The Fairbury Blade from Fairbury, Illinois (2024)

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The Fairbury Bladei

Fairbury, Illinois

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ILLINOIS STATE NEWS GOLD ADVOCATES Bazar THE NEWLY RICH rf HALL decided that the mento be ap I WILD WITH RAGE THREE LIVES LOST NATIONAL PARTY 60! Tempo Death of a Diplomat Washington July A dispatch received by the state department announces that Gen Pierce Young United State minister to Guatemala and Honduras died In New York at 11:30 o'clock Monday He submitted to an operation at the Presby terian hospital In New York and never rp cux cred from Its effects He was a native of Georgia and had a distinguished record In the Confederate army 1 Senator Hill for rary Ohainaan ten a m'WednMdayon motion of Senator Jones of Arkansas senator SPEECH He Makes a Plea for Harmony on Taking the Chair July ollowlna is a svnonets of the address delivered by Senator John Daniel of Virginia on taking the chair as temporary presiding officer of the dem ocratic natidnal convention on Tuesday: Senator Daniel expressed profound grat itude for the honor conferred upon him and expressed Jils regret that his name should A Riotous Scene at a Bicycle Race la Minneapolis Minneapolis Minn July or a couple of hours Monday night this city was given over to mob rule and as a result many people were injured Including several po licemen The trouble during a fe male bicycle race The management with out previous announcement raised the price of admission from 25 cents to $125 and when the time for starting arrived the star attraction Dottie arnsworth the champion woman rider of the world was not visible but was detained at her home as a result of Illness The crowd refused to allow the race to proceed and demanded their money back The treasurer had how ever departed with the receipts and when this fact was ascertained the riders were pulled bodily from their wheels the track was covered with tacks and broken glass and the office was broken Into by a couple of thousand enraged and defrauded peo ple When they discovered that there was no money in sight they took their revenge out by tearing up the track rasing the grand stand ripping fences down smashing sev eral buildings Into kindling wood and do ing all the damage possible A mob alarm was turned in to police headquarters and 0 platoon of 50 policemen was sent to the spot During the clearing of the grounds several people were badly Injured includ ing three policemen who were struck on the head with bricks inally order was restored and the Injured men were re moved to their homes Action will be taken against the management which In cludes several prominent people charging them with obtaining money under false pretenses Told in ew Lines James Haworth aged 55 ex mayor end for many years prominent in busi 7 ess circles died suddenly at Kim mundy of heart disease There are 517122 names in the new Chicago directory and this according to the estimate of the publishers shows the population of the city to be 1752100 A lamp exploded in the bedroom of a restaurant at Bloomington and Miss Ida Shade who was asleep in the room was fatally burned Twenty of the society young ladies of Walnut gave a female minstrel show the proceeds to be devoted to charitable purjioses Stephen Chapell died at the home of his son in Elgin aged SO years He came from New York state in 1S37 and was a pioneer milk dealer Mrs Humine Ziesing commenced pro ceedings in Peru for a bill of separate maintenance from her husband Dr Henry Ziesing alleging cruelty They were married 30 years ago are both more than 50 years of age and are prom inent in society Harrison Potts aged 70 years was found dead on the railroad' track 12 miles south of Lawrenceville and was supposed to have been murdered or killed by the cars According to the school census of 1896 Chicago has a population of 1619 226 Miss Lizzie Hocking of Scales Mound was stunned by a bullet while en gaged in household work at her home A comb broke the force of the missile and it glanced off It was not known who fired the shot Blaine Wooll aged six years son of Charles Wooll traveling salesman was drowned in a pond at Hillsboro while playing in the water Herman Shultz of Warren was in stantly killed by an Illinois Central freight train two miles west of here population just taken for school purposes is almost 22000 an in crease of over five per cent in a year Daniel Dwyer an old resident of ithian was killed by being thrown out of a buggy and kicked by his horse The free delivery mail service at Rob inson has been abandoned new directory contains a to tal of 15572 names which multiplied by 2 gives the city a population of 38830 Jesse Potts the 13 year old son of Charles Potts was drowned at Peoria while bathing Edward Walker who had been ill for some time drowned himself in the res ervoir at Virginia A compromise has been effected be tween the operators of the Crescent nail mill at Belleville and the locked out employes whereby the mill will re turn to work at the former wage scale but the company does not recognize the Amalgamated association James Kelly aged 65 years and an old resident died suddenly at Ashland from the effects of a sunstroke 8 A Sooey was found dead on the railroad track at Ashland He was sup posed to have been killed by a train He lived in Jacksonville and leaves a family i At Ellsworth Earl Millay a youngfarmer was almost instantly Killed by the kick of a horse At Arcola John Clarkson was way laid and robbed of $20 while returning fropi the country and Robert Lathrop Was also robbed of $15 while asleep The city council of Joliet has granted saloon licenses to 81 applicants at $1000 each payable in advance Last year were were ruoous Its Creed Set orth in an Address from Headquarters Alliance July A manifesto and declaration of principles has been Issued by the new national party which as or ganized by the seceders from the prohibi tion national convention at Pittsburgh The manifesto declares that it is the in alienable right of any citizen to "affiliate with that political party which he regards us the best exponent of his own views:" and favors among other things free coinage at sixteen to one: equal suffrage for men and women election of president and vice presi dent and United States senators by direct vote: restriction of immigration and the adoption of the initiative and the refer endum Sons of Temperance Meet Washington July The fifty second an nual convention of the Sons of Temperance of North America began here Munday at National Ries' hall which was tastefully decorated with American and English flags There are a number of delegates present mostly from New England and the middle Atlantic states and from Quebec Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia and vniario nomine business occupies greater part of the day Be Enforced In the circuit court at