LOLRONPA 42069-Average Despair Fan Vs. Average Hope Enjoyers [CANCELLED] - TheOutrageousMoose (2024)

Chapter 1: PRELUDE:2 Traitors and a Bear

Chapter Text

Monokuma:So do you have any questions before this begins?

LOLRONPA 42069-Average Despair Fan Vs. Average Hope Enjoyers [CANCELLED] - TheOutrageousMoose (1)

??? (Smiley):No questions here! This seems like fun! It's been a long time since I've done anything, so this will be a nice change of pace.

??? (Frowny):I actually do have a few questions. No, not a few a lot of them.

Monokuma:Oh? Sure! Fire away, ████.

??? (Frowny):Well for starters, why are you presenting yourself as that? I don't think that thing is going to play a role in the game so-

Monokuma:Oh poor █████. Obviously you don't know the history of these things! Monokuma here was the very first killing game mascot. It would only make sense that there would be an easter egg of him here.

??? (Smiley):Indeed, is a good idea to have secrets. But why not use it in the actual game? Wouldn't it be ironic that someone so cute looking would tell them to do something so cruel?

Monokuma:*blusing* You think I'm cute? Upupupupu, I'm flattered. Buuuut don't you worry, I can assure you that the replacement for me will be just almost as me. But not cuter, otherwise we're going to have a problem on our hands. Thanks for the design, by the way, ███

??? (Smiley):No problem. Just one thing, call me ██ ███ in the game. After all, I don't want to get caught right f*cking way. I want to have as much fun as I can before the sun shines down on me.

Monokuma:You got it ██y Boy!

??? (Frowny):Okay I've still got many more questions.

??? (Smiley):You mean like why like this? Why present themselves as an avatar is pretty damn obvious. They don't want to risk being find out either. It's a killing game, where the mastermind is supposed to be a mystery, not a target.

??? (Frowny):No, not that. I mean why a killing game in general? There's plenty of other ways to torture someone. I mean that from experience.

Monokuma:I know. I know all about you and what you did, ████ ███. That goes for you too.

??? (Smiley):Yeah, I know. That's why your'e blackmailing us into becoming the traitors despite the fact that I would have probably just f*cking did it anyways.

Monokuma:But would she? Remember this is probally your only chance to bring your beloved ████ back. I have the technology to bring another version of them to life. I have the technology to bring a deadman back to life. No, not just one. Two! Two whole dead men.

??? (Frowny):...*nervous* ████.

??? (Smiley):Well that certinally explains him. He definitely looks different then he did last time. Less...flat.

Monokuma:*annoyed* This is a killing game not a Flat Stanley Book! Not that he'd be the star of a kids book anyways, more like the villain of one. You'll understand when he awakes again.

??? (Smiley):*confused* What do you mean again.

Monokuma:...Obviously I mean awake again from the nightmare that was his last killing game. And honestly I'm somewhat upset. Another game gets the revival of the insane hope guy while we get Boo Boo the Fool. Let's just hope he doesn't cause as much trouble as he did last time. Which again, is one of the reason that I expect you to keep an eye him.

??? (Smiley):Ugh, wouldn't it be easier if I just finished himself myself. I've had experience in this sort of thing after all.

Monokuma:Trust me ██y, I'd love to see him dead as much as the next guy. But unfortunately, he's a fan favorite! Killing him off to early would lead to tons of people unfollowing me online! And trust me, that is something you do NOT want to happen to you.

??? (Frowney):*taken back* Wait people are going to be watching this? You never said anything about that before.

??? (Smiley):Oh what does it matter, the world is already f*cking dead. And I'm not even ██ anymore anyways, so we may as well go out with a bang, live on Television.

Monokuma:*hands behind back* Err...actually there's such a thing as streaming now. You'll be allowed to kill though so there's that.

??? (Smiley):*smile increases* Nice.

??? (Frowny):No! Not nice! Innocent people could be traumatized by the event and might assume that-

Monokuma:It's the end of the worlds! What does it matter? This is what the majority of people want now. Mother f*cking Bloodshed.

??? (Smiley):Hell yeah!

Monokuma:Let's hope this time I do it right. And before you ask what I mean I say NO MORE QUESTIONS! But before it begins, *sniffles* I just want to say ████, ██y, thank you for helping making my messed up dream reality. I've never been more proud of the people I would call the traiors.

??? (Smiley):Your'e welcomg mastermind!

??? (Frowny):You are a terrible person! Even worse than ████!

Monokuma:I'm not a person, I'm a bear. Get your facts straight! *calms down* Ahem, now then...

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...The time has come to begin this killing game and we can't wait any longer. Pepople want a show, so we'll give em' a show. Now then, get into positions and the real mascot will see you shortly. Ahahahaha!

LOLRONPA 42069-Average Despair Fan Vs. Average Hope Enjoyers [CANCELLED] - TheOutrageousMoose (3)

Chapter 2: Prolouge:Oh Boy, Here We Go Killing Again (Part 1)


In which we meet our protagonist, our support and 6 others.
Italics means inner thoughts and bold means narration. Bold and italics means important words.
Introductory Templates by Reddit user u/Madsbjoern


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Why am I alive? I should have been dead. I should be crushed by that thing. But I am alive...

...Well maybe not fully alive.

After all I certainly don't look alive. No if anything I look like a zombie, but I don't feel an itching to eat peoples brains. And I can move my arms normally still.

So what am I?


I already know the answer to that, I'm a liar. And I'll have to play that part again, won't I?

LOLRONPA 42069-Average Despair Fan Vs. Average Hope Enjoyers [CANCELLED] - TheOutrageousMoose (4)

P.O.V The Protagonist of Our Story

???:...Nrgh...where am I?

I didn't quite know the answer to that fully. But I did know where I was. Neither of them were exact location, but I figured out two things right of the bat.

First of all, I was in a town. That much was obvious, from the various buildings and a hotel nearby. I couldn't tell if it was urban or sub urban but it defiently wasn't a country place.

Secondly, this wasn't my home town. Mainly due to the sign over there that said "Welcome to Monoland! Instead of home of the Hopeless" instead of "Welcome to Los Angeles! We have Hollywood". If that wasn't enough evidence, I don't remember there ever being a statue of a black and white bear. And it seemed to be further away to the beach than before. Was it even in the states? Where could I be? What is this Monoland place?

I don't remember how I got here. I don't remember hearing about this place. I don't remember seeing Monoland on the maps. Do I remember anything else?

???:...*realization* Wait! I do remember something. My name!

Yes that I right. I do remember my name. But that's not the only thing I remember. I remember other stuff too. My friends, my clients, my ability...

Okay that sounded a bit to serious. I mean I'm not a superhero, though I am on the side of justice. It's even my last name. I suppose I'm not that different than a vigilante, except for the fact that I fight in court instead of a battlefield. And do super heroes have Chords of Steel? I don't think so.

Ah! Your'e probally a bit confused right now. I should probably just introduce myself up front.

???:My name is Apollo Justice. If it isn't clear already I'm an attorney.

I'm not exactly new at the job, but I'm not the most experienced around either. N-not that I'm bad at being a lawyer or anything! I've won every case I'm in. T-though that doesn't mean that I've never had my downs before. What I'm saying is that I'm not perfect, but I'm fine.

Apollo:Yeah, that's right. I'm fine. *proud* I'M APOLLO JUSTICE AND I'M FINE!

???:*surprised* Huh! Well this is a surprise. Didn't expect the sleepyhead up to be such a loud mouth.

Apollo:Huh? Somebody else is here! It sounds like a females' voice, but I'd rather not assume right away. After all it could be a child. Or it could be someone starting their HRT transition. I know what's that is like.

I turned around to see where the source of the voice was coming from. I wasn't sure what I was expecting to see. But it certinally wasn't...

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...A talking bat?

???:*relaxed* Hey you, your'e finally awake! You're one of those...hue-mans right?

Apollo:Uh...what? Is that a hecking fursuit?

???:You are also a bit confused as a situation. Same as me, and those two over there. All of us are on the same boat. *smiles* But hey, glass half full. At least we've got something in common!

Apollo:Y-yeah. I suppose so. How is the mouth moving so well? I mean I'm not a furry, but I've got to admit that's pretty impressive.

???:*smiling* Oh? Are you checking me out?

Apollo:What? No! I'm not really into talking bats.

???:Then why else would you be looking at me like that?

Apollo:Well...I've just...I never really seen a bat before. Especially not It's just a bit...surprising is all.

???:*shrugs*Ok, I believe you.

Huh, that was easier then I expected.

???:Yeah. You don't seem like the kind of guy who thinks that every girl you see is just another play thing. Actually, you seem less concerned about my looks and more concerned what I am. It's almost like you've never seen a bat talk before.

Apollo:Y-yeah that's it! But it's fine! I don't want to make it seem like your'e a bad person. I'm just a bit...concerned about the situation. Like, how are you talking? Bats aren't supposed to talk. They also aren't supposed to be that...big. And I'm positive that they don't wear clothes like we do.

???:Like you hue-mans do?

Apollo:Okay, I'm guessing that you've never heard of a human before. Other wise you wouldn't be pronouncing it like that. Really good acting. I think it's best if I just ignore that she's a furry and act normal.

???:You hit the nail right on the coffin. I've never actually seen any of you before today. I just wish I could find an explanation as to it. But right now...I'm drawling a blank.

Apollo:I can't tell if it's part of those role-play things or not. Well...maybe we should focus on what you do know. Like for example your name, we've been talking for over a few minuets now and I don't think we did a proper introduction.

???:Well I already know your name. Considering, you yelled it at the top of your lungs. You said it was Apollo Justice and you were feeling fine. That's what alerted me to you in the first place.

Apollo:O-oh you heard that?

???:How could I not hear it is the real question. Sure I may not have as good eye sight as most creatures do but we bats are really good at hearing. *annoyed* Of course, considering how loud you were anyone in this could have heard you, even if they were deaf.

Apollo:*pride* That's my cords of steel for you!...*embarrassed* Think I may have overdone it again though.

???:Though there are still a few questions that remain Mr.Justice. First off all, Is it okay if I call you Mr.Justice?

Apollo:*nods* Yeah. That's fine.

???:You use the word "Fine" a lot. I don't personally mind, but others might not think highly of you if you keep using it. They might think your'e a nervous wreck. *solemn* Then again, I suppose that I can't really blame you for acting like that. I mean we are some place unknown with no memory of how we got here.

Apollo:You too, huh?

???:*shrugs* Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm just as confused as you. One minute I'm going somewhere and the next I'm knocked out cold then poof! I'm here.

Apollo:Nah, it's okay. I didn't figure you knew anything either. It's nice to know that at least we're both on the same page here.

???:*nods* Yeah, it is. *grabbing notebook out* Now then as for my next question, what is your talent?

Apollo:My what now?

???:Oh right! You might want to check in your pockets. You'll find something in there.

Apollo:...Now that you mention it there I do feel something in there.

I decided to pull it out and see what exactly this mystery item in my pocket was. It didn't feel that big, a tiny bit larger than the size of your average phone but if it contained this talent that she was talking about then it must be important.

Pulling out my pocket I was surprised to see that it was indeed an electronic device. But it appeared to be more like a tablet. There was a volume button on the bottom end of it towards the right. On the other side of it was the power button. Judging by the black screen, I assumed that it was likely turned off. So I pressed the power button to turn it on and when I did...

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Apollo Justice:"This eBook Mini Belongs too...Apollo Justice, Ultimate Defense Attorney."

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Apollo:Ultimate? What does that mean?

???:I'm not quite sure, but judging by the definition, it would probably mean that whoever has this title is the best at what they do.

Apollo:I wouldn't say I'm the greatest defense attorney ever. *thinking* But they are right in saying I'm an attorney. I've even got this badge to prove it.

I presented the badge on my chest to her. A symbol that I'm a defense attorney, but also so much more. How long did I yearn for one of these? Just putting it on makes me feel ready.

???:...Impressive design. I'll give you that. Where I come from Lawyers don't exactly have those badges on their chests. It would be a good identifier.

Apollo:*disappointed* I really thought you'd have a more bigger reaction than that. *thinking* So I assume this means these talents are our Ultimate Titles?

???:*nods* Yep! We can't exactly do anything with them at the moment. It seems to be locked on this image. As for me though, names Morgana. Ultimate Detective at your service.

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Apollo:Oh so your'e someone else in the field of law.

Morgana:Yeah, I am. I don't really have a fancy badge to prove it but my eBook says it. Here why don't I show you to prove it.

She showed me her eBook and indeed the title of Ultimate Detective appeared right under her name, which appeared under the words "This eBook Mini belongs to...".

Apollo:Hey...I don't mean to sound rude and all but there isn't a last name listed.

Morgana:Some of them do and some of them don't. It's probally nothing important. *looking down* Besides, my past isn't something I'd like to bring up right now...

Apollo:Okay, I won't budge to hard then. I don't want to make you uncomfortable. Instead, if it's not to much to ask, why exactly did you became a detective?

Morgana:*hand behind back* Let's just say it was due to the past. At first, I wanted to be a police officer but due to...reasons those bastards wouldn't allow me in. *determined* So instead I decided to use my knowledge of the law to became a private eye!...*sweat* Well more like private detective. If I became a literal private eye that would be strange.

Apollo:*worried* Maybe I should be lucky it's a talking bat and not a talking eye. A talking head though? That might mean the band's getting back together.

Morgana:Well that's my story, what's yours?

Apollo:My story? *realization* Oh! You're wondering why I became a defense attorney. Well there's actually a lot of reasons to it. One of the reasons was my adopted family, another being a close friend of mine, but I think the main reason was-

???:Oh! Morgana Chan! You didn't tell me that the mysterious horned friend woke up!

Apollo:*annoyed* I knew this would happen eventually, Look Morgana, they're not horns, they're gel!...*surprised* Wait you didn't say that!

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I turned around back to the bear statue, which I now realized said in Despair we trust. Dang, a lot of bad things must have happened here to have that on a statue.

There I saw a girl dressed up as some sort of cat, perhaps for a more adult business or she just liked cosplay. Again, not my place to judge. She seemed to be very happy, though she also didn't look the brightest. Next to her was a pure white dog, AKA another furry, who seemed to be carrying a guitar. Another important detail was that, good gravy, he was naked. I don't know why that's odd, but the fact that I saw a clothed bat may have played a minor, if not major, part in it.

??? (Cat Girl):*excited* Ohio! It's nice to meet you! I hope we can be friends.

??? (Dog):Yeah man, friends are far out.

Morgana:*surprised* Oh did I forget to mention that there's more of us?

Apollo:*thinking it over* it over didn't you say "those two over there". You also used the words "all of us" not "both of us." If you were referring to us two alone then it wouldn't have made sense to use the word "all" when both would have been easier.

??? (Cat Girl):*swirly eyes* Kyaaa! So confusing! Is that your special talent? To confuse people?

??? (Dog):I dunno cool kitten. *thinking* If I were whoever assigned these talents I would have went with Ultimate Screamer.

??? (Cat Girl):*swirly eyes* Ah, soka. So he's the one who made that urusai noise a few shunkans ago. What a strange additon to Japari Park!

Morgana:Actually Apollo here is the Ultimate Defense Attorney.

??? (Cat Girl):Oooh! Sugoi! Sugoi! That must be Tanoshii!

Apollo:*hands behind back* Yeah, I guess it is a little fun at times. But mostly it's just stressful.

??? (Cat Girl):Here's a question, does being a lawyer require you to have those gigantic twin horns on your head? Or is that part of your natural defense system?

Apollo:*annoyed* They aren't horns. It's just a hair style of mine. They don't actually do anything besides look cool.

??? (Dog):Well it does look...interesting, that's for certain. But I wouldn't exactly call it cool.

Apollo:*disappointed* Telling it like it is. *arms crossed* Anyways, my name is Apollo Justice and as Morgana mentioned I'm apparently the Ultimate Defense Attorney. You also probably know Morgana, but I don't know you two. So what are your names and talents?

??? (Cat Girl):Watashi Wa Several. Scientific Name:Leptailurus Serval. My Ultimate is the Ultimate Friend! Is this your territory?

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Apollo:*confused* Ultimate Friend? That sounds like something she made up., at least I don't think so. I just woke up here. Same as you. Now what exactly is Japari Park?

Serval:It's only the most Sugoi zoo ever! I'm supposed to be in the Savannah part of it...eto, I don't remember this being in here. Actually, I'm not even sure if this even a part of the Park.

Apollo:Oh, so your'e a zookeeper there? Why not just have the title of Ultimate Zookeeper then?

Serval:*shaking her head* Iiya, I'm not a Zookeper. You made a mistake Apollo Justice San.

Apollo:Please just call me Apollo.

Serval:*smiling* Okay Apollo San!

Apollo:*shrugs* Close enough. Anyways, if your'e not a Zookeper what exactly is your role in Japari Park?

Serval:I'm a friend there!

Morgana:*thinking* Do you wanna quit now or...

Serval:*tilting head* Speaking of which, what sort of friend are you? With those decorative horns and no wings you might be a dung bettle! Oh! Or maybe a rare species of Rhinoceros with Ni horns instead of Ichi!

Apollo:...*whispering* She's not exactly the brightest girl around is she.

Morgana:*shrugs* Yeah, she was like that with me too. You can just call her an idiot if you want to, I don't think she even knows what that means.

??? (Dog):Now, now, that's no way to speak to a lady is it? Even if you don't like her that's not an excuse to be a jerk to her is it?

Morgana:...*sighs* Sorry about that. You're right, I'm just a bit on edge with this whole thing. How are you so calm?

??? (Dog):I think that traveling around the world has a big effect on the nerves. Though it seems that even though I've crossed the seas there's still so much that I haven't seen. *smiling* Hey those would make good lyrics!

Apollo:*thinking* your talent is music related?

??? (Dog):Yep. *shock? it's hard to tell due to his face rarely changing* Most westerners call me K.K Slider. Most eastern people call me Totakeke. But no matter what you call me, I'm just a traveling musician here to spread the joy of music to some cool cats and kittens.

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Morgana:I've never heard of any musician by either name. Especially not one whose...naked all the time.

Apollo:*thinking* You're weirded out by it too right?

Serval:*impressed* Oh! Should I get naked too-

Morgana:HELL NO!...*ahem* I mean, please don't.

Apollo:Say since you got up before me, and it seems you've been acquainted with this dog, do you mind telling me a bit about his backstory?

K.K Slider:Y'know you could just ask me about it myself. I'm not ashamed to talk about it.

Apollo:Okay then, Mr.Slider-

K.K Slider:Please you can just call me K.K Slider, or just K.K, or just Slider. There's no need for formalities and Mr.Slider was my father.

Apollo:*relaxed* Okay K.K, mind telling me a bit about yourself?

K.K Slider:Well I already said I'm a traveling musician, or in this case Ultimate Musician, but I suppose that's just common knowledge. Here's just a few tid bits. I've been preforming since as long as I can remember, and yet I've never made a single penny off it. Why? Because I believe that music isn't something you should buy. It's something that should be free to everyone.

Serval:*star eyes* That's so Sugoi! Only ichi question...*confused* What exactly is "money"?

Morgana:*concerned* I can't tell if she's being serious or not right now.

K.K Slider:Hey, I ain't no philosopher. That role would hafta go to that red otter who keeps showing up to the islands every now and then. I think his name is Pascal.

Morgana:You told me something similar too. But...somethings been bugging me about that story. *worried* If you aren't making any money where exactly do you get your income from?

K.K Slider:...Hey wanna hear a tune?

Morgana:Don't dodge the question!

Serval:Oh that sounds like tanoshii! Apollo, Morgana, do you hear his music too!

Morgana:...*disappointed* I'd love to hear it too, but I can't afford to waste any time. We still don't know anything about this place. None the less how we got here. I think I need some time to investigate and check in on the others. As for Mr.Justice, I'll let him make the decision on his own.

Apollo:Well a concert would be nice but...*determined* Morgana's right. I'd think I'd like to investigate with her for a bit.

K.K Slider:That's cool by me. I suppose an explanation to what's going on would be nice. Maybe the others have a better answer than we do.

Serval:Hai! I'll stay here with Totakeke san! Good luck with your investigation Morgana Chan and Apollo San! Mata Ne!

Apollo:*waving goodbye* Yeah, see you soon too!

With that Morgana and I left on our way to...somewhere else. Well these certinally are an interesting casts of characters so far.

Several well....she's not the brightest girl around but she definitely seems friendly. I'm not sure she's lying about being the Ultimate Friend or not. I mean, on one hand, she certinally seems friendly enough to be considered a friend, and I don't know what else she can do. On the other though, can being considered a friend really be considered a talent? I'm not entirely sure...especially since my bracelet didn't seem to react to that statement.

As for K.K Slider he seems pretty cool. Not full of himself and seems to have a genuine love for music. Plus he didn't call me Herr Forhead unlike another musician I used to know. On the other hand, I do find it a bit uncomfortable that at any moment I could accidently lay my eyes on his privates. And I am a bit concerned about him in terms of finance. If he dosen't get his money from the songs he makes, how does he get paid? Does he get paid?

As for Morgana...well despite my inital freak about the fact she's a fruit bat, she seems to be pretty normal. Of course she seems to be having some anger issues and I am a bit concerned about what she did in the past. But it's probally nothing to worry about. It's not like she killed a least I don't think she did anyways.

Morgana:Everything okay there? You seem to be lost in thought.

Apollo:*realizaiton* Gah! No, no, I'm fine! Really, I'm fine!

Morgana:*shrugs* If you say so. Anyways, as Several mentioned there are other groups.

Apollo:Yeah, how many groups are there exactly.

Morgana:There were 7 groups of 2. Including you that would make 15, if it weren't for the fact that I was woken up by somebody else.

Apollo:Somebody else? Who is it?

Morgana:*thinking* I don't know, I never got their name before they ran away. All I remembered is that they had a scarf on them that looked similar to a checkerboard. He left before you got up. I figured that I'd try to find him with my partner, another human male. Unfortunately, he had wandered off. And then I heard your voice. Now there's 2 people I have to find.

Apollo:So your'e here to find the runaway checker board man and your missing partner? *nods* I'll help you find them. Have any leads?

Morgana:None yet. Maybe one of the other groups have seen them. Like those 2 up ahead!

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Indeed, there seemed to be another group up ahead. They seemed to be next to a place called "Resting Motels". Does that mean whoever placed us here expects us to stay? I don't know. But I do know that the group up ahead consisted of a human female with green hair, probably dyed, and a fox. The green haired girl seemed to be upset about something. The fox was trying to comfort her, but he seemed a bit to relaxed. Could he be the one who did this to us?...Or am I just assuming that because he's a fox. Maybe I should hear their conversation first before I jump to anything.

??? (Green Haired Girl):*worried* Oh, I do hope she's okay. She doesn't view herself as tough as I say she is. If anything happened to her I don't know what I'd do!

??? (Fox):*smiling* Trust me, if she's as tough as you say she is then she'll probably be just fine. I wouldn't worry so much about her.

??? (Green Haired Girl):*worried* It's not just her I'm worried about, it's my brother too. Then there's an entirley diffrent issue with my colleage and of course we can't forget my master. Do you think they'll find me here?

??? (Fox):Of course they will! And if they don't then they're terrible people for abandoning you.

??? (Green Haired Girl):Abandonment? *confident* No, they don't seem like the type of people who'd do that. Even if my brother and I have our fights he's still my family. Even if my friend isn't exactly the most emotive she wouldn't leave me alone. I don't think that Master Clockworker would ever do something so cruel to me.

??? (Fox):Yeah, your'e probably right. And if your'e confident that they wouldn't abandon you, then you should have some belief that Clartih will be just fine too.

Apollo:Clarith? Whose that?

??? (Green Haired Girl):That really helped me. Thank you.

??? (Fox):*calm* It's just what I do. In the mean time why don't you and I get to know each other better.

??? (Green Haired Girl):Thank you but...I can't help but feel as though there's a more sinful motive behind it.

??? (Fox):*worried* M-Me? A humble villager with a girl like you? I highly doubt that you and I would have any chance. That would really hurt your dear Clarith. I wouldn't dare intrude on your relationship. I just wanna talk.

Morgana:*ahem* Excuse me, you two, I hate to interrupt your conversation but someone is here to say something. Sleeping Beauty over here finally woke up.

??? (Green Haired Girl):They did? *excited* That's good! What's your name.

Apollo:Hello. My name is Apollo Justice. I'm the Ultimate Defense Attorney, apparently.

??? (Green Haired Girl):Nice to meet you Apollo. My name is Michaela Arklow. She/her pronouns. It's nice to meet you.

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Apollo:It's nice to meet you too Miss Arklow. I actually use he/him pronouns.

Michaela:*smiling* Oh please, no need to be so formal. We're friends aren't we? If not now, then we're gonna be friends eventually. And friends don't call each other by their last names. Friends address each other on a first name basis. You can just call me Michaela.

Apollo:She seems nice and energetic too, if a bit talkative. I think she and I can be good friends like she said so. So what's your Ultimate Talent?

Michaela:Ah, about that...

Morgana:Michaella's Monopad is a bit...different then ours.

Apollo:Huh what do you mean by that.

Michaela:It's best if I show you.

She pulled out her tablet, which seemed to be a bit bigger than mine. Wait...I didn't receive a smaller tablet due to my height did I? I'm not sure, but that wasn't important. What was important was what was on her tablet. Instead of a recognizable word for her talent, I got something unexpected.

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It was a trio of punctuation marks. All of them were the same, a question mark.

??? (Fox):*hand on his forehead* Alas, she's being withheld her talent, which means that she has no idea what title was bestowed upon her.

Michaela:That's right. For some reason my talent isn't being displayed on this mini eBook thing.

Apollo:Wait, mini eBook? Mine was called and eBook Mini. The same was with Morgana. And the text was bolder before, not this thin. Is it possible that someone hacked into it?

Michaela:*confused* Hacked? What does that mean?

Morgana:Yeah I'm a bit confused what does hacking mean. know...hacking. Who doesn't know what it is? I know what it is but I don't know enough about it to explain it.

Michaela:*somber* Well, regardless of what happened, it won't display my talent properly. *smiles* But then again, we have only gotten them a moment ago. Besides, it could have been worse. It could have erased all my memories of my home in the U-...village of the Kingdom of Elphegort.

??? (Fox):Indeed, at least this hacker spared you the memories of your life. It's a sign that even they have a heart~. If only there was something we could do.

Apollo:*thinking* Hey! Maybe you can use your memories to remember your talent!

Michaela:*smiling* That's a great idea! Thank you Apollo!

??? (Fox):*muffled* I could have thought of that.

Apollo:And you are?

??? (Fox):Oh, little old me? *hands behind back* I'm just your average fox who lives in an ordinary village. But if you must know my name is Zorori, and I was given the humbling title of Ultimate Villager.

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Morgana:*rolls eyes* Yeah Ultimate Villager. Sure. I highly doubt that.

Zorori:But it's true! Come on you believe me Apollo, right?

Apollo:Ultimate Villager? That feels like another lie, but I don't know really enough about how these talents are assigned the prove it. *arms crossed* I'd rather not take sides at the moment. *embarrassed* Since we just meet and all.

Zorori:...*surprised* Oh, t-that seems fair.

Morgana:Let's just focus on a different thing outside of talents for now, like that motel over there. *grabs paper and pencil* Did you guys see what was inside?

Michaela:*nods* Yes, we actually looked inside the lobby for a bit. Apparently there's something known as a Smart Fridge in there. It can summon anything food you like.

Zorori:*sighs* I wish I had that. When you do what I do, *stomach growls* it can result in getting very, very hungry.

Michaela:Unfortunately, I don't think that I noticed anything that seemed out of the ordinary so we can cross that on the list. *smiling* But hey, look on the bright side, at least we're narrowing down what I am by discovering what I'm not.

Morgana:*smiles* You seem very optimistic despite our situation. Well, until just moments ago. Wonder what caused you to worry like that?

Michaela:*looks down* If you love someone it's only natural that you would worry about them. Especially if you got separated.

Zorori:*pulls hat down* I know that feeling....*smiles* But hey, it's not like there's anything that we can do about it right now except try to find a way out. And it looks like we'll have plenty of time too. What with the rooms for us and all that.

Apolllo:Wait hold on what do you mean rooms?

Zorori:Oh you didn't know? Aw well, you would have figured it out eventually when you entered so I'll just tell you now. *holds up paws* Apparently there's 16 rooms available, one for each and everyone here and that mystery runaway you mentioned! Which means whoever captured us expected us to stay here for a long time. Or at least for the night.

Morgana:*nervous* That's...concerning. *thinking* Speaking of the mystery runaway, did either of you by any chance see them or Mr.Field?

Michaela:*shakes head* Sorry but I don't remember seeing any with that cloth and I'd know Light if I saw him.

Zorori:*thinking* I think I may have an idea. Though you may want to take this with a grain of salt. After all, I'm just a humble villager. I am nothing more, but I am also nothing less. And this humble villager thinks that he saw someone heading towards the greenhouse. Why don't you check there?

Morgana:Great idea! Thanks Zorori.

Zorori:It's not a problem, *flirtatious* but y'know I think I deserve a reward for that. Especially from a cute bat like you~. But I don't think you have any money on you so...*puckers his lips up*

Morgana:You're right. I don't have cash on me. How about instead I give you something else. *she pinches him really hard on the cheek*

Zorori:Owie! *disappointed*...I kind of deserved that.

Morgana:Yes. You kind of damn well did.

Michaela:Goodbye! And good luck finding that runaway!

Good on Morgana for sticking up on herself. Though maybe this a sign that I shouldn't cross her. She seems to be in control of her anger, but just barley.

Michaela seems nice. I'm glad that she's trying to stay positive during all this, despite her eBook not displaying her talent. We we should take this Ultimate talent thing with a bit of salt though. After all, since when was I a better attorney than my teacher and great Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright ever was?...Besides disbars of course. Outside of talent though, there was one thing I don't know. Who exactly is this Clarith?

Zorori? Well there's 2 things I know about him right away. One, at least unlike Slider he is at least wearing clothes. he seems to be what people call a hopeless romatic, or a simp as we prefer to call it. I've never met one in person before today but I heard about what they were thanks to Mr.Wright. Apparently he knew one of these guys named...Lenny Butt? I pray I never meet him.

Apollo:Hey Morgana?

Morgana:*stares at him* Hmm? Something the matter?

Apollo:*jumps back* O-oh well I-? And I thought that Blackquill's stare was piercing. *regains composure* I've been thinking, and well, if we want to find your run away partner I should probally get some more info about him first.

Morgana:*nods* Sure, I could tell you a few things about him. For starters his name is Light, it's a weird name but it sounds nice. Another noteworthy thing is that he's tall. Really tall. Taller than me and you. Though being taller than you isn't that hard to be.

Apollo:Hair jokes, check. Height jokes, check. All that's left is a forehead joke and we'll have the full house.

Morgana:He also seems to be more pale in comparison in you when it comes to head fur.

Apollo:You mean hair?

Morgana:So that's what you call it. And he's also wearing a suit and tie, but the suit is blue much more fancy than yours. If I could describe it, I'd say that he kind of looks like...a prince.

Apollo:A prince? You mean that you had lost royalty?

Morgana:No, he only looks like a prince. Heck, he probably doesn't even know what he's wearing.

Apollo:Why wouldn't he know what he's wearing unless he was blind?...*realization* Oh.

Morgana:*regretful* Yep, you can imagine how this is weighing on my conscience. I just home someone's seen him.

Apollo:*comforting* Don't worry, I'm sure we'll find him. Maybe one of those two have seen him. *thinking* Excuse me?

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??? (Parasol):Hm...?

Those two consited of a green haired lady with a parsol and...what I can only describe as a pixely purple man.


Apollo:Boom! There it is!

??? (Parasol):*thinking* Morgana? Where is Light? Surely he didn't just gain the abiltiy to see and realize that you weren't that good looking~.

Morgana:I can explain. But first off why don't you introduce yourself to Apollo over there.

Apollo:Apollo Justice. Defense Attorney.

??? (Parasol):A defense attorney whose last name is Justice?

??? (Purple Guy):Are you f*cking kidding me? Yeah your'e totally the main character of this game.


??? (Parasol):*hand on chest* Forgive Mr.Miller. Sometimes he says stuff that one would consider to be a bit...odd. Though then again, I suppose commared to words, the things in my world can be considered a bit odder.

??? (Purple Guy):*angry* Have you seen the sh*t that goes on in Fredbears' lady?

??? (Parasol):No I haven't. I haven't seen anything in the outside world.

??? (Purple Guy):*does coo coo gesture with his hands* And you call me the crazy one here.

Apollo:Well the outside world thing is a bit weird thing to say, and she may be a bit of a tease, but at least she doesn't look like she came straight out of E.T for Atari.

??? (Parasol):*opens parasol up* Ah! But I really should introduce myself. My name is Yuuka Kazami and I was given the title of Ultimate Gardener.

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Apollo:Ultimate Gardener huh?

Yuuka:*smiling* Yep, that was the title given to me. *eyes close* However another title I have is Flower Master of Four Seasons. But if that's too long of a title, you can just call me Yuuka~.

??? (Purple Guy):And if that's still to much of a hassle you can just call her a bitch.

Yuuka:*ignoring him* Hey Apollo, What do you think of daffodils?

Apollo:Daffodils? *hand on chin* Well, They're not as common from where I'm from but I still catch them at flower shops every now and then. They look nice and I think they're the same color as my attorneys badge. Why do you ask?

Yuuka:Oh, I'm just thinking of flowers that suit you.

Apollo:That certinally is an interesting choice. I was sort of expecting something red. Why did you go with that?

Yuuka:It's the language of the flowers that speaks to me. You see daffodils, also known by their scientific name Narcissus, symbolize honesty and truth. As a defense attorney it would make sense that you'd fight for the truth~. However, daffodils also symbolize forgiveness. Since we've only just meet, It's hard to know whether or not your'e forgiving. And even then daffodils are way stronger than you are.

Apollo:*annoyed look* Wow, your'e saying that I'm weaker than a flower. I didn't think the insults would stop, but this? This may just be the strongest insult I've ever heard today.

Morgana:*hands cross* For only just meeting us she is pretty accurate when it comes to flower symbolism. She told me that I reminded her of roses. They look beautiful but they have their thorns. I think it's supposed to represent my good looks, but my short temper. Of course like you it's subject to change.

??? (Purple Guy):Wonder what flower I'd be.

Yuuka:*turns to him* Why you'd be a Crabgrass.

??? (Purple Guy):What the f*ck? That's a weed not a flower.

Yuuka:*threatening smile* Exactly. You aren't a flower, your'e an annoyance pretending to be one~.

Apollo:*scared* Note to self:Do not cross her.

??? (Purple Guy):An annoyance? No, I'm not an annoyance. I'm a f***ing cooperate slave, by the name Dave Miller and who has definitely not murdered any children before wearing a fursuit.

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Apollo:That was an oddly specific thing to say at the end. *thinking* Okay judging by that title that flew by I assume that your'e the Ultimate Pizzeria Worker?

Dave:You see it too. sh*t, I thought I was high as balls right now. Then again, considering that there's a furry talking to me, I still may be. Either that or she's wearing a fursuit of her own...Actually come to think of it is this some sort of convention? It would explain why flower girl over there looks straight out of an anime.

Apollo:There is such a thing as hair dye you know.

Morgana:And it's not like your'e one to talk about looks. The only look you have is those eyes and that one yellow badge. Either you are completly naked or your'e just wearing clothes that match Are you sure you're even human?

Dave:*shrugs* I don't f*cking know, and I don't f*cking care.

Yuuka:Since we're here though, we may as have another one of your famous interviews.

Morgana:Great idea! *writing notes down* Now then, have you two. Found any exit yet?

Yuuka:*shakes head* Sadly no, which is somewhat worrying. I don't think I watered The Garden of the Sun today. Though of course, it did seem like it was going to rain before it. It has been drizzling a lot lately, but the problem is that it's saltwater. That's probally not good for plants.

Apollo:Salt water rain? I don't think that's natural.

Yuuka:In Gensokyo, a lot of unnatural things happen. You learn to get used to it.

Dave:We did find something though! It was a flower shop, or a green house, or whatever, it had flowers and it was something which she seemed to take a liking too.

Yuuka:Unfortunately, when we found it, it appeared to be locked. It's such a shame. I think that for someone as short as a Apollo over there, he'd like to see how tall the sunflowers grow in there~.

Apollo:Okay I'm starting to prefer Dave.

Dave:And that's not the worse part. It appeared to be next to a grocery store too. *angry* You know the thing that provides us with f*cking food to eat? Geuss what? That was closed too. They're right behind us too? See the signs? *enucuating* We. Are. Closed.

Apollo:And I'm immediately going back to preferring Yuuka.

Morgana:How whoever captured us may also want us either to starve to death or convert to cannibalism.

Dave:If it's the later I'm gonna eat forehead first.

Yuuka:Him? Look at how short he is. I don't think he'd provide much of a meal~.

Apollo:Yep definitely siding with the flower girl...*hand behind back* even if the only reason she wouldn't eat was because I wouldn't make a big enough.

Morgana:Apollo, you good?

Apollo:*jumps back* I-I'm fine!...*sweating* Actually no I'm not. L-let's just hope that they don't actually want us to starve or eat eachother. Maybe the only reason they aren't open is because there's a big announcement planned ahead? And when it happens then we can open those doors?

Yuuka:You're just saying that because it's survival of the fittest. And you? You don't seem very fit to survive~.

Apollo:I would be insulted but considering that my mentor once survived getting hit with a moving vehicle, falling down a bridge and tons of other things that should've definitely killed him, I have to agree with you there.

Morgana:*thinking* Your theory does make a little bit of sense. Maye that big announcement will reveal why we're here just and then they can open the locked places up?

Dave:I mean if we do have to revert to cannibalism, at least I won't be trapped within Fazbears'.

Apollo:You've mentioned Fazbears two times now. I think it's fair to assume that's the place that you work in.

Dave:*annoyed* Oh so now you've taken an interest in me. It only took a hot minute before I finally answered.

Apollo:Well if your'e going to be like that then-.

Morgana:*realization* Apollo!

Apollo:*jumps back* Eep! F-forgive me for being a little jumpy but that startled me. Geez, I'm acting like it's my first day of being a defense attorney.

Morgana:Forgive me, but I believe I've just hit two birds with one stone. *bows down* Apologizes Ms.Kazami and Mr.Miller but I think we'll have to cut this conversation a bit short.

