SWTOR 7.0 Best Solo Builds Guides List (2024)

This is a catalog of stand-alone guides to the Best Solo Builds for each Combat Style (Class) in SWTOR! They will teach you how to optimize your character’s skill trees, gear and playstyle to have an enjoyable experience playing solo!

With the launch of Game Update 7.0, BioWare introduced extremely powerful new ability tree buffs and legendary implants that synergize with existing tactical items.

These ridiculously potent effects form the basis of the solo builds and are able to exist without causing (too many) balance issues in group content because they are short-lived and only reliably trigger off of combat events that are fairly unique to and common when fighting trash mobs.

The list below contains guides to all the best solo builds for each Combat Style and Discipline! And if you want to go deeper, visit the Full SWTOR 7.0 Class Guides catalog to read the in-depth guide for your preferred Combat Style and Discipline.

Click on the title of a section to read the entire Build Guide for this Combat Style, or click to read a specific Discipline Build!

SWTOR 7.0 Best Solo Builds Guides List (1) Mercenary Solo Builds

If the best defense is a good offense, the Mercenary’s got the most intimidating defense in the galaxy; heavily modified blasters and deadly heat-seeking missiles make the Mercenary a mobile heavy weapons platform.

Mercenary Best Solo Builds Guide

Arsenal Solo Build

Innovative Ordnance Solo Build

SWTOR 7.0 Best Solo Builds Guides List (4) Powertech Solo Builds

The best in shielding, defensive tactics and high-powered flamethrowers combine to make the Powertech an impenetrable one-man blockade, getting up close and personal to enemies.

Powertech Best Solo Builds Guide

Pyrotech Solo Build

Advanced Prototype Solo Build

SWTOR 7.0 Best Solo Builds Guides List (7) Operative Solo Builds

Whether emerging from stealth to ambush and eliminate enemies in close-range combat or using advanced medical technologies to keep colleagues in the fight, the Operative is able to identify the needs of any situation and react accordingly.

Operative Best Solo Builds Guide

Lethality Solo Build

Concealment Solo Build

SWTOR 7.0 Best Solo Builds Guides List (10) Sniper Solo Builds

All Snipers learn how to use deadly sniper rifles and specialize in long-range combat, keeping their enemies at a distance.

Sniper Best Solo Builds Guide

Virulence Solo Build

Engineering Solo Build

Marksmanship Solo

SWTOR 7.0 Best Solo Builds Guides List (14) Assassin Solo Builds

The subtle and deadly hand of the Sith Order, a Sith Assassin stops at nothing to win. Assassins leap from the shadows, channeling Force lightning through their dual-bladed lightsabers to disable and drain their enemies

Assassin Best Solo Builds Guide

SWTOR 7.0 Best Solo Builds Guides List (17) Sorcerer Solo Builds

The Sith Sorcerer draws energy from theForce’s forbidden depths, mastering techniques that sap and drain enemies as they invigorate allies–or simply wreak utter devastation.

Sorcerer Best Solo Builds Guide

Madness Solo Build

Lightning Solo Build

SWTOR 7.0 Best Solo Builds Guides List (20) Marauder Solo Builds

Wielding two lightsabers and unmatched aggression, Sith trained as Marauders slice through enemy ranks dealing death with merciless efficiency.

Marauder Best Solo Builds Guide

Carnage Solo Build

Annihilation Solo Build

Fury Solo Build

SWTOR 7.0 Best Solo Builds Guides List (24) Juggernaut Solo Builds

Through diligence and clarity, Juggernauts shape the Force to their will to shrug off damage that would destroy others and fill foes with doubt and despair.

Juggernaut Best Solo Builds Guide

Vengeance Solo Build

Rage Solo Build

SWTOR 7.0 Best Solo Builds Guides List (27) Commando Solo Builds

The Commando mainly focuses on using their powerful weaponry (such as rockets and heavy mini-gun) to devastate the enemy with ease. It is the standard DPS of the Trooper class and the Commando utilizes the heavier guns that are mainly held with two hands.

Commando Best Solo Builds Guide

Gunnery Solo Build

Assault Specialist Solo Build

SWTOR 7.0 Best Solo Builds Guides List (30) Vanguard Solo Builds

Unstoppable and utterly fearless, Vanguards wade into battle first and are the best line of defense in the Republic military, ignoring personal risk and stepping into the line of fire to divert danger from allies and innocents.

Vanguard Best Solo Builds Guide

Plasmatech Solo Build

Tactics Solo Build

SWTOR 7.0 Best Solo Builds Guides List (33) Scoundrel Solo Builds

The Scoundrel doesn’t have time for polite and doesn’t do fair fight. In addition to a trusty blaster, the Scoundrel packs a stealth belt, a scattergun and a medpac–everything you need to get in, knock the enemy for a loop and get out alive.

