Guide to Health Care Services in Mexico (2024)

Mexico offers excellent private health care facilities. Private clinics and hospitals feature the latest modern facilities and are built to US-standards

This guide highlights the key aspects of getting access to health care services in Mexico for you and your family.

Coronavirus in Mexico

Details about the effects of Coronavirus in Mexico.

See Also: Mexico Health Insurance options.

Mexico’s Social Security System
Private Health and Medical Insurance
Doctors in Mexico
Dentists in Mexico
Opticians in Mexico
Hospitals and Clinics in Mexico
Medical Evacuation from Mexico
Pharmacies and Medications
Register of Births and Deaths
General Health Precautions

Health Emergencies in Mexico

When you move to Mexico, you should acquaint yourself with the local medical and health facilities available in your local area. Find out where your nearest hospitals and clinics are, as well doctors, dentists and opticians and keep their telephone contact numbers at hand.

You can find this information out from neighbors, friends, work colleagues or contact your local consulate who may be able to provide you with a list of local health facilities in the city or town where you live.

Although Mexico has a number of universal emergency numbers, numbers for specific emergency services vary by state and locality, so inquire about the numbers for the local police, ambulance and fire station and keep these handy by the home and office phone (and save them in your mobile phone).

Mexico has recently introduced a national “911” (or in Europe 112, 999) emergency number. (Previously 060 worked in certain regions across in Mexico.) You can ask for the police, an ambulance or the fire brigade on this number.

Private insurance companies supply their own emergency contact numbers to policy holders and, depending on the insurer and the plan, some services will connect you to an English-speaking operator for assistance.

If you have a serious medical emergency a Medical Evacuation plan can help you get home to your own doctors, hospitals and be close to your family for recovery.

Mexico’s Social Security System

Mexico’s social security system is called the Instituto Mexicano de Seguro Social, often abbreviated as just IMSS.

Mexico’s Social Security System is free at the point of delivery for Mexicans as well as foreign nationals with residency status who are in full-time employment by a company registered in the IMSS system (payroll taxes cover healthcare – see below). Foreigners resident in Mexico who are not working (e.g. retirees) or not working for company enrolled in IMSS may elect to purchase the IMSS health insurance separately for a modest monthly fee.

See: How to Access the Mexican Healthcare System (IMSS)

Employees of Mexican companies (including foreign employees) pay a percentage of their salary each month to the service, which entitles them to access the healthcare system and also provides insurance cover for their salary in case accident or ill-health prevents them from working. The payroll tax that covers healthcare is pay-able regardless of whether you pay into private insurance plan(s) separately.

The level of care delivered by the IMSS depends, in part, on where in Mexico you live: big cities have more resources but more people seeking them; villages and small towns have less people and also considerably less IMSS resources and expertise at their disposal.

Note: U.S. Medicare is not available in Mexico.

Seguro Popular

Seguro Popular was a nation-wide medical care program designed as a safety net to cover citizens who are not enrolled or otherwise covered by the IMSS. It was replaced by INSABI in January 2020 (see next section).


INSABI is the replacement program for Seguro Popular. It’s an acronym for Instituto de Salud para el Bienestar and was introduced in January, 2020.

The service is intended to ensure that all Mexicans, regardless of their socio-economic status, have access to some medical care. INSABI is intended to cover Mexicans who are not in formal employment (and thus not covered by IMSS) and who cannot afford the voluntary IMSS subscriptions.

Private Health Insurance in Mexico

Mexico has a wide range of insurance companies that, for a monthly premium, will provide you with private health coverage. In the event that you or a member of your immediate family are taken ill or suffer an accident, the insurance company will cover the medical fees.

How much is covered depends on what health care plan you choose to buy. The more cover you need, and the older you are, the more expensive the premiums and/or deductibles will become. Other factors (such as whether you smoke or take regular exercise at a gym) may also influence the price of your premiums.

Most large companies provide a health care plan as part of their remuneration package.If you don’t work for a company that offers health insurance, or you are retired in Mexico, then a private plan is another other option. You should shop around for the best deal and find a plan that matches your individual circ*mstances, potential needs, and budget.

Private health insurance policies are crafted to the individual situation of the person, couple, or family, and premiums depend on things like your age, term of coverage, coverages included, and the deductible you are willing to pay in the event of a claim.

Request Private Mexico Health Insurance

You can complete this health insurance request and our associate will contact you personally to discuss your situation and needs, and provide a no-obligation quote for you to review.

Although legal foreign residents with Residente Temporal or Residente Permanente can apply for Mexico’s IMSS health insurance on a voluntary basis (you don’t have to be employed here to access it), most foreign residents who can afford to do so will take out a private medical insurance plan that covers their personal needs and gives them direct access to private doctors, clinics and hospitals in Mexico. Visitors in Mexico under the auspice of a visitor visa (FMM) are not eligible for IMSS health insurance.

