Fort Wayne Daily News from Fort Wayne, Indiana (2024)

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Fort Wayne Daily Newsi

Fort Wayne, Indiana

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5 ff i 1 ii i i i i in i in i iiii i i i iiii ii ii i ii i Vj 1 i i i i i il i i i i i i ii i i i i elf fT Ll Kr if tv Kv 6 I I liii 3 I P1 I Ut Uh NWERtNEW0 IspcclslOmspbnderiee The ftttn annual reunion hety at the fair grounds was attehdd by seventy WpcbW Th cmcers fleeted for tWcoming year ares Pre dent JMj ward KejHwfi Piri8 Wertz treasurer MfavOoWlft CaUigan Theneit meeting will bb the ifalrY grounds the second Sunday of AXEsteUBunyan orKendalville Combs Mrs Bunyan la JW Tthe Kendallville library and white hereas interest studying the plaftrot th Van WerJ county library Mrs Katie taker of F6rtyavrie indattendedheUtveramllyrer union i held at the Van Wert county fair grounds this week The Barfell Fuller family reunion Washeldthisiweeat evVan Vert county fair grounds ana was la rgel attended It was decided to hold the next reunion at the same place aiear inmv this years date The officers SiutrC President AVJIMam 13ar fell yice president George Bobilyaj Secretary Lillian Baits treasurer Benjamin fi WW1 tee NHloMarqiiartl Jlrs Skinner and Harry Fuller Chartes goggle has fled divorce proceedings against his wife Phoebe lieasks for a receiver for his personal property The couple were mar ried ln1800 and have three children of whom the plaintiff asks custody Miss Wilma Bufflcld has reslgnwlas isecondgrade teacher Jii the first Ward nthooL She 14 employed at Akron by the Goodrich Rubber company Several Van AVert people attended the Uoop family reunion held at Steel park Decatur Ind Thursday The Womans Foreign Missionary society of the First Baptist church will meet Friday afternoon at half past two at the home pf Mrs Ireland 641 East Main street The democrats of Pleasant township will meet Saturday evening atT30 at the Morning Times offlce for the pur poseof nominating candidates for the various township offices which will be Voted forat the coming fall election President i Longwell of the Trunav club has called a business meeting of the members for Monday evening September 3 Benjamin Johnson of near Wren died at the Van Wert county hospital Wednesday Mr Johnson was seventyseventy eight years old and had resided in Van Wert county for sixty eight years The Van Wert county commissioners were at Paulding Thursday conferring With the Paulding county commissioners regarding to proposed drainage Improvement of Blue creek Marriage license has been granted iThomas Neal Crlgg of Richmond Va ahd Effle Learen Heath of Convoy Clarence Meisley has sued his WJfe Melethe for divorce He charges desertion for a period of three years In a Rearing before Judge Balyeat rf thAnrnhotA rnnrt Mrs Rathnp Hfo shrl aged seventyrtwo years of York township was adjudged Insane She was taken to the hospital Toledo WOLCOTTVILLE NEWS Special Corresrondehce Mrs yUyl Connor of Sturgls spent ia few days this week with her mother Mrs Frances Hills Mrs James Capman was a Kendall vllle visitor Wednesday Mr and Mrs A Metz have returned from a ten days outing at Winona Miss Gertrude Smith entertained tho Jolly Jflno club Tuesday evening in honor of Miss Esther Goodwin of Gas City Those present were the Misses Esther doodwiri Elma Em lnger Pauline Yeager Lois Lampman Margaret Scheiffleri Pauline Routsong and Miss Bessie Carey of Crawfords vllle Boutsong left Thursday for Canton 0 being called there by the death of his brother in law Mr and Mrs Charles Weathermax spent a few days this week with relatives at South Bend Mrs Lois Simons returned to her home at Kendallville Thursday after a fow days visit with her daughter Mrs A Hamlin and family Miss Orphla Reest of Fort Wayne spent Wednesday and Thursday with Miss Eva Hall Mrs William Harrahand son Russell returned Wednesday evening from a weeks visit with relatives at South Bend PCrry Randal who lias been at Toledo for the past few days returned here Thursday Lewis Yost and family of Eddy have moved to this place arid Mr Yost will work at the Wabash station MtsS Adah Hens of Denton Texas Is Visiting at the If Taylor home Mrs Thornton and son Rob erf who have teen visiting at the Charles Sutton home for the past two weeks returned to their home Monday MissEloine Sutton accompanied them or a short Visit Miss Llna Honness of Los Angeles Cal has been the guest of Mrs Jennie Case for several days NEW HAVEN NEWS Special Correspondence Mrs A Mason went to Hunter town this week to uttend the funeral of her brother in law Mr Gloyd Mrs Maria Caps and daughter Miss Maud Caps arc entertaining relatives from Kansas City Mrs Louis Urlilne and chldren from hear MaplcB have hcen visiting at tho liome of Nail nnd Richards Mr Blackmail from Albion will be the professor at the public school for the coming year The young ladies contesting in the popularity contest for the llremons picnic which will be held lAtor day In Wabash park lire Helen Gerardot Florence Schuckman and Martha Wer ling Mr Martin Momma and family of Gideon M0 and Mr Leonard fSheehan dnd family were entertained recently at 6 oclock dlnrrer at the Lnhart home Miss Margaret Stratton who has