It's A Creepy World: The Overdue Loredump and Character Guide - psuedonymousrex - Creepypasta (2024)

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  • Not Rated
Archive Warning:
  • No Archive Warnings Apply
  • Creepypasta - Fandom
  • Friday Night Funkin' (Video Game)
  • Original Characters
  • Basically a Whole Bunch of Creepypasta Characters
Additional Tags:
  • Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
  • Alternate Universe - Modern Setting
  • Master Guide for the Series
  • Character Study
  • This is so overdue aaaaahh
  • Also very scuffed
  • Like all my works there is no beta
  • No beta we die like almost all creepypasta protags
  • References to Canon
  • A LOT of headcanons incoming for all these characters
  • Reinterpretations of canon material and characters
Part 1 of It's a Creepy World Next Work →

It's A Creepy World: The Overdue Loredump and Character Guide



The worldbuilding and character master guide that should have been created long ago for my It's A Creepy World AU series. Look here for a basic timeline, worldbuilding details, and a character guide for all characters that have been mentioned so far!

Will be updated as requests are made and more stories are added to the series.


Chapter 1: Basic Timeline for the AU

Chapter 2: Worldbuilding Tidbits

Chapter 3: Character Bible (1.0)

Chapter 1: The Basic Timeline


This is something that has been long overdue, hasn't it? As I chip away at requests bit by bit, it was high time I took a moment to go back to something asked about long ago: a proper guide to the world and characters. It was something I wanted to do, but didn't have the mind or energy for until after the ordeal that is college was finally complete.

It is definitely scuffed, and there is a lot that can be improved, but I hope that this finally gives the compilation of information for this series that has sorely been lacking up to this point! This is just a way for anyone who doesn't want to have to go through the entire series to find a random tidbit of information while waiting for my next update.

If there are any suggestions to improve this, please let me know! Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Chapter Text

The VERY Basic Timeline:

NOTE: There’s not really any specific dates because 1) time during Zalgo’s reign did cease to exist and only recently started working again and 2) in a more meta sense if I tried to make a reasonable timeline with this absolute hodgepodge of an AU I’d absolutely be making more plot holes than I want to spend time trying to patch up and it’d be a nightmare to do. This isn’t the most serious AU, and so I’m aiming to keep stuff in a loose order but without much specificity in terms of time period and such. I may eventually do an improved timeline, but this is a basic overview of what I have hinted to for now. Overall the timeline helps build the picture of the general world I have in mind, it’s mostly the small details that are left intentionally vague.

