The Albertville Herald from Albertville, Alabama (2024)

THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1963 THE ALBERTVILLE HERALD, ALBERTVILLE, ALABAMA LAWN MOWERS, new and used. We repair, swap, and sell. Parts for all. Dealer for Briggs Stra-ton, Clinton, Lauson, Wisconsin, Air cooled engines and parts. J.

D. Chandler Cycle Albertville. 7-4-tfnc HOUSE FOR RENT or SELL, located at 409 E. Scott Avenue. Contact George or Jack Wells, at Wells Clothing Store.

7-4-tfnc BUILDING FOR RENT: formerly occupied by Crowes Garage on highway 431. Contact George or Jack Wells at Wells Clothing Co. 7-4-tfnc FRED TAYLOR REAL ESTATE NEW SHOPPING CENTER ALBERTVILLE PHONE 878-3061 AND INSURANCE $8,200 CROSSVILLE PAINTER, 2 miles from Crossville on Painter black top road, 40 acres on both sides of blacktop road, comfortable 6 room house, two other roads through property, about 17 aces cultivatable land, rest in timber. Price $3,800. ASBURY, 19 acres, y4 mile off black top road on chert road.

10 acres in cultivation, 2 springs, ideal pond site, only $63.15 per acre, some financing available. NEAR BOAZ, 52 acre farm, 35 acres in cultivation, on black top road in Mt. Zion Community, only 3 miles from Boaz, large 3 bedroom house that has been completely remodeled, birch paneled kitchen with birch cabinets and built-in stove, will qualify for G. Loan. Price $15,500.

EDMONDSON STREET, brand new 2 bedroom brick with birch cabinets and bulltin oven and stove in kitchen birch panel family room, on lot, price $11,250 with down payment 407 NIXON STREET, only 2 docks from school, extra nice, lelightful and unique resilence, 2 extra large bedrooms vith double closets, ceramic tile bath, built-in garage, and utility room, attic fan for sleeping comfort, drapes included, nust see to appreciate. Price (12,000, good financing with I loan, no closing cost 310 WEST McKINNEY, large 3 bedroom frame house, living room, dining room. kitchen, also upstairs, in good repair, on nice lot, 2 blocks from town. $8,200. Less than $500 down and small monthly payments.

MEADOWBROOK, being fin ished this week, 3 bedroom brick and frame house, hardwood floors, insulated, extra closet space, elected heat 14 ft carport on large 100 150 ft. lot. Total price $8,000. Small down payment with monthly payments only $55.92 per month. 202 EAS TALABAMA AVE.

only 1 block from town, large 6 room house on large lot 75 225. Also on lot is concrete block building 28 40, house in extra good repair with wall to wall carpet in living room. Several large peach, apple and pecan trees. See at once. Price $8,000.

Can finance with $500 down. Herald office July 1st. They live in the Mount High Community, and have twelve acres of cotton. Mrs. Herbie Swords and son, Gary Swords, are shown with the 'otton bloom they brought to the FOR SALE: 1960 Valiant, power steering.

22,000 actual miles, bargain, for information call 878-3002. 7-4-tfnc FOR RENT: 3-bedroom house, electric heat, garage, located on West Main Street. Tel. 878-3746. 7-4-tfnc FOR SALE: 14 acres land located between Dr.

Brays and Dr. Erwin's, one-fourth mile from city limits. Call 878-3119. 7-4-4tc BEFORE YOU BUx try tn SAL VAGE STORE AT 313 North Broad Street. THE SALVAGE STORE has freight damaged close-out and discontinued items They might have Just what yoi need.

Phone 878-1931. 5-3-tfnr WOOD WANTED, want to buy timber for pulpwood and hardwood, diameter pine 4-20 inches, hardwood 5-20 inches. Phone Eddie Perry, Albertville, High Point Community. 6-13-6tpd REGISTER NOW for the fall term of Kiddie Kollege Kindergarten. Ages 4, 5, and 6-year-olds.

Nursery school ages 2 to 5. M. A. degree teacher. Phone 878-1424, Mrs.

