Fall River Daily Evening News from Fall River, Massachusetts (2024)

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Fall River Daily Evening Newsi

Fall River, Massachusetts

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'V For Sale J0HNv -1- FHICE 14 SOUTH MAIN STREET BORDEN BLOCK i COMES ASTRAL OIL SUGXR ANDMOLASSES Best Granulated Bugar 12 lbs fer $1 A remarkable instance of tbe' preservation of tbe body after death has recently come to light in Saxonville Martin Casey of North Sudbnry died about fifteen years ago of heart disease and his body wai interred in tbe Catholic cemetery at-Somerville Recently the children have had tbe body of Mr Casey and that of his wife who died only a few months previously removed to the cemetery at Maynard On opening Mr Casey's grave the coffin was found badly decayed but tbe features of the deceased had undergone so little change that any of hia friends or neighbors would have known him while the remains of his wife were all decayed but the bones A sad case oLinsanity is reported from St Paul where a young lady named Miss Fbebe Gasner was suddenly taken crazy church on the morning before her wedding She was removed from tbe church and raved wildly and when she was taken home leaped from a window and mounting a horse rode madly abont tbe yard for tome time before ahe could be secuned Of course her marriage bad to be abandoned The cause of her insanity ia attributed to the intense opposition which her father made to the marriage he even going ao far as bxthreaten to shoot her lover in case all Other meant qf prevention failed The schools of Syracuse are ail closed in consequeoee of the division between the Mayor and the Common Council The resolution making tbe usual appropriation for the achooia contains also ooe of $5000 at a permanent fund to apply toward the payment of a Jot already purchased for the erection of schooi-buildiDg urgently needed Five of the eight aldermen sustained the resolution but the Mayor supported by tbe other three and disapproving the $5000 clause has vetoed it twice and the school children are meanwhile idle 1 4 LIST Will Not Explode Burns la any Lamp Millions of gallons told '-annually and ao accident ever occurred either lu handling wr iuriiig It No Insurance company ever paid a claim for tom by Ira eauad by Its use Bom dealer or selling a blgb teat ell SO called for Astral 1 ut thy are ignorant- af It (rue toot Its aud It may be no -a 1 1-r to use than ibo ordinary kerosene ell risk your lives and propem ty by tb us of doubtful oils Insist having Chas Astral Oil Tbs Safest aid But 24 cent par gallon gallon foe 7 Ota FRUITS AKD NUTS Best Citron 17 ets lb New Figs if cts lb Best 7 cts lb 4 ler 26 c(i- 17 lb for $1 Sultana Bnlalna 12 eta lbfor 9 lb 1 Muscatel Raisin (crop ltT7) 10 cti lb 11 for 11 New Muscatel Raislua 11 cia lb li lba for Jl Fancy uacatela black ft alt 13 eta ib 8 lbe lor New French Brunts 12 cte ib lbe lor 61-Large French Prunea 20 cte lb 10 Ibaboxea 6L76 Evaporated Apples 18c lb 8 lba for 31-Cream Nuta8 ctq lb Nuts 12 eta lb French Walnut 16 ct lb Aim hods 26 ct lb Filbert 16 ct lb Mlxod hull 16 eta lb Lemons 17 cent per confectTonery Lemon Gum Drops 30 cts per lb Best French Chocelato Cream 26 ets lb Peppermint and Checker berry La tenges 30 Me lb Cassia Buds 30 cts lb tochoua 30 ct pound Snake Root and Flag Hgut' cl per pound aramels 46c lb Musk Lozenges 4uc lb Cardamoms 30 ct Ib cloves 30 ct ib Jordon Almonds 40 ct lb Marshmallow 40 ctr IU Pure Broken Candy 16 cents per pound All other varieties all strictly pure 18 eta per pound 8 Ib lor 60 ct Hall pound 10 cent Sponge Cake 26 ct Tea Cake 16 Pound Cake 36 CW Fruit Cake 37 cts lb Sugar Cookies 12 cts do Sugar Waleis 0 cts dot Cakes of any kind ur quality furnished to order at short notice Mr Ferris arrived in Albany from Greenwich Ct the other day driving his trotting horse Sam Patch tbe distance being 160 miles and tbe actual time over the road only 18 hours The horse did not seem much fatigued Tbe time from Kinderhook to Albany 20 miles was made iu two and one-quarter henrs The longest drive was from Brewster's in Putnam county ever-the monntains to and through to Germantown 71 miles in seven and three-quarter houra Masonic JkMay 9th at 74 special common! XJT catioa First Fall River Koval Aboh Regular Convocation Monday evening May 12th 1879 at 7 Work-M Council ov Royal and 8 elect Masters Regular Assembly Wednesday evening May 7th 1879 -at iiock Kino Philip Lodge special communicattorrun Tuesday evening May Work-2d Godvrey De Bouillon Cohhandeby Special Conclave Wednesday evening May 14th P730 Temple Narraoansett Lodge and A regular communication Thnrsday evening May 1st at 74 Mount Hope Lodob Friday evening nl- FLOWER SEEDS For sale by CHAS A BAKE No I South MainStreet Elleotrlo Belts A sure cure for nervous debility premature de The ouly rellaDle rare Cir-ddrese REEVES 43 cay exhaustion etc culars mailed free Chatham St Granulated 1214 It for $1 Naw Orleaus Mo asset very best quality 45 ett gal New Orleans Molqsaea or Unary quality $9 etegal Commou Moiaatet 80 eta per gallon Beat Btandard Syrup 60 cu per gallon Maple Syrn $126 per gallon California Straiued Hone a0 ctt lb TEA" AND COFFEE Fair OoloDg or Japau Tea 25c Bt Good Ooloug or Japan Tea 40c Bt Extra OoloDg or Japan Tea 60c lb Superior Ooioujz or Japan T-a 60c fit English Break last Tea 87 50 and 70c fit A GOOD PLAN OR MIXED TEA 40 CENTS PER POUND 3 Pounds for I I OO- EXTRA PLAIN OB MIXED TEA 60 cent per pound 14 pound far $1 I hole ana highest grades PJ Oolong and Japan Teas always on hand All our COFFEES arc carefully