  1. In a universe, Zalgo tries to escape his imprisonment and meddles with the very fabric of his reality, resulting in a destabilizing event that lets him view other worlds, timelines, universes that all have some sort of connection to anyplace with a Creepypasta. He takes advantage of this, and over the period of his extended timeline (resulting in the mass death of life in his universe of all kinds, and a catastrophic apocalypse) uses the connecting threads to cause a massive “Big Bang” event – essentially, what is referred to as The Shift.
  2. A mass revival event occurs as all versions of the afterlife are essentially ripped apart beyond use, and everything that was once dead is suddenly alive once more. Unfortunately, more often than not people come back wrong (read: a whole bunch of monstrosities, zombies, ghosts, and the like are walking free and very confused), any sort of similar alternate timelines are either wiped from existence or forcibly fused into “similar enough” worlds with multiple memories of ever-so slightly different events, and things that were supposed to stay imprisoned and kept away from “normal” things can waltz around willy-nilly. Zalgo is thrilled by this unexpected turn of events, and takes the opportunity to seize the mantle of “God” of what is left of all known “Creepypasta” universes smashed together into one unhappy family reunion (referred to as the Psuedoverse), consuming every other version of himself in the process to become ultra-powerful.
  3. Eager to spread his brand of despair and chaos, Zalgo immediately begins churning out a super army of minions hooked up to his hivemind, and sends them out to claim the many, many resurrected souls for him to torture and consume into his hivemind. This starts off swimmingly (unfortunately for everyone else), but he quickly realizes there’s some entities that may be able to challenge him in power (read: peeps like mythological gods, certain SCPs, EXEs, etc.). He noticed that many appear to be tied to their realms for their power and stability, so he takes many of the noticeable realms and shoves them into what he deems to be a “trash pocket realm” (essentially what is currently the Digital Plane in current times), basically planning to amuse himself watching any potential challengers starve to death or just get killed by his army due to being weakened. Anyone who drew or at least relied on a domain heavily suffers from what is termed Disconnection Sickness. This tactic works, though a noticeable few seem to survive for longer than others due to the way the Shift seems to have altered their nature…
  4. A good number of survivors begin to band together, including several Creepypasta classic characters (ex. the Pokepastas, Mickey/Suicide Mouse, Red Mist Squidward, etc.), and some of the heavy hitters (eg. archangels and demons scattered from varying versions of heaven/hell, the Fae from fae realms, LOTS of EXE and EXE-adjacent/inspired characters, and so on) and decide to reluctantly team up. This starts off as very loose encampments that mostly just fend off scatterings of Zalgo’s army, but then develops into several more well organized resistances. One of the most important are The Rerisen with the X-Entourage (Lord X, MX, Hypno, Squidward, Mickey as I’ve written them) with their important characters/victims (all the victims of Lord X but most importantly Thomas, Kyle, and Alex; Lucas and Uncle Mark; Alexis], Majin and who we know as EX, along with a glut of humans and several massively powerful heavenly and hellish figures. Markedly, this is the group that starts off with the most characters on a timer due to Disconnection Sickness… namely Lord X, MX and EX + their victims. A smaller resistance that is also important contains the Pokepastas and more “classic” Creepypasta characters like Slenderman + the proxies, Jeff the Killer (my interpretation at least), and more. Other significant characters like the Trollges, some OCs (namely Scarlet) are also in small groups that act as small thorns in the Zalgo hivemind’s side.
  5. Initially the resistances pose little threat, but it becomes clear that the Shift had unwanted effects on certain characters that made them significantly more dangerous than originally perceived (ex. Squidward now being able to weaponize the Red Mist, Mickey having Satan’s abilities on top of his cartoon physics, and so on). Zalgo is irritated but only enough to start sending more of his army after specific rebellion groups, and this is the point where he assembles the Council, comprised of those who willingly submitted to his rule to save their own skins or those who wanted to get in on the mass harvest of souls for their eternal pleasure, or just those who Zalgo indoctrinated and found intriguing enough to allow them to keep separate minds. Zalgo aims to use the council, composed of entities empowered by him, to either capture the extra powerful entities out there for him to break apart and torment as he pleases, or at least ensure the dangerous ones do die either by violence or from Disconnection Sickness.
  6. The Rerisen seems to be on the brink of falling apart as several key figures are straight up dead or on the brink of death due to Disconnection Sickness, and the biggest rebellion seems ready to vanish. Unexpectedly, they find a way to breach and enter the “trash realm” soon-to-be the Digital Realm, and reconnect those separated from their realms while also making it hard for the invading Zalgo army to find them once more. Zalgo and his Council panic, knowing that with this all entities who up to this point survived being separated from their realms/powerbases will get back up to full power eventually, and without such petty restrictions as “reality”. Outright war is declared, and what is deemed the Zalgo War goes into full swing.
  7. The disparate rebellion groups all congregate in the Digital Realm to form a larger army as they strategically target and save harvested souls from being added to the hivemind while also figuring out how to reduce Zalgo’s seemingly omnipresent power. A select few quickly figure out that the Shift has fundamentally altered core rules on how universe work — notably, the rules of entropy. A plan is formulated, and eventually the Rerisen, followed by every Creepypasta not aligned with Zalgo and the Council, storm his base of power after months of non-linear time picking apart his defenses and weakening his hivemind. A grueling battle is waged [something that warrants more than just passing sentences], and it results in most of the Council being killed and Zalgo himself being dethroned in what is best described as a banishment orchestrated by a select few who have not released the details of what exactly was done – what is known is that there was no grand last standoff, but instead something quieter and no less drastic, with Zalgo being faced with and mentally broken by the new rules of the very Psuedoverse he created.
  8. Victory is achieved, and soon the Treaty is created agreeing to integrate together the “normal” entities and supernatural entities in a tenuous peace – no more secrets and no more lies, just an acknowledgement that what once was will never be again, and the only way forward is to rebuild. All those who didn’t die after Zalgo was banished seek out and begin rebuilding society as best they remembered, aided by friendly entities interested in staying with them (to varying degrees of helpful – old habits do die hard for some). Some go “wild” and revert back to old behavior, leading to the creation of “neutral” zones (ex. Beartrap Woods) that are isolated from other areas. To try and ensure more dangerous entities don’t go down Zalgo’s route and recreate chaos, some groups such as the Paranormal Hunt Group, SCP Foundation, and Trollge Containment Foundation act as security. Some destabilizing events happen, such as the Digital Realm’s “civil war” that results in the creation of the Peacekeepers Initiative, with the most powerful of the Digital Realms (ex. Lord X, the Moon) agreeing to take the responsibility of ensuring the many chaotic beings within behave.
  9. Things eventually reach a surprisingly peaceful equilibrium with the world resembling something along the lines of early/late 20th century aesthetics, but with things such as magic of all kinds, mythology becoming part of history, supernatural entities freely mingling with humans, and so on. The majority of creepypasta entities have found ways to fit in that don’t involve homicide or torment, and many walk down the very, very long and complicated road called redemption. There are rumors of those who want to bring back Zalgo, or simply reenact what he did and try another mass takeover of the Psuedoverse, but largely a period of twisty peace has taken hold.
  10. Basically the events of the It’s A Creepy World series I have written :-)

