CTVN - Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #28 (2024)

>>> Let's bring in the ukraine mp. Thank you for being here. What is ukraine hoping to propose at the upcoming peace summit? >> Well, first of all, I'd like to reflect on this brutal attack on kharkiv. Kharkiv is not just the second largest city in ukraine; it is situated 30 miles from russian territory. So russia had been attacking kharkiv with artillery, with bombs that are flying from the jet planes. The biggest concern of ukrainians right now is we cannot use any of the weapons of our western allies to attack a military attack, and I underline that, a military target, on the territory of russia. Kharkiv had been bombed from the aircraft that got off the airport which is just 200 miles from ukrainian territory. So if we would get the air defence, if we would have more than fighter jets, f-16 that we are expecting in june, I hope, because it was promised for many, many months, then we could fight back. But also it is a huge concern that we see the troops on the border with ukraine. It's just 30 miles away. They are waiting to attack us. The aircraft want to kill more civilians. And we cannot do anything about it. So I think it is an urgent request from ukraine to the world leaders right now. >> Renée: this summit, you know, it's very meaningful, but if russia does not participate in this how well can it go? >> But again, another question to the world leaders, russia had been attacking us with bombs and missiles. That was made in russia with use of western technologies. The electronics that they get through the third countries or the third companies. So another issue is the sanction because russia has the money, has the capacity to attack ukraine more. And of course they will say that we don't care about the united nations charter, about the world-based order, we have the north korea helping us, iran helping us, and the western leaders cannot even adjust the sanctions to be severe enough not to shift anything to russia to [indiscernible] missiles that hit ukrainian cities. >> Renée: so what needs to happen at this upcoming summit? >> Well, first of all, it's the realization that it's not ukraine under strike, you know, under attack; it's the whole western world with the way we want to live in is under attack. So I think the western world should get some guts. I'm sorry for being this emotional. But I just see the people dying every day. Just three days ago they attacked a factory that prints books. Prints books. Not missiles. Books. Seven people died. And 30% of the capacity of ukraine to print school books are gone. So we cannot even produce the school books for the next upcoming school year. So the world has to wake up because we're going to lose. We're going to lose to this tyrant. They do not care about the rules. They do not care about the normal life. And we should care. >> Renée: do you think vladimir putin is ready to negotiate? >> No. Not yet. He has the money. He has the capacity from this other tyrant. So the pressure should be much more on him. And he has to choose whether he would financial the [indiscernible] in his own country or the production of the more military to target not ukraine but other countries in europe. >> Renée: that is our time. Yevhenia kravchuk, ukrainian mp, thank you very much for your time today. Always good speaking with you. >> Thank you. >> Renée: the united nations' top court has ordered israel to immediately halt its controversial military operation in gaza's southern city of rafah. >> [indiscernible] has not sufficiently addressed and dispelled the concern raised by its military offensive. >> Renée: the international court of justice ruled friday the operation into rafah would worsen the already disastrous humanitarian crisis in gaza.

>>> Israel has already begun a limited operation in the city and seized control of its border with egypt. The court also ordered israel to open the vital crossing to allow for the flow of aid. Israel has condemned the ruling saying it has the right to defend itself against hamas. >> World leaders are saying hamas needs to put its arms down. Hamas needs to leave. But hamas is not going to leave just by having sent a notice of eviction. And israel' argument is that this is a defensive war. If something was brought on israel that it was a cease-fire on october 6 and this is not a war of choice but this is something necessary to ensure the safety of its population. >> Renée: this is the third time the court has ordered israel to pull back and address the humanitarian suffering in gaza. Israel has repeatedly dismissed accusations of genocide. Rulings by the icj are final and binding but the court does not have a mechanism to actually enforce them. >>> At McGILL university in montréal, pro-palestinian protesters remain camped out on the downtown campus despite efforts to have them removed. The group has faced torrential downpours, blistering heat, and even two failed legal bids during their four-week campus protests.québec's minister of higher education calls their continued presence at McGILHEN affront to the rule of law. She says the encampments should be dismantled and that private lands are not an appropriate place for the protest. >>> The remains of an unknown soldier who fought in the first world war are returning home to newfoundland today after more than 100 years. Members of canada's delegation honoured to be a part of this important final journey. [Bagpipes] the soldier will be buried at the province's newly-created tomb of the unknown soldier. His casket will land in st. John's later today and will lie in state at the confederation building from june 28th to june 30th. >> 12,000 newfoundlanders went overseas. There wasn't a family in newfoundland that wasn't touched by this war. And I think all the families in newfoundland will find this very poignant. The ultimate sacrifice in any war is the death of a soldier. So again, bringing home one of our fallen is going to be very poignant for those soldiers we're seeing in the pictures today because to wear the uniform comes with extreme sacrifice, obligations. So this is meaningful on so many different levels. >> Renée: a solemn reburial ceremony will be held on july 1st, the anniversary of the battle of vermont hamill where so many newfoundlanders gave their life in 1916.