selected and or roasted by experience) bands with tbe aid of the latest improved machinery They are neither bnrnt until bitter or left undone but are to a Although 1878 wo not mnch of a yoar to lucre ate trade yet onr sales of Coffte-ehow an increase of about 10 per cent over these of 177 and 46 per eeut over those of 1676 This Is became they are the beet and cheapest Lu the city Ail ioters ot good Uoffee are Invited to try out Mocha and Java mixture Broken Java Coffee 16 eta lb 8 lbe for $1 Best Rio Coffee 26 cts lb 4 lb for 1 Best Java Coffee 30 cts lb 3 lbs for 61 Old Government Java Coffee36 cts lb 8 lbe for 1 Mocha and Java Coffee 87 cts lb 8 lbe for 1106 Old Mocha Coffee 40 cts lb Breakfast Coffee 9 cts lb 12 lbs fer 61 New Era or Wheat Coffee IB cts lb 6 lbs for 1 FXOUIL As with Coffee so with Fleur Owing to the excellent quality of our and the extremely low price at which we Lave aold it our aalea of 1878 at retail show an increaae of IQ per cent over those of 1877 and 68 per cent over those of 1876 Hunatkeepers who want the very best St Louis Flour that it ia possible to prodmee from White Winter Wheat sheuld use our Best BEST HAXALL FLOUR Hungarian Process is made from No 1 Minnesota tiara Wheat It contaius a very large amount of gluten aud iH make 2v psr cent more bread than the fame gmudity of Winter Wheat flour It ts tbe best Hungarian Process Fleur tbafr is made W-e keep no second grades ot this Trios $950 per barrel25 cisdjaconat foe cash 8elf-Raisicg Buckwheat 28 cts package Becker's Griddle Cake Flour 30 cts package £clf-Raising Flour 30 cts package Patent Buckwheat 10 pound bag 22 cts Best Buckwheat 10 pound bags 20 cts Graham FUur 10 tt bags 37c 25 lb bag 85c Baltimore Pearl Meal 42 eta peck Rhode island White Meal and Rye Meal Canada Oat Meal 4 cts lb 8 lbe 25cta33 lbs for $1 Irish Oat Meal 6 cts lb 5 lbs for 25 cte 22 fer $1 Scotch Oat Meal 7c lb 4 fibs 25c 18 lbs Hominy 5 lb packages 20 cu in bulk8 lbs for 25c Dried Sweet Corn 14 cts quart Best Medium Beans 6 cts qt 45 cts peck Rest Marrow Beaus 7 cts per quart 50 cts peck Best Pea Beans 7 cents per quart 50 cu peck Best Red Kidney Beaos 10 cts qt 7a cts peck Green Peas 7 cts qt 60 cts pk Beit Louisiana Rice 8 cts lb 13 lbs fer $1 Carolina Head Rice 10 cts lb 11 lbe for $1 Tapioca 10 cts ib Bago 10 cts lb Pearl ll riey 6 cts 6 lb for 25 cts 22 lb or $1 Best Italian Maccaroni and Vermicelli 18 cts lb American Breakfast Cereals 8TEAM COOKED CESICCATED THE CHOICEST FOOD IN THE WORLD A Crushed hlte Wheat A Oatmeal A Harley Pood A 6 Maize Ootaloed four medals tor eopmority and diploma for continued superiority The ports food for children auu adults All buskacuckieand Impurities removed Can be prepartd for table in fittten minutes Ask for the A Brand Manufactured by tbe Cereals Manufacturing to 18 College Place New ork Two pound packages 18c each 6 lor $1 Cereal Cream tor Dyspeptics aud Invalids 42c can Cereal Milk fur Children 60 cts can Sample of the above free upou application BUTTER and CHEESE Waste Batter 6 cts lb Western Butter 18 cts lb 10 lbs for 130 Good Dairy Butter 20 cts lb 16 lbs for 180 Vest State Dairy Butter 26 cts lb 10 lbe for 230 Rutland Cheess soft mild and rich 13 cts lb Vermont Sage Cheese 14 era lb very nice Common Factory Cheese 10 cts lb ANTHONY'S LARD Is perfectly pure contains no water or objectionable tat is natural color has no smell foreign to went pork scraps is free frin chemicals which su man? manufa turtrs use to purity objectionable grease and wbiteu their product ana 1b tbe ouly tettle rendered lard sold in this city by grocers hure Leaf Lard is unknown to commerce Lard is nift-ie of tbe leaves uti the body of the hog Boston Laid is made the leavt the body and the of a I fat of the bug tbe latter ingredient HcucMilttllng Urn use ut cneuilcttls to imntyaod whiten It aud allhough handsome to look at it is aiqfai lard Anthony's Lard costs us much more than manufacturers ask for their steamed and chemtrnled product jet we always buy aud sell Lard Competitors purchase the and because it 1 cheaper but seldom undersell us More about Lard in tuture Lard 9 cts lb lbs for 67 ota In bhoulders 7 ctslb Lean End Pork 7 cts lb 15 lbs for $1 Breakfast Bacon whole pieces lie cut 12 cts lb Machine 8baved Dried Beef 23c lb SOAP Soap is a compound of grease and alkali If some manufacturers should add a little more alkali to their lard they might produce a beautiful white soap Beware of Impure Boaps made from putrid and poisonous greae which introduce death lute year dome: Use BE8T OF ALL" SOAP 6c per cake 18 cakes for $1 $5 40 per box It is the purest and iwtetest on the market to-day Do not buy soaps that are loaded with illex or white earth to give them weight they are a fraud French Launory Is tbe soap to use for easy washing It Is made of tbe best materials thoroughly purified and Is absolutely free from adulter-Won or the disagreeable odor found In most other toils French Laoiiij Soap cents per bar 14 bars for $100 $208 per box Amusem*nts ACADEMY OP MUSIC t) SMITH MAXAaz TUESDAY EVENING MAY 13TH 1879 A Dragnatlc Episode 1 Tint prod action In tbit city of the Great New Tork Success WJS popular Society Play entitled OXlf 1 DlUUaTEB With New Favorite Aotreu Miss Dollie Bidwell) Supported by the popular Actor MR ED MARSTON AND A "BRILLIANT ARRAY OF ARTISTS POPULAR PRICES-Admission 28 nod 88 Cent Orcoestrn 78 ctt entire Parquette 80 Seats secured at Wilbur Co Doon open at 7V Orerture aln my7-d6t A BAWtN Gtneqpl Agd -CRlKD PEDESTRIEfflE EVENT Boiton Uuic LADY WALKERS MAIN STREET HALL THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY MAT 8th 