The Paducah Sun-Democrat from Paducah, Kentucky (2024)

fir "Hr The Paducah Sun-Democrat, Paducah', Ky. 'April 7, 1943. Page Twelve About S3 cubic miles of water atnrfi behind Hoover Dm Station WPAD, Paducah Station WKYB, Paducah 800 Kilocycles 1450 Kilocycles Mayfield Band Parents Club Plans Drive For New Uniforms MAYFIELD, Ky, April 7-Spt" IP IT ENDS THURSDAY Joe Ciesielski, 53, Last Rites Are Held Funeral services for Joe Ciesielski, 53, of 2063 Broad, who died Monday at his home, were held at 2 p. m. today at Flora Avenue Pentecostal church with the Rev.

Oip Collie officiating. Burial was In Leonard cemetery in Marshall county. clal) The Band Parent Club Set) the picture of our ad on page 13 of this paper. We have plenty of range, tank and AIRLENE GAS. Mayfield met In the achool library Betfmct here Monay night and discussed plans of a fund raising; drive which will begin April 20.

The drite Is to secure new uniforms for the members of the Mayfield high school band. rv "arJE Fulton Council Votes To Acquire TVA Power PULTON, Ky, April 7-(Special) The Tulton city council Monday announced passage of an ordinance favoring acquisition Of Tennessee Valley Authority power here. The ordinance was passed at a session of the council Monday night while a group of business and professional men held a private meet-lng to draft a resolution urging the council to reconsider the TVA ordinance. The council, on March 1, tabled an ordinance advocating acquisition of TVA power. The vote Monday night was 4-1 In favor of TVA power.

Motion to adopt the ordinance was made by Councilman Ward Johnson and seconded by Councilman BUI Browning. Fulton Is now served by the Kentucky Utilities Company. Annual membership duet of IliO for the club were voted and arrangements were made for the band to compete in the annual music A KILLER festival at Murray April 9-10. HEART! WfcDNESDAY. 7 WEDNESDAY, APRIL r.ii.

P- m. 5:01 Genu Autry Tme A :00 Vocsl Spotlight :15 Your Faiorite Turin Johnson Family MBS and Abner-CBS Daily Hit Parade AS Hi-Hatttrs AS Daily Hit Parade 6:0) United Press New I :00 News Supper Club Music in the Air Cluh IS CBS :30 What America la Playing AS R. CBS What America la Playing 7:00 American Melody Hour CBS JX Show Time :15 American Melody Hour CBS Herman Mire Dr. Christian CBS :30 Twilight Tim :55 Bill Henry-CBS -AS Tom Mix Borden Show CBS A Borden Show CBS fj :05 Interlude Harveit ol Stars-CBS :15 Sunset Serenade AS Halves! of Sura CBS THURSDAY, APRIL I 9:00 Bing Crosby Show A. M.

Bing Crosby Show A 'm Morning Roundup Wayne King Show Mornini KoundUp VNayne King Show Morning Koundup i A News-CBS Morning Roundup 1 1I :15 Dance Band CBS rj :00 Yawo Patr0, Dance Band-CBS MS Sportlight Dance Band CBS I pro, I i News-CBS Yawn PatM II Bince Band-CBS Eignl*ck Kn A short musical program was staged by band members before the WHEN THINKING OF A DINNER PARTY OR A LUNCHEON call Hotel Irvin Cobb. A special menu to suit all meeting Graves County To Sell Gas Franchise MAYFIELD, Ky, April 7 (Spe cial) Graves Fiscal Court has named Nathan Yates, County Court clerk, to sell a gas franchise to the Texas Gas Transmission Company. -SSsWjj, HOTEL IRVIN COBB THURSDAY; APRIL :30 Morning Varieties Morning Varietiei The Texas company is planning to lay pipe tnrough Oraves county In the near future for the purpose of producing, storing, transporting and selling natural and mixed gas. 1 Mrs. Cornelia Nicholson Funeral Services Today 5 Farm and Home Hour Farm and Home Hour Farm and Home Hour Farm and Home Hour :15 :45 9 KM Cecil Brown-MBS :15 Morning Devotional Say it With Muaic-MBS Say It With Muii-MBS Tom Grant Rites Held In Marshall BENTON, Ky April ,7 Tom Grant, 86, was burled Tuesday In Bazzell cemetery after services at Coldwater Methodist church conducted by the Rev.

