1 1 p1 Trucks, Trailers Recreational Imports end Trucks, TroiiWs October 22, 1978 Classified Page 5 Help Wonted 36 Help Wanted APPLICATIONS Engineer Dust Collection We ore looking for on intelli- gent industrious individual to handle applications in our newly formed Dust Control Dept. The applicant will work directly with Field Sales Representatives travel will be required. This position offers considerable challenge offers a successful applicant opportunities to work in engineering, administration marketing. Experience in dust collection andor air engineering would be helpful but not essential at we will provide training. Contact Claude lump- kin, Continental Air Filters 368-6511 28 Equipment JEEP CJ-7, ,978 Golden caee.
V8 enotne, automat tc transmission, power Hearing radio mucn more, special mm. BLUE GRASS AMC JEEP 4154 Shefbrviiie Rd. 196-441 KEHWORTH. 1973. diesel.
tilt cab, tandem axle w18 ft. grain bed, call 5U2-81'8-7J59 LUV, 1974. 1 owner. Mechanically sound Make otter, mh-iubu. PETERBILT, 1975, Conventional 350 CUMMINS 17513 transmission, 72 In.
tires tubeiess, air ride, am-tm tape player, air-cond JO, 500. 283-6245 RANCHERO, 1977, GT, 12 500 automatic, air, power steer ino. power brakes, am-fm tape, heavy duty suspension, traction lock, power windows Tonneau cover, S5000 426-651. RANCHERO Pickup, 1976, good automatic, power steering ft brakes. 363-0278 after p.m.
RANCHERO GT, 1973, rebuilt en gine, loaded. 82495, 245-5351 SCHOOL Bus for sale, ideal for rmmattr motor needs some worn Make offer. 635-54S4 after I P.m. Tues through at. IUIVIM, 17, -a lull ii 14,000 miles, AMFM ttereo, I tract, spoke wneeit and roll bar LIKE NEW 83400 935-3017 Great snap! Asking (502) 864-2730 TRAILMOBILE.
1968, 40 FT. VAN oood, see 7th St. Rd Tooacco warenouse. aa-rajy mm. 9 vr fU wnjt.
Ford, Dodoe; some automatic. All 361-5222 or 969-4981, dealer WRECKERS, Holmes, all sizes, NtW ANU UtU. ShLHk Eauioment Co. 945 S. 6lh St.
584-52SS iMC TRUCKS NEW 1979 GMC WIDESIDE Fullline of six and V8 engines available Extensive anti-ccorrosion treatments Doublewall body and sheet metal construction. USED TRACTORS FREIGHTLINERS 1973 Detroit, 8V71. RTO 9513, 10x22, $15,500 1976 Cummins NTC290 RT910, $27,950 GMC 1977 Sleeper, 8V92TT RT 12509, Ratio 3.70 $36,500 1976 Cobover, 8V92 RT12513, ratio 433 $29,950 FORDS 1972 WT9000, Cummins 335, RT09513, 411 Ratio, $12,950 KENWORTH 1976 K100. CAT. 3406 RTO 125 13, 433 ratio $34950 1970 Pete 1972 Mac More to choose from BUD HUBER GMC Ken worth 4330 Poplar Level Rd.
502-459-1200 SUMMERS HERRMANN 4 WHEEL DRIVE HEADQUARTERS ALL 4X4' 1977 CHEVROLET Custom de luxe, V8 automatic, power steering, power braket, 1 5,000 miles, grey in color. 1979 GMC Sierra Grande, V8, automatic, power steering. power brakes, radio, 200 actu al miles, silver in color. 1978 FORD Bronco, custom trim, V8 automatic, power steering, factory air, lockout hubs, 24,000 actual miles, black in color. 1979 FORD Bronco, Ronger XIT trim, V8, automatic, power steering, lockout hubs, 450 miles, red white in color.
1974 FORD MOO, V8, auto matic, power steering, new tires. Special this week, $4195. Summers Herrmann Ford Truck Corp. 1357 Gardiner Ln. 459-0550 SNOW PLOWS For all make 4 wheel drive ventc- cies.
AvaiieDe at; FALLS CITY DODGE 5311 Dixie Hgwy. 448-6800 Contact TRUCKS-4x4's Choose from 7. Many makes. BRONCO RAM CHARGER CHEVROLET TRAIL DUSTER COLONEL CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH 4128 Bardttown Rd. 499-9660 Equipment EL AMI MO, 1978, loaded LOW MILEAGE 451-1714 367-9103 FORD, 1978, F100, long wheel base.
Low miles, extras stii under factory warranty. Used ONLY by our Parts Dept NOT A scratch, as we use a body tin- er lo cover the bed. Several to choose from! Hurry al 83775) ftione 502-584-931. hard chair LOUISVILLE MOTORS FORD UOWN1UWIM C7N FORD. 1979 E150 Club Wagon, full new warranty, 8 passenger, loaaeo wtectory extras inciuo ing.
Captains chair, automatic transmiston, 351 V8, high capacity air cond AM-FM stereo, speed control, 8. power steering. List price, 10,953, you can buy It for omy, ssyB5. rraig Ford. 4th en Market, New Albany (812; 945-0201 FORD, 1976 Bronco, automatic, V8, power tteerlng, red white, i owner, priced to sen.
a for linger Special, only 15550. OXMOOR SAM POTTINGER FORD 476-7500 F0R6 VAN, 1974, black wchrome wneeit, tuiiv cutiom-ized inside, automatic, power steering, much more, tnarp. Special 13988 BLUE GRASS AMC JEEP 4156 Shelbvvllle Rd. 896-441 FORD, 1978 F2S0 4x4. Explorer package, shiny black with V8, automatic, power steering ft braket, 12,000 miles.
87795. can lor jerry cave. BYERLY FORD 4041 Dixie HgwV; 448-1661 FORD 1977. F100. dark blue straight transmission, new car trade.
84395. MOiVAKCII LINCOLN MERCURY 110 E. Broadway $67-7243 FORD, .979 MSG 4x4 Pick up, full new warranty, many factory extra priced to sell. Several other Chevrolet 4x4 Pick-ups and a 4x4 fc 2M Quadra van. 4x4 head-ouarterv Cra9 Ford, 4irt and Market.
New Albany (812) 945-0701 CAiSn iOt VAJ.QeW) Steeper, 240 Cummin engine, R1 9 10 transmission. New Way air lanoem. isuo NICE TRUCK Can Dave Scull (812) 282-3139 FORD. 1978, E-350, 14 ft. Box Ven.
capiain chairs, AM' stereo tape, carpeted throughout GOOD CONDITION Automatic 964-8054. FORD. 1973, Ranger XLT, fac tory air, automatic FULL POWER 360 enoine. new paint, stripes. S0V5.
45Y-0J5V FORD. 1977 E150. Chateau Club Wagon, 5 patsenger, extended service warranty, $6785. Many factory extras. Craig Ford, 4th and Market, New Albany (812)- 945-0201 FORO, 1979 F150 Ranger Pick up, fuH new warranty, many toe lory exttras.
including a rear step bumper, S5285. Craig Ford, 4tn and Market, New Albany (812)- 945-0201 FORO, 1978 Courier Pick -up, full new warranty, ft rear ttep bump er, S398S. Craig Ford, 4lh and Market, New Albany (812) 945-0201 FORO, 1967 pick -up With Finished Camper 81000 968-0318, after 5 pm FORD 1977. F-150 Explorer Pickup, rear seat, air, power steering ft brakes, stereo, burglar alarm, S415. ay- IB.