Chapter 2: Basic Worldbuilding

Chapter Text

General Psuedoverse Factoids:

NOTE: This may get updated as the series goes on, as again I have a strong idea for what I want this series to be, it’s just all the small details that are getting filled in as I go. This essentially just clarifies some of the worldbuilding that I have scattered across the series to limit how much people may need to read through all of it.

  • There is a “primary” Earth which is essentially where It’s A Creepy World mostly takes place. Most creepypastas reside here, or at the very least live on adjacent dimensions and orbiting planets (like the Spider Planet) with easy access to it. It’s still just called Earth for simplicity's sake.
  • “Normal” versions of worlds like Pokemon, Mario, and Sonic do exist, and did also have to deal with Zalgo. However, because they have their own heroes and this is a series about the Creepypastas, they won’t really be talked about beyond idle mentions.
  • The Digital Realm isn’t the only adjacent dimension to main reality/Earth. The Digital Realm is primarily composed of realms that either are primarily code or originally had connections to reality through code, like many EXE worlds. The Afterlife is not a singular one, but a hodgepodge of varying afterlives cobbled together from when Zalgo triggered the Shift, noticeably more unstable and with more unpredictability to where someone will go after death – reincarnation, a path to Haven (a reconstructed Heaven of varying interpretations) or Inferno (a reconstructed Hell of varying interpretations), or just being stuck on Earth as an undead entity. There are other dimensions, but many are very small or highly unstable(… that, and I haven’t had time to think of more lmao).
  • Organizations like SCP are no longer permitted to contain entities due to most being considered citizens and people in their own right. Some groups disbanded, while others either turned to becoming more akin to a specialized police force more experienced in supernatural matters than normal police like the Paranormal Hunt Group, while others turned to research of the supernatural entities to figure out how to keep the peace by finding ways to dispel the violent urges of certain entities, and making life more comfortable like the SCP and TCF.

Chapter 3: The Character Bible (1.0)


Basically all the major/significant enough characters starting from Too Many Hedgehogs to The Film Industry Gets Weird.


This was definitely the longest part of this guide to put together, especially since it required me putting the mental image of how I plan on representing these characters down into words without absolutely shattering the word limit with all the little details.

Again, this is definitely probably scuffed and if anyone has suggestions for making this easier to read, or additions I can make, please let me know! Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Chapter Text

The Character Bible:

AN IMPORTANT NOTE!: I am very aware that compared to their canon counterpart (or more canon at least), some of these characters probably are a lot more toned down/mellow than they normally are. This is partially due to the setting, but also since this is meant to be a more comedic/slice of life series, with a LOT of elements of redemption and such. With how absolutely evil some of these characters are, it would be harder to do that if they weren’t at least made more morally grey at minimum to better fit the setting I’ve gradually been building up. I try to make the characters still feel true to their source, but there are places where I’ve changed things up to differentiate them in this AU or just to make a more interesting or enjoyable character for me to write. Hopefully, this explains some things better!

ANOTHER NOTE!: This will only cover characters that are featured majorly in the stories I have written so far for this AU series, with a few who are important to certain characters.

LAST NOTE! (I promise): Unless I explicitly state they are an Original Character (meaning I made them specifically for this series), all characters will have a brief description of what sources I’m primarily drawing from. Just as a blanket statement, anyone that is not an original character should be credited to their original creators or current owners. I’m just reinterpreting them for this series.