Doctors in Mexico

Mexico has many fine doctors and many also speak good English.

If you are in need of an English-speaking doctor in Mexico you may contact your local consulate as they usually keep a list of local doctors at hand. Also asks friends, neighbors and work colleagues for recommendations of good local doctors.

If you are visiting Mexico for leisure, ask your hotel or resort to call a doctor if you need one.

Searching on Google from your location-enabled smartphone will also provide you with a list of local doctors and clinics and some might also have reviews listed.

Your insurance company may also provide a list of doctors and, even, may have a list of approved doctors you may contact as part of your insurance cover.


Dentists in Mexico

Mexico is well-served by highly qualified and professional dentists.

A large number of Americans travel south of the border every year to have dentistry work undertaken here, as they can have excellent work done for a fraction of the cost USA.

As with doctors and other medical professionals, word-of-mouth recommendations are ideal: ask friends, neighbors or work colleagues if they know of a good dentist locally. If you are visiting Mexico, ask your hotel for a recommendation.

If you are insured for dental treatment, your insurance company may have a list of local dentists that you may contact for treatment.


Opticians in Mexico

Mexico is awash with opticians and you should have no trouble finding someone to test your eyesight in most of Mexico’s larger towns and cities.

Most of the opticians you’ll find in Mexico are franchises which offer a complete eye-treatment service: from eye exams through to supplying glasses and contact lenses.

You will also be able to find local, independent, opticians some of which have been practicing for years and have a great deal of experience.

Eye Examinations: Eye exams are usually free provided that you purchase eye glasses or contact lenses, if you need them, at the same place. The quality of eye exams varies and you should try and select an optician that offers you experienced eye doctors and modern testing equipment.

Eye Glasses and Frames: If you need your eye-sight corrected, you’ll have an enormous choice of glasses, frames, designer frames and frame styles to choose from. Frames and glasses are relatively expensive in Mexico, especially if you want brand-name designer frames.

Contact Lenses: Contact lenses are widely available in Mexico, including the monthly disposables. Daily disposables are available in fewer places and may need to be pre-ordered for later pick-up. Some of the larger Sanborns Stores stock a wide range of daily disposal lenses which they sell over-the-counter. Although contact lenses are available over the counter without a prescription, you should have ‘contact lens eye test’ undertaken annually when you wear contact lenses as the optician will check for infections or other issues which may arise with the use of contact lenses.

Laser Treatment: Laser Eye Treatment is available in Mexico. Talk to your eye doctor or optician about this. Prices for treatment have fallen in recent years although prices here compare favorably with equivalent treatments in the US and Europe.


Hospitals and Clinics in Mexico

Mexico’s best hospitals and clinics are based in Mexico City, Guadalajara and Monterrey. If you are seeking specialist hospital treatment in Mexico you will probably have to travel to one of these cities.

Your insurance company may give you a list of hospitals you may make use of in Mexico or, if you have an open choice, then your local consulate will be able to provide you with a list of hospitals and clinics in the local area. Also talk with friends, colleagues or neighbors to ask them about local hospitals and clinics they may recommend.

Note that private hospital and clinical treatments are expensive in Mexico. You will need to have proof of private medical insurance or present a credit card with sufficient credit to cover several thousand dollars worth of treatment when you are admitted. Even if you have medical insurance, the hospital may still request a credit card imprint while the insurance policy and its details are confirmed; it can take up to 24 hours for this to happen.

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the investment of private clinics and hospitals in Mexico, especially in areas popular with tourists and foreign residents, particularly retirees. For example, a new medical center in Merida has been receiving extremely good reviews from retirees in the area: the center was built, in part, to provide services to the increasing number of foreign retirees living in that region.

The doctors, nurses and specialist healthcare professionals working at Mexico’s private hospitals are exceptionally well trained and usually have access to the latest equipment, technologies and medicines. Although wealthy individuals still travel to the USA for some types of very specialist treatments (for example, Houston Texas is renown for it’s world excellence in cancer treatments), you can expect very high levels of healthcare and attention at Mexico’s private hospitals and clinics.

For a complete guide to private hospitals in Mexico, go to the website of the Association for National Private Hospitals in Mexico for a list and links to the individual hospital websites.


Medical Evacuation from Mexico

While Mexico offers patients an ample choice of quality medical care facilities in-country, there are times when a Medical Evacuation may be necessary or preferable to medical treatment locally.

Medical evacuation is typically undertaken when people have a catastrophic illness or accidents, primarily cardiac events, strokes, or serious injuries and vehicle accidents. Patients might also be medically evacuated when they need a transport to a specialty hospital or when their medical condition has been stabilized locally, but ongoing care is best undertakenat a medical facility near to family back home or where their primary healthcare plan can cover such care.