been visiting at the home of Dr and Mrs A Mason for several weeks has returned to her home In Gary Mrs Alvina retry has gone to Chicago to visit relatives Miss Carrie Behrman of Maples spent the week end with Miss Olive Lenhart Miss Ethel Bolyard who has been attending school at Indianapolis during the summer has returned honie Mrs 0 II Bakef Is entertaining her tlster from Illinois Born to Rev and Mrs Kohlmeyer twin daughters Mrs Morris is entertaining her sister Mrs Colter of Arkansas Miss Maud Caps who is attending the teachers Institute in Fort Wayne pent Wednesday nnd Thursday evening with Mrs Harry Copc lnnd Mr and Mrs Felix Blalslnu entertained recently at dlnntr Miss Carrie Behrman of Maples Mrs Martha Roberts and Miss Olive and Ralph Lenhart Mr and Mrs Oral Kitchen enter talned Mr and Mrs Nicholas of To Iedoand Mr and Mrs igerman of yah Wert Misses Maud Caps Olive Lenhart FtorencwHarrlrAbbtr McClurer Ethel Bolyard and Charlie Miller of this place are attending the teachers In tltufe In Fort Wayne this week Mrs Hagan of Indianapolis la visit lng her son ie if Powcil Jdnd family he accompanied Miss Cecil Powell home Mrs Natalie Linden will entertain the members of her Sunday school cjasa at herh6mc this aXternoon Mrs Harry Ciaikandcldldrenhavo returned to ChlCago after a visit with her parenta Mr and Mri George Gronauerjeast of tb vh Mla Grace Iforrls of tndianipolls Isvlsltlny at the home of pr tind Mrs aa Brodi Mr and Mrs WlllUnv RIcHards are ontertalnlntr thelj grandchildren from Fort Wayne this week i dRbMWEtliNEWX i Special Cbrrefpondence Robert Hell iimbvln hlsvfamlly to NappJinee wliere he haasecuicd emi ployment i Adraln DeBrular was the guest bf Mr and Mrs Hdrl Schlabach of Goslien this ivcek George Fplck and Eitrl Vsnette have accepted employment at Nappanee MK VahCtto will move his family there In the hear futuru Mr and Mrs Holverstott Cl Wlarid Hudson Galloway Mrs JaihiM Wilson and Schlabacll moiorea to mucs Mien Monday to consult an eye SDCchillst Mrs Tucker Mrs James Wll son jurs DeBruttr and Miss Alice Eagles entertained Mrs 1 Nyes Sunday school class on Tuesday even Ingatthe church Refreshments Were served Fred Kline and family of Fort Wayne were guests of Fred lunt and family here Sunday Mrs Lulu Mahood and children who have been visiting relitlves here for the past two months returned lo their home in East St Iuls last week Wm Gorsuch recently returned from a visit to his old homestead In Licking county Ohio where he met the few remaining acquaintances of his boy hood days Mr Gorsuch came to Indiana over fifty years ago and has been an Important factor in maklnir Sparta township what It is now wm McDowell who Is now a mem bor if Battery stationed at Fort Benjamin Harrison will leave there this week for an eastern port and ex pects to soon be on his way to France Eldo Bell and Earl Cox now In camp af Albion visited home folks here Sunday Frank Shurbundy and family of Chicago Junction Ohio George Strand wue ana aaugnter wm Kitzmlllcr and wife and Miss Crntlia Mown nt aoasn inu visitea in the A Pollock horns Sunday Mrs Harry Hussev visited relntlvpa at A villa Monday jutes Agnes Ev gis has returned from Tri State college at Angola The thirty fourth annual reunion of the Thirtieth Indiana Veteran Regi ment association will be held at Lees burg Wednesday September 12 and the Seventy fourth will hold their re Union at Anftola Ind Sontpmho i and 1J Mr Sherm Clayton son of Clayton was the guest of1 his father several days the fore part of the week He left here Tuesday evening for New York City where ho will assume his duties as chief clerk for the Express Co WATERLOO NEWS Special Cirrespondence Dr Harrlette DUla went to Lima Ohio on Wednesday morning for a short stay Ir8 I 1IIno Mr0 Cora Stanley and Miss Helen Stanley were guests of Mrs Harrlette Gemer at Gar rett on Tuesday Mr and Mrs SIdwell and baby daughter of Iowa City Ja are guests of Dr and Mrs A Ish MM Robert Smith of Tuscola 111 arrived on Wednesday to visit the Hlne famllyand other relatives and friends Mrs Josephine Wiing ia entertain Ing a house party this week the guests being her granddaughters the little Misses Mary Hornaday of Washing ton Florence and Josephine Dllts or Auburn and Elolse Willis of Angola Mr and Mrs Foster Buckland of Gary are guests fn the George Frick home Mrs Buckland was formerly Miss Elsie Strock and was married on Friday of last week Mrs George Henderson and daughter Jrmary of Indianapolis arc guests of the Alfred Keplar fam lly Mr and Mrs William Howerman re turned home on Wednesday after spending the summer at Marlon Miss Pearl Wlttmer has returned from a several months visit with her sister Mrs Maurice Centa at Ana conda Mont Mrs Floyd Bachtel Is hostess to four little nieces this week the little Misses Virginia Zelma and Guen dolyn Tusslng of Toledo Ohio and Marjorlo Reynolds of Corunna Mr and Mrs Charles Naughtln are entertaining their mother Mrs Holt of Sangutuck Mich HUNTINGTON NEWS Special Correspondence Company gavek farewell exhibition drill at the fairgrounds Thursday whldt was witnessed by a large crowd Preoedlng the drill the Huntington band delivered a band concert Twen ty uve cenxs aamission was cnargea theproceed going Into tb