Champaign Judge Wright decided that the state Irw requiring the nntional flag to be dis played over every schoolhouse in the state during school hours was uncon stitutional and void In doing so he quashed the indictments returned by the grand jury against Goy Altgeld the trustees of the University of Illi nois and the officials of the city schools for violation of the law MRS HARRIET BEECHER STOWE her bedside at the time were her son her two daughters her married sister and her husband and Dr Edward Hook er her nephew who was also her med ical attendant and other relatives Mrs malady of many continuance a mental trouble took an acute form on riday when congestion of the brain with partial pa ralysis appeared During ri day Saturday and Sunday Mrs Stowe was about the house but suffering very much Since Monday jnorning she has been confined her bed and Tuesday afternoon became un conscious Ex City Attorney Moreland of Pitta burgh to Be Tried Monday Pittsburgh Pa July The city au ditors have finished the examination of the7 books of ex City Attorney Moreland and his assistant House ana report $297000 unaccounted for on the books The ex amination was begun almost a year ago The trial of Messrs Moreland and House Hold Big Mom Meeting Preparatory to the Convention Chicago July A public meeting of the friends of the "sound cause was held Saturday evening in the Auditorium theater connected with the hotel of that name and capable of seating 6000 or 7000 spectators There was not a vacant seat to be had when the serious business of the evening the hour between seven and eight having been filled up by solect pieces of music given by the band of the irst regiment On the platform were seated Senator Gray of Delaware: John ellows of New York rahklln of Chicago many other prominent sup porters of the sound inoney cause and a large number of Jadles' Roswell lower of New York In call ing the meeting to order announced with emphasis that the question to be discussed the democratic side of the currency ques llon was one which threatened to imperil the life of the democratic party He paid especial attention to the interest of the fanner In sound finance and declared that the raisers of cotton wheat and corn had been misled on the currency question and were imperiling the life of the democratic party and the welfare of every man in the land who owns a dollar statement which the audience indorsed and approved by ap plause Gov lower who spoke earnestly and affectedly concluded his short address by introducing ranklin McVeagh as the chairman of the meeting Where thefirat speaker had attacked only the argument of the free silverltes Mr McVeagh attacked their arguments and their methods He laid aside his man uscript for a moment to add emphasis by gesture to his vigorous denial that a ma jority of the democrats of the United States would of their own choice offer a pixteen to one platform to the people ot the United States He denied that the convention represented the people because If Illinois had not alllgned Itself with free silver there would have been no majority of delegates for sixteen to one and then he trumpeted this defiance to the demo cratic powers that be tn the state: nois In this convention is stinking and saturated with fraud" The bitterness in the speaker's tones and the sting of his words electrified the audi ence which brokeoutlnenihusia8tlcand prolonged cheers As the applause began to die away the speaker continued: "The movement in Illinois has risen on the disfranchisem*nt of honest money democrats" Another burst of cheers In terrupted the speaker who gathered voice to shout with ail his strength "And Illi nois marched at the command of Altgeld" After Mr MacVeagh had finished In re sponse to loud calls William Russell came forward His speech was a powerful argument dealing more with facts than with sentiment and he begged the silver men to stop and consider well before taking the step they contemplated The country he believed stood on the threshold of sec tional and geographical division with Its attendant miseries "May God save us from crossing that said Mr Russell and with the applause that fol lowed were mingled several fervent amens When he came to the sentence: "We must not turn our backs upon an administration which with courage and fidelity has up held the nation's credit" men and women stood on their chairs and yelled their ap proval of the words Gov Russell's remarks particularly brought out in strong relief the difficult which Is beginning to loom up before the silver what to do with the tariff Nearly all the bolting republican delegates at St Louis declared that their states were solid for free silver and protection Gov Russell seized upon this point and asserted that if republican protection was right in principle then silver legislation was equal ly so but if protection was wrong in prin cipal unjust and oppressive in practice as the democratic party had ever declared and still declared then silver legislation was equally so and ought to receive equally emphatic condemnation This point was ob viously directed against the arguments ad vanced in favor of the selection of Senator Teller as the free silver standard bearer he being also an earnest advocate of pro tection and as such its force was appre ciated The will undoubtedly be to augment the perplexities which the man agers are finding in dealing with the tariff plank of the platform Senator Gray of Delaware followed Mr RusselL He read partly from manuscript a strong forceful arraignment of the free silver fallacy pointing out that its evils would redound at once upon the toiler and the wage earner "When a man works a week or a month he is a creditor In the amount of bis said the senator "and when you pay him in a currency which is depreciated you cheat him" Loud and continued applause greeted this enunciation of principle The speaker dwelt more upon tbe results following on the free coinage of silver than upon har mony and pointed out that the new pol icy meant the ruin of the democratic party After Senator Gray came John el lows of New York the most eloquent of the brilliant coterie which made the oc casion momentous The speaker was as one inspired after he had been talking ten minutes and be made one of the greatest efforts of his life His appeal to demo crats not to cast off the good offices of the eas was piteous In its intensity and warmth The voice of Col ellows shook as in making a personal appeal to the delegates from the south he told how he served four years in the confederate army for his prin ciples and lived through the bitter period of reconstruction afterward how he was cast by fate into the marts of trade in New York and there found a brother's greet ing found that yesterday was dead and that to day and to morrow were open for all In burning words he spoke of what New York had done for the south and there was not a whisper in the vast