It’s worth bearing in mind that commercial airlines will not fly passengers who are in a severe medical state, so it’s false to presume that, in the event of an incident that leaves you or a family member in a medically-acute situation, you’ll be able to be flown home on a regular flight.

Read our comprehensive Guide to Medical Evacuation from Mexico for full details about what it is, who needs it, and how to arrange coverage for your stay in Mexico.


Pharmacies and Medications in Mexico

Pharmacies are ubiquitous across Mexico; even the small towns have one. You’ll always be able to find a 24/7 pharmacy somewhere locally in Mexico.

Before July 2010, you could buy almost any medications you ask for over the counter in Mexico—including a full range of antibiotics and powerful pain-killers that would only be available on prescription in the USA, Canada and Europe. Today, high-powered pain killers and antibiotics require a prescription from doctor before they will be dispensed by pharmacists. Contact a doctor in Mexico if you need to purchase these (now) controlled substances.

Because of the high cost of medications in the USA, many Americans are crossing the border into Mexico to buy their medicines. Some may be buying brand-names at discount prices; others may be purchasing generic brand medications.

A concept of ‘discount medications’ has gained popularity in Mexico during recent times, principally through the rise of companies like ‘Farmacias Similares‘—a pharmacy franchise which offers generic drug alternatives to brand-name drugs. The issue with generic drugs on the cheap is that their precise source may be unclear.

The Guardian, a UK-based daily newspaper, published an article about over-the-counter medication in under-regulated environments like India and Mexico. The article highlights some of the risks involved with self-prescription and, in particular, generic (possibly counterfeit) medications.

Even brand-name medications in Mexico usually cost less (not always) than they do in the US and Europe, so buying the ‘real thing’ when you do have to take medications in Mexico may not cost you much more (your insurance policy might cover the costs anyway) and will mitigate the risks of generic or deep-discount medications.


Register of Births and Deaths in Mexico

Each State in Mexico has its own official register of Births, Marriages and Deaths. In Spanish it’s called the Registro Civil.

By law, all Births, Marriages and Deaths in Mexico must be registered with the Mexican authorities. Additionally, if you are not Mexican and your children are born in Mexico you may want to register the birth with your local consulate. Deaths of foreign nationals in Mexico may also be registered with the deceased’s corresponding consulate.

See Also: Guide to Society and Culture in Mexico

Civil Registry Offices in Mexico

Each State in Mexico has its official registry office.

Download this Directory of Civil Registry Offices in Mexico (PDF) for a list of states and the corresponding details including a link to the State’s official web site.


General Health Precautions

When you first arrive to live in Mexico, you are likely to encounter a settling-in period in regard to your general health. Here are some pointers and links that may be helpful:

Getting Used to Higher Altitudes in Mexico: If you are not used to living at high altitude, and go to live in Mexico City, Guadalajara or one of Mexico’s colonial cities, it will take some time to adjust to the thinner air. It’s quite normal to feel more tired than usual, and you might also experience some headaches as your body adjusts to its new environment. Read the Blog, Breathing Easy in Mexico, for more details.

Getting Used to the Food and Drink: It may take you a while to adjust to the local food and drink in Mexico. Depending on what type of foods you are accustomed to eating, you may experience some intestinal discomfort, diarrhea, etc. as your regular diet changes and your body becomes accustomed to Mexican food.

Street Food in Mexico: Street food (including food sold at market stalls) can be quite tempting and is also a way that you can taste authentic Mexican cooking as the locals eat it. If you are living in Mexico, it may become one of the regular options for your daily meals. You should exercise care in selecting what street vendors you buy from, and what you eat there, because most likely your body will need to go through a period of adjustment as it’s exposed to new bacteria. Choose places that come recommended by other people as having hygienic standards and where the food is always fresh. Be especially cautious with water-based drinks, and fruit drinks prepared with water as its base; ask for an alternative prepared with milk or pure fruit juices, or if you really would like to taste a water-based drink, ask the vendor to prepare it with bottled water. Some people come to Mexico and eat street food, never suffering much more than an occasional upset stomach (if at all); it depends on your body’s digestive system, immunity, and how courageous you are with your eating habits!

Common Health Ailments in Mexico: For a good overview of general health in Mexico, including travel health matters, read the Mexico Travel Health Guide in the Mexico Essentials section on Mexperience.

See Also: Blog Articles about Healthcare in Mexico

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Guide to Health Care Services in Mexico (2024)


How does the healthcare system work in Mexico? ›

Public healthcare system in Mexico

Those employed in Mexico are automatically enrolled in the IMSS system and their contribution to the scheme is deducted from their salary. Those who are not formally employed may voluntarily enrol in the IMSS system, in which case they will have to pay an annual contribution fee.