oonipany una Carl Steele turned Ver to the com pany fundthe Tsum of ISO Thursday pslnr the i balance left over from the amount raised at the recent fraternal patriotic cefebratloni This amdunt sweiiea the total to nearly iiQOv Frank Samuels seemed so Vwell pleased with paying a fine of II and sot or provolre thati he lmnledlately hunted up the party that filed the af fldavlt and proceeded to administer Corporal punishment A second charge wm filed for assault and battery and SamUels ipald the second flnei DrF RHouck and Dri 0 tJKIng 11 i go to Valparaiso Monday i to attend tle meeting of the Northern Indiana Dentil society Dr tlouck is treasurer of thlf organisation Sustaining twenty flve appeals taken from this county by FJackman local federal attorney from examinations of the local exemption board thedlstrlct board at Fort Wayiiehaa ordered thetwenty flve men re examinedexamined by the local board The appeals were1 taken because ol later rulings at Washington wherein the weight was reduced The new regulations bring the twenty five Within the new weight limit These men were all exempted by the local board on the ground of physical de uuicni iiicj uiu nui receive ins new orders until after the men had been examined and certified to the district board Mr Jackman was ats Fort Wayne Wednesday and took the matter up with the district board and the twenty Ave were ordered re examined forthwith Notices have been mailed and the examinations will take place Fri aay morning Oliver Kline of Union township ia planning a meeting of county agents county superintendents of schools and presidents of better farming clubs at nls farm some time In September The Commercial association will entertain the men In the evening The shiaeier reunion will be hem at the fairgrounds on Sept 15 The Country club will hold a hatrl otic tenns tournament at the club grounds on Sept The entrance fee of 1 which will be charged will be given to ths Red Cross society this eenliirVfrnm vTiitivith friends rlriDetTolt Mr JindMrSj IlaV Faust are spend Inn1 lhAlwinMAiAm Mrtn fMW lf llfuvu MiUyiU 1 VtUttt Miss isabel Rico camev from St Paul tho first of theweek to Visit Lagrange friend and attend the tnetl tUteV Shblwlth Misses Hatel Streeter and iBerthtt Galloway will teach again tjiis year at South Bend Mr and MrsChas Smith and Mrt and Mrs Nate Balch are having ah routing this week at St Jois Mlclt MUa Bertha Copllne returned todaj numtvivSi wtmncr Dromer vreufCB Ml Bay City MIch Miss Coplin twlll wuvu6tuii Aiua Lcar jrwvTsv Mrti rJlandler of Chicago hasleen the guest of Mrs Wilt Cox llls fnnttaniv tldredire is thfl guest of Elkhart and South Bcno friends thlsVWeek jtev UiL Montgomery of Kali mazoo Mich vhas been the guest Of Lagraneo friends MrsAllce Cohe Is the guestof rela tlyes ht Flat niver Mo Mrs Jerry Thomas and daughter Helen are Visiting Paul Thomas at Battle Creelt Miss Nellie Beecher lo the guest of Miss rAllco Ellison Miss IdaCathacart who has spent the past nine mbnths with relatives In pennsylyaiila returned to her La flftailinniA Vla Hraalr Mr and llrs John JKegg anff daush ter or ugonier avc uccn tno guests of Lagrange friends MrandMrs Earl Oliver returned fromZanewllle Ohio where they had motored to visit relatives andfriends Lester Grimth Carl Deter Robert Wlgton land iFloyd Gooding left for Battle Creektoday where mey nave employment Miss Elsie Spero has been the guest of Rome City friends this WekV Mr and Mrs Russel Kline motored through from Detroit to Visit Mr Klines parents here Mr and Mrs William Kline WINONA NEWS FREMONT NEWS Special Correspondence Mrs A Hassett left Wednesday for Columbus Ohio where she will visit her son Lester Hassett Mrs Ralph Snow and son Charles of Jackson have been the guests of her father Fred Picfer and her sister Mrs Clyde Reed John Lint has returned from a visit with his brother Ora Lint and family of Jonesvlllo Miss Ula Friday left Wednesday for Fairfield III where she Will be the guest of Clela lllayney Miss Mildred Musser of Bryan Ohio was a guest in the home of her sister Mrs Howard Ixes several days this week Arrs Ada Laughlirt Is visiting friends at Akron Ohio Aubra Goss of Addison Mich spent this week with Eva and Dale Meeks Ora Foster Is visiting his daughter Mra Wltz Mason at Columbus Ohio Mr and Mrs Harrison Plttenger Fred Almayer and Miss Maude Michael of Grand Rapids and Mr and Mrs Abla Michael spent the week at Lnke George Mrs Irwin Rantz of Goshen is spending few daya with Mrs John Dunkle Jack Mlssamore visited friends here the first of the week before going to the training camp at Louisville Ky Mr and Mrs Wathbun spent Tuesday and Wednesday with Mr and Mrs Silas Miller and Mr and Mrs Nelson Cummins at Montpeller Mr and Mrs I Hhattenberger en tertnlned the Boor reunion Thursday Mr and Mrs James BAssett have returned from a visit with his sister Mrs Ida Rogers at Mongo Mrs Phenecle is visiting George Nlckland family at Clyde Ohio Hugh Wless has returned from a visit with his mother at Willow SpringsMo Mr and Mr Frank Moody rf of iilanchard Mlclw visited Mrs George Baker Wednesday Mr and Mrs Homer Cummins and children and Mr and Mri Houtz spent a7 coupleof dayr with4 Mr and Mrs Wm Rathbun Use News Black Type Special