>>> New brunswick could lose a fifth of its teachers in its english school district over the next five years due to retirementses. It's a staggering amount and some are calling for a better recruitment plan to stop it from becoming a crisis. Ctv's laura brown has more. >> Reporter: of the new brunswick teachers negotiation, 6500 members, 1200 are eligible to retire within the next five years. A large number at a time when the province is already running short on qualified teachers. >> Teachers are stretched really, really thin right now, and not having the -- enough resources at times can really be draining. >> Reporter: peter legacy claims the situation could become a real crisis if decision makers don't act now. >> And I do have concerns that it gets lost, maybe, over the summer months and teachers are in the same place come fall. >> Reporter: the system is relying on supply teachers. Lagacy says the english school districts have issued 1,011 permits to certify supply teachers who have a varying degree of post-secondary education. >> Some of our universities have not filled all their education seats. We asked them to do that. >> Reporter: the department of indication released a long-term report last month promising to address the issues facing the system which includes a recruitment and retention plan, but lagacy feels it needs more urgency. Hogan promises he's trying some things. >> We're going to empower districts because districts do the hiring to give contracts right away. And we'll ensure that the money's there for the contracts. >> Reporter: hogan admits the province has been behind the game watching other provinces hire new brunswick-trained teachers who haven't been offered contracts. Another problem making matters worse: violence in schools. >> Anecdotally, I would think the teachers are seeing increases in violence, but I think we see that in all of our communities as well. >> Reporter: a video surfaced last week showing two teens in an altercation off the school property. It sparked questions on how prevalent violence among youth has become. >> Getting worse. We need to find out why. >> Reporter: laura brown, ctv news. >> Renée: a new study has found dozens of young people in the care of agencies for the ontario children's aid society are living in motels, hotels, and short-term rentals. The union says it's because there aren't enough foster beds or treatment facilities. Ctv's lyndsay aelick has more. >> Reporter: the survey includes 27 cupe local representing workers at cas agencies across the province. It found that two-thirds of the agencies have placed children as young as 2 in unlicensed homes in the last year. >> Not just only happening in those agencies. It is happening in every child protection agency across the province where again young people every day are being placed in motels and hotels. In fact in southwestern ontario, a young person with autism who has been staying on a cot in the office where people work because there's simply no other place for these young people to go. >> Reporter: elaine in a groves is ceo of cas sudbury manitoulin and says not having enough foster families and group home beds contributes to the use of unlicensed homes. She says more often these spaces aren't suitable due to a child's specialized needs. >> Their needs might be based on disabilities, but it's oftentimes based on trauma and other issues sometimes with other disabilities. And we don't have the appropriate placements for them. >> Reporter: groves says in some places youth end up being hospitalized when really all they need is a stable bed. She says there are currently two youths living in hotels one while is in an AirBnb. >> It may sounds like small numbers, but imagine the pressure. You've got, first of all, a child or youth sitting in a hotel. Not appropriate, right. That's not a place to meet their needs. So they need to be supported. So there's no staffing pool. So we end up asking our staff to do double duty. >> Reporter: in a statement to ctv news, ontario's ministry of children, community, and social services says in part the government does not direct children's aid societies on placement decisions. What we do require is for children's aid societies to make placements that are safe, appropriate, and meet the child's needs. That's not an option. It's the law. The ministry adds it has increased funding by approximately $14 million for child protective services this year. Lyndsay aelick, ctv news, sudbury. >> Renée: still ahead, marking international plastic free day and the push to bring attention to the impacts of plastic waste. More on this next.