How much does IMSS cost in Mexico? ›

Premiums depend on age. For those aged 50 to 59, IMSS currently costs about $63 per month per person. For people 60 to 69, it is $89 per month, and 70 to 79-year-olds pay $93 per month. Nearly all treatments, including medications, are provided free of charge once you've paid your premium.

How much does it cost to see a doctor in Mexico without insurance? ›

A simple doctor's office visit costs about 400 pesos or roughly US$20. Diagnostic tests can cost up to a third less in Mexico compared to the United States or Canada.

What are the healthcare options in Mexico? ›

The healthcare system in Mexico is a blend of public and private institutions. The public sector provides healthcare for the uninsured through the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) and the Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado (ISSSTE).

Is Mexico's healthcare system better than the US? ›

Healthcare in Mexico is very good (heck, many Americans go to Mexico for their healthcare needs) and 1,000 times more affordable than in the US. VERY FEW people go bankrupt in Mexico due to their hospital bills.

What are the problems with healthcare in Mexico? ›

Mexico's healthcare system is underfunded and inadequately organized to meet the needs of its population in light of increasing longevity and the growing challenges created by the prevalence of noncommunicable diseases such as diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and cancer.

Who qualifies for IMSS in Mexico? ›

You can enrol in the IMSS on a voluntary basis if you are self-employed, retired or if you don't work but not if you are a full-time employee. It's important to note that the IMSS applies waiting periods or excludes some pre-existing medical conditions to people applying on a voluntary basis.

Does Medicare cover US citizens in Mexico? ›

The most common question from US citizens looking to travel or retire in Mexico is whether their Medicare coverage is valid here. The simple answer is no. Medicare is only available to citizens and permanent residents of the USA who are residing in the USA.

How much does a hospital bill cost in Mexico? ›

A recent study reported that a single day in a hospital in the U.S. costs around $1,514 while according to the World Health Organization the healthcare costs in Mexico are less than $120.

How much is an ER visit in Mexico? ›

Mexico Health Care Facts

Health care costs vary depending on several factors, such as the hospital, the seriousness of the condition, and the location, among others. To give you an idea, for an emergency room visit you can expect to pay a basic sum of between 350 and 500 MXN (15 and 25 USD).

Does US health insurance work in Mexico? ›

Your employer-provided health plan may have limited or no coverage in Mexico, and Medicare doesn't cover health care outside the United States, except in rare cases. Travel health insurance pays for emergency medical expenses during a trip.

Is healthcare free in Mexico for foreigners? ›

Healthcare System in Mexico

The services offered by IMSS are free of charge for its beneficiaries. For temporary residents and tourists, private healthcare is available in Mexico. There are many private hospitals and clinics that offer high-quality medical services.

Where is the best place to go to healthcare in Mexico? ›

You will find the best healthcare clinics in Mexico City, Guadalajara, and Monterrey. Private clinics catering to Americans are located across the border in cities like Tijuana, Mexicali, and Laredo.

What is the most common health condition in Mexico? ›

In 2022, an estimated 16 million cases of acute respiratory infections were reported in Mexico, making them the most common category of illnesses in the country. Urinary tract infections were the second most frequent ailments that year, with 3.2 million cases.

How does health care work in Mexico? ›

Healthcare in Mexico is a multifaceted system comprising public institutions overseen by government departments, private hospitals and clinics, and private physicians. It is distinguished by a unique amalgamation of coverage predominantly contingent upon individuals' employment statuses.

How much do Mexicans pay for healthcare? ›

Health Insurance in Mexico: Average Cost

The costs will vary depending on the type of medical insurance, level of cover, the number of family members covered, among other factors. Just as an estimate, the average cost is around 38,000 MXN (1,700 USD) a year, with a deductible of approximately 11,000 MXN (5,000 USD).

How much does it cost to stay in the hospital in Mexico? ›

A recent study reported that a single day in a hospital in the U.S. costs around $1,514 while according to the World Health Organization the healthcare costs in Mexico are less than $120.

How do Mexicans view healthcare? ›

Mexicans have a strong belief that life is in God's hands. Natural remedies using herbs are viewed as the most effected way to heal illness. Folk healers are perceived to have a God given ability to heal using herbs, oils and massages. Sometimes a person may apply remedies while seeing a physician.

What is Mexico ranked in healthcare? ›

Mexico was ranked #61 in the 2020 Global Healthcare Quality and Access rankings. In Mexico, government spending on healthcare comprised 51.3% of total healthcare spending in 2018. Mexico had a density of 2.43 doctors per 1000 population in 2017. The life expectancy at birth in Mexico was 74.6 years in 2018.

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.