Kivaverse world of Pokémon New version - Chapter 5 - KivatheDCWizard - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (2024)


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  • Satoshi | Ash Ketchum
  • Ookido Shigeru | Gary Oak
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  • Ash is actually smart
  • combination of anime manga and games
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  • so only Ash for Kanto
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Kivaverse world of Pokémon New version


Chapter 5: Kanto Arc P5: The Dead, the Rockets and the Poison Ninja

Chapter Text





  • We delve in the backstories of the major Rockets. Starting with Jessie. Raised by a single mother, Miyamoto, they lived in poverty. So Miyamoto seduced men and robbed them of their valuables, or outright pickpocketed them. Miyamoto would one day have the balls to try and rob Giovanni, whom she didn’t know what a Rocket Boss. However, Giovanni was impressed by her and hired her.
  • Miyamoto was able to support Jessie at last, whom was able to finally live a decent life. Though she didn’t initially know what her mother did. One day Miyamoto was sent on a mission to retrieve the Legendary Pokémon Mew, but never returned. Jessie, whom was aspiring to become a nurse, instead dropped out.
  • Jessie was approached by Team Rocket, whom revealed the truth about her mother. To honor her mother and out of gratitude towards Giovanni for helping turn her life around, she joined Team Rocket.


  • James was born in a rich family. But it was a gilded cage. His every move was controlled by his parents, whom forced him in a variety of activities. He had no friends, aside his Pokémon, Growlie the Growlithe.
  • When James came of age he was forcefully engaged to a vapid woman called Selphi (1), whom James didn’t love. One day he had enough of his controlling family and ran away. He ran into Team Rocket, whom hired him. He also secretly started to set up things that his family’s riches would be used to fund Team Rocket.
  • In the present day, James stops by his parents. They seem rejoiced their son has returned, but it is clear it is because the wedding with Selphi can continue, and they can restore their own family fortune. His parents had made a series of bad investments and have been keeping up appearances by wasting what little they have left. James says he isn’t here for them. The other Rockets come by and rob both them and Selphi blind of what little they have. James also takes back Growlie for himself.


  • Meowth was an ordinary Meowth once, living on the streets. He was taken in by another gang of Meowths, led by a Persian. He also fell in love with a female Meowth called Meowzie, which was owned by a rich family.
  • Meowzie rejected Meowth because he was a street cat and would be nothing more than that. Meowth vowed he would be more than a street cat, he would be more than a mere Meowth.
  • Somehow Meowth through determination taught himself how to stand upright and speak human language. However, Meowzie didn’t think he was a better Meowth, he was a street cat and a freak.
  • Meowth joined Team Rocket, and they were impressed by his ability to talk. He hence would be assigned to a Rocket duo we all know and love.
  • In the present day Meowth finds himself in his old neighborhood. The gang of Meowth he once was part of now has Meowzie. Meowzie was abandoned by her mistress because she lost her money. She was taken in by the gang. Meowth fights the Persian gang leader, whom wants him to return to the fold. But Meowth defeats him.
  • Meowzie rejects Meowth once again and returns to the Persian’s side whom took her in at her lowest. She still calls Meowth a freak. Meowth says that he went above and beyond to prove himself, even doing the impossible. If that makes him a freak, he is a proud freak. And she is still a spoiled rotten kitten that judged when she has no room. He is done chasing them, and returns to his friends.

Cassidy and Butch

  • Cassidy was an alpha bitch through and through. She had money, influence, beauty. High school was a dream but a nightmare for others. She thinks that with her money and connection she could make it big. However, life after high school didn’t plan out. She was entitled and got in trouble due to her spoiled brat attitude. She dropped out of College since she didn’t want to study. Furthermore she tried to get jobs with her looks, like an idol, influencer or model. But for all her beauty she had no talent. Eventually her family disowned her for all the trouble she caused.
  • Butch was a quiet and lonely kid, whom didn’t stand out and was forgettable. Often overlooked. At school no one knew his name, and even his family barely remembered him. He came from a large family with numerous siblings all which stood out more than him.
  • Both were at their low point and decided to wander. They both ended up at a recruitment drive for Team Rocket. Which they took.