Frank Reed for further information. 6-20-4tc cttfi RRASKA Lotion and tablets for relief of rheumatism and arthritis. Guaranteed relief or your money back. Marshall Drug CJa Phone 878-3311. 2-22-tfne WANT TO BUY old houses and barns, to wreck.

I also sell used lumber. Used tin $5 square Phone 878-2928 or rby Slaton, 125 Dixie Circle, Albertville, Aia. 6-30-tfnc FOR RENT: Farm house close to Albertville. For further information call 878-6568 or 878-2135. 6-27-tfnc House Trailers for sale and rent.

Good clean used trailers. House trailer repairs and parts. We move trailers. J. D.

Chandler Cycle Albertville, Ala. 6-27-tfnc FOR SALE: Small acreage with one or two houses, crops of cotton and corn, gardens, fruits, etc. Located near Albertville and Boaz in Beualh Community, paved roads intersection. Have other interests. Phone 593-6457.

6-27-2tc CHAIN LINK FENCE, 48 with top rail 75c per foot Also commercial fencing. Payne Fence Guntersville, tel. 582-3163. 5-23-tfnc Mail arrives in Albertville only once a day now instead of five a iv as in tha past. Assist-nt postmaster, W.

D. Thomason, looks at some of the mail which rived Tuesday morning at 6 a.m. On the right is George Shankles who brings the mail to Albertville via trailer truck. Shannles picks up the mail at Albertville at 6 p.m. each day and takes it to Bir-ivinsham.

The mail comes to Birmingham from all points in Alabama. Shankles waits in Birmingham to bring the mail back. A letter mailed in Albertville by 5 in the afternoon should reach any noint in Alabama in time to be delivered the next morning. FREE Beautiful dinner For details come in or phone Marshall Drug Co. Phone 878-3311.

tfne- FOR RENT: Nice large 3-bedroom house near town, church and school on Baltimore Ave. in Albertville. Call J. D. Chandler.

LEGAL NOTICE MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE Default having been made in the terms of a mortgage executed to the undersigned The First National Bank of Guntersville Alabama, bv Faye M. Morris, Arnold Morris, Mable R. Scott and Elwin Scott on the 17 day of November 1961. which said mortgage is recorded in Book 402 of Mortgages at page 189 in the Office of the Probate Judge of Marshall County. Alabama and said default continuing.

the undersigned The First National Bank of Guntersville. Alabama will sell at public outcry for cash to the highest bidder in front of the Court House door of said County at Albertville between the hours of sale on Tuesday. July 16. 1963 the following described property. viz: Lots 16.

17, 18 and 19 in the Rrantlev Moor Addition to the Southeast fourth of the Northwest fourth and the Northeast fourth of the Southwest fourth of Section 31. Township 8 South, Range 4 East, according to the survey prepared by Gilbert Hart as recorded Plat Book 2. paee 217 in the Probatp Office of Marshall Countv. Alabama, lying and being in Pe County of Marshall. State of Alabama.

Said sale is being made for the Dumose of applying the proceeds to the mortgage debt and the costs and expenses of foreclosure. The First National Bank of Guntersville. Alabama. CONVENTIONAL LOANS, we can now handle up to 80 of appraised value on city homes and some new farm homes. See or call us for free estimate.

Woodall Real Estate, Guntersville, Tel. 582-4351. 4-4-tfnc WE SPRAY and Fertilize Shrubbery, lawns, and trees. Call about prices. Seeds, Iae.

phone 878-3392. USED FURNITURE for sale, good and bad. 4 rooms of furniture, $295 and up. Terms J. D.

Chandler Cycle Albertville. 627-tfnc FOR RENT, 7 room house, corner Baltimore and Textile Ave. Call 878-4616 from 9 A.M. until 12 noon. 1-3-tfne HIGH PRESSURE SFKAY SER- VICE for trees and shrubs.

J. J. Seeds, Phone 878-3392. West Main Street, Albertville. 1-17-tfnc UPHOLSTERING, all types, free estimates, easy terms, free pickup and delivery.

Guntersville Upholstery, Dunlap Guntersville. tel. 582-4956. 4-11-tfnc FOR RENT: two bedroom apartment, one in Albertville and one in Boaz. Phone 878-1850 or 878-1300 1-10-tfnc LrOAL NOTICE Estate of L.