Yuuka:*tease* As short as your friend over there~?

Apollo:Again, you are just barley better than violet over there, and I really mean the barley part.

Yuuka:*chuckles* I kid, I kid. If we don't find a way out soon, I suppose I'll see you around later!

Dave:And I hope we never meet again after we get out. *lifts finger up*

I think I've made my first impressions very clear. But just in case it isn't as clear as I thought.

Both of them clearly like poking fun at those that are weaker then them in their opinion. With Yuuka, it seems to be simple teases. I'm not sure how good natured they are, but at least it isn't meant to be taken too literally. Plus, she seems to be more concerned about finding a flower that suits me than actually trying to kill me. Still, she seems like the type of person whose bad side you don't want to get on.

Dave on the other hand, where do I even begin with him. Besides the fact that he curses like a sailor and looks like he's a rejected character from an ATARI game, his insults just seem to be out of pure spite. Unlike Yuuka, he's just a straight jerk and dosen't pull any punches. Though honestly, I'm not even sure he wanted to have this conversation in this first place. The only good thing I can say is that his voice sounds funny.

But there's still one question on my mind. What did Morgana mean by killing two birds with one stone?

Morgana:A-ha! There you are!


Yuuka art by diari

Chapter 3: Prolouge:Oh Boy, Here We Go Killing Again (Part 2)


In which the final eight are revealed and everyone debateable favorite rat returns.

Chapter Text


The next people we saw were next to what appeared to be a music shop judging by the gigantic harp up upon it's sign. The windows were closed however so we could not say for certain if that was really the case. On the right side of to it was another shop, this one having a guitar on it. It's one's windows were blocked too however. Maybe the one on the left was for classical music and the one on the right was for modern? Or they were both the same shop.

I was less concerned about the shops however. What concerned me the most was the scene right in front of me.

???:*arms out* BLARUGH!

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There was a purple haired kid with a scarf that looked like a checkerboard. That must have been the run away Morgana was talking about. His skin seemed to be a bit greenish, but maybe it's just the lighting? Next to him was a man that looked wearing a blue suit and a red tie. Is this the prince Light that Morgana was talking about?

??? (Prince):...What are you doing?

??? (Checkers):It not obvious? Me am zombie. Me after brains.

??? (Prince):*shaking head* I highly doubt that you are a zombie.

??? (Checkers):BLARUGH! Yes I am! Did you not hear me say that me want to eat brains?

??? (Prince):*nods* Yes, I did hear you say that. I also heard you running to me earlier. Despite me never having seen one, I am pretty sure that zombies are incapable of running.

??? (Checkers) advances species of zombie capable of run. If me can run me can catch prey faster. Me no have no idea why most move slowly towards brain people. Early zombie bird catch worm. If you want good meal get it fast!

??? (Prince):*thinking* I find it strange that you talk about wanting to get your meals quickly but your'e wasting your time talking to me about it. Don't you fear that your meal would get cold?

??? (Checkers):*thinking* cold like food? Look, Do you not see flesh? Does this look like flesh of human.

??? (Prince):*shakes head* I cannot see anything. I am legally blind.

??? (Checkers):How me know about blind if me-?

Morgana:Light! There you are!

Light(?) turned to the direction where the voice was coming from. It was a bit off, but it was impressive he's seen it.

Light (?):Oh Morgana! It's nice to hear that you are still okay. *apologetic* Do forgive me for wandering off, I was just trying to see if I could find someone close to me. Unfortunatley the only thing I've found was this...child.

??? (Checkers):*arms out* BLARUGH! Me zombie! Me want to eat your brains.

Apollo:*bends down, embarrassed* Okay, I can believe somehow that there's a real talking bat, dog, purple guy and fox but I draw the line at zombie. Still, maybe I should play along in case he reallyIs one. *playing along* Oh no! A zombie! Don't eat my brain! I've only got one.

??? (Checkers):*sad* But me must find brains to feed family back home! Mother is dying of zombie cold and father can barley afford bills at zombie office. Me know you don't. And that not all! Big Brother starting to gain smoking addiction like he did in human life. Sparky got run over by car like in previous life. *crocodile tears* Little Susie gone missing and we no find her in woods.

Light:...*empathy* As someone who lost his sister too, I understand how hard that must be.

Apollo:*genuine empathy* Yeah, I think I understand too. I've got a few siblings of my own.


??? (Checkers):So please, have heart and spare part?

Apollo:*playing along* Oh, I had no idea of your family upbringing. Here you can have my brain if it means that much to you.

??? (Checkers):*hands behind back* Nah, I'm good. I lied about wanting eat flesh. I'm more into Grape Fanta anyways.

Apollo:So he finally decided to stop playing around.

??? (Checkers):*looking at right hand* Geez, just how gullible are you, giving into a sob story like that when you don't even know someone? I bet you get hustled by the common con artists often.

Morgana:Hey no need to be a jerk about it! Apollo was just trying to be nice.

Ligh t(?):Pardon the interruption. *thinking* Judging by the sound of your voice I assume that "Apollo" and this "zombie" are in fact two different people.

Morgana:You'd be correct. Apollo here is the Ultimate Defense Attorney.

Light( ?):Well it's nice to meet you Apollo. I assume Morgana told you my name, but just in case she hasn't then I shall tell you myself. I am Light Field, the Ultimate Harpist. As you may have already guessed I indeed am blind and it was only thanks to Morgana's help that I was able to see understand my talent.

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Apollo:Ultimate Harpist? *surprised* That's odd, your'e another musician. If that's the case then wouldn't it have made more sense for K.K Slider called the Ultimate Guitarist instead of Musician?

Light:Do you think I'm lying then?

Apollo:No. I'm just a bit confused on how these talents worked. If you got an Ultimate title for it I'm sure you must be able to play it well, especially since your'e blind.

Light:*smiling* Indeed. I'm not a professional or a part of an orchestra, but those that I've preformed for have said that I am one of the most outstanding harpist that they've ever heard. *thinking* Perhaps maybe someone whose listened to one of my concerts is the person behind this kidnapping? *concerned* Or maybe...

Morgana:*intruded* Maybe what?

Light:It's nothing important, yet.

??? (Checkers):*starry eyed* Oh come on! Tell us! Tell us! Tell us!

Apollo:Hey, leave the man alone. He might not be fine talking about the thing he remembers.

Light:*calming* No, no. I'm fine bringing it up. It's just...well, I'm not sure now is the right to do that.

??? (Checkers):WHAT! Yo Batty, he's acting sus.

Apollo:*taken back* Sus?

Morgana:*shaking head* My name is Morgana, Ultimate Detective, and he's fine for right now. *caring* If you don't feel comfortable yet then I'm not going to force the information out of you.

Light:Thank you, but I do understand that keeping to many secrets may raise some suspicions, so I suppose I can give you a bit of a hint.

He leaned in close and spoke.

Light:It's the reason I asked you if there was a bracelet on me.

Apollo:A bracelet? Wait, hold on a moment! I've got a bracelet on me.

Light:*scared* YOU DO!?

Present Evidence->Bracelet

Apollo:Yeah, but I've had this long before I got kidnapped. Actually, I think I've had it ever since I was a baby. I don't remember much of it but I think it was a gift from someone.

Light:...*calming down* Oh, my mistake. Actually, now that I think about it. It was more of a wristwatch than a bracelet.

??? (Checkers):*integrating* What was more of a wristwatch than a bracelet?

Morgana:I think we've done enough interrogating on him. Especially since we don't know anything about you Mister zombie.

??? (Checkers):Gasps! That's right! I got so caught up on figuring out what his deal was that I never got to tell you what mine is! Well enough of mister show-off harpist over there, it's about time you meet me. *prideful shrug* I'm Kokichi Ouma! The Ultimate Supreme Leader! Nee hee hee~!

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Apollo:Show off was the exact opposite I got from him. if anything your'e acting way more like a show off.

Morgana:For a Supreme Leader your'e certinally not acting like one. Is that a lie?

Kokichi:*angry* Are you calling me a liar?

Apollo:W-well she certinally ain't calling you a truther. You could have just said yes.

Kokichi:How dare you say that! When I was little I even told my father that I cut a cherry tree with my hatchet despite knowing that it would lead to trouble. However, my honesty to him was worth more than a thousand trees so he embraced me.

Light:That's the story of the first president of the United States of America George Washington.

Kokichi:*laughing* Nee-heehee. You got me! The truth I actually do lie. Like a lot. I'm a liar, after all. You might want to take every word I say with a grain of salt.

Apollo:If I did that and put it on some noodles, it may even be more Salty than Eldoon's...*shaking head* Scratch that, somehow still think that Eldoons would still be saltier by a lot.

Kokichi:Still I can assure that I am not telling you a lie with my name or talent.

Morgana:All right then tell us a little bit about the thing you lead.

Kokichi:*thinking* Well it is a top secret organization with over 10,000 members. *hands behind back, smiling** I can't tell you the name, but I'm feeling way more generous than the last time someone asked, sooooo *leans to the right* I'll just tell you it rhymes with ice.

Light:I'm going to guess that it's DICE?

Kokichi seemed to hesitate for a moment, but then went back to what I can only assume to be his default carefree attitude.

Kokichi:*finger over mouth* Like I said, I can't tell you. That's why it's a secret. Though it's no secret what our alignment is. Evil.

Light:*concern* Evil?!

Apollo:*taken back* Evil?!

Morgana:*writing something down* Evil.

Kokichi:*annoyed* What? You got cotton in your ears or something? I said we're an secret evil organization and I am the leader of the organizing evil! Do you really think I'd lie to you about something like this. *smiling* The answer is yes. Yes i would. But am I right now?

Apollo:...*looks down at bracelet* No reaction came from it those statements. But there's no way all of that was true. He did mention that he may have lied. Maybe it's out of power?...I didn't even know it had a battery.

Light:Well, I've never heard of a large organization like that.

Kokichi:Of course you haven't because it's a secret organization. Not like you'd know anything about that.

Morgana:*To Apollo* He's definitely way more of a suspicious person than I am.

Kokichi:*hands behind back* Well of course I'm more suspicious person, I'm actually a person.

Morgana:...*hand on head* Let's just go before he gives me an even worse head ache than Several did. Light, that goes for you too. I'm not going to lose track of you ever again. It's still weighing heavily on my unconscious.

Light:...*nods* Honestly, I think that it's for the best. Morgana, I tend not to be so reliant on others, but I am in an unfamilar place. Do you mind if I hold your hand so I don't wander off again?

Morgana:Not at all. Just don't hold it to tight.

Light seems like a very polite person. I feared that he'd be some rich jerk that only cared about the money, but perhaps being blind has made him more humble. Although I do admit that withholding the information is a bit disappointing, at the very least he wants to tell us when the time is right.

Kokichi on the other hand...I just can't get a good read on him. He looks like he's in his teenage years but acting like he's still a child. Maybe that's a facade to hide his true personality? It wouldn't be the first time he lied to me. Then again, if he really is a supreme leader of an evil organization then I should probably be afraid. But if he's lying, which seems likely then...what is his TRUE talent?

With a new member of the introduction party here, we decided to head to the other side of the street where it seemed that someone else was there. I prayed to god that the next people we encountered wouldn't be a lot more easier to deal with than the last ones.

God clearly did not grant that wish.

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...because I was face to face with a demon. Oh, and a talking flower too.

??? (Demon):Well, well, well. If it isn't Boobies Mcgee and her blind bitch Light.

Morgana:*sighs* Hello again to you too. This is Apollo Justice. He is a defense attorney.

Apollo:*nervous* N-nice to meet you? *scared* Please don't hurt me.

??? (Demon):*hands on cheeks* Oh. He's a lawyer eh? *laughing* No wonder he looks like he he's been f***ed in the ass, his job is doing all the f***ing and he's it's submissive and breed-able sub.

??? (Flower):*angry* Hey that's a bit too harsh, you only just met the guy!

Apollo:*arms crossed, smiling* Thank you for that.

??? (Flower):*jumps off the demon* The only insults that I'll agree with are any insult to his looks. And trust there's plenty to find. Just take a look at that hair!

Apollo:*disappointment* I'm going to go be taking back that "Thank you" now.

??? (Demon):*laughing* Oh please, I could go on and on about how bad he looks, but then we'd never get to introductions. *adjusts tie* So look, you met anyone here so far that you want to kill? Like they really just rubbed you the wrong way? Then I'm your imp, Immediate Murder Professional that is.

Apollo:Immediate Murder Professional?

Light:From what I can gather this man is apperantley The Ultimate Assassin.

??? (Demon):Oh good! Glad to see you remember that part. Blitzo's the name. Killing is my game.

LOLRONPA 42069-Average Despair Fan Vs. Average Hope Enjoyers [CANCELLED] - TheOutrageousMoose (23)

Apollo:A demon that's also an assasin? Maybe I died and went to hell.

Blitzo:*shakes head* Oh no, trust me, this isn't hell and I'm pretty sure that you aren't dead...*creepy smile* yet.

Apollo:*jumps back* Does that mean he's planning to kill me next!?! *gulps* E-everything is fine. E-everything is fine.

Light:You say that but you seem to be shaken.

Apollo:*scared* Well why wouldn't I be? There's an assasin right over there!

Light:Remeber, he is an assasin, not a serial killer.

Blitzo:*nods in agreement* Yeah, one is a job while the other is a mental disorder. I mean I may have a mental disorder but who the f*ck gives a crap about that?

Light:And he can't exactly do a job if he can't get paid now can he?

Apollo:What do you mean can't get paid? Now that he mentions it my pocket does feel a bit lighterthan usual. I wonder... rustles around in pocket*...*bounces back* My wallet! It's missing!

Light:*suprised* You only just realized it now? *thinking* When I awoke that was the first thing that I had noticed had disappeared. I may not have been able to see it, but I'd definitely be able to feel the texture of it. And yet I didn't feel it. It wasn't in my other pocket either.

Blitzo:Yep. It's the same for everybody here who knows what a wallet is. Not a single person here has even a f*cking penny on them. Unfortunately, I can't get some badass murders done unless I get paid. There is another way you could do it however but as of right now all payments of murder are off.

??? (Flower):*upset* It's not like we were gonna use it much anyways.

Morgana:*nods* That's true. *thinking* Maybe they used the money that all of us had combined to make this place for us?

Our kidnapper somehow thinks that the money in our bank accounts can somehow afford this? He must really have high standards for people like me then.

Blitzo:That's not all. Most people, except really religious rascals and crazy crappy conspirators, shouldn't believe that we Imps exist. But this f***er apparently does. Maybe it's those agents from last time? *shaking head* No, even they wouldn't be dumb enough to bring an innocent civilian and...whatever this thing is.

Flower:*pointing herself* For your information my name is Flower the Ultimate Fashionista and the winner of BFB. Come on, surely you must have heard of me?

LOLRONPA 42069-Average Despair Fan Vs. Average Hope Enjoyers [CANCELLED] - TheOutrageousMoose (24)

Morgana:*grabbing paper* Err, no offense but I don't believe I have and not that...bee eff bee either. what exactly is it?

Flower:Oh! You must not have seen it. *happy* Okay so basically BFB is basically a reality television show that I was apart of and the fourth season of Battle for Dream Island.

Morgana:*intreeged* So you were in a war?

Flower:*confused* What? No! It was a object show where the winner would-!

Morgana:What is this Tee Vee.

Flower:*grinding teeth* GRRRRRRR...

Apollo:Okay I think she gets it there's no need to burn her like that. *looking back at Blitzo* Though I'm actually a bit more concerned about HIM if I'm being honest.

Flower:....*inhales then exhales* Sorry about that. Almost lost my temper for a moment. I'm trying my best to be a better person, like Leafy was, but this situation is bringing out the worst in me.

Blitzo:*rolls eyes* Oh sure! It's not like your all this all time.

Flower:I used to be, but I really am trying to change to be better.

Blitzo:*leaves area, hands up* No, no. I've had enough of this "trying to be a better person wholesome 100" bullsh*t from people. I'm outta here. F*** you.

With that Blitzo left the area tail wagging like a...dogs?

Thank goodness he's gone. If he were just a regular human being I'd be disgusted and angry at the words he'd say about everything, and I still am, but since he is a demon I fear that if I tell him that he'll send me straight to hell with him. And I know he said he wouldn't kill if he didn't get paid but...whose to say that Kokichi is the only liar.

Flower:...Man. I'm glad he's gone. *inspired* Did give me a few ideas for a new look though.

Morgana:*apologizing* I'm sorry for how I acted twoards you. I should just save all questions until you finnished speaking.

Light:*thinking* So you said that you were in a object show. Forgive me for asking but I've never quite heard of these things before.

Flower:Oh! So basically we'd compete in a bunch of challenges in order to win a prize and the winner would get the coveted dream island. At least...that was the case in season 1. Season 2 we were battling for a farm thing that wasn't that great. Season 3 was only 1 episode long and we didn't really have a battle for anything, we just relaxed a bit. Season 4 we finally got a prize:A BFDI but then we had to split up thanks to a mysterious new host that fell out of the sky. I stayed with the old host and competed for the original BFDI along with a BFB and eventually a third prize in the form of a cake. Meanwhile the other guys were, or maybe are, competing for the power that new host has.

Apollo:Wow that's...a lot to take in.

Light:*thinking* I you were basically a part of a reality TV, similar to Survival prehaps?

Flower:I've never heard of this Survival show. Then again, I've never heard of humans who were that tall before. The only ones I've seen were white and really thin who either only said "Aw seriously?" or spoke really a weird version spanish. Then again I bet you've never heard of or seen a talking flower before.

Morgana:To be fair I don't think that this Light has seen one yet since he's blind.

Flower:*emberased* OH MY GARDENER! I'm sorry, I completely forgot about that.

Light:*smiling* No need to apologize, we've only just met after all. *annoyed* But please, try to be more considerate in the future.

Apollo:*confused* No offense, but judging by your story wouldn't a more proper title be "Ultimate Reality TV Show Champion?"

Flower:*hands behind back* Well I was the first contestant eliminated in the first season, and I wasn't even in the second one as a contestant. The third season, again, was only one episode long and I'm probably not going to be in the fifth one. So it wouldn't make much sense.

Morgana:*bouncing pencil on forehead* So then why do you think that they went with the fashionista talent?

Flower:*pointing finger up* That's probably due to my influence in fashion business. See, I also make glittery sweaters and currently run a fashion store along with that also doubles as a steak house. I've got tons of other fashiony things too. *serious* Speaking of which here's a tip, Apollo you should really lose the hairdo. It looks like you got off on the wrong side of the bed.

Apollo:What does a talking flower know about human hairstyles? Especially one she just met? Plus, I think it makes me look pretty cool. *pretending to agree* I'll make sure to remember that advice. As for right now, I think me and Morgana should meet the last few members of the group.

Morgana:Indeed we should. Goodbye for now Flower.

Light:Indeed, farewell until we meet again.

Flower:*nods* Yeah! I'll be sure I will.

Well besides her somewhat rude comments on my fashion sense I think that Flower is pretty okay. She said that she's trying to better herself from her past self. I think that's a very noble cause even if I don't fully understand what she's trying to better herself from. I also don't fully understand how she got her talent but then again, I don't even know what these talents even are. For now, I just hope that my fashion sense won't be bad enough to end a friendship.

P.O.V Morgana

Morgana:Excuse me...Mr.Field.

Light:Yes? What is it?

As we continued walking to our next destination, with the horned man behind me and the blind man by my side, I decided to ask the later a question that has been bugging me. Bugging me ever since he ran away. And that question was exactly why he did it. Was it because of me? Did he somehow know about my upbringing?...No, that doesn't seem likely. Maybe he doesn't trust me enough? That would fair, I don't entirely trust anyone here yet, but then that brings up another question of why would he agree to go with me in the first place. Perhaps maybe instead of creating more questions I should just ask the one

Morgana:*concerned* I don't want to sound rude and all but there's something I've been meaning to ask...why did you run away from me?

Light:*apologetic* Again I do apologize for it, I know it was unexpected especially considering the possible danger I could have been it. Thankfully the only danger was that child.

Indeed. Beside possibly being a major pain in my ass he doesn't really seem all that scary. And even if he was a supreme leader of "evil" then it wouldn't have mattered since none of his goons were around to stop me.

Light:*shakes* But that's dodging the question. I feel as though you were worried that it was something that you did that gave you a bit of a startle. Do not worry. It was nothing that you did.

Morgana:*relieved* That's somewhat a relief on my end, but I won't let him know that. *monotone, shoulder shrug* Whatever.

Light:*concerned* It's just...well I thought that maybe I'd find my sister somewhere here. But it seems that I was mistaken. Clover is nowhere here. And I don't know if I should be relieved or worried about it.

Apollo:Worried or relieved? I think the answer should be obvious.

Light:*shakes head* It's not as simple as you think Apollo. I should be relieved that she's not in our situation with us but...*concern* what if something else happened to her? Something much worse than what we have experienced just now.

Apollo:Something else? Like what exactly?

Morgana:There are plenty of things that could happen, but maybe it's best we don't worry him anymore than he already is. I'm not even sure that he wants to-

Light:*stern* What if she's taking part in another game?

Morgana:*surprised* Another game?

Light:Ah, do forgive me. I suppose you wouldn't know. This isn't exactly my first time being kidnapped you see. It actually happened twice before this. The second was a year ago in 2027 and the frist was when I was little.

Apollo:*surprised* You got kidnapped 3 times!?! And one when you were just a kid?

Morgana:*writes stuff down* That is a bit surprising fact to hear, but it would explain how you seem so calm in this current situation. You don't have to talk about what happened in them should you feel comfortable with it, but could you at least expand a bit more on that comment on the game?

Light:Let's just say both times I was forced to play some sort of life or death experience. I don't think game really suits the first one however, the more proper word would be...experiment.

He was experimented on? And he said it was the first time too. That means he was only a child lab rat. That's so cruel!

...It's also a good motive for revenge. It's possible that one of the people here is part of one of his last games and he just hasn't recongized his voice. Perhaps the one who was in that game doesn't even remember what they did to the boy, explaining why they don't recognize them. Not to mention that Light is all grown up now, and probably much different in terms of looks.

sh*t, am I really accusing a blind guy of being behind this? I know that I cannot rule any suspects out but, he genuinely seems that he doesn't want to participate in anymore game. I mean, that's even assuming that we are even going to play a game. Not only is he blind, but he's just one man. I highly doubt that one person could create all this, especially someone who can't even see what he created.

Then again, he has a motive, his missing sister. What if she went missing and then for some reason he decided to kidnap members of the gang that took part in her capture. Or maybe he's a twisted psychopath who killed his sister in cold blood and decided to off 15 random others on it too. He'd be a damn psychopath and a really good liar.

...No, your'e jumping to conclusions. I'm sure there's an answer to all this. And your'e a detective Morgana. Instead of going on about creating a ton of conspiracy theories, no matter how right or wrong they turn out to actually be, you should try to find hard evidence before any of it.

Light:*concern* Are you all right. You haven't said a word for a while now and we're almost at our next destination.

Morgana:sh*t! *worried* Oh, sorry. I was just thinking about...things. *sweatdrop* Honestly, I should probably stop thinking for a bit. Nice recovery.

Apollo:Well do you at least thinking for a little while longer so you can explain those 2?

P.O.V Apollo Justice

Next stop on this tour was what appeared to be an old arcade. Not surprisingly at the moment it was closed, but what did suprise me were some of the names and prizes on the arcade cabinets. I didn't see any of the classic games like PAC-MAN, Q*Bert or even a fighting game. Then again, as I could only see into one of the windows and the fact that some games were lined up on the side they may have just been hidden. I did see Frogger though. I don't remember cabinet's art being so gorey though.

There were also some games I'd never heard of. Take for example:"Twilight Murder Syndrome Case". With a title like that, I doubt this game was intended for children under 10. The cabinet had what appeared to be a corpse of a girl, but her face was covered up with her hair. Also her blood was pink, maybe to prevent it from being to adult?

There was also something called Monokuman. The art arcade cabinet art featured two women. First was being a pretty average looking gal with her only odd trait being her short green hair and another one of those "horns" as our detective pal would put it. Next to her was a nervous looking girl with long purple hair and glasses. She had a "horn" too but this one was more rigid compared to the more smoother green hair.

Those were the only 3 games that I could see at least. But next to me was a sight that was pretty interesting too.

LOLRONPA 42069-Average Despair Fan Vs. Average Hope Enjoyers [CANCELLED] - TheOutrageousMoose (25)

??? (blue shirt):Are you absolutely positive?

??? (strange creature):*angry* For the last time, I'm telling you that I am not a damn raccoon. I'm also no trash panda either, and if you call me that it'll be worse.

??? (blue shirt):Then what exactly are you?

??? (strange creature):I told you. There ain't nothing like me, except me.

The first person of the conversation was the most normal person I've seen so far, and probably the youngest one too. Black hair, a yellow hair braid, light blue shirt with navy blue skirt. The only notable thing was her voice being deeper than the average woman's. The reason for that is simple. After all, I went through through a transition of my own.

Beside her stood what appeared to be a raccoon like creature. Of course he was standing on two legs and walking so that was weird. He was also wearing an orange jumpsuit that looked like he got it straight out of a sci fi film.

Morgana:Excuse me, mam? Sir? I need a moment of your time please. This is Apollo Justice, Ultimate Attorney.

Apollo:It's an honor to meet you.

??? (blue shirt):*awkward* Oh! Hey! It's you! The guy who was still sleeping when the rest of us were awake! Hahahahahaha.

Apollo:That girl is definitely an introvert.

??? (strange creature):*now* Great, now I can't get that bracelet off you and sell it. *annoyed* Not like it matters since none of you chumps have any cash on you.

??? (blue shirt):*thinking* That's more evidence your'e a raccoon. I-I mean, at least something similar to a raccoon. I don't think that Little King Trash Mouth can talk. Or can he? No, no he can't.

??? (strange creature):*shows off hands angirly* WHAT IN THOR'S NAME DID YOU CALL ME!? *lunges at her* AAAAAHHH!

??? (blue shirt):Aaaaaaahhhhh! *taken back* I-I wasn't talking about you I was talking about mom's raccoon theater star whose name is Little King Trash Mouth.

??? (strange creature):*getting restrained by Morgana* I DON'T CARE. ALL I HEARD WAS THAT YOU CALLED ME TRASH!

Morgana:*clearing throat* Ahem, I do hate to sound rude and all but I don't think know is the time for lashing out, especially in front of the new guy

Apollo:N-new guy? *annoyed* I wake up last and suddenly I'm the new guy!?

??? (strange creature):...Fine, but listen toots, you should NOT expect me to be all buddy-buddy with everyone I met, kay?

??? ():*calming down* O-okay, I'll go and introduce myself first since he's in a mood. *clears throat* Names Tina Belcher, just your ordinary 8th grade hall monitor at Wagstaff Middle School. At least I used to be, but then I became the Ultimate Hall Monitor.

LOLRONPA 42069-Average Despair Fan Vs. Average Hope Enjoyers [CANCELLED] - TheOutrageousMoose (26)

Apollo:*concern* First the blind guy, now an 8th grader? She hasn't even finished middle school yet. Our kidnapper is sounding like someone who escaped from an insane asylum.

Light:Ultimate Hall Monitor?

Tina:*trying to keep her cool* Yep, that's me all right. Why do you ask? Do you n-need a hall that needs monitoring?

Light:No, it's not that. It's just compared to some of the other talents here this one feels a bit...mundane.

Tina:*disappointed* Yeah I guess that is one way to look at it. *thinking* Then again, my life has been pretty mundane. My family runs a resturant, Bob's Burgers, but it isn't really that popular. We're also really poor so we can't exactly afford nice stuff. Thank goodness for regulars like Teddy or else we'd really be in big trouble. We might not even have a house!

Morgana:I wouldn't exactly call my house a mansion on the hills either.

Apollo:*embarrassed* Honestly I'm just barley getting by myself. The understatement of the century.

Tina:Anyways, I figured I liked helping around the restaurant so I thought, why don't I help around the school too? I-I didn't think I was doing that good of a job but if I was choosen to be an Ultimate then...*thinking* Uuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....

??? (strange creature):Questioning the reasoning of these titles?

Tina:*nods* A little. But don't question me being a hall monitor. Because...I am. A hall monitor. *excited* I also write Friend-fictions some times staring me and the kids at my school. For those who don't know that means basically writing a fan-fiction, but with your friends in it. VSFB. Very suitable...for butts.

Morgana:*disappointed* Should a 14 year old girl really be writing about that?

Light:It's called hormones.

Tina:Errrrrr...I'm also an occasional worker at the restaurant? I mean it's a family business so it kind of had to be that way but-

??? (strange creature):Okay that's enough of that. I didn't come here to hear your whole life story.

Tina:Technically I'm not sure we came here...

??? (strange creature):*ignoring her* Anyways, as for me, well be honest you've probably heard of me. But in case if you haven't I'm Rocket Raccoon. Ultimate Gunner and probably the best member of The Guardians of the Galaxy.

LOLRONPA 42069-Average Despair Fan Vs. Average Hope Enjoyers [CANCELLED] - TheOutrageousMoose (27)

Tina:Well? Now do you see why I was so confused earlier?

Apollo:*arms crossed, disappointment* Yeah, now I get it. *finger on forehead* So if you aren't a raccoon, what are you?

Rocket:Didn't I tell you that I'm the Ultimate Gunner and the best member of the Guardians of the Galaxy?

Morgana:Again, I know I've said it before with Bee Eff Bee, but I haven't exactly heard of these guardians of the galaxy. What galaxy are we talking about exactly?

Rocket:Okay the name is kind of a misleading, but you know it's kind of odd that you wouldn't know. Aren't you supposed to be a Half Worlder?

Morgana:Half world? *suprised* Was your world cut into half!?

Rocket:*shaking head* No, no! It''s a bit more complicated then that. Look, long story short basically I was an experiment who paired up with a giant tree named Groot into becoming a bounty hunter, BUT after we got done with that gig and a prison break a new team was formed with a man way to obsessed with the 80s, the tree as I mentioned, a guy who can't understand metaphors, the adopted daughter of a man who killed half of the universe, and me! The freak from half world.

Light:*smiling* A team of heroes!

Rocket:Eh, more like a team of vigilantes. We do good things, but it's only because it's we live in it. I said that not Star Lord, trust me.

Light:*thinking* That sounds a bit farfetched.

Apollo:Is it really the strangest thing to happen though? I mean I met a spirit medium once.

Tina:Damn, that's a way more interesting story then mine. Though it does inspire me to write a freind fic.

Morgana:*taking notes done* But, none of this explains why your title is a gunner.

Rocket:It's because I use guns in the fight.

Everyone but Rocket:Ah makes sense.

Rocket:Although if you asked me, I think that a better talent would be "Rocket Raccoon:Ultimate Ravenger".

Tina:Yeah, that sounds a lot more catchy, maybe it's the alliteration.

Apollo:Maybe if we called the Wright Anything Agency the Apollo Anything Agency we might have gotten more customers.

Tina:...Although we should probably look to much into them.

Morgana:I assume these relate to your concern about these talents?

Tina:*nods* Yeah. Not only are they completely random ranging from friend to assassin, some of them seem to imply that we can't do more than is necessary. Clearly Rocket and I are examples of that one.

Light:And then there's Michaella doesn't even have one as far as she can see. The only reason that I know my own talent is because Morgana told me what it was.

Rocket:Not to mention that the crooks who assigned us these are most likely the same guys who brought us here in the first. Even if they are a bit...strange though, they might have a bit of of knowledge about us too if that's they figured out exactly what we do.

Morgana:If that's the case then it's highly likely that they work for the government or perhaps an underground criminal. That likely means that they have a lot of power and are using this as a cover up for-

Tina:*screaming AHHHHHHHHHH! *panicked breathing* Euh, Euh, Euh, Euh.

Apollo:Hey maybe you should stop talking about this in front of the kid who looks like they're about to have an anxiety attack?

Morgana:*realization* Yeah, your'e right. I think that this would be a good time to depart so we don't make the poor kid more anxious than she already is.

Tina:*sigh of relief* Thank goodness. *apologetic* No offense to you guys, but you aren't exactly the best at keeping spirits up. *looks at Apollo* Bye for now!

Rocket:*rolls eyes* Whatever. Just don't call me a raccoon again and we'll be good, okay?

Tina:Oh! And if you find a way out let us know.

Morgana:*nods* You got it!

Okay first impression times.

Starting with Tina. The kid seems like a good kid overall. Sure I'll admit her interests in butts is a bit eccentric, but she's a growing girl and she seems to really passionate about what she does, even if she knows that it's a bit mundane compared to everyone else's talents. Honestly it's somewhat of a relief that she's somewhat normal. After how out of place everyone else felt, her normality is honestly a bit refreshing.

As for Rocket? I don't think we'll get along. My first impression gave me the gut feeling that he could snap at any given moment. Of course, I feel like this should be easy to deal. After all, he's pretty small. Just put him a dog cage and he'll tire himself out. Still, I wonder what he meant by being the only one like him? Maybe if we do ever warm up he can tell me.

???:Morgy! There you are!

Morgana:Ho boy.

Apollo:*nervous* Uh oh that's not a good sign.

Our final stop, like the others, was locked. Just like the others, window it had seemed to be covered up by a few blinds so we couldn't get a good read in it, not even with my BIG BULGY EYES. However there was one key difference, there was something next to it that I could see. That thing appeared to be a basketball court and the dumbell icon on the door gave me the impression that it was a fitness center. We couldn't see the inside of the gym from here not even with my BIG BULGY EYES.

What they could see was in front of me, an anthropomorphic rabbit. I could tell it was a rabbit because of the ears and the giant teeth. She was wearing a dress that appeared to be a shade of cyan with a white stripe. Her ears were tied up like a pony tail. All I could do know was wait for this rabbit to ramble.

??? (Rabbit):*excited* Oh hey there! How are you? Aren't you the guy who slept in longer then the rest of us? Did you hear that noise? *gasps* YOU MADE THE NOISE DIDN'T YOU! That noise what you yelling am I right? I should know, I know what yells are like. *estatic* Oh and Morgy! If you met Morgy then you can see her wings were pretty long. I knew that bats wings were pretty long but anthro bats wing spans are even longer than a feral ones. You could probably deduce that by size but I'm no mathemetician. *thinking* Wonder if they're as long as a wiener dog. Now I'm hungry for a wiener. *realization* Oh Light is here too! I never got why they named you Light, especially since you can't see any. *thinking* On the other hand calling him dark would probably be offensive to other people. Wait can blind people see darkness? I read on an article once that they only see nothingness. I'm not sure how accurate those online articles are though but-

Morgana:Ms.Bunny! Please let the man speak for Pete's sake.

??? (Rabbit):Right, right sorry. I tend to ramble on some times about useless things sometimes. It's a bad habit of mine. It's just *excited* I'm so excited to met new people!

Apollo:No, no it's fine. *relieved* Oh thank goodness I was starting to get a head ache trying to process all that. *clears throat* My name is Apollo Justice and I'm Fine.

Lola:...The Ultimate Fine?

Apollo:N-no! I'm the Ultimate Defense Attorney. What about you?

Lola:*gasps* Oh right! I never introduced myself didn't I? I'm Lola Bunny, but you can just refer to me as Lola if you want. As for talent? Well take a look at that title card and see for yourself.

LOLRONPA 42069-Average Despair Fan Vs. Average Hope Enjoyers [CANCELLED] - TheOutrageousMoose (28)

Apollo:Your'e the Ultimate Basketball Star eh? It's somewhat worrying how easily I'm accepting these introductory cards into my life. *sympathetic* You must be disapointed that your'e unable to play right now.

Lola:*shrug* Honestly? Yeah I am disappointed but more in the fact in the talent they gave me. I mean yeah what I did was kind of important, I did play basketball against a gang of aliens with Micheal Jordan, *verification* To verify I'm talking about B not A, and an A.I. gone rouge with the help LeBron James to get his son back, *serious* we almost lost a great rabbit on that day, but I've done so much more than that too! Heck if anything they should call me the Ultimate Cartoon Girlboss. *shaking hands back and forth* Not that I'm saying I hate basketball. *exciting* I love it! It's my favorite sport, my second being tennis. But, and this is just my personal opinion, I feel like-

Light:You feel as though getting centered into one singular talent will outshine the other things that you have done?

Lola:Yeah! I don't want to be known as the sexy rabbit from that one film with the Looney Tunes playing Basketball. *leans in* BTW don't look yourself online kid, trust me I did it once and I have not known peace since then.

Apollo:*nods* Noted.

Lola:No I want to be known as Lola Bunny! Singer of the hit song "Presidents Day", Inventor of the Invisible Perfume, an LGBT+ icon for dating a non binary rabbit, anything then just a basketball star. Again, not saying I hate basketball, I love it. But you'd think something as cool as inventing the ability to turn people invisible would probably be something that would be worth worthy as my main talent. Oh! Perhaps they haven't seen the movie yet? I mean it is one of those movies where you release it straight to DVD. Considering the madness that was 2020, you'd assume that more people would buy it. *bonks head* Oh wait, Rabbits Run came out 5 years before that. Never-mind, it probably didn't do well due to the release date.

Morgana:You didn't tell me you were a preformer.

Lola:Isn't that the life of a cartoon character? To make people laugh? *thinking* Weeeeeeeell, actually more cartoons have been getting into a lot more social issues like PTSD, trauma, anxiety, heck even abandonment. *worried* Wait should we have done something like that for a bit? I mean sure we had war propoganda toons back in the day but.

???:U-uh excuse me, mind if I have a moment to speak?

LOLRONPA 42069-Average Despair Fan Vs. Average Hope Enjoyers [CANCELLED] - TheOutrageousMoose (29)

Lola:Oh right! Forgot I wasn't alone for a few moments.

Behind Lola appeared another human female, this one appearing to be of Asian Descent with a pair of red glasses on her face. Her outfit was a bit weird to describe but her hair was a simple pair of braids with some purple rings near the end of them. It was clear she was nervous, even more than Tina was.

Lola:Everyone meet Homura! Well technically Morgana and Light have probably already met her but...I should stop talking now and let her spek.

Homura (?):*sheepishly* T-thank you Bunny-san. As for you Justice-san, h-hello there. Umm...My name is Akemi Homura, and I''s really nice to...I mean, err pleased to meet you. As for my talent...w-well you most likely will not believe this but..I-I'm a magical girl.