FORD. 1975 F250. Ion. auto mane, power, new 83285. Craig r-oro, 5tn and Main, New Albany (812) 944-Z94 FORD.
1979 ISO. 4 wheel drive. neavv duty 'a ton, customized, with extras can 915-2425 FORD. 198 150, 4 wheel drive. heavy duty Vi ton customized.
can 935- 2425 anytime. FORO, 1972 100 Ranger, 3 speed V8. lust. 11285 Crais Ford. 5n ft Mam, New Albany a 17-944 -794 FORD.
1971 F350 Wrecker, good cono can oiioert tvtiicnen, 366-0323. FORD, 1976, stick, radio, 6 cylin der, 12695 937-3830 CMC VAN, 1974, 4 cylinder, power disc braket, automatic 968-2439. 423-0B73 CMC, 1978 Sierra Grande, 4x4, V8, automatic, power ft air. Priced lo sell. 17498 4x4 Chevrolet Pick-Ups.
(4) to choose from. 1 thort bed ft alto 4x4 Blazers. (3) to choose from! COLGATE AUTO SALES T300 TAYLOR BLVD 447-8446 447-8447 CMC, 1974, series 6000, VS. 2 speed rear axle, electric shift Brand New 12' Dump with 14 ton hoist. 50" arain rack.
1200 812-969-7937 GMC, 1973 1 Ton Stake Bed 350, 4 speed, good shai Shape, excet-2500, afier 7 lent work truck, 935-7688 GMC, 1975 van. 12195, 1972 GMC van, SIV5, ivu owe, 14', step van. 51250; 1974 Dooge Maxl van. aiilA IT i 1 ruj; Mitchell Hill 366-7321 GMC, 1977 Jimmy 4 WHEEL DRIVE Low mileage, excellent condition, INTER NATIONAL, 1969 Translar Tractor, 750 Common, 10 tpeed twin screw. S8500.
GMC, 190, Seriet 9500, Conven tional I rector, IM Detroit diesel, 13 soead. twin screw. ihArn S9.OO0 1 Grain Trailers, 31 with tarp, 83 500. Robert Waither Lanesvllle, Ind 812952-2022 INTERNATIONAL. 1972 pickup, 8 ft.
bed. runs oooo for onlv 1795. Call tor Don Miller. BYERLY FORD 404 1DI lejfgwy. 448-1641 INTERNATIONAL, 1967, IB' aluminum bodv.
overhead door. Re cent tires, motor ft Irensmission. i5uu 564-4JJI, weekdays 9-5. JEEP. 1974 CJ-6, large front wench, VS.
excellent condition. Asking 84395. cpjiiTCiUas 4339 Upper River Rd 278-4133 228 3810 Harrodt Creek Nights. JEEP Wagoneer 1964, 4 wheel drive, lock-outt, power tleerlng, new tires 937-0343 JEEP Wagoneer, 1975, 4 wheel drive, mini cond all Jeep options. S4800.
241-9714 alter 5 30 Trucks, Trail, 28 Equipment 7- 4-WHEEL DRIVE TRUCKS IN STOCK! 74 to 79 MODELS, CHEVROLET PICK-UPs BLAZERS, FORDS, JEEPS CLARKSVILLE AUTO MART 1405 Eastern Blvd. (across from K-Mart) Clarksville, IN 945-9158 LEASE RETURNS Each Unit has automatic, power steering. 1976 El 50 Econoline Von, $2850 2, 1976 150 Pickups, wtool boxes $2550 Hermann Moore Leasing 589-3750. Ext. 250 197-1 CMC 12 ft Sleo Van 1973 Ford, F350 Chassis Cab 1971 Econoline.
E300 Van at, i rmM 3 speed auxiliary, for king wheel base JFFFFRSON GARAGE 713 Market 582-2834 4x4 Any make, ordering from Detroit. Fnr oitote UH-vire A counselina. 896-0597. Special 1979 Bronco, has mosi everything, S8V44. oeaier.
NORMAN TRUCK EQUIPMENT CO. 582-3346 Recreational 29A Vehicles AIRSTREAM. 31 ft This trailer like new. Nicest 1973 In Indiana. Has many ootions.
New tires, air, sleran. duo-therm windows. ZID- dee awnings all around. Onan electric generator, electric tongue iitt. back bain, vou want a suck one.
see this. Must sell this week. Price negotiable 1812) 752-3235. APACHE Camoer. 1973.
refrig erator, furnace, ana Many Other Accessories S2595. 1-5Q2-6Z4-48. APACHE CAMPER FOLD DOWN Wscreened porch, 82O0 368-4060 APACHES, Alios, Empires, told down campers-travel trailers JOHN'S RV SERVICE 875 Market Charlestown 256-3715 AVION, TERRY, PACE ARROW Mt-UHUU LAMft 4042 Preston SI. 366-1319 CAMPER 1977 Champion, 20'. Pay off plus 5500.
Sleeps 8. Air. Excellent Condition Must sell Call. 957-3490 chew Camper, 1969, walk-new tires, trade. 6402 thru, setr-contained.
asking 12350. Will South 3rd 366-vuv. CHIEFTAIN Wlnebego. 26', 1976 14,000 loaded wexlras. LIKE NEW CONDITION 117,000.
964-3026 COACHMAN 1977 used. 12 000 miles, dash elr, roof air, gener-ntnr. other extras. 112.900 CHARLIE'S RV 447-1752 COACHMEN, no. 1 seller has clearance sale.
All units must go. All reasonable otters considered. Jan-Dei v. center Hauv 1.15 Corydon. Ind 1-812-364-3479 CUSTOM Deluxe Coach, no mo tor home, 28', fully self contained.
MUST SACRIFICE 3948 Cane Run Louisville. EXECUTIVE. Diplomat, Alegro Revcon 4. Cruise Aire, Jimmy Mini: EXCLUSIVE DcALcR Gilstrap Motor Homes Hgwy. 131 282-7501 Clarksville Across from cyreentree ryen FLEETWOOD.
1976. 18 travel trailer, self-contained, new U5W. 502-845-4? I after 6 P.m. FORD. Van Camper.
6 cylinder. 20 mpg, new motor, tires, siove. Toilel, air, heater, SV, 12V. 110, manv extras, 5U wil rraae. penny Trailer Jiia miners Lane, After 4pm.
FREE Spirit, 1977, 30', like new. PLENTY OF EXTRAS Asking 16500 368-0210. GMC, 1948 Converted city bus. Excellent Runnino. Cond.
Fl 35 Fully carpeted, tinted win dows, stereo 4. PA system, 9 ft. wet bar w' built in cooler ararr beer. Extra horns, conversation pit 8. Skylight.
19,500 4 56-626J GMC, 26 1974, All Luxury Options below book price, 502-442-2271 ITASCA, 1978 FINAL CLOmTmIT" Of new 19VB Xtssca A Division of Winnebogo Industries, Inc. Motor Homes 20, 24, 25 ft. Minis, prices from $11,900, 26 27 ft. luxury Motor Homes. From SI 7,500.
