITLE TITLE INSURANCE Onr Hooks furnish complete records and descriptions of all Land and platted tracts in Pettis County The Landman Abstract Title Co. Reliable Servica for Over 60 Years 112 West 4th St.

Phone TA 6 9051 74 Apartments and Flats (continued) CLEAN. NICELY FURNISHED, 3 room apartment, utilities paid, lady or couple. 405 East 7th. TA 6 6877. 8 ROOMS, BATH, furnished, upper, private entrances, garbage disposal.

No pets. Inquire 1214 South Kentucky. 1203 SOUTH LAMINE furnished ap artment, utilities paid, ground floor, near high school and hospital. TA 6 4050. NICE 4 ROOM, unfurnished, downstairs, everything private, water furnished.

105 East 13th. Phone TA 8 792. 3 MODERN, nicely furnished rooms, reasonable, heat, water furnished, close in. See this one. $50.

TA 6 6294. RILEY APARTMENTS. furnished. Heat end water paid. Air conditioned.

106 West Second, Phone TA 5956 ULTRA MODERN EFFICIENCY, large 3 rooms, furnished, utilities, air eooler, antenna, adults. 322 West 7th. 3 ROOM APARTMENT furnished, private beth and entrance, off street parking lot. 720 South Massachusetts 3 ROOM FURNISHED apartment. private bath, downstairs, carport, utilities paid.

TA 6 4902 after 5 P.M. THREE ROOM UNFURNISHED upstairs apartment. Heat, water furnished. TA 6 8708 or TA 6 3268. FURNISHED APARTMENT Three rooms, private bath.

Cramer Apartments, 109 East 2nd. TA 6 8661. 3 ROOM FURNISHED, and 5 room furnished, private baths. nice, clean. 615 West 6th.

TA 6 3115. 2 CLEAN MODERN, furnished rooms. private bath and entrance, utilities paid. Reasonable. TA 6 8368.

UPSTAIRS APARTMENT, four large rooms, furnished, private entrance, water bill paid. TA 6 6T56. FURNISHED 2 ROOM kitchenette. private bath, utilities paid. 122 South Qulncy.

TA 6 5543. 3 ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT upstairs. Adults, utilities furnished, antenna. 416 West Fifth. ATTRACTIVE TWO ROOM furnished apartment Upstairs $40.

820 West Fourth. TA 6 9099. 3 LOVELY CLEAN ROOMS, second floor, all utilities paid, adults only. $90 a month. TA 6 0522.

ROOMS. UNFURNISHED, garage, basem*nt, close to town, hardwood floors. $65. TA 6 3011. UNFURNISHED ROOMS and bat South Kentucky.

CaU TA 6 3630 after 4 p. m. 3" ROOMS AND BATH downstairs. furnished, garage, antenna. Inquire at 1312 South Osage FURNISHED DOW STAIRS.

3 bed room apartrcenl $11 Dal Whi Mo. Phone: TA 6 7282. ONE. ROOM AND kitchenette, furnished, modw, upper. Utilities paid.

Phone TA 6 2490. ITroom" FURNISHED A PA RTMFNT. o. notith Utilities paid, antenna, phone TA 6 1526 FOUR ROOM UNFURNISHED apartment. dowhtairs.

nlre yard, jgol Smith Kentucky. cTiANM OD N7u nTf'heX hree rnom apartment Inquire 520 South Summit. ONE ROOM EFFICIENCY, utilities paid, available now. TA 6 3714 after 5 30 3 ROOM FURNISHED apartment and 3 ronm furnished house. 1009 East 6th, TA 6 3775 ROOM UNFURNISHED apartment, $0 per month, plus half utilities.

218 Eat iih. I ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT connecting bath. Mttiitiee furnished TA 6 4161. TWO ROOM FURNISHED, up, private entrance. Dial TA 6 96:2 or TA 6 8770.

TWO 3 ROOM duple Furnished. Modern Private bath, utilities paid. TA 6 6947. 4 ROOM APARTMENT, upstairs, private 903 South Moniteau. Call TA 6 2621.

THREE ROOM MODERN furnished. lower floor apartment. Adults. TA 9111. ROOMS AND BATH unfurnished, ground floor, close to town.