audi ence as he told of the relief sent to Chicago by New York after the great fire "Curse New said tbe speaker "vilify it traduce it condemn it But in the hour of calamity you will turn sorrow fully from the false friends who have led you to ruin to that New Yoi which now you contemptuously The silence became intense as the speak er paused a moment and then continued "Do not reject us do not cast us off We have been brothers for years It will wrench our heart strings if the tie is sev ered Do not turn us out of your coun it is not democracy it will not be rec ognized as democracy Although you may steal our banner so help me God you can not steal our At this declaration a wild shout burst from every part of the house the audience arose and cheered wlldly'wavlng flags and handkerchiefs or ahnost a minute the uproar continued while Col ellows stood with outstretched hand and when quiet was restored finished his address In a magnificent burst of oratory which again set the people frantic DAVID 1 seeking no private or sectional advantage bat only the national good so that our united and prosperous land may continue to be in all that Is truest and best an inspiration to the nations of the earth And to Thee our God shall we ascribe all the honor and glory forever and ever HUI Proposed for Chairman Then Chairman Marrltyln alow delib erate tones said: "Gentlemen of the convention? by direc tion of the democratic national commit tee I desire to report the following as the temporary organisation of the convention: Temporary chairman David Hill of New Then there was an outbreak of applause which lasted two minutes The rest of the organisation was read aa fQllOWB: or temporary secretary 'Simon Sheer in of Indiana 'f4? or sergeant at armt CoL John Mar tin of Missouri a 'What is the pleasure of the conven tion MrHarrity asked "on the report os made from the democratic national v'Mr: Clayton Presents Minority Report On that Mr Clayton delegate from Alabama aroseadvunced to tbe platform and said: "Gentlemen of the democratic national convention on behalf of the 28 members of your national committee aa opposed to 27 and as I believe In accordance with the wish of the great majority of this nation (Cheers) I am authorised to present to this convention a minority recommendation which I shall move as a substitute for a part of the motion made by tho chairman of tbe national committee Minority Report rpo tje democratic national committee: Tha undersigned members of tbe democrat nACTIONDr THE GOLD MEN indications of an Intention to Organize a Sound Money Party After a session Tuesday night of nearly three hours the gold men who are here under the leadership of Mr Whitney adopted the following resolution: "That a committee of one or more be appointed from each state to confer with the people and report the temper con cerning an organization of sound money old democracy and how far such or should go In independent action or tbe election next Honor John Howard Bryant The S9th birthday of John Howard Bryant the only surviving brother of the poet William Cullen Bryant was celebrated in Princeton by the vener able gentleman at his residence where were gathered relatives and guests from far and near The host hale and hearty recited one of his own poems Tt VAR pointed by the different states in accord ance with the resolution will report to Senator Gray not later than August 1 The delegates freely express the opinion that the probable outcome of the now movement would be the nomination of a gold mamfor tbe presidency by the sound money democrats The Credentials Committee At two this morning the silver majority In the credential committee threw out the gold delegations of Michigan and Nebraska The committee recommended that the territories and the District of Co lumbia be entitled to aix votes each in the convention A THE PROCEEDINGS Basinets Tranaaeted at the irst Session 'Of the Convention At one the convention was called to order by Mr Harrity of Pennsylvania chairman of the democratic national com mittee who asked that all present should arise and stand while prayer was offered by Rev Ernest Stires rector of Graco Episcopal church Chicago He offered prayer as follows: "Almighty God the hearts of Thy peo ple are lifted In gratitude to Thee for the manifold blessings Thou hast vouchsafed to our country from the dawn of its inde uendence unto this day We thank Thee for the wisdom and courage which enabled our fathers to build better than they knew for deliverance from all dangers within and without our borders: and for our unparalleled progress in times of Si'asperity and peace God of our fa iera continue to guide and sustain Thy children In our doubts and fears and dis tress we cry unto nee for help Grant us wisdom to know amongst all the perplexing problems of this time where lies the path cf honor and safety "Upon tho great convention now as sembled In Thy presence send Thy gra cious blessings May its members do in spired with the moat exalted patriotism Physician ound Murdered The body of Dr Stevens was found in the woods opposite Caseyville Kyt in Hardin county this state with two loads from a shotgun in the back of his head The neighborhood in which the shooting occurred is a dense woods and the inhabitants are feared as a dan gerous class of people A armer Murdered William Milligan a farmer living at Lukin Lawrence county was called from home between three and four in the morning and killed by two unknown men One attracted his attention while the other fired three shots at him The reason for the mur der was not known dara to go into a national convention whose final edict he Intended to renudlate urther remarks were made by Mr Har rison of Connootlout in favor of the amendment and by Mr Jones of New Mexico on the other side The debate gave promise of continuing indefinitely and of causing some feeling Mr Reagan of Texas effectually put a stop to this dis cussion by moving the previous question on the motion to appoint a subcommittee Hv a vnt at 38 aves to 14 noes the nrevioue was put The motion to appoint he subcommittee as originally intended was then carried by a viva voce vote The subcommittee consists of the fol lowing gentlemen: Senator Jones of Arkansas chairman Senators co*ckrell (Mo) George (Miss) Gray (Del) Hill (N Y) and Tillman (S C) Mr Russell of Massachusetts Mr Worthington of Illi nois and Mr Owen of Indian territory SenSlof Vilas of Wisconsin was first named but withdrew and suggested the substitution of Mr Russell This com mittee was Instructed to report to the full committee this morning at nine and after some discussion at 11 o'clock the lull committee adjourned and the sub committee went into executive session 1 THE PLATORM Synopsis of the Principle Agreed Upon At two a tn the subcommittee adjourned until 8:80 when the platform agreed upon will be reported to the full committee The platform declares for the