Tri City Olds Motor Home Center Wotterson X-woy Breckinridge Ln. Call VCollec50r89754ry KOUNTRY-A IRE 4, Wilderness 17473 Hgwy. 31 812-246-9236 Take Seilersbure exit from 1-65 go north on Hgwy. 31, 3 miles. TKAILr KAMA IKAILbK MM MEMPHIS.
INDIANA LA CHALET Camoer, 1972, steeps 4, quicR saie. T-r3i. MERCURY Marquis, 1973 TOW VEHICLE Loaded. Futtv equipped for towing 6000 lb trailer, xcenent con- non. IZ2O0 245- 5246 after 7 m.
MOTOR home. 1976 Dodge Dia mond. 1 sleeps 4, self-contained. Book value 89800, Asking) svuou or pest otter. I-J5I-I46 MUST SELLI PATHFINDER 1970.
23 ft dual tandem, air, tuHv sett contained, sleeps 8, stove refrigerator, new tires. 17795. 456-4309 36 ACCOUNTING Cterk, ACCOUNTING CLERK Individual with cost accounting experience. Job entails job analyzing varience, tracking costs preparation of journal enttys (or monthly close. Salary com mensurate with experience education.
Company paid insurance, good benefits. Please submit resume to: Personnel Dept. A. J. Bayer Co P.O.
Box 276 Shepherdsville, KY. equal opportunity employer CCDCDiDCDC)0 ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTING The Louisville branch of Fireman's Fund Insurance Co. has an opening for a Premium Audit Trainee, requiring a minimum iz semester hours of coitege ac counting. This it a position with i leader in the insurance Industry wnicn includes excellent salary benefits advancement If vou qualify Please call the Personnel Department, 426-8400. toui opportunity tmptover M'F ACCOUNTING Secretary, EAST END Accounting department manager seeks experienced Individual waveraoe tvp no a.
lioht short hand. Duties consist of answering phone, handling correspondence, ft. moke travel arrangements. Fee negonaote. Bluegrass Personnel 4 SB -3787 ACCOUNTING NO CONTRACT NO FEE IN tKNAL AUDIT OK Client seeks CPA or BS MBA Supervise internal staff, hospital, insurance claims, iwaior tirm- Big benefits! SALARY Si.UUU CaH Jim Feenev at 6J6-5S51 12S6 So Third St 40703 MANAGEMENT REGISTRY ACCOUNTING SECRETARY East End company has immedl ate opening for accounting sacra tary.
Musi be able to work with several people, has to be welt or genized. Limited overtime neces sary, seno resume and salary ex pecteo to u. box a Louisville, Kv 40707 ACCOUNTING CLERK. Some light typing. Bookkeeping exoer fence a big plus.
Some answering pnone and fun cnarge bookkeep ing. WM. Free Parking. CAREER COUNSELING Call: Shirley Clssetl 893-07W ACCOUNTING Clerk ACCOUNTING CLERK Good with figures, some typing experience required. Submit re sume salary history lo S42 Care c.
ACCOUNTING Profit A Loss Auditing Finance to 130,000 Fee Paid Ability Personnel, 4 V) 8720. ACCOUNTING. Profit A Loss audlilong. finance, to 130,000 fee paid Ability Personnel, 45V-8770. ACTURARIAL ASS'T; 120 800.
f-ee Paid. Ability Personnel, 4Sv- 8220. ADDING Machine clerks, need 3 for long term assignment, exper ience a must. Top pay, no tee. AMERICA Temporary Services 1 287-1173 Clarksville 897-5301 401? DuPont Circle 448-V3V3 3734 pixie Hwy.
ADJUSTER TRAINEE Are vou a winner? Mere vour ooportunl ty to prove It. This local FEE PAtO position offers a I week paid training position. Any exper ience and advanced education a plus. 1 1 ooo to start, caree minded Individuals only. CAREER COUNSELING Call: Clndv Walton 893-0793 ADJUSTER, claims, 111,000, tee paid BARON Personnel, ADMINISTRATOR 8S6A, 894-7397.
SALARY ADMINISTRATOR: BS In BA. IM, or IE with up to five years experience in lob analysis and classification, salary surveys. Computer knowledge preferred. Send resume and salary reau re- men! to Ms. L.
Leedy, Goo dyear Aerospace corporation, Akron, Ohio 44314. Equal Opportunity Employer MFHV ADVERTISING trainee, BSBA, Bit, jg oha, ree paid. BARON Personnel, 894-7397. AGENT, insurance company needs agent tor large debit, training allowance plus commission. no experience necessary.
448 AGENTS AVON EARN MERRY MONEY FOR THE HOLIDAYS Sell Avon. Good earnings, flexible hours. For details call M7-73 AIR CONDITIONING OPERATOR REFRIGERATION PLANT OPERATOR fx per lanced with operation of hilled Water or Refrigeration or Air Conditioning equipment. Steady work, Improved rates, pension, sick leave and other benefits. Mr Given, 544 413 Mr.
Terklldsen, 584-7795 AIR CONDITIONING Mechanic TOP WAGES Experienced In service Insinuation Apply 9-4 P.ITV, Fred Frled-mann Son, 330 Hlfces Ave. ALUMINUM Siding perlenced 935-1711. helper, ex- ALUMINUM Siding, carports, storm windows. Experienced sub-contract basis. Call 634 S141 ANALYST programmers, exper ience, to 124,000.
local. BARON Personnel, 894-7397. ANALYSTS, 112 lo 130,000. Fee Paid Ability Personnel, 459-8770. ANIMAL Hospital Assistant Animal Hospital Assistont 7 openings: 1 cleaning; 1 techni cian.
Send complete resume including education, references 4 fast employment records to M-77 care of C.J. -Times, ANIMAL Hospital Veterinary Technician. Fringe benefits. Ex cellent salary, working cond. Write 451 care APARTMENT Manager, experienced in rentals A llgnl maintenance Salary plus apartment.
Mature person. Write experience 8. salary desired In first reply. Reply to S2V care or u-1 imes. APARTMENT Ass! Manager 4.
Maintenance. Husband A wife team to help manage 4, maintain south end apartment complex. Salary apartment. Send resume to 530 care of CJ-Tlmes. APPAREL Mgr.
trainee, degree, to 110,200. Baron Personnel, 134 Breckinridge 896-2397. APPLIANCE. Sales, pari time. MaieFemaie.
Maior appliance dealer has openings tor individuals who can sell, and would like to make monmev in their spare time. Flexible hours. Hourly waoes plus commission. To apply: CALL, 434-7896. APPLIANCE.
Managament- Markel no. 117.000 up Fee Paid. Ability Personnel, 4S9-8270J AUSSTANT Mrinoer. la rue east end apartment community. Energetic, experienced person needed.
CaH 459-8996 tor appointment. AKMIVtSTS In 29A Vehicles TOPPFRS S145 UP FENTRESS CAMPER SALES 45(16 E. Dixie 448-8727 Motorcycles, 30 Scooters ACCESSORIES AMP FALL CLEAN-UP SALE 1979 XLH. black S2995 New Low Riders in slock CHARLIE'S HARLEY DAVIDSON OF LOUISVILLE 2458 Bardslown Rd- 454-4686 ALLOY Brand motorcycle tre'ter. twin rails, ramp, tie downs, 5100, Can 426-6664 AMF HARLEY DAVIDSON UbtD CYCLfcS Harievs, Hondas, Kawasaki's, ah in rirst class conainon Thurnalis Hariev Davidson 554 Eastern Blvd.