H. P. Blanken-ship. Mr. Grant died Monday of paralysis at his home on Hickory Route 2.

Survivors are three daughters, Mrs. Vera McManus, Mrs. Lallah Finck, and Miss Carrie Grant, and three sons, Herman, Clyde, an'd John Grant. MAYFIELD, Xy, April 7 (Spe Sunrise Serenade AS Sunrise Serenade :30 Feeding Time :45 Southland Echoes 10 Passing Parade-MBS :15 tell Your Neighbor MBS :30 Heart'! Desire MBS Heart's Desire MBS cial) Funeral services for Mrs. Cornelia Neely Nicholson, who died Tuesday morning at her home in Folsomdale, were held at 2:30 1 World News CBS :15 Farm Report JO On the Khytlim Side Plantation House Party 11 p.

m. Wednesday at the Liberty Baptist church with the Rev. B. F. :00 Kate Smith Speaks-MBS Magazine of the Air Slim Rhodes :45 600 Club Bynum in charge.

Burial was in 8 World CBS :15 Paducah Baptist Hour Willard Messenger Gems of Harmony WKYB 800 On Your DiaJ the church cemetery. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Dess Walford, Paducah; two sons, Ted Nicholson, Memphis, and Fonso Nicholson of Paducah. 12 farming on airports. Airports can derive considerable revenue from crops grown on fields where they do not interfere with use of the landing area.

RFD 800-News :10 Swap Shop :30 Down Sports Avenue Checkerboard Time MBS AIRPORTS ALSO FARMS TALLAHASSEE, April 7 iU.R' The University or Florida agricultural experiment station is working on an airport turf research project, aimed at developing the best, grasses and suitable crops for Smilin" Ed McConnell Americana :30 Evelyn Winters CBS Shoppers Guide READ THE WANT ADS 1 :00 Queen For A Day MBS :15 Queen For A Day MBS :30 Martin Block Show-MBS :45 Martin Block Show-MBS Drive in to "Pittsburgh." Safety Glass and tuto body hardware for ail makes and models. :00 Arthur Godfrey CBS :15 Arthur Godfrey CBS :30 Bing Crosby Sings, :45 Home and Fireside I id IT ENDS THURSDAY 2 Metropolis on the Air :15 Metropolis on the Air Red Hook 31-MBS News Wendy Warren CBS Claudia Sincerely Kenny Baker Church of Christ Will Pyle, 77, Last Rites Held MAYFIELD, April 7 (Special) Funeral services for Will Pyle, 75, former resident of Graves county, who died Monday at his home in St. Petersburg. were held there Tuesday afternoon. Survivors include his widow.

Mrs. Lucy Houseman Pyle; six sisters, Mrs. J. N. Davis and Mrs.

Kate McGary, both of Mayfield, Mrs. Lela McGary, St. Louis, Mrs. Wayne Houseman, Louisville, Mrs. Lucia Nance; Dallas, and Mrs.

Hanie Snow of Lakeland, and four sons. ROY ACUFF AMERICA'S NO. 1 HILLBILLY SINGER, RADIO AND MOVIE STAR in Person WITH HIS ENTIRE Grand Ole Opry Gang NEXT SUNDAY 3:00 and 8:00 P. M. ADMISSION Children under 12 50 Adults 90c, To Included Vocal Spotlight :15 The Johnson Family-MBS :30 Daily Hit Parade :45 Daily Hit Parade P.

M. PITTSBURGH oiitc nice rnuDiuv :00 Big Sister CBS Ma Perkins-CBS Associated Press News :45 Guiding Light CBS 4 i urn. ouidii uuinrnni :00 Mewa :05 Music in the Air What America Is Playing :45 What America Is Playing Phone 628 128 So. 3rd 5 Show Time :15 Herman Mize :30 Twilight Time Tom Mix :00 Band of the Week MS Perry Songs of the Hills :45 Rose of My Dreams CBS Young Dr. alone CBS Jive Time House Tarty-CBS Associated Tress News When this trouble.

jS Vl 1 shooting Woman. terrorizing a jP 6 :00 News :05 Interlude :15 Sunset Serenade (( 1 :00 Hint Hunt CBS Today On WPAD Jamup and Honey Afternoon Melodies It LAYS 4-YOLK EGG PELHAM, N. April A hen owned by Bruno J. Thi-beault of Pelham made a local reputation for itself by laying an egg with four yolks. The egg weighed 6Mi ounces and was 11 inches In circumference.

Tea tance Party :15 Tea Dance Party Tea Dance Party AS Tea Dance Party COLUMBIA: THE BISHOP'S WIFE. (1 hr. 46 min). Feature starts 1:03, 3:04, 5:05, 7:06, 9:07. ARCADE: TARZAN AND THE HUNTRESS.

(1 hr. 9 min.) Feature starts 1:19, 2:59, 4:39, 6:19, 8:59, 9:39. RIALTO: TALL IN THE SADDLE. (1 hr. 26 min.) Feature starts 1:26, 3:23, 5:20, 7:17, 9:14.

you can have lasting beauty in every room this modern easy way SAM Gene Autry Time Once Cpon A Time I.utn and Abner LBS Hi-Matters The horse has been called the most important weapon In the conquest of America. L'mted Press Newt Dollars and Fun. Club 15-CBS Ed Murrow-CBS FBt In Peace and War FBI In Peace and War Mr. Keen CBS Bill Henry-CBS TODAY'S BEST ON Glidden's iff Matinee 25c 12c 1 Night 30c 12c JT 1 I null :15 I I I ti.iiii.ii i mi i. inn ii ii I I :55 REVOLUTIONARY PAINT DISCOVERIES I nn Dick Haymes Show CBS Dick Hames Show CBS (rinie Photographer CBS (rune Photographer CBS Wme Change 93.3 Megi.