TA 0267 3 ROOM FURNISHED apartment. private entrance and bath. TA 6 091. 3 ROOM MODERN, unfurnished apartment, $33 a month. Call TA 7 197.

3 OR 4 ROOM FURNISHED apartment, nice, 1616 South Kentucky. SIX ROOM MODERN, unfurnished, three bedrooms. TA 6 7560. FOR RENT APARTMENTS With 2 and 3 Bedrooms. DONNOHI LOAN INVESTMENT CO.

410 S. Ohio TA 6 0600 LATIMER INSURANCE AGENCY Fire, Casualty, Lift TA 6 3293 306 Sed. Trust Bldg REMODELING Continuous Aluminum Siding No Laps No Patches No Joints Awnings Patios Carports ALIMA KRAFT of SEDALIA 1024 South Limit TA 7 1314 Wheel Alignment Tune Up Carl's Automotive 1718 West Broadway TA 6 11fcR WE DELIVER LIQUORS BEER PACIFIC CAFE PHONE TA 6 0164 WANTED: STANDING TIMBER White Oak, burr oak, pin oak, stave and heading bolts. Will pay 1.20 per foot for slave bolta, 6 inches of Redwood or more; $1 per foot for heading bolts. 9 inches of Redwood and up.

$110 per 1 000 foot for prime logs. 18 Inches and up. delivered. Stave Company. Warreipsburg.

Missouri. 747 5632 or 747 85A3. WILL BUY: bedroom suite, beds. springs, ehest drawers, breakfast sets. etc.

Callies furniture Company TA 6 2474. MISSOURI VALLEY WALNUT CO. WILL PAY Highest Cash Prices for all walnut logs and timbers. Write JERRY OGDEN 1809 S. Montgomery, Sedalia, Missouri IX Rooms and Board 67 Rooms with Board NICE QUIET HOME for elderly lady, private room, nursing care, reasonable.

Call TA 7 0512. 6 Rooms Without Board SLEEPING ROOMS, upstairs. $1.00 daily, $fi weekly. monthly. Kitchen privileges.

404 East Sixth. TA 6 813S. SLEEPING ROOMS, shower, private entrance, have single and double with twin beds. West 7th 69A House Trailer for Rent TRAILER SPACE across from Thompson Shopping Center. $18.

month. TA 6 5373 or TA 6 3463. ONE AND TWO TRAIL ERS for rent. Apply at office. Wilson Trailer Court.

3 BEDROOM TRAILER $55 a month. Adults onlv. Homestead Trailer Park. TA 6 1820. LARGE" I BEDROOM house trailer for rent.

Phone TA 6 7032. I9B Trailer Space lor Rent TRAILER SPACES, rent or sell. Crest view Court. TA er TA 6 5779. 1 1 72 Where to Stop in Town Alii CONDITIONED ROOMS for rent, television end phone, weekly rates.

Sho Me Kert Motel, TA 6 6460. Real Estate for Rent 74 Apartments and Flats AIR CONDITIONED APARTMENT large 2 bedroom exclusive lype, near supermarket. Overlooking park, in Warrensburg, 10 miles from Base. Abundant closets and cabinet space. Butlt in range nd disposal, ear port.

Telephone 747 5523 Wrrensburg. 2r' NIslHErTAP A RTMENTliome stead Apartment. One air eondi Moned. one fcedraom, living room, bath, kttehe. uptair.

utili ties paid, adult. $70 One. Ho atr conditioned. TA 6 4669. DUPLEX APARTMENTS.

Rpetous. extra nlee, heat, water furnished, large elothee elnts, 3 rooms furnished. 5 rooms tinf irnished. lower. 406 40 Dal Whl Mo Inquire 604 Wt 6th.

TA 6 4665 TWO ROOM FURNISHED, large shaped living bedroom com hination. large kitchen, private bath and entrance, utilities furnhed Ad I no pets, 1002 West Broadway. TA 6 2788. RUBY LEA. l8wuHrbho.

nieely furnished, living room, bedroom, kitchenette, path, adults, no peta, ae Apartment Pt 4 er phen' TA 6 636? or TA 6 FURNISHED, modern, clean, 3 roim. private hath, entrance, antenna hardwood built in, utilities furnished, adults, no pets. 914 South Vermont. 4 ROOMS rURNLSHED. upstairs, pn mim rnimnrt end oam, water Din paid, newly decorated, baby welcome.