LOLRONPA 42069-Average Despair Fan Vs. Average Hope Enjoyers [CANCELLED] - TheOutrageousMoose (30)

Apollo:Magical Girl, so like one of those characters in anime. I'm guessing that your'e a voice actor?

Homura:*shaking head*, it's nothing like that. F-for starters I...well...I...*nervous*'s hard to explain.

Morgana:It's all right. You don't need to explain anything if your'e nervous.

Apollo:Y-yeah if the topic makes you feel a like that we can drop if you want.

Homura:*small smile* T-thank you Justice-sama...I-is that okay I call you that? I mean your'e a lawyer and that's...well...that seems like a very respectable job. "San" is the most common usage of the word...but "sama" is used to show respect to someone. *scared* I-I mean I-I don't disrespect anyone here! but...w-well if you don't feel comfortable about it and just want me to use "san" then please l-let, tell me.

Apollo:She respects me? *smiling at her, arms crossed* Oh no it's fine, you can call me sama if you want. *bigger smile* It's nice to meet you Homura!

Homura:Uh...I don't want to sound...mind if you refer to me as Akemi? In Japan it's common for people to refer to eachother by their last names. A-as a forigner I get you may not have known that b-but-.

Apollo:Oh! That's also no problem at all Akemi.

Homura:*blushes* T-thank you...I mean, thanks for understanding...I mean...*hides behind Lola* I-I-I'm sorry Bunny-san I'm just really scared right now.

Light:Indeed, this is a scary situation. Especially since you don't have memory of how you got here. You probally don't even know where here is.

Apollo:Actually I saw I sign. Earlier. Apparently we're in some place known as "Monoland".

Light:Yes, I may not have seen the sign but Morgana told everyone what was writen on it. However, where in the world is exactly "Monoland"?

Apollo:That's...actually a fair point.

I still fail to recall hearing about any place called "Monoland", ever. You'd assume a city like this would be the talk of the century, especially considering how modern it looks, and yet it's abandoned. Something like an abandoned city would probally come up in the news.

Not like the news would really help us anyways. It's daytime so there aren't any stars I can see. Maybe in night I could recongize a few star patters? I may not be an astronomer but having an astronaut as your best friend does have some benefits. That is of course is assuming we're in a place we can even see the stars.

Homura:*apologetic* A-ah! I'm sorry for making you worry Justice-sama.

Apollo:Oh no! I-I'm fine. I'm fine. I can assure you that I'm fine.

Homura:Your'e...fine? Your'e in a place that you don't know and it's highly unlikely that your friends know where you are either. H-how can you be fine?

Lola:Maybe it's stockholm sydrome? That usually takes a while to kick in though but-

Morgana:*shhhh finger*

Lola:Right, right. I'll be quiet.

Homura:I-I don't mean to interupt, but I...I don't feel so well. I've kind of got this heart condition and me and Lola were trying to look around for some form of medical a-aid. Was anyone lucky in f-find...did anyone find something?

Morgana:*shakes head* No luck on my end, however, I think that there might be some mediciene in the place where Zorori and Micheallea were headed.

Homura:*smiling* T-that's good news. S-still I'd like to find it soon, b-before things get to bad.

Morgana:How about we take you to the hotel right now and see if we can get you your mediecene?

Homura:Thank you Morgana-sama. That would be really nice of you.

Light:I shall come too, Perhaps it would be a good chance to catch up on everyone and see how they are doing. You don't mind making a few rounds do you.

Morgana:*writing stuff down* We'll get the kid her medicene first then we'll rally up our troops. It shouldn't be that long of a walk. Judging by how long it took us to get to one block from another it's only about 7 minuetes away,

Apollo:Around 20000 footsteps?

Morgana:Well I'm no mathmetician but I do know how long this is in footsteps, at least rounded up anyways. It took 7 minuetes to walk from the top left corner of the street to the top right and assuming that it's equal length then the bottom should be a similar time. That is unless something blocks our way, or someone. It's also worth noting that it took us 14 minuetes to get to the ends of all the blocks and back. However, *points to gate* so far none of us have gone into the building in the centered.

Oh yeah! We haven't explored that yet either. Then again, considering everything else that's going on I kind of feel as though it's less of a priority as some of the other things. I wonder though, what could possibly be in it? I can't exactly see it considering the windows are are blocked but there appear to be the words, "Town Hall" writen inside it. Maybe that's where our captors are hiding? If so it's highly unlikley that they'll let us.

Homura:Urgh! *clutching her chest*

Apollo:Oh! Right, let's get her to the Resting Motels and pray that there's an infirmary!

Lola, she seems like a nice bunny over all even if she's a bit talkative. Sure her ramblings are a bit hard to understand but at least she's got optimism. That's something that we probally need a lot more of in this situation. However, I would prefer it if she talked a bit slower. Best not to bring that up though. Especially if it's something like that.

Homura on the other hand? I think I like her. However, I'm also really, really worried about her. Not only does she has a heart condition but she also seems to be suffering for aniexty, even more so than Tina. I don't fully get what she means by her being the "Ultimate Magical Girl" but I don't need to know right now. Right now I should focus on getting her the medicene that she needs. I just hope that we aren't too late...

Chapter 4: Prolouge:Oh boy, Here we Go Killing Again. (Final Part)


In which we meet the mascot of this madness.
tw//Ace Attorney Spoilers, Tramua Implications, Ommetaphobia (fear of eyes)

Chapter Text

P.O.V Morgana

Welp. That's everybody. The entire cast of this freak show.

LOLRONPA 42069-Average Despair Fan Vs. Average Hope Enjoyers [CANCELLED] - TheOutrageousMoose (31)

This feels like a fever dream. Not only are there 5 hairlessmonkeys, possibly 6 or 7, we've also got what appears to be some sort of man madeentirely out of squares, a nudist, the devil himself and a talking flower. I've seen weirder things before in my line of work but sh*t when sh*t gets weird sh*t gets weird.

I'm just glad we managed to get Homura hermedicine on time.

After arriving back at the hotel, much to our relief, there was an infirmary in it, althoughabandoned of course, and it had theexactmedicine she needed. We decided to get the whole crate and bring it a long with us so we wouldn't have to worry about a life or destination. She told me she had found the perfect spot to place it in her shield.

I laughed at that suggestion at first, in my head of course, but she seemed to be serious about it, and serious she was.



Homura:*opening shield up and putting the medicine in*

Morgana:*gap wide open* How the hell-?

Apollo:Oh! Now I get it by magical girl they meant magician!

Morgana:How'd you reach that conclusion?

Apollo:My boss' daughter is also in the magician business, last heir of her family. She can do a similar trick with her *pauses*

Morgana:*thinking* Iprobablyshouldn't ask.


Those were 2 things thatsurprised me today and both of them related to fitting stuff in place where they shouldn't fit. I do not think they all can stuff away in pocket dimensions. I believe that it's possible only a subspecies known as magicians capable of it. That, or "magician" is referring to the occupation.

After that me, Lola and Snake rounded the rest of the game. Especially considering we seemed to be in big trouble. Some of them were pretty willing to head back while others wereunderstandably reluctant.

Then there was Mr.Ouma...


Kokichi:Let me go! You can't force me to go anywhere, especially to a lame meeting. You aren't my mother. Your'e more like the butch lesbian aunt that shows up with wine.

Yuuka:*holding him like a suitcase* Well if your'e going to act like a child, snapdragon, then I'll have to act like your mother.

Kokichi:Ooh Snapdragon! What does that mean?

Yuuka:It's a flower. Snapdragons are often associated with lies, deception and indiscretion.

Kokichi:*excited* Wow! A flower that suits me perfectly.


At the very least he hasn't left yet.

Now it's time to seewhat everyone discovered. I highly doubted that we'd find an exit, considering that whoever kidnapped us waslikely one that didn't want us to leave. But still, the more information we had the better.

Morgana:All right, now that's everyone's here I think that-

Zorori:Let me guess. You want to see what everyone discovered on their journeys don't you?

Morgana:*death glare* Don't interrupt me.

Zorori:*looking down* Y-yes mam.

Morgana:*ahem* Before we get to that however, I believe we should introduce yourself to our other new face, AKA the boy in the checkered cloth. Also please state your pronouns like Michaela did. Who wants to go-

Kokichi:Rawr! Me name Kokichi Ouma. Me a zombie and talent Ultimate Supreme Leader with he/him pronouns....*regular voice* Really, nothing?

K.K:I'll go next. Names K.K Slider, he/him and they/them pronouns. I'm a traveling musician, Ultimate here apperently, and have made over 90 original songs in my career of over 20 years.

Lola:Ooh! Ooh! My names Lola, she/her pronouns, and I'm the Ultimate Basketball Star. However I'm not just a basketball player. But I don't want to that long so I'll let someone else go.

Blitzo:*proud* Names Blitzo. he/him. Ultimate Assassin. Current head of Immediate Murder Professionals and unlike that hoe over there I've actually touched a real di-

Morgana:*covering his mouth* Uh, no. She is not a THOT. All women are queens.

Dave:If she breathes she's a THOT.

Morgana:*death glare*

Dave:*unaffected* Anyways my name is Wi-Dave Miller, he/him, and I work at literal hell, or at least if hell was a place where people wanted to yiff the fox 24/7. That place is Freddy Fazbender's Pepperonerie where I'm the Ultimate Pizzeria Worker. It's been so long since I've had a break from this work and even though this ain't no Vegas, it'll do.

Michaela:I'll go now. My name is Michaela Arklow and I use she/her pronouns. For some reason my talent won't show, but I did use to work as a servant for a merchant's wife and was a disciple of the great Elluka Clockworker at one point. Maybe it was one of those 2?

Zorori:I'm but a humble villager named Zorori from the village of...Ishinoshi. My pronouns are he/him and they/them. *dramatic* Oh, alas why was someone like me brought here? After all I do nothing but plow the petunias.

Yuuka:*confused* You don't plow Petunias.

Zorori:*down on the ground* Another mistake of mine I made! I will surely die alone!

Several:Don't say that Zorori-kun. Watashi will help you get through this. It's my duty as the Ultimate Friend. Call me Several. Wakaranai what those pronouns are but watashi use she and her when referring to watashi.

Morgana:Actually those are EXACTLY what those are! I believe I introduced to everyone, but just in case you forgot I am Morgana, Ultimate Detective. I use she/her.

Rocket:And I'm Rocket Raccoon. Ultimate Gunner. he/him pronouns. Don't be fooled by the last name I am not an actual Raccoon. There isn't nothing like me except me.

Light:I am Light Field, however if this turns out to be what I think it is you are free to refer to me as Snake.




Light:*grumpy* Ah yes, we've got a few comedians here. *ahem* Anyways, my pronouns are he/him and I am the Ultimate Harpist.

Tina:*waving* Hi, my name is Tina Belcher. Ultimate Hall Monitor. I also work full-part-time at my families burger place, Bob's Burgers. I know now may not be a good time but if any of you want to get some good burgers you can get some there!

Morgana:I'll remember that for when we I get hungry.

Tina:Oh! Pronouns are she/her and I'm a transgender girl.

Michaela:Same here!

Apollo:I’m an FTM transgender.

Zorori:It's not exactly the same but I technically identify as non binary.

K.K:Same here, NB wise.

Morgnana:*sarcastically* Good news! The kidnapper behind this madness is trans and enby inclusive!

Flower:Even more good news is that it's my turn. Flower, she/her and they/them pronouns will work for me, the Ultimate Fashionista. Ultimate Champion could have worked too, but hey when in Monoland.

Yuuka:Well at least the mastermind knows your'e fashionable. As a gardener I believe that all flowers are, but you in particular are a strange case since I have never seen a flower like you before in my home-place of Gensokyo. Then again it's no so strange for something like you to happen in Gensokyo. *apologetic* Ah but where are my manners? I'm Yuuka Kazami and my pronouns are she/her.

Flower:*realization* Oh my gardener! That's what a gardener looks like!

Morgana:Well we still have 2 introductions left. Homura? Apollo? Either of you want to go.

Apollo:...Oh! Sorry about that got a bit distracted. But don't worry. *smile* Names fine and I'm Apollo Justice! *embarrassed* I mean my name is Apollo Justice. Not fine. I'm fine, not in name just in emotional state. Oh! Pronouns are he/him and talent is Ultimate Defense Attorney.

Morgana:Ah, of course he'd mess it up.


Morgana:And this girl right here is Homura Akemi. She's the Ultimate Magical Girl and Her pronouns are she/her.

Homura:...*relived* Thank you Morgana-sama.

Morgana:No problem Ms.Akemi. Now then, let's move on onto our second topic of this meeting, *grabbing a paper and pencil* Tell me, during their investigations, what did everyone discover?

Several:*excited* The park is sugoi! There's a slide, a playground, what Totakeke-kun calls a "Gah-zee-boo", and a river. *sweat-drop* Etto, I couldn't find any exit. Comenosai.

K.K:*shrug* No luck on my luck either kittens. Thankfully there did appear to be a concert hall so at the very least my talent won't go to waste at the very least. Maybe we could have a concert later if we don't escape by today?

Morgana:That's assuming there's even instruments to play. It's not like we saw anything with an instrument in it...oh wait we did! While finding Mr.Ouma I managed to spot something with a guitar in it. Maybe it's a music shop?

Kokcihi:And there was one with a harp on it's sign. If only you saw it Light. I bet you would have been so happy.


Kokichi:*apologetic?* Oh right. Sorry about that. My bad.

Michaella:Well we all found this hotel and you guys found the infirmary apparently.

Homura:...y-yeah. I-I have a heart condition. I have to take medicine every few minutes. However I decided that I'd put it right here in my shield if I need to take some on short notice so we wouldn't need to move it as much.

Michaella:This isn't all the hotel offers though.

Zorori:Indeed, It looks like there's also a buffet that's open occasionally.

Michaella:And this fridge can summon almost food in existence. It's almost like magic. It must be magic! I mean what else could it be?

Zorori:*thinking* Really advanced technology.

Morgana:*confused* Techno-what now?

Light:Huh, do forgive me for assuming, but I thought your village would be isolated from the outside world and didn't know a thing about technology.

Zorori:...*annoyed look* We're not an Amish village Light.

Yuuka:*spinning parasol* Dave and I found a garden. Unfortunately it was locked off to the public so I can't water those plants within.

Dave:Urgh, flower girl here wouldn't shut up about watering the plants. If you love plants so much why don't you marry them?

Yuuka:*threatening smile* If you hate your job so much why don't you kill it?

Dave:...*looking to the right* Hey horns, what did you see?

Blitzo:There was a weapon store. No guns there, but there were knives.

Morgana:Wait you found a weapon location and didn't say anything? That could be what the kidnappers are trying to use to kill us!

Tina:KILL US!? *nervous* Uuuuuhhhhhhhh...

Blitzo:Relax puberty personified, not like anyone would hold any grudges against a nerd like you with your nerd glasses.

Tina:Hey that's not a nice thing to say!

Blitzo:*mocking her* hEy ThAt'S nOt a NiCe ThInG tO sAy. *arms crossed* Grow up! Life isn't always a nice to you, *creepy smile* especially if your restaurant is as broke as you are going to be in a few years, and that hairdo won't help it.

Flower:*shakes head* Personally I kind of like that bob cut.

Tina:Thanks I've never had a talking flower tell me that before. Actually no one has said that to me before. *counting on her fingers* except mom, and mom usually knows best so...*remembering* Oh! Right! Me and Rocket found an old arcade. It was also closed but it looks like there were a few familiar games in there.

Rocket:*rolls eyes* Bet that idiot Quill would love it. That idiot is still simping after Gamora. It's been 5 years now! He needs to let go and let me take over as the guardians captian. Or at least let that azgardian guy take over.

Lola:Me and Homura found a basketball court. There appeared to be 2 courts to play on. I would have loved to play a game with her but the gate was locked. I was originally planning on climbing it but apparently the fence has a built in electric thing in it. *thinking* At least I thought it did but in reality it didn't because when Homura tried it she didn't get shocked. Why did I get shocked when I touched it when she didn't? Actually I didn't get shocked. I watched a movie about the danger of electric fences and my mind must have tricked me into thinking that it was electric. Funny how the mind can play tricks on you. You see one time I thought that a crow was a baby. It led to me getting a broken leg. *smiling* You want to know how I got it? Well you see-

Rocket:*headache* We wanted your two cents and you gave us a million dollars. *disappointed* If only they were real dollars.

Homura:...*twiddling with hair* I've noticed that a lot of this stuff seems to be locked. I wonder if there's a reason for that?

Kokichi:*angry* Isn't it obvious? We have to do something for them to open. God even a 5th grader could figure it out.

Light:*thinking* But what exactly is it that we have to do to open the locks?

Morgana:You think that our kidnappers want us to open them?No offense but these people did put us in what appears to be some sort of gigantic cage like prisoners.

K.K:I believe the more proper term is dome, but the point still stands, so you can call it what you want. *strumming guitar* Yeah, call it what you want to.

Morgana:*confused* I feel like he's referencing something that I don't know about.

Yuuka:Regardless it seems that whatever the cage or dome is made off is fairly strong. Way stronger than anyone here. Though that shouldn't be surprising to a few of you, especially the boy with the spiky hair~.

Tina:But they had to get us in somehow. Maybe there's a door in the dome that opens up?

Dave:*sarcasitc* Oh sure! Let's just find it, open it up, then open sesame, we'll run as fast as we can out of here and never return. Then we'll go find a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow and find a solution to world hunger next! *irritated* Grow the hell up kid.

Blitzo:I like this guy, he tells it like it is. I do that too! *leans in close* Your'e going to go to hell for your obsession with butts.

Tina:*shrugs* Yeah I figured I would. At least I'll be there with my sister. She says there's a special place for her there. It's called the throne.

Apollo:*surprised* A literal demon told you your'e heading straight to hell and you didn't even flinch. How did you do that?

Tina:*angry* Gee I don't know? Maybe it's because right now I more concerned about getting out of this place!?! *calm* Sorry about that, I'm actually really scared of both things. I just wish we had a key to solve these problems.

Several:Johtto matte! Did you just say a key?

Tina:Yeah, why do you ask?

Several:...I don't know. Key is pretty fun to say though. Key Key Key Key Key!

Zorori:If I may offer you some advice. In my village there is a saying "Every door is an opportunity. All you need a key." I never got what it meant metaphor wise but literally the meaning should be clear.

Flower:*relization* Oh of course! It's a challenge! We have to find all the hidden keys to unlock all the doors and when we do that we may just find our ticket out of here! It's a challenge!

Rocket:*shakes head* No sh*t it will be a challenge. We haven't even found the doors.

Flower: mean like the challenges I competed in back in Battle for Dream Island and BFB!

Dave:Wait you mean that you think this is a reality TV show? *facepalm* That's the most stupid thing I've ever heard.

Lola:*thinking* It would explain all the security cameras everywhere. *waves to the camera* Hi mom! I've been forced to play this show illegally! Call the cops.

Michaela:But I didn't see any keys in the area.

Flower:Well maybe we aren't supposed to. Maybe the challenge is to open the locks without finding a key?

Kokichi:*winking* You know I happen to be a master locksmith. I can get those locks open in no time if I had the right material.

Apollo:*disappointed face* I'm pretty sure lock picking is illegal in most of the world. *sighs* But desperate times call for desperate measures and we are kind of in a worse situation right now.

Morgana:Indeed we are. Plus, I've always wanted to see a lock pick in action. I say that we try finding materials for lock picking and if that doesn't work then we'll try to think of a new plan of a-.


Morgana:*taken back* No?

Blitzo:*proud* We won't need to find a second idea if lock picking turns out to be a no go. I've already got a plan of my own that will help us out.

Apollo:*nervous* R-really? Well that's good news!

Morgana:*sighs* It would be but...All right. What exactly is this plan of yours?

Blitzo:*winking* Oh trust me it's a really good plan. Here's the deal. If this plan fails I try to find the guy who did this to us and then I f*** them up real good.

Morgana:...What? Surley you can't be serious right not can you.

Blitzo:*serious* Hell yeah I am serious! Serious about "persuading" them that is.

Dave:So you mean to tell me your plan is to seduce the big honcho to let us out by morally questionable means? *facepalm* Jesus f***ing Christ.

Blitzo:*taken back* What? No! I meant f*** him up as in kill him! Seduction is plan C. Plan B is after A. I'll use the weapons from the weapon shop and just kill them instead.

Apollo:*frightened* L-Light! I thought you said Assassins only killed for money.

Light:*irritated* Just be glad he isn't killing you. Besides, he might just rob the dead man's corpse for all we know. He doesn't seem like he has our best interests.

Morgana:*confused* That's odd, I've never seen this side of Light before...I say as though he's an old friend when I've only known him for a few moments and I don't know even everything about him...

Lola:Now, now. Let's not count our chickens before they hatch into roosters with southern accents. *looking to the side* Trust me, if you think my talking is bad you'll hate how long Foghorn can go on.

Tina:Yeah! We don't even know who the mastermind even is, none the less their motives.

Michaela:*worried* And perhaps we can simply talk to them and see what they want? After all for all that we know they may just want to protect us from harm.

Flower:*shakes head* You seem like the kind of person to see the good in everyone. A trait that would likely get you killed in battle, *shaking head* but I highly doubt they want to protect us.

Flower:Well then...maybe they want us to play a game of some sort?

Kokichi:*scared* A game?

Morgana:That reacton...that looks to be genuine. Did something happen to him involving a game before?

Light:A game you say? So you believe that this isn't just a singular challenge, but instead multiple challenges as in one of yourreality shows.

Flower:*thinking* I mean it's not impossible. It would explain why there's all the cameras in the area and have all these celebrity-like people.

Lola:*waving at a camera* Hi mom! Again, send help!

K.K:Well I can get why'd they'd want someone like me to be seen on the the wide screen and Flower is our veteran reality competition survivor.

Flower:No, the show was called Battle For Dream Island. Remember?

Tina:I think Survivor is a completely different reality T.V show all together.

K.K:However If that's the case wouldn't we have seen the host come out by now?

Blitzo:Plus people usually tend to audition for these kind of things and since I.M.P tends to do our work in secret, it seems very that we would try to be a part of something like this.

Flower:Actually I didn't audition for mine. You see BFDI started off with the host coming to us and offering us the ability to play the game. BFB started similary and the new show TPOT seems to have started when the contestants split into 2.

Rocket:Yeah, and I know about this guy named The Collector. He had kidnapped many people for his collection. It's not impossible that the mastermind behind this is equally as psychotic as him, but less obvious in his crimes. Hell, there's even a chance that it is him. Or it could be another manipulative megalomaniac whose extremely opportunistic.

Yuuka:So someone like Yukari Yakumo?

Tina:Or my dad's landlord Calvin Fishowner. He has an eyepatch.

Several:*confused* What do half of those words even mean?

Zorori:Honestly the implication that this is someone we know is honestly more terrifying than the whole kidnapping in general.

...No that's only the second most frightening implication. As much as I don't want to admit it there is something much worse...and much more frightening.

Morgana:I don't want to sound rude but...there's something that's been bugging me.

Light:*concerned* Let me guess you think that there's someone here in this very group that isn't telling us everything they know?

Morgana:*nods* I think so. Though that shouldn't come as a surprise really. *regretful* We've only just met a few moments ago I didn't expect everyone to say anything. But that's not why I think this particular person is hiding it...

There's no going back after this Uneasy Proposition. But it must be proposed.

Morgana:*stern* It is possible that among us lies our captor.

Kokichi:*smirk* Amoogus, soos.

Michaela:*suprised* mean to tell me that-

Light:Indeed, as much as I didn't want to admit it there are a few people here that don't except seem to be the most formidable. It is highly probable that they are working with the mastermind, or perhaps are the mastermind themself.

Blitzo:Well, I already know I'm on the list and it makes sense too. I was going to betray you after all.

Morgana:Indeed, not to mention your job. You are an assassin. *writing* For all I know you could have set this whole thing up just to kill us off one by one. As a famous detective it would make sense there's a bounty on my head. I bet the same goes for K.K, Rocket and Apollo too. Plus, you aren't taking this situation seriously as most of us are and you didn't resist.

Blitzo:So your'e accusing me because of a hypothetical bounty and the fact that I'm not taking this seriously? *shrugs* Well I mean it's true this is just another Tuesday for me, but that might be a bit on the nose. Let's not forget Dave has been nothing but a complete asshole ever since we got here.

Morgana:I was getting to him next. After all he's repeatedly stated time and time again that he's hated his job and he'd do anything to get out of it.

Dave:You bet your ass I would do anything to get out it. But I didn't do this! I'm not going to give some moral dilemma or plead like a baby would though. Consider this:I'm broke AF. *angry* When the boss gets a dollar, I don't get no dimes. Hell, I barley even get a penny!

Tina:And just how would we know that for certain?

Light:The child has got a point. We do not know each other personally so for all that we know you could just be lying about your financial situation.

Dave:And how do we know that your'e really as poor as you say you are, Tina?

Tina:*angry* Why the hell would I lie about working in a run down burger shop? *apologetic* Sorry, that sounded rude.

Morgana:She's only 14.

Dave:*serious* Age is just a number.

Blitzo:*stare* Context is important in those kinds of things you know.

Morgana:Well you two aren't the only suspects, your'e just the most obvious. Flower on the other hand is pretty supicious too.

Flower:*gasp* You think that I did this? If I did I'd at least have it take in a beauty shop or something.

Morgana:And yet your'e so insistent on this reality T.V show idea. Perhaps you wanted to feel the glory of winning that game one more time and wanted to compete against us to get it?

Rocket:*angry* Yeah that is actually a fair point. Why are you so insistent on it being a reality T.V show?

Yuuka:*defending her* She only said that she thought it was, she hasn't made a comment relating on the matter in a while however. For all we know her opinion could have changed. Even if it hasn't, you were oddly quick to blame her~.

Morgana:Indeed he was. And the whole "vigilante" scheme to make your self look more heroic than you are could just be a cover up for your real job as a ravager.

Rocket:*angry* What? The only reason I'm protecting this damn galaxy is because I live in it. I don't care about the people that live in it. I only look out for numbero uno.

Kokichi:*smirk* That only makes you look more sus.

Morgana:And why did you only decide to speak up when you were the accused and not defend anyone else?

Lola:*calming* N-now hold on everyone there's no need to point fingers-.

Tina:*pointing finger at her* No one has pointed a finger up until I did just now!...Oh wait you just meant it like a metaphor.

Zorori:*chukcles* we're playing the blame game are we?

Several:The blame game? Watashi have never played it before. How do you play it?

Morgana:I knew it was a mistake bringing it up, but-

Zorori:Well then how do we not know your'e the mastermind behind this?

Morgana:Ah, my inevitable accuser. *thinking* I figured you'd say that, however if I was the mastermind why would I even bring up the idea of the mastermind being in our group?

Light:*nods* That wouldn't make much sense. I figured that if the mastermind was really in our group they'd be silent about the possibility about it.

Zorori:Subverting our expections obviously. I mean I may just be a humble villager, so you should take my word with a grain of salt but-

Light:Isn't that talent of yours a bit too vague?

Zorori:Hey I didn't pick the talent the mastermind did, *serious glare* Isn't that right Morgana? Why else would you want us to lead your group? *leaning in close* Hmmmmmmm...?

Michaela:Wait don't you guys think your'e rushing into this?

Blitzo:*excited* Well I say we eject boobs McKenzie first! She's the most sus in my opinion for starting this madness.

Light:*angry* Stop posting about among us! I'm tired of hearing it! *stern* Plus, lets not forget whose talent here is part of the black market.

Zorori:*tilted, hands behind back* Hmmm...I don't know. I mean we haven't accused Mr.Field.

Morgana:That's because he's blind! I mean no offense to him but I doubt someone like him would be able to start something like this. *angry* Especially sine he can't see sh*t.

Light:*offended* Excuse me? Are you saying that just because I'm blind means that I can't do anything?

Morgana:Wait no that's not what I-

Light:*arms crossed* I'll have you know that my world may be covered in darkness but I can still hear just fine. In fact I think I might have better hearing than most you here.

Zorori:And why is that exactly?

Light:*sighs* Well, I don't wish to toot my own horn, especially by tooting it I may look more suspicious, auditory senses are considerably more advanced than those of most humans. I notice even the slightest of noises. *pointing* And that's why I know that your'e currently brading your hair Miss Akemi.

Homura:E-eep! H-hang on I've got a heart condition remeber? S-sure I have the medicene right now but I feel like this game might be bad for my-!

Light:*shakes head* Oh no, I am not accusing you. Infact your'e the one of the only two here that I know isn't responible for this.

Morgana:And I assume I'm not on the list?

Light:No. *apologetic* Although if it's any conteslation you are the second least. The only other person I'm certian isn't behind this is none other than-

Lola:*nervous* Wait hold on! Don't say another word.

Yuuka:*threatneing* Indeed, do you really want to betray that persons trust? Or what if that person secretly doubts you for it~?

Light:...*looks to the side* I suppose that's true. I'm just glad that it wasn't you clearly enjoy picking on those weaker than you.

Morgana:...*holds out pencil like a weapon* Yes, you are pretty high up there too. Maybe you wanted me to target Zorori and have him target me.

Kokichi:None of us have accused Orange over here.

Several:Orange? Ie, my name is Several!

Homura:B-but S-several chan dosen't seem like a killer and neither does L-lola.

Zorori:No one never mentioned me before either until now. How did you know I was going to accuse her next?

Lola:Me or her? Either way your'e wrong.

K.K:Wait you were going to do that? I was assuming you'd choose me next.

Kokichi:*smiling* Don't worry, I will if it makes you feel any better. *winks* Bad boy! Bad boy! Bad K.K Slider.

K.K:*lifts hand up* Now listen I don't think that we should be accusing eachother at all.

Dave:*angry* OH F***ING REALLY?! Trying to remove the tension so the blame is no longer on you!


Apollo:HOLD IT!




P.O.V Apollo

Wow I did not expect my chords of steel to have that big of an effect on them.

Light:*surprised* Oh, I didn't realize you were still here Apollo. Do you have something to say Apollo?

Apollo:As a matter of a fact I do.

Okay here goes.

Apollo:Morgana, as a detective would you not agree that evidence is an important part of the case.

Morgana:...*nods* Yes, I would say that.

Apollo:*nods* Good, now what you have just said were certinally interesting statements and I'm sure that some of them could indeed count as evidence.

Morgana:Thank you for-

Apollo:*pointing* However, you don't even know who to accuse and your'e placing random accusations due to your first impressions. While I admit that maybe Blitzo freaks me out a bit and I'm not exactly sure his actions are all considered moral, have you actually asked him if anyone here has a bounty on his heads?

Morgana:...*sighs* No *nervous* b-but he could be lying if he says no and-!

Apollo:*holds hand out* Don't you think your'e catastrophing things just a teeny bit?

Morgana:...Maybe a little.

Apollo:Look there's nothing wrong with being cautious, but you have to know when cautiouness is going to far. And you should also think before you speak. Everyone started accusing eachother because of your statement.

Morgana:*nod* I suppose it is my fault that we all jumped to that conclusion without proper evidence. I'm sorry for that.

K.K:It's all cool. You were probally just stressed. We're all scared right now, remeber that.

Light:I suppose I may have lost my lid a bit too. It's just...well I really missed my dear sister Clover and if one of you had done something with her then...well I wouldn't have known what to do.

Blitzo:*rolls his eyes* Urgh, so that's it we're going to go the cliche "let's all be friends and have total faith in eachother" route.

Apollo:N-no. If you do have doubts about someone here, especially after that, it's not a good idea to keep it in. But maybe instead of causing a public fuss right here you can talk to eachother about it in private instead of making a public fuss.

Dave:That still sounds like some kids show sh*t.

Michaela:Maybe it does sound childish, but earlier you were acting like a like a bunch of babies.

Kokichi:*crying* Waaaaaaahhh! Mommy! Get me a diaper!

Yuuka:*serious* Oh my! Don't you know that bad babies deserve to have punishment~?

Kokichi:*freaked out?* It's a lie! I'm not a baby! *down on his knees* Please don't punish me.

Yuuka:In all seriousness though we let this argument get out of hand.

Tina:Yeah, I suppose I have to agree with them. Besides, trustworthy or not I'm seeing a lot of good butts, *looking at Zorori* and I cannot lie that I like them.

Zorori:*winking* Ooh, like what you see. Sorry but I think your'e a bit to young, try waiting 5 years when your'e 18.

Tina:*diapointed* Oh...okay Professor Foxtail.

Rocket:I don't think that doofus has the knowledge to be a professor.

Tina:Oh. *embarrassed* He's Just an old crush of mine from a magazine. He wasn't real, unlike my other crushes that I may or may not have a shot at.

K.K:*winking* Hey nothing wrong with that. I've had a few crushes of my own throughout the years. Love is a wonderful thing.

Apollo:See? This how we should be handling this situation. Friendly. We don't have to necessarily like each other, but getting on each others bad sides isn't going to help either of us out. *looking at Blitzo, nervously* Especially if getting on our bad sides results in us being the next target of assasination.

Blitzo:*sticks tongue out* Now why in Satan's name would I do that?

Morgana:...Your'e right. Why in Satan's name would you do that? It's not like you'd be even more suspicious if you refused to do it.

Lola:Don't you mean acting more...sus?

Light:No I believe that she had meant suspicious.

Blitzo:...Blackmail. Clever girl. I respect that. *rolls eyes* Fine, I'll play it safe for now. But don't expect me to act all family friendly with you after we're done with all this sh*t.

Dave:Are you serious right now? Your'e actually agreeing to f***ing work with these morons?

Blitzo:Come on, surley there must have been someone in your workplace you liked.

Dave:...Yeah, there was guy. His name was...well I called him "Old Sport". He was as orange as a tangerine and he helped me with my...*looking to the side* side business.

Blitzo:Your side buiness? What was that?

Dave:Not important. The point is that yeah I trusted "Old Sport" but something happened. It did not end well for us. I'm just wondering if you guys are rushing into this f***ing bullsh*t a bit to fast?

Homura:W-well what are we supposed to? The only other option is what Blitzo-sama suggested a-and I don't think anyone here would like to waste away.

K.K:*sweatdrop* Plus when your'e kidnapped you kind of want to get out of the kidnappers place as fast as possible. At least I'd assume I'd never be kidnapped.

Light:Indeed. And Apollo, unlike Blitzo over there, has been nothing but kind to all of us, even if we haven't necessarily been as kind to him.

Morgana:And he's taken control of the absolute chaos. I think that he'd make a good leader if I wasn't already in charge.

Dave:Who died made you queen?

Morgana:I mean I kind of did come up with the exploration plan and all that but-

Apollo:*ahem* You might want to stop now before this excalates again.

Morgana:...*nods* Right, right. I say we follow Apollo's plan of getting along.

Light:I agree, however do not think this means that I will automatically trust all of you right away. *serious* Especially since I've been in a situation like this before.

Apollo:Wait you-?

Light:I'll tell you about it later. But for now who here thinks that trusting eachother to escape, contrary to wildly accusing one another, seems like a good plan.

K.K:*nods* I'm gonna go cha cha slide with Justice over there. Like I said, you all seem like cool cats and kittens. We shouldn't let something we don't even know to be true or not divide us.

Rocket:I'll trust you guys for now too. Personally none of you look like you could have done this. Not because your'e all 100% innocent, but because you guys seem to be more level headed then the guardians.

Flower:I'm trying my best to be a better Flower and if trusting you all will help that out then I'll do it.

Several:Does this mean the blame game over then? If so then I'll trust you! We're all friends after all.

Lola:I wouldn't nesecarily say that we're all friends with eachother right now. But who knows? The future is not determined...I think I heard that in a video game once.

Zorori:And hey if it turns out that we can't stand eachother we probally wont' have to see each other again until the 1 year anniversary of a tragic event where we'll retell the story of our brave escape. By then I'll probally have a hot super model wife.

Dave:...Well if I have to be surronded by f*cking assholes the rest of my life then I'd rather be surronded by familar ones even if one has a phone for a head.

Yuuka:That's the spirit! Once you leave you can seperate from the bad apples of the group and head back to your good oranges.

Apollo:*finger on forehead* I feel like there's a referene I'm not getting.

Dave:More like annoying oranges, including the knives.

Apollo:*disapointed* Okay, Now that one I unfortunatley got.

Tina:Besides, I'm pretty sure most of us have reasons for getting out of here too. Kokichi is the leader of something so I imagine that he wants to get back to...lead them? And I've got my family to get back to, and my friends! Like Josalyn! and Jimmy Junior! *irritated* Zeke.

Lola:And I've got a boyfriend, so before any one here tries to have any sort of relationship with me-

Zorori:*depressed on both knees* Why must all the hot girls be taken?

Lola:-just know that I have somone back at home. Though he also might be in a relationship with his roomate? It's a bit confusing but I'm not one to judge.

Several:And I've got lots of friends back at Japari Park!

K.K:And I've got tons of fans on the islands waiting for me. I bet it's the same with Light too. And I think he mentioned sister too.

Light:That's right. But it's not just her I need to get. I have to get back to my other friends as well, especially Santa.

Tina:*shocked* Wait, Santa? As in Santa Claus?

Light:Oh no we only called him Santa in our game. Although it wouldn't be the first game that he and I participated in. *confused* Don't you think your'e getting a little old for him though?

Tina:I mean getting free stuff is something you're never to old for. Especially when your'e as poor as me.

Flower:*determined* The point is that we've got people we care about deeply and we'd do anything for them.

Apollo:That includes me. I've got to get back to Khura'in so I can reunite with the people I care about most.

Michaela:Khura'in? That sounds Asian. It dosen't really sound Judging by that name I thought you were from britian the states.

Homura:Really? I thought Justice-sama was japanese.

Apollo:I am from the states, but I moved to Khura'in, which is Asian, it was 7 months ago. It's a long story but I think I'll do what Light did and explain later as it isn't relevant. *determined* What's relevant is that right now is that we find a way to escape as quickly as possible.

Kokichi:...*looking down* Who knows, the way to escape may be a come sooner than you think.

Apollo:That's the spirit Kokichi!

Kokichi:Wait I wasn't trying to-LOLRONPA 42069-Average Despair Fan Vs. Average Hope Enjoyers [CANCELLED] - TheOutrageousMoose (32)

Apollo:*pumps fists* Now then, let's work hard and escape this place known as Monoland together.

Everyone Else:*raising fists* YEAH!!!

Dave & Blitzo:*disapointed* Yeah...

Tina:*confused fist raise* Yeah?

Kokichi:...Urgh, whatever.