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says it plans to appeal. >>> Coming up, edmonton oilers fans brace for game two in the team's playoff series against the dallas stars. More on this after the break. (Dramatic music) (Cheering) Our hero Paul lovesto help others.But today, ...he's helping protecthimself... ...against pneumococcalpneumonia, which can put you in the hospital. He got the Prevnar 20 vaccine. Yes, even heroes... ...should think protection. Ask about Prevnar 20 today. What would you like to payfor your hotel room tonight?$249, $225, or $199? Same room, same service.Just different prices. It's really up to you. Well, nobody asksyou this at reception, but that's exactlywhat trivago does. trivago compares hotel pricesfrom hundreds of booking sites. So, save yourselfvaluable time and money. Use trivago,compare hotel prices and save up to $50 a night Hotel? trivago. It's like a shower for yournose. This thing is amazing!Navage flushes salin to help clear congestionby quickly sucking out mucus, allergens, and germs. There's no other productout there like it! Navage. Clean nose,healthy life. Need to find your pet fast?It's easy with theTractive gps pet tracker. Set virtual fences to get alerts if your escapeartist goes too far. And track yourpet's live location from anywhere in the world. Tractive. Keeping yourpet safe and healthy. Woman: My nephew is having a blast with his new team. I'll have to tell him what I learned about his great-grandfather, Philippe. Through Ancestry, I found that he played on three different teams. And even landed a scholarship. Get to know your family story at Ancestry.ca. [Ambient Sounds] [Ambient Sounds] [Ambient Sounds] [Ambient Sounds] [Silence] This is her why. What's yours? Discover the science behind managing weight at truthaboutweight.ca. >> Renée: a saskatoon swimmer who just qualified for the 2024 paris olympics has now also broken a canadian swimming record. Ctv's laura woodward caught up with the athlete ahead of the games. >> He's done it! 1:56. >> Reporter: that's saskatoon saskatoon's blake tiernan tierney setting a new canadian record in the 200 metre backstroke earning a spot in the paris 2024 olympics. >> Kind of shook the water out of my ears and I heard them say canadian record and I looked up at the board and I was, what, what does that say? Oh, wow. I was kind of surprised. >> Reporter: he set the record just days after qualifying for the 100 metre backstroke. This will be tierney's first olympic games and first time in paris. >> Very, very happy. I can't wait to go to paris. I'm really looking forward to t super, super grateful for the performances I had and super grateful for everyone around me as well. >> Reporter: tierney's parents put him in swimming lessons at around 5 years old. >> My competitive instinct kind of caught me and then started trying to win and got faster. >> Reporter: the 22-year-old is currently living in vancouver, where he's studying biomedical engineering at ubc and swimming at the school's high performance centre. He grew up in saskatoon and in high school tierney competed with the gold fins swim club coached by receiving hitchings. >> Blake was also a very energetic kid k he was challenging. He always wanted to improve which meant I always needed to improve and have the events so that's good to have. >> Reporter: hitchings says he's proud to see tierney qualify to compete on the world stage and will be cheering him on here at home. >> Really happy for him, really proud moment to see one go on and do that. He's had a close call in 2021 for tokyo. Good to see him kind of go through the next three years of his life and come back even stronger for it. >> Reporter: the paris olympic games begin on july 26th. Laura woodward, ctv news, saskatoon. >> Renée: the edmonton oilers are back in action tonight for game two in their series against the dallas stars. After a nail bite be double overtime win on thursday. The team is still playing in enemy either tonight but some fans are doing their best to bring a bit of edmonton flavour to dallas. Jeremy thompson has more. >> Reporter: a couple of die hard oilers fans lounge on a lawn in spruce grove. Evidently they've been waiting awhile for a stanley cup. Passing the time by putting up an oil derrick, logos,