1 218 South Grand TA 7 tl TWO APARTMENTS MODERN 4 rooms, up, 4 rooms, downstairs, furnished. See Kenme Miller. Realtor, evenings. Call TA 6 6019 iif TWO APARTMENTS, furnished, util Ites paid, available immediately. Location 2 Mcpherson, Knob Nos tei.

Call Sedalia TA 6 6307. FVRNiaHED. NEWLY DECORATED, very clean, 5 room apartment, ground floor, good location. Inquire 1500 West Broadway IDEAL, SMALL. MODERN furnished apartment, private bath, utilities furnished, single person.

114 West Broadway. TA THREE FURNISHED ROOMS, newly decorated, private bath, private entrance, antenna, utilities paid, Saby welcome. TA THE GRAY HOUSE attractive 8 room apartment, furnished or unfurnished, fireplace, extra storage, yard, garage. TA 6 2111. UNFURNI1HID, 3 ROOM apartment.

modern, all private, clean, like new. adults) preferred. 1814 East 8th 1 4 ROOM DUPLEX furnished, first floor, 3 rooms, furnished. Also sleeping room. 1003 South Lamine.

EMPLOYED LADIES preferred, two modern, partly furnished apartments, air conditioned, patio, garage. 1001 West Third. APARTMENTS $35 plus furnished or unfurnished, prefer adults, reference. TA 6 887S Sunday or Evenings.

i ROOM APARTMENT, sleeping rooms. Kitchen privileges, private I oath and entrance. ieu souxn aioiu teau. TA 7 1670. 3 ROOMS.

NICELY FURNISHED hardwood floors, upstairs, private entrance. Close town. TA 6 5663 after 6 p. m. FIVE ROOMS furnished, upper, newly decorated, private enclosed porch entrances, garage, heat, water, adults, TA 7 0431.

FOR RENT APARTMENTS furnished or unfurnished. Also sleeping room daily, weekly, monthly. Terry Hotel. TA 0057. CLEAN.

MODERN, furnished 3 room apartment, antenna, washer, utilities furnished, no pets. Inquire 1100 East Sixth. 3 ROOM APARTMENT, utilities paid, ground floor, kitchenette apartment, utilities paid, $08 Wert Main, TA 6 3133. NEWLY FURNISHED APARTMENTS. nice furniture.

$32 60 and $35. Warren's Prescription Shop, Phone TA 1878. THREE ROOM. FURNISHED, upstairs, private entrance and bath. West side, utilities paid, adults.

TA 6 0348. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, downstairs, very close in, private entrance and bath. Utilities paid. TA 6 3048. FURNISHED 3 ROOM APARTMENT, modern, clean, utilities paid, adults, no pets, well located.

Phones TA 6 3517. 3 ROOM APARTMENT, newly decorated. 121 South Grand. RENTS REDUCED on duplexea owned by West view In v. Co.

5 bedrooms, furnished. $75.00 2 bedims, furnished $65.00 3 bedrooms, unfurnished $55.00 2 bedrooms, unfurnished $45.00 D0NN0HUE LOAN LNV. CO. 410 S. Ohio, Sedalia, Mo.

TA 6 0600 75D Duplexes tor Rent DUPLEX, private entrance and back, very clean, quiet neighborhood, refrigerator and range furnished. 507 West 7th, TA 6 6172 or TA 6 6191. COMPLETELY REDECORATED, apa clous unfurnished 5 room duplex, breakfast nook, antenna, adults, 800 West 7th, TA 6 1036. 3 LARGE ROOMS AND BATH, unfurnished. 918 West Third.

Call TA 6 7337 or TA 7 0756 after p. m. 3 ROOMS AND BATH, furnished. $18 West Third. Call TA 7337 after p.

m. Call TA 7 0756. 77 Houses for Rent FURNISHED HOMES IN COUNTRY. 4 bedrooms, 17 miles northeast of Sedalia. 2 bedrooms, 17 miles south of Sedalia.