free and unlimited coinage of silver at six teen to one denounces the issue of bonds demands that the power to issue circulat ing notes be taken from national banks declares for a tariff for revenue only and asserts that the reenactment of the Mc Kinley law would be a menace to the best interests of the country declares for a constitutional amendment which will en able the enactment of an income tax law extends strong sympathy for the Cubans In their present struggle with Spain: de mands that pauper immigrants shall be kept out of the country deClabes for lib eral pension legislation approites ot the contempt of court bill reported by Senator H1U to the senate which bill grew out of the Debs case and denounces the repub lican house of congress for not passing It: denounces the Pacific railroad funding bill that has been reported to the senate op poses a third term as being a violation of one of the cardinal principles of the dem ocratic party and denounces the extrav agance of the last republican congress A minority report will be presented by Messrs Hill Gray and Russell PITH AND iL pays ter be Wear know now why o4nrn Truth you Lotiie how lieutenant enjeyed ou luich? took a little of ye none of our BlaettenL reason some men doan' git' a said Uncle Eben dat too much time rnn 7 er politician dat kin legislate demort gages off'n delr Washiwrtm Star Casey at Leisure yez are' on a shtroikc Casey?" Ceaev am I shtruck fur shorter houis Burke did yez git Casey' did Shure not wur all Kansas City Journal orgot to Mention Greene' That shotgun I bought you oiew iuw avvw pieces the first time I fired it off I see how ever got off yes I forgot to tell you You have heard of those new disappearing guns the gov ernment is getting? Well that wu one of IndiarRpoUg Journal highway man had followed Ur from town He had observed the pocketbook which she held in herhaiMk It was fat even as a plump partridge She was returning from the city and he bided his opportunity It was dusk A lonely part of the road was reached He sprang forward snatched the Dock etbook from her hand and disap peared He w'ended his way back to town Gleefully he sought his nttie room shall dine well to be said And he opened the purse and SENATOR DANIEL VIRGINIA have been brought in even the most cour teous competition with his distinguished friend Senator Hill who would readily recognize the fact however that there was no personality in the matter It was solely due to the principle which the great ma jority of democrats stood for the standing with them) No Sectionalism As the majority of the convention was not personal in its aims neither was it sectional It began with the sunrise in Maine and spread into a sunburst In Louisiana anl Texas It stretched in un broken line across the continent from Virginia and Georgia to California It swept like a prairie fire over Iowa and Kansas and It lighted up the horizon in Nebraska When ne saw that grand array and thought of the British gold standard that was dreoently unf urled over the ruins of republican promises at St Louis he thought of the battle of New Orleans of which it had been said: "There stood John Bull In martial pomp But there was old An Uprising fur Emancipation There was no north south east or west in the uprising of the people for American emancipation from the conspiracy of Eu ropean kings led by Great Britain which sought to destroy one half of the money of the world and to make American manu facturers merchants farmers and me chanics hewers of wood and drawers of water He appealed to all democrats to acquiesce in the will of the great ma jority of their fellow democrats and to go with them as they had oftentimes gone with those to whom he appealed Senator Daniel continued: "Do not forget that In tho last national convention of 1892 you proclaimed your selves to be In favor of the use of both gold and sliver as the standard money of the country and for the coinage of both gold and silver without discrimination against either metal or charge for mintage and that the only question left open was the ratio between the metals "Do not forget that just four years ago in that same convention the New York delegation stood here Solid and immovable for a candidate committed to the free and unlimited coinage of silver and gold at the ratio of sixteen to one and that if we are for it still it is in some measure from your teachings That we owe you much is read ily acknowledged and gratefully acknowl edged but are not our debts mutual and not one sided to each other? "As this majority of democrats is not sectional neither la It for any privilege of class or for class legislation The active Business men of this country its manufac turers its merchants its farmers its sons of toil In counting room factory field and mine know that a contraction of the currency sweeps away with the silent and relentless force of gravitation the annual profits of tbeir and they know too that the gold standard means contrac tion and the organization of disaster The Only Hope "What hope is there for the country? What hope for democracy unless the views' of the majority here be adopted? The republican party has renounced the creed of its platforms and of our statutes It has presented to the country the Issue of higher taxes more bonds and less money and has proclaimed for the British gold standard We can only expect should they succeed new spasms of panic and a long protracted period of depression Do not ask us then to join them on any of these propositions Effect of Adopting Gdld Standard "If we should go upon the gold standard It is evident that wc must change the exist ing bimetallic standard of payment of all public debts taxes and appropriations save those specifically payable in gold only And as we nave 820 u0o 000000 of public and pri vate debt it would take more than three times all the gold in the country to pay one year's interest in that medium We should be compelled hereafter to contract the cur rency by paying the $500000000 of green backs and Sherman notes in gold which would nearly exhaust the entire American stock in and out of the treasury and the same policy would require that the $344 000000 of silver certificates should be paid In gold as foreshadowed by the present di rector of the mint in his recommendation This means the Increase of the public debt by $500000000 of Interest bearing gold bonds with the prospect of $344000000 to follow The disastrous consequences of such a policy aro appalling to contemplate and the only alternative suggested fs the free coinage of silver as well as gold and the complete restoration of our American sys tem of bimetallism Uncle ism Can Stand Alone "Bring we pray you no more make shifts and straddles Vex the country with no more prophecies of smooth things to come from the British republican gold propaganda "We maintain that this great natlonwith a natural base (as Gladstone said) of the