9TB Aim 10TH 178 GBACBI BeTuT I SPEED I Friday Evening 8 Mils Haswiosf Bag Purs (60 ANNIE tweed Maggie rowell MABEL 80 TT 10 mites sgsinst time ef last eve-nlng 2 1 1 see SATURDAY EVENING GREAT PONT TEAM and Fastest Lady Walken in America ANNIE TWEED nd TENNIE CHASE 5 mile Handicap Pune $64 fLABEL SCOTT 6 mile Exhibition Walk Arm ounoemenfs i MONDAY NIGHT May 12tb Amateur 10 mile Walking Match Championship of Fall PnaotlO Entry fee $1 WEDNESDAY NIGHT May 14th Running Match 10 miles Championship of Fall Pnao 16v Entry fee 81 FRIDAY and SATURDAY May 16th and 17lb Go AS Too PXKS81 2 Hour Match for Bristol County from Friday 6 to Saturday Prise 838 Entry fee 82 SATURDAY NIGHT at 8 Grand TUG OF WAR for the Championship of Massachusetts The Fall River Iron Works Tug of War Team sh alien gin the entire State Admission 26 oto Good music day and night gw Applications made to SMITH my(W5t 7 Wanted City-rreeVrtaf' 4" good COOK who can come well recommended -Apply to --SUPERINTENDENT at City Farm A young lady would like the position of Bookkeeper Cashier or Copyist -Address APPLICANT my7-d3t Box 406 Fall River Partner Wanted The odrertler desires a partner in a Cotton Factory located in Tennessee with a capacity ot 2600 spindle 30 plain 4-4 looms and 200 warp spindles 2 to 6 ply Factory Is well established and bos a good near-by market for its productions A practical apioner with some capital can make a good paying inrestment or would sell Factory or lease (tat Bargain For further particulars address WK care GEO ROWELL CO 10 Spruce Street New York my3-dlw MONEY upon First Mortgage ef Real Estate In various Having nod large experience In the real estate market we can give Investors fall particulars os mine titles 4to Money loaned to good advantage without charge to lnrostors Apply to GREENE ft SON aplT dtf 33 Bedford street New Advertisem*nts SPECIAl-NOTICE The Rscipk for Aromatic Bitters Was given to mo abont twenty-live years ago by Dr 5 Whipple of Boston who was a well known and regular phvslclan and the success which has attended the nseof AROMATIC BITTERS in Liver Complaint Dyspepsia Headache Costiveneos and for Loss of Appetite Weakness or Languor and all Bllions Diseases and the low price at which I have Boon able to purchase the Ingredients ef which they sire composed bos Induced me to oiler them for this season at the extremely low price of 26 cents per bottle and no deviation can be made for any num-' bar CHAS A BARER Druggist febl3-ly No 8 Booth Maim St TO YES Stored by NichoU (O Agents corner of Sixth and Bedford streets qp28-U3w Cheap Cheaper Cheapest Stove! A GOOD GAS STOVE with oven for the small um of $3 50 Also the Celebrated VKf'SEY BURNER for 40 cents which will fit any common burner and heat a quart of water in five nlnaut For sale at 44 Second street by tnyfui if COOK GREW Screens of all Kinds MADE and old ones REPAIRED Particular attention paid to OFFICE AND STORE FITTING SAWS FILED and other edged tools sharpened til a satisfactory manner at WJBR ap26 -dim Brick Building Court Square DISINFECTANT Cariolic THIS Powder consists of a number of well known sanitary agents chemically combined with Carbolic Acid which has been recommended by physicians and scieoiifle men extensively all ever the world and adopted by Boards ot Health la sons ef the most prominent cities It acta like magic in removing all disagreeable and unhealthy odors It Is the BEST DISINFECTANT KNOWN It is more pleasant and effective than chloride of lime It wilt be found Invaluable for Ships Water Closets Sinks Drains Dawp Mouldy places good to sprinkle cn ail kinds of effal in factyia every place where bad odors exist It should be well sprinkled around Cellars and heldt ef Vessels It is a sure preventive of Small Fox Cholera Typhoid Ship Fever and all other Contagious diseases It promotesftbe health and ef animals and will free them from vermin if applied thoroughly If will protect Poultry from disease and lice by giving then enough to roll Sk little mixed with any Fertiliser In a bill of pota-toes will save them from the Rot It may be safely 4 ws od around TREES VINES AND PLANTS To sav them from the ravsgea of Worms and In- Warranted to do all that it Claimed for it if ProperlT Applied' It It cheap and perfectly safe to nse In any quantity desired No family should neglect to nse It mom or less M- APPLY IT FAITHFULLY This wtll knewn Disinfectant we have Mid for tha peat fear yean to our customer and can give plenty of home Tresjtfawmlai a to Its merits We keep It In -BARBELS HALT BARBELS AND SHALL BOXES Fer customers buying In small quantities the Per-" orated Baxes are the most convenient 1 to 8 lbe SANFORD COVEL Agents WHOLESALE AND RETAIL myftdtf NOTICE REMOVAL OF NIGHT SOIL AND CONTENTS OF CESS-POOLS The subscriber who has bees employed fer sever-years to the cltv ef Providence will attend to any orders left at hts stable rear of Rodman street at I the office of Wloslo wSectioa Granite Block or by Festal Card Vaults dhlufected and work 4eoe in a neat and satisfactory manaer and In ao woordance with tho regulatleqt of the Board ef jHealth A WELLMAN JgearefQT Dees' 8 tore near Lumber Yard Fail River April 18T9 apS-dfr OBN Meal Oats Short Ac Ac MACKENZIE A WINSLOW JO Pleasant Stages SALE VALUABLE MANUFACTURING PROPERTY AT AUCTION THE nndeniffDed by authority of th District 1'ourt of the United 8 tales for the District of HxMathutetia will offer for sale at Public Aoo-tion od TUESDAY the third day of JuuetAI 1879 st 19 noon all property real perw tonal and mixed of whatever name nature or description Id our bauds ard belonging to us as Trustees in