Correspondence Miss Sarah Osborne of Syracuse who has been spending the sum mer here returned to her home Thurs day Dr and Mrs A Winter and Miss Mary Campbell have returned to Say brook 111 after spending the summer at Winona Miss Clara Cunningham returned to Bloomington III Thursday after spending several weeks at Winona Mrs Lehman and Mrs Bab co*ck have returned to Sidney 111 after spending a few weeks here The Leedy family reunion was held in the park Wednesday Among those present from a distance were Jacob Leedy of Georgia Louis Self of Syracuse Mrs McClure Vera Mc Clure and Florence Gans of Elkhart Mr and Mrs Elmer Leedy of South Bend The home of PIttlnger on South Columbia street was the scene of a near tragedy Wednesday after noon when his wife Mrs Blanche PIttlnger attempted suicide by shooting herself with a 38 calibre revolver The bullet passed through the body enter Ing Just above the heart ranging to the right of the left lung and imbedded Itself in the wall of the room Drs McDonald hnd Anglin weresum moned and dressed the wound They express a hope for recovery Clark Halbrook was taken to a Fort Wayne hospital 6n Wednesday where he submitted to oh operation for appendicitisappendicitis Albert Grohlnger aged 21 years died at his home Wednesday night The funeral was held from the tf church Friday afternoon Rev Hill of Atwon1 officiating asslster by Rev Mrs Ali Nome or Warsaw Miss Florence Gans of Elkhart is the gUest of Mr and Mrs Ira Gans Mr arid Mrs Whltner of Nevarre 0 are the guests of Dr and Mrs Byler Mr and Mrs Lewis Dean are visit Ing friends In Indianapolis Miss ouve Kchnever or Toledo Is the guest of Mr and Mrs William Terrell Mrs Collet Is visiting relatives in Hampton Ia Mrs Little Is visltlne friends In Goshen Mrs Bert Fisher is the guest of relatives in South Whitley Mrs Vern Boggs who has been the guest of Mr and Mrs Boggs left Wednesday for her home In Philadelphia Pa Wednesday August 29 1917 will live forever in the minds of all who saw the training Camp Thousands assembled In Warsaw to show their appreciation of Kosciuskos soldiers and pay tribute to the boys lit kliaki In 1861 Kosciusko cc unty troops marcneatnrougn the streets of war saw whllo church bells rang out their message Any One who saw the visitation of relatives and friends at the camp Wednesday morning without having to fight to keep back the tears must purely have been devoid of any feeling of patriotism or the reverence of the youth that gives Itself to a great cause without counting the cost The following program was carried out Music by the Warsaw Concert band Third Regiment band Mllford band North Webster band Silver Lake band Leesburg band The parade was neauen Dy gins representing Red Cross carrying large American flags and followed by Company boys of 98 boys of 61 Mllford and Syracuse delegations Plercetoh and North Webster delegations Silver Lake and Claypool delegations Leesbursr and Clunette delegations Dukes had charge of the line of parade Short addresses were delivered by Colonel Kilmer Major Beyer and Judge Bowser Rev A LIttrell pastor of the uapusi enurcn orrered prayer GENEVA NEWS Special Correspondence Harry Heaston has returned from Indlnanapolls where he has spent the summer with his mother Miss Ada Hall Is vlsitng her brother at Parker Ind for several days Earle Wade and family have left for Mddlcton Idaho where they will spend the Winter Mis Elma Fink has returned from Brown county Ind where she has spent the summer visiting Joseph Miller has returned from Winona Ind where he has spent the summer attending school Thursday afternoon af Bones park the ladles held a picnic An address was delivered In the af terndon by the president of the WC William Egley has returned from Ann Arbor Mich where he has been attending school Mr and Mrs Howe Mrs Mary Lowe and daughter Nancy of Morgan ky motored to Geneva and are visit ing at the home pf Mrs Arnold A Harbin and famllyhaye moved their roods from Desota Ind to this place have rented the Charliy Idqwlne property Mrs Edna Aspy of Detroit Mich arrived Geneva accompanied byher brother Harlan Whiteman Harlan will attend the Geneva school this winter and Mrs Aspy will spend some NEW HAVEN NEWS Special Correspondence Miss Etta Linden spent Wednesday In Fort Wayne Miss Frieda Gerig has resigned her position at the New Haven Tribune office and returned to her home at Woodburn Arthur GInther of Toledo spent several days this Week with his parents Mr and Mrs Sara GInther His sister Miss Margaret GInther who has been So seriously 111 Is slowly Improving Mrs Harry Purvis has been entertaining her sister from Payne Mr ahd Mrs Frank Swap and chll drcn Alice and Harold left Wednesday evening for a ten days visit with relatives at Erie Pa and Buffalo Mrs Natalie Linden and Miss Edith Butler spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs Charles Hutson Jf east of town Mrs Sarah Tompklrts and children of Muncle nrc visiting Mrs George Federsplel and family north of town Miss Hazel Whitakcr of Detroit 1 vlsitjng her parents Mr and Mrs Eu gene Whltaker west of town Mrs Julian Geonauer and children and Mrs Alfred Gerlach and family of Fort Wayne are spending several days with relatives here Mrs Minnie Dunkjt of