  • Jessie, James, Butch and Cassidey end up at the recruitment. (Jessie was offered but she still had to go through the recruitment drive and training).
  • Cassidy felt a bit nervous and alone and decide to lash on the first geek she could find to act as a shield/sacrificial lamb which ended up being Butch. The first time someone gave him attention and got his name right caused Butch to become immediately attached unaware of what Cassidy would think.
  • Cassidy runs into Jessie, whom she used to pick on at school and the both start sniping at each other. James sticks up for Jessie as Cassidy reminds himself way too much of his alpha bitch fiancée and Butch stands up for Cassidy. Two teams and a rivalry were born that day.


Pokemon Tower

  • Agatha of the Elite Four investigates the ghostly phenomena at the Pokémon Tower.
  • Ash, Gary, June and Jodi meet up at Mr. Fuji’s home. Of the Pokémon caretakers said Mr. Fuji went to investigate the tower but didn’t return. They are introduced to a Cubone whom was orphaned by Team Rocket, whom killed his mother.
  • June picks up and comforts the little Cubone. The caretaker says that it normally doesn’t allow anyone to touch him. Jodi thinks it is incredibly adorable.
  • Gary is reminded of his own Raticate whom he lost to Team Rocket. He becomes angry, storms out and towards the Pokémon tower, the others going after him. The Cubone follows them as well. Jodi asks if she was ever that reckless.
  • Ash uses his Silph Scope to navigate the Lost Tower, and showing the Ghost Pokémon’s true forms. They run across a mischievous trio consisting of a Gastly, a Haunter and a Gengar whom halt them in their tracks. Ash appeals to them saying there are bad people at the top of the tower, and what they did. And that they want to stop them.
  • They travel to the top of the tower. They meet Agatha of the Elite Four. She recognizes Gary as Oak’s grandson. She stares at him for a few moments before mentioning that the ghost up ahead is not a normal Pokémon ghost, but an angry spirit. It will attack anything that gets near it. It is consumed by anger.
  • The heroes try to fight it off but every time it is blasted it reconstitutes, and it also prevents anything or anyone from catching it. That is until the little Cubone comes in. The spirit assumes its true form of the Marowak mother. Cubone calms his mother down, and assures the trainers are here to help.

Exorcizing Rockets

  • Ash and the group arrive on the top floor. William and Bonnie are holding Mr. Fuji captive and are interrogating him. Mr. Fuji says nothing and even sasses them. Bonnie gets angry and wants to lash out. Jessie and James say that he’s an old man, he isn’t going to beat him. Bonnie asks why they couldn’t. William says he can’t give the info if he isn’t intact, old men break easily.
  • The heroes confront the Rockets. Agatha brings out her Gengar, which starts mowing through the Rocket grunts. Jessie and James are halted by June and Jodi, whom bring out their Flareon and Vaporeon. They say they are going to defeat them with the Eevees they abuse. Jessie and James don’t understand the thing with the Eevees. Jodi snaps and saying that they can impossibly not know about what the other Rockets did. To the Eevees, to the Cubone’s mother.
  • June confirms that they really have no idea, her powers allowing to read their emotions. Jessie and James say they are not that high in rank, so they are not privy to all details. Jodi bluntly points out how the Eevees were subjected to cruel experiments and the Marowak that protected its Cubone child were killed by their colleagues.
  • The trio is horrified and initially refuse to believe the heroes. They attack them, revealing a newly evolved Arbok and Wheezing, alongside Beedrill, Weepinbell, Gyarados and Growlie. However, the girls easily deal with them.
  • Gary and Ash confront Bonnie and William. William brings out his Pinsir and Bonnie her Dodrio. Gary rants about the lives they destroyed. His Raticate, the Marowak. Bonnie says she doesn’t remember Gary, she inflicted so much hurt and death she can barely remember all her victims. Gary is angrier and Ash asks how a person like her can live with herself. Bonnie says because its fun.
  • Ash and Gary bring out Pidgeotto and Wartortle. Ash notes the tip of one of the Pinsir’s horns is broken and one of the Dodrio’s heads is out of it. William notes that the Marowak put up one hell of a fight against them. Ash says that he doesn’t deserve his title of the Gentleman Rocket. William says he is a Gentleman when he can afford it. And when he has a mission, he sees it to the end.
  • Gary’s Wartortle charges at the Dodrio but gets relentlessly pecked, Pidgeotto drawing Dodrio’s attention away to give Wartortle time to recover. However, Pinsir advances and grabs it in his horns. Wartortle retreats in his shell but the Pinsir starts to crack it.
  • Gary tries to call back Wartortle but Bonnie jumps him and kicks him to the ground. She says they play by different rules. Ash tries to butt in but is backhanded and knocked down. She kicks Gary in the stomach. Ash grabs her legs to prevent kicking, but he gets kicked instead. They are too distracted to give orders to their Pokémon.
  • Jessie and James are shocked at Bonnie cruelty and try to talk her down but she just waves them off as ‘little peons’. However, suddenly the Haunter shows up and gives her a scare, causing her to stumble back, after which Pikachu uses Thunderbolt, now she is safely out of Ash and Gary’s reach.
  • Gary and Ash take command of their Pokemon again. Ash tells to grab the two heads of Dodrio that are still active, and drags it upwards, before slamming it into a wall. Wartortle uses Bubblebeam from inside its shell to make Pinsir lose their grip.
  • Wartortle uses Ice Beam on the Pinsir, freezing it. Then it uses Headbutt to smash Pinsir to the ground. Pidgeotte performs a Double Edge to knock Dodrio out.
  • Bonnie and William call back their Pokémon and bring forth their second ones, Poliwrath and Fearow. However, Wartortle and Pidgeotto glow as they evolve.
  • Gary’s Blastoise makes quick work of the Fearow, whom tries a Drill Peck, whom is grabbed by his beak and frozen up close. Pidgeot avoids Poliwrath’s Attacks and is knocked out by a Couple of Wing Attacks.
  • Bonnie is angry and doesn’t want to back down. She heads for Mr Fuji, but Agatha’s Gengar gets in the way. She looks back to see Agatha stand with several unconscious Rockets at her feet. She says the kids are strong, she didn’t have to intervene as much as she thought. Knowing they are defeated, Bonnie threatens James into using Wheezing’s Smokescreen to escape.
  • Agatha leaves as she says everything is handled for now. She says the kids did well and to say hi to ‘that old coot of a Samuel Oak for her’.
  • As everyone parts way, Gary calls his grandfather to talk about Agatha. An unusually sad and angry looking Professor Oak says he didn’t need her greetings and asks to keep distance. Gary wonders what it would be about.