Bankruptcy of the UNIOIn MILL COMPANY of Fall Hirer 8aid property will bt sold as a whole ImaddiUou to personal property of various kind the property of the bankrupt corporation comprises the following: Mill No 1 built in 1859 containing 15968 spindles Mill No 2 1865 30034 Total 48000 rptndles and 1076 looms now in operation sod producing weekly an average of 6000 pieces 64x64 print cloths averaging 45 yards each Mill No 6 eomaeoced in 1877 designed lor about 40000 spindles but not completed Toe building for this mill is complete the engine boilers and shafting are in their places and also a considerable amount of machinery The including some and houses outride of the mill property includes 29 houses with 71 tenements The sale will be mlde at the Office ef said Company in Fall River and further information in regard to the same maybe obtained of the Trustees Terms made known at time and place of sale FOSTER STAFFORD THOMAS BRATTON my8-dts Trustees of Union Mill Company a JUST ARRIVED AT a nrPcottage Sale Stable -i 19 Fourth St- New Bedford Mass OMM OAB LOAJ OF HEAVY DRAFT BUSINESS and CARRIAGE HOUSES One Fine MA RE weight 1640 lbe One pair IRON GRAYS closely matched weight 2900 lbe Two pair BAY HORBEB weight 2700 lba -One very nice pair of BAY MARES weight 2100 lbs and a large lot of others both matched and single This lot will be sold at PANIC PRICES Inspection solicited All persons Interested' and In want of good Horae are Invited to visit the COTTAGE BALE STABLES AT NEW BEDFORD MOSS myS-dlw WM DWELLIY JUST RECEIVED AT THE Stable of HAYDEN NO 20 MORGAN bTREET a new lbi HORSthf- Which will be sofd cheap' myft-dlw FOR Horse Baggy Harness" Sleigh Robe sod Stable Tools cheap for cash owner having no nse for team Inquire at Bow-enviUfi Station my6-dlw FOR SALK Cheap one Rosewood Sec retary one Store Oil Can capacity 60 gallons Also several ICS CHESTS at OHLAHDO 18 Pleasant street Real Estate for Sale BUFFINGTON HOOD Auctioneers Valuable Real Estate for Sale by Public Auction SATURDAY May 17th Inet at 1 o'clock mythe land and buildings knewn as the PKTER BOGLE Estate on the northerly side of Pleasant street in Fall kiverconsisting ot 44 acres of land in a high state of cultivation well leneed Also a two-story House and Store large Barn aad other outbuildings on the same A good well on the premises Also another part of the same estate known as the Carr Lane property consisting of 6 l-6th acres of land divided Into eight Iota one of which la an apple orchard one lot contains a four-tenement House and Barn with other outbuildings and well all in good repair one lot contains a good granite all bounded on the north by ix Rod Way One other lot contains a two-story Hon'e with Barn and outbuildings with well making in the whole estate about ten acres of laud three large Houses three Barns Cribs three Wells making a very desirable investment wLich will be sold as a whole or in lota to suit purchasers The sale will be on the Double Speeder plan Terms made known at time of sale my6-dta At Private Sale THE HOUSE and LOT situated on the corner of North and French streets occupied by the subscriber is for sale at a low price Any one desiring a pleasant location for a home can oo tain this desirable property at a bargain and is invited to nspect the premises The house commands one of the finest views of tho bay and river to bo obtained iw tho-oltTM ofcenateiniJftT rads of land to which more can be added If desired The house was built about 6 years ago and well constructed of good material is twe stories high 40 feet square with piaxsa in frent and balcony in the rear and was built by the dsy There are also on the premises a substantial stone barn with shed attached and an excellent well of water also city wvter apll-dtf LEANDER BURDEN FOR 8 Eight nice HOUSE LOTS of about 29 rods each situated near Stafford Road on Globe street and 40 foot streets running southerly from the same High dry land healthy location good neighborhood Wtll be seld at a Very low pAioe Fwf any farther infcrsatiwu inquire of OSCAR DUHFEB splft-Ctf 43 Stafford Road near the premises House and Lot for Sale THE House and Lot No 81 Bock atreet is offered for sale If nt sold by Mmj 1st it will than be to let Apglj at To Let TO LET-A good TENEMENT in plessaot location with three fire-rooms five sleeping roemt city water and sewer connected Rent low Inquire at corner ef Fourth street and Eight Rod Way noyS-dtf BAKN TO Apply to BT1CKNEY ft OOI mj5dtf COTTON He 12 Granite Block TO-LET A two fire room TenementNo 10 Tecum-eh street Has fear bedrooms Is io good order sod supplied with City a ter Inquire on the premises sp26-tf rpo A pleasant TENEMENT at 14 Beach street south tide ef the Pars Rent 811 per month Inquire on the re onset nplB-dtl a first cis tenement with all the modern imi rovemento nice healthy location Situated at No 6 Locust Inquire at NO IS DURFEE BTREET l2-dtf TO BOOMS oyer the Store of French ft Sen suitable for Lawyers Millieen or Dresemakera Apply to FRENCH mh26-dtf SOAP WORKS TO-LET The Boap Works on Hartwell street belonginc to the estate of Joahna Remington are offered for rental Inquire of CHAtt HOLMES mh22-dtf TO A firit-clai TENEMENT in the Meant Hope House on Bank street Fifteen roe an in excellent condition Inquire at FALL RIVES FIVE CENTS SAYINGS BASK febl-dtf TO A good two fire room TENEMENT with fear bedrooms alee healthy location aad City Water Inquire 27 Eight Rod Wav gl2-dtf TO Two STOBE8 in the Third Street Block Third street Inquire at the effla the POC ASSET CO fhl3-dtf Boardinsr NARRAGANSETT HOTEL FALL KITES MASS Is the largest and moat convenient