Sreatest continuous empire ever estab shed by man with far more territory and more productive energy than Great Britain rance and Germany combined without dependence upon Europe for any thing that it produces and with European dependence upon us for much that we pro duce Is fully capable of restoring its constitutional money system of gold and silver at equality with each other and as our fathers in 1776 declared our national In dependence so now has the party founded by Thomas Jefferson the author of that declaration met here to declare our finan cial Independence of all other nations and to invoke all true Americans to assert it by their votes and place the country where It of right belongs as the freest and fore most nation of the SHQWNGREAT HONORS Ancient aad Honorable Artillery Cotq pnny of Beaton Reneher London London July The ancient and honor able artillery company of Boston were ac corded an enthusiastic welcome on their arrival here Tuesday night The streets around the station in Euston'square the London terminus of the London North western railway over which the special train of the Americans came were blocked With people The train was drawn by two engines decked with American flags As it rolled Into the station the crowd that had assembled greeted It with loud and pro longed cheers The fine band of the Lon don honorable artillery company was wait ing In the station and as the Americans alighted they were greeted with the strains of "Yankee A number of the officers of the London organization were present to meet their guests Thirty jprivate omnibuses had been se cured and in these the visitors were driven to the armory The crowd was so dense for some distance along the route that It was Impossible for the norses to go faster than a walk 'The reception extended to them by the crowd was without doubt more enthusiastic than was ever before given to Americans in this city The banquet was given at the armory house insbury the headquarters of the London company The earl of Denbigh and i Desmond lieutenant colonel of the honor able artillery company presided There were present about 400 guests Toasts were offered to the queen the president of the United States and the Srlnce of Wales and were drunk with all honors The earl of Denbigh then pro posed a toast to the American guests whom he warmly welcomed He said he hoped their visit to England would in augurate an epoch of peace and staunchest friendship Col Henry Walker com mander of the Ancient and Honorable Ar tillery company made an eloquent re sponse in which he spoke of tbe kinship of the Americans and British and referred to their standing shoulder to shoulderln the march of civilization SHORTAGE 8297000 Tote Copper for a ortuna The Burgess brothers the noted horse breeders and importers made a division in Lacon of the property which they' have acquired during 20 years amount ing to $154000 The brothers own sev eral farms in partnership and the land was divided by the' toss of a cent the winner having first choice two lots be ing tossed Jor at a time The land in cludes a section near Galesburg the Compton and Moore farms at Wenona and some western lands Death Roll Increased The death roll at NewBaden from the big storm has been increased to 16 by tbe death of John Baaslw who was 58 years of age and had for number of years been street commissioner of New Baden After the big storm Mr Baasler his wife and two'daughters were found under the timbers of their wrecked bouse Mr Baasler and Miss Hattie are dead and Mrs Baasler and the other daughter were still in a critical condi tion th Sllvar Vaatlan nt th Inc vt uwDmoratle Convention inntor White to Perm neat Chalrauut lattorm Outlined A' Chleaeo' July The silver men won the it aavs nsnt in tn national democratic mvntlnn ThfiV AUtAd th1r nnnnnAnfa 'Tb? a majority of 207 seated Senator Daniel in the cnair over benator Min the nominee the national committee and broke two ijcwiua Acav a yiawww wuicu always heretofore prevailed in democratic (though it has been sometimes mWjtiafi aas vvovciitiuitc aiv held i the lonraat nrt rtav'n Bfnaaion at great nntional convention within recent memory iTne vote or 9Ub cant was one less than th total vote by reason of the fact iinnc ziui retrained rrom voting ibui this loss In a calculation of relative atranrth was offset bv his onoonent Sen iRatar Daniel against his party and himself i aiiver in rau ControlhM fatilUlt TuAftdav uhnwAil th afivA to be 48 votes short of a two thirds major vrv raitimw it ai tirvnta Hut in nnanv inspect it was not There were elrht TX 16 Tt411 rin a square issue of free coinage' will go''tot sllvr Three votes in West Virginia thrown against the silver candidate Tues wu ua wumluu xur mcucrpiuunu territories which on tbe preliminary E'TQU vvra giveu iu kkii uui oruy iwu rotes each will probably be awarded six votes in tne permanent organization ex aept Alaska and the District of Columbia Si? wrucn wiu remain at tneu present rating ft Alaska admitted for the first time to a fbsdemocratid convention sent six gold del '4gates to a silver body and it Is expected WlU be punished for Ils by Slaving Its representation cut down to £rTwo This will give the territories 82 votes "instead of 12 as cast Tuesday and all but Vthrae ot those votes (Alaska two and Dis Xtricvof Columbia one) are counted for sil 'Vh hlAhmitlra iK' VnfpA will tinrinnhf turnod over to the sliver men by tv We dcroavu iaiB cumxn iicco x1 lunaa voce Which was four to four on organization BJfcgW' tell! ha vlwfAwl flva aflvae fhoaa Aa hereafter and Maryland which voted gold and four silver on organisation ic mju wu unier in uio prupuniuuui UVCl KUAU WI1CI1 IL WU1CB LU VPC gte lng for th different sliver candidates though it will remain as now on the ques 'Srs fetion of platform These changes and ac A SLdfc eeeslone It is claimed will come vei? near lymg uia euver men tne two tniras ma may avea uuu waica wui enaoieem to carry everything their own way I they should UU lack a tew vote they A amily Go to rlon At Danville a jury found a verdict of guilty against William Cavanaugh his wif Mattie Cavanaugh and her daugh ter Jennie Dunlap aged 15 years and they all received a sentepce of 14 years in the penitentiary for the murder of August Klage a married man who ivas drunk at the Cavanaugh resort last win ter Bomo of the Demonstrations of Suddealy Acquired Wealth The sudden elevation from poverty to riches is generally accompanied by sometimes startling and always amus ing manifestations Nine men out ot ten when they find the gaunt wolf of hunger and inconvenience forever bait 1 ished from their door first think of the style in which they should live in order to conform to the munificence of their i suddenly acquired fortune and they Irrveat forthwith in as costly a house and grounds as they can afford Some take extreme delight in parading the fruits of their new wealth before those of their neighbors