Scoundrel Best Solo Builds Guide

Ruffian Solo Build

Scrapper Solo Build

SWTOR 7.0 Best Solo Builds Guides List (36)Gunslinger Solo Builds

Master of the trick shot, the first to dive for cover and able to take advantage of every opportunity, the Gunslinger and his dual blasters are the perfect team.

Gunslinger Best Solo Builds Guide

Dirty Fighting Solo

Saboteur Solo

Sharpshooter Solo

SWTOR 7.0 Best Solo Builds Guides List (40) Shadow Solo Builds

Shadows go unseen, employingForce techniques that cloud enemy minds to slip into hostile territory and, when necessary, striking enemies down with deadly efficiency.

Shadow Best Solo Builds Guide

Serenity Solo Build

Infiltration Solo Build

SWTOR 7.0 Best Solo Builds Guides List (43) Sage Solo Builds

A Jedi Sage, devoted to uncovering its esoteric secrets, knows this better than anyone. Sages are famed for their wisdom and empathy as much as for their powerful healing and defensive skills.

Sage Best Solo Builds Guide

Balance Solo Build

Telekinetics Solo Build

SWTOR 7.0 Best Solo Builds Guides List (46) Sentinel Solo Builds

By manipulating the Force, Sentinels can see holes in the enemy’s defense, potential flaws in their own techniques and how best to plan for both.

Sentinel Best Solo Builds Guide

Combat Solo Build

Watchman Solo Build

Concentration Solo

SWTOR 7.0 Best Solo Builds Guides List (50) Guardian Solo Builds

Perfect concentration and use of the Force allow smooth movement, making the Guardian a hard target to take down. Leaders on and off the battlefield, Guardians also inspire allies to amazing feats, making them invaluable for conflicts of any size.

Guardian Best Solo Builds Guide

Vigilance Solo Build

Focus Solo Build

Why should you use a Solo Build in SWTOR

For almost theentirety of SWTOR’s history, fighting trash wasn’t fun because the combat system didn’t support it. Trash mob encounters rarely last more than a few seconds while boss fights and PvP typically last at least a few minutes, requiring you to make use of far more abilities!

In solo content, you’re mostly fighting trash mobs that have so little health that the majority of enemies won’t be able to survive for more than 2-3 abilities and you often can’t even get through a whole rotation before that combat encounter is over.

Stronger single enemies like elites (golds) where you would be able to stretch your rotational legs are rare enough that you can trivialize them with proper use of offensive cooldowns (OCDs) so even they don’t always survive a full rotation cycle.

I believe this disconnect was responsible for making skipping trash via stealth and cheese such a popular approach to playing PvE in SWTOR. BioWare clearly understood this and (mostly) solved it by introducing extremely powerful new ability tree buffs and legendary implants that synergize with existing tactical items.

These ridiculously potent effects form the basis of the solo builds and are able to exist without causing (too many) balance issues in group content because they are short-lived and only reliably trigger off of combat events that are fairly unique to and common when fighting trash mobs.

SWTOR 7.0 Best Solo Builds Guides List (53)

SWTOR 7.0 Class Guides List

Complete list of all SWTOR 7.0 Class Guides for PvE and PvP for the Legacy of the Sith Expansion, ordered by Combat Style and Discipline! Everything you need to know about each Class!

SWTOR 7.0 Best Solo Builds Guides List (54)

How to choose a second Combat Style in SWTOR 7.0

In this guide, you’ll learn more about the SWTOR 7.0 Combat Styles: what they are and how to choose a second Combat Style for your character!

SWTOR 7.0 Best Solo Builds Guides List (55)

How to use Loaouts in SWTOR 7.0 Guide

This guide explains what is the Loadouts System in SWTOR 7.0, how it works, and shares tips on how to take full advantage of it!

SWTOR 7.0 Best Solo Builds Guides List (56)

SWTOR 7.3 Endgame Gearing Guide

A complete guide to the entire SWTOR endgame gearing process from the perspective of someone who just hit level 80 in SWTOR 7.2.

SWTOR 7.0 Best Solo Builds Guides List (57)

How to get Legendary Items in SWTOR 7.0 and Full List

In SWTOR 7.0 Legendary Items carry set bonuses. This guide shows you how to unlock them and contains also a full list of all available Legendary Implants for all classes!

SWTOR 7.0 Best Solo Builds Guides List (58)

SWTOR Galactic Seasons: everything you need to know

Complete guide to the SWTOR Galactic Seasons system, released with Update 6.3 – what is it, how to access and use it, what rewards you earn!

SWTOR 7.0 Best Solo Builds Guides List (59)

SWTOR PvP Seasons System Guide: everything you need to know

Complete guide to the SWTOR PvP Seasons system, revamped with Update 7.2 – what is it, how to access it, what types of rewards you earn!