Hotel la th dty Accommodations for families anmrpaasad Terms redaced to 8280 aad 83 per day AH JACOBS TYOARUERS Ladiet JJ and Gentlemen can be neeemmodated with rtrtt Clam Board at No 6 Bedford street newt door east from the Poat Offioe Price rad need to 84 and 8460 per week Transient! will be charged io oordlngiy aplS-dgm Fire Wood Fire Wood Fife Wood THE Vndenigned ire now prepared to furaiah good OAK aad FIN Flrw Wood KIVDLINGS Ac at toaaocabio prices By fair dealing we hope to merit a Ohara of the nabiio rwW taage at 87 Pleaonat Street JonU-dtf KCQHKS ft HAST 5 O'CLOCK BY TELEGRAPH ATLANTIC CABLE DISPATCHES -T Electricity London May The Metropolitan Board Works after a rdcenl experiment on- the Thames embankment find that electricity costs 2) jience an hour per lamp more than tbs best gas giving equal light The report declares that the defects connected with electric lighting must prevent its general adoption Ashore London May 9 The British ironclad Iron Duke is ashore at Shanghai She- is 6084 tons burden 4268 horse power and fourteen guns Abolished Madrid May The octrai duties on corn and flour entering Madrid are abolished on account of the high price of provisions NEW YORKJIISPATCHES Have not Caught Him New Tore: May Sheriffs officers aud detectives have as yet announced no tbeir search for Red Leary It is rumored that the Northampton Bank is negotiating for the return of $482000 worth of bonds with the wife of Scott one of the men serving 20 years for the robbery on the basis of tbe release of Scott It is rumored" that a compromise with the consent of the criminal authorities of Massachusetts will be effected with Leary Unchanged New Yokk May The situation of the strike is unchanged WASHINGTON NEWS Washington May 9 The bill removing the political disabilities of Pemberton was passed Mr SUox intimated that Mr Conger watf inspired by lemon juice to which Mr Conger sponded that Mr Cox found his in corn juice The Senate passed with amendments the bill providing the payment of the money heretofore appropriated to James Eads and his associates for constructing the jetties at the south pass of the Mississippi The jMaideration of ha bill prohibiting military interference at elections was resumed Senator Edmunds called attention to certain clauses of tbe Constitution to the various laws and to Hamilton and Madison as a foundation of his remarks on the bill It is not probable that a vote will be reached in the Senate on the bill regarding the presence of troops at elections as a number of Republican Senators desire to make speeches Representative Armfield denies that there is any personal difficulty between his colleagues Kitchen and Russel and that they intend to resort to a code of houor The substitute Jecl upon in tho Committee CF Receipts BUI Heads Orders Jke printed at the News Office and blocked for tbe convenience of the deek In packages to suit customers I II I 1 MARRIED iu this ftbbythe Rev Fitch Mr Barauel Goodwin of Brockton to Mia Nellie Front of this city la New Bedford Ttb John A Neal of Tauutou to Ml Ada A Corson Ia Providence fth Ernest Palmer EldrMge to Janet Christine Park both of Providence Mr Charles Whiteman to Mias Maria Wllkineoe daughter of James A WUkinaon Eaq aU of Preri-deaoe DIED In Frurldenc 7th Annie only daughter ef Martin nod Fannie 8 Gorton aged 4 yean and 7 month In New Bedford 7th at St Joaeph' Hoapltal Joe McRvoy aed 34 year Soh Arte wife of Mao-nei Ungtf aged 31 year 5 month FINK8T Grades of 8t Louis and Hazel! Floors MACKENZIK ft WINSLOW Pleasant itrark London May The discovery of typhus among swine (not trichina) bag caused an order for the slaughter of swine from the United States af-ter the 1st of June Tive hundred cattle from South America were slaughtered at Glasgow yesterday in consequenoe of the disease Referred Paris May Tha Municipal Council has resolved to refer to a committee the consideration of the question of the separation of Church and State Billiards Paris May In the billiard tournament Yig-naux had 6CD and Piot 808 Liverpool Cotton Market Livrpvood May 9 Cotton firm Uplands Orleans 6 15-16d Sales 10000 bales including 2000 1 for (Speculation and export Receipts 2400 Includibg 2100 American Future opened partially a18d better Sales for the week 88000 efwJjiyh'fiO 000 were American Suicide Saoo Me May 9Edson Blodgett station agent and telegraph operator at the eastern depot committed suicide last night by taking lauduuam" He was a yonng man of about 2T years of age Unrequited love was the cause of tbe deed Tbe deceased bad been in a moody frame of mind for several days He called to see the Udy to whom he was paying attention Sunday evening at which time some unpleasantness occurred and be took no food from that time until his death Not True St PiTgRSBUBOMay An official statement contradicting- tbe news pnblished abroad with reference to the affairs in Russia says that no prisoner has been removed from the Fortress Petro-paulooski to Kazan The reported arrests of officers has not taken place and that since Febrnary only three officers altogether have been arrested and finally no arrests of whole families have been made WtsWiPEQ Manitoba 'May A glstacbment of the local militia under Colonel Smith arrived at Cross tour jSay'if Tatlons aud one hundred rounds of ammunition Mr Whitehead sent out money to pay tbe strikers The general impression is that there will be no serious trouble unless through misapprehensions by tbe men of the object of tbe military Expelled Detroit May Six Catholic children were expelled from the State Blind Asylum for refusing to participate in singing the