Apollo:That's the spirit! The spirit of justice that is!

Everyone Else:Not exactly the best pun but we're still in!

Wow. I wasn't expecting to start a union this quickly. Actually I wasn't even expecting to start a union at all, but then again a lot of unexpected things have happened to day. At least this one's possible.

It's nice to see that these people look up to me. Back home I'm usually cleaning crew or magicians assistant, rarley ever am I selected for a case. Here however, it feels like I'm getting the respect I deserve. People look up to me like I'm their mentor. I wonder if my mentor would be proud of m-

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???:Oh trust me, Mr.Justice, pride is the last word I would use for this development.

H-huh? That voice. Is, it's impossibe. How is he here? He should be in jail. He's in jail. But his voice indicates that he's right there behind me. I can hear him breathing down my neck.


Maybe it's a memory? No. This isn't a memory. He's never said this to me before. He's never said anything about pride.


This can't be real though...this feels too wrong to be real. Maybe I just imagined it? Y-yeah, it's just in my head. He's not here. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is-


Apollo:*jumps back* Gah! I'm fine everything is a-okay

Morgana:...You sure about that? You just froze up for a few seconds there.

Apollo:...Err, I was just tired that's all.

Zorori:Well according to that clock over there it is 7:00 but we don't know if it's AM or PM. Even so, don't most people get to bed at around 9?

Yuuka:Not everyone goes to sleep at the same time you know.

Several:Hai, that's true. Usually watashi don't get to sleep until..actually watashi don't know the exact tell time? Homura-chan, do you know anything about it?

Homura:W-well a little.

K.K:*thinking* There is also the fact that we don't know how we were brought here. It is highly likley that our kidnapper used sleeping drugs to knock us out.

Light:And then there's another issue of timezones.

Morgana:Indeed, some days the sun sets earlier than the others when your'e at a diffrent point in the sea. But are we sure that's really what it was. He looked like he had seen a ghost.

Dave:...*looks away* So what? Everyone knows ghosts aren't real.

Blitzo:Hi, I work for the king of hell, after the bullsh*t that I've seen today are you absolutley positivley sure that ghosts are out of the question?

Apollo:I didn't see a ghost per say, but hearing him did haunt me a little bit. *smiling* R-real or not, it wasn't a ghost. I just...was shocked that you all listened to me. I...honeslty didn't think that you would?

Morgana:...*concern* I-if you say so. But if something is wrong you can tell us. Like you said yourself, we should trust each other.

Apollo:*nods* Y-yeah. I'll tell you if something is bugging me. Just...not right now.*embarrassed* Really though, thank you for your concern. Besides the utter confusion of this situation, I'm fine.

Yuuka:*serious* Will you stay that way though?

Apollo:...*nods* I have to be.

Homura:Y-yeah. Justice-sama is strong. I'm sure he'll find a way to get us out of here.

Rocket:Yeah, but it's not like a way out is just going to present itself outta nowhere.

Before I could respond to that I heard a strange sound.

*ding dong ding dong*

It sounded like ringing bells that you'd hear at a clocktower to symbolize the passage of time.

Dave:*overjoyed* HOLY sh*t IT'S TIME TO GO HOME ALREADY?

Yuuka:*nervous* No...I don't think that's what the noise means. There's about it.

Zorori:Where was it even coming from, I didn't see any clock towers!

Tina:*scratching head* Maybe it's in one of the blocked off areas? Construction did make it hard to see what was on the other side.

Flower:Well who the heck cares about that! Clearly it's supposed to signify some sort of important event that may or may not change or current position in the situation. Other wise we wouldn't have heard it!

Lola:*confused* But what exactly could the annoucment be? Free pancakes for everyone? I hope there isn't any butter on them, I think I'm allergic to it. Wait no it wasn't butter...I think.

Tina:Why would a panckae place have that big of a budget?

Blitzo:Yeah. Let remind you that this is coming from a literal imp:I am kind of getting some really sh*tty vibes form it.


Then static was heard. Thankfully the source to that was much easier to located. It appears the T.V monitor, which had been turned off up until this point had turned on and displayed...something in static.

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Disordered test...o three fou...ain in spain is mainly on you guys hear me? Give me a thumbs up.

The disordered voice that came from the T.V was a bit unnerving, to say the least, but we weren't even sure what they wanted. So we did the only thing that we could do. Give a thumbs up. Well not all of us did. Lola gave double, Homura covered her face up with her sheild, Blitzo and Dave flipped the bird and Kokichi didn't react at all.

Disordered Voice:That's great! Absolutely wonderful! Except for you two Blitzy and Davey. But, at least I know that at least all of you can hear me.

Light:Can you hear us?

Disordered Voice:Huh? What was that? Sorry Lighty I can't exactly hear you right now. It's only a one way communication thing.

Blitzo:*whispering to no one in particular* So that's our captor right?

Disordered Voice:Now I bet you all have so many questions and don't worry I've got answers for you! But your'e going to have to meet me at the statue of the gigant bear, the founder of our beloeved town known as Monoland where I serve as it's...well you'll see~!

Homura:The bear was...the founder?

Disordered Voice:Toodle-Loo!

With that the T.V shut off and we were left even more confused than before. What were we supposed to do in a situation like this? Should we do what it says or should we not? Some of us were quicker in their answer than others...

Kokichi*thinking* That was...unexpected, to say the least. *relaxed* Oh well, you heard the man/woman/non binary person. You want answers and they've got it. *waves goodbye* Adios amigos! *leaves the room*

Several:*smiling* Ah, another new friend! Watashi can't wait to meet them! Watashi bet they're really yoi. Wonder what they're special skill is? *follows Kokichi*

Rocket:*angry* I highly doub that they are as nice as Cat Girl over there thinks they are. However, I'll follow them. I have got a few choice words to say to that bastard. *follows Several*

Dave:*annoyed* Urgh, and here I was looking forward to that vacation. *follows Rocket*

Zorori:*honored* Alas, someone as dull and boring as I, to be called upon by someone of importance. *pulls down hat* This humble villager has been honored and now he shall depart. *follows Dave*

Michaela:*starts to depart*

Homura:*scared* W-wait! Where are you going?

Michaela:I think that if they wanted to kill us they would have done it a while ago. I don't fully know their motives but I don't think that waiting around will do much good either.

Homura:*grabs her hand* W-well if that's the case can I go with you? I'd still feel a bit better if someone was by my side while on the way there, even if it isn't that long of a place to walk.

Michaela:...*smiling* Of course and on the way I can tell you about the most Amazing Spring Onion I found! *the two follow Zorori*

However, not everyone was as willing to go just yet. Myself included.

Morgana:...This feels a bit I don't know why but something about that thing on the screen. Something tells me that it dosen't have anything good for us.

Tina:Y-yeah that annoucment...that wasn't exactly normal.

Morgana:*serious* However, if we just stay here things we aren't going to get the answers we need. And who knows? Staying might lead to an even worse fate.

K.K:*nods* Yeah. Besides, I can't be the only one here who wants to at least see who exactly booked this unexpected gig.

Apollo:I geuss so but...honestly I'm not so fine as I was before. I've got a feeling about going there...*looks down* We don't really have a choice in the end do we?

Morgana:*shakes head* I don't think we do.


Blitzo:Well sh*t, I know we're supposed to go but honestly...*genuine fear* I'm not even going to sugar code it...I don't feel comfortable right now.

Apollo:...If even he's afraid then who knows what's out there?

Talk->Lola Bunny

Lola:Okay I'll admit I was a little freaked out at first, but after that annoucment? Now I am really starting to freak out.

Apollo:*serious* Your'e not alone.


Flower:I'm definetly going but first I have to get a feel for their design taste...*eureka moment* A-ha! I got it! The color scheme is so 2010.

Apollo:*disapointment* Is that really a priority right now?

Talk->Tina Belcher

Tina:*nervous* Should we go or should we not go? I think...I think...I...Uuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhh...

Apollo:God, she's so nervous she can't barley speak anymore.

Talk->Light Field

Light:*eyes opened, enraged* If they did something to Clover, or any of my friends for that matter I...

Apollo:That was the first time I've seen his eyes. If he's so mad that he opened them up it must be serious.


Morgana:*serious* I know that going there may be a risk, but If nothing is done a worse fate will likley await us.

Apollo:Yeah, I know that. So why am I so hesitant to go?

Talk->Yuuka Kazami

Yuuka:*smile* Don't worry I know of a maiden of red and white who can resolve these things. Who knows? She may even be beating up our captor right now.

Apollo:The way she worded it didn't sound all that reassuring of her mental health.

Talk->K.K Slider

K.K:*grabbing guitar* I know now is probally a bad time but this has inspired me to write a new song. K.K Captivity. *strums guitar* Mi Na Oh Kwe~♩ Kwe Mi Ow Mi~♩ .

Apollo:*smiling* Sounds good so far, but maybe save finishing it until after we get our escape plan.

Leave the Area?

>Yes No




One way or another though we eventually did find our way to the statue. It seemed by the time I arrived the mysterious captor hadn't shown up yet. However they'd probally have to come out soon, the stars were already out. There were also a set of chairs, 4 collums total with 4 chairs in each row. 2 collums were on the left side and 2 on the right.

I sat on the in the left back row closest to the middle. On my left sat Light. To his left was a nervous Lola playing with her hair and at the end of our row was Flower somewhat exhausted from getting in the chair.

In front of us, from right to left, sat Morgana, Michaela, Zorori and Yuuka. To our right, from left to right, sat Dave, Rocket, Tina and Blitzo. The remaining collum sat Serval closest to Blitzo, followed by Slider, Homura and Kokichi.

Serval:*squatting like a cat* It's certinally sukoshi them to set out all of these chairs out for us.

Flower:*gaspsing* It would be a lot nicer if they weren't so big. I'm already thin as a fiddle, if not thinner, so I highly doubt I need the exersize.

Dave:*irritated* So where's the mysterious person behind the camera? We've been waiting for a whole 5 minuetes now.

Lola:Paitence is a virtue. Did your mother not teach you that?

Blitzo:*back to his usual self* Or did she just teach how to be a winy bitch?

Tina:*looking up* Honestly, I wouldn't mind waiting a bit longer, the stars have never been this visible as they are now in my home town. Who knows how many more will appear when the sun fully sets?

Light:It is somewhat sad that I am unable to see them, but right now I have much bigger concerns.

???:And don't worry I'll get to your concerns as soon as I can...but first, time for the big reveal! Activate Smoke Screen.

A fog filled the area. So we waited to see the face of the person behind all this. Was it a mafia boss? Was it an alien abduction? Or was it something much worse?

The answer that awaited us was...

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...was this...thing.

???:*estatic* Ta-dah!

Several:Ooh! It was you! Sugoi! Sugoi!

???:*estatic* Yep! It was me all right. So what did you all think of my grand entrance?

Blitzo:*shrugs* Eh I'd give it 3 stars out of 5. Could have done more with the smoke, but hey! Whatever works for you.

Morgana:*shakes head* Nah, I'd give it a 1 out of 5. It's been done to many times already. Could have used some variety.

Dave:I don't give a f*ck about that. Here's a better question, what are you supposed to be?

Tina:Isn't it obvious? It's one those card character that my sister has. I just I wish I could remeber which one it was. Kuchi Kopi? No wait he's not one of them...I think.

K.K:No, I don't think that's it. I think it's a plush toy that somehow got out of the toy box.

???:Nah, I ain't no toy, and I ain't no card character come to life either.

Dave:Well then what are you we don't have all night.

???:Actually you do. But honestly I don't want to beat around the bush. I am Monoxolo. And I so happen to be the mayor of this little town known as Monoland. Can I just say, *sniff* It is an honor to meet all of you in person. I'm surrounded by the greats.

Apollo:The mayor of this "town" is an axolotl and this isn't the weirdest thing I've heard today? I think I need therapy.

Rocket:*sarcastic* Gee I'd be honored if it weren't for the fact that *angry* YOU KIDNAPPED US!

Monoxolo:*confused* Are you sure about that? Are you sure I'm the one who brought you here?, *points finger* but your'e the most likely suspect at the moment! I mean how else would we get here?

Flower:Plus you did have access to the screen area which none of us have had.

Monoxolo:That's because I'm the mayor of this town and you guys don't have access to it because you don't have my mayor-level authority.

Morgana:Hang on your mouth isn't moving and yet you still speak. What sort of black magic is this?

Micheala:*hesitant*...Y-yeah! What black magic is it that has no explanation?

Dave:*calm* Relax, there's probably a speaker or something on it. That's how most of the robots work at Fredbears and I'm sure some Teddy Bears have this function too.

Monoxolo:*angry* I'm not a teddy bear!

Dave:I never said you were. I just compared you to a teddy bear.

Kokichi:No offense, The founder kind of looks like a teddy bear though.

Monoxolo:*stare*...*calm* Yeah, lol. His name was Monokuma.

Light:I'm sorry I'm a bit confused right now. You're saying that right now we are in a ghost town that the founder, who looks like a teddy bear, built?

Monoxolo:*nods* Yeah that's basically it. I thought you were blind not deaf. Also he did look like a teddy bear. Not anymore though. Now he looks like a corpse, because he is one. *crocodile tears* WHY, GOD, WHY? *relization* Oh wait I don't worship the christan god. *crocodile tears continue* WHY, FLYING SPAGHETTI MONSTER, WHY!?

K.K:*confused* I don't want to sound rude but why did he die exactly?

Monoxolo:Oh, before I forget I use they/them pronouns.

K.K:That isn't what I asked but that's a groovy fact to know.

Morgana:*sarcastically* Diversity Win! The person who kidnapped us uses they/them pronouns!

Monoxolo:*bow* Thank you. I believe we non-cisgenders can do anything we want to like be a mayor! But again, are you sure I kidnapped you?

Lola:...Why do you keep bringing that up?

Monoxolo:I'm sorry Ms.Bunny but I'm not going to answer your question and instead answer the one of K.K Slider had earlier. *pulls out glasses* Okay so basically it all began with a man named Jin Kirigiri...

Lola:It's still a men's world I see.

Tina:Is Monokuma like this Jin's fursona or something?

Monoxolo:Nononononono...He's Junkos fursona. Junko Enoshima to be exact, I know Yuuka knows a Junko too. The diffrence is one is a vengful spirit who wants revenge on the death of her child will the other one was the former Ultimate Fashionista.

Yuuka:The vengeful spirit one is my Junko. She never had a last name. Also she kind of tried to get rid of all life on Gensokyo so you don't need to feel to bad for her.

Zorori:*empathetic* Can I still feel empathy about the lost son but not for her war cimes?

Yuuka:Yes you may. And you may contiue Mayor Xolo.

Monoxolo:*nods* Thank you Citizen Kazami. As I was saying Jin built a high school called Hopes Peak Academy and he'd enroll only the most greatest and talented students of all time...*thinking* wait no that's not right. Jin didn't create hopes peak academy. He didn't even found it that was Cave Johnson and Miles Dyson. *facepalm* Gah! They aren't even part of the same company none the less hopes peak. It was Izuru Kamakura who founded it.

K.K:This is going to take a while isn't it?

Monoxolo:...*throws it away* You know what, let's just save the story for another time. That was the past, this is the present.

Blitzo:All right then Monoxolo, let's get to our more immediate concerns. Regardless of if you kidnapped us or not it's clear there's a reason we were brought here.

Monoxolo:Yes, yes there was a reason you were brought here. You see you are the best of the best at what you do and I whole heartedly mean that.

Lola:*blushing* Awww thank you!

Flower:*angirly confused* Wha? Don't give them the satisfaction of it!

Monoxolo:That's why I brought you here, to this haven known as "Monoland". *closes eyes* Ah Monoland...*pu gesutre* this awful, stupid, terrible, dome town that you'll call home for a long time.

Michaela:How long are we talking exactly?

Monoxolo:I'm talking really really long.

K.K:Yes we know it's gonna be a long long time, but how long is this long long time.

Apollo:Yeah like exact numbers.

Monoxolo:Oh! I can tell you that. *pulling out caculator* Now let's see, taking account there's 16 of you...add the 14...Oh! 69. Ain't that wait it should be a 9 instead of an 8...square it all up...and done! *menacing smile* You'll be FOREVER.


Monoxolo:*suprised* Oh? I told you that you'd be here forever and all you can say is "Oh"? I'm telling you now that there's no way out of this city as the dome is weapon proof and all you can muster up is oh? *rage* I'm telling you taht you'll be here until the day you die, maybe even longer if I can contact the spirit world and all you can say is oh?

Apollo:*emberassed* Well I mean I'm obviously not happy about it, but there's 16 minds and only one of you...*confident* I think we'll be able to find a way out in no time.

Morgana:Plus it was kind of expected. Kidnappers don't usually let their victims go.

Monoxolo:*stressed* Again with the kidnapping thing? Are you absolutley positivley sure that's what's happened? And why aren't any of you over reacting?

Tina:Oh we're allowed to? In that case! *heavy breathing* Hunh Hunh Hunh Hunh!

Homura:*running twoards Micheala* T-that's a joke right? W-we won't really be here forever r-r-right?

Micheala:*comforting* There there. It will all be okay. *angry* You'll never get away with this!

Rocket:*really pissed off* If I had my guns on me I'd shot you a billion times! But for now I geuss I can do this. *lunges twoards them but gets caught by Zorori*

Dave:Huh, an eternal vacation away from Freddy's I couldn't ask for a better kidnapping. Thanks Mx.Mayor.

Several:I'm confused, why is a baby goat napping such a big deal?

Monoxolo:Okay that's a bit better. But don't worry! You won't starve. After all the smart fridge can produce any food you want, or any ingreedients case you want to make a meal of your own. Then again I bet most of you already knew that.

Light:*thinking* Hmmmm...I can't help but feelig like there's more to the story then just that.

Monoxolo:Well for starters your phones are gone.

Lola:WHAT?!? *feels her pocket* I'll never survive that long without looking at cute cat photos!

Flower:*sad* How else am I supposed to blog about fashion!?

Zorori:*smug* Tch, that's it? My village may rely on technology but most of my life is work, work, work. Now I'm discovering recently that I might not even be doing the right work.

Kokichi:Yeah not every person here is a phone addict you know.

Light:You do realize that also means they have cut off the basic usage of a phone to the outside world so you won't be able to tell them where they are.

Zorori:...Oh that actually is kind of bad. *concern* Wait if that's the case then...Ishishi. Noshishi.

Apollo:*looks towards him* Those must be the names of loved ones. No wonder he looks so...concerned.

Blitzo:*rolls eyes* Oh no! I won't be able to communicate with p*g queen and her male wife. Pssh they probably wanted me out of their life so badly they're probably p*gging eachother right now...*sweatdrop* I'm sure they'll handle Loona.

Monoxolo:Also the dome is soundproof. If you scream from the outside you won't be able to have them hear you and if someone screams form the outside you won't be able to hear them.

Apollo:I still think that being able to see us would be cause enough for alarm.

Rocket:I don't know. What if they've done somehting to the visuals too. It's clear this is no ordinary criminal were dealing with here.

Morgana:Ha! As if. *writing stuff down* I bet even someone as nuts as them must have their limits. I mean surley missing peoples' reports have gone missing for a few of us.

Monoxolo:Yeah probally. *shrugs* Plus, I suppose if they found the gigant dome they'd come and rescue you. But still that would require a lot of work to get in considering security. You haven't meet them yet but they are tight AF. *winks*

Morgana:Still what your'e saying is that escape may not be as impossible as you want us to believe.

Monoxolo:...Well there was actually one other way to escape that's much easier to do. Psyically I mean. Morally? I'm not exactly sure about that. But hey I'm just the messanger of the true mastermind, or wait would in this case would they be a president?

Lola:*excited* Ooh! Speaking of presidents, what's everyone getting eachother for Presidents' day?

Apollo:*confused* I'm pretty sure that President's Day isn't a gift holiday. Easter maybe, Christmas definetly, Halloween treats may also count, but I don't think I remeber a presidents day gift exhange...Wait why am I thinking about that right now?

Monoxolo:*with a microphone* And here we see the rare caribean pteropodidae hard at work trying to figure out something. Such a rare sight as most of the time the fruit bat, as the species is more commonly known as, usually only gets fruit to eat. *crying* Truly, nature is a wonderous place.

Morgana:*sighing* All right Mx.Mayor, forgive me for asking this but I just have to know the truth. Tell us, what exactly is that other way to escape? Why is it easy to do psyically but not as easy to do morally.

Monoxolo:*excited* Oh! We got a bait and hooker! She took the bait and now she's hooked!

Morgana:*angry* Just tell us the damn way out or I will not hesitate to hurt you.

Monoxolo:*scared* R-right. I should probally have just started out with this anyways.

Tina:There's no need we'll create our own way out! We don't need no-

Morgana:*holds finger out* Hold on, there might be a way we can all do the thing, no matter how morally questionable it is.

Blitzo:*winking* I'm already getting undressed.

Monoxolo:*dressed like a nun* Citizen Blitzo get your mind out of the gutter this instant. *stern* Now then as I was saying before I was so rudley interupted the way to leave this place, is not so easy morally as it is to do in all other areas. However I've given it a special name called "Mayor Mono's Getaway Game".

Several:Watashi wa aisuru games!...*confused* Dosh*tano?

Flower:*proud* See? It really was a reality T.V. show and the reward of the game is your freedom! Odd that half of you guys aren't object though, but hey who am I to judge.

Light:*concerned* Don't count your chickens before they hatch, I fear that I'm going to have to experience a third round of that game.

Monoxolo:Actually it's a completely different game than that game that you played with a few of your friends around a year and a half ago. But I won't exactly be able to explain the rules of the game if you guys keep interrupting. So please save any comments you have until after the presentation.


Flower:Yeah, even Eraser wouldn't interrupt that much.

Monoxolo:Thank you, now as I was saying I choose you guys for a reason. You guys are one of the greatest at what you do, even if you don't know it yet. *saluting them* And I really, really, really do mean that. The respected fields you guys are in look to you as if you were icons, people of worship, heroes, the best of the best. I cannot stress enough how much I praise you. You fill people fill others with hope, no matter how small that hope is.

Lola:*flatted* Oh stop it you! I'm already blushing.

Monoxolo:*pointing finger up* However, Monoland here isn't exactly a city that's big on hope. Hell, you've seen our motto, "In Despair We Trust." Clearly that alone should town isn't exactly a place where hope is exactly the brightest. "But Mayor Xolo", you may ask, how exactly does this relate to the getaway game? It sounds to me that your'e just trying to stall the big reveal about the true nature of the game in order to get more words in." *winks* Well dear citizens I can assure you that there is a meaning to this and that there is indeed a connection to it. And the connection dear citizens is this...




...What if that hope were to be killed?


Apollo:*confused* What do you mean by that?

Kokichi:...*geunie fear* You want us to kill each other?

Monoxolo:I am afraid so. Please do not be mad.



For a moment we just stared in silence. And I think that was a fair thing to do. Especially considering that the bomshell that had just been dropped on us. We were still processing it. We were supposed to kill eachother? How on earth were we supposed to react to that?



Morgana:*enraged* What the f***!?

Well there's one way.

Monoxolo:*concern* Guys I said not be mad!

Light:*shaking head* I'm not mad. I'm just disapointed in you.

Monoxolo:Oh that's much worse.

Tina:*really freaking out* No what's really the worst is you making us kill eachother! *nervous* Hah...Hah...Hah...Hah...

Michaela:*nervous* Your'e asking us to resort to murder so we can escape?

K.K:Mx.Mayor, I mean no offense but that's not cool, cat. Can you at least spare the kids from this madness?

Homura:*nervous* This must be the work of a nightmare. There's no way that any normal being would...

Monoxolo:Hey don't shoot messanger, I honestly could go either way but-.

Morgana:*angry* I had never given a damn about the "don't shoot the messanger" crap. I mean really, your'e just a little lizard.

Monoxolo:Axotl. Those are salamanders.

Morgana:That's besides the point.

Zorori:*determined* Alas, if someone has to die, let it be me. I shall be the sacrifice that will take the fall so the rest of you may go and live your happily ever after.

Dave:*sarcastic* Oh no, murder is the only way out! I fear for my saftey! That's what you puss*es sound like right about now.

Flower:*confused* Yeah. It's only death. We'll probally get recovered by the end of the challenge anyways.

Apollo:Recovered? Prehaps the plant talking about an after life, I didn't fancy her as the religious type. *concerened* I am a bit concerned about her mentality though.

Lola:*worried* Now hold on a minuete how do we know they really want us to actually kill eachother? Maybe they mean it in a diffrent sense in the word.

Several:*happy* Hai! That's right! They said it was a getaway game. Maybe they don't actually want us to kill eachother but instead play a game like that hunter and prey one I sued to play back at the savanah area at the park!

Light:*confused* Hold on, you mean to say that you think this will be like a game that children play?

Lola:*thinking* I think there was a T.V show about that made in Korea, Squid Game is what it was called. But those usually related to money problems and had a bit more members. Then again maybe there's a smaller cast in the forigen adaptions. *looking around* Okay does anyone here who has a big debt to pay to anyone?

Dave:Or maybe they want to kill our reputiations?

Yuuka:What reputation here could possibly killed from you Dave~?

Dave:*angry* First of all, f*** you. Secondly, I mean to say that in this reality T.V show or whatever they want us to ruin eachothers reputation. Since none of us no eachother maybe, just maybe doubt will start to arise within the group of how good of a person they actually are? Maybe once our reputations are ruined we're free to go?

Flower:*gasps* No! Not my already fragile new reputation. I don't want to start back at square one! I'd rather kill someone than do that.

Monoxolo:Well goo because that's exactly what we're going to do. And the game part in the title may have been a bit missleading. This is 100% real murder, not a game. I thought a few of you would actually like the concept of this.

Blitzo:You mean me right?

Apollo:Of course the hellspawn would be one of them. He's probally thinking of plenty of ways to kill us right now.

LOLRONPA 42069-Average Despair Fan Vs. Average Hope Enjoyers [CANCELLED] - TheOutrageousMoose (36)

Monoxolo:*threatening* It dosen't matter. After all, by the time this game is done at least one of you will attempt to murder. It's just nature after all. Not just human nature, but nature for everything. Deep down there's a part of us all that wants to tear apart their enemies into pieces. And there's so many ways to do it too. You could stab them with a knife, shoot them with a riffle, posion their drinks, feed them a bad konijac, show them to your famous wine cellar while the victim is in a druken state dressed up like a jester. And there's plenty of reasons to do so. I'm sure you knwo what I'm talking about right Apollo.

Apollo:As much as I hate to admit Mayor Xolo, you do have a few points.

Morgana:Mr.Justice! What are you-?

Apollo:*calm* Don't worry I'm not planning to kill anyone, *regretful* but as a lawyer I have to conquor with that last statement. Sometimes it's for revenge. Sometimes you only wanted to protect someone. Sometimes you end up killing the wrong person by accident.

K.K:*concerned* Sometimes it's a villager that you don't like.

Dave:*eerie* Sometimes you can't control yourself.

Rocket:*irritated* Sometimes you get paid. Are we getting paid for this?

Monoxolo:*regretful* Again, I don't want to do this. I'm just fuffiling my role as a "mascot" for this killing game. And also the mayor of this city. Those 2 things are actualyl connected. It's not that I don't dislike the idea of killing, I'm just good with a reality T.V show where a ton of strangers grow old together and live happily ever after, *shrugs* even if it is stocholm sydrome.

Blitzo:But your boss is saying other wise?

Monoxolo:Indeed they are. I can't tell you how estatic they are, or if they're estatic at all, that's for the final trial, but I can tell you this:they want you to play this game, no matter what and won't hesitate to get a few motives for this when the need arrises.

Blitzo:Emotional manipulation, nice. Your'e starting to lean me in twoards playing, but there are still a few concerns.

Morgana:*angry* And I damn well have a few concerns of my own. Like for example, why are you making us do this?

Monoxolo:*serious* Again that's for chapter six.

Morgana:Give us one good reason why we shouldn't just tear you to shreads right now.

Light:*seirous* Let me remind you that we don't know what they are capable of. They may look small and helpless, least I assume so, but they may just be hiding their strength within.

Blitzo:*yawns* Even if that's the case whose to say that's they have any strength compared to what's in-.

Monoxolo:*dressed like a king* ENOUGH! If peace is what you true warriors strive for, you can try to find another exit. I can't guarentee anything but there might actually be another exit.

Blitzo:Your'e losing me. I'm just gonna go now.

With that Blitzo pulled a book out of his pocket with a picture of the moon of it in gold.

Rocket:Wait what's that?

Blitzo:It's a book. Back in the old days people used it for an activity that's known as "reading."

Rocket: I know damn well what a book is but that clearly ain't any ordinary book.

Blitzo:Your'e right! It's the Grimlore of Soltas, AKA my ticket out of here. I just need to recite the right incintation out of this grimlore and poof! I'll be back at the office.

Tina:And leave us behind?

Blitzo:No doy! I was planning to abandon you before, haven't I? Why are you acitng suprised?

Morgana:*angry* Bastard! You won't get away with this.

Blitzo:Listen Bat bitch, I could care less. *opening book* Now let me just recite the spell and I'll be on my way.


Blitzo:*annoyed* Hey what the hell is this?

Blitzo showed us the book and inside it was a gigantic letter X. Underneath it was a few words but they were impossible to read due to how blurry they were. Were they even words.

Monoxolo:Come on, you didn't really think I'd let you get away did you Blitzy? And that's not all I did! Yuuka try activating one of those spell cards of yorus.

Yuuka:*pulls a card out of her pocket* Flower Sign "Blossoming of Gensokyo" *a giant red X appears on the card with a "Bzzzt" sfx.* Oh my, it appears that you've destroyed all of my cards too.

Homura:H-how dare you! *tries to pull something of it but a red X appears again with a bzzt* Huh.

Several:*impressed* Woah! The san of you all appear to be friends who can make red X's ppear out of thin air.

Homura:N-no! It was supposed to be a gun.


Yuuka:And mine was supposed to be a ton of yellow bullets that look like a flower when viewed from above!

Apollo:DOES ALL OF JAPAN HAVE A GUN IN THEIR HOUSEHOLD?...*disapointed* No wait that's just the United States.

Morgana:Why the hell does that matter? There's one of them and sixteen of us. Our psyically strength combined is probally way better than the shrimps!

Zorori:Alas, I barley exersize due to my humble ways.

Morgana:There's a diffrence between lazy and humble, but even then even the little bit of strength you have will be enough to-

Blitzo:Err, I believe that your'e actually 15 to 2 on this. *annoyed* Taking away the book's magic was a real dick move, *smiling* And it's also completly reinstated my interest in this game. I assume that if you kill everonye else here you get to go free aaaaannnnnddddd get any magicial powers we had back?

Morgana:*pissed* Wow! You are giving me all the more and more reasons to kill you! Mastermind or not, I don't like you.

Monoxolo:Now, now I know this sounds bad but you shouldn't try it. *serious* We wouldn't want to rip off the first one.

Rocket:The first one? How many killing games have you founded?

Monoxolo:*embreassed* Oh that was Kuma. This is my first one actually, How am I doing so far?

Tina:*thumbs up* So far so good!...Wait do you want it to be good or bad in terms of our opinions twoards it?

Kokichi:*shadow eyes* Why does it matter?

Tina:Because reviews show just how good of a service that the consumer is providing? It's basic buiness 101.

Dave:*facepalm* That's not what he means. He means that even though everyone here is claming that everything is awsome, that isn't teh case at all. Or maybe he isn't saying that, but that's definetly what I'm saying. One of us is likley going to snap under the presure, and before you know it one of us is dead as a damn doornail. Think about it, we're trapped, some of us lost their so called magicial powers, and I'm all out of MP.

Monoxolo:That's right, although I kind of wanted to say that. *pointing at his head* Looks like I'll have to remeber that for the next game if you'll let me have it?

Dave:*shakes head* Hell no.

Monoxolo:*shrugs* Welp, I had tried my best but my best got me nowhere. I'm just gonna go lie in my room.

Blitzo:Yeah! Maybe you can explain a bit more about the game tommorow!

Monoxolo:Good idea! It's getting late. It's 9 o clock already and I need some sleep. We'll explain a bit more about how this game works in the morning.

Morgana:Oh sure play a game by an insane axotl kidnapper.

Monoxolo:...Before I go I need to ask why you think I kidnapped you, after all...*ominious* You came to this city on your own free will. *peace symbol* peace.

With that the mayor twisted out of here like a bad Powerpoint animation. I didn't think it was possible but I had a few bigger concerns on my mind on the moment.

Homura:W-what did he mean by that? T-that we came here on our own free will?

K.K:Probally a lie.

Apollo:...My braclet didn't react to it though. *Red X* Oh wait looks like he got to it too.

Monoxolo:*appears* Oh yeah I took that away too. Anyways peace! *disappears*

Apollo:*arms crossed* Well this is going going to be an issue.

Morgana:*confused* What? Does your braclet react to liars by shooting at them?

Apollo:*shakes head* No, it just...well actually I don't think I can explain it right now. Usually I'd save it for when we'd reach that point a case to explain but unless somehow this getaway game involves a courtroom scene it would be pointless. Not that it would matter anyways since you know. *red X appears*

Zorori:Alas, all their magicial powers have faded away. You are just as useless as I.

Homura:*nods* N-not fully. I can still pull out the medicene and...*pulls out a golf club* this apperently.


Several:Ie, right now there's a yon times yon. That's Jū roku!...

Homura:Right now we should just focus on our situation. I-I mean why would anyone agree to come here if we knew that our powers would be taken away, none the less some sort of game?

K.K:Again, it's probally a lie man.

Kokichi:Lie or not, we are here now and the only way to escape is to kill eachother. *ominous smile* I told you that our answer was closer than we thought.

Morgana:Wait, *angry* you knew that we were going end up like this?

Kokichi:*frightened* What? No! I have never even played a game like this before! Don't you believe me?

Dave:I don't know, but you seem to be a very ominous and creepy little kid. *smile* You kind of remind me of me when I was just a young lad. I'm gonna call you Dave Lite if you don't mind.

Kokichi:Nickname denied but friendship approved.

Rocket:Wait are you saying that you'd kill someone to get out of here to?

Dave:Why are you acting so suprised? I already told you that this place is still way better than the hell hole that I worked at. I'm not so sure I want to leave it if I'm being honest, and if I'm required to play a game to stay behind then hell, I suppose it works.

Morgana:Are you saying that you'd kill someone right now?

Yuuka:*winking* Well, genocide is just another game. And apperently right now it's the one that we're playing.

Flower:*shrugs* Besides, there's probally a recovery center or something that the host set up so once we're dead, they can just input the names we have and we'll be ripe and ready.

Rocket:*irritated* Now why the hell would they want to bring us back to life if they want us to kill to eachother?

Lola:Yeah, this isn't Total Drama you know...or wait is it? Did they finally fire Chris McClean?

Tina:If Chris McClean turns out to be the mastermind behind this I actually wouldn't be half surpsied. Just one question, who is Chris McClean?

Rocket:*irrtated* The point I'm triyng to get at here is that we can't exactly trust eachother as much as we can before, now that our true colors are showing. I mean look around! Some people are thinking that everything is just gonna be fine dandy despite one of us trying to leave us for dead!

Blitzo:*shrugs* Guilty as charged.

Morgana:...He's right, We do know that someone here is planning to murder someone else, but how do we know they're the only ones? Can we really still trust eachother after this?

Apollo:O-of course we can! It's just gonna be a lot harder now. Definetly a lot harder. *yawns* Right now let's just get to bed.

Morgana:...Yeah I think so too. Looks like it's getitng closer to nine. We can try to resolve our distrust later after a good nights sleep.

Michalea:*looks at the sky* Plus, we've already established The dome can still show the sky and look, the moon is here too. That's probally a good sign that we should get to bed.

Homura:Y-yeah. This is much to handle.

It seemed that everyone seemed to agree with me for the most part and noded. One by one they left each saying their own final words.


Blitzo:I'm already thinking of ways to get rid of you, especially you hornsy with your power of friendship bull crap. But not the Mayor because...*nervous* Well if I'm being honest I think that axoltl may be a bit more of a threat then theyr'e letting on. If they took away the magic of this book who knows what else they are capable of.

Apollo:So he is somewhat nervous about this after, that wasn't a facade.


Dave:Honestly I don't know what your'e so worried about. People die all the time. All this game is doing is make them die sooner.

Apollo:...I don't like that guy. Not one bit.


Flower:...*remoreseful* Yeah honestly the recovery center statement may have been a bit of a stretch. I'm pretty sure most of them were sucked up by now and it was all thanks to my stupid desire for treasure...which I totally desreve.

Apollo:I can tell if it's a relgiious thing or sicence thing at this point. Either way I need to get that in my life.

Talk->K.K Slider

K.K:Don't worry man, I still think that we can still be friends. And if we have some real tight friends somewhere nearby you know that it will all work out. *impressed* Huh, it certinally is easier to say it in person than when your'e astral projecting yourself into peoples dreams.

Apollo:Must be one of those musiicans who do a bit of drugs to get their lyrics.

Talk->Lola Bunny

Lola:You know, despite Mayor Xolo kidnapping us I think theyr'e a pretty cool salamander.

Apollo:Yeah, I mean they are evil and definetly insane but they are pretty funny.


Morgana:Apollo? You okay?

Apollo:Y-yep! I'm fine! I'm still fine!

Morgana:*disapointed* I see...*writes stuff down*

Apollo:...Why do I feel like she misinterpreted that?


Serval:*smiling* You shouldn't worry Apollo-kun. Daijobou. Servals only prey on small birds, viel rats, frogs, reptiles, and insects. Despite your looks I highly doubt you are a dung beetle.

Apollo:*disapointed* That's real reassuring there.


Yuuka:Whoops, looks like we underestimated the axotl! I should retreat for now!!

Apollo:It's not retreating if it's just going to bed.

Yuuka:*smiling* Hmhmhmhmhm... ♥ Later! ♪

Apollo:...How did she say those out loud?


Zorori:*dramatic* Oh woe is me. Once I was nothing. Then, for a brief moment, I believed that I was something. But now I know. Know that I am nothing but alive. I may not even alive soon so I will truly be nothing.

Apollo:Geez talk about a drama queen.

Zorori:...*serious* I'm just glad those two aren't here. I wouldn't want anything bad happening to them.

Apollo:...those two? Ah, he must mean Ishishi and Noshishi.


Michaela:Apollo, please do not fear I have faith that no one here will die again.