whose opulence is of more mature age and who have there fore offered many a (fancied) snub A case in point is that of a young assistant living in a neighboring state who a short time ago was for tunate enough to come into property of the value of nearly a quarter of a mil lion dollars which enabled him to era bark on a policy of revenge which he had long cherished in his mind but which he had not the slightest hope of ever being able to carry out His em ployer a man of obscure origin aad most offensive manners had been in tbe habit of treating him with the utmost disdain and not unnaturally the clerk thirsted for an opportunity of paying him back ip his own coin The opportunity came with the ad vent of his great riches and he took the fullest advantage of every occasion to excite the envy of his quondam em ployer and to belittle him in the eyes of his friends He made a practice of driving in state past the office two or three times a day his "turn out in the morning being a smart and dash ing tandem and in the afternoon an elegant carriage and pair It the at torney attended the then ter or any pub lic meeting his once despised clerk was there occupying a better position than himself Happening to hear of a debt of $2000 or $3000 owing by the latter he bought it at a premium sued for and recovered it and administered the coup de grace to his enemy by making him a bank rupt Cincinnati Enquirer Why borne Animals Lap The reason that certain animals lap instead of drink seems to be an arrange ment of nature to prevent carnivorous animals whose stomachs are compar atively small from over distending themselves with water Most of the animals that suck when drinking areherbivorous and have large stomach or more than one with a paunch or re ceptacle for unchewed food and with them digestion is a slow process and there is little if any danger of over distension although such athingisno unknown with some domestic herbivor ous animals Digestion is a much more rapid process with the carnivora and it is important that it should not be de layed by the ingestion of large ties of cold water By lapping mouth and throat are thoroughly moist ened while the water is supplied to the stomach in small quantities properly warmed and mixed with saliva It may be fairly assumed that the carnivora are of more recent creation for the herbi vorous animals are their food and th therefore lapping may be cbnsideijeda more highly developed way of drinkini than Detroit ree Press HirchinK tor Bride German papers tell an interesting story regarding the young king of recent vain trip in search bride His majesty had taken it into his head that he would like to marry Princess Maria daughter of the ing of Greece The Servian minister Athens proposed the marriage to tn Greek rulers and received an evaa answer The minister was encouis however and telegraphed the king proceed to Athens The young Duke Alexander Michaeloviteli ever had long been in love witn a ipnmed ox cess maria anu wnc the projects of the Servian he pressed his suit so hard that the young king arrived in engagement with the Russian ha ready been announced The unhappy diplomat will suffer for his blunder and has already been recalled I his place Chicago Chronicle Th Vatu of a Cap One of the most comforting things fisherman or hunter can carry is a cup to drink from Some men along with their hands or by 1 over a stream or spring and dim direct from the water but j'j comfort and there is a possibi i Jf liznrds in this One likes to erect and drink comfortably the march It is more When one forrrets his cup he makes 4 1 a 1vvrvrs lACivPfl of tX itvui wav lurgv aw or from paper or uses bun? An Ohioan Bis Wife and Child Perish in a Cloudburst Columbus July A cloudburst mi Wegoe creek near Bellaire Monday drowned James Berey wife and child and destroyed the Bellaire Zanesville A Cin cinnati railroad bridge a large trestle on the Pittsburgh Ohio Valley railroad a Presbyterian church and other buildings Wheeling Va July on the Baltimore Ohio and the Qhio River rail roads ia practically susjjendedmany bridges having been washed out on both roads be tween here and Parkersburg and Grafton Yne bridge at the passenger station on the Baltimore Ohio in this city has fallen and the Ohio River railroad bridge is in great danger Information was received late Monday night of another fatality The eight year old daughter of Porter Richie living on Turkey run was drowned early Monday morning The house was swept away and the child was taught in the wreckage and killed Destroyed by ira Deadwood July Tliet Consoli dated Mining and Milling company's chlormal plant In this city was burned to the ground early Monday morning The min was built in 1893 and was run over a year since which time has been standing idle owing to a disagreement among the stockholders The cost of the mill was $9u 000 and there was no insurance except on the assay office Eaatliquakes tn the Island of Cypress Constantinople July Advices received hero from the Island of Cypress say that severe shocks of earthquake have oc curred throughout the island and that the Inhabitants of the towns of Limosal and Larnaca have deserted their houses and taken refuge in tne open neias wacre they re living in tenia URGES TAMMANY TO ACT: Praldnt Clvlad Writ of th Bat of th Boar New York July President Cleve land seized the occasion of a patriotic Independence day celebration to send ri letter to Tammany Hall calling at tention to the imminent danger of the country and to the democratic party arising from the free silver feeling which has seized the democratic party end urging the organization to exert its influence to prevent the party from! adopting a bad money policy It was a letter of regret at not being able to attend the celebration at Tammany hall After the reading of the letter hri equally Strong and patriotic letter was read from Senator Hill which reiterated the principles of democracy sound money and personal liberty President letter which was repeatedly interrupted with eii thiislastic cheers was as follows: "The situation that confronts the coun try and the democratic party at thia time invests with unusun! Impressiveness this commemoration of our beginning as a na tion When as appropriate to the occasion onr stupendous advancement Is recalled tha fact should not be overlooked that ouf progress has not been by chance but is the a wise observance of the mone tary laws that control national health and vigor and while we contemplate with pride the commanding place we occupy among the natons of the earth we should not forget that this has been gained only through a Jealous preservation of financial soundness and a careful maintenance of unsuspected public credit "The high and firm financial ground whtchawo have thus far been able to hold should not be abandoned tn the pursuit of a policy never attempted without national injury and whose bright promise