Fuji’s Place

  • Fuji thanks the heroes for saving him. He gives them all Pokéflutes.
  • Cubone has bonded with June and decides to go with her. June says she’ll take good care of him. Mr. Fuji says his granddaughter used to have a way with Pokémon like that too.
  • The Haunter Ash met in Pokémon tower also has decided to join him on his journey.
  • He also gives them a quick lesson about Infinity Energy, how every Pokémon has it, it is their essence. Various phenomenas like the Mega Evolution, Z-Moves and Gigantamax use different variations of Infinity Energy. There are also few smaller hotspots that can cause the right evolutions with the right circ*mstances. Though rare in the wild with modern technology they can cause small spikes in Infinity energy to trigger certain evolutions. The Pokémon trading system for example uses Infinite Energy and can cause some interesting results.
  • Ash and Gary trade their Haunter and Kadabra back and forth to get Gengar and Alakazam respectively.

Rocket HQ

  • Giovanni speaks to his Executives. He doesn’t admonish them as the kids have proven to be quite strong. Also whatever information Mr. Fuji had, he didn’t expect it to be much and was a longshot at best for trying to get what he wants.
  • Jessie, James and Meowth sheepishly ask about the Marowak and the Eevee experimentation. Giovanni says its nothing personal, just business. Sometimes a few eggs have to be broken to make an omelet. That’s why the trio are still low ranked. They don’t have the stomach for the more intense missions. This does nothing to ease Jessie, James and Meowth.
  • Giovanni says that it is about time they put operation Silph into action.