T. Hughes, Deceased Probate Court. Letters of Administration on the Estate of said deceased having granted to the undersigned cn the 17 day of June 1963, by the Hon. J. E.

Corbin Judge of the Probate Court of Marshall County, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same within time allowed law or the same will be barred. SiPnc-- C. E. of said estate. TYPEWRITER FOR SALE: Smith-Corona pacemaker.

See at Herald Office. 5-9-tfnc SPINET PIANO, good opportunity for reliable party to take over small payents on a high grade piano at great savings. Can be seen locally. Write to Mr. Ken Martin, Credit 1810 8th Ave.

Nashville 4, Tenn. NEW. NEW, NEW, hospitalization for everyone, age 0 to 109, non-TYPEWRITER RIBBONS to fit cancellable. Metropolitan Life In-all makes of typewriters. Also all urance Tommy Hand, teL makes of ADDING MACHINE 878-1889.

411 South Hambrlck St RIBBONS. The Albertville Her- 6-7 Atm aid. Tel. 878-2021. I HENSON UPHOLSTERY all types of upholstering and furniture refinishing.

We also repair broken furniture FREE eett-matee. HENSON UPHOLSTERY SHOP Hiway 431 Albertvile, Ala. Phone 878-1421 FOR SALE: Over 20 thousand ft. good sound lumber, all kinds framing and lxw. This week for quick sale, $400.

Dont call. See me at Millers Cafe or write Box 274 FOR EXPERT floor waxing of all kinds, contact Leroy Teague at Howard's Barber Shop, 106 North Broad SL Albertville, W. A. Tucker. 6-20-tfnc MARSHALL DRIVE-IN FRIDAY SATURDAY, JULY 12-13 MG-M presents THE BIG SHOW! FOR RENT, 3000 square feet in Albertville Shopping Center.

Call Jack Appleton, 878-1621. DUFFY TWWf by fred Toylor ROSE BUSHES two-year Texas-grown hybrids. 99c specUL J. J. Seeds, West Main StreeL AL bertvllle.

1-17-ttne 7' MARSHALL COUNTY TEACHERS, Profitable summer opportunity available for several teachers in Marshall County, Guaran teed income. Social Security and other benefits. For Interview write giving your teaching status and telephone number. Box 491, Albertville. 4-4-tfnc T.

R. Ragsdale is shown holding a limb off a crabannle tree that rows in his yard. The short limb held twenty two apples. Mr. Ragsdale who resides at 317 Carlisle street said the tree had more apples than anytime during its fifteen years.

and SLEEPMASTEK sleeping tablets for more resting sleep at night Guaranteed money back if pot effective. Marshall Drug Co. Phone 878-3311. 2-22-tfna JM NOW FOB SALE Coin cotieetloi nooks Also old coins wanted Marshall Drug Co. Phone gP-SSlI tfncb REPAIR SERVICE Plumbing, electrical appliances, and general trouble shooting.

E. Roger. Phon e878-3235. g-i-tfnaB 70 Minutes of Riotous Laughs In M.G.M.s Big Show. Starts Friday, July 12 for Two Big Days at THE MARSHALL DRIVE-IN Along with Two (2) Other Features.

Look For Our Ad Next Week for Details. LONG TERM MORTGAGE LOANS Residential or Commercial, Insurance of all kinds, Fire, Life, Auto. Also Real Estate Listing and Rentals. J. W.

Bowen Insurance and Real Estate Co. Phone 878-1541. FOR FULL HOME PROTECTiON they ought to insure Vurru FRED TAYLOR INSURANCE REAL ESTATE 878-3061 NEW SHOPPING CENTER BE SURE-INSURE! MARBLE ANB GRANITE. Monument and custom made Marble Table Tops. Any size or shapes Albertville Memorial Phone 878-0631 or 878-1974.

Next to Adman Funeral Home. 4-74fne FOR SALE, good used furniture, 5 rooms including appliances, terras. J. D. Chandler Cycle Co.

