Obsidian Wings (Hells Bells & Demon Deals #1) (2024)

Kimberly Karma

185 reviews14 followers

January 14, 2022

Fantastic, A must read

The whole story is intriguing, I absolutely love Azazel and Cas is so funny with the wishing he wasn't quite so lacking in certain area's. He defintely had me laughing so many times. Then theres Celeste,lol I think shes the best!! Really all the characters are what makes this story so riveting!! Once I started page one, I couldn't stop because it had me hooked and i just needed to know!! ThIs is definitely an all the feels and must read story!! It Literally had me wanting to throttle someone and then the next minute I'm laughing my A$$ off!!!!! Ohhh there are many twists and turns and WTH betrayals and unexpected alliances!! This was a really incredibke story. Least we not forget Lucifer and the other fallen angels!Aghhh... I cannot wait fotthe next book to see where this goes I'm so psyched!!!!!


478 reviews5 followers

January 14, 2022

I really liked it. It intrigued me with the race to catch Pestilence before its too late. This book is also fun with bits of humor thrown in. Let's not forget Azazel and Celeste. They are both great and powerful in their own right. There were some twists I wasn't even expecting. I'm curious how the rest of the stories play out.

Heather E.

Author9 books24 followers

December 30, 2021

Very rarely do I read PNR that makes me bust a gut laughing. Obsidian Wings is by no means a comedy; I mean, they're trying to recapture one of the Four Horsem*n of the Apocolypse. That's pretty serious business, right? The human race is on the line here. Of course, that won't stop us from taking a moment to admire an angel's ass, right? Characters are still characters and Azazel is yum yum and easy to root for. Celeste is a take-charge person and relatable. Both of these characters are hurt from love lost, but they've found each other in the most impossible of situations. And don't we love it when love conquers all?
I highly recommend Obsidian Wings. It's a PNR that's not oppressively dark, but still full of all the good stuff--angels, witches, vampires, oh my! I'm putting it on my re-read shelf, which I rarely do.

Malorie (Firereader)

274 reviews62 followers

July 3, 2023

"I might be an angel, but I'm no Saint..."- Azazel

If you asked me what Obsidian Wings is like I would tell you it's like the TV show Supernatural but heavy on the spice. There are angels, demons, witches, shifters, etc. Watcher angels spend 15-year rotations on Earth before going back to heaven to "recharge" since their grace depletes. They keep an eye on supernatural creatures. An angel and a witch opened the tomb of the 4 horsem*n and released Pestilence. Humans began getting sick with a deadly illness the angels called The Plague of Shadows. Archangel Azazel and witch Celeste team up to figure out who started the Apocolypse and stop them while having a lot of spicy encounters with each other along the way.

At first, I was rolling my eyes at how fast and hard the main characters fell in love with each other. It seemed far-fetched since they should be enemies but I think as readers we are so programmed for enemies-to-lovers that we don't know what to do with "should be enemies but love at first sight". By the end I was emotionally attached to the characters and biting my nails.

So if you like spicy romance and supernatural adventure, this book is definitely for you! Happy reading!

    battle-of-the-books-2023 fantasy

Heather Rosman

113 reviews1 follower

October 23, 2021

Very rarely do I read PNR that makes me bust a gut laughing. Obsidian Wings is by no means a comedy; I mean, they're trying to recapture one of the Four Horsem*n of the Apocolypse. That's pretty serious business, right? The human race is on the line here. Of course, that won't stop us from taking a moment to admire an angel's ass, right? Characters are still characters and Azazel is yum yum and easy to root for. Celeste is a take-charge person and relatable. Both of these characters are hurt from love lost, but they've found each other in the most impossible of situations. And don't we love it when love conquers all?
I highly recommend Obsidian Wings. It's a PNR that's not oppressively dark, but still full of all the good stuff--angels, witches, vampires, oh my! I'm putting it on my re-read shelf, which I rarely do.