Clarksville, Ind. 288-9395 AMF HARLEY DAVIDSON. '79 MODfcL5 AKfc HEKfc 78 MODELS RfcDUCFD Clearance Sale On Used Cycles inurnans Hariev uavidson 554 Eastern Blvd Clarksville. Ind, 288-9395 BATTERIES New Blemished Batteries I year Full Warranty Call 361-2688 Hester Battery 4)035 Preston Hgwy. HARLEY SPORTSTER.
I959T stocw, sew rtrm, can v44-4aj. HONDA 1971, 550, 10,000 miles, sioos 196 Honda 360. clean. 4SB JIM HANNAN OLDS 964-21(1 Fern Valley al Old Shep HONDA, 1973, 250 XL DIRT BIKE 1400, riding gear extra, 935-3999 HONDA, 1977 Super Sport, must sell, moving, lots of extras, excellent cond 11400 After 6, 437-5764 HONDA, 750. 1976.
RC header, seat, touring nanoie oars, moving. must sen. bb-3. HONDA. 1974.
XL250. sliver, per fect trail or street, licensed. 1500 245-4960 HONDA, 1976 CB 750, excellent COnd 11250, 895 2749. SUZUKI, 1975 GT500 FULLY CUSTOMIZED 8000 miles. Make offer.
456-2664 SUZUKI, 1974, extras, 750 A-l Condition 8795, caH 94-7525 YAMAHA Best Prices WHbELS FOR f-UN 6802 Preston Hgwy 968-0162 YAMAHA, 1976, BOCC DIRT BIKE 1265. Call 447-7473 YAMAHA, 1972. 100, 964-9314 STREET BIKE Earl's Suzuki Honda 729 Hallie Irvine SI. Richmond, kv. 404-423-9295 194 MR 250 1'99 1975 TL250 1799 SWAP MEET Oct.
29. 11 AM Set uo 9 AM. Anderson Armorv. 109 BvPass. Anderson.
N. For information call 317-284-2929 4 to 9 pm, m-f, 1-5 sat. 0 motors, i ires, a Parts and Service ACCESSORIES SAVE NOW HEADER SALE $49.95 V8 SET PICK UKS Right Now while they last call BIG FOOT 636-2861 ENGINE for 1972 Bulck. plus transmission, VJVi. 4-5w.
MALLORY SUPER MAG Ignition system, complete tor small block Fords. NEVER USED Cost STBS Must sell.1150. 895-0300 MARVIN MILLER Nitrous Oxide Iniection svstem-for Four barrel, carborator Installation. Complete with braided stainless lines. Large 22 lb.
Nitrous bottle with mounts (already tun) Lost tMI. Must sell, 1400. 895-0300. NEVER USED OFFROAD Equipment, tires, roll Oars, pusn oars, im kits. The Lowest rices in Town are at CSASHKUtlDrlviCtr.
4037 Toy.orsvi.le Rd. 456-1432 PAXTON SUPERCHARGER -for 7B9 thru cu. in. hord engines. comptele with carborator, fuel pump, 4 drive assembtv- BRAND NEW cost HlOO-must sell -1450 895-0300 TIRES, used, 9 Inch wide Tiger l.
inh artlllArw mhu.li with Chevrote't hub; 70 SS Tluer Paws, same wheel, call 361-0752. SET OF 4 WHEELS for snow tires Good price! DIXIE AUTO PARTS, 3113 Dixie 448-I3J0 REDDS Auto Parts ...159 9 Selected Hooker Headers. ...179 95 ft or Hursl Hoieshol Torque Converters 199.95 Selected Scheifer Ring 4, Plnons 179.95 Acce or AAaUorv Dual Point Dis tributors say va. mt Bia Block Chew va ve cov ers. 114.95 fQUANITIES AVAILABLE WHILE SUPPLIES IAST.
801 Kenwood Dr. 366-0349 743 E. Broodwoy 587 131 5 WANTED 4 speed transmission for 1969 Austin America or win pan out car, ft-5ja Must Ifauidete stock. Van truck seats, no reasonable offer re fused. Some van parts, call t-5.
4W1-V60. Four, 15 bv aluminum American racing wheels. Wanted: Autos, 35 Trucks, Trailers VEGA Lemons WANTED with Good Bodies A Bad tnglnes CASH, Call 634-284 alter 5 00 CARS WANTED $30 and up Junked and Wrecked (For any complete car) 7 Day Wrecker Service Clean Call 584-. Clean up your yard todavt 587-8912 Dealer IBUECHEL BILL Needs Good used Cars. vou need or want to sett vour car before vou spend money advertising give us a try.
Bill Collins FORD 13410 Buechel BvPass 459-9550 JUNK AUTOS SCRAP BODIES 434-1801 Dealer, 74 Hr. 344-8872 WANTED JUNK CARS WRECKED CARS AND TRUCKS, 82S to 175, S84-4573 CRAVENS AUTO Junk Cars TOP PRICES PAID 584-8865 Dealer CASH PAID FOR GOOD CARS, See Barney at Isl Ittl Cfeevy 4144 Bardstown Rd. 499-0800 WE BUY Compacts, foreign Imports end Sports Cars OPEL, 1972, coup. 4 speed. Mue WILHELMPS AMC M'l Bardstown Rd OPEL Mania.
1974. eir, AMFM, Good mileage-Good car owner, jimo 787-5087 OPEL. 1968. 71 rebuilt aniline eiiernettir, new erheust system lune up, szsu. 4V1-CJJB PORSCHE, 1973 914 Roadster iiy nice.
iz-7iz-5el, -letter surivine. ina. dubdt i PORSCHE 1977, 924, red. air con tmivrwo, Afwr-M stereo, seavs. THE SPORTS CAR PLACE DON CORLETT PORSCHE AUD 741 So.
3rd 502-589 9126 PORSCHE. 1964, 354 SC Absolutely Showroom Condition I7M0. 426-76. porscme 9u, 1974, 1.1 litre. Appearance group, AMFM, low 36I-0B4S, id -66 GOOD CONDITION PORSCHE 914, 1973, good low mileage, S3500.
459-7304. cond. BY OWNER PORSCHE 914, 1974. 2 liter, load ad with extra, excellent condl lion, 17500 or best otter, 361-1080 PORSCHE. Classic 912 coupe, tuny restored, 15, igo ni-va PORSfHE 914, 1973, Good Condi lion Bail oner.
367-663 low miles, '1961 91 IS, 4 speed automatic, What tall spoiler. Sell or trade (or 4 wheeler. 288-727 5. SAAB, 1971 Turbo. HERE NOW! Come leu drive el DCUBLEMQS9T MAZDASAAB S013 Shelbvville Rd 475-9406 SUBARU, BRATSVILl USA, BRAT FEVER 6 '78's rn Slock, better hurrvf 4 WD Brett, Wagons, others.