Fort Syayhe spent Thursday wlthTier sister Mrs Roembke and hernlece Mrs Edward Hollman Mr and Mrs Christ Blrkhold and Mr ahd Mrs Harry Purvis and son Harry spent Wednesday with rMr and Mrs A Bitlekoffer at Garrett Mrs John Clem Jr pleasantly tertalned the members of the Busy Bee club at her home West of town Thursday afternoon Following the business meeting a social hour was enjoyed Delicious refreshments were served the following guests Mrs Sarah Tompkins of Muncte Mrs Christ Blrkhold Mrs Zeddls Mrs Henry Habig Mrs George Bolyard Mrs Robert Bell Mrs Ethan Daniels Mrs Chauncy Miller and Misses Etta Linden Florence Hutson Margaret Hablg and Ruth Anna Zeddiz The next meeting wll be In two weeks at the home of Mrs Christ Blrkhold LAGRANGE NEWS Special Correspondence There are ten state cases ahd sixty civil cases on the docket for the September term of the Lagrange circuit court which will open here Monday with Judge A Brake of Goshen on The grand Jurors drawn for this term are Jerry Troyer of Newbury Yunker of Bloomfield Thorn as Fields of Johnson George Funk of Clearsprlngs Edd Keefus of Lima and William Davidson of Van Buren township and he petit Jurors are George Eddy of Clay Si Mills of Lima Ernest Stahly of Newburg William Tlmmla of Lagrange Marlon John son Of Greenfield John Smith of Johnson Frank immel of Eden Freeman Trubyrbf Bloom field Edd Olney of Van Buren Jojeph Welble of Ml ford Sam Cllriciof Springfield and George Lelbrenzr of Mllford township Mr and3frs mer Snyder Misses Margaret Gllhams and Olive SearS returned from Fort Thomas Ky where they went for a farewell visit with Forest Snyder and Herbert Gllhams who Iwere leaving for Camp Kelly San Antonio Texas Earl Nlles of Lagrange has been transferred to the same camp George Olds a student In the University of Illinois who has spent tho summer at Reglna Canada has been In Lagrange visiting his aprents a few days before returning to Urbana Mr and Mrs Llewelen Couter and son of South Bend returned home today having been the guests of their parents Dr and Mrs Short of Lagrange Mrs Sam Musser has been the guest Of her son Dr Fred Musser of Detroit this week Mr and Mrs Charlie Cdwan are vis iting Mr and Mrs Frank Roop at their Kllnger lake home for a few davs Miss Leta Fisher of Goshen who has been the guest of Lagrange friends for two weeks returned home today The exemption board examined 39 out of 50 registrants called for exam nation this week and out of this num her five were te lee ted ahd alt but three of those hot rejected claimed exemption for some reason or another Ross McCally son of our town clerk 4ht weolr fnf Vnr Ttfnlamln Hir fc Mini nmr arm time vlsltlnsT her parents IUUUiUJUISltJ yvym jrvw iir wu itt training etmp being the only man to vnanes ana i iry uyC represent Lagrange county ln this camp DrMdjriXJij rdrHoHsnrllle OklaiWnere they will spend the next wree weeks wltn a IARaETNEWSf Srcclii CnDonIenc Ik An alli laboi day celchratlbn Ittomlses ibe theblg event In Gar rctcjiionaay under the auspices or the Catholic church and fdritheberje fltbf thenewchhrcHthatAvllb9 built Just hssopnasvthe money necessary for ltsreetJon tsiprovldcd thoaffalr will bo of elty wide Intbrest ThJ celebration ryiiU be held In the city parK and the Oarfett City band will play ihp8t tof tJie Jay Mayr A ClovengeriwllMnake the main address of the day Contests races and other events Will rfillUhe daylwlth jleasur TJGKlchercf this city has been prpniotexl to the nosltkmiof Road fore I i i ii 1 vuBtuooua vii naiiniore ana wuy djomjiu tu areersourg va He left to assume his ne posltlbn Thursday The promotion came about through the recommendation bf i Hu pcnlntenaentJFKeeganiwho asked him to accept the biter Jte has previously sened as assistant road roro man of engines here HIS familyj wilt juiiuwjuiminiinenearruture The Franks fajnlly reunlo i waalheld at the JomflpfVllii Franks In this city Thursday afternoon TliPrA Wrn jnnyojltJJft6wnf ylsttbrsand a vbry enjoyable day was spent At noon a plcnicilunch was scrvort Tho I YbKirYl Camp Fire Girls vumjugcu wi uyejve young women Wept to Hamilton Lake Thursday to spend Labor day They wcrochaper oned by Mrs iMcDbnald and slstcr Mls Vesta Marvin returned after visiting relatives In Detroit Coeyan Lbar has returned after a brief visit with relatiyes In Sherwood Mrs 3y Hersber and children have returned from Sherwood where she visited for several ays MrsCIaru Johnsii of Syracuse Tmireda Mr and 1Irs Gv Houser Mrs It Welsh of Chicago spent Thursday with Garrett friends Fred Lindorffer has returned to his home after spending several months at jwujamin iiarnson Johnson went to Uke Gage Thursday to Spend the day nfi SW Wolslnger of South Ilandolph sreet is quite seriously IlL nii an1 aR a of South Bend spent Thu sday with Mr and Mrs Henry Sohelter Miss i rtsret Rnn Millnj tu ana filtf WW Ir8U FIeitwentot StJoe youajrfu pena ine aay with relatives Mrs Fisher returned Thursday after visiting friends in Detroit viixanchIe oMtlcksvlUe Is vlsltlngf Mrs Chris Shermaa Miss Katherlne Skllllng of Baltl feVSf elaUVes thsc1 AIleiL Smlth and several friends VMtvSUTWtai enlnf HaSlton Maor A Clevenger went to SiSrw Ue Thulay afternoon spend a few days HrrCltdentl8t nlPo closing and