21 reviews3 followers

October 15, 2021

I am not really into paranormal books and definitely not PNR but this book is simply off the charts. From the first page to the last you're sucked in. I laughed, I cried, I did everything in-between. Aggie's take on a fictional biblical level is phenomenal. Azazel is my new book boyfriend. The twists and turns, so much hits you that you didn't see coming. This book has angels, demons, witches, werewolves everything you'd expect in a paranormal read but with humor and steamy bites. I love every character in this story and cannot wait for more in the series to come out!


5 reviews

October 18, 2021

I absolutely loved this book. It started off as a bit of a slow burn but it quickly turned into a wildfire. I don't want to give anything away since I got this as an ARC, but this made me feel emotions that I don't usually feel when I'm reading books.

The characters are wonderful and the fantasy "world" that Amanda built it easy to believe actually exists. Angels, demons, witches, shifters, vampires, this book has it all. Mildly spicy, but lots of tension. Azazel is *chef's kiss*

I could not put this down and as soon as I finished this book I wanted to start reading book 2.


Samantha Johnson

12 reviews

November 12, 2022

This book is a unique take on angels and demons. I loved that it was told from both the male and female main characters' perspectives as it gave us more of their personalities and inner thoughts. Amanda Aggie's writing is witty and I found myself laughing out loud at some scenes.. And her characters are relatable regardless of their paranormal abilities. This was a perfect mix of paranormal plot and steam and really was a page-turner. This is a prequel to Aggie's Dark Halo trilogy and it perfectly adds more to this entire story. Definitely go check out The Demon Prince next!

Kayla Lindley

64 reviews2 followers

December 1, 2021

Ugh I f*cking loved this book so much. Between the narrator and the author itself- this is Amanda’s best book yet! And she’s only getting better and better! Hands down my favorite author! For this being a serious book, there was surprisingly a lot of comical moments, and puts a really interesting take on the mythical world! Such well built characters, I genuinely felt like I was literally wrapped up in a fast paced world! Definitely would do amazing as an adaptation on Netflix! Need more!

Stephanie Adgurson

3 reviews

October 23, 2021

Totally pulls you in and you won't want to put it down. This will have you laughing, biting your nails and sitting on the edge of your seat. Definitely a Must Read!!!

Rachel H

249 reviews5 followers

December 11, 2022


I could not finish this book. It was absolutely ridiculous and completely implausible. The characters were unrelatable and did not hold my interest in anyway.

Bookend Gal

429 reviews8 followers

October 14, 2022

Obsidian Wings by Amanda Aggie is part of the Hells Bells and Demon Deals World Series. This story is of Arch Angel Azazel and Celeste's romance.

All I can say are praises for this book and it's author, Amanda Aggie. Wow, what a wild ride this has been. I love all the loosely based references to Arch Angels and the Four Horsem*n,

Amanda paints a descriptive and imaginative world full of witches, vampires, shapeshifters, demons and angels.

The storyline is easy to follow and has adventure, intrigue, mystery, romance, steam and heartbreak that will have your heart pumping. I even cried... okay, sobbed like a baby. 😂

I absolutely devoured and loved every bit of this book and am left desperately wanting more. If you love paranormal romance that excites and transports you to a whole new world, Obsidian Wings by Amanda Aggie is the author for you.

5 Stars

Rain Thind

1 review

October 24, 2021

I loved the plot and the characters. The romance was very rushed though. I'm not a fan of instant love and would have preferred to read this story over two books with a bit more romance, rather than love at first sight.
I'm looking forward to reading the second instalment and seeing what happens next.
The only downside to this story is that it feels more like a prequel rather than an origin story.

Angela Taylor

Author4 books206 followers

July 1, 2022

I wasn’t sure what to expect when I started this book, so it was like opening a surprise page by page. The concept was intriguing and the characters interesting. I especially liked the relationship—complete with fun, smirk inducing banter—between Azazel and his buddy, Cass. I found myself giggling at their antics more than once. Overall, I enjoyed the book. It was fun spending time with angels and witches and things that go bump in the night.


13 reviews

October 4, 2022

I can not tell you how excited I am to read more! It’s been a minute since I have found a book that I just wanted to sit and read all day and do nothing else. Amanda has such a well rounded way of writing so many elements wonderfully into a book. There’s sass, steam, action, and comedy! Cannot recommend enough!