from 12th Mass at the pnblic exhibition Father Hare instructed them that such singing wonld be impious A legislative Investigation is proposed Banquet to Minister White Syracuse May 250 citizens attended the banquet to Minister White last night Several short addresses were made in one of which Chancellor Haven Baid America would be benefited by sending an educator to represent her in tbe Land of Education Surprised Helena Mont May 9--Lieat detachment hunting for the Sioux war parties wassuprised while sleeping May 4th by the Sioux who wounded three friendly Indians and ran off all the horses Missing' New York May 9 Five steamships four British and one German carrying freight which sailed from the United States last winter and one which sailed from England are missing also ten sailing vessels grain laden Scarlet Fever New York May The funeral of a child that died of malignant scarlet fever was held in the church at Jamaica I on Sunday and since then an alarming outbreak of fever has occurred Some schools are closed Shot Fatally Terre Haute Ind May 9 Chas Thompson finding Daniel Chase locked up with Mrs Thompson in her bouse yesterday accused Chase of im-pfvpsielics and chut him fatally Darned Lewiston Me May 9 The unoccupied house of Coyle in Anbnrn was burned this morning Loss 8600 Insured for 8400 in the Merchants Co Abandoned New York May The- Woodruff scientific exhibition was abandoned yesterday (its sailing day) on account of Inadequate support Bank Robber Philadelphia Pa May Dobbes the robber of tbe Manhattan bank was taken to New York on requisition Absconded Camden May Baiton Lowe a prominent yonng lawyer has absconded on a charge of defrauding several persons out of 825000 Darned Hudson May 9 Tbe Knickerbocker'' ice house near Athens was burned this morning Loss $25000 Incendiary Hang Herself Pittsburg May Mrs Maggie McCoy hanged herself yesterday the sixth suicide here within 60 hours Condensed Telegrams Bristcw of Auburn offers to match Chailes Coventry of Union Springs against Elliott for $200 to row a match aroond Saratoga Lake in Augnst next Tbe rates for stock now are 85 cents from Chicago to New York and 87) do from St Lonls to New York Civil corporations In Spain complain that tbe new dnly regulations concerning foreign goods act disastrously to Spanish mercantile marine Chicago Market Chicago May 9 Wheat steady oorn unchanged pork higher New York Markets New Yore May Cotton dull Uplands 12 T16 Coin lal money 2)a8 governments firm Convicts from the Anbnrn State Prison whose terms have expired and who have recently returned to New Yorkrelate harrowing tale of the cruelties practiced at that institution It is said that the men are set at tasks which are quite beyond their strength and that when they break down under them they are flogged most brutally by tb keepers a aisted by tbe prize fighter Joe Coburn who allowed many privilege and waits upon ol of tbe officials One convict bung himself after a severe beating and tha cause of hia death was given out at' heart disease Tb food is alio said to be ao bad that men are made sick by eating It Fourteen men including three newspaper reporters composed the town meeting in Hartford tha other day that was called to pass apon th iosna of 1120000 in bonds Assessors otice Assessors Office Citt Hall 1 May 1st 1879 THE ASSESSORS of the city of Fall River hereby give notice to the inhabitants of said citv and all other persons liable to pay taxes therein that from the FIRST DAT MAY TO AND IN-CLDING THE FIFTEEN IH DAY JUNE 1879 is tbe time fixed to receive tbe list of estates and ail persons liable to be taxed in said city are hereby required to bring in to the Assessors at their office in City Hall Building within tbe lime above specified true and perlect lists of all their polls aod Estates real and personal held in their own right in trust or otherwise for which they are liable to pay taxes Perrons holding Estates in trust whether for nioors or otherwise particularly requested to furnish the ssessors with statements in relation to such Estates When estates of persoos deceased have been divided daring tbe past year or have changed hands from other causes tbe Executor or Administrator or other persons interested is required and warned to give notice of such change and in default of such notice will be held to pay the tax assessed although anch estate has been wholly distributed and paid over The fol owing enumeration may serve as a guide to assist inhabitants in making up sbeir statement: Polls number of twenty years old and upwards Real Estate Money on hand or deposit Money at Interest and other debts due more than they are indebted or pay interest for Shares and Stocks in all Banks wherever located except National Hanks located out of tbeCommonwealtbnd in Insurance Manufacturing and other incorporated Companies chartered or organized under the aws ot any' State'1 other than Massachusetts Public Stocks Railroad Bonds and Securities other than those ol the United States Goods Wares Merchandise and other stock in traae within or without the State Househod Furniture exceeding $1000 in value including library pictures statuary and other valuable articles of interior decoration horses live stock carriages and sleighs machinery and mechanics' tools exaeedmg three hundred dollars income from profession trade or exploymeBt exceeding $2000 personal property held in trust or by wite or minor child Public Stocks RUIroad Bonds and Securities of all kinds must include tbe stocks bonds scrip notes or other securities inclodiag those pledged as collateral of any toreiga nauoo or of nr State