delighting the neighbourhood. >> My grandsons calling it the oilers funny scary and they love it lot rot while most fans support the orange and blue from home, so many are able to travel travel. Dale styles is in l.a., vancouver, and now the lonestar state. >> They're a little relief compared to vancouver was that's for sure. >> Reporter: known for his bombastic face paint and head to toe oilers paraphernalia, he learned a lot by how he's received in opposing arenas. >> You can only have half a face paint, can't have your lights on, can't wear your hat, can't -- it's a no fun place down in L.A. tampa bay you can't buy a beer if your face is painted. >> Reporter: a double overtime marathon stiles feels lucky to have witness . >> The boys were buzzing. I was pretty impressed. Dallas, I'm not scared of dallas anymore. Ooh, the big bad stars, eh. >> Brushing off a double minor with McDAVID in the box for 4 agonizing minutes. >> Long. Really long. Really, really long. Miserable. I hated I think second of t but the guys did an amazing job. >> Reporter: after missing a near open net in overtime one, captain connor would not be denied in ot two. Game two goes saturday night in dallas. You can watch for style in the crowd. Jeremy thompson, ctv news, edmonton. >> Renée: as we head to break a new airline is allowing dogs to ditch the kennel to fly first class. Bark air took off for its maiden flight thursday from new york to los angeles. And if you're hoping to take to the skies with your dog, note tickets are pricey. One way, one person and one dog international flight costs $8,000 U.S. you're watching ctv news channel. Top stories are next. What keeps baby's skin healthy? A diaper that doesn't leave skin wet. That's why Pampers Swaddlers absorbs wetness better for up to 100%leakproof protection and 0% skin irritation. Pampers. For healthy baby skin. If you think EVs have about as much personality as a toaster, we don't blame you. That's why we didn't make just any EVs. We made an ev so powerful, it can charge another ev. ( ) And an ev with a mode that does this. ( ) The only ev that's a Mustang. The only ev that's an f150. ( ) Good. Good. Good morning. Hey. Good morning with Dulcolax ...for a gentle and fast relieve Dulcolax Soft Chews works with the water in your body... in as little as 30 minutes. Making your good morning... ...even better with Dulcolax. Inside every Splenda product is a mission. To make it easier for people to cut sugar from their diet. From our factory to our stevia farm, Splenda's team of over two-thousand individuals are dedicated to helping people live their best lives, taking pride that every day millions say I Use Splenda. With a delicious, sweet taste, and quality you can trust, Splenda is the easiest way to cut sugar. I've got good news. There is a murderer - Oh! - walking among us. [gasps] Fantastic! I'm sorry, what? She watches a lot of true crime. Welcome to the family. There's so much new stuff happening out there. I just can't keep up. Well it's too far to swim back now. This is amazing! I promise you I'll not let you down. Stream the best of British tv only on Britbox. Watch with a free trial at britbox.com. To find a food star gordon faces his biggest rival ever. Who wants to be on team Vanderpump? It's team lisa vs team gordon She can Vanderpump off. We're done on ctv crave, The most talked about... Sounds intense. ... most anticipated shows... You step out of line even once. ... All right here.

Subscribe now atCRAVE.CA. [ ] >> Renée: ukraine looks to make strategic gains in its war against russia as world leaders prepare to gather for a ukraine peace summit in june. >> Wasn't a [indiscernible] that wasn't touched by this war, and I think all the families in newfoundland will find this very poignant. >> Renée: an unknown newfoundland soldier is coming home more than 100 years after making the ultimate sacrifice in the first world war. >> [inaudible due to theme music]. >> Renée: and the superior court of québec has authorized a class action lawsuit over re-useable plastic bags sold at some stores. >>> It is saturday, may 25th. Thanks for joining us here on ctv news channel. I'm renée rodgers. >>> Ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy is issuing fresh pleas today for more air defence after russia launched a deadly strike on ukraine's second largest city of kharkiv. The strike hit a crowded hardware store in a residential area of the city, killing at least two people and injuring many more. The attack triggered a massive fire. Authorities in kharkiv say people are still unaccounted for but have not provided specific numbers. The city has been the site of an intense russian assault for weeks now. >>> And as the war rages on more than 50 world leaders are set to gather in switzerland in june for a ukraine peace summit. The meeting will focus on ukraine's ten-point peace formula, a plan that calls for the complete withdrawal of russian troops from ukraine. Russia has not been invited to the summit, and U.S. president joe biden is reportedly not attending the event because it conflicts with a campaign fundraiser.

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CTVN - Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #28 (2024)
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