  • Ash uses the PokéFlute to wake a Snorlax that blocks his path. A grumpy Snorlax attacks. It puts up a fight and his own Wartortle had to evolve into Blastoise to stand up to it, and weaken it enough for Ash to catch.
  • Ash obtains a new Fishing Rod. Catches a Krabby.
  • Ash’s Eevee trains with Pikachu. The experiments have, not unlike Pikachu, made it a lot stronger compared to others of its species. It was exposed to a mixture of different evolution stone radiations, concentrated moonlight, sunlight and fairy dust, as well as meds that induce euphoria. It allows her to learn a few moves exclusives. (2)
  • Pikachu also learns a new move by accident after a double battle when Pidgeot drops an electrified Pikachu on an opponent. Ash calls it Floaty Fall. Ash’s Pokémon wonder how they can forbid him from naming new attacks.
  • Ash is confronted with an angry Damian. He challenges Ash in a three vs three battle. Ash brings out Charmeleon…Or rather it brings itself out when Damian summons Exeggutor. Exeggutor at first is causing trouble with Hypnosis. But Ash speaks to Charmeleon about Damian that causes a great anger in Charmeleon, activating Rage and making him too riled up to go to sleep.
  • As Exeggutor takes damage from Charmeleon’s Flamethrowers, Damian refuses to lose again and brings in a Golbat and Seadra, though that’s cheating. Ash quickly summons Mankey and Krabby. Mankey jumps on the Golbat’s head and pulls its ears before it can bite Charmeleon. The Krabby grabs the Seadra by its nozzle to prevent it from using attacks.
  • Charmeleon’s anger reaches a peak as it evolves into Charizard and stomps Damian’s Pokémon into the ground. Damian summons a Machoke, a Beedrill and a Fearow. Krabby manages to grab the Beedrill’s arms and lower stinger in a Vicegrip, throw it to the ground and smack into its thorax with a Stomp. Krabby evolves into Kingler.
  • Charizard quickly catches up to Fearow in the sky and defeat it with a Fire Spin.
  • Mankey exchanges blows with the Machoke whom has the size and strength advantage, though Mankey is faster and skilled. Mankey evolves mid battle and the much stronger Primeape delivers a smackdown on the Machoke, finishing it with Seismic Toss.
  • Damian throws a tantrum, unable to comprehend that he’s defeated by Ash. He wants to rush at the boy, but Ash’s Pokémon stand in his way. Ash says he can’t understand that he used to be afraid of Damian. Ash says that he is growing up, while Damian remains a petty bully. And he pities him. He leave Damian behind, not giving him a second glance.


  • Ash goes to the Cycling Road to train some more before challenging the Fuchsia gym. He runs into Misty again, whom is testing out her new bike. Ash decides to rent a bike to spend time with Misty. They also get in a few battles with some local biking trainers.
  • Misty accidentally catches a wild Psyduck after she drops a Pokéball the dopy mallard gets itself captured. Misty said she was going to catch a few new Pokémon for the gym, but she didn’t expect that.
  • Misty also finds an abandoned Pokémon Egg which she decides to take in when they are unable to find its parents or owner.


The Festival

  • A festival is ongoing in Fuchsia, and Ash and Misty decide to participate.
  • Jessie and James are also there, still shaken from their last mission, deciding to just enjoy themselves.
  • Jodi and June are there. Jodi wants to continue the Rocket hunt but June asks her to enjoy herself and drags her along.
  • Brock also deserves a break so Suzie drags him along for the ride as well.
  • Misty partakes in a contest, a small tournament to win a doll collection, which she never got to save up for due to her gym duties.
  • Jessie caught a Lickitung and participates in the tournament as well.
  • Misty wins in the end, her newly caught Psyduck, despite being a goofy dope, proving a good asset.
  • Jessie got second price, a single doll instead of a set. It is better then nothing, as she never had one growing up. James is reminded of his parents, whom were wasteful and not at all competent to run his late grandparents’ estate. His grandparents were more of parents then his own. The two old partner reminiscence over lost family. The two affirm they are the best partners one another could ask for.
  • Jodi admits she had a good time at the festival with June.
  • Misty is glad that she got to enjoy herself for once. She thanks Ash for being there.
  • Brock is able to do the same, sharing similar gratitude to Suzie.
  • The festival ends with fireworks, the four pairs watching the show together.

Safari Zone

  • Ash enters the Safari Zone to catch some Pokémon. Ash catches a Tauros and a Dratini.
  • Jessie and James are also in the Safari Zone. Jessie catches a Chansey. They see Ash in the distance and decide that they don’t feel like blasting off today.