3-28-tfnc 3 BEDROOM BRICK HOUSE at 510 Pecan Avenue, family room, with large patio, 2 ceramic baths, large double carport very large lot Pay only $1,000 down and take over 5V4 Gl loan, with no closing costs. 5 ACRE RANCH with 4 acre cotton allotment, very nice, remodeled frame house, only 8,500. 3 BEDROOM BRICK HOME at 300 Thompson Street living room and kitchen, large carport large corner lot only $9,500 with small down payment NICE BRICK HOUSE with two ceramic baths. 500 Barnes St Corner of Barnes and Welnut. Albertville.

Family room, living room, utility room. A rea. buy at $14,500 with email down payment and easy finance. In some of our listings we will consider the equity on cars and lots or equity in houees for the down payment and most of our listings can be handled for a small down payment SC8 OR CALL Woodall Real Estate Ins. PHONK 582-4381 OUNTERSVILLI LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US WE HAVE PROSPECTIVE BUYERS FOR GOOD FARM LAND AND WELL LOCATED BUILDING LOTS.


W. N. Dennis, Mgr. Monday through Friday, 311 North Broad SL, Albertville, Alabama. AL LONTE RESORT has iTcntl'wP! VIRS.

JORD4N HONORED AT LOVELY PARTY The firct in a ce-ies of parties '-onoring Mrs. L. H. Jordan of Dewberry, S. formerly of Albertville, occurred on Saturday morning.

Mrs. E. T. McClure and Mrs. Shelton Appleton were hosts at a lovely but informal coffee from 9 to 12 o'clock.

The rooms were summer bright with arrangements of shasta daisies and bowls of red and pink rose buds Mrs. E. J. Ford poured coffee from the silver service at one end of the attractively appointed dining table. Open faced sandwiches, chicken salad sandwiches, cookies and -heese straws were in trays for easy service.

Satisfaction is unanimous among 'riends of the Jordans that they are spending this week here They are registered with their two daughters, Mary Hart and Frances at Brown Hotel. Edward Lockhart Edward V. Lockhart, aee 73, of 101 Dixie Circle died Sunday night rt fi p.m. at his residence. Funeral services were held July 1 at New Macedonia Baptist Church at 2 p.m.

Burial was In the adjoining cemetery with Adams Brown Service directing. He is survived by his wife. Minnie; 1 daughter, Mrs. Dixie Parten of Nanafall. Ala 1 son.

Horace E. Lockhart of New Orleans, 2 grandchildren; 2 great grandchildren; 1 brother, Prather Lockhart of Alexander. 1 sister, Mrs. Mildred Hart of Danlelsvllle, Oa. He was a retired painter and a native of Lee County.

FOR RENT, 5 room farm house, 3 miles out, call 878-4616. 1-17-tfnc -NOTICE- For Your Moving Jobs Furniture, Etc. WE WILL MOVE YOU Anywhere at Any Tlmo We Buy and Sell Uaed Furniture Van Trucks WARDROBE SERVICE ALBERTVILLI Phone Office 171401 Ret. 7t-1B72 See Ervin Decker RESTAURANT AND MOTEL OPEN TO PUBLIC MONO-TAB-M Vitamins contain all the vitamin and mineral requirements of the human body. $3 JO money back guarantee, at Marshall Drug Phone 878-3311.


JENKINS GARAGE 307 NORTH BROAD STREET ALBERTVILLE Kisavi TNI NIW GOLD ROOM rot PARTI IS MESSER'S PLUMBING, HEATING Ahd ELECTRIC CO. Oaorga Matter, Owner 306 West- McKinney Avenue Albertville, Alabama Telephone 673-TOO PLUMBING For experienced plumbers at reasonable prices, call Welker Roberts Hardware Co, North Broad ft. Albertville. Ala, Phone I7V0201. 4-IMnc ok THI LAKH KRBVIIXE.

ALA ALABAMA A I I A A 0 I .1 werwte frhAMM Made to order. Many stylee to choose from. Made in any style frame to fit any alia picture. Bruce Glass Co. Phone 87B4BS1.

tfnch t-r-.

The Albertville Herald from Albertville, Alabama (2024)
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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

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Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.