Phone: Cole Camp, 668 4848. UNFURNISHED, 6 room house, good location, fireplace, stove and refrigerator furnished. Inquire 1500 West Broadway. TWO BEDROOM HOUSE TRAILER. clean, neat, private yard, reasonable.

Diamond 7 South Walnut LaMonte. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE unfurnished, newly decorated, garage, basem*nt, near school. Immediate possession. TA 6 3083. 6 LARGE ROOMS, unfurnished, birch built ins.

fireplace, new hardwood floors, antenna, basem*nt, $80. TA 6 8811. LOWER, 5 ROOM, and bath, unfurnished, $55. 3 rooms, unfurnished, private entrance, bath, $50. TA 6 0083.

SUBURBAN, 3 LARGE BEDROOMS 14i baths, basem*nt, fireplace. On West 50 Highway. Call Marshall GA 6 3086. NEW 3 BEDROOM, unfurnished. 2700 Woodlawn Drive South.

Cecil Curtis, 2222 South Missouri. TA 6 0663. 3 BEDROOM HOME in LaMonte. full basem*nt, garage, partly furnished. Close to school, Phone DI 7 5971.

TWO BEDROOM UNFURNISHED Cottage. Close in. $50. TA 6 7290 before 9 a.m. or after p.m.

NICE UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom house, hardwood floors, antenna, $68 month. Phone TA 6 9955. SMALL WELL FURNISHED, modern house, big yard, adults only. Inquire 1720 South Lamine. 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, recreation room, west side location, call TA 6 3779 for appointment.

UNFURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT West side, rooms, closets end built ins. TA 8 8816. ONE BEDROOM, modern house, with carport, in Georgetown. Available now. TA 6 2706.

BUNGALOW at 1700 South Kentucky. Call TA 6 or inquire at 1711 South Moniteau. 8 ROOM MODERN houae, 4 miles eat of Air Base on State Route Y. Dl 7 6576 SMALL MODERN HOUE, furnished. No peta.

Inquire 1904 South La Biine. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, Southwe village for rent Phone TA 9083. THREE ROOM FURNISHED furnished house. TA 8 7281. sTx ROOM MODERN, unfurnished, three bedrooms.

TA 6 7560. 2 ROOM FURNISHED eottage. Phone TA 6 0283. TWO BEDROOM TA 8 3550 MODERN house. 7S Offices and Desk Room NICE OFFICE SPACE Utilities furnihd, around floor, air conditioned.

KENME MILLER 108 East 5th TA 25flfi 81 Want to Rent WANTED HOUSE IN country, modern, two or more bedrooms, unfur tshed. Call after 8 p. m. TA 7 0291. WANTED 1 TO 3 BEDROOM furnished house, good condition.

TA 7 1117. XI Real For Salt) 83 Business Property for Sale OR LEASE OARAGE tale preferred. 50x90 foot, equipped. Owner leaving due to health. DI SMl, a.m.

5 p.m. 82A Businesses for Sale LOCAL NIGHT CLUB, on busy hif way, will trade for real estate or consider leasing. TA 3501. RENT OR SELL, Ionia drug store. inventory and equipment.

T. K. Craig, Ionia, Missouri, 84 Houses for Sale OR RENT KNOB NOSTER Lovely 3 bedroom ranch, 1 baths, large family room in walk out basem*nt, excellent schools, near Whiteman Air Force Base, low sum for good equity. Rents $125 per month, Summit Road, LO 3 3658. 975 795 excellent condition 2 Door Hardtop, Used Car Lot No.

2 61S W. Main TA 6 3168 The Sedalia Democrat Capital Is authorized to announce the following candidates and the office they seek subject to the action of their respective parties In the Primary Election to he held on Tuesday, August 4, IMi. EMMETT W. FAIRFAX Democratic Candidate PETTIS COUNTY SHERIFF JERRY TROTTER Democratic Candidate PETTIS COUNTY ASSESSOR CARL J. MEYFR Repuhlican Candidate PETTIS COUNTY ASSESSOR EMMET SULLIVAN Democratic Candidate STATE REPRESENTATIVE CHESTER WISSMAN Repuhlican Candidate PETTIS COTNTY ASSESSOR JOE F.