(Vood selection or used cart Dee Alvey Brian Martin WHIPPS MILL SUBARU 1308 Mlllbrook Rd 425-2800 SUBARU DL, 1974. new llres front wheel drive. 459-3919. SUBURU 197) Bral, 4 WHEEL DRIVE mutt sell, very good condition, like new. ey-y5j4 TOVOfA SPECIAL DISCOUNT ON ALL NEW 1978 CELICAS other Toyota Models Over 100 in stock You may never buy a i Toyota or truck for lest money! WADE SWOPE TOYOTA 8107 Shelbvville Rd.
426-1200 ACROSS FROM OXMOOR TOYOTA 1971 Ceiica. beautiful blue, factory executive car, load eo, levee THE SPORTS CAR PLACE DON CORLETT PORSCHE AUDI 741 So. 3rd 502 589 9126 TOYOTA. 1977 Corolla, hurry don'l mni this on at only 13688 THE SPORTS CAR PIACE DON CORLETT PORSCHE AUDI 741 So. 3rd 502 589 9126 TOYOTA, ,977.
Land Cruiser at ton watfon. blue w' white trim, perfect condition. Seldom It on fn ftvaiiatM. New car traoe in. coma In today.
WADE SWOPE TOYOTA 1107 Shelbvvllle Rd. 426-1200 ACKObS tOI OXMOOK TOYOTA, 1977 Cellca GT Coupe factory air, speed. AMFM tie' rju I ana 1 rrtltlH tor Information on thli car ask for Harry Parker. XOSTER SWOPE 3700 Frankfort Ave. foYOTA.
1977 Corolla. 4 door nation wagon, weed, sliver. low miles. WILHELMPS AMC 7411 Bardstown Rd. 456-1730 TOYOTA, 197S Cellca Llttbeck ALL ACCESSORIES AMFM stereo.
Asking 15500. Want Offer 583-0621, Z45-36V6. White, with blue Interior, i weed transmission, air, AMFM slereo radio, 15450. CALL 4S4-S634 weekdays 8-4. TOYOTA, 1977 Cellca GT, 5 speed, air, am-i-m stereo, silver.
enceiieni S4mxj. Leu 948 0402. TOYOTA, 1971 MUST SELL Rum great, make offer, 476-6468 TOYOTA, 1970 Mark II, good low mileage, like new upholstery, air, radial llret. Atkins Htw can Jtb-ini TOVOTAjlW Callc GT Notch WH, i.iw j-tmiu, ttereo. By Owner 14750 363-921 TOYOTA Corona Mark II.
1972 Station wogon 426-4143 TOYOTA, 1969, 4 door. Corona, 4 tpeed, air. emfm. (ooo cono 1385 973-3994 TOYOTA, 1971, Mark II, 2 door, hardioo, bower good cono. 1525.
hardioo, bower brakes, emtm, 923-3V94. TOYOTA, Corolla, Deluxe, 1977, 4 tpeed, excellent cond. 245-3968 TR6, 1974? Excellent Interior, exterior, engine. New clutch, battery, braket, 82371 434-2741. MICHELIN'S TRIUMPH 196.
Spltflre.MOO CONVERTIBLE Needs carburetor work. May be teen at 2912 Brownsooro no TRIUMPH TR7, 1977, Maroon, Gold Stripes, Sun root. Air AMFM cassette. Perfect cond! Betl offer 458-3087 VOLKSWAGEN. 1974, 7 patten amr itAtlnn ikmim.
white. ButO malic, air km than 20.000 miiev hvt). WIlHELMrS AMC 7411 Bardttown Rd. 456-1730 VOLKSWAGEN Rabbit. 1977 Radial llret, defooger, 4 tpeed.
extra clean. Sale price 83488 NEIL HUFFMAN VOLKSWAGEN-SUBARU 4926 Dixie Hgwy. 448-6666 VOLKSWAGEN Sclrocco, 1978 Automatic, ttereo. Very low miles. Save hundreds! 8S98 NEIL HUFFMAN VOLKSWAGEN-SUBARU 4926 Dixie Hgwy.
448-6666 VOLKSWAGEN. 197V, Rabbll, 4 speed. 2 door, red, 12150. Stock 8369- I. CORLETT VW 3718 Bardttown Rd 459-4444 VOLKSWAGEN.
1975, silver SCIROCCO Custom plaid Interior, AM-FM, front wheel drive, automatic. S3 100. 459-4042, 935-9840 VOLK SWAGE N. 1973, door, automatic stick, beautiful orange finish, excellent saie price 81295 Credit terms 968-4101 FOURTH STREET AUTO S109 Preston at Gumori Lane VOLKSWAGEN. 1971, kermann Gna.
convertible RECONDITIONED Sharp, economical tun, 245-7040, dealer. VOLKSWAGEN Karmann-Ghla RUNS GOOD 1969 Needt minor repairs Must sell 500 or best offer, 459-6170 VOLKSWAGEN Rabbll. 1971, tiereo. Special Edition WARRANTY 434-1868 or 897-1203 VOLKSWAGEN, 1970 Beetle, leuo Ira el Tudor Terrace on Speed Ave 8, Spring near Cherokee Perk, Apt. back.
After 6 on weekdays. VOLKSWAGEN, 1970. Bug, 1900, Bug. I97, 39i. 893-3102 27C 27C Sports Cars VOLKSWAGEN 1970.
595 V.V. COOKE 2nd and Kentucky M3-8378 VOLKSWAGEN Desher, automatic, air. amtm good cond. 491-3782. BEST OFFER 1974, radio, VOLKSWAGEN, 1969, Bug REBUILT ENGINE S450 452-2028 after 6 VOLKSWAGEN 1969 Squarebeck Good Transportation 8500 Call 239-5571 VOLKSWAGEN.
1974 Excellent Condition 1500. after 9 am, 895-7408 VOLKSWAGEN, 1971 SUPER BEETLE excellent cond 1950 245-8235 VOLKSWAGEN. 1973. 9 pasten ger bus, ctean at new, low mile age. MK9 price, UWI, roe-viva.
Dealer VOLKSWAGEN, 1972 Bug, Slick with air, economy special, 11185 Craig Ford, 5ih and Main, New Albany ipij yxa-rvx VOLKSWAGEN Scrlocco, 1975, excellent amtm, mags, Mlcrielins, 4 1-4326 VOLKSWAGEN Rabbit, 1976, 35,000 miles, air cond S3000. 36 9461. Can between 7:30 6 t.m hiuiabu Ion beck, auiomatlc, 51,000 mllet, I IW. 45V-J0U4. VOLKSWAGEN.
1970 Fas'back, good condition, 456-6529 alter 6 UVl UCUliAEU IU.1 gine, luggage rack, S600. 637-8390 VOLKSWAGON, 1975 Beetle. IV5 Tri City Olds 3920 Dutchmans Ln. 897-654 VOLVO, 1975, 245DL Wagon, one owner, low mileage, beeutlfut maroon finish, immaculat throughout, only 84895. COLONEL CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH 4128BordstownRd.
499 9660 FOREIGN CARS Opel, 1974, Luxus Coupe. Show room clean, 4 speed Only 8 1895 ALSO, iv2 ooei, tiw 1974 VW. Automatic. 81695 1976 Rabbit. Showroom clean 13195 196 MO.