evnS Thursday afternoon and evenings the same as the nM are now doing The hew order will however10 eff6Ct fr 8everar fhaIreit furnhed over onc i rd of ILm1 quoia for DeKalb county oSiEi nrfisure8 now available rati hLhIfJ 2ven now elected Garrett has thlrty tlve representatives LAGRANGE NEWS Special Correspondence Miss Eula Bean has been the guest Jfne friends thissweelvmlk Ing this her final visit with old friends before returning to California Mrs Bolhwell and daughter of Three Rivers Mich have been the MofDn Arthur BeS Krauss andfamily of Fort Wayne Mrs Rain Shi 1 IlT1 Mr ranTd homas have been Visiting Mrs Porterficld Mrs PorterHeld returned with them to Fort Wayne xii0TteUer accpmpanled Mr and Mrs Davis to Fort Wayne Frl day taking II Davis Jr to co suit a riedallst iRr 0MbeI Boonelor of Uke City Mich will fill the local pulpit of the Presbyterian church tomorrow morn Ing and evening he being a candidate rorthe local pastorate which was madejacant by the resignation of Rev IaCount Mies Nina Ernsberger entertained a number of her friends with a party given at her home last evening In hbnor 6f Miss Elizabeth Dryer of Elkhart Miss Iva Hunter who hadheen em ployed at the Racket store for the past year resigned her position to take another position at Kendallville Clyde VValb and Samuel Sears will take possession of their new hardware store at Wolcottvllle Sept 10 and the store will be operated as the Wnirn vllle Hardware company under the luaimgeiaeni oi Air sears who with his family will move to that place Mr and Mrs Wesley Nutten and daughter of Detroit and Mrs Cyntha Tajlor of Connecticut are guests of Mr and Mrs John Cllne Miss Mabel Shelly returned Friday morning from the Mongo hospital where she haa been taking care of Mrs Roy Wilson VAN WERT NEWS iSpeclal Cbrrerxndence The Van Wert county fair which win be new from Sept 4 to 1 Inclu sive promises to oe unusually attractive The stock exhibits will bts the largest in the history of the fair This is perhaps due In part to the fact that third premiums are offered on all stock An abundance of music has been provided by the management The Dixon band will play Tuesday the Delphos band Wednesday the WUIshlro band Thursday and the Con roy bnnd Friday Fischers orchestra of Kalamazoo Mich will play In the grand stand each afternoon during the race programs The bands will play on the grounds until the races begin and will then go to the grand stand and alternate with the orphestrai SeveralSeveral free acts will be given befote the grand stand Among these are Mis pah Selblnl and Archie Royer1 In new and thrilling acrobatic work and the urton troupe in aaring wire features The county A girls will give a folk drill Wednesday and Thursday tho VanWert A girls will give an historical pageant Each promises to be spectacular and very en tertaining The race purses are sub stnntial amounts and if weather conditions are favorable It Is hoped some good speed wlirbe1wlthes8ediThB fair grounds contain seventy four acres so there will be comfortable roontfor any slxed crowd and for hundredf of automobiles The seventeenth annual reunion of the Gilllland family was held Thursday at the fair grounds anLwaa attended by more than 100 people Besides the visiting feature which fcr the all lmportant one there wai ahort program of addrsssesand mujlo Officers elected for the coming year are President Gllllland secretary natreaBurer ilIomeGillllandrcii tlve and proran committee Oil llland William Walters Stuoknr Edith Gllllland Grace Gllllland I flhancjjcbrnnilttee Glllilattdn4 Delbert McMlllen The lsU reunion will beheld at th tuXt tio wouftda the second Saturday after the fair DEOATORNEWS Special Correspondence Bery has resigned as an InV vwiiur nign scuooi thurM Beery before MiPrtntlV InnvtTlfi frtl lji1nilMA Kb will be open except that of physical Jiyere he reported 6 duty recelvea a ieuer or congratulation irom sena ibr tiiittySiiMit Ben Beavers after finlshlhe 1 a sne ial medical course in iurvurd Medi cal Bchool lit BostonlS now home ytai Hinff iiis iiurLiiis ur una 1T3 After having beerr closed during the itmctbr on the Pecatiii month of August theT VM A will Lieutenant Arthur fd open Mondayj Sept All departments recently leaving for will be open except mat pr pnysicui training and the lack of this is duetto the fiCt that physlcalDlrectot M3 Clclbh will be at the Montgomery a a nrmv camn aunni ino moumviii September where ho wJ aid In Tef Cjj tihLUhii A in runnlngOrde Tho ahhhal congregational meeting of St Marks Enellsh Lutheran church was held ThuvsdaV eveninjrand offl r7 zz WTj ju cers were chosen aaiionows iiaerB lieiivem Mrs Margaret Huberahon ehr heth of JMarlon arathe guestti bf Mr Clwries Fv WassbnbergtO AVf iKrn andlWAurButlerrustees Dri lv alstefi Mrs Ofner Elgj ibt Akiohi Bartholomew and Frank II Pphntlljj ueucons jumesuruKe ana iuivi Iick Itwai decided tb have thbbusi nesi lyeaV end March 4 Instead of on septal Asslirnmehts1 fbrrth Van WertDub lib schools inrct First ward seventh rrade liar Woodward nrtn ana sixtn Anna Hankhaipmer third and fourth I itutn ursner nrst ana secona ituui Heff tier Second ward Seventh grade Robert Osboth sixth grade Luta Blackr fifth Olive iMcAdoo fourth AdaHensel third AUcb