Fuchsia City

  • Ash has trained himself up quite a bit for the Fuchsia Gym. Inside he meets Koga the Gym Leader and his daughter Janine. Koga says that he’ll wait in the middle of a maze made of Light Screens, which are invisible. This will test his navigational skills.
  • Ash goes through the maze and fights a few of Koga’s poison ninjas, including Janine. She uses a Tentacool and a Venonat. Ash defeats them with MJ, whom evolves into a Mr. Mime.
  • Ash keeps getting lost in the maze, and just summons Blastoise, whom breaks through with Brick Break. Koga asks what Ash was thinking. Ash says that Koga said he had to get through the maze, not ‘how’. Koga is befuddled and admits that he should have been clearer.
  • Koga starts his fight with Ash and sends out a Muk first. Ash sends out Blastoise. Muk uses Minimize to avoid damage and and slithers all around the walls and ceilings, giving him great mobility. He fires globs of Sludge, but with a Rapid spin they are deflected. However, a lucky Toxic hits Blastoise.
  • Ash Switches into Charizard. While in flight it can keep up with Muk but instead Ash asks it to use Dig. As Charizard dives into the ground Koga wonders what he does as the air is in Charizard’s strength. Ash orders flamethrower, which bursts through the walls which Charizard has dug into to damage and dry out Muk. Shooting out of the wall with a dig knocks it out.
  • Koga summons Wheezing. Ash knows it is a lot stronger then James’. Ash recalls Charizard and sends out MJ. Wheezing uses Double team, but Ash asks MJ to use his Psychic powers to pick out the real one. Wheezing is hit but it hits back with Sludge Bomb which due to Fairy Typing does great damage.
  • Ash recalls Wheezing and sends out Snorlax. Wheezing attempts Toxic but Snorlax has Immunity. He then Bodyslams the Wheezing and pins it down. Koga can’t recall it as Snorlax blocks it and hence orders Wheezing Self-Destruct since it was going to lose anyways.
  • Snorlax tanks the blow, but Ash recalls Snorlax. Ash sends out Blastoise to Venomoth. Venomoth uses Venoshock, which does double damage to Blastoise due to poison. Venomoth uses Double team, but Blastoise uses Rain dance. The Rain drops go through the fakes and a Hydro Pump takes out Venomoth.
  • Blastoise succumbs to the poison soon after and faints. Koga sends out Crobat, Ash sends out Charizard. Crobat it uses Confuse Ray. Ash recalls Charizard and sends out Pidgeot. It is too fast for the Confuse Ray and matches Crobat’s speed in the sky but gets poisoned by Poison Fang. Ash switches to Pikachu, whom nearly gets the drop with Floaty Fall but Crobat uses Confuse Ray.
  • Ash realizes Crobat is too fast and his status moves mess up his strategy. Ash gets an idea. Ninjas love traps, he’ll set them. First he calls in Pidgeot, have it whip up a windstorm, then shift into Charizard with Fire Spin. Both get avoided but Ash repeats so that a few Fire Spin columns are now littering the field. Then Ash brings out Pikachu again, whom zooms around and bounces of the walls with Zippy Zap, creating electric trails. Crobat has far less room to move around with the electric and fiery traps everywhere. Ash switches between Pikachu, Pidgeot and Charizard rapidly to back Crobat slowly in the traps…
  • Crobat is able to avoid them, but suddenly to dodge a fiery tornado, bumps into something big and soft. Snorlax locks Crobat in a bear hug, Crobat’s back turned so he can’t use Poison Fang or Confuse Ray and then Body slams him into the ground. Crobat is defeated.
  • Koga says Ash’s techniques were worthy of a ninja and hands him the Soul Badge.
  • Koga shares his desire to ascend to the rank of Elite Four one day. Ash is reminded of his dream of becoming a strong trainer and approves. Koga was strong and tricky enough and hopes he achieves his dream as he hopes to achieve his.


  • Misty congratulates Ash for his victory.
  • Misty has a bit of time left before she can leave and gives some basic surfing lessons to him, in case Ash wants to traverse bodies of water on his Pokémon.
  • During the surfing lesson, Pikachu learns the moves Surf and Splishy Splash. Misty forbids Ash from naming anything again and if he has a new move, ask someone else for the name.
  • Misty has to return to her gym, pecks Ash’s cheek, blushes and says ‘Okthanksforeverythingbyenow!’ and shoots off as Ash is trying to comprehend what just happened.


(1) Instead of that Jessie clone, a minor rich girl character from the Sevii Islands in the FireRed/LeafGreen games is James’ intended fiancée.

(2) The exclusive moves for the starter Eevee in Let’s Go! Eevee.

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Kivaverse world of Pokémon New version - Chapter 5 - KivatheDCWizard - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (2024)
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