Midget, 12693 197 Daltun, pickup wlopper sharp. Jim Cooke Butck 845 S. 3rd 584-231 Trucks, Trailers, 28 Equipment CHEVROLET, 1972 ton pickup truck. Here it a real worknorte thats ready for tots of nerd work Eauipoed wV6 engine, automat ic trentmittion excellent set of tires. Come tee.
Stock 104C. 81495. PERKINS CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTH 2105 Dixie Hgwy 774-448 CHEVROLET, 1971 Custom De luxe C20, 4x4 Pick -up, loaded factory extras ft. priced lo sell. Several other Chevroiei and Ford 4x4 Pick-ups and a 4x4.
E250 Oudravan. 4x4 headauartert. Craig Ford. 4th and Market, New Albany (812) 945-CffOI CHE VROLET van, 1975, bur gandv in color, air. VS.
cuttorrv lied inside. A steal al only 83666. MOIVARCII LINCOLN MERCURY 110 Broadway 587-7243 CHEVROLET, 1976 Van, Extra tnarp. Tri City Olds 3920 Dutchmans Ln. 897-4541 CHEVROLET, 198, 2 lone blue, up 4 WHEEL DRIVE with raise kit.
fully eauipoed. low mlleaoe, S95O0, 22-1164, 897-9959 CHEVROLET, 1977 Big Duley CAMPER SPECIAL cattwit condition, aftar i pm, call CHEVROLET, 1974 Van, auto-malic, power steering, power Draeft, many extra MUST SELL 82300, 969-4560 after 4 pm CHEVROLET. 1978 Pickup. wheel drive. Scoltsdale, llfl kit.
muooeri, tow miles, extras, EXCELLENT COND. S8.30O. Call 239-2069. CHEVROLET, 1975 Luv. Ma-kata, AMFM, radials, with top per, S24JU.
4515545 Excellent Condition CHEVROLET 30 while Ven, 1974. 350 cu. In. motor, ton. SELL OR TRADE air, all power 895-7433.
CHEVROLET, 1973 TON PICK UP Black, automatic, air, 74,000 mitev new engine, 17800. 476-0624 CHEVROLET, 1964 pick -up, cylinder, 3 speed FLEETSIDE BED good condition S400. 968-1930. CHEVROLET, 1953 Ton Pick Up Needs some wiring done, custom cab, S250, 241-1441 after 6 m. CHEVROLET.
1973, C-10, -cyl-Inoer standard, 6' Itep bed. NEW PAINT 57.000 ml. 81475 cash. 254-3858 CHEVROLET 1976 Luv wflberg-lass topper. 83,200 Excellent Condition Call After 5 PM 456-6584 CHEVROLET 1977 pickup low ml WITH TOPPER Custom paint, wheels interior.
14800 361 8234, 366-9484. CHEVROLET, 1978 Suburban Silverado 5700 miles Call 239-0134. CHEVROLET, 1978, ScotlSdale pick-up, loaded. 897-1424. 4 WHEEL DRIVE CHEVROLET LUV Truck, 1975, yellow, 4 speed wradio, very good cond.
951-2767 alter 4 p.m.; v44-e, T-a p.m. CHE VROLET. 1975, C-30 Van, 3S0 V8, automatic Iransmlsslon, power steering. Sale price, 82)95. 968 0105 Dealer.
CHEVROLET, 1976, 3 plus 3, with topper, excellent condition, t5000 368 6605 or 937-8280 CHEVROLET, 1976. 3 plus 3. with topper, excellent condition, S5000 368-6605 or 937-8780 CHEVROLET. 1950 Pickup, new tires, needt work. S299, 893-5932, after SIX, 245-996.
CHEVROLET, 1976 pick -up. em-tm automatic, topper, excellent mechanical cond 968-4375. CHEVROLET. 1975, Ion, power, radio, new tires, excellent S3241. 499-8351, 425-3102 CHEVROLET, 1974 C-30, 440 Holmes Crene, air, 1st class cond.
Can Gilbert Mitchell, 364-0323. CHEVROLET, 1973 Van. I ton. good shape, 82400, call 278-3220. CHEVY 1975.
12 ft Step Van, dual wheels, 12495. Real money maker! V.V. COOKE 2nd and Kentucky 5W-3989 CHEVY, 1973 Pick-Up. V8, long bed. onlv 1)095.
Low down ovml. 367-0264 DEALER CHINOOK, Freedom Van, 1977 models. 3 In stock. 85195 for the month of Oct. WADE SWOPE TOYOTA 8107 Shelbvvllle Rd 476-1200 ACKUSS HtOTI OXWUUK OATSUN 1978.
pickup, yellow, long bed, air, 5 speed. Warren Proctor Datsun 1731 Shelby 636-3321 DIAMOND Reo. 1974, 318 engine, 4400 lbs. reer, new wet line kit. price 815.000.
Rebuilt engine. Hvwev wrecking inc. 507 584-51 77 DODGE, 1977, Ton Pickup ven, power tteerlng, power txeket, automatic, air, 8.000 mile. S5295 Commonwealth DODGE 4305 Old SheprterdsvlMe Rd. 964-Q471 DODGE.
1977. Tradesman 100, black Van, Slant 4 engine, euto-maiic, power steering. Insulated, 84395. WiLHELMI'S AMC 7411 Bardttown Rd. 456-1730 DODGE, 192.
on ficxup, automatic, 40'' Insulated topper, new tires 4, battery, excellent cond used only for hunting 1 fishing Ce 895-7618, anytime weekends, weekdays after 5 DODGE. 1977 Sportsman Van GOOD CONDITION $4800 499-1171 after 1 OOOGiT 1963 Panel Van, good 4200, 361-0481. Recreational 29A Vehicles STARCRAFT FULL LINE Coim Trailer sales New SaiisOury, Ind. 1-812-366-3101 TITAN. 1978 motor home.
Only 5000 Miles 25 ft 964-3067 or 283-4318 TOPPER for pick-up, rack 8' Heavy Duty Aluminum crank windows, 195 425-9742. TRAVEL Trailer, 1978, 35' Im- iia, air, central neat, power pack, 2 holding tanks, 2 water tanks, 20x9 owning, 12 gal. water heater, stove woven large trigerator, 945-3492, 944-695 TRAVEL Mate, 1972, 15', sleeps 4, stove woven, icebox. Ilka new. Must Sell $1800 935-5594 VAGABOND, 1973, 24 ft.
Motor Home, sett contained, sleeps 8. generator, CB, S9 250 937-4897. VAN TOP SPECIALI Let us raise the roof of your van. 3 models lo choose from: I Top. Mid Top, Campers Top.
We a so convert vans. Save mon ey) Come lo CFF-JAF TRAVEL LAND 4020 Dixie Hgwy. 448-2562 equipped, sleeps 6. 637-282 BUY LOW Sell High Now you can purchase Travel World, Mini Homes, Motor Homes, just like a dealer. The owners of Travel World, Inc.
Bonnieville, which also own Kamping KOUNTRY in Jefferson- ville, have decided to use Kamping Kountry as a true factory outlet. Why rent a motor home and spend several hundred dollars per week, when now you can purchase at dealer price, vacation in the unit, and then sell at a profit.Now you can pur chase the all aluminum frame Travel World Mini Homes and Motor Homes, and pay only our. FACTORY INVOICE Plus freight prep. What better investment could you make? KAMPING KOUNTRY Hgwy. 62 E.