Czrmodyj second Genevra Armehtrout first Ruth StuppJ Third ward seventh trade Cellnii Fereuson sixth Sue Balyeat fifth Bessie McKibben Cledl orris rouitn Margaret ijannecAer third Ruth Hammer second Miriam Young second and first Edith Vy aridt first Mam IVsteh Fourth ward eighth grade A EScamman Bertha Scheldt Ollle Dettmer seyenth grade Nora llandwerk sixth grade Bertie Allen fifth Nora Wallace fourth Rheba Smith third Herma Miller second Jennie Prlddy first Zelma Yph The schools will begin Monday Sept 10 HAMILTON NEWS Special Correspondence Mrs Alice Graham has returned to her home in Detroit after two weeks with her uncle Key es and fam lly HerschelDay and Miss Alzle Oberlln were united In the holy bonds of matrimony Saturday Aug 25 RevMr GelDle of the church was changed to Hillsdale Mich and Rev Harry Clark of Fayette Is me new castor here ana at Men Mr and Mrs John Daryne nrer part socially spending the week Chicago ana buying their fall and winter lino of merchandise Miss Fanny Beecher entertained her Sunday school class of little folks on Monday afternoon at her home A big time Miss Willa Grlffeth of Angola oame Wednesday for the week with her grandparents Mr and Mrs Grlffeth and other relatives Miss Ethel Hidleman of Bbsworth Mo Is the guest of her cousin Mrs Blrt McDanlels and other relatives John Dean and daughter Leah of Bosworth Mo arc visiting the Alia mony relatives here and at Edon 0 Ruth Elizabeth Is the name of the little nilss at the hoiiie of Mr and Mrs Curtis Casebeer near Arctic A cablegram from Marlon Jackman In France tells his parents Mr and mis Harry Jackman he landed an OK Girt flrwinn autoed to Toledo on Wednesday Noyes Reed accompanied him en route to Springfield Pa for a week with relatives Mrs Ona Hess Whltmarsh writes friends she has purchased property In Ypstantl Mich and is located The doctor will leave for service about the 1st of September He also Intends to make visits JnBuf falo Cleyeland and jDetrblt before re turning Miss Victoria Stone of icasfd Is VlslUrie hereV af tef spejixdlhg the greateivpartpf her vacation at Xake James Dr EIixabethlsenterUlhfngasher guests Mri SleWld and daughter Miss uorotny ot riamic nu aiiss Iortia Bibthers ofjilndlanapolls Mrs LHypherof Fori Wayne ha returned home after a BhortvlsH withitMcand rivThomda iFlshcr Tho Misses Iva Hdselahd Adelaide Burdgeof CoIUmbusO rbcetitiy motored here and ore now the guests of theDr Smlthfamlly Mrs Thomas Andrewsand children are spending the week end In Fort Wajne visiting Mrs ltLahman jMrs Amos Fisher and daughter Mildred are the guests bf Lawrence and Wilson Lewtbn of Fort Wnyhefoi tho week end Mr and Mrs John Glahey have as their guests Mr Glaneys brothor Bcr nard Glaney and family of Riiskln Neb Wednesday two Bohemians after signing up their first naturalization papers were sworn in Company A In the afternoon by Lieutenant Peterson This makes three foreigners In the company the other being aQerman Mrs II IP Bremercamp and granddaughter Margaret Bremercamp are the guests of the formers son Raymond Bremercamp of Fort Wfiyne Mrs 0 Odells Sunday school class wag entertained at the home of Miss Haney Tuesday evening Miss Virglhe Smith entertained the girls of the a Tuesday even ing The hour was spent In the most WALLEN NEWS Special Coiirescondcncc farmers are busy threshing after several dajs delay caused by rain urseteen ETAOINNUNUNUNTJNUNU Mr lvcs of Sturgls Mich Is reliev ing AjC Born as operator for the it 1 railroad Mr Born Is enjoying his annual vacation The Walleh Equity exchange has unloaded three cars of fertilizer this weefc Mr and Mrs Elmer Cbok have been severely III for the last two weeks They are slowly Improving at this time Anderson church picnic Is lo be held at the church grounds Saturday afternoon nnd evening Miss Irene Zelt Is recovering from a serious illness Mrs Tanton Swalm Is at the Lutheran hospital Fort Wayne where she had a very severe operation performed yesterday Her condition is reported favorable The Ladles Aid society has postponed Its Ice cream social at Wallen church which was to be held Saturday evening until some future date nc count of the Illness of Mrs Swalm one of the societys most active members ETNA GREEN NEWS Special Corrcftpondence Warren Rockhlll wife and children Amos Thomas and Mabel ahd Mrs Mabel Smalles spent Wednesday in Warsaw Miss Lois Dickey of Atwood came Thursday to spend several days with her grandparents and Mrs Me lick Mrs Warren Rockhlll and daughter Mabel has returned home from Chi cago Allie Copyland wife and children Mllo and Enyland returned from their trip to Washington Wednesday evening EMcLucas wife and son Dan re turned Thursday from Tipton where they have been spending this summer with Mr McLucas parents Mrs Elex Klinefelter and daughter Vivian of Atwood came Thursday to spend a few days with friends and relatives Mrs Matilda Jornlgan of Yorktown Ind has been visiting the and Wilbur Siblnishpmes Mrs Jornlgan is a sister bf Mrs Marine Corbln Miller and family of Canton 0 were here last week visiting the Thomas and Oran Miller homes returning home Monday AUBURN NEWS Special CorresjMiderice Company of AuDurn expects to chtroln within a few days but without Its captain Walter Stump At