145 reviews14 followers

November 3, 2022

If you like paranormal romance this would be right up your alley. This was an interesting take on angels and demons. You get sucked in from the first page. The story is easy to follow but keeps your attention. There are many twists and turns and keeping you on the edge of your seat. You will want to pick up the rest of the series.


1 review

December 1, 2023

Enjoyable but desperately needs editing

I really liked the idea of the book and the start was great. Then everything went too fast and the editing was atrocious, not to mention the use of incorrect words that just completely drags you out of the story. I don’t regret reading, but I am hesitant to pick up the next in the series.

Ricka Brewer

4 reviews

October 27, 2022


I love the storyline. I prefer very descriptive novels because my mind pictures them as movies. Amanda Aggie NEVER disappoints. I love how there's always a twist and this is not exception! 🤌🏾

Marissa Richards

105 reviews

November 1, 2022

This book did not disappoint. I love how relatable the characters are, and the story is always riveting. I find myself laughing out loud at times, crying at others, and desperate to finish. I can't wait for the next book.


78 reviews3 followers

March 1, 2022

Interesting characters, some spice and a strong female lead. Pacing felt a little off towards the end, but not a bad read.

Jacob Geist

6 reviews8 followers

August 16, 2022

By far my favorite couple in there series! Loved it! I'm glad she did a spin off with Alice's story and gave her an entire trilogy! I can't wait to dive into that next!


387 reviews5 followers


September 28, 2022

Definitely reads like a prequel, like an afterthought to fill in the blanks of the background of a story. Not bad but the characters felt underdeveloped

Dallas Jackson-Rainbolt

9 reviews

October 10, 2022

Page turner and keeps you wanting more!! Very spicy!!


104 reviews1 follower

March 24, 2023

Can’t find it funny dnf at 12%


12 reviews


May 28, 2023

DNF 45%

Bre Rhoads

39 reviews

November 3, 2022

I loved it so much! Celeste and Azazel are absolute goals 😍 Their backstories and how they fight the attraction made it so juicy. I laughed, swooned, and cried before it was over - way to soon for my liking, by the way.



243 reviews13 followers

October 25, 2022

This one will have you feeling ALL the feels.

After having read TDP earlier this year, I was stoked to learn that the author was releasing a full length version of Alice’s parents story.

Celeste is all fire and snark. And Azazel? Ugghhh. He’s easily my new favorite MMC this author has written.

These two had me going from laughing to crying then right back to laughing all within seconds. I’m so glad I decided to wear waterproof eyeliner/mascara to work the day I read the majority of Obsidian Wings.

I •knew• how OW was going to end. But it still killed me to read the ending. Celeste and Azazel have worked their way into my heart.

Amelia Piccoli

31 reviews

June 24, 2023

📌3.5 stars

Little disclaimer: this is more of a rant than an actual review so I apologize for any mistakes. Also, take this with a pinch of salt: I am no expert, just an avid reader and don't mean to be disrespectful.

This is my first not-so-positive review because I usually just read through these kinds of not-so-great aspects, however, this book was so full of editing mistakes that I lost count of how many times I couldn't understand what was happening and what the characters/descriptions were referring to.
There were a lot of basic grammar/writing mistakes such as using the wrong pronouns or possessive pronouns, leaving out pieces of the composed verbs or just incomplete sentences with missing nouns etc...
Unfortunately, though, that wasn't the only or even the worst problem: the one that really made it hard for me to get through the book and that made it impossible to really get into the story and make a connection with the characters is how quickly things were happening. I didn't have time to come to terms with an event that it had already evolved into another one.

It did have some redeeming qualities such as the world-building; the plot in general which, yes was developed a little too quickly, but was in the end pretty enjoyable; the characters, who I really loved and the whole idea behind the story, which had great potential and just lacked in the drawing up and editing process.

THAT BEING SAID I recommend reading through it and continuing with the next book in this series which is fantastic and absolutely worth it!

Obsidian Wings (Hells Bells & Demon Deals #1) (2024)
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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Author information

Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

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Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.