RATNS Democratic Candidate STATE REPRESENTATIVE OTIS M. THOMAS Republican Candidate STATE REPRESENTATIVE RIDICULOUS THE PRICES THAT IS SEE US AT OUR NEW LOCATION WEST 50 HIWAY 1980 CHEVROLET 2 standard radio, healer, nice. WAS Sale Price "845 1960 FALCON Door, standard transmission, radio, heater, extra nice. WAS $895 Sale Price "695 I960 MERCURY 4 Door, automatic, radio, heater, one owner, sharp. was Sale Price 1960 RAMBLER 4 Door American, standard radio, healer, complete motor overhaul.

See this one. WAS $8f5 Sale Price 675 1960 FORD FAIRLANE 4 Door, fi standard, radio, heater, reconditioned In our shop. WAS $975 Sale Price "795 I960 FORD STATION WAGON Automatic, radio, heater, very nice. WAS $1195. Sale Price VS25 10 MORE 60 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM HURRY! HURRY! Remember! FINANCING AVAILABLE Large or Small 0T0RS West 50 Hiway TA 6 S400 OPEN 'TIL 9 P.M.

EVERY EVENING 2 BEDROOM, wall to wall carpet, East 16th. garage, 2 lots. TA 6 8033 after 6:00 p.m. OR TRADE, new 3 bedrom. By owner.

Have extra lot if desired. Phone TA 6 5161. OR RENT: 3 BEDROOM, garage. 1709 South Summltt. Phone Versailles DR 8 4562.

NEARLY NEW 3 bedroom home. Cor ner lot. 2219 S. Missouri. 86 Shore, Lake for Sale LAKE OF THE OZARKS retirement home.

Near Gravois Mills. Owner selling furnished home with all utilities, central heating. 7 rooyis, level 300 foot beach, covered dock, power boat winch, good road, television tower, etc. Excellent resort location. Upper teens.

For full information, write Box 408 care Democrat Capital. NICE CLEAN CABIN, and porch. out buildings, water in house. Lake Side Resort. TA 6 4417 or TA 6 6359.

XII Auctions Logalt 91 Legal Notices ADVERTIsem*nT FOR BIDS Scaled proposals will be received by the Trustees of Missouri Valley College, Marshall. Missouri, at the office of the President in Baity Hall until 2:00 p. August 6, 19H4, for the construction Of a SCIENCE BUILDING. Plans and specifications are on file at the office of the President of Mis souri Valley College, Marshall, Missouri, and at the office of the Architect, P. John Hoener and Associates, 4227 Watson Road, St.

Louis, 9. Missouri. Information as to bidding instructions and requirements for the obtaining of plan and specifications may be obtained from either of these two offices. Owner reserves the right to waive Informalities in bids and to reject any or all bids. By; Dr.

M. Earle Collins, President Missouri Valley College Marshall, Missouri. lOx 7 10 to 7 21, inclusive. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received by the City of Sedalia, Missouri, at the office of the City Clerk, until 5:00 P.M. July 20, 1964, for furnishing the necessary labor, tools, materials, and equipment required to construct Curb and Gutter on Greenwood Lane, Colonial Court, Country Club and Driftwood Drive.

The work consists of approximately 3.459 Lin. Ft. of Curb and Gutter, 34 sq. yds. of 8" Plain Concrete Pavement in Valley Gutter 1 each Type A Double Inlet, and 24 Lin.

Ft. of 18" Corrugated Metal Culvert Pipe. Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at the City Council Meeting at 7:30 P.M. on July 30. 194.

Documents for bidding purposes may he obtained at the office of the City Engineer. All bidders are required to submit their proposal on the printed form contained in the Contract Documents. A certified check or bidder' bond In the amount of of the tntu! amount of the hid and made parable to the City of Sedalia, must accompany rh proposal. Proposals shall be submitted In sealed envelopes marked on the 'tt side "BID ON CURB AND GUTTKR" with the name of the bidder. Payment Contractor on completion of the work is made by the Issuance of Tax Bills as provided by State Statutes.