SWTOR 7.0 Best Solo Builds Guides List (60)

Which mods to buy from Hyde and Zeek in SWTOR

Which item modifications to get from Hyde and Zeek in SWTOR to reach optimal stats for every combat style and discipline in both PvE and PvP.

SWTOR 7.0 Best Solo Builds Guides List (61)

SWTOR R-4 Anomaly Operation Guide

Guide to the R-4 Anomaly Operation in SWTOR for Story Mode and Veteran Mode. Overview of the operation and structure of boss encounters!

SWTOR 7.0 Best Solo Builds Guides List (2024)


Can you play SWTOR solo? ›

but yes, you can solo 99% of the game :) You can solo everything except; 1. Flashpoints (the non-story ones are generally optional anyway and offer nothing to the story, so can be mostly skipped.)

Which classes have stealth SWTOR? ›

The ability to “stealth” and sneak past unsuspecting enemies is only available to certain Combat Styles. The Operative and the Scoundrel can stealth using technology, and the Assassin and Shadow can stealth using The Force.

Does SWTOR have talent trees? ›

Every class has a total of five skill trees. Each Advanced Class has two unique skill trees and shares one tree with the other Advanced Class of its class. The choice of Advanced Class determines the three skill trees that are available.

Is Darth Maul a Sith in Solo? ›

Maul's search for power brings him far from where he once stood as a Sith apprentice on Coruscant. In Solo: A Star Wars Story, Maul rules the many cruel branches of the Crimson Dawn cartel.

Is SWTOR worth playing single player? ›

While there are raids and PvP, they're very much optional, and players who prioritize loot, guilds, and raids more than story progression might not be happy with Star Wars: The Old Republic. Players who enjoy single-player RPGs will likely enjoy playing this game as one.

What is the most fun class in SWTOR? ›

Movers & Shakers
  • Jedi Knight.
  • Sith Warrior.
  • Sith Inquisitor.
  • Jedi Sentinel.
May 25, 2024

What is the most popular swtor server? ›

Star Forge is generally considered to be the server with the highest active population for U.S.A. and Darth Malgus for EU. If player activity is a big concern for you then you should create and play characters on both servers to see which server experience you prefer during your typical play times.

Who was the best Jedi in the Old Republic? ›

Arca Jeth serves as the Watchman of the Onderon worlds, where he helped end the Beast Wars. He served as a teacher to both Nomi Sunrider and Ulic Qel-Droma, and was considered one of the wisest and most powerful Jedi during the time of the Old Republic.

What class would revan be? ›

Biographical information
ClassJedi Guardian
Location(s)Maelstrom Prison The Foundry Rishi Yavin IV
Occupation(s)Jedi Knight (formerly) Jedi Master Sith Lord (formerly) Dark Lord of the Sith (formerly)
25 more rows

What class to main swtor? ›

Knight is the best pick for a first class, it gets the most "Star Warsy" storyline that evokes the same feel as the movies, you get a great overview of the conflict that's going on, and see the main villain of the game, in general it feels lik the main storyline of base SWTOR.

What class is Darth Malgus? ›

Darth Malgus
Level 50 Champion NPC
Faction:Sith Empire
Class:Sith Juggernaut
5 more rows

How grindy is the Old Republic? ›

It's very grindy, the challenges are things I've done a million times before, and the rewards aren't very good, so it's a perfect example of the awful system. Playing through this season, I've been reminded of what SWTOR used to be and sometimes still is: this awkward marriage of story-driven RPG and unimaginative MMO.

Do you become a Jedi in Knights of the Old Republic? ›

You can't become a Jedi. The game has a level cap at 20, so if you are already at 20 when you reach Dantooine, you can't use any levels to become a Jedi.

How to get crew skills in SWTOR? ›

You MUST run missions to get the items from crafting and mission skills. You can gather or run missions for mats from gathering skills. The number of your crew that can be doing a Crew Skill mission will start at 4 and go up to 8. Missions cost credits.

Is it worth it to play SWTOR without subscription? ›

If you are a low-level and still feeling out the game, you really don't need to subscribe yet. You'll want to subscribe eventually if you keep playing, to unlock the expansions, but you don't have to subscribe right away! If you are on a tight budget, I do not recommend subscribing.

Can I play Star Wars: The Old Republic offline? ›

Despite over a decade of work by developers and stories and adventures experienced (and struggled through) by players, the Class Stories and Expansion stories - primarily single-player content and, in retrospect, full single-player games in and of themselves - are still locked into the online-only framework of SWTOR as ...

Can you Solo flashpoints in SWTOR? ›

Story Flashpoints can be entered alone or in a group - they exist to see the story, and give you a special droid that will help you during fights. Veteran Flashpoints are meant to be done with a group of four, with any combination of roles and can be done with a mix of levels.

Is Star Wars: The Old Republic dying? ›

And no, the game isn't dead, it's still receiving updates, and has a solid playerbase. It's still in development. Broadsword bought the rights to continue the game.

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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

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Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.