the present time he is at his home seriously 111 wth typhoid fever and if the company leaves before the end of the week as It expects to he cannot ac company them It Is not probable that he wilt be ready to move for six weeks He was only recently appointed captain of the Auburn company and the inability to go with the troops to Hat tlesburg will come as a severe disappointment to him Twins were born to Mr and Mrs Charles Nagel of South Van Buren etreet pnewas a boy andthe other a girl ir noticeable feature of the recent tcacherrimeetlngr held 1 the court house at Auburn Is that the women outnumber the men to a large percentage i Many of the yountf men teachers who were on the roll last year nave joinea tne army ana are teaching peace lessons to the Ger MUaVGotdle Lowman formerly of thls cltjrbut novattendlnjf schoolat Winona college rwai awarded the first prize in tne musical contest en tne cloilnj day of the uiembly iyrfl Hf Miss Mae Shackenbush of Osslan has returned home after a visit at the David Hoopengardner home Dr and Mrs Keller are entertaining as their guests for the week Dr Kellers brother Charles Keller and his wife of Hammond Ind Mr and Mrs Albert Alexander and Mrs Lena McAlheny of Sturgls Mich have been visiting Mr and Mrs Potts Miss Frances and Maxwell Hower of Muskegortr Mich have returned home after a visit at the John Myers home Miss Florence Meyer Peter Dil linger and his parents Mr and Mrs Bollinger have returned from a Visit In Middletoh 0 Miss Mable Yoder after a vlslthere with friends has returned to Jbllet IlL TW Dailcy and Gilby Cottroll of Bryant after a vIsHhere with the A Artman family are now ylsltlngln Addison MlCh Jack Conway has returned home after receiving an honorable discharge from the army Oscar Rhlnehardt William Webh and Nell Zimmerman now Callfor hlans have been visiting old friends here Dr Berivera tfrst aid class nas fln tlshcrl its rAanul and reylow lessons ana is nowireaayror us examinations which will be given next Monday Clarence Statler one of the members of Company A who were taken to Fort Benjamin Harrison and as slemed to an artillery unit sometime ago was lately sent back on account of bad eyesand has been expecting an honorable discharge But to his great surprise he has received otders to re turn to Company a ANGOLA NEWS Special Correspohnce Mr Vets Rowlev came from Hills dale Wednesday evening for a vjslt with Mr and Mrs Charles Rowley Mr Hod Locke and family and Mrs Andrew Locke who attended the fu neral of Bart Locke returneato tneir homes In Jackson Thursday Benjamin Lewis after spending the week with his mother Mrs Sarah Lewis returned to Buffalo Thursday Miss Ona Ben was a ori wayne visitor Thursday Leon Freygang has sold ms Harness shop to Monte Robinson Mr Freygang left Thursday for Tacoma Wash to Join his wife in a vlsltwlth their daughter Mrs Edwlna Glbboos Miss Thursa Greenlee went to Columbus last week where she has accepted a position Miss Ruth Woodrlng of Chicago Is here for a visit with Angola friends Helen Baxter has been spending a few days at Crooked lake the guest of Mrs Wlckwlre Miss Elmira Brewer left this week for St Mary Idaho where sne will teach the comlnr year Professor George Letts former principal of the Angola high school has hn enpaered as sunerlntendent Of Warren 111 schools Mr and Mrs George iiemeryieu this week for a visit with their children and to get acquainted with the new son which Mr and Mrs Wolfe have adopted Miss Jeanette foiiock nas returnea from a short visit with friends and relatives In Llgonler Mrs Emma Newman wnose aeatn occurred last week left by will 1100 to the Ansrola ME church John Gillette of Lagrange Is executor of the will and the property disposed of amounts to J1200 Born in Flemlngton va August iK to Mr and Mrs Coy Lough a sdn Robert Norwood Mrs Laugh was farmerly Miss Martha Pollock Raymond Willis left Thursday for Los Angeles CaL He expects to be gone two weeks and his wife who Is much Improved will return with him Mrs Charles Pllllod and two little sons who have been spending the summer with her parents Mr and Mrs Gillis returns to her home In Toledo Saturday Bruce Garwood Is quite seriously 111 at his home In the west part of the bity Mrs Ben Averlll and daughters Virginia and Mary Lou have gone to Palnesvllle 0 where they will make their home Miss Viola Dalley of Decatur Is visiting her sister Mrs Dale Fanning Little Valeria Ransburg is spending a week with her cousin Earl Buck at Fremont The Guild Nickel social will be entertained at the home of Mrs John Parsell next Wednesday Mrs Harry Maxfleld went to Fort Wayne Thursday for a few days Mr and Mrs Jacob Munn went to Fremont Thursday to make preparation for moving there Mr Munn has accepted the position of superintendent In the high school there Mrs Avery Fisher and three children of Auburn are visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Frank Brooks Word has been received ot the drowning of Aaron Harmon Mrr Harmon has been rspalrlng brldgss and Unks on the New York Central rail read Partlculari are not known ii Mimi vf vi i biteiM tern iiftW SjBB3 mmMiMMii mmMMMk.

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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.