The City of Sedalia reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and to waive eny irregularities in the bids. No bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of 30 days after date of bid onening. CITY OF SEDALIA. MISSOURI RALPH DEDRICK, City Clerk 7x 7 8. 10.

11. 13. 14. 15, 18 PLACES COOL it BMTOKt OOffPOMTISV NOTICE FOR BIDS Rids for supplying LP Gas to the Lincoln RII School District for the $chool year 1964 65 will he accepted at the office of the Superintendent of Schools at Lincoln, Missouri up to Augjst 10, 1964. If additional information Is needed please contact George Dameron, Supt.

of Schools, Lincoln, Mo. nnsWj II llllWIIlissWTWlflT FOR THE MAN WHO WANTS MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE GOING $3,080.24 Buys Tempest C.T.O. Hardtop Sports Coupe Standard Equipment 389 Cubic Inch Enigne: 325 Horsepower; Dual exhaust; Floor mounted stick shift; 750 14 Red line Premium tires; Delude steering wheel; Dual horns; Front bucket seat. OPTIONAL EQt'IPMENT (Included in price) Fh tip lights; Push button radio; Windshield wahfr and dual speed electric wipers; Deluxe wheel disc; Sports Console CAL RODGERS SON PONTIAC CO. Fifth and Kentucky Pontiae No.


OLDSMOBILE JET STAR I. air cond. and power equipped. SWITCH, SWAP AND SAVE 1861 OLDSMOBILE F85 Station Wagon. 8 passenger, radio, heater, automatic, power $1 JQC steering, very clean.

Bargain IWv I960 MERCURY 4 Door Sedan, one owner, $001 low mleage, radio, heater, automatic WE HAVE A NUMBER OF NEW DODGES AND USED CARS IN STOCK, ALL WITH AIR CONDITIONING, SUCH AS THESE 1960 IMPERIAL 4 Dr. Sedan, full power, $1QQf. factory air, radio, heater, extra sharp, good rubber 1QRQ CnDn HA! AYIC ROUTSZOMG CM AC TERMS 1019 South 65 Hiway TA 6 2424 IWHM UHWHAIL 2 Door Hardtop, radio, neater, automatic. In 1958 OLDSMOBILE Phone TA In Sales! 'h I Jf tiil: in iA i MOTOR CO. LONG TRADES 225 South Kentucky TA 6 3970 TA 4151 radio, heater, power steering and brakes 1957 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN M0R radio, Heater, automatic 430 OLDER CARS 50 and Up Open 'Til 9:00 Evenings THOMPSON GREER, Inc.

1963 FORD GALAXIE 5iW. 4 Poor Sedan, R. automatic, radio, healer, power steering, factory 2AQ! air conditioned, 2 tone paint, see to appreciate sVfl 1961 MERCURY Station Wagon, 4 Door 8, automatic, power steering and brakes, factory air, $13Q5 radio, heater, 2 tome paint, extra good tires, local car 1963 DODGE 440 4 Door Sedan, automatic, power steering and brakes, factory ah conditioned, I0QI radio, heater, black with red interior fcMWM BRYANT MOTOR CO. QUEEN CITY MOTOR CO. Second Kentucky TA 6 2700 No Ballyhoo Here Just Low Prices on Clean Cars! 1962 FORD GALAXIE 4 Ioor.

6 automatic transmission, radio, heater, one owner, perfect $1AQft condition, red and white, sharp lilw 1958 FORD FAIRLANE 4 Door. ey1 nd ard transmission, radio, heater, new tires, 2 tone $CQC green, this one for only 4lal These are New Car Trade ins Get our prices on any New Car or Truck and Save. W. A. SMITH MOTORS Sedalia's Independent Dealer 1700 Jtf Broad ffl 'llllMll 6 5200 Phone TA 7WM Sedalia.

Mo. 300 East Third Democrat Capital Class Ada Are Worker You Can Afford To Hire! Dial TA 6 1000..

The Sedalia Democrat from Sedalia, Missouri (2024)
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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.