County Oity or Town at their Riarkrt value on the first day of May The value of ods wares merchandise or stock In trade cash on hand er en deposit cannot be offset or decreased by any debts due for the same or by auy liabilities whatever The list of Estates real and personal which ts re- anirfcd te be presented Is intended to contain only ia kind description and quantity of taxable property and if the list contaius a statement of the value it is not conclusive on the Assessors but they are to exercise their own Judgment iu estimating the value of the property Your attention called te tbe following Sections of Chapter Eleven of the General Statutes of the Commonwealth: tiBOiXON VI Keepers of Taverns and Boarding Housss and Masters and Mistresses of Dwelling Houses shall upon application of an Assessor in the place where then house ts situated give information of the names of all persons residing therein and liable to be asses-ed for Taxes Every such keeper master or mistress refusing to give such information or knowingly giving false information ahall forfeit $20 00 for each offence SECTION 23 The Assessors shall in all eases require a person briogiog in such a list to make oath that the same is true which oath may be administered by either of the Assessors Section 46 No person shall havs an abatement unless he baa filed with the Assessors a list subscribed bv him sf his estate liable to taxation aud mke oath that it is full and accurate aocording to his best knowledge and belief Wbsa such list ia not filed wlthia the time specified by tbe Asesort for bringing it lu no complaint from the judgment of the Assessors shall be sustained by tbe i ounty CemmiMieuors unless they are satisfied that there was good cause why such list was mot seasonably brought In And whoever does not comply with the above provisions of the law will NOT be entitled to abatements In consequence of any over-estimates that may be made by the Board of Assessors unless the estimate exceeds by more than filty (50) per eentum a proper valuation JEREMIAH KELLY Assessors of PETEK MoMANUd the City of THOMAS BILTCL1FFE) Tall Elver myl-d3tawtJel5-aw -t-v above eslsbrated Oil direct from tbe manufacturers and now offer the same to the trade at New York prices Tbe long time that this Oil has been on tbe market and ita well established imputation as the best article of Its kind ever Introduced is sufficient guarantee of its superior merit Orders froi the trade In Fall River and vicinity respectfully solicited fb22-deod3m Printing HATE YOUR PRINTING DONE AT TUB for the bill the Board of Heath and quarantine provides that the requirements of the bill be applicable to vessels cbming'from infected foreign ports and that quatantine regulations be supplemental to those States or municipalities which releases the Board from quarantining goods on railroads or on the border and releases the Board also from investigating tbe geneial subject of the cattle disease and reduces the appropriation from $600000 to $500000 Fourteen different plans have been submitted to tbe Naval Board by which ships can be refrigerated so that disease may be eradicated The subscriptions to the fonr per cent refunding certificates are $786560 Washington May Senator health is not so bad as he is reported almost ei -tirely restored by the medicinal treatment at the Hot Springs Ark from which place be has returned It is thought tbAt McPherson will be in the Senate again early next week BIRDS AND FISHES Prepared Fish Food 8 ot box 4 for 16c Canary Bird Food 17 cts box Food for Mocking or toft billed Birds 30 ots bottle Canary Powder or Song Restorer 17 eta bottle Washed Silver Gravel 6 cu pint 10 cts quarl box! Canary and Hemp Seed 10 cl qt 8 qta for 2 an rs Rape Seed 16 cu qt 2 qta for 26 rents Maw Seed 260 lb Cutiie nrh each Noa-Polsonons Bird Lice and Flea Destrsyer 16c box Insectstd 18c boxt les troys Insect bn plants CANNED GOODS Tomatoes 10 eta Best quality 12 cts can 9 for 6IO0 Peaches fresh 23 ct Beary Syrup Ml apq fft pis Green Corn 10 cts Bert quality 15 ou can 7 for 61 Best Marrowfat Peas 1 ots can 3 for 61-00 Salmon 18 cu can 6 for 6100 aobeter 26 cts baked beans 20 cu can Codfish Balls 20 cu on Pumpkin 12 cm can California Bartlett Peart large cans 33 eU Pressed Corned Beel 33 cU con Condensed Milk 20 cu can 62 26 per deaen Best Sardines ibss 16c 7 for 61 lbs 25a box Dessert FroiU CIS can 9 for 81 Con Openers 6 cu each A KENNEDY'S Celebrated Crackers No second clast goods are sent ont of tbe establishment et Mr KENNEDY ith him there la no around for cheap materials in order that be may produce cheap goods No other taker assumes te compete a Ith bin on the following goods which we receive fresh aud crisp every few dsys61 MILK SODA WINK GRAHAM AND OAT MEAD CRACKERS Id ctt per pound Cans ef about 8 lb each 15 eta lb Kennedy's Buter Crackers 18 eta lb 2 lbe 95 CU Family Pilot Bread 12 cts Ib Ginger toispps 16 cts'b 7 lba for 61-1 Uoruhlll Cskcrllicts Ib lbs for 61 Lai ra Oyster Craokera 10 cts lb 8 lbe 26 cu Larra bee's hoda Cracsers lb cU lb 8 lba 26 cu Common tioda Crackers 6 eta lb Desiccated Cecoanut The only genuine Received tbe Llghest awards at Philadelphia 1876 and Pans 1878 Pounds 82 cu ball pounds 16 cis Chocolates and Cocoa Five Medals awarded In this country and abroad-Latcst triumph Guld Medal at Paris 1878 iremium No 1 Chocolate 42 cU Bleu a 45 eta lb Eagle Grade Chocolate 38 cu lb Cocoa 38 cu lb Breakfast Cocoa Ib uus 30 cu Svteet chocolate Ib 8 cis Fancy boxes 0 cti Vanilla cboooiaie tingle 26 double triple 18 cu per lb cake Cocoa cbella iu bulk 6c lb 6 lbe for 26 ct Borslord'a Fewder 