Jefferionville, 288-9039 USED CLEARANCE CRUISE MASTER Mini- low miles, dual air, real nice. 17995 HOP CAP, Mini. Sharp Interior, dual air, nice in every way. 110.950 CHAMPION Motor Home. 1979.
Power plant, root air, loaded. One only sij.vw TITAN Motor Home. 25 ft. Load ed, save 11500 one only 116,950 CRUISE AIR. 25 ft New 1978 Last al old price, loaded, only 116,950 CENTURY Mobile Living 4423 Dixie Hgwy.
448-0633 SALES SERVICE CAMPERS QUARTERS 8083 Dixie Hgwy. 937 1966 9351972 MR. B's RV CENTER Ii having Ms biooMt fnH cirmncm uli vrl Mini HcHTwt, Th Good Lrto, wiwt quality ft a way of lite, 2 to cnooM from, on GM chassis, equipped with AM-FM stereo tape, ft double door reefer. ouai air, owning, cruise control, lilt wheel, and many many more fine options, tist sale priced at SI6.4V5, vou save 13 y. Also 18 ft Skamp motor home iwy ah Man war.
Bonanza, Cricket Venture Campari Trailers also on saw. BURNS RV CENTER 2474 Bardstown Rd. 451-7574 USED MINI MOTOR HOMES 1-1973, Minnie Winnie Generator. air come in and make ut an orrer. 1-195.
Skemper. 19 ft gene lor, air cond etc Will take trade in. io.500 MIUWtM 1 KAILfcW MART Your Alrstreem. Argosy, and SkamDer Dealer" 2409 Corvdon Plka (Owl 67W1 New Albany, Ind. 945-1173 Ask about our discount buyers dub AIRSTREAM SALE All 1978MODEIS (MOW REDUCED OVER 10.
75 double DuH out 28 Reer bath, twin 11 ft rmnlmr K. tl wn I DON'T vvaiTI Tnese trailers wW not last long at this price Buy I now for that winter vacation in the Southland. MIDWfcST TRAILER MART Your Alrstreanv Argosy, and Skemoer Dealer" 209 Corvdon Pike (Old 47W) New Albany, ind. 945-1173 BURNS RV CENTER LOUISVILLE'S OLDEST Exclusive Dealer tor MAN WAR campers A trailers THE GOODIIFE Mint-Homes VENTURE Pop-up Tent campers I CRICKET I Truck campers Several mce used units fn slock 2424 Borostown Rd. 451 7574 TOPPERS FROM $145 Aluminum, wood and fiberglass.
COLE INDUSTRIES 11800 Dixie Hgwy. 933403 FOR RENT I New fuM sire motor home, sett -contained. 33-0927 or 969-7589 tutty MOTOR HOME RENTALS New t9TT Motor Homes for rent KAMPING KOUNTRY 788-9039 TOPPFRS Good prices A large selection! Aluminum, wood t'bergiess. CAMPERS CORRAL 8309 Preston Hgwy. GOODYEAR MOBILE HOMES HTM ir-iAY B4.MP.1 0 108 lOn St.
287-T718 MOTOR HOMES FOR RENT New WirviebJIaos CAMPERS QUARTERS 8004 Dime Hgwy 937-194. MOTOR Home tor rent, new fufl sue, 1979, fully sett contained, 3i-5Q? tn tc tn rc a CARROLL CAIvlPER 788-457J euia Hgwy. Jfftersonville MOTOR noite for rent Oeiiv, weekly, good rates. 363-7000 i I I I EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted 36 ACADEMIC Administrator For data processing dept. of tumor college of business.
xper-tence in data processing environ ment reouireo. Degree Preferred "caH mrs. neai 966-2131 oual opportunity EMptoyer Mr WATTERSON COLLEGE ACCOUNTANT No Fee No Contract SENIOR AUDITOR Due to expansion a LOCAL company needs a person with abititv to perform and grow with an out standing organization. Ceil Mr. Kit wk irk at A-eLOA FEE PAID TO 125,000 COST ACCTG.
LOCAL Company needs exper ience In all phases of cost Take charge type person growth and carew oriented. Call Mr. Newklrk at 44-4330. FEE PAID TO 821,000 MANAGEMENT RECRUITERS Sfever a Contract to Sign ACCOUNTANT Controller ACCOUNTANT CONTROLLER College graduate to be mem ber of management team, mini mum 3-4 years general ac counting background for mufti motel-restaurant operation. Salary commensurate with abil ity.
Excellent fringe benefits. Send resume to PO Box 394, core of CI Times. ACCOUNTANT Accountant Florida Farm Bureau Insurance Co. hat opening for an insur ance accountant. Good salary and excellent fringe benefits.
Contact Royce Chesser or Tom- mie Wheeler, P.O. Box 730, Gainesville, Fla. 32602. 1-904- 378-1321, Ext. 226.
ACCOUNTANT ACCOUNTANT I to supervise financial operations of non-profit community mental health-mental retardation center. KMiuirM a dearea and 2 vrs. ex perience. Salary negotiable from $12,000. Send Resume to: Debbie r-reeman: Green River Comprehensive Care Center An Equal Opportunity Employer ACCOUNTANT ACCOUNTANT Fvreltent ooDortunltv to lotn rao- idlv at owina Louisville A.
firm. Pol tt ton requires 13 public accounting experience, uu lies will include both audits ft, tax es. Competitive salary, commen surate with ex per i nee. ieno re sume to DEWINO, WAlONr, LIVESAY OS7ROFF 801 Hurst bourne Park Louisville, 4022? ACCOUNTANT Entrv level position, prefer ac counting malor but will accept I business degree with accounting minor. 1 or 5 years experience in cost accounting 13.000 up.
CALL MANY LANUM PRO-FILES 400 SHERBURN LANE 'Placement tor Professionals" BVr-SUl ACCOUNTANT (SENIOR). Per son who has exhibited exceptional qualities with minimum 2 vrs. public accounting experience. We are a young, aggressive CPA firm in uaKnoge, enn. xceiieni professional arowth and advance ment potential.
Send resume and salary requirements to: Q. Box 3328. Oakrldoe, Tenn. 3830. ACCOUNTANT (JUNIOR) In en try level who has exhibited ex- ceotfonal qualities, vve are young, aggressive CPA firm in Oakr doe.
Tenn. Excellent profes sional growth and advancement potential. Send resume and salary man rements to: Box JJB. Ookridge, tenn. jbju.
ACCOUNTANT Local AUDITOR Prefer CPA or 2 vrs. experience in industry. Aoorox. 10 travel Fee Paid To 119,000 FALLS CITY PLACEMEN 1V41 BlShOP Ln. 4M JBU ACCOUNTANT We have an oo- portunitv in vour area for a Quall- I ed accountant to operate and in dependent bookkeeping, accounting lax practice.
High Income potential can toll tree, l-800-438-30: experience with Big 8 firm 8, bank audit experience oesirea, part-narshlo oolentlal with raoldlv ex- pandino local firm, salary com mensurate with experience Reply to box care of lj- i imes ACCOUNTANT trainee, degree. auditing. lll.MO, fee paid Baron Personnel, 300 w. Main, 584-8S3, ACCOUNTANTS, ACCOUNTANTS lOCAl NEAR BY CONTROLLER Small Mfg. $25,000 Divisional $20,000 Plant $18,000 Retail $14,000 Coal $23,000 ASST.