  • Kimberly [Original Character]: A cranky high schooler who works in Edgar’s Market who despite just wanting to have an easy time and some more time away from her bratty cousin Lily and the usual tribulations of being a teenager gets tied up in far too many supernatural shenanigans. Despite having her default response of horror being cutting sarcasm and having very little tolerance for idiocy, she truly does care for her sometimes forgetful but loving mom, kids like Sunky (not brats like Lily), and her friends such as Nick and Darren. Has a deal with EX/Xenophanes where she agrees to be his friend and to do “friend things” with him, in a bet to see if he can convince her to give her soul to him to become part of his world. Although she doesn’t see eye to eye with him, she would be lying if she said she has started to get a soft spot for him…
  • Nick [Original Character]: The introverted and cowardly co-worker of Kimberly who also works in Edgar’s Market and is often an unwitting compatriot in the chaos – not great for someone who hasn’t even seen a ghost until about a year ago after moving from an all-human neighborhood. Although he shudders even when seeing the most harmless entities, he is more capable than he dares to realize, and has taken up self-defense to begin building up his confidence to better face his rapidly expanding world. Has become a part-time babysitter for Sunky and an occasional companion to Majin… and is also the frequent target of EX pranks (read: random jumpscares during work hours).
  • EX/Xenophanes [Based on select parts of the old and new Sonic.exe canons, with a lot of elements from the FNF vs Sonic.exe interpretation]: A aggregated version of Sonic.exe, with bits and pieces from the OG fic/game, the new canons, and many rewrites all cherry picked and then smushed together to make the somewhat immature, boastful and vain eldritch abomination cosplaying as a speedy blue hedgehog we all know and love. Seems like an edgy teenager in temperament, but it belies an entity that when pushed is very much capable of biting back. And although he may not realize it, this monstrosity is gradually relearning what “friendship” is meant to be, through a deal struck one fateful night…
  • “Tails” (Formerly Alan) [Based on select parts of the old and new Sonic.exe canons, with a lot of elements from the FNF vs Sonic.exe interpretation]: One of EX’s ex-victims turned annoyed friend/roommate/torture dummy. Is very similar in general personality and intelligence to the original Tails, but is far more sharp and sarcastic from his history and continued association with a certain bloody-eyed hedgehog. No longer remembers what he was like as a human though ever since the Shift… Enjoys his freedom by tinkering, playing various RPGs with various Digital Realm friends, and geeking out with Nick.
  • “Knuckles” (Formerly Dave) [Based on select parts of the old and new Sonic.exe canons, with a lot of elements from the FNF vs Sonic.exe interpretation]: One of EX’s ex-victims turned annoyed friend/roommate/torture dummy. Is very similar in general personality and intelligence to the original Knuckles, but is subdued and more prone to mindless violence from his history and continued association with a certain bloody-eyed hedgehog. No longer remembers what he was like as a human though ever since the Shift… Helps Tails make goods in his workshop, and moonlights as a boxer across several definitely-not illegal Digital Realm underground fighting rings.
  • “Eggman” (Formerly Paul) [Based on select parts of the old and new Sonic.exe canons, with a lot of elements from the FNF vs Sonic.exe interpretation]: One of EX’s ex-victims turned annoyed friend/roommate/torture dummy. Is very similar in general personality and intelligence to the original Eggman, but is more eccentric and somewhat ditzy from his history and continued association with a certain bloody-eyed hedgehog. No longer remembers what he was like as a human though ever since the Shift… When he’s not heckling EX, he spends his time freelancing as a writer.
  • Majin [Based on his original appearance and his general characterization from the vs Sonic.exe FNF mod] : A… well, no ones exactly sure what he is besides a “Mazin” or where he even comes from or lives, and he certainly hasn’t said. What he definitely is is of course the jovial (and sometimes annoying) companion to Lord X, affectionate father to an adopted Sunky, and an entertainer who aims to make fun “infinite” for everyone!
  • Sunky [Based on his original appearance and his general characterization from the vs Sonic.exe FNF mod] : A conglomeration of memes and eldritch energy that’s always happy to help their friends. Was adopted by Majin as a son after being found alone post-Shift, and has been inducted since into Majin’s family (aka the many exes like Lord X who still don’t know how to stop Majin from gatecrashing their realms). Loves milk and cereal, and doing good deeds like the helpful hedgehog he is.