of individ ual benefit has never been fulfilled If there is anything In present conditions that im peaches experience and Indicates that we enn safely change ourpreaent high financial standard for the free unlimited and Inde pendent coinage of silver this should be maxie plalnly apparent before such a radical departure finds a place in party creed The tremendous consequences of a mistake in dealing with the financial question now pressed upon as democrats should con stantly make us thoughtful and solicitous 1 am confident therefore that the voice of the Tammany society always potent in party council will not fall to bo heard In warning and protest on an occasion which especially inspires patriotism and at a time when the felicitations of our people appro priate to Independence day are mingled with apprehension Yours very truly "GROVER fifl STOWE IS A Author of Pmbm Away at Hartford Conn Hartford Conn July 2 Mrs Har riet Beecher Stowe the gifted author ess of other works of world wide reputation died at her home No 73 orest street at noon Wednesday without regaining consciousness She passed peacefullyway as though into a deep sleep By 4 1 TO THK IkftVa fft fall bnnlr Mnnn TUUVU ICLVV4 044 VI 444044 444 V440 1 1V contested districts in that state wilt con vert under the unit rule the 28 gold votes Michigan into 28 eilver votes and give a i sure two thirds majority for the silver men Applause for HILL The gathering was a wonderfully inter esUng assemblage in the gigantic Coliseum wonderful In point of numbers and inter eating with regard to the men who made up tne assemmage rne giants or toe '5 party were there There was Jones of Arkansas: Harris of Tennessee: Tillman of South Carolina Whitney of New York Russell of Massachusetts: Gray of Dela vzWare Vilas of Wisconsin Smalley of Ver tnont and other leaders of the gold and silver tactions When ''Da vid Hill entered with the Yorkdelegatlon many of those who Aiierwurus vqlcu iu uieep iuiu uum mo temporary chairmanship forgot familyquarrels and cheered as heartily as the gesti 'AgaUi and again the enthusiasm ItwnVzh tarth anri mnitAHtlv intn hla ehalr and looked though xrighed to eut of i i 1 pr obganuatxon tator tyfiUe California to th kte a mom a A AX' wnjimuw vu tton lnZth room provided tor them st fiio Colireum building after theadjourn hfcWnumt of tbe convention Gen in Xis: of Ohio elected chairman I JBrowfft mwusMMn vr Webb of Mlaaourl eergrent at Arma After the organization of the com tnlttao had been effected a eubcommlttee Gilbert ifKantSeky entok of Washington: Mr Jamee Coleman of CaUfernlaL Mr1 Carmack ptTen Mr John Duncan of Texaa wm oopolnted to confer with the tUver KSia and the Bimetallic league for the Luraow of eelecting the proper chairman a 7 ana raiding the ruver men oi me tun recewi was taken until eight il' TL a ima nnmmlttaA mart reportand made a zlate which proved to veteran Itham Han la ArTrninAunfL who had been conceded to thAurobable choice Benatd Stephen California wm suDstituceo rne 'only reaeon mentioned Informally for therahge wa that the timber though it £4 ofllcere front aouthern ttetee George WC Bilbort of Kentucky placed Senator name In nomination and briefly 7c predented Kia ae olal qtmllflretlona for theae Waaa Naw Himnantp 4IUJ5 MWWVM JtetMAOM to A Mflll nll i taken and resulted in the selection of ennr HM Maryland Nw tSnpihlre Pennsylvania and New Jereeywunlflcant feature of the meeting wae nftiiAarf ronwflanHnff Aldis of Con OU our other states and Urri iwere not represented non nf 4'inninnrrL wii rn committee foraecretary of koaen convention officers: I Hitsch ia I'niflaan i mwmi teft Pollard of Missouri assistant reading learetary Wade of Tennessee read mer Navy ant reading clerk 1 RESOLVTipAfl tOOMMITTEEeal a xaiL Tnrnoil Amv ta OK W1V lconmuiH nlttee on resolutions met White of Californiaman by acclamation He door an instant after and ue cuiuuiii who notk permanent 411 MHirenrinn rflflwflni iikitk tcotnmlrtee room and announced the ekaia ntakintf nhmra in tnn rrkaMntvm flflnafnp Jnnfl tni chozen to zuoceed Mr ikimrnittte' began the active work organised through a mo Hnlorartn that a be appointed withf as Its chair let a platform and report to iftteS' at nlne o'clock thia McDermott of New Jersey tdznaot which provided that twebft authorized to pre Jblatfortn with the excep ittclal plank and that that the full committee acueaion followed' In which made a apeecn wnicn wan jypvpr zueu me cviu Hrtainne WQUia oun tne vf White of California in Un acvusiumeu liner tnings CONVENTION A de So national committee respectfully recom gnmnH fhif fu ma at JaWyi xV iel of Virginia ba substltuXed In the com mittee report for that of Hon David mu or new zofk ana inat non jodd Daniel be chosen temporary chairman of this convention As Mr Clayton concluded by demand ing the call of states and a roll calk cheers and cries of "Call the were raised Mr 8 Thomas of Colorado seconded the minority report Mr Allan McDermott of New Jersey was then recognized to bpeak Ln support 1 of the majority report Ex Gov Waller of Connecticut iEx Gov Waller of Connecticut was recognized when Mr McDermott sat down and ne promised as he began his remarks from th platform not to delay the con vention long His resonant voice rang out clear and rtffingand was heard in every Eart of the halt' The names of Hill and laniel he said should be joined together and cheered together and some of the dele gates took him at' bis word and gave a cheer for both Mr Waller suggested that Hill should be elected temporary chairman and Daniel permanent chairman If there were other arrangements made he hoped they would be wiped out and the chivalrous and courageous thing done at the opening of the convention He had been told by republican friends in coming to Chicago that the gold men would receive no courtesy but he knew this was not so "ellow he said "we can stand you beating us vith votes we can stand any man you nominate provided he is an honest man we are in this convention to Cheering Continuing Gov Waller said he supposed that the majority outnumbered the minori ty two to one They Intended to turn down HUI In Ignominy It would be considered a personal matter Cries of If Hlu were selected he would make a speech that would be full of sound democracy He would understand that he represented both aides Jf Hill were refused the right to make his speech from the platform he would make it from the boor and it would go to the country the same "Are you going to do he asked and a chorus of went up "Gentlemen you are going to do it aro cried the speaker and again the affirmative shout went up Declare ight He added: down David Hill and I will tell you what wo will do my southern friends We will fight you here and elsewhere We will fight you until you are sorry for your Indiscretion of this An outbreak of dissent fol lowed by cheers and hisses greeted this statement AU through the Jatter part