CONTROLLER Trainee $10,000 Service $25,000 Mfg. $15,000 Banking $25,000 COST Mfg. Analyst $16,000 Accountant 5,000 Supv. $19,000 Manager $25,000 Analyst $12,000 Several of our clients will be interviewing in our office in the next two weeks so, call (502)585-1751 Monday. All Positions are Fee Piad by the companies ROBERT HALF 1410 Commonwealth Bldo.
Louisville. Ky. 40202 ACCOUNTING PROGRAMMER Accounting Programmer Immediate opening for experienced COBOL Programmer, responsible for design imple mentation of financial management cost accounting appli cations in a Honeywell Level66 Time-Shorwvg Environment. Re quirements include minimum of 21 hn. or 3 yrs.
experience accounting. If qualified please send resume salary require ments tot R. L. White Inc. P.
O. Box 1103 Louisville, 40201 Personnel Manoger ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTING 135 000 Director of Internal Audit-CPA, mba, ttecrronic rjaexgrounq. To 175 000 Sr. Crop EDP De gree, CPA. TO S75 oug Manager of Internal Audlt-MBA, Financial, operational exper- To 000 Manager of Operational Analysis.
Degree. CPA, AAenufeclurlng experience. TO 175,000 Manager of Financial Controls. 8BA, CPA, Standard Cost experience Ail Fees 4 Expenses will be assumed by the client companies. For more details caM Louise Bell, ivoit 5r-555, txcei personnel, 12 S.
Mam, Memphis, in. jaiuj ASSISTANT JlTesON'S Personnel 454-5130 ASSISTANT Manager M-F lit Career starter tor sure, now! Ann Hudson Personnel 897-9435 ATHLETIC goods, retail Mgr. trainee, business degree, 110,100. BARON Personnel, 896-2397, ATTORNEY Full time EnergyUtility ATTORNEY to do administrative, legislative litogative advococy for low income clients of Legal Service! Programs. Background in business, economics or energy work tought.
Salary: depending upon ex perience. Contact Col Owens OKLSP 201 W. Short St. Lexington, 40507 Phone: 606-233-3057 AUDIT Clerk, No Fees, perma nent position. Some accounting background needed; top notch company wgreat advancement opportunities; salary open.
SWISIIEIt PERSONNEL SERVICES 1939 Goldsmith Lane 454-5810 AUDITOR AUDITOR Immediate opportunity for indi vidual with 2 years of experience in ouditing. Applicants must poise is good verbal writing skills. Position requires 50 travel through a 4 state area. Competitive starting salary plut company cor, paid travel ex penses exceptional benefits. For additional information please call 587-9621, ext.
245, or forward resume to: FARM CREDIT BANKS P.O. BOX 32660 Louisville, KY 40232 AUDITOR CASH AUDITOR Part time position available for weekend only. Prefer some accounting experience. If interested apply at: Norton-Children's Hospitals 200 Chestnut SI. Equal Opportunity Employer MFH AUDITOR trainee or experience.
acctg. degree. 111 500-123 000, lea paid Baron Personnel, 896-2397. AUTO Mechanic, MaleFemale Experienced onlv, with tools. DARNELL'S, 901 W.
Broadway AUTO Service AUTO SERVICE MANAGER Zayre Discount Dept. Store has an opportunity for an exper ienced Auto Service Manager. Competitive salary and bonus program for the qualified individual. Responsibilities will in clude scheduling, training, supervision of auto service mechanics, sales promotion, and supervision of sales personnel. Auto service experience it essential for this responsible posi tion.
Zayrei' excellent benefit package includesi paid holidayi and vocations, medical and life insurance, retirement plan, em ployee discount, and more. Apply in person at: ZAYRE MAIN STORE 5300 Dixie Highway Tues. and Wed. from 9-7 p.m. Equal Opportunity Employer MF AUTO SALES TRAINEE.
NOW IS THE TIME! We are looking for 3 AMBITIOUS people wtto desire MORE than worn inn by tne nour wilt tvtK i provide. If we hire vou we will tram vou to setl the hot new vv Ford line. You wlH be paid a salary probabtv more than your present income PLUS a bonus pian what vou sein if vou are over and want to earn a FAT FIVE 1 IGURfc income see our training manager. Apply at switchboard. LOUISVILLfc MOIUKS hUKU UUVVN I UWfN UN SIM AUTO MECHANIC.
Need Quell- fled Front End Technician, See Lee Bealt. BLUE GRASS AMC JEEP I S4 Snetbyviiie Rd. 411 AUTO Mecfianic. front end ake experience required, appiv oerson onlv. guarantee rturo auppty 425 State SI.
New Albany, Ind. A good Opportunity AUTO BODV PERSON. Our people work on 112 to 114 per hr. No lay-offs. Plenty of work.
Musi be perlenced combination parson wlin tools. H. w. KanenecKer, o.io-aHU Guide Project, which will history or related field. history or related field.
mmpimym mt Truck, Trailer, Equipment 28 SPECflAtLS! NEW 1979 BRAND ARCHIVISTS CHEVROLET FLEETSIDE PICKUP 6-cylinder Engine, Power Steering, H.D. Rear Springs, AM Radio, Rear Step Bumper, Gauges, 8 Ft. Bed! Stock SALE PRICE $456900 To complete the Kentucky require 2 to 4 yrs. in describing the archival and manuscript holdings of Kentucky repositories. 1343T "JJL i in i j'iHL PROJECT ARCHIVISTS $15,288 yr.
requires a MA in sports cars. High cash paid! such as political science, cultural resource management, records preservation, plus 2 yrs. professional archival ESSSIEMSST BITSS1 9409 Dixie Hgwy. 935-3332 experience to work in Fronkfort. we buy late model cars or trucks (foreign or domestic).
FIELD ARCHIVISTS $11,412 yr. requires a BA in plus some professional archival experience. Vacancies located mainly in Central Kentucky areas. Excellent fringe benefit package. Apply in writing to: In Stock, Ready for Immediate Delivery Chevrolet Tandem Axle Trucks Choke of Drive Trains, 427 V-8 Engines.
Other Chevrolet Medium Duty Trucks o'so in stock. Tovota of Louisville 4724 Dixie Hgwy. 93S-1473 CLEAN cars wanted, buy or trade Call Al Meyers SAM SWOPE PONTIAC HONDA BMW, 4311 Snetbvvilie Rd 89-7121 NOBODY WALKS AWAY1 TOP DOLLAR Paid For Any Clean Car. See Kip at HUFFAAAN VW 4974 Dixie Hgwy 448-4444 BUY JUNK CARS 175 for 1969's and UP 364-2573 INTERNATIONAL Automotive Center. We trade CASH tor cars.
4155 snetbyviiie Rd 895-5481 Too dollar paid lor used cars FEIN VALLEY MUItlW! 4470 Preston Hgwy. 968-5434 Mr. lewis Bellardo Deputy State Archivist Box 537 Frankfort, KY 40602 phone: 502-564-3616 I aClSst I 968-61 1 1 aval ppstrtwa*tty 5325 Preston aJ exaf Hgwy. at Indian Trail i A.