  • Lord X [Based on his original appearances and his general characterization from the many, many FNF mods he has] : Former tyrant of his own dimension and a current Peacekeeper, this being of the void is one of the most respected (and feared) entities of the Digital Realm. Although he has significantly mellowed out over the years from the bloodthirsty deity he was, he uses his honed powers to ensure that no one dares interfere with the new normal he has come to enjoy. Is the semi-official leader of the so-called “X-Entourage”, his main friends from post-Shift, relaxed gardening mates with Alfred, the annoyed (but rather attached) companion to Majin and Sunky, and tentative friend to Arthur.
  • Darren [Original Character]: The kind if overly awkwardly shy adopted son of Tristian/Smiler (and practically every Trollge who lives on Earth). Is one of Kimberly’s long-time friends, with a love of chocolate and a tendency to third-wheel in public settings. Loathes to get involved in conflict, but if push comes to shove has a few tricks learned from his dad and many “Uncles” up his sleeve… if the army of livid Trollges that are his adoptive family doesn’t get the offender first. Lives with Alfred/Screaming Tree, and works in a local gardening center while chipping away at a degree in writing.
  • Alfred (aka the Screaming Tree) [Based on both his original video and the FNF Friday Night Incident mod]: The Trollge “roommate” of Darren, who is both the warden of Beartrap Woods (the neighboring Neutral Zone) and the neighbor who’s lived the longest in the neighborhood. Rather well spoken for a fungus tree man, he mostly enjoys tending to his garden and enjoying the outdoors with Darren and a select few companions who also enjoy nature. But get on his bad side, and all you can expect is a lungful of spores and the first-hand experience of being instantly turned into mulch or a fungus tree.
  • MX [Based primarily on his appearance in Mario ‘85 and some of his FNF mod appearances]: An entity of unknown origin that once took residence in a cartridge of Mario Bros to find a playmate to “play” with for all eternity, now a resident of the Digital Realm and contract one-person demolition team and monster wrangler. He has gradually lost his all-consuming need for violence and pain and has gradually resembled more the plumber he imitates (if more of a jackass than Mario would ever be), but his temper still remains. Has reconciled with Lucas, and is friends with Hervey and the rest of the X-Entourage.
  • Lucas Everett [Based primarily on his appearance in Mario ‘85 and some of his FNF mod appearances]: Former victim of MX, now arisen to be a hero in his own right thanks to some of the more unusual effects of the Shift on his Luigi vessel (and his soul’s bond to MX). A kind and empathetic individual who still retains his kindness even after a life of mostly pain and turmoil, though he has since gotten some abilities to deal with that which comes his way… and occasionally MX. A rising star in the Paranormal Hunt Group.
  • Hervey Linden [Original Character]: Retired agent from the now-disbanded Municipal Mortal Watch Agency (MMWA), and unlikely friend with MX. Even if he’s gotten older, he is still very capable, helped by a botched family curse shared with his relatives that has warped one arm and some of his torso into cursed wood that enhances some of his body’s natural processes with the cost of magic acting bizarrely around him and painful scarring where wood meets flesh. Has become a mentor and self-defense trainer for Nick.
  • Hypno/Yumerei (nicknamed Yume) [Based primarily on the FNF Hypno’s Lullaby mod]: A Hypno who tapped into a well of immense psychic power within themselves after suffering from the greatest loss a pokemon with a trainer could ever imagine. He recalls the wretched, vile thing he was before the Shift occurred, and after reuniting (and losing) the one he cared for most all over again, has vowed to never fall down the path of vengeance again. Currently works as a dream consultant, and is part of the X-Entourage.
  • Takara [Original Character]: A pokemon trainer who met with Hypno/Yumerei when the Pokepastas visited the “normal” Poke-Earth to receive better medical treatment for some of the pastamon. A girl who is going to school to prepare for her own Pokemon journey, and has become close friends with the Pastamon but most significantly Hypno, who treats her like a surrogate daughter. Interestingly, there are more than a few resemblances to Alexis in Takara’s mannerisms and behavior, which does make one wonder…
  • Mickey Mouse [Based primarily off FNF mod Wednesday’s Infidelity, with elements of the original creepypasta]: A version of Mickey who was selected for torment by Satan, who was trapped in an eternally looping VHS locked deep in Disney’s archives until he was released during the Shift now as the warden for his former captor. Although scarred and battered from his special hell, he still has empathy and hope in a better tomorrow, helped by the unwavering care and support of his new friends – even with the devil as a power conduit for the energies of the Underworld and reluctant body-roommate. Works as a writer and artist for Highline Films, living with his wife Minnie and is part of the X-Entourage.