18 cts 8e Foam 2Ccts National Yeast takes 7 cupkg German Yeast Jo Matches piaiu label 60 CU blue labs 1 60 ou package Long card Matches 68 ct package Parlor Matches 8 els box 86 cte doien Axis Grease lu ots box Bixby's Shoe Dressing Sets bottle Common Jelly 8 cu Pick Its cu bottle Pure Jelly ue to name 10 cz tumblara 30 eUooch Genuine French Mustaid 18 cu jar CaUHp 7 aud 10 cu Montlcellu Catsup 20 ets bottle Crosse ft Btaczweirs CLo Chow snd 1 Ickle 60 cu If ord Sauce 82 cu Pepper Sauce 6 1 0 and 20 eu Worcotet scire bauce 23 and 42 cis bottle Horse baalsh 7 aU bottle AT URESilEM ED Which reinvigorates the whole system la found In VEG-BTIKTB Price 87 cU bottle 610 per dooen Poroaz Plaster 16c Voltaic Plotter! Mo Vinegar Bitter 70 cu Kenuedy1 Medical Duvery 8116 per bottle Perry Killer 18 37 and 72ota bettls Arnold's balsam and Cough Killer 20 ou each Billers 20 cte Castor la 26 cu bottle Mr Winslow's Soothing 8rue20cu bottle Murray ft Florida Water 60 ou bottle! Hoyt German Cologne 15 eta bottle Bay Rum guaranteed pure 42 and 72 eta bottlo Household Ammonia pint bottles 26cte Best Mucllagt 7 ou pint bottles 2S ota Camphor 87 cu lb Borax 17 ct Ib Epsom Salta 10 eta lb Sulphur 13 eta lb Flax Been 13 ct lb Calabria Licorice 42 eta lb Arrow Hoot 40 eta Ib Gum Arable 33 ct lb lrub Moss 15 cts lb Beeswax 60 eu lb Gsnaiue Olivo OU best Imported hslf plots 21 OU: pinU 40 cts quaru 76 eu Bronchial Troche 20 cte box Miller's Arabian Balaam 10 cts bottlo Quaker Bitters 70 oU A good Spring medicine EUREKA SALT Tbe purest and beat In tba world 4 eta quart 8 cU peck 31 per bushel Common Flue Salt 8 ou aqt 20c peck 70c bush Mineral Balt In lump for cattle and horses 2c lb Ground emit 10 16 and 20 eU a box Water Palls 9 hooped 10 cu 3 hooped 16 cte each Market BeakeU 10 cte Coal Shortla 8 eU each Galvanised Ceal Hods 46 eu Japaned 36 eta each Good Brooms no red corn 16 cu each Whisk Brush 6 cu Pocket Whisks 6 eta each -2000 double-pointed Wood Tooth Picks It eta rURE8PlCES Some dealer are vtry anxiont to tall you Bplees ia balk bolding out at an inducement that you get lull weight but let oak who guarantee that you get pare good Our odvioe It aiwayt buy Btlckney ft Spices in iftokages wlib tbeir name and warrant on them ana then you will bars the beat Stick ory ft Poor will adulterate Spies to any extent desired hy the dealer but no amount of money etn Induce them to put tnslr name on aeb roods 8T1CKNKY ft Pare Ginger 16 cts per lb 4 ct per quarter Block Pepper 26 7 1 White Pepper 86 2 Pimento 26 7 Cassia 37 -10 Cloves 46 12 Cream Tartar 87 lj 11 TOBACCO I TOBACCO I Matchless pounds only 68 eta Match Isos double thick S3 et Doabl thick Navy 30 eta plug Bingle thick Navy long plugs only 46 cts eaak quarter plugs 16 eta eighth plugs 6 eu' Geld Bar Sixes only 10 cts racb Navy Cllpplogs only 36 ets Ib Massaaolt Cigar 16 cte aoui: 11 for 61 Grand Centra a bumming Birds Plymouth Rock Our Pride 6 cu each 6 far 28 eta Corn and Meal 86 et per buthel rath when till at the Stare Extra charge for parts of beeheiow No bags sold er feat Leave yonr addram at tbe Store and we will sail sard-weekly far year order Remember ft Mil yoa the best fmllr Fleer made In lba country for 6660 tosh ethers ask 37 0 and say we as yoa Wt sox ycw imtmei would bu more upproi riutv JOHN DELXE 1 gent Dirt Killer Soap 5 cts bar 21 for $1 $4 65 per box Large Ban Yellow Soap 25 cts 5 for $1 Mineral Soap 7 cu bar Excelsior Soap 5 cts bar Pride of the Kitchen Soap 8 cu bar Hoxles Pumice Soap 4 cu cake 8 fer 25 eta Sapollo 9 cW bar 13 for $1 White Castile Soap Conti brand 20 ctslb Imported Mottled Castile Soap pure 20 cts 1b SalikKlA3ctslb 10 lbs fer 25c 50 lbs for $1 Revolution in Washing No more destruction of clothing upon the washboard JAMES PEARLINE A lew tnvantion for washing abolishes tb toll-some rubbtDg and drudgery wash day knew whereof we speak Our vuatomen who bar tried It will not do without it Ladle try It IS et per I oekee 7 (or tlOO DURYEA8 SATIN GLOSS STARCH! CORN STARCH AND MAIZENA Perfection of Quality Is attained Iu tbe above goods which have taken tbe highest honors lo every instance where exhibited io Competition with goods ef other makers over the whole world fhv cost you do more at retail tbao Uie goods of cheeper uannfactare therefore get tbe best 8ec that the name DURTEA which Is synonymous with Absolute Purity Is oa every packsge Cdro Starch or Msisena 10 cti lb Duryea't Satia Gleet Starch 10 eta lb II for $1 Batin Gloss Btarch lb boxes 57 cti Duryea'i Glea Cove Pearl Btarch etc ih BIST KKKO0EXK OIL 19 eta mt gallon 8 rollons for 13 eta ft ato tbrao-falloa eon filial with Oil $1 Spann Lard Whale aad Beat ot (Jilt Lsunp ChiaMysM'lluia sliejl cts each a ts do Baa Burner small Seta medium 10 eta large eu CONGRESS TEAST POWDER The bt and cheapest Baking Powder bow sold la thia market It makes light swart brad eake puddings doaghnats and roll Uni! pound gut 24 ate: posed eaas4 ota I fall Wlht News Office i PLACARDS POSTERS BUSINESS CARDS BANNERS- BADGES STREET BILLS And any and arary kind of Prlntlnf dsn at abort notice aoJattho LowaatPrioM BIL XjV 32AB8 Printed In tb beat of ityla Order honld ad rewed to ALMT MILNE CO Cor of Pleasant gnd Second Sts- FALL KIYKK Haas it II TotCfin All wtahlnt to mat money I Ty Ulo Wall at should deal with the undent goo rtta for explanatory Circular rant free by H1CKMNO A CO Bankart and op28-daedlm 43 xehac riaoa Jf Yt TOILET SOAPS- a fins assortment at Terr low prices Fnr isle by CHAU A BAKER 3 Booth Mato 8 treat r- T-.

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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.