of MrWaU speech attempts were made to cry him down and he finally responded by warn ing the convention that he would stay on tho platform all day in order to make him self heard He concluded with a short ap peal for party unity and took his seat amid cheering from the Connecticut dele gation Thomas Supports the Minority Mr Charles Thomas of Colorado sec onded the motion of Mr Clayton That his remarks were in sympathy with the feelings of a large part of the audience was shown by the frequent applause which punctuated his speech He maintained that It was perfectly seemly to overrule the national committee and held that if the committee were properly constituted It would show a majority the other way The men who had worked in the democratic party as he had for 25 years without se curing any concessions were getting In different to what others in the party thought As for David Hill he wanted to repudiate the suggestion that his de feat for th? temporary chairmanship would mean ignominy and disgrace for him This was not so He himself had stood by Hill four years ago when he did not have the support of bls new found friendsCheers Jt Mr Thomas concluded with an argu ment that the adoption of the minority re port was not against but in accordance with democratic precedent Charles Waller of Alabama Hon Charles Waller of Alabama next took the platform In support of the minority report He disclaimed any inten tion by the action they were about to take to reflect upon their eastern friends They bad given New York every democratic nomination for the last 25 years and west ern and southern democrats bad stoo by them Why be asked could not the eastern men do as they did In the west when they had lost a give the victors the entire management of the party organization? He closed by saying he and his friends thought they were entitled to this nomination and that the committee ought to have given it to them John ellows of New York Short stout and smooth faced John ellows of New York walked down the main aisle to talk in favor of Hill and as he was recognized a great cheering broke forth from the New York and other eastern delegations 1 He was received with cheers as he came to the platform He paid a tribute to the splendid ability and long established democracy of the gentleman from Virginia Mr Daniel Col ellows said he bad yet to hear any argument why all precedents of the party should be trampled upon He warned the convention that a grave crisis confronted the party and urged the majority topause before overthrowing the choice of the na tional committee When Col ellows finished there were fries of "vote Marsden of Louisiana was recognized He said: "It it not that we love David Hill less but that we love democracy Declared Adopted Ballot on the substitution of the name of John Daniel In place of Hill began The chair declared that the minority re port substituting the name of John Daniel for temporary chairman was adopted ti The announcement was received with wild cheers Daniel Takes the Chair The chair appointed ones of Ar kansas: Keating of Nevada and 8 White of California a committee to 'escort Senator Daniel to the chair Senator Daniel was received with rous ing cheers many of the delegates stand Ing on their chairs and waving hats and handkerchiefs The band played a hymn Senator Daniel took the chair and began his speech When Chairman Daniel finished there were shouts of "Hill 2 and repeated rappings of the gavel were necessary to restore order Senator Jones of Arkansas presented a resolution of thanks to Chairman Har rlty for the able and impartial manner in which he did his duty while presiding Senator White of California offered a resolution that the rules of the last demo cratic convention including the rules of the ifty third congress govern the con vention until otherwise ordered Gov Hogg of Texas moved the appoint ment of committees on permanent organ isation credentials resolutions and rules A call of the roll of states for members of committees was begun The Resolutions Committee ollowing is the commute on resolutions as selected at the meeting of the various state delegations: Alabama Bankhead Arkansas James Jones California Stephen White Colorado Charles Thomas Con necticut Lynde Harrison Delaware George Gray lorida Davis Georgia 'Howells Idaho Hillard: Illinois NE Worthington Indiana James McCabe Iowa Murphy Kansas McCleverty Kentucky 8 Black burn Louisiana Samuel Robinson Maine Vey Hoimanf Maryland John Poe Massachusetts John Russell Michigan A Weadock Minnesota James O'Brien Mississippi James George Mis souri rancis co*ckrell Montana Matts: Nebraska William Bryan: Ne vada HealyNew Hampshire I Drew New Jersey Allan McDermott New York David Hill North Carolina Hale North Dakota Roach Ohio Allen Thurman Oregon A Miller Pennsylvania Robert Wright Rhode Island David Baker South Dakota Steele South Carolina IL Tillman Tennessee A McNeil Texas John Reagan: arrell Virginia Carter Glass: Utah Rollins Wiscon sin Wi Vilas West Virginia Kincard Wyoming Bramwell Ari zona Barnes New Mexico A A Jones Oklahoma Bixler New National Committee The new national democratic committee Is as follows: Alabama Henry Clayton Arkansas McRae California Joseph Dwyer: Colorado Adair Wilson Connecticut Calos rench Delaware Kenney lorida Samuel Pasco Georgia Clark Howells Idaho George Alnslfe Illinois Thomas Gahan: Indiana not chosen Iowa William A Wells: Kansas Johnson Kentucky Urey Woodson: Lou jslana James Jeffries Maine not chosen Maryland A Gorman Massachusetts i John Corcoran Michigan Suth erland Minnesota Daniel Lawler: Mis sissippi Sullivan: Missouri Buliivan Montana McHatton Ne braska William Thompson Nevada HP Keating NewHampshlre A Bul ioway New Jersey James Smith Jr: New York William Sheehan North Carolina Daniels North Dakota not chosen Ohio John McLean Oregon Charles Nickell Pennsylvania William Harrity: Rhode Island Comstock South Dakota 1 Woods South Carolina Tillman Tennessee James Head Texas i Dudley Virginia Peter (Hey Vermont Smalley Utah A McCune Wis consin Wall West Virginia John McGraw Wyoming Holliday Arizona Mark A Smith Indian Territory Henry Sherman New Mexico not chosen Oklahoma Grant Alaska not chosen District of Columbia not chosen Congressman Sulsei of New York of fered a resolution expressing sympathy for Cuba and denouncing Spanish rule It was referred to the committee on resolu tlona without being read At 4:44 the convention adjourned until 4 Sqpfl v4 MVnl 0 i i ji 4 a i 7 Ij7 I Kiannrrrmi Mg? Wfe i'fcaztcf 1 Step! IHgL choaraid A Vf Bfpii pgg(2rf'saMI4'jlJBMUJaKCfcfrr 'yy 4a mlarnrnnl 1zn fiinJ IzAAn 1J1B IVP A 7VXV5rffln7i I z'' '5r i ii nr mj xri: rnm xt iivnai im itr "'nrt it mii tii trzx a rf tf a Vji '6 su IK 4 US OWAO BWlMMil Bi Si teaCTlSMEMMag itW' ill 1 IW I I 'mr I I zV 0 IrfH 1 8 (O'? BLi Sr jW A1' it ii 1 aa Wi Bl Bly 'tf 1 Bw At 3 auiibj.

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.