  • Squidward [Based primarily off of the FNF mod Mistful Crimson Morning, with elements of the original creepypasta] : A version of Squidward given sentience by the Red Mist after it infected several scrapped episode of Spongebob Squarepants, only to be tormented by it in a loop of despair until it was sealed within him as a byproduct of the Shift. Although still sour and sarcastic, he has gradually learned to open up to a select few in his support system, and come to better terms with his being. Works as a musician and music writer for Highline Films, and is part of the X-Entourage.
  • Gretchen [Original Character]: A hybrid fae woman who was taken as a baby from a Zalgo base during the last stretches of the war. Can be eccentric and more than a little pyromaniacal and mischievous, but is also sharp when it comes to seeing through cons or picking through mental and emotional baggage. Now works as a on-site psychologist for Highline Films, and is close friends with Mickey and Squidward.
  • Gold (aka Lost Silver) [Based partially on the original creepypasta and on the FNF mod Hypno’s Lullaby]: The ghost of a once-renowned trainer who fell to the depths of memory to be forgotten, then found a second chance through the Shift. Although mute and for all intents and purposes quadriplegic, he still finds ways to enjoy the simple things of life with his forever friends Hurry and Celebi. Best friends with the Pastamons, and the adopted son of Scarlet.
  • Scarlet [Original Character]: A practicing witch who commands the local HOA, but still manages to stay a decent person (unlike a certain other person…cough cough Elizabeth). The adoptive mom of Gold and Blake.
  • Blake [Based partially on the original creepypasta and on the FNF mod Hypno’s Lullaby]: An alternate version of Gold who was left for dead on Mt. Silver, but was returned to life as a revenant along with his pokemon team due to the Shift. He has learned to become accustomed to his unusually cold body and what his body lost from the mountain, but as long as he has his beloved Pokemon he is content reliving the life he thought he had lost. Best friends with the Pastamons, and the adopted son of Scarlet.
  • Red (aka Glitchy Red) [Based partially on the original creepypasta and on the FNF mod Hypno’s Lullaby]: Formerly a coded sprite that accidentally was gifted sentience by a freak coding glitch, and left unnoticed and trapped in a game of empty NPCs until the Shift released him. More jaded than his eternally twelve body may indicate, but has softened over time to those who look past his ability to glitch anything and everything to the boy who just wants to feel all the things he saw from the screen but never thought he’d reach. Best friends with the other Pastamons, works as a Paranormal Hunt Group Agent alongside Steven and is also his roommate.
  • Steven [Based partially on the original creepypasta and on the FNF mod Hypno’s Lullaby]: The champion before Red who went mad after losing Miki, his beloved Charizard, in a tragic accident. He brought her back from the dead by following the rumors of a glitchy entity that lived somewhere off the shore, but upon seeing her broken body snapped and took out his grief on his brother. In his second chance at redemption, he is haunted by what he has done to his beloved Charizard and his own family but over time has found a way to make it up to them and give himself peace. Best friends with the other Pastamons, works as a Paranormal Hunt Group Agent alongside Red and is also his roommate.
  • Grey (+ Shinto) [Based partially on the original creepypasta and on the FNF mod Hypno’s Lullaby]: The conjoined spirit of a now-nameless child and protagonist of a lazy Pokemon bootleg, along with the bizarre bootleg Hypno (?) that insists on staying near them. Their dull existence once wore upon their weary mind as they waited in a cartridge, until the game was picked up and played through, all the way to the elusive buggy “final” mon that would have sent both of them to their graves. Post-Shift has both experiencing a world of color they may have never seen, with friends who care and something much like hope in their chest. Friends with the Pastamon, and is roommates with a friendly ghoul.
  • Jeff Woods [Loosely based on original pasta, but with more new elements]: Once a normal boy with a short temper but a good head and heart under his rough exterior, who finally snapped after years of abuse and neglect from perfectionist parents and the cruel actions of a gang of cruel teenagers. More sympathetic and less directly malevolent if just as bloodthirsty as his alternative versions, this one was lost for years until he was found by the older brother he spared with his remaining piece of humanity. Is still working on finding himself away from his parents and with therapy to account for his unexpected inhuman traits. Is friends with Tim and Brian, rooms with Eyeless Jack during the day and works as a nightguard in a local mall.