Channel 227 VaV (XL cdl IT LTU Ib'Liif u2i 9 :00 Ra-ito Headers Digest CBS :15 Radio Readers Digest CBS Wresting Arena .45 Wrestling Arena i 10 .10 Nes-CBS Dance Banrl-CRS Dance Band CBS Dance Band-CBS 1 11 IB Nes-CBS :05 Dance Band-CBS Dance Band CBS mm 8:00 a. m. Newt 10:15 a. m. Platter Parade 8:15 a.

m. Oiork Valley Folks 11:30 a. m. Marina Band 9:15 a. m.

Faith in Our Time 12:00 noon Cedric Fester 10:00 a. m. Bill Harrington Sings 12:15 p. m. The Happy Gang 12:45 4:00 p.

m. Your Favorite Music 4:00 Record Roundup SPRED First and only top qual-arntll gtgtw ity wall enamel of its kind; unexcelled hard, smooth, lustrous finish; goes on in half the time; sensationally odor-free; quick drying; washes like china plate. Perfect for kitchens, bathrooms, halls. Glidden's special process lets you mix with water save money! You get an extra quart of genuine oil-resin enamel from every gallon. tWtfjffjt Luxury finish for living rooms, dining rooms, bedrooms.

One coat covers most surfaces, including wallpaper. No painty odor; dries in 30 minutes; easily cleaned. Buy this highest quality oil-resin paint and savel Mixes with water; one gallon give you 6 quarts. mh 3 5:00 p. m.

Adventure Parade 5:15 p. m. Superman 5:30 p. m. Captain Midnight 5:45 p.

m. Tom Mix 6:00 p. m. Candlelight and Silrer 6:30 p. m.

Newscopa Now for walls that must stand repeated washing: SPRED "Siotd' Leander Stinson, 77, Funeral Rites Today MAYFIELD, April 7 (Special) Funeral services for Leander Stinson, 77, who die Monday at his home. Hickman Route 3, were held at 2:30 p. m. today at the New Hope Baptist church with the Rev. L.

R. Riley In charge. Burial was be in the church cemetery. Survivors are his widow, Mrs. Alice Stinson; three daughters, Miss Ernestine Stinson, Hickory, Mrs.

Gladys Hayden, Detroit, and Mrs. Elizabeth Toon of Fancy Farm; five sons. Earl Stinson, Hickory, and Leo, Warren, Homer and Flavious Stinson, all of Mayfield; three sisters, Mrs. Lena Carmen and Mrs. Betty Beasley.

both of La Center, and Mrs. Catherine Overby of Lovelaceville; a brother, J. I. Stinson of Mayfield Route 5. but where you want a sop, suede-like finish use Glidden's newest painting sensation! Just mix 1 quart of SPRED- Luster with 2 quarts of SPRED-Flat- Frank Black and the International Harvester Orchestra and Chorus is now broadcast WED.

NIGHTS OVER CBS OPENING PROGRAM TONIGHT WPAD 8:30 P. M. International Harvester M' 8:15 Mutual Newsreel 8:30 Racket Smashers 9:00 Opinionaire 9:30 California Melodies 10:30 Dance Orchestra AO $4l el. (mixed, yew gel Qn 2S mere) SPRED- $0 AO 113eql. vu oof READ THE WANT ADS Flat Ttwus it a SPRED lUafaiaarVifW Si aOIH'" KEN MURRAY'S 1 Pt.

GIVEN with every Quart Durchase of SHEDOIEVM i rUHOLEUH FIHlSH-iki A HOUSEHOLD WORD FOR 60 YZARS a run Ltnuiri rtAiurtt in I fUUUr CLIDDEN DtAuT ClCQ r' ammftAf -mam 919 NOW a NEW and IMPROVED i JAPALAC cnTicr INTERIOR EXTERIOR cl*tUlilCL HARD WtAMNG COtORS CI 7C I Wltb WHITE That Stay WHITIf ll34t, its the greatest! 8- Z1 Reg. $211 valve IT'S LIKE "A Disney Feature Come To I ni rsuow raoft roe I md oe iposm paauu tlHWMtnimmmauiwvm NCNIT K9STU It's Coming To The Columbia SUNDAY and MONDAY miiraiir lsls.lWtk I vmmmt in.

The Paducah Sun-Democrat from Paducah, Kentucky (2024)
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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.