Apollo:Thanks...What do you mean agian?

Michaela:*yawn* I'm tired. Can we get to bed?

Apollo:Y-yeah...maybe she just mispoke?


Light:*thinking* This is diffrent than it by multiple means, this is without a dobut similar to the Nonary Games.

Apollo:The Nonary Games? What are those?

Light:Do not fear Apollo. I will tell you about them when the morning comes. I shall tell everyone about it tommorow. After all the more trust we have in eachother the better, even if it it's impossible to get it where it was before. I promised you I'd tell you about those games earlier and I will...after a goods nights sleep of course.

Apollo:...I'll hold you to it! He's the only here who I think is being 100% honest.


Tina:Okay so basically the only way out of here is to kill each other according to axotl. I'm not sure I trust him though, he dosen't even have a butt. You though? With your butt? It may not be the biggest but it's there. Plus your inspirational speech was pretty neat too.

Apollo:I also think you're too young for me.

Tina:I'm not interested in lawyers.

Apollo:Not many people are at your age...the same could be said about any age really.


Homura:*looks like she's about to cry*...

Apollo:...Crud, it looks like this situation is getting to her. And it makes sense too. She's only a they want us to murder these children? Why are they doing this?...I suppose we'll answer that in the morning.


Kokichi:*smiling* Nishishi! There's no need to look so blue Apollo. It's only a life or death situation we're dealing with.

Apollo:*annoyed* That's even less reassuring than Serval.

And so that began the start of the worst few days of my entire life. Little did I realize that this was only the tip of the iceberg.

Eventually I arrived back in my room. I didn't have time to analyize before I opened the door and rested my head. I thought I'd stay all up all night due to the annoucment that we were in a life or death situation.

But to my suprised...sleep did come...and as I layed my head on the pillow of my room...I dreamed...




P.O.V Kokichi



Not again. I thought I was done. Geuss it's true what they say. The wicked get no rest.



Well if your'e going to make me play this game one more time, this time I'm going to play it a bit diffrently. Oh I'll still be a liar of course. Once a liar, always a liar after all. However, this time I'll use my lies for the better...somehow.



This time, we're all going to get out of here alive. And it will all be thanks to me. Of course, I won't want them to view me as a hero. No, I still have to play the part of a villian with these lies of mine. And if I'm the villian of this tale then someone needs to play the role of hero. If I'm an evil liar then I'm gonna need to find someone bent on truth and justice. But where oh where could I possibly find that in this game?



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Come on, do you even have to ask?

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Chapter 5: Chapter 1 Daily Life 1.1-Turnabout Taciturn


In which a dream changes everything, Serval changes her voice, the rules are revealed, and other stuff.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

P.O.V The First Traitor

Monoxolo:*laughing* Xoxoxoxo!

Dave:*angry* Oh quit it you damn lizard. I already know that the rooms are soundproof.

Monoxolo:Yeah. You should thank me for that by the way. That way no one will know that your true role.

Dave:*annoyed* My true role? Quit the crap, we both know that they suspect me.

Monoxolo:Not true. In fact as of right now the blame is pointed to our little demon friend. You are prime suspect number two, however, so don’t get to co*ckyMr.Afton.LOLRONPA 42069-Average Despair Fan Vs. Average Hope Enjoyers [CANCELLED] - TheOutrageousMoose (39)

Dave:First off all don't call me that. Even if your'e my boss or some sh*t you will call me "Dave Miler".

Monoxolo:Don't worry I'm not going to expose you if that's what your'e worried about. Heck, they don't even know that someone in their group is secretly working for the big man...On the other hand, this group seems to have it's own opinions on what to do.


Monoxolo:*confused* You still seem upset, is something wrong?

Dave:Yeah. You said there was a way to escape this place.

Monoxolo:No I said that there may be an exit, not that there was one. I told them they could search for one but the only exit's are only accessible to you, me and...well I'm not sure if she remembers or not.

Dave:I still don't fully get why you erased her memory and her role in this game's creation while I get to keep everything.

Monoxolo:That's something that I cannot answer. *praying* It’s the spaghetti gods plan. But you need to remember your role. After all, we need at least one implant to cause distrust within. Even if they say they're going to kill each other,those words could be all bark and no bite. That's why I need you here, just in case. You can either start the killing game yourself by taking your own life, or, as a traitor, you can indirectly cause the death of another and get away Scott Free.

Dave:...And how the hell am I supposed to do the latter.

Monoxolo:Remember, one of the advantages of being a traitor is getting the motives ahead of time. If you want you can change someone's secret to something much worse, or send a specific secret to target someone. Or all 3. You have 2 days Mr.Miller. If no one is dead by then you will turn in the motive in. But remember, even if you don't do anything, you are the only one who knows all their true secrets. All you have to do is...*whispers*

Dave:...*smiling* I see. I'm still mad that you offered them a f*cking escape shot, but at least I know it isn't likely...and I think I know just whose to change.

Monoxolo:Great! I'll see you in two nights, and in the morning so I can explain the game.

Dave:Hold on just a moment! Before you go I have one last question to ask.

Monoxolo:...If it's about my talent I'm saving it for tommorow.

Dave:It's not your f*cking talent. I could give less of a crap aobut that. It's about green hair over there with the triple ??? What's her true talent?

Monoxolo:Oh her? Why I can tell you that. *whispers*

Dave:So that's her role in all this?...thats f*cking stupid. What sort of a talent is…

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P.O.V Apollo Justice

[Ding Dong Ding Dong]


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Monoxolo:Good morning citizens! It is now 6 a.m. Morning time has officially begun. Please note that I will have a meeting at seven o clock. Attendance is mandatory and if you don't make it, well don't worry I'm not going to punish you, I'm not that unfair. Instead I will gently remind you all that the meeting was supposed to start at seven. If you aren't there by 8, well then we're going to have some problems. You have 1 hour to make it, please use it to your liking.

*click off*

...Darn, It wasn't a dream.

Apparently we are still trapped in this dome where animals can talk, our mayor is a psychopathic axotl, a demon may kill me while I sleep, and my bracelet's powers aren't working. I don't know what's worse, the fact that this may be the weirdest thing I've ever been apart of, or the fact that it might not be. Personally I think the Nine Tails Vale case is still a bit weirder and I wasn't even kidnapped then.


Actually if that dream is to be believed...

..I'll focus on it later. I should probably get used to my surroundings.


Apollo:*surprised* Huh the windows? They're covered up with wooden bars? How did I not notice that before?...*embarrassed* Oh yeah I didn't notice anything before because I just went straight to bed. *thinking* Still why there be bars to cover it up in the first place is still a mystery. I know we're trapped but they look to be easily removable. *tries moving one* Hrrrrn....*tries harder* HRRRRNNNGGGH! *panting* Then again, looks deceiving.


Apollo:So this is the bed I slept in last night. The blankets appear to be red, the same colors as the the top part of the walls while the bed sheet is a pure shade of white, the same color as the rest of the walls. Wonder if the other rooms are the same color scheme?

Examine->Showering Room

Apollo:A room for taking a shower. It appears to be pure white with black flower titles occasionally sprouting here and there. *sarcastically* Geuss they don't want us to stink to death.


Apollo:A dresser. Wonder what clothes lie within it? *opens it up, taken back* What the-? Most of these are just the outfit I'm wearing right now! Does he think I'm that broke? It does look like there are some different ones however, like an eastern style university uniform, what I can only describe as a backpacking outfit, what I assume to be a rejected costume from a Japanese festival, and some pajamas. If I had known they were in there I might not have worn this into bed.

Examine->Poster 1

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Apollo:Hey I remember this poster! It was one of my most recent cases, and one of the last ones from the United States. The girl on the poster is Trucy Wright,the adopted daughter of my mentor. I sure hope she's doing okay back home. I promised her and all my friends back at the Wright Anything Agency that I'd be back as soon as I'd got done reforming the legal system within Khura'in but...well this may delay that a little bit.

Examine->Poster 2

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Apollo:And that's a poster of prosecutor and ex-rockstar Kristoph Gavin. Even though there isn't any words on it, you can tell just by looking at the shadows, and the symbol of the band. Sadly, his days of band work is over, unfortunately his days of pestering me are not. *disapointed look* Look if your'e flirting with me could you maybe, JUST MAYBE, do it like a normal person?


Apollo:A monitor with a pair of speakers attached on both sides and what appears to be a camera watching above it. Wonder if there's any more cameras hidden around the place I've overlooked? If so does that they can...


Apollo:*thinking* This clock is shaped like a Monoxolo. It kind of reminds me of those old cat clocks you'd see in the 1920's. Wonder if that's what the inspiration was.


Apollo:A desk. On it is my Mini eHandbook. *It doesn't look like anything new is on the handbook though*, but I'll probably need it.


Apollo:The door to my room...*realization* Ah, I should probably get going to the meeting son!

Exit Room
>Yes >No




P.O.V Morgana

Kill to escape, huh. You know how somethings are too good to be true? This was the opposite, It sounded too terrible to be a lie.

And the worst part of it all is some of us are actually considering it. They don't seem to understand the implications of their actions. Blitzo I can get. He is an assassin, therefore it is in his nature to kill. However that doesn't excuse his rude behavior towards everyone and openly trying to abandon us. And of course just because I know his reasoning doesn't make it right.

Dave on the other hand? He's much worse. He's okay getting killed and probably killing too because somehow, just somehow, making pizza is worse than murder. Either he has had some really crap bosses or he's just really damn stubborn.

However it isn't just them I'm worried about. Yuuka said "Genocide is just another game." Is she really wanting to play it? And Flower she seems to think that somehow we'll be recovered from death. I'm not sure if it's ignorance or if she knows something we don't. Then there's Serval, while I doubt she's killer material, what about a victim. Someone could easily deceive her and...

...God maybe I shouldn't think about it to much. I should just get going. But first let me check my room.


Morgana:These windows are locked with a pair of wooden bars. *thinking* They look like they can easily be removed, but looks can be deceiving. Plus nocturnal animals like myself prefer the dark.


Morgana:*tapping pencil* This bed. It's the same pattern as the outfit I'm wearing right now. The pillows appear to be a lighter shade of pink and the wall seems to be a dark shade of black. The bed is made of light wood.


Morgana:This strange device known as a shower apparently is used to wash people off. Then again it looks a lot safer than your average strigil. All we need to do is turn the water right, not to hot, not to cold. A lesson I had to learn the hard way last night. *proud* Thank goodness my wing is mostly healed up by now.


Morgana:It's a dressing cabinet. It's filled with an interesting selection of clothes. And when I say interesting I mean that in the sense in the fact that most of the clothes are an exact copy and paste of the other. There are a few exceptions to it. One appears to be an outfit in pink that's a bit more revealing than the rest, with a much more lighter shade of pants. There's also one that appears to be what I imagine a royal princess would wear. *nostalgic* Ah, I remember when I wanted to be a princess. But that was when I was a young girl trapped in a place where I didn't belong...*shaking head* No, no. Focus on the present. You can't let yourself get blinded by the past...*somber* Especially when that past was much worse than most.


Morgana:This board, I have a similar board back at my home, and I know what this board is used for. It's a board that's commonly used by detectives such as myself as a way to connect the facts. I feel like this may be useful in finding clues on how to escape. I already drew a few pictures of the Ultimates, but I haven't put them up yet on it, not until they get all done. As of right now it's a blank canvas yet to be filled with pins and thread. *excited* I'm honestly kind of excited to fill it up and figure out just who is controlling that axolotl...thing.


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Morgana:I'm a detective not an artist. Still I think these are good enough. I may as well just get the rest done since I'm here.




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Morgana:There we go!

Examine->Mini eHanbook.

Morgana:No new things have suddenly appeared on it, however I have a strange feeling that it will be important later on. I can't explain why though, but I'm going to bring it along with me to the meeting. I have a feeling that everyone else will too.


Morgana:This clock*angry* I hate the way that this clock is staring at me with it's smug smile and one eye and "x" looking thing. I bet it's either an eye-patch or the place where it's missing eye was supposed to go in the sewing. I don't care though. They are the brought us here...*somber* at least that's what I thought anyways but if that's true then...they may not have been lying after all. *angry* None the less still making us play this game so yeah he's still very much on my hate list.


Morgana:*rolls eyes* Damn you stupid screen! I was trying to sleep before it so rudely awoke me up. Let's just hope that it's either a one time thing or at the very least next time it's a bit quieter. Nocturnal animals like me aren't exactly morning people. I don't even want to know what the things that are attached to it are, or what that thing is in general. I've had enough.


Morgana:*exhaling* Okay that's enough rage for one hour. If I remember correctly, and I do, that's the door that I entered through so, by basic logic, that should be the door to get out there. *determined* All right, for me to head out!

Exit Room
>Yes >No




Serval:*excited* Ah! Ohio Morgana chan!

Morgana:Oh good morning Serval. Good morning? What's so good about it? What brings you here?

Serval:Arigato for asking watashi! Kimi see Watashi was planning on mewosamasu min'na due to the happyo Shichō Xolo gave Watash*tachi zen'in. Watashi kangaedash*ta it would be a yoku dekita to do as the Chō kemono no Friend. Isn't that sugoi?

Morgana:...I'm sorry what was that? My japanese may not be that rusty but mixing it in with english is making it a bit harder to understand.

Serval:Ah! Gomensai Morgana!... *clears throat* Ahem! I mean...I am sorry, Morgana. Does this make it easier to understand me?

Morgana:Yes it does actually, and I think it will be a bit easier on the others too. but you can keep the chan. *blushing* It's cute.

Serval:*excieted* Oh! Arigato!...*relization* I mean thanks Morgana chan.

Morgana:No problem Serval. So mind telling me why you came up here again?

Serval:Sure thing, I suppose I can do that right about meow. *laughing* Get it? It's because I'm a cat!

Morgana:*smirk* Heh, yeah I get it. It wasn't the best pun but she seems really happy about it.

Serval:*smiling* Anyways, I was going around waking everyone up if they hadn't already so they wouldn't be late for the meeting that Mayor Xolo had planned for us! There's probally a monitor like that in all of our rooms but just in case there wasn't, or if for some reason they slept in, I figured it would be a good idea to give them a wake up call. A s the title of Ultimate Friend has been given to me, I have to live up to my name after all.

Morgana:*thinking* Oh? And waking people up is something a friend would do to you?

Serval:*thinking* Well a friend of mine would occasionally wake me up when the sun rose. *embarrassed* Ah, I don't want to sound rude but I was actually planning on skipping you. I know that what the mayor said was probably important, but waking you up might not have been the best in your nature. You are a noctornal animal after all.

Morgana:Nocturnal...? What do you mean by that?

Serval:*stern look* I may be stupid...


Serval:...I don't know where I was going with that. I do know that you and I both know what it means to be nocturnal considering we're both noctornal animals.

Morgana:*sighs* Cats, or rather, bats out of the bag I guess, we're both night owls. *surprised* You don't seem very nocturnal though, with your energy I'd assume that your'e one of the "early bird gets the worm" type of girl.

Serval:Then I suppose we're both on the same boat, *smiling* aren't we Morgana chan?

Morgana:She's so cute!...*shakes head* No get it together Morgana, You're a detective. So whose not there?

Serval:You can see for purrself, it's right over there!

Looking to the side I saw what she was talking about, apparently there was giant side at the dining area saying "in case I wasn't obvious this is the meeting place". Currently at there at the moment were Dave, Zorori, Homura, Lola, Rocket and...Blitzo. However it appears that they would soon be joined by Apollo who just got out, Light who was being guided by Michaela, and Flower who had just gotten down the stairs and was rushing towards it.

Serval:It looks like all that's left are Tina chan, Yuuka chan, Slider Kun, Kokichi Kun, and Rocket kun! However I'm having trouble finding their rooms. Do you think you can help me out?

Morgana:Sure! There's a name plate on each of the doors with our names on them, however if your'e having trouble seeing them, considering that they put gold on gold, then I made a map last night on the room order. Here you go:


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Serval:Oh I think I know what the letters mean. The letters are the first letters of their names and the ones with 2 have the same first letter in their name.

Morgana:Right. This may be obvious too. The rooms arranged in alphabetical order, split into a girls side and boys side. And it seems the men are on the right while girls like us are on the left. *thinking* The easiest thing to do right now would be to check the doors of the girls that are on the other side of your room, Ms.Belcher and Ms.Kazami. Then head to Mr.Ouma's room, followed by Mr.Raccoons and then climb the stairs to Mr.KK.

Serval:*salutes* Rodger that!

*sound of door opening stops the music*

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Serval:Ah! Looks like I can skip the last to girls! Good morning sleepy heads! Did you sleep well?

Something tells me that one of them didn't even get the chance to sleep and the other one slept a little bit to well.

Tina:...*shakes head* No. As a matter a fact I did not sleep at all. Even if I did though I'd imagine that I'd have either have nightmares about this terrible game, or those love hate dreams involving zombies that sound like my grandparents.

Serval:*concerned* Oh that's to bad. What about you Yuuka chan?

Yuuka:*excited* I slept pretty good actually. Thank you for asking Chrysanthemum.

Serval:Uh, my name is Serval actually.

Yuuka:It's a nickname. In the language of flowers, Chrysanthemum represents optimism. You seem very optimistic. However it appears your bliss is ignorance.

Tina:...How did you manage to sleep after hearing that?

Yuuka:Well I am older than you by a lot. I'm way past my 60's you know~.

Morgana:You don't look that old. Hell, you look like your'e not even past your twenties. Is it some sort of magic spell?

Tina:No, it's probably the magic of make up. I should know. There's this one girl in my school whose a make up master. Her names Tammy and she looks really beautiful.

Serval:*happy* Oh! Tina chan! Is she one of your friends?

Tina:*annoyed* Quite the opposite actually. She's your stereotypical mean popular girl, and I guess I'm supposed to be the unpopular nerd kid. *taps forehead* The only difference is I'm smart enough not to change everything about me just for the sake of impressing her.

Morgana:Good choice Ms.Belcher, best not to change yourself simply for the sake of others' opinion.

Tina:Yeah, especially if that someone else almost forced off you get off the C train and board the D trai-*clutches head* Ow! Migraine.

Serval:*concern* Oh, poor thing. Don't worry, I'll go and get some medicine from the supply closet once the meeting with Mayor Xolo is done.

Tina:Thanks you for that, but I'm sure that they will go away in time. It wouldn't be the first time this happened after all...*nervous* The migraines I mean, not the killing game. *cluthes it again* Ow!...*embarrassed* Then again, some medicine could help.

Serval:Okay then! Good luck at the meeting things! I'll meet you there once I'm done getting everyone else ready! That a purr-ommise! *concern* What about you Yuuka chan?

Yuuka:*shakes head* If your'e worried I won't be able to stay awake don't be. I may be old but I'm not that old. Besides if I do I'll just make sure that I'm somewhere where someone can wake me up.

Serval:If you say so. *nods* Well, sayonara! Again, I'll see you there.

Serval left the scene to wake up the renaming men. You snooze you lose after all. the other two girls up and at em...or just up in the young Belcher's case, I decided not to waste any more time and head to where everyone else was.

That place was, as I mentioned before, the dinning area. To give you a better It had 4 tables, each with 4 chairs on all corners. If you were from above, back turned towards the T.V you'd see a miniature stage at the end of it, that's probably where they would appear.

They also had tablecloths on them, 2 sets of 2 to be exact. If you looked from where I was the one closest on my right and the one that's further on my left left corner were similar to a picnic sheet, excluding the fact the lines were green instead of red. The others had a plain magenta sheet on them.

I know blood is red but for some reason it reminded be of a blood splatter.

As for seating, Michaela sat Light down on the table closer to me on my left along with a very annoyed Rocket who appeared to be have a face saying "I could steal from that guy when he's alone and he wouldn't know a thing. "

Homura and Lola were sitting together on the closer table on my right. On the other end of the table was Dave who dared not speak to either of them and looked away like a spoiled kid. Not one for conversation, I see. Thankfully Yuuka broke the silence and started talking about the garden where she worked at.

Apollo's table was the further one on my right Tina decided to sit down at Apollo's table, who also had Flower on his side. Flower seemed to be a bit disappointed that she wasn't with one of the more fashionable people.

And the last table would have had Zorori, had he not decided to stand up instead. There was still someone sitting on the table however. His name starting with a "B" and ending with a silent "Ø". I had a few words to say to him so I decided to sit there.

Blitzo:*smiling* Well, well, look what the bat dragged in. What wanted you to sit next to me? Was it my devilish good looks.

Morgana:Is everyone going to be a comedian today? *remorse* No, that's not the case Mr.Blitzo. The reason I came to you today is apologize. I am sorry for assuming that you were the mastermind last night.

Blitzo:*suprised* An apology to someone whose sinned way more than you have? And just when I thought this couldn't get any weirder.

Morgana:I did some thinking in my sleep and I realized two things. As a detective I'm not supposed to make rash decisions. It was rash of me to assume that you had osme involvement in this simply due to your species alone and not based on evidence to back it up. While you are still supicious, without any evidence to pin you as the mastermind or at least an underling-

Dave:*calm* An underling for the mastermind? Couldn't be me.

Morgana:...*sighs* I shouldn't blindly blame you. So for acting out for no reason none other than that I apologize.

Blitzo:*barf gesture* Blarugh. Gee, what did you expect? *adorable eyes* "It's okay I forgive you!" "You awe still my vewy bestest fwiend." *angry* Welcome to reality bitch. Wake up and smell the flowers.

Flower:How about you don't do that!

Blitzo:I don't know what you were expecting but it certinally wasn't-*chocked on* HRRK!

Morgana:*serious* I didn't say I was finnished with you. Like you said yourself, your'e way more of a sinner than I am. And I don't think saying "I'm sorry" is going to fix you trying to abandon us for your own sake. *tighter* And dont' worry, I'm not angry, but I am disappointed in you deeply. Be warned, if this is me disapointed you wouldn't like to see me angry. You better be on your best behavior or else I'll circle in for the kill this time. Got that?

Blitzo:*nods* MHM!

Morgana:Good. *let's him go*

Blitzo:*breathes* D-damn your'e good. *impressed smile* And here I thought you were just some chip off the old block. Maybe you aren't so child friendly after all.

Morgana:*smug* I can be pretty persuasive when need be. However if this didn't presuade you enough, then I do have other methods of presuasion.

Rocket:*angry* There are kids here for Goonie's sake!

Tina:*interested* No, no, I'm interested in them. Tell me more.

Morgana:I said more adult methods. Not more tween methods.

Sooner or later the last 3 had come in. K.K decided to sit down at the table where Tina had sat and decided to sing a few tunes to the others while we waited for Monoxolo. Then came Kokichi who decided to also stand up who decided to join Rocket's table, and plot with Rocket how to steal Lights' thing. Finally there entered Serval who decided sit with me and the B for the show. And just in time to. There were only 5 minuets left before we the presentation began. I mean it's not like that axotl be late for their own meeting.




Morgana:*annoyed* Urgh, They're late for their own meeting. It's 7:10 and the meeting was supposed to start at 7 o clock on the dot.

Lola:Maybe the mayor is having second thoughts about this?

Serval:*worried* Or maybe something bad happened to the poor creature? If so we need to find him and help him out. It's the right thing to do after all.

Morgana:Even after what he plants to od to us you still want to be on their good side? *sighs*...Well I suppose that as the Ultimate Friend it's a fair claim.

Flower:Are we sure we got the right meeting place?

Blitzo:No, it has to be here. Do you not see the sign?

Monoxolo:Uh...whoopsie daisy?

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Flower:Ooh! Love the new hair do.

Monoxolo:Thank you. It's going to do that a lot, and totally not due to an inconsistent drawling style form the author.

Morgana:Where the hell where you?

Monxolo:Uh...whoops! *apologetic* Sorry I kind of forgot about this whole meeting thingy. It's just, I had so much suff on my table and I geuss I forgot this should be my main priority. I mean with starting on construction of the other places and unlocking a few of the areas, let me tell you, it is not an easy feat to be mayor. That's why you guys are Ultimates and I'm not.

Tina:*suprised* Wait your'e not the Ultimate Mayor?

Monoxolo:Nope. Unfortunatley I'm just a talentless nobody. Honestly I really think I even got to be mayor due to the rich parents that paid for me to get into this whole buiness. I'm just a plan Reserve Course.

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Monoxolo:See? I don't even have one of those fancy titles.

Morgana:If your'e trying to play the sympathy card it's not working on me.

Serval:Aw purr thing. You're surrounded by people who have tons of talent and you've got none. No wonder you want to start this game.

Morgana:Okay you've got her under your wing but don't expect me to follow suit.

Monoxolo:Actually my motives are a little more...complex then that.

Light:*thinking* Complex motives...that oddly familiar. Yet I've ever heard the phrase before.

Monoxolo:*calming* Don't look to much into it. But enough about that. Enough about me being a talent-less nobody. That's Zorori's thing.

Zorori:*dramatic* Alas, it's true. I have no reason to be-

Monoxlo:No, we are gathered here in this kitchen to pick up where we left off last night. Like I said, "every game has it's rules."...wait I don't remember saying that last night. Do any of you guys remember that?

Rocket:Don't know. Don't care. Just get to the damn point.

Morgana:I was thinking that too. However unlike you, I know when to keep my mouth shut.

Monoxolo:*rolls eye(?)* Someone's a bit impatient. But fine I'll get you what you want. You see this game isn't just like The Hunger Games where you can murder any one you want without consequence. No you have to murder someone and get away with it.

Blitzo:Ah, so basically what I do what I do every single day. That should be easy as 6 6 6.

Monoxolo:Yes murdering someone is the easy part, buuuuut for everyone else who isn't an assassin this might be a bit harder.

Morgana:Yeah, especially with an Ace Attorney such as Apollo around.

Apollo:*sweating* I wouldn't say I'm that good.

Michealea:What do you mean by "getting away with it?"

Monoxolo:We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. But first does everyone have their Mini eHandbooks?

I was expecting a few people to forget and leave them in their rooms, but to my surprise they all brought them...and they finally opened up to reveal a screen. There were 4 tabs open "REGULATIONS" "CHAT ROOM" "REGULATIONS" and "MAP", however there also seemed to be an arrow there to imply that there were more tabs that could be accessed by pressing it. However it appeared to be locked. In fact the only thing that was available to use at the time was REGULATIONS.

Monoxolo:Everyone please click on the rules button if you want to follow along. Don't worry, not following along on the pad isn't required but it is very much recommended. Plus it's a great refresher if you forget anything!

Kokichi:...*taps the screen*

Morgana:That's weird he's not his usual self. Then again the "usual self" that I saw was only for a day we can't accuratley judged someone in a day.

Monoxolo:These regulations are the rules and regulations you'll have to follow on this killig game. I'd like to go over them with you all one at a time through this fun little presentation. Starting with rule numbero uno.

Suddenly a screen appeared from behind him and on it was a drawling with some words on it.

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Monoxlo:Can anyone read what it says.

Apollo:I can!...*ahem* "Citizens of Monoland are required to stay in Monoland. Attempts at escape will not be severly punished, however a small punishment may still be made.

Yuuka:*thinking* Now what on earth do you mean by punishment?

Monoxolo:It depends on how severe the crime your'e trying to commit is. But don't worry so long as you don't mess up too badly we should all be okay.

Michaela:That's not reassuring.

Monoxolo:It isn't? *shrugs* Gee thats' too bad, so sad. Anyways it's time for the next rule. Rule number 2.

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Flower:"Violence against the mayor is not allowed. In my opinion this should have been rule 1 but it's tradition for the actual rule 1 to be rule 1."

Blitzo:Well what are you going to do us if we do try to attack. Don't worry I'm not planning anything...*creepy smile* yet.

Monoxolo:You don't want to know. Trust me.

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Rocket:"Thrid Rule:Try your best not to break anything." That sounds like it will be really hard for some one in particular who looks like she's straight out of a maid cafe.

Lola:*disapointed* Hey! You don't get to talk to Serval like that.

Rocket:Shes' a cat! It's impossible not for her to break things.

Tina:Oh ye raccoon of little faith. I bet Servals are less likely to break stuff then the average household cat.

Serval:Yeah I haven't broken anything in a while. Especially since there's barley any Cerulean left to fight back home.

Yuuka:I'm not sure what a Cerulean is *smiling* but if a small, frail, cat like you had managed to beat it must have been very easy to break.

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Homura:"Four. Daytime is 6 am to 10 pm. Night time is the thing that takes place during the other hours. During that time some areas may not be accessible to enter."

Dave:*confused* Quick question, why the hell is the sun wearing sunglasses? What does he need to protect his eyes from?

Kokichi:He needs to protect his vision from the shame he feels from us, as a society.

Dave:*impressed* I think we know that part, but is there anything else.

Lola:*confused* Better How come the moon didn't get a night cap?

K.K:That's easy dawg. You see, the moon is awake at night. When your'e awake you wouldn't need a cap for sleeping now would you?

Morgana:*disapointed* I'm surrounded by idiots. At least Apollo is smart enough not to put his five doubloons in conversation.

Apollo:But if the sun's awake then wouldn't it be day time?

Morgana:*disapointed* Apollo...I believed in you.

Homura:I-It's honestly hard to tell with those glasses on. Maybe we should just move on to the next rule?

Monoxolo:I knew I should have added a sleeping cap when I had the chance.

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Morgana:"Rule 5. The killing games that Monokuma hosted said that you were only allowed to sleep in the dormitories. I personally don't care where you sleep so that rule has been edited slightly. You are allowed to sleep anywhere you'd like." *angry* Why the hell do you care about our sleeping habbits.

Monoxolo:I literally don't?

Micheala:Morgana, I get your'e angry at him, and for a good reason, but this is one of the more petty complains on your end.

Morgana:...Yeah I think your'e right Ms.Arklow. Let's just move on to the next rule.

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Serval:"Rule Six:Outside of the minimal restrictions in place you are free to explore the city of Monoland as much as you like." *excited* Ooh! Exploring sounds like fun!

Tina:But we've already explored most of the place. The rest of the place was either locked or still under construction.

Monxolo:Oh, I should probably verify again that I actually unlocked a few of them last night.


Monoxolo:Yep! You're free to enter them all as much as you'd like during the day. During the night a most of the areas should be locked. The only ones that won't be are this building, as it's the only one with a bed, the park, especially if you want to do a stargazer thing, and a few others things that will be in the other areas that are still under construction.

Serval:Sounds so sugoi!

Rocket:...*nod* I'll let that one slide due to the alliteration.

Monoxolo:Okay now back to the rules.

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Tina:"Rule 7:GRAND DAD. FLINSTONES!? WHAT THE-" Hey wait! This isn't a rule, this is a livestreamers reaction to a bootleg Mario game!

Morgana:What is this Youtube you speak off?

Monoxolo:You just got pranked! Here's the real rule 7.

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Tina:Oh!...*ahem* "Rule 7:Monoxolo will never directly participate in a murder. If you think that they are responsible for killing someone you are wrong. It's not because they're a pure cinnamon bun who would never hurt a fly, they just don't want to ruin their already bad reputation."

Dave:*shakes head* No offense but that is the understatement of the century right there. No one here f*cking likes you except for the puss* and the bunny bitch.

K.K:I mean I don't like what they are doing to us either but if it were a diffrent situation, I feel like they'd be the kind of axotl you can just get a coffe with.

Zorori:Yeah I'm with Slider on this one.

Apollo:Same here! much I hate to admit it the dog of them are right. However I musn't let anyone know that.

Monoxolo:No offense is taken. Honestly I feel the same way. *regretful?* But we're here and there's nothing we can do about it. *serious* And speaking of the game, one final rule for now. *excited* It's my favorite of the openers!

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Monoxolo:"Rule 8:The body discovery will play when at least 3 people discover a body that do not include the killer themselves. After all, it isn't really discovering a body if your'e the one who murdered them. The announcement will tell them where the body is located at and command everyone to go there."

Morgana:So what, the killer just does not get caught by the 3 who discover the body and we're good?

Monoxolo:It's...a bit more complicated than that.

Kokichi:*looking down*...I had a feeling you might say that.

Morgana:What do you mean "a bit more complicated?"

Monxolo:*shrugs* We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Someone has to murder someone first.

Apollo:Guess we're never going to cross it then. *fist pumps* Since we're going to get out before a murder occurs.

Blitzo:You keep telling yourself that, but don't come running to me when you get it wrong.

Monoxolo:Oh! One more thing. I can add rules, remove rules or edit the rules at any given moment.

Micheala:*nods* It's true. There's a disclaimer bellow the rules that says just that!

Light:*thinking* So if necessary you can change the rules to suit your own benefits, or ours?

Monoxolo:*with a cap on his head* I don't do requests, go find a less popular Deviantart user to bug about that.

Lola:*shudders* Don't mention the d word again.

Morgana:*nervous* I don't know what this deviantart is, but I too feel the fear that is said from it.

Monoxolo:*frightened* You don't have to tell me twice, they even make the spaghetti god scared of the internet. *serious* In all seriousness though, I can edit the rules but only if the rules aren't as easy to follow as I originally thought. Don't think these rules are that hard though so for now they stay! Is that okay?

Rocket:Nothing about this game is "okay". Where did you even get the idea from?

Monoxolo:Ah! That's right! I never fully explained the story of Hope's Peak did I? Well now I have a better understanding of it. So I'll take a few moments to explain it to you all. Or at the very least the events leading up to the killing games. After all, I don't want to spoil the upcoming regulations. But I suppose that it is the begining

Morgana:*pissed* God damn it. You just had to ask didn't you?

Serval:Well I'm kind of curious too actually. *excited* Plus I've never been a part of a group story telling before! It sounds fun!

Tina:*sighs* We really don't have a choice do we?

Let's just hope it dosen't take that long...

Monoxolo:*ahem* It all started thanks to a man by the name of Izuru Kamakura who wanted a place to resarch talent...

40 minutes later...

Monoxolo:...*And that's how Class 77-B was brainwashed into becoming the remnants of despair. It's also what led Class 78 to seal lock themselves into their own classroom willingly to avoid having to deal with the outside worlds problems. Little did 78 realize that they'd be a part of Hope's Peaks' first killing game, and that the Ultimate Despair were amoung them.

Serval:*raises her hand*

Monoxolo:*points to Serval* Yes you with the gloves!

Serval:Hai! Do you think that if Jin kun had gained custody of Kyoko chan, do you think that their relationship wouldn't have gotten so sour over the years, or would it have already been to late by then?

Monoxolo:I can't say for certain, but I'm don't think that would be the case. I feel like his career would either become more important to him or due to the loss of his wife he might have gone into a spiral of grief that may have changed the relationship for the worse. Plus, there were the plans the steering comity had...

Serval:Oh...I see. That's too bad.

Monoxolo:Okay anyone else...*points to K.K*

K.K:So to verify, I'm not the first Ultimate Musician but instead second, at least, to Ibuki Mioda?

Monoxolo:*happy expression* Xoxoxoxo! So you've noticed. A lot of you guys have repeat talents actually. Morgana's was originally belong to Kyoko. Flower's was originally Junkos'. Although not exactly the same talent Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Ultimate Moral Compass, did start out as a hall monitor. Dave's talent of Pizzeria Worker is a combination of both Soda Kazuichi, a mechanic, and chef, Teruteru Hanamura. And although I can't say if they overlap or not these , Michaela wasn't the only one with the ??? issue. Kyoko and one Hajime Hinata also had an issue with remembering their talent. Blitzo has a repeat talent too. Unlike the original owner though, your'e a bit to telling us it what it was.

K.K:Huh. That's neat. Maybe once I don't fall unconscious when I hear the music that Ibuki makes we could do a collaboration together!...That is, if she's not evil still. Dave:*confused* But why exactly are there repeat talents? Wouldn't it make more sense to have completely new talents involved in this?

Monoxolo:If you think it's because I'm connected to the Steering Community then you'd be wrong. They've long since disbanded by now. Especially since, you know the world ended.

Micheala:*concerned* Now hold on just a moment, don't you think that we would have heard about a world ending event?

Monoxolo:Yes, I suppose you would have. Unless I did something to your memory...or maybe I'm just spouting up nonsense.

Kokichi:*pointing at him* HEY! I'm the liar here not you!

Monoxolo:*carefree* Whatever man. It's not like nobody here has hold the truth 100% of the time.

Blitzo:Okay here's my question:Did *finger gestures* dad of the year and his drunk friend ever f*ck around?

Monoxolo:You mean Koichi Kizakura? *shrugs* Yeah, probably.

Lola Bunny:*crying* Poor Mikan! The poor girl to endure all that? If I was her mother I'd make sure that she'd be safe no matter what.

Rocket:*arms crossed, looking to the side* sh*t, why the hell do most of these kids have a terrible childhood? I mean Chihiro disgused himself as a girl because she wasn't manly enough, Akane had to deal with terrible parents and perverts, Mondo accidentally killed his own brother Daiya, and Souda had to deal with an abusive father.

Monoxolo:Unfortunately that is just how life is sometimes. Not every life is as picture perfect as it seems, even if you are an Ultimate.

Tina:*curious* Does the love story between the swords-woman and the yakuza have a happy end?

Monoxolo:I cannot tell you everything, but Ultimately tragedy will strike them both.

Light:*thinking* I've never gotten why people hate anime so much. Sure I may not have seen the style of it, and I'm sure like most genres it had it's up and downs, but that was no reason to insult the young Ryota that badly!

Monoxolo:*nods* Yes, I suppose that's true. Personally I don't get the hate with most anime. Not saying I like every single anime I watch, there are a few that I just can't enjoy, but most are pretty good. However there should be limits to the obsession of some fans of it. Especially p*dophiles or, as they call themselves, L*LIC*NS.

Zorori:*nods* Agreed. But I do find the brainwashing part a bit concerning. I know you said that before becoming an remenant his animations weren't exactly anything of malicious attempt, but if he knew he was brainwashing them before hand then who knows what could have happened?

Flower:Speaking of which, Am I the only who thinks the brainwashing was a dumb move on Junko's part?

Monoxolo:No pretty much everything agrees that it's pretty f*cking stupid.

Zorori:*disapointment* Alas, I am ignored again. Oh well.

Yuuka:I feel like the Ultimate Omen would have been a better talent for Nagito Komaeda. Are you sure that he's really worthy of being the Ultimate Lucky Student?

Monoxolo:You do remeber that the Ultimate Lucky Student is chosen at random right. Heck I'm not even sure if it's a real talent or not. But his luck? It's real. No matter how bad things get for him, even if it's by his own making, there's always luck around the corner. On the flip side there is always something bad around the momentary hope he he has. So regardless he truly deserves it or not, it's what he has and there's nothing he can do about it.

Apollo:You know it sort of feels like Hajime Hinata having no talent what soever is most likley a bit of an over statement. I mean sure he may not have been good enough to be enrolled by hopes peak but I'm sure he must have had some talent before the Izuru Kamaukra Project.

Monoxolo:*thinking* It's possible. I mean, I'm a reserve course too. I'm sure that brownie had a little bit of talent in him before hand, but it was never acknolleged. I think that's why he decided to undergo the project.

Homura:D-did the steering community also get Mukuro Ikusaba, the 16th student lying hidden somewhere with in this school, the one they call the Ultimate Despair, enroled the same way that they got Junko in?

Monoxolo:I'm not entirley sure that they were, but Ultimatle-y, pun intentional, the only thing that maters is that they were both enrolled and thanks to that mistake, the end would soon come.

Morgana:*angry* What's with this bullsh*t story?...No I've actually got a better question. *ahem* So to verify, all this happened because some girl who was in high school was bored!?

Monoxolo:Yeah, just goes to show that when you don't have anything to do, you'll be up for almost anything. Say for example killing your trust worthy friends by literally stabbing on the back? Just a suggestion though. Anyways that's basically the entire lore of the Hope Side of Danganronpa, along with a few character bios

Rocket:*confused* Dang gran roo pawn? That sounds like something a child would make.

Kokichi:...*intruged* but what about the first killing game?

Monoxolo:*smiling* Nevermind that! I've got a lot to do to prepare for the mechanic that is yet to be revealed. *wearing a crocodile mask* See you later alligators! *guardian blurs away*

Serval:*waves goodbye* After a while axotl-dile!...*confused* What?

Morgana:...*sighs* Now that he's gone, there's something else that we need to discuss.

Blitzo:*bored* Urgh, what is it now? I'm starting to get as bored as Izuru over here!

Morgana:*sighs* Look I know that this is less then ideal, especially after 40 minuetes of nothing but listening to someone ramble on about a story that may not even have been real...but I kind of feel that this important.

Serval:Oh what is it about? Is it the new locations that opened up?

Light:Is is about the Nonary Games?

Tina:Is it about butts?

Morgana:No...although since we're here we should discuss a plan about the new locations. Why don't we start with that right now and discuss the other thing later.

Serval:*claps hands* Okay then! Let's plan it out togeth-purr! *smiling* So then, how in the name of Japari Park should we handle exploring the new opened up areas? Should we do 2 groups of 8 again like we did before, or is it perhaps better to instead go in much larger groups so it's less likley that someone will end up hunted down?

Morgana:*thinking* I think the later is a good idea. Now that we know what sort of situation we've been put into, I believe that might be a better idea to be in a more groups to cover more ground. But how many groups should there be and how many in each group?

Zorori:*thinking* Well there's 16 of us total and the square root of 16 is 4. For those of you that aren't mathematicians, which I'm pretty sure is most of you, 4 multiplied by itself is equal to 16.

Tina:You're right I'm not a mathematician, like I'm really bad at math, But I think I remeber learning about square roots before.

Serval:*smiling* I haven't heard of those before so...thank you Zorori kun!

Zorori:*honored* I was helpful to someone better than me? How honorable. I suppose I am your guys' Nagito then, being a stepping stone twoards your hope!

Tina:The last thing we need is a crazy eyed Komeada. Thankfully, it appears that you just seem to have the guys humility and not his hope obsession.

Zorori:Yeah, I mean I do have hope but I'm not going to do anything extreme like a school bombing. Besides, it's not like my 4 by 4 idea was that good.

Morgana:Your'e right, it may not be the best idea, but it seems to be easy to do, especially since we're already in groups of 4 according to the tables. However, I also understand that not all the groups could be the ones you want to be apart of. If anybody wants to change the group now would be a good idea. *looks at Blitzo with disgust* I know certinally want to change my position.

Blitzo:...Yeah. The feelings mutal.

Morgana:Everyone go to the table to the group you want to go to.

Everyone scrambled to where they wanted to go and eventually the results were in.

Morgana:Okay so just so we don't forget, I'm going to write down the names of all the groups down. *writes stuff down* There we go!

Present->Morgana's Note

Group A:Morgana, Zorori, Rocket, Lola

Group B:Homura, Apollo, Michaela, Light

Group C:Kokichi, Flower, Blitzo, Dave

Group D:Tina, Serval, KK, Yuuka

Morgana:All right so how is everyone feeling with their current groupings?

Rocket:*sighs* I suppose that they will have to do, besides at least I didn't get stuck with Purple Guy over there.

Kokichi:*upset* Hey that's my friend your'e talking too!

Dave:*shakes head* We are not friends...*smiling* Though I suppose we could be partners in crime being the only purple boys here. And this group is fairly tolerable as well, especially since most of them know that killing is inevitable.

Tina:That sort of creepiness is why I'm sticking with this group who aren't as okay with just accepting that murder will happen. And I've been really worried about possibly getting killed, if these weren't evidence enough. *points to lines beneath eyes*

K.K:*looking to side* Well if all the other groups are satisfied, then I don't see any need to change places do you guys?

Serval:Nope! I think we're all good here.

Morgana:Okay, so we'll investigate the new unlocked areas in these groups of 4. Now then, it's time to move on to the thing that I was actually planning the meeting for. *serious* I know this may be silly but...did anyone here have any strange dreams last night?

Tina:I didn't have any dreams last night. Because I didn't get a wink of sleep.

Serval:I did fall asleep last night! But when I wake up I can never seem to remember any of my dreams.

Homura:I-It's the same situation for me.

Dave:I do remember my dreams. In fact I remember last nights dream, or rather nightmare. In it the animatronic spring lock suits were replaced with fursuits.

Morgana:Fur...what now? *shakes head* Okay maybe not that weird.

Kokichi:Aw man you mean you don't want to hear about how Sr.Toiletsock failed to save his lover Dragonfeet in the magical kingdom of buttface?

Morgana:Did you really dream that or?

Kokichi:HA! You just got LIED. Tag your friends to totally LIE them!

Michaela:...Well I had a dream that I was at home with my wonderful girlfriend, Clarith. We were back at Elphegort and we were having a meal of the most amazing spring onion.

Morgana:And Clarith, did she say something to you?

Michaela:Just that she finally found the confidence she needed in her wondrous white hair.

Morgana:Aw that's sweet...but was anything else invovled in it?

Michaela:No, we were just about to kiss when the announcement played. *sad* I miss my girlfriend, Morgana. I miss her a lot.

Morgana:...I see...Anybody else?

Yuuka:*shrugs* The only dream I dreamt of was one of me being the strongest beign alive in Gensokyo. *smug* Then again, at least I'm the strongest here.

Apollo:Errr...Morgana, I think that perhaps an easier thing first you can tell us about your dream before you contiue to ask about us? I mean if that's f-fine with you of course!

Morgana:*nods* That probably would be easier to do actually. Okay, here's my dream. I was on a boat. I don't remember the exact name of the boat it was on but it was not The Pirate's Fate. However, I was an invasion. I was invited here by an axolotl that looked quite similar to Monoxolo in terms of color, but they were bigger and much less annoying. They told me soon that I'd be arriving at my destination and that since I'm here it was to late for me to turn around.

K.K:*surprised* That certinally is an ominous dream. *confused* But I don't really see how this related to the situation other than someone being similar to Monoxolo guiding you to the destination.

Morgana:...It's what dream me said in response that I found strange.


Dream Morgana:*relaxed* There's no need too. Being surronded by the best of the best may be worrying to some, but I've had my fair share of adventures of the years. This new Ultimate title dosen't suprise me in the slighest.


Serval:*relization* Oh! Now I see what you mean Morgana Chan, I see why this dream is so strange!...*smiling sweatdrop* Except I don't really see what you mean. Care to elaborate further.

Morgana:I mentioned that I was heading to a place full of Ultimates. That dosen't strike you as odd in the slighest? Where are we right now? A place full of Ultimates.

Rocket:*shrugs* It sounds to me like you just had a dream. There usually isn't that much meaning to it. Last night I dreamt that I was eating and eating while my body was blowing up all for the sake of a paycheck. Does that mean I'd actually do that for?...*greedy glare* Maybe, but it all depends on how much your'e paying me.

Morgana:100000 gabloons at most. But it'd be an anonymous commission.

Flower:Yeah Morgy, I don't want to cause you any offense, but I think that dreams like that aren't meant to be taken to literally. Except if that dream said I was the most beautiful flower in the world.

Morgana:Yes it would be nonsense, if I was the only one who dreamt that...but what if that wasn't the case? Did anyone else here have a dream in similar terms? Maybe the mention of the world ultimate or a similar Monoxolo like creature.




Apollo:Now that you mention it I think you might be onto something. I didn't have the exact dream of yours but there was a familar theme of the word Ultimate and heading somewhere. It could just be a coincidence, but if you don't mind me telling you about it...

Morgana:*shakes head* Oh no, go ahead! Actually I encourage it!

[Music Fade Out]

Apollo:Okay it goes...:It all started at Justice Law Offices in Khura'in. I was at a video chat with my friends back in the states.

P.O.V Apollo Justice


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Apollo:...I can still faintly recall what the conversation was about too...I had just been invited to something. A celebration to be exact. But I had my doubts on going, so I asked the people I trusted the most to help me out...

Trucy:Wow Polly! I can't believe you were selected for something like that. Being honored as one of the best attorneys of your time, and you've only been one for 3 years! That must be great.

Apollo:Thanks Trucy.

Athena:*pouting* Yeah, great for you Apollo, prefecto. I'm not jealous at all.

Widget:*upset* Why couldn't it have been me?

Athena:*shocked* Eep!...

Phoenix:*smirk* Looks like your cat is out of the bag Athena. Not like it would have been there long. The magmata is on me right now and I could see a few psyche looks starting to form. I'm sure Apollo's bracelet might have reacted too.

Athena:*embarrassed* Merde, I keep on forgetting that nothing gets past you two.

Phoenix:Hahaha! *pride* But in all serious, good for you Apollo.

Ema:Yeah, good for you Apollo. You know, I still remember when we first met. Back when I was still working as a Police Detective and you were still a newbie at the Wright Anything Agency. Now look at you! You get to attend a celebration for your achievements.

Apollo:Thanks for that guys. And it feels great to be honored like this!...But...

Ema:Something wrong?

Apollo:No, everything is fine!...*disappointment* Well except for the fact that he had to be here.

Ema:*irritated* I can agree with you there. I can get Nahyuta because he's your child friend and fellow co-worker...but him?

Nahyuta:Are you by any chance referring to our uninvited guest, Prosecutor Gavin?

Klavier:*playing with hair* Oh, is something the matter Herr Forehead? Do you think that my good looks getting in the way of your big Leistung?

Apollo:Ja. Ja they are.

Edgeworth:*embarrassed.* Forgive me, it was the only time available where I could show up to this meeting. Unfortunately, as the Chief Prosecutor, meetings with others can come up unexpectedly. *stern* However, this man came in for a completely unaccounted for this meeting. At the very least he could have set it up with Detective Gumshoe. If he did and the detective had failed to tell me that will result in a salary cut.

Phoenix:At this point, I'm starting to wonder if the poor guy has any salary at all.

Klavier:*winking* Admit it, you missed me, didn't you?

Apollo:A little, but I'm not going to give you the satisfaction of knowing that.

Ema:*munching on snackoos* Just ignore him Apollo. *CRUNCH* *CRUNCH* *CRUNCH* Will chewing help you ignore him? *CRUNCH* *CRUNCH* *CRUNCH*

Nahyuta:While I personally do not mind the presence of the grand musician, I do kind of which that the am glad that we are all gathered here

Athena:*teasing* You wanna date my brother so bad it makes you look stupid.

Nahyuta:*unfazed* Tell me Athena, is everyone here in the chat? There should be 8 of us but my monitor isn't working properly.

Athena:Right you got it! *analyzing mind matrix* Okay so there's 3 here the room where I'm in, so then 4...5...6-

Nahyuta:What time is it right now in America?

Athena:Oh! It's 10 past 11! 11..12! *enraged* HEY WHAT A MOMENT!

Nahyuta:*smiling* Some things never change. *stern* But in all seriousness though we are not here to simply congratulate my brother, although the celebration is much appreciated, you see our celebrated soul has a bit of an issue.

Apollo:*nods* Yeah, look, there's something you should know. The place where the award takes place isn't in Kura'hin.

Nahyuta:Do not fret, I have already given him permission to travel abroad and I am sure that Dhruke would recommend him going to. However, he himself has his own concerns.

Apollo:Y-yeah. I'm fine with being an Ultimate, whatever that means, but I'm not so sure I should go. I mean look at some of the others that have made it. An Ultimate Gardener, An Ultimate Musician, An Ultimate Fashionista, even an Ultimate Detective! And what they've done is way more noteworthy then I've done.

Nahyuta:Do not underestimate yourself young Justice. I'm sure, like all things, she choose you for a reason.

Apollo:*humble* I mean the gardener runs an entire sun flower garden by herself without any help.

Nahyuta:Yes it may be a big gardener, but it's not the size that matters.

Apollo:*humble* The Musician has over a hundred albums, even if most of them are singles, that's way more than Klavier has ever released.

Klavier:*confused* Herr Forehead, you do remember that I quit music long ago right?

Apollo:But if they're that good then imagine what the others will think of me?

Nahyuta:A brave man who uncovered not one, but two 7 year conspiracies, refromed an entire naitons legal system, and I bet that's not even half of what you've done.

Apollo:B-but the detective, she-

Phoenix:*serious* Apollo, as I've said before, I have nothing left to teach you, but prehaps these Ultimates may give you a lesson or two in whatever they do.

Trucy:Yeah Polly! Like getting a better hair do for starters. *bonks head* Or how to be a better assistant.

Athena:*impressed* Wow Trucy, your'e not a magician, but a comedian too!

Phoenix:*sweating* Don't encourage her! Encourage Apollo!

Athena:*concern* Are you sure? I mean if Apollo dosen't fell comfortable he dosen't have to do. It may affect his emotional state making him feel more ignsignificant than before. This is a legitimate psycology concern and not a way me trying to get him to give my position of Ultimate Attorney to me.

Widget:*unfazed* It is.

Athena:*enraged* GRRR! WIDGET! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST BE LESIE TODAY! *crying* I know I'm supposed to be happy, but I've got a much more cool ability! *pride* I mean does he have a virtual mood matrix? I thought not!

Emma:*looking to the side* I'm honestly a bit unsure about this either. I mean unlike Athena, I'm not jealous, but this kind of seems a bit weird? I mean when was the last time you did some lawyer work? Does it mention whose hosting the event?

Apollo:*looks* Yeah, some company by the name of █████████. They aren't well known but I've found some information about them online. They're a research facility. What they research is unknown but it relates to talent somehow. This meet up of "Ultimates" is for research too, they want to see how diffrent people react in a situation like suddenly becoming the best of the best.

Miles:*arms crossed* sounds to me that they study human behavior. It also contradicts your previous statement of being the best of the best since it's only an experiement. *smug* Figured that out due to basic logic.

Phoenix:*arms on hips* And yet you still lose to my complete bluffs.

Edgeworth:*sweating* Wright!

Phoenix:Ehehehe...*thinking* Still, it dosen't seem like they have any ill intentions outside of the research. Is there any other resaon you want to stay behind.

Apollo:...W-well, I'm just worry that it might delay my return to the states. It's already been a while. I wasn't even home for Christmas with you guys.

Nahyuta:These sorts of things take time. *calm* The sooner the better, but you shouldn't spend all your time on it.

Edgeworth:Ultimatley the decision is yours, Justice.

Phoenix:I can conquor with that statement Miles! We can't presuade you one way or the other. In the end the decision is ultimatley yours to choose...*looks away* for better or for worse. That's something I know personally.

Apollo:Yeah...I know you know that. *solem look* And I think I know that too. I'll think it over tonight. And tell you guys what I think then.

Klavier:Even me Herr Forehead?

Apollo:Nien. *closes computer*


[Music Fade Out]

Apollo:*thinking* After that I turned the computer off. I don't remember if I decided to go or not but judging by Morgana's statement the answer was probably a resounding "yes".

Morgana:Did anyone else have any dreams along those lines.

Rocket:...*thinking* sh*t. Now that you mention it, after that expanding dream I did have a dream where I got invited to something. They said I'd get a few bucks if I got there and ultimately I decided I'd get in. I don't remember what it was though. But I think it took place in city.

Flower:Well I still don't remeber anything like that! I only dreamt about being the most beautiful flower, like I said.

Blitzo:*irritated* You should have verified that your earlier coment was your dream. F*ck, I don't remeber anything like that either. The only thing I dreamed about involved either sex, death, and bowling. The later being more likley

Lola:*regretful* I don't remeber anything about it either. I dreamt about fighting an animator in a slapstick comedy cartoon short.

Zorori:*nostalgic* And I dreamt of my deceased mother being alive.

Homura:*thinking* W-Would you like to talk about it?

Zorori:*comforting* Oh no, she's been dead for a while now, but thanks for your concern.

K.K:*raising his paw* I think I may have had something like your dreams Apollo and Morgana. I just thought it was another gig at the time but it did mention that it took place in a town. Could it have been Monoland.

Light:*concern* Are you inquiring that what Monoxolo said was true? They weren't the one who kidnapped us after all. We really did come here on our own free will.

Morgana:*nods* That is exactly what I'm saying. The damn lizard tricked us into thinking that it was some sort of way to honor us but it was all a cover up for what they really wanted.

Serval:*correcting* Actually Axolotls' are amphibians, while lizards are reptiles. However both of them are cold blodded unlike mammals and birds.

Rocket:*angry* THAT'S NOT THE POINT! *scared* The point is that people aren't going to be looking for us. All because we were tricked into thinking this would be a short thing.

Tina:Now hold on a moment, there's no way that dad would just let me attend anything this big all by myself. Even if he did he'd probally at least expect a text or two.

Yuuka:A...text? What is that?

Tina:You know like a message or something?

K.K:Now that you mention it, surley that most adults would probally need supervision for their kids to get in here. Maybe those parents are looking for them?

Blitzo:*rolls eyes* Oh sure let's blindly positive about this. What if they aren't, huh? What if your parents don't care if you live or die.

Light:That's a bit of an overexaggeraton.

Morgana:Like Apollo said at the start, we need to make our way out ourselves. Monoxolo did say there might be a way out of here already though.

Dave:It could be a lie for all that you know. Wouldn't be the first liar in the building.

Kokichi:Hey that's me your'e talking about!! *smile* Nee hee hee! It seems I'm making a reputation here.

Lola:Morgs is right. We should probally take a grain of salt over every word they say.

Morgana:You think I don't know that? I already called him a bastard, a liar dosen't sound to far off.

Homura:*nervous* Uh, So how are we supposed to do it?

Serval:Are we going to dig a tunnel like moles and gophers do or are we prehaps going to try to fly out of here with help from Morgana?

Morgana:I think the earlier plan. The later has too many flaws like, how much weight I can cary and the fact that we don't know how hard the dome is. Then again there digging may have it's flaws as well, so let's wait a bit before we actually put it into action.


Serval:*emberassed* Maybe we can also wait unitl after breakfast to start the plan? I don't think it would be right to do it on an empty stomach.

Apollo:...Yeah, I think you might be right on that. I was going to say something about it, but I didn't want to interupt. Okay we'll explore the area at 10 o clock and then at lunch we'll discuss the things we've discovered. But for now...let's stop wasting time and eat.





I have no idea how they got done so quickly, especially when most food would take a little while to make, but there it was, fresh baked food and it tasted as good too. Apperently Morgana had learned this was a really advanced smart fridge that can materlize food out of nowhere. She thought it was magic.

I had gotten something simple, a cup noodle, while Morgana got a fresh baked thing of pie. Serval got some snacks that were popular at the Japari park, though kind of look like the things you'd throw to animals at a zoo. Slider got a bone with a coffe blend without any sugar.

Zorori decided to get some sort of japanese meal that I didn't know the name of. Yuuka also when japanese but I knew the names of the meal she got. It was yakotori, kind of like the ones they had back at her home.

Dave got a roasted aubergine with a side of chicken. Tina got a slice of pizza, since dad would kill her if she got burgers any where else but home. Lola got some pancakes and carrot cakes. Flower decided to get carrot cake as well, but with a side of fries instead of pancakes.

Homura had some steamed rice and a glass of water while Kokichi got some grape fanta with Seasoned Dried Seaweed. Blitzo I swear he got hot dogs as a mean to make a sexual induendo.

Michaela got some spring onions and Light decided that he'd got with a really elegant meal that I couldn't even begin to describe. All I knew for certian was that it had peas. And Michaela was making good use of them.

Michaela:*motherly* Okay Light open wide~!

Light:*upset* Just what do you think your'e doing?

Michaela:Isn't it obvious? I'm helping you digest your peas.

Light:*upset* I may be blind but I am not a baby, at the very least I can do something as trivial as getting food of my table, there's no need for you spoon feed me.

Micheala:Geez no need to be so cruel, I'm only trying to help!

Light:I'd thank you if your way of helping wasn't so...babyish. Sure I may have needed help adapting to it when I first became blind but I can handle eating it well for the most part.

Apollo:*confused* Hold on I thought you said you were blind your entire life?

Light:*clarifying* No I said I was blinded for most of my life, however if you've been blind ever since childhood I suppose there isn't really much of a diffrence now is there?

Apollo:There's a bit of a diffrence actually.

Light:*angry* Regardless, I've had years to adapt and as such I don't need as much help as you think I do. But as this is unfamiliar land I will probally need someone to guide me around.

Michaela:Ah! I'll do it!

Light:*ignoring her* Apollo, do you want to do it since you were the one who helped my original partner find me again? Michaela is pretty nice but I'd rather not be babied during the exploration. Homura is probally a bit nervous about doing it...unless you feel confident enough to help miss Akemi?

Homura:*nervous* N-no thank you, I think Apollo is the better option of the two of us.

Light:Okay then. What do you think?

Apollo:Sure! It's no problem. Let's just hope I don't we don't get seperated like you did with Morgana.

P.O.V "Dave Miller"

Glad to see some people here have some sense. Well they don't have all the sense around, especially since they are as close as they can be to one of the two the traitors that they can possibly get in this area. Hell, even I wasn't a f*cking traitor I f*cking murdered children for sport. Clearly they would avoid me at cost.

That's why I changed my secret. I changed it to something that's true but not incrimidating. Dave Miller is lying about his name. I mean it's obvious that I could have just come up with something completly bullsh*t and I could have gotten away with it. But sh*t! I'm not going to do that.

I'm just going to f*ck around with the others secrets instead.

And I already know who I'm going to start with. I'm going start with that f*cking-

Kokichi:Davey Boy you there?

Dave:Gah! Soccer Ball! You gave me a frighten.

Kokichi:Ooh, Soccer Ball! I like that name better than Dave Jr by a lot! You can call me that.

Dave:Damn brat almost scared me to death...well it's not like it's the first time I died. Forgive me for getting distracted, or don't, I don't give a f***. What is it you were talking about?

Kokichi:Well I was just wondering a bit about your co-workers!

Dave:You mean at Freddy's? I mean of course you mean Freddy's what else do you mean?

Blitzo:*sarcastic* Oh gee, I don't know, your second job as a prositute?

Dave:*angry* I don't have a second job as a prositute! But f*** I wish I did! Then I wouldn't have to deal with those assholes I work with 24/7. Hell I'd rather be a prositute than work with them. Let me tell you, if there's one thing I hate more than my job it's the people.

Flower:Oh? Do you mind telling us about them?

Dave:Let me tell you there's this one guy with a really f***ing creepy smile. His name was Matthew Virginia. He had the most god damn sh*t your pants cringe level smile. Why the hell anyone purchased his Jack items is unknown to me.

Blitzo:Is he a virgin?

Dave:No sh*t he's a virgin.

Blitzo:*sexual* He won't be for long when I'm through with him.

Dave:I wish that he was dead. Hell, everyone wishes he was dead

Flower:*upset* If you wanted to die so badly he should have came to me back when I was still a meanie. I could have crushed him with my annoucer crusher.

Dave:So you've killed before pink sport? I'll have to remeber that.

Flower:*upset* No fair! Kokichi gets a cool nickname and all I get is pink sport!? *concern* Besides those days are behind me. I don't want to head back to where I was before, even if that means being a winner again.

Blitzo:Again? What do you mean by that-

Kokichi:Hey we aren't here for Flower! We're here for my adult friend Dave.

Dave:Yep! That's me! Dave! And the next person on my terrible co workers lists goes by the name of Scott, or was it Steven, the only thing I know for certian was that he had a phone for a head...

P.O.V Tina Belcher

Dear Diary, or rather replacement for my Diary inside my head, how are you? I'm fine.

...Okay, you got me I'm not fine. God your'e good, probally even gooder than my actual diary. I checked if it was there last night and geuss what? It wasn't. But I think that it was established replacement. On the flip side though there was plenty of room for friend fictions writing notebooks. I didn't get to see much else though, especially since, you know, I was just told that we were in a killing game! It affected my sleep.

I'm just lucky I didn't forget my glasses due to sleep deprivation. But how could anyone sleep in a situation like this?...That's not a morality question, it's just general.

Tina:*confused* Hey quick quesiton, how did you manage to sleep so well after hearing...that?

Yuuka:Like I said earlier, I'm old. Older women have a much easier time sleeping then you youngligns.

Serval:I'm honestly as suprised as you are! I'm usually a noctornal animal, but then again my adventures of Kaban were usually during the day time so I think my sleeping schedule is just broken.

K.K:I usually just sleep Sunday to Friday. *chuckles* I kid, I'm kid. I do usually rest longer on those days as most of my concerts are during the weekdays and I don't know what day this is in the week so I geuss my body just assumed it was the weekday.

Tina:None of those three were helpful advice. *sighs* Well maybe it's for the best I didn't rest, I may have gotten nightmares anyways.

Yuuka:*upset* Now don't say that. Rest for humans is very, very important. And it's important for Flowers too, that way they can grow to their full potential.

Tina:*holds forhead* Ow! *upset* Y-yeah. And I woulnd't have migranes either. But at least I didn't have any nightmares involving zombies.

Serval:*confused* Zombis? What are those?

Tina:Well it's not really a nightmare per say, it's more like a wet dream, but with a bit of actual scary stuff involved.

Serval:*confused* Wet dream?...*excited* Ah! So you're underwater with the zombies?

K.K:*upset* Now where on earth did you learn that term little lady? You know, Nintendo of America could get you banned from communications for using that.

Tina:I suppose that's a fair point, just one problem. I don't have enough money to afford a switch, or any concle for that matter. *ahem* But I really didn't know how to describe it in a more safe matter though. I mean I'm in my bed, the zombies arrived, which is bad, they start making out, which is good, sometimes they sound like grandma and grandpa, which is the worst thing that can happen in them.

Yuuka:Oh, you poor innocent soul. There's much worse within in Gensokyo, land of illusions and fantasy. My world is much more brutal than the outside world you live in.

Tina:Is she really a gardner or is she some kind of fight club leader? Geuss I'll never know due to the number one rule being not to talk about it...*inspiration* Maybe I can write a friendfic called butt club! Well...We already know the first rule, and second too, but what about the third? Should the butt go limp or maybe instead I should...

K.K:Speaking of worlds, it seems she's lost in her own little one.

Yuuka:*smiling* Ah, It appears so.

Serval:Say hi to the deep sea zombies for me!

P.O.V Rocket

I'll tell you all something I've learned over the years with my friends. You can save the galaxy and take down scores. You can save millions of people by killing a few bad ones.

But what about in this situation were you have to kill a few good ones in order to survive or else you'll be the one lying dead?

Well maybe not good, I don't think Blitzo is all that nice, Light seems to know more than he lets on, Yuuka seems like she's into some real kinky sh*t, Dave looks like he's killed before, Flower says she has, I definetly have, and Kokichi is just an annoying brat. But would killing them make me better than them?...Psh, as if I'm the prime example of mortality. And that could put me as a target for someone. Who knows? One of these people at this very table could be plotting to kill me right now.

Lola:*relization* You guys I just realized something that I feel should have been obvious, but to me it's new news.

Zorori:Oh? What is it?

Morgana:*serious* Is it about this game and the situation that we're in?

Lola:No, but it is something really interesting.

Morgana:Well I'd still like to hear it!

Lola:Okay...every single odd number has the letter "e" in it.

Zorori:Ah not all of them actually, you see 30 and 50 do not have a letter E in them.

Morgana:*deep breath in, and out* Forgive me if I'm wrong, as I am no mathmetician, *annoyance* but I'm pretty sure that thirty and fifty are even numbers since they can be divided by two and get a whole number with them.

Zorori:*suprised* Ah so that's what it is? See in my village we were taught that 3 and 5 were odd so I just assumed that 30 and 50 were odd to since they started with them.

Lola:Hold on, eight has an e too, but it's even.

Morgana:You said all odd numbers have an e, not even ones. Zero also has an e but it isn't odd.

Zorori:I think all numbers are odd in their own rights.


Morgana:Hm, something wrong.

Rocket:*annoyed* One has an E, Three has an E, Five has an E, Nine has an E. Are you happy? All odd numbers have E's in them! End of story. Good day!

Zorori:*emberassed* Uh actually, You forgot 7!

Rocket:*confused* Seven is even, why would I mention seven? *relization* OH NO THE STUPIDITY IS CONTAGEOUS!




P.O.V Serval

After breakfast Morgana decided that we'd get a few minuetes to ourselves to get changed, or finnish tidiying up for the day. We'd meet back at that place when the clock struck 10 and she'd come around to remind us when that was when that time had come. Heh, Morgana and Apollo both seem to have a really good skill at leading people. Is that was being a detective and a defense attorney are all about? Being one to lead people to the truth? Prehaps they really are symbols of hope. But, I suppose that in it's own way being a friend is a symbol of hope too! After all, without friends you'd fall into the despair of lonliness.

...Is that what Kaban felt when I left her? Despair? What about now? By leaving my friends behind did I fill them with despair? This feeling that I'm feeling right now. The feeling like I've abandoned the people closet to me. The feeling that I fear that I've left behind my friends for my own sake.

Serval:...*worried* Koreha...zetsubo?

*knock knock knock*

Ah! But I've got new friends right here! I can't let them see me like this, after all as the Ultimate Friend, I have to be their smile in the times of darkness.

Serval:*happy*Come in!

Blitzo:*opens door*

Serval:*joyous* Ah! Blitzo kun! What a suprise to see you here!

Blitzo:*irritated* Don't get any ideas puss*, I'm not here because I suddenly believe in the magic of friendship or anything stupid like that.

Serval:I didn't know that friendship is magic!

Blitzo:It's not.

Serval:*tilts head to left* Are you sure it isn't Blitzo kun? I mean having a friend certinally feels like a magical thing. Surley you've got friends do you not?

Blitzo:...*annoyed* What about you?

Serval:*overjoyed* Oh I've got lots of them! There's Hippopotamus amphibius, also known as the Common Hippopotamus. Then we have the owl twins, Ptilopsis leucotis and Bubo bubo, or Northern White-Faced and Eurasian Eagle. And that's not even half of them! *confused* Well why do you ask?

Blitzo:Well, I have a little friend to...right here in my pocket.

Serval:Wow! They certinally are tiny!

Blitzo:Want to say hello?

Serval:Ah! Sure thing!

Blitzo:*smile* Good...then say hello to my little friend.

Serval:*gasps* *fearful* Kyyyyyaaaaaaaa!

LOLRONPA 42069-Average Despair Fan Vs. Average Hope Enjoyers [CANCELLED] - TheOutrageousMoose (60)

Serval:*frightened* Nani in the name of Japari Park's Professor is that thing?

Blitzo:*cracking up* Ahahahaha! Why are you so scared? It's just my little friend. His name is Mr.Cucubmer!

Serval:*frighteneded* Well, I do not like Mr.Cucumber! He looks like the kind of friend who takes the game preadator and prey a bit to literally!

Blitzo:Oh what's that Mr.Cucumber? Your'e hungry?

Serval:*really freaking scared* P-please don't eat me!

Blitzo:Relax ya big puss*, he isn't going to eat you.

Serval:*relieved* He...He's not? *sigh* Thank goddness.

Blitzo:*evil grin* He's gonna tear you open, rip your guts out, and feed you to his young!

Serval:*frightened* That's even worse! Plus now I'd feel bad for running since I'd ruin his famiy life!

No, the feeling abandoing my friends, though definetly not a good feeling, is nowhere close to the despair I am feeling right now. Mr.Cucumber, you are an abomination to the gods above. Why does that thing exsist in this world? Right now, getting killed seems like a much prefered fate than dealing with that green thing!

Blitzo:Oh but he's feeling generous today. So before he kills you off he's going to give you to the count of 10 to run like hell. 1...2...3...!

Serval:You don't have to tell me twice! *gets up and runs away* Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

P.O.V Blitzo

[Music fades out]

Wow she really is a puss* cat isn't she? Emphasis on the puss*. Man I just wish someone was there to see her reaction. It would have been the funniest sh*t ever-

Morgana:*annoyed* I saw that. I did not find it funny in the slighest.

Blitzo:...*exhausted* F***, of course have no sense humor.

P.O.V Apollo

I decided to check out where the arrow would lead me. It turns out that there were 4 other tabs avalible. One of them was "IDs", the next appeared to be "PHOTOS" and the other 2 were still locked. I decided that since I still had sometime I'd check out the ID's. No harm with that, was there?


LOLRONPA 42069-Average Despair Fan Vs. Average Hope Enjoyers [CANCELLED] - TheOutrageousMoose (61)


Don't be fooled by his small and weird hairdo, Apollo Justice's is one of the more trustworthy lawyers out there. Son of a Musician named Jove and a ████ named ██████, the boy became a defense attorney at age 22. During his three years he has had many accomplisments, including being part of the end of the dark age of the law and restructuring an entire asian kingdoms goverment. As of right now he currently resides in Kurahi'n.


LOLRONPA 42069-Average Despair Fan Vs. Average Hope Enjoyers [CANCELLED] - TheOutrageousMoose (62)


Blitzo is the manager and head of Immediate Murder Professionals (I.M.P), a startup orginization within hell that is responsible for killing the living and making their deaths look like suicides. His underlings, Moxxie and Mixxie, have mixed opinions about the guy. However, his secretary hellhound Loona thinks he's kind of like a father figure (not that she'd admit. And he also seems to be in ka-hoots with the king of hell himself. No matter what you think of him, he's one helluva guy.


LOLRONPA 42069-Average Despair Fan Vs. Average Hope Enjoyers [CANCELLED] - TheOutrageousMoose (63)


Dave Miller is totally not secretly a murderer, ha ha why would you think that? He's just a guy who works a crappy job at a pizzeria place. His main goal in life is to get away and go to Las Vegas where he can finally have some happiness. However the resturant is a bit strict, to put it lightly. Again, he isn't a murder, but if he had the oppurtunity to kill he totally would...not...especially not a kid. He'd never murder a kid. Not 5. Definetly not 5 kids. Or more. Really.


LOLRONPA 42069-Average Despair Fan Vs. Average Hope Enjoyers [CANCELLED] - TheOutrageousMoose (64)


The redemption arc of the century. Back in season one of Battle for Dream Island, this fashion queen was a lot more harsh and cruel twoards otherrs. People often listed her likliness next to a bossy bot golf ball and a really fat Sponge. However she turned her attitude around and decided to let go of her prideful past. And good karma shine as her as she won the most recent season of the series. Still, try not to call her ugly, just to be safe.


LOLRONPA 42069-Average Despair Fan Vs. Average Hope Enjoyers [CANCELLED] - TheOutrageousMoose (65)


Homura Akemi may not look like much at first glance, just your ordinary shy middle schooler. However she's got a secret. She's a magical girl who fights nightmares along side the other members of the Pullea Magi Holy Quintet. She may be the newest member of the crew, but her ██ manipulation powers are really strong. There's only one thing that's stronger, her desire to save ████.


LOLRONPA 42069-Average Despair Fan Vs. Average Hope Enjoyers [CANCELLED] - TheOutrageousMoose (66)


K.K Slider, K.K, Totakeke, whatever you call him, you should know he's a musician. He's made over 100 albums, even if most of them are singles, and most of them are originals! However, he has been known to cover other popular songs such as Billie Jean, Feel Good Inc, Dancing Queen and Boheniam Rhaspody. However, not much is known is about his personal life. It's believed he dosen't have a home of his own, only a vacation he never uses.


LOLRONPA 42069-Average Despair Fan Vs. Average Hope Enjoyers [CANCELLED] - TheOutrageousMoose (67)


Kokichi, as he claims, is the leader of a supreme evil orginzation known as DICE. However, while the name is, he is a natural born liar and he loves the fact that he is. The orgainzation that he runs is not actually evil. I mean that they definetly aren't good, as they did cause some mayhem. But the "mayhem" he causes are usally just harmless pranks and crimes that aren't violent. However he can make a really scary face, 3 scary faces actually.


LOLRONPA 42069-Average Despair Fan Vs. Average Hope Enjoyers [CANCELLED] - TheOutrageousMoose (68)


A terrible accident left Light blind when he was a child. However, despite his new found disability, he gained a brand new ability. What is this strange new ability? That's for him to show and tell. That may be a bit harder than it seems however as he tends to keep most information he knows to himself. That information is a lot though. Also, a nickname of his is Snake, as in snake eyes. How fitting.


LOLRONPA 42069-Average Despair Fan Vs. Average Hope Enjoyers [CANCELLED] - TheOutrageousMoose (69)


We could talk to you about Lola's great history in basketball, along with playing with NBA All Stars LeBron James and Michael Jordan, however she's done a bit more than that. She also roller skated, made the worlds first invisiblity spray, almost ran over someone with a car once, and really thought that her boyfriend's roomate was her boyfriend. If you want to more just ask her! I'm sure she'd love to talk about it.


LOLRONPA 42069-Average Despair Fan Vs. Average Hope Enjoyers [CANCELLED] - TheOutrageousMoose (70)


Michaella is a deciple of Elluka Clockworker, a maid of the Freezis household, and girlfriend of a white haired woman named Clairth. However her true talent is that of the Ultimate ██████ ██ a talent that I, Monoxolo, have to keep hidden from her no matter what. Also no her name is not Hatsune Miku and she does not know the song Po Pi Po so don't ask her that.



After being rejected from the police academy, Morgana didn't lose hope. She instead became a detective investigating the local crimes. Her most recent case involved a missing wife, a runaway snake, and, I kid you not, mermaids. However those aren't the only cases that she plans on solving. Indeed, prehaps the greatest mystery is what the case of her mysterious past really was like before someone had took it away.



An experiement from half world, this gun weilding piolot by the name of Rocket is not who'd you'd expect to be one of the saviors of the universe. He sometimes gets drunk, and has a really short fuse and claims to only care for himself. Well that last part is a lie. He really does deeply care for his partner Groot, and a few other members of his team, the guardians of the galaxy. But if you tell him that he might have to steal something from you. Maybe an eye?



According to Wikipedia:"The serval (Leptailurus serval) is a wild cat native to Africa. It is rare in North Africa and the Sahel, but widespread in sub-Saharan countries, except rainforest regions. Across its range, it occurs in protected areas, and hunting it is either prohibited or regulated in range countries." It also states that they are of least concern in terms of extinsion so if you want to kill this one you know what to do.



Tina's no hero. She puts her bra on one boob at a time, just like everyone else. Every week day she goes to school where she works as a hall monitor. Every hour after that and mostly every weekend, except holidays, she works at her fathers' resturant. In the hours where she isn't she's writing friend fiction with the others. I geuss what I'm trying to say is, she's just a normal every day preteen.



Yuuka Kazami youkai that lives in Gensokyo and with ability to manipulate flowers. She is one of the more older of her kind, but despite her innocent looking demenor she is actually one of the more powerful yokai around. Sharp witted but uncharismatic it's hard to tell what goes on within her mind and maybe that's for the best. Ah, let's just hope her sunflower garden is being taken care of.


LOLRONPA 42069-Average Despair Fan Vs. Average Hope Enjoyers [CANCELLED] - TheOutrageousMoose (71)


Nothing worth writing home about.


Okay so they have more info on us then we thought. No big deal. It's fine.

Poor Zorori though, as humble as he is I can't imagine he'd be happy after reading that.

I also decided to check out the map.


LOLRONPA 42069-Average Despair Fan Vs. Average Hope Enjoyers [CANCELLED] - TheOutrageousMoose (72)

Okay it looks like this is a map of the building I'm currently in. I highly doubt the dinning tables are that big, but at least here I can get a good view of what's going on. Those two lines must represent the front door. Wonder if I could see the whole map for far?

I move my fingers like I would on a to zoom out tablet to test my theory.

To my suprise it actually works!

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That's odd, I thought that there would be 2 music shops but I only see one. Was Kokichi lying about the harp thing? Or prehaps maybe the harp place and the guitar place are one in the same. Also it looks like the arcade also doubles as a casino. It did look like it had a second floor to it

Either way I think I've what I want to avoid, that being the weapon shop. Besides that though I'm clueless on where to go. I'll just let the group the decide for me...


A.N/Although Servals Weeb speech was funny at first it was really hard to write and it may have gotten a bit annoying. I decided that she'd talk more normally, minus a few cat puns here and there.

I also kinda referecned the abrigdged Kemono friends series at the end

Chapter 6: Chapter 1 Daily Life 1.2 EXPLORATION


In which our 4 groups of 4 split up and explore the place.
Lola basketball art by Penmark

Chapter Text


Group A-Bathing/Fitness Center

P.O.V Rocket

As we were the first members of the group we got to choose where we wanted to go first. However we needed to put it to a vote before we could do anything. The results were one for the Weapon Place from yours truly, one for the green house by the bat brat, and two for the fitness by the bunny bimbo and Mr.nobody.

Although it wasn't what I had wanted I decided to just roll with it. After all, I needed to stay in shape if I wanna survive here. How else would I have survived an attack from a literal god?

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However me and Zorori weren't in the fitness part of the building, we were at the spa part. The fellas and chicks had split into two, and Zorori dragged me along into the bath house despite the fact that I had clearly wanted to exercising with him. Last thing I want is to relax when a potentially dangerous mastermind was behind all this. However, he said that was all the more reason to do it as a calm mind can help with stressful situations. So I gave in.

According to Zorori the bathhouse looked very similar to those that you'd find in his village.

There appeared to be 4 tubs for soaking, a water heater, bamboo plants and even a painting on the wall. There also appeared to be a separate area for cleaning and a locker room. Of course it wasn't exactly the same, as gyms aren't usually connected to bathing houses. Another difference was the wall mural. His was described as a Mountain, but this one appeared to be cloudy sky overlooking a pink colored trees. On the wall opposite of the door, while all the others were a set of light blue tiles. The floor had similar shaped tiles in white. There was for one green panel. I can't imagine that Monoxolo would have been happy about that, or maybe he thought that a perfectionist would play this game?

At least all those squares didn't make a circle so it's fine. It's doesn't bother a vigilante like me. Nope, it doesn't bother me.

Rocket:*upset* It bothers me. It bothers me a lot!

Zorori:See what I mean? This is why you need to take a moment to just relax.

Rocket:*aggitated* Relax? Relax? HOW CAN I RELAX IN A PLACE LIKE THIS! I don't have any beer, I don't have any guns, I don't have any Groot, *stares back at that tile* AND THAT ONE IS STILL GREEN!!

Zorori:I'm serious, you need to chill.

Rocket:Oh sure it's easy for you to say, especially since your'e nothing worth writing home about.

Zorori:*upset* Well I mean I'm not happy about that. Even I think that I deserve at least something, like a name drop of the village instead of just saying that. I mean I may not be the best Ultimate but I still am one.

Rocket:*irritated* No your'e f*cking not. None of us here are the Ultimates they think we are, we were tricked to come here by some...I don't even know what!! I mean I'm no Ultimate either. There's nothing like me except for me.

Zorori:Ah, you sound pretty lonely if that's true.

Rocket:*confused*...? I wouldn't say that, I just mean it species wise.

Zorori:And what exactly is that species, Rocket?

Rocket:*annoyed* Can't you read? It says I'm a Halfworlder on there!

Zorori:And that is?

Rocket:...*groans* Fine, I'll spill a few beans. Just don't think this means that we're best buddies. I just don't want you to confuse me for an ordinary raccoon is all.

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Rocket:Okay let's start off with the basics. First of all, half world is not earth, or whatever planet you are from. Actually it's wasn't even a planet. It was mental facility run by insane scientist who do stuff to you, thing that don't just disappear. My back is evidence of that.

Zorori:Oh that's what those are? I just thought that you were losing fur due to stress and those were...stress patches?

Rocket:Nope. Cybernetic Enhancements. It's how I'm able to talk right now. The others who were transformed were similar to me, but different. I was the only raccoon there. At the time I didn't have a name, I only had a number 89P13, so they didn't treat me like someone with a name. They tore me apart and put me back together just for their sick twisted goals.

Zorori:That sounds awful.

Rocket:It was. It was really awful, but thankfully it got destroyed and half world, along with the loonies who lived there, were destroyed. I don't know what happened to the others but I haven't seen them for a while. I can't imagine that they're alive and well. However, I'm alive, and that means I was alone.

Zorori:"So that's why you said there's no one like me but me." You're probally the last of your kind!

Rocket:Yes, but I wasn't alone for long...because one day I meet a friend. His name was Groot.

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Rocket:Well at least that what he said when we first meet, and the day after that, and mostly everyday of his life. Apparently his vocabulary was limited to "I" "Am" and "Groot" in that order exclusively. However, somehow I understood him. Maybe it was the cyber enhancements doing their thing or maybe it was something else. Somehow I knew that he was like me. He was alone to. The last of his kind. I decided that if we were to be alone, we'd be alone together.

Zorori:And that's why you two became bounty hunters together?

Rocket:Yeah, that was part of it, *smirk* plus there was lots of cash involved in that particular career. Eventually though we increased our little duo into a quintet, then we got some more members involved, and eventually we were part of an even bigger superhero team.

Zorori:But now your'e alone once again. Groot isn't here.

Rocket:...Yeah. I'm honestly really worried about him. No, not just him, all of the other members of the Guardians. Well except the self proclaimed "Star-Lord", I care for him a little bit less.*t. I've said to much. You don't have any what it's like to lose someone close to you like that, especially when you are the only one left.

Zorori:...*mysterious* Maybe I know more than you think.

Rocket:*confused* Huh? What do you mean by that?

Zorori:*winking* You aren't the only one with secrets Rocket. *regular* But regardless, thank you for telling me this information. I think you and I grew a bit closer today.

Rocket:...*upset* Tch, whatever. Like I said don't expect me to be your new best friend. I just wanted you to get a bit more information into what I really am.

Zorori:And I thank you for that. I had no idea you had to go through that.

Rocket:*upset* Well it made me into the thing I am today, for better or for worse, and I can't get a redo on these sort of things anyways so-

Zorori:You know that messed up tile is still messing me up too.

Rocket:...*smiling* Yeah, it really does suck doesn't it.

Zorori:*smiling* Wanna see if we can sue Monoxolo?

Rocket:*nods* Maybe! Just, maybe.

P.O.V Morgana

While the boys decided to relax at the spa we girls decided to get our game heads on. There was a basketball court and since Lola was the Ultimate Basketball Star I figure it was a chance to figure out what basketball was. Due to my past I haven't exactly seen a game of basketball before. I explained her, though left out the big reason why, and she explained the rules to me.

Two teams had to shoot the ball into the basket. If they get it in, that's 2 point, unless it's a slam dunk which is worth 3. Globetrotter rules also had a 4 pointer but we'd be playing regular rules. Whoever had the most point as the end would win, however it had to be in a time limit, which in this case would be 5 minutes. All we had to do is make sure that the other person doesn't steal the ball away and you'd be able to shot, but only if you dribble, a process which she taught me herself. She also showed me an example of a steal. It had caught me off guard since I was dribbling but at least she warned ahead of time.

After explaining the rules Lola set up a timer for game time, which had a 5 second countdown so the two of us could get into position. Lola grabbed the ball first, then I stole it from her, then she grabbed it back and tried to get a point, but I managed to block her without using my wings. However, she managed to score a 2 pointer after that and then a slam dunk. I guess that she isn't called the Ultimate Basketball Star for no reason.

Morgana:Impressive, but I'm not going to lose.

Lola:*co*cky* Really, and just how are you going to soar high when you can't even use your wings to fly up and catch the ball. That would be a negative 3 point penalty. And you wouldn't want to deal with a penalty would you.

Morgana:*upset* Oh I've dealt with enough penalties for thing I haven't done already. It would be the first time that I would get one for something we didn't actually do.

Lola:*confused* Huh, what are you talking abo-

Morgana:*steals the ball* Gotcha!

Lola:*realization* Clever girl.

After that I decided to slam dunk her. She successfully got dunked on and just for fun I decided to throw a second one facing away. It did not go well however and I missed. Thankfully I managed to get the ball back before she could get another set of points. This time I tried getting a two pointer by looking but she blocked it. I wasn't sure she had a strategy, if any at all. It seemed to me that her strategy was completely random and she was improvising her movements as she went.

Morgana:So what do you think of this killing game.

Lola:Oh I wouldn't worry, I don't think that I'm going to be killing anyone.

Morgana:*stern* That's good, but it's not what I meant.

Lola:*confused* Huh what did you mean then?

Morgana:*thinking* I mean, why us? Why specifically us? I know it's likely just a random pick, but was there a specific group that was randomly assigned? Is this a punishment for something we've done.

Lola:*turning around* If your'e trying to get the ball from me it won't work.

Morgana:*upset* Darn it, you saw right through that. I suppose I'll just have to do this!

Without thinking I jumped in the air and...


...well I think that I may have gone a bit overboard.

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Lola:*head stuck in a basketball* Mmmph! Mmph!

Morgana:*worried* W-woah! Geuss I don't know my own strength!

Lola:Mmph mmph mmph mph mph!

Morgana:*thinking* I assume judging by your actions and worry in your voice, you want me to get you out of there? Don't worry, I've got time. Don't want the first murder to be caused on accident after all.




Morgana:*apologetic* Sorry about that.

Lola:It's fine, it's actually happened to me a couple times before too. My opponents in the b-ball court, to put it lightly, didn't always want to play fair. Actually the very first game I had played there was definitely a lot cheating going on. All of the opponents were on something that made them a lot more muscular and taller then they should have been. I'm not talking about steroids...*thinking* unless those where is the space equivalent of them.

Morgana:I've never heard of steroids before, but judging by her description it sounds like it's something that makes you stronger. It sounds like there may be negative side effects though.

Lola:*smiling* Don't worry I don't believe you were taking. You don't seem like an avid drug user.

Morgana:Oh so they're a type of drug. *shakes head* No, I do not do those drugs, although I do occasionally drink on special occasions like holidays, solving a case, or weekends. What about you?

Lola:Me? I've never had an alcoholic drink in my life. I mean it's not that I think I'd get addicted. I'm just not so sure it would be good for my health as an athlete. We've got a different diet than most in order too keep ourselves in shape. I mean I can still eat junk food from time to time but if I eat to much I may gain a few pounds. That's why some athletes revert to stuff like steroids in all that to stay in shape. That's not a good idea, however, as it could have much more negative consequences in the future. And there's also the addictions that could come from repeated use. Of course other factors could apply like mental health. *upset* No one ever talks about mental health in athletes you know. I mean it's true that more people are starting to get that but it's not like any of them are-

*Basketball horn*

Lola:Oh, looks like the game is technically over. I got so distracted with my chatting that I forgot all about it. I apologize for rambling again.

Morgana:...*smiling* Actually, I don't mind it.

Lola:*suprised* You don't?

Morgana:I mean I don't love it but I don't hate it either. It could just be the fact that we're supposed to be killing each other, but your rambling doesn't seem like the worst thing in the world. Actually, I don't think it ever was. The fact that your'e still talking is a sign your alive you know.

Lola:Huh, I guess that I haven't looked at it that way before. No wait, I think I had one point when I almost died. Not the baby-crow time, it was a completely different time.

Morgana:*smiling* Well I'd love to hear about it if you feel like talking about it.

Lola:Thanks, but I'll try to use a simplified version so I don't take to much of your time.

Morgana:*smiling* That's fine. Tell it how you'd like to tell it. I'd be happy to listen no matter how you do it. *sweat-drop* Besides, I owe you for getting your head stuck in a basketball.

Group B-Arcade/Casino

P.O.V Apollo

When we arrived at the casino we decided to split up into two groups. The girls would explore the casino on floor 2, the floor directly above us. I would stay here with Light and explore the arcade on the first floor, which is where we are now.

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It turns out there were a lot more games then just the ones I saw from the window. Theyalso had a game called Salmon Fishing whose name said it all, Outlaw Run AKA vehicle manslaughter the game, Magicial Girl Monomi which some sort of game about a rabbit fighting some beasts, and Rhythm Tengoku which appeared to be some sort of Rhythm Game. Outside of the cabinets we also had a mini bar, apinball machine made by Monoxolo, akaraoke machine with two microphones and a Dance Dance Revolution Machine.

Light also noted the aroma of pizza in the air, something which I had noted as well. Perhaps the smell was coming from the kitchen? Judging by the map there appeared to be one behind the door labeled "snackeroos". What was more concerning to me at the moment was the door labelled incinerator next to it.

I decided to take a look and see if there really was an incinerator behind that door, and also to get a better layout onthe structure of the room.

Apollo:Interesting. It also appears that there's a ventilation system between the incinerator and the kitchen. Wonder what it's for.

Light:Hmmm, perhaps it's a way to transfer air from one room to another. I can't imagine that an incinerator is exactly the most cool place around. Or perhaps maybe if they're big enough a person could fit inside it. Like a secret passageway.

Apollo:*thinking* Or maybe it's how Monoxolo can go from one place to another? He vents a lot.

Light:*annoyed* Did you have to phrase it like that?

Apollo:*apologetic* S-sorry, that was not the right thing to come out of my mouth.

Light:It's fine, That's not why I'm mad anyways. This is a2029. And to think it's only just started a few weeks ago.

Apollo:A few weeks ago? Last time I checked I'm pretty sure it was Autumn of 2029. That was when we did the video conference after all. Then again, considering our memories getting tampered with, Monoxolo just probably included a bigger gap the two of us. I'll let it lie for now unless he brings it up. Yeah, it certinally has been.

Light:However, it could be worse. At least we aren't trapped by a virus as in 2020 through 2022. I'm not inquiring that being kidnapped by a axotl robot is necessarily a better situation, but at least it's only affecting us and not the rest of the world.

Apollo:I hope that your'e right on that end, and the killing games don't spread like a virus.

Light:Ah, but although CO-VID was very much deadly and, should be remembered a such, in the end the states developed a vaccination for it. However, if a virus such as Radical-6 were to break containment, then I don't think that a vaccination would be possible to make.

Apollo:Yeah. I still don't get why so many people were against the idea of it at first in my hometown, and to this day I still can't...wait, what? *confusion* Radical-6? What is that?

Light:Ah, don't worry about it, for now let's just play a game. We are in an arcade correct?

Apollo:...*nods* Right. He seems to be hiding withholding information about it, like he does a lot of things. Honestly though? I think he should. *thinking*I don't see any places to get tickets from though. I know you can't see anything either, but maybe you felt something?

Light:Ah, I actually did with my right hand. However, on the subject hands there's something else you should know. My left arm is actually a prosthetic.

Apollo:Wait really? That's so cool! *apologetic* I-I mean the fact that it's a prosthetic not the lost arm. It just looks so realistic, and the fingers seem to be moving around too. Technology has come along way.

Light:*smiling* Indeed it has.

Apollo:Did you also lose it during the crash?

Light:That's for me to know and you to figure out. However I can tell you that I can't receive the feeling touch in this arm, though I can still grab things such as a pencil or a token using it, but the technology hasn't gotten far enough to make me feel things via touch again.

Apollo:Still, that's pretty neat. And you can still feel with your right hand right? What did you find with it?

Light:*nods* It was some braille that read "Tokens are near the counter" Now just where would this counter be? Your'e the only of us with working eyes so please, do you mind telling us if you me one?

Apollo:Hmmmm, well there's a mini bar counter but I don't see anything except a cup of root beer and a box...*looks closer* Wait, hold on, it's possible that there's coins in the box, why don't we go check it out.

I offered Light my hand so we could go there together and we walked over to the counter. It looked like I was right and there was a box full of tokens to play with. I decided to take a few of them and hand half over to Light.

Light:Mr.Justice, if I may be so kind as to ask, what sort of game were you thinking of playing?

Apollo:Oh, I haven't actually considered it. They've got a skee ball machine we could play with the two of us together, or perhaps we could try something form the crane machine so we don't have to compete. *looking right* There's also a rhythm game over there, Taiko no Tat-sue-gene I believe it's called?

Light:Taiko no Tatsugin. A few acquaintances of mine are form Japan so it was only fair that I learned their language properly.

Apollo:*sweatdrop* I've been taking lesons in Japanese too, but I'm still a bit rusty on it, I geuss. I've also been learning a bit of Khura'inese too. Figured since I'm going to be staying there for a little while as an attorney, I may as well learn the language.


Apollo:Yeah, that's the language they speak in Khura'in, the place where I'm currently living in outside of the game. It's just a small asian country between China and India. You probably haven't heard of it, it's not as well known as the others it's between.

Light:Ah yes, I suppose that those two are a bit more popular. Do you mind if we talk more about it during the game of skee ball?

Apollo:Sure I would be happy to tell you a more about it. I could also tell you about life in Los Angeles.

Light:No need, I live in Nevada, which is only a state over from California, and apperently believed to be in love Missipi.

Apollo:Only a state over huh?

We were right next to eachother state wise and never even knew it. Or maybe we lived there at diffrent times? Even then California is a pretty big state, so it's probally not that likely we would have met. I’m not a probability guy though.

P.O.V Homura

Arklow Chan led me to the casino room. She had never seen one before, and I hadn’t either being in middle school, so we thought it would be a chance for both us to get a trailer.

T-that may have been a mistake though, as a problem did arise.

It wasn’t that it was bright, though I did have to adjust my eyes a bit when I first entered. It also wasn’t too noisy either, though it was louder then the arcade. The only issue that concerned at the moment was well...I didn't really have much to talk about.

Homura:So...a-anything you want to talk about, Arklow Chan?

Michaela:Nothing I can think of at the moment.

Homura:O-oh. Okay then.

Michaela:...Actually there is one thing I'd like to ask.

Homura:Huh? What is it?

Michaela:Don't you find it strange the way the maps are drawn?

Homura:The maps?

Michaela:Yes, the maps. I'm no expert in cartography, I can safely say that isn't a talent of mine, but I find it strange how the quality differs between them. I mean take a look at these two floors of this building.LOLRONPA 42069-Average Despair Fan Vs. Average Hope Enjoyers [CANCELLED] - TheOutrageousMoose (79)

Michaela:This floor has little dashes to indicate how many slot machines there are while the bottom one doesn't them. Sure they aren't accurate slashes due to the slot machines being alternating between left and right but at least it got the idea that there are 10 total slot machines aligned in 2 rows.

Homura:Oh! N-now that you mention it there's also some screens down there on the first floor. I-I think there are some televisions down there as well.

Michaela:By television you mean those black windows over there.

Homura:R-right, only they aren't really windows but I can't explain it all that great. I-I think it could be because the TV could also represent like a screen for karoke sing a longs? B-but don't quote me on that.

Michaela:It's certinally a strange thing but I feel as though it's the least of our worries right now, wouldn't you agree.

Homura:Y-yeah right now I'm more worried about getting home to Madoka.

Michaela:Hm? Not your parents?

Homura:Oh we aren't exactly the closet...b-but never mind that, sorry for bringing down the room Arklow Chan.

Michaela:Hey, you can dispense with the formalities any time now. You can just refer to me as 'Michaela' or 'Michela Chan'.

Homura:T-thanks for the offer but I think Arklow Chan sounds more suiting, you seem much older than I am after all.

Michaela:I'm not that old! I'm only...19 years old.

Homura:She seemed a bit hesitant to reveal her age, but I can't blame her for that. We don't know how much time has passed after all.

Michaela:Ah, at least I was 19 from when I remembered, but we don't know how long we've been out for now have we?

Homura:...I-I suppose that's so. I'd rather not think about that though, okay?

Michaela:Yeah, it looks like I was the downer this time. For now why don't we just explore this place a bit more and see if there's anything else that the map forgot to mention?

Homura:O-okay then.

Huh, I managed to handle that conversation pretty well. Outside of conversations with other magical girls and Madoka I'm not usually that into talking with others. Even then it's usually just strategy meetings, study groups or other stuff. Very rarely do we ever just hang out for the sake of hanging out.

It's actually kind of nice.

Group C-Weapons Shop

P.O.V Dave

Blitzo:And the award for least detailed map in the history of map goes to....this map!

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Dave:No one needed your input on that, horn sport.

The demon was not wrong in saying that, however. I mean the only thing that was mentioned was that there was a check out counter. Why was there one in the first place though? There didn't seem to be any security mesures in place besides the security camera. Even then, what would that axotl do? Stop us. They don't care if we live or die anyways so it wouldn't make much sense to pay for it.

Flower:*thinking* We should probally report to everyone what type of weapons this place has. We can tell righta way that a lot of guns for starters, and knives. Don't see any annoucer crushers or buttons to activate them though.

Blitzo:Dosen't appear see any gernade launchers, geuss they don't want it to be too easy to kill everyone.

Kokichi:That and the rules state that only 2 people can be killed by one person at a time, so they're trying minimalize casualities?

Dave:*clouches forehead* F*ck, this game is confusing. The person behind this wants everyone to kill eachother but in an orderly fashion? I mean I can get not killing everyone at once, definetly would cause supicison, but I feel like at 3 at a time would be a perfect comprimise. *inquiring* What do you think Soccer?

Kokichi:*smiling* You know I am actually starting to get used to that nickname. *thinking* But I personally think 1-2 is actually fair game, that way there's less of a spotlight on you. Sure it's equal amounts of the others, assuming you aren't us, that is.

Flower:What do you mean "us"?

Kokichi:*smiling* Think about it, we're the four who have arrived in this weapon room before anyone else. We could take anything we want from here and no one would be none the wise and no one would know that we took anything. *finger over mouth* It could be our little secret~.

Dave:*eerie* That's actually pretty a clever idea kid, but probally not clever enough. There's one problem with that idea. How do we not know that one us won't be a f*cking snitch? .

Blitzo:Hey your'e right! Little Miss Fashion Fail over there claims to be on a quest to "better herself". Even though she's already f*cking Hellbound at this point, she might think that warning the otehrs would be her ticket into heaven!

Flower:Now hold on just a moment, even if you did steal and I did tell, how do you not know that you won't just steal them back at another time?

Dave:The plant has got a fair point you know. There aren't any security messures in place other then the closing time at night periods. We could just enter this buildin to and fro and no one would be any f*cking wiser.

Kokichi:No one but the security system out in the front that requires an ID scan to open to unlock this place to us. I think that there's a little code for it too, as you've seen on the screen next to it.

Dave:Soccer also has a fair point, but have you frogotten something else about that entry thing? Although it does sense the heat waves of the others it dosen't idenitfy them. When we entered the TTS attached to the screen said "WDS entered with 3 others." I bet that's also what is on the screen outside. If that's the case they can frame "WDS" for a crime when in reality it was one of those other 3 people.

Kokichi:Aren't you "WDS" since it was your scanner?

Dave:*angry* It's just a hypothetical situation, Soccer. I'm not planning on killing today. *sighs* While I don't nesecarily like any of you I'm not ready to die just yet. And in this particular case, the risk isn't worth the reward...yet.

Why did I add in the yet? The person reading this already knows I'm the traitor but the other contestants do f*cking not. Way to make yourself seem supicious.

Kokichi:*eyes covered* Trust me, I've got more than enough motivation to end this game.

And the supicison is off me and onto him! Geuss I kicked the ball of doubt onto his shoulders now.

Dave:*creepy face* Are you saying that you are going to kill one of us, right here and right now?

Kokichi:Not now, we've got to many witness...but for the future...


Kokichi:*finger over mouth* We'll just have to wait and see, will we not?

Dave:Yes I suppose we will.

Again, you don't care if they live or die, but you want it to seem like in a "I just think your'e all annoying as hell" way not a "I would kill everyone in this room for not even a nickel" way.

Dave:*nervous* I mean...*ahem* don't you find it strange when your boss fires you for eating stuff directly from the salad bar instead of setting the resturant on fire?

Blitzo:*disapointed* Urrrrgh, Moxxie quit winning about it and get back to work.

Dave:...My name is Dave Miller. I'm not f*cking Moxxie.

Blitzo:Sorry not sorry but I thought you were someone who works for me. Then again, considering his wife is the one that p*gs him all the time I think that he dosen't need any more f*cking.

Flower:Oh my gardnerer, how profane!

Get used to it bitch. If your'e lucky you're going to be here for a long, long time.

Group D-Greenhouse

P.O.V Yuuka

K.K:You know, for a place that's called a greenhouse it sure looks more transperent to me.

Serval:*nonchalantly* Yes, but I don't think transperent house has a good ring to it.

Tina:*lauhging* Ahahahahahahaha...haaaaa....*confused* wait I think K.K was joking but were you being serious Serval? Yuuka, what do you think?

Yuuka:*impressed* It's such a lovley little house is it not?

The Greenhouse, to my suprise, was filled with nothing but things to grow including flowers. These flowers of included roses, pansies, lavenders, and (of course) sunflowers. There were also plantable foods such as fruits and veggitables that could probally be used to make other foods.

Tina:Well I mean it is nice too see and I like how theyr'e arranged. The cool colored plants are togehter along with the warm ones. I wonder if that was intetional.

Yuuka:*thinking* Judging by this map, it looks like it was.

LOLRONPA 42069-Average Despair Fan Vs. Average Hope Enjoyers [CANCELLED] - TheOutrageousMoose (81)

Serval:Woah! That's so sugoi! But how did the axotl manage to plant of all of those little flowers all by their self just nyaw?

K.K:I don't think that they did. They probally set it up a long time ago judging by how well they seem to have grown. The only thing that's left is the community garden, which I assume is our responsibility.

Yuuka:This is such a lovley place, I wish we had things like this in Gensokyo.

Tina:Wait you don't have greenhouses or gardens there?

Yuuka:*teasing* Do your glasses get fogged up when my title appeared~? As the Ultimate Gardener I can confirm that there's at least one garden there. However, there is not a single greenhouse located within it. And it's such a shame too, besides a running water supply this seems like the perfect place to raise plants.

Serval:That's right! I'm not as good as plant related facts as I am with animal facts, but I know that flowers have to have both water and sunlight in order to grow. The dome dosen't seem to be effecting the flow of sunlight and if it is, at least those lights are helping a little bit. But without water I don't see any way we can fix them.

Tina:I don't think we need to worry about that, see that device over there by the pots and stuff? That's a water faucet. And look, over there is a watercan. We can put the water from the faucet into the can then spread it to the plants.

Serval:You have gotta be kitten me right now! Is that magic?

Yuuka:*teasing* Youv've clearly got a brain that's smaller then a wallnut~.

Serval:*nonchalantly* Maybe it is, I've never compared sizes. Just how big is a walnut exactly?

Yuuka:...I'll leave that to you to figure out. As for your earlier question, I don't think it's magical as you claim it to be. I usually get my water from a bamboo pump. This looks quite similar to it.

K.K:Yeah you cool cat, these things have been around for a long long time.

Tina:*thinking* 'Til touch down brang it round again to find your'e not the man you think they are at home?

K.K:*shaking head* Oh no no no no. Probally a bit longer than when that song came out. I think we might not have to worry about that 100% of the time eitehr. It looks like it has a built in sprinkler systerm that's about to activate right about now.

As he said that water started to fall from the celling. It immitated the sprinkling rainfall, not perfectly of course, but good enough that the flowers would start to grow just a tiny bit more.

Yuuka:*suprised* My, my, there may be some magic in this house after all.

Serval:Eeek! Water, why did it have to be water?

Serval, giving into her cat instincts, ran behind me and ducked for cover in order to avoid getting wet. I geuss no matter what species they are, youkai or otherwise, cats will be cats. Wonder if I could get one of those red laser pointer I used to get Chen out of the garden~?

K.K on the other hand showed his wild side as he began to sip the water that started to fall down with his tongue.

K.K:*sip sip sip sip* You have got to try this.

Tina:Uuuuuh, no thanks. I think I'll just watch for now.

K.K:Suit yourself, but you don't know what your'e missing out on.

Such a strange device. Of course the Kappas could probably do something like that if it made them for the right price but they haven't made it yet. Considering the familiarity of the others had with it, it wouldn't be wrong to assume that this is technology from the outside world.

It's impressive, but it also seems to be a sign the outside has become more lazy than before. Yes, lazy, for instead of doing the work themselves they instead get someone, or rather something else to do it for them. Thankfully it seems that this mysterious device isn't available out doors so outside of planting some flowers to grow it will also be our responsibility to water them. This dome may mean we'll have to do that more often though. Not that I've minded hard work, I used to run a mansion after all~.

Yuuka:*opening umbrella* If you don't mind I think I'll go look at some of the seed packets. Maybe we'll get a clue in order to see what season it is depending on what type of flowers are there.

Serval:Ah that's right! Diffrent types of flowers grow in diffrent seasons! Another fact about flowers which I know, which again is very fe-*feels a waterdroplet* Eep!

K.K:Okay you do that, I'll just be getting some more water. *conitues to sip*

Trying my best not to stay as dry as possible, (I don't mind a few puddle jumps in the outside world, but I've got limited outfits here, and I don't know just how much rain is in there.) I headed twoards the seed packets.




Yukka:...My how strange.

Chapter 7: Chapter 1 Daily Life 1.3


In which the sixteen have pizza, discuss what they found in their exploration, and then take a little break.

Chapter Text


P.O.V Morgana

After the exploration of the 3 groups we all settled down for lunch. We all split a meal of pizza roughly 32 slices, which would be 2 for each of us. I've never heard of the pepperoni or sausage toppings before so I decided just to have my slices mushrooms. It was the best pizza I had ever tasted and I may have decided that later I'd may even get a second round for dinner.

Of course as fun as it was we couldn't forget the reason for this was for discussing important information in each of the areas we explored. I already knew Lola didn't see much due to having her head stuck in a baseball most of the time and she and I were to distracted in a game but we did note that the two basketball courts seemed to only be accessible via a door in the gym as the lock to open it didn't do much. Apparently Rocket and Zorori were angry that a tile in the bathroom floor mismatched the others, the gym floor however seemed to be completely matched. Besides that Group A had found nothing of value but did gain bonding moments together.

Group B on the other hand did find a lot more strange things. For starters the arcade cabinets that Apollo had seen seemed to be all over the place and included titles of games he hadn't heard of. Also some of the dates were way to off, some of them said the year "2030" while others said "1960". The first one could be true due to us losing our memory but the second was impossible. Arcade cabinets weren't invented until 1960. But those couldn't be possible either. I had to let him know that...after we got done talking about the other stuff we discovered of course.

Homura and Michaela's tour of the casino led them to karaoke bar and there was a mini bar there with real alcohol. Due to being a minor Homura abstained from drinking. Michaela also refrained from it because they needed to focus on the investigation. Smart move on her end I may say, saving pleasure. She might have the makings of a detective in her!

As for Group C who had the weapon shop they discovered that there were a lot of knives, daggers, and crossbows, but ironically barley any riffles. Monoxolo's master probably wants us to get creative with our murders due to that. Even then whose to say that those are the only weapons we have? The kitchen in the arcade probably had knives and a circular saw that's used to cut these. Plus even though the refrigerator so far has only summoned food, who can say that a weapon could be used to poison it. Not to mention that food could be bad if done bad enough.

Group D seemed to have the least interesting time. For the most part it was just an ordinary green house with no abnormalities about it, despite me not having any idea what it was. We may need to pitch in the community garden however, which actually sounded fun.

Morgana:*sighs* Okay, we are nowhere close to finding away out and our investigation barley shed light on anything besides the fact I am not that great at basketball, whoever put us here has at least some arcitecture skills (some better than others) and apparently K.K licks water like a feral dog would.

Light:K.K licks water?

Serval:Feral? Meow that's a word I haven't word in a while. If I remeber that's supposed to be an animal that walks on four legs and can't speak like humans do.

Morgana:That's the basic gist of it, however there's one thing that they aren't. They aren't in a cage like a prisoner.

Lola:Or a zoo!

Light:Or us.

Dave:*rolls eyes* We're in a damn dome not a crappy cage, though I guess you wouldn't know blind sport.

Tina:I mean that's true but the feeling is pretty much the same and we can't exactly leave.

Morgana:We will find a way out! We just need to look harder.

Yuuka:Speaking of looking harder...there was something that I believed there was something that all the members of the group missed.

Serval:*suprised* What?

K.K:*suprised* Your'e only telling us this now, dawg? Pun unintentional but not unwanted.

Tina:Oh dog puns neat. Also why didn't you tell us? I mean if you told me I probably would forget due to the lack of sleep I've been getitng. *grabs head* And there's a migrane.

Yuuka:*teasing* I'm sorry but you were all so fascinated by the flowers. I didn't want to spoil your fun~. But I suppose that it would be rude of me to just keep this to myself, thank goodness I grabbed a copy.

Zorori:A copy? What do you mean by that?

Yuuka:Why it's a copy of one of the newspapers that I found in the green house. I didn't get much into it but I'm sure you'll find the headline very interesting. Before I show you them though did any one else find any of these mysterious newspaper.

Rocket:Hell if I did.

Blitzo:*enthusiastically* Well shut the front door because I actually...*serious* did not.

Apollo:I don't think I did either, but we were to busy playing that one rhythm game so we may have missed it.

Morgana:And you call yourself an ace attorney, you'd rather be playing games then investigating. Then again I suppose I did get distracted with the b-ball game so I should not throw stone at the glass house.

Light:*proud* He lost in case you were curious.

Apollo:*embarrassed* That is not important information.

Yuuka:*smirks* Yeah, it really isn't, at least not to the loser anyways~.

Morgana:*upset* Enough stalling. If the information is that important then you need to tell us. It could be a hint to the mastermind or at the very least important information to why we might have been chosen for this game, or maybe even if it's been done before!

Kokichi:*creepy smile* Ah but it has been done before, remember this is meant to be a tribute to little mister Monokuma who statue was so generously provided by Xolo over there.

Yuuka:Funny you should mention that little Ouma~. This actually has something to do with those stories about those games.

Michalea:*thinking* Oh I see, so uhm, is it like the original book that it's based or something?

Flower:If you ask me I sort of feel is more comic like rather than book. Maybe Teardrop would know what it is?

Zorori:Nah, if it's about a game I think that it was based upon a game.

Serval:*emberassed* I only know what a book is.

Yuuka:*suprised* Oh you still believe that it's fictional do you?

Homura:I-it has to be...right?

Apollo:*nods* Yeah, I mean even if a single high school girl could bring that much destruction to the world she hasn't, at least not yet.

Light:Technically she had help from her sister and those brainwashing techniques, though cliche, were effective. But still, you'd probably hear something about it on the news wouldn't you.

Yuuka:Again, how funny you should mention that. The copy I got is in fact a news paper! And look what made the headlines~.

The 78th Class of Hope's Peak has been confirmed!

LOLRONPA 42069-Average Despair Fan Vs. Average Hope Enjoyers [CANCELLED] - TheOutrageousMoose (82)

Back Row (From Left to Right):Celestia Ludenberg/Takeo Yasuhiro Ult.Gambler, Mondo Oowada Ult.Biker Gang Leader, Yasuhiro Hagukure Ult.Clarvoyant, Junko Enoshima Ult.Fashionista, Sakura Oogami Ult.Martial Artist, Chihiro Fujisaki Ult.Programer, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Byakuya Togami Ult.Affluent Progeny, Toko Fuwakawa Ult.Writing Prodigy
Front Row:Leon Kuwata Ult.Baseball Star, Sayaka Maizono Ult.Pop Sensation, Makoto Naegi Ult.Lucky Student, Hifumi Yamada Ult.Fanfic Creator, Kyoko Kirigiri Ult.Detective, Mukuro Ikusaba Ult.Soiler, Aoi Asahina Ult.Swimming Pro

Yuuka:Now do you see?

Light:*sarcastic* No I don't, you haven't magically just cured my blindness by showing me whatever is on the paper.

Yuuka:Ah right, I almost forgot about that.

Morgana:It's a newspaper headline featuring the 78th class of that Hope's Peak Academy Class. It even has their names listed and everything on it!

Yuuka:Indeed, must be hard to deny it's falsehood now isn't it.

Morgana:*nods* Harder, yes, but not impossible. All of the people shown definitely appear to be in school. *to the side* Well all except for the one known as Yasuhiro Hagakure but he had to repeat grades. Even so, how do we not know that it's the same class?

Homura:I-I don't know. H-how often do you see a woman as strong as Sakura Oogami? *blushing* W-well I know someone whose as strong as her in her heart, b-but not with that body.

Morgana:True, not many high schoolers are that athletic but what if she acquired the coins?

Everyone looked at me oddly.

Morgana:...You know the coins that make you become what you seek? Do any of you have any idea what I'm talking about.

Zorori:*shakes head* I don't, but now I'm somewhat interested. Tell me more so I can be more than this humble village and maybe become an icon of-

Apollo:Hold on, if I remember correctly in Monoxolo's definitely made up story, Sakura got her skill by her families dojo, which was 300 years standing, and got her strength and muscles to intensive training being the only girl being born in the generation. Then she planned on becoming the strongest human on earth!

Light:Yes, I remember now. it was due to that training her appearance was altered. However, that may have caused many to be scared of her, most likely due to her intimidating muscles. Until she found Kenshiro, who became her rival, then her lover. And then he was diagonsed with a disease with only 6 months to lives.

Kokichi:You go girl boss, you go!

Zorori:*sniff* What a tragic tale.

Flower:*thinking* But that explinas that. What about Hifumi? I'm not really concerned about the issue of weight but that haircut.

K.K:*shrugs* Sure his hairstyle may be weird but we've I'm sure had bad haircuts before. Just don't ask Harriet to go "Poodle Style"

Flower:Oh okay then I don't have any issues regarding that.

Morgana:Me neither. So the only thing that I can't seem to figure out is how else to explain people who look like that being in the same room together and not be the worlds greatest teenagers alive.

Blitzo:Well I actually have a few 3 theories regarding that, if any of you

Morgana:You do? Go on.

Blitzo:The first is that this is a picture the mastermind took of a bunch of random teenagers and put them all in costumes to make them seem as though they were classmates. The secnod is that they used a photo editing tool like photoshop to add a bunch of stock image teenagers together in a classroom to give an illusion it was a real class. Three, this is a real class photo with real people in, but it's not the 78th class of this non-exsitent academy, which means Monoxolo is trying to decieve us.

Morgana:Well what did you think, that he was innocent?

Blitzo:Oh, who the f*ck is innocent, Morgy? From the moment of birth you're already a parasite leeching off your mama's tit*.

Morgana:*uncomfortable* That's strange. Something about that nickname feels familiar...and wrong.

Tina:*corrected* Actually, I was bottle fed.

Light:As rude and crude as Blitzo was, and perhpas a bit to harsh, he does make a fair point. *thinking* The mastermind could have slapped any old image there and called it the "78th class of Hope's Peak". For all we know that class could be the group of the most ordinary looking students in exsitence and we'd be none the wiser. All we have to go off of is this image which is the only thing for all of us that gives away their looks.

Yuuka:*smiling* Except for you, since you can't see them at all.

Rocket:...*takes a good look at the picture* Uh I don't mean to sound rude dumb are all of you?

Yuuka:Hey now Light may be blind but he certinally isn't dumb. Serval on the other hand is the opposite, not blind and dumb.

Serval:Horray I'm not blind!

Rocket:*angry* That's not the point I was trying to make. I mean, why do so many of you think that drawling is a real picture?

Homura:*confusion* E-eh? This is a drawling?

Morgana:Of course it's a drawling, what else would it be? How else would we be able to capture a moment such like this in a photo for a newspaper? Yes it may be a long process for the people who dare to draw but it's an admirable passion one the less, especially with this much detail in it.

Rocket:It's detailed all right but it's still a drawling and it's not even that realistic, it's some what cartoony if I'm being honest.

Michaella:Cartoony?...Ah they do look to be a bit..."fake" upon closer expection. I thought it was a real photo at first but now I'm not so sure.

Apollo:I wouldn't say fake but they did look a bit strange, maybe it was something on the camera? It does seem to be an old fashioned one going by the color.

Serval:Hmmm, it does sort of look like a drawling, and a way better drawling then what Kyururu could draw.

Zorori:Wait no it's definetly a real photograph! And I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks so.

Blitzo:No doy it's real. If anyones the f*cking dumbass it's Trash Panda.

Rocket:That's worse than calling me a raccoon you know!

Flower:Your'e right, that is definetly a photograph and not some drawling. It's way more detailed then most drawlings I've seen there's no way one object could draw and then paint all that.

Dave:No that's just a drawling not a real picture. I should know sometimes it feels like I'm living in a stock photograph at times.

K.K Slider:*impressed* Yeah dawg that ain't a real photograph. It's a drawling, but a pretty good one I'd say. If Monoxolo drew it himself I think I might just have a new album artist evne if he's trying to kill us.

Morgana:*hands at side* Regardless if you think this is photograph or drawlings, that's even more of a reason to doubt the accuracy of it. So for now let's just put that to the side and save it's discussion for a later point in time. Unless the newspaper also mentions an article on how to escape then unfortunatley I don't think it's very helpful. *takes a bite of pizza* This is really good pizza by the way.

Serval:*taking a bite* I love the tuna fish!

Yuuka:*shakes head* Unfortunely, it appears the rest of the newspaper is just a bunch of runes which at the moment I can't decipher. Does anyone here speak...whatever language this is.

Homura:*relization* O-oh! I actually deal with these runes a lot in my work, m-mind if I have a go?

Yuuka:Be my geust!

Homura:*smiles*Thank you Kazami-sama! *grabs the paper and readOkay let's see..."Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco labo-"...*disapointed* Well this is just nonsense!

Light:Of course it is, why would they leave clues for escaping this place anyways if whoever did this is a lot more "hey let's all kill eachother" then Monoxolo's "do what you want i don't care."

Morgana:They probally expect us to be dead before we find a clue on them. *takes another bite of pizza* Speaking of Mx.Xolo, I don't know what they are. Some sort of magic plushie or something?

Serval:I thought they were a celueran who was more sentient then usual.

Rocket:I thought hey were a new type of alien speices that I hadn't seen before.

Zorori:I thought they were an axotol.

K.K:They are an axotol.

Zorori:Really? *impressed* Horray I got it right!

Homura:Oh! And they were given the title of a r-reserve course.

Kokichi:*happy* Well look at them now! They were not even an offical HPA student but now they are the mayor of this fine city. Go enby boss, go enby boss, go!

Morgana:Getting back on track, I don't know what they are species-wise, but I know they are getting controlled. I bet that whoever is controlling him is much more assertive on getting us to kill eachother as they do want this.

Kokichi:*serious* If we were with that bear on the statue I bet that would be different story.

Morgana:*thinking* You sound like you know more then you let on Mr.Ouma.

Lola:You know who else knows more then they let on? My mom!

Morgana:*confused* Uh what?

Lola:*embarrassed* Sorry, sorry, another guy from Toon Town said that once and I thought I'd try to copy it but it did not go well.

Morgana:...Okay then. *ahem* Anyways, Mr.Ouma if there's anything your'e hiding now would be the time to confess.

Kokichi:All right, you got me, the truth is I'M GAY!

Morgana:*hand over mouth* Not the confession I was expecitng, and I think you may have had something like that yesterday, *fist pump* but I'll support you either way.

Kokichi:*smirks* Well that's all the confession your'e getting out of me. I have a one per day limit. *chuckles* Nishshi! That's a lie. But I don't feel like confessing anything else.

Morgana:*disapointed shrug* Okay then. I wanted a confession and I got a confession. So in the meantime why don't I add my own question and I want you to answer me honestly.

Apollo:We're all ears, Morgana.

Here goes nothing.

Morgana:*grabbing paper and pen* Well, there is no way to determine what year it is right now without the right information. However tell me this, when you first arrived here...



........... you remeber what year it was?

Light:The year we left to debut? Why that's obvious, it was 2029 was it not.

Apollo:*thinking* That sounds about right. To be more exact It was winter in 2029 on my end, what about you?

Light:Mine was two weeks after new years.

Tina:*confused* Wait what? 2029? That can't be right! How can it be 2029 by now. It's only 2022!

Lola:*confused* Huh, Last time I checked it was still 2021, a week after the premire of Space Jam 2.

Blitzo:Yeah, 2021! Sounds about right!...I just can't remeber the exact date.

Michaela:*shocked*...No...those are all impossible. All of your choices are all impossible.

Homura:*nervous* Y-yeah, I mean it's only 2012, not 2021. T-that's nine years ahead.

Michela:*hand on chest* That's still to far away from the year I remeber, we havent even reached that year. When I came here it was...500.

Serval:*confused* What even are years anyways?

Morgana:...*finnishes writing down* Just as I thought there's tons of gaps between the years. Some of us can't even remember theirs! I sure as hell though do, I come from the year 1859.

Every one stared in shock, and confusion.

Zorori:*trying hat* How strange, it seems that our times aren't tied together, But what could that mean? That we all come from diffrent time periods?

Blitzo:Oh sure take the easy way out! As if one day flowers just started walking around on two legs and started talking on their own.

Flower:*nervous* The same could be said with most of you. When did humans get so big?

Morgana:No I beleive it's a bit more complex then just simple time eras. Apollo when we first met you seemed confused as if you'd never seen a bat talk before. That was the same reaction I had gotten out of Tina, Kokichi, and Michaela as well. It was almost as if they'd never seen someone like me before.

Apollo:*confused* I-I mean yeah I hadn't but it's just a costume isn't it?

Morgana:I was thinking something similar, that you were a hairless ape. I thought that Zorori, Rocket, Lola and K.K would be suprised at seeing them too. However, I was wrong. While Zorori did seem suprised seeing them it wasn't a suprised look of someone who saw them for the first time. The other 3 however showed little to no shock at all. The thing that had really suprised everyone however was Flower.

Flower:*proud* Well I'm glad all eyes were on me. Was it because of my good looks or my buiness women attire?

Morgana:Neither, It was the simple fact that no matter that you could talk. No matter where they came from, almost everyone gave an expression of "this is unnatural". Only Yuuka's was diffrent with a simple smile.

Serval:*confused* I'm sorry but I do nyat fully understand what that means. Could you explain it?

Morgana:Right. What I beleive is going here is that we aren't just from diffrent times, but rather diffrent dimensions as well. Heck, we might even been from the same time but in a diffrent dimenson.

Yuuka:*intruged* And somehow we were dragged into this one?

Dave:*groans* Great, but knowing that dosen't get anywhere closer to finding the damn mastermnd you know.

Morgana:*thinking* Unfortunatley, Dave is right. Even if we know that we're from diffrent dimension we don't know which dimension this is OR if the mastermind is even from one of our dimensions

Light:*sarcastic* Of course that wouldn't reveal anything. They hide behind a robotic Axolotl for petes sake. Did you really think that discovering we are from diffrent dimensions would suddenly answer every single question that's been bothering us?

Morgana:For a man who lost his sigh he certinally has not lost his sass. *writing stuff down* Well, at least we know that much now. And that's better then not knowing anything.

Apollo:So what now?

Morgana:As of now there's only two place left to explore and that building is the groccers and the music store. Considering how close they are however it could be the same building for all we know. However, I can imagine that some of you aren't exactly in the mood for more exploring right now.

Tina:You got that right, only for me it's because of all the streess. *migrane acts up* Ow! I think I'm just going to rest for a minuete in my room if you don't mind.

Morgana:Good idea, you are dismissed and can head into your room now if you feel like it. While that happens I will be exploring those two places at around 2:30, if anyone wants to come with me then meet me at my apartment door around that time.

Michaela:During that time, I believe that at least one person should stay behind to keep an eye on Tina due to her migrane. I'll be that person. I have some experinece in child caregiving during my days working for the Freezis' family.

Morgana:Okay then, if anyone else has anything they'd like to add speak now or forever hold your peace.

Nobody else raised their hand.

Morgana:*rolls eyes* Okay then I geuss the meeting is done. If anyone wants to explore the groccers me later rember, it will be at half past 2. Until then this meeting is now offically adjured. *slaps pizza on the table*

Everyone then left their seats one by one. Michaela heading twoards Tina's room and the rest heading who knows where. There was one person I needed to talk to first before he left however.

Morgana:Excuse me, Blitzo? Can we talk for a moment about something.

Blitzo:Urgh, look I get that you've suddenly taken an interest in me but unfortunatley you don't appear to have any money on you or any big secret that requires me to go all NSFW on you.

Morgana:*shakes head* What no, it's definetly not anything relating to that. *looking down* It's about something you said earlier.

Blitzo:*disapointed* I say a lot of things, a lot of them offend people, you're going to have to refresh my memory toots.

Morgana:Well, at one point you called me Morgy. I don't know why but I didn't like being called that for some reason. I...I don't know the exact reason but I felt like I was powerless when you said it. Perhaps it's an effect from the dimenson traveling, if that's even possible? Me getting memories of other versions of myself?

Blitzo:Let me geuss you want me to avoid saying it?

Morgana:If you don't mind that is.

Blitzo:...*sighs* Fine, but only because that nickname was one of the more tamer onesBat Bitch.

Morgana:*confused* Thanks,...I think?

Blitzo:Don't thank me, just consider this a make up for that Serval incident from the morning.

Well I did not expect him to actually drop it, but the fact that he's still calling me a bat bitch isn't exactly the best outcome either. Then again, when it comes to literal hellspawns, I doubt I should have expected much. Still at least I won't be called that terrible nickname at least, even if the subsitute isn't exactly the most ideal.

P.O.V Serval

By the time I arrived I checked again for that terrible monster known as Mr.Cucumber. I was worried that he'd still be in there waiting for me when I got back, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Thankfully, after a somewhat long search, I was paw-sitive he was gone that was one less thing to worry about. I smiled for having one less worry on my mind.

Then I realized the other things that still worry me wouldn't go away anytime soon . What if in this game, they don't mean fake murder. What if we really are meant to hunt eachother down in cold blood? If that's the case then no one back at the park would know it, would they? They'd probally assume I'm just in a diffrent area in the park, or something like that. Maybe I am but no one can see me. Even if they did see the dome it might be a while before they realize anyone is in it, so there might not be any rescue anytime soon.


...Honestly the worst part is if I died and you wouldn't know.

LOLRONPA 42069-Average Despair Fan Vs. Average Hope Enjoyers [CANCELLED] - TheOutrageousMoose (83)

When we first met you didn't know a lot of things. You did not know where you were, you didn't know where what were, you didn't even know your own name.

So I decided that I would give you a name. That name was "Kaban" It was a not your real name, that much was obvious. It was the word for bag from the japanese language. You had one on you so I figured I'd name you after that. You found out where you were, savanah park. Later you found out what you were, a human. The only I'm not sure if you ever found out your real name. At least not with me around. If you did find it, I'm happy for you. If not, what do you call yourself now?


Serval:...*shaking head* There's no use getting myself stressed out over that. Instead, why don't I take a closer look at the items in the room, just in case I missed something, cucumber or not. *nervous* Please let it be not?


Serval:This tree right here of reminds me of one of those trees I used to sleep in back at the park. It's the same bark color, the same leaf color, evne has a little bit of the sparkle. *disapointed* The only difference is that this a bit shorter then those trees. Perhaps it's due to the size of the room I'm in. I'm also on the bottom floor and I doubt that the girl above me, Homura I believe, would like a gigantic tree cutting through through the floor. It would be a very rude thing for the Ultimate Friend do ask for anyways.


Serval:At first I was a bit confused as to what these rocks were for but then I realized the way they were arranged was on purpose. One of my friends had apperently read about something called a "sundial" which could tell time using the power of the sun. Usually the rokcs were bigger but because of the small size of the room Mayor Xolo must have used smaller ones.


Serval:*impressed* The wall appears to be painted blue, like the color of the sky. It almost seems like it's moving a little bit, but that can't be true can it? If it was that would be so paw-some...*emberassed. yeah that one felt a little forced. *thinking* Taking a closer look though, wasn't it a diffrent shade of blue before hand? I do remeber it being a bit lighter then the shade it is now. It has been a long morning though, so I could be misremebering it...*disapointed* Typical Serval, always forgetting things.


LOLRONPA 42069-Average Despair Fan Vs. Average Hope Enjoyers [CANCELLED] - TheOutrageousMoose (84)

Serval:*relization* Hey, that's me on there! I know the other girl in the portrait. That's Caracal! She's another friend of mine, whose gone with me on a few adventures with me too! What's are those kanji at the bottom? *leaning in close* Let me take a closer look. *reading* Ke-mo-no Friends 2. Well there are two of us on there, and we are both friends based on beasts, but I can't help but I don't remeber taking this picture. And why do we look so strange, as if the picture was taken with a really terrible filter or something like that? I don't like it one bit.


Serval:*smiling* There's a lot of these at the libary but I've never seen one this small before! I wonder what sort of books are in it? Let's see..."Kemono Friends Offical Guide Book?" Must have been some sort of advertizment for geusts at the park at the time. *suprised* Hey look, another Serval is on the cover of one them! Must be from one of the other guides. *curious* Wonder what else is here though? "Brown Bear, Brown Bear What do You See" by Eric Carle. "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" also by Eric Carle. "The Mixed Up Chamellon" yet again by Eric Carle. Monoxolo must really like this Eric Carle person.


Serval:How did Monoxolo even fit in that tiny box anyways? He may have been small but even he couldn't have possibly fit in there on his own...or could he? *shakes head* No, even if he did there's no way someone like me would fit in there.

[Examine->Picture 1]

LOLRONPA 42069-Average Despair Fan Vs. Average Hope Enjoyers [CANCELLED] - TheOutrageousMoose (85)

Serval:So this is what a feral Serval Cat looks like out of japari park. *smiling* How purr-fect. Hey there's a weird triangle button at the bottom of it! I should purr-ress it to see what happens. *pushes button*

Monoxolo's Voice:Servals' general live in the African Savanah. The grass grows fairly high there, so Servals have slender bodies to help them walk through such areas. Also because their ears are so big they can hear noises from miles away. As for their jumping strength, a Serval is an animal that can easily jump very high. They like high places. So they can jump up to a meter or two with no problem.

Serval:Wow that is a purr-fect description of me and other members of the Serval species.

[Examine->Picture 2]

LOLRONPA 42069-Average Despair Fan Vs. Average Hope Enjoyers [CANCELLED] - TheOutrageousMoose (86)

Serval:Hey this picure kind of looks like Monoxolo but pink instead of green. This must be what a regular axolotl looks like! *curious* I wonder, if I press the triangle button beneath it...

Monoxolo's Voice:Axolotls go by the nicknames of walking fish and water dogs, but in reality they are salamanders. They are found in lakes in Mexico, such as Lake Xochimilco which underlies Mexico City. Unlike other amphibians, like frogs, they reach adulthood without the process of metamorphosis. The longest ever axolotl was 18 inches long. Believe it or not, they do have teeth. However they are under-develop so instead of chewing they suck on it.

Serval:*impressed* Monoxolo did a purr-fect job explaining some fun facts their species to me. *embarrassed* And I said the joke 3 times, it's not funny anymore.


Rest your head for a bit?

>Yes No

Serval:I want to go exploring with Morgana! But it's not for a little while and...*yawns* It was a tiring adventure today. So I think I'll get a nap in to, kind of like Tina is doing right now...

P.O.V Tina

Tina:*clutching head* Thanks again for keeping an eye on me. I would not like to wind up dead today and having you there brings me extra comfort.

Michaela:*smiling* It's no problem, really. I can understand your concern about murder, and I don't want anyone to wind up dead a day into this so if having company makes you feel better then I'll stay by your side.

Tina:Don't tell anyone but out of all the people here I think I trust you the most to keep that promise.

Michaela:You don't trust the others?

Tina:N-no I do! At least I trust some of them. I do want to trust them all, but it's kind of hard with a select few. First there's Dave who keeps on insulting everyone for no aparent reason yet still says he's rather stay here then his job. Then there's Blitzo who has killed before and will likely kill again for the right price. Yuuka's teasing can be a bit much at times. Flower seems to numb to death for some reason claiming we'll get recovered. Furthermore, there's Kokichi in general.

Michaela:I'll admit that the people here are definitely a bit...strange. *hand over heart* But if we want to escape we're all going to have to learn to trust each other.

Tina:Yeah...I suppose your'e right.

Michaela seems to be really mature for her age. She's not like mom old, but definetly of drinking age. I geuss she's kind of like a calm older sister figure? I can relate to that vibe, me being an older sister of two younger siblings myself.

Tina:*thinking* Hey, this might seem out of nowhere but I was thinking that you kind of remind me of an older sister figure.

Michaela:Aww, thank you.

Tina:So I was wondering, if you don't mind answering, do you have any siblings?

She seemed hesitant for a moment before answering.

Michaela:...Just one. An older brother named Lich.

Tina:*smiling* Oh that's nice! And also suprising consider I viewed her as being the more mature sibling. What's he like?

Michaela:...We should probally get you to bed before you get another migrane.

Tina:Oh right, that's the whole reason we came up here. *embarrassed* Hahahahahahaha...*nervous* uuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh.

In case you haven't figured it out yet, which I'm pretty sure you did because dang you are good, I've never been that great at socializing. If my house burned down you'd get a moan. If I was at the barbers instead of a when you'd get a moan. Even when I was little the first words I said where "uuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh".

Tina:Let's just go in before I emberass my self anymore and get a tour of Casa de Tina. *correcting herself* Nope, just my room. Casa de Gene is trademarked.

[Enter->Tina's Room]




[Examine->Toy Horses]

Michaela:*curious* Are those miniature horses?

Tina:Yeah, they are. They aren't real though just...figurines. She probably knew that much already no need to clarify! She's from the year 500 not caveman times!

Michaela:Aww they're so cute, do they have names?

Tina:No not really, these arne't the same horses I have at my house. They do look similar, probably the same brand, but they are not the same. Why, do you have any recommendations?

Michaela:Well, I figured you could call this white one "Josephine."

Tina:Josephine, huh? I was going to just use some parody of a jockey horse name with butt in it but Josephine works too.


Tina:I don't have a TV in my room so this is a nice little upgrade. I just wish there was more than one channel.

Michaela:*nods* Yes I suppose it would get dull seeing Monoxolo's face over and over again.

Tina:You have one in your room too?

Michaela:Yes though I didn't know it was called a TV, I just called it a "amazing magic box".

Tina:*thinking* So it appears that the magic of a TV would kill a small Victorian boy, according to internet memes anyways, but not enough to cause damage to Michaella.


Michaela:Burger of the Day? What is that?

Tina:Oh it's basically a thing my dad does every day at our restaurant. Well actually it's dad any my sister Louise, but mostly dad. Dad does things more appropriate but Louise, she isn't afraid to get a bit more inappropriate.

Michaela:I see! Well I suppose now you have a chance to write your own Burger of the day.

Tina:Huh, I never thought about that. What should I put?

Michaela:Hmmmm...*relization* Ah! Could I make a suggestion?

Tina:*thinking* Sure, go ahead.

Michaela:*excited* What about the Amazing Spring Onion Burger!

Tina:Not a bad start, but has a pun or pop culture reference in there. Maybe...a-ha! *writing it down* "Spring Onions have Layers Burger" It's a reference to a movie named Shrek. You probably don't know what that is though. See it's a movie. A movie is a moving picture usually used for entertainment. Although it was based on a book! Not many people know that.

Michaela:*arms crossed* I know what a book is Tina....*under breath* Shrek is based on a book?

[Examine->Horse Posters]

LOLRONPA 42069-Average Despair Fan Vs. Average Hope Enjoyers [CANCELLED] - TheOutrageousMoose (87)

Tina:Hey I remeber this poster! It's one of the may horse posters I have back in my actual room. I mean it's probally not the exact same poster, it looks a lot more clean, but I remebering that dad bought it for me. It's also not in the same position...I wonder...Hey do you mind taking that portrait down.

Michaela:Eh?...Sure, I suppose I can. *takes portrait down*

Tina:*shakes head* Nope! No secret tunnel. Not that it would make much sense I didn't see any holes in the walls in this position. *puts it back up* So then why is this the only horse poster that I own. I mean I get that some were limited edition so it would be impossible to get them. Maybe I'm just over looking into things. Nevermind, you can just put it back up now.

Michaela:If you say so. *puts it back up*


Tina:*explaining* That's where I usually keep all my clothes...I don't really know how else to describe it.

Michaela:I see.

Tina:Well, I mean I do know how to describe it's trait, it's pink, kind like the walls, except darker. There's also a glasses case on the top of it with a spare pair of glasses. Oh! And a lamp on it. Usually that would be on a diffrent drawer but it's here for some reason. Okay I geuss I do know how to describe it actually.

Michaela:*smiling* Good for you.


LOLRONPA 42069-Average Despair Fan Vs. Average Hope Enjoyers [CANCELLED] - TheOutrageousMoose (88)

Michaela:*curious* I see you with a few people in this picture, and they kind of look like you. Would I be correct Is that your family?

Tina:*nods* Yep, that's them. Those are the Belchers. I'm the one with the black glasses and the braids, though that may have been obvious. My mom, Linda, is the lady with the red glasses and is smiling. The man in the grey shirt she's hugging? That's my dad, the Bob in Bobs Burgers. The girl with the bunny ears and a curious expression? That is the baby of the family age wise, Louise. Lastly, to the furthest right, we see Gene, The boy with the keyboard and yellow shirt.

Michaela:I'm sure they miss you very much.

Tina:I'm sure your brother does too.

Michaela:...So when did you get this picture taken.

Tina:*thinking* I think it was taken a year ago during the summer, because summer time is usually when me and my family go to the Wonder Warf. I think they had like a family photo thing and we decided to go take one together. Dad was not happy about it as you can see.

Michaela:*concern* You don't look very happy either in it.

Tina;*looks close* Really? I think I look pretty relaxed.


Michaela:Hey what's in there.

Tina:Oh! Well those are just some blank journals were I write all my friend-fictions on. There's nothing in them at the moment, I checked this morning, and I didn't have the creative juices flowing.

Michaela:You know the daughter of my employers, Yukina, is also a child writer. Maybe you and her could work together on a story sometime?

Tina:*embarrassed* Thanks but I'm pretty sure that these aren't exactly the safest for younger viewers. How old is she exactly?

Michaela:I believe she's still in elementary.

Tina:Then she's definitely too young.


Ready to end those migraines?

>Yes No




Tina:*angry* Dammit! I still can't sleep. I made sure all my pillows were as comfy as I could make them but the stress is still to big. Seriously, just how am I supposed to relax when at any moment I could get my head cut off with an axe and end up going to the hell without butts? That's an even worse fate then those turkeys from my school play that I made up had.

Michaela:Perhaps I could get you a warm glass of milk?

Tina:No thinks I'm-*clutches migraine*-OW!-probably good with out one.

Michaela:Well another strategy for good sleep would be to try counting sheep jumping over a fence. Since you seem to like horses however, why not go and try counting them instead.

Tina:I mean that would work if I wasn't so distracted by this game. Who knows what happens to them once they leap over the fence here. It could be at the edge of a cliff! Do you have any more ideas?

Michaela:Just one. How about I sing you a lullaby?


Michaela:*hand on heart* When I was under the service of the Freezis', I often found that singing to the children a song at the end of the day was a good way to help them drift into dream land. That and a nice bowl of amazing spring onion soup. But I don't think we have the material to make such a soup at the moment so the lullaby alone will have to do for now.

Tina:Now that you mention it, I think my mom used to sing me a few lullabies when I was a little toddler. But "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" might be a bit overdone at this point. I'd also prefer not to hear that one song about a baby falling from a cradle either, with the whole killing game thing. Mind if you could sing me something different?

Michaela:I can do that for you. I actually have a song prepared right now! It's a popular song amongst the people in Elphegort.

Tina:What's it called?

Michaela:"Blink" It's been a while since I've prefromed however, forgive me if it's a bit rusty.

Tina:That's fine, *removes glasses* a lullaby is one of the few times a song should put you too sleep. N-not that I thinky ou'll do bad it's just, w-well you know what I mean. Hopefully.

Michaela:*nods* No more delays. Now, let's begin.

With those word I laid down my head on my pillow and listened to the lullaby.

LOLRONPA 42069-Average Despair Fan Vs. Average Hope Enjoyers [CANCELLED] - TheOutrageousMoose (89)

Michaela:*singing* Kono naegi ga nedzuita toki~♪
Watashi wa ima yori otona deshou~♪
Ookiku takaku nobita toki~♪

Watashi wa ikiteru deshou ka~♪
Ikiteiru deshou ka~♪

It was a relaxing song, but it also sounded a bit sad...and japanese? No matter what it was working, I was heading closer and closer into dreamland.

Takusan no ha wo tsuketa toki~♪
Sekai wa ima yori kawatteru deshou~♪

Rippana taiju ni natta toki~♪
Tsumi wa yurusareru deshou ka~♪

Yurusareru deshou ka~♪

As she rounded what appeared to be the final verse I could feel my eyelids really getting heavy, not even an unexpected migrane would open them up.

Sennen no jikan sae mo~♪
Anata ni wa matataki deshou~♪

I prayed that this time it would be it would a good dream time and not a scary one that would wake me up right away. Wonder if he will be in it again and we'll be riding horses together again? Hopefully this time fantasy Jimmy Junior won't be as much of a jerk as he was last time.

Kitto kitto~♪

As the song was approaching it's end the shut for good and I could barley hear the final lyrics as they were being sung. But I did and this is what they were:

Negawakuba kono ki no moto~♪
Towa no heiwa wo~♪

Towa no heiwa wo~♪

With that sleep final came to me.




Michaela:*disapointed* A song popular Elphegort huh? No. That's not true. Elphegort no longer exsists.

P.O.V Dave Miller

Dave:"Flower has murdered someone before" A bit obvious and she doesn't care for. "Blitzo used to be a clown." True, but probably too stupid to believe. "Dave Miller's child is responsible for the bite of '87." Inaccurate, I don't have any kids and if I did it would be the bite of '83.

Being the traitor isn't all fun and games. For starters:I can't quit, 'cos I can't double betray. Secondly, I don't get paid enough for this sh*t, something that isn't new. Third, Xold Sport gave me the motive early. They said I could alter some of the secrets and that's what I planned to do. Thought it was a good motive and I said I know exactly whose to change.

...looking over these though I think I may have to change more than just one. I had the files on hand*t, if only I had some inspiration.

Maybe something around this room could give me an idea?


Dave:That's where the announcements are played. Apparently mine is modeled after those VHS monitors you see everywhere in the 80s, but the majority of the others are based upon the original killing games monitors. *angry* What secret could form that? That I'm old as hell? I'd rather not hear "OK Boomer" everyday for the rest of the killing game. That's even worse then discovering thatI killed kids.


Dave:That looks like the shower that old sport used to use, same brand and everything. I had it installed myself. Reminds me of the good old days before Sporty became asuccessfulbusinessman and took away the pizzeria.Onlydifference is thatit*orange, like Sporty was.*hiding*I mean, I don't miss you or anything, Sportsy. I just thought, why the f*** not have an orange shower? It contradicts with the purple wall. Idefinitelydo not miss thatbastard at all.*hiding a tear*


Dave:*thinking* It appears to be a few rules, but not for the killing game. These were a the original of the old Freddy Fazbender's Pepperonerie.

  1. Don't Run
  2. Don't Yell
  3. Don't Scream
  4. Don't Pee on the Floor
  5. Or Use the Commodore
  6. Stay Close to Mom
  7. Don't Touch Freddy
  8. Don't hit
  9. Leave Before Dark
  10. Don't y*ff the fox
  11. Don't eat Chica's hard bird ass.

Dave:Rarley anyone obeys rule 10. I've y*ffed the fox 12 times, while it was haunted no less, so thatprobably wouldn't be a secret.

[Examine->Cool Cat Suit]

LOLRONPA 42069-Average Despair Fan Vs. Average Hope Enjoyers [CANCELLED] - TheOutrageousMoose (90)

Dave:Well, well, well, if it isn't my old palCool Cat. This guy was handed over to another company and rebranded as a mascot suit who saved the kids. His movies sucked ass but his twitter feed had some pretty good sh*t.

[Examine->VHS Tapes]

Dave:Apparently Monoxolo left behind 6 tapes in my room. *angry* Unfortunately they didn't get me a tape player to watch them in 'cos apparently he has no idea how VHS tapes work. Five of them appeared to be stacked up top to bottom. "The Walten Files", "Gemini HomeEntertainment", "Harmony and Horror", "SOFT-E RESORTS" & "Local 58" The sixth tape leaning to the side is called "Squimpus Mcgrimpus Tapes" What is aSquimpus anyways? Some sort of kids show?

[Examine->Fruit Basket]

Dave:A fruit basket with a singular fake eggplant inside it. I planned on turning myself into an eggplant at one point, call myselfEggplant Dave. It would have been the funniest sh*t Old Sport would have ever seen. Hopefully he wouldn't try to get back at me by turning into a tangerine.


Dave:*saddened* Upon further investigation, there is in fact a singletangerine in there too.


LOLRONPA 42069-Average Despair Fan Vs. Average Hope Enjoyers [CANCELLED] - TheOutrageousMoose (91)


*sound of the fox being picked up*



Dave:sh*t, I had almost forgotten there aren't any canyons here, grand or not.

*sound of fox being put back down gently and sadly*

[Examine->Traitor Files]

Dave:*thinking*Okay, soapparently in the last game one of these guys wet the bed when they wereyounger. That would behilariousto use if we have a bed wetter here too, but I don't like reruns all that much. *smile* If one of them is a bed wetter though I may be able to use it as blackmail.

[Examine->Spring Bonnie]

LOLRONPA 42069-Average Despair Fan Vs. Average Hope Enjoyers [CANCELLED] - TheOutrageousMoose (92)

Dave:A lot of people have joked that this guy is kind of like my fursona or some sh*t like that. I'm not a furry. However, I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy wearing this costume from time to time for fun and not for child murdering and all that. Not to mention that Foxy was kinda hot NGL.




F*ck me in the ass. I still don't have any ideas for any big motives. The only one I have down is my secret and a few others.

I can't say it hasn't all been bad. I'm reallyproud of Tina's secret, The way I word it could get her a huge target on her back. Then there is Morgana's. The sins of her past can't be hidden forever, and once revealed it will mean everyone will distrust her too. Kokichi's was the most obvious, granted, but it will make his already low trust even worse.

But then there's the others that I'm not so proud of. Even if Blitzos secret does make himembarrassed, what does it matter? He is from hellwhere sin is smiled upon and virtue is crushed.Yuuka's is just lazy, whowould give two cares about that? And my own secret is a rocky road. It seemsvague enough not to cause anysuspicion but if wise guy wises up I could be dead before the game even truly begins.

Even then I'm more concerned about the secrets I've still yet to decide. I'll need some help and I'm just not sure where to get it from. How do I get involved with a group of some of the other residents so I don't looksuspicious but still find a way to get information about them?

Morgana did say she was having a grocery store tour later. If I went there without being invited I'd look a bitsus wouldn't I?...f*ck the kidsgetting into my head.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

Dave:f*ck! I wasn't expecting anyone, where do I hide these...Of course! In the cabinet drawers.

I quickly hid them away and opened the door before any form of supicion was put on me.

Morgana:*sighs* Hello Mr.Miller.

Dave:*nervous* That's me, Dave Miller. Totally normal pizza worker.


Dave:What the hell do you want.

Morgana:Not much really, I was just here checking you're to see it was comfortable. Mine was, surprisingly. It was very homey. If I weren't forced to be here against my will I'd probably check it out as a vacation home.

Dave:Well that's good, because your gonna be here a long time.

Morgana:Anyways, since I'm here might as well offer you again to go on that grocery tour.

Dave:Talk about luck! Better not make myself seem to eager though. OK.

Morgana:*surprised* Wait really? That was surprising.

Dave:*shrugs* I've got nothing bettar to do. But don't think this means I like you or will wear a maid dress for you. I'll only wear a maid dress for Sportsy.

Morgana:A bit much information but I'm glad your coming along.

Dave:Your'e trust in me is very misplaced boob bat.

Morgana:Trust me, I know that much already. There's something about you that gives you a sense not to be trusted. Then again, as a detective, being wired not to trust anyone is second nature to me. You probably didn't need much to see that however. Just look at what I did on day 1. And besides, all trust is built on doubt. Maybe this little adventure of ours can quell any doubts I have about you.

Dave:*rolls eyes*Jesus, if I didn't know any better I'd say that she came straight from ashone anime.

Morgana:*looks at clock* There's only an hour or so left before we have to go. Remember, be there or be square!

Dave:*offended*...I'm already square.

Morgana:*emberassed* Eheheh...yeah. *ahem* Just be there then.

She slammed the door on my faceafter that.

Thanks for trying to trust in me. I'm so going to make sure u regret it. <3

Chapter 8: Cancellation and a new Chance


In which I have some sad news

Chapter Text

Attention everyone! I have some bad news.

I have decided to cancel this series. There are a variety of reasons that I have done this including personal life, loss of intrest, controversies of other shows, lack of planning, l and stress from a few other aspects of life (like school) that caused this sudden abrupt end. However I will not be deleting this series like my others and instead leave it here to read. I at least want to have something after all this time.

For those of you who were curious, here was the death order:

Chapter 1-Turnabout Taticum
Motive:Biggest Secrets
Killer:Rocket Raccoon

Chapter 2-Duet for Two
Motive:Phonecall to Loved Ones
Victim 1:Dave Miller,Tina Belcher
Killer:K.K Slider

Chapter 3-Seven Diseases and Vacainations
Motive:Seven Sin Disease

Chapter 4-And then there were nine

Chapter 5-???
Killer/Second Traitor:Homura
Fake Suicide:Michaela (Real Talent:Millenium Tree)

Chapter 6-Sayanora, Fanganronpa
Mastermind Reveal:Kaori Akamatsu, Kaede's Sister
Sacrifice:Kokichi Ouma & Micheala Arklow

Survivors:Lola, Flower & Zorori

This does not mean that I am going to completely abandon the concept of Fanganronpas however. I am actually planning on "rebooting" this series with with some new characters.

LOLRONPA 42069-Average Despair Fan Vs. Average Hope Enjoyers [CANCELLED] - TheOutrageousMoose (2024)
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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.