  • Liu Woods [Loosely based on original pasta, but with more new elements]: The brother of Jeff, nicknamed Jeff the Killer, who slaughtered his parents and a pack of local bullies after a tumultuous move into a new town and a traumatic disfigurement via bleach. Although Jeff was decried as a monster, Liu couldn’t help but think that his missing brother perhaps had some humanity in him even though his actions were truly awful, only targeting those who he believed wronged the two Woods brothers and leaving everyone else alone. Post-Shift, he supports his brother’s journey to redemption and enjoys his own release from the suffocating standards of his parents. Works in Edgar’s Market on a different shift from Kimberly and Nick.
  • Tim and Brian [Mostly based on the Marble Hornets series]: The two proxies of Slenderman, once part of the Marble Hornets crew who entered the woods seeking a story only to get stuck in the middle of a nightmare. As the Shift unexpectedly restored their sanity even if they were still bonded to who they termed the Operator, a begrudging partnership was struck up to survive the ordeal. Nowadays, they stay in the Mansion as groundskeepers on friendlier terms with a Slenderman working to pay their debt to those he wronged, enjoying the free stay to pursue an education and career in making films. Friends with Jeff and Liu Woods.
  • Slenderman [Mostly based on the Marble Hornets series and some alternative interpretations]: Sometimes referred to the Operator, sometimes “Slenderdad” and occasionally “mannequin man”, this was once the enigmatic entity of the woods feeding on the fear and belief of foolish humans to further spread. The Shift did grant even greater prowess to their natural abilities… but came with the unfortunate side-effect of a conscience and such things as “regret” and “crippling depression” from human minds leaking into their own. Currently resides just outside of town in what is simply termed the Mansion, acting as a warden for certain important artifacts and partially as a landlord for his former proxies – primarily Tim and Brian. Still standoffish and aloof, but very gradually picking up on the more positive emotions that humans bring with them…
  • Arthur (formerly referred to as Legion/Tallman) [Primarily based on FNF mod The Trollge Files/Blueballs Incident]: Once a man fallen into despair after a difficult childhood led to a quickly-extinguished spark of hope in a ruthless industry, who arose once more as a attention-hungry lunatic desperate not to be forgotten only to realize the futility of his endeavors. It was through realizing his selfishness and turning to selflessness that he survived the Shift and war. Now hosts a podcast alongside fellow Trollges Stairway and Terry to satisfy his “voices”, performing community service under the TCF and occasionally indulging in minor tomfoolery on his annoying apartment neighbors that may or may not involve hypnotizing them to walk into walls.
  • Madman [Primarily based on his file from FNF mod The Trollge Files/Blueballs Incident, with some interpretation]: One who suffered everything, witnessed something he wasn’t meant to, and defaulted to loneliness and loathing. He realized that he’s not as alone as he thinks, and came to an epiphany after the Shift that even if everything has gone wrong, against all odds and reason even he could get a new lease on life. Is now currently a warden of the barrier between the Afterlife and Earth, performing community service under the TCF, and is a prankster relearning to care for others. Lives with Tristian/Smiler, and is one of the closest uncles to Darren.
  • Tristian (aka Smiler) [Primarily based on FNF mod The Trollge Files/Blueballs Incident]: A father who couldn’t take his loneliness after his estranged wife took away his daughter. The crime he committed on his daughter’s loved one was egregious, but through the Shift he could at least begin finding a path to happiness that didn’t rely on his daughter. Although his relations with his daughter, currently Director Derpina of the reformed Trollge Containment Foundation, will never be as close as they once were, he still has found a new family and new purposes in life. Adopted Darren as a son some time after the end of the Zalgo War, and currently lives with Madman performing community service under the TCF, doing work fixing and customizing televisions, and mother henning over his son and anyone else within arms reach.
  • Tory Meade [Original Character]: The current CEO of Highline films, who is a few years into the “greatest hell on Earth” that is the film industry. Even though the job is stressful and he has more than a few premature gray hairs, he wouldn’t exchange the small studio or its crew for anything in the world, and he would do anything for them. Currently employing Gretchen as an on-site therapist, Mickey as an artist, and Squidward as a musician.

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It's A Creepy World: The Overdue Loredump